Chapter 1 & 2

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Chapter 1 // Motivation Skills

What is Motivation?
Motivation is encouragement , it helps to drive a person to move further . Many time we are made
to do the same job everyday . this is where motivation comes into picture , by motivating the
individual he/she may be encouraged to work and bring new prospects & revenues .

Why Motivation ?
Helps to reduce boredom , Leads to job satisfaction & mental peace , Avoids jealousy & prejudice
amongst team and help to achieve deadlines faster .

Ways of motivating
Students can be motivated by lecturers giving a positive feedback on their assignments .
projects etc
Giving them new oppurtunities
Creating a comfortable atmosphere in class
Helping students in the course
Allowing them to participate in extra curricular activities
Emphasizing on their hardwork rather than grades

Attitude towards Learning

Active Moving about , working or doing something & not resting or sleeping . Showing involvement or
energy : Characterized by involvement , energy or action .

Situation where active will be needed :

Class lectures , Textbook Assignments , Studying , Writing class assignments & Writing term papers .

Strategies to be active :
Using whyness ideas , The purpose , Fitting one work towards another , Using surrounding environment
elements & applying information
Passive not actively taking part , which means tend to not participate actively & usually letting others
make the decisions . Obeying readily , which means tend to submit or obey without arguing or resisting .
Situation where passive should be avoided : Class lectures , Textbook assignments , Studying , Writing class
assignments & Writing term papers .

Learning Styles
Various learning styles sometimes not suit to others , why ?
Certain people have different learning styles .
Example :

Auditory , learn through audio or depending much on hearing .

Visual , learn through watching or eyeing & depending much on visual mode senses
Then , certain type of people tend to be effective in certain situation .
Example :

Applied meaning that those who like to be a practical & tend to be involve with real situations .
Conceptual means those who wanted to be involve with words or language & ideas where practical
not needed in understanding something .
Learning sometimes need learner to be spatial or can manage to think without seeing . Such as a
painter wanted to paint a wall which not yet been invented or happen . By doing this , they need to
have a spatial ability where they can visualize or mentally see .
To those who lack the spatial ability , they can be regard as verbal learner which they rely more on
verbal or language skills .
During learning process , some people preferred level of interaction with other people . Two types of
learner : Social learner , prefer to work with others & an independent learner , prefers to work alone
Finally , Those who are Creative and Pragmatic : Creative tend to creates new things and some prefer
discovery & experimenting . Pragmatic are comfortable following the rules .

Passive Learner Attitude towards learning Active Learner

Read , think , ask questions & try
Read Class lectures to connect ideas

Consider learning style , make

Reread Text Book Assignments outlines & study sheets , predict
exam questions , look for trends
and pattern
Try to discover the significance of
Only follow the instructions Writing Class Assignments the assignment , look for the
principles & concepts it illustrates
Try to expand their knowledge &
Do only what is expected to get a Writing term papers experiences with a topic &
good grade connect it to the course objective
or content
Multiple intelligences ( Gardners Theory )

Multiple intelligences theory was proposed by Howard Gardner in his 1983 book Frames Of Mind .
Theory OF Multiple Intelligences is a model of Intelligence that differentiates intelligence into
specific Primary Sensory ( Modalities ) .

Gardner articulated 7 criteria for a behavior to be considered an intelligence . These were that the
intelligences showed .
- Potential for brain isolation by brain damage
- Place an evolutionary history
- Presence of core operations - Born in Scranton , Pennsylvania
- Susceptibility to encoding ( symbolic expression ) 1943
- Interested in psychology & Social
- A distinct developmental progression
- The existence of savants , prodigies & other exceptional people - Went to Harvard University
- Support from experimental psychology & psychometric findings - Graduated summa cum laude

Gardner chose 8 abilities that he held to meet these criteria :

Logical Mathematic ( Number / reasoning smart ) This has to do with logic , reasoning ,
numbers & critical thinking . Logical reasoning is closely linked to fluid intelligence & to
general intelligence .
Capacity to analyse problem logically
Carry out mathematical operations
Investigate issues scientifically
Able to detect patterns , reason deductively & think logically
Eg : Engineers , Doctors & Economist

Spatial ( picture smart ) The ability to visualize with the minds eye . Spatial ability is one
of the three factors beneath the hierarchical model of intelligence .
The potential to recognize & use the patterns of wide space & more confined areas
Eg ; Artist , Designers & Architects

Linguistic ( Word Smart ) - People with high Verbal-Linguistic intelligence display a facility
with words & languages . They are typically good at reading , writing , telling stories &
memorizing words along with dates
Involves sensitivity to spoken & written language
Able to learn languages
Able to use language to accomplish goals
Eg : writers , poets & lawyers
Bodily Kinesthetic ( Body Smart ) Bodily kinesthetic intelligence are control of ones
bodily motions & the capacity to handle objects skillfully . People who have this
intelligence Should learn better by involving muscular movement & be generally good at
physical activities such as sports , dance , acting & making things .
Using whole body or parts of body to solve problems
use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements
eg : athletes , dancers & musicians

Musical ( Music smart ) this has to do with sensitivity to sounds , rhythms , tones &
music . People with high musical intelligence normally have good pitch and may even
have absolute pitch , and are able to sing , play musical instruments & compose music .
They will sometimes use songs or rhythms to learn .
Skill in the performance , compositions & musical patterns
Ability to recognize & compose musical pitches , tones & rhythms
Eg ; composers , singers & conductors

Interpersonal ( People Smart ) Interaction with others . in theory , individuals who have
high interpersonal intelligence are characterized by their sensitivity to others moods ,
feelings , Temperaments & motivations , and their ability to cooperate in order to work as
a group . those with this intelligence communicate effectively & empathize easily with
others .
They typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion or debate .
Capacity to understand the intentions , motivations desire of other people
Allows people to work effectively with others
Eg ; sales , politicians , managers & teachers

Intrapersonal ( Self Smart ) Introspective And self reflective capacities . Having a deep
understanding of one self ; what is your strengths/weaknesses are , what makes you
unique , being able to predict your own reactions/emotions .
capacity to understand oneself , appreciates ones feelings , fears & motivations

Naturalistic ( Nature Smart ) Nurturing & relating information to ones natural

surroundings . Examples include classifying natural forms such as animal and plant species
& rocks and mountain types . This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as
hunters , gatherers & farmers ; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef
Capacity to understand nature , nurturing & relating information to ones
surroundings .

The eight intelligences are used at the same time & compliment each other as people develop skills
or solve problems .

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