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Bachelor of International Sales and Marketing Management

Professionsbachelor International Handel og Markedsfring

Written re-exam after 1st semester

Skriftlig reeksamen efter 1. semester

The basis for the companys sale /Virksomhedens salgsgrundlag

10th August 2011/10. august 2011


This exam case consists of 4 assignments carrying the following weights in the total assessment of the
Denne eksamen bestr af 4 opgaver, der indgr i bedmmelsen af den samlede opgavebesvarelse med
flgende vejledende vgte:

Assignment/Opgave 1: 20 %

Assignment/Opgave 2: 30 %

Assignment/Opgave 3: 30 %

Assignment/Opgave 4: 20 %

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Bachelor of International Sales and Marketing Management
Professionsbachelor International Handel og Markedsfring

1. Assignments: (In Danish below)

Assignment 1 (20%)

Assignment 1.1

Make a financial benchmark analysis where you compare Hartmanns and Huhtamakis financial perfor-
mance, involve here also an assessment of working capital and its development. Beside the benchmark
analysis also make sure that you comment specific on Hartmanns rentability, liquidity and solvency. You
can base your analysis on information given in section 8. Financial highlights and ratios and you are wel-
come to make further calculations

Assignment 1.2


In the section 10. Egg Packing Hartmann mentions we offer a wide range of sizes, colors and shapes.
How can this product strategy affect Hartmanns economy and financial ratios ?

In effort to increase the profit margin you have ordered an ABC output from the finance department on a
specific group within Egg packaging. In appendix 1 you will find this ABC output.


How would you analyze the material in appendix 1 and what actions could you consider in relation to
increase the profit margin on the group within Egg packaging.

Assignment 2 (30%)

Prepare an overall structural description of Hartmann's business model and then analyze and comment on Hartmann's
organizational and managerial challenges.

Assignment 3 (30%)

Hartmann has launched a new strategy competitive edge driving growth (see section new strategy).
Based on relevant analysis you should assess Hartmanns capability to implement the new strategy. You are
welcome to include conclusions from assignment 2 in your assessment.

Assignment 4 (20%)
Hartmann is exporting to many countries all over the world. Provided that no agreement has been made on
the question of governing law with business costumers there might be

a question of which countrys law that shall apply and if Danish law shall apply
which part of the Danish laws that regulate the sale.

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Professionsbachelor International Handel og Markedsfring

Assignment 4.1: Please make a legally justified internal note to the Management regarding such ques-

Hartmann has a registered trademark that is shown on the frontpage of this case.
Assignment 4.2: Please make a legally justified internal note to the Management of the possibility to
prohibit producers of eggs to use a similar trademark.

The Management is aware that one of the competitors in its marketing materials compare its product with similar prod-
ucts from Hartmann

Assignment 4.3: Please give a legally justified internal note to the Management of possibilities of com-
parative advertising.

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2. Opgaver
Opgave 1 : konomi (20%)

Opgave 1.1

Foretag en benchmark regnskabsanalyse hvor du sammenligner Hartmanns og Huhtamakis finansielle

performance, inddrag her ogs en vurdering af arbejdskapitalen og dens udvikling. Udover sammenlig-
ningen skal du ogs sikre dig, at du kommenterer specifikt p Hartmanns rentabilitet, likviditet og solidi-
tet. Du kan tage udgangspunkt i oplysninger givet i afsnit 8. Financial highlights and ratios og du er vel-
kommen til at foretage yderligere beregninger

Opgave 1.2

Opgave 1.2.1

I afsnit 10. Egg Packaging nvner Hartmann we offer a wide range of sizes, colours and shapes. Hvor-
dan kan denne produktstrategi pvirke Hartmanns konomi og finansielle ngletal.

I bestrbelserne p at ge profit margin har du fra konomiafdelingen bestilt et ABC output p en specifik
varegruppe indenfor Egg emballage. I appendix 1 finder du dette ABC output.

Opgave 1.2.2

Hvordan vil du analysere p materialet i appendix 1 og hvilke tiltag vil du overveje i relation til at ge
profit margin p hele varegruppen.

Opgave 2 (30%)

Udarbejd en overordnet struktureret beskrivelse af Hartmanns forretningsmodel, hvorefter du skal analy-

sere og kommenterer p Hartmanns organisatoriske og ledelsesmssige udfordringer.

Opgave 3 (30%)

Hartmann har lanceret en ny strategi competitive edge driving growth (se afsnittet new strategy).
Baseret p relevante analyser skal du vurdere Hartmanns evne til at gennemfre den nye strategi. Du er
velkommen til at inkludere konklusionerne fra opgave 2 i din vurdering.

Opgave 4 (20%)

Hartmann eksporterer til mange lande over hele verden. Forudsat, at der ikke er indget aftale om lov-
valgssprgsmlet med erhvervskunder, kan der vre et sprgsml om,

hvilket lands lov, der skal anvendes, og - hvis dansk ret glder
hvilke dele af de danske regler, der regulerer salget

Opgave 4.1: Giv et juridisk begrundet internt notat til ledelsen om sdanne sprgsml.

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Hartmann har et registreret varemrke, der er vist p forsiden af denne opgave.

Opgave 4.2: Giv et juridisk begrundet internt notat til ledelsen om mulighederne for at forbyde produ-
center af g at bruge et lignende varemrke.

Direktionen er blevet opmrksom p, at en af konkurrenterne i sit marketingmateriale sam-

menligner sine produkter med de tilsvarende produkter fra Hartmann
Opgave 4.3: Giv en juridisk begrundet internt notat til direktionen om mulighederne for sammenlignende

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1. Assignments: (In Danish below) .................................................................................................................2

2. Opgaver ......................................................................................................................................................4
3. Hartmann in brief : .....................................................................................................................................7
4. Hartmann in detail......................................................................................................................................8
Hartmann in an eggshell .......................................................................................................................8
Business model ......................................................................................................................................8
Previous strategy plan ...........................................................................................................................9
New management ................................................................................................................................10
Geographical exposure ........................................................................................................................11
Growth triggers ....................................................................................................................................12
Business risks........................................................................................................................................12
5. The egg market .........................................................................................................................................13
6. New strategy ............................................................................................................................................14
7. Latest investor recommendation form SEB16

8. Financial highlights and ratios17

9. Goals.18

10. Egg packaging19

Appendix 1 ABC output..20

Appendix 2 Product overview ..........................................................................................................................21
Appendix 3 Hartmann supports the sale of eggs with attractive packaging and customer specific services213

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3. Hartmann in brief:

Hartmann develops, produces and sells recyclable moulded-fibre packaging mainly for eggs.

Hartmann is among the Worlds three largest producers of moulded-fibre egg packaging. The group also
offers industrial packaging and technology and machinery for the manufacturing of moulded-fibre packag-
ing. Hartmanns market position can be ascribed to its strong technology know-how and extensive experi-
ence of the production of moulded-fibre since 1936.

Sustainability and environmental considerations are integral elements of Hartmanns business model and
strategy. All of Hartmanns products are based on recycled paper; a renewable, CO2-neutral and biode-
gradable resource. Hartmann collaborates closely with its customers to support the need for sustainable
products in the retail trade.

Hartmanns egg packaging is sold on most European markets and in North America. Hartmann is the market
leader in Europe and has a small share of the North American market.

Hartmanns customers comprise egg producers, egg packing businesses and supermarket chains, which
increasingly demand Hartmanns expertise in marketing of eggs. Hartman has more than 1,500 customers
in 50 countries, and most of these have longstanding relations with Hartmann. In 2010, Hartmann generat-
ed total revenue of DKK 1.5 billion.

Hartmanns production takes place at its own factories. Five of these factories are located in Europe; one is
located in Israel and one in Canada.

The group has sales offices in 12 countries, and the European sales and marketing activities are based in
Frankfurt, Germany.

The Hartmann share

Hartmanns shares have been listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S since 1982. Hartmann has one
share class, and each share carries one vote.

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4. Hartmann in detail

Hartmann in an eggshell
Egg package production since 1936

Hartmann A/S was founded in 1917, when the three Hartmann brothers inherited a paper bag factory in
Lyngby, Denmark. In 1936, the company acquired an egg packaging license from a US firm and set up a
subsidiary that year to produce egg cartons. A few acquisitions and several years later (in 1980), the parent
company and the egg packaging unit merged under the name Hartmann A/S. In 1982 listed on the Copen-
hagen stock exchange. A brief historical timeline is given in the next table.

History in brief
1917 Hartmann A/S is founded by the three Harman brothers in Lyngby, Denmark
1936 Acquires a licence to produce moulded fibre egg cartons. Production starts in the subsidiary
Scandinavian Packaging Company
1973 Production moves from Lyngby to Tnder and becomes the largest facility of egg tray produc-
1980 Hartmann A/S and Scandinavian Packaging Company merge under the brand Hartmann A/S
1982 The company is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange
2000 Hartmann receives the European Union environment price European Management Award for
Environmental & Sustainability Development
2007 All activities in South America and Asia are divested
2008 Head quarter moves from Lyngby to Gentofte
2009 The business areas Industrial packaging and Egg packaging are merged
Source: Hartmann A/S

Hartmann operates in the environmental friendly segment of fibre moulded packaging, which has influ-
enced its strong environmental and socially responsible approach. Hartmann has also defined its social
commitments and principles and supports the UN Global Compact. This was acknowledged by the Europe-
an Union, which granted Hartmann the European Management Award for Environmental & Sustainability
Development in 2000.

Business model
Hartmann A/S specialises in egg packaging, but also produces industrial and other fibre-moulded packaging
products. Hartmann is the dominant producer of egg packages in Europe, with a 40% market share. It has
the potential to benefit from economies of scale in production and distribution, but so do its competitors
like paper and pulp manufacturer Huhtamaki in Europe and package conglomerate Pactiv in North America.
Hartmanns management introduced a new strategy in 2007, which began with a focus on cost reduction
(including the exit of loss-making activities in Asia and South America). It then embarked on an efficiency
phase; the 10 in 10 strategy aimed to achieve a 10% profit margin by the end of 2010. The final step was
a focus on shareholder value through high-margin products and ongoing cost control. As egg demand is
typically very stable, Hartmanns bottom line is mostly affected by costs and cost reduction. A major part of
the production cost is the price of recycled paper, which has increased significantly recently, not least due
to a high demand from China.

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The Industrial part of Hartmann is mainly focused on the internal packaging for electrical devices such as
mobile phones and other products like kidney trays for hospitals (basically, an alternative to polystyrene
packaging). However, the electrical segment is increasingly marginalised since more and more electronics
manufacturers have moved their production to China and South East Asia. Ironically, Hartmann is losing
business to Chinese competitors, after it divested its Chinese operations a few years ago. Other activities
include Hartmann Technology, which specialised in the niche market of fibre moulding machinery. Hart-
mann is historically strong in this field and has in-house knowledge, competence and culture that basically
stems from the mid 1930s. This unit acts in a market with very few other competitors.

The business model is to produce and constantly develop fibre packages. Since the company is heavily reli-
able on raw material prices, loyal costumers and suppliers, it is most important to keep track of the costs
and ensure an efficient enterprise.

Previous strategy plan

In 2007, management introduced a three-phase strategy to improve Hartmanns financial position. The
three phases are briefly described below.

Turnaround strategy in brief

2007-2008: Turnaround
Exit non-profit activities
Reduce fixed costs
Prefer earnings to growth
2009-2010: Performance 10 in 10
To regain a 10% profit margin before the end of 2010
Optimize Europe
Growth and capacity utilisation in North America
Adjusting activity level in Industrial packaging
Implement One Company
2010-2013: Consolidation
Strengthen market offer
Operational excellence
Maintain competitive cost level
Increase high value market share
Capacity increase
Source: Hartmann

First phase focused on risk reduction, rather than growth, exiting unprofitable activities in Asia and South
America, and cutting back on fixed costs as far as possible. The result was a more focused company, leaner
in some senses, which operated with a significantly lower business risk.

The second phase aimed to improve efficiency. Called 10 in 10, the ambition was to reach a 10% profit
margin by the end of 2010. This was to be achieved by optimizing operations in Europe and improving ca-
pacity utilisation in North America. This required some resource allocation and investments in 2009.
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The final phase was to focus on creating shareholder value by strengthening its market offering and im-
proving operational excellence. This would be achieved through high-margin packages and ongoing cost
control. The annual organic growth rate was to be 2%, while the return on invested capital should around

Given the dependence on spot market prices for recycled paper and the impact of energy prices on EBIT,
Hartmann missed its 10 in 10 target for 2010. Top management and the chairman were replaced, and the
new team was given a brief to reorganise the organisation structure and production set up.

New management
Hartman changed its top management in September 2010, appointing a new CEO and CFO, as well as a new
chairperson (unfortunately due to illness and death). The former management had been able to turn the
company around and show positive results in 2008. For the new management, the income stream had sta-
bilised and there is an opportunity to re-shape the company, without much distress, despite the global
economic turmoil. Hartmann is finishing phase two of the old strategy plan and will eventually enter phase
three. New management has decided to focus less on margin goals in favour of operational efficiency and
cost reductions, given the very stable nature of the egg packaging market. In due course, a new strategy
plan with specific guidelines will be rolled out.

In our view, optimising the organisation and reducing costs was obviously the main focus of the previous
management, however the new CEO and CFO have extensive operational skills as well as rethinking the
set up to conduct business at less cost. The new management team has been granted a carte blanche to
change Hartmann by the new chairperson. The new CEO, Michael Rohde Pedersen has a background from
Pacific-Georgia and SCA and a solid operational understanding. The new CFO is Claus Frees Srensen, who
was CFO at Fritz Hansen A/S. The new chairperson is Agnete Raaschouu-Nielsen, who has extensive experi-
ence as a director and through management in Aalborg-Portland

Hartmanns main competitors are Finnish Huhtamaki and US-based Pactiv. Although Hartmann dominates
in Europe with a 40% market share, Huhtamaki claims to be the world leader in environmentally friendly
moulded fibre packaging. Its moulded fibre division basically produces the same products and it has even
broadened its business to other segments such as wine bottle and can carriers. Huhtamaki is geographically
more diversified than Hartmann and covers the Far East as well. A slight advantage for Huhtamaki is that
the group has a paper recycling division that collects, processes and recycles recovered paper traded in the
markets where it is active. Pactiv is a packaging conglomerate active in the costumer, food and foodservice
packaging business. One of its segments is egg packaging. Roughly 80% of its sales come from market sec-
tors in which it is ranked no.1 or no.2 in market share. However, 96% of its USD 3.4bn in revenue is gener-
ated in North America and 62% of total sales come from foodservice/food packaging. Pactiv is not likely to
be as dominant in the European egg packaging market, but it has a generally stable exposure to the North
American food and food service packaging market.

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Geographical exposure
Hartmann has roughly 1,500 employees at seven plants and several sales offices in 12 countries in Europe,
Israel, the US and Canada, serving clients in more than 50 countries. Denmark accounts for less than 10% of
revenues, but even so, most of its activities are based in Europe where Hartmann is market leader in egg
packaging and has 40% of the market.

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Interestingly, what is considered to be a high-end product in North America is just a top-end product of the
standard range in Europe. Thus the European high-value products have not yet been introduced into the
US, which implies future potential revenue increases in North America, when the consumers are mature

Growth triggers
Basically, Hartmann has four growth triggers:
Cost reduction. Hartmann can keep cutting costs, but has a good opportunity to get new clients.
Distribution. Hartmann had some strong large clients and several smaller clients, most of which are egg
producers. Recently, the company has approached retail businesses to offer customised packages and
printing opportunities to create or extend brands and generate further demand. In this way Hartmann can
use the influence of these retailers when negotiating with the egg producers, which has the potential to
boost sales significantly.
High value products. Thanks to the new distribution strategy, focus on exclusive and custom made
packages with a higher margin have been intensified. This segment has a future potential in the US.
Environment. Fibre packages are still regarded as the environmental friendly alternative to plastic

Business risks
Demand risk: The company is likely to rely more on a smaller number of large companies, making it vulner-
able to an agreement terminating. This client base of stronger customers implies harder negotiations. Food
contamination would obviously change demand patterns for a time.

Supply risk: Hartmanns network of suppliers makes production vulnerable to contract breaches. The com-
pany is also sensitive to changes in raw material prices and energy prices. Hartmann tries to limit the price
risk by entering fixed price agreements, but this type of contract is not available in all countries.

Operational risks: All production facilities are all-risk insured due to the severe impact that a fire or a pro-
duction stop would create. To avoid any environmental lawsuits in connection with production or any other
operation, all environmental risks are monitored by the corporate department.

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Forex risk: Hartmann has manufacturing facilities in various countries that supply customers in other coun-
tries with different currencies. Hartmann is primarily exposed to the US dollar, are also exposed to the Ca-
nadian dollar, the euro, Hungarian, Polish zloty and pound sterling.

Financial risks: Hartmann is affected by financial risks, including interest rate and currency risks. The corpo-
rate finance department utilises hedging instruments such as swaps, forwards and options. No active posi-
tion in financial risk is taken.

5. The egg market

Despite the increase in global egg demand, European demand has been quite stable. Average consumption
of the 7.4m tonnes produced in 2008 came in at about 240 eggs per person. The International Egg Commis-
sion has produced some benchmark data for consumption in various countries.

Egg consumption per person and year :

Mexico 350
Japan 330
China 320
France 250
Austria 230
UK 189
Ireland 170
India 43
Source: International Egg Commission

It is important for Hartmann to perform well in Europe, its largest market, but the only way to generate
revenues is to decrease costs (thus maintaining a high efficiency level) or take market shares from its com-
petitors. Capturing market share is difficult, as companies virtuously defend its market share. One of its
main competitors in Europe is the moulded fibre division of Finnish Huhtamaki. The division had a fairly
stable EBIT margin in Q1-Q3 2010 of 9.1%. As Hartmanns EBIT margin was 6% in Q3 2010 and very variable,
Hartmann should be able to increase its efficiency level. Hartmann has managed to increase profitability,
partly by focusing on high-value egg packages with higher margins. Another producer also focusing on this
segment is Austrias Ovotherm, which produces moulded packages in clear plastic. The clear plastic allows
consumer to see the quality product. Even though Ovoherm has 40 years experience, it is still growing and
recently signed deals with a few small niche egg producers in Sweden and
with ICA, one of the leading supermarket chains in Northern Europe with 2,200 own and franchised stores.
This is an interesting development and If Ovotherm continues to grow in this segment in Europe, Hart-
manns market leading position could be threatened.

At present, Europe is a net supplier of eggs, but this is likely to change. In 1999, the EU set a deadline of
January 2012 to end the use of conventional layer cages (so-called battery cages). Since the EUR 6bn cost of
replacing this farming practice is unlikely to be invested before the deadline, many farms may be shut, be-
cause marketing these eggs to consumers will become illegal as the regulations stand. Historically, the EU
has had a net overcapacity of around 2.5%, however, some members of the European Parliament (MEPs)
have claimed that as much as 30% of total egg production will be affected by the ban. Together, France,
Italy and Spain account for around 39% of EU production, with Spain claiming it needs four more years,
France saying that 20-25% of French production will be non-compliant, and Italy pointing out that many of
its producers will not be ready. In addition, smaller producers such as Greece, Portugal and Poland, as well
as the Czech Republic and Hungary, were behind schedule according to an April 2010 study commissioned
by the European Parliaments Agriculture Committee.

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Battery cages are to be replaced with enriched colony cages, which give the hens 50% more space than
traditional battery cages, or with non-cage solutions such as free range, barn or organic solutions. The
weather in southern Europe may make the cheaper free range options non-viable, leaving the more expen-
sive cage solutions. According to the UKs National Farmers Union, colony cage conversion will cost be-
tween GBP 20 and GBP 24 per hen and incur production costs of 108% compared with current cages. A
medium sized cage unit consists of 100,000 birds and will thus require an investment of more than GBP 2m.
MEPs now want the EU Commission to avoid a potential rise in egg prices by easing the regulatory deadline
for non-compliant member states. Whether this is successful, there will be an impact on egg exports and
perhaps reducing the demand for egg packages. According to the UKs NFU, the UK egg industry is lobbying
for a new egg stamp that indicates that the egg has been produced in a battery cage and thus should only
be eligible for processing. This would strengthen the prohibition of external marketing as any attempts to
break the rule would be very apparent. Too big an impact on the egg market might force the commission to
postpone the legislation even though some MEPs have already stated that they will oppose any postpone-
ments or derogations of the ban. If the Commission is able to push slow member states forward, the poten-
tial egg shortage might be avoided before the legislation activates. Another question is whether the higher
production costs will affect consumer prices to such extent that demand will decrease.

The following chart shows average egg consumption data for Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hun-
gary, the Czech Republic and Russia. There seems to be a clear trend that the consumption is levelling off at
around 250 eggs per capita per year, close to the EU average of 240 eggs per capita.

6. New strategy

Competitive Edge Driving Growth

The focus of Hartmanns new two-phase strategy is to obtain a competitive edge and then to drive growth.
During the next few years, efforts will be made to unite Hartmann into a single company in terms of com-
pany culture and organisational economics of scale. Hartmann has already appointed two vice presidents to
take care of production and marketing and sales in 2011.

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The growth case has three aims:

To consolidate in mature markets such as Western Europe and grow in high value
To expand in the immature southern and eastern European egg markets.
To expand in North America from its current strong position.

Management has said the timeline is not fixed; the first phase need not be completed before the second
phase can start. If the right opportunities arise, then Hartmann might make acquisitions in growth areas,
before completing its competitive advantages.

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7. Latest investor recommendation from SEB (Svenska Enskilda Banken)

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8. Financial highlights and ratios

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You can use the following for making your analysis :

Huhtamaki Hartmann
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Revenue 1.952 1.832 2.260 2.311 2.276 Revenue 1.483 1.380 1.491 1.492 1.475
Cost of goods sold 1.632 1.530 2.043 2.028 1.946 Cost of goods sold 1.091 1.002 1.084 1.104 1.104
Gross profit 320 302 217 283 329 Gross profit 392 378 407 388 371
Fixed cost 186 182 291 255 184 Fixed cost 319 311 341 534 309
EBIT 134 120 -75 28 146 EBIT 73 67 66 -146 62
result for the period 115 74 -110 -20 97 result for the period 53 51 -16 -324 -95

total assets 1.865 1.759 1.952 2.191 2.269 total assets 1.225 1.216 1.189 1.220 1.438
Net Invested capital 1.228 1.173 1.410 1.688 1.750 Net Invested capital 733 786 725 799 920
net working capital 308 299 382 464 440 net working capital 128 151 100 112 144
net debt 270 368 587 748 711 net debt 275 345 317 592 338
Equity 849 737 702 793 860 Equity 549 508 456 22 544

Key ratios, Huhtamaki 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Key ratios , Hartmann 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Gross margin 16,4 16,5 9,6 12,2 14,5 Gross margin 26,4 27,4 27,3 26,0 25,1
Profit margin 6,9 6,5 -3,3 1,2 6,4 Profit margin 4,9 4,9 4,4 -9,8 4,2
Asset Turnover 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,1 1,0 Asset Turnover 1,2 1,1 1,3 1,2 1,0
ROCE 7,2 6,8 -3,8 1,3 6,4 ROCE 6,0 5,5 5,6 -12,0 4,3
ROIC 10,9 10,2 -5,3 1,7 8,3 ROIC 10,0 8,5 9,1 -18,3 6,7
Working capital in 15,8 16,3 16,9 20,1 19,3 Working capital in 8,6 10,9 6,7 7,5 9,8
% of revenue % of revenue

ROCE : Return on Capital Employed

ROIC : Return on Invested Capital

9. Goals

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10. Egg packaging

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Appendix 1 ABC output

Product profitability

Product Revenue Total cost


egg 1 1.000 850

egg 2 820 725
egg 3 120 175
egg 4 650 495
egg 5 300 241
egg 6 360 310
egg 7 200 400
egg 8 100 85
egg 9 130 110
egg 10 90 205
Total 3.770 3.596

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Appendix 2 Product overview

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Appendix 3 : Hartmann supports the sale of eggs with attractive packaging and
customer-specific services1

Marketing Service and Sustainability Support from Hartmann

Hartmann is a leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly moulded fibre packaging whose

main focus is on the development, manufacture and sale of egg packaging. The Graphics and Mar-
keting Service and Sustainability Department support customers and partners with concepts for
packaging, POS placements and sustainability strategies.

In addition to packaging, Hartmann will also be presenting new ideas from its Graphics department
along with its skills and abilities in the field of the environment and moulded fibre at the VIV Eu-
rope 2010 fair in Utrecht.

Trend towards 4-cell packaging eggs for growing target groups

The Hartmann product range includes the Superface pack with its conspicuous front display, four
different pack sizes and up to eight attractive colours. Always well informed about trends in Eu-
rope, Hartmanns Marketing department has developed special concepts for growing target groups.

The smallest version of the Superface for 4 eggs is ideally adapted to the demand for freshness
and aesthetics, information and enjoyment.

Simple advertising of environmentally friendly packaging

Moulded fibre packaging from Hartmann is made from 100% recycled paper fibres. After use, the
packaging can be biodegraded or recycled once again.

These advantages support the efforts of many companies towards reducing waste and implementing
their sustainability promise. Such goals can also be communicated easily to egg consumers.

Written exam after 1 semester 2011/Skriftlig eksamen efter 1. semester 2011 Page/side 23
Bachelor of International Sales and Marketing Management
Professionsbachelor International Handel og Markedsfring

Written exam after 1 semester 2011/Skriftlig eksamen efter 1. semester 2011 Page/side 24

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