Carbon Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys

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Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272

Carbon plasma immersion ion implantation of

nickeltitanium shape memory alloys
R.W.Y. Poona, K.W.K. Yeungb, X.Y. Liua, P.K. Chua,, C.Y. Chunga,
W.W. Lub, K.M.C. Cheungb, D. Chanc
Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Department of Biochemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Received 14 April 2004; accepted 20 July 2004
Available online 11 September 2004


Nickeltitanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys possess super-elasticity in addition to the well-known shape memory effect and are
potentially suitable for orthopedic implants. However, a critical concern is the release of harmful Ni ions from the implants into the
living tissues. We propose to enhance the corrosion resistance and other surface and biological properties of NiTi using carbon
plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (PIII&D). Our corrosion and simulated body uid tests indicate that either an
ion-mixed amorphous carbon coating fabricated by PIII&D or direct carbon PIII can drastically improve the corrosion resistance
and block the out-diffusion of Ni from the materials. Our tribological tests show that the treated surfaces are mechanically more
superior and cytotoxicity tests reveal that both sets of plasma-treated samples favor adhesion and proliferation of osteoblasts.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: NiTi shape memory alloys; Orthopedic implants; Corrosion resistance; Mechanical properties; Osteoblasts

1. Introduction more prominent in stainless steels and titanium alloys

compared to NiTi [12]. Other studies have revealed that
Nickeltitanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys possess the cell death rate is more pronounced on NiTi [13] and
unique properties such as shape memory effects and that its relatively poor corrosion resistance may lead to
super-elasticity that most metallic biomaterials such as an increase in cytotoxicity since deleterious materials
stainless steels and titanium alloys do not have. More- may be released from the substrate [14]. It is believed
over, its elastic modulus [1] is closer to that of cortical that the noxious effects primarily stem from the leaching
bones [2] as compared to that of other implantable of nickel ions [8,9] from the alloys causing toxic
materials such as stainless steels [1,3] and titanium alloys reactions in humans, especially nickel hyper-sensitive
[3,4]. Favorable properties of NiTi have since been patients resulting in strong allergic reactions [15,16]. The
investigated [57]. Several studies have indicated that corrosion resistance of NiTi depends very much on
NiTi alloys exhibit good bio-compatibility in living factors such as the surface morphology and homogene-
tissues [811], but a number of adverse effects have also ity of the microstructures.
been reported. For instance, the osteogenesis process Carbon [17] and titanium carbide [18] layers have
and osteonectin synthesis activity have been found to be been shown to possess excellent bio-compatibility under
some circumstances. Another advantage of these coat-
Corresponding author. Tel: +852-27887724; fax: +852-27889549 ings is that they also possess good mechanical strength.
or +852-27887830. Amorphous hydrogenated carbon lms have been
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.K. Chu). produced by electron cyclotron resonancemicrowave

0142-9612/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2266 R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272

plasma chemical vapor deposition (ECRMPCVD) [19], process and so the dominant process here (Sample #2 in
plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) Table 1) was deposition because the implantation duty
[20], ltered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) deposition cycle was very low. On the other hand, during PIII alone
[17], and radio-frequency (RF) glow discharge [21]. In (Sample #3 in Table 1), the C2H2 plasma was ignited by
this work, we investigate the possibility of enhancing the high-voltage glow discharge only when a high-voltage
surface properties of NiTi shape memory alloys using pulse was applied to the sample. The predominant
carbon plasma immersion ion implantation and deposi- process was thus ion implantation with very little
tion (PIII&D) [22]. The notion of using a surface lm to deposition because there was no plasma formation
combat corrosion is quite common but poor interfacial between high-voltage pulses.
properties may lead to premature lm delamination. The elemental depth proles and Ti and C chemical
Implantation does not create a clear interfacial region states were determined by X-ray photoelectron spectro-
but surface wear and tear may be more severe compared scopy (XPS) (Physical electronics PHI 5802, Minnesota,
to a hard coating. Therefore, in this work, we studied USA). Nano-indentation tests (MTS Nano Indenter XP,
the efcacy of both approaches. In our rst experiment, USA) were conducted on ve areas to determine the
a graded C/NiTi interface was produced followed by the average hardness and Youngs modulus of the treated
deposition of an amorphous hydrogenated carbon lm and control samples. The electrochemical tests [24]
using RF C2H2 PIII&D. In our second set of experi- based on ASTM G5-94 (1999) and G61-86 (1998) were
ments, carbon was implanted into the specimens using performed by a potentiostat (VersaStat II EG&G, USA)
high-voltage glow discharge PIII in a C2H2 ambient. using a standard simulated body uid (SBF) at a pH
Our objective is to produce a carbon lm or carbide of 7.42 [25] and temperature of 3770.5 1C. The
layer to enhance the surface anti-corrosion, mechanical, ion concentrations in the SBF are shown in Table 2
as well as biological properties of NiTi shape memory [25]. A cyclic potential spanning between 400 and
alloys. +1600 mV was applied at a scanning rate of 600 mV/h.
Before the electrochemical tests, the medium was purged
with nitrogen for 1 h to remove dissolved oxygen and
2. Experimental methods nitrogen purging continued throughout the measure-
ments. The SBF taken from each sample after the
Circular NiTi bars with 50.8% Ni (SE508, Nitinol corrosion test was analyzed for Ni and Ti employing
Device Company, Fremont, USA) were cut into discs of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS)
5 mm in diameter and 1 mm in thickness. They were (Perkin Elmer, PE SCIEX ELAN6100, USA).
grinded, polished to a shiny surface texture, and then In order to investigate the bioactivity of the control,
ultrasonically cleaned with acetone and ethanol before deposited, and implanted samples, osteoblasts isolated
deposition or implantation was conducted in our plasma from calvarial bones of 2-day-old mice that ubiquitously
immersion ion implanter. The deposition and implanta- expressed an enhanced green uorescent protein
tion parameters are displayed in Table 1. Before (EGFP) were cultured in a Dulbeccos modied Eagles
PIII&D, a glow discharge [23] was ignited in the same medium (DMEM) (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10%
C2H2 ambient at 30 kV for 20 min to produce a graded (v/v) fetal bovine serum (Biowest, France), antibiotics
carbide layer to enhance lm adhesion. The C2H2 (100 U/ml of penicillin and 100 mg/ml of streptomycin),
plasma was sustained throughout the entire PIII&D and 2 mM L-glutamine at 37 1C in an atmosphere of 5%

Table 1
Deposition/implantation parameters


#1 #2 #3

30 kV C2H2 40 kV C2H2

Description Control Plasma deposition Plasma implantation

RF 500 W
High voltage 30 kV 40 kV
Pulse width 100 ms 30 ms
Frequency 100 Hz 200 Hz
Duration 90 min 90 min
Base pressure 1  10 5 Torr 1  10 5 Torr
C2H2 working pressure 3.8  10 4 Torr 2.0  10 3 Torr
Dose 4.5  1016 cm 2 5.5  1016 cm 2
Vacuum annealing 1.0  10 5 Torr 600 1C for 5 h
R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272 2267

Table 2
Ion concentration of SBF in comparison with human blood plasma [25].

Concentration (mmol)

Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ HCO3 Cl HPO24 SO24

SBF 142.0 5.0 2.5 1.5 4.2 148.5 1.0 0.5

Blood plasma 142.0 5.0 2.5 1.5 27.0 103.0 1.0 0.5

CO2 and 95% air. The specimens (1 mm in thickness and proles that the Ni content is suppressed in the
5 mm in diameter) were xed on the bottom of a 24-well implanted region.
tissue culture plate (Falcon) using 1% (w/v) agarose. A The hardness results and Youngs modulus derived
cell suspension consisting of 5000 cells was seeded onto from nano-indentation data are shown in Figs. 2ac. In
the surface of the untreated NiTi samples, deposited the control sample, both the hardness and Youngs
NiTi specimens, implanted NiTi samples, and wells modulus are quite stable throughout the depth of
without any metal discs serving as a control for normal measurement. The hardness is 4.5 GPa while the
culturing condition. Cells were grown in 1 ml of medium Youngs modulus is about 57 GPa. In the deposited
and changed every 2 days. Cell attachment was sample, the maximum hardness is 7 GPa at 50 nm from
examined after the rst day of culture, and cell the surface. It decreases very slowly and reaches a
proliferation examined after 3 and 5 days of culture. constant value of 5.5 GPa at 165 nm. The Youngs
In our study, cells were allowed to reach conuence modulus, being about 55 GPa, is quite constant
during the examination period. To determine the cell throughout the depth of the measurement. The lower
number, attached cells were released by digestion with hardness and Youngs modulus values in the rst 20 nm
trypsinEDTA (Invitrogen) and counted using a hema- of the deposited sample is probably due to the surface
tocytometer (Tiefe Depth Profondeur, Marienfeld, substances such as moisture or oxides. In the implanted
Germany). Cell viability was assessed by staining with and annealed sample, the maximum hardness is 9.5 GPa
0.2% Trypan blue (Sigma). The number of cells was at around 40 nm from the surface and gradually
expressed as mean value7standard deviation (SD). The diminishes to 4.5 GPa at 150 nm from the surface. The
data were analyzed by using unpaired two-sample t-test Youngs modulus shows the maximum value of 110 GPa
in this study and the statistical analysis was performed at the topmost layer and then decreases gradually
using the SPSS program (SPSS for Windows, Release achieving a rather constant value of 70 GPa between
11.0.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA) 100 and 150 nm from the surface. It should be noted that
Cell morphology was assessed using a uorescent these are higher than that of the control sample of
microscope (Axioplan 2, Carl Zeiss, Germany). The 57 GPa. Our results show that the Youngs modulus of
attached living EGFP-expressing osteoblasts were vi- the deposited carbon coating is 3.5% smaller than that
sualized using a 450490 nm incident lter and the of the substrate, whereas the hardness is 2256% higher.
uorescence images emitted at 510 nm captured using a Hence, the carbon coating is mechanically stronger than
Sony DKS-ST5 digital camera. the substrate, or at least comparable to the latter. As to
the implanted and annealed sample, the hardness of
the treated layer is 11111% greater than that of the
3. Results substrate while the Youngs modulus is 9323% higher
throughout the depth of the measurement. Thus, the
Fig. 1 shows the XPS depth proles obtained from the carbide layer is also mechanically stronger than the
untreated control, deposited, as-implanted, and im- substrate.
planted and annealed samples. The proles have been Table 3 summarizes the essential ndings from our
plotted on a depth scale based on sputtering rates electrochemical tests with Ecorr and Eb representing,
calculated from a SiO2 reference under similar condi- respectively, the corrosion potential and breakdown
tions. Since it is well known that the sputtering rate potential as indicated by the initiation of pits. The
changes in the surface region and is different from that higher Ecorr and Eb suggest improvements in the
of SiO2, the thicknesses of the carbon layer and corrosion resistance. During our test, breakdown
implanted zone shown in Fig. 1 are approximate, occurred after 272 mV and the current increased
but comparison among different samples is more valid. signicantly to 10 2 A in the control sample (#1). In
Figs. 1c and d show that the annealing process broadens contrast, for the deposited (#2) and implanted and
the implanted layer. It is also obvious from the depth annealed (#3) samples, the currents remained at
2268 R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272

NiTi Controlsample 30kV C2H2 deposition without annealing

70 C1s
60 Ti2p
Ni2p Ni2p
Atomic concentration (%)

Atomic concentration (%)

Ti2p 80
50 O1s
40 60


10 20

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 50 100 150 200 250
(a) Depth (nm) (b) Depth (nm)

40kV C2H2 implantation without annealing 80 40kV C2H2 implantation with

65 600 C annealing
60 Atomic concentration (%)
55 C1s 60
Atomic concentration (%)

50 O1s O1s
45 Ti2p 50
40 Ni2p Ni2p
30 30
20 20
5 0
-5 -10
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
(c) Depth (nm) (d) Depth (nm)

Fig. 1. XPS depth proles acquired from the NiTi alloys: (a) #1 (untreated), (b) #2 (deposited without annealing), (c) #3 (implanted without
annealing), and (d) #3 (implanted and annealed).

relatively low levels even after 1600 mV had been Figs. 3(ac), respectively. It can be clearly seen that cells
reached. are attached to and proliferate on all the samples. Fig. 4
The SBF solutions after the electrochemical tests were shows that all the samples are well tolerated by the GFP
analyzed for Ni and Ti concentrations by ICPMS and osteoblast cell line. After 3 days of culturing, the number
the results are summarized in Table 4. Our data show of cells was 7.3  104 (SD 1.2  104) on the NiTi control
that the amount of Ni leached from the control sample, 20.6  104 (SD 3.0  104) on the carbon
(untreated) sample during the electrochemical test is deposited sample, and 12.5  104 (SD 1.2  104) on the
orders of magnitude higher than those detected from the carbon implanted sample. After 5 days, the number was
deposited and implanted samples. In fact, the amounts 13.3  104 (SD 2.3  104), 27.3  104 (SD 1.2  104), and
of Ni detected from the SBF of both the deposited and 16.6  104 (SD 1.2  104) on the three samples, respec-
implanted and annealed samples are very close to the tively. After culturing for 3 and 5 days, the overall cell
instrumental detection limits. The ICPMS results proliferation on both the deposited and implanted
provide strong evidence that either PIII&D or PIII can samples is much higher than that on the untreated NiTi
effectively block the out-diffusion of Ni from the NiTi substrate. Dead cells cannot be found on any samples.
shape memory alloys to the SBF. This reveals that the cyto-compatibility of the treated
The cell morphology of the NiTi control (untreated), samples is as good as NiTi [8,9]. The carbon deposited
NiTi after carbon deposition, and NiTi after carbon samples are observed to be most favorable to cell
implantation after 3 days of culturing are depicted in proliferation compared to others (po0:01).
R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272 2269

160 NiTi Control 24 Table 3

22 Essential results from the electrochemical tests
Young's modulus Samples
Young's modulus (GPa)

Nano-hardness (GPa)
120 Nano-hardness 18
16 #1 #2 #3
Ecorr (mV) 231 60 114
80 12
Eb (mV) 272 1145 1170
40 6
20 Table 4
0 0 Amount of Ni and Ti ions detected in SBF by ICPMS after
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 electrochemical tests
(a) Depth (nm)
Samples Ni content (mg/l) Ti content (mg/l)

30kV C2H2 deposition without annealing Ni Ti

80 20 #1 30.2324 0.1575
Young's modulus #2 0.0056 (ND) 0.0228
#3 0.0082 (ND) 0.057
Nano-hardness (GPa)
Young's modulus (GPa)

14 Note: mg/l=ppm; ND=not detected.
40 10
20% at about 100 nm. After that, it decreases gradually
to 0% at about 200 nm. This depth prole agrees with
20 the results of the high-resolution XPS analyses of the
4 Ti2p and C1s at different sputtered depths (not shown
2 here). Only a-carbon can be detected in the top 11 nm,
0 0 and from about 11 nm to 68 nm, the chemical shifts are
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 not signicant indicating that the Ti to C ratio remains
(b) Depth (nm) less than 0.15 indicative of a lm consisting of
predominantly carbon. At greater depths, chemical shifts
40kV C2H2 implantation with 600C annealing
160 24 representative of carbide emerge revealing unequivocally
150 22 the existence of a graded carbide interface between the
140 carbon lm and substrate. This graded interface may
130 Young's modulus 20
Young's modulus (GPa)

Nano-hardness (GPa)

Nano-hardness 18 enhance the lm adhesion and mitigate lm delamina-

110 16 tion. For the implanted and annealed sample, the shift
90 14 from a-carbon to carbide occurs at 11 nm, indicating
80 12 that an implanted zone has been formed. High-resolu-
70 10 tion Ti2p and C1 s spectra disclose the formation of
50 8 titanium carbide layer with graded carbon.
40 6 The suppression of the Ni content in the implanted
30 4
20 region after annealing is consistent with previous results
10 and can be attributed to the high afnity of titanium
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
towards carbon and oxygen under high-temperature
(c) Depth (nm) annealing [26]. Oxygen was co-implanted into the
samples as a result of the non-UHV (ultra-high vacuum)
Fig. 2. Nano-hardness and Youngs modulus proles acquired from implantation conditions in our PIII instrument [22]. The
the NiTi alloys: (a) #1, (b) #2, and (c) #3.
suppression of Ni in the implanted region is a benecial
phenomenon and if the carbide layer is inert and
mechanically strong enough, it may be a good candidate
4. Discussion for the Ni out-diffusion barrier.

4.1. XPS depth profiles 4.2. Nano-indentation

Fig. 1b shows that the carbon content is quite uniform Our results show that both the carbon coating
in the rst 60 nm and then drops rapidly from 90% to and implanted titanium carbide layer are mechanically
2270 R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272

Fig. 3. (a) Micrograph of Sample #1 after 3 days of cell culturing showing the EGFP-expressing mouse osteoblasts. Proliferation clusters are obvious
on the surface (Top: 100  magnication; Bottom: 200  magnication). (b) Sample #2. (c) Sample #3.

stronger than the substrate. Although the hardness have to be conducted to see their performance under
and Youngs modulus obtained in our experiments normal working conditions.
are not as high as those claimed by Miyoshi et al.
in TixCy [27], mechanical enhancement has unam- 4.3. Corrosion resistance
biguously been demonstrated. However, further studies
on the performance of the coating and the carbide layer The enhancement in the corrosion resistance of the
using the super-elastic and shape memory properties carbon lm may be attributed to the reduced electrical
R.W.Y. Poon et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 22652272 2271

30 that carbon PIII&D is an effective method to improve

NiTi-Deposited the surface anti-corrosion, mechanical, and biological
Number of Cells (X10000)

25 NiTi-Implanted
Empty well (Control)
properties of NiTi, and we are conducting more work to
20 fathom the mechanism as well as other factors that may
impact the results.

5. Conclusion

Using PIII&D, we have deposited amorphous hydro-
3 5 genated carbon thin lms and implanted carbon into
NiTi substrates. The carbon coating formed on the
Fig. 4. Cell proliferation versus number of days. substrate has a graded carbide interface, thereby
strengthening lm adhesion. Titanium carbide is formed
in the implanted samples. Both sets of treated samples
exhibit better corrosion resistance compared to the
conductivity in comparison to NiTi alloys. The ex-
untreated control sample based on our corrosion test
change of electrical charges at the sample surface is
and ICMPS analysis of the SBF. Mechanically, the
reduced, consequently the extent of the electrochemical
implanted and annealed carbide layer is stronger than
corrosion [28]. Apart from this, carbon is inherently
the NiTi substrate, while the deposited carbon coating is
chemically inert and titanium and carbon form very
a little stronger or at least comparable to the NiTi
strong and inert carbide bonds in the implanted samples.
substrate. Cell culture experiments reveal that the
This may play a role in its good corrosion resistance as
treated samples are cyto-compatible. Thus, we have
well. However, it should be noted that our electro-
demonstrated that PIII&D is effective in improving the
chemical test is an accelerated corrosion test, and
corrosion resistance, mechanical properties, and surface
although promising results have been obtained, more
biological properties of orthopedic NiTi shape memory
work must be done to investigate the long-term effects.
We plan to conduct more extensive tests on their anti-
corrosion performance after the mechanical test using
the super-elasticity and shape memory effects to verify
the reliability of the treatments. Acknowledgments

4.4. Cells test We thank Mr. Wilson C.W. Chan for his expert
technical assistance. The work was jointly supported by
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conditions of the substrate such as surface free energy, titive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) # CityU
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