Specification For Vertical Drains and Surcharge: 1.0 General

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Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge

7 October 1999



This work comprises of supply and installation of prefabricated vertical drains, geotextile
separator inclusive of drainage blanket and surcharging in accordance to the Specifications and


1.1.1 Prefabricated Vertical Drains General Requirements

Prefabricated vertical drains shall be of newly manufactured materials from an approved

manufacturer and consist of a polymer core enclosed within an external non-woven filter jacket,
and shall comply with the requirements as indicated in Table 1a and Table 1b.

The filter jacket shall be capable of resisting all bending, puncturing and tensioning subjected
during installation and design life of the drain.

The core shall be made of continuous plastic material fabricated to facilitate drainage along the
axis of the vertical drain.

The prefabricated vertical drain shall be resistant against rotting, mildew, bacterial action, insect,
salts, acids, alkalis, solvent and other constituents in ground water. Transportation and Storage

The vertical drain materials shall be labelled or tagged for sample identification and other quality
control purposes. Each roll shall be identified by the manufacturer by lot number, individual roll
number, date of manufacture, manufacturer and product identification of the jacket and core.

During transportation and storage, the drain shall be wrapped in heavy paper, burlap or similar
heavy duty protection covering. The drain shall be protected from sunlight, mud, dirt, dust,
debris and other detrimental substances during transport and on site storage.

All materials which are damaged during transportation, handling or storage and do not meet the
minimum requirements of the vertical drain specifications shall be rejected by the Engineer. No
payment of any kind shall be made on the rejected product. Quality Control and Testing

The actual vertical drain to be used shall be at the option of the contractor subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall indicate the proposed source of the materials prior to delivery to site. The
contractor shall also submit samples and Manufacturer's certificates to verify the physical,
mechanical and hydraulic properties of the drain to be used for Engineer's approval.

Prior to installation and at the discretion of the Engineer, individual test sample shall be cut from
at least one roll selected at random to represent each batch or every 100,000 metres,
whichever is lesser. Individual sample shall be no less than 3 metres in length and shall be full

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

width. Samples submitted for tests shall indicate the linear metres of drain and manufacturer's
identifications represented by the sample.

Table 1a: Properties of Prefabricated Vertical Drain

Property Unit Specified Remarks

Dimension of Width mm 100 2
Thickness mm 3 to 4

Table 1b: Properties of Prefabricated Vertical Drain

Properties Test Designation Proposed Values

Apparent Opening Size (m) ASTM D4751-87 <90

Grab Tensile Strength (kN) ASTM D4595-86 >0.35

(full width composite)

Trapezoidal Tear Strength (kN) ASTM D4533-91 >0.10

Puncture Resistance (kN) ASTM D4833-88 >0.10

Burst Strength (kN) ASTM D3786-80a >900

Discharge Capacity ASTM D4716-87 >500

(kinked at interior angle <15 ) at
240kPa and Hydraulic Gradient of 1

Should any individual sample selected at random fail to meet the specification, then that roll shall
be rejected and two additional samples shall be taken at random from two other rolls
representing the same batch on 100,000 metres. If either of these two additional samples fail to
comply with the specification, then the entire batch of vertical drains represented by the samples
shall be rejected.

1.1.2 Geotextile Separator General Requirements

All geotextile shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall be manufactured from
polypropylene. Geotextiles shall be sufficiently durable and resistant to naturally occurring
chemicals. Geotextile shall be free of any flaws which may have an adverse effect on the
physical properties of the geotextiles.

Geotextile fabrics shall be non-woven needle - punched staple fiber geotextile in accordance
with the Specification and shall be used as shown and described in the Drawing or as directed
by the Engineer.
Geotextile shall be stabilized against ultra-violet radiation to the degree that one month's
exposure of the geotextile to sunlight shall not reduce its strength to less than 90% of the
specified strength rating in the Specification.

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

The type of geotextile fabrics as shown in the Drawing shall comply with the following properties
as listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Properties of Geotextile Separator


1 Unit mass ASTM D5261-92 g/m2 >135

2a Wide width tensile strength ASTM D4595-86 KN/m >8.0

2b Elongation at break ASTM D4595-86 % >40

3 Trapezoidal tear strength ASTM D4533-91 N >240

4 CBR puncture resistance DIN 54307 N >1800

5 Permeability at 100mm head BS 6906/3 1/m2/s >200

6 Apparent pore size 095 ASTM D4751-87 Micron <150

The Contractor shall in additional provide the following information, for the approval of the
Engineer, for the acceptance of the geotextile fabric for the works.

a) Manufactures Certificate which shall include:

Name of manufacturer
Product name and type
Accreditation from international Institutes

b) Test Certificate which shall include:

Mass Per Unit Area
Wide Width Tensile Strength (longitudinal/transverse)
Elongation (Longitudinal/transverse)
Apparent Pore Size (095)
Trapezoidal Tear Strength
CBR Puncture Resistance

The tests shall be carried out in accordance with the Codes of Practices and Standards as
provided within this Specification, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
Prior to installation and at the discretion of the Engineer samples of each 100,000m of
geotextile fabric shall be selected for routine tests at approved testing laboratories.

The properties to be tested shall comprise index properties including unit mass, mechanical
properties including tensile strength, CBR Puncture Resistance and hydraulic properties
including pore size and permeability. Where the individual samples fail to satisfy the
requirements of this Specification on the geotextile fabric, the roll from which the sample is
obtained shall be rejected. Two additional samples shall then be selected from two other rolls
from the same batch of geotextile fabric. If either of these two additional samples fail to comply
with the requirements, the entire batch represented by the samples shall be rejected. Geotextile Packaging and Storing

The geotextile rolls shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture,
and extended ultra-violet exposure prior to placement. Each roll shall be labelled or tagged to

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

provide product identification sufficient for field identification as well as inventory and quality
control purposes. If stored outdoors, they shall be elevated and protected with a waterproof

1.1.3 Drainage Blanket

The sand drainage layer shall consist of hard, clean, crushed rock or gravel having a grading
with the limits specified below.

Table 3: Properties of Drainage Blanket

B.S Sieve Size Percentage by weight passing

63.00mm 100

37.50mm 85 to 100

20.00mm 0 to 20

10.00mm 0 to 5

The sand drainage material for depositing in water shall be deposited without the associated
use of compaction plant.

The sand drainage layer shall be built up evenly in horizontal layers each of not more than
300mm thick. Filling shall commence from the lowest level, and each layer shall cover the full
area of the intended total fill area at that level before deposition of the subsequent layer


1.2.1 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) Equipment

Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) shall be installed with approved modern equipment of a type
which will cause a minimum of disturbance of the sub-soil during the installation operation and
maintain the mandrel in a vertical position.

PVD shall be installed using a mandrel or sleeve and shall be inserted (i.e. pushed or vibrated)
into the soil. The mandrel or sleeve shall protect the drain material from tears, cuts, and
abrasion during installation, and shall be retracted after each drain is installed.

The size and shape of the mandrel or sleeve shall be as close as possible to the size and shape
of the drains in order to minimise disturbance to the soil. The length of the mandrel shall be not
less than the maximum length of the drain. The mandrel shall be capable of making a clean
puncture through any geotextile if necessary.

The mandrel or sleeve shall be provided with an anchor plate or similar arrangement at the
bottom to prevent the soil from entering the bottom of the mandrel during the installation of the
drain and to anchor the drain tip at the required depth at the time of mandrel withdrawal. The
dimension of the anchor shall conform as closely as possible to the dimensions of the mandrel so
as to minimize soil disturbance. The Engineer shall determine the acceptability of the anchorage
system and procedure.

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999 Approval

4 weeks prior to the beginning of trial of PVD installation, the Contractor shall submit full details of
the materials, equipment, sequence and method proposed for PVD installation to the Engineer
for review and approval. Approval by the Engineer of installation sequence and methods shall not
relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to install drains in accordance with the plans and

Prior to the installation of PVD, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the equipment, method,
and materials produce a satisfactory installation in accordance with these specifications. For this
purpose, the Contractor will be required to install 2 trial drains totalling approximately 16 liner
metres at locations designated by the Engineer.

Approval by the Engineer of the method or equipment used to install the trial drains shall not
constitute, necessarily, acceptance of the method for the remainder of the project. If, at any time,
the Engineer considers that the method of installation does not produce satisfactory PVD, the
Contractor shall alter his method and/or equipment as necessary to comply with these
specifications. Installation Procedure

PVD shall be located, numbered and pegged out by the Contractor using a baseline and
benchmark indicated by the Engineer. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to
preserve the pegs and is responsible for any necessary re-pegging. The as-installed location of
the PVD shall not vary by more than 150mm from the plan locations designated on the drawings.

PVD that are more than 150mm from design plan location or are damaged or improperly install,
will be rejected and abandoned in place.

PVD shall be installed from the working surface to the depth shown on the drawings, or to such
depth as directed by the Engineer who may vary the depths, spacing, or the number of drains to
be installed, and may revise the plan limits for this work as necessary.

During PVD installation, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with suitable means of
determining the depth of the advancing drain at any given time and the length of drain installed
at each location.

The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer at the end of each working day a summary of the
PVD installed that day. The summary shall include drain type, locations and length (to nearest
50mm) of PVD installed at each location.

Equipment for installing PVD shall be plumbed prior to installing each drain and shall not deviate
from the vertical more than 1 in 50 during installing of any drain.

PVD shall be installed using a continuous push using static weight or vibration.

Installation techniques using driving will not be permitted. Jetting techniques will be permitted
only after receiving written approval from the Engineer.

The installation shall be performed, without any damage to the drain during advancement or
retraction of the mandrel. In no case will alternate raising or lowering of the mandrel during
advancement be permitted. Raising of the mandrel will only be permitted after completion of a
drain installation.

The mandrel penetration rate should be between 150mm and 600mm per second.
The completed PVD shall be cut off neatly 300mm above the working grade, or as otherwise
specified on the contract drawings.

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

The Contractor shall observe precautions necessary for protection of any field instrumentation

The Contractor shall replace, at his own expense, any instrumentation equipment that has been
damaged or become unreliable as a result of his operations prior to continuing with drain
installation or other construction activities. Pre-augering/Obstructions

The Contractor shall be responsible for penetrating any overlying material as necessary to
install the drains.

Where obstructions are encountered below the working surface which cannot be penetrated by
the installation equipment, the Contractor shall complete the drain from the elevation of the
working surface to the obstruction and notify the Engineer prior to installing any more drains. At
the direction of the Engineer and under his review, the Contractor shall attempt to install a new
drain within 600mm horizontally from the obstructed drain. A maximum of two attempts shall be
made as directed by the Engineer. If the drain still cannot be installed to the design tip elevation,
the drain location shall be abandoned and the installation equipment shall be moved to the next
location, or other action shall be taken as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be responsible for penetrating overlying fill material as necessary to
satisfactorily install the PVD. Satisfactory installation may require clearing obstructions defined
as any man-made or natural object or strata that prevents the proper insertion of the mandrel
and installation of the PVD.

The Contractor may use augering, spudding, or other approved methods to lossen the soil and
any obstruction material prior to the installation of PVD. The obstruction clearance procedure is
subjected to the approval of the Engineer; however, such, approval shall not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility to clear obstructions in accordance with the specification.

If augering is the selected method, the augers shall have a minimum outside diameter equal to
the largest horizontal dimension of the mandrel, shoe or anchor, whichever is greater. Splicing

Splicing of PV drain material shall be done by stapling in a workmanlike manner and so as to

ensure structural and hydraulic continuity of the drain. At the splice, upper portion of the jacket
shall be external to the lower portion.

A maximum of 1 splice per drain installed will be permitted without specific permission from the

The jacket and core shall be overlapped a minimum of 150 mm at any splice.

1.2.2 Geotextile Separator (deleted)

Prior to the laying of the geotextile fabric, site clearance shall be carried out in accordance with
the Specification and Drawing or as directed by the Engineer. All voids shall be filled with
suitable material and the area cleared of large stones and exposed tree root systems or other
such like protrusions.

Geotextile fabric shall be installed to the shape and requirements as specified herein or as
shown and described on the Drawings. The geotextile shall be unrolled smoothly on the
prepared ground as approved by the Engineer and generally in a direction perpendicular to the
edge of the platform, embankment or area of fill as approved by the Engineer. Adjacent
geotextile rolls shall be overlapped and sewn in accordance with this Specification. On curves

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

and corners geotextile may be folded or cut to conform to the direction as approved by the
Engineer. Adjacent geotextile rolls shall be overlapped and sewn in accordance with this
Specification. On curves and corners geotextile may be folded or cut or conform to the direction
as approved by the Engineer. Overlapping of geotextiles without sewn connections shall only be
allowed by the Engineer.

Geotextile fabrics shall be placed just in advance of placement of the specified overlying fill
material. Geotextiles so placed shall be covered by the relevant fill within 7 days of being
placed. Installation proposals and trials as deemed required shall be carried out for approval by
the Engineer prior to the acceptance of the placement method for the main works. The
installation trials shall include the placement operations of the overlying fill materials, including
excavation of such materials thereafter for examination of the geotextile fabric installation and fill
materials placement method with respect to the prevailing ground conditions and constraints.

The geotextile fabric shall be joined using an approved portable industrial sewing machine and
by sewing a double chain stitch with 'J' or 'prayer' seam (minimum lap of 50mm) with high
tenacity polyester thread and a minimum of 3 stitches per 25mm shall be required. The thread
shall have a breaking lead of not less than 160N. The sewn seam assembly and construction
shall have equivalent strength properties for the particular geotextile fabric. Samples of such
sewn seam assembly shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4884-90 as deemed
necessary by the Engineer.

Exposure of geotextile to natural elements between placement and cover shall be an

aggregated period to a maximum of seven (7) days to minimize damage. The counting for this
foresaid seven (7) days shall commence immediately upon the geotextile being exposed from
its protective wrapping.

The specified overlying fill material on the geotextile fabric, shall be placed in accordance with
the requirements shown and described in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. These
fill materials shall be deposited in layers not exceeding 300mm loose depth and shall be spread
simultaneously with the dumping in a manner to prevent any localized distress or failure of the

In water logged or swampy areas, the geotextiles shall be sunk after jointing by ballasting with
sufficient sandbags. To control the location of the mattress, buoys shall be fixed with ropes on
the edges of the geotextile. As soon as possible after positioning, the mattress shall be

No traffic shall travel directly on the geotextile and there shall be no sudden stops, starts or
turns on the fill materials by the construction equipment or other such actions which may cause
damage to the geotextile.

1.2.3 Fill Surcharge

Fill shall be placed and properly compacted according to the rate of filling indicated in the

Extra fill shall be placed to thickness specified in the Drawings as surcharge to speed up rate of
embankment settlement.

Surcharging fill shall be maintained for a period of time indicated in the Drawing and shall be
removed only with the approval of or when instructed by the Engineer.

The fill be capable of being compacted to the requirements as indicated on the drawing and
shall not comprise of: -

material from swamps, marshes and bogs;

peat, logs, stumps, perishable and toxic material;
material susceptible to spontaneous combustion;

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

clay of liquid limit exceeding 80% and/or plasticity index exceeding 55%;
organic content greater than 2.5% by weight on ignition.


1.3.1. General

The Contractor shall install instruments to enable measurements (monitoring) of vertical

movements and pore water pressure and carry out measurements (monitoring) of the
movements and water pressures and water levels during the currency of the works.

The depths and locations of all instruments shall be determined by the Engineer on site.
Provisional quantities are provided in the Bills of Quantities.

The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall follow the instructions of the manufacturer in
the installation, calibration and testing of all measuring instruments and equipment, which
shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the Engineer. The Contractor shall inform
the Engineer at least 2 days prior to undertaking installation of the equipment or taking
measurements. The Contractor shall make due allowances in his construction programme for
delays which may arise on account of the installation of the instruments and their

1.3.2. Settlement Gauges

Settlement gauges shall be provided and installed vertically by the Contractor in the positions
directed by the Engineer for the purpose of measuring settlement taking place under the
embankments. Settlement gauges shall be located at position as indicated by the Engineer
and the Contractor shall be responsible for installation of all gauges as work proceed.

The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to protect settlement gauges from damage
by the plant and vehicles and shall repair any such damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer
at his own expense. He shall erect substantial and readily visible barriers at a distance of
750mm around each gauge ;

The Contractor shall replace any damaged settlement gauges within five days, at his own
expense should any settlement gauge be damaged in such a way as to make it useless for its

1.3.3. Permanent Settlement Reference Stations

The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing permanent settlement reference stations
in locations selected by the Engineer. The permanent settlement reference stations shall be
located on stable ground.

1.3.4 Method of Monitoring

Monitoring of vertical movements of settlement gauges shall be by precise levelling with

respect to the permanent settlement reference stations. Measurement of settlement shall be
by the use of a precise level with an accuracy of 0.1mm. (Refer Appendix A).

1.3.5. Installation

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

The method of installation shall be the most advantageous method recommended by the
manufacturer and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall install settlement gauges and reference settlement stations before
commencement of earthworks.

1.3.6. Frequency of Measurement

a) Settlement Gauges refer to Appendix A

1.3.7. Protection of Instruments

All instruments shall be protected against damage during the currency of the Works and the
Period of Maintenance. Instruments damaged during the above shall be immediately
replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.

1.3.8. Instruments Not Functioning

All instruments shall be designed to ensure proper functioning over the required period of
monitoring. Instruments not functioning during the period of monitoring shall be immediately
replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. The Engineers decision as whether an
instrument is functioning or not shall be final.

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999





Settlement of subsoil due to fill is to be measured by means of settlement plates as shown in

Figure 1. Settlement plates are positioned before the fill is laid.


The settlements plates shall be placed at locations indicated on the drawing. They shall be
located in areas that are least affected by construction vehicles and plant. They shall be
properly protected with a wooden barricade, 1m high and labelled with visible reference
numbers. Heavy compaction plant shall not approach within 1.5m of projecting instruments.
Damaged instruments shall be replaced or repaired by the Contractor at his own expense
within seven days.


The frequency or the interval of measurement is dependent on the rate of settlement of a

subsoil. Close intervals are used during and shortly after fill has been laid. The intervals are
increased with increase in the duration of lapse time. The following can be used as a guide:

a) During filling

- Every morning before subsequent filling commences.

b) After a formation is reached

i) For first three months

- Every alternative day

ii) For fourth and subsequent months

- Between twice a week to once a fortnight depending on the rate of

settlement as shown in the example or as instructed by the Engineer,
the time interval should allow reasonable settlement to be plotted.


Installation of precise instrument involves the supply and installation of the instruments at
positions as indicated by the Engineer.

4.1 Temporary Bench Marks

The temporary bench marks will be installed at the nearby stable structure or remote from the
reclamation area and marked on an end bearing pile or similar structure.

4.2 Settlement Plates

The precise level settlement measurements shall be referenced to the temporary bench

The measuring instruments shall be a precise level, capable of allowing readings to be read to

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999



The result should be plotted during the period of measurement as shown in Figure 2.

Specification for Vertical Drain and Surcharge
7 October 1999

Table 1a : Properties of Prefabricated Vertical Drain

Property Unit Specified Remarks

Material Core Continuous plastic drain core

Filter Wrapped in non-woven

geotextile material
Dimension of Width Mm 100 2
Thickness Mm 3 to 4
Coefficient of permeability of M/s > 5 x 10-5
drain filter
Discharge capacity of drain M3/s 25 x 10-6
Soil retention capacity Microns 75
Tensile Dry kg/10cm > 100
strength of
entire drain
Wet kg/10cm > 100
Tensile Dry kg/cm >3 At elongation minimum 2%
strength of maximum 10%
Wet kg/cm >3 Tested at 1% strain/mm after
saturation in water at 10 for
Elongation of entire drain % < 10 At 100kg/10cm width
Elongation of Dry
filter % < 10 At 3kg/cm


Specification For Vertical Drain And Surcharge
7 October 1999


Description Page

1.0 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................VDS1

1.1 Materials ......................................................................................................................VDS1
1.1.1 Prefabricated Vertical Drains .........................................................................VDS1 General Requirements.......................................................................VDS1 Transportation and Storage ..............................................................VDS1 Quality Control and Testing ..............................................................VDS1
1.1.2 Geotextile Separator ......................................................................................VDS2 General Requirements ......................................................................VDS2 Geotextile Packaging and Storing ....................................................VDS4 Drainage Blanket ..............................................................................VDS4
1.2 Installation ...................................................................................................................VDS4
1.2.1 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) ................................................................VDS4 Equipment .........................................................................................VDS4 Approval ............................................................................................VDS5 Installation procedure ........................................................................VDS5 Pre-augering/Obstructions ................................................................VDS6 Splicing ..............................................................................................VDS6
1.2.2 Geotextile Separator (deleted) .......................................................................VDS6
1.2.3 Fill Surcharge .................................................................................................VDS7
1.3 Instrumentation ...........................................................................................................VDS8
1.3.1 General ..........................................................................................................VDS8
1.3.2 Settlement Gauges ........................................................................................VDS8
1.3.3 Permanent Settlement Reference Stations ...................................................VDS8
1.3.4 Method of Monitoring .....................................................................................VDS8
1.3.5 Installation ......................................................................................................VDS8
1.3.6 Frequency of Measurement ...........................................................................VDS9
1.3.7 Protection of Instruments ...............................................................................VDS9
1.3.8 Instruments Not Functioning ..........................................................................VDS9
APPENDIX A........................................................................................................................................VDS10


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