Minimum Required Interference

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

Design of Shrink Fit for Low Temperature

Rotating Turbine Components
V. Gopalakrishnan1, Maneesh Batrani, Jatinder Mohan, Naveen Chandra Bhatt, Mukesh K Verma
Steam Turbine Engineering,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited,
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Abstract - Key aspect to designing any turbine component is to

ensure its mechanical integrity. Steam turbine rotor
mechanical integrity has traditionally been and still is a
concern for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
across the globe due to their catastrophic nature of failure [1].
Any joint in rotating components always present a great risk
for integrity of rotating machinery. One such joint is shrink-fit
in rotating components. Many steam turbine rotors of earlier
designs especially impulse or low reaction bladed rotors had
shrink fit discs fitted onto them. Though shrink fit joints are
less employed these days, they are still relevant.

This paper discusses the shrink fit design philosophy for

rotating components operating at room temperature. Design
philosophy includes identification of loads, safety factor,
evaluation of stresses and interference etc. Turbine bladed
discs, gear wheel etc. are not regular cylindrical shapes, hence
employability of classical formulations have limitations. Fig. 1, Schematic of Interference Fit Joint
Additional analysis using Finite Element Method is required to
substantiate the design. The methodology is validated in design The case of shrink fit in rotating discs with large
of one rotor having such shrunk on components. diameters is slightly different. These discs with large
diameter are subjected to high centrifugal force, resulting in
Keywords: Shrink fit, interference, turbine, rotation, ANSYS reduction in interference between shaft and hub diameters at
the interface due to centrifugal action. Stresses induced due
I. INTRODUCTION to rotation are also a cause of concern along with interfacial
Shrink fit is a semi-permanent joint between the shaft and stresses due to interference. Hence, additional care from the
hub. Outer element of the shrink fit joint is hereby referred to designer is required for deciding the interference tolerance,
as Hub and inner element of the shrink fit joint is referred please refer to Fig. 2.
to as Shaft, please refer to Fig. 1.
Shrink fit is achieved by assembling a cylindrical hub
onto a shaft (shaft outer diameter is higher than the inner
diameter of hub) either by pressing it in place (or) using
differential thermal expansion techniques [2]. An interfacial
pressure is generated due to the local elastic deformation due
to interference. The state of stress induced between
interfacing cylinders is similar to that of an externally (or)
internally pressurized pressure vessel and is governed by
Lames equation.

Fig. 2, Rotating turbine wheel and hub of varying geometric shapes

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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

II. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR SHRINK FIT Interference required to overcome this torsional loading [3]
JOINT would be given by,
Designing a shrink fit joint for rotating discs primarily
R R Ro 2 +R2
involves following aspects: T = PT * [ *(1-s ) + *( +H )] (2)
ES EH Ro 2 -R2
Torque transmission requirement and differential growth
between shaft and hub due to centrifugal load. This Where,
determines the Minimum Interference Condition T = Minimum interference required for overcoming
Stress in the joint at assembly condition as well as torsional load
operating condition due to centrifugal loads would decide PT = Interference pressure corresponding to FT
the Maximum Interference Condition" Es = Youngs Modulus of Shaft
R = Nominal radius at interface
Shaft/Hub material being used S = Poisson ratio of shaft
A designer would then integrate these requirements and EH = Youngs Modulus of Hub
define an interference tolerance. Shaft and hub materials can R0 = Outer radius of Hub
differ or be the same depending upon requirement. This H = Poisson ratio of Hub
needs to be taken care appropriately in the classical
2) Radial growth due to rotation:
Differential growth due to thermal loads are not For a hollow disc at any radii, radial growth due to
significant in low temperature turbine rotors. However, these centrifugal loads [4] is given by the relation below:
are relevant for high temperature turbine rotors. But, they
affect the design of shrink-fit joint only in case material of 2 r (3+)*(1-) (1+v)r2o r2i (1+) 2
shaft and hub are different. = [( * ) * (r2o +r2 + (1-)r2
- (3+)
r )] (3)
E 8

Deformations induced due to centrifugal loading is

function of square of rotational speed, hence joint can loosen
up in case of inadequate interference resulting in adverse = Radial growth of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
consequences. = Density of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
= Angular Velocity
III. DESIGN METHODOLOGY At any radius where growth needs to be
r =
As discussed earlier, the joint has two limiting (or) estimated
bounding conditions: r0 = Outer Radius of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
ri = Inner Radius of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
Minimum Interference Condition: a joint should
= Poisson ratio of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
not open up under the operating conditions due to
E = Youngs modulus of rotating disc (shaft/hub)
lack of interference
Maximum Interference Condition: Material of Using the above formula, the radial growth of inner element
Hub/Shaft should be able to withstand the - shaft S and outer element - Hub H are calculated at
interference stress during assembly. During maximum expected over speed condition at the nominal
operation, the joint should be able to withstand radius.
stress due to rotation and pressure stresses due to
remaining interference The classical formulation for radial growth of shaft (or) hub
is based on rotating disc formulation. It is important to note
A. Minimum Interference Condition that the radial growth of solid and hollow shafts would be
This condition ensures that there is no slippage in the different. However, it is observed that the difference is
joint. A loose joint may result in slippage of hub onto shaft practically negligible and hence, these formulations can be
and loose its intended purpose. Minimum interference safely used.
condition would overcome differential radial growth
between shaft and hub due to centrifugal loading and slip due 3) Minimum Interference:
to torsional loading during operation. Following Minimum interference condition is estimated using s, T
methodology is to be followed to address this concern: - and H are determined as follows:
1) Interference to overcome torque requirement: minimum = [(H -S )+T ] (4)
Friction force (FT) generated in the joint to overcome
operating condition torque, is given as; The above interference must be achieved at the assembly
T = R FT (1) condition to avoid loosening of joint in operation under
combined action of centrifugal and torsional loads. An
Where, appropriate safety factor may be employed to increase the
T = Torque to be transmitted by the joint during operation value, if needed.
R = Nominal radius at interface
FT = Force

IJERTV6IS040028 4
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

After determination of minimum interference as per above, Stresses at assembly and operating condition should be
designer should include manufacturing tolerance upon the within material limits with appropriate factor of safety.
nominal shaft/hub diameter. The maximum interference
should be evaluated with the help of specified tolerances. IV. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND ITS
As discussed before, classical formulations have their own
B. Maximum Interference Condition
Maximum interference is important from strength point of set of limitations. Hence, finite element analysis of shrink fit
view and hence, may affect selection of material. The Hub assembly would give designer additional information about
is highly stressed component of the joint compared to shaft. the joint behavior and its integrity. Here, we discuss finite
It can fail due to: element analysis using ANSYSTM software to further
a) Stress beyond limits during assembly due to validate the integrity of shrink fit design. Outcome of the
interference pressure finite element analysis depends on:
b) Stress beyond limits during operation due to remaining
interfacial pressure and rotational loads Quality of mesh (including refinement)
Interface definition using contact settings [5]. (Selection
Maximum principal stresses have been considered for of contact and target component (shaft or hub) is
mechanical strength analysis in this paper. However, it
designers prerogative. However, in present work, shaft
depends upon the designer to choose the appropriate failure
criterion. is used as contact and hub is taken as target surface)

If the above stresses are beyond the material strength limits, Surface to Surface contact pair definition was used to
then material selection needs to be relooked or the shrink fit define the interference between shrink fit components,
parameters need to be redesigned if possible to bring stress please refer to Fig. 3
within allowable limits.

1) Stress due to interfacial pressure in hub during


Hub is a hollow thick cylinder subjected to internal pressure.

Hoop stress at the hub inner diameter due to assembly
condition/operating condition interfacial pressure is
calculated using the equation below [3]:

r2i r20
Hoop stress at hub inner diameter = P* * (1+ )
r20 -r2i r2i

Where, Fig. 3, Surface to Surface Contact Definition

P = Interfacial pressure at the time of assembly to

achieve minimum or remaining interfacial The amount of physical interference between the hub and the
pressure at operating condition shaft is defined through contact surface offset as in Fig. 4
r0 = Outer radius of Hub below:
ri = Inner radius of Hub

2) Stress due to rotation in hub during operation

Hoop stress due to rotation [4] at hub inner radius is given

H 2
*[(3+H )r20 + (1-H )r2i ] (6)

H = Density of Hub material
H = Poisson ratio of Hub
= Angular velocity of Hub
r0 = Outer Radius of Hub Fig. 4, Interference definition
ri = Inner Radius of Hub

IJERTV6IS040028 5
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 04, April-2017

After defining the contact assembly, the analysis is V. APPLICATION OF DESIGN PROCESS IN A
performed in two stages. In the first stage, the interference RECENT PROJECT
due to minimum interference condition is simulated. In the For a recent project, a shrink fit joint had to be designed for
second stage, centrifugal loading in the form of global a low pressure steam turbine rotor in which a starting motor
angular velocity is applied along with appropriate boundary gear had to be shrink fitted. Through the above established
condition. process this recent project was handled.
Based on requirement different over speed conditions are
simulated to check for exact speed at which the joint
disintegrates i.e. loosen up. Parameters that are used to
check for joint integrity include contact status and
contact pressure

Fig. 7, Gear shrunk on over a turbine coupling

Post design, the rotor was also over speed tested successfully
at factory works, please refer Fig. 7
Fig. 5, Contact Status of the shrink fit joint
Contact status from the finite element software is just a
Methodology for design of shrink fit joints for rotating
qualitative indicator of the condition of the joint. However
components has been described. Calculations using classical
the contact pressure is a quantifiable term, please refer Fig.
formulations and validation using finite element software
(ANSYSTM) has been shared. A case of successful
The contact pressure should match with Interference implementation of the procedure to design a shrink fit joint
pressure (please refer equation 2) during assembly condition for a low pressure steam turbine rotor is also presented.
and the remaining interference pressure at operating
condition within acceptable margin of error Fig. 6. VII. REFERENCES:
[1] Nitta A, Kobayashi H , Burst of Steam Turbine Rotor in
Fossil Power plant;
[2] Jack A. Collins, Henry Busby, George Staab; Mechanical
design of machine elements and machines A failure
prevention perspective; Wiley Publication; 2010
[3] J Edward Pope; Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers;
Gulf Publishing Company; 1997
[4] EJ Hearn; Mechanics of Materials 2; Butterworth
Heinemann publication; 2001
[5] ANSYSTM 17.0; Help manual

Fig. 6, Contact Pressure at running condition

End effects (or) localized stress raisers can also be observed

from the finite element model unlike the classical
formulation in relevant cases.

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