Design of Dual Band MIMO Antenna For Wlan/Wimax Application

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International Journal of Research in Electronics ISSN : 2348 - 9065 (Online)

and Communication Technology (IJRECT 2016) Vol. 3, Issue 4 Oct. - Dec. 2016 ISSN : 2349 - 3143 (Print)

Design of Dual Band MIMO Antenna for

Wlan/Wimax Application
K.Kavitha, IIShanmuga Priya Rajan

Associate Professor, II PG Scholar


Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India

Recently, there is a demand to increase the data rate of existing wireless communication systems. The application of diversity techniques,
most commonly assuming two antennas in a mobile terminal, can enhance the data rate and reliability without sacrificing additional
spectrum or transmitted power in rich scattering environments. MULTIPLE-INPUTMULTIPLE-OUTPUT (MIMO) technology has
attracted attention in modern wireless communication systems Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems transmit the same
power using multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver thereby increasing the channel capacity without the need of additional
bandwidth or power. In this paper a novel microstrip feed bowtie antenna for WLAN/ WiMAX operating at the frequency range of
2.3719-2.5839 and 4.8658-5.4368 is designed. The proposed antenna consists of bowtie patches loaded with slots above and below
the substrate, The microstrip feed is designed in such a way that the two strips are narrower at the bottom and wider at the middle
and again becomes narrower . Simulated impedance bandwidth of the frequency 2.3719-2.5839 and 4.8658-5.4368 is 8.4% and 22%
respectively. The proposed antenna is designed in the ANSYS High Frequency Electromagnetics Suite(HFSS)

MIMO, Bowtie, WLAN, WiMAX, Impedance Bandwidth

I. Introduction square cavity a single band broadside radiation is achieved and

In modern wireless communication system Multiple input by placing the conductor strips at the center of the square slots
Multiple output (MIMO) technology plays a significant role due four sides dual band broad side radiation is achieved in [10].
to its ability to increase the spectral efficiency and reliability. In [11] a broadband circularly polarized crossed dipole antenna
Compact size ,light weight ,minimum cost, and ease of fabrication is presented .The antenna covers BeiDou Navigation Satellite
is the main constraint that would be considered while designing System, GPS, and GLNOSS bands. The antenna has a simple
an antenna. Wireless LANs have become popular due to the ease feeding structure, which uses an unequal power network. The
of installation. Wireless Local Area Network otherwise called as designed antenna simply realizes 90 phase shift and four equal
wireless computer network consists of two or more devices using power divisions. In [12] a radiator with C-shaped strip and
wireless distribution within limited area. This enables the users the an L-shaped strip was designed for high band and low band
ability to move around within a particular coverage area and yet respectively. It measured 3-dB axial-ratio (AR) bandwidths in the
to be connected to the network. In june 2001 the name WiMAX broadside. Bi-directional radiation patterns and stable gain was
was created by the WiMAX forum to promote conformity and attained. A circularly polarized complementary antenna loaded
interoperability of the standard. Intially WiMAX was designed to with adjusting stubs was presented in [13].To achieve dual-band
provide data rates of 30 to 40 megabits per second. The original circular polarization, rectangular and L-shaped adjusting stubs
version of the standard on which WiMAX is based (IEEE 802.16) are added.
specified a physical layer operating in the 10 to 66GHz range. In this paper a dual Band MIMO antenna is proposed for WLAN
802.16a, updated in 2004 added specifications for the 2 to 11GHz and WiMAX application. slots are cut along the edges of the bowtie
range In 2011 ,the WiMAX was updated providing upto 1 giabits antenna for satisfying the dual band nature.
for fixed stations. The bandwidth of WiMAX can be used for In section two the design of the dualband MIMO antenna is
applications like portable mobile broadband connectivity ,Digital discussed. In section three the simulation results of dualband
Subscriber Line (DSL),telecommunication services, IPTV services MIMO antenna is presented.
,smart grids and metering .It can also provide internet access at II. Antenna Design
homes .It is now commercially available to provide last mile
broadband internet access in remote locations . A novel high gain
dual band antenna covering IEEE 802.11a/b/g bands is presented in
[1].In [2] triangular microstrip patch etched with two pair of slots
is designed for WiMAX ,INSAT and WLAN applications .In [3] a
wideband modified printed bowtie antenna is designed on the top
and bottom of the substrate. In [4] a microstrip fed bowtie antenna
is designed for GPS and WLAN. The designed .The designed
antenna consists of two pairs of printed bowtie patched different
dimensions that generate dual band characteristics. In [5] a single
band circularly polarized antenna with dual feed is designed
for RFID applications .In [6],[7] and [8] dual band antennas
with single feed technique is designed have been proposed. A
square slot antenna with symmetrical L strips is presented for
WLAN and WiMAX application in [9]. By etching slots in the (a)

2014, IJRECT All Rights Reserved

ISSN : 2348 - 9065 (Online) International Journal of Research in Electronics
ISSN : 2349 - 3143 (Print) Vol. 3, Issue 4 Oct. - Dec. 2016 and Communication Technology (IJRECT 2016)

Fig 1:Structure of the single band MIMO antenna (a)Top view Fig. 5 : shows the reflection coefficient for the dual band MIMO
(b) Bottom view antenna

The designed antenna is an MIMO antenna which consists of Reflection coefficient S11 of the proposed dual band bowtie
two antennas , antenna 1 is present on the top of the substrate antenna is shown in Fig 5. Simulated impedance bandwidth
and antenna 2 is present on the bottom of the substrate. Bowtie of the frequency band for 2.3719-2.5839 and 4.8658-5.4362 are
microstrip antennas have become attractive candidates in the 8.4% and 22.8% respectively.
present day communication due to their size that is smaller than
the size of the conventional rectangular patch although they have 2. Radiation Pattern
similar characteristics and operations at the same frequency. The radiation pattern is a graphical depictions of the relative field
A bowtie antenna is otherwise called as butterfly antenna or strength transmitted from or received by the antenna and shows
a biconical antenna. The bowtie antenna is a simplied two- side lobes or backlobes .As antenna radiates in space often several
dimensional structure using two triangular shapes separated by curves are necessary to describe the antenna .The proposed antenna
a small gap that resembles the shape of a bowtie. The bowtie is circularly polarized. If the electric field vector propagates in
antenna concentrates the energy and provides a good localization the clockwise direction it is called as the right hand circular
of electric eld inside the feed gap, providing a strong near-eld polarization, If the electric field vector propagates in the anti
enhancement. The substrate used here is FR-4 substrate whose clockwise direction it is called left hand circular polarization The
dielectric constant is 4.4 and the thickness of the substrate is right hand circular polarization and left hand circular polarization
1.6mm.The overall dimension of the substrate is 63x63x1.6.A at 2.5 GHz is shown in Fig 6a and 6b.Similarly Fig 6c and 6d
single band MIMO antenna without any slot on the patch is shown shown the right hand polarization and left hand polarization at
in the fig1.The bowtie antenna has an arm length of L1 and arm 5.15 at phi equal to zero degree.
width of W1.The optimized parameter of the antenna in accordance
to the configuration in Fig1 are asfollows:L1=17mm,W1=14mm,L
=6mm,Lf2=21mm;Lf3=11mm;Lf4=5mm,Lf5 =7mm,Lf6 =1mmFig
1a and Fig 1b shows the dual band MIMO antenna etched with
slots in the radiating bowtie patches. One Slot is etched on the top
in one arm of the bowtie antenna and another slot is etched in the
bottom on the other arm of the bowtie antenna. After various trials
the length and width of the slot is optimized to be 10 mm and 0.5
mm respectively. By etching slots in the edge of the bowtie dual
resonance takes place ,i.e antenna resonates at two frequencies
2.5 GHz and 5.15 GHz. Similarly slots are etched on the radiating
patches of the substrate found below the substrate. (a)

III. Results And Discusion

1. Reflection Coefficient
S11 represents how much power is reflected from the antenna and
hence is known as reflection coefficient .S11= -10 dB implies that
if 3 dB of the power is delivered to the antenna then -7dB is the
reflected power. For an antenna to operate efficiently the return
loss should be less than 10dB. .

(b) 21 All Rights Reserved, IJRECT 2014

International Journal of Research in Electronics ISSN : 2348 - 9065 (Online)
and Communication Technology (IJRECT 2016) Vol. 3, Issue 4 Oct. - Dec. 2016 ISSN : 2349 - 3143 (Print)

The above table shows the comparison of the proposed antenna

with other conventional and MIMO antenna .When compared with
the other conventional antenna the gain of the proposed antenna
is better .ECC is one of the important parameter which is to be
analyzed in MIMO antennas. An ECC value of 1 represents the
antenna are interconnected and a value of 0 represents they are
highly isolated .A value of ECC less than 0.5 is said to have better
performance .Here the obtained values of ECC are 0.1 for 2.3 -2.5
GHz band and 0.0001 for 4.8 GHz-5.4 GHz .Though the antenna
operates similarly to other existing work in 2.3-2.5 GHz band the
proposed antenna definitely outperformance other conventional
and MIMO antenna at 4.8 to5.4 GHz

IV. Conclusion
A compact dual band MIMO antenna fed by microstrip line has
(c) been presented .The slots are etched on each arm of the bowie
antenna present above and below the substrate to excite the
antenna with extra frequency there by satisfying the dual band
nature .The structure of the antenna is simple and easy to fabricate
since microstrip feed is used. Since the FR-4 substrate is used
as the dielectric material the proposed antenna is cost effective
.Since the antenna is circularly polarized it is more resistant to
signal degradation due to atmospheric conditions and has higher
link reliability. Combining the features of MIMO antenna with
circular polarization makes the antenna more attractive for wireless
applications like WLAN and WiMAX .To design an antenna to
resonate at multiple frequency might be the future work of this
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ISSN : 2348 - 9065 (Online) International Journal of Research in Electronics
ISSN : 2349 - 3143 (Print) Vol. 3, Issue 4 Oct. - Dec. 2016 and Communication Technology (IJRECT 2016)

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Authors Profile

Mrs K.Kavitha is working as Associate

Professor in Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering at
Mepco Sschelnk Engineering College
, Tamil Nadu, India.She has published
about 11 Internationa journals on a
wide variety of topics.She is a member
of ISTE, MIIETE.She has done project
for MSME and currently she is doing
project for ISRO.

Ms Shanmuga Priya Rajan received

her Bachelor of Engineering in
Kalasalingam Institue of Technology and
currently pursuing M.E Communication
Systems in Mepco Schlenk Engineeering
College,Tamil Nadu,. Her areas of
interest are wireless communications,
Electronics circuits and design and
Antenna designing. 23 All Rights Reserved, IJRECT 2014

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