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Red Mud Project

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Factors affecting red mud

settling (Part I)
To maximize alumina production, it is vital that red mud be Reactive Silica in Bauxite
separated from sodium aluminate liquor to the fullest extent All bauxites contain silicates that are soluble in caustic. These
possible. While many factors influence the effectiveness of silicates occur as
separation and settling of red mud, Cytec’s experience has • Quartz (SiO2)
shown that the following eight are the most common and • Kaolinite (Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O)
critical: • Halloysite (Al2O3.2SiO2.3H2O) and
• Bauxite Particle Size • Kyanite (Al2O3.SiO2, found in Brazil).
• Reactive Silica In Bauxite
• Phosphorus Kyanite does not react with caustic. Kaolinite and Halloysite react
• Goethite readily with caustic when digested under low temperatures,
• Hematite to Goethite ratio while Quartz requires digestion temperatures above 200 ˚C.
• High Slurry Feed Solids
• Over-flocculation The reaction between silicates and caustic can be represented
• Liquor Viscosity by the following equation:

This technology note, the first in a two-part series, discusses 6NaAlO2 + 6SiO2 g3(Na2O.Al2O3.2SiO2)X,
the first three factors. The remainder are covered in the
second part of the series. where X may be Na2CO3, NaCl, Na2SO4, or Na organics.

Bauxite Particle Size The compound formed by the reaction is called Bayer Sodalite
The particle size of bauxite varies from region to region. or Desilication Product (DSP), and is eliminated from the
Jamaican and Surinamese bauxite particles are typically of circuit with the red mud. As the level of reactive silica in
finer size. As the particle size of bauxite decreases, the surface bauxite increases, so does the quantity of DSP.
area of the mud generated grows larger. This increase in
surface area results in a mud that does not compact well and DSP particles are fine and do not compact well. Mud that
requires high doses of flocculants to settle at acceptable rates. contains high quantities of DSP therefore requires a high dose
of flocculant to settle. However, despite high flocculant
dosages, mud level control may be erratic and underflow
densities poor.

Talk to Cytec about mining chemicals.

© 2005 Cytec Industries Inc. Tel: 1(973) 357-3193

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www.cytec.com US Toll Free: (800) 652-6013
Email: Cytec.mining@cytec.com
When the level of reactive silica is below 3.5 percent, the problem of The reaction is not balanced, as apatite is variable. At low temper-
inadequate settling is overcome by adding more flocculant. But as atures, carbonate apatite is formed, while at high temperatures,
reactive silica exceeds 3.5 percent, the problem becomes difficult to hydroxy apatite is formed. Carbonate and hydroxy apatites are the
manage. At this stage, polyacrylate/copolymer flocculants do not most insoluble calcium compounds in the Bayer Process. Their
provide sufficient compaction of DSP particles. HXPAMs, such as insolubility results in a lack of Ca++ ions for bridging mud particles
Cytec’s SUPERFLOC® HX flocculants, will settle mud containing high with flocculant, thus impeding settling.
quantities of DSP but very high dosages will be required. Still, large
amounts of HXPAM must be added to capture the fine DSP particles. To be continued in Part II of this series.

Phosphorus Cytec offers a range of technologies and products to

Phosphorus retards the flocculation of red mud by two main improve red mud settling in your plant.
• In solution, phosphorus complexes with the mud surface and Your Cytec representative will be glad to evaluate your
blocks the sites for flocculant attachment. processing operation and suggest reagent formulations that
solve production problems, increase yields, cut costs and
• Phosphorus consumes calcium, which is required for bridging increase overall efficiency.
the negatively charged mud particles with the negatively
charged flocculant.
Updated 6/24/05 MCT-1075
Phosphorus can be controlled by the addition of lime or limestone.
However, Cytec advises against using limestone, as it contributes to
liquor carbonation. The reactions with limestone and lime can be
represented by the following equations:


P2O5 + 6NaOH 2Na3PO4 + 3H2O
2Na3PO4 + 3CaCO3 Ca3(PO4)2 + 2Na2CO3

5Ca(OH)2 + 3Na3PO4 + Na2CO3 + Na(OH,F,Cl..) + 2H2O
(CaNa)5(PO4.CO3OH)3(OH,F,Cl..) + 12 NaOH

Cytec—committed to your mining success.

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