Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report 03

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Wi-Fi, or Wireless Fidelity is freedom :it allows you to connect to the
internet from your couch at home, in a hotel room or a conferance room at work
without wires . Wi-Fi is a wireless technology like a cell phone. Wi-Fi enabled
computers send and receive data indoors and out; anywhere within the range of a
base station. And the best thing of all, it is fast.

However you only have true freedom to be connected any where if your
computer is configured with a Wi-Fi CERTIFIED radio (a PC card or similar
device). Wi-Fi certification means that you will be able able to connect
anywhere there are other Wi-Fi CERTIFIED products – whether you are at
home ,office , airports, coffee shops and other public areas equipped with a Wi-
Fi access availability.Wi-Fi will be a major face behind hotspots , to a much
greater extent.More than 400 airports and hotels in the US are targeted as Wi-Fi

The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo is your only assurance that the product has
met rigorous interoperability testing requirements to assure products from
different vendors will work together. The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo means that it
is a “safe” buy.

Wi-Fi certification comes from the Wi-Fi Alliance, a non profit

international trade organisation that tests 802.11 based wireless equipment to
make sure that it meets the Wi-Fi standard and works with all other
manufacturer’s Wi-Fi equipment on the market. The Wi-Fi Alliance (WELA)
also has a Wi-Fi certification program for Wi-Fi products that meet
interoperability standards. It is an international organisation devoted to certifying
interoperability of 802.11 products and to promoting 802.11as the global wireless
LAN std across all market segment.

Dept. of ECE -1- MESCE Kuttippuram

Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


In IEEE's proposed standard for wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11), there are
two different ways to configure a network: ad-hoc and infrastructure. In the ad-
hoc network, computers are brought together to form a network "on the fly." As
shown in Figure 1, there is no structure to the network; there are no fixed points;
and usually every node is able to communicate with every other node. A good
example of this is the aforementioned meeting where employees bring laptop
computers together to communicate and share design or financial information.
Although it seems that order would be difficult to maintain in this type of
network, algorithms such as the spokesman election algorithm (SEA) [4] have
been designed to "elect" one machine as the base station (master) of the network
with the others being slaves. Another algorithm in ad-hoc network architectures
uses a broadcast and flooding method to all other nodes to establish who's who.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Figure 1a:  The ad-hoc network structure in the 802.11 protocol.

The ad-hoc network (Figure 1a) is one formed from a collection of peer
nodes all using RF links. This network has no formal structure; all nodes can
communicate with all other nodes. Several algorithms are available to prevent
this from being total chaos, however, including a spokesman election algorithm
that selects a master from the collective and makes all others slaves. Another
possibility is to use broadcast and flooding to all other nodes to establish an
addressing scheme. A good example of an ad-hoc network is one that is formed
when a group gets together at a meeting and everyone has WLAN-enabled PCs.
They can form an ad-hoc network at the meeting to share data.

As shown in figure 2 the network structure used in wireless LANs is the

infrastructure. This architecture uses fixed network access points with which
mobile nodes can communicate. These network access points are sometime
connected to landlines to widen the LAN's capability by bridging wireless nodes
to other wired nodes. If service areas overlap, handoffs can occur. This structure
is very similar to the present day cellular networks around the world.

They can form an ad-hoc network at the meeting to share data.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Figure 1b:  The infrastructure network structure in the 802.11 protocol.

The infrastructure network has a formal structure (Figure 1b). It uses

fixed access points (AP), which are RF-enabled nodes on a hard-wired LAN. The
structure allows mobile nodes to communicate with the access points to join the
network. Mobile units can move freely within the area covered by the access
point radios, typically a range of 100 meters for the 2.4 GHz band. The RF link is
intended to operate with units moving at pedestrian or vehicular speeds.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

The ABCs of IEEE 802.11

At the beginning the IEEE802.11 was an extension technology for

conventional or wired LANs.Nowadays it has grown in to something much more
capable, complex and confusing. With growth, new issues have arisen such as
security, roaming among multiple access points, and even quality of services.
These issues are dealt by extensions to the standard identified by the letters of the
alphabet derived from the 802.11 task groups that created them:


The 802.11a supplement to 802.11 was published in 1999. It uses

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to provide data rates to 54
Mbps in the 5 GHz U-NII licensed National Information Infrastructure)


Commercially trade marked in 1999 by Wireless Ethernet Compatibility

Alliance (WECA)as Wi-Fi , this is the extension that made 802.11a a house hold


The 802.11g task group is working on a supplement to the 802.11 standard

that defines a technology for operation at 2.4 GHz that offers higher data rates
(up to 22 Mbps) using OFDM, while remaining backwards compatible to

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


IEEE 802.11b wireless networking consists of the following components:

 Stations

A station (STA) is a network node that is equipped with a wireless

network device. A personal computer with a wireless network adapter is
known as a wireless client. Wireless clients can communicate directly
with each other or through a wireless access point (AP). Wireless clients
are mobile.

 Wireless APs

A wireless AP is a wireless network node that acts as a bridge between

STAs and a wired network. A wireless AP contains:

o At least one interface that connects the wireless AP to an existing

wired network (such as an Ethernet backbone).

o A wireless network device with which it creates wireless

connections with STAs.

o IEEE 802.1D bridging software, so that it can act as a transparent

bridge between the wireless and wired networks.

The wireless AP is similar to a cellular phone network's base

station. Wireless clients communicate with both the wired network and

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

other wireless clients through the wireless AP. Wireless APs are not
mobile and act as peripheral bridge devices that extend a wired network.

 Ports

A port is a channel of a device that can support a single point-to-point

connection. For IEEE 802.11b, a port is an association, a logical entity
over which a single wireless connection is made. A typical wireless client
with a single wireless network adapter has one port and can support only
one wireless connection. A typical wireless AP has multiple ports and can
simultaneously support multiple wireless connections. The logical
connection between a port on the wireless client and the port on a wireless
AP is a point-to- point bridged LAN segment—similar to an Ethernet-
based network client that is connected to an Ethernet switch

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When a wireless adapter is turned on, it begins to scan across the wireless
frequencies for wireless APs and other wireless clients in ad hoc mode.
Assuming that the wireless client is configured to operate in infrastructure mode,
the wireless adapter chooses a wireless AP with which to connect. This selection
is made automatically by using an SSID and signal strength and frame error rate
information. Next, the wireless adapter switches to the assigned channel of the
selected wireless AP and negotiates the use of a port. This is known as
establishing an association.

If the signal strength of the wireless AP is too low, the error rate too high,
or if instructed by the operating system (in the case of Windows XP), the
wireless adapter scans for other wireless APs to determine whether a different
wireless AP can provide a stronger signal or lower error rate. If such a wireless
AP is located, the wireless adapter switches to the channel of that wireless AP
and negotiates the use of a port. This is known as reassociation.

Reassociation with a different wireless AP can occur for several reasons.

The signal can weaken as either the wireless adapter moves away from the
wireless AP or the wireless AP becomes congested with too much traffic or
interference. By switching to another wireless AP, the wireless adapter can
distribute the load to other wireless APs, increasing the performance for other
wireless clients. You can achieve contiguous coverage over large areas by
placing your wireless APs so that their signal areas overlap slightly. As a
wireless client roams across different signal areas, it can associate and reassociate
from one wireless AP to another, maintaining a continuous logical connection to
the wired network.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


Wi-Fi uses radio technology called IEEE 802.11b to provide secure

,reliable,fast wireless connectivity.A Wi-Fi network can be used to connect
computers to each other, to the internet and to the wired networks.
Though WLANs are easy to deploy, the network administrator or IT professional
will benefit from some basic knowledge about radio wave propagation. Although
it is possible to utilize infrared technology (which always requires line of sight
between elements of the network), this paper deals only with Radio Frequency
(RF) wireless networks, which have become the industry accepted standard for

The reason for using RF is simple. It can pass through solid objects such
as office walls. However, radio waves do not go on forever in all directions
without weakening or being affected by physical barriers. The user needs to have
some understanding of their propagation characteristics, as well as the
relationship between power levels and data rates, before a wireless network can
be designed.

Propagation Characteristics Must Be Considered

Reflection - Radio waves can be reflected by some materials. This phenomenon

is often used to steer microwave signals between stations that are not line-of-
sight, but in an office environment it can create multipath (see below).

Absorption - Radio waves can be absorbed by many materials such as water,

plastic, sheetrock, and carpet.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Geometric Spreading loss - Radio waves, like light waves, get weaker as they
expand outward away from their source. This loss grows as the square of the
distance. This means that if a device is moved twice as far away, the signal
power drops by one fourth.

Path loss - The above phenomena lead to path loss, or an unavoidable weakening
of the signal's power as it propagates outward. In an office environment, the
placement of furniture and walls, and even the movement and location of people,
will contribute to the amount of path loss.

Multipath - If a received signal is made up of radio waves from the same signal
that has dispersed and arrived from different paths, i.e. some of the original
energy was often exhibit this as ghosting. Network users may likewise
experience its digital counterpart - referred to as intersymbol interference. This
is caused when the difference in time between radio waves arriving from the
same signal, referred to as delay spread, is enough to cause symbol overlap in the
digital data. As the data transmission speed gets faster, the time between received
data bits get smaller and more susceptible to intersymbol interference, so
multipath places an upper limit on data transmission speed.

Propagation characteristics are frequency dependent:

At lower frequencies (longer wavelengths), less RF energy is absorbed by
obstructions. Signals can pass through solid objects (walls) more readily.

At higher frequencies (shorter wavelengths), smaller antennas can be

used. However, if antennas are scaled down proportionately with wavelength, the
received signal power will decrease as a function of frequency squared, due to
less signal energy being intercepted by the smaller antenna. This shortcoming can
be overcome by using higher gain antennas.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

How the properties of radio waves affect networking capabilities?

When used in wireless technologies, the ideal radio wave should have
high speed, use little energy and travel far distaces.This type of radio wave would
let us transfer information in few milliseconds, require little battery power and
send signals at whatever range we needed.

In reality however, it is impossible to achieve all three of these

characteristics at the same time. It is established fact that the further and faster
that a radio wave travels, the more energy it needs.

Because it is impossible to simultaneously achieve high speed, low power

consumption and long range in radiowave, product designers and developers
have instead selected specific characteristics to optimize in certain conditions
while creating wireless technologies. This approach has led to the concepts of
wireless area networks of different magnitudes, (ie., personal ,local metropolitan,
global, etc.) Each type of wireless area network signifies a specific combination
of radio characteristics that in turn translate into specific applications and usage

For example, while developing applications for a wireless personal area

network (WPAN), the wireless area network with the shortest range , product
designers and developers need to consider what scenarios demand low power
more than they do high speed or great range. Conversely, while developing uses
for the wireless local area network (WLAN), product designers and developers
must determine in which situations users would value moderate range and
moderate speed more than they would low power consumption.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Similarly, the energy levels demanded by Wi-Fi render it impractical for

small battery –powered devices like mobile phones, personal gadgets , and most
PDAs. For example, typical Wi-Fi compact Flash and PC cards use 110-140 mA
during idle mode and 200-300 mA during transmission, each atleast twice the
amount of power required by Bluetooth cards. As a result, most manufacturers
today are implementing Wi-Fi into notebook and desktop computers and serves,
whose power resources are better suited for high power requirements of Wi-Fi.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


Putting Wi-Fi Security in Perspective

Before this issue is explained in detail, the reader needs to keep in mind
that Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) only attempts to provide security for the wireless
portion of a network. It is not end-to-end security, and it was never intended to
do more than prevent casual eavesdropping, which is what un-encrypted wired
Local Area Networks (LANs) provide.

The user must, however, keep in mind that wireless networks cannot
provide the same level of inherent security at the physical level that wired
networks do. Radio waves pass through walls and can be intercepted from a
distance. Even though a standard Wireless LAN (WLAN) card in a laptop may
indicate a marginal or even non-existent signal, specialized equipment may be
able to receive the signal from a much greater distance. More security is often
required, whether the network is wired or wireless.

There are many components to effective network security, including the


Authentication - assurance that a packet comes from where it claims

Confidentiality - protection from disclosure to unauthorized persons
Access control - keeping unauthorized users out
Integrity - ensuring that data is error-free

Network security is generally implemented in layers, utilizing all of the

above components and built around the seven-layer OSI Reference Model .
Unlike the common saying "strong as the weakest link," layered network security

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

is just the opposite. It is as strong as its strongest link. For example, end-to-end
security can be achieved by a strong mechanism in the application layer only,
even if link-layer security is broken or non-existent. However, that solution only
provides security for that particular application. The advantage to applying
security at progressively lower levels is that it becomes generally available to
more applications.

Also, remember that corporate Wi-Fi usually attached to a wired LAN. So

even if 802.11 link-level security was very strong, it only applies to the wireless
portion of the network. Higher-level layers of security may still need to be
employed, even if a firewall is utilized for the wired portion.

Wi-Fi Security Options

IEEE 802.11 contains an encryption option intended to provide

confidentiality. The Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) option is defined in the
802.11 standard as "protecting authorized users of a Wi-Fi from casual
eavesdropping." Recently, this security scheme has come under a great deal of
criticism, accompanied by a number of papers which uncover weaknesses and
outline how WEP can be defeated. Additionally, tools to exploit these
weaknesses are now freely available over the Internet.

The Problem with WEP

WEP utilizes a symmetric algorithm known as a stream cipher, for

encryption. A symmetric algorithm is one that relies on the concept of a single
shared key (as opposed to a public key) that is used at one end to encrypt
plaintext (the data) into ciphertext (the encrypted data), and at the other end to
decrypt it - convert the ciphertext back to plaintext. Thus, the sender and the
receiver share the same key, and it must be kept secret.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

Stream ciphers encrypt data as it is received, as opposed to block ciphers that

collect data in a buffer and then encrypt it a block at a time. Stream ciphers are
tempting to use for applications requiring hardware implementation (i.e. wireless
LAN cards), because they can be implemented very efficiently in silicon.
However, care must be taken to ensure that the application is well suited for the
proper implementation of a stream cipher, or for that matter, whatever encryption
algorithm is being used.

Proper Use of Stream Ciphers

Stream ciphers are very simple and operate in theory by expanding the
shared key into an infinite pseudo-random key stream which is logically
combined (XORed) with the plaintext to produce ciphertext. Being a symmetric
cipher, the user employs the shared key at the receiving end to regenerate the
identical key stream, which is then XORed with the ciphertext to reproduce the
plaintext. In practice, of course, an infinite key stream is never produced; it is
only as long as the data stream being encrypted.

Once a key has been used to generate a key stream, the same key can
never be reused again because it will generate the same key stream. If an attacker
can obtain two different ciphertexts encrypted with the same key stream, the
encryption process can be broken and the contents of the shared key determined.
An important consequence of this is that if an encrypted transmission is
interrupted and the encryption and decryption algorithms lose synchronization,
and there is no means to resynchronize the process, then the entire message must
be resent again, but with a different key.

The RC4 stream cipher has no mechanism to resynchronize the

encryption process if an interruption occurs. Thus, it is not well-suited to

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

applications where there is a possibility of a transmission being interrupted,

unless provision is made to restart the session with a new key. For example, the
RC4 stream cipher is successfully used to provide encryption for Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) services for Internet transactions. An SSL session typically lasts a
relatively short period of time and operates over a reliable channel where it is
unlikely that a packet will be dropped. If it is, the session is started over, but with
a different key. The new key is exchanged during a secure authentication process
(using RSA public key cryptography) before the encrypted transaction is begun.

Improper Use of a Stream Cipher by WEP

The problem arises when the RC4 stream cipher is being used to encrypt
data being sent over a channel, such as a wireless link, where it is highly likely
that packets will be dropped. If there is no provision for key management
(802.11 currently has none), then there is no way to create and exchange a new
key with an authenticated user so that a packet can be resent.

The designers of WEP tried to get around this by appending a unique key.
The effect is that instead of having only one 40-bit shared key available for use,
there are now 224 different 64-bit shared keys. The receiver only needs to know
the secret shared 40-bit portion which is common to all of them. The unique 24-
bit IV vector, which is transmitted unencrypted with each packet, determines
which of the keys was used to encrypt a particular packet. The key stream is
generated with this unique 64-bit "packet" key and the packet key and the key
stream change for every packet.

One of the problems with this scheme is that there are only a finite
number of IVs available for use, and there is no mechanism in place for
changing the shared key when all of the available unique IVs get used up.
Another is that the simple process of concatenating the IV onto the shared key
produces unique keys that are too similar.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

These fundamental weaknesses proved to be WEP's initial undoing.

So… WEP is now generally considered to do no more than "discourage
casual eavesdropping," which is all it was ever intended to do..

Providing Additional Security

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

It provide the most robust security solutions for corporate LANs and are
already widely used for intranets and remote access. A VPN typically utilizes a
dedicated server that provides both authentication and confidentiality. Wireless
Access Points are also beginning to include VPN technologies within their
devices, allowing simplified VPN deployment.A VPN works through the VPN
server at the company head quarters, creating an encryption scheme for data
transferred to computers outside the corporate offices.The special VPN software
on the remote computer uses the same encryption scheme, enabling the data to be
safely transferred back and forth with no chance of interception.

The following steps to insure that wireless networks are secure:

For home users and small offices:

 Use all of the 802.11 security options, including WEP.
 Use any other security features specific to your vendor's products.
 Change default passwords.
 Don't use the default key. Change it immediately and then
repeatedly on a regular basis.

Additional steps for corporate users:

 Install the WLAN outside the firewall.
 Use a VPN with a physical authentication token such as a
SmartCard or SecureID card.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


Unlike today’s wired network, a Wi-Fi network requires little more than
an access point(AP). Access to a Wi-Fi- network does not require an expensive
connection to each user. Wi-Fi technology is also far less expensive to deploy
than the limited wireless technologies of currently existing cellular servicing

Access to a Wi-Fi broad band can be provided both outdoors and indoors.
Whether from an outdoor café or a park bench a person can access the Internet if
they are in range of a service station. Such a Wi-Fi broadband is much power full
and can transmit data at a rate of 11Mbps which is sufficient for all types of

Many schools and businesses have unsuitable building layouts or walls

that cannot be wired for various reasons making it difficult or impossible to build
a wired network. Wi-Fi is a very cost effective alternative in these environments.

A Wi-Fi network can provide many benefits for the society. It can provide
local hospitals.

Though the radio waves are of relatively high frequency, they are not
powerful enough to pass through multiple layers of building materials.
Specifically radio waves are completely blocked by steel. For this reasons the
factors deciding performance are proximity to access point and the degree to
which the signal is blocked by the surroundings.

As more computers begin to communicate with the same access point ,a

bottleneck occurs. An access point has a finite amount of network bandwidth to

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03

which it is physically linked. As a result, all computers that are associated with a
specific access point must share the same bandwidth. More computers means the
possibility for a slower network connection.

Since Wi-Fi technology is constantly improving these shortcomings will

get removed soon.

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


Wi-Fi provides freedom: freedom to physically move around your home

or business and still stay connected to the internet or local network; freedom to
grow and move an office or business without having to install new cables and
wires, freedom to be connected while travelling and on the road .Wireless
‘hotspots’(airports, hotels, coffee shops, convention centers and any other place
where someone can connect to a wireless network ) are being installed world
while . all this means Wi-Fi truly does provide un precedented freedom .plus ,it is
cool and fun –as those in the know say ‘once you go wire less , you will never
want to use a cable again .’

There are real and measurable benefits to using a wireless network Vs a

standard wired network. For a home installation customer, the greatest benefit is
that there are no wires needed: you don’t need to drill holes in walls and floors;
you don’t need to drag cables across rooms or hide them under rugs. One Wi-Fi
access point can provide network access for any typically sized home . And if
you live in a rental or a historical building, you may not be allowed to drill holes-
that makes wireless your only solution.

Wi-Fi use is growing fast in homes, public access areas and business –
both large and small. The Wi-Fi alliance is active with many industry
organisations and is working closely with manufacturers to make sure that
existing Wi-Fi gear is compatable with wireless technologies developed in the
future .

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


1. Books on Wireless LAN technologies

2. Articles on Wi-Fi from the Wi-Fi alliance group of companies.
3. Articles in magazines such as electronics for you.
4. Paper on Wi-Fi security from the Wi-Fi alliance.
5. www.ieeespectrum.com

Dept. of ECE -21- MESCE Kuttippuram

Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


Wi-Fi, which stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, is a radio technology that

networks computers so they connect to each other and to the internet without
wires.It refers to wireless LAN products based on the IEEE 802.11b
specification.Users can share documents and projects,as well as an internet
connection among various computer stations.

A Wi-Fi network operates just like a wired network, without restrictions

imposed by wires .Not only does it enable users to move around and be mobile at
home and at work, it also provides easy connections to the internet and business
networks while travelling.

The technologies used in this field are one of the best in the wireless
space. When compared with other fast improving technologies like Bluetooth and
3G, Wi-Fi is seen to have many advantages. We can setup networks at home and
office using Wi-Fi . It is fairly easy to setup a Wi-Fi enabled network at home or
a small office. Wi- Fi is several times faster than Bluetooth and operates like a
high speed modem.

There are many security issues that come under Wi-Fi . The main problem
that it has till now is that it is easy for hackers to attack the network. The security
method that is used now is the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy).The new VPN
(Virtual Private Network) method seems to correct everything that is wrong with

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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03


I extend my sincere thanks to Prof. P.V.Abdul Hameed, Head of the

Department for providing me with the guidance and facilities for the

I express my sincere gratitude to Seminar coordinator Mr. Berly C.J,

Staff in charge, for their cooperation and guidance for preparing and
presenting this seminar.

I also extend my sincere thanks to all other faculty members of

Electronics and Communication Department and my friends for their support
and encouragement.


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Wireless Fidelity Seminar Report ‘03











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