Research Essay 1

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Parsons 1

Justin Parsons

Dr. Angela Mitchell

UWRT 1104

11 November, 2017

Poverty: The Plague of America

There is a disease that unmindfully and carelessly sweeps through the US, not caring who

is affected. This disease has been in constant movement throughout the United States for

centuries and will continue in the future unless there is a drastic change in the war on poverty.

Poverty is the state of being extremely poor, and this phenomena occurs too much in American

society today. Some people with different backgrounds from different cultures sadly may live in

poverty or are living in an impoverished family. There are many factors that causes poverty and

affects many different people, cultures and communities.

The demographical structure of America plays a major role in how fast or slow the

effects of poverty may move across the US. There are many factors that connect to help create a

perfect environment that allows poverty to easily conquer. Poverty reigns prominent in areas of

America with low rates of employment and a high population. Poverty is dominant in societies

and communities that are under developed and in many instances under-industrialized.

Communities and cities that are in rapid change is where poverty appears to run rampant because

the people of these cities cannot easily keep up with the rapid growth of the technology and ideas

that the society produces. As many of the people of these cities are left behind, because of the

frequent changing of the community around them it is constantly becoming harder to obtain a

stable form of income for themselves or their families, this often leads to an increase in poverty
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of one's home or life. The phenomenon of rapid change and seemingly too quick movement of

technology creates a domino effect of gradual economic declination in many different cities

and towns throughout the US.

Poverty has a negative declinential effect on millions of American lives and the

American economy daily. The unacceptable effects that are negatively altering millions lives in

America daily by oppressing the financial stabilities of those who live under the poverty line is

increasing in the numbers of those being affected annually. These effects desperately need to be

extinguished to help the US, as a country progress and advance towards better living conditions

for American citizens. Poverty does not discriminate in its attempt to overwhelm the

hardworking and financially lacking families and individuals in the US. Children are majorly

affected by this financial plague with little to no ability to control the situation because of objects

that are not controllable by the children. Because there is an age restriction as to when a child is

of age to work, a child cannot help retrieve any financial support for the family, yet this is not

the childs fault because they are not in control of their age according to the Economic

Collapse (Economic Collapse). Children often are found to have the misfortune of being

afflicted by the detrimental effects posed for those who are unlucky enough to be in povertys

path. 1.6 million American children slept in a homeless shelter due to not having a safe living

space with their family (Economic Collapse). There are more than 16 million children in

America that are living in a family that lives under the poverty line, that is more than 22 percent

of all children in the US (Google). Children in impoverished households do not have much

control over the financial income of the family, and this brings tremendous problems for those

who are responsible for the health and well-being of the children.
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The adults face same effects that the misfortunate children who live in impoverished

families have to face, but the adults, whether it be parents or any other relative or even maybe

just a close friend carry a bigger burden than the children have to. Many times in a family

household that lives in poverty the adults, or at least the older children will give up some

opportunities for food shelter or any other want or necessity to offer to the usually weaker and

more frail young children. In the eyes of the elders it is their job to be the overseer and watch

over the younger children and ensure their safety over the safety of the overseer. Because of the

protective nature of the adults they are willing to give up much more than an individual living in

poverty. This responsibility holds the heads of the households accountable for the children,

which may increase the amount of pressure on them ,and this is why the poor are constantly

drastically seeking financial aid and help from the government because it seems as though that is

the only option to turn to. If the government fails to support those who are impoverished and

seeking help can propel many to feel that they must take drastic and dangerous measures to

attempt to self-aid their family. The enormous amount of pressure that is put on the adult

members of a struggling financial family creates a more hardships for the family as they try to

survive and thrive in society, However parents and guardians of impoverished families aren't the

only ones affected.

There are people in the United States who are willing to offer the ultimate sacrifice of

their lives to ensure the continuation of the American civilization and society to be have

freedom. Many of these same people find themselves struggling with simple everyday tasks such

as, finding food and obtaining their next meals. These same people also struggle with securing a

stable financial income because in their attempt to readjusting to a normal life, most are not

able to acquire an occupation. Without being able to complete the daily task of the average
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human, most military veterans are at a disadvantage in society. There are many people and

different organizations that attempt to help the, out of place veterans find homes, an

occupation, and help them adjust to society as of their return. According to Irwin, writer of

everyday feminism, are 63,000 homeless veterans reported a year (Irwin). These organizations

and people are usually receive a type of government financial support to aid these companies and

organizations in giving help to those in need, who struggle for financial reasons in society, that in

some instances may be out of the control of those individuals. Food pantries are one of the top

supporters against the fight against poverty in America. Food pantries provide nonperishable

foods for many, but not all, of those who struggle securing meals daily. Many of the individuals

that attempt to offer aid to these people in need and the organizations that support them are the

rich and very wealthy people of America.

The wealthy and the rich are two groups of people that although may only face very little

of the problems that poverty poses, still may face at least one problem or are at least affected by

the effects of poverty in some way in their lives. Very few of the rich and wealthy attempt to

help the poor by donating money to companies that give out aid and support to the poor, whether

it be through shelters that provide a temporary home with food or it can be free clinics that allow

for medical help of those who cannot afford it. The life expectancy of the poor has also

decreased over many years by more than 10 years because many people cannot afford the costly

prices of medical care (Economic Collapse). The rich and wealthy however, seem to be

increasing their financial revenue yearly as the working class and poor continue to become more

poor on a yearly basis.

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The middle class families in America or the working class, face the most poverty

related problems in America because of the predicament they are put in. Middle class families

are automatically at a disadvantage in America because of the setup of the economy. According

to the Economic Collapse, the economy does not allow for the easiest obtainment of jobs,

which does not help for the older members of families, usually being the parents, to provide a

stable financial income for their household (Economic Collapse). The average family in the US

has two parental figures and two children, without a stable financial income from at least one

parent it is nearly impossible to provide what is needed to continue a healthy family survival.

Because most middle class families struggle sufficiently to support their families and the

children are not receiving the support that they need, middle class families reach out to the

government in search for a type of financial aid. Many families do receive financial aid from the

government but it is not as much help as one may think. The average amount of food stamps

given to the average sized middle class family is $133 a month, this is an equivalent to

attempting to eat for a day with only $4.43 (Economic Collapse). As much as many people might

think that the government helps support families in need and especially middle class families, the

efforts of the government are not as accommodating as may be needed. In 2016 one out of every

six families in America were being supported by some kind of governmental financial aid

organization (Snyder). Some of the biggest anti-poverty organizations today still struggle to help

America rid of this disease that sweeps carelessly through the US. The government and its many

anti-poverty agencies attempt to cure the plague of poverty in the US and although they may fail

at curing it completely, there is a success in slightly decreasing the amount of people that are

impoverished now in America.

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Works Cited

21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will Blow Your Mind.

The Economic Collapse, 2 Nov. 2015,

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Irwin, About Benjamin. 20 Facts About Living in Poverty That Rich People Never Have to

Think About. Everyday Feminism, 4 Dec. 2016,


Snyder, Michael. 15 Shocking Facts About Poverty In America. Business Insider, Business

Insider, 13 Sept. 2010,



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