ADA 2012 Standards For Diabetes Self Management Education and Support

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National Standards for Diabetes

Self-Management Education and
LINDA HAAS, PHC, RN, CDE (CHAIR)1 SUE MCLAUGHLIN, BS, RD, CDE, CPT11 nonaccredited and nonrecognized provid-
JONI BECK, PHARMD, CDE, BC-ADM3 JOHN D. PIETTE, PHD13 Because of the dynamic nature of
CARLA E. COX, PHD, RD, CDE, CSSD4 ANDREW S. RHINEHART, MD, FACP, CDE14 health care and diabetes-related research,
LAURA EDWARDS, RN, MPA6 SARA SKLAROFF16 the Standards are reviewed and revised
EDWIN B. FISHER, PHD7 DONNA TOMKY, MSN, RN, C-NP, CDE, FAADE17 approximately every 5 years by key stake-
LENITA HANSON, MD, CDE, FACE, FACP8 GRETCHEN YOUSSEF, MS, RD, CDE18 holders and experts within the diabetes
DANIEL KENT, PHARMD, BS, CDE9 ON BEHALF OF THE 2012 STANDARDS education community. In the fall of
LESLIE KOLB, RN, BSN, MBA10 REVISION TASK FORCE 2011, a Task Force was jointly convened
by the American Association of Diabetes
Educators (AADE) and the American Di-
abetes Association (ADA). Members of the

y the most recent estimates, 18.8 mil- part of efforts to prevent the disease (7,8). Task Force included experts from the
lion people in the U.S. have been di- The National Standards for Diabetes Self- areas of public health, underserved pop-
agnosed with diabetes and an Management Education are designed ulations including rural primary care and
additional 7 million are believed to be liv- to dene quality DSME and support and other rural health services, individual
ing with undiagnosed diabetes. At the same to assist diabetes educators in provid- practices, large urban specialty practices,
time, 79 million people are estimated to ing evidence-based education and self- and urban hospitals. They also included
have blood glucose levels in the range of management support. The Standards individuals with diabetes, diabetes research-
prediabetes or categories of increased risk are applicable to educators in solo prac- ers, certied diabetes educators, registered
for diabetes. Thus, more than 100 million tice as well as those in large multicenter nurses, registered dietitians, physicians,
Americans are at risk for developing the programsdand everyone in between. pharmacists, and a psychologist. The Task
devastating complications of diabetes (1). There are many good models for the pro- Force was charged with reviewing the
Diabetes self-management education vision of diabetes education and support. current National Standards for Diabetes
(DSME) is a critical element of care for all The Standards do not endorse any one ap- Self-Management Education for their ap-
people with diabetes and those at risk for proach, but rather seek to delineate the propriateness, relevance, and scientic basis
developing the disease. It is necessary in commonalities among effective and excel- and updating them based on the available
order to prevent or delay the complications lent self-management education strate- evidence and expert consensus.
of diabetes (26) and has elements re- gies. These are the standards used in The Task Force made the decision to
lated to lifestyle changes that are also es- the eld for recognition and accred- change the name of the Standards from
sential for individuals with prediabetes as itation. They also serve as a guide for the National Standards for Diabetes Self-
Management Education to the National
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Standards for Diabetes Self-Management
From the 1VA Puget Sound Health Care System Hospital and Specialty Medicine, Seattle, Washington; the
Education and Support. This name change
Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, Massachusetts; 3Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology, The University of is intended to codify the signicance of
Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Medicine, Edmond, Oklahoma; the 4Western Montana Clinic, ongoing support for people with diabetes
Missoula, Montana; the 5Diabetes Education/Clinical Programs, American Diabetes Association, Alexan- and those at risk for developing the disease,
dria, Virginia; the 6Center for Healthy North Carolina, Apex, North Carolina; 7Peers for Progress, American
Academy of Family Physicians Foundation and Department of Health Behavior, Gillings School of Global
particularly to encourage behavior change,
Public Health, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; 8Ultracare the maintenance of healthy diabetes-related
Endocrine and Diabetes Consultants, Venice, Florida; the 9Group Health Central Specialty Clinic, Seattle, behaviors, and to address psychosocial
Washington; the 10Diabetes Education Accreditation Program, American Association of Diabetes Educators, concerns. Given that self-management
Chicago, Illinois; 11On Site Health and Wellness, LLC, Omaha, Nebraska; 12Endocrinology Associates, Main does not stop when a patient leaves the
Medical Plaza, Houston, Texas; the 13VA Center for Clinical Management Research and the University of
Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 14Johnston Memorial Diabetes Care Center, Abingdon, educators ofce, self-management support
Virginia; the 15Center for Health Services Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Ten- must be an ongoing process.
nessee; 16Technical Writer, Washington, DC; the 17Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, ABQ Health Although the term diabetes is used
Partners, Albuquerque, New Mexico; and 18MedStar Diabetes Institute/MedStar Health, Washington, DC. predominantly, the Standards should also
Corresponding authors: Linda Haas, [email protected], and Melinda Maryniuk, melinda.maryniuk@joslin be understood to apply to the education
DOI: 10.2337/dc12-1707 and support of people with prediabetes.
The previous version of this article National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education was pub- Currently, there are signicant barriers
lished in Diabetes Care 2007;30:16301637. This version received nal approval in July 2012. to the provision of education and support
This article has been copublished in The Diabetes Educator.
2012 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators. Readers
to those with prediabetes. And yet, the
may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for prot, and the strategies for supporting successful be-
work is not altered. See for details. havior change and the healthy behaviors DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, NOVEMBER 2012 2393

National Standards

recommended for people with prediabe- This process incorporates the needs, goals, performance measurements for chronic
tes are largely identical to those for indi- and life experiences of the person with care programs and disease management
viduals with diabetes. As barriers to care diabetes or prediabetes and is guided by services, including Supporting Self-
are overcome, providers of DSME and di- evidence-based standards. The overall ob- Management (18).
abetes self-management support (DSMS), jectives of DSME are to support informed
given their training and experience, are decision making, self-care behaviors, pro- STANDARD 2
particularly well equipped to assist indi- blem solving, and active collaboration
viduals with prediabetes in developing with the health care team and to improve External input
and maintaining behaviors that can pre- clinical outcomes, health status, and qual- The provider(s) of DSME will seek ongoing
vent or delay the onset of diabetes. ity of life. input from external stakeholders and experts
Many people with diabetes have or DSMS: Activities that assist the person in order to promote program quality.
are at risk for developing comorbidities, with prediabetes or diabetes in imple- For both individual and group pro-
including both diabetes-related compli- menting and sustaining the behaviors viders of DSME and DSMS, external input
cations and conditions (e.g., heart dis- needed to manage his or her condition is vital to maintaining an up-to-date,
ease, lipid abnormalities, nerve damage, on an ongoing basis beyond or outside of effective program. Broad participation of
hypertension, and depression) and other formal self-management training. The community stakeholders, including indi-
medical problems that may interfere with type of support provided can be behav- viduals with diabetes, health professio-
self-care (e.g., emphysema, arthritis, and ioral, educational, psychosocial, or clini- nals, and community interest groups, will
alcoholism). In addition, the diagnosis, cal (1115). increase the programs knowledge of the
progression, and daily work of managing local population and allow the provider to
the disease can take a major emotional toll STANDARD 1 better serve the community. Often, but
on people with diabetes that makes self- not always, this external input is best ach-
care even more difcult (9). The Stand- Internal structure ieved by the establishment of a formal ad-
ards encourage providers of DSME and The provider(s) of DSME will document an visory board. The DSME and DSMS
DSMS to address the entire panorama of organizational structure, mission statement, provider(s) must have a documented
each participants clinical prole. Regular and goals. For those providers working plan for seeking outside input and acting
communication among the members of within a larger organization, that organiza- on it.
participants health care teams is essential tion will recognize and support quality The goal of external input and dis-
to ensure high-quality, effective educa- DSME as an integral component of diabetes cussion in the program planning process
tion and support for people with diabetes care. is to foster ideas that will enhance the
and prediabetes. Documentation of an organizational quality of the DSME and/or DSMS being
In the course of its work on the structure, mission statement, and goals provided, while building bridges to key
Standards, the Task Force identied areas can lead to efcient and effective pro- stakeholders (19). The result is effective,
in which there is currently an insufcient vision of DSME and DSMS. In the busi- dynamic DSME that is patient centered,
amount of research. In particular, there ness literature, case studies and case more responsive to consumer-identied
are three areas in which the Task Force report investigations of successful man- needs and the needs of the community,
recommends additional research: agement strategies emphasize the impor- more culturally relevant, and more ap-
tance of clear goals and objectives, pealing to consumers (17,19,20).
1. What is the inuence of organizational dened relationships and roles, and man-
structure on the effectiveness of the agerial support. Business and health pol- STANDARD 3
provision of DSME and DSMS? icy experts and organizations emphasize
2. What is the impact of using a struc- written commitments, policies, support, Access
tured curriculum in DSME? and the importance of outcomes report- The provider(s) of DSME will determine who
3. What training should be required for ing to maintain ongoing support or com- to serve, how best to deliver diabetes educa-
those community, lay, or peer workers mitment (16,17). tion to that population, and what resources
without training in health or diabetes Documentation of an organizational can provide ongoing support for that popu-
who are to participate in the provision structure that delineates channels of com- lation.
of DSME and to provide DSMS? munication and represents institutional Currently, the majority of people
commitment to the educational entity is with diabetes and prediabetes do not
Finally, the Standards emphasize that critical for success. According to The Joint receive any structured diabetes education
the person with diabetes is at the center Commission, this type of documentation (19,20). While there are many barriers to
of the entire diabetes education and sup- is equally important for both small and DSME, one crucial issue is access (21).
port process. It is the individuals with large health care organizations (18). Providers of DSME can help address this
diabetes who do the hard work of man- Health care and business experts over- issue by:
aging their condition, day in and day out. whelmingly agree that documentation
The educators role, rst and foremost, is of the process of providing services is a c Clarifying the specic population to be
to make that work easier (10). critical factor in clear communication served. Understanding the community,
and provides a solid basis from which to service area, or regional demographics is
DEFINITIONS deliver quality diabetes education. In crucial to ensuring that as many people
DSME: The ongoing process of facilitat- 2010, The Joint Commission published as possible are being reached, including
ing the knowledge, skill, and ability nec- the Disease-Specic Care Certication those who do not frequently attend
essary for prediabetes and diabetes self-care. Manual, which outlines standards and clinical appointments (9,17,2224).


National Standards

c Determining that populations self- lifelong process of managing a chronic occupational therapists, and exercise
management education and support disease and facilitating behavior physiologists), optometrists, and podia-
needs. Different individuals, their fam- change, in addition to experience with trists (68,74,75). More recently, health
ilies, and communities need different program and/or clinical management educators (e.g., Certied Health Educa-
types of education and support (25). (5659). In some cases, particularly in tion Specialists and Certied Medical As-
The provider(s) of DSME and DSMS solo or other small practices, the coor- sistants), case managers, lay health and
needs to work to ensure that the dinator may also provide DSME and/or community workers (7683), and peer
necessary education alternatives are DSMS. counselors or educators (84,85) have
available (2527). This means under- been shown to contribute effectively as
standing the populations demogra- STANDARD 5 part of the DSME team and in providing
phic characteristics, such as ethnic/ DSMS. While DSME and DSMS are often
cultural background, sex, and age, as Instructional staff provided within the framework of a col-
well as levels of formal education, lit- One or more instructors will provide laborative and integrated team ap-
eracy, and numeracy (2831). It may DSME and, when applicable, DSMS. At proach, it is crucial that the individual
also entail identifying resources out- least one of the instructors responsible for with diabetes is viewed as central to the
side of the providers practice that can designing and planning DSME and DSMS team and that he or she takes an active
assist in the ongoing support of the will be a registered nurse, registered dieti- role.
participant. tian, or pharmacist with training and ex- Certication as a diabetes educator
c Identifying access issues and working perience pertinent to DSME, or another (CDE) by the National Certication
to overcome them. It is essential to professional with certication in diabetes Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)
determine factors that prevent in- care and education, such as a CDE or is one way a health professional can
dividuals with diabetes from receiving BC-ADM. Other health workers can con- demonstrate mastery of a specic body
self-management education and sup- tribute to DSME and provide DSMS with of knowledge, and this certication has
port. The assessment process includes appropriate training in diabetes and with become an accepted credential in the
the identication of these barriers to supervision and support. diabetes community (86). An additional
access (3234). These barriers may in- Historically, nurses and dietitians credential that indicates specialized train-
clude the socioeconomic or cultural were the main providers of diabetes edu- ing beyond basic preparation is board
factors mentioned above, as well as, for cation (3,4,6064). In recent years, the certication in Advanced Diabetes Man-
example, health insurance shortfalls role of the diabetes educator has ex- agement (BC-ADM) offered by the AADE,
and the lack of encouragement from panded to other disciplines, particularly which is available for nurses, dietitians,
other health providers to seek diabetes pharmacists (6567). Reviews comparing pharmacists, physicians, and physician
education (35,36). the effectiveness of different disciplines assistants (68,74,87).
for education have not identied clear dif- Individuals who serve as lay health
STANDARD 4 ferences in the quality of services deliv- and community workers and peer coun-
ered by different professionals (35). selors or educators may contribute to the
Program coordination However, the literature favors the regis- provision of DSME instruction and pro-
A coordinator will be designated to oversee tered nurse, registered dietitian, and vide DSMS if they have received training
the DSME program. The coordinator will pharmacist serving both as the key pri- in diabetes management, the teaching of
have oversight responsibility for the plan- mary instructors for diabetes education self-management skills, group facilita-
ning, implementation, and evaluation of ed- and as members of the multidisciplinary tion, and emotional support. For these
ucation services. team responsible for designing the curric- individuals, a system must be in place
Coordination is essential to ensure ulum and assisting in the delivery of that ensures supervision of the services
that quality diabetes self-management DSME (17,68). Expert consensus sup- they provide by a diabetes educator or
education and support is delivered ports the need for specialized diabetes other health care professional and pro-
through an organized, systematic process and educational training beyond aca- fessional back-up to address clinical
(37,38). As the eld of DSME continues to demic preparation for the primary in- problems or questions beyond their
evolve, the coordinator plays a pivotal structors on the diabetes team (6972). training (8890).
role in ensuring accountability and conti- Professionals serving as instructors must For services outside the expertise of
nuity in the education program (3941). document appropriate continuing educa- any provider(s) of DSME and DSMS, a
The coordinators role may be viewed as tion or comparable activities to ensure mechanism must be in place to ensure
that of coordinating the program (or ed- their continuing competence to serve in that the individual with diabetes is con-
ucation process) and/or as supporting the their instructional, training, and oversight nected with appropriately trained and
coordination of the many aspects of self- roles (73). credentialed providers.
management in the continuum of diabe- Reecting the evolving health care
tes and related conditions when feasible environment, a number of studies have STANDARD 6
(4249). This oversight includes design- endorsed a multidisciplinary team ap-
ing an education program or service that proach to diabetes care, education, and Curriculum
helps the participant access needed re- support. The disciplines that may be in- A written curriculum reecting current evi-
sources and assists him or her in navigat- volved include, but are not limited to, dence and practice guidelines, with criteria
ing the health care system (37,5055). physicians, psychologists and other men- for evaluating outcomes, will serve as the
The individual serving as the co- tal health specialists, physical activity framework for the provision of DSME. The
ordinator will have knowledge of the specialists (including physical therapists, needs of the individual participant will DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 35, NOVEMBER 2012 2395

National Standards

determine which parts of the curriculum will Also crucial is the development of and other information technologies (e.g.,
be provided to that individual. action-oriented behavioral goals and Web based, text messaging, or automated
Individuals with prediabetes and di- objectives (1214,113). Creative, patient- phone calls), may augment face-to-face as-
abetes and their families and caregivers centered, experience-based delivery sessments (72,87,138141).
have much to learn to become effective methodsdbeyond the mere acquisition The assessment and education plan,
self-managers of their condition. DSME of knowledgedare effective for support- intervention, and outcomes will be docu-
can provide this education via an up-to- ing informed decision making and mean- mented in the education/health record.
date, evidence-based, and exible curric- ingful behavior change and addressing Documentation of participant encounters
ulum (8,91). psychosocial concerns (114,115). will guide the education process, provide
The curriculum is a coordinated set of evidence of communication among in-
courses and educational experiences. It STANDARD 7 structional staff and other members of the
also species learning outcomes and ef- participants health care team, prevent du-
fective teaching strategies (92,93). The Individualization plication of services, and demonstrate ad-
curriculum must be dynamic and reect The diabetes self-management, education, herence to guidelines (117,135,142,143).
current evidence and practice guidelines and support needs of each participant will Providing information to other members
(9397). Recent education research en- be assessed by one or more instructors. The of the participants health care team
dorses the inclusion of practical problem- participant and instructor(s) will then together through documentation of educational
solving approaches, collaborative care, develop an individualized education and sup- objectives and personal behavioral goals
psychosocial issues, behavior change, and port plan focused on behavior change. increases the likelihood that all the mem-
strategies to sustain self-management Research has demonstrated the im- bers will work in collaboration (86,143).
efforts (12,13,19,74,86,98101). portance of individualizing diabetes edu- Evidence suggests that the development
The following core topics are com- cation to each participants needs (116). of standardized procedures for documen-
monly part of the curriculum taught in The assessment process is used to identify tation, training health professionals to doc-
comprehensive programs that have what those needs are and to facilitate ument appropriately, and the use of
demonstrated successful outcomes the selection of appropriate educational structured standardized forms based on
(2,3,5,91,102104): and behavioral interventions and self- current practice guidelines can improve
management support strategies, guided documentation and may ultimately im-
c Describing the diabetes disease process by evidence (2,63,116118). The assess- prove quality of care (135,143145).
and treatment options ment must garner information about
c Incorporating nutritional management the individuals medical history, age, cul- STANDARD 8
into lifestyle tural inuences, health beliefs and atti-
c Incorporating physical activity into tudes, diabetes knowledge, diabetes Ongoing support
lifestyle self-management skills and behaviors, The participant and instructor(s) will to-
c Using medication(s) safely and for emotional response to diabetes, readiness gether develop a personalized follow-up
maximum therapeutic effectiveness to learn, literacy level (including health plan for ongoing self-management support.
c Monitoring blood glucose and other literacy and numeracy), physical limita- The participants outcomes and goals and the
parameters and interpreting and using tions, family support, and nancial status plan for ongoing self-management support
the results for self-management de- (11,106,108,117,119128). will be communicated to other members of
cision making The education and support plan that the health care team.
c Preventing, detecting, and treating the participant and instructor(s) develop While DSME is necessary and effec-
acute complications will be rooted in evidence-based ap- tive, it does not in itself guarantee a
c Preventing, detecting, and treating proaches to effective health communica- lifetime of effective diabetes self-care
chronic complications tion and education while taking into (113). Initial improvements in partici-
c Developing personal strategies to ad- consideration participant barriers, abili- pants metabolic and other outcomes
dress psychosocial issues and concerns ties, and expectations. The instructor will have been found to diminish after ap-
c Developing personal strategies to pro- use clear health communication principles, proximately 6 months (3). To sustain
mote health and behavior change avoiding jargon, making information cul- the level of self-management needed to
turally relevant, using language- and literacy- effectively manage prediabetes and diabe-
While the content areas listed above appropriate education materials, and using tes over the long term, most participants
provide a solid outline for a diabetes interpreter services when indicated need ongoing DSMS (15).
education and support curriculum, it is (107,129131). Evidence-based commu- The type of support provided can be
crucial that the content be tailored to nication strategies such as collaborative behavioral, educational, psychosocial, or
match each individuals needs and be goal setting, motivational interviewing, clinical (1114). A variety of strategies are
adapted as necessary for age, type of di- cognitive behavior change strategies, available for providing DSMS both within
abetes (including prediabetes and diabe- problem solving, self-efcacy enhance- and outside the DSME organization. Some
tes in pregnancy), cultural factors, health ment, and relapse prevention strategies patients benet from working with a nurse
literacy and numeracy, and comorbidities are also effective (101,132134). Peri- case manager (6,86,146). Case manage-
(14,105108). The content areas will be odic reassessment can determine whether ment for DSMS can include reminders
able to be adapted for all practice settings. there is need for additional or different about needed follow-up care and tests,
Approaches to education that are in- interventions and future reassessment medication management, education, be-
teractive and patient centered have been (6,72,134137). A variety of assessment havioral goal setting, psychosocial support,
shown to be effective (12,13,109112). modalities, including telephone follow-up and connection to community resources.


National Standards

The effectiveness of providing DSMS eating, taking medication, monitoring presentation of results (150). Measuring
through disease management programs, blood glucose, diabetes self-carerelated both processes and outcomes helps to en-
trained peers and community health problem solving, reducing risks of acute sure that change is successful without
workers, community-based programs, in- and chronic complications, and psycho- causing additional problems in the sys-
formation technology, ongoing education, social aspects of living with diabetes tem. Outcome measures indicate the re-
support groups, and medical nutrition (93,153,154). Differences in behaviors, sult of a process (i.e., whether changes are
therapy has also been established (7 health beliefs, and culture as well as their actually leading to improvement), while
11,86,8890,142,147150). emotional response to diabetes can have a process measures provide information
While the primary responsibility for di- signicant impact on how participants about what caused those results
abetes education belongs to the provider(s) understand their illness and engage in (144,150). Process measures are often tar-
of DSME, participants benet by receiv- self-management. DSME providers who geted to those processes that typically im-
ing reinforcement of content and behav- account for these differences when collab- pact the most important outcomes.
ioral goals from their entire health care orating with participants on the design of
team (135). Additionally, many patients personalized DSME or DSMS programs
receive DSMS through their primary can improve participant outcomes AcknowledgmentsdNo potential conicts of
care provider. Thus, communication (147,148). interest relevant to this article were reported.
among the team regarding the patients Assessments of participant outcomes The Task Force acknowledges Paulina
educational outcomes, goals, and DSMS must occur at appropriate intervals. The Duker, ADA Staff Facilitator; Leslie Kolb,
plan is essential to ensure that people interval depends on the nature of the AADE Staff Facilitator; Karen Fitzner, PhD,
with diabetes receive support that meets outcome itself and the time frame speci- meeting facilitator (FH Consultants, Chicago,
Illinois); and Sara Sklaroff for technical writing
their needs and is reinforced and con- ed based on the participants personal
sistent among the health care team goals. For some areas, the indicators,
members. measures, and time frames will be based
Because self-management takes place on guidelines from professional organiza-
in participants daily lives and not in clin- tions or government agencies. 1. Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
ical or educational settings, patients will vention. National Diabetes Fact Sheet: Na-
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community-based resources that may Diabetes and Prediabetes in the United
support their ongoing diabetes self- Quality improvement States, 2011. U.S. Department of Health
management. Ideally, DSME and DSMS The provider(s) of DSME will measure the and Human Services, Centers for Disease
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chosocial interventions, as well as con- control. Diabetes Care 2002;25:1159
STANDARD 9 sumer trends and the changing health 1171
care environment. By measuring and 4. Gary TL, Genkinger JM, Guallar E,
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positive health outcomes. The provider(s) Interventions to improve the manage-
of DSME and DSMS will assess each par- c What are we trying to accomplish? ment of diabetes in primary care, out-
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and his or her progress toward those goals provement? systematic review. Diabetes Care 2001;
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useful framework for assessment and tied, the DSME provider must designate 8. Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Re-
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