Educ 5324-Article Review Template
Educ 5324-Article Review Template
Educ 5324-Article Review Template
- sample of 310 principals (ranging years of experience and gen-
- Graduate students in the Educational Leadership Program
- convenience sample of 310 principals from a large metro-
politan area in the southwest region of the United States
responded to a cognitive interview questionnaire that
asked principals about their perceptions regarding the im-
portance of technology for their schools.
- The questionnaire was administered by graduate students
- For this study, only the data from the interviews was used.
The interview questions were Has technology had an im-
pact in your school? and If so, in what specific ways has
it made a difference?
Data collection methods/Data source:
- coded data (percentages) and interviews/surveys
Data Analysis:
- Data from the Questionnaire was coded and gathered and
put into categories by years of experience, like 0-3 years through
8-11 years, then finally categorized into 6 major functions of
technology ( Communication, Instruction, Data sharing and
Management, Resource, Administrative tasks, and Student
Students Reflections (changes to your understanding; implica-
tions for your school/work):
- Technology helps improve the lives of students everyday
at school. By having principles enforce the idea of this and con-
tinue to increase the technology use in schools, the entire com-
munity benefits. As is seen in this research, Principals are re-
sponsible for a lot that goes around school. Therefore, by imple-
menting the use of technology to the teachers and staff, the stu-
dents are able to grasp new programs and educational resources
that can help further their learning.