Hina Osto

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Hina Osto

Comp 105-007

WA #3

October 9, 2017

The Politics of Sustainability and Development

In the article "The Politics of Sustainability and Development, Ian Scones argues how

different policies are being segmented through regimes of veracity, regulation, and

accumulation- with the belief that the comprehension of these political procedures will result in

implications for unappealing and challenging responses. The author emphasizes that "In 2015 the

world committed to 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs), and a historic new agreement on

climate change was signed. These two events signal a major shift in international commitments

to both sustainability and development. However, behind this seeming consensus lies much

disagreement as to what the goals and agreements mean, who should benefit, and where

responsibilities lie" (Scones 1). It is expressed in the tone of voice that he is appalled by these

shifts in its development, and is striving for a resolution to be made through addressing the

problem by informing his readers.

The author supports his statement by first providing a succinct summary of sustainability

assessing unalike mores and its relationship to development. He continues to support it by

scrutinizing the politics of resources and the effect of the background of scarcity on research,

policy, and practice. Lastly, he solidifies his point by emphasizing on several political issues,

which are broadened in a discourse of transformations and the way these are altered under

technology, market, and inhabitant-led processes. His purpose is for individuals to focus on the

relationships between those who are living in the environment, and those that analyze politics
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and obtain knowledge of it further-allowing for research that will assist in building alliances for

changes. He targets globally connected citizens that can provide a movement, as well as residents

wanting to unify to improve the politics of this matter. One way Scones supports his statement is

by providing a summary of what the word sustainability means to him. He defines the term as a

system receiving shocks and having the ability to rebound and reach a stable equilibrium. Scones

feels as if these changes that are taking place have no control, but is drawn on unruly politics that

include several different pieces of knowledge and participants. He finishes off his statement with

the conclusion that reflects on important upcoming events that will require a robust response to

the political challenges of the development of sustainability-a political transformation involving

the merge between technology, market, state, and citizen-led processes.

Furthermore, Scones supported his statement was by scrutinizing the politics of resources

and displaying the effect that the background of scarcity has on research, policy, and practice.

One way in which he does so is when he writes "Relative scarcities in resources between people

and places are assumed to drive economic incentives (indeed define the discipline of economics)

and in turn provide the justification for implementing market solutions and the construction of

tradable commodities" (Scones 5). The authors resolution for scarcity is to regulate the way these

resources are distributed. He believes that rather than concentrating on economic tools, limiting

replies or controlling population growth, we should be gathering loans and creating securities to

be sold to other individuals or companies. This position emphasizes the importance that

reconstituting would have on the connection between, resources, state, markets, and society.

Lastly, he supports his statement by highlighting on several political issues, which are broadened

in a discourse of transformations and how these are altered under the four processes. With a

modern ecological approach, individuals will experience a substantial role for the state
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enhancing market and technology led changes through subsidizing and support for innovation.

Scones discusses that there is a significant debate about whether the green economies or green

states are being framed in these terms, majority surrounding northern area occurrences. He

believes that when discussing the state's part taking in structuring resilience and climate

adaptation, that there are other teachings from across the region that may display improved

alternate pathways.

Another important aspect that Scones brings to light is the different policies that are

divided with variations of truth, order and the gradual gathering of information develops an

outcome of a coherent and progressed government. He highlights that the primary focus should

be on local bits of knowledge and exercises that are connected to broader modifications.

Concluding that the best way to combat this situation is to build pathways to these processes, by

not only focusing on political aspects but on people's agency and the social connections that

constitute this society in formal and informal network connections.

In my opinion, it seems that the author develops a resolution to the problem of financial

development but fails to realize that there can be several issues if they were to merge. Scones

mentioned that after the 17 (SDGS) were created there was an issue between who should benefit,

and where responsibilities would lie; After stating that there would be arguments as to who

would progress with these goals and who would stay the same. For example, if a market and

state economy were to merge it would create a command economy-every state would have its

own suppliers and distributers. The linking between these processes would cause multiple

problems for states on their own and lower the sustainability and development rate; this concept

restricts freedom, ignores societal needs, and would result in a slower rate of innovative

productions. I disagree with Scones belief that the combinations of these would result in
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progression. Instead, it would lead to a controlled state-government and could cause problems


I chose this article due to the fact that it was thorough, displayed other viewpoints, and

included possible resolutions. The author pinpointed several issues with todays state and market

relationships. When he added different views, it became known that the topic of politics in

sustainability and development are prevalent; has been and still is a problem economically. In

reality, the merging of these processes is far more complex than what the author s portraying. I

do agree with some aspects of how undertaking these particular factors can result in the

improvement in parts of our governmental system; if used correctly. But, the truth is, in my

opinion that there is no fair economic system that will create the outcome of an equal society. In

conclusion, Scones resolutions to the problems he addressed are agreeable suggestions, however

are unrealistic.
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Work Cited
Scones, Ian. The Politics of Sustainability and Development. The Politics of Sustainability and
Development | Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Annual Reviews,
www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annuerev-environ-110615-090039. Accessed 27 Sept.

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