Assignment 4

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Pearedondo, John Michael F. Nov.

18, 2017


Chapter 7-8 Questions

1. How long has Ikemefuna been with the family? Who decides his fate? What does Ezeudu tell Okonkwo about this decision?
- His been with the family for 3 years now. Ogbuefi Ezeudu was the one who decided the faith of Ikemefuma. Ezeudu told Okonkwo that
he shouldnt come with them because he got attached already to the boy and Ezeudu didnt Okonkwo to interfere in any way.
2. In your opinion, did Ikemefuna know what was about to happen? What do Okonkwos actions reveal about him?
- He didnt know what will happen to him because Okonkwo lied to him saying that he will take him back to his village. He was
attached to the boy. He treated Ikemefuma as part of the family and knowing what will happened Okonkwo was uncomfortable.
3. How does Okonkwo feel about his daughter Ezinma? Why?
- In line with the death of Ikemefuma, he was wishing and picturing that Ezinma was a boy. He wanted Ezinma to be the child that
he always wanted. This just showed that she is the favorite child of Okonkwo.
4. Analyze Okonkwos idea of masculinity? Do you think Okonkwos ideas of masculinity are typical of Ibo society, or are they
- They are a bit extreme but this is what he needs to show the people because he didnt want them to think his weak. Not showing
emotion even though someone died thats close to your heart is extreme.

Chapter 9-10 Questions

1. Why does Ekwefi have a bitter attitude about life? Describe her relationship with Ezinma. What does Okonkwo do to help
- Because a lot of her children died just few months or weeks after they were born, that is why Ekwefi has a bitter attitude about
life. She is afraid to lose Ezinma now because she is the 10th child and to survive this long, Ekwefi is already attached to her.
Okonkwo helped in finding medic for her. Even though it is not verbally said, we can see that Okonkwos love for her daughter
that he worries so much for her.
2. An ogbanje is a changeling, a child who repeatedly dies and returns. How can humans defeat an obanjes wickedness? What
do these beliefs reveal about Ibo society?
- By the guidance of Okagbue Uyanwa; a medicine man that is well known in the tribe, said that they have to find the Iyi Uwa to
defeat the Ogbanje.
3. Who are the judges in the legal case in Chapter 10, and how do they behave? Do you feel the judges decision is fair?
- They are call the Egwugwu they are composed of one representative or spirit for each village. They were fair and just in the
way they prosecuted the crime.
Chapter 11 Questions

1. Achebe devotes several pages to Ekwefis folktale. Why do you think he chose to include the tale?
- Because it teaches us different lessons and values about their culture. It can also be intertwined in the story.
2. Chielo, the priestess, interrupts the story-telling. What announcement does she make? Where does she take Ezinma? Why do
you think the Oracle called for Ezinma?
- They have to take Ezinma to the cave and the hills.
3. How does Okonkwo react when the priestess first makes her announcement? What actions does he take later and what do
they show about his character?
- This is very frightening to both Ekwefi and Okonkwo because Ezinma is their favorite child. The next day, Chielo takes
Ezinma and does not want her parents to follow them.

Chapter 12-13 Questions

1. What terrible accident occurs at the funeral and what happens to Okonkwos family as a result?
- Okonkwo accidental shot the son of Ogbuefi Ezeudu. This was a female case or accidental that resulted to the whole
family being exiled from the tribe but they could come back after 7 years. All of the houses, yams and storages were
burned to the ground.
2. In your opinion, why did Achebe choose to end Part One the way he did? What aspects of the funeral ceremony make it
possible for dangerous accidents to occur? How is this accident related to the infiltration of Western technology into a
traditional culture?
- In my opinion, this is just a form of transformation that the story needed so that we could look deeper into the life of the family of
Okonkwo. In a way, its a coming of age for Okonkwo. One was they must kill every animal they come across, cut down trees
and specially bring of guns and shooting them, because this attracts danger and ultimately accidents.

Chapter 14-15 Questions

1. According to Achebe, how does Okonkwo feel about his new life? Cite at least one example of figurative language that Achebe
uses to describe Okonkwos feelings.
- He didnt like in any way. Even though his uncle was helping him to coping up with his life now, he could work and felt so lost. He
became the one he feared the most; his father.
2. Uchendu tells a story about a kite who takes a duckling and a chick. What is the point of the story? How does it relate to the
encounter between the Abame and the whites?
- Silence is something to do to survive. Speak about nothing. Keep it to yourself. Uchendu said that they were fools for
killing first man, they should have been armed with guns and machetes.

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