Institutional Quality and Poverty Measures in A Cross-Section of Countries

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Econ. Gov.

(2000) 1: 123135

c Springer-Verlag 2000

Institutional quality and poverty measures

in a cross-section of countries
Alberto Chong1 and Cesar Calderon2
1 Development Research Group, 1818 H Street, NW, Office MC 3-620, Washington, DC 20433,
USA (e-mail: [email protected])
2 Department of Economics, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA

(e-mail: [email protected])

Received: July 1998 / Accepted: October 1999

Abstract. We provide cross-country empirical evidence on the link between mea-

sures of institutional development and of poverty over the period 1960-1990. We
find that the more efficient the institutions, the lower the degree, severity, and
incidence of poverty. We provide both ordinary least squares and two-stages least
squares estimates, and show that our results are robust for an overall measure
of institutional development as well as for an index of risk of expropriation and
quality of the bureaucracy.

JEL classification: O10, O17

Key words: Institutional Quality, Poverty, Lorenz Curves, Headcount Index,

FGT Measures.

1. Introduction

This paper makes two contributions. First, it provides empirical evidence on the
link between institutional quality and poverty, extending our understanding on
how these two variables may be associated. Such a question is not trivial as
there appears to be a growing conventional wisdom that they are independent,
reflected in the fact that a sentiment opposing institutional reform and favoring
populist policies has, once again, gained some support in many reforming coun-
 Chong: The World Bank, and Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Public Policy Institute;

Calderon: University of Rochester. We are grateful to Amihai Glazer, Luisa Zanforlin, and partic-
ipants at the Second Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association Meeting for comments.
A preliminary version of this paper was written while Chong was at IRIS, University of Maryland,
College Park. He wishes to acknowledge the late Mancur Olson for his hospitality. The views and
opinions in this paper are the authors and should not be attributed to the World Bank. The standard
disclaimer applies.
124 A. Chong C. Calderon

tries, particularly in Latin America1 . At the very least, this could be extremely
costly not only for political stability in the medium run, but also for economic
performance, as previous research by Mauro (1995), Clague (1997), and others
can attest.
Second, this paper builds on previous work on the link between institutional
efficiency and income inequality, an issue first pursued by Chong and Calderon,
(2000). These researchers find that in richer countries, the higher the quality of
a countrys institutions, the more equal the distribution of income. For poorer
countries, however, they find that the higher the quality of institutions, the worse
the distribution of income. They argue for the possibility that in the develop-
mental path of less developed countries income inequality may actually have to
worsen before improving when an institutional reform is first introduced. Another
explanation they mention is the existence of poverty traps in the development
path of less developing countries.
That inequality increases when institutional efficiency improves does not nec-
essarily mean that poverty will also increase. Poverty may well decrease in spite
of worsening distribution of income, provided that the income share of the richer
groups of the society increases by a larger proportion than that of the poorer
groups. Thus, stylized facts regarding income inequality may not necessarily be
extended to absolute poverty. The key question is what are the stylized facts
associated with poverty.
This paper is organized as follows. The next section provides an overview of
the recent relevant literature. The third section describes the empirical methodol-
ogy and the poverty measures employed. The fourth section presents our findings.
We find a significant and robust positive association between improvement in the
quality of institutions and reduction in poverty incidence. Thus, according to this
result, institutional reform may be worth pursuing. Finally, Section 5 concludes
and gives some policy recommendations.

2. Overview of the literature

Olson (1996) explains that the key elements in economic development are policies
and institutions. While industrialized economies seem to have achieved most of
their potential, many developing countries do not appear to have fulfilled theirs,
sometimes in spite of their vast resources. The problem, Olson argues, is that
poor countries do not have a well developed structure of incentives to bring forth
productive cooperation. Such a structure depends on economic policies as well
as on the quality of the institutional arrangements; for instance, legal systems
that enforce contracts impartially and make property rights secure over the long
run, political structures, constitutional provisions, and good enforcement systems
to monitor the extent of special-interest lobbies and cartels.
The argument provided by Olson to explain differences among countries may
also be applied to understand income differences within a country. Biased institu-
1 The Economist (1996)
Institutional quality and poverty measures in a cross-section of countries 125

tions where contracts are not enforced impartially but in favor of specific groups,
property rights that are not well secured but where special-interest lobbies have
the upper hand, corrupt bureaucracies that discriminate against the poor in such
a way that political and economic disparity is reinforced according to political
power and connections, and other institutional maladies (Klitgaard, 1988), may
produce great disparity of incomes, where a small elite reaps most of the benefits
of economic development while a large majority may have their incomes de-
cline. This may produce both a more unequal distribution of income and higher
absolute poverty to the lower shares of the population. Olsons argument gives
an indirect mechanism to understand the link between institutional quality and
Pedersen (1997) uses a public choice analytical model to study a social struc-
ture where capitalists in the private sector and bureaucrats in the public sector
exploit agricultural producers, confiscate the benefits of foreign aid, and marginal-
ize the poor. His basic explanation relates to the distribution of political influence,
and the political processes that determine the distribution of such an influence.
The distribution of political influence between the private interest groups in his
model is determined by the extent of their rent-seeking and what this researcher
calls political endowment. The final distribution will depend on the extent to
which political decision makers manipulate the budget of the public sector to
their advantage. An implication of Pedersens model is that the distribution of
income may worsen along with an increase in poverty as long as the private
interest group is able to exert enough political influence to maximize its rents.
Another theoretical model that links political influence and distribution of
income is due to Bourguignon and Verdier (1997). These researchers develop
a model where the public decisions are taken by majority vote but where only
the educated part of the population is allowed to vote. Initially, an oligarchy of
educated and politically active individuals rule the country and the decision it has
to make is to foster growth, by subsidizing the schooling of the less educated and
consequently inactive majority. By doing so, the ruling elite gains an educational
externality, at the risk of losing some political control and income given the fact
that the newly educated individual will now be allowed to vote and thus, will tax
away the ruling elite. For a given set of conditions, their model may generate a
political Kuznets curve due to political rights redistribution (see Chong, 1999;
Acemoglu and Robinson, 1997). When the set of conditions is not met a Kuznets
curve may not occur and the uneducated may be trapped in poverty.
A somewhat counterintuitive explanation on the link between institutional
quality and poverty is provided by Chong and Calderon (2000). They argue
that an institutional reform may impose high transaction costs on the poorest
and consequently may first increase poverty before reform decreases it. The
informal mechanisms used to make the system work will no longer be useful
as new, formal, mechanisms may have to be learned to survive. Especially for the
poor, the transaction costs of this transition may be relatively high. Eventually,
improvements in the quality of institutions will reduce poverty. Better institutions
and lower uncertainty will ultimately improve the mechanisms, the effectiveness,
126 A. Chong C. Calderon

and the efficiency of public service delivery, especially in the rural areas and
marginal urban ones.

3. Data and methodology

The development variables are from the World Development Indicators (World
Bank, 1996). The institutional quality data come from International Country Risk
Guide (ICRG), a private organization. The measures employed are: (i) Risk of
Expropriation, defined as the risk that the rules be abruptly changed; (ii) Repu-
diation of Contracts by the Government, defined as the risk of a modification
in a contract taking the form of postponement, scaling down or repudiation of
a contract due to change in government priorities; (iii) Law and Order Tradi-
tion, defined as the degree to which citizens are willing to accept the established
institutions to make and implement laws and adjudicate disputes; (iv) Corrup-
tion in Government, defined as the degree to which the officials will be more
likely to demand illegal payments; and, (v) Quality of Bureaucracy which rep-
resents the degree of autonomy from political pressure, strength, and expertise
to govern without drastic changes in policy or interruptions in government ser-
vices. These measures come from surveys of experts; the different variables are
assigned a score which results in subjective measures of a particular type of
institutional inefficiency. Among the many researchers who used these data are
Knack and Keefer (1995), Clague (1997), and Chong and Calderon (2000)2 . We
follow these researchers and rescale the institutional measures from zero to six3 .
Similarly, we take averages for each variable for the period 19821990, where
zero means lowest quality and six implies highest quality4 . Thus, if for a
particular country, the score is six this means that the country has very low
levels of corruption and vice-versa if the score were zero. Similarly, an overall
index is also created by calculating the simple averages of each of the measures.
The poverty indicators we use are members of the generic class of additive
indices proposed by Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke (1984). As it is well known,
this class of measures has the form

Px = 1/n [(z yi )/z ]x , (1)
i =1

where x is a non-negative parameter, z is the poverty line or threshold income

below which someone is considered poor, and yi is a measure of living standard.
2 As has been pointed out by these and other researchers, the fact that this type of organizations

are able to sell this kind of information year in and year out in exchange for high fees speaks in
favor of the reliability of the data.
3 When running regressions researchers typically take the average of the ICRG measures instead

of controlling for all single indices. This, because of the high correlation among them.
4 The ICRG variables are not available for the full period, but since 1982, only. Given the fact

that these variables tend to move slowly in time, the average for this period is believed to represent
the period 1960-1990 relatively accurately. Knack and Keefer (1995), Clague (1997), Mauro (1995),
and others, follow this same approach.
Institutional quality and poverty measures in a cross-section of countries 127

The poverty measures we use are three, when x = 0, 1, and 2. In other words, we
use the headcount index, the poverty gap index, and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke
P2 index, respectively. The first is a measure of prevalence of poverty and is
defined as the proportion of the population for whom a certain measure of living
standard is less than an specific poverty line (Ravallion, 1992). The main limita-
tion of this measure is that it cannot measure how poor are the poor. For instance,
someone in the neighborhood of the poverty line threshold level is not in the
same situation as someone with no income at all (Kakwani, 1980). The second
poverty measure, or poverty-gap index, deals with this limitation. This measure
is based on the aggregate poverty deficit of the poor relative to the poverty line.
It depends on the distance of the poor below the poverty line and thus gives a
better indication of depth of poverty (Ravallion, 1992). A shortcoming of this in-
dex is that it does not take into account any possible inequality among the poor.
This measure will be unaffected by transfers from someone poor to someone
less poor. To address this last problem, we also use the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke
P2 measure which is an indicator of the severity of poverty and helps compare
policies that aim to reach the poorest. (Ravallion, 1992)5 .
In (1) it is clear that the critical variable required in order to obtain the dif-
ferent indices mentioned above is the poverty threshold, z. Poverty lines vary
according to the criteria employed, the geographic location considered, and the
degree of development of a society. The group considered poor in the United
States may not be considered poor in, say, Peru. When doing intercountry com-
parisons, there is agreement that the issues related with comparability are more
important than issues related with the precise objective criteria to be employed
in order to construct poverty lines (Ahluwalia, 1979; Ravallion, 1992). This
is the approach we also take.
To construct an absolute poverty line that is comparable among countries
we follow a methodology first employed by Ahluwalia,, (1979) and more
recently used by Psacharopoulos and Arriagada (1986) and Londono and Talvi
(1997). We exclude all the OECD countries from our original country sample
and keep 49 countries. This avoids problems of different poverty concepts in
developed countries as compared to underdeveloped ones. The focus on the latter
also allows us to use absolute poverty lines, which do not vary with changes in
living standards, and which are considered more appropriate for less developed
countries (Ravallion, 1992).
We follow Ahluwalia (1976) and use India as our reference case. These
researchers argue that a typical poverty line is defined by the total consumption
expenditure needed to ensure a daily supply of about 2250 calories per person,
which ranges around forty and fifty percent of the total population (Ahluwalia,
1976). They set the poverty level to be applied across countries as the income per
head accruing to the forty-fifth percentile which, they explain, yields conservative
and comparable estimates of poverty6 . We follow a similar approach, but use
5 For additional details please see Ravallion (1992) or Kakwani (1981)
6 As has been frequently pointed out, the definition of a poverty line is arbitrary and should be taken
with caution. An obvious weakness of our approach is that there might be wide variation in calorie
128 A. Chong C. Calderon

Arriagada and Psacharopoulos (1986) criteria and set the poverty level as the
income per head accruing to the fifty-first percentile of the Indian population7 .
Using a recent data set on income distribution by Deininger and Squire
(1996), and data on the equivalent purchasing power conversion rates and aver-
age per-capita income from Summers and Heston (1991) we calculate poverty
lines for 1990 for each country in our sample through estimations of parametrized
Lorenz curves8 . Finally, the headcount, poverty gap and Foster-Greer-Thorbecke
P2 measures are easily computed from the estimated poverty lines.

4. Results

Table 1 presents basic summary statistics of our estimated poverty measures us-
ing parametrized Lorenz Curves. The poverty line estimates, as explained above,
were calculated based on an income per head accruing to the fifty-first percentile
of the population. Table 2, on the other hand, show simple correlations for the
institutional and poverty measures. Regardless of the particular type of insti-
tutional measure or poverty index, the corresponding sign is always negative.
Given the high correlation among institutional measures (see footnote 3) it is not
surprising to find that the simple correlation between the poverty measures and
each institutional measure is somewhat similar. Overall, the institutional quality
average measure, has a correlation of -0.44 with the headcount index, -0.32 with
the poverty gap measure, and -0.29 with the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke P2 measure.

Table 1. Summary statistics

Average Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Observations

Headcount Index 0.502 0.201 0.052 0.896 49
Poverty Gap 1.582 1.033 0.000 3.445 49
FGT P2 1.039 0.827 0.000 2.963 49

Based on the empirical literature on determinants of poverty (Ahluwalia,

1979; Londono and Talvi, 1997; and others) we estimate the following reduced
form regression for our cross-country sample for the period 1960-1990:

intake depending on the level of expenditure. Moreover, caloric requirement for the same individual
may change over time. On the other hand, purchasing power ratios may vary for different income
groups within a country. Finally, this income based approach makes no allowance for achievement of
minimum levels for essential public services (Ahluwalia, et al., 1979). In our favor, we should mention
that for a subsample of available countries (28) we computed the correlation between our estimated
poverty measures and those available from household surveys from the World Bank, adjusting for
calorie intake when necessary, and found that it was 0.89 for the headcount index.
7 All the results are robust to local change of the absolute poverty line. This is expected given the

fact that the country ranking does not change. Also, this result is consistent with that of Ravallion
8 Following Datt (1992), we order Deininger and Squires data according to per-capita income

quintiles and calculate parametrized Lorenz curves using the generalized quadratic model of Vil-
lasenor and Arnold, (1989) and Kakwanis Beta Model (Kakwani, 1980). We use the estimation that
best adjusts to the data.
Institutional quality and poverty measures in a cross-section of countries 129

Table 2. Institutional development and poverty simple correlation

Headcount Index Poverty Gap Index FGT P2 Index

Repudiation of Contracts -0.4584 -0.3422 -0.1880
Risk of Expropriation -0.4451 -0.3248 -0.1997
Corruption in Government -0.2594 -0.1573 -0.3719
Law and Order Tradition -0.3210 -0.1824 -0.1870
Quality of Bureaucracy -0.4060 -0.3597 -0.2380
Institutional Development -0.4429 -0.3187 -0.2919

Table 3. Ordinary least squares cross-country regressions, 19601990

Headcount Index Poverty Gap FGT P2 Index

Constant 0.170 0.803 0.590
(1.038) (0.813) (0.674)
Institutional Development 0.055 0.257 0.169
(3.367) (2.857) (2.210)
Primary Education 0.205 1.157 1.125
(2.471) (2.385) (2.609)
Fertility Rate 0.021 0.029 0.071
(1.451) (0.319) (0.842)
Initial GDP Per Capita 0.037 0.213 0.214
(3.112) (2.782) (2.990)
Gini Index 0.007 0.029 0.028
(3.656) (2.512) (2.588)
Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization 0.001 0.007 0.007
(1.717) (1.747) (1.801)
Government Spending 0.008 0.038 0.035
(3.074) (2.910) (0.005)
Observations 45 45 49
Degrees of Freedom 37 37 41
R-Squared Adjusted 0.391 0.384 0.386

Repudiation of Contracts 0.036 0.146 0.091

(2.804) (2.088) (1.409)
Expropriation Risk 0.050 0.234 0.167
(4.121) (3.471) (2.908)
Corruption in Government 0.019 0.107 0.057
(1.105) (1.104) (0.724)
Law and Order Tradition 0.019 0.0817 0.029
(1.438) (1.125) (0.453)
Bureaucratic Quality 0.039 0.1843 0.152
(3.609) (2.973) (2.894)
Lower panel shows result of the particular variable (repudiation of contracts, expropriation risk,
corruption of government, law and order tradition, bureaucratic quality) in benchmark regression
of upper panel instead of institutional development regressor (see equation 2 in text). T-stats in
130 A. Chong C. Calderon


+a4 GDP + a5 GINI + a6 ETHNIC + a7 GOVEXP + , (2)

where POVERTY, the dependent variable, represents the poverty measure in

1990 (either the headcount index, the poverty gap measure, or the Foster-Greer-
Thorbecke P2 measure)9 . The explanatory variables are: (i) INSTITUTION, our
variable of interest. It represents any of the five ICRG institutional measures
available, and the average quality index. According to the theoretical work re-
viewed above, better institutions are believed to help reduce poverty. Thus, the
expected sign of the coefficient is negative; (ii) PRIMARY, or primary rate of
schooling in 1960, which according to the literature, is expected to have a neg-
ative sign. For instance, an indirect mechanism may be given through higher
economic growth; (iii) FERTILITY, or rate of fertility in 1960, is expected to
have a positive sign as larger households may have more poverty; (iv) GDP
represents the gross domestic product percapita in 1960. It is expected to have
a negative sign, as initially more developed countries are expected to have less
absolute poverty; (v) GINI, or Gini coefficient, as used by Ahluwhalia (1976) and
others. A higher Gini index (higher inequality) is expected to increase poverty.
Thus, the sign should be positive (Persson and Tabellini, 1992). A somewhat
related variable to the Gini coefficient is, (vi) ETHNIC, or degree of ethnolin-
guistic fractionalization. It was first used by Mauro (1995) to show that fractured
societies have lower rates of growth. If consistent with the latter, the sign is
expected to be positive. Finally, GOVEXP is government expenditure as percent-
age of GDP. There is not an unambiguous expected sign, as more government
expenditures may or may not reduce poverty depending on the quality of the
resource allocation.
Ordinary least squares estimates are presented in Table 3. There is a negative
and significant relationship between the average measure of institutional quality
and the different poverty measures. The more efficient a countrys institutions,
the lower the level, incidence, and severity of poverty. For instance, a one point
increase in the institutional index results in reductions of 0.06 in the headcount
index, 0.26 in the poverty gap measure, and 0.17 in the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke
P2 measure. The specific institutional channels through which this association
may be given are shown in the second panel of Table 3. Notice that neither
corruption in government, nor law and order tradition are significant explanatory
variables of poverty. Since poverty and extreme poverty may be more prevalent
in rural areas, this finding is sensible. Less Developed Countries tend to have very
centralized governments; their reach to rural areas is relatively weak compared
to that in urban areas. Thus, the official rule of law may not be the actual order
tradition in poorer areas where, as it is known, indigenous and thus, possibly
different implicit rules of law patterns, may also be in function10 . It may not be
9 Potential endogeneity is minimized by choosing 1990 as the year for the dependent variable.
10 Examples of institutional arrangements that have been shaped by order traditions particular to
a specific poor or rural area are those related with microfinance in developing countries, such as
Grameen Bank, and others (Otero and Rhyne, 1996).
Institutional quality and poverty measures in a cross-section of countries 131

Table 4. Two stages least squares cross-country regressions, 19601990

Headcount Index Poverty Gap FGT P2 Index

Constant 0.186 0.736 0.721
(1.157) (0.232) (0.323)
Institutional Development -0.076 -0.289 -0.225
-(4.266) -(3.265) -(2.956)
Primary Education -0.215 -0.956 -1.103
-(2.008) -(2.366) -(2.954)
Fertility Rate 0.096 0.399 -0.002
(1.785) (0.946) -(0.526)
Initial GDP Per Capita -0.442 -0.356 -0.570
-(2.673) -(2.562) -(2.169)
Gini Index 0.006 0.033 0.001
(3.687) (2.986) (2.516)
Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization 0.001 0.018 -0.013
(1.695) (1.861) (1.712)
Government Spending 0.007 0.022 -0.007
(2.984) (3.659) -(2.987)
Observations 43 43 45
Degrees of Freedom 35 35 37
R-Squared Adjusted 0.426 0.406 0.404

Repudiation of Contracts -0.032 -0.298 -0.081

-(2.001) -(3.265) -(2.516)
Expropriation Risk -0.068 -0.155 -0.213
-(3.232) -(3.569) -(1.789)
Corruption in Government -0.020 -0.002 -0.014
-(0.957) -(1.124) -(1.003)
Law and Order Tradition -0.029 -0.889 -0.001
-(1.356) -(1.126) -(0.962)
Bureaucratic Quality -0.041 -0.256 -0.064
-(3.265) -(3.176) -(3.998)
Lower panel shows result of the particular variable (repudiation of contracts, expropriation risk,
corruption of government, law and order tradition, bureaucratic quality) in benchmark regression
of upper panel instead of institutional development regressor (see equation 2 in text). T-stats in

surprising to find that improvements in laws as well as the reduction in corruption

appear to have little bearing in the outcomes of the poor. A more direct impact
on the poor, according to our findings, may be given by reductions in the risk
of expropriation and on improvements in the quality of the bureaucracy. Table
3 shows that improvements in both variables will yield statistically significant
reductions in the poverty measures.
A reduction in the risk of expropriation may reduce poverty in many devel-
oping countries (though much more in Latin America than in Asia) as potential
expropriation of the land, a constant risk for owners, may have resulted in un-
certainty because of the permanent danger of limitation in property rights. On
the other hand, a better bureaucracy is linked with poverty reduction by a more
efficiently and speedily allocating of government resources.
132 A. Chong C. Calderon

In general, however, the five institutional variables, risk of expropriation,

corruption in government, law and order tradition, repudiation of contracts, and
bureaucratic quality have a relatively high correlation with one another, and thus,
specific, clear cut explanations on the effect of one such variable on poverty may
be open to more than one explanation. However, the fact that both, the average
index, and some of these factors are robust to changes in specification do show
that improvements in institutional efficiency are strongly correlated with poverty

Table 5. Sensitivity analysis

Institutional Repudiation Risk of Corruption Law and Quality of

Quality of Expropiation in Order Bureaucracy
Contracts Government

Maximum 0.065 0.036 0.071 0.025 0.022 0.521
(3.059) (2.156) (4.956) (1.120) (1.562) (3.517)
Minimum 0.031 0.029 0.049 0.012 0.009 0.029
(3.126) (2.065) (3.564) (0.845) (1.286) (3.216)
Robust Robust Robust Fragile Fragile Robust

Pov. Gap
Maximum 0.355 0.212 0.273 0.120 0.012 0.184
(3.002) (3.198) (3.200) (1.698) (1.074) (2.902)
Minimum 0.253 0.137 0.228 0.102 0.071 0.176
(3.698) (2.022) (3.981) (1.110) (1.361) (2.564)
Robust Robust Robust Fragile Fragile Robust

Maximum 0.252 0.107 0.180 0.073 0.022 0.206
(4.479) (2.185) (2.492) (1.005) (1.001) (2.971)
Minimum 0.158 0.069 0.153 0.036 0.019 0.182
(2.002) (1.516) (2.477) (1.269) (1.984) (3.598)
Robust Fragile Robust Fragile Fragile Robust
Ordinary least squares regressions. Numbers in absolute value. T-stats in parenthesis.

Table 4 uses the same specification (2) but applies a two-stage least squares
method. Instruments are government spending on defense as a percentage of
GDP, and the legislative tradition of the country. Similar to Chong and Calderon
(2000), increases in defense spending are taken as diversion of resources (Knight,
et al., 1996). On the other hand, it has been shown that the legislative tradition
of a country is a significant regressor of institutional quality, but not of income
inequality (La Porta, et al., 1998; Chong and Calderon, 2000). The results using
2SLS are similar to those using OLS. Corruption and law and order tradition are
not significant explanatory variables of poverty, but quality of the bureaucracy,
risk of expropriation, and repudiation of contracts are important explanatory
variables of poverty indices.
Institutional quality and poverty measures in a cross-section of countries 133

5. Sensitivity Analysis

We use the specification (2) and apply Levine and Renelts (1991) sensitivity
analysis. To do this, we include an additional group of controls. We consider
about a dozen variables, all from the World Bank (1996). In particular, we use
rate of inflation, the standard deviation of the rate of inflation, fiscal deficit,
exchange rates, trade volume, international openness, black market premium, and
development indicators, such as the number of doctors per inhabitants, number
of teachers, the share of industry on GDP, the share of agriculture on GDP, and
a few others. Results are shown in Table 5. We find that (i) there is a negative,
significant, and robust relationship between the different poverty measures and
our overall index of institutional quality; (ii) the specific robust measures are risk
of expropriation and quality of the bureaucracy. The other individual measures,
such as corruption in government, law and order tradition, and repudiation of
contracts are not robust at the five percent significance level.

6. Conclusions

Improvements in the quality of institutions of a country has been shown to sig-

nificantly increase long-run rates of growth (Mauro, 1995; Clague, 1997; and
others). As Borner et al. (1992), point out, uncertainties about the rules of the
game abridge private investment and growth. Instead of being the anchor that
provides stability for exchange, rules and regulations become themselves the
main sources of instransparency and instability, creating a breeding ground for
rent seeking and corruption. In a recent paper, however, Easterly (1999) shows
that growth in developing countries has not improved quality of life when testing
95 indicators covering time periods between 1960 and 1990 and seven variables,
among them, education, health, inequality, and others. Does this mean that im-
provements in the quality of institutions do not raise the quality of life of the
poor ? In other words, is the conventional wisdom regarding the independence
between institutional quality and absolute poverty supported by the evidence?
According to our findings, improvements in institutional quality are associated
with improvements in the welfare of the poor. The degree, severity, and incidence
of poverty appears to be robustly and negatively linked with the development of
better institutions. The mechanisms by which this may occur have been spelled
out in previous theoretical work by Olson (1996), Pedersen (1997), Bourguignon
and Verdier (1997), and others; institutional reform may reduce the power of
special interest groups or minority elite that control the economy, and thus helps
lower uncertainty and improve the delivery of public services and allocation in
both the marginal urban and rural areas. We showed that at least a lower risk
of property expropriation, a better quality of the bureaucracy, and an improved
overall quality of the institutions are very likely to reduce poverty.
134 A. Chong C. Calderon

Appendix 1

Countries in sample

Africa Americas Asia

01. Algeria 20. Barbados 40. Bangladesh

02. Botswana 21. Costa Rica 41. India
03. Ghana 22. Dominican Rep. 42. Indonesia
04. Cote dIvoire 23. El Salvador 43. Jordan
05. Kenya 24. Guatemala 44. South Korea
06. Lesotho 25. Haiti 45. Malaysia
07. Madagascar 26. Honduras 46. Nepal
08. Mauritania 27. Jamaica 47. Pakistan
09. Morocco 28. Mexico 48. Philippines
10. Nigeria 29. Nicaragua 49. Sri Lanka
11. Mauritius 30. Trinidad & Tobago
12. Senegal 31. Argentina
13. Sierra Leone 32. Bolivia
14. South Africa 32. Brazil
15. Sudan 33. Chile
16. Tanzania 34. Colombia
17. Uganda 35. Ecuador
18. Zaire 36. Guyana
19. Zimbabwe 37. Paraguay
38. Peru
39. Venezuela


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