1way Transient FSI ACT Workshop 15.0
1way Transient FSI ACT Workshop 15.0
1way Transient FSI ACT Workshop 15.0
See the next slide if you do not permissions to place the files in these directories
1. Open the directory where you extracted the extension files and locate the
FSI_Transient_Export_Surf.cse file in the /ACT_FSI_Transient_R150_v4/CFD Post
Macros/ directory
2. Open the FSI_Transient_Export_Surf.cse file in a text editor
3. Find the line : ! my $dataDir $dataDir = $ENV{CUE_LOCAL_DATA_DIR};
4. Replace $ENV{CUE_LOCAL_DATA_DIR}; with a local directory path, for example:
"C:/ACT_FSI_Transient_R150_v4/CFD Post Macros/";
This directory would be different for each user. Note the usage of / instead of \ in
the path; this applies to both Windows and Linux. The quotes should be included
around the directory path and the semi-colon is required at the end of the line.
1. In the Macro Calculator, click on the Macro browse button and select the
FSI_Transient_Export_vol.cse file in:
[extraction directory]\ACT_FSI_Transient_R150_v4\CFD Post Macros
2. In the exportLocator drop-down list select solid part_2
3. Set Export Temperature to Yes
4. Press Calculate
This will write the temperature data files
*Refer to slide 15 for instructions on how to find Workbench permanent files folder
Note :
1. Scoping is restricted to Bodies for importing temperature load and to Surfaces
for importing pressure load
2. One must be careful when selecting bodies and surfaces for writing files in CFD-
Post and importing them in Mechanical. In order to have a working model, the
surfaces and bodies overlap.