PEUGEOT 3008 HYbrid4
PEUGEOT 3008 HYbrid4
PEUGEOT 3008 HYbrid4
the 2.0 litre HDi FAP diesel engine and the temporary centre console enables the driver to choose between
peak of the electric motor (27 kW, or 37 bhp). four different operating modes:
A maximum torque of 500 Nm is available, split 300 Nm - “ Auto” mode: the electronics automatically control
at the front from the HDi diesel engine and a maximum the entire system, including transitions between the
of 200 Nm at the rear generated by the electric motor. HDi diesel engine and the electric motor. This allows
This level of performance gives the 3008 HYbrid4 record- optimal driving with a mix of low fuel consumption and
breaking credentials in terms of the CO2 emissions/ dynamic driveability,
maximum power ratio. - “ ZEV” mode (Zero Emission Vehicle) provides access to
an extensive all-electric mode. In this case, activation
The end result is a crossover with a length of 4.36 m, of the HDi diesel engine is programmed to coincide
four wheel drive, a maximum power output of 200 bhp, with more sustained phases of acceleration. This
fuel consumption in the combined cycle of only requires the high-voltage batteries to be sufficiently
3.8 litres/100 km and emissions of 99 g/km! charged. The vehicle then becomes a “city run-around”
On higher specification versions, emissions can rise to par excellence thanks to the total absence of noise
104 or 108 g/km of CO2 in the combined cycle. and emissions. The driver can apply this mode to drive
discreetly around town or demonstrate the silence of
In terms of road holding, this innovative power train is the vehicle in electric mode, etc,
well served by the chassis, recognised for its dynamic -F our-wheel drive mode (4WD) instructs both power
qualities. The rear module of the HYbrid4 system also trains to operate together as far as possible; the rear
includes a multi-arm rear suspension system providing wheels are then driven by the electric motor and the
the guarantee of excellent road holding. front wheels by the HDi diesel engine. Offering peace
of mind, safety and driveability, four-wheel drive
Simplicity of use accentuates the vehicle’s dynamic character. Indeed
From a functional point of view, a selection knob on the HYbrid4 technology, at low speed, allows all-terrain
CAPITALISING ON THE BEST KNOW-HOW expertise in the field of electric vehicles. To date, the
106 Electric, marketed between 1995 and 2003,
HYbrid4 technology is based on the combined use of the remains the world’s highest selling zero emissions
best technologies developed by Peugeot’s engineers: car (in total the PSA Group produced nearly 10,000
diesel engine, electric motor, second-generation STOP vehicles, making it a genuine industrial pioneer in this
& START and an electronically-controlled sequential field). At the end of 2010, Peugeot will continue in this
manual gearbox. vein by becoming the first manufacturer to launch a
latest-generation 100% electric vehicle in Europe, the
The “hybrid” power train basically combines a diesel Pursuing this common sense approach of capitalising
engine and an electric motor. on the best existing components and expertise, it
Initially, Peugeot has relied logically on the recognised was only natural to use the electronically-controlled
expertise of the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group in the 6-speed manual gearbox (MCP), not only for its
field of diesel engines with HDi FAP technology. With engine management capabilities but also for its
their exceptional efficiency, HDi FAP diesel engines - optimisation of fuel consumption. In the same
thermodynamically more efficient than a petrol engine perspective, a second-generation STOP & START
and offering like-for-like fuel consumption of 30% less system is used.
- are clearly the best internal combustion engine choice.
In the future, and for markets where diesel is less
popular, a petrol combustion engine may also serve as
the base for HYbrid4 type hybridization.
The choice of architecture was also guided by the
For the electric component, Peugeot has a historical search for optimal efficiency and consistency. Hybrid
technology uses two power trains which can operate and CO2 emissions (around 35% less in the combined
alternately or simultaneously: cycle for equivalent performance).
- the HDi diesel engine operates in its most optimal
operating window on longer, out-of-town journeys. AN ORIGINAL AND INTELLIGENT LAYOUT
A diesel engine still remains the most efficient and
versatile choice to power any vehicle, The electric motor and its ancillary equipment (inverter,
- the electric motor takes over from the HDi diesel engine converter, etc) are fitted at the rear of the vehicle. This
in phases of lower power demands, particularly when results in a number of advantages not only in terms of
starting up or driving at low speed and decelerating customer benefits but also from the standpoint of the
(energy recovery). These are precisely the features project’s economic and industrial model.
that characterise urban driving. Changeover from
the HDi diesel engine to the electric motor occurs Four wheel drive
automatically, thanks to a STOP & START system This original layout allows the possibility of four wheel
which places the HDi diesel engine in standby and drive: the HDi diesel engine under the bonnet drives
restarts it as and when conditions require (accelerator the front wheels, while the electric motor (in the rear
pedal usage, low battery charge level, etc), drive train) drives the rear wheels.
- the two power sources also complement each other Since everything is controlled electronically (“By wire”)
in certain driving conditions (“boost” effect during with no mechanical link between the front and the rear,
strong acceleration, when overtaking another vehicle, this system has many advantages over a “traditional”
for example). The performance of the HYbrid4 is integral mechanical transmission system (with a prop
therefore directly comparable to that obtained with shafts):
a single HDi diesel engine of a much higher capacity, - no architectural constraints affecting layout and style
with good levels of responsiveness backed by a real within the passenger compartment (interior capacity
breakthrough in terms of reduced fuel consumption preserved);
4x4 and environmental-friendliness are no longer HYbrid4 technology brings a number of benefits without
contradicting terms. any compromises. Furthermore, the driveability, safety
and eco-efficiency of the system are based on simple,
A viable technical and economic solution reasonable and consistent technological choices.
The rear installation of the vehicle’s “electric The 3008 crossover has been chosen as the first
components” provides a new technical and economic application of this innovative technology.
Firstly, it avoids the need for any major redesign of
the engine compartment, while also allowing a better
weight distribution. It also leaves intact the possibility
of using larger capacity engines.
Secondly, this architecture is achieved by means of the
use of a simple and compact rear module containing
the electric motor, its ancillary equipment and also the
rear drive train and suspension.
The costs of the rear module are, therefore, reduced
because of the technical possibility of deploying
HYbrid4 technology in different segments, on different
body shapes, etc, regardless of the type of combustion
engine used.
needed for operation of the electric motor under all Electric motor
circumstances if required (four wheel drive mode). The synchronous permanent magnet electric motor is
located cleverly at the rear of the vehicle.
AT THE REAR It provides a constant 20 kW (27 bhp), and has a peak
output of 27 kW (37 bhp). It generates a constant torque
Rear suspension of 100 Nm, or a peak of 200 Nm.
To ensure a dynamic performance on a par with the
Marque’s road holding standards over a very varied PTMU (Power Train Management Unit)
range of vehicles (mid-range MPVs, top of the range The PTMU is an electronic controller that
body shapes, etc), the rear electric module, transferable automatically manages the different operating
across several different platforms, comprises a multi- modes of the HDi diesel engine and electric motor in
arm rear suspension within which are housed the a very innovative way for the driver, helping optimise
electric motor and the reduction gearbox. fuel consumption.
The design of the multi-arm rear suspension is the fruit An inverter and a converter are used to control the
of all of the Marque’s expertise in this field, bearing in electric power. The inverter controls the torque of the
mind that the same technology is also employed on electric motor by regulating the current from the high-
the 407, recognised for its excellent driveability, road voltage battery pack. This operates in a voltage range
holding and comfort. of between 150 and 270 volts. The converter converts
In terms of “vehicle dynamics”, the ESP of the the 200 volts from the high-voltage battery pack into
3008 HYbrid4 incorporates an “improved traction 12 volts to supply the vehicle’s onboard systems.
control system” (ASR) able to exploit the car’s four wheel On the 3008 HYbrid4, these components have been
drive capabilities to the full on challenging surfaces. made as small as possible to optimise the installation
The performance of this equipment is further enhanced in the vehicle.
by the fitment of optional 16’’ “Mud & Snow” tyres.
High-voltage battery pack train and the battery charge status by means of an
The Ni-MH (Nickel Metal Hydride) batteries are 8 bar electronic gauge system.
located under the boot sill, near the electric motor.
This high-voltage battery pack comes in addition to The left-hand dial in the instrument panel indicates the
the standard 12V battery under the bonnet, which percentage of power used or recovered during phases of
carries on performing its normal duties. braking or deceleration. Three different scales indicate
In the medium term, this battery technology the battery status: Charge, Eco (optimal operating
remains the most appropriate in terms of cost range), Power.
and industrialisation for vehicles produced in large
To develop its HYbrid4 technology, the PSA Peugeot
Energy recovery
Citroën Group has teamed up with suppliers offering the
An energy recovery system (when the electric motor
best know-how in each field.
becomes a generator) enables kinetic energy to be
Based on the manufacturer’s technical specifications,
transformed into electrical energy to recharge the
Ni-MH batteries during deceleration (release of BOSCH has provided its expertise with respect to the
the accelerator and braking). This recovery system electric motor, the power electronics, the reversible
enables the driver to use “free” energy and reduce fuel high-voltage alternator (STT) and other systems
consumption accordingly. managing the dialogue between these components
and the braking and trajectory correction systems
Man-machine interface (ABS and ESP).
A 7’’ 16/9 colour screen or a multi-function display,
according to the car’s specification, informs the driver Similarly, SANYO has provided its extensive knowledge
in real time of the operating status of the hybrid power in the field of Ni-MH high-voltage batteries.
A DISTINCTIVE STYLE therefore stands out by its visual signature, but also by
the fact that it is the first 3008 to receive the Marque’s
APPEAL AND PROTECTIVE POWER new badge on its bonnet.
The new Peugeot 3008 HYbrid4 stands out due to The large front grille helps to define the vehicle’s status
its cutting-edge technology, allowing a seamless and off-road character, with its two distinctive chrome
combination of responsible driving and driving bars it is reminiscent of those found in the world of
enjoyment, but also by its specific styling. the SUV. The lower front panel further reinforces these
Peugeot designs always bear the stamp of a strong, off road aspirations, thanks in particular to the black
dynamic and recognisable personality, whatever the quarter bumpers aligned with the headlamps.
range concerned. It is nonetheless constantly evolving.
New developments may be more or less marked From the side, the window surrounds are edged with
according to the generation and above all the category chrome in the upper section. This accentuates the
of the vehicle. imposing height of the waistline, which with its exclusive
Here, the external style successfully evokes the vehicle’s 17’’ Oltis alloy wheels and black waist moulding,
high innovative content. It also allows the 3008 HYbrid4 contributes to the sense of strength apparent in the
to be recognised by the integration of familiar features. vehicle as a whole.
At the front, Peugeot’s stylistic codes have been adapted At the rear, the curved wings blend seamlessly with
to the car’s generous dimensions to mark a break the hi-tech lights. The rear spoiler, two-tone with
with what has gone before. The headlamps display a high gloss black section, helps to differentiate the
a renewed expressiveness, with the integration of a 3008 HYbrid4 from other models in the range, as do
bar of LEDs providing a daytime lighting function and the chrome badges which decorate the sides and rear
accentuating the car’s visual appeal. The 3008 HYbrid4 of the car.
The originality of this design helps visually to seat previously found in a hybrid vehicle.
the rear of the vehicle. Here too, the presence of These sensations are enhanced further by the general
a “hobby” lower tailgate, and the wide black and ambience of the passenger compartment: high-tech
chrome protective trims on the lower section, illustrate and exclusive.
the “outdoor” feel of this crossover. Distinctive materials are deployed throughout to
Finally, multiple impressions emanate from the style of accentuate the crossover feel and explore new avenues
the car: tranquil strength, contained power, controlled of expression. This is true in particular of the new and
dynamism… specific Guérande & Tramontane two-tone leather finish
which subtly combines bright pale grey on the seat
COMFORT: DRIVING AND SHARING cushions with a black finish on the sides of the seats.
store for its other occupants, preserving all the qualities row to be folded automatically, as if by magic.
of modularity and comfort of the original 3008. Combined with the folding front passenger seat, the
They can enjoy the passenger compartment and its 3008 HYbrid4 offers a perfectly flat floor from the
original ambience, bathed in the light diffused by the hobby to the fascia panel. This frees up a gigantic
immense panoramic glass roof. They also benefit from 1501 litre compartment that is easy to load.
numerous storage spaces, particularly in the rear floor
and the generous centre console at the front. Inside the car too, the hybridization of concepts opens
Another feature retained for the front passenger: the up unsuspected possibilities.
large grab handle on the centre console enables them
to find the ideal position for a comfortable journey. DRIVING AIDS: HIGH-TECH EQUIPMENT
Thanks to its intelligent Multiflex interior and clever
integration of the batteries and the special rear Comfortably seated behind the steering wheel,
suspension, the 3008 HYbrid4 can also be transformed drivers will note among the equipment at their
to offer a considerable load capacity under the parcel disposal certain references to the world of aviation.
shelf of 420 litres (362 dm3 VDA), with 66 litres (29 dm3 For example, to ensure that drivers need never take
VDA) consisting of storage under the boot floor. This their eyes from the road, in the manner of a fighter
ingenious compartment also allows storage of the load plane, essential driving information is projected
space cover. onto a retractable transparent panel which cleverly
The hobby type lower tailgate opens to reveal a boot extends from the instrument panel visor. This Head-
with a flat floor equipped with longitudinal securing rings Up Display system can be adjusted by means of
that inspire quality and strength. From the boot, a rear Toggle Switches.
seat folding system, controlled by switches mounted on These switches, located above the centre console,
the load area side trims, allows the seats in the second add a further touch of style to the in-car ambience.
Similarly, the electric parking brake (FSE) coupled with produced in Sochaux and in Mulhouse. It is expected to
the Hill Assist function, facilitates the driver’s manoeuvres go on sale in Europe in the spring of 2011.
and optimises space in place of the manual hand brake.
Lastly, a latest-generation satellite navigation system
helps to guide users on their travels.
WIPCom 3D includes all the benefits of the Marque’s
existing satellite navigation systems. These include the
Jukebox function, linked to the presence of a hard disc,
the GSM function, a USB connector, a DVD player, the
Bluetooth® system and also a graphic interface which
shows city buildings in “full 3D”.
Peugeot Connect services offered with WIPCom 3D will
also be accessible.
C: Boot volumes
VDA standards in dm3 / litres “of water”
Peugeot is the only manufacturer to deploy an integral mobility offer with private cars, commercial vehicles, scooters, bicycles and a wide
range of services. Present in 160 countries with 10,000 points of contact, Peugeot combines rigorous design and emotion in all its activities
worldwide. In 2009, Peugeot sold 1,842,000 cars, becoming the leading French Marque (in terms of registrations) in the world and the
10th largest car manufacturer. 50% of Peugeot vehicles sold worldwide offer a rate of emissions of less than 140 g/km CO2 Backed by 200 years of inspiration,
Peugeot in 2010 is renewing its stylistic and visual identity, completing its mobility offer and affirming its international ambition. The Marque continues its
development with the launches of the RCZ, the iOn, a 100% electric car, the 408 in China, with three new models in Latin America, and the deployment in Europe
of its à la carte mobility offer Mu by Peugeot.