Maksheeva Alexandra
Maksheeva Alexandra
Maksheeva Alexandra
Telesales Project
Case: Company X
I would like to thank everybody who supported me during the period of the
thesis creation. Special thanks to my family, who was my solid support
during this challenging time.
I am very grateful to Peter Nurmi for his support, patience and help during
thesis conduction.
Finally yet importantly, I would like to thank Marja Viljanen for her
readiness to provide immediate help and guidance.
Alexandra Maksheeva
Thesis Background 1
Thesis Objectives, Research Question and Limitations 3
Theoretical Framework 6
Research Methodology and Data Collection 6
Thesis Structure 7
Selling Process 9
Telesales and Telemarketing 11
Sales Field Definitions 12
Interview Structure 18
Interview Design 19
Data Acquisition 20
Data Analysis 20
Decision-making: Definition, Process, Heuristics 22
Perception 26
Listening Perception 28
Customer Listening 30
Customer Resistance 31
Answers to the Research Questions 36
Validity and Reliability 37
Suggestions for Further Research 38
B2B: Business-to-business
B2C: Business-to-customers
In the North East Europe (NEE) branch, preparation started in April and
actual calling started in May. First, old customers customers were
contacted. Afterwards, CST contacted new leads. After several months of
activity there is a need to have an analysis of work which was already
done, and a new strategic plan is necessary to be built. This is the subject
of this thesis. The focus of the thesis is on the telesales campaign
implementation process, its benefits and drawbacks and mitigation of
these drawbacks. The empirical part of the thesis consists of qualitative
interviews, conducted among CST employees in several offices of the
NEE region: Baltics, Russia, Finland and Scandinavia. The result of the
thesis is to report the telesales project and development plan. The
outcomes of the thesis are important for companies who have already
started their telesales campaigns/projects in order to raise brand
awareness and become successful after a certain period of time.
The main objective of the thesis is to create a development plan for the
telesales project in the NEE region. The second goal is to create a
summarizing report based on the qualitative interviews with CST
employees, which is the base for the development plan. In addition, this
thesis aims to:
Research question
In order to validate the research question chosen, the author of the thesis
used the Goldilocks test to find out whether her research question was
too big, too small, too hot or just right. Too big question means
that it requires significant research. Research question of this thesis needs
There are certain limitations to this study which make results of the paper
critical and close to reality. To begin with, the thesis is narrowed down for
Company X, which means that results can be applied only to that
company. Other companies might use this research in order to have
general understanding of the research subject and get certain advice in
dealing with telesales campaign in their own company.
some parts of development plan could be carried out after the thesis was
After the empirical part, comes Chapter 5, which informs the reader about
the secondary data research about customer perspective on telesales. It
gives general information about decision-making process and perception
as well as customer reaction on calling. Chapter ends with subchapter
about phenomenon called customer resistance, which explains
prospects behavior during the calls. This chapter was created in order to
expand the basis for the development plan. It is not only based on the
result of empirical research from CST point of view, but also add customer
perspective to the development plan.
In this research two types of data are used: primary and secondary.
Primary data is new data created for the specific needs of a research.
Secondary data is reanalyzed data from published or electronic sources
for needs of research. (Saunders et al. 2009.)
The thesis is divided into seven chapters. First chapter gives brief
overview of the background of the thesis, its objectives, purposes and
limitations, states a research question and gives theoretical and empirical
framework. Second and third chapter are theoretical: they explain
concepts used in sales sphere and is about the creation and
implementation of a telesales campaign in Company X. Fourth chapter
belongs to the empirical part of the study: interviewing CST employees
and it also contains report based on the results of interview analysis. Fifth
chapter provides secondary data analysis of customer perspective on cold
calling. Sixth chapter gives development plan for Company X for telesales
campaign. Seventh chapter answers the research question, draws
conclusions and gives suggestions for improvement. Figure 2 illustrates
the entire structure of the thesis.
Telesales in Company
Empirical part
Development plan
1) Prospecting,
2) Pre-approach,
3) Approach,
4) Presentation,
5) Overcoming objections,
6) Closing,
7) Follow-up.
This framework, without the last step: follow-up, existed in sales textbooks
for more than 80 years. Follow-up step was added recently, about 20
years ago. (Moncrief & Marshall 2005.)
Next step is known as pre-approach. This step includes all activities after
prospecting but before actual personal contact or visit with the customer.
Presentation step is the main part of sales visit or sales call and it ought to
appear after salesperson has found customer needs. This step can be
completed with one or even multiple presentations during certain period of
time. Goals for sales presentation depend on the type of customer. For
instance, if the salesperson is dealing with the buyer/customer for the first
time, the goal will be to provide plentiful information for sufficient
understanding of products/services benefits which possibly can be done
by having a presentation with a product demonstration. Since this step is
very crucial and complicated, preparation is essential and necessary.
(Moncrief & Marshall 2005.)
complicated since many customers do not ask for order. (Moncrief &
Marshall 2005.)
Last step is follow-up, which implies that sale does not stop with order
acceptance. Fairly, salesperson needs to put effort to make sure that
customer is satisfied and happy with product/service, with delivery and
everything, which was promised was carried out. Thank-you letter and
following phone calls asking if customer is happy are good examples for
follow-up step. (Moncrief & Marshall 2005.)
During the last thirty years, seven steps of selling have been transformed
into a more advance sales process, which has become relationship-
oriented. This happened due to certain factors such as development of
technology, increase of strategic role of selling inside the companies,
team-based approaches for sales and increased buyer knowledge and
sophistication. Nowadays, this so-called evolved selling process includes
such things as Customer Relation Maintenance or CRM and Database and
Knowledge Management. (Moncrief & Marshall 2005.)
prospects, lets people know what companies have to offer them and gives
a chance for both client and business to investigate more about each
other. Telesales turns opportunities into customers and client base for the
company. (Dickens 2015.)
Since the primary aim of the thesis focuses on telesales, the following
information on this subchapter will only be about telesales in order to avoid
confusion for the reader. Benefits of telesales start with profitability for
business markets. Business-to-customer calls have smaller profitability
result than business-to-business because it costs far less to keep in touch
with small customers by phone rather than visiting them personally by
salespeople. (Solomon et al. 2009.) Moreover, expanding customer base
by turning difficult leads into customers is also very beneficial, allowing for
company to increase revenue. In addition, telesales creates a professional
image and impression for the companies. (Dickens 2015.)
There are three types of buying activities: straight rebuy, modified rebuy
and the new task. A buying activity is called the straight rebuy when
companies already have a supplier and places a reorder. This reordering
process is always a routine and involves only little amount of members of
the buying center. Usually these members are purchasing agents and
When a customer company starts to consider new good or service for the
first time or customer decided to come back to the purchase which had
happened long period of time ago, it is called a new task purchasing
situation. Normally, this type of purchase requires the participation of a
large number of buying center members. Great amount of time will be
spent to collect information and assessing vendors. (Clow & Baack 2014.)
This chapter provides information about the empirical part, which was
created in order to answer the research question and achieve the goals of
thesis. The chapter explains qualitative research in the form of semi-
structured in-depth interview, design of the interview, process of collection
of the data and data analysis. In addition, author created a report, which
contains CST feedback on the telesales process: their attitude towards it,
experience and feelings. Report also contains suggestions for
improvement from CST employees and discussions about telesales
implementations and development.
This study uses the semi-structured interview type because the interview
was done with people from different cultures and different level of
experience with telesales. That is why the order, amount and formulation
According to Roller and Lavrakas (2015) IDI design consists of nine steps
for interviewing such as:
After the goals for the interviews were set, the interview mode was
selected semi-structured in-depth interviewing. Reasons for the authors
choice for this type of interviewing was explained in the previous sub-
chapter. The mode of the interviewing used was the personal interviewing.
However, several interviews were done via Skype due to it being
impossible for author to be in other branch offices in person due to the
time constraints of the thesis.
After choosing the type of recording (which will be explained more detailed
in the next sub-chapter), the author developed the interview guide as a set
Unfortunately, the pilot interview was not conducted due to how busy CST
employees were in autumn time, when thesis author conducted the
For the more complete picture of telesales in NEE, CST employees were
asked from different offices.
Interview results were acquired during one day: 29th September 2016 in
office of Company X. As it was said earlier in previous chapter, there was
interview personally and via Skype. The language of interviewing was
English with all interviewees. Length of interviewing was on average 30
minutes per person.
Interviews were carefully recorded on tape in order not to lose the valuable
peculiarities of the speech and answers. Interviewees were asked
beforehand whether they agree to be recorded. Nobody had negative
reaction with voice recording since researcher assured that all the results
are going to be anonymous and the actual voice record will not be heard
by anyone or used for any other purposes except the researcher and for
research purposes.
transcripts represent detailed and available version of the data. (OReilly &
Kiyimba 2015.) Before starting data analysis, author made a paper
transcription of the voice recording in order to study carefully the
information, which had been said by the interviewees.
The results of data analysis was presented in the next sub-chapter in the
form of report about what feedback CST employees have about the
telesales and what was their experience with it.
Everyday people deal with infinite range of decisions, which they need to
make. Any choice of any importance between several alternatives is a
decision-making. In a nutshell, decision-making process is the cognitive
process, which happens while choosing between possible alternatives.
(Gilhooly & Lyddy & Pollick 2014.)
Detect and choice for
Indentify the analyze Carry out
problem picked the decision
There are five steps for the business buying decision-making process.
They are: identify the problem, seeking for information, alternative
assessment, selection of the product and vendor and assessment of the
post-purchase. In order to get a better picture of the business buying
decisionmaking process, Figure 5 is presented below. (Solomon et al.
Surveying Reports
In order to give to the reader idea about what heuristics are, author of the
thesis gives below several examples of heuristics which are used while
making purchase decision.
Possibly one of the most frequent heuristic is brand loyalty. Brand loyalty
is sequence of repeat product purchases together with optimistic attitude
toward the certain brand. This repeatable buying sequence in behavior is
grounded on the assumption that the brand makes products, which are far
better than the products of other brands of its competition. (Solomon et al.
That is why it is easier to sell an old car with new polish than an old car
without any additions to its appearance. (Solomon 2013.)
5.2 Perception
There are number of factors which explain why individuals might perceive
same thing differently. They are divided into three groups: personal
characteristics, target factors and situational factors. Figure 6 after this
paragraph gives brief overview of the factors. (Robbins et al. 2010.)
Target factors
Novelty and motion
Sounds and size
Proximity and similarity
Perceiver's Situational factors
characteristics Time
Attitudes Work Setting
Motives and interests Social Setting
Action External
Distinctiveness Internal
Individual Attribution of
behavior cause
This sub-chapter was created in order to give brief overview of the types of
human listening, because different situations require different listening and
therefore different kind of perception occurs. In the business world it might
happen that during calls people might not understand each other due to
the poor listening skills. Consequently, author sees an importance to
include this sub-chapter for the readers to gain a better understanding of
listening behavior in case of each listening type. In the end author gives
small description on how language has an impact on listening perception.
Last type of listening is the most crucial one, because this is base for the
other four types. Name of it is discriminative listening. This is important
In telesales context, message senders and receivers are not able to see
each other and entrust that much on nonverbal communication. Only
verbal and paraverbal meanings are available. That is why customer
listening becomes very crucial for telesales agent as it helps to adapt to
the customer needs and then build strong relationships. (Koehl & Poujol &
Tanner 2016.)
Despite the fact that telesales agents are willing to listen to the prospects
called because they had been trained for that, still nowadays the
phenomenon of the customer resistance is very common among cold-
calling. The study of Dominique Roux (2008) explored this phenomenon by
analyzing of individuals perception on telesales. This sub-chapter is
Impersonal nature of the call. Prospects feel that they were chosen
from the bought database, which was created most likely in random
order. They may notice that by conversational mistakes, which
telesales agents can make. Moreover, that telesales operator voice
and tone can also annoy prospect since it shows that numerous
calls were made before;
Fear. Customers are afraid of being trapped by some kind of
persuasion technique or very attractive offer;
Telesales agents personality. Arrogant and pushy behavior does
not add attractiveness to the sales calls;
Pressure. Insisting persuasive conversation with attractive offers,
framing techniques and little attention to the customers needs
awakes the negative reaction.
Talking about telesales behavior, there are several things, which cause
irritation and even anger in the prospects minds. First one is lack of
attention to the needs of prospect during the conversation. Second one is
argumentative insistence together with tone of the voices provokes the
customer for the negative emotions. Third one is telesales agents irritation
in the voice, which happens when telesales agent feels that his persuasion
attempt did not have positive effect. Last one is telesales agents
manipulative technique, which concerns about creating reaction of surprise
from the prospect by introducing agent as a person who was
recommended by the acquaintance prospect might have known before.
Last thing really makes customers angry at first, as they feel embarrassed
that they did not remember that acquaintance and then, when they had
realized that they were fooled, anger comes as a defensive reaction. All in
all, these four irritation things can be mitigated by polite and respecting
approach from the side of telesales agent and high level of attention and
empathy from him. (Roux 2008.)
To sum up, this chapter has provided a general picture of the prospect
reaction for the researcher and the reader of the thesis.
This chapter is the main part of the thesis, which contains development
plan for the Company X NEE regarding telesales. The development plan is
built on the key issues that were discovered by CST employees during the
interviewing and by the author of the thesis during collecting data about
It started because of the new corporate strategy, which was created for the
regional directors of sales and marketing for the purpose of increasing
sales by raising brand awareness. Telesales was one of the major parts of
this strategy.
In general for the whole region the experience had been good so far.
When answers for research sub-questions has been given, author is ready
to answer the main research question:
Thesis author had set the number of the objectives, which was advisable
for case company to complete in order to improve the telesales. The
objectives were formed into the development plan. The author believes
that completion of objectives leads to improvement of telesales for
Company X NEE.
Validity concerns about credibility of claims made after the empirical study
has been done. There are two important aspects of qualitative research,
which puts validity of research under the question: data collection and
interpretation. Accuracy of data collection and process of interpretation
approve and confirm the trustworthiness of research results. (OReilly &
Kiyimba 2015.)
During writing process of the thesis, author came up with three additional
issues, which could be solved while conducting new researches.
This thesis aims at giving brief overview on the telesales as a case in the
corporate sales activity. That is why there is provided a wide secondary
data research on the sales concepts, explanation place of telesales in the
selling cycle and discovering of decision-making behavior of prospects
who had received cold calls.
All things considered, research question has been answered and credible
findings were provided in the form of report and development plan. As for
research, author suggests consider qualitative research on the prospect
perspective of telesales calling and by this discover the customer
resistance phenomenon in B2B cold calling
Published references
Solomon, M., Marshall, G., Stuart, E. 2009. Marketing: real people real
choices. 6th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Electronic sources
Koehl, M., Poujol, J., Tanner, J. 2016. The impact of sales contests on
customer listening: an empirical study in a telesales context. Journal of
Personal Selling & Sales Management. Vol. 36, No 3, p. 281-293
[accessed 30 September 2016]. Available at:
Oral references