Case Presentation Station 3B Drug Study Tramadol

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Drug Study

Name of Drug Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Action: Not Therapeutic Hypersensitivity, CNS: Dizziness, Assessment
Tramadol completely outcome: acute intoxication CNS stimulation, Assess pain: location,
(trahmah-dol) understood, binds to Relief of pain with any CNS somnolence, type, character, give
opioid receptors and depressant headache, anxiety, before pain becomes
Brand Name: inhibits reuptake of confusion, extreme
Raliva ER, Raliva norepinephrine, Uses: Management of euphoria, seizures, Assess for increased
Flashdose, Ultram, serotonin; does not moderate to severe Precautions: hallucinations, side effects in
Ultram ER, Ultram cause histamine pain Pregnancy category flushing, sedation renal/hepatic disease
ODT release or affect heart C, breastfeeding, Monitor intake and
rate children, geriatric, CV: Vasodilation, output ratio: check for
Functional class: seizure disorder, orthostatic decreasing output;
Analgesic, renal/hepatic hypotension, may indicate urinary
miscellaneous disease, respiratory tachycardia, retention
depression, head hypertension, Assess need for
Chemical class: trauma, increased abnormal ECG product
intracranial Assess for
Pregnancy category: pressure, acute EENT: Visual constipation and
C abdominal disturbances bowel pattern;
condition, product increased fluids, bulk
Dosage and routes: abuse GI: Nausea, in diet
Mild to moderate pain constipation, Monitor CNS
Oral: PO 50 to 100 vomiting, dry changes: dizziness,
mg PRN every 4 to mouth, diarrhea, drowsiness,
6hours, max 400 abdominal pain, hallucinations,
mg/day anorexia, euphoria, LOC, pupil
flatulence, GI reaction
Determine allergic
. reactions: rash,
GU: Urinary urticarial
Drug Study

symptoms, dysuria, Nursing Diagnosis

menstrual disorder Injury, risk for
(adverse reaction)
INTEG: Pruritus, Knowledge deficient
rash, uticaria, (teaching)
vesicles Acute pain
Chronic pain
SYST: Sensory perception,
Anaphylaxis, disturbed: visual and
Stevens-Johnson auditory
syndrome, toxic
epidermal Implementation
necrolysis, Do not break, crush or
serotonin syndrome chew ER products
Give with antiemetic
for nausea, vomiting
Administer when pain
is beginning to return;
determine dosage
interval by patient
Store in cool
environment, protect
from sunlight

Patient/family education
Teach patient to
report any symptoms
of CNS changes,
allergic reactions
Teach patient that
drowsiness, dizziness,
and confusion may
Drug Study

occur; to call for

Instruct patient to
make position
changes slowly;
hypotension may
Tell patient to avoid
OTC medication and
alcohol unless
approved by doctor

Positive therapeutic
Decreased pain

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