Bifidobacterium and Enteral Feeding in Preterm Infants: Cluster-Randomized Trial

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Pediatrics International (2014) 56, 714719 doi: 10.1111/ped.12330

Original Article

Bifidobacterium and enteral feeding in preterm infants:

Cluster-randomized trial

Satsuki Totsu,1 Chika Yamasaki,2 Masaki Terahara,3 Atsushi Uchiyama1 and Satoshi Kusuda,1 on behalf of
Probiotics Study Group in Japan
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Womens Medical University, 2Department of Neonatology, Aiiku Hospital, Tokyo and
Food Science Institute, Meiji Dairies Corporation, Odawara, Japan

Abstract Background: This study evaluated the benefit of Bifidobacterium bifidum OLB6378 (B. bifidum) in very low-
birthweight (VLBW) infants (birthweight <1500 g) for the acceleration of enteral feeding.
Methods: A cluster-randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 19 hospitals, divided into two
groups: the B group (n = 10 hospitals; B. bifidum given to infants within 48 h of birth) and the P group (n = 9 hospitals;
infants received a placebo). The primary outcome was establishment of enteral feeding after birth, defined as the
postnatal day at which enteral feeding exceeded 100 mL/(kg/day). Secondary outcomes were defined as incidence of
morbidity and somatic growth before discharge.
Results: Overall, 283 VLBW infants were enrolled in the study: B group, n = 153; and P group, n = 130. Enteral feeding
was established within 21 days after birth in 233 infants, of whom 119 received B. bifidum and 114 received placebo until
their bodyweight reached 2000 g. Enteral feeding was established significantly earlier in the B group, at 11.0 3.6 days
versus 12.1 3.8days in P group (P < 0.05). Infant growth during the stay in the neonatal intensive care unit was not
different between groups, but the incidence of late-onset sepsis among all enrolled infants was significantly lower in the
B group (3.9%, 6/153) than in the P group (10.0%, 13/130; P < 0.05). No differences were observed in the incidence of
other adverse outcomes including mortality.
Conclusions: B. bifidum in VLBW infants accelerated the establishment of enteral feeding after birth without increasing
the incidence of adverse effects.

Key words establishment of enteral feeding, necrotizing enterocolitis, neonate, probiotics, sepsis.

Establishment of enteral feeding after birth is often delayed in and growth and prevention of sepsis. Here, we carried out a
preterm infants because of their immature intestinal function. small-scale pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of
These infants also have difficulty maintaining normal gut flora, Bifidobacterium bifidum OLB6378 (B. bifidum) for VLBW
which further prevents functional maturation of the intestine.1 A infants prior to initiating a larger multicenter clinical trial, and
relatively high incidence of cesarean delivery and prophylactic found that the daily bodyweight gain was significantly higher in
use of antibiotics after birth among preterm infants inhibits the infants who received B. bifidum supplementation within 48 h of
activity of beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacilli and birth.5 We subsequently conducted the present study on a larger
Bifidobacteria.2 Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal group of preterm infants to determine the effect of B. bifidum
tract is an important pathway in the initiation of late-onset sepsis within 48 h after birth on the establishment of enteral feeding in
and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in very low-birthweight VLBW infants.
(VLBW) infants.3 The emerging intestinal microbiota, nascent
intestinal epithelia, naive immunity, and suboptimal nutrition Methods
play a role in facilitating this bacterial translocation. Design
Probiotics have been shown, in many clinical trials, to
promote establishment of normal gut flora and prevent diseases in This study was conducted as a cluster-randomized multi-
preterm infants,4 but few studies have examined the effect of center, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The institutional
probiotics on other benefits, such as support of enteral feeding review board of Tokyo Womens Medical University approved
the study protocol, under clinical trial registration number
Correspondence: Satsuki Totsu, PhD, Department of Neonatology, UMIN000002543.
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Womens Medical University,
8-1 Kawadacho, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan. Email: totsu Patients
[email protected]
Received 6 September 2013; revised 12 January 2014; accepted 17 Nineteen neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in Japan, none of
February 2014. which had previously used probiotics, participated in the trial. In

2014 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Bifidobacterium and enteral feeding 715

order to avoid cross contamination and infant-to-infant dissemi- Morbidity as recorded in the database was also analyzed as
nation of B. bifidum within the same NICU, the 19 NICUs were a secondary outcome in all enrolled infants as previously
divided into two groups. All participating hospitals were stratified defined in the neonatal research network data base.6 Especially,
according to patient volume in order to balance the number of NEC was diagnosed in cases of stage I disease according to
patients between the groups. Pair-matched randomization of the Bell classification. Late-onset sepsis was defined as sepsis
clusters was done using computer-generated random numbers, occurring 1 week after birth, proven on positive blood
designated B and P. In the 10 B group NICUs, infants received culture.
B. bifidum, while infants in the nine P group NICUs received a
Sample size calculation
The study group consisted of VLBW infants (birthweight The intracluster correlation coefficient was calculated using the
<1500 g) who were born or transferred within 24 h to the partici- mean age and standard deviation at which enteral feeding was
pating hospitals during the period from January 2010 to March established, expressed as the day feeding volume reached
2011. Exclusion criteria were lack of parental consent or pres- 100 mL/(kg/day) and was set at 0.02.6 We set a sample size of 19
ence of major congenital malformation, systemic infection, or hospitals in each of the two study arms before starting the trial, in
failure to give B. bifidum or placebo within 48 h due to a clinical order to achieve a statistical power of 80% (two sided = 0.05) to
condition that precluded oral feeding. Data from all infants who detect a decrease of 2 days to reach full feeding in the proportion
received at least one dose of B. bifidum or placebo were analyzed. of infants receiving B. bifidum during the stay in NICU. The
Any infant who died or was transferred before the establishment resulting sample size was calculated as 77 infants for each
of enteral feeding was designated as a failure of enteral arm.
feeding. Statistical analysis
All clinical variables were registered through the website at
each participating hospital into the neonatal research network Students t-test was used for all normally distributed data with
database.6 No additional parameters specific to this study were equal variance, and results are expressed as mean SD. For data
added to the database. not conforming to normal distribution or equal variance, medians
were compared using the MannWhitney test. The day at which
enteral feeding was established in both groups was compared
using the KaplanMeier method. Frequency data for mortality
Probiotic supplement, containing approximately 2.5 109 viable and morbidity were analyzed on chi-squared test. All statistical
cells of B. bifidum/500 mg, was supplied as a freeze-dried analysis was carried out using StatView (version 5.0; SAS Insti-
powder in dextrin (Meiji, Tokyo, Japan), as previously reported.5 tute, Cary, NC, USA). P was adjusted using a design effect
The probiotic was approximately divided in half, and each determined by average cluster size. Statistical significance was
portion was suspended in 0.5 mL warm water, breast milk, or set at the 0.05 level.
infant formula. B. bifidum was then given to infants in B group
through an enteral nutrition catheter within 48 h after birth. After Results
the first dose, B. bifidum was given to infants twice a day until the Background characteristics
bodyweight reached 2000 g. Placebo consisting of 500 mg
Overall, 585 VLBW infants were admitted during the study
dextrin was supplied, prepared, given to infants of P group in the
period, of whom 298 were assigned to B group and 287 to P
same manner as described for the probiotic. Treatment and nutri-
group. Of these, 145 and 157 infants were excluded from the B
tion were otherwise given according to conventional practice in
and P groups, respectively, due to lack of parental consent, con-
each NICU.
genital anomalies, systemic infection or failure to give B. bifidum
or placebo within 48 h after birth for clinical reasons. Of the
Outcome measures infants not enrolled in the study, almost 80% were not enrolled
The primary outcome was establishment of enteral feeding, due to lack of parental consent within 48 h after birth. Finally,
defined as the postnatal day at which the amount of enteral 283 VLBW infants were enrolled in the study: 153 in B group
feeding exceeded 100 mL/(kg/day). Using the neonatal research and 130 in P group. Among the enrolled infants, 19 in B group
network database value of 14 4 postnatal days for mean age at and 11 in P group died during their stay in NICU or were trans-
establishment of enteral feeding in VLBW infants in 2003,6 we ferred to another hospital before establishment of enteral feeding,
considered inability to reach an enteral feeding volume of and were designated as failure to establish enteral feeding. Of the
100 mL/(kg/day) within 21 days (mean + 2SD) as failure to remaining infants, 233 (119 in B group and 114 in P group) began
achieve enteral feeding. Once enteral feeding was established, enteral feeding within 21 days after birth and received B. bifidum
VLBW infants received either B. bifidum or placebo until the or placebo until their bodyweight reached 2000 g. These results
bodyweight reached 2000 g. are illustrated as a flow chart in Figure 1.
Secondary outcomes specifically evaluated in this study were Table 1 summarizes the background characteristics and out-
length of hospital stay, bodyweight at discharge, bodyweight gain comes of the enrolled infants. Because this study randomized the
per day (g/day), head circumference at discharge (cm), and groups at the hospital level rather than the infant level, the power
increase in head circumference/hospital days (cm). to detect a difference between groups was affected by the average

2014 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society
716 S Totsu et al.

19 NICUs are assigned

(pair-matched cluster randomization)

10 NICUs allocated to B group 9 NICUs allocated to P group

298 infants were born 287 infants were born

145 infants: lack of parental 157 infants: lack of parental

consent, congenital anomalies, consent, congenital anomalies,
systemic infections or failure to systemic infections or failure to
treat until establishment of treat until establishment of
enteral feeding enteral feeding

153 infants were enrolled 130 infants were enrolled

32 infants: failure to establish 15 infants: failure to establish

enteral feeding within 21 days enteral feeding within 21 days
after birth because of clinical after birth because of clinical
conditions; 2 infants died before conditions; 1 infant: transferred
establishment of enteral feeding before establishing enteral feeding

119 infants were evaluated 114 infants were evaluated

Fig 1. Study flowchart. B, Bifidobacterium bifidum; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; P, placebo.

number of infants in the cluster, known as the design effect. Thus, between the groups in the rates of antenatal steroid and cesarean
a design effect of 1.21 in this study was calculated according to section.
an average sample size of 11.5 infants per hospital as described in
the previous section. Further calculation of P was done by divid- Primary outcome
ing both the number of participants and the number of events by Table 2 summarizes clinical outcome in both study groups.
this design effect. The postnatal day at which the amount of enteral feeding
No significant difference in gestational age or birthweight was exceeded 100 mL/(kg/day) was significantly earlier in B group
detected between groups, but there was a significant difference infants compared with P group infants (11.0 3.6 days vs

Table 1 Subject characteristics and outcomes

Enrolled infants
B group (n = 153) Placebo group (n = 130) P
Mean SD or n (%) Mean SD or n (%)
Gestational age (weeks) 28.6 2.9 28.5 3.3 NS
Birthweight (g) 1016 289 998 281 NS
Multiple-birth 29 (19.0) 27 (20.8) NS
Antenatal steroid 101 (66.0) 66 (50.8) <0.05
Cesarean section 91 (59.5) 103 (79.2) <0.05
Male 87 (56.9) 71 (54.6) NS
Apgar score at 1 min, median (25th75th%) 6 (48) 5 (37) NS
Apgar score at 5 min, median (25th75th%) 8 (79) 7 (69) NS
Outborn 2 (1.3) 5 (3.8) NS
Respiratory distress syndrome 101 (66.0) 82 (63.1) NS
Chronic lung disease at 28 days 79 (51.6) 61 (46.9) NS
Chronic lung disease at 36 weeks 53 (34.6) 30 (23.1) NS
Symptomatic PDA treated with indomethacin 73 (47.7) 56 (43.1) NS
PDA ligation 8 (5.2) 8 (6.2) NS
Intraventricular hemorrhage 20 (13.1) 24 (18.5) NS
Intraventricular hemorrhage grade III and IV 6 (3.9) 7 (5.4) NS
Periventricular leukomalacia 7 (4.6) 5 (3.8) NS
Sepsis 13 (8.5) 17 (13.1) NS
Sepsis 1 week after birth 6 (3.9) 10 (10.0) <0.05
Necrotizing enterocolitis 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) NS
ROP treatment 20 (15.4) 25 (19.2) NS
Failure to establish enteral feeding within 21 days after birth 32 (20.9) 16 (12.3) NS
Dead at discharge 2 (1.3) 0 (0.0) NS

Students t-test; 2-test; MannWhitney test. B, Bifidobacterium bifidum; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity.

2014 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society
Bifidobacterium and enteral feeding 717

Table 2 Outcome of establishment of enteral feeding before 21 days after birth

Infants evaluated
B group (n = 119) Placebo group (n = 114) P
Mean SD or Mean SD or
median (IQR) median (IQR)
Postnatal day at which enteral feeding exceeded 100 mL/kg/day 11.0 3.6 12.1 3.8 <0.05
Length of hospital days 92.3 44.5 92.9 40.2 NS
Bodyweight at the time of discharge (g) 2831.8 581.0 2876.8 499.2 NS
Bodyweight gain/hospital days (g/day) 20.1 3.7 20.8 4.0 NS
Head circumference at the time of discharge (cm) 34.5 (33.835.5) 34.8 (33.736.0) NS
Increased head circumference/hospital days (cm) 0.10 (0.090.11) 0.10 (0.090.12) NS

Students t-test and KaplanMeier method, Students t-test; MannWhitney test. B, Bifidobacterium bifidum.

12.1 3.8 days; P < 0.05). No other significant differences in cantly earlier in B group infants after re-evaluation (B group,
outcome were observed. 11.0 3.4 days; P group, 12.4 3.8 days; P < 0.05).
Figure 2 plots days at which infants in each group reached
enteral feeding at a volume of 100 mL/(kg/day). The difference Discussion
between the groups was significant (P < 0.05), most evident at
This study clearly shows the benefit of early use of B. bifidum on
approximately 10 days after birth.
enteral feeding among VLBW infants. Early introduction of
Secondary outcomes preterm infants to enteral feeding results in earlier achievement
of full feeding without apparent increase in risk of morbidity
No significant differences were observed between groups in
including NEC.7 Probiotics have been tested in clinical trials as a
terms of length of hospital stay, bodyweight at discharge,
way to improve feeding tolerance in preterm infants.812 Some
bodyweight gain per day, head circumference at discharge, or
studies report that probiotics have beneficial effects in preterm
head circumference increase.
infants, such as acceleration of enteral feeding and growth
No difference was observed in the mortality and morbidities
improvement.810 This trial was performed as a multicenter clini-
among the infants enrolled, except the incidence of late-onset
cal trial, following a previous single-center study that showed
sepsis (Table 1). The incidence of sepsis 1 week after birth was
enhancement of enteral feeding and growth in VLBW infants
significantly lower in B group (6/153, 3.9%) than in P group
treated with B. bifidum.5 The pilot study showed that probiotics
(13/130, 10.0%; P < 0.05).
given within 48 h after birth can very effectively colonize the
Subgroup analysis immature bowel without increasing morbidity,5 and supported the
The frequency of use of parenteral hyperalimentation was greater benefit of the early use of B. bifidum in enteral feeding. The pilot
in P group (88.6%) than in B group (77.3%; P < 0.05). Because study was also performed in one hospital only, with all infants
this difference might influence outcome, the VLBW infants who treated in a similar manner according to hospital practice. In
received parenteral hyperalimentation were re-evaluated. The contrast, the present study was performed in 19 hospitals, and
postnatal day at the establishment of enteral feeding was signifi- treatment and nutrition protocols conformed to the methods of
each NICU. This multicenter study was also performed as a
cluster-randomized trial, taking into account how growth of the
1.0 infant seemed to be affected by the nutrition method. Given that
enrolled infants were followed up, a long-term growth benefit
Rate of infants who reached enteral

0.8 might be able to be observed.

feeding at 100ml/kg/day

Probiotics protect the immature intestine from NEC, an effect

associated with reduction of inflammatory reaction in the ileum,
regulation of the main components of the mucus layer, and
improvement of intestinal integrity.13 The ability of probiotics to
downregulate apoptosis in the rat NEC model and in intestinal
epithelial cell line-6 cells appear to be a cyclo-oxygenase-2-
0.2 mediated phenomenon.14 Probiotics have also been shown to
maintain integrity of the mucosal barrier, reducing its permeabil-
0.0 ity, and to strengthen intestinal cell tight junctions.15,16 B. bifidum
0 5 10 15 20 may also influence the mucosal barrier, and support early enteral
Postnatal days feeding, but this is not well studied in Japan due to the low
Fig 2 Day at which infants reached enteral feeding at 100 mL/kg/ incidence of NEC.17 Because we encountered no cases of NEC,
day. (), Bifidobacterium bifidum group (n = 119); () placebo the preventive effect of probiotics on this disease was not evalu-
group (n = 114). ated in the present study.

2014 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society
718 S Totsu et al.

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Bifidobacterium and enteral feeding 719

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Awakuni, Uji-Tokusyukai Medical Center; Fumihide Kato,
Appendix I Shimane Prefectural Central Hospital; Shinichi Watabe, Akihito
List of Probiotics Study Group in Japan Takahashi, Kurashiki Central Hospital; Moriharu Sugimoto,
Tsuyama Cyuo Hospital; Yutaka Kawamoto, Kawasaki Medical
Takeo Kasai, Iwate Medical University; Hirokazu Arai, Japanese
School; Mikihiro Aoki, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki
Red Cross Akita Hospital; Maki Sato, Fukushima Medical Uni-
Medical Center.
versity; Niro Ujiie, Tsutomu Kawahara, Tsutomu Isii, Fukushima

2014 The Authors. Pediatrics International published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japan Pediatric Society

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