People Vs Hugo

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Topic: Aggravating Circumstance - Abuse of Superior Strength


410 SCRA 62

FACTS: On or about August 21, 1997, in the evening at Barangay Narra Proper, San Manuel,
Pangasinan, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, armed
with bolos with intent to kill, [and with] evident premeditation and treachery, conspiring, together did
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously hack and stab Remegio "Remy" Talon inflicting
upon him multiple incised wounds which caused his instantaneous death, to the damage and
prejudice of his heirs.

At their arraignment on 10 November 1997, Ernesto and Rudy entered a plea of not guilty. Trial on
the merits ensued thereafter as to them. Lorenzo, who was subsequently arrested on 27 February
1998, also entered a plea of not guilty during his arraignment on 2 March 1998.

The witnesses presented by the prosecution were Joel Talon, SPO3 Dominador Urbiztondo Jr., Dr.
Asuncion Tuvera, Helen Talon, and Marina de Guzman.

Joel Talon testified that at 7:00 p.m. of 21 August 1997, he fetched his cousin Remegio at the
birthday party of Lolito Villamar at Barangay Narra, San Manuel, Pangasinan. They left the party at
around 7:00 p.m. On their way home, they were met by Ernesto, Lorenzo, and Rudy. Ernesto was
walking along the left side of the road, while Rudy and Lorenzo took the right side. Ernesto came
face to face with Remegio. Suddenly, Ernesto hacked Remegio twice with a bolo, first on the forearm
and then on the right shoulder, causing the latter to fall to the ground. Ernesto quickly ran away, and
his bolo slipped from his hand. Remegio then told Joel to run after Ernesto. Joel promptly gave a
chase. Though wounded, Remegio stood up to follow them. Lorenzo and Rudy also chased Remegio
and Joel.

Since Ernesto was already some distance away, Joel decided to turn back. Standing approximately
ten meters from Remegio, Joel saw Lorenzo and Rudy overtake Remegio. Thereafter, Joel
witnessed Lorenzo hack Remegio with a bolo on the back of his head, causing Remegio to fall to
the ground. Shocked by what he saw, Joel could not move to help Remegio. From where he stood,
Joel witnessed Lorenzo deliver another blow at Remegio's neck. Afterwards, Rudy hacked Remegio
at the mouth and forehand. Lorenzo and Rudy forthwith fled.[6]

When the brothers had gone, Joel approached Remegio, who lay prostrate on the ground, and then
he shouted for help. Bobby Antimano, Joey Villamar, Ben Gapisan, and Eniong Marcelo arrived and
helped Joel carry Remegio's lifeless body to the street pavement. Eventually, SPO3 Dominador
Urbiztondo Jr. and other policemen arrived at the crime scene and conducted an investigation

In its decision of 16 June 1998, the trial court found Ernesto, Lorenzo, and Rudy guilty as co-
conspirators of the crime of murder. In ruling that conspiracy existed, the trial court opined that from
their concerted acts Ernesto, Lorenzo, and Rudy were moved by a unanimity of design to kill
Remegio. Ernesto was the first to hack Remegio; thereafter, Lorenzo and Rudy pursued the already-
wounded Remegio to finish up the aggression Ernesto had started.

As to the presence of treachery, the trial court held that Remegio was not given any opportunity to
defend himself in that Lorenzo and Rudy hacked him immediately after Ernesto wounded him,
thereby ensuring no possible retaliation from him.

CONTENTION OF THE STATE: Considering the evident inequality of forces between the victim and
his aggressors, the trial court found that the killing of Remegio was attended by the aggravating
circumstance of abuse of superior strength.
CONTENTION OF THE ACCUSED: Appellants Ernesto and Rudy, represented by Atty. Arturo B.
Cefra, impugn their conviction on the grounds that the trial court erred in:
(a) giving credence to the testimony of Joel positively identifying Rudy as one of the perpetrators of
the crime
(b) finding that appellants conspired in killing Remegio; and
(c) finding that evident premeditation and treachery attended the killing of Remegio.

RULING: The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) supports the trial court's finding and conclusion
that appellants Ernesto, Rudy, and Lorenzo conspired to kill Remegio.
The records reveal that:
(a) the appellants arrived at the scene of the crime together;
(b) moments later, appellant Ernesto, who was then armed with a bolo, suddenly hacked Remegio
(c) after a while, appellants Rudy and Lorenzo took turns in hacking Remegio with a bolo; and
all together the appellants fled from the scene of the crime.

As for the presence of treachery, the OSG asserts that the killing of Remegio, then unarmed, was
so sudden and unexpected. The killers gave Remegio no opportunity at all to repel the attack or offer
any defense. It, however, disagrees with the trial courts appreciation of the aggravating circumstance
of abuse of superior strength, the said circumstance being inherent in the qualifying circumstance of
treachery. Concomitant thereto, the OSG recommends that the penalty should be reduced from
death to reclusion perpetua.

The trial court correctly disregarded the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation. Evident
premeditation is appreciated upon proof of (a) the time when the accused determined to commit the
crime; (b) an act manifestly indicating that the accused clung to his determination; and (c) a sufficient
lapse of time between such determination and execution to allow him to reflect upon the
consequences of his act.[40] While it was proved that Ernesto planned to kill Remegio an hour before
the incident,[41] the prosecution failed to show manifest acts that Ernesto took thereafter to indicate
that he clung to his plan to kill Remegio. Moreover, there was no sufficient time for him to meditate
on the consequences of his acts.

Neither can we appreciate the aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength. The records
are bereft of any information with respect to the physical condition of both Ernesto and Remegio.
For the aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength to be appreciated, the age,
size, and strength of the parties must be considered. There must be a notorious inequality of
forces between the victim and the aggressor, giving the latter a superiority of strength which is taken
advantage of by him in the commission of the crime. And even assuming arguendo that it existed,
abuse of superior strength should not be appreciated separately, for it is absorbed in treachery.

WHEREFORE, the challenged Decision of Branch 46 of the Regional Trial Court of Urdaneta,
Pangasinan, in Criminal Case No. U-9368 is MODIFIED. As modified, appellants LORENZO HUGO
and RUDY HUGO are ACQUITTED on the ground of reasonable doubt; and appellant ERNESTO
HUGO is found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder under Article 248 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended, and is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion
perpetua with all its accessory penalties, and to pay the heirs of the victim Remegio Talon the
amounts of P50,000 as indemnity ex delicto and P34,678 as actual damages.

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