Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment For Fennoscandia
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment For Fennoscandia
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment For Fennoscandia
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2 authors, including:
Gottfried Grnthal
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
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INTRODUCTION mark along with adjacent water areas. The grid has
nearly 600 points spaced with a density of 1 longi-
The most important practical aspect of regional seis- tude by 0.5 latitude, but the hazard is mapped only
micity is its potential for structural damage. Although at sites located on land.
Fennoscandia is characterized by a fairly low rate of Different global alternatives are used for the input
spatially scattered seismicity, the seismic hazard data containing (1) regionalized and (2) non-
must be considered for sensitive structures like dams, regionalized sources. In (1) the investigated area and
mines, nuclear power plants, underground deposito- its surroundings are divided into different source
ries for radioactive waste, oil platforms, etc. The regions, based on presumed seismic and/or geologi-
main objective of the present study is to provide a cal homogeneity. Three such regionalization models
detailed map of the median seismic hazard (horizon- are used: a revised version of the model by
tal PGA) for Fennoscandia for a mean return period NFR/NORSAR and NGI (1998) for GSHAP, and two
of 475 years using modern computational algorithms. models introduced by Wahlstrm and Grnthal
There are competing hypotheses as to the cause of (2000). In (2) the regionalization is replaced by event
earthquakes in Fennoscandia: release of stresses built size criteria.
up and propagated from the North Atlantic Ridge The computer program applied in the analysis,
versus stress adjustment connected to the postglacial FRISK88M (Risk Engineering, 1996), utilizes a logic
land uplift (e.g., see Wahlstrm, 1993). Occasional tree approach to account for uncertainties and weights
significant earthquakes have occurred, notably in of the various input parameters, i.e., the data set (magni-
1759 in Kattegat between Denmark and Sweden, tudes), regionalization model or completeness criteria,
MS = 5.6, and in 1819, 1866, and 1904 in Norway, attenuation function, maximum expected magnitude
MS = 5.8, 5.7, and 5.4, respectively (magnitudes from (Mmax), cumulative earthquake rate () and
NFR/NORSAR and NGI, 1998). Typical for an in- ln(frequency-magnitude slope) (-), and focal depth.
traplate region, fault mapping and understanding of The combination of magnitude sets with regionaliza-
the tectonics of seismicity patterns are incomplete. tion models or completeness criteria makes up the
Any regionalization of the investigated region, Fen- global alternatives. Two attenuation functions and a
noscandia, based on geological-structural elements set of discrete values for each seismicity parameter
and/or seismicity is therefore uncertain. In this study, and source region are used. The logic tree construc-
a combination of different source regionalization tion gives great flexibility in input parameter settings
models and region-independent models are used to and facilitates the merging of competing scientific
determine the regional seismic hazard. hypotheses in one hazard calculation. In our applica-
Wahlstrm and Grnthal (2000) used a technique tion, all regionalized and non-regionalized models
similar to that of the present paper to assign seismic are combined in one run.
hazard to Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. They also
reviewed previous studies of seismic hazard in Fen-
noscandia. Improvements and changes incorporated CATALOG DATA: Mw CONVERSION AND
in the present study include the addition of Norway, a SPATIOTEMPORAL COMPLETENESS
stronger influence of nonregionalization models, and
a statistically more prudent calculation of maximum The database used in the analysis, FENCAT, is a
expected magnitudes. continuously updated catalog of earthquakes in
Horizontal PGA values are calculated for a grid of Northern Europe compiled at the Institute of Seis-
points covering Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Den- mology, University of Helsinki (Ahjos and Uski,
1992). FENCAT contains a variety of magnitude formulae) are also given in FENCAT. A full homo-
types. The vast majority of the events have a local ML genization of magnitudes is not a trivial task and has
magnitude, mostly ML(UPP) (Wahlstrm and Ahjos, not been attempted in the present study.
1984) or some magnitude related to ML (UPP). Mag- NFR/NORSAR and NGI (1998) present hazard re-
nitudes compatible with ML derived from macroseis- sults for Norway based on a homogenized catalog
mic parameter data (Wahlstrm and Ahjos, 1984 (not FENCAT). This catalog covers only in part the
Threshold Completeness Magnitudes, Maximum Magnitudes, Focal Depths and Values
Gross Year of Thresholda (Mw) Focal Depthsb
Mw Set Zone Completeness First Alt Mmax b (km)
(a) Land 1810 4.8 4.8 nonextended: 5.45, 5.95, 6.25, 6.55, 6.95 4, 8, 12, 17, 30 3.42
1880 2.8 3.3 extended: 4.95, 5.60, 6.15, 6.70, 7.50
1980 2.3
(a) Sea 1890 3.8 3.8 nonextended: 5.60, 6.00, 6.30, 6.55, 7.00 4, 10, 14, 21, 34 3.33
1955 3.3 3.3 extended: 5.45, 6.00, 6.40, 6.85, 7.60
1978 2.8
1986 2.3
(b) Land 1750 5.3 5.3 nonextended: 5.85, 6.10, 6.35, 6.60, 7.00 4, 8,12,17, 30 2.05
1880 2.8 3.3 extended: 5.90, 6.25, 6.60, 7.00, 7.70
1980 2.3
(b) Sea 1890 4.8 4.8 nonextended: 6.10, 6.25, 6.45, 6.65, 7.05 4,10,14, 21, 34 2.10
1955 4.3 4.3 extended: 6.15, 6.40, 6.70, 7.10, 7.75
1978 2.8 3.3
1986 2.3
a. The threshold values of the first column are used in both methods, while those of the second column are also used in the a lternative method.
b. For source regions covered by the small part of the sea gross zone, Mmax and focal depth sets from the land gross zone are used.
area of interest for the present study. area treated by Kim et al. (1989), large historical
To comply with the applied attenuation functions earthquakes in FENCAT are often assigned MS mag-
(see below), the moment magnitude Mw, must be nitudes converted from macroseismic data. For some,
known. Two different sets of Mw magnitudes are used also generally large, earthquakes mb magnitudes
in this study. The first set (a) is based on Mw magni- have been calculated and are given in FENCAT. Av-
tudes converted from ML or from magnitudes com- erage global relations of seismic moment versus sur-
patible with ML. Kim et al. (1989) derived a first-order face-wave and body-wave magnitudes for stable con-
relationship between seismic moment and ML (UPP) for tinental region earthquakes presented by Johnston
earthquakes in the Fennoscandian shield in the magni- (1989) are combined with the relation by Hanks and
tude range 2-5.1. However, their data contain only a Kanamori (1979) to give
few events with magnitude above 4. For magnitudes
in the interval 4-5, a nonlinear behavior of the mo- Mw = 4.28 - 0.27MS + 0.09MS2 (2),
ment-magnitude relation has been observed in several
North American studies (e.g., Street et al., 1975; Ha- Mw = 4.85 - 0.85mb + 0.18mb2 (3).
segawa, 1983; Nuttli, 1986). A second-order regres-
sion based on the same data used by Kim et al. In the second input set (b) Equations (2) and (3) are
(1989) together with the Mw definition by Hanks and applied to events for which MS and mb are given in
Kanamori (1979) gives FENCAT The remaining events, the vast majority,
keep the same ML-based Mw values as in set (a). Mw
Mw = 1.2 + 0.28ML(UPP) + 0.06[ML(UPP)]2 (1). magnitudes calculated from Equations (2) and (3) are
generally larger than those calculated from Equation
Equation (1) is used for the generation of set (a). (1). Since mainly the higher-end magnitudes (large
Especially in and offshore Norway, outside the events) are calculated in the former way, set (b) gives
a lower value than set (a) for several source re- tern Baltic Sea (Figure 1). Together, the two zones
gions. In all regionalized and non-regionalized mod- cover the area of all source regions. The threshold
els alike, set (a), with all magnitudes calculated in a values are based on the cumulative time distribu-
consistent way from Equation (1), is weighted at 0.75 tion of the number of earthquakes exceeding cer-
and set (b) at 0.25. The difference in maximum Mw tain magnitudes. Mw = 2.3 is the smallest accepted
magnitudes between the two sets for many source magnitude for the regionalized global alternatives,
regions is considered in the assignments of Mmax (see while 2.3 or 3.3 is the smallest for the non-
below). regionalized global alternatives.
Epicenters of earthquakes in FENCAT are plotted
in Figure 1. Two selection criteria are imposed on the
1. Event independence. For earthquake sequences, There exist very few recorded ground acceleration
only one shock (main) is included in order to data from earthquakes in Fennoscandia. In the
maintain the assumption of a Poissonian distribu- present study, two relations valid for hard rock condi-
tion in time as required by the probabilistic ap- tions, i.e., suitable for the Fennoscandian shield cov-
proach. ering most of the investigated area, are selected:
2. Catalog completeness. Threshold completeness ln(A) = -2.143 + 0.751 Mw - (4),
magnitudes for the two Mw sets are specified for 1.04 x 10-3r - 0.815ln(r)
each of two gross zones, land and sea, and for
several time periods (Table 1). Offshore areas in log(A) = 1.79 + 0.298(Mw - 6) -
the vicinity of land belong to the land zone, and 5.36 x 10-2 (Mw - 6)2 + (5),
the sea zone has a small part also in the southeas- 1.35 x 10-3r - log(r)
where A is the horizontal PGA (m/s2) and r is hypo- seismically homogeneous. An adequate regionaliza-
central distance (km). Equation (4) is from Ambra- tion model can be based on geological units in each
seys et al. (1996) with MS converted to Mw using a of which the seismic potential is assumed to be con-
regression of seismic moment on MS for Central Eu- stant over the long term, even if the existing seismic
ropean data (GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, un- record may be insufficient to show this (cf. Adams et
published) and the Hanks and Kanamori (1979) Mw al., 1995a). Any regionalization not, or only poorly,
definition. Equation (5) is from Atkinson and Boore based on documented fault geography includes a
(1995) and was derived for conditions in eastern certain degree of uncertainty. In this study, the uncer-
North America, structurally similar to Fennoscandia. tainty is counteracted by using three different regio-
The standard deviation of the normal distribution of nalization models (Figure 2) from Wahlstrm and
ln(A) is 0.576 for Equation (4). This corresponds to a Grnthal (2000):
value of 0.25 for a log(A) relation, which is assigned
to Equation (5). In the present study, Equations (4) (A) A revised version of NFR/NORSAR and NGI
and (5) are equally weighted at 0.5. (1998) used for GSHAP, 31 source regions. The
revision mainly concerns the inclusion of addi-
tional regions to the southeast.
(B) A model with 21 source regions based on the
Regionalization Models seismicity distribution.
The applied computer program is based on a division
into source regions of the area of a potential threat to (C) A model with 14 source regions based mainly on
the investigated site or, as in the present case, a grid tectonic maps of Sweden, Finland, and Denmark
of sites. A source region should, in some respect, be in addition to 21 regions for Norway and its off-
shore area from the NFR/NORSAR and NGI six global alternatives in the input. The regionaliza-
(1998) model. tion models (A) and (B) are given equal weight and
the geological models (C), established from the most
For each source region, FENCAT earthquakes are recent geological and seismicity data (references are
selected after the specified independence and com- given in Wahlstrm and Grnthal, 2000), is given the
pleteness criteria have been applied. Each region is added weight of (A) and (B).
Maximum magnitude. Following the approach of
a gross zone, land or sea; Coppersmith (1994) and Cornell (1994) to obtain the
completeness tables, depending on the gross zone maximum expected magnitude, normal distribution
and the Mw set (Table 1); functions of maximum magnitudes in stable conti-
two {, } values for each Mw set, derived from nental regions globally, separated in two tectonic
data of the region itself and from data of all re- types, extended crust areas and non-extended crust
gions belonging to the same gross zone; areas, are multiplied by local likelihood functions
a focal depth distribution, calculated from data of based on the maximum observed Mw, on the value,
the appropriate gross zone (Table 1); and on the number of recorded large earthquakes. In
a tectonic type, extended or non-extended stable the present study, eight local likelihood functions are
continental crust, based on the distribution in Kant used by combining the two gross zones, the two tec-
(1994); and tonic types (extended and non-extended stable conti-
five Mmax values for each Mw set, depending on nental crust), and the two Mw sets. Each of these
the tectonic type and the gross zone (Table 1). functions is multiplied with the relevant global func-
tion (extended or non-extended crust) to result in
For some source regions, there are not sufficient data posterior distributions of the maximum expected
to calculate the regional recurrence parameters, and magnitude, Mmax. The small sea gross zone is consi-
data from one or more neighboring regions are in- dered to belong to the land gross zone in the Mmax
cluded in the derivation of . In cases where the bor- calculations. For each posterior distribution (see ex-
der between the land and sea gross zones or between ample in Figure 3), the plotted area is divided into
extended and non-extended crust cuts through a five subareas of similar size, the gravity points of
source region, the assignment for the region is based which specify five representative Mmax values (Table
on where most of the seismicity has occurred. The 1).
source regions are shown in Figure 2. Ascribing the gross zone and the tectonic type to
Each of the Mw sets, (a) and (b), is combined with each of the source regions, a set of Mmax values is
each of the three regionalization models to make up adopted for each Mw set to use as input in the seismic
hazard calculation. The five values of an Mw set are Focal depth. The largest known earthquakes in Fen-
there given a weight of 0.2 each. They are all larger noscandia occurred in pre-instrumental time and have
than the maximum observed Mw in the region. poorly estimated focal depth from macroseismic data.
The networks of seismograph stations in Fennoscan-
Minimum magnitude. The minimum magnitude dia have been sparse until recent years, and the focal
thought to cause structural damage must be specified depths of recorded events are often not well con-
with a fixed value. It is set at Mw = 4.0 in this study, strained. The depth distribution is therefore calcu-
the same for sets (a) and (b) and for every source lated only for the two gross zones and not for the
region. According to Equation (1), this corresponds individual source regions. For the land zone, the
to ML(UPP) = 4.9. The minimum magnitude is the depth distribution is calculated from events with
smallest magnitude contributing to the calculated Mw 2.8; for the sea zone, this limitation gives insuf-
seismic hazard, and the choice of this value has im- ficient data and events down to Mw = 2.3 are in-
pact on the hazard at small mean return periods, i.e., cluded.
the larger the minimum magnitude, the narrower the The computer algorithm requires fixed weights,
range of contributing magnitudes and thus the small- common for all regions, for each input seismicity
er the hazard (e.g., see Bender and Perkins, 1993; parameter. As for the Mmax, , and values, focal
Grnthal and Wahlstrm, 2001). depths must be assigned to predetermined weights
and not vice versa. Five representative depths, each
Seismicity rate and frequency-magnitude slope. Val- assigned a weight of 0.2, are selected from the distri-
ues of and , where is the annual rate of earth- bution in each gross zone (Table 1). In this case,
quakes with the selected minimum magnitude, there is no distinction between the two Mw sets. The
Mw = 4.0 or larger, are calculated for each source appropriate set of depths is then used for each source
region. If there are fewer than 40 events in a region, region. The source regions belonging to the small sea
data from one or more neighboring regions are in- gross zones are assigned the focal depth distribution
cluded in the calculation. values are also obtained of the land gross tone.
for the gross zones and kept fixed to calculate an
alternative set of values for the regions. A weight Nonregionalization Models
of 0.5 is assigned to each of the regional and gross For areas where the seismotectonics are not fully
zone values. understood, the specification of source regions is
uncertain. In this study, the introduction of more than
one regionalization model is intended to soften the to Frankels (1995) smeared out model (see above),
lack of knowledge. Techniques avoiding regionaliza- the sea gross zone is connected to extended crust and
tion have been suggested, e.g., Frankel (1995), the land gross zone to non-extended crust.
Rttener (1995), and Woo (1996). The former com- Irrespective of model, the weighting of the two
bines different event size classes and, with some ex- Mw sets is 0.75 for (a) and 0.25 for (b), as stated
ception, applies the same seismicity parameters but above. For each Mw set, the three non-regionalized
the seismicity rate to the whole investigated area models are assigned equal weight. The two attenua-
(central and eastern North America). Frankel (1995) tion functions and their weights, the sets of values
also has one model smearing out the seismicity over and weights of Mmax and the focal depth, and the min-
the whole investigated region. imum magnitude assumed to cause damage,
By introducing quasiregions of no seismotectonic re- Mw = 4.0, are the same as for the regionalized global
levance, the computer program can be applied also to alternatives.
global alternatives without seismic or geological regio-
nalization. In an approach similar to that of Frankel Regionalization and Nonregionalization Models Merged
(1995), small spatial windows of size 2 longitude by 1 In total there are twelve global alternatives, six with
latitude (quasiregions) are combined with the Mw sets source regions, four with quasiregions, and two with
(a) and (b) and also with subsets of (a) and (b), where only gross zones. The combination of all input para-
quasiregions without events of Mw 3.3, corresponding meters, with their weights, can be illustrated in a log-
to ML(UPP) = 4.0, are omitted. In these four additional ic tree (Figure 4). The total weight of the regionalized
global alternatives, only one seismicity rate, calculated global alternatives is the same (0.5) as the total
from the relevant gross zone value, is used for each weight of the non-regionalized. In practical applica-
window. tions, there must be a balance in the assignment and
In two further models, the two Mw sets have a weighting of parameters between the generous input
threshold of Mw = 3.3, and the seismicity is assumed options of the program algorithm and a caution to
to be equally distributed over each of the sea and land stick to simple and realistic values. The number of
gross zones. In these two models, which correspond values for any parameter must be the same for all
regions within a global alternative, but the values As seen in Figure 4, there is a total of 900 branches
themselves may vary The number may also vary be- (2 Mw sets; 3 zonation models; 2 attenuation functions;
tween different global alternatives. A seismicity pa- 2 {, } sets; 5 Mmax values; and 5 focal depths for the
rameter can be combined with the same setting (de- regionalized models; and the same numbers but just
pendence) or every setting (independence) of this one {, } set for the non-regionalized models), giving
parameter for all source regions. 900 output hazard values which determine the distri-
The number of solutions, i.e., branches on the log- bution of the fractiles.
ic tree, for each global alternative is AMSBSHS,
where A is the number of attenuation functions, M
maximum expected magnitudes (or intensities), B {, RESULTS
} values, and H focal depth values. S is 1 if a para-
meter (M, B, H) is dependent and is equal to the Hazard values calculated for the selected grid of sites
number of source regions if it is independent. A is covering Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark,
always dependent. If the number of source regions is with points spaced at 1 longitude by 0.5 latitude, or
large, there is evidently a drastic increase in the num- for selected sites of the grid, are presented in differ-
ber of branches (and computer time) when indepen- ent displays in Figures 5-7.
dent instead of dependent parameters are used. How- Figure 5 shows the annual probability of exceedance
ever, tests made an small samples show that the range of the horizontal PGA for the points of the selected grid
of output hazard values does not change significantly. which have the highest median hazard value in each of
In the present study, M, B, and H are all dependent. the four investigated countries. The 16%, 37%, 50%