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DS License Server

Installation and Configuration Guide

Contains IBM(R) 64-bit SDK for AIX(TM), Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 7
(c) Copyright Oracle and/or its affiliates, 1992 - 2014
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1998 - 2012
(c) Copyright The Apache Software Foundation, 1999 - 2007

All rights reserved.

What's New?....................................................................................................................3
Installing the DS License Server...................................................................................4
Before Starting the Installation..........................................................................................................4
Operating System Prerequisites..................................................................................................................4
License Server and Client Typical Setup.....................................................................................................4
Preliminary Remarks...................................................................................................................................5
Upgrading Your License Server...................................................................................................................5
Installing the DS License Server on Windows...................................................................................6
Installing Only the License Administration Tool on Windows...........................................................17
Installing the DS License Server on UNIX......................................................................................27
Upgrading Your License Servers in a Failover Cluster....................................................................29
Uninstalling the DS License Server.................................................................................................30
Uninstall on Windows................................................................................................................................30
Uninstall on UNIX......................................................................................................................................31
Configuring the DS License Server and Clients........................................................32
Starting the License Administration Tool.........................................................................................32
Configuring and Activating a Standalone License Server...............................................................33
Configuring and Activating a Cluster in Failover Mode....................................................................47
Maintaining Continuous Failover Cluster Operation........................................................................63
Replace a Failover Member.......................................................................................................................64
Rename a Member....................................................................................................................................66
Replace the Network Card of a Failover Member......................................................................................67
Repair Corrupted Data of a Member.........................................................................................................68
Starting and Stopping the DS License Server................................................................................69
Configuring Clients..........................................................................................................................73
Communicating through Forward and Reverse Proxies..................................................................75
Implement a Forward Proxy for the License Administration Tool...............................................................75
Implement a Reverse Proxy for the DS License Server............................................................................76
Managing Licenses.......................................................................................................80
Enrolling Licenses...........................................................................................................................80
Administering Licenses...................................................................................................................82
Getting Information About License Usage......................................................................................87
Recycling Named User Licenses....................................................................................................93
Setting License Authorization Rules...............................................................................................95
Importing and Exporting License Authorization Rules..................................................................111
Export Authorization Rules......................................................................................................................111
Import Authorization Rules......................................................................................................................113
Getting Information About the Authorized Country of Use for Licenses........................................117
Tracking License Server Operation...........................................................................122
Tracking License Statistics............................................................................................................122
Tracking Server Logs.....................................................................................................................125
Monitoring the Server....................................................................................................................126

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide i


DSLicSrv Command......................................................................................................................131
DSLicTarget Command Syntax.....................................................................................................144
File Locations, Settings and Registry Entries................................................................................144
Port Management....................................................................................................................................147
Client cannot communicate with server...................................................................................................147
Poor communication performance between a Windows client and any server........................................148
Poor client performance at startup..........................................................................................................149
Nodelock or extracted offline license cannot be granted to the client application...................................149
Reducing launch duration........................................................................................................................149
Reducing timeout when a failover member is down................................................................................149
Error, Information and Warning Messages....................................................................................150

ii DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Welcome to the DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide, designed
to answer all your questions about installing and configuring the DS License Server.
The following table outlines the tasks required to install and configure the DS License Server.
Goal Task Contents

Installing the DS License Server Before Starting the Installation Conceptual information and preliminary
remarks to take into account before installing
or upgrading.

Installing the DS License Server on Windows Describes how to install DS License Server
on Windows

Installing the License Administration Tool Describes how to install the License
Only Administration Tool without the DS License
Server on Windows

Installing the DS License Server on UNIX Describes how to install DS License Server

Upgrading Your License Servers in a Failover Explains one possible method for upgrading
Cluster your license servers in a failover cluster.

Uninstalling the DS License Server Explains how to uninstall the DS License

Server on both Windows and UNIX.

Configuring the DS License Server and Starting the License Administration Tool Explains how to launch the License
Clients Administration Tool and retrieve the
computer ID required for ordering your

Configuring and Activating a Standalone Describes how to configure the license server
License Server and enroll the server licenses.

Configuring and Activating a Cluster in Explains how to configure and activate a

Failover Mode cluster of three license servers to operate in
failover mode.

Maintaining Continuous Failover Cluster Describes the different operations you can
Operation perform following failure of one of the
members of a DS License Server cluster,
without having to stop the cluster.

Starting and Stopping the License Server Contains instructions for stopping and starting
the license server.

Configuring Clients Explains how to configure clients to work

with the license server.

Communicating through Forward and Describes how to communicate with a license

Reverse Proxies server located behind a forward proxy and/or
a reverse proxy.

Managing Licenses Enrolling Licenses Describes how to enroll your licenses.

Administering Licenses Describes basic license administration tasks.

Getting Information About License Usage Contains useful information about how to
track the number of licenses used.

Recycling Named User Licenses Describes how to recycle named user licenses
when need occasionally arises, under
exceptional circumstances.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 1


Goal Task Contents

Setting License Authorization Rules Explains how to authorize users, groups of
users or specific license server host machines
to use licenses, or to deny authorization, for
concurrent user licenses and, optionally,
named user licenses.

Importing and Exporting License

Explains how to back up license authorization
Authorization Rules
rules and corresponding data by exporting
the data to an XML file, and how to import
an XML file containing previously backed
up authorization data.

Getting Information About the Authorized The Geolocation tab identifies for a given
Country of Use for Licenses license server the country in which the
licenses enrolled on the server are authorized.

Tracking License Server Operation Tracking License Statistics Describes how to generate statistics about
license usage.

Tracking Server Logs Explains how to use and interpret the server

Monitoring the Server Describes how to monitor license server


Reference DSLicSrv Command Syntax Syntax of the DSLicSrv command.

DSLicTarget Command Syntax Syntax of the DSLicTarget command.

File Locations, Settings and Registry Entries Specifies where the different files, settings
and registry entries are created when you
install and administer the DS License Server.

Troubleshooting Contains important troubleshooting


Error, Information and Warning Messages Lists error messages classified into different

2 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

What's New?

What's New?
This section describes the new and enhanced functionality in the DS License Server.

New Functionality
Enhancements to the Server Several enhancements have been made to the Server Definitions tab: adding
Definitions tab of a comment field, enhanced ordering and display functions, copying and
pasting, etc.
E-mail event when partition An e-mail event can now be triggered before the license server data folder runs
usage limit exceeded out of space. This helps prevent the license server from stopping.
Disable dump buttons in When connected in restricted mode, dumping of files on the license server is
restricted mode now disabled: the dump buttons in the Monitoring tab are greyed out.
Authorizations at EditorID You can now set Allow and Deny authorization rules directly on the Editor
level name: Dassault Systemes, Dassault Systemes V5 or Dassault Systemes V4.
Command line enhancements Enhancements have been made to command line interface commands:
deleteSupersededLicenses|dsl: new command
getLicenseInfo|gli: enhanced command (new -superseded
getLicenseUsage|glu: enhanced command (displays additional
setMailConfig|smc: enhanced command (new -from option)
manageSSLCertificate|msc: new command
startInstLicServ: enhanced command (new -noStart option)
DSLicSrv -startServer: enhanced command (new -logFileSize
number and -compressLog options).

Enhanced Functionality

Removed Functionality

Customizing Preferences

User Assistance

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 3

Installing the DS License Server

Installing the DS License Server

This section explains how to install the DS License Server.

Before Starting the Installation

This section briefly presents what a typical license server and license client setup looks like, and highlights
certain points you must keep in mind before performing the installation.

Operating System Prerequisites

The following operating systems are supported:
Windows 7 SP1 64-bit x86
Windows 8.1 64-bit x86
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 64-bit x86
Windows Server 2012 64-bit x86
Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit x86
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.n 64-bit x86 (where "n" is greater than or equal to 1)
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SPn 64-bit x86 (where "n" is greater than or equal to 3)
AIX 7.1 TL2 SP3 64-bit Power
Solaris 10 5/08 64-bit Sparc
Solaris 11 64-bit Sparc
A minimum of 2GB of RAM is required, 4GB of RAM are recommended.
For more detailed information about prerequisites, refer to the Program Directory.

License Server and Client Typical Setup

A license server helps the administrator to guarantee the license control is implemented in compliance with
purchased licensed products embedding the license client.
A typical license server and client setup looks like this:

4 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

The DS License Server is installed on a server machine on your network. The license administrator enrolls the
product licenses on the server. The applications embedding license clients communicate with the license server
over the network and retrieve the licenses from the license server.

Preliminary Remarks
Before you start the installation, keep the following points in mind.
Virtual machines, such as VMWare, are not supported. It is not possible to either run or install the DS License
Server on a virtual machine. Furthermore, extracting an offline license and using a nodelock license in a virtual
machine are not supported.
Only one DS License Server can be installed and configured on a given computer, either as a standalone or as
a failover member.
License servers and license client must be synchronized. An absolute time difference of one hour maximum is

Upgrading Your License Server

Keep in mind the following when you install a new version of the DS License Server:
each version of (or hot fix for) the DS License Server is complete, in other words, it is installed in place of
the existing version, so the existing version must be uninstalled beforehand
uninstalling the DS License Server does NOT remove license keys, settings or log files
failover members can communicate with each other only if they are at the same license server code level.
Be aware that upgrading failover cluster members from a given license server code level to a higher code
level will prevent the failover cluster from functioning while you are upgrading the second member. Once
the second cluster member has been upgraded, normal failover operation resumes.
To upgrade your license servers in a failover cluster, refer to Upgrading Your License Servers in a Failover

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 5

Installing the DS License Server

Installing the DS License Server on Windows

This task explains how to unload the DS License Server on a single computer running a supported Windows
operating system.
Installation and de-installation rely on Windows-compliant tools enabling anyone familiar with Windows
procedures and concepts to install the software without assistance.

1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group.
Otherwise, you will not be able to start the installation.
2. Insert the media into the drive.
The following dialog box appears informing you that the installation is about to commence:

followed by the dialog box welcoming you to the DS License Server setup wizard:

6 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

Click the Next button to move to the next step.

3. Select the installation folder.

The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 7

Installing the DS License Server

The default destination folder is:

C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server
If the default destination folder is suitable, click the Next button to move to the next step, or click the Browse...
button and navigate to select another folder and click OK.
The folder you choose must be empty. You can also specify a new folder: if the folder does not exist, you
will be prompted to specify that you want the folder to be created, in which case you must click the Yes
button to create the folder.
Click the Next button to move to the next step.

4. Select the installation type.

The Select Installation Type dialog box appears:

8 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

You have two choices:

Installs only Administration Tool: allows you to install only the License Administration Tool. Refer
to Installing Only the License Administration Tool on Windows for more details.
Installs License Server and Administration Tool (default).
In our example, we are going to install both the License Server and the License Administration Tool.
Set the Listening Administration Port number. The port number you set is used to listen to DS License
Server administration tool requests. The default is 4084.
5. Decide whether to install from scratch or not.
Installing from scratch means that you are installing the DS License Server and also deleting all previous
licenses in the license repository. This may be necessary if your licenses have been corrupted. To do so,
check the Install Server from scratch check button. The warning is displayed again, informing that all
licenses will be deleted if you continue:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 9

Installing the DS License Server

Click OK, then decide whether to continue installing from scratch, or uncheck the check box if you want to
keep your existing licenses.
Click the Next button to move to the next step.
6. Install the DS License Server.
The Ready to install DS License Server dialog box appears:

10 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

Click the Install button to install the DS License Server. If prompted by UAC to confirm, click the Yes
The Installing DS License Server dialog box appears:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 11

Installing the DS License Server

A progress bar is displayed while the DS License Server files are installed and the corresponding Windows
service is started. Once the installation has been completed, the following dialog box appears:

12 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

informing you that the installation has been completed, and the License Administration Tool is launched
automatically, with the License Server Connection Parameters dialog box in the foreground.

7. Click the Finish button to exit the setup wizard.

The License Administration Tool remains open. You now have to create a server definition for the license
server you just installed on your computer in the License Server Connection Parameters dialog box:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 13

Installing the DS License Server

8. Enter the name of the license server (the name of the machine hosting the server, typically). Note that the
letters you type are displayed in red until the machine name is found. Then, set the listening port number for
the License Administration Tool and click OK.

Note: The License Administration Tool may communicate with forward and reverse proxies. For
more information, refer to Communicating through Forward and Reverse Proxies.

The Server Definitions tab now looks like this:

9. Connect to the license server.

You must connect to the server to be able to use it. If you point to the icon in the status column, next to
the computer name, a message like this will be displayed:
server xxx not connected
To connect to the server:
Select the Servers - Connect command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Connect command.

Or, you can also click the icon to connect all servers at the same time.

The icon appears over the computer icon like this :

14 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

Pointing to the icon displays the following message:

licensing port not configured; check server properties
The Server Definitions tab contains the following fields:

Status Status of the license server.

Computer Name Name of the machine hosting the license server.
Computer ID Computer id of the machine hosting the license server.
Version Software version number.
Build Date Software version build date.
Operating System Operating system on which the license server is running.
Contains an optional comment enabling you, for example, to distinguish one license
server from another when several server definitions are displayed in the list.
To edit a comment, point to a line containing a server definition line, under the
Comment column, and double-click: an editable field with a cursor is displayed.
Enter the text, then click ENTER to validate.
The comment field supports NLS characters, including DBCS. A comment can
be added and modified even if the connection to the license server is not established
or is established in restricted mode. Editing comments does not modify the license
server itself, but only the license administration tool user settings.
In the case of a failover cluster, each member has its own comment field.

When several lines are present in the Server Definitions tab, you can select multiple lines (using Shift or
Control keys and left-clicking) to connect several servers at the same time, for example.
When selecting a failover, then connecting, the connection is made to the three members at once. If a password
has been set, it has to be entered only once. To connect to only one member, do not select (left-click) but just
display the contextual menu (right-click) then connect.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 15

Installing the DS License Server

When you select then copy (using Ctrl-C) one or more lines, the fields copied can be pasted together in
any other text processing program (for example, Excel). You can also simply drag lines from the License
Administration Tool and drop them into another program, without the need to copy then paste.
You can also sort the lines in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the appropriate column title.

Note: Both techniques work also in any tab containing table-formatted data, such as the License
Administration tab, License Usage tab, Detailed License Usage dialog box, and License Recycling

When the Server Definitions tab contains several lines, by default, the lines are displayed in the order
according to the time at which the lines were added. The first line contains the first license server added. You
can change this default order by dragging and dropping a line:
click anywhere on the line you want to move to select it
click the line again, and hold then move the line to the appropriate location
release to drop the line at its new location: the next time you start the License Administration Tool, the
line will be displayed by default at its new location.

Note: You can only move one line at a time.

When you add a new server in the Server Definitions tab, by selecting the Servers > New... command
or right-clicking in the tab and selecting the Add new server command, it is added to the server list bar
and automatically pre-selected. This bar is displayed at the top of the following tabs: License Administration,
License Usage, License Recycling, Statistics and Geolocation.
You must configure the firewall on the machine hosting the license server to enable license clients to access
the license server, using the port numbers specified in Port Management. For example, you can configure
the Microsoft firewall on Windows server machines by creating a new rule for the license server using the
Server Manager application as illustrated below:

16 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

You must now configure the server as a standalone server or a member of a cluster in failover mode and
activate it before being able to use it, as explained in Configuring and Activating a Standalone License Server
and Configuring and Activating a Cluster in Failover Mode respectively.

The installation results in the following:

a DS License Server is installed on the local machine
the service DS License Server is added to the list of Windows services, and is started automatically
an installation log file is created in:
in the Start -> All Programs menu, the entry DS License Server is added, containing the commands License
Server Administration and License Server Documentation.

Installing Only the License Administration Tool on Windows

This task explains how to unload only the License Administration Tool (without the DS License Server) on a
single computer running a supported Windows operating system.
Several License Administration Tool instances can be connected simultaneously to the same license server.
Only one License Administration Tool instance has complete administration access to the license server: either

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 17

Installing the DS License Server

the local License Administration Tool or the first one that connects to the license server remotely. The remote
License Administration Tool will have the complete administration access only if the option full is set for
the Remote administration authorization option on the license server: if the option restricted is set, the
remote tool can connect to the license server but only in restricted mode, even if no other administration tool is
connected to this license server.
The other License Administration Tool instances operate in restricted mode with the following limitations:
no modifications are allowed in the Server Configuration dialog box
no licenses can be deleted using the License Administration tab
no licenses can be released using the License Release tab
creation and/or modification operations in the Authorizations tab are not allowed.

1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group.
Otherwise, you will not be able to start the installation.
2. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive.
The following dialog box appears informing you that the installation is about to commence:

followed by the dialog box welcoming you to the DS License Server setup wizard:

18 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

Click the Next button to move to the next step.

3. Select the installation folder.

The Select Installation Folder dialog box appears:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 19

Installing the DS License Server

The default destination folder is:

C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server
If the default destination folder is suitable, click the Next button to move to the next step, or click the Browse...
button and navigate to select another folder and click OK.
The folder you choose must be empty. You can also specify a new folder: if the folder does not exist, you
will be prompted to specify that you want the folder to be created, in which case you must click the Yes
button to create the folder.
Click the Next button to move to the next step.
The Select Installation Type dialog box appears:

20 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

4. Check the Installs only Administration Tool check button.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 21

Installing the DS License Server

Click the Next button to move to the next step.

5. Install the Administration Tool.
The Ready to install DS License Server dialog box appears:

22 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

Click the Install button to install the License Administration Tool:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 23

Installing the DS License Server

A progress bar is displayed while the License Administration Tool files are installed. Once the installation
has been completed, the following dialog box appears:

24 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

informing you that the installation has been completed, and the License Administration Tool is launched

6. Click the Finish button to exit the setup wizard.

The License Administration Tool remains open. You now have to create a server definition for the license
server to which you want to connect using the License Server Connection Parameters dialog box:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 25

Installing the DS License Server

7. Enter the name of the license server (the name of the machine hosting the server, typically), set the listening
port number for the License Administration Tool, then click OK.
You will only be able to administer a remote license server if you checked the Enable remote administration
check button when configuring the license server.

Note: The License Administration Tool may communicate with forward and reverse proxies. For
more information, refer to Communicating through Forward and Reverse Proxies.

The License Administration Tool now looks like this:

8. Connect to the license server.

You must connect to the server to be able to use it. If you point to the icon in the status column, next to
the computer name, a message like this will be displayed:
server xxx not connected
To connect to the server:
Select the Servers - Connect command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Connect command.

Or, you can also click the icon to connect all servers at the same time.

The icon appears over the computer icon like this :

26 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

The installation results in the following:

a License Administration Tool is installed on the local machine
an installation log file is created in:
in the Start -> All Programs menu, the entry DS License Server is added, containing the commands License
Server Administration and License Server Documentation.

Installing the DS License Server on UNIX

This task explains how to unload the DS License Server from scratch on a single computer running a supported
UNIX operating system.

1. Log on as root.
2. Change directory to the media mount point.
3. Change directory to the appropriate sub-directory for your UNIX platform, for example on AIX:
4. Check that the DISPLAY variable is exported appropriately before continuing (or perform the installation
using the -noUI option).
5. Run the command:
The command can be run with the following options
Option Description
-p Set the installation path. The default value is:

-n Set the licensing administration port number. The default value is: 4084

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 27

Installing the DS License Server

Option Description
-x Prevent system file update managing automatic startup when rebooting your machine

-onlyAdminTool Installs only the License Administration Tool (without the license server)

-f Installing from scratch means that you are installing the DS License Server and also deleting all previous
licenses in the license repository. This may be necessary if your licenses have been corrupted.

-noUI Do not launch the License Administration Tool GUI. Useful when no display is available.

-noStart Do not start the license server after having installed it.

-h Display help

The installation starts and the system outputs the following:

Check free port
Chosen port 4084

Installing server in /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer

Creating directory /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer
mkdir -p -m 755 /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer
Directory /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer was successfully created
Installation directory: /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer

TarCmd: tar -xf /tmp/DSLS/AIX64/DSLS.tar

Untar DSLS.tar was successful
Server initialization:
/usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer/aix_a64/code/bin/DSLicSrv -initServer
-adminPort 4084
2014/07/25 16:13:13:044 I INITSERVER Initializing license server on /var
args [-adminPort, 4084]
2014/07/25 16:13:13:044 I REPOSITORY LicenseDB.dat written to disk
2014/07/25 16:13:13:044 I REPOSITORY LicenseRT.dat written to disk
2014/07/25 16:13:13:044 I INITSERVER Server version 6.417.0 built on
Jun 27, 2014 1:04:39 PM
2014/07/25 16:13:13:044 I INITSERVER ComputerId HRE-425A10DEF1780905
Server was successfully initialized

Server start:

Server was successfully started

Sending nohup output to nohup.out.

Admin Console start:
/usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer/aix_a64/code/bin/DSLicSrv -adminUI
The License Administration Tool dialog box is displayed. The License Administration Tool has the same
graphic user interface and works the same way as on Windows.

Note: If you intend to install the DS License Server on a UNIX machine which does not use a display,
to avoid automatically displaying the License Administration Tool, perform the installation by running
the following command:
startInstLicServ -noUI
To access administration functions, launch the License Administration Tool in command line mode
as follows:
/usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer/OS/code/bin/DSLicSrv -admin

28 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

You must configure the firewall on the machine hosting the license server to enable license clients to access
the license server, using the port numbers specified in Port Management.
When installing the DS License Server on Suse, some messages related to insserv may be displayed. They
can be safely ignored.

Upgrading Your License Servers in a Failover Cluster

This section explains one possible method for upgrading your license servers in a failover cluster.

1. From a License Administration Tool tool on a fourth machine outside the cluster (to find out how to install
just the License Administration Tool without the license server, see Installing Only the License Administration
Tool on Windows) :
a. Connect to the three failover members, and check that the failover cluster is green.
b. Stop one of the failover members using the Servers - Stop command.
c. Check that the failover cluster status goes from green to yellow (meaning the cluster is still running).
2. On the failover member that you stopped:
On Windows:
- Check that there is no local License Administration Tool running.
- Uninstall the DS License Server.
- Install the new DS License Server version.

- Check that there are no DSLicSrv processes running on the member using the command: ps -ef
| grep DSLicSrv.
- Delete the installation directory as follows:
rm -rf /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer
- Install the new DS License Server version as follows: startInstLicServ -noUI

3. Return to the fourth machine:

a. Reconnect to the upgraded failover member, and check that the member is running a different license
server version from the two other members.
b. Stop the server on the second member. The failover cluster status is now red.
4. On the second member, repeat the same steps performed on the first member.
5. Return to the fourth machine:
a. Reconnect to the second upgraded failover member, then check the license server version and that the
failover cluster status is now yellow.
b. Stop the server on the third member.
6. On the third member, repeat the same steps performed on the other two members.
7. Return to the fourth machine:
a. Reconnect to the third upgraded failover member.
b. Check the license server version and that the failover cluster status is now green.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 29

Installing the DS License Server

Uninstalling the DS License Server

This section explains how to uninstall the DS License Server on both Windows and UNIX.

Uninstall on Windows
Uninstalling relies on Windows-compliant tools enabling anyone familiar with Windows procedures and concepts
to uninstall the software without assistance.
Before you begin: Before uninstalling a DS License Server version on Windows OS, be sure to close:
all browser applications, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox
all DS License Administration Tools.

1. Log on as an administrator.
You must belong to the Administrators group, or have the privileges assigned to the Administrators group.
Otherwise, you will not be able to uninstall the software.

2. On the Windows desktop, select the Start > Control Panel, then double-click the Programs and Features
A dialog box is displayed containing the list of programs and features installed on your computer.

3. Double-click the item DS License Server from the list.

The list looks something like this (depending on the software installed on your computer):

4. When prompted to confirm, click the Yes button each time to confirm.

The program removes:

the installation folder
the Windows service named DS License Server
all entries in the Start > All Programs menu
all registry entries.
Note that the following are NOT removed:

30 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the DS License Server

license keys

Uninstall on UNIX
This section explains how to uninstall the DS License Server on UNIX.

1. Log on as root.
2. Stop the license server by running the following command:
/usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer/OS/code/bin/DSLicSrv -stopServer
or by using the Servers - Stop command provided by a local or remote License Administration Tool.
If you are using a local administration tool, exit this tool.
3. Delete the installation directory as follows:
rm -rf /usr/DassaultSystemes/DSLicenseServer

4. If you did not use the -x option with the ./startInstLicServ command when you installed the license
server, delete the remaining system files created at this moment by running the following commands, depending
on the UNIX platform:
rmitab DSLicSrv
On Solaris:
rm /etc/rc2.d/S98dsls
rm /etc/rc2.d/K96dsls
rm /etc/init.d/dsls
On Linux:
/usr/lib/lsb/remove_initd /etc/init.d/dsls
rm /etc/init.d/dsls
rm /etc/sysconfig/dsls

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 31

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Configuring the DS License Server and

This section explains how to configure the DS License Server and clients.

Starting the License Administration Tool

This section explains how to launch the tool if it is not running, and obtain the computer id required for ordering

1. Select Start - All Programs - DS License Server - License Server

The License Administration Tool is displayed.
The tool has a menu bar and several tabs. The View menu contains a list of tabs with check marks. Click the
check marks to hide or display tabs as required.
Optionally, you may wish to select another display scheme by selecting the View > Look and Feel command.
2. Connect to the license server, then locate the Computer id column in the dialog box:

The computer id will be required when you order your licenses.

Note: An alternative method of obtaining the computer id is to go to the following installation directory:
C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server\win_b64\code\bin
and run the following command:
DSLicTarget -t

32 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

The DSLicTarget tool is also available in the appropriate operating system folders on your CD-ROM.
On Windows, the computer id is based on the network card. Teamed and bridged network cards are not
supported. A possible workaround is to add another network card which does not need to be connected to
the network, but needs to be powered on.
Multiple network cards
On Windows, if your machine hosts several network cards and the computerID managed by the license server
is not from the network card you wish, you can change it. Be aware that, if license keys are already enrolled
in the license server, they will become invalid. So you will need license keys generated for the desired
When installing the first time, the license server retrieves the computerID and stores it in its database. If the
computerID is changed later by using the DSLicTarget -s command, the license server will not take it
into account.
In order to reset the computerID in the license server database, you can follow these steps:
1. Run the command DSLicTarget -l to list the IDs available on the machine.
2. Run the command DSLicTarget -s (in an elevated command prompt) to set the desired ID in the
Windows registry.
3. Uninstall the license server.
4. Remove the License Administration Tool settings file:
5. Reinstall the license server and check the Install Server from scratch check button to force the license
server to read the ID value stored in the registry, instead of the value in the license server database.

Note: On UNIX, start the License Administration Tool by running the following command,
for example on AIX:

Configuring and Activating a Standalone License Server

This section explains how to configure and activate your license server in standalone mode.
The installation created a license server on your machine. But you must first configure and activate the license
server before a client process can be served.
You must choose to configure the server:
as a standalone server
or in failover mode as a member of a cluster.
These choices are mutually exclusive. Once you have configured the server in either standalone or failover mode,
you cannot modify your configuration. In particular, license keys are different.

1. Select Start - All Programs - DS License Server - License Server

Administration to launch the License Administration Tool if it is not already launched:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 33

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

2. Connect the License Administration Tool to the server.

You must connect to the server to be able to use it. If you point to the icon in the status column, next to
the computer name, a message like this will be displayed:
server xxx not connected
To connect to the server:
Select the Servers - Connect command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Connect command.

Or , you can also click the icon to connect all defined servers at the same time (only one in the current
Note that you can connect the tool to several license servers simultaneously. To disconnect from one license

server, select the Disconnect command. To disconnect all license servers, click the icon.
The status now looks like this:

34 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Pointing to the icon displays the following message:

licensing port not configured; check server properties
The columns available in the Server Definitions tab are:

Status Status of the license server.

Computer Name Name of the machine hosting the license server.
Computer ID Computer id of the machine hosting the license server.
Version Software version number.
Build Date Software version build date.
Operating System Operating system on which the license server is running.
Contains an optional comment enabling you, for example, to distinguish one
license server from another when several server definitions are displayed in the
To edit a comment, point to a line containing a server definition line, under the
Comment column, and double-click: an editable field with a cursor is displayed.
Enter the text, then click ENTER to validate.
The comment field supports NLS characters, including DBCS. A comment can
be added and modified even if the connection to the license server is not established
or is established in restricted mode. Editing comments does not modify the license
server itself, but only the license administration tool user settings.

When several lines are present in the Server Definitions tab, you can select multiple lines (using Shift or
Control keys and left-clicking) to connect several servers at the same time, for example.
When you select then copy (using Ctrl-C) one or more lines, the fields copied can be pasted together in
any other text processing program (for example, Excel). You can also simply drag lines from the License
Administration Tool and drop them into another program, without the need to copy then paste.
You can also sort the lines in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the appropriate column title.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 35

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Note: Both techniques work also in any tab containing table-formatted data, such as the License
Administration tab, License Usage tab, Detailed License Usage dialog box, and License Recycling

When the Server Definitions tab contains several lines, by default, the lines are displayed in the order
according to the time at which the lines were added. The first line contains the first license server added. You
can change this default order by dragging and dropping a line:
click anywhere on the line you want to move to select it
click the line again, and hold then move the line to the appropriate location
release to drop the line at its new location: the next time you start the License Administration Tool, the
line will be displayed by default at its new location.

Note: You can only move one line at a time.

When you add a new server in the Server Definitions tab, by selecting the Servers > New... command
or right-clicking in the tab and selecting the Add new server command, it is added to the server list bar
and automatically pre-selected. This bar is displayed at the top of the following tabs: License Administration,
License Usage, License Recycling, Statistics and Geolocation.
3. Configure the license server.
Select the Servers - Properties command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right-click and select the Display properties command.
Or, double-click the line containing the computer name.
The Server Configuration dialog box appears:

36 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

You do not have to set any other options for the moment, but for information purposes here is a list of the
information and options in the dialog box:

Server name: Name of the machine hosting the license server.

Server id: Computer id of the machine hosting the license server.
Software Internal software version number.
Build date: Internal software version build date.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 37

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Administration Listening port for the License Administration Tool.

Licensing The Licensing port: field is displayed in yellow, informing you that you can either accept
port: the default port number (4085) or set another port number.
Set Clicking this button opens the Administrative Credentials dialog box which lets you set
password... passwords required to administer your server using the License Administration Tool.
When the passwords are already present, the button name is Change passwords....
If needed, you must set the password by clicking the Set password... button and typing
the new password for full access mode:

Once you have set the password, an additional field appears in the upper area allowing you
to enter the current password for full access mode before modifying it. The field for entering
the password for restricted access mode is also activated, allowing you to set or modify
the password for restricted access mode, as illustrated:

38 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Remote Allows you to deny access, or grant restricted or full access to a license server from a
administration remote License Administration Tool installed on a remote computer.
Several License Administration Tool instances can be connected simultaneously to the
same license server. Only one License Administration Tool instance can have full
administration access to the license server: either the local License Administration Tool
or the first one that connects to the license server remotely.
Furthermore, a local License Administration Tool takes priority over one started on a
remote computer. When a local License Administration Tool connects to a local license
server, if another administration tool is already connected in full mode, it is disconnected.
This happens even if the License Administration Tool already connected is also a local
one, irrespective of whether the tool is running in GUI or CLI mode.
full: a remote License Administration Tool can connect to the license server and act
with the same privileges as if it was running locally. This mode allows you complete
control of the license server. Even if you have the right to fully administrate the license
server, you may decide to connect to the server in restricted mode if you do not intend
to make any modifications to the server. You connect to the server in this way using
the Servers - Connect restricted command.
This mode enables a remote License Administration Tool to connect to the license
server but only in restricted mode, even if no other administration tool is connected to
this license server.
You can only set the password for restricted access mode if the password for full access
mode has already been set.
Restricted mode features the following limitations:
- no modifications are allowed in the Server Configuration dialog box
- no licenses can be deleted using the License Administration tab
- no licenses can be recycled using the License Recycling tab

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 39

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

- creation and/or modification operations in the Authorizations tab are not allowed
- the dump buttons in the Monitoring tab are disabled.

none: remote administration is denied.

The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a local server or a remote server, and remote administration is fully authorized:

Connect Command Connect restricted


No password set No password requested No password requested

Only password for Full mode set Password for Full mode must be No password requested

Both Full and Restricted mode Password for Full mode must be Password for Full or Restricted
passwords set entered mode must be entered
If password for Restricted mode is
entered, connection is forced in
Restricted mode

The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a remote server, and remote administration is restricted:
Connection from remote tool Connection from remote tool
using Connect Command using Connect
restricted Command
No password set No password requested No password requested
Connection is forced in Restricted

Only password for Full mode set No password requested No password requested
Connection is forced in Restricted

Both Full and Restricted mode Password for Full or Restricted Password for Full or Restricted
passwords set mode must be entered mode must be entered
Connection is forced in Restricted

The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a remote server, and remote administration is denied:
Connection from remote tool Connection from remote tool
using Connect Command using Connect
restricted Command
No password set Connection denied Connection denied

Only password for Full mode set Connection denied Connection denied

Both Full and Restricted mode Connection denied Connection denied

passwords set

Mode is only taken into account at connection time. For example, if the mode is changed
from restricted to none, the remote tools already connected in restricted mode will stay

40 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Checkbox status is only taken into account once the license server has been activated.
Before activation, remote administration is allowed.
The License Administration Tool level must be higher than or equal to the license server

Note: There's no connection timeout between a License Administration Tool

remotely connected to a license server and this license server. However, if a network
problem occurs or if the License Administration Tool runs from a laptop which
disconnects, the connection between both processes is broken and the status in the
Server Definitions tab returns to . Once disconnected, the License Administration
Tool doesn't automatically reconnect to the license server(s).

Enable offline Check this box to enable offline license extraction when configuring the license server.
license This box is checked by default. Uncheck it to forbid offline license extraction.
Enable license Enables license usage statistics using the Statistics tab.
If you check this checkbox, the license server collects statistical data. If you uncheck it,
the license server will NOT collect statistical data, and data already collected will not be

Enable Enables automatic recycling of all named user licenses which have not been used for at
Automatic least 30 days.
Using the License Recycling tab, you can manually recycle a named user license tied to
a named user if this license has been used by this user for more than 30 days, and if the
terms of the license contract (user retirement, etc.) allow you to do so. Enabling automatic
recycling avoids manual license recycling.
Irrespective of whether this option is activated, the license server stores and displays the
last usage date of a given named user license in the Last used at field when detailed
license usage information is requested:

As soon as it is granted to a named user, the last usage value is set. The value is updated
every time the named user logs in or logs out (and also when internal heartbeats occur).
If you manually recycle a license, the last usage value is emptied.
The license server initiates automatic recycling every day at 00h00 UTC.
A license cannot be recycled if a given process is still using the license.
Casual usage named user licenses are not managed by this process: casual licenses are
already automatically recycled at the beginning of every month.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 41

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

The last usage value of offline named user licenses is initially set to the date of the extraction.
The date is updated:
at the exact time when the end of offline duration occurs
at the exact time the user extends the offline license
at the exact time the user manually returns the offline license.
If you install on top of a V6R2013x version or lower, the last usage value of all tied named
user licenses is initialized with the new installation date, and the last usage value of all
non-tied named user licenses is initialized to an empty value.
When a License Administration Tool manages a V6R2013x or lower license server, the
Last used at field normally displayed when detailed license usage information is
requested will not be displayed.

Note: Note the following limitation: if the license server is not running at 00h00
UTC, automatic recycling of named user licenses is not postponed until the license
server restart, but to the next 00h00 UTC.

License usage Displays the License Usage Tracing dialog box allowing you to select the licenses for
tracing... usage tracing:

This dialog box is only useful after importing licenses.

You have to select at least one license to activate usage tracing. You can select individual
licenses by checking the box next to the license(s), or select and unselect all the licenses
using the Select all licenses and Un-select all licenses buttons respectively.
If activated, the traces of license request and detach operations and timeouts are logged
and can be viewed using the Server Logs tab. Note that "timeout" means that the license
server detached the license itself, because it was not contacted by the licensing client during
the appropriate period.

42 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Note: Detaching of licenses granted to the Live Collaboration server is not traced
by default. Instead, timeouts appear for these licenses unless you set the following
in the enovia.ini file (Windows) or mxEnv.sh (UNIX). For more information
about this variable, see the Live Collaboration server documentation.

If the Select all licenses button is checked, then you enroll licenses for new features, the
new features and checkboxes will be added automatically, and the boxes will be checked,
which avoids having to access this dialog box again and click the Select all licenses button
If another License Administration Tool is already connected, the dialog box is in read-only
mode and the contents are grayed out.

Mail Displays the Mail Configuration dialog box allowing you to send license server event
configuration... notifications to specified mail addresses:

The fields are as follows:

SMTP server name: specify the name of the mail server to which the license server
will send notifications. By default, the SMTP port number is 25. But the port number
can be set to a different value, separated from the name by a colon (:). For example:
MySMTPserver:26. Note that SMTP servers requiring authentication and/or SSL
are not supported.
Recipients: specify the e-mail addresses to which to the notifications will be sent. You
can specify several e-mail addresses, each separated by commas (,).
Events: Mail notifications are available for the following types of events:
- when server starts: a notification is sent when the license server starts
- when server stops: a notification is sent when the license server stops
- when partition usage exceeds: the license server needs to regularly
write data in its data folder (C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes on
Windows, or /var/DassaultSystemes on UNIX). When there is no more
space in the data folder, the license server stops. Even if disk space may typically
already be monitored by other tools, you can configure your e-mail server to send
an e-mail to the license server administrator when the disk space is below a given

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 43

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

percentage. By default, this event is not triggered. The administrator has to activate
it, with an appropriate percentage value. The default is 80%. An event is sent once
this percentage has been reached, and every time an incremented or decremented
percentage exceeding the limit has been reached (for example, at 81%, 82% etc...).
- when licenses will expire: a notification is sent when a license is about
to expire. When several licenses are about to expire, only one notification is sent.
Notifications are sent at 1:00H AM server local time, each day the condition is still
valid. You can set the number of days prior to license expiration by adjusting the
slider to set a value between one and thirty days.

Every time a notification is sent, the information is also added to the server log.
The subject, content and footer in the notification of each event type can be customized by
clicking the ... button which displays the Mail Template dialog box, for example:

Click the Test button to send a mail notification to validate the SMTP server name and
e-mail addresses.

Server log Point to this option to display the path of the directory containing license server logs. The
directory full pathname is displayed in a tooltip, and can also be selected when clicking on it (or
double-clicking or triple-clicking). The path may be located either on the local machine or
on a remote machine. The server log directory path can only be set in command line mode
(using the -logDir option of the DSLicSrv batch command).
Standalone This option is checked by default and signifies that you are configuring a standalone server,
server not a server belonging to a failover cluster.
Refer to Configuring and Activating a Cluster in Failover Mode.

4. Set the licensing port number, then click the Apply button.
The Server Configuration dialog box now looks like this:

44 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

then click OK.

Pointing to the icon now displays the following message:

no license enrolled
For the moment, the license server is configured but not activated. You cannot use the license server until it
has been activated. To activate the license server, you must enroll a special license: the Activation license.
However, this license is typically embedded in the .LICZ file containing the product licenses, so you don't
have to manage it in a special way. If you have licenses for several editors, you will need several activation

5. Enroll the license as follows:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 45

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

a. Select the License - Enroll command or click the icon.

The Open dialog box is displayed.
b. Select the appropriate .LICZ file containing your licenses, then click the Open button.
License keys and their activation key are provided in the form of archive files named something like this
(with the .LICZ suffix):
The License Enrollment dialog box opens, containing messages confirming that the licenses have been
enrolled on your server:
License enroll starting
lw5ses1dsy: License enroll starting
Sending files to server lw5ses1dsy








lw5ses1dsy : 7 licenses received

c. Click OK.

The icon confirms that your server has been activated:

46 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

If you point to the icon, a tooltip like this will be displayed:

server lw5ses1dsy ( connected
confirming that your license server is up and running.

Note: Once you have configured and activated your server as a standalone server, you can no
longer change your mind and configure it as part of a failover cluster. This is why the corresponding
options are grayed out.

Warning: the Activation license included in .LICZ files with the product licenses is valid for only 30 days.
You must activate the license server within 30 days after having received the license file. If you need to
activate the server a second time, after the first 30 days, the original activation license included in the original
.LICZ file will no longer be valid, in which case another activation license included in another .LICZ file
is required. You only have to activate the license server once. The 30 days apply to the life of the activation
license, not to how long the license server remains active.

Configuring and Activating a Cluster in Failover Mode

This section explains how to configure and activate your license servers in failover mode.
When configuring the license server, you can configure the server:
as a standalone server
or in failover mode as a member of a cluster.
In the preceding section of this guide, you learned how to configure a license server in standalone mode.
These choices are mutually exclusive. Once you have configured the server in either standalone or failover mode,
you cannot modify your configuration. In particular, license keys are different.
Before you begin:
Before commencing this task, keep the following points in mind:
The objective of a failover configuration is to increase reliability, not capacity.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 47

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

You must install and start a license server on three different machines. A failover cluster of license servers is
composed of exactly 3 computers. The three machines can be any supported Windows or UNIX machines: they
do not have to be all Windows or all UNIX machines.
In order to maximize quality of service, we recommend that the three machines be on the same subnetwork.
At least two machines must be up and running and connected to each other in order to have a working failover
The three machines have the same role: there is no master/slave concept.
The three machines exchange messages every time license data is modified (for example, in case of new license
enrolled or license granted to a client). Only the modifications are transmitted and not all license data.
Each machine has its own log file management: the logs are not synchronized between failover members.
In our scenario, you will start the License Administration Tool on a license server on Windows, then build the cluster
using three existing UNIX machines.

1. On any machine on which a license server has been installed, launch the License Administration Tool if it
is not already launched.
In our scenario, this tool is launched from a computer which will not be part of the cluster, but it can also be
run from a future member of the cluster.

2. Create a connection to one of the license servers to be part of the cluster using the Servers > New... command.
3. Connect the License Administration Tool to the server.
You must connect to the server to be able to use it. If you point to the icon in the status column, next to
the computer name, a message like this will be displayed:
server xxx not connected
To connect to the server:
Select the Servers - Connect command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Connect command.

Or, you can also click the icon to connect all servers at the same time.
The status now looks like this:

48 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Pointing to the icon displays the following message:

licensing port not configured; check server properties
The columns available in the Server Definitions tab are:

Status Status of the license server.

Computer Name Name of the machine hosting the license server.
Computer ID Computer id of the machine hosting the license server.
Version Software version number.
Build Date Software version build date.
Operating System Operating system on which the license server is running.
Contains an optional comment enabling you, for example, to distinguish one license
server from another when several server definitions are displayed in the list.
To edit a comment, point to a line containing a server definition line, under the
Comment column, and double-click: an editable field with a cursor is displayed.
Enter the text, then click ENTER to validate.
The comment field supports NLS characters, including DBCS. A comment can
be added and modified even if the connection to the license server is not established
or is established in restricted mode. Editing comments does not modify the license
server itself, but only the license administration tool user settings.
In the case of a failover cluster, each member has its own comment field.

When several lines are present in the Server Definitions tab, you can select multiple lines (using Shift or
Control keys and left-clicking) to connect several servers at the same time, for example.
When selecting a failover, then connecting, the connection is made to the three members at once. If a password
has been set, it has to be entered only once. To connect to only one member, do not select (left-click) but just
display the contextual menu (right-click) then connect.
When you select then copy (using Ctrl-C) one or more lines, the fields copied can be pasted together in
any other text processing program (for example, Excel). You can also simply drag lines from the License
Administration Tool and drop them into another program, without the need to copy then paste.
You can also sort the lines in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the appropriate column title.

Note: Both techniques work also in any tab containing table-formatted data, such as the License
Administration tab, License Usage tab, Detailed License Usage dialog box, and License Recycling

When the Server Definitions tab contains several lines, by default, the lines are displayed in the order
according to the time at which the lines were added. The first line contains the first license server added. You
can change this default order by dragging and dropping a line:
click anywhere on the line you want to move to select it
click the line again, and hold then move the line to the appropriate location

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 49

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

release to drop the line at its new location: the next time you start the License Administration Tool, the
line will be displayed by default at its new location.

Note: You can only move one line at a time.

When you add a new server in the Server Definitions tab, by selecting the Servers > New... command
or right-clicking in the tab and selecting the Add new server command, it is added to the server list bar
and automatically pre-selected. This bar is displayed at the top of the following tabs: License Administration,
License Usage, License Recycling, Statistics and Geolocation.

4. Configure the license server.

Select the Servers - Property command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Property command.
Or, double-click the line containing the computer name.
The Server Configuration dialog box appears:

50 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

You do not have to set any other options for the moment, but for information purposes here is a list of the
information and options in the dialog box:

Server name: Name of the machine hosting the license server.

Server id: Computer id of the machine hosting the license server.
Software Internal DS License Server software version number.
Build date Internal software version build date.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 51

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Administration Listening port for the License Administration Tool.

Licensing The Licensing port: field is displayed in yellow, informing you that you can either accept
port: the default port number (4085) or set another port number.
Set Clicking this button opens the Administrative Credentials dialog box which lets you set
password... passwords required to administer your server using the License Administration Tool.
When the passwords are already present, the button name is Change passwords....
If needed, you must set the password by clicking the Set password... button and typing
the new password for full access mode:

Once you have set the password, an additional field appears in the upper area allowing you
to enter the current password for full access mode before modifying it. The field for entering
the password for restricted access mode is also activated, allowing you to set or modify
the password for restricted access mode, as illustrated:

52 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Remote Allows you to deny access, or grant restricted or full access to a cluster in failover mode
administration from a remote License Administration Tool installed on a remote computer.
Furthermore, a local License Administration Tool takes priority over one started on a
remote computer. When a local License Administration Tool connects to a local cluster,
if another administration tool is already connected in full mode, it is disconnected. This
happens even if the License Administration Tool already connected is also a local one,
irrespective of whether the tool is running in GUI or CLI mode.
The three modes are:
full: a remote License Administration Tool can connect to the cluster and act with
the same privileges as if it was running locally. This mode allows you complete control
of the cluster.
A failover cluster is considered as a single logical server. Consequently, only one
License Administration Tool can be connected in full mode to the failover. In other
words, only one License Administration Tool gets full access to the three failover
members at a given time.
When a remote License Administration Tool is connected in full mode to one of
failover members:
- no other tool can connect to this member
- no other tool can connect to both other members
- only the remote tool connected in full mode to one member (or a local tool) can
connect to both other members.
When a local License Administration Tool connects to one failover member, it
- the remote tool connected in full mode to this member (if any)
- the other local tool connected to this member (if any)
- the remote tools connected in full mode to both other members (if any)
- the local tools connected to both other members (if any).

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Even if you have the right to fully administrate the cluster, you may decide to connect
to the cluster in restricted mode if you do not intend to make any modifications to the
cluster. You connect to the cluster in this way using the Servers - Connect
restricted command.
The Servers - Connect all command connects to all the members of a cluster
and only prompts you once to enter the cluster password.
This mode enables a remote License Administration Tool to connect to the cluster
but only in restricted mode, even if no other administration tool is connected to this
You can only set the password for restricted access mode if the password for full access
mode has already been set.
Restricted mode features the following limitations:
- no modifications are allowed in the Server Configuration dialog box
- no licenses can be deleted using the License Administration tab
- no licenses can be recycled using the License Recycling tab
- creation and/or modification operations in the Authorizations tab are not allowed
- the dump buttons in the Monitoring tab are disabled.

none: remote administration is denied, except from both other members, for which full
access is always granted.
The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a local cluster or a remote cluster, and remote administration is fully

Connect Command Connect restricted


No password set No password requested No password requested

Only password for Full mode set Password for Full mode must be No password requested

Both Full and Restricted mode Password for Full mode must be Password for Full or Restricted
passwords set entered mode must be entered
If password for Restricted mode is
entered, connection is forced in
Restricted mode

The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a remote cluster, and remote administration is restricted:
Connection from remote tool Connection from remote tool
using Connect Command using Connect
restricted Command
No password set No password requested No password requested
Connection is forced in Restricted

Only password for Full mode set No password requested No password requested
Connection is forced in Restricted

54 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Connection from remote tool Connection from remote tool

using Connect Command using Connect
restricted Command
Both Full and Restricted mode Password for Full or Restricted Password for Full or Restricted
passwords set mode must be entered mode must be entered
Connection is forced in Restricted

The following table summarizes which passwords are requested at connection time when
administering a remote cluster, and remote administration is denied:
Connection from remote tool Connection from remote tool
using Connect Command using Connect
restricted Command
No password set Connection denied Connection denied

Only password for Full mode set Connection denied Connection denied

Both Full and Restricted mode Connection denied Connection denied

passwords set

Mode is only taken into account at connection time. For example, if the mode is changed
from restricted to none, the remote tools already connected in restricted mode will stay
Checkbox status is only taken into account once the license server has been activated.
Before activation, remote administration is allowed.
The License Administration Tool level must be higher than or equal to the license server

Note: There's no connection timeout between a License Administration Tool

remotely connected to a license server and this license server. However, if a network
problem occurs or if the License Administration Tool runs from a laptop which
disconnects, the connection between both processes is broken and the status in the
Server Definitions tab returns to . Once disconnected, the License Administration
Tool doesn't automatically reconnect to the license server(s).

Enable license Enables license usage statistics using the Statistics tab.
If you check this checkbox, the license server collects statistical data. If you uncheck it,
the license server will NOT collect statistical data, and data already collected will not be

Enable Enables automatic recycling of all named user licenses which have not been used for at
Automatic least 30 days.
Using License Recycling tab, you can manually recycle a named user license tied to a
named user if this license has been used by this user for more than 30 days, and if the terms
of the license contract (user retirement, etc.) allow you to do so. Enabling automatic
recycling avoids manual license recycling.
Irrespective of whether this option is activated, the license server stores and displays the
last usage date of a given named user license in the Last used at field when detailed
license usage information is requested:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

As soon as it is granted to a named user, the last usage value is set. The value is updated
every time the named user logs in or logs out (and also when internal heartbeats occur).
If you manually recycle a license, the last usage value is emptied.
The license server initiates automatic recycling every day at 00h00 UTC. In the context of
a failover cluster, the action is triggered on each member, and is not propagated to the
others. If a member is down at 00h00 UTC, the action cannot be triggered on this member.
But when this member restarts, it will get appropriate data from the other members during
startup synchronization in the usual way.
A license cannot be recycled if a given process is still using the license.
Casual usage named user licenses are not managed by this process: casual licenses are
already automatically recycled at the beginning of every month.
The last usage value of offline named user licenses is initially set to the date of the extraction.
The date is updated:
at the exact time when the end of offline duration occurs
at the exact time the user extends the offline license
at the exact time the user manually restitutes the offline license.
If you install on top of V6R2013x or a lower version, the last usage value of all tied named
user licenses is initialized with the new installation date, and the last usage value of all
non-tied named user licenses is initialized to an empty value.
When a License Administration Tool manages a V6R2013 or lower license server, the
Last used at field normally displayed when detailed license usage information is
requested will not be displayed.

Note: Note the following limitation: if the license server is not running at 00h00
UTC, automatic recycling of named user licenses is not postponed until the license
server restart, but to the next 00h00 UTC.

License usage Displays the License Usage Tracing dialog box allowing you to select the licenses for
tracing... usage tracing:

56 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

You have to select at least one license to activate usage tracing. You can select individual
licenses by checking the box next to the license(s), or select and unselect all the licenses
using the Select all licenses and Un-select all licenses buttons respectively.
If activated, the traces of license request and detach operations and timeouts are logged
and can be viewed using the Server Logs tab. Note that "timeout" means that the license
server detached the license itself, because it was not contacted by the licensing client during
the appropriate period.

Note: Detaching of licenses granted to the Live Collaboration server is not traced
by default. Instead, timeouts appear for these licenses unless you set the following
in the enovia.ini file (Windows) or mxEnv.sh (UNIX). For more information
about this variable, refer to the Live Collaboration server documentation.

If the Select all licenses button is checked, then you enroll licenses for new features, the
new features and checkboxes will be added automatically checkboxes, and the boxes will
be checked, which avoids having to access this dialog box again and click the Select all
licenses button again.
If another License Administration Tool is already connected, the dialog box is in read-only
mode and the contents are grayed out.

Mail Displays the Mail Configuration dialog box allowing you to send license server event
configuration... notifications to specified mail addresses:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

The fields are as follows:

SMTP server name: specify the name of the mail server to which the license server
will send notifications. By default, the SMTP port number is 25. But the port number
can be set to a different value, separated from the name by a colon (:). For example:
MySMTPserver:26. Note that SMTP servers requiring authentication and/or SSL
are not supported.
Recipients: specify the e-mail addresses to which to the notifications will be sent. You
can specify several e-mail addresses, each separated by commas (,).
Events: Mail notifications are available for the following types of events:
- when server starts: a notification is sent when the license server starts
- when server stops: a notification is sent when the license server stops
- when partition usage exceeds: the license server needs to regularly
write data in its data folder (C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes on
Windows, or /var/DassaultSystemes on UNIX). When there's no more
space in the data folder, the license server stops. Even if disk space may typically
already be monitored by other tools, you can configure your e-mail server to send
an e-mail to the license server administrator when the disk space is below a given
percentage. By default, this event is not triggered. The administrator has to activate
it, with an appropriate percentage value. The default is 80%. An event is sent once
this percentage has been reached, and every time an incremented or decremented
percentage exceeding the limit has been reached (for example, at 81%, 82% etc...).
In the context of a failover, each member is monitored individually.
- when failover member is isolated: in a failover configuration, a
notification can optionally be sent when a member cannot connect to both other
members for a given number of minutes. The default value is 5mins. and can be set
from 1min. to 60mins, in 1min. increments. The notification is sent by the isolated
member, not by the other two members. If the issue is related to the network itself,
the notification might not be received by the SMTP server. The notification is sent
only once while the member is isolated, no matter how long the member remains
- when licenses will expire: a notification is sent when a license is about
to expire. When several licenses are about to expire, only one notification is sent.
Notifications are sent at 1:00H AM server local time, each day the condition is still
valid. You can set the number of days prior to license expiration by adjusting the
slider to set a value between one and thirty days. In a failover configuration, one

58 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

notification is sent by each member, so three notifications will be received for the
same event.

Every time a notification is sent, the information is also added to the server log.
The subject, content and footer in the notification of each event type can be customized by
clicking the ... button which displays the Mail Template dialog box, for example:

Click the Test button to send a mail notification to validate the SMTP server and e-mail

Server log Point to this option to display the path of the directory containing license server logs. The
directory path may be located either on the local machine or on a remote machine. The server log
directory path can only be set in command line mode (using the -logDir option of the
DSLicSrv batch command).
Standalone This option is checked by default and signifies that you are configuring a standalone server,
server not a server belonging to a failover cluster.
Failover Check this option to configure the server as member of a cluster in failover mode.

5. Set the Failover port: number.

The default is 4086.
6. Check the Failover cluster option.
The lower section of the Server Configuration dialog box now looks like this:

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7. Specify the remaining server names.

A failover cluster comprises three server names. Note that your server name and its server id are already
declared. As you type in the names of the other two servers, the names appear in red while the software
checks that the server machines exist. The letters are then displayed normally once the existence of the server
machine has been checked.
Once you have defined three valid members, a ... button is displayed after each server id.
8. Click the Apply button.
The Server Configuration dialog box now looks like this (note the presence of the ... button after each server

Click one of the ... buttons. The Modify Cluster Member dialog box appears:

For more information about modifying your cluster, refer to Maintaining Continuous Failover Cluster

60 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

9. Click the OK button.

The License Administration Tool now contains the following:

The cluster is represented as a single connection comprising three machines. The first machine (in bold) is
connected, the others (not in bold) are not connected.

10. Enroll the license for the cluster.

Pointing to the icon now displays the following message:

No license enrolled
For the moment, the failover cluster has been created and configured but not activated. You cannot use the
failover cluster until it has been activated. To activate it, you must enroll your product license .LICZ file
which contains the Activation license.

Note: Note that this is a special failover cluster license. When ordering the failover cluster license,
you must provide the computer id of each of the three machines.

a. Select the License - Enroll command or click the icon.

The Open dialog box is displayed.
b. Select the appropriate .LICZ file containing your licenses, then click the Open button.
License keys and their activation key are provided in the form of archive files named something like this
(with the .LICZ suffix):
The License Enrollment dialog box opens, confirming that the server has been activated and cluster
licenses have been enrolled on your server.
c. Click the OK button.
The green background confirms that your failover cluster has been activated and is now up and running:

If you point to the green background, a message like this will be displayed:
cluster is up
confirming that your failover cluster is up and running.

Note: Once you have configured and activated your cluster, you can no longer change your mind
and try to configure one of the three machines as a standalone server. This is why the corresponding
options are grayed out when you display the cluster properties:

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Enrolling the licenses on one cluster member also enrolls them automatically on the other cluster members.
11. Consult the Status column to evaluate cluster status.
The first server name is in bold because you connected to it when building the failover cluster. The other
server names are not in bold: they are members of the cluster but you have not connected to them.
Note that the presence of a server in a cluster does not stop you from being able to connect to it to benefit
from the other services provided by the License Administration Tool not directly involved in cluster license
management, for example logging and monitoring.
A symbol like this:

displayed in certain tabs indicates that a cluster is present. Servers to which you are connected are in bold.
Check the option button to use the relevant function with the cluster.
Furthermore, in certain tabs, the servers can be chosen from a pull-down list. The list contains servers to
which you are connected.
The meaning of colors and symbols is described in the following table:
Symbol Meaning

The cluster member is connected to the License Administration Tool.

The cluster member is connected to the License Administration Tool in read-only mode.

The cluster member is NOT connected to the License Administration Tool.

A communications link has been established between two members of the cluster.

? No information is available about the communication status between both members. Connect to at
least one of both members to determine the status of this particular link.

A green background indicates that the cluster is up and running. At least two links exist.

A yellow background indicates that the cluster is up and running, but indicate that there is a problem:
only one link exists. For example, one of the three servers may be unreachable for a variety of reasons,

62 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Symbol Meaning
but the cluster remains up and running as long as at least two servers can exchange information
between them.

Red icons indicate IN ALL CASES that the cluster is down. No links exist.

The following table illustrates some typical examples of cluster status symbols that may be displayed during
cluster operation:
This symbol... means that...

You have not connected to a cluster member: cluster status is undetermined.

The cluster is up and running. One of the servers is connected to the other two, but we don't know if these
two servers are inter-connected or not. Not enough information exists about the link between the
non-connected servers.

The cluster is still up and running but one of the servers is not linked to any other (maybe it was shut
down or is unreachable over the network for some reason or other). Even though two up and running
servers are enough to keep the cluster up, if another server goes down, the cluster will go down also.

The cluster is down: no links exist.

In case one failover member goes down and can no longer start, it is possible to get failover data (configuration
and license keys) from one of the remaining working members of the cluster:
1. Ensure that remote administration is enabled on working members
2. Ensure that no password is set on working members.
3. Run the following command on the member which refuses to start:
DSLicSrv -initServer -adminPort AdminPortNumber -fromHost
WorkingMemberName -force
where AdminPortNumber is the administration listening port number and WorkingMemberName
is the name of one of the remaining working cluster members from which you retrieve the failover data.
4. Start the license server on this computer.

Maintaining Continuous Failover Cluster Operation

This section describes the different operations you can perform following failure of one of the members of a DS
License Server cluster, without having to stop the cluster.
In the event of a hardware failure involving a member of a DS License Server failover cluster, the cluster remains
active, and it is not necessary to stop the cluster in order to replace the failed member by a new one.

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Remember that, if one of the three members of a failover cluster goes down, the failover itself remains active
and can continue to serve licensing clients without interruption. The status of the failover is yellow in the License
Administration Tool.
Even if the replacement can be planned, the fact that the failover cluster is down even only for a few minutes
can impact operations. You can perform the following actions for the failed member, to restore the failover status
to green, without stopping the failover cluster:
replace a failover member
change the hostname of a failover member
replace the network card hosting the computerID of a failover member
repair a corrupted license server database of a failover member.

Note: Once a computer has been excluded from a failover cluster, it has to be re-initialized in order to
be re-used as a standalone server or as a member of a failover (even if it is the same as before).

Replace a Failover Member

Before you begin: In the following scenario, let's assume you have a failover cluster with the following three
cluster members, M1, M2 and M3:
M1: iclin1plp
M2: icaix1plp
M3: iclin3plp
Let's assume member M1 is broken and must be replaced with member M4.

1. Install a DS License Server from scratch on member M4.

2. Do not configure M4.
3. Obtain replacement failover license keys for the computer IDs M2, M3 and M4.
4. From failover member M2, start the License Administration Tool.
5. In the Server Configuration dialog box for your cluster, click the ... button after member M1:

The Modify Cluster Member dialog box appears.

6. Check the option Replace computer with and enter the name of M4, for example nuq32plp, which will
replace computer iclin1plp, as illustrated below:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Then, click the OK button.

The following warning is displayed:
Warning: Enrolled licenses will be invalidated within 24 hours. You should be ready after this operation to
enroll a full set of licenses. Do you want to proceed?
Click the Yes button.
Your modified cluster now contains the following members:
M4: nuq32plp
M2: icaix1plp
M3: iclin3plp

7. Enroll new licenses generated for the cluster nuq32plp-icaix1plp-iclin3plp.

New cluster licenses are needed because one of the three computerIDs in the failover cluster has changed.
For practical reasons, we strongly recommend that you obtain the new licenses BEFORE changing the
computerID of a cluster member.

Note: Keep in mind that as long as two members are active, the failover cluster remains operational.
As soon as one computerID of the failover is changed, the cluster remains up but the old licenses are
considered still valid for a maximum duration of 24 hours only. The new licenses containing the
replacement computerID must be enrolled during this 24-hour period. Obtaining the new licenses
before is critical.

After enrolling the new licenses, your new cluster licenses are Active:

Right-click the old licenses and select Delete to delete them.

At any time during these steps, licensing clients were able to receive licenses.

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Rename a Member
Before you begin: In the following scenario, let's assume you have a failover cluster with the following three
cluster members, M1, M2 and M3:
M1: icwvc1plp
M2: icaix1plp
M3: icw8s4plp
Let's assume you need to rename M1 from icwvc1plp to icw7c1plp.

1. Stop failover cluster member M1 icwvc1plp.

2. Rename M1 and restart the computer.
3. Install a DS License Server from scratch on member M1.
4. Do not configure M1.
5. From failover member M2, start the License Administration Tool.
6. In the Server Configuration dialog box for your cluster, click the ... button after member M1:

The Modify Cluster Member dialog box appears.

7. Check the option Change computer name and enter the name of computer icw7c1plp as illustrated below:

Then, click the OK button.

Your modified cluster now contains the following members:
M1: icw7c1plp
M2: icaix1plp

66 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

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M3: icw8s4plp

Note: This scenario can also be useful if you want to change hardware but keep the network card on
the replaced computer.

Note: You do not need new license keys because the three computer IDs remain the same.

Replace the Network Card of a Failover Member

Before you begin: In the following scenario, let's assume you have a failover cluster with the following three
cluster members, M1, M2 and M3:
M1: icwvc1plp
M2: icaix1plp
M3: icw8s4plp

1. Stop failover member M1 and replace the network card of M1 with a new network card.
2. Install a DS License Server from scratch on member M1.
3. Do not configure M1.
4. Obtain replacement failover license keys for the computer IDs M1, M2 and M3.
5. From failover member M2, start the License Administration Tool.
6. In the Server Configuration dialog box for your cluster, click the ... button after member M1:

The Modify Cluster Member dialog box appears.

7. Check the option Update computer id as illustrated below:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

Then, click the OK button.

The following warning is displayed:
Warning: Enrolled licenses will be invalidated within 24 hours. You should be ready after this operation to
enroll a full set of licenses. Do you want to proceed?
Click the Yes button.
Your cluster will be updated with a new computer id for member M1.
8. Enroll new licenses generated for the cluster.
New cluster licenses are needed because one of the three computerIDs in the failover cluster has changed.
For practical reasons, we strongly recommend that you obtain the new licenses BEFORE changing the
computerID of a cluster member.

Note: Keep in mind that as long as two members are active, the failover cluster remains operational.
As soon as one computerID of the failover is changed, the cluster remains up but the old licenses are
considered still valid for a maximum duration of 24 hours only. The new licenses containing the
replacement computerID must be enrolled during this 24-hour period. Obtaining the new licenses
before is critical.

After enrolling the new licenses, your new cluster licenses are Active:

Right-click the old licenses and select Delete to delete them.

At any time during these steps, licensing clients were able to receive licenses.

Repair Corrupted Data of a Member

Before you begin: In the following scenario, let's assume you have a failover cluster with the following three
cluster members, M1, M2 and M3:

68 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

M1: nuq32plp
M2: icaix1plp
M3: iclin3plp
Let's also assume that license data on cluster member M2 is corrupted.

1. Stop failover cluster member M2.

2. Install a DS License Server from scratch on member M2.
3. Do not configure M2.
4. From failover member M1, start the License Administration Tool.
5. In the Server Configuration dialog box for your cluster, click the ... button after member M2:

The Modify Cluster Member dialog box appears.

6. Check the option Repair computer as illustrated below:

Click the OK button to repair the corrupted data.

Note: You do not need new license keys because the three computer IDs remain the same.

Starting and Stopping the DS License Server

Tools are provided to start and stop the DS License Server.

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

1. The first and simplest way is to use the standard Windows Services management tool and stop the DS License
Server Windows service.
When you installed the DS License Server, a Windows service named DS License Server was created and
configured automatically to start the license server. The service guarantees that the DS License Server is
always started automatically when you log on:

Since the DS License Server complies with Windows Service standards, you can also start and stop the DS
License Server service using the following commands in an elevated command prompt:
net start "DS License Server"
net stop "DS License Server"
Information and errors related to the DS License Server service are logged in the Windows event log and
can be viewed using the Event Viewer, under License Server in the Source column in the Application section,
as illustrated below:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

2. Additionally, particularly when you are administering a remote license server, to stop the license server, you
can also select Start - All Programs - DS License Server - License Server
Administration to launch the License Administration Tool if it is not already launched:

3. Connect to the license server by pointing to the icon, right-clicking and selecting the Connect command:

4. Select the Servers - Stop command and select the server name.

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm that you want to stop the server:

5. Click OK.
You are immediately disconnected from the server:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

If you try to connect to the server, the following dialog box appears:

prompting you to check the server hostname and port number, and to check if the server is running, which
is not the case, because it has just been stopped. Click OK to access the license server configuration parameters
enabling you to check the server hostname and port number. Click Cancel to exit.
If you access the Windows services and refresh the list, you will notice that the DS License Server service
has been stopped.

Note: The License Administration Tool remains active because you can use it to connect to a remote
server even if your local license server has been stopped.

6. To start the license server again, restart the DS License Server using the Windows Services GUI tool.

Note: On UNIX, start the license server by running the following command, for example on
and stop the license server using the command:

or the Servers - Stop command using the License Administration Tool.

Configuring Clients
Once your license server is up and running, and your licenses have been enrolled, you must configure the license

1. On Windows, on each client computer, create the following directory:

On UNIX, create the following directory:

2. Go to the directory and create an ANSI file (multi-bytes such as UNICODE are not supported) named:

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

3. Edit the file to declare the license server to which the client can connect.
The syntax of the declaration is as follows:
The server name can be declared as:
a simple hostname, for example: lw5ses1dsy:4085
a full qualified domain name, for example: lw5ses1dsy.dsy.com:4085
an IPV4 address, for example:
an IPV6 address, for example: [2a00:4b00:220:172::103]:4085
The port number is the license server listening port, not the administration port.
Note that if the license server is on the same computer as the client computer, you must use the special
keyword localhost instead of the computer name, for example:

Note: The syntax for failover servers is different. The three failover servers must all be referenced
on the same line as follows:
By default, load balancing of the three failover members is performed automatically by the licensing
client code. At startup, the licensing client process selects randomly the failover member to contact
from the three members declared. If the first selected member is down, the second member is randomly
selected, and so forth. This ensures that the three members are statistically contacted by the same
number of clients and results in automatic load balancing on the three members.
However, it is also possible to specify the order of priority in which failover members are contacted
by the licensing client, replacing randomization by an explicit order defined by the administrator. This
can be useful in the following cases, for example if:
one member is more (or less) powerful than the others
one member is located much closer to (or further from) the licensing clients than the others
one member cannot be reached due to proxy constraints
one member is temporarily down.
Note that you cannot mix both automatic and manual configurations: in other words, the three failover
members are either randomly accessed or are accessed through the specified order. So you cannot, for
example, declare the first member then set random access to the remaining two members.
To explicitly specify an order of priority order between the failover members, use the following
instead of:
which is reserved for automatic load balancing.
The following declaration is valid, for example:

4. If several logical (i.e. standalone or failover) license servers need to be accessed, add a new line for each
logical license server.

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Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

In this context, when a client requests a license and this license is not already granted by one of the declared
logical servers, then the order in which the logical license servers is declared is observed: if a license is
available on the first declared logical server, this one is taken; if not, if a license is available on the second
declared logical server, then this one is taken, and so forth.
5. Optionally, check that the file is correctly configured.
The license client-side DSCheckLS command parses the DSLicSrv.txt file to check license server
availability, and reports errors if, for example, the file is incorrectly configured. For more information, see
the documentation of your license client product.

Communicating through Forward and Reverse Proxies

The machine hosting the License Administration Tool can communicate with a license server located behind
a forward proxy, and the license client and the License Administration Tool can communicate with a license
server located behind a reverse proxy, as explained in the following sections.

Implement a Forward Proxy for the License Administration Tool

The machine hosting the License Administration Tool can communicate with a license server located behind
a forward proxy.

1. Configure the forward proxy in HTTPS mode.

Note: All of the following configuration examples reflect the configuration of an Apache 2.2 forward
proxy, purely for illustration purposes, and are in no way intended to reflect other proxy configurations.

Add the following lines to the httpd.conf file:

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
AllowCONNECT 4084 4085
where the AllowCONNECT command references the licensing and administration tool ports.
2. Start the License Administration Tool.
3. Select the Servers - New command.
The License Server Connection Parameters dialog box appears:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 75

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

4. Enter the name of the license server (the name of the machine hosting the server, typically), set the listening
port number (default is 4084), then check the option Use a proxy server and enter the proxy name and proxy
port number, then click OK.

The License Administration Tool can now communicate with a license server located behind a forward proxy.

Implement a Reverse Proxy for the DS License Server

The license client and the License Administration Tool can also communicate with a license server located
behind a reverse proxy.

1. Configure the reverse proxy in HTTPS mode and map the communications between the reverse proxy and
the license server.
The maps are:
https://myreverseproxyname:443/DSLS/client https://mylicenseserver:4085/DSLS/client
https://myreverseproxyname:443/DSLS/admin https://mylicenseserver:4084/DSLS/admin

76 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

where myreverseproxyname is the reverse proxy hostname and mylicenseserver is the license
server hostname.

Note: All of the following configuration examples reflect the configuration of an Apache 2.2 reverse
proxy, purely for illustration purposes, and are in no way intended to reflect other reverse proxy

Uncomment the following lines in the reverse proxy configuration file (httpd.conf):
#LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
#LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
#Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
#Include conf/extra/httpd-default.conf
then edit the httpd-default.conf file and reset the value of the KeepAliveTimeout parameter:
KeepAliveTimeout 5
to a more appropriate value, for example:
KeepAliveTimeout 60
Add the following lines in the SSL configuration file for the reverse proxy (httpd-ssl.conf), before
the </VirtualHost> tag:
SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPass /DSLS/client https://mylicenseserver:4085/DSLS/client
ProxyPassReverse /DSLS/client https://mylicenseserver:4085/DSLS/client

ProxyPass /DSLS/admin https://mylicenseserver:4084/DSLS/admin

ProxyPassReverse /DSLS/admin https://mylicenseserver:4084/DSLS/admin
where mylicenseserver is the name of your license server.
Install your own certificate or a self-signed certificate you can generate by following the instructions on this
This certificate will be presented by the reverse proxy to the license client and the License Administration
2. Configure all licensing client computers to point to the reverse proxy.
To do so, add the following declaration to the DSLicSrv.txt file on each licensing client:
where myreverseproxyname is the reverse proxy name and 443 is the proxy port number (443 by
3. If you also want the License Administration Tool to be able to cross the reverse proxy, configure the License
Administration Tool to point to the reverse proxy.
To do so, start the License Administration Tool, and select the Servers - New command. When the
License Server Connection Parameters dialog box appears:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 77

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

specify the reverse proxy hostname (rever1dsy in our example) in the License server name field (instead
of the license server name), and set the SSL port number (443 by default) in the Administration port field,
for example like this:

Only check the Use a proxy server option if you are also using a forward proxy.

Note: If you are using a failover cluster, you need to set up three ports on the reverse proxy,
corresponding to the three license servers. For example, the DSLicSrv.txt file on each licensing
client may contain in this case:
myreverseproxy:443, myreverseproxy:444, myreverseproxy:445

Once the reverse proxy has been implemented, there are two different names for the servers displayed in the
License Administration and License Recycle tabs and in the detailed view in the License Usage tab. The
name of the reverse proxy is displayed at the top, and the real license server name is displayed below, for

78 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring the DS License Server and Clients

The licensing clients and the License Administration Tool can now communicate with a license server located
behind a reverse proxy.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 79

Managing Licenses

Managing Licenses
This section explains how to manage licenses.

Enrolling Licenses
Once your license server has been configured and activated, you can enroll your licenses.

1. Select Start - All Programs - DS License Server - License Server

Administration to launch the License Administration Tool if it is not already launched:

2. Connect to the server.

To connect to the server:
Select the Servers - Connect command and select the server name from the list.
Or, point to the icon, right click and select the Connect command.

Or, you can also click the icon to connect all servers at the same time.

The icon confirms that your server is operational:

80 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

3. Enroll your licenses as follows:

a. Select the License - Enroll command or click the icon.

The Open dialog box is displayed.
b. Go to the directory containing your licenses and select the appropriate licenses, then click the Open
Note that you may receive either individual license keys (which are in files with the obsolete .LIC extension),
or license keys grouped in a single file (which has the .LICZ extension). With a .LICZ group of license
keys, you enroll all the licenses at the same time.
A .LICZ file will be named something like this (with the .LICZ suffix):
The License Enrollment dialog box opens, informing you that license enrollment has been started, followed
by confirmation that your licenses have been successfully enrolled on your server:
License enroll starting
lw5ses1dsy: License enroll starting
Sending files to server lw5ses1dsy







DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 81

Managing Licenses


lw5ses1dsy : 7 licenses received

4. Click OK to return to the License Administration Tool.

The icon confirms that your server has been activated:

If you point to the icon, a tooltip like this will be displayed:

server lw5ses1dsy ( connected
confirming that your license server is up and running.

Note: Once you have configured and activated your server as a standalone server, you can no longer
change your mind and configure it as part of a failover cluster. This is why the corresponding options
are grayed out.

Administering Licenses
You can perform simple license administration tasks on licenses after enrolling them.

1. Click the License Administration tab:

82 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

2. Check the check box next to the desired server name (there may be several server names) to view the licenses
enrolled on that server.
The licenses you enrolled are listed:

A tool tip is displayed on the vertical scrollbar to display the total number of lines and the range of lines
Time values displayed in UTC.

3. Right-click a license and select the Save command to save a single license. If the license belongs to a
replacement group, all lines corresponding to this group are automatically selected, and all lines selected will
be saved as a whole.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 83

Managing Licenses

Note: Note that in the vast majority of cases, your licenses will be shipped as license groups.

4. Right-click a license and select the Delete command to delete the license. If the license belongs to a
replacement group, all lines corresponding to this group are automatically selected, and all lines selected will
be deleted as a whole.
5. Click the Display superseded licenses button if you wish to list licenses belonging to a replacement group
which is not the highest. Click again to revert back to the default (Hide superseded licenses).
This button is grayed out if no superseded licenses exist.
If you want to delete these superseded licenses, select all the lines with Superseded status, then right-click
and select the Delete command.
6. Click the Save all licenses... button to save all licenses to a separate directory of your choice.
7. The next button to the right displays one of three choices, depending on the context:
if any licenses have expired, and can be removed, the Remove expired licenses button will be displayed.
Click this button to remove any licenses from the list which have expired. This option is grayed out in
read-only mode (when another License Administration Tool is connected).
click the Hide expired licenses button to hide from the GUI the expired licenses belonging to a replacement
group containing non-expired licenses and which cannot be removed. Expired licenses belonging to a
replacement group can be removed only if all licenses in this group have expired, since a replacement
group can only be removed as a whole.
click the Display expired licenses button to display the expired licenses belonging to replacement groups
also containing non-expired licenses.
When the button remains grayed out, no licenses have expired.
8. Click the Select columns... button to choose which columns to display in the tab.
The Select Columns dialog box is displayed:

84 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

The columns you can display are:

Status The license status can be:

Active: the license has been enrolled and is valid
Expired: the license validity date has expired. The line appears in red.
Not yet available: the license has been enrolled, but its validity date
has not yet been reached. The line appears in blue.
Invalid: replacement group has been partially enrolled. You have to
remove it and re-enroll it properly. The line appears in red.
Superseded: the license is no longer available, because a replacement
group with the same License ID and a higher Group Index has been
enrolled. Expired and Not yet available status are not valued for
Superseded licenses. If desired, superseded licenses can be safely deleted
by right-clicking on them. By default, line is not displayed.

Server Name of the license server.

Editor The editor can be, for example:
Dassault Systemes
Dassault Systemes V5

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 85

Managing Licenses

Dassault Systemes V4.

Model Licensing model with which the license complies:


Feature Feature name, such as product trigram (for example, MD2) or custom
Quantity Number of licenses enrolled.
Start Date Date from which the license is valid.
End Date Date after which the license is no longer valid.
Duration License validity duration (in hours).
Max Release Number Feature release level authorized by the license. Only licensing clients having
a release level lower or equal to this number are allowed. The Max Release
Number can be equal to 0. In this case, the license server does not perform
any check related to release number: the license can be granted whatever the
release level of the licensing client.
Max Release Date Client release date authorized by the license. Only licensing clients having a
release date lower or equal to this number are allowed.
Max Usage Duration Displays one of two values:
the value is "0" for a full named user license
the value is "40" for a casual usage named user license. The value
corresponds to the number of hours the license can be used by a given named
user during a given month.

Max Usage Period Displays one of two values:

the value is "0" for a full named user license
the value is "1" for a casual usage named user license.

License Type Type of license enrolled on the license server, depending on how your license
server is configured:
Floating (for standalone license servers)
Failover (for failover clusters).

Commercial Type Commercial types are:

STD (for standard commercial licenses)
DEMO (for demonstration licenses)
EDU (for educational licenses).

License ID This character string is the license identifier. A license ID can exist either for
a single feature or a group of features.
Group Index License replacement group index. For a given License ID, the highest
number is active and the other numbers are superseded (if they have not been

86 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

File Index Number of a particular feature in the replacement group.

File Quantity Number of individual features included in the replacement group.
Computer ID Computer ID of the machine hosting the license server.
Computer Name Name of the computer hosting the license server (when available).
Customer Site License owner.
Customer Country Country of license owner (3-letter international code).
Customer ID License owner ID.
Generation Date Date on which the license was generated.
Generator Company which generated the license.
Generator ID ID of the company which generated the license.
Editor ID Editor ID.
Additional Info Optionally used for specific needs.

What are License Replacement Groups?

The Group Index column displays the license replacement group index.
A given license id can exist either for a single feature or a group of features.
When you enroll the feature licenses for a given license ID and for the first time, the number in the Group
Index column is set to "0", and the Status is Active. When your licensing needs evolve, you may need to replace
an existing feature or group of features referenced by the same license ID. This is referred to as a license
replacement group. When you enroll the new license replacement group for the same license ID:
the Status of the previous license changes to Superseded and is no longer displayed. If you wish to display
superseded replacement groups, click on the Display superseded licenses button. To gain useful space, after
a given period of validation, we recommend that you remove superseded licenses.
a new line containing the same license ID is added, the number in the Group Index column is incremented,
and the status of the license is Active.

Getting Information About License Usage

The License Usage tab allows you to monitor license usage.

1. Select Start - (All) Programs - DS License Server - License Server

Administration to launch the License Administration Tool if it is not already launched.
2. Connect to the server.
3. Click the License Usage tab.
Based on the licenses previously enrolled, the License Usage tab looks like this:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 87

Managing Licenses

You can sort columns by clicking on the column headers. If you want to sub-sort several columns, press the
Ctrl key while clicking.
A tool tip is displayed on the vertical scrollbar to display the total number of lines and the range of lines

Editor Dassault Systemes, for example.

Feature Trigram of the product or custom configuration license. Keep in mind that the
license can be a named user license, a concurrent user license or a token license.
In use The number of licenses currently being used for a particular feature.
Count Total number of licenses enrolled for a particular feature.

4. Start a process (from the client or elsewhere) requiring a CPF license.

For example, log onto your Live Collaboration server using one of the users created at Live Collaboration
server installation, for example PLMADM, the administration user.
When the license server grants a CPF license, for example, to a license client, the License Usage tab looks
like this:

88 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

The number in the In use column for the CPF license is incremented by 1. Each time a license is consumed,
the number is incremented.

5. To find out details about the license (who is using the license, what type of license it is, etc.), double-click
the line containing the CPF license (which is a named user license).
The Detailed License Usage box appears:

Time values displayed are formatted according to the local time (time zone) of the computer on which the
License Administration Tool is running.

Server Name of license server computer.

License type Type of license: NamedUser or Concurrent.
User Named user or concurrent user to whom the license is granted.
Host Name of the client computer on which the licensed process is running.
Granted since Time and date at which the license was originally granted to the user.
Last used at Time and date at which the license was last used.
Active process
Name of the active client process to which the license is granted. The prefix Offline
is used to identify extracted offline licenses. Note that in the case of an application server
process, the process name may not be displayed permanently.
Set the following variable:
in the enovia.ini file (Windows) or mxEnv.sh (UNIX) to ensure that the process
name is displayed. For more information about this variable, see the Live Collaboration
server documentation.

Granted at Time and date at which the license was granted to the current process(es).
Max Release Feature release level authorized by the license. Only licensing clients having a release
Number level lower or equal to this number are allowed. The Max Release Number can be
equal to 0. In this case, the license server does not perform any check related to release
number: the license can be granted whatever the release level of the licensing client.
Expiration Date on which the granted license will expire. If expiring during a session, another license
Date will be automatically granted (if possible). This field is empty for license server levels
lower than R2015x.
Max Release Client release date authorized by the license. Only licensing clients having a release date
Date lower or equal to this number are allowed.
Internal ID Reserved for internal use.
Customer ID Customer id.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 89

Managing Licenses

Casual usage
This field is only displayed once a casual license has been granted. It indicates, for the
current month, the cumulative casual usage for a given casual license, measured by the
license server in minutes, as illustrated:

N/A is displayed in the field for full named user licenses, indicating that this field is not
applicable to full named user licenses. The value in minutes is highlighted in red if the
maximum allowed usage duration is exceeded.
Role of the License Server
When the license server receives a named user license request, it checks if it is for a full
license or a casual license. In the case of casual license, the license server then:
measures the monthly usage of casual usage named user licenses by named users
compares the monthly usages with maximum usage duration
generates monthly reports pointing the over-use (if any).
The license server measures usage only for casual usage named user licenses. It does not
measure usage of full named user licenses, concurrent user licenses or token licenses.
In the event of license over-use, the following message is displayed in the casual usage
log file:
Usage of XXX (Dassault Systmes) by YYY in excess of ZZZ mn
and also in the Server Logs tab.

Note: The month is managed as a calendar month between the 1st of month 00:00
UTC and the last day of month 24:00 UTC. The usage measurement is the same if
the calendar month comprises 28, 29, 30 or 31 days or if it contains holidays.

Monthly Usage Reporting

At the beginning of every calendar month, the license server generates a usage report.
This monthly report file is generated only if at least one active casual usage named user
license is enrolled in the license server. It is generated even if no over-use occurred during
the calendar month.
All casual usage values in Detailed License Usage dialog boxes on the license server are
reset to "0" the following month.
The report is generated at 00h00 UTC. If the license server is not running at this particular
moment, the report is generated the next time the license server is restarted.
In case of failover, each member generates the same report. The report files on each of
the three members are the same.
Please refer to File Locations, Settings and Registry Entries for a description of the report's
location and contents.

90 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

Note: You will be expected to provide a casual license usage report on request.

6. This time, start the LIV application and connect to a data source different from a Live Collaboration server
(you are not connected to this server), for example by opening a 3DXML file.
You will be prompted to choose a LIV license using the License Manager tab.
The License Administration Tool box now looks like this:

A license for LIV is consumed, so the number in the In use column is incremented by 1.

7. To find out details about the license (who is using the license, what type license it is, etc.) double-click the
line containing the LIV license.
The Detailed License Usage box appears and looks like this (divided into three parts in the following
This is the left section showing the user:

and this section shows the active process:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 91

Managing Licenses

You will find the same type of information (the license type is NamedUser), except that the user is not a
named user (because you are not connected to the Live Collaboration Server) but the operating system user.
When you exit the session, therefore releasing the license, the number in the In use column becomes "0".

8. Then, start the LIV-MDEVPM configuration and log on as DemoReviewer (this time, you are connected to
the Live Collaboration server as a named user).
The License Administration Tool box now looks like this:

The LIV-MDEVPM license is a named user license. The number of LIV-MDEVPM licenses in use is now
"1", and the number of CPF licenses in use is now "2" because when DemoReviewer consumes a
LIV-MDEVPM license, a CPF license is also consumed.

Note: It may occur for a given feature that the numbers in the In use and the Count columns are
identical. This means that no more license are available. When this is the case, the corresponding line
is highlighted in bold.

9. Double-click the line containing the LIV-MDEVPM license.

The Detailed License Usage box appears and looks like this:

Which License is Served to a Client When Several Licenses Can Satisfy the Client Request?
A license key contains several fields. When a licensing client requests a license, it passes several parameters to
the license server, such as the feature name for example.

92 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

When several licenses with different fields can satisfy the request, the license server must decide which license
will be granted.
First, the license server performs filtering based on the following criteria:
the license must be active:
- Start Date < current date < End Date
- the highest valid Group Index is taken into consideration.

the remaining available quantity must be higher than 0

the Editor ("Dassault Systemes V5" for example) must match the client request
the Feature (MD2 for example) must match the client request
the Model (ConcurrentUser for example) must match the client request
the Max Release Number must be 0 or must be higher than or equal to the Release Number passed
by the client
the Max Release Date must be higher than or equal to the Release Date passed by the client
the Commercial Type must match the client request (if passed)
the Customer ID must match the client request (if passed)
authorization rules (if any) must be satisfied.
Then, the license server performs sorting based on the following criteria:
1. Commercial Type: STD, then EDU, then DEMO
2. then, Max Release Number: from the lowest to the highest (0 is considered as infinite)
3. then, Max Release Date: from the lowest (the more distant in the past) to the highest (the more distant
in the future)
4. then, Additional Info:
from the lowest number of fields to the highest number of fields
then, from the lowest string to the highest string (locale alphanumeric order).

5. then, End Date: from the highest (the more distant in the future) to the lowest (the nearest in the future)
6. then, File Index: from the lowest to the highest (for a given License ID)
7. then, Generation Date: from the highest (the less distant in the past) to the lowest (the more distant in
the past).
The license granted is the one on top of the filtered sorted list. When an in-use license expires or belongs to a
Group Index which becomes superseded, the license server tries to silently grant another license, using the
same algorithm. If no license can be granted, the client will be informed at its next heartbeat.

Recycling Named User Licenses

This section describes how named user licenses are consumed and the steps you must take to recycle them when
you need to reassign them to other users.
If you do not have any named user licenses, you may want to hide this tab by going to the View menu and
unchecking License Recycling.
Named user licenses are consumed immediately when a user starts a session, remain consumed after the user
logs out, and continue to be consumed until the license expiration date.
The need occasionally arises, under exceptional circumstances (for example, when employees leave the company),
to unassign licenses to sever the tie between these employees and licenses assigned to them, and reassign the
licenses to another user.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 93

Managing Licenses

When a named user license is recycled, the license server removes the link between a given named user license
and a given named user. After recycling, the named user license is no longer tied to a specific user but is available
for any user (including the previous user).
The Live Collaboration Server-side Assign Licensing by Product tool (discussed in the Dassault Systemes
Licensing Essentials Guide) is used to assign licenses to and unassign licenses from users, but this may not be
sufficient in some cases (if the Live Collaboration server cannot contact the license server, for example).
The licenses can also be recycled on the license server. This is the role of the License Recycling tab which
allows you to recycle named user licenses only.

1. Select the License Recycling tab.

In this example, several named user licenses have been granted:

A tool tip is displayed on the vertical scrollbar to display the total number of lines and the range of lines

Note: Since they cannot be manually recycled, casual usage named user licenses do not appear. At
the beginning of every month, the license server automatically recycles all casual usage named user
licenses. If a casual usage named user license is in use at that moment, recycling of that license is
postponed by the license server until it is no longer in use. If the license is used again during the
postponement period (which can occur if the user starts another session before having closed all the
sessions from the previous month), license recycling is cancelled for this month for this user.

2. To recycle a license, double-click the line containing the license for user DemoReviewer, or right-click
the line and select the recycle licenses command.
You are prompted to confirm:
Do you really want to recycle named user licenses granted to DemoReviewer on server lw5sesdsy?
Click Yes or No. If you click Yes, another dialog box informs you that all the licenses for the selected user
on the selected server will be recycled.

Note: It is not possible to recycle simultaneously licences for several users.

3. Click OK.
The license may or may not be recycled. If it cannot be recycled, another dialog box appears with a message
like this:
Licenses granted to DemoReviewer on server lw5sesdsy were not recycled: CPF is locked until 8/4/13 7:24
PM LIV-MDEVPM is locked until 8/4/13 7:24 PM

94 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

If you did not close your session, you will be informed that the license is locked by a running process.
4. Click OK to exit.

Note: You can configure your license server to automatically recycle named user licenses which have
not been used for at least 30 days. For more information, refer to the Enable Automatic Recycling

Setting License Authorization Rules

This section describes how to set up license authorization rules for concurrent user licenses, token licenses and
named user licenses for users or machines.
Concurrent user licenses can be shared among users and are not tied to specific users. Certain licences can be
sold as shareable, which can be granted and released, for example, during a session using the Shareable Products
tab. Shareable licenses comply with the Concurrent User Licensing model and are network licenses served by
the DS License Server. By default, concurrent user licenses can be used without prior authorization by the DS
License Server.
Token licenses are similar to concurrent user licenses. The main differences are that a token cannot be shared
by several client processes (even running on the same computer), and that several tokens can be granted to a
given client process.
Named user licenses are typically granted to users managed by the Live Collaboration Server-side Configure
My ENOVIA command, or by the Assign Licensing by Product command. However, in certain cases,
you may need to enforce an additional stricter level of license control of named user licenses on the DS License
Server. To do so, you can optionally set authorization rules for named user licenses.

Note: A license authorization rule for a specific named user license takes precedence over license
assignments made on the Live Collaboration Server. This mechanism is particularly useful when you have
several Live Collaboration Servers and a single DS License Server. In this case, for example, the number
of potential named users declared on the Live Collaboration Servers (and to whom licenses are assigned)
may exceed the number of licenses available. Centralizing named user license rules on the single DS
License Server will enable you to enforce exactly the number of licenses granted to your company.
However, when managing authorization rules for a pre-V6R2012x license server, a License Administration
Tool cannot manage named user licenses. When upgrading the DS License Server, existing authorization
rules are automatically set to the concurrent user model.

The role of the Authorizations tab is to set authorization rules for licenses. There are four types of rules:
Allow: authorize users or groups of users, computers or groups of computers, IP ranges and IP range groups
to use licenses
Deny: deny authorization to the above
Reserve: reserve a given quantity of licenses for a list of users, computers or IP ranges
Limit: limit a list of users, computers or IP ranges to a given quantity of licenses.
Only one rule type can be applied to a given license.

1. Select the Authorizations tab.

The license servers available are listed to the left (highlighted in red). The list to the right contains the enrolled
licenses classified first by editor, then by license model (Concurrent User, Token, Named User), followed
by license feature then license id.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 95

Managing Licenses

Our example illustrates separate sections for both concurrent and named user licenses you can authorize or
deny for the selected license server. For example, the concurrent licenses enrolled on the server for M3D for
the editor Dassault Systemes are visible, along with a number of named user licenses:

2. Right-click in the space below Users/Hosts/IP Ranges and select the Add command to create a User,
Host or IP Range.
The New User/Host/IP Range dialog box appears:

Note: When the licensing client you are using is connected to the Live Collaboration Server, the user
name is the P&O login name. When the client is not connected, the user name is the operating system
login name.

3. Enter the name and check the appropriate option for what you are creating: user or host name, then click

96 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

Enter the user name or host name.
Host User and host names are case-insensitive, whatever the input method (by the GUI, command line mode or
XML file). For example, "Bob" and "BOB" are considered to be the same user. When entering user names
and host names, all characters are converted to lowercase.
If upgrading from an existing DS License Server, user names and host names are migrated to lowercase.
Whenever migration leads to a collision (for example, "BOB" and "Bob" are both migrated to "bob"), only
one set of rules is kept, randomly. Behavior was unpredictable anyway.
Note that group names can still contain uppercase characters.
A host name cannot contain the "." character. For FQDN host names, the comparison is performed with the
very first part of the hostname. Note that:
you cannot enter a "." using the GUI
a name truncated at the first "." in command line mode, when using an an XML file, or when migrating
from a previous DS License Server level.
In our example, the User/Host Definition field contains two users (administrator and

Enter the IP range name. This is slightly different from the user/host names because for IP range the name
and the value are different.
Then click the IPRange button to display the following:

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Managing Licenses

Declare the IP ranges by clicking either the Classless Inter-Domain Routing button or the IPv4
or IPv6 range: button:
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
Example: is an individual IPv4 address in CIDR notation
fd00::/10 is a range of IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation.
IPv4 or IPv6 range (classful network)
Example: is a range of IPv4 addresses in classical notation.

4. Click on the symbol next to the M3D license. Do not select the individual license id if the imported license
is a license group (which is nearly always the case). Then, right-click and select the Add new rule -
Allow command.
Click Yes when asked to confirm.
The Rule properties dialog box appears:

98 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Managing Licenses

Select the type: Select the type: User, Host, IPRange, User Group, Host Group, or IPRange
Choose the name: Click and choose the User, Host, IPRange, User Group, Host Group or
IPRange Group name.

5. To authorize the user we created to use the M3D license, select the type, choose the name, click the Add
button then click OK.
The Authorizations tab now looks like this:

The M3D license is now highlighted in green, signifying that a rule has been created allowing the user to use
the license.
If a user other than the authorized user attempts to log in, the following message is displayed:
No license available at this time for this product
Click OK and a second message appears confirming that the license is not authorized, for example:

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Managing Licenses

Failed to request license for M3D version: 10 or higher) Error: License not authorized for this user License
server configuration file path: C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses\DSLicSrv.txt (default path) List
of license servers: [01/01] lw5ses1dsy:4085 OK: License server is running

6. To cancel the rule, click the M3D license and select the Remove rule command.
When prompted, confirm that you want to remove the rule by clicking OK. The M3D license is no longer
highlighted in green.
You can multi-select several rules for deletion.

7. To deny authorization, click the M3D license and select the Add new rule - Deny command. Select
the type, choose the name, click the Add button then click OK.
The Authorizations tab now looks like this:

The M3D license is now highlighted in red, signifying that a "deny" rule has been created.
Click the user name and select the Properties command to display the user properties:

If the user then selects the Shareable Products tab in a client session and tries to reserve the license
for M3D, a popup message appears:
No license available at this time for this product
Click OK and a second popup message appears confirming that the license is not authorized:
Failed to request license for M3D (version: 10 or higher) Error: License not authorized for this user License
server configuration file path: C:\ProgramData\DassaultSystemes\Licenses\DSLicSrv.txt (default path) List
of license servers: [01/01] lw5ses1dsy:4085 OK: License server is running
If you click the Server Logs tab and scroll the log, you will see a message like this:
2014/08/07 18:04:40:402 W LICENSESERV M3D not granted, user administrator not authorized (from
client LW5SES1DSY (42721022FAFE292A-0ae84648.0):administrator:administrator:C:\Program
Files\Dassault Systemes\B417\win_b64\code\bin\CNEXT.exe)

100 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

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You can also set Allow and Deny authorization rules directly on the Editor name: Dassault
Systemes, Dassault Systemes V5 or Dassault Systemes V4. This type of rule acts as a preliminary
filter: the other rules set on the feature name or LicenseID are also taken into account, but only
after the rule on the Editor has been processed. These rules are also applied to offline extraction.
However, you cannot activate offline controls: keyword and maximum extraction duration cannot be
set at the Editor name level.
When an Allow rule is set, the Editor name icon appears with a green background:

When an Deny rule is set, the Editor name icon appears with a red background:

8. To create a group, right-click in the space below Group definition and select the Add command.
The Create new group dialog box appears:

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Note: Note that operating system user groups are not supported.

a. Enter a name for the group.

b. Check the User, Host or IPRange option.
c. Select the user or host name or IP range, then click the Add>> button and click OK.
The group is created. Click the group name and select the Properties command to display the group's

Note: When you display the properties of a group, the Group name field can be modified.

9. You can also copy user, host and group definitions and rules to another license server by clicking the
appropriate item and selecting the Copy to server command.
10. Click on a user, host, user group or host group and right-click to select the Remove command to delete the
Contrary to V6R2014 and previous levels, you can delete a user, host, IPRange, user group, host group or
IP range group even if it is referenced by a rule or belongs to a group. This behavior avoids modifying all
rules tied to a user/host/group/IP range before deleting this user/host/group/IP range. When deleting the latter,
the rules and groups which become empty (if any) are also deleted.
11. To reserve a quantity of licenses, click the M3D feature and right-click to select the Add new rule -
Reserve command.
The Define a rule on the feature dialog box appears:

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Select the type: Select the type: User, Host, IPRange, User Group, Host Group, or
IPRange Group.
Choose the name: Click and choose the User, Host, IPRange, User Group, Host Group
or IPRange Group name.
Quantity of licenses: Specify the number of licenses to reserve.

Select the type, choose the name, specify the quantity of licenses then click the Add button then OK.
The Authorizations tab now looks like this:

The M3D license is now highlighted in blue, signifying that a "reserve" rule has been created.
12. Right-click a license feature in the tree on the right to access the Control offline command.
Select the command to display the Extract offline license configuration dialog box:

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which allows you to set the maximum extraction duration and keyword protection.
Licenses can be extracted for a maximum duration of 30 days in all cases. You can decide to reduce the
maximum duration for offline extraction of a given license feature, from 30 days (default) to 0 day, by 1-day
increments. When set to 0, offline extraction is prevented for this license feature.
End users then attempting to extract the offline license from the licensing client side for a license feature
controlled by a rule will only be able to extract the offline license for the duration specified in the rule.

When an offline restriction is set, the following icon is displayed:

When both an authorization rule and an offline restriction are set, the previous icon is displayed with the

colored background matching the rule type. For example, in the case of an ALLOW rule:
You can also associate a keyword to each license feature using the Extraction keyword : field. When
a license is protected by a keyword, on the licensing client side the end user has to enter the keyword.
Keywords are not passwords: they are not encrypted. They appear unscrambled in several places, for example
in the XML file containing the authorization rules.
When a license has expired or has been deleted, both above controls are kept (if they had been set) by the
license server and appear as ghost controls, as for ghost authorization rules.
As for rules, ghost offline restrictions can appear at the bottom of the tab:

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13. To ensure that either a list of users or a list of hosts cannot consume more than a limited quantity of licenses,
proceed in the same way, this time by selecting the Add new rule - Limit command.

Mixing users and computers is not allowed for RESERVE and LIMIT rules. It is only allowed for
ALLOW and DENY rules. In this case, if both users and hosts are declared, then both are checked
when granting a license. For example:
ALLOW USER1 and HOST1: only USER1 on HOST1 will obtain the license
DENY USER2 and HOST2: USER2 cannot obtain the license whatever the computer. No user
can obtain the license if logged onto HOST2.

The Authorizations tab now looks like this:

The M3D license is now highlighted in brown, signifying that a "limit" rule has been created.
Here is an example to illustrate RESERVE and LIMIT rules:
Let's assume there are 100 licenses of ABC enrolled in a license server, and that you create a group of users
composed of 25 members:
If you reserve 12 ABC licenses for this group, then you guarantee that at least 12 members of the group
can obtain an ABC license. The remaining 25-12=13 members can obtain or not a license depending on
the consumption of the 100-12=88 non-controlled licenses. With this rule, a maximum of 88 users not
belonging to the group can obtain a license, even if no group member consumes any license.
If you limit to 12 ABC, then only 12 members of the group can obtain a license. The remaining 25-12=13
members cannot obtain one of the 100-12=88 other licenses, even if some of them are not consumed.
With this rule, 100 users not belonging to the group can obtain a license, if they are not consumed by any
member group.
How to prevent users or hosts not declared in a license authorization rule from acquiring licenses
A situation may arise in which all the licenses you have acquired have not yet been assigned to existing
users/hosts by existing authorization rules. As long as this situation continues, you may consider that there
is a risk that users/hosts not referenced by a license authorization rule may acquire licenses.
Consequently, you may wish to be able to partition both existing licenses and licenses purchased in the future
in an authorization rule. Using this technique, each declared user/host group will only be granted a specific
number of licenses which cannot be used by any other users/hosts.

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To illustrate this mechanism in a concurrent user license context, let's assume you have the following users:
A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L. You want to partition the users into 3 groups: A,B,C in Group1 sharing only one
license, D,E,F in Group2 sharing two licenses, G,H,I in Group3 also sharing two licenses. You want to deny
access to users J,K,L. The license name is XXX, and you have purchased 10 licenses.
The solution is as follows:
1. create a RESERVE rule for Group1, quantity=1
2. create a RESERVE rule for Group2, quantity=2
3. create a RESERVE rule for Group3, quantity=2
4. create dummy group DummyGroup and create a RESERVE rule linked to DummyGroup, quantity=5.

As a result, the remaining 5 licenses are assigned to the dummy group containing no users, so users J,K,L
will be denied access to any licenses since they are not referenced by any license authorization rule.
The authorization rules you just set up will be sufficient until you purchase and enroll additional licenses.
So yet again there will be a risk that they can be granted to anyone not referenced in the rule. The solution
is to reset, once and for all, the quantity of licenses assigned to the dummy group to an exceedingly high
number which by far exceeds the number of licenses that you will ever purchase (for example, 1000). Using
this technique, even the new licenses will be denied to users/hosts not referenced by the rule, and you will
not have to edit the rule each time you add additional licenses.
The fourth RESERVE rule in this context would then be, for example: create a RESERVE rule for
DummyGroup, quantity=1000.
To illustrate this mechanism in a named user license context, let's assume that 70 licenses for ABC have been
enrolled. You could create the following RESERVE rules:
reserve 30 ABC licenses for HostA: HostA users are granted access to 30 ABC licenses
reserve 30 ABC licenses for HostB: HostB users are granted access to 30 ABC licenses
reserve 1000 ABC licenses for a non-existing dummy host, for example named "NonExistingHostName":
nobody (including HostA/B) can use the remaining 10 ABC licenses (70-30-30=10), because firstly the
number of licenses reserved is greater than the number of currently enrolled ABC licenses, and secondly
because in any case nobody can log onto host "NonExistingHostName" which of course does not exist.
The rule must be modified to enable anybody else to use the 10 ABC licenses and any future licenses.

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Note: The number of reserved licenses can be greater than the number of enrolled licenses not only
when a RESERVE rule has been configured this way, but also for example when some licenses expire
after the RESERVE rule has been configured.

14. To set a rule for a named user license, proceed in the same manner.
When you assign a rule to a named user license, this rule takes precedence over all assignments for the same
license made on the Live Collaboration Server.
Let's take the following example.
User1 is granted access (on the Live Collaboration Server) to the named user license for the feature
LIV-MDEVPM (this feature is just an example and does not exist).
You then set an ALLOW authorization rule (on the DS License Server) granting User2 (who must previously
have been declared as a named user in the P&O database on the Live Collaboration Server) access to the
named user license for the feature LIV-MDEVPM.
The result is as follows:
User2 can use the feature LIV-MDEVPM
User1 CAN NO LONGER use the feature LIV-MDEVPM: the reason is that an ALLOW-type authorization
rule has now been set for this feature on the DS License Server side. This rule grants the feature license
to ONLY User2. And even though User1 was previously granted access via an Live Collaboration
Server-side tool, the authorization rule takes precedence. If User1 attempts to log on, the following
message will be displayed:
No license assigned to this user

If a license is removed or expires, and a rule had been assigned to that license, the rule is not deleted.
It becomes a ghost rule and is displayed in the lower right-hand corner:

This allows the administrator to avoid having to create the rule again if a new license is added. To
display the properties of the ghost rule, click on its name. To remove the ghost rule, click the red icon.

In the case of named user licenses, if you add a rule after some licenses have already been granted to
named users, then you may have to manually recycle them.
In example 1, let's assume that named user ABC license is granted to Steve:
1. Add a rule DENY Steve on ABC.
2. Steve can no longer use ABC, but the ABC license cannot be used by someone else.
3. You have to recycle Steve's licenses.
In example 2, let's assume that there are 10 named user XYZ licenses and that 2 of them are granted
to Alan and Barbara:
1. Add a rule RESERVE 9 XYZ to UserGroup1. (Alan and Barbara don't belong to UserGroup1).
2. Alan and Barbara can still use XYZ and only 8 users of UserGroup1 can use XYZ.
3. You have to recycle either Alan's or Barbara's licenses.

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15. Edit an authorization rule to monitor the number of licenses consumed by the user, user group, host, host
group, IP range or IP range group linked to the rule.
In this simple example, we created an ALLOW rule for the user plmadm on the LIV-MDEVPM feature. To
edit the rule, click on the rule and right-click to select the Edit rule command. The Currently
consumed column specifies that one LIV-MDEVPM license has been consumed by user plmadm:

Note: The term "currently consumed" means that the license has been granted to the user and the
licensed process has been effectively executed at least once, in particular for named user licenses: it
does not mean that the licensed process is being executed at the same time as you edit the rule. The
Currently consumed column is not displayed when setting a rule, only when editing a rule.

In the following example, we created a user group named MyGroup (containing the users demoreviewer
and administrator), and created a rule reserving five licenses for the group. The Currently
consumed column specifies that one LIV-MDEVPM license has been consumed by a member of the group:

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The list may also contain several lines. For each line (corresponding to a user, a host machine, a group of
users or a group of host machines), the number of licenses currently consumed is displayed.
The number displayed is the number of licenses, even if the rule is declared for host machines. For example,
this number can be very high for only one host machine declared in the rule, if the host machine is an
application server hosting a Live Collaboration server.
When the number is red, it means that the rule is not enforced. This can happen when the rule has been applied
after a named user license has been previously granted to a named user.
For example, in the following LIMIT rule related to the IFW license, the following rules have been set: 100
IFW maximum for GroupA and 2 IFW maximum for GroupB. 2 IFW are consumed by GroupA and 4 IFW
are consumed by GroupB:

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4 appears in red, because it is a case of over-use: the rule limiting to 2 has been set after the 4 named user
IFW licenses have been granted to 4 named users.
For a DENY rule, usually the number is equal to 0. However, if it is not the case it is displayed in red.
When a name is present in a rule as an individual item and also as a member of one or several groups, then
only the individual declaration is taken into account by the rule.
For example, if Oliver belongs to UserGroup1 and a RESERVE rule is defined as 1 license for Oliver and 4
licenses for UserGroup1, we consider that Oliver was not a member of UserGroup1: when a license is granted
to Oliver, 4 licenses are still reserved for other members of UserGroup1.
When a name is present in several groups (and not as an individual item), only the group having the lowest
alphabetical name is taken into account by the rule.
For example, if Oliver belongs to UserGroup1 and UserGroup2, and a RESERVE rule is defined as 10 licenses
for UserGroup1 and 15 licenses for UserGroup2, we consider that Oliver was not a member of UserGroup2:
when a license is granted to Oliver, only 9 licenses are now reserved for other members of UserGroup1, but
15 licenses are still reserved for other members of UserGroup2.
When a user uses the same license from several computers, only the last grant is taken into account by the
rule. This can happen when a named user uses IFW from several application servers: the last computer will
be used in the rule.
For example, if a LIMIT rule is defined as 10 licenses for Computer1 and 15 licenses for Computer2, and
Oliver logs on to Computer1 then on to Computer2 while staying logged on to Computer1, the same IFW
license is granted to Oliver but it is first counted among the 10 licenses for Computer1 then, when Oliver
logs on to Computer2, counted among the 15 licenses for Computer2 (and no longer among the 10 licenses
for Computer1).
You can also monitor license usage by connecting to the license server in command-line mode then running
the getLicenseUsage command. For each license currently consumed, if the license has been granted
by an authorization rule, the individual name or group name will be displayed in the authorization
item field.
In our example in which we created the group MyGroup, the getLicenseUsage command returns the
following information:
Dassault Systemes (5E756A80-1C80-478D-B83A-1D5913677621)
IFW maxReleaseNumber: 17 type: NamedUser count: 11 inuse: 2 customerId:
internal Id: PLMADM granted since: Jul 5, 2014 6:45:30 PM last used at:
Jul 5, 2014
7:29:58 PM by user: PLMADM on host: WIN-KNKSL07ILFV
internal Id: demoreviewer granted since: Jul 5, 2013 7:24:02 PM last used
at: Jul 10, 2014
10:32:50 AM by user: demoreviewer on host: WIN-KNKSL07ILFV
internal Id: demoreviewer granted since: Jul 5, 2014 7:24:15 PM last used
at: Jul 10, 2014
10:02:50 AM by user: demoreviewer on host: WIN-KNKSL07ILFV
authorization item: MyGroup

16. Display or edit the properties of a user/host/IPrange, a group or a rule by either double-clicking on it or
right-clicking then selecting Properties or Edit.

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Managing Licenses

Importing and Exporting License Authorization Rules

This section explains how to back up license authorization rules and corresponding data (users, hosts, groups)
by exporting the data to an XML file, and how to import an XML file containing previously backed up
authorization data.

Export Authorization Rules

1. Select the Authorizations tab.
A toolbar is located in the top right corner of the tab:

The toolbar looks like this :

The first two buttons, from left to right (Export and Reset) are grayed out because at this stage you do not

have any authorization data to export. However, the Import button is activated since you can at least
import authorization data backed up in an existing XML file.
2. Create some users, hosts, IP ranges and/or groups, and create some authorization rules linked to the data you
created (as explained in Setting License Authorization Rules).
Once you have created all the data and rules, all the icons are activated like this:

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3. Click the Export button and specify a file name in the dialog box displayed to save the file to XML
The XML file is structured as follows, for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<authorizations xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.3DS.com/DSLS
DSLSAuthorizations.xsd" xmlns="http://www.3DS.com/DSLS"
<user id="1">anna</user>
<user id="2">bob</user>
<user id="3">chuck</user>
<usergroup id="1">
<user id="1"/> <!-- anna -->
<user id="2"/> <!-- bob -->
<host id="1">computera</host>
<host id="2">computerb</host>
<hostgroup id="1">
<host id="1"/> <!-- computera -->
<host id="2"/> <!-- computerb -->
<iprange id="1" cidr="">local10232</iprange>
<iprange id="2"
<iprange id="3" cidr="">localcomputer</iprange>
<iprange id="4" cidr="fd00::/10">localipv6</iprange>
<iprangegroup id="1">
<iprange id="1"/> <!-- local10232 -->
<iprange id="2"/> <!-- local1921680 -->
<iprange id="3"/> <!-- localcomputer -->
<editor name="Dassault Systemes">
<model type="NamedUser">
<feature name="CPF">
<authorizationlist ruletype="Deny">
<user id="2"/> <!-- bob -->
<feature name="ENG">
<authorizationlist ruletype="Allow">
<host id="1"/> <!-- computera -->

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<feature name="LIB">
<authorizationlist ruletype="Reserve">
<usergroup quantity="2" id="1"/> <!-- UsrGroup1 -->
<feature name="PRG">
<authorizationlist ruletype="Limit">
<hostgroup quantity="1" id="1"/> <!-- ComputerGroup -->
<feature name="VCN">
<authorizationlist ruletype="Allow">
<iprange id="2"/> <!-- local1921680 -->
<iprangegroup id="1"/> <!-- localgroupipv4 -->
<feature name="IFW">

Note: The <authorizationlist> tag can appear directly under the <editor name> tag and
not only under the <feature name> tag .

Import Authorization Rules

1. Before importing authorization data, decide whether or not to remove the existing authorization data on your
license server.
Removing existing authorization data guarantees that the result will be exactly the content of the imported
file. If you do not remove it, you will be prompted to merge manually the imported data with the existing

Click the Reset button and click OK when prompted to remove existing data if required.

2. To import authorization data, click the Import button and use the dialog box to select an XML file to
If you removed existing authorization data from your license server, the imported data simply replaces it.
For example, importing the example XML file above creates the following rules illustrated below:

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3. If required, edit the original XML file you imported.

For example, declare new user Chuck, and remove the rule linked to the ENG license.
4. Validate your XML file.
Use your favorite XML tool to reference the following XSD file:
to parse the XML file and validate its structure and syntax.
5. Re-import the file.
This time, because you did not remove the existing authorization data from your license server, a dialog box
will be displayed prompting you to merge the existing and imported data:

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Expand each highlighted node to see the full details:

6. Resolve the merge.

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The role of each column is as follows:

Structure Compare
The Structure Compare column provides a synthetic view resulting from
the comparison of the existing and imported data, in the following order:
user definitions
host definitions
IPRange definitions
user group definitions
host group definitions
IPRange group definitions.
Note that:
a red item with a warning symbol indicates that something is different
a red item with a "+" symbol indicates that something has been added
a red item with a "-" symbol indicates that something has been removed.

Server Authorizations The Server Authorizations column lists the existing server authorizations
for each category.
The Imported Authorizations column highlights in blue the imported

Navigate to the next or previous difference using the up and down arrows. Click the left arrow to accept the
highlighted difference.
In our example, the line "chuck" is highlighted in blue. It is highlighted because it is the first difference.
Click the down arrow to navigate then, for example, to the rule linked to the ENG license (which has been
has been removed), then to the other rules.
In our example, user "chuck" is highlighted in the Structure Compare and Imported
Authorizations column because it is the first difference detected. The "+" symbol on the rule chuck
in the Structure Compare indicates that the definition has been added.
To accept this first difference, click the left arrow: in this case, the user "chuck" is added to the Server
Authorizations column, and the "+" symbol is removed.
Click the down arrow to navigate to the next difference detected, and click the left arrow each time if you
accept the new rule.
All text in red becomes black once you accept the difference.
7. Click Apply or OK to accept the changes.
The updated data is then displayed in the Authorizations tab.
In our example, the user "chuck" has been added, and the rule has been removed from ENG:

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Managing Licenses

Getting Information About the Authorized Country of Use for Licenses

The Geolocation tab identifies for a given license server the country in which the licenses enrolled on the server
are authorized, not the country in which the licenses are really being used.

1. Select Start - (All) Programs - DS License Server - License Server

Administration to launch the License Administration Tool if it is not already launched.
2. Connect to the server.
3. Click the Geolocation tab, then select if necessary the desired server.
The Geolocation tab looks, for example, like this:

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Managing Licenses

4. Zoom in on the world map by left-clicking and dragging a box around the region you are interested in.

The symbol identifies a country for which licenses are authorized:

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The country is the one indicated in the Customer Country column in the License Administration tab.
Zooming on France displays the following:

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5. Point to the symbol to obtain additional information:

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This displays:
the authorized country
the name of the license server on which the licenses are enrolled
the number of licenses.

6. Click the symbol to the right to reframe the map.

7. Click the symbol to toggle to be able to move the map by dragging it.

8. To return to zoom mode, click the symbol.

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Tracking License Server Operation

Tracking License Server Operation

This sections presents the tools and techniques used for tracking license server operation.

Tracking License Statistics

Different types of license statistics are available using the Statistics tab.

1. In the Server Configuration dialog box, accessible when viewing your license server properties, check the
Enable license usage statistics option.
2. Select the Statistics tab.

3. Check the check box for the name of the license server:
This displays the statistics tools for the selected server:

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Tracking License Server Operation

4. Use the Sort by: pull-down list to select how the license statistics are presented in the chart:

Name License statistics are presented according to the feature name (this is the
default and is illustrated above).
Number of In Use Licenses The features for which the highest number of licenses is currently being
used are presented at the top of the list.
Number of Available Licenses The features for which the highest number of licenses are available are
presented at the top of the list.
Percentage of In Use Licenses The features for which the highest percentage of licenses are currently
being used are presented at the top of the list.

5. Use the Model: pull-down list to specify the models of licenses for which you want to view statistics:

Any No filter is applied: all licence models are displayed.

Named user Only named user license statistics are displayed.
Concurrent Only concurrent user license statistics are displayed.
Token Only token license statistics are displayed.

6. Use the From: pull-down and navigate to specify the month when license usage statistics logging is started.
By default, the starting month is the current month of the preceding year.
You can extend (but not shrink) this one-year period by specifying the starting month of the statistics to be
Use the << and >> symbols to select the year. Use the < and > symbols to select the month.
7. Check the Display all checkbox if required.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 123

Tracking License Server Operation

This checkbox will help you avoid losing statistical information about expired licenses which are not renewed.
By default, only features with licenses which are still valid are displayed in this tab.
However, checking this check button displays features whose licenses have expired or have been deleted.
Activating this option is CPU-intensive since it consumes a lot of resources on the server side, and consequently
has to be used with caution.
You can use this possibility with the From : pull-down, keeping in mind that the further back logging begins,
the more resources are consumed on the server.
The minimum duration is 12 months.
8. Use the Editor: pull-down list to specify the editor of licenses for which you want to view statistics:

Dassault Systemes Only Dassault Systemes 3DExperience license statistics are

Dassault Systemes V5 Only Dassault Systemes V5 license statistics are displayed.
Dassault Systemes V4 Only Dassault Systemes V4 license statistics are displayed.

9. Analyze the statistics.

Whichever way you filter the results, named user licenses are represented by a solid light grey chartbar, and
concurrent user licenses by a light grey chartbar with stripes. A three-letter code for the license is displayed,
alongside figures specifying the number of licenses used/total originally available, for example:IFW : 1/
When licenses are currently being used, a section of the chartbar proportional to the percentage of total
licenses being used for a given feature is displayed in green.
An increasing percentage of license usage will change the color of the chartbar. Here is a list of the colors
used and the percentages:
Green: less than or equal to 75%
Orange: between 75% and 90%
Red: greater than or equal to 90%.

10. Point to the chartbar to display a magnifying glass which in turn displays information about the licenses.
Three numbers are displayed for each feature:
the number of currently used licenses (1 in the example below)
the total number of currently valid licenses (11 in the example below)
the percentage of licenses currently used (9% in the example below).

11. Click the chartbar.

Another dialog box opens displaying month-by-month statistics.
The dialog box displays license usage statistics over the past 12 months or more, depending on the From:
value you set. Click the chartbar for the desired month for daily information about license usage for a specific
license. Click again for hourly information.
A tooltip containing detailed data is displayed when mousing over the vertical chartbar, for example:

124 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Tracking License Server Operation

July 2014 : 21 licenses used, 4600 total

The green section represents the maximum usage rate for the given period, and not the maximum used. For
example, the following two statistics imply different maximum usage rates:
July 2014 : 21 licenses used, 4600 total
July 2014 : 23 licenses used, 5200 total
The maximum usage rate is the ratio of licenses used over the total number of licenses: the highest value is
always used (the first line in the above example).
The results may be unpredictable for the periods during which the server was stopped.

Note: The main section of the Statistics tab reports the licenses currently in use, at the present moment.
So the numbers displayed in this panel can go up and down, depending on instantaneous usage. When
you click on a specific license (using the chartbar), you enter the historical mode, with vertical chartbars
for monthly, daily or hourly usages. This provides access to the maximum usage for the given period.

Tracking Server Logs

You can consult license server logs using the Server Logs tab.

1. Select the Server Logs tab.

The tab looks like this:

Ctrl-F allows searching in the log.

Clicking at the top of the column headers allows you to sort the lines by timestamp, severity, type or message.
2. Specify the dates from when and until when you want to view log information, and select the server:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 125

Tracking License Server Operation

The exact moment corresponding to the From : date is at 00H01 local time (time zone) of the computer on
which the License Administration Tool is running.
The exact moment corresponding to the To : date is at 23H59 local time (time zone) of the computer on
which the License Administration Tool is running.
However, time values displayed are formatted according to the local time (time zone) of the computer on
which the license server is running.
The From : date value (respectively To :) is automatically set to the To : date value (respectively From :)
if the To : date value (respectively From :) is manually set to a value lower (respectively higher) than the
current From : (To :) date value.
Every event is time-stamped.
The log contains:
information (identified by the letter I) about license server events such as starting and stopping the server,
enrolling licenses, etc.
warning messages (identified by the letter W) displayed in blue
error messages (identified by the letter E) displayed in red.
If you activated the License usage tracing... option in the Server Configuration dialog box, traces of license
request and detach operations and timeouts will be logged. The following example shows the log trace when
a CNV license has been requested and granted (if you selected the CNV license for license usage tracing):
2014/08/07 15:26:53:836 I LICENSESERV CNV (Dassault Systemes)
granted to client LW5SES1DSY(42721022FAFE292A-0ae84530.0)
C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B417\win_b64\code\bin\PLM3DNav.EXE
See Error, Information and Warning Messages for a full description of traces.

Monitoring the Server

You can monitor license server performance using the Monitoring tab. Monitoring data is reset every time the
license server is restarted, so prior data is not displayed.

1. Select the Monitoring tab.

2. Select a standalone server to monitor.
The tab looks like this by default when you are monitoring a standalone license server:

126 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Tracking License Server Operation

Activity over the last 24 hours is displayed in green bar graphs. The monitoring interval is one minute.
Time values displayed are formatted according to the local time (time zone) of the computer on which the
License Administration Tool is running.
3. Use the zoom slidebar to zoom on a particular period over the last 24 hours.
You can zoom down to display a period in intervals of 5 minutes:

The upper part of the display monitors the average duration of processing, by the license server, of client
messages which the license server receives.
The lower part of the display monitors the average number of client messages per minute processed by the
license server.
The different graphs are displayed on a logarithmic scale to be able to show both very high and very low
traffic. With a non-overloaded server, the average message processing duration should be a few milliseconds.
4. Set the Show longest durations check button to display the longest message processing durations.
The red bar graph represents the longest duration of a client message for each minute of the displayed activity

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 127

Tracking License Server Operation

5. Point anywhere over the window to move a vertical line over the specific minute of interest and display
additional information.
For example:

This displays, for the specified minute, the average processing duration, the longest processing duration and
the number of client messages received.
6. In standalone server mode, choose Client traffic or Admin traffic.

Client traffic
Monitors messages sent by the license clients to the license server. The license
clients are the processes which request licenses to the license server.

Admin traffic Monitors messages sent by the License Administration Tools to the license

7. If you select a failover server, similar tools become available:

128 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide

Tracking License Server Operation

The following modes are available in the pulldown menu:

These perform the same monitoring functions as for a standalone server.
Because the selected server is configured as a member of a failover cluster:
the upper part of the display monitors the average duration of processing, by the failover
member, of messages sent to the two other members
the lower part of the display monitors the number of messages per minute sent to the two
other members
as illustrated below:

8. In case of suspected server performance problems or if the server hangs, and if requested, you can dump
server performance information using the dump buttons:

Dump heap The server memory is dumped in a file named HeapDumpxxxxxxxx.hprof in the
same folder as the ordinary server logs.

Note: On AIX, the file extension is .phd.

Dump threads
The state of all threads of the license server is written to a file named
ThreadDumpxxxxxx.txt. This information could be requested from you in
exceptional cases where the server no longer replies to clients (in the case of deadlocks)
and no explanation can be found in server machine system reports.

It is now no longer possible to run such actions when connected in restricted mode from the GUI of the
license administration tool, and the dump buttons in the Monitoring tab are greyed out:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 129

Tracking License Server Operation

This ensures that no potentially very large files can be created by someone having only restricted access to
the license server.
This is not the case when connecting in restricted mode from the command line using the monitor
-dumpHeap command which does not create files on the license server machine. There is, however, one
exception where this remains possible, when you are connected to localhost only, in which case files
are created on the license server machine.

130 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


This section contains reference information about batch commands and file locations.

DSLicSrv Command
The DSLicSrv command initializes and starts the license server and its associated administration tool.

Command Location and Syntax

On Windows, the DSLicSrv command is located by default in:
C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License Server\win_b64\code\bin
On UNIX, the DSLicSrv command is located by default in:
This is the syntax:
-initServer -adminPort nnnn [-force][-fromHost host [-password pwd]]
-startServer [-echo] [-logDir path_to_log] [-logFileSize number]
-adminUI [-resetSettings] [-locale en_US]
-admin [-i input_file] [-o output_file] [-t output_file] [-ks

Initialize the Server

Option Description

-initServer -adminPort nnnn Initializes the license server.

[-force] [-fromHost host
- adminPort nnnn is the administration listening port number
[-password pwd]]
- force: licenses must be re-enrolled (including the activation license)
-fromHost host initializes a license server which is a member of a failover
cluster that has gone down and refuses to start, by retrieving
configuration data and license keys from one of the remaining working
-password pwd password of remaining working member, if needed

DSLicSrv -initServer -adminPort 4084

Note: You must run this command as root on UNIX, and in an elevated command prompt on Windows.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 131


Start the Server

Option Description

-startServer [-echo] [-logDir Start the license server:

path_to_log] [-logFileSize
-echo: display messages in addition to logging them
number] [-compressLog]
-logDir path: specify a different log directory; if you specify a remote
directory, the license server may hang if the remote directory can no
longer be accessed
-logFileSize number: specify the maximum size of each server log file.
The number is in MB: the default is 1MB. As soon as this size is reached,
a new log file is created by the license server.
-compressLog: compress server log files, in .gz format. Compression
is performed by the license server every time the uncompressed size of
the current log file reaches the logFileSize value (1MB by default),
and every time the license server is stopped. Note that an uncompressed
log file is created every time the license server is initialized (typically
at installation time).

DSLicSrv -startServer

Note: You must run this command as root on UNIX, and in an elevated command prompt on Windows.

On Windows, you may prefer to use the following command in an elevated command prompt to start the server
as a Windows service:
net start "DS License Server"
Setting options in the DSLS Windows service
You can configure the DSLS Windows service to use the start options as follows:
1. Open an elevated command prompt.
2. Check the current properties of the license server service by running the following Windows command:
sc.exe qc "DS License Server"
The displayed BINARY_PATH_NAME line should match something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\DS License
Server\win_b64\code\bin\DSLicSrv.exe" -startServer

3. Modify the BINARY_PATH_NAME by running a command like the following one:

sc.exe config "DS License Server" binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\Dassault
Systemes\DS License
Server\win_b64\code\bin\DSLicSrv.exe\" -startServer -logFileSize 20

Note: note the space character after " binpath= ".

4. Check the new properties of the license server service:

sc.exe qc "DS License Server"
5. Stop and restart the service to take the changes into account.

132 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


6. Repeat this configuration after every installation, because an installation resets license server service properties.
On Solaris and Linux, the start options can be set in /etc/init.d/dsls.
On AIX, the start options can be set in /etc/inittab.

Stop the Server

Option Description

-stopServer Stops the license server

DSLicSrv -stopServer

Note: You must run this command as root on UNIX, and in an elevated command prompt on Windows.

Start the License Administration Tool GUI

Option Description

-adminUI [-resetSettings] Starts the License Administration Tool GUI:

[-locale en_US]
-resetSettings: resets License Administration Tool GUI settings
-locale en_US: forces the License Administration Tool to be displayed
in English.

DSLicSrv -adminUI
starts the License Administration Tool user interface.

Start the License Administration Tool in Command Line Mode

The majority of the tasks explained in this guide involve the use of the GUI version of the License Administration
Tool. However, you can perform the same tasks in command line mode.

Option Description

-admin [-i input_file] [-o Starts the License Administration Tool in command line mode
output_file] [-t output_file]
-i input_file: input file containing list of commands
[-run "list of commands"] [-ks
-o output_file: redirects output to an output file
-t output_file: redirects output both to an output file and to the command
line window

For more information, see Redirecting Output.

-run "list of commands: runs a concatenated list of commands, as

explained in Running Several Commands at the Same Time
-ks keystore_file: creates or uses an existing encrypted password file, as
explained in Managing Passwords.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 133


The following command prompt appears:

License Administration Tool Version 6.417.0 Built on Jun 27, 2014 1:01:10
admin >
As you can see, when the prompt is:
admin >
you are inside the command line administration tool.
You have to connect to a license server after having launched the command line administration tool.
To list the commands available, enter one of the following commands:
admin > ?
admin > help
Most commands have both a long and abbreviated format, as indicated by the "|" separator which means "or",
for example: getConfig|gc. Running either the getConfig or gc command displays the same result.
To get help about a specific command, use the help|h command, for example:
help getConfig
help gc
Here is the list of available commands:

Operation Command Syntax Options

Connect to a license server connect|c server port [ -proxy server: license server host name
| -p proxyHost proxyPort] port: administration port number
[-restricted | -r]
-proxy|-p proxyHost proxyPort: proxy host
name and proxy port number

-restricted|-r: forces connection in restricted

mode (replaces -readOnly which remains valid
for backward compatibility reasons)

Get current license server getServerInfo|gsi


Disconnect from connected disconnect|disc|d

license server

Get license server configuration getConfig|gc

Get license information getLicenseInfo|gli This command no longer displays by default
[-superseded] the superseded licenses. To display the
superseded licenses, use -superseded option.

Retrieve license data (save getLicenseData|gld [-editorID -editorID: editor identifier

license keys in a directory) editor] [-release release] -release: release number
[-licenseID license]
-licenseID: license identifier
[-groupIndex index]
[-fileIndex index] -out -groupIndex: replacement group number
directory -fileIndex: replacement file index

-out: output directory

134 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Operation Command Syntax Options

Show current license usage getLicenseUsage|glu [-feature -feature: display usage on specified feature
feat] [-all|-short]
-all: display detailed client usage (including
casual license usage in minutes, last used date
for automatic recycling purposes, etc.) and
running processes

-short: display global usage only

This command now displays the Max Release

Date and the Expiration Date, in addition to
already displayed data. Expiration Date is
only displayed when connected to a R2015x
license server or a higher level.

Get license usage tracing flags getLicenseUsageTraces|dut

Activate/Deactivate license usage setLicenseUsageTraces|sut license1 license2 ...: licenses to manage usage
trace all|license1 license2 ... tracing, or all to manage all licenses
-trace|-t yes|no [-editorId|-e -trace yes|no: to activate or deactivate trace
-editorID: editor

Display logged server messages showLog|sl [-from fromDate] -from: lower limit (default midnight)
[-to toDate] -to: upper limit (default now)

Date format: YYYY/MM/DD


Modify server configuration setConfig|sc -licensingPort: listening port for license client
[-licensingPort|-lp port] access
[-adminPort|-ap port] -adminPort: listening port for administration
[-failoverPort|-fp port] usage
-failoverPort: listening port for intra cluster
[-restrictedPassword|-rpwd] communications
-password: ask to be prompted to
enable/disable password protection
[-failoverMode|-fm yes|no]
[-clusterName1|-cn1 name]
[-clusterName2|-cn2 name] -restrictedPassword: ask to be prompted to
[-clusterName3|-cn3 name] enable/disable restricted mode password
[-enableLicenseStats|-els protection administration

yes|no] -remoteAdmin: disable administration from a

[-automaticRecycling|-ar remote machine or enable in full or restricted
yes|no] [-enableOffline|-eo mode
yes|no] -failoverMode: change standalone/failover

-clusterName1: host name of the first machine

of the failover configuration

-clusterName2: host name of the second

machine of the failover configuration

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 135


Operation Command Syntax Options

-clusterName3: host name of the third machine

of the failover configuration

-enableLicenseStats: activates statistics

-automaticRecycling: activates automatic

license recycling.

-enableOffline: enable offline license


Modify cluster modifyCluster|mc [-repair|-r -repair: repair server when license database is
host] [-update|-u host] corrupted
[-changeName|-cn host newHost] -update: update cluster when host computer id
[-changeMachine|-cm host has changed
-changeName: modify cluster when a host
name has changed, computer id still the same

-changeMachine: modify cluster when a

machine has been replaced (computer id no
longer available)

Enroll licence files enrollLicense|e -dir inputDir -dir: input directory

-file file1 file2... -file: input files or regular expression

Erase licence data deleteLicense|dl -licenseID -licenseID: license identifier

uid [-group index] -group: replacement group number

Delete expired licenses deleteExpiredLicenses|dxl

Delete superseded licenses deleteSupersededLicenses|dsl
Create group of users to manage createUserGroup|cug groupName -users: list of users contained in that group
authorization lists -users user1 user2 ... -replace: replace existing group of users if any
Create group of hosts to manage createHostGroup|chg groupName -hosts: list of hosts contained in that group
authorization lists -hosts host1 host2 ... -replace: replace existing group of hosts if any
Create an authorization list createAuthorizationList|cal -type: type of authorization list
name -type t -editorId ID (ALLOW|DENY|RESERVE|LIMIT)
[-product prd [-model -editorId: unique editor identifier
-product: feature name to manage (optional);
[-licenseId id]] [-users
when not used, the rule is applied at the Editor
user1[,number] ...] [-hosts level.
host1[,number] ...] [-ipranges
ipr1[,number] ...] -model: ConcurrentUser|Token|NamedUser

[-iprangegroups -licenseId: licenseID number (optional)

iprgrp1[,number] ...] -users: list of individual users with optional
[-usergroups usrgrp1[,number] number of licenses
...] [-hostgroups
-hosts: list of individual hosts with optional
number of licenses

136 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Operation Command Syntax Options

hostgrp1[,number] ...] -ipranges: list of IPRanges with optional

[-replace] number of licenses

-iprangegroups: list of groups of IPRanges

with optional number of licenses

-usergroups: list of groups of users with

optional number of licenses

-hostgroups: list of groups of hosts with

optional number of licenses

-replace: replace existing list if any

Create offline extraction createOfflineRestrictions|cor -editorId: editor unique identifier

restrictions -name -editorId id -product -product: product name to manage
prd -model m [-licenseId id]
-model: model of product to manage
[-keyword kw] [-maxDuration n]
-licenseId: license product number

-keyword: keyword to be provided to extract


-maxDuration: maximum duration of

extraction validity, between 0 and 30 days

-replace: replace existing restriction name if


At least option -keyword or -maxDuration

must be passed.

Delete user deleteUser|du userName

Delete host deleteHost|dh hostName
Delete group of users deleteUserGroup|dug groupName
Delete group of hosts deleteHostGroup|dhg groupName
Delete an authorization list deleteAuthorizationList|dal listname: name of list
Delete offline restrictions deleteOfflineRestrictions|dor listname: name of list
List users listUsers|lu
List hosts listHosts|lh
List groups of users listUserGroups|lug
List groups of hosts listHostGroups|lhg
Rename user group renameUserGroupName|rug
currentName newName
Rename host group renameHostGroupName|rhg
currentName newName

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 137


Operation Command Syntax Options

Rename authorization list renameAuthorizationList|ral

currentName newName
Rename offline restrictions renameOfflineRestrictions|ror
currentListName newListName
List all authorization lists listAuthorizationLists|lal
List all offline restrictions listOfflineRestrictions|lor
Create IP range createIPRange|cipr name -ip -ip: internet address range, (firstIP-lastIP or
iprange [-replace] CIDR notation)

-replace: replace existing item if any


cipr local1921680 -ip
cipr localcomputer -ip -replace
cipr local10232 -ip
cipr localipv6 -ip
fd00::/10 -replace

Create IP range group createIPRangeGroup|ciprg name -ip: IPRanges

-ip iprange1 iprange2 ...
-replace: replace existing item if any

ciprg localgroup -ip

local1921680 local10232
localipv6 -replace

List all IPRanges listIPRange|lipr

List all IPRange groups listIPRangeGroup|liprg
Rename IPRange renameIPRange|ripr currentName
Rename IPRange group renameIPRangeGroup|riprg
currentName newName
Delete IPRange deleteIPRange|dipr name
Delete IPRange group deleteIPRange|diprg name
Export authorizations to file in exportAuthorizations|ea -o -o file: path of XML file to generate
XML format file

138 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Operation Command Syntax Options

Import authorizations from file importAuthorizations|ia -f -f file: path of XML file to read
in XML format file Note that all differences are automatically
accepted: existing data is removed and the new
data is added.

Monitor licence server monitor|mon [-dumpHeap|-dh] -dumpHeap|-dh: obtain server heap dump
[-dumpThreads|-dt] [-outDir|-o -dumpThreads|-dt: obtain server threads status
-outDir|-o dir: directory storing result of
command (mandatory for -dumpHeap option)

Display mail configuration getMailConfig|gmc

Set mail configuration setMailConfig|smc [-test|-t] -test|-t: test mail configuration
[-smtp servername] [-from -smtp servername: SMTP server name
sender] [-to
-from sender: sets the sender of the e-mails. It
can be useful when certain security rules set
[-activate|-a event yes|no]
on the smtp server prevent the default sender
[-parameter|-p event param name value. The default value is
value] [-subject|-s event %host%@noreply. %host% is a placeholder
"..."] [-body|-b event "..."] matching the hostname of the license server.
[-mailBodyFooter|-footer %host% is very useful in failover mode, to
"..."] clearly identify which member sends an e-mail.
Note that this value cannot be set nor even
displayed using the GUI.

-to email1,email2,...: names of recipients

separated by comma (,)

-activate|-a event yes|no: activate or deactivate

the event, where event can be:

OnServerStart: when server starts

OnServerStop: when server stops
OnDiskShortage: with parameter
Threshold in range 1 - 99
OnLicenseSoonExpiring: when licenses
expire, with parameter Threshold in range
1 - 30
OnMemberIsolated: with parameter
Threshold in range 1 - 60

-parameter|-p event param value: value of the

event parameter

-subject|-s event "...": subject of the mail for

the event

-body|-b event "...": set the body header of the

mail for the event

-mailBodyFooter|-footer "...": body footer of

all mails.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 139


Operation Command Syntax Options

For example, to send mail notifications 25 days

before license expiration, run the command:
smc -activate
OnLicenseSoonExpiring yes
Threshold 25
Manage SSL certificate manageSSLCertificate|msc Replaces the default self-signed SSL certificate
[-install -crt embedded in the license server by another one
file_path_to_server.crt -key you provided.
file_path_to_server.key] | -install: installs the certificate on the license
[-uninstall] [-nofailover] server and stores it in the repository folder.

-crt: file path to certificate file (server.crt)

-key: file path to RSA key (server.key)

-uninstall: uninstall certificate previously

installed (and use the default self-signed one)

-nofailover: do not propagate to both other

failover members. This option is useful when
installing a certificate on a failover member
and the certificate is not a domain certificate.
By default, the certificate is sent to the three
failover members.

This command can be useful when security

rules prevent access to HTTPS servers with a
self-signed SSL certificate or a certificate
whose duration is too long. It is your
responsibility to periodically renew the
certificate installed on the license server. If
this SSL certificate expires, licensing clients
will refuse to connect to the license server and
licenses will not be granted.

To revert back to the default behavior (for

example, use the default self-signed
certificate), you must delete the previously
imported certificate using the -uninstall

Stop licence server stopServer|ss

Exit the license administration quit|q|exit|x|bye

Display help information help|h|? [command] command: (optional) display help information
relative to this command

Redirecting Output
By default, the DSLicSrv -admin command does not redirect output. The following table sums up the
different redirection possibilities available:

140 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


To perform this operation... Run this command...

Start the License Administration Tool in command line mode DSLicSrv -admin -o outputfile or DSLicSrv
and direct output to a newly created output file only -admin > outputfile
where outputfile is the name of the output file.

Start the License Administration Tool in command line mode DSLicSrv -admin >> outputfile
and append output to an existing output file only
where outputfile is the name of the output file.

Start the License Administration Tool in command line mode DSLicSrv -admin -t outputfile
and redirect output both to an output file and to the command
where outputfile is the name of the output file.
line window

After starting the License Administration Tool in command

Use the > sign to redirect command output, for example:
line mode, redirect output from individual commands to a
newly created output file glu -admin > outputfile
where outputfile is the name of the output file.

These new redirections take precedence over previous global redirections.

After starting the License Administration Tool in command

Use the >> sign to redirect command output, for example:
line mode, redirect output from individual commands to an
existing output file glu -admin >> outputfile
where outputfile is the name of the output file.

These new redirections take precedence over previous global redirections.

Here is a more elaborate example of how to use the different redirection possibilities:

Output from the commands highlighted in yellow is not redirected.

Output from the command highlighted in blue is appended to the existing file C:\temp\usage.txt.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 141


Output from the pink command is redirected to the newly created file C:\temp\info.txt.

Managing Passwords
You may not want to enter passwords each time you run DSLicSrv -admin, particularly if full and restricted
passwords are set, or if passwords are different between license servers. Furthermore, writing passwords in batch
files is not secure.
You can store passwords in an encrypted file and reference this file when connecting to license servers. Adding
the option -keyStore [file.ks] (or -ks [file.ks] ) instructs the License Administration Tool to
work with the encrypted file containing the passwords.
The default pathname of the .ks file is:
C:\Users\userid\AppData\Roaming\DassaultSystemes\LicenseAdmin.ks (Windows)
$HOME\.LicenseAdmin.ks (UNIX).
but any pathname can be used.
The .ks file is encrypted with the OS username and the pathname in lowercase. This partially prevents different
users from using the same .ks file, or from moving a .ks file from one folder to another.
The .ks file can contain full and restricted passwords for several license servers. When the -keyStore option
is used and the .ks file does not exist or does not contain the valid password for the license server, you will be
prompted to enter a password. If you enter the correct password, it will be stored in the .ks file.
When the -keyStore option is used and the .ks file contains a valid password for the license server, no
password prompt is displayed and the access will be granted.
License servers are identified by their names in a .ks file. Consequently, connecting a license server with an
IP address whereas the name has been stored in the .ks file will lead to a password prompt. The behavior is the
same if a license server is accessed both via localhost and its name, for example.
At the beginning of the following example, the -keyStore option has not been used already, therefore a .ks
file does not already exist, and you are trying to connect to a password-protected license server:

142 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


In the case of the command highlighted in yellow, you are prompted to enter a password because there is no
existing .ks file yet, so it will be created once you enter the password.
In the case of the command highlighted in blue, you are NOT prompted to enter a password because it can be
found in the .ks file which has just been created in the previous step.
In the case of the command highlighted in pink, you are prompted to enter a password because you started the
License Administration Tool without the -keyStore option.

Running Several Commands at the Same Time

You can run several commands at a time:
using a batch file as input file containing the commands: in the input file, several commands can be entered
as if they were entered interactively
or by concatenating the commands from the command line, eliminating the need for a batch file.
This is done using the -run "list of commands" option. Each command in the list of commands is
separated by a semicolon ;. The first command in the list must be the connect command (or help
command). Note that disconnect and quit commands are not mandatory at the end of the list.
If the server is protected by a full or restricted password, the password can be either entered interactively or
using a .ks file. You cannot enter the password in the list of commands after the -run option.
Only one -run option can be passed.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 143


The following table illustrates how to use both methods.

To perform this operation... Run this command...

Start the License Administration Tool in command line mode DSLicSrv -admin -i input file
and execute a command parameter file
The input file contains commands executed in command line mode.

Start the License Administration Tool in command line mode DSLicSrv -admin -run "list of commands"
and run a list of commands
DSLicSrv -admin -run "c localhost 4084; glu"

displays license usage.

DSLicSrv -admin -run "c localhost 4084; gc; gli > C:\temp\gli.txt;
glu >> C:\temp\glu.txt"

displays the license server configuration, redirects the license information to

a new file, then appends license usage information to an existing file.
DSLicSrv -admin -run "c protcomp 4084 -r;
glu -all" -ks
displays the detailed license usage of a password-protected license server
accessed in restricted mode.

DSLicTarget Command Syntax

The DSLicTarget command returns the computer id.
Option Description

-t Display the computer id

-l List available network adapters

-c Clear Windows registry key. You must run this command in an elevated command prompt.

-s {...} Windows only. Use a specific device identifier (provided by the -l parameter) to generate the computer id,
for example:
DSLicTarget -s {558CBA02-9E12-33F7-49A9-1154BED416A6}
You must run this command in an elevated command prompt.

-h Display help

File Locations, Settings and Registry Entries

This section specifies where the different files, settings and registry entries are created when you install and
administer the DS License Server.
Entries marked (*) indicate items that are intentionally left in place after uninstallation.
File Type Location

License Repository (*) The license repository containing enrolled licenses is located in:
On Windows:

144 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


File Type Location





Log Files (*) On Windows, an installation log file is created in:


This file is not created if the installation was performed by double-clicking the .msi file.
Furthermore, server statistics files (if enabled) and log files are stored by default in:
On Windows:


A new log file is created each time the license server is started, and also once the size of the active
log file exceeds 1MB. Old files can be freely removed or archived.

Casual usage named user license On Windows:

monthly report (*)


Its name is CasualUsage.YearMonth.txt and it contains the following information in plain text:

Generation date
License server name
License server computerID
List of CustomerSite value(s) present in the license keys
List of overuses (if any) comprising lines with:

- Product name
- User name
- Measured usage duration
- Max allowed usage duration
- LicenseID


Settings (*) The License Administration Tool user interface settings file (LicenseAdminUI) is located in:
On Windows:


DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 145


File Type Location

Password keystore (*)
On Windows:


License Client Configuration (*) Nodelock licenses, extracted offline licenses and the licensing client configuration file
(DSLicSrv.txt) are located in:




Note: You can change the default value for the path of the client configuration
file (but not the path of the license files) by setting the environment variable
DSLS_CONFIG to the full pathname of the file, for example on Windows:

Windows Registry Entries Standard Windows entries for managing the DSLS service.
Standard Windows entries for managing the DSLS installation.
The key:
manages ComputerID related info.
The key:
may be present on the licensing client computer side.

Windows Shortcuts Start > Programs > DS License Server

UNIX system files The following system files are modified if you do not perform the installation using the -x option.
The file /etc/inittab is updated
On Sun:
The file /etc/init.d/dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc2.d/S98dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc2.d/K96dsls is created

146 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


File Type Location

On Red Hat:
The file /etc/init.d/dsls is created
The file /etc/sysconfig/dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K02dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K02dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K02dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S98dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/K02dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S98dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K02dsls is created
On SuSE:
The file /etc/init.d/dsls is created
The file /etc/sysconfig/dsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/init.d/rc3.d/Kxxdsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/init.d/rc3.d/Syydsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/init.d/rc5.d/Sxxdsls is created
The symbolic link /etc/init.d/rc5.d/Kyydsls is created

(where xx and yy depend on your system configuration)

Port Management
There are three ports involved when managing the DS License Server:
Administration port (https protocol): default 4084, used by the License Administration Tool to
connect to the server
Licensing Port (https protocol): default 4085, used by license clients to request licenses
Failover port (https sockets): default 4086, used by intercommunication between cluster members.

Note: The https protocol is of the tcp type.

Note: The license administration tool and licensing clients can communicate with a license server through
a VPN if this VPN is properly configured to support https.

This section contains license server troubleshooting information.

Client cannot communicate with server

If this problem occurs:
On the client, run the DSCheckLS tool to get the result of some automatic checks.
Check that client and server have an absolute time difference lower than one hour (whatever the time zones,
which are ignored). A warning message Incompatible clock setting can be found in the server
log in such a case.
Check that the .txt extension is not duplicated for the DSLicSrv.txt file on a Windows client:

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 147


This type of issue can occur when your Windows explorer is configured to Hide extensions for
known file types.
Check that the DSLicSrv.txt file is at least in read access for everyone on the client.
Check that the server is declared in the DSLicSrv.txt file with a full qualified domain name if your
network settings require it.
Check that the DSLS_CONFIG environment variable has not been set on the client, or has been set to an
appropriate value.
Check that the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file on a Windows client, or /etc/
hosts file on a UNIX client, does not contain a configuration preventing server access.
Check that the license server version is able to serve the client application version. A simple rule is that the
latest server version should be always installed, because it's compatible with all existing client application
versions. The latest license server version can be downloaded from here:

Check that the proxy settings declared in the Windows Internet Options of the Windows client do not prevent
server access.
Check that the client firewall, server firewall, network equipment and security software are properly configured.
The TCP (HTTPS) protocol must be allowed from client to server typically on port 4085, or another port
number if your server is configured to listen to a non-default port number.

Poor communication performance between a Windows client and any server

The DS License Server communication protocol is based on HTTPS. By default, the license client on Windows
uses the Microsoft implementation of this protocol.
By default, the Microsoft implementation of the HTTPS protocol needs to contact Microsoft servers to check
SSL certificate revocation. These servers are the same as the ones accessed by Windows Update.
When the Windows client computer cannot access the Microsoft servers, a typical 15s timeout occurs before the
communication between the license client and license server takes place.
In this type of case, the server log contains Duration of message exceeds threshold messages
with the IP address of the client.
There are several workarounds to this issue:
Either, allow the Windows client to access the Microsoft servers used by Windows Update

148 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Or, switch from the Microsoft implementation of HTTPS protocol to the OpenSSL implementation. This
can be done by setting the following environment variable in the Windows client environment:
DSY_DISABLE_WININET=TRUE. However a drawback exists when this variable is set: forward proxies
(declared in Windows Internet Options) are not taken into account.
Or, turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update on the client. To do so:
1. Run the Local Group Policy Editor on client (if you don't know what Windows group policy
is, it's better not to follow this workaround).
2. Go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Internet Communication Management
- Internet Communication Settings.
3. Set Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update to Enabled.

Poor client performance at startup

Reduce the number of lines declared in the DSLicSrv.txt file. All logical servers declared are contacted
at startup, not only the first one. This ensures that an already granted license is shared.

Nodelock or extracted offline license cannot be granted to the client application

Check that the process does not run in remote mode, such as Remote Desktop on Windows or by exporting
DISPLAY on UNIX. When running in remote mode, nodelock and offline licenses are not taken into account.
Check that the process does not run in a virtual machine. When running in a virtual machine, nodelock and
offline licenses are not taken into account.
Check that your backup software is configured to not backup .LIC files located in C:\Program Files\
DassaultSystemes\Licenses, and that your security software is configured to not scan the same

Reducing launch duration

If starting the DS License Server or the License Administration Tool takes a long time, check that the number
of files in your temporary directory is reasonable (less than 10,000).
Here are typical temporary directories to check:

Reducing timeout when a failover member is down

When one of the three members of a DS License Server failover is down, it may occur that logon takes longer
than usual. This may be due to an inappropriate configuration of TCP parameters on the UNIX computer hosting
the Live Collaboration Server:
On Linux, check that the tcp_syn_retries parameter value is not too high.
On AIX, check that the tcp_keepinit parameter value is not too high.
On Solaris, check that the tcp_ip_abort_cinterval parameter value is not too high.

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 149


These parameters are managed at operating system level. This means that all running processes will benefit from
the changes and not only the Live Collaboration Server. Decreasing their value will not only reduce the logon
time when a DS License Server failover member is down, but also will potentially not leave enough time to
another server for responding. For example, a bad consequence could be that the Live Collaboration Server is
no longer able to contact a database server or that a third party application is no longer able to contact another
Ask your system administrator and your network administrator before modifying such parameters.

Error, Information and Warning Messages

This section contains a list of error messages classified into different categories.
Message types are identified by a one-letter prefix:
E (error)
I (information)
W (warning)
and are organized into the following categories, each describing a specific area being monitored:
INITSERVER: server initialization
STARTSERVER: server startup
STOPSERVER: server shutdown
REPOSITORY: license repository management
RUNTIMEDATA: license server runtime management
ADMINSERVER: server administration
ENROLL: license enrollment
LICENSEDATA: license data management
MONITORING: server monitoring
STATISTICS: server statistics
LICENSESERV: license server
FAILOVERSRV: failover server management.

Type Category Message

I INITSERVER Server version 6.211.0 built on yymmddhhmmss

I INITSERVER Initializing license server on pathName args [...]


I INITSERVER Server successfully initialized.

I INITSERVER License server already initialized on pathName

I INITSERVER Use -force option for reinitialization.

E INITSERVER -adminPort option invalid : pppp

E INITSERVER -adminPort option missing
E INITSERVER Cannot create pathName

E INITSERVER Cannot create lock file fileName

150 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Type Category Message

E INITSERVER Cannot initialize repository

E INITSERVER Cannot initialize server on pathName

E INITSERVER Cannot obtain a valid computer ID

E INITSERVER Cannot retrieve computer name (...)

E INITSERVER Cannot retrieve data from hostName on port pppp(...)

E INITSERVER Cannot retrieve data from hostName. Authentication is required

E INITSERVER Cannot retrieve data from hostName. Remote administration is not allowed

E INITSERVER Cannot retrieve data from hostName. Unknown host

E INITSERVER Existing license data has been created by a license server with a higher level than the
one being installed. Either install a higher level license server or install license server
from scratch.

E INITSERVER Network adapter or motherboard previously used for generating Computer ID is no

longer available. Either re-install this piece of hardware or install license server from
scratch for changing Computer ID.

E INITSERVER Check integrity of license data has failed. License server must be re-installed from scratch.

E INITSERVER Data received from hostName cannot be used by this computer

E INITSERVER File version ver cannot be read by current software version ver

E INITSERVER Invalid computerId; XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cannot be used

E INITSERVER Invalid folder pathName

E INITSERVER Invalid port specified pppp for option -adminPort

E INITSERVER Unknown option(s) : -option

E INITSERVER Write time : yymmddhhmmss, Change time : yymmddhhmmss

I STARTSERVER Server version 6.209.0 built on Jan 17, 2010 5:28:47 PM started

I STARTSERVER java version "1.6.0_18"

I STARTSERVER Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)

I STARTSERVER Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)

I STARTSERVER ComputerId XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ( based on device ... )

I STARTSERVER Ready : administration port pppp, licensing port pppp

I STOPSERVER Stopping license server...

I STOPSERVER License server stopped

E REPOSITORY IOException writing file fileName

E REPOSITORY Invalid repository directory pathName

E REPOSITORY cannot delete file ( fileName )

E REPOSITORY cannot rename file ( fileName -> fileName )

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 151


Type Category Message

I REPOSITORY fileName written to disk

E RUNTIMEDATA Check integrity of license data has failed. License server must be re-installed from scratch.

E RUNTIMEDATA Clock has been changed

E RUNTIMEDATA Clock has been moved to the future (nnn ms)

E RUNTIMEDATA Clock has been moved to the past (nnn ms)

E RUNTIMEDATA ComputerId XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is not compatible with the cluster


E RUNTIMEDATA ComputerId XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is not compatible with the server


E RUNTIMEDATA Existing license data has been created by a license server with a higher level than the
current one. Either install a higher level license server or install license server from

E RUNTIMEDATA File version ver cannot be read by current software version ver

E RUNTIMEDATA License data cannot be read: invalid format. License server must be re-installed from

E RUNTIMEDATA Network adapter or motherboard previously used for generating Computer ID is no

longer available. Either re-install this piece of hardware or install license server from
scratch for changing Computer ID.

E RUNTIMEDATA Serialization error on runtime data

E RUNTIMEDATA Write time : yymmddhhmmss, Change time : yymmddhhmmss

E RUNTIMEDATA writeRuntime error :...

W RUNTIMEDATA Error : AAA has no runtime

W RUNTIMEDATA Error : feature "AAA" refers to "SSSSSSS" which is not owned by a client

W RUNTIMEDATA Error : inconsistent feature AAA expected count = nnn registered nnn

W RUNTIMEDATA Error : inconsistent feature AAA no license

I RUNTIMEDATA System has been suspended

I RUNTIMEDATA System has been resumed

W ADMINSERVER Administration request denied from hostName(IP address) : invalid


W ADMINSERVER Connection from hostName(IP address) terminated : a local administration

console is connecting

W ADMINSERVER Remote administration not allowed : refuse connection from hostName(IP

I ADMINSERVER Administration connection ended with hostName(IP address)
I ADMINSERVER Administration connection started with hostName(IP address)
I ADMINSERVER Administration port changed to pppp

152 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Type Category Message

I ADMINSERVER Failover port changed to pppp

I ADMINSERVER Licensing port changed to pppp

I ADMINSERVER adminCommand command issued

I ADMINSERVER License usage trace turned on for AAA

I ADMINSERVER License usage trace turned off for AAA

W ENROLL Enrollment authorization license has expired for editor Dassault Systemes


I ENROLL Enrollment authorized for editor Dassault Systemes

E LICENSEDATA Cryptographic error : ...

E LICENSEDATA Error in signature key extraction ...


has been invalidated

W LICENSEDATA incomplete data for license id XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX,

RepGroupIndex n missing RepFileIndex n

I LICENSEDATA Activating group n for license id XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX


RepGroupIndex n RepFileIndex n Features AAA Quantity nnn

I LICENSEDATA Deactivating group n for license id XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX


RepGroupIndex n

W MONITORING dumpAllThreads not available on this platform

W MONITORING dumpHeap not available on this platform

E STATISTICS Exception occurred; license usage no more logged

E STATISTICS Exception occurred; license usage not logged

E STATISTICS pathName specified is invalid; license usage not logged

E LICENSESERV Cannot listen on port pppp

W LICENSESERV Waiting for failover server(s)

W LICENSESERV Invalid or expired client token nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (from client ...)


(from client ...)

W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, host hostName not authorized (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, host not authorized (from client ...)

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 153


Type Category Message

W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, internal failover error (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, license already used by user userName on host userName
(from client ...)

W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, license used on another host (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no ConcurrentUser license available (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no NamedUser license available (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no NamedUser nor ConcurrentUser license available (from client ...)

W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no license enrolled (from client ...)

W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no license enrolled for tenant tenantId (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no license for editor
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no license of type TYPE can be granted (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no more available license (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no suitable release date yymmddhhmmss (from client ...)
W LICENSESERV AAA not granted, no suitable release number n (from client ...)
not granted, user userName not authorized (from client ...)

W LICENSESERV AAA queued request suppressed , no more available license (from client ...)
I LICENSESERV Editor editorName not registered

I LICENSESERV Invalid or expired session nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

I LICENSESERV Licensing service started

I LICENSESERV AAA granted to client ...

I LICENSESERV AAA detached from client ...

I LICENSESERV AAA detached by timeout from client ...

I LICENSESERV n tokens of AAA granted to client ...

I LICENSESERV n tokens of AAA detached from client ...

I LICENSESERV n tokens of AAA detached by timeout from client ...

I LICENSESERV AAA granted; offline license XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX has been

generated for host hostName XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

I LICENSESERV AAA detached; offline license XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX restituted

(generated for host hostName XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)

I LICENSESERV AAA detached; offline license XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX expired

(generated for host hostName XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)

E FAILOVERSRV Cannot listen on port pppp

E FAILOVERSRV Cannot retrieve member of cluster

W FAILOVERSRV Cluster host hostName : computer id changed to XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

W FAILOVERSRV Cluster host hostName changed to hostName

154 DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide


Type Category Message

W FAILOVERSRV Cluster host hostName repaired

W FAILOVERSRV Cluster host hostName replaced with hostName


W FAILOVERSRV Connection lost with hostName

W FAILOVERSRV Unsuccessful handshake with hostName

W FAILOVERSRV hostName does not run a compatible runtime version ( version : nnn, release : n,
servicePack : n

W FAILOVERSRV hostName's computerId XXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX does not match


W FAILOVERSRV hostName is not synchronized

I FAILOVERSRV Connection established with hostName

DS License Server 3DEXPERIENCE R2015x Installation and Configuration Guide 155

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