MC200 Saur Danfoss
MC200 Saur Danfoss
MC200 Saur Danfoss
User Manual
Hardware: MC200
1090449,1090449 (100mA)
1090450,1090450 (240mA)
1090451,1090451 (2 A)
1090745 (2.5 A)
Software: S0371200, S0599200
Table of Contents:
2.1. Inputs/Outputs
Analog Inputs Analog Outputs
1) Command input x-axis 1) Valve driver x-axis
three position sensor PWM frequency between 33 and 200 Hz
2) Command input y-axis 2) Valve driver y-axis
three position sensor PWM frequency between 33 and 200 Hz
3) Force Calibration Command
Max Output
Limitation X-Axis Max
Set Max Percent
Profiled Rate Limited
X-Command X-Command Current Actual
Joystick X-Command X-Command
Percent Percent Y-Command X-Current
% 1 Percent Percent
X-Axis X mA mA
Pos X-Command 1
Pot3DB Direction Profile2 X
Acc/Dec Valve
Profile X-Axis State Rate Limited
Output Disable
Force Valve Calibration Config.
Max Output
Limitation Y-Axis Max
Set Max Percent
Profiled Rate Limited
Y-Command Y-Command Current Actual
Joystick Y-Command Y-Command
Percent Percent Y-Command Y-Current
% 1 Percent Percent
Y-Axis X mA mA
Pos Y-Command 1
Pot3DB Direction Profile2 X
Acc/Dec Valve
Profile Y-Axis State Rate Limited
This is the screen that appears when the micro is connected and the Application button is pressed. The
table of contents is shown here with all folders open. Each clickable item will be explained one by one in
the following sections.
A click on the Main item opens the main run screen where all important system variables are displayed.
The parameter screens have online help. Simply click the Help Disabled option in the Choice menu and it
will switch to Help Enabled. Now when the user enters a parameter screen and moves the mouse over a
variable input box or variable name, text will pop-up to describe the variable and/or its units of measure.
The Set All Defaults option in the Choice menu will set all changeable parameters to the factory defaults.
Any changes made in any of the screens will be lost.
This screen gives an overview of all important system variables. Each value can be selected for the
datalogging function with a single mouse click on the field. Use the View pulldown menu to get to the
datalogging screen. The data can be stored on the harddisk for further investigations (e.g. with Excel).
PWM Frequency (Hz): The PWM output frequency can be adjusted between 80 and 200Hz
Load Resistance X-/Y-Axis It is possible to adjust the load resistance individually for each axis; it is
always recommended to use the defaults for standard valves; In that case
the software determines the load resistance depending on the MC200
hardware configuration.
Output Disable Switch The logic of the Output Disable switch can be changed between Active
On and Active Off.
Axis related to Output Depending on the customer requirements it is possible to select the outputs
Disable which can be disabled with the Output Disable input. If only one output
is selected in this menu, the other one will be always enabled by default.
Max Available Current The maximum available current is a read only value that shows the
(mA): maximum current the controller is able to produce depending on the
hardware configuration.
The top three rows contain the calibration ranges in volts for each position of the command input. Only the
first and third columns should be modified, the center column values are filled in by the micro during the
calibration procedure. For example in the high side row, the 100% forward value will be calibrated
somewhere between 3.9 And 4.9 volts, currently 4.5.
The neutral deadband is the voltage on each side of the neutral calibration point where the state is still
considered neutral. Fault detection time is the amount of time in seconds that a fault must be present
before a fault is declared. The fault status is displayed in the lower left corner of the table. The upper and
lower deadband percents are the ranges of voltage where the output is 100%. This can be used to ensure
maximum output is reached, even if the input doesn't quite reach the high side calibration value.
The parameters in this menu are used to adjust the profile of the command input. There are two different
profile settings available. The breakpoints can be set individually by changing the numbers in the red or
green fields respectively or by using the standard drag and drop mouse function on the plots in the
diagram. The brekpoint values in the table will be adapted automatically if the mouse dragging is used.
An external input is used to switch between the two profiles. If the input is disabled, the parameter setting
for Profile 1 is active.
Note: The profiles can be switched while the system is running. Aggressive parameter settings could cause
unexpected machine behaviour.
Here the acceleration and deceleration rates are set up for all conditions. The values are in milliseconds
and refer to time from 0 to maximum output for accel and time from maximum to 0 output for decel. So if
a time of 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds) is selected for accel, it will take 1 second to get to 50% output and
2 seconds to get to 100%.
There are default values that can be loaded with Set Defaults button. The Send and Get buttons send and
load data to and from the micro. The Start Realtime button displays the actual in- and outputs of the the blockdiagram. The button then turns to Stop Realtime (see above).
Reduce the random exchange of components by carefully analyzing the symptoms, and then conducting
tests to determine which of the elements in the system is likely to be the problem. The technician should
use the flow chart below as a guide to locate the problem.
Since it is new, the electronic controller is often the first component targeted for exchange. However, the
malfunction of an electronic controller is extremely rare and, therefore, it should be the last component
considered for replacement. In fact, the electronic controller has an internal ability to diagnose itself and
the connections attached to it. This information can be very helpful in finding the problem area. If the
electronic controller is responding to commands and not giving diagnostics that indicate an internal
problem, the likelihood that the problem is internal to the electronic controller is remote.
All other
System function No Controller Type Power Led On System Led
On Power Led
Off On
Check Power
OK Replace Controller Solid Off or
to Controller
Solid On
Status Led
Mode Led
Off Status Led
0.5 Hz
See description of
display codes Spare
controller Blinking
available? 10Hz
Check all
switches w/
Code No application
Not OK See description of loaded. Download
blink algorithm in application or
next section replace controller.
Check all
OK Fix external external
Not OK
switches switches w/
hydraulic OK
Generic Trouble
Not OK Shooting procedure
Need to Connect
to PC with Fix hydraulic
WebGPI for online system
2. Use 85C wire with abrasion resistant insulation. 105C wire should be considered near hot
4. Separate high current wires such as solenoids, lights, alternators, or fuel pumps from control
5. Run wires along the inside of, or close to, metal machine frame surfaces where possible. This
simulates a shield, which will minimize the effects of EMI/RFI radiation.
6. Do not run the wires near sharp metal corners. Consider running the wire through a grommet
when rounding a corner.
11. Twist all sensor lines. (About one turn every 4 inches or 10 cm.)
12. Use harness anchors which will allow wires to float with respect to the machine frame rather
than rigid anchors.
MC 200
Packard Connector
Battery + A1
Sensor Power A2 Forward Coil
Battery - A3
Terminals (+) C
Reverse Coil
Valve 0 + B1 Sensor
Valve 0 - B2
Valve 1+ B3 Forward Coil
TxD C1
RxD C2 Reverse Coil
Boot C3 125
Analog In 0 D1
Joystick X-Axis
Analog In 1 D2
Digital In 3 D3 125
Digital In 4 E1
Joystick Y-Axis
Analog In 2 E2
Valve 1- E3
Output Enable
Digital In 0 F1
Digital In 1 F2
Max Output
Digital In 2 F3
Limitation X-Axis
Max Output
Limitation Y-Axis
Profile X-Axis
Profile Y-Axis
Terminals (+)
Ignition Calibration
Fuse 4A
Diagnostic Connector
(Sub-D, 9pin, socket)
5 DB9
Terminals (-) 7