Campaign Book

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Christmas Savings

Prepared by: Hailey Billings

Instructor: Mary Beth Reese
Prepared for: Restore Outreach Ministries
Under the Auspices of: Department of Communications
PRL 368
University of Southern Indiana
Evansville, Indiana
May 2, 2017

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..3
Formative Research...6
Analysis of the Situation..6
Analysis of the Organization...8
Public Perception.8
Analysis of the Publics.10
Internal Publics......11
Benefits Statement.11
Measurable Goals/Objectives....12
Message Strategy..12
Key Messages12
Media Kit..13
Implementation Campaign and Tactics.17
Description of Implementation..17
Text Message Release Form..19
2017 Christmas Savings Members.20
Text Message References..21
Guest Speaker Form...24
Gantt Chart.25
Summation of Initial Research...26
Estimated Cost...28
Actual Cost.28
Evaluation Methods.29
Appendix A...30

Executive Summary

My client is Restore Outreach Ministries. They are a local non-profit

organization/ministry in Evansville, Indiana. Their focus is helping people and families who
have been hurt my lifes circumstances. They do so by providing transportation, meals, childcare,
recovery classes, courses and life classes. Their target audience is families who have come to the
end of themselves and are looking for a hand up not a hand out. People who are looking for a
better life for themselves and family. They partner with other organizations who are helping the
community through financial aid, housing, addictions, children services, food banks, churches,
etc. Restore does not have competitors and strive to work with all groups believing we can do
more together than apart. I am so excited to work with an organization who focuses so much on
helping people improve their lives.
On Sunday, January 22, I met with Restore and talked with the director, April Harris. I
got to know her just well as well as Restore. I volunteer at Restore regularly, so I knew some of
its background to begin, but I did some more research before our meeting to find out more than I
already knew about the organization. I also checked out Restores Facebook for my secondary
research. There are a few posts monthly. Restore mainly uses Facebook for updates about the
organization and upcoming events. From Restores website and Facebook, I was able to
formulate questions I had for April upon our meeting. Restore started on April 21, 2007.
Restores overall vision is to see every family who has joined Restore find some healing in life
and get back on track for themselves and families. Restore wants to do so by providing them not
with a hand out, but with a hand up. Restore is not about giving people a hand out. They want to
help people who are wanting to help themselves by giving them a hand up in the right direction.
I will be meeting with April once a week to insure we are being consistent with the
campaign along with making sure Im meeting all my tasks. She is very excited for me to being
the campaign for Restore and wants to help in any way she can. She said her time is flexible, so
meeting and contacting her shouldnt be a problem. A goal shes had for families at Restore is for
the children to have a better Christmas. In the past they did a Christmas savings. For every
dollar, up to $100, Restore would match the amount a family saved for Christmas. She said it
was never as successful as she had hoped it would be. She would like more families involved and
get more organizations that would like to help match the savings of a family. She would like me
to help in any way to make this goal more achievable.
After some thinking I came to the root of the problem; teaching parents how to save
money. She said they have worked on this in the past, but she would like to take a different
approach. I would like to provide the families with a class that teaches them how to save money
for their families. This is a problem for Restore because it keeps families from achieving goals
they have set for themselves. All goals include paying off notices and bill they have gotten
throughout their life and have let accumulate through the years. I want to find banks or financial

advisors in Evansville who would like to help the community by teaching this class and match a
familys savings up to $100.
The six key publics for Restore include: board members, volunteer, The Gathering
Church, the community partners and the media. Each sector is key to the success of Restore. The
board members are the top publics as they provide for the organizations the necessary tools they
need in order to strive as an organization. Volunteers is how they can keep each week running
between meals, classes, daycare and food boxes. Without the volunteers, Restore wouldnt run as
smoothly as it does now. The Gathering church and the community partners is what provides
support and funding for the organization. The final public, the media, is necessary to build
awareness about Restore and their mission.
The chosen benefit statement for this organization is as follows:

Restore can provide the knowledge parents need, giving them the opportunity to save a tangible
amount of money that allows them to provide their children with a Christmas they deserve.

Overall the goal of this campaign is to increase the number of members signed up for
Christmas savings and to increase their knowledge of how to save and budget money properly
overall allowing them to save a more substantial amount of money by the end of the year. The
measurable objectives include:

Provide the parents with additional education through a guest speaker to increase their
knowledge of how to save money thoroughly and in depth within six weeks.
Influence the parents who are participating in Christmas Savings on the importance of
saving throughout the year to provide their children with a better Christmas.
Have an outcome to utilize ways in promoting Christmas Savings within the Restore
Have an effect in action for increasing participation from Restore families.

These goals will be measured through action, message comprehension and message retention.

The key messages for the campaign will connect with and educate the key publics. It is
important that when viewing the goals that have been set in place for Restore it motivates them
to take a course of action. The messages include:

Strive to help better the lives of people and families through a process of guidance in
partnership with Tristate Food Bank and Bread of Life Ministries to help with Restore
Monday night meals and monthly food baskets.
The success of our families is priority at Restore.
Strive to provide for our families not by hand outs, but by giving a hand up through
education towards a better and brighter future.

The campaign is an internal educational campaign called Christmas Savings. It is helping
families learn how to save money, so they arent living check to check. Living pay check to pay
check is preventing parents from giving their children the things they desire during the holidays.
If families are given the tools such as educational classes to teach them how to save money
properly Restore would be able to reduce the number of families that they need to help provide
for each year. The background for the situation is that is that the non-profit organization spends
most of their time and effort on making sure families who are struggling with hurts, habits or
hang-ups or people looking for a support system who might be struggling with life get the help
they need. The significance of this situation is that the organization provides families with
necessities they need along with recovery classes, meals, and child care.

To evaluate the success of the campaign, a line graph logistics will be used to track how
much money has been saved between each family. The campaign will also be measured by how
many new members signed up for Christmas Savings after the presentation given by the guest
speaker. The success of the campaign will also be assessed based on how many families reached
the goal of 100 dollars or more by November. Finally, the board of Restore should hold a team
examination to evaluate the what went well and what could be improved for the following year.

Implementing the campaign will be a straightforward process that will consist primarily on
maintaining a connection with the members of Christmas Savings throughout the course of the
campaign. It is important to always stay connected to ensure parents are savings the right amount
of money they need to reach their goal by November. It is recommended that one person be
responsible to keep track by using the line graph logistics. It will be easy to stay on track
following the Gantt chart that is provided.

The estimated cost of the campaign is approximately $187.10. This, however, is much higher
than the actual cost at $16.60. The cost varies depending on the cost of the print items such as
forms, media kit and handouts.

Formative Research

Analysis of the Situation

Mission: Restore is an organization dedicated to help people who have been hurt by lifes
Restore is strictly a non-profit outreach program for families who are in need. They have
volunteers and though they work with other organizations in the Tri-State, they are most
commonly known around the Vanderburgh area. Restore does not receive any kind of
government funding. Restores main goal is to provide restoration to individuals, children and
families and a future to strive toward that will be better for themselves and generations to follow.
It is a safe place for those who need to be loved and given hope to what they see as a hopeless
situation. (i.e., family division, loss of home, unable to find employment). They encourage and
listen while provide a hand up instead of a hand out. Restore is about restoring peoples self-
The situation that the organization is facing is helping families learn how to save money
so they arent living check to check preventing them from giving their children the things they
desire and need. They specifically want to go about doing this for Christmas Savings. If families
are given the tools such as educational classes to teach them how to save money properly Restore
would be able to reduce the number of families that they need to help provide for each year. The
background for the situation is that is that the non-profit organization spends most of their time
and effort on making sure families who are struggling with hurts, habits or hang-ups or people
looking for a support system who might be struggling with life get the help they need. The
significance of this situation is that the organization provides families with necessities they need
along with recovery classes, meals, and child care.
Restore is located at Cedar Hall Elementary school in Evansville. There are board
members and volunteers who available to able to help in many different areas of peoples lives.
Restore is relationship driven and have close relationships with those who are trying to restore
themselves and family becoming functional in society. Restore has no specific office hours
because they work through a church that is open daily. The community is always welcome to join
Restore for dinner Monday nights, volunteer with serving dinner, help watch and mentor the
children, or join one of their classes.
Restore is a non-profit outreach program whose mission is to help people who have been
hurt by lifes circumstances. Its vision is for every person to find restoration in their life

Restore is important to give families an opportunity to change their lives and restore their family.
Restoration might be required due to bad choices in life, life circumstances. They help families
respond differently than they have known in their past. Drives them to see more in themselves
than they or what other might say. Restore helps those see there is a way out and starting with
knowing the love of Christ and that they are worthy of that love. Facts that are important to the
situation is that Restore works with parents and provides opportunity to save for Christmas
Saving and matches funds they have in the account of at least $25 to $100. This gives them the
capability to go and buy Christmas gifts for their children instead of Restore providing the gifts.
Restore also works with other organizations in the community for other events such as their
back-to-school event.
One of the goals Restore has by doing Christmas Savings is to relieve the stress parents
feel when the holidays come around and they realize they dont have enough money to provide
their children with the Christmas they know they deserve. Another goal is to come up with a new
tactic on getting more families involved with Christmas Savings by using different methods such
providing a class with speakers from banks and/or financial advisors, a questionnaire, and a
video. For the class, I will look into banks and financial advisors who would like to help their
community by providing a short series on how to save money properly while living pay check to
pay check and without putting themselves into a bind. The questionnaire will consist of questions
to find to find areas in which parents lack with it comes to saving money. The video will go
through determining the different between your wants and needs and what is really important
when it comes to spending. The last goal is to get other organizations such as banks and financial
advisors to help donate to those families by matching their saving funds up to $100.
The focus will be to make sure each family who signs up for Christmas Savings is
provided with knowledge from this class and finds the areas in which they lack the most when it
comes to saving. We want to improve how they spend their money. Parents need to make sure
that they are spending their money wisely on things that their family like their basic necessities
and not on materialistic things.
The situation can be resolved by making sure families fully grasp the concept of what
Christmas Saving is and what they are doing it for. Restore want to show the parents how
fulfilling it can be to be able to give their family a Christmas and know that they did it on their
own and with their own money. They want to reward parents of their hard work by matching
their funds up to $100.

Analysis of the Organization

Dedicated board members Lack of media relations
Clear goal Limited transportation
Safe place for families Fundraising
Good reputation with community Rely on donations
Quality Service Limited budget
Small Staff

Build strong, lasting partnerships People drug/alcohol relapse
Build relationship with the community Negative attention in media
Social media Funding cuts

Public Perception
Little is known about Restore Outreach Ministries and the work they provide to the
community around the Evansville area, specifically, Vanderburgh County. The organization
receives no support from the media in showing their efforts and activities. They rely solely on
word of mouth. A big reason why they dont get help from the media is because the lack of
connection through media channels. There is also a negative perception from the community
because many, if not all, of the people who attend Restore struggle with addiction. There is some
stigma towards people who struggle with addiction. Many people automatically judge those who
are struggling and consider them hopeless. Those who do know about the organization hesitate
doing anything about it because they think they got themselves into this situation and chose not
to show any grace towards them.

Strengths: The advantages of Restore is that they have committed board members and
volunteers that are eager to help families in need and always look for new way on doing so.
Another strength is that they provide a sense of stability for families by providing them with

meals, classes and child care weekly. They are a safe place for families and children to turn to
and have created a good reputation between them, the community and other organizations.

Weaknesses: Since Restore is a non-profit they are always in need of funding to help families.
They dont receive any sort of grants or government funding to help with their expenses and
solely go through the church and donations from the community and companies in which they
are grateful for. Another weakness is most members of the Restore family dont have
transportation to and from Restore. This sometimes causes numbers of members to be lower.
Restore has no PR or advertising of any kind. When it comes to getting, and distributing
information out to the surrounding community they rely on word of mouth. There is also no
government funding so Restore relies on donations and volunteers as much as they can.

Opportunities: Social Media is one opportunity to get the word out about their outreach
program and what they offer for people and families. This an excellent way for the community to
find out when their meals/classes are, to hear success stories of families at Restore, and to get
general information about what Restore offers. Restore partners with many other organizations
such as: Kohls, Cedar Hall, Shoe Carnival, Helfrich Back2School and many churches.

Threats: A major threat is the funding along with lack of awareness of the organization. Another
threat are people in the celebrate recovery classes falling off the wagon bringing them right back
to square one. The last threat is not having enough people volunteer their time to help with the
meals and child care while parents are in their classes.

Analysis of the Publics

Public Categories

Board Members
The Gathering Church
Potential and Current Members

Analyzing the Publics

The publics of Restore Outreach should be top priority of importance as they keep the
families in need of help in their best interest. The categories that are listed above are crucial to
insure success of the organization. The publics should be organized corresponding to the
communication strategy to provide a striving business. In order for the organization to succeed,
all of the categories listed above are needed to develop as a thriving business as well as the future
of the organization. It is important that all the publics be identified per their relationship with the
organization. Restore wants to increase knowledge about money saving strategies that would
bring positive results to families including an increase in family saving for back to school,
Christmas and birthdays.
External Publics
Community partners are the organizations that are necessary connections with the
community that Restore can utilize during the campaign. Partners in the past include Cedar Hall,
Tri-State food bank, Bread of Life Ministries, Shoe Carnival, Kohls and United Fidelity Bank.
The partners are very important to Restore because they have such a small staff. Their partners
not only help the organization, but it helps raise awareness on who Restore is and what they
provide for the community. This public is very diverse. They range from other small non-profit
organizations to large corporate businesses.
The media is the biggest form of communication between Restore and other key publics.
This is something that is rarely used for the organization. The media has little knowledge about
the organization and rarely report of and events that are being held at Restore. This public is
something that can turn the organization from being at a standstill to a striving business. Using
the media could help bring in more members and volunteers. The demographics for the media is
varied. It can include radio, newspapers and social media outlets. Each media target a completely
different audience.

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Internal Publics
Members of the organization are what Restores mission statement are centered around.
This public is about informing the community on what Restore provides for families who need
Restoration in their lives. It helps give a better understanding on the process and the services
they provide. With the minimal publicity that they have it leaves many people without knowing
who they are. Current members, however, have a positive opinion on what Restore offers for
them. This public is a diverse group of individuals. Ages range from infants to elderly, but the
people who are in the most need of help ranges from 25-50 years of age.
Volunteers and board members are a big part of the organization. They are what keeps the
business striving and running. If it wasnt for them there wouldnt be people to serve the meals,
teach the class or watch the children. They are a big part of what makes the organization who
they are. They help make sure the organization is working hard in achieving goals. The
demographics vary among the Evansville are. Members of the church and employees from
corporate businesses such as Kohls are who make up the board members and volunteers.
The Gathering church is a big part of the organization. The church was built from Restore
a few years after it started. Many, if not all, of the members that attend Restore on Monday
nights also attend service at The Gathering. The church helps provide addition support to those
families struggling with circumstances in their lives and it gives them a place they can turn to in
time of need. The church allows them to take those necessary steps in the right direction, getting
then back on their feet. The demographics for this pubic vary greatly within the church. It ranges
from poverty level all the way to wealthy individuals who are wanting to make a difference in
peoples lives.

Benefits Statement (no revisions were found on BB to make changes)

Restore can provide the knowledge parents need, giving them the opportunity to save a
tangible amount of money that allows them to provide their children with a Christmas they

11 | P a g e

Measurable Goals and Objectives (no revisions were found on BB to make changes)

To increase the amount of money saved for Christmas Savings

Objective 1.1 Provide the parents with additional education through a guest speaker to

increase their knowledge of how to save money thoroughly and in depth within six


Objective 1.2 Influence the parents who are participating in Christmas Savings on the

importance of saving throughout the year to provide their children with a better


To gain more members within the program

Objective 2.1 Have an outcome to utilize ways in promoting Christmas Savings within

the Restore family.

Objective 2.2 Have an effect in action for increasing participation from Restore families.

Message Strategy

Key Messages (no revisions were found on BB to make changes)

Strive to help better the lives of people and families through a process of guidance in partnership

with Tristate Food Bank and Bread of Life Ministries to help with Restore Monday night meals

and monthly food baskets.

The success of our families is priority at Restore.
Strive to provide for our families not by hand outs, but by giving a hand up through education

towards a better and brighter future.

News From
12 | P a g e
Restore Outreach Ministries
2100 N Fulton Ave.
Evansville, IN 47710
Contact: April Harris

812-480-0263 Office
[email protected]

Restore Easter Egg Hunt

Fact Sheet
Restore works to help families regain financial stability and provide services to the

families such as the Easter egg hunt on April 10, 2017.

Sponsored by Restore Outreach Ministries.
Located downtown Evansville.
Information about the egg hunt will be located at Cedar Hall Elementary School
Over 1000 eggs including hidden golden eggs for special prizes.
April Harris, administrative director stated It is very important to us at Restore to make

sure children are given the opportunity to create fun-filled memories they will remember

Restore is a non-profit outreach program, serving more than 300 people in the Evansville

Works closely with The Gathering Church in providing for families and children who

have been hurt my life circumstances such as: family division, loss of home, unable to

find employment
Restore is an organization dedicated to help people who have been hurt by lifes


News From
Restore Outreach Ministries
2100 N Fulton Ave.
Evansville, IN 47710
Contact: April Harris

812-480-0263 Office

13 | P a g e
[email protected]


Restore Easter Egg Hunt: Restore Outreach Ministries

Evansville, Indiana (March 3, 2017)- Looking for a way to bring a smile to
childrens faces? Restore Outreach is hosting an Easter egg hunt at Kids
Kingdom on April 10, 2017 located downtown Evansville. Come help hide
over 1000 eggs throughout the park including our golden eggs for special
prizes! This is a great chance to get your children involved with helping the
community and gives them the opportunity to win prizes.
Now explain who can participate and how this event aligns with the mission
of Restore) First paragraph answers the questions of what, when, where, how
and why. Why would the media see this as news?
Every year Restore Outreach provides children with a giant Easter egg hunt
that takes over Kids Kingdom. Over 1000 egg are hidden and each one is
filled with a small surprise along with 5 golden eggs filled with a golden
ticket for a large prize!
April Harris, administrative director of Restore stated It is very important to
us at Restore to make sure children from families with limited resources are
given the opportunity to create fun-filled memories they will remember
forever. Restore Outreach Ministries is relationship driven and focus on
having a close relationship with those who are trying to restore themselves
and their families. Restores goal is to provide restoration to individuals,
children and families by creating a future they can strive towards.
Restoration is bringing back to individuals what once was lost. It is taking the
life that they had and turning it into something better than it has ever been.
Adults, children and families are encouraged to attend. There will be
information about the egg hunt located at Cedar Hall Elementary School
where Restore is meets on Monday nights. Bring yourself to volunteer, or
bring your children to one of the best eggs hunts theyve ever seen!
Restore is an all-volunteer, non-profit outreach organization of more than 300
people and work exclusively with The Gathering church to help families who
have come to the end of themselves and are looking for a better life for
themselves and their family. Restores focus is to provide restoration for
families who are looking for a hand-up, not a hand-out.

Organization Background

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Organization: Restore Outreach Ministries
Established: April 21st, 2007
Mission: Restore is an organization dedicated to help people who have been hurt by lifes

Restore Outreach Ministries is a non-profit outreach program that was started in 2007 and
focuses on health and social services. Mainly known in the Evansville area, Restore started off as
a small group of women in a kitchen learning how to prepare meals and worked through
Celebrate Recovery books. Their children would be in another area being fed and playing. What
it has turned out to be is a foundation built on relationship. Knowing the needs of those they
became friends with and trying to fill the gap. They are contacted by people who are looking for
a support system struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups. Today, Restore partners with Cedar
Hall to use the facility to provide weekly dinner and classes such as: Celebrate Recovery, Life
Classes, crock pot meals and personal hygiene for men, women and children. Restore also
provides child care for families who attend these classes.

Restore is a safe place for those who need to be loved and given hope to what they see as
a hopeless situation. (i.e., family division, loss of home, unable to find employment). They
encourage and listen and provide a hand up instead of a hand out. Restore tries to help people
restore their self-worth. It is important to give families an opportunity to change their lives and
restore their family. Restoration might be required due to bad choices in life, or life
circumstances. They help families respond differently than they have known in their past and
drive them to see more in themselves. Restore helps those see there is a way out, starting with
knowing the love of Christ.

Restore does not have a specific PR practitioner working for them. April Harris, the
director of Restore, handles all social media and PR for the organization. They have a website
where they update all upcoming events and news going on within the organization along with a
Facebook page where they also post updates and reminders of events.

Bio: Restore Outreach Ministries

15 | P a g e
Located at 2100 N. Fulton Ave. Evansville IN, 47710

April Harris was born and

raised in Evansville, Indiana and
currently resides in Evansville
with her husband. Harris has been with Restore since it
was founded 10 years ago by her brother, pastor Ray
Brown. Restore and helping families create a better life
for themselves has become a passion of hers. Restore
started off as a small group of women in a kitchen
learning how to prepare meals and while eating worked
through Celebrate Recovery books. Their children would
be in another area being fed and playing.

Harris stated, Restore has turned out to be is nothing that we defined by any program,
but by relationship. Knowing the needs of those we became friends with and trying to fill the
gap. Restore since then started partnering with others who might have been in similar situations
and have built relationships with them.

In 2016, Harris retired and has devoted her time to Restore Outreach Ministries. She has
chosen to focus solely on helping the lives of others by encouraging, listening, and providing a
hand-up instead of a hand-out. We try and help restore their self-worth. It is a safe place for
those who need to be loved and given hope to what they see as a hopeless situation.

Implementation Campaign and Tactics

16 | P a g e
Written description of the implementation:

Implementing this campaign is a process that mainly focuses on maintaining a connection

with the audience through engagement, a guest speaker, and mobile text messages. Following to
the Gantt chart will help keep the campaign on tract as well as guaranteeing that communication
within the organization is constantly flowing.

The staff at Restore is small, so it is crucial to organize the tasks needed to keep the
campaign active, especially when it concerns the amount of money that is being saved each
month. A constant stream of reminders and encouragements is necessary to keep the participants
active with their Christmas Savings. This will be done by sending out a friendly reminder each
Monday morning that money for their savings bank is due along with a congratulation on how
much they have saved so far. This communication should begin as soon as members sign up to
be a part of Christmas Savings.

Before the campaign, an internal media kit will be prepared and submitted to the director
of Restore. All partners, members, speakers, and dates for the educational campaign should be
confirmed and included in the media kit. A follow up with the director after the media kit is sent
out is important to maintain a positive connection. Participants will be able to hear information
about the campaign at least one week prior to onset of the event.

Once the campaign begins, members who are enrolled in Christmas Savings will attend a
seminar with a guest speaker from a local bank. They will hear about how to responsibly save a
small amount money throughout the year. Members who are not yet enrolled in Christmas
Savings will be invited to listen to the guest speaker and encouraged to sign up. Sign-up sheets
will be given out and track the response rate. Restore will send out text messages every Monday
mornings to stay connected with its members.

The success of the campaign needs to be evaluated following the conclusion of the
Christmas Savings period. This will be done by using line graph logistics to track how much
money has been saved between each family. The campaign will also be measured by how many
new members signed up for Christmas Savings after the presentation given by the guest speaker.
The success of the campaign will also be assessed based on how many families reached the goal

17 | P a g e
of 100 dollars or more by November. Finally, the board of Restore should hold a team
examination to evaluate the what went well and what could be improved for the following year.


18 | P a g e
By signing this form, I authorize employees of Retore to send text messages to my cell phone to
convey any information regarding Christmas Savings. I understand that text messaging rates will
apply to any messages received from Restore Outreach. I also understand that I or Restore may
revoke this permission in writing at any time. I agree not to hold CFSS or university liable for
any electronic messaging charges or fees generated by this service. I further agree that in the
event my cell phone number and or cell provider changes I will inform April Harris.

Name: __________________________________________________________
Please Print

Cell phone # (______)______________________________________________

This authorization form will remain in effect until revoked in writing by me, or Restore.

_________________________________ ________________
Member Signature Date

Privacy Disclaimer: Text messaging is provided as a service to members. Your information will
not be shared or distributed in any way.

2017 Christmas Savings Members

1. Stacy Worland
2. Tonya Cartwright
19 | P a g e
3. Roz Perry 4.
5. Angie Costello
6. Jeannie Coomes
7. Wes Myers
8. Richard Scott
9. Ruth Cook
10. Jr. Wilson
11. Barbara Krohn
12. Melanie Bruce
13. Amanda Fairchild
14. Nikki Ervin
15. Brandy Wooton
16. Terry Harrison
17. Nikki Ervin
18. Dawn Tyler
19. Westin Leach
20. Delanie Lawrence

Text Message References

Two months of text message references to be used weekly for Restores Christmas Savings.
They can be used in any order and are subject to change.

20 | P a g e
*Quarterly drawing texts/ Encouragement text

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Just a reminder, dont
forget to bring your $4 to Restore tonight at 5:30. You can give them to April
Harris. See you tonight!

Its that time again! Dont forget to bring your $4 to Restore tonight at 5:30.
Congrats on earning $_____so far!

WOW! You have earned $____ this month! Youre doing awesome, keep it up!
Just a friendly reminder to keep up the good work, and bring your $4 with you
tonight. See you later!

Unlike most people, we get excited for Mondays! That means its time for Restore
once again! Looking forwards to seeing you, and dont forget to bring your $4 for
your savings bank! Youre doing awesome!

21 | P a g e
I can already tell your family is going to have the best Christmas this year! Youve
earned $_____ already! Can you believe it? I can, because youre a rock star! Be
ready to add $4 more to your savings bank tonight at Restore!

Look at you! Youve earned your family $_____ so far for Christmas! Youre on
the right track on earning your family an amazing Christmas. See you tonight at

I love watching your savings account grow! Your family is going to be so happy to
see all those amazing gifts under the tree this year. Keep it up, and I will see you
tonight for another great week at Restore!

If anyone can do it, its you! Congrats on earning $_____ this month! Cant wait to
see you tonight and dont forget this weeks savings!

*Congratulations! Its time for our quarterly drawing, and youve earned yourself a
spot! You have brought in your $4 every week! We will hold the drawing at the end
of classes tonight, so dont forget to stick around to see if you win. Also, dont
forget to still bring in your $4 to make yourself eligible for the next drawing. See
you tonight!

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*Its time once again for our annual prize drawing, and according to our records,
you are eligible to win! Join us tonight after classes to see if youre the lucky
winner and remember to continue to bring in your money for your savings bank.
Great job!

*Ive noticed that you havent added to your savings bank. Dont worry, its not too
late! Join us tonight and help build your family a wonderful Christmas this year. If
anyone can do it, its you! I hope to see you tonight!

Guest Speaker Registration Form

Thank you for agreeing to present at Restore Outreach Ministries.
Please complete this form and return to [email protected].

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Form must be completed before presentation.


Name: Bill Masterson
Information: E-
Date of Presentation:

Presentation Overview:







Information: E-

Date of Presentation:

Presentation Overview:


Gantt Chart

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Summation of Initial Research

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After a very long semester I did a lot of research and planning with
Retore to help them achieve their goal and resolve their problem with
families not saving enough money throughout the year for their families. As
we did our research we found that parents are just very unaware on how to
save money, even if its small amounts of money. Parents forget that even
the smallest amount of money saved weekly, or even daily can add up to be
a large amount within time. There are a few reasons why parents are bad
about saving money. One reason is that they were never taught to begin
with. Another reason is that many parents forget thats it isnt about how
expensive things are. Sometimes the off brand is just as nice, or works just
as well as the name brand. Lastly, some parents dont know discipline and
when its okay to say no to certain materialistic items that are too expensive.
One example that April told me about was about a young mom who asked if
she could withdraw thirty dollars out of her savings bank she created for
Christmas. She then began to tell April that it was for a new pair of shoes
that she wanted. April told her to sleep on it before she decides to purchase
the new pair of shoes. She said she already had a couple that were very like
the pair she wanted. This shows the lack of knowledge some parents have on
how to save money properly.

After having several interviews with my client, April, I learned a lot

about Restore and what their responsibilities are in helping provide for
individuals. I didnt realize how much they helped the community who is
struggling with life circumstances. I was amazed by how many people in the
Evansville area turn to Restore to help them get back on their feet in this
world. They provide people with meals, groceries and even clothing. I can
now see what April means when she told me that they are not just a
program. Its about building relationships. Theyre not clients, theyre family.
What I loved most about one of my interviews with April is that she told me
Restore has no competitors as they strive to work with all groups around in

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the Evansville community. They believe that more can be achieved in helping
the community if they work together rather than work apart from each other.

I researched Restore Outreach Ministries and found that they do not

have any set PR. Even though they are known very well within the poverty
demographics of Evansville, other demographics are not as aware about
what they organization does. I knew of them before this campaign, but I
didnt realize how hard they work at providing families with a better
opportunity at life. For their social media, is an outdated website and a
Facebook page. They keep up with Facebook more frequently than they do
with their webpage. If they had more PR, more people in the community
would be more aware about their organization and what their about. Restore
needs someone who oversees all their social media to help with consistency
and getting the word around Evansville. As a non-profit organization, it is
very important to maintain good PR. That way it helps build up your
organizations clientele and lets the community know whats going on within
the organization. People like to be informed of events or activities that are
taking place that way it gives them the opportunity to be involved with the

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Full-Cost Budget

Estimated Cost:
Room Rent for Campaign $25 per hour x 2 hours = $50.00
Financial Advisor 2 hours @ 22.75/hour, based on annual salary of $47,380 = $ 45.50
Design for Campaign $25 per hour x 3 hours = $75.00
Public Service Announcement = No charge, non-profit.
50 text message release forms upon University cost = $5.00
Guest speak form printed upon University cost = $.10
Print campaign book = $2.00
3 ring binder = $4.00
50 sheets of Sheet Protectors = $5.50

Total estimated cost for campaign: $187.10

Actual Cost:
Room will be provided by Cedar Hall. No cost.
Financial Advisor will be a volunteer. No cost.
Design for Campaign. No cost as designer is on board of directors.
Public Service Announcement. No charge, non-profit.
50 text message release forms upon University cost = $5.00
Guest speak form printed upon University cost = $.10
Print campaign book = $2.00
3 ring binder = $4.00
50 sheets of Sheet Protectors = $5.50

Total estimated cost for campaign: $16.60

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Evaluation Method

The evaluation method used within this campaign is based on Quantitative methods.
Quantitative data is found based on how many new members signed up during the course of this
campaign and the amount of money that has been saved between each family based on the
amount saved last year.
In the past years, there has been a large decrease in the number of people who sign up for
Christmas Savings. There reasons being: not enough time, no extra money to save for Christmas
and many thought they were better off doing it themselves. Others were unaware that such
program exist because of lack of PR.
As shown in the chart below, they pulled in 16 members in 2013 and saved a total of
$2,735, roughly $170 per family. 2014 was the best year for Restore with 17 members, but
savings dropped to $2,111 giving an estimate of $124 per family. By 2016, Restore families only
saved $645 altogether giving each family on average $129 for Christmas.

29 | P a g e
2,500 2,290
2,000 2,111 2,000
500 645
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Col umn1

20 20

1516 13
10 8
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Seri es 1

Before the Christmas Savings campaign started, there were 4 members signed up. This
would have given a 50% decrease in members since 2016. However, after the campaign took
place, 20 members were signed up, giving a 400% increase.
The evaluation of the Savings among each family will not be taken until November.
However, if each family follows the $100 goal, by the end of the year all families will have
saved a total of $2,000. This evaluation is an average given that everyone saves $100. This will
give Christmas Savings a 210% increase in savings since the previous year.

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Appendix A

Restore Outreach Ministries

121 Walnut St.
Evansville, IN 47708

United Fidelity Bank

311 N St. Joseph Ave
Evansville IN, 47712

Mary Beth Reese

University of Southern Indiana
Libral Arts Center
Room: 3091
[email protected]

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