Latihan Uas Kelas 6

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d!

(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf a, b, c, atau d!)

Text for number 1 to 5 5. Who is Mr. Arya?

A. He is our headmaster
Hello, friends. My name is Chantika. You B. He is our former English teacher
can call me Chantik. I will tell you C. He is our friends
something about Mrs. Yuli. She is my D. He is our Mathematics teacher
favorite English teacher. She has an oval
face, pointed nose, white skin, and short hair. 6. We buy some ... in the drugstore.
All students like her because she is very kind A. meat
and very beautiful. She teaches English B. fruits
patiently. She also smart and diligent. She is C. vegetables
as smart as Mr. Arya, our former English D. medicines
teacher. We are very proud of her. Someday,
I want to be an English teacher like her. 7. Rania is lazy, but her brother is ....
A. diligent
1. What is Mrs. Yuli? B. smart
A. She is a headmistress C. clever
B. She is an English teacher D. stupid
C. She is my mother
D. She is a school keeper 8. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu is from
2. Does Mrs.Yuli have pointed nose? A. Sumatra
A. Yes, she is B. West Java
B. Yes, she do C. Kalimantan
C. Yes, she doesn't D. East Java
D. Yes, she does
9. My mother buys some vegetables in the ....
3. Why do all students like her? A. greengrocer
A. Because she is very kind and very B. stationary
beautiful. C. drugstore
B. Because she is Chantika's mother D. fruit stall
C. Because she is very angry
D. Because she has and oval face and 10. A king lives in the ....
white skin A. kingdom
B. school
4. Is Mrs. Yuli smarter than Mr. Arya? C. hospital
A. No, she isn't D. market
B. Yes, She is
C. No, she does 11. The son of the king is ....
D. No, she doesn't A. princess
B. emperor
C. prince B. Central Java
D. queen C. East Java
D. East Sumatra
12. Majapahit was a .... long time ago.
A. kingdom 19. Amanda likes .... magazines on Sunday.
B. district A. cooking
C. village B. crying
D. country C. reading
D. singing
13. The legend of Malin Kundang is from ...
A. Jakarta 20. The cat is .... the chair.
B. West Java
C. Sumatra
D. Kalimantan
14. Today is Monday. We wear .... to school.
A. uniform
B. gown
C. pajamas
D. short

15. A : What is ... name? A. on

B : My name is Dania. B. under
A. his C. behind
B. your D. beside
C. their
D. her

16. My mother buys me a new .... in the 21. The opposite of south is ....
stationary. A. southeast
A. uniform B. west
B. pencil box C. north
C. skirt D. east
D. gown
22. The opposite of shallow is ....
17. Shopkeeper is a person who works in the A. Big
.... B. Long
A. shop C. Deep
B. school D. Thin
C. canteen
D. hotel 23. Bakrie always gets the first rank in his
class. He is the .... student in the class.
18. Surabaya is located in .... A. clever
A. West Java B. cleverer
C. more clever Dinda : "Sure. It is located on Jl.
D. cleverest Benteng."
A. where
24. The traffic sign means that you can't ... B. B. When
here. C. C. Why
D. D. What
28. Super market is in the southeast of

The meaning of southeast is ....

A. timur
B. tenggara
C. Selatan
A.stop D. Barat daya
C.turn 29. Arrange the words into good sentences!
D.start girl - is - Cinderella - a - beautiful.
A. girl beautiful is a Cinderella.
25. Train is .... than bus. B. a beautiful Cinderella is girl.
C. is a Cinderella beautiful girl.
D. Cinderella is a beautiful girl.

30. Sinta is ten years old.

Nadia is twelve year old.
Nadia is .... than Sinta.
A. old
B. Older
C. Young
D. Younger
D.slower Where police station the - ?
26. Hani : "Could I borrow your English
A. Where is the police station?
B. The police station is where?
Vina : "......"
C. Is the police station where?
Hani : "Thank you very much."
D. Is where the police station?
Vina : "You're welcome."
A. I'm fine
32.He cleaned up his kitchen sink after
B. Sure
finding two
C. I'm full
D. I'm sic A. mouses
27. Dania : "Can you show me ... the hospital B. mouse
is located?" C. mice
D. Mousees
33.How many can we eat per week? 38. Where is the cinema?
a. beside the bakery
A. eggs c. near school
B. egg b. across from the bank
C. eggss d. beside post office
D. egges
39. Moslems pray in the...
My name is Nuri. I live on Jl. Merdeka. My a. mosque b. church
house is near the post office. Today, my c. temple d. airport
mother asks me to accompany her to the
supermarket. The supermarket is on 40. Traffic sign means...
Jl.Bahagia. There are many public places a. persimpangan
along this street. c. pertigaan
b. rambu-rambu lalu lintas
The park is in the corner, near the library. d. sudut
There is a bank across from the police
station, there is also a cinema. It is beside a 41. Raisa : "Can you give me a pencil?"
bakery. At last, the supermarket itself. It is Nayla : "...., of course."
between the drugstore and the bus station. a. Yes b. No
c. Please come d. sit down
34. Where does Nuri live?
a. on Jl. Bahagia b. on Jl. Merdeka 42. Pencil A : 20 cm
c. on Jl. Sudirman d. on Pencil B : 15 cm
Jl.Benteng Pencil A is ... than pencil B.
a. long b. shorter
35.Where does her mother want to go? c. longer d. short
a. Bank b. Post office 43. Train is ... than bus.
c. Hospital d. a. fast b. slow
Supermarket c. faster d. slower
36. Where is the bank? 44. Julie always gets the first rank in her
a. near the school c. class. She is the ... student in the class.
near the drugstore a. clever b. more clever
b. across from police station c. cleverest d. cleverer
d. beside post office
45. Rachmat . . . . . all of his friends to the
37. Where is the supermarket? celebration next week.
a. between bakery and cinema a. Will invite
c. between the drugstore and the bus b. Invites
station c. Invited
b. near post office d. Invitation
d. near the bakery and school
46. Manda and I . . . . . some plates and
glasses on the dining table for the dinner 52.Much is used with ..
tonight. a. Countable nouns c. Uncountable
a. Was preparing nouns
b. Prepared b. Bookstore d. Noun
c. Shall prepare
d. Prepare 53.I like playing.... I need a racket and
shuttle cock to play it.
47. Yongki and Yoga will not . . . . . in music a. Badminton c. Toy car
competition at school next month. b. Kite d. Football
a. Participates
b. Participate 54.Rini likes to go to the library at break
c. Patcipation time. His hobby is.
d. Participated a. Dancing c. Cycling
b. Swimming d. Reading
48. Ami : Hey! Look at those dark clouds!
Kiki : Woow! It is . . . . . rain soon 55.Maria likes to watch Harry Potter. Her
a. Will hobby is.
b. The a. Playing kites c. Watching TV
c. Coming b. Gardening d. Listening to the
d. Going to Radio
Rani : ". (56)is your hobby, Bima"
49. Will you . . . . . the suspect tomorrow?
a. Arresting Bima : "My hobby. (57) playing
b. Arrest football."
c. Arrested Rani : ". (58) your brother like
d. To arrest playing football too?"
Bima : ". (59), he does."
50. . . . . . buy a new car next week. Rani : "Do you like. (60) stamps."
a. I Bima : "No, I. (61) not."
b. I will
c. I am a. Where b. What c. When d. How
d. I am going to a. Is b. Am c. Are d. Have
a. Do b. Does c. Have d. Has
51.Many is used with .. a. Yes b. No c. Is d. Not
a. Countable plural c. Object a. Collect b. Collects c. Collecting
b.Countable nouns d. d.Collectings
Uncountable noun a. Do b. Does c. Is d. Are

II. Answer these question with the right answer.

1. We have a flag ceremony every.
2. People who teaches the students in school is.
3. Mr. Rudi uses a piece write on the blackboard.
4. Someone who helps the students in the library called
5. We must keep .( tenang / diam ) in the library
6. Fried rice, doughnut, fried fish are kinds of...
7. An iced tea, a plain water, coffee are kinds of
8. Intans hobby is................................................
He wants to be a good dancer someday.
9. Fifty divided five is.
10. Four multiplied by ten is...............................................

III. answer these question with explain and the right answer.
1. Mention three kinds of foods !
2. Write down 3 ( three ) your activities in the school !
3. Read this sentence in to good number.
Sixty three divided seven is nine =
4. Translate in to English
Ayah saya minum secangkir kopi di pagi hari =
5. Rearrange this sentence in to good sentence
to angklung Devi likes play =..

IV. Arrange the words into good sentences!

1. reading - I - book - am - a.
2. is - There - a - bag - pen - in - the.
3. have - We - bags - two.
4. I - pen - red - a - have.
5. wrote - She - letter - a - yesterday

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