A11 Rig Move

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A11. RIG/Barge move & Tug management

19.04.2012 Page 1 of 57
NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Version History
Version Who Additions
3.0 OKR 2001 Created
3.4 AFA 2002-11-27 Updated to version 3.4
3.4A JUS 2003-01-06 Updated to version 3.4a. Chapter: 6.4 revised.
3.4C OKR 2004-05-03 Updated to 3.4C a.o. note in Load/Save setup
3.4D AFA 2004-11-19 CMS and Rigmon improvements update.
3.4D-P06 AFA 2005-02-01 Caesar interface added
3:4D-P11 OKR 2005-06-14 Added section on Waypoint control
Added section on commands from tug to barge
3.4D-P14 AFA 2005-10-25 Added sections Tug information and csv log format
3.5/3.4D-P15 JUS 2006-01-06 Implemented Mid Line Markers
Added Preset state (unused, racked or laid)
Added name of intended position (name of Well)
3.5 p15 OKR 2008-10-30 Number of Mid Line Buoys expanded to 20 per anchor
3.8 OKR 2012-04-19 Upgraded GUI

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

1 Table of content

1 Table of content ___________________________________________________________________ 3

2 Introduction ______________________________________________________________________ 5
3 Data flow _________________________________________________________________________ 5
4 Enabling RIG/Barge Move & Tug management__________________________________________ 6
5 Setting up the RIG/Barge Move _______________________________________________________ 6
5.1 RIG/Barge Settings ____________________________________________________________ 8
5.2 Winch points _________________________________________________________________ 8
5.3 Intended placement/position_____________________________________________________ 9
5.4 Proposed anchor position _______________________________________________________ 9
5.4.1 Auto Calculate all Anchors around the RIG/Barge __________________________________ 10
5.4.2 Manual setting of Anchors ____________________________________________________ 10 Position _______________________________________________________________ 10 Preset State ____________________________________________________________ 11 Mid Line Buoys ________________________________________________________ 11 Mid Line Markers _______________________________________________________ 12
5.4.3 Saving result _______________________________________________________________ 12
5.5 Distribute RIG/Barge Data_____________________________________________________ 12
6 Operating RIG/Barge Move _________________________________________________________ 13
6.1 Principles ___________________________________________________________________ 13
6.2 Anchor view _________________________________________________________________ 13
6.3 RIGMon Commands _________________________________________________________ 14
6.3.1 File ______________________________________________________________________ 14 Print _________________________________________________________________ 14 Exit __________________________________________________________________ 14
6.3.2 Edit ______________________________________________________________________ 14 Anchor wizard _________________________________________________________ 15 Anchors ______________________________________________________________ 16 TUG boats ____________________________________________________________ 17 Intended RIG position ____________________________________________________ 18 Mid Line Buoys ________________________________________________________ 19 Golf Laser _____________________________________________________________ 19 Establish fix ___________________________________________________________ 19 Field Joint _____________________________________________________________ 20 Save field joint in change log ______________________________________________ 20
6.3.3 View _____________________________________________________________________ 20 View Report ___________________________________________________________ 21 View Changelog ________________________________________________________ 21
6.3.4 Settings ___________________________________________________________________ 22 Save Settings___________________________________________________________ 23 Data Unit _____________________________________________________________ 23
6.3.5 Refresh ___________________________________________________________________ 23 Refresh Helmsmans Display ______________________________________________ 23 Refresh TUG Helmsmans Display _________________________________________ 23
6.3.6 Help _____________________________________________________________________ 23 About ________________________________________________________________ 23 Contents ______________________________________________________________ 23
6.4 Helmsmans Display (HD) _____________________________________________________ 23

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6.4.1 Rigmon/HD operating scenario _________________________________________________ 25

6.4.2 Direct Helmsmans Display operating scenario_____________________________________ 26 Assign TUG to Anchor ___________________________________________________ 26 Action on Anchor _______________________________________________________ 27 Propose position ________________________________________________________ 27 Move laid _____________________________________________________________ 27
6.5 Data protocol ________________________________________________________________ 28 Stolt Offshore PCTug ____________________________________________________ 28 EIVA Format __________________________________________________________ 29 Data to Catenary Monitoring system_________________________________________ 29
6.6 On the Tug Boat _____________________________________________________________ 29
6.7 Mid Line Buoys ______________________________________________________________ 31
6.7.1 MLB on Tug Helmsmans Display (HD) _________________________________________ 32
6.8 Golf Laser __________________________________________________________________ 32
7 Controlling tugs via waypoints _______________________________________________________ 34
7.1 On the barge ________________________________________________________________ 34
7.2 On the tug __________________________________________________________________ 36
8 Messages from tug to barge _________________________________________________________ 39
8.1 On the tug __________________________________________________________________ 39
8.2 On the barge ________________________________________________________________ 40
8.3 Using multiplexer ____________________________________________________________ 41
8.4 Reading directly on the port ____________________________________________________ 43
8.5 FIX numbers from the tug _____________________________________________________ 44
9 Data to CMS _____________________________________________________________________ 45
9.1 Data Transfer Protocol ________________________________________________________ 45
9.1.1 Barge Position telegram ______________________________________________________ 46
9.1.2 Tug/Mid Line Buoy (Dynamic) Position telegram __________________________________ 46
9.1.3 Anchor Position telegram _____________________________________________________ 46
9.1.4 Recovering an Anchor Position telegram _________________________________________ 47
9.2 Output intervals______________________________________________________________ 47
9.3 Hardware ___________________________________________________________________ 48
10 Data to Plums CMS _____________________________________________________________ 48
10.1 Operation ___________________________________________________________________ 48
10.2 Data format _________________________________________________________________ 50
11 Tug Information ________________________________________________________________ 51
11.1 Setting up the system__________________________________________________________ 53
11.2 Data format _________________________________________________________________ 56

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

2 Introduction
This document describes how to perform a complete RIG move and tug management job in
NaviPac version 3.2 or higher.

NaviPac must be installed as a full version on the barge/rig (main system). The initial system does
not support remote display on the TUGs. Please refer to Appendix 4 Simple TUG management.

Communication between the main NaviPac (on the barge/rig) and each of the tugs must be
established using some intelligent modem set-up (Only tested with Satel 2ASX).

3 Data flow
From each tug the position and heading of the tug will be transferred to the main NaviPac, i.e. on
the Rig the operator can see position of the rig and of all tugs in operation. If needed, position of rig
and other tugs can be made available on the tugs as well.

NaviPac can read data using the following formats:


Remote navigation NaviPac, Winfrog, NMEA, Tracks, PCTug, IMCA etc format.

Range/bearing using Leica Autotrack, Golf Laser etc


Data & commands to the TUG boats support Stolt Offshore1 PCTUG format and dedicated EIVA

Remote NaviPac vessels can also read this format, by the use of Remote NaviPac Control Input.
Please se manual on distributed solutions for further details.

Now Acergy

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

4 Enabling RIG/Barge Move & Tug management

To use the RIG Move feature in NaviPac, you need a special dongle, which opens this feature.

In NaviPac Config, you must go into Options, NaviPac Mode menu:

If you accept the selection, NaviPac checks if the attached dongle is OK. If not a warning is given.
If OK, a new Barge Setup entry is added to the Options Menu.

5 Setting up the RIG/Barge Move

After the RIG/Barge Move mode is selected, a new Barge Setup menu is available in NaviPac
Config Options.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

In this dialogue based application, the operator can load and display a RIG/Barge shape, specify
winch points, define intended RIG (well) position and define proposed anchor positions.

You may save the current set-up to a user defined name via the Save Set-up button and load an
existing set-up via the Load Set-up button. These special copies are always named
RMS_<name>.INI and will as default be placed on the NaviPac\setup directory. Please note that a
Save set-up first saves the loaded setup (default INI file) and hereafter makes a save as.

The Setup can be completely removed from NaviPac.ini by the Reset button!!! A reset is done
immediately and cannot be undone.

The check box Show Anchors display the anchors at their intended position and a line to the winch
point, and changes the shown coordinates to easting/northing instead of relative to Rig, and shows
the Rig with the entered Heading.

The Apply button saves all the settings, without closing the dialog, and the Close buttons saves
settings and exits the dialog.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

5.1 RIG/Barge Settings

Its possible to define the following RIG parameters:

Rig/Barge name:
Enter name of the RIG/Barge (maximum 32 characters). This name will be used in displays
and reports.

Well name:
Enter name of the intended position of the RIG (Barge), i.e. a formal name of the target

Enter optional name of end client (maximum 32 characters). This name will be used in displays
and reports.

Rig/Barge layout:
To optimise online display, you may attach a file (Please see manual on NaviPac FileAsc
module or Helmsmans display for further details on file-format). The layout will be presented
here and can be used in online display as well.

XY View scale:
The display of the RIG is always centred on reference point (0,0) with some default scale. To
zoom in/out just change the scale. When this control has focus you can scroll in the map scale,
for zoom in and out.

5.2 Winch points

NaviPac RIG move operates with a series of anchors attached to a winch point. We can maximum
handle 16 anchors. The number of winch points is defined in the upper right field. To change the
number you must just enter the correct value and click once outside the field .
When defining the winch points , we recommend this is done clockwise starting with the upper
centre point.

To define/change a winch point, just double click on the point in the selection list.

It must be in another active field like the list-box.
In other systems named Fairlead

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Its possible to give each point a suitable name and 3 dimensional offset relative to RIG reference
point. Note that each point automatically is treated, as dynamic offset in NaviPac and the names
will be used for presentation and control.

The Apply Name to Anchor will apply the winchs name to the anchor as well.

5.3 Intended placement/position

In this section, the operator must enter the intended position (as grid co-ordinates easting and
northing) and direction of the RIG. Always make sure that a valid Rig position is filled in prior to
clicking the Anchor Positions button. Its optional to enter the name of the intended position (name
of the well). If not entered the name of the vessel (Rig name) is used instead where the name of the
intended position is referenced.

5.4 Proposed anchor position

The Anchor positions button brings up the Anchor Positions dialog. Based on the destination
location and RIG/Barge layout, you can define the (proposed) anchor positions here.

The list contains one entry for each anchor (one anchor corresponds to one winch point), as each
anchor is defined by name and grid location. When setting up for the first time, all positions and

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

range/bearings will be set to 0. Setup of anchors you can be done automatically by the Auto
Calculate all Anchors button, and /or by manually accessing all anchors.

5.4.1 Auto Calculate all Anchors around the RIG/Barge

If the anchors are going to be placed smooth around the RIG with same range, NaviPac can
estimate the positions. Press Auto Calculate

Bearing to first Anchor:

Relatively to the rig/barge heading + bearing to the winch (GD1) of the first anchor.

Cable length:
Length of anchor cables/wires (CL).

Anchor state
Reset anchor state to selected

The first anchor will be placed in position of first winch point plus the vector with direction GD1 and
length CL. The second anchor will be placed in position of second winch point plus the vector with
direction (GD1 + 360/NWP) and length CL, NWP is the total number of winch points.

5.4.2 Manual setting of Anchors

When clicking on an anchor in the anchors list, its settings will be displayed in the fields below. You
can change name, positions and/or range/bearing and Mid Line Buoys settings.

The new settings for an anchor are written to the list by the Update Anchor button. The Restore
Anchor to Original button sets all settings for the specific anchor to the initial values of when the
Anchor Positions dialog was opened. Position
The easting/northing and the range/bearing groups will always express the same thing, and be kept
consistent by an automatic update of the opposite group when a field has been changed. When
e.g. range has been changed and loose focus, by clicking on another field, the result of the new
range/bearing (relative to the winch point), is used to update the easting/northing fields.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management Preset State

The operator may select from 3 different anchor states: unused, racked or laid. When selecting
unused or racked state the position entered regards the proposed position. When selecting laid
state the position entered regards the real anchor position (this makes sense for Rigs only).

Note: this option is only active the very first time of a rigmove setup! A manual editing of the
[rigmove] section found in navipac.ini must be carried out in order for the option to be re-enabled. Mid Line Buoys

To define midline buoys just press the button to the right and the following dialogue pops up:

You may define up to 20 MLBs per anchor.

Add a MLB
Select the anchor and activate right mouse and a Add MLB pops up.
The new MLB will be appended to the list for the selected anchor. See hereafter Change

Delete a MLB
Mark the MLB in the list, activate right mouse and select the pop-up Delete

Change MLB
Select the MLB and the actual status is defined in the right part of the dialogue. The MLB
may have the following states

Nothing you may just erase it

o Distance from anchor

The MLB is defined as a fixed distance from the anchor towards the barge.
Enter distance in meters.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

o Fixed position
The MLB is defined as a fixed location (easting, northing). The anchor line will
hereafter pass through this point.
Enter position coordinates.

o Dynamic object
The MLB will be dynamic tracked by an object (an active dynamic object in
NaviPac). The anchor line will hereafter pass through this point.
Select between all active objects.

Please note that MLB parameters can be changed online in both RigMon and Helmsmans Display.

MLBs will be represented in online as ordinary objects, and will be named as <anchor>-
MLB<index> (e.g. A1-MLB1). Mid Line Markers

The check box use Mid Line Markers adds up an arbitrary number of MLMs depending of the
length of the anchor cable/wire and the marker inter-distance entered.

5.4.3 Saving result

The result of the anchor setting will be saved to file (NAVIPAC.INI) when you press OK.

The entered positions are proposed positions and will be saved as such.

If you need to save them as laid position (initial start up) then this may be done via the Save
Position as Laid Anchor button-

5.5 Distribute RIG/Barge Data

If TUG commands and anchor patterns must be distributed to other vessels (tug boats), this is done
by enabling a dedicated data output:

The system supports the protocol defined by Stolt Offshore France PCTUG format and a similar
EIVA format. To select the appropriate format, select the Format field and press ....

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

This can be combined with other in- and outputs using a multiplex telemetry solution, as described
in another manual.

6 Operating RIG/Barge Move

The RIGMove is operated from the RIGMon application, which is started automatically during Re-
start and presented on the Helmsmans Display. The following goes through the operation in
certain scenarios. For further details on how to operate the Helmsmans Display please refer to that
dedicated manual.

6.1 Principles
NaviPac RIGMove is based on handling of anchors. The purpose of RIGMove is to place the RIG
on the wanted position (ordinary NaviPac operations) and move the anchors from the RIG to the
correct location.

An anchor will be in on of the following states:

Racked: The anchor is located on the RIG fairlead position and is ready to be placed.

Tracking: The anchor is on its way to the wanted location, assigned to a tugboat.

Laid: The anchor is placed on the seabed.

Un-used: The anchor is not in use, but can easily be activated again.

The placement of anchors will now be performed in various scenarios where the state changes
from racked to laid.

6.2 Anchor view

When the RIG move is started, you will have displays like this.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

The upper part of the display contains one row per anchor, as it presents the following information:

Anchor: Name of the anchor.

Status: Current status

Easting: Proposed or laid position. - Easting co-ordinate.

Northing: Proposed or laid position. Northing co-ordinate.

Range: Range from RIG to position.

Bearing: Grid bearing from RIG to position.

The lower part of the window contains information about RIG placement, as it gives actual and
proposed position.

6.3 RIGMon Commands

6.3.1 File Print
Print report on default printer. Simple ASCII listing as shown in View Report. If a position fix has
been performed, it will contain placement statistics as well. Exit
Close the module. All states are saved and will be loaded automatically on next start but outputs
to external TUG modules etc. are stopped.

6.3.2 Edit
By three different dialogs it is possible to manipulate and control the anchors from Rigmon. It is a
matter of taste which one to use.

Beside that, the edit menu allows you to control other parts of the RigMove and TMS operation.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management Anchor wizard

Assign: Assign tug to anchor, the following actions refer to the assigned tug.

Deassign: Deassign tug from anchor, no else changes is done (not in tracking state).

Mark Unused: State set to un-used, anchor is de-assigned and anchor position set to
winch point.

Mark Racked: State set to racked, anchor is de-assigned and anchor position set to winch

Anchor picked up: Mode is tracking, anchor position follow the assigned tug (that must
be assigned first).

Anchor dropped by TUG: Set mode to laid (from tracking) and registers the position, and
de-assign automatically.

New proposed position: Enter new proposed position (possible in all states). State and
assignment is unchanged.

New dropped position: Let operator specify manual new laid position. Dialog comes up
for entering this.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Other parts of the wizard allow selection of anchor, Tugboat and entering of proposed
position. Anchors

In the anchor handling dialogue, the operator can control the state and assignment of each anchor.
And enter new proposed positions or manually move laid positions, or range/bearings.

Anchor: Which anchor do we want to control

Deassign - Assign: Shows and sets the assignment of an anchor to a tug

Object: If the anchor is assigned to an object ( tug ), the object is shown as read only, else it is
possible to select an object to assign in a list.

Proposed position: Give a read only field containing the proposed anchor position. Initially it
contains the position defined in RIGSetup.

Position: Fields to input new proposed position or manual moved laid position, depending on
the checkbox Move Laid Position. In Tracking state it will show the actual position of the tug
boat, and no input is possible.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Apply position: If the anchor not is tracking, its possible to change the new proposed
position. If the anchor is Laid it is also possible to change the laid position manually, by first
checking the checkbox Move Laid Position. Position is entered and applied as X Y coordinates.

Range/Bearing: Fields to input new proposed position or manual moved laid position, in range
bearing format, from Rig reference point, if the checkbox Move Laid Position is set. In Tracking
state it will show the actual range bearing of the tug boat, and no input is possible.

Apply Rng/Brg: New proposed position or manual move laid position can be entered as range
bearing format from Rig reference point, and the resulting position is calculated and shown in
the Position fields. In Tracking state the range bearing to tug is updated constantly.

Delta position: Display the distance (delta east and delta north) from actual position to wanted

State: Display current anchor state and allows the operator to change state. Note that change
of state will take place immediately, and will result in update of HD. If dropped assignment will
be removed. If made unused or racked, with an assignment, assignment will be removed. TUG boats

The dialogue is operator controlled, and nothing happens until the operator presses Send
Command. The operator must select which TUG it is and which of the anchors the TUG handles. It
will automatically propose the next choise.

TUG: Selection of which TUG the following command must be related to.

Anchor: Select, which anchor to assign to the TUG.

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Assign Anchor: After selecting an anchor, assignment can be made, if the tug is assigned to
another un-tracking anchor, that assignment will be removed first

De-assign-Anchor: The assignment of tug to anchor will be removed, if not tracking.

Un use anchor: The anchor will be marked as unused, assignment, if any, is removed.

Anchor Racked: Register that the anchor is racked and placed on the barge, assignment, if
any, is removed.

Anchor Tracking: Register that the TUG boat has picked the anchor, i.e. the anchor is to be
moved. The anchor mode changes to tracking.

Anchor dropped: Register that the anchor has been laid. The mode changes to laid and the
current TUG position is attached to the anchor. Assignment to tug is removed.

New proposed position: Opens a new dialog for entering a new proposed position.

Cancel Track Anchor: If anchor is tracking, the previous state is restored.

Send all anchors: Retransmit all anchor status to the TUG boats.

Go to waypoint: Open a new dialog for entering a waypoint and sends order to tug to go to
that waypoint. Only for PCTug program on tug boats

Tow to waypoint: Open a new dialog for entering a waypoint and sends order to tug to tow
the chosen anchor to that waypoint. Only for PCTug program on tug boats

Text: Send text message to TUG boat. The tug protocol must support it. (Eiva format does)

Send Command: Send the selected command to TUG boat (if protocol selected), update
anchor state and notify the Helmsman display.

Close: Close the dialogue. Next time its opened, it will use the last known setting. Intended RIG position

By this entry, the operator may change the intended RIG position and heading.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Just enter the new coordinates and accept by OK. The new values are immediately taken into
account, displayed at the HDs and saved in the configuration file. Note that you also may perform
this operation on the HD, where you can drag the position via CTRL+double-click Mid Line Buoys

Gives access to a special handling of buoys between winch and anchor. See 6.7 Mid Line Buoys. Golf Laser

Special handling of TUG positioning via Golf laser system. See 6.8 Golf Laser Establish fix

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

When the RIG is placed finally, this function allows collection of placement statistics.

The result will hereafter be included in the final report:

Rigmove establish fix: 22 samples
Easting Northing Heading
Minimum: 490500.194 6706450.666 5.000
Maximum: 490500.402 6706452.839 5.000
Average: 490500.298 6706451.722 5.000
Std.Dev: 0000.065 0000.673 000.000
--------------------------------------------- Field Joint

Starts the special field joint event generation module. See dedicated help. Save field joint in change log

Shall we store field joints (NaviPac events) together with the ordinary Rig/TMS messages? See
also section on the change log.

6.3.3 View

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management View Report

View current RIGMon window in status report. Data is shown in Notepad. View Changelog

RigMon maintains a daily change log (placed on $EIVAHOME\data and named
RIGYYYYMMDD.log or *.csv), which includes all changes in anchor states. The actual file can be
viewed here (shown in eiva format):

The changelog can be formatted in 2 ways: default Eiva format (as above) or CSV format (comma
separated value).

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

For csv not all of the rigmon commands are logged, only a subset with the actual anchor changes,
which means that events, intended positions, waypoints and mlb changes are not logged in the csv
format, neither are initial anchor positions.

The csv file is intended for direct load into excel spreadsheets

Only one line per anchor change is logged to the file, as 10 comma separated columns:


Currently used anchor state IDs:

A : assigned

Q: unassigned

R: recovered

D: dropped

R: racked

U: unused

6.3.4 Settings

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management Save Settings

Save current window size and placement as new default. Data Unit

Select between display in meter and US Survey feet. Is only relevant if the main NaviPac is
operated in metric!

6.3.5 Refresh Refresh Helmsmans Display

Force an update of the Barge Helmsmans Display as well as other local network Helmsmans
Display slaves. Refresh TUG Helmsmans Display

Force an update of the TUG Helmsmans Display(s) requires that output to tug boats is enabled!

6.3.6 Help About

Display release date and version number. Must be included in reports to EIVA. Contents

Display the manual in default HTML browser.

6.4 Helmsmans Display (HD)

The Helmsmans Display (hereafter abbreviated HD) uses Rigmon as a server for anchor data.
When changes are done in Rigmon it will immediately (almost) be reflected in HD(s). It is also
possible to control the anchors directly from HD without using the Rigmon dialogs, but Rigmon
must still be running as a server. A short summary of the HD presentation is following here.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

The HD is initially (by operator) configured with the following windows

Map view: graphical presentation of RIG, TUG boats and anchor placemnets. Will also be for
presentation of Anchor/TUG relations. Highly recommended.

Position view: Shows actual position and heading of the RIG. Optional.

RigMove view: Shows either state and range/bearing of each anchor or state and
range/bearing of each proposed position/anchor, including intended position to actual RIG
position. Highly recommended.

Anchor Handling view: For each of the tugboats (if any) we must have a anchor handling view.
Initially it must be defined from TUG to Map origin.

The various anchor states will be represented as:

Proposed position: Proposed anchor positions will as default be presented as a blue filled dot
surrounded by a blue circle with a blue connection line to the winch. This is a special state and
the RigMove view only shows this if configured to do so.

Unused: Unused anchor will as default be presented as a black anchor at the winch point and
the RigMove view will be using black background colour.

Racked: Unused anchor will as default be presented as a blue anchor at the winch point and
the RigMove view will used blue background colour.

Tracking: Tracking anchor position will, as default, be presented as pink anchor and a pink
solid connection line to the winch point. The RigMove view will use pink background colour.

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Laid: The anchor will, as default, be presented as a green fixed circle and there will be a solid
connection line from anchor to the winch. The RigMove view will use green background colour.

6.4.1 Rigmon/HD operating scenario

This section describes how an anchor can be placed using the simplest manual set-up. The
operation will be performed using RIGMon and Helmsmans Display.

1. The RIG has been placed where it should be, and we are ready to begin placing the anchors.

2. All anchors is in proposed state, i.e. the anchors are onboard the RIG but we know where to
place them.

3. By use of one of the Rigmon dialogs (anchor, tug or wizard) the user can place and manipulate
the anchors. This can also be done directly from the HD by mouse (ctrl+doubleclick) and
through dialogs (propose position or move laid).

4. For each anchor adjust the proposed position (if needed) by entering new position or new

5. Before operating a tug on an anchor it must be assigned to a tug, by use of the dialogs (from
HD: Assign tug to anchor; doubleclick tug in list). Alternatively it can also be moved manually
without a tug.

6. When the anchor is tracking, mark it as tracking and the anchor will follow the tug (from HD:
Action on anchor).

7. When the anchor is dropped mark it as dropped (from HD: Action on anchor) and I will be laid
at the last known tug position (the position can afterwards be manually moved if wrong). The
assignment will automatically disappear when laid.

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8. The scenario can now be repeated with a new proposed position, which can be applied to the

6.4.2 Direct Helmsmans Display operating scenario

In the HD there are similar dialogs for controlling the anchors, and they pop up when left clicking an
anchor in the RigMove view.

These dialogs for controlling anchors are described next. Assign TUG to Anchor

Before any tug related action on anchor can be done the tug must be assigned to the anchor.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Perform a fast selection by double-clicking the tug (or winch/fairlead) object. Action on Anchor

Use the following dialog to rack, pick up, track or drop anchor. The current anchor state determines
which next states are selectable. The most likely next state is automatically pre-selected. Propose position

A propose anchor position can be done in two ways: either manually by dialog or semi-
automatically by mouse (ctrl+doubleclick the propose position). Move laid

A laid anchor can be moved in two ways: either manually by dialog or semi-automatically by mouse
(ctrl+doubleclick the laid anchor).

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

The operator is prompted for an accept before actual move.

6.5 Data protocol

If NaviPac is used together with an external TUG module (telemetry to the boats), data will be
exchanged during the process Stolt Offshore PCTug

Data from PCTug
The TUG boats sends their position and heading in a Remote NaviPac format:
<STX><ID> <Easting> <Northing> <Heading> <Status>*<Check Sum><CR><LF>

Continuous data from NaviPac:

At each cycle NaviPac sends the barge position:
$P000<RIG-Id>,<Easting>,<Northing>,<Heading>,0,<Count>*<ChS ><CR><LF>
Each 30. second we send an anchor pattern as well .

Anchor Pattern:
$RIGD<Rig-Id>,<East anchor1>,<North anchor 1>, <mode1>, .{repeated for each
anchor}*<ChS><cr><lf>, where mode is 0-propsed, 1-tracked, 2-laid or 3-recovering.

Not available.

GoToWaypoint: $TUGD0,<Tug>,1,0,<Ewy>,<Nwy>*<ChS ><cr><lf>

TowToWaypoint: $TUGD0,<Tug>,3,-<Anchor><Ewy>,<Nwy>*<ChS ><cr><lf>

Assign Anchor to tug: If laid send

$TUGD0,<Tugid>,1,<Anchor>,<Ea>,<Na>*<ChS><cr><lf> else send
$TUGD0,<Tug id>,1,<Anchor id>,<Ewi>,<Nwi>*<ChS><cr><lf>

Deassign anchor tug: $TUGD0,<Tug id>,7,<Anchor id>,0,0*<ChS><cr><lf>

Anchor Tracking: from racked: $TUGD0,<Tug id>,3,<Anchor id>,0,0*<ChS><cr><lf>

from laid $TUGD0,<Tug id>,3,<Anchor id>,<Ep>,<Np>*<ChS><cr><lf>

The pattern frequency can be modified in NaviPac.ini:
ChS=Check Sum

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Anchor UnUsed: Send anchor Pattern

Anchor Racked: Send anchor Pattern

Anchor Dropped: Send anchor Pattern

Send set-up: Send anchor Pattern

Ea/Na=anchor pos. Ep/Np=proposed pos. Ewi/Nwi=winch pos. Ewy/Nwy=waypoint pos. EIVA Format

Anchor pattern:
$TUG-R,<Ep>, <Np>, <Hp>, <rigname>*<ChS><cr><lf>
for every anchor.

Single Anchor Update:

For every state and position command, the anchors attributes are updated and a single anchor
update is send for that particular anchor.

Single Anchor Update:

$ANC-M,<tug>,<anchor>,<state>,<Ep>,<Np>,<Ea>,<Na>,<distMLM >*<ChS><cr><lf>
Special command launched once after start up defining the distance between MLMs for that
particular anchor (or launched when specified in navipac.ini ).

Text message:

MLB update:

MLB removal:
$MLB-R*<ChS><cr><lf> (removes all MLB objects) Data to Catenary Monitoring system

NaviPac Rig Move can be setup to output data to a CMS using a Stolt Offshore format. This is
discussed in details in chapter 7.

6.6 On the Tug Boat

If the tug boat(s) uses NaviPac, it must be set-up as any ordinary NaviPac including surface
navigation and gyro as minimum.

You must furthermore include a dedicated control driver:

The MLM update frequency can be modified in NaviPac.ini:
ChS=Check Sum

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

This driver allows you to read data from the mother vessel (RIG) and use that locally. If needed, this
can be combined with telemetry, if the system is exchanging data via radio link. See details in
separate manual.

When NaviPac starts it opens automatically a new data viewer that displays incoming data and
distributes it to the Helmsmans Display:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

6.7 Mid Line Buoys

If NaviPac is set-up with Mid Line Buoys (MLB), an edit menu is available, where you can change
definition and settings of the MLB.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

In the MLB list you can select the MLB to modify, and its present settings are then shown.

The mode can be changed by the radio buttons and the values can be edited by the edit boxes.

When a MLB is coming from dynamic controlled mode, and the user then selects a new mode:
offset or pos, then offset or positions fields are live updated based on the dynamic objects position,
unless a value is modified by the user, then it remain stable until saved or deselected.

Pressing apply saves the selected settings for the shown MLB.

Pressing OK saves the selected settings for the shown MLB and closes the dialog box.

Mode and setting of MLBs can be seen in Object Positions window:

If Delta X is positive, then Delta Y defines the fixed distance from anchor to MLB. If Delta Y is
9999, then the mode is locked and Delta Y and Z define the actual position. If Delta X is negative
and different from 9999, then the absolute integer value defines the object number of the basis
dynamic position.

6.7.1 MLB on Tug Helmsmans Display (HD)

The program MLBDialog offers the same service, as the former menu item, and can be called from

Rigmon serves as database for all MLB operations. To be able to see MLB on tugside HD, Rigmon
sends MLB change updates over telemetry to the tugs, using the same techique as when
transmitting Anchor updates. Remote Navipac on tugs side, reads the MLB updates also, and
sends them to the Kernel on tug side. This way MLB are also shown on tug HD, but it is not
possible to manipulate the MLBs from the tugs. The MLB telegram is show under Data Protocol
Eiva Format.

6.8 Golf Laser

For some Rig move jobs, the Rig can be equipped with a Golf III Laser system, which can be used
for positioning of remote vessels (TUGs, MLB etc.).

The Rig will typical have more than one launch offset (mounting of Golf Laser). If a Gold Laser is
defined in NaviPac, the Edit menu contains a special menu for handling the Golf online:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

First off all you may change the reference point by entering new offsets and pressing Use.

The result can be observed in Object Positions window, where the object RB1Ref (50) corresponds
to the Golf Laser reference:



All incoming data will now be handled according to this selection.

Please note that a restart of NaviPac sets the values back to default (as defined in Setup).

You can also enter manual data for the golf laser. Select Update golf laser with manual data (then
the following message pops up:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

and you may now enter manual range/bering data (the id must correspond to the Golf Laser Ids (0-
9) and press Use.

7 Controlling tugs via waypoints

The most advanced option to control the behaviour of a tug is via the assignment to anchors. From
version 3.5 its furthermore possible to assign tugs (or other remote vessels) to a waypoint.

7.1 On the barge

The waypoint messages from the barge to the tug(s) is handled via the Remote NaviPac
Control driver:

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This output can be via direct serial link, LAN (as above sample) or the telemetry multiplexer similar
to the tugs.

The on-the-fly assignment is controlled via the Helmsmans Display Range/Bearing views:

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As soon a view is opened and an object (tug preferable) is assigned to a waypoint, then NaviPac
produces an assignment command:


If the window is closed (or assigned to another tug), then a un-assign message is sent:


7.2 On the tug

The tug must be set-up to read the incoming WP commands. The good news is that its exact the
same definition as the anchor commands, so no special set-up is required.

Input is defined via the Remote NaviPac Control special input:

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Only waypoints assigned to yourself (TUG id 31 in the above) is handled.

On the HD you must enable an anchor-handling window and assign it to the tug itself. When
activated you will get steering information in the window and presented a connection line towards
the waypoint.

As soon as the deassign message is received on the tug, the information is cleared from screen:

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8 Messages from tug to barge

The operator on the tug may form the Helmsmans Display activate a few commands towards the
The anchor has been picked up from barge or seabed (state is thus tracking)
The anchor has now been dropped on the seabed (state is thus laid)
The tug has de assigned itself from the anchor
Various events performed on the tug

8.1 On the tug

The commands are send on top of the existing Data to external navigation system output, so no
additional setup is required on the tug boat.
The data output must be selected to NaviPac or Exp. NaviPac. The output will thus look like the

1,500003.005,6000001.008,360.000 // DATA
$ANC-U,0,5,2,,,,,*03 // PICK-UP

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management
$ANC-U,0,5,3,500174.45,5999839.26,,,*3E // DROP
$ANC-U,-1,5,-1,,,,,*1D // DE-ASSIGN
$TUG-F,9111141,500004.93,6000002.84,31,Highland Navigator: Anchor cable

The commands can be found in the anchor handling view in the Helmsmans Display.

8.2 On the barge

If you want to use the in-coming tug commands on a barge, then you first of all needs to set-up an
interpreter driver.

You must specify a special Data Input called Remote NaviPac control similar to the ones on the
As the data most often is overlaid the general navigation data, then you simply specify the driver to
mode Off.

When you next time start-up the navigation, then a new window pops-up (minimized)

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

This window must NOT be closed, as it acts as interface between the NaviPac kernel (interpreter)
and the TMS kernel (RigMon). The first time you start you must go in and set the TUG Id to 0
(telling that this is the barge) by clicking on the TUG id:

The following sub sections describe the scenarios when using a multiplexe (same port for more in-
and outputs) and when reading directly on a port.

8.3 Using multiplexer

If NaviPac uses the same port (connected to radio) for more in- and outputs, then the interfacing is
done via a Multiplex function. This is set-up via the Edit, Multiplex telemetry menu entry:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

To use the TUG commands you must click on the Tug management part and set the UDP/IP port
to 10507.
For details on telemetry please see dedicated manual on data exchange.
During online process you may monitor all in-coming data:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

All recognized TUG commands are hereafter routed directly on to the Remote Control application:

And finally send to the RigMove kernel.

8.4 Reading directly on the port

If the set-up is handled without a multiplexer, I.e. - the incoming data is read directly on the COM

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The you dont need to set-up any special items data is routed directly from Remote Dynamic
Objects to the Remote NaviPac and on to RigMon.

8.5 FIX numbers from the tug

If an event/fix is generated on a tug boat, then the following message is sent to the barge:

$TUG-F,9111141,500004.93,6000002.84,31,Highland Navigator: Anchor cable


Fixed string header
Event number from tug

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Easting coordinate from tug
Northing coordinate from tug
Tug vessel id
Highland Navigator
Name of tug
Anchor cable broken!!!
Optional tug message
Check sum

To make the remote fix active (that is visible on the Helmsmans Display) it is required that the
corresponding object is active on the display. In this sample its object number 31 which are the

9 Data to CMS
Based on multiple specifications from Stolt Offshore.

9.1 Data Transfer Protocol

The data transfer from NaviPac to the Halliburton Subsea Catenary Monitoring System (CMS)
consists of a series of data telegrams.

Each telegram will start with the $ character and end with the * character followed by a two byte
Checksum. This checksum will be computed as the Exclusive OR of all the bytes in the telegram
between, but not including the $ and * characters. (As per NMEA0183 standard).

Each telegram will be terminated with a CR (ASCII 13), LF (ASCII 10) byte sequence.

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The character following the $ at the start of the telegram identifies the telegram data type.

The data fields within each telegram will be separated by a Comma , and will be of variable width.

All position data will be in grid coordinates in local datum.

Mid Line Buoys are numbered from the Anchor to the Fairleader. (Max. 3 per anchor).

9.1.1 Barge Position telegram

$B,<Time>,<Barge Name>,<Barge Easting>,<Barge Northing>,<Barge Heading> ,<Barge KP> *

where: Time is UTC time in the format hh:mm:ss.msmsms

ms stands for milliseconds, giving a precise time for the opportunity to synchronize
other computers. Ms are always with 3 digits, and separated from seconds with a
point, so the seconds can be seen as having 3 decimals after the point.

9.1.2 Tug/Mid Line Buoy (Dynamic) Position telegram

$T,<Anchor Name>,<Tug Name>,<Tug Easting>,<Tug Northing>,<Status> * <checksum>

where: Anchor Name is the name of the Anchor that the Tug/MLB is associated with

Tug Name in the MLB case it is the dynamic object controlling the MLB which
normally is the Tug, but can be other (eg. Laserfix).

Status indicates the type of position thus:

0 = Tug with Anchor
1 = Tug/Mid Line Bouy at MLB position 1
2 = Tug/Mid Line Buoy at MLB position 2
3 = Tug/Mid Line Buoy at MLB position 3
pos 1 is nearest the anchor and pos 3 is nearest the fairlead (winch).

9.1.3 Anchor Position telegram

$A,<Anchor Name>,<Fairlead Easting>,<Fairlead Northing>,<Anchor Easting>, <Anchor
Northing>,<Anchor Status>,<MLB Offset 1>,<MLB Offset 2>,<MLB Offset 3>,<MLB1
east>,<MLB1 north>,>,<MLB2 east>,<MLB2 north>, >,<MLB3 east>,<MLB3 north>, *

where: Fairlead Easting /

Fairlead Northing can be replaced by empty fields (just the commas remains), or
intended anchor position, by use of the CMS Output Settings

Anchor Status indicates the current status of the anchor thus:

0 = Anchor unused (on barge)
1 = Anchor on Seabed (laid)
2 = Anchor on Tug (running)

MLB Offset1-3 contains the fixed horizontal offset distance (m) for up to 3 Mid
Line Buoys per Anchor. Offsets is distance from Anchor Laid
position to MLB actual position., and is zero if MLB dont exists.

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MLB1-3 east/north normally empty fields (just separating commas remains), but if mlb
is locked pos these fields contains the locked pos of the mlb.

The anchor telegram is transmitted ordinary for all anchors at every anchor repetition timeout, and
furthermore single selected anchors are transmitted more often, at every 1 sec. update if some
following criterions are satisfied.

These situations are divided in state dependent and change dependent.

The state dependent types are transmitted as long as that particular state persist.
The change dependent types are only transmitted a finite user editable number of times after the
change occurred.

State dependent extra (1 sec.) transmissions of selected anchors:

Anchor is in tracking state.
Anchor has one or more mlb in dynamic controlled state.

Change dependent extra (1 sec.) transmissions of selected anchors:

Anchor has just been dropped.
Anchor has just been moved manually.
Anchor has one or more mlb that has just changed state from dynamic controlled to fixed or
Anchor has one or more mbl that has just changed its fixed offset , or its locked position.

9.1.4 Recovering an Anchor Position telegram

$R, <Anchor Name>, <Recovered Easting>, <Recovered Northing> *<checksum><cr><lf>

When a state changes from Anchor on Seabed to Anchor on Tug, the recovering position (position of
Tug at the change moment) is saved and sent out each update (typically every one sec), a number of
times, controlled by a repeat number setting, in CMS Output Settings dialog.

9.2 Output intervals

The CMS Output Settings dialog can selective enable and set the output rate for each telegram

The output rates can be set as multiples of the underlying rigmon system update rate, which typically is
one second.

For that purpose there are 3 update rate entries for individual rate settings in the dialog.

The Anchor telegram will extraordinary in certain modes be transmitted every system update, as noted
under the anchor telegram.

The Recovering telegram will always use the system update rate for transmission, whenever there are
telegrams to transmit. The number of telegrams repetitions is set in last Edit Box (Recover).

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This number of repetitions is also used for the number of repetitions of the Anchor telegram when it
works in the Change dependent extra (1 sec.) transmissions of selected anchors mode, see under
anchor telegram.

All setting in the dialog are applied immediately after Apply (at runtime) and are saved in registry.

9.3 Hardware
The data transfer will be via a Serial Data link between the NaviPac and CMS PCs. The data
transfer speed should be operator selectable. The other port settings used will be 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, no parity and no handshake.
If possible a UDP/IP data transfer should be used. This will have the benefit of much higher transfer

10 Data to Plums CMS

10.1 Operation
Caesar interface must be setup both in gensetup.db and in rigmon.

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The Cycle time control how many sec (rigmon updates) to go between every Caesar Output.

The Barge Field selects which NP object to use as Barge item in Caesar.

TheTDP Field selects which NP object to use asTouch Down Point item in Caesar

The anchor listbox shows the mapping between Caesar anchor items and Rigmon anchors, and by
the Move Up and Move Down buttons a selected anchor can be moved and the mapping

Default Setup button makes a new setup with NP obj 0 in barge and TDP fields, and with all
Rigmon anchors setup in Rigmon order.

Apply saves all the settings in registry, and starts to use them immediately in Rigmon.

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Cancel closes without using/saving changes.

When Rigmon starts with Caesar setup selected in Gensetup.db, Caesar data will be sent out with
the mapping order from the last Caesar setup saved in registry, or in case of first time, the default
setup will be used. When mapping order are changed it is used immediately.

10.2 Data format

Data Format as specified by Stollt Offshore:

New NaviPac Interface - "TMS to Caesar".

This interface will send position information from NaviPac to the Caesar
system on the LB200.
The interface will be one-way traffic only from NaviPac to Caesar via
UDP/IP or serial link.
The information sent to Caesar will be 16 telegrams, one each for the
position of the anchors (P1 to P7 and S1 to S7), the position of the barge
and the position of the touch-down point (TDP).
The format of each of the 16 telegrams will be as follows;
Identifier is shown in the list below.
R1 = Null field.
R2 = Easting of Position.
R3 = Northing of Position.
R4 = Null field.
R5 = Heading for barge telegram and Null field for Anchor and TDP
R6 = Null field.
R7 = KP for barge telegram and Null field for Anchor and TDP telegrams.

Identifier for Barge = 301

Identifier for TDP = 305
Identifier for Anc. P1 = 401
Identifier for Anc. P2 = 402
Identifier for Anc. P3 = 402
Identifier for Anc. P4 = 404
Identifier for Anc. P5 = 405
Identifier for Anc. P6 = 406
Identifier for Anc. P7 = 407
Identifier for Anc. S1 = 408
Identifier for Anc. S2 = 409
Identifier for Anc. S3 = 410
Identifier for Anc. S4 = 411
Identifier for Anc. S5 = 412
Identifier for Anc. S6 = 413
Identifier for Anc. S7 = 414

If an anchor is not being used or is "racked" on the barge, the relevant telegram should still be
output but with Null fields for R2 and R3.
If an anchor is being moved, the "tug" position should be used for R2 and R3.
The user will need a dialog to assign NaviPac objects to each of the 16 telegrams.
The output rate should be user-controlled and based on NaviPac cycles.
For now, we only expect to use this interface on the LB200 but that may change in the future.

1. The user must be able to select a NaviPac object for each of the 16 Caesar objects.
2. For the barge position (301) and the Touch Down Point position (305) the user must be able to
select a normal dynamic NaviPac object.

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3. For the anchor positions (401 to 414) the user must only be able to select anchors which are
defined as well as a "Not Used" object.
4. If a Caesar object is "Not Used" or is assigned to a dynamic object which does not exist, then the
telegram should still be transmitted but with null fields.
5. I believe that the labels on the user interface dialog should be as follows; Barge (301) Touch
Down Point (305) Anchor P1 (401) Anchor P2 (402) Anchor P3 (403) Anchor P4 (404) Anchor P5
(405) Anchor P6 (406) Anchor P7 (407) Anchor S1 (408) Anchor S2 (409) Anchor S3 (410) Anchor
S4 (411) Anchor S5 (412) Anchor S6 (413) Anchor S7 (414)

6. When the user opens the dialog for the first time, the default objects should be as follows; Barge
(301) - NaviPac obj.0.
Touch Down Point (305) - NaviPac obj.0.
Anchor P1 (401) to Anchor S7 (414) - the names of the defined anchors in alphabetical order. If
less than 14 anchors are defined, then "Not Used"
should be used for the remaining anchors after the alphabetic processing has finished.

Sample output:

11 Tug Information
Rigmon is expanded with tug information:
NaviPac positioning status (Green/Yellow/Red)
Offset from CRP to GPS antenna
Geodesy (projection, ellipsoid and datum shift)
GPS status (HDOP, # satellites and fix status)
Time stamp for last update

This is done in a splitter view under the original Rigmon view.

The Tug info splitter view can be hidden by dragging the border between the two views down.

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

Under View/View Tug Projection details of each tugs projection, ellipsoid and datum shift can be

A Tug position will be marked in red for Red State when the Navipac Quality is in red state or when
the last position is older than a timeout defined in the Settings/Tug RedState dialog:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

11.1 Setting up the system

The additional information will be overlaid the ordinary position telegram (from tug to barge). Its
defined as a new sub-type of the Data to ext. nav. System called NaviPac plus.

It sends out the ordinary (short) NaviPac format but expands it with the status information.
GPS Status will be sent for each tenth update.
Offset & geodesy will default be sent for each 600 update (always sent once right after start-up).
The latter can be modified in NAVIPAC.INI via

On the barge you need to make sure that the Remote NaviPac module is activated. This may be
done via the interface Remote NaviPac - Control

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You may leave the interface to off as the data is overlaid ordinary position updates.

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Tug information is read on the input port via the Telemetry module:
Routed on to NaviPac and into Remote NaviPac:

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

From here the message is send via the TCP/IP socket to Rigmon.

The <id> number identifies the transponder code and Rigmon translates that into object id and
then find the corresponding TUG.

11.2 Data format

The output will have a format like:
Position with GPS Status:
1,587608.92,6234622.95,0.00 GPS81231@68
<stx> (ASCII code 2)
tp id
# Satellites
HDOP in dm
GPS Quality flag
NaviPac quality (1= OK)

Position without GPS Status:

<stx> (ASCII code 2)
tp id

$OF1: 1.00 2.00 3.00@3C
tp id
Offset X (Positive starboard)
Offset Y (Positive front)
Offset Z (Positive up)

$PE1: PT=5 EN="WGS 84" SMA=6378137.0000 IF=298.2572235630 OS=0.9996000000
OL=9.0000000000 OP=0.0000000000 FE=500000.00 FN=0.00 FP=33.00000000
SP=45.00000000 UTM=32@6B
tp id
PT=<Projection type>
EN=<Ellipsoid name>
SMA=<Semi major ellipsoid>
IF=<Inverse flattening>
OS=<Scale at origin>

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NaviPac RIG/Barge move & Tug management

OL=<Original Longitude >

OP=<Original latitude>
FE=<False easting>
FN=<False northing>
FP=<First parallel>
SP=<Second parallel>
UTM=<UTM Zone>

Please note that some fields may be undefined based on projection type. Currently we have
defined the following projection types:
#define TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR 0 /* Transverse Mercator (TM) */
#define MERCATOR 1 /* Mercator */
#define POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC 2 /* Polar Stereographic (PS) */
#define EQUATORIAL_STEREOGRAPHIC 3 /* Equatorial Stereographic */
#define OBLIQUE_STEREOGRAPHIC 4 /* Oblique Stereographic */
#define UTM_NORTH 5 /* Universal TM north of equator */
#define UTM_SOUTH 6 /* Universal TM south of equator */
#define GAUSS_KRUEGER 7 /* Gauss Krueger */
#define UPS_NORTH 8 /* Universal PS north of equator */
#define UPS_SOUTH 9 /* Universal PS south of equator */
#define RD_STEREOGRAPHIC 10 /* National grid in Holland */
#define LAMBERTS_CONICAL 11 /* Lamberts conical (Two parallels) */
#define LAMBERTS_CONICAL_TWO 11 /* Lamberts conical (Two parallels) */
#define LAMBERTS_CONICAL_ONE 12 /* Lamberts conical (One parallel) */
#define RECTIFIEW_SKEW_ORTHO 13 /* Rectified Skew Orthomorphic */
#define NEW_ZEALAND_MAP_GRID 14 /* Method only valid at New Zealand */

Datum shift:
$DS1: ME=0 TX=0.00 TY=0.00 TZ=0.00 RX=0.0000000000 RY=0.0000000000
RZ=0.0000000000 PPM=0.0000000000@71

tp id
ME=<Datum shift method>
TX/Y/Z=<Transformation >

Please note that some fields may be undefined based on shift type. Currently we have defined the
following methods:
enum dateshift

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