Anesthesiology Pain Medicine

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Anesth Pain. 2012;2(2):90-93. DOI: 10.5812/aapm.


KOWSAR Pain Medicine

Comparison of Remifentanil and Fentanyl Regarding Hemodynamic

Changes Due to Endotracheal Intubation in Preeclamptic Parturient
Candidate for Cesarean Delivery
Alireza Pournajafian 1*, Faranak Rokhtabnak 1, Alireza Kholdbarin 1, Mohammadreza Gho-
drati 1, Siamak Ghavam 1
1 Department of Anesthesiology, Firoozgar Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Tehran, IR Iran


Article type: Background: Intravenous opioids are administered to prevent and control hemody-
Original Article namic changes due to endotracheal intubation. Except for special cases such as preec-
lampsia, these drugs are not recommended for parturants candidate for cesarean sec-
Article history: tion because of the respiratory depression caused in the newborn.
Received: 20 Jun 2012 Objectives: According to rapid metabolism of remifentanil, the current study aimed to
Revised: 05 Jul 2012 compare hemodynamic changes in preeclamptic parturants who received remifentanil
Accepted: 25 Jul 2012 and fentanyl for cesarean section under general anesthesia.
Patients and Methods: This single blind randomized clinical trial was performed on
Keywords: preeclamptic pregnant women candidate for cesarean section under general anesthesia.
Cesarean Section They were divided into two groups. In the first group 0.05 g/kg/min remifentanil was
Pre-Eclampsia infused for 3 minutes before induction of anesthesia and in the second group 1ml (50 g)
Intubation, Intratracheal fentanyl was injected before induction. Heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and
Fentanyl diastolic blood pressure (DBP) before and after intubation and also Apgar index were
Remifentanil measured and compared between the two groups.
Results: All hemodynamic variables increased after intubation in the fentanyl group
(pSBP = 0.146, pDBP = 0.019, pHR < 0.001). Additionally, decrease in SBP (P = 0.018) and
DBP (P = 0.955) and mild increase in HR (P = 0.069) after intubation in the remifentanil
group was observed. No significant difference was found between Apgar indexes of the
two groups (P = 0.771).
Conclusions: It can be postulated that remifentanil can be used in partituents candidate
for cesarean delivery under general anesthesia to prevent severe increase in blood pres-
sure and heart rate during tracheal intubation without adverse effects on newborn.
Published by Kowsar Corp, 2012. cc 3.0.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

Opioids are useful in minimizing sympathetic responses after endotracheal intubation. Administration of these drugs is not rec-
ommended in pregnant women candidate for cesarean section, due to their depressant effects on newborn, but in special condi-
tions such as preeclampsia, low doses of fentanyl could be used without maternal or newborn side effects. Remifentanil, an opioid
with rapid onset and fast metabolism can be a good alternative for other drugs in these situations.

Please cite this paper as:

Pournajafian A, Rokhtabnak F, Kholdbarin A, Ghodrati M, Ghavam S. Comparison of Remifentanil and Fentanyl Regarding He-
modynamic Changes Due to Endotracheal Intubation in Preeclamptic Parturient Candidate for Cesarean Delivery. Anesth Pain.
2012;2(2):90-3. DOI: 10.5812/aapm.6884

* Corresponding author: Alireza Pournajafian, Department of Anesthesiology, Firoozgar Hospital, Beh Afarin St., Karim Khan Blvd. Tehran, IR Iran. Tel: +98-
2188946762, Fax: +98-2188942622, E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.5812/aapm.6884
2012 Iranian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine; Published by Kowsar Corp.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Remifentanil, Fentanyl: Hemodynamic Markers in Preeclamptic Parturient Pournajafian A et al.

1. Background supine position as well. All patients received 500ml intra-

venous normal saline and were preoxygenated by 6 liters
During general anesthesia, endotracheal intubation (ETI)
per minute flow of 100% oxygen for five minutes. Thereaf-
results in stimulation of sympathetic nervous system and
ter, patients in group one received 50 g fentanyl (bolus
catecholamine release and therefore, increase in blood
dose), and patients in group two received remifentanil
pressure, heart rate (HR) and heart load (1). Thus, opioids
infusion at 0.05 g/kg/min for three minutes before in-
have been used to minimize these responses to short-term
duction and continued until intubation time. Afterward,
stimuli such as ETI in the setting of pediatrics and obstet-
rapid sequence induction of anesthesia was commenced
rics as well as other situations (2, 3). Opioid administration
with sodium thiopental at 5 mg/kg and then succinylcho-
is not recommended in general anesthesia in parturients
line at 1.5 mg/kg (three minutes after fentanyl injection
for cesarean section, because of its depressant effects on
and beginning remifentanil infusion). After cricoid pres-
newborn. In preeclampsia, however, the sympathetic-sup-
sure and 60 seconds from the latest injection, ETI was
pressing role of opioids seems to be crucial because ETI
performed and all patients were mechanically ventilated
hypertension already exists and moreover, the ETI-induced
(tidal volume of 10 ml/kg). Maintenance of anesthesia
catecholamine secretion can result in fetal arrhythmia
was provided by 0.5% Halothane + 50% N2O in oxygen. The
and intracranial hemorrhage. Apart from that, opioids
variables of HR, SBP and DBP were recorded before ETI
can decrease fetal perfusion due to their suppressive im-
and immediately after that and checking the right place
pact over circulatory system by exacerbation of aortocaval
of tube. Apgar index was calculated for each neonate at
compression (4). Small doses of fentanyl are acceptable in
the 1st minute after delivery. SPSS software Version 11 was
preeclamptic parturients without adverse effects on new-
employed to perform chi-square and Pair t-tests for statis-
born (5, 6). Therefore, an agent of short onset and offset of
tical analysis.
effects such as remifentanil seems to be of great advantage.
Remifentanil has unique properties especially in pharma-
cokinetics which alters negligibly in liver or kidney disor-
4. Results
ders and age variations. Moreover, its rapid dissipation is a 47 patients were enrolled into the study, but 43 were
prominent privilege (7, 8). allocated randomly in two group. Two patients in remi-
fentanil group and three in the other were excluded be-
2. Objectives cause of difficulties in tracheal intubation and need to
more attempts to secure airway and ventilation. Out of
The current study aimed to evaluate hemodynamic chang-
remaining 38 patients, 20 and 18 were studied in remi-
es induced by ETI if remifentanil is used compared to fen-
fentanil and fentanyl groups respectively. Mean age of
tanyl. The research was carried out for the first time in the
patients was 29.14 and 28.91 years, respectively (P > 0.05).
setting of cesarean delivery in preeclamptic patients.
Mean of gestational age of parturients in remifentanil
group was 30.11 weeks and in fentanyl group was 29.78
3. Patients and Methods weeks (P = 0.12). Mean of total dose of fentanyl used in
This randomized trial was carried out in Tehran Uni- the second group was 0.735 g/kg. Table 1 summarizes
versity of Medical Sciences, department of Anesthesia the mean values of HR, SBP and DBP in remifentanil and
in Firoozgar hospital, Tehran, Iran. The study was ap- fentanyl groups before and after ETI. These variables had
proved by the institutional committee of ethics in Teh- increased in level after ETI in fentanyl group. Of the three
ran University of Medical Science (No: 4276) and was variables, HR and DBP demonstrated significant differ-
registered to Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (Irct ID:
IRCT201108294969N2). Written and informed consent Table 1. Comparison Between Remifentanil and Fentanyl Groups Regard-
ing Hemodynamic Markers
was obtained from all patients as well. Patients within
the range of 18-45 diagnosed with preeclampsia and can- Remifentanil Group Fentanyl Group
didate for cesarean delivery were considered as subjects Mean P value Mean P value
of the study. Patients presenting with cardiopulmonary HR 0.069 < 0.001
disorders, hyper- or hypothyroidism, history of opioid Before ETI 86.85 2.482 85.17 3.208
and/or alcohol misuse, drug history of sedatives, benzo- After ETI 89.20 2.676 91.94 2.982
diazepines, alpha and/or beta agonists, beta antagonists SBP 0.018 0.146
and patients with complicated ETI history were excluded Before ETI 154.35 5.262 149.50 3.764
from the study. After allocating the patients (by block
After ETI 148.35 4.736 153.11 4.213
randomization) into two groups, their heart rate (HR),
DBP 0.955 0.019
systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure
Before ETI 88.55 3.226 87.61 2.707
(DBP) were recorded via noninvasive technique (by AL-
BORZ B5 monitor made by Pooyandegan Rah Saadat After ETI 88.40 2.374 92.22 2.644
Co., Tehran, Iran); also, pulse oximetry was performed in Abbreviations: ETI, endotracheal intubation; HR, heart rate; SBP, systolic
blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.

Anesth Pain.2012;2(2) 91
Pournajafian A et al. Remifentanil, Fentanyl: Hemodynamic Markers in Preeclamptic Parturient

ence (P < 0.001 and 0.019, respectively). In remifentanil syndrome, coagulopathies and patients refusal of spinal
group, however, apart from HR that increased after ETI, anesthesia (15, 16). In such cases, however, hemodynamic
SBP and DBP decreased but only differences of the SBP responses to ETI are unavoidable. Because of transient de-
was significant (P = 0.018). This suggests the priority of layed respiratory depression with higher doses of remi-
remifentanil over fentanyl in the patients. Table 2 indi- fentanil was noted in some newborns (17-20), in the cur-
cates that there was no significant difference between rent study safe dose of this drug that had been previously
mean Apgar indexes of neonates in the two groups. The used in labor, was considered. Opioids was also used in
minimum Apgar recorded in both group was 7. The num- epidural space in pregnant women for cesarean section
ber of neonates with apgar score 7, 8, 9, 10 in remifentanil without significant difference in maternal complications
group were 1, 6, 9, 4 and in Fentanyl group were 1, 7, 7, 3 and Apgar scores (21). Safavi M et al. showed that some
respectively. No newborn in both groups needed tracheal drugs such as Nitroglycerin are effective in attenuating
intubation or ventilatory support. the pressor response to tracheal intubation in severe
preeclampsia and could be used instead of opioids to
Table 2. Comparison Between Remifentanil and Fentanyl Groups Regard- control hemodynamic responses (22). Remifentanil and
ing Apgar Index in Neonates 1min After delivery
fentanyl were also used effectively in endotracheal intu-
Apgar Index No. (Mean SD) P value bation without use of neuromuscular blocking drugs (23,
Remifentanil group 20 (0.880 0.083) 0.771 24). Remifentanil infusion tends to faster wake up test
Fentanyl group 18 (0.866 0.084) 0.771 than alfentanil in spinal fusion surgeries (25) (because of
rapid metabolism) and is suggested to be used in situa-
5. Discussion tions that require fast effect and rapid recovery of opioid
Remifentanil is known as an ultrashort effect opioid effects. In this regard, it was postulated that remifentanil
which has a half-life of 1.3 minute. This drug has a higher may perform a prominent role because of its stabilizing
clearance rate than liver blood flow and significant extra- impact on heart rate, blood pressure and Apgar index.
hepatic metabolism and trivial pulmonary metabolism Low dose remifentanil can be used safely in parturients
(9). Additionally, its concentration ratio between umbili- candidate for cesarean section without noticeable ad-
cal vein and umbilical artery is 0.88 which does not result verse effects on newborn.
in remarkable fetal exposure due to its rapid metabolism
(10). The current study attempted to compare hemody- Acknowledgments
namic changes in preeclamptic parturients at cesarean We would like to appreciate all anesthesia technicians
delivery after ETI and administration of remifentanil vs. in operating room of Firoozgar hospital who helped us
fentanyl. No severe changes were observed in hemody- in this project.
namic markers of mothers but superiority of remifen-
tanil over fentanyl can be suggested. This is because of Authors Contribution
significant decrease in SBP in remifentanil group vs. sig-
None declared.
nificant increase in HR and DBP in fentanyl group, both
after ETI.
Safety and efficacy of remifentanil have been demon- Financial Disclosure
strated in some case series and randomized controlled None declared.
trials (RCTs) in pregnant women. Roelants et al. used 0.05
g/kg per minute infusion and 25 g bolus of remifentanil Funding/Support
and observed 5 minutes analgesia during normal vaginal
Tehran University of Medical Science.
delivery (11). Moreover, it has been reported by Owen et al.
that 34 hours of remifentanil infusion has no noticeable
adverse effect on newborn (12). Furthermore, in the study
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