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Set No.

Code No: R42043 R10
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2014
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Explain about LEO and MEO satellite systems [8]
b) Explain the general and technical characteristics of a satellite communication
system [7]

2 a) Define Keplers laws of planetary motion with relevant mathematical

expressions [8]
b) An earth station has a longitude of 99.50 west and latitude of 29.50 north. The
satellite has a longitude of 1430 west. Find the azimuth and elevation angle. [7]

3 a) Draw and explain the simplified double conversion transponder (bent pipe) for
6/4 GHz band [8]
b) Draw a diagram to show different forces on a synchronous satellite and explain
about attitude control system [7]

4 a) Discuss in detail about rain effects in ku band [8]

b) An earth station antenna has a diameter of 35 m, has an overall efficiency of
69%, and is used to receive a signal at 4350 MHz. at this frequency the system
noise temperature is 78K when the antenna points at the satellite at an elevation
angle of 280. What is the earth station G/T ratio under these conditions? [7]

5 a) Compare and contrast pre assigned FDMA and demand assigned FDMA [8]
b) Discuss clearly the CDMA system with example [7]

6 a) Illustrate the operations required for receiving a signal from the satellite using
multicarrier earth station [8]
b) Illustrate the design of electromagnetic-horn radiator [7]

7 a) What are the important factors that influence the design of any satellite
communication system? Discuss [8]
b) What do you mean by Globalstar, Ellipso? Explain in detail [7]

8 a) Draw the general arrangement of position location with GPS and explain about
GPS in detail [8]
b) Draw the block diagram of C/A code generator and explain [7]

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Set No. 2
Code No: R42043 R10
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2014
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Explain clearly about GEO satellite systems [8]
b) Write about the future trends of satellite communications [7]

2 a) Derive expression for the radius of geosynchronous orbit [8]

b) Write about the orbital effects in communication system performance [7]

3 a) What are two approaches used for equipment reliability in the event of failure
of communication capacity of the satellite? Explain [8]
b) Draw and explain the simplified single conversion transponder (bent pipe) for
6/4 GHz band [7]

4 a) Illustrate the procedure for ku band down link design [7]

b) Consider a 4GHz receiver with the following gains and noise temperatures:
Tin=25K, TRF=50K, TIF=1000K, Tm=500K, GRF=23 db, GIF=30db. Calculate
the system noise temperature assuming that the mixer has a gain Gm=0db.
Recalculate the system noise temperature when the mixer has a 10db loss. [8]

5 a) Discuss various modulation and multiplexing techniques used with satellite

links [8]
b) Draw the frame structure and explain TDMA [7]

6 a) Horn antennas are commonly used as primary radiators in reflector systems,

Justify? [8]
b) Draw the block diagram of TWTA transmitter required for multiple transmitter
chains and explain. [7]

7 a) What are the four important factors that influence the design of any satellite [8]
communication system? Explain
b) Discuss in detail about Molniya and Elliptical orbits [7]

8 a) Discuss in detail the process of satellite signal acquisition [8]

b) What are the major sources of error in GPS receiver? Discuss in detail [7]

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Set No. 3
Code No: R42043 R10
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2014
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Write an account of the evolution and growth of communication satellites [8]
b) What are the applications of satellites? Explain [7]

2 a) What are look angles? How do you determine? Explain with the help of neat
diagrams [8]
b) What are orbital parameters required to determine a satellites orbit? Name
and explain them. [7]

3 a) The earth subtends an angle of 170 when viewed from geostationary orbit.
What are the dimensions and gain of the horn antenna that will provide global
coverage at 4 GHz. [8]
b) Draw the bathtub curve for the probability of failure and explain clearly the
concepts of equipment reliability, space qualification of communication
satellites [7]

4 a) Illustrate the ku band uplink design [8]

b) An earth station antenna has a diameter of 30 m, has an overall efficiency of
68%, and is used to receive a signal at 4150 MHz. at this frequency the
system noise temperature is 79K when the antenna points at the satellite at an
elevation angle of 280. What is the earth station G/T ratio under these
conditions? [7]

5 a) What is the basic principle of a direct sequence spread spectrum system and
explain [8]
b) Explain about FDMA and draw the frequency plan for two C-band
transponders using FDMA [7]

6 a) Draw the block diagram of a general earth station and explain [8]
b) Draw and explain the receiver subsystem for multicarrier earth station [7]

7 a) Discuss in detail the delay and throughput considerations of satellite

communication link [8]
b) What are different satellite constellation designs? Explain any two of them [7]

8 a) What is the technique used to increase the accuracy of GPS measurements?

Discuss in detail [8]
b) Write short notes on GPS Receiver Operation [7]

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Set No. 4
Code No: R42043 R10
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, April/May - 2014
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1 a) Draw the general structure of a satellite communications system and explain [8]
b) Write about satellite frequency allocations and band spectrum [7]

2 a) Explain as to how a satellite is placed into geostationary orbit from earth? [8]
b) What is station keeping? Explain in detail the N-S and E-W station keeping. [7]

3 a) Draw the typical telemetry, tracking, command, and monitoring system and
explain how it is helpful in successful operation of a communication satellite [8]
b) What are the four main types of antennas used in satellites? Explain any two
with neat diagrams [7]

4 a) Write all the ten steps involved in the satellite communication link design
procedure [8]
b) Thermal noise in an earth station receiver results in a (C/N)dn ratio of 20 db. A
signal is received from a bent pipe transponder with a carrier to noise ratio
(C/N)up=20db. What is the value of overall (C/N)0 at the earth station? If the
transponder introduces inter modulation products with (C/I) ratio of 24db.
What is the overall (C/N)0 ratio at the receiving earth station [7]

5 a) What is the first multiple access technique used in satellite communication

systems? Explain in detail. [8]
b) Suggest a multiple access technique that can be preferred in satellite
communication link when traffic from earth station is intermittent? Discuss. [7]

6 a) Draw the basic geometry of reflector antenna and discuss its performance. [8]
b) What is the equipment required for terrestrial interface? Explain. [7]

7 a) Compare different satellite low earth orbits with their advantages and
disadvantages. [8]
b) Discuss the coverage and frequency considerations with regard to low earth
orbits. [7]

8 a) What is the basic requirement of GPS? Explain in detail about the position
location using GPS. [8]
b) Write short notes on Satellite Signal Acquisition. [7]

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