Transition Shooting Drills

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transition shooting drills pg.

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
shooting - guards transition shooting shooting - guards transition shooting
Use both sides, 2-3 shots / finishes per Use both sides, 2-3 shots / finishes per
player player

1 Frame 1
1 Frame 2
1. Corner: start line behind half court and have player dribble to half
Top of key: Guards start behind half court, throw ahead, then spot
court, throw ahead and sprint to corner to receive pass from coach. up at top of key to get pass from coach.

shooting - guards transition shooting

Use both sides, 2-3 shots / finishes per

1 Frame 3

Drag screen / ball screen in transition: 1 starts behind half court,

then comes off the high ball screen.

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transition shooting drills pg. 2

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
transition drills - Posts Rim Runs transition drills - Posts Rim Runs
pin and seal the defender pin and seal the defender


c c

4 4
5 Frame 1
5 Frame 2

Rim Run, defender high: pass to coach, sprint to dots, find Rim Run, defender low: pass to coach, sprint to dots, find
defender, catch and finish. Switch sides of floor defender, catch and finish. Switch sides

transition drills - Posts Rim Runs transition drills - Posts Rim Runs
pin and seal the defender pin and seal the defender


x4 c
5 Frame 3
5 Frame 4

Rim Run, direct pass: coach is near sideline and throws a direct Trail spot jumper / finish: 1st post runs to the rim, 2nd post
pass to post sprinting to rim. The defender is trailing and post spots up in the trail spot and shoots jumper, or rip through and
must finish drive to rim.

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transition shooting drills pg. 3

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
Transition Shooting Transition Shooting
1 on 1 competition drill 1 on 1 competition drill


Frame 1 x1
Frame 2

1. 1 attacks x1 and makes pass to coach. X1 must sprint and 2. Same concept, coach switches spots on floor. Players can also
touch coach, then close out to 1. 1 can shoot or attack the close start this drill behind half court near hash mark. Make players
out. Switch partners attack and pass after half court to incorporate passing and ball

Transition Shooting Transition Shooting

1 on 1 competition drill 1 on 1 competition drill


1 Frame 3
1 x1 Frame 4

1. 1 attacks x1 and makes pass to coach. X1 must sprint and 2. Same concept, coach switches spots on floor. Players can also
touch coach, then close out to 1. 1 can shoot or attack the close start this drill behind half court near hash mark. Make players
out. Switch partners attack and pass after half court to incorporate passing and ball
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transition shooting drills pg. 4

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
Drive and kick shooting Drive and kick shooting
2 balls, 1 cone, 4 players 2 balls, 1 cone, 4 players
2 2
c c
1 3 1

Frame 1 Frame 2

Pt. 1: Refuse ball screen: drive baseline and pass to partner for Pt 2: ball screen, drive and kick: drive middle and pass to
corner 3. Coach can play defense and force tough pass. Switch partner for wing 3. Coach can play defense and force tough pass.
spots Switch spots

Drive and kick shooting Drive and kick shooting

2 balls, 1 cone, 4 players 2 balls, 1 cone, 4 players

43 c

2 1 2 1

Frame 3 Frame 4

Pt 3: ball screen, drive and kick: drive middle and pass to Pt 4: ball screen, drive and kick: drive middle and pass to
partner for corner 3. Coach can play defense and force tough partner for corner 3. Coach can play defense and force tough
pass. Switch spots pass. Switch spots

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transition shooting drills pg. 5

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
Xavier shooting Xavier shooting
3 man weave, all shoot. 5 balls. minimum of 8 players 3 man weave, all shoot. 5 balls. minimum of 8 players
4 5 1 2
4 5

1 2
6 8 7 Frame 1 Frame 2
6 7
3 man weave, 2 passes. 1 -2-3 start, 1 pass to 2 to 3 who shoots a layup. 1 and 2 spot 3 gets own rebound and starts weave with player 4 and 5. Make 2 passes, then players
up for jumpers from 4 and 5. get shots from baseline passers. Our goal is no missed layups and no turnovers.
We go side courts to get as many shots as possible with 16 kids in gym

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transition shooting drills pg. 6

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting


Frame 1 Frame 2

1. Kevin Love Outlet - throw ahead to guard for lay up 2. Rim run: Coach inbounds to guard, guard hits post on rim run.

Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting

c c

5 5

1 1

c c

Frame 3 Frame 4

3. Throw ahead to coach, guard shoots 4. Throw ahead to coach,: post scores on rim run
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transition shooting drills pg. 7

transition shooting drills

Colonel Crawford
Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting Fastbreak (Kevin Love) Shooting
c c

5 5

1 1

c c

Frame 5 Frame 6

5. Drag screen. Guard scores 6. Drag screen. post scores

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