BA WNB English D10329

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Operating Instructions

WNB 7 - 45
1 General notes and safety notes............................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Transport ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Material quality ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Electrical equipment ................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Note on EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)........................................................................... 5
2.4 Brief technical description ........................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Standard equipment ................................................................................................................ 6
3 Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Initial start-up .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Start-up - waterbath ................................................................................................................ 7
4 Bath construction and operation ......................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Controls and indications .......................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Switching on ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Setting the parameters ............................................................................................................ 9
4.3.1 Temperature setpoint .......................................................................................................... 10
4.3.2 Delayed switch-on .............................................................................................................. 10
4.3.3 Hold time of the setpoint temperature ................................................................................ 11
5 Programming example of a programme sequence ............................................................................. 11
6 Monitoring the programme sequence ............................................................................................... 12
7 Temperature monitor and protection devices ..................................................................................... 13
7.1 Mechanical temperature monitor: temperature limiter............................................................ 13
7.2 Low-level protection .............................................................................................................. 13
7.3 Monitor relay ......................................................................................................................... 13
8 Use of the cover (special equipment) ................................................................................................. 14
9 Level control (special equipment)....................................................................................................... 14
10 Cooling system (special equipment) ................................................................................................. 15
11 Cleaning and maintenance .............................................................................................................. 15
12 Check list for fault rectification ........................................................................................................ 16
13 Action on supply failure .................................................................................................................. 16
14 Glossary .......................................................................................................................................... 16
15 CE Conformity of Declaration .......................................................................................................... 17
16 Address and customer service.......................................................................................................... 18
17 Index .............................................................................................................................................. 19

BASIC page 2
1 General notes and safety notes
You have purchased a technically fully proven product which has been produced in Germany with the use
of high-grade materials and the application of the latest manufacturing techniques; it has been factory
tested for many hours.
For this waterbath we guarantee spare parts to be available up to 10 years.

Observation of the Operating Instructions is necessary for faultless

operation and for any possible claims under warranty. If these
Instructions are disregarded, all claims under warranty, guarantee
and indemnification are excluded!

This mark on the product means:

Note Operating Instructions
Warning bath hot when operating

The right to technical modifications is reserved.

Dimensional details are not binding.

1.1 Transport
Always use gloves!
If the units WNB 22 to 45 have to be carried, 2 persons are required.

Place the bath accurately horizontal and

not on an inflammable support!

page 3 BASIC
2 Technical data

Model 7 10 14 22 29 45
Volume [liter] 7 10 14 22 29 45
Usable bath length A [mm] 240 350 350 350 590 590
Usable bath width B [mm] 210 210 290 290 350 350
Usable bath depth C [mm] 140 140 140 220 140 220
Housing length D [mm] 468 578 578 578 818 818
Housing width E [mm] 356 356 436 436 516 516
Housing height (with flat cover) F [mm] 238 238 238 296 238 296
Housing height (with gable cover) G [mm] 337 337 347 405 343 401
Weight [kg] 11 14 16 17 24 26
Current consume [A] 5,2 5,2 7,8 8,7 10,4 12,2
Power [W] 1200 1200 1800 2000 2400 2800
Ambient conditions Ambient temperature 5C - 40C
rh max. 80% (no condensation)
Overvoltage Category: II
Contamination degree: 2
Setting temperature range 10C to 95C
with activation of the boiling mode up to 100C, see
section 4.3.1
Setting accuracy 0,1C
Indication accuracy 0,1C
Working temperature range 5C above ambient temperature to nominal temperature
= maximum temperature (see rating plate)

BASIC page 4
2.1 Material quality
Memmert is using stainless steel (Mat.Ref. 1.4301) for the external casing as well as for the interior, an
outstanding material because of its high stability, optimum hygienic features and corrosion resistance
against many (not all!) chemical combinations (Attention e.g. at chlorine combinations!).
The load has to be tested for its chemical compatibility with the materials mentioned above.
A material-compatibility table covering all these materials can be requested from MEMMERT.

WARNING! Always pull out the supply plug before

opening the bath cover!

2.2 Electrical equipment

Operating voltage see rating label, 50/60 Hz
Protection Class 1, i.e. operating isolation with ground connection to EN 61 010
Protection IP20 to DIN EN 60 529
Interference suppression to EN55011 Class B
Bath protected by a fuse 250V/15A fast blow
Controller protected by a 80 mA fuse (200 mA on 115 V)
When connecting a MEMMERT bath to the electrical supply you have to observe any local
regulations which apply (e.g. in Germany DIN VDE 0100 with FI protection circuit)

2.3 Note on EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)

This product is intended to operate on a supply network with a system impedance Zmax at the transfer point
(building connection) of 0.292 Ohm max. The user has to ensure that the product is only operated on an
electrical supply network which meets these requirements. If necessary, details of the system impedance
can be obtained from the local electricity supply authority.

Any work which involves opening up the bath must only be
carried out by a properly qualified electrician!

2.4 Brief technical description

MEMMERT-waterbaths are electrically heated and electronically controlled.
The temperature of the thermostating liquid is continuously controlled by a microprocessor-controller
with pulse package control. Electronic microprocessor-PID-controller with continuous power matching
and autodiagnostic system with fault indicator (see section 12), integral timer for digital programme time
The temperature is measured using a Pt 100 temperature sensor (4-wire circuit). The accuracy is as

Setting accuracy 0,1C
Temperature fluctuation 0,1C

The components of temperature control are controlled by integrated malfunction-recognition. The heaters
are installed outside - therefore no problems through dirt or limeresidue.

page 5 BASIC
2.5 Standard equipment
Electronic fuzzy-supported PID process controller with delayed programme start and programmable
hold time. The controller has permanent power matchinig and an autodiagnostic system for rapid
fault finding
Recessing push/turn control for simple operation of bath
Visual alarm indication
Mechanical temperature limiter (TB Class 1)
Monitor relay to switch off heating in case of fault
High-grade stainless-steel Pt100-temperature sensor (Mat.Ref. 1.4571) Class A in 4-wire circuit
Boiling mode for temperatures above 95C
Special equipment (to be ordered separately as accessory): flat cover with concentric ring sets, gable cover
to drain condensate, cooling device, various racks for test tubes, bottles etc

3 Installation


space for space for

air circula- min. air circula- min.
tion 80mm tion 80mm

The unit must be placed on a horizontal, non-flammable surface which cannot tilt.
The vent openings in the left and back side must remain unobstructed. Minimum wall spacing on all sides
is 80 mm. The minimum spacing from the top of the bath to the next ceiling (rack, etc.) is 750 mm.

BASIC page 6
3.1 Initial start-up
When the bath is started up for the first time, it should be supervised continuously until steady conditions
have been reached.

3.2 Start-up - waterbath

Mains The mains connection cable must be placed away from any hot surface.

max water level
min water level

drain valve

In order to garant the high quality of the stainless steel it is recommended by the
steel producer to fill the waterbath with deionised water.

IMPORTANT! The bath has to be filled up to a level between the

two markings at the right side of the tub!
Waterbaths can be fitted with a
level control system (see section 9).

Draining The tank can be drained through the drain valve. The thermostating fluid must be cooled
to room temperature before draining. Drain the fluid either directly into an appropriate
container or connect an appropriate hose to the drain valve.

NOTE: Polluted fluids may not be drained directly into the public
wastewater system! If the thermostating fluid is polluted, please
make sure that it will be properly filtered or dumped according to
the applicable regulations!

Operation with non-flammable thermostating liquids only!

page 7 BASIC
4 Bath construction and operation

relatively largest heat loss (since minimum heat loss (since

furthest away from the heated ribs) very close to the heated ribs)



heating elements

The heating positioned on three sides around the tank ensures a natural water circulation of the liquid
inside, thus securing an optimal uniform temperature distribution.

4.1 Controls and indications

time-symbol temperature display

delay-symbol 7 5. 0
(delayed switch-on)

alarm-symbol hold-symbol
(hold time)

SET key push/turn control

BASIC page 8
4.2 Switching on
The bath is switched on by pressing the push/turn control

and can be operated in connection with the


Bath switched off: The push/turn control is

pushed in and protected against damage.

4.3 Setting the parameters

A parameter can be selected by rotating the push/turn control; all other parameters are then dimmed.
The selected parameter flashes brightly and can now be altered with the push/turn control while holding
down the SET key (protection against unintentional alteration).
If the push/turn control is rotated quickly the setpoint is altered in large steps; with slow operation it is
altered in single steps.
After the SET key has been released the newly set value is stored.
Further rotation of the push/turn control selects the next parameter.
Rotation of the push/turn control selects the following parameters (in the order indicated), to be altered
as described above:

1. Temperature setpoint
2. Delayed switch-on
3. Hold time of the setpoint temperature

page 9 BASIC
4.3.1 Temperature setpoint
* Adjustment range:
10C to 95C or ca. 100C with
activation of the boiling mode
Setting and indication accuracy:
The bath starts to heat up immediately 0,1C
to the set temperature.

Rotate the push/turn control until the C symbol flashes.

The setpoint temperature can then be selected with the SET key depressed, as C
described in section 4.3. After releasing the SET key the display briefly flashes the
setpoint. The display then changes to the actual temperature and the controller
starts to control to the selected setpoint temperature.
During heating the symbol flashes in proportion to the actual heater power.
In order to reach water temperatures above 95C (boiling point), waterbaths are
provided with the boiling mode. If this is selected, the heating is switched on
Activating the boiling mode by rotating the push/turn control beyond the
maximum value until the display shows CCC C
The setting boiling mode is not stored permanently. After the bath is switched
off and on again, the controller shows again the previously selected setpoint.

4.3.2 Delayed switch-on

Adjustment range:
90C 1 min bis 99.59 hrs
Setting accuracy:
1 min
delay 12h
Indication accuracy:
The bath starts to heat up to the previously <10 hrs: 1 min
selected temperature only after the time of 10 hrs: 1 hr
the switch-on delay has elapsed.

Rotate the push/turn control until the (delay) and the symbol flashes.
The duration of the delayed switch-on can then be set with the SET key depressed C
as described in section 4.3. After the SET key has been released the bath briefly
flashes the setting of the switch-on delay.
The delayed switch-on is then activated and the display alternates between the
actual temperature and the running time of the switch-on delay. The time is C
shown with a negative sign and runs down. In this way it is possible to determine
at any time how much longer the bath waits until it begins to heat up.
If no delayed switch-on is required, it can be de-activated by the setting OFF.

BASIC page 10
4.3.3 Hold time of the setpoint temperature
* Adjustment range:
1 min bis 99.59 hrs
Setting accuracy:
hold 6h t
1 min
The bath switches off the heating after Indication accuracy:
the end of the selected hold time. In this <10 hrs: 1 min
case the hold time includes the heating- 10 hrs: 1 hr
up time.
Rotate the push/turn control until the (hold) and the symbol flashes.
The duration of the hold time can then be selected with the SET key depressed, C
as described in section 4.3. After the SET key has been released the bath briefly
flashes the hold time setting.
If no hold time has been programmed, the hold time is activated immediately
and the display alternates between the actual temperature and the running time C
of the hold time. As with switch-on delay, the residual time is shown with a
negative sign and runs down.
If no hold time is required, it can be de-activated by the setting OFF

5 Programming example of a programme sequence

1. Setpoint temperature setting
Rotate the push/turn control until the C symbol flashes. With the SET key C
depressed, use the push/turn control to set the temperature setpoint to f.ex.
90.0 C.
2. Delayed switch-on setting
Rotate the push/turn control until the (delay) and the symbol flashes. With C
the SET key depressed, use the push/turn control to set the time f.ex. 6.00 hours.

3. Hold time setting

Rotate the push/turn control until the (hold) and the symbol flashes. With C
the SET key depressed, use the push/turn control to set the time f.ex. 4.00 hours.

page 11 BASIC
6 Monitoring the programme sequence
* During the delayed switch-on the symbol
flashes and the display alternates between C
residual time and actual temperature

delay 6h t
hold 4h
Bath does not heat up

* After the end of the delayed switch-on the

symbol goes dark and the bath heats up to C
the selected setpoint temperature. Heating is
indicated by the symbol.
delay 6h t
hold 4h

Bath heats up
* During the hold time the symbol flashes
and the display alternates between the residual C
time and the actual temperature.

delay 6h t
hold 4h
Bath holds setpoint
* After the hold time has elapsed the symbol
goes dark, the heating is switched off, and C
the display alternates between the actual
temperature and end.
delay 6h t
hold 4h
Heating is switched off

BASIC page 12
7 Temperature monitor and protection devices
7.1 Mechanical temperature monitor: temperature limiter
All waterbaths are fitted with a mechanical temperature limiter (TB) Protection Class 1 to DIN 12880.
If the electronic control unit should fail during operation and the fixed factory-set maximum temperature is
exceeded by approx. 30C the temperature limiter switches off the heating permanently as a final protective
measure. The symbol lights up continuously as warning.

7.2 Low-level protection

In addition to its function as overtemperature protection the TB also operates as low-level protection,
i.e. the heating is switched off permanently if the liquid drops below a certain level. As a warning the
symbol lights up continuously.

Fault rectification after the TB cut-out has been activated:

1. Switch off the bath and allow it to cool down
2. Rectify the fault (e.g. top up the liquid, replace temperature probe) and where appropriate contact
customer service
3. The bath is again ready for operation only after it has cooled down and after the fault has been

7.3 Monitor relay

In addition the bath is equipped with an electronic monitor relay.
If a fault occurs during operation or if the selected setpoint temperature is exceeded by 10C, then the
monitor relay continues control of the heating at this temperature in emergency operation.
The symbol flashes as warning.

Fault rectification after the monitor relay may been activated:

Check the controller for error messages (see section 12) and where appropriate contact customer service.

With a setpoint temperature of 80C, if a fault occurs in the power unit (faulty triac) the bath continues to
operate in emergency operation at approx. 90C.

page 13 BASIC
8 Use of the cover (special equipment)
Gable cover The gable cover (may be ordered as already mounted special equipment) should always
be closed in order to prevent evaporation of thermostating liquid and to obtain optimal
temperature distribution. The gable shape of the cover makes sure that condensed water
will not drop down into the loads.

Flat cover For positioning of test flasks on top of the bath, a flat cover (special equipment) may be
used. The size of the holes in this cover can be adapted to the flasks with ring inserts. The
rings may therefore only be inserted or taken off, if the bath is cooled down.

Note that during operation the flat cover and the gable cover
heat up to the temperature of the thermofluid!

9 Level control (special equipment)

2 different filling levels can be maintained constant if the unit is fitted with a level control system. When
using water as thermostating liquid, connect the feed pipe with tubing to the mains water supply. The
drain must be connected with tubing to an appropriate container or sink.
Make sure, that the tubing cannot be clogged or bended, and that it continually runs downhill.

Please note, that the outflowing water may be hot!

Supply and drain are indentified by arrows. Use temperature observation

resistant material for the tubing. window
If the second overflow is not required, it must be closed with supply
a sealing cap. drain
The evaporation loss can be compensated through a slightly drain
open water supply (dripping) and can be monitored through
the observation window.
The level control system cannot be retrofitted!

Warning bath hot when operating

BASIC page 14
10 Cooling system (special equipment)
If the waterbath is fitted with a cooling device
water supply
for quicker cooling of the bath liquid, the water
supply has to be connected by a hose f.ex. to a
cold water supply line. The discharge has to
be lead into a drain.

(Use temperature resistant material for the



Please note, that the outflowing water may be hot!

The discharge must be connected with tubing to an appropriate container or sink. Make sure, that the
tubing cannot be clogged or bended, and that it continually runs downhill.

11 Cleaning and maintenance

By regular cleaning of the easy to clean the tank, residues are

avoided which at continuous influence can impair the outfit and
function of the waterbath.
Please use only detergents and antiliming agents appropriate for
stainless steel for the cleaning of the tank and the housing (stainless
steel detergents usual in the trade)!

After cleaning and after draining the water the

stainless steel tank must be rinsed thoroughly with clear water
and dried carefully!

It is important to ensure that no rusting objects come into contact with the stainless steel bath tank or the
stainless steel housing. Rust sediments lead to contamination.

If rust stains caused by contamination occur on the tank surface, the affected areas must be cleaned and
polished immediately.

On units with gable cover we recommend that the hinge bolts are oiled from time to time if the bath is
used frequently.

page 15 BASIC
12 Check list for fault rectification

Main switch ON, Main fuse 15A or instrument fuse T80mA 250V~ on circuit board
no indication on the display 55167.x has blown
Controller faulty
Electrical supply interrupted
symbol not alight Ambient temperature too high
Temperature in bath above the selected setpoint temperaturer
symbol alight Temperature protection (TB) has operated
Liquid level too low
symbol flashes Monitoring relay has operated
CONF Error on self test
E-1 Power module triac faulty
E-2 Power module faulty
E-3 Pt100-temperature probe faulty
E-L Communication to power unit interrupted

In case of a malfunction contact an authorized service station for Memmert equipment or please inform
the Memmert service department (see section 16).
In case of queries always specify model and serial number (on the rating label).

13 Action on supply failure

After a failure of the supply, operation continues with the previously set parameters.

14 Glossary
nominal temperature = themaximum adjustable setpoint temperature of the bath.
ambient temperature = the continuous temperature of the room in which the bath is set up.

BASIC page 16
15 CE Conformity of Declaration

EC Declaration of Conformity
Manufacturers name and address: MEMMERT GmbH + Co. KG
uere Rittersbacher Strae 38
D-91126 Schwabach
Product: Waterbath
Type: WNB...
Sizes: 7 / 10 / 14 / 22 / 29 / 45
Nominal voltage: AC 230 V 50/60 Hz
alternative AC 115 V 50/60 Hz

The designated product is in conformity with the European EMC-Directive

including amendments

Council Directive of 03 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility.

Full compliance with the standards listed below proves the conformity of the designated product with the essential
protection requirements of the above-mentioned EC Directive:

DIN EN 61326:2004-05 EN 61326:1997

EN 61326/A1:1998
EN 61326/A2:2001
EN 61326/A2:2003

The designated product is in conformity with the European Low Voltage Directive

including amendments

Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to Electrical
equipment for use within certain voltage limits.

Full compliance with the standards listed below proves the conformity of the designated product with the essential
protection requirements of the above-mentioned EC Directive:

DIN EN 61 010-1 (VDE 0411 part 1):2002-08 EN 61 010-1:2001

DIN EN 61 010-2-010 (VDE 0411 part 2-010):2004-06 EN 61 010-2-010:2003

Schwabach, 03.07.08

(Legally binding signature of the issuer)

This declaration certifies compliance with the above mentioned directives but does not include a property assurance. The
safety note given in the product documentation which are part of the supply, must be observed.

page 17 BASIC
Standard units are safety-approved and bear the test marks:

This product is subject to the Directive 2002/96/EC by the European Parliament

and the EU Council of Ministers which concerns Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). This product has been put on the market after 13 August
2005 in countries which have already incorporated this Directive into National
Law. It should not be disposed off as part of domestic refuse. For disposal
please contact your dealer or the manufacturer. Products which are infected,
infectious or contaminated with health-endangering substances are excluded
from return. Please note also all further regulations in this context.

16 Address and customer service

PO Box 17 20
91107 Schwabach
Phone: 00 49 9122 / 925-0
Fax:: 00 49 9122 /14585
E-mail: [email protected]

Customer service:
Phone: 00 49 9122 / 925-143
or 00 49 9122 / 925-126
E-mail: [email protected]

In case of queries always specify model and serial number (on the rating label).


BASIC page 18
17 Index
address 18 heating 8 TB 13
alarm symbol 13 hinge bolts 15 technical data 4
ambient conditions 4 hold time of the setpoint temperature 11 temperature fluctuation 5
ambient temperature 16 temperature limiter (TB) 13
autodiagnostic system 5, 16 I temperature measurement 5
indications 8 temperature monitor 13
B thermofluid 7
initial start-up 7
installation 6 transport 3
bath construction 8
boiling mode 4 U
boiling mode, activate 10 L
brief technical description 5 level control system 7, 14 uniform temperature distribution 8
liquid level 7 W
low-level protection 13
CCC 10 water circulation 8
CE conformity of declaration 17 M working temperature range 4
check list for fault rectification 16 maintenance 15
chemical compatibility 5 Mat.Ref. 1.4301 5
cleaning 15 material quality 5
contaminations 7, 15 monitoring the programme sequence 12
controls 8 monitor relay 13
cooling system 15 monitor unit 13
cover, flat 14
cover, gable 14 N
customer service 18
nominal temperature 4, 16
deionised water 7
delayed switch-on 10 parameter settings 9
DIN 12880 13 polluted fluids 7
disposal 18 programming example 11
draining 7 Protection Class 1 13
drain hose 14, 15 Pt 100 temperature sensor 5
drain valve 7
E rust deposits 15
electrical equipment 5
electromagnetic compatibility 5
evaporation loss 14 safety notes 3
setpoint temperature 16
F setpoint temperature, selection 10
fault rectification 16 standard equipment 6
filling 7 start-up 7
supply failure 16
G switching on the bath 9
glossary 16

page 19 BASIC
Memmert GmbH + Co. KG | Po. Box 1720 | D-91107 Schwabach | Tel. +49 (0) 9122 / 925 - 0 | Fax +49 (0) 9122 / 145 85 | E-Mail: [email protected] |

Waterbath BASIC englisch


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