GCG Guidebook Reorganization

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The key takeaways are that the document provides guidelines for GOCCs on undergoing reorganization based on GCG MC No. 2015-04. It outlines the procedure and required annexes at each step of preparing and submitting a reorganization plan.

The purpose of the document is to provide clarifications on the procedure for reorganization under GCG MC No. 2015-04, and prescribe forms for GOCCs to use in undergoing the reorganization process.

The steps involved in the reorganization process are preparation and submission of the reorganization plan, approval of the plan by the governing board and GCG, and implementation of the reorganization.



Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10149 mandates the Governance Commission to
ascertain the need to reorganize or rationalize GOCCs in order to align their
operations with the countrys overall goals.1

GCG Memorandum Circular No. 2015-04 provides guidelines on the

reorganization, rationalization, and personnel planning in the GOCC Sector.

This Guidebook provides clarifications on the procedure under GCG MC No.

2015-04, and prescribes forms for GOCCs.

BM Branch Model
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
CL Career Level
CMT Change Management Team
CSA Current State Assessment
DF Design Framework
MO Memorandum Order
OS Organizational Structure
OSSP Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern
OSSP-CL Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern with Career Leveling
PP Participatory Process
RP Reorganization Plan
SAP Strategic Action Plan
SP Staffing Pattern
TWG Technical Working Group
WAP Workforce Analysis and Planning

1 Section 5(a), R.A. No. 10149


Governing Board Directive to Annex 1: Board Resolution

Undergo Reorganization Directing the Commencement of
STEP 1 the Reorganization and
Providing Its Governance

Constitution of Change Annex 2: Official List of CMT

Management Team (CMT) Members
Establish Mechanism for Annex 3: Documentation of
Participatory Process (PP) Participatory Process

Organizational Assessment Annex 4: Current State

Assessment Report
Current State Assessment
STEP 3 (CSA) Annex 5: Workforce Analysis
and Planning Report
Workforce Analysis and
Planning (WAP)

STEP 4 Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Annex 6: Cost-Benefit Analysis


STEP 5 Formulation of the Design Annex 7: Design Framework

Framework (DF)
Crafting of Organizational and Annex 8: OSSP-CL Master
Staffing Design Data (Soft Copy)
Development of Proposed Annex 9: Official OSSP-CL
Organizational Structure and Annex 10: Existing
Staffing Pattern (OSSP) Organizational Structure
Career Leveling Annex 11: Proposed
STEP 6 Development of Proposed Organizational Structure
Branch Model (BM) Annex 12: Functional
Description of All Organizational
Annex 13: Job Description of
Proposed (Retained and New)
Position Titles
Annex 14: Branch Model

STEP 7 Strategic Action Planning (SAP) Annex 15: Strategic Action Plan

STEP 8 Approval of the Reorganization Plan Annex 16: Endorsement of

by the Governing Board Change Management Team
Annex 17: Board Resolution
Approving the Reorganization

STEP 9 Creation of the Technical Working Annex 18: Official List of TWG
Group (TWG) Members

Endorsement of the Supervising Annex 19: Memorandum of

STEP 10 Agency to the GCG Endorsement by the
Supervising Agency
NOTE: The above steps capture the common activities carried out in the preparation for organizational
restructuring. For Steps 3-6, GOCCs are not constrained to strictly follow the prescribed chronology
but are encouraged to accomplish the activities with flexibility.


STEP 11 Submission to and Preliminary Evaluation of the GCG

Conduct of Negotiations between GOCC TWG and GCG

STEP 12 RP Presentation to the GCG

Negotiation on the Organizational Structure
Negotiation on Staffing Pattern and Career Leveling
STEP 13 Issuance of Memorandum Order (MO) Approving the Reorganization


Submission of Implementation Form 1: Progress Report

Progress Report

Applications for Conditional Form 2: Changes in Scope of Responsibilities

Authority under Operational and Reporting Lines
Flexibility Clause Form 3: Changes in Staffing
Form 4: Changes in Titles of Organizational Units
and Executives
Form 5: Changes in Career Pathing
Form 6: Scrap and Build Plan
Form 7: Transfer of Personnel
Form 8: Reduction of Workforce
Form 9: Abolition of Coterminous to the
Incumbent Positions
Form 10: Creation, Reclassification, or Closure of
NOTE: Annexes and Forms listed in this Guidebook are to be used in lieu of Sections 3.1.1, 4.1, 4.3, 8
and 10 of GCG MC No. 2015-04 referring to forms in the Citizens Charter of the GCG website

STEP 1: Governing Board Directive to Undergo Reorganization

1.1. The GOCC must formally adopt and issue a Board Resolution approving the
commencement of the reorganization.

What is the difference between Rationalization and Reorganization?

Reorganization or rationalization in its ordinary meaning refers to any substantial

modification to the Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern of the GOCC.

Reorganization in its technical meaning refers to reorganization under R.A. No. 6656.

Rationalization in its technical meaning refers to E.O. No. 366 s. 2004.

Reorganization and rationalization under this Memorandum Circular refer to the

ordinary meaning of reorganization and rationalization, and not to technical meanings
under R.A. No. 6656 and under E.O. No. 366 s. 2004.

Do the provisions of R.A. No. 6656 and E.O. 366 apply to reorganization under the
Memorandum Circular?

Does any modification to the Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern

constitute Reorganization?
No. Isolated changes in the Organizational Structure or Staffing Pattern do not constitute

1.2. The Board Resolution must also provide for the Governance Structure,
pursuant to Section 3.2.2.b of the GCG MC No. 2015-04.

What is Governance Structure?

The Governance Structure ensures the orderly and efficient planning and implementation of
the Reorganization Plan by:
1. Defining boundaries of decision-making;
2. Ensuring participatory planning and implementation by establishing the CMT;
3. Authorizing the CMT to perform all necessary undertakings under GCG MC No.
2015-04; and
4. Establishing and authorizing TWG to negotiate organizational and staffing design
with GCG.

1.3. The Board Resolution must also provide the Guiding Principles of the

What are Guiding Principles?

The Guiding Principles spell out in general terms the norms representing what is desirable in
the organization, and how the reorganization can help achieve these norms.
The GOCC may consider the following questions in the formulation of the Guiding Principles:

1. What objectives does the GOCC want to attain through its reorganization?
2. How will the reorganization plan support the thrusts of the government?
3. What is the optimal state of the GOCC?
4. How will the reorganization help the employees?
5. How will the GOCC conduct its reorganization plan?
A. Focus government efforts on the exercise of its fundamental functions of establishing
and providing the appropriate social, political and economic environment within which
development can prosper;
B. Transform the bureaucracy into an effective and efficient institution for the delivery of
core public services; and
C. Ensure the long term sustainability of core government services through resource
mobilization and cost-effective public expenditure management.

STEP 2: Constitution of Change Management Team (CMT)

2.1. The Governing Board and Management shall create a Change Management
Team (CMT), which shall be in charge of the following:
(a) Establishment and implementation of the Participatory Process to be
employed in the Reorganization Plan (see 2.3);
(b) Establishment of a grievance machinery;
(c) Preparation of the reorganization plan; and
(d) Implementation of the reorganization.

NOTE: The Official List of CMT Members (Annex 2) is referenced in the Board Resolution Directing
the Commencement of the Reorganization and Providing Its Governance Structure (Annex 1). Hence,
Annex 2 is an integral part of Annex 1.

2.2. The GOCCs Human Resource unit shall act as the secretariat of the CMT to
ensure proper documentation of the planning and implementation of the RP.

What is the difference between Change Management Team and Technical Working Group?
As to the nature of functions, the Change Management Team is in charge of the development of the
Reorganization Plan, while the Technical Working Group is in charge of negotiating adjustments to the
Reorganization Plan with the GCG.
As to the time of constitution, the Change Management Team is constituted at the commencement of
the Reorganization process, while the Technical Working Group is constituted after the Governing
Board approves the filing of the Reorganization Plan with the GCG.
As to composition, the Change Management Team is composed of officers and employees, including
representative/s from the GOCCs accredited union/s, while the Technical Working Group is a subset
of the Change Management Team, composed only of officers representing GOCCs management.

2.3. Establish Mechanism for Participatory Process

The Participatory Process ensures that Officers and Employees of the

GOCC have been given the opportunity to participate in the decision-making
process of the organization concerning their Reorganization Plan.

2.3.1. The CMT shall establish and implement the Participatory Process in a
manner that ensures meaningful consultation of employees and key
stakeholders (e.g. Customers) on matters such as the overall objectives,
performance standards for staffing models, selection criteria for
personnel changes, and other broad parameters as may be defined by
the Governing Board through the Management.

2.3.2. The Participatory Process may be accomplished through surveys, focus

group discussions, town hall sessions and/or other processes deemed
proper by the Governing Board. The CMT shall develop the process in
consultation with the duly recognized union, unless the latter
unreasonably fails or refuses to participate in the consultation.

2.3.3. The CMT shall include sufficient documentation of activities undertaken

for this procedure in the submission of their reorganization plan. Failure
to include such documents of the Participatory Process (e.g. sample
survey, survey results, minutes and attendance records of important
meetings with the union) and how the same were duly considered by the
CMT and the Board will be ground for automatic rejection of a GOCCs
proposal for reorganization / rationalization. In the event that the duly
accredited union unreasonably fails or refuses to participate, the CMT
shall still explore other means of conducting Participatory Process with
the employees and key stakeholders.

STEP 3: Organizational Assessment

3.1. Current State Assessment
Identification of organizational needs is Is there a need for a third party to conduct
the Current State Assessment?
necessary in setting the context for talent
Yes, the GCG requires GOCCs to acquire a
and structure assessment. Employee third party to assess the current state of the
development and organizational organization. This would assist the GOCC and
effectiveness ensue when alignment the GCG prior to negotiations on developing an
between individual interest and objective and accurate basis in determining the
organizational requirements are clearly appropriate reorganization/ rationalization plan.
aligned. The foremost objective of the Under Section 9 of GCG MC No. 2015-04 on
Current State Assessment is to surface the Retained Expertise, is there a GCG-
changing requirements, skills and accredited list of reputable HR consulting
knowledge needed by the organization is firms, companies or individual consultants?
the foremost objective of the current state At present, there is no GCG process of
assessment (MIT Human Resources, n.d.). accreditation of reputable HR consulting firms,
companies or individual consultants.
The analysis must contain a gap
analysis of the desired conditions and the current state of the organization. It is also
recommended that the gap analysis involve quantitative and qualitative reports.

In the conduct of the Current State Assessment, the GOCC may consider the
following activities and tools:


Business Strategy Review of GOCC mandate, strategic plans,
performance indicators and charter statement
(mission, vision and core values)
Interview of customers/ stakeholders
Interview of GOCC employees and executives
Maturity Analysis
Size and Structure Description and analysis of the complexity (functional
separation), formality (lines of control and
responsibility), participation (decision making) and
communication (information flow) (Mind Tools, n.d.)
Environment SWOT Analysis
PESTLE Analysis
Systems2 and Controls Description of the activities being done by the
Organizational Unit
Review of Industry Best Practices
Value Chain Systems

However, nothing herein shall preclude the GOCCs from adopting other tools or
activities that will assist them in the conduct of their Current State Assessment.

3.2. Workforce Analysis and Planning (WAP)

WAP is an assessment of the existing workforce and future workforce needs
of an organization. It has three components:
(a) Supply Analysis is an analysis of existing employee data.
(b) Demand Analysis is an assessment of future workforce needs. This
requires identifying job characteristics, and estimating future workforce
needs based on these characteristics.
(c) Gap Analysis is a comparison of the results of the supply analysis and
demand analysis. The gap refers to the level of workforce needs for the
next five (5) years which is not yet addressed by existing workforce

Analyses include, but are not limited, to the following:

(1) Profile of officers and employees (i.e. age, sex, length of service, etc.)
(2) Mobility within the organization
(3) Turnover rates
(4) Retention rates
(5) Vacancy patterns
(6) Retirement patterns
(7) Promotion patterns
(8) Workload patterns
(9) Leave patterns sick leave, long service leave, family and parental
(10) Time taken to recruit

2 The McKinsey 7S Framework defines Systems as the daily activities and procedures that staff
members engage in to get the job done. (Mind Tools. n.d.)
(11) Skills shortage and oversupply
(12) Employment market and competition
(13) Exit interviews
(14) Employee perception survey results
(15) Customer service survey results

Current Staffing Level Current Staffing Level

Current Vacancies or Overage Projected Attrition

Projected Workload Changes

Growth/ Expansion Promotions
Workload Ratio Demotions
Policy/ New Initiative Transfers
Regulatory Change Others

When was the GCG MC No. 2015-04 published in a newspaper of general circulation?
It was published in the Manila Standard on 30 July 2015. Accordingly, the 3 month deadline for
the required workforce analysis report is on 30 October 2015.

Are all GOCCs required to submit Workforce Analysis?

The following GOCCs need to submit the workforce analysis report:
1. Those that intend to file a Reorganization Plan under GCG MC No. 2015-04; and,
2. Those that wish to avail of the Operational Flexibility Clause under Section 4.1, GCG MC
No. 2015-04.
STEP 4: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Reorganization
The cost-benefit analysis includes monetary benefits (e.g., savings from
abolished positions and improved operational efficiency, additional profit from
operational expansion, etc.) and monetary costs (e.g., payment of separation pay to
affected personnel, creation of additional branches, training costs to address
competency gap, etc.) entailed in implementing the Reorganization Plan.

STEP 5: Formulation of the Design Framework (DF)

5.1. The Design Framework identifies the performance results of the
reorganization. It is in the form of a scorecard, but it contains performance
indicators and targets specifically to measure the success of the
reorganization. It is an indication that the reorganization is pursued with bona
fide intent and with legitimate business interests.
5.2. The success indicators and targets must address the issues identified in the
Current State Analysis Report.
5.3. The Design Framework should not be confused with the Performance
Evaluation System (PES).

STEP 6: Crafting of Organizational and Staffing Design

6.1. Development of the Proposed Organizational Structure and Staffing

Pattern (OSSP)
Guided by the DF, and the results of the CSA and WAP, the CMT shall
begin the designing and development of its OSSP, which has three (3) parts:

6.1.1. Organizational Structure

The GOCC shall design its OS based on the following elements:
(a) Organizational units
(b) Reporting lines
(c) Levels of hierarchy

6.1.2. Staffing Pattern

The GOCC shall design its SP based on the following elements:
(a) Organizational Unit
(b) Position Title
(c) Career Path
(d) Salary Grade
(e) Number of Plantilla Items
(f) Parameters for the Creation of additional items
(g) Qualification Standards
What is Career Pathing?
Career pathing is intended to provide GOCCs flexibility in hiring and promotions without a change
in the number of plantilla positions for the unit concerned. Incumbent personnel may be promoted
provided that he or she meets the qualification standards of the new rank as reflected in the
reorganization / rationalization approved by GCG.

Plantilla /Item Career Path Qualification Standards

Relevant Bachelors Degree; 4

Finance Officer III 10
years relevant work experience
Finance Officer(I-III)

Relevant Bachelors Degree; 2

Item No. 12.001 Finance Officer II 9
years relevant work experience

Finance Officer I 8 Relevant Bachelors Degree

In the example above, only one person will occupy the plantilla item but he or she may be hired at
different levels. If an incumbent, he or she may also be promoted. Career Path involving a change
of job grades only pertains to non-senior positions in the Customer, Professional, Technical,
General Staff and Labor career bands.
Career Pathing may only be applied in the GOCCs reorganization plan after presenting
an approved competency framework and appropriate performance standards on an individual
level. Its implementation must also not result in a job or salary distortion vis--vis other similarly
situated individuals in the organization.

What is the difference between Corporate Treasurer and Head of Treasury Department?
A Corporate Treasurer is a corporate officer, while the head of treasury department is a regular
employee (albeit high-ranking and managerial).
A Corporate Treasurer need not have a plantilla item, while the head of treasury department is a
plantilla position.
A Corporate Treasurer is appointed by the Board, while the head of treasury department is
appointed in the same manner as all other managers in the corporation.
A corporate officer is one which is created by the Charter, By-Laws or the Board of Directors, while
a regular employee position is created through the approval of a plantilla.

Can the head of the treasury department also be the Corporate Treasurer?
Under Section 21.2 of the Code of Corporate Governance for GOCCs, the Chief Finance Officer
may also be the Corporate Treasurer.
If the head of treasury department reports to the Chief Finance Officer, the head of treasury
department may not act as the Corporate Treasurer.
If the head of treasury department is, at the same time, the Chief Finance Officer, the head of
treasury department may act as the Corporate Treasurer.
6.1.3. Career Band, Career Level and Job Grade
The GOCC shall undertake Career Leveling based on the following
a) Career Band
b) Career Level
c) Job Grade
Career leveling will be discussed in-depth in the next Step.

6.2. Assigning Career Band, Career Level and Job Grade

6.2.1. Classification of GOCC by Overall Size

In order to properly determine the Career Level of its executives, the
GOCC shall determine its size based on the following dimensions: Company Financials - GOCCs shall have a grade based on the

average Total Revenues over the last three (3) years as reported in
their audited financial statements:

16 < 3.0 billion
17 > 3.0 billion and < 6.5 billion
18 > 6.5 billion and < 22.0 billion
19 > 22.0 billion and < 43.5 billion
20 > 43.5 billion and < 87.5 billion
21 > 87.5 billion and < 218.0 billion
22 > 218.0 billion and < 436.5 billion
23 > 436.5 billion and < 2.0 trillion
24 > 2.0 trillion and < 4.0 trillion
25 > 4.0 trillion Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees - GOCCs shall have a

grade based on the number of FTE Employees as follows:

16 Up to 89
17 90 to 240
18 241 to 620
19 621 to 1,600
20 1,601 to 4,100
21 4,101 to 10,600
22 10,601 to 27,500
23 27,501 to 75,000
24 75,001 to 200,000
25 More than 200,000 Geographical Scope and Business Complexity - The grade for the
GOCCs Geographical Scope and Business Complexity shall be
determined as follows:

Global 20 22 24

International 19 21 23

Domestic 16 18 20

Low Medium High


A. Geographical Scope
(a) Domestic if majority of operations are based in a single
country or a small cluster of countries within one region
(b) International if the organization is characterized by multi-
function operations across an entire region or in several
countries in two continents.
(c) Global if the majority of functions are represented across three
or more continents.
All GOCCs are automatically classified as domestic unless there is
clear and substantial basis to classify the GOCCs actual
operations otherwise.

B. Business Complexity/Diversity The complexity of a GOCCs

business operations shall be determined on two levels, to wit:
(a) First Level (Control), whether the GOCC Governing Board
maintains end to end control of how it will exercise its
business judgment in engaging in such activities and does not
rely on another GOCC for setting policy and/or strategy.
(b) Second Level (Operations), if the GOCCs operations involve
one or more of the following activities:
i. Regulatory; and/or
ii. Revenue-Generation; and/or
iii. Social Services.
All GOCCs are automatically presumed to perform Social Services
Based on the foregoing levels, the complexity of the GOCCs
business operations shall be categorized as follows:


1. GOCC Governing Board does not have end

to end control of the business.
2. GOCCs operations involve only one or two of
the activities specified above
Low - OR -
1. GOCC Governing Board has end to end
control of the business.
2. GOCCs operations involve only one of the
activities specified above.
1. GOCC Governing Board does not have end
to end control of the business.
2. GOCCs operations involve all three of the
activities specified above.
Medium - OR -
1. GOCC Governing Board has end to end
control of the business.
2. GOCCs operations involve only two of the
activities specified above.
1. GOCC Governing Board has end to end
control of the business.
2. GOCCs operations involve all three of the
activities specified above. Average Grade-Based on the Three Factors By following the

parameters and grades for each of the Factors prescribed above in
Sections 1 to 3 of this Chapter, a resulting average grade (fractional
average grade being rounded off to the nearest whole number) shall
be computed for each GOCC to achieve an overall size under the
following categories:


Small 16

Medium 17 to 18
Large 19 and Up

6.2.2. Assigning Career Band

Career bands are categorizations or groupings of jobs that are
similar based on their responsibilities within the organization, which
help assess the contribution of the role to the organization. Based on
industry practice, positions are generally categorized into the seven (7)
career bands, namely, Executives (EX), Supervisory/Management (M),
Customer/Client Management & Sales (S), Professional (P), Technical
Support (T), General Staff (G), and Labor (L).
The GOCC shall assign each position to their respective Career
Bands, guided by the descriptions below:

Typically, the most senior level within a major function who is primarily
involved in the development, evolution and approval of long-term vision
across a market function, division, region, or country
Typically, one downs of CEO/President/Business Unit Heads
Executive (EX) May be a board or executive committee member or will have a
comparable level of influence
Impacts broader organization performance directly
Main focus is on strategy setting (either for the entire organization or a
major function/division of the organization)

Implements organization strategies through the effective direction and

management of resources
Sets discipline or area strategy consistent with established organization
Supervisory/ Focused on policy making and/or implementation, ensuring compliance
Management (M) with organization policies
Accountable for managing people, setting direction and deploying
Accountable for business, functional, or operational areas, processes, or

Primarily involved in direct contact with customers/clients to acquire new
business or develop existing business or accounts
Participates in sales presentations, developing bids, and responding to
Management &
Sales (S)
At senior levels, likely to set/negotiate product/service terms (contracts)
A portion of their compensation is likely to be based on sales results

Professional (P) Work is primarily achieved by an individual or through project teams

Roles that are typically filled by qualified professionals who are expected
to use their judgment to apply expertise gained through education and/or
Roles that are expected to work independently with minimal supervision
Progression within the career band is defined by increasing depth of
professional knowledge, project management, and ability to influence
Entry-level jobs within the Professional Career Band typically require a
university degree or equivalent work experience that provides knowledge
of and exposure to fundamental theories, principles, and concepts
Typically requires mastery of a specialized field of expertise related to a
professional qualification which may be in the form of a professional
certification (e.g., Engineers, CPA, etc.)

Performs technical tasks required to support ongoing business

operations (e.g., technicians, IT administrators)
Technical Support
Requires vocational training or the equivalent experience, but does not
require a university degree
Skilled technician in a hands-on environment, often highly specialized

Supports the business through performing clerical/administrative support

Work is typically rule-based, covered by standard operating procedures,
General Staff (G) and jobholder has very limited opportunity to deviate from agreed
processes and standards
Requires vocational training or the equivalent experience, but does not
require a university degree

Performs operational, craft or manual tasks

Performs tasks according to established procedures, with limited
Labor (L)
opportunity for independent decision-making
Typically performs unskilled or semi-skilled work

6.2.3. Assigning Career Level

Career Level, also known as Job Level, determines the relative value
of a job in an organization. Career Leveling ensures alignment across
functions and families.
After determining the Career Band of each position, the GOCC shall
then assign the position to its respective Career Level. The GOCC
shall be guided by the descriptions provided in Appendix A.

6.3. Development of Proposed Branch Model

The Branch Model provides the classification of branches and the standard
staffing pattern of each classification. It also provides the criteria for
reclassification, creation and closure of branches.
This pertains to the standardized requirement for GOCCs with branch,
region, or district office/operation. It serves as a guide in determining the
minimum staffing requirement of a branch, region, or district office using the
parameters set by the GOCC.

What is a branch?
A branch is an operating unit which has two elements:
It is distributed geographically for the purpose of extending services to specific
geographical locations; and
Its organizational design and functions are merely iterated/replicated across different
geographical locations, the only variability being its size.
Does the branch model apply to other units operating locally?
Yes. A branch includes: (1) regional offices, (2) provincial offices, (3) field offices, (4) service
offices, (5) local centers, and others of similar nature.

STEP 7: Strategic Action Planning (SAP)

The GOCC shall design a Strategic Action Plan in order to implement their
Reorganization Plan. The SAP shall include the following minimum requirements:

(a) Timeline of implementation

(b) Communication plan
(c) Transition plan

STEP 8: Approval of the Reorganization Plan by the Governing Board

8.1. Submission of Reorganization Plan to the Governing Board

Upon finalization of the Reorganization Plan, the CMT shall endorse and
present the Reorganization Plan to the GOCC Governing Board for final
approval. Consensus of all CMT members is not required.

8.2. Approval of the Reorganization Plan by the Governing Board

The Governing Board shall approve the Reorganization Plan duly endorsed
and presented by the CMT.

STEP 9: Creation of the Technical Working Group (TWG)

The Technical Working Group is a subset of the Change Management Team,
composed only of officers representing GOCCs management. It is in charge of
negotiating adjustments to the Reorganization Plan with the GCG. The TWG is
constituted after the Governing Board approves the filing of the Reorganization Plan
with the GCG.
STEP 10: Endorsement of the Supervising Agency to the GCG
After the approval of the Reorganization Plan, the Governing Board shall request
for the endorsement of the Supervising Agency.

Does the signature of the Secretary of the Supervising Agency in the Board Resolution
suffice as Endorsement of the Supervising Agency?
In cases where the Board Resolution is signed by the Secretary of the Supervising Agency sitting
as Ex Officio member, a separate endorsement is no longer necessary.
If the Board Resolution is signed by the Ex Officio alternate, a separate endorsement from the
Secretary is necessary.

Which GOCCs are not covered by this Step?

1. Subsidiaries; and
2. GOCCs attached by default to the Office of the President


STEP 11: Submission to and Preliminary Evaluation of the GCG

The GOCC shall submit a complete set of Reorganization Plan annexs and
forms as provided in this Guidebook.

The GOCC must submit the following copies of the Reorganization Plan
together: (a) Hard Copies; and (b) Soft Copies in USB

Soft copies of the Reorganization Plan documents must have the following

Checklist of Reorganization Plan Format

Annex 1: Board Resolution Directing the Commencement Scanned Copy

of the Reorganization and Providing Its
Governance Structure
Annex 2: Official List of CMT Members Scanned Copy
Annex 3: Documentation of Participatory Process Scanned Copy
Annex 4: Current State Assessment Report MS Word or PDF
Annex 5: Workforce Analysis and Planning Report MS Word, MS Excel or PDF
Annex 6: Cost-Benefit Analysis Report MS Word or MS Excel
Annex 7: Design Framework MS Word or MS Excel
Annex 8: OSSP-CL Master Data (Soft Copy) MS Excel
Annex 9: Official OSSP-CL MS Excel
Annex 10: Existing Organizational Structure MS Excel, MS Word, or MS
Annex 11: Proposed Organizational Structure MS Excel, MS Word, or MS
Annex 12: Functional Description of All Organizational MS Word or MS Excel
Annex 13: Job Description of Proposed (Retained and MS Word or MS Excel
New) Position Titles
Annex 14: Branch Model MS Word or MS Excel
Annex 15: Strategic Action Plan MS Word, MS Excel or PDF
Annex 16: Endorsement of Change Management Team Scanned Copy
Annex 17: Board Resolution Approving the Reorganization Scanned Copy
Annex 18: Official List of TWG Members Scanned Copy
Annex 19: Memorandum of Endorsement by the Scanned Copy
Supervising Agency
Form 1: Progress Report MS Word, MS Excel or PDF
Form 2: Changes in Scope of Responsibilities and MS Word or MS Excel
Reporting Lines
Form 3: Changes in Staffing MS Word or MS Excel
Form 4: Changes in Titles of Organizational Units and MS Word or MS Excel
Form 5: Changes in Career Pathing MS Word or MS Excel
Form 6: Scrap and Build Plan MS Word or MS Excel
Form 7: Transfer of Personnel MS Word or MS Excel
Form 8: Reduction of Workforce MS Word or MS Excel
Form 9: Abolition of Coterminous to the Incumbent MS Word or MS Excel
Form 10: Creation, Reclassification, or Closure of Branches MS Word or MS Excel

If the Reorganization Plan is insufficient as to form, it shall be returned without

action to the GOCC if the deficiency is not cured within 15 calendar days from the
date of initial filing.

If the Reorganization Plan is insufficient as to substance, it shall be returned

without action to the GOCC if the deficiency is not cured within 15 calendar days
from the date that the deficiency is communicated to the GOCC.

STEP 12: Conduct of Negotiations between GOCC TWG and GCG

12.1. RP Presentation to the GCG
The CEO shall formally present the Reorganization Plan to the GCG,
unless such requirement is waived.

12.2. Negotiation on the Organizational Structure

The TWG shall come to an agreement with the GCG on the Organizational

12.3. Negotiation on Staffing Pattern and Career Leveling

The TWG shall come to an agreement with the GCG on the Staffing Pattern
and Career Leveling.
STEP 13: Issuance of Memorandum Order (MO) Approving the
The GCG shall issue a Memorandum Order approving the Reorganization Plan
of the GOCC, after the conduct of TWG Negotiations.

The Memorandum Order shall include the following:

(a) Design Framework
(b) Formal Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern with Career
Leveling (OSSP-CL)
(c) Branch Model
(d) Functional Descriptions of Organizational Units
(e) Job Descriptions of Position Titles


1. Submission of Implementation Progress Report

The GOCC shall submit a progress report every semester, showing the
status of the activities identified under the SAP.

2. Applications for Conditional Authority under Operational Flexibility

In light of the Board Autonomy under Article 9-10 of the Ownership and
Operations Manual for the GOCC Sector, the Governing Board shall be given
conditional authority to implement a number of changes in the organization.

Only GOCCs whose reorganization / rationalization plans have been

approved by the Governance Commission under the GCG MC No. 2015-
04 can be granted with such authority.
GOCCs whose reorganization/ rationalization plans have been approved
prior to the issuance of the GCG MC No. 2015-04 may be granted operational
flexibility upon the approval of the staffing models and standards (career

What are the two modes of applying the Operational Flexibility Clause?
1. Through the Transitory Provisions in Section 10 of GCG MC No. 2015-04; and
2. Through a GCG-approved reorganization under GCG MC No. 2015-04

Who are covered by the Transitory Provisions?

1. Those that have GCG-approved reorganization or rationalization prior to GCG MC No.
2015-04; and
2. Those that intend to apply for reorganization under GCG MC No. 2015-04

What are the conditions for the application of the Operational Flexibility Clause under
the Transitory Provisions of GCG M.C. No. 2015-04?
There are three conditions:
1. The 90-day rule. The GOCC must submit a Workforce Analysis and Planning (WAP)
Report within 90 calendar days or 3 months from the date of effectivity of GCG M.C. No.
GCG M.C. No. 2015-04 was published in the Manila Standard on 30 July 2015.
Accordingly, the 3-month deadline for the workforce analysis report is on 30 October 2015.
2. The 60-day rule. Sixty (60) working days must lapse from the date of the receipt by the
GCG of the WAP Report, after which the GOCC can apply for conditional authority under
GCG MC No. 2015-04.
However, receipt by the GOCC of GCG regulatory intervention shall indefinitely toll the
running of the 60-day period.
3. The 30-day rule. After the perfection of the 60-day period, the GOCC must submit
Application/s for Conditional Authority under GCG MC No. 2015-04, following the
prescribed forms in this Guidebook. Thirty (30) working days must lapse from the date of
the receipt by the GCG of the Application/s for Conditional Authority.
However, receipt by the GOCC of GCG regulatory intervention shall indefinitely toll the
running of the 30-day period.

GCG M.C. 2015-04 provides that the Governing Board has the authority to
effect the following:

(a) Changes Scope of Responsibilities and Reporting Lines

(b) Staffing
(c) Position Titling
(d) Career Pathing
(e) Scrap and Build Flexibility
(f) Reassignment / Transfer
(g) Reduction of Workforce
(h) Abolition of Coterminous Positions
(i) Creation and Closure of Branches

What is scrap and build?

It involves the simultaneous creation of new positions and abolition of existing positions, resulting
into an equivalent Personnel Services (PS) Cost.
The main test for scrap and build is the resulting level of PS Cost.

What is the meaning of 10.5 of the Transitory Provisions of the GCG MC No. 2015-04?
Section 10.5 states: "The filled positions within each GOCC and all positions that have only been
vacant for not more than four (4) months from the effectivity of this circular shall be deemed the
authorized workforce level of the GOCC, and all other vacant positions shall be deemed abolished."
This is only for the purpose of Career Leveling under Step 9. This does not imply an actual and
automatic abolition of plantilla items.

What positions are covered by 4.1.6 of GCG MC No. 2015-04 on Reassignment/Transfer?

The provision covers plantilla positions with fixed stations. Hence, any reassignment/transfer of fixed
positions requires the observance of the Operational Flexibility Clause, or GCG approval.
The provision does not cover plantilla positions without fixed stations. Hence, reassignment/transfer
of such positions can be done by the GOCC even without GCG approval or notice.

How are stations of plantilla positions fixed?

The fixing of positions for various plantilla items may be done in two ways:
1. Through the position title. For example: the position title of Regional Officer indicates that the
plantilla position has a fixed station in any regional office. However, this does not provide a
vested right for the incumbent to stay in a particular regional office.
2. Through individual appointment papers. For example: an Accountant's appointment paper
indicates a specific location of assignment, such as "Regional Office in Region I".
CPS HR Consulting. n.d. Workforce Planning Tool Kit: Supply/Demand Analysis and Gap Analysis.
Retrieved 27 September 2015, from http://www.cpshr.us/workforceplanning/

Department of Local Government, Government of Western Australia. August 2012. Workforce

Planning: The Essentials. Australian Government. Retrieved 22 September 2015, from

Lusthaus, Charles, Marie-Hlne Adrien, Gary Anderson, Fred Carden, and George Plinio Montalvn.
2002. Organizational Assessment. International Development Research Centre/Inter-American
Development Bank, Retrieved 10 September 2015, from http://idl-

Mind Tools. n.d. Organization Design: Aligning Organization Structure with Your Business Goals.
Retrieved September 11, 2015, from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_95.htm

Mind Tools. n.d. The McKinsey 7-S Framework: Ensuring That All Parts of Your Organization Work in
Harmony. Retrieved September 11, 2015, from

MIT Human Resources. n.d. Strategic Planning of Talent. Retrieved 10 September 2015, from

[Supervising Agency Letterhead] Annex 1





WHEREAS, the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) issued GCG

Memorandum Circular (M.C.) No. 2015-04 providing the guidelines on the
reorganization, rationalization and personnel planning in the GOCC Sector;

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that [GOCC] needs to undergo

reorganization for the following reasons:

[Briefly enumerate rationale of reorganization]

WHEREAS, Section 3.2.2 of GCG MC No. 2015-04 mandates the formulation

of a Governance Structure to ensure an orderly and efficient reorganization process.


RESOLVED, the commencement of the reorganization of [GOCC] under GCG

MC No. 2015-04 is hereby approved.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the reorganization shall have the following Guiding


[State Guiding Principles]

RESOLVED FURTHER, a Change Management Team is hereby established,

as provided in 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC 2015-04, in accordance with the Official List
provided in Annex 2.

RESOLVED FURTHER, the Change Management Team is hereby authorized

and directed to undertake the following:
1. Establish a Mechanism for Participatory Process, which shall include a
grievance machinery, pursuant to Section 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC 2015-04;
2. Hire a third party to conduct the Current State Assessment, pursuant to
3.2.2(a) of GCG MC 2015-04;
3. Conduct a Workforce Analysis, pursuant to 3.2.2(e) of GCG MC 2015-04;
4. Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Reorganization, pursuant to
3.2.2(d) of GCG MC 2015-04;
5. Formulate a Design Framework, pursuant to 3.2.1 of GCG MC 2015-04;
6. Develop a Proposed Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern
7. Conduct Career Leveling;
8. Develop a Proposed Branch Model; and
9. Formulate a Strategic Action Plan.

RESOLVED FINALLY, the Governance Structure for the Reorganization Plan

shall be as follows:

Extent of Decision-Making Responsibilities and

Concerned Units
Authority Accountabilities
Board of Directors
Senior Management
Change Management Team
Organizational Units
Middle Managers and
Rank-and-File Employees
Employee Associations
Annex 2





e.g. Department Manager,
Union Representative, HR
Annex 3


Attach the following:

I. Attendance Records in Change Management Team (CMT) Meetings
II. Minutes of CMT Meetings
III. Minutes of Consultation Meeting/s with Employee Association/s or
IV. Copy of Survey Questionnaire and Survey Results (if applicable)
V. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Report (if applicable)
VI. Minutes of Town Hall Sessions (if applicable)
Annex 4



1. Introduction
Background and purpose
Development issues
Description of the organization
Unit of analysis

2. Methodology
Major issues/questions
Data collection/sources
Data analysis
Limitations (time, resources, information) Team

3. Targeting Individual Organization or Network

Identification of organization
Profile of organization
Organizational links to development problem

4. Enabling Environment

Formal rules
Legal framework
Intellectual property rights
Labor rights

Institutional culture
Cultural values

Natural resources
Human resources
Financial resources

5. Major Organizational Capacity Issues Affecting Organizational

Strategic leadership
Human resources

3 Lusthaus, etal. 2002.

Annex 4

Inter-organizational linkages

6. Major Organizational Motivation Issues Affecting Organizational

System of incentives and rewards

7. Organizational Performance
Ongoing relevance
Financial viability

8. Conclusions and Recommendations

Areas for further study
Possible areas for intervention
Possible ways of implementing the project
NOTE: This form must be filled for each position title. Numbers are for illustration
purposes only.

Current Staffing Level (number of filled plantilla positions) 50
ADD: Number of indispensable but unfilled plantilla positions 5
LESS: Number of filled plantilla positions deemed redundant or obsolete 6
ADD: Number of plantilla positions required to meet workload requirements 4
Required Staffing Level 53

Current Staffing Level 50
LESS: Projected Attrition (see Trend Analysis) 18
Projected Internal Supply 32


Required Staffing Level 53

LESS: Projected Internal Supply 32
Projected Workforce Gap 21

Trend Analysis of Projected Attrition

Average Percentage Projected

Current Staffing
Reason for Attrition Attrition (5-Year Average
Trend) Attrition

Retirements 6% 50 3.0

Resignations 15% 50 7.5

Terminations 3% 50 1.5

Promotions 2% 50 1.0

Demotions 4% 50 2.0

Details from GOCC 1% 50 0.5

Annex 5

Other Causes of Attrition 5% 50 2.5

Total Attrition / Turnover 36% 18.0

Annex 6



Actual Annual Personal Services Include Basic Salary,
Cost Based on Filled Plantilla (latest benefits, allowances, and
Full Year) other forms of
remuneration; use actual
salary steps

Actual Annual Workforce Cost from Include all forms of

Operating Expenses (latest Full remuneration for non-
Year) plantilla personnel

Projected Annual Personal Services Include Basic Salary,

Cost assuming All Plantilla Positions benefits, allowances, and
under Existing Staffing Pattern are other forms of
Filled remuneration; for unfilled
positions, assume mid-
range salary steps

Projected Additional Personal

Services Cost of Addressing
Workforce Gap identified in
Workforce Analysis Report (Annex 5)
assuming All the Gaps will be Filled

Projected Annual Workforce Cost

from Operating Expenses assuming
All the Gaps will be Filled in
Workforce Analysis Report (Annex 5)

Annual Net Operating Income, or

any other relevant financial
performance indicators, in the last
five (5) years Net Operating Income =
Operating Income
Projected Net Operating Income, or Operating Expenses
any other relevant financial
performance indicators, in the next
five (5) years
Annex 7


Year 1 of Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Success Indicators Accountable Unit/s Implementation of

Financial Indicator 1 Accountable Unit 1 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Financial Indicator 2 Accountable Unit 2 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Financial Indicator 3 Accountable Unit 3 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Financial Indicator 4 Accountable Unit 4 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Financial Indicator 5 Accountable Unit 5 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Operational Indicator 1 Accountable Unit 6 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Operational Indicator 2 Accountable Unit 7 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Operational Indicator 3 Accountable Unit 8 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Operational Indicator 4 Accountable Unit 9 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target

Operational Indicator 5 Accountable Unit 10 Year 1 Target Year 2 Target Year 3 Target Year 4 Target Year 5 Target
Annex 8



[See MS Excel template for Master Data on the Memorandum Circulars page of the GCG Website]
Annex 9


Position Title Career SG Number of Parameters for Creation of Career Career JG Qualification
Path Items Additional Positions Band Level Standards
Department Manager III 25 1 Fixed
Executive Assistant II 22 1 Fixed
Financial Analyst I 15 3-10 Add one additional position for
II 18 every X number of inputs
III 22
Accountant I 15 2-5 Add one additional position for
II 18 every Y number of transactions
III 22
Administrative Assistant II 22 1 Fixed

Position Title Career SG Number of Parameters for Creation of Career Career JG Qualification
Path Items Additional Positions Band Level Standards
Position Title 1
Position Title 2
Position Title 3

Position Title 4

Position Title 5
Annex 10


[Insert existing organizational chart. Each box must contain the name of the organizational unit. Each box must also contain the
number of plantilla personnel.]
Annex 11


[Insert proposed organizational chart. Each box must contain the name of the organizational unit. Each box must also contain the
number of plantilla personnel.]
Annex 12


Organizational Unit Functional Description/Statement

Annex 13


Organizational Unit Position Title Job Description

Annex 14




Generated Revenue >= $100M <$100 M & >=$70M <$70 M & >=$30M <$30 M & >=$5M

Total Store Area >=15,000 m2 3,000 15,000 m2 300 to 5,000 m2 300 to 2,000 m2

Manager 1 1 1 1

Secretary 1 1 1 1
Assistant Manager NL*NSS NL*NSS NL*NSS NL*NSS


NL = Number of Locations; NSS = Number of Shifts; NSA = Number of Assistants
Annex 15


Problem Strategy Action Timeframe Responsibility Outcomes

Annex 16


We, the Change Management Team, respectfully endorse the proposed

Reorganization Plan of the [GOCC], subject to the final approval of the Governing

This is to certify that an adequate participatory process was undertaken on the

development of the proposed Reorganization Plan, pursuant to Section 3.2.2(c) of
GCG Memorandum Circular No. 2015-04.

Done this __ day of _____________, in _____________, Philippines.


[To be signed by ALL Members of the Change Management Team]

Annex 17





WHEREAS, the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) issued GCG

Memorandum Circular (M.C.) No. 2015-04 providing the guidelines on the
reorganization, rationalization and personnel planning in the GOCC Sector;

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the [GOCC Acronym] needs to
undergo reorganization for the following reasons: [state rationale];

WHEREAS, the Board designated a Change Management Team (CMT) on

[date] to draft and recommend the proposed reorganization plan;

WHEREAS, on [date], the CMT submitted to the Board the proposed

reorganization plan endorsed by at least the majority of the CMT;

RESOLVED, that a Technical Working Group (TWG) is hereby established, as
provided in GOCC Reorganization Annex 18;

RESOLVED, that the TWG is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations with
the GCG in order to arrive at an agreement on the proposed reorganization;

RESOLVED, the submitted proposed Reorganization Plan is hereby approved

for submission to the GCG, to wit:

Annex 1: Board Resolution Directing the Commencement of the

Reorganization and Providing Its Governance Structure
Annex 2: Official List of CMT Members
Annex 3: Documentation of Participatory Process
Annex 4: Current State Assessment Report
Annex 5: Workforce Analysis and Planning Report
Annex 6: Cost-Benefit Analysis Report
Annex 7: Design Framework
Annex 8: OSSP-CL Master Data (Soft Copy)
Annex 9: Official OSSP-CL
Annex 10: Existing Organizational Structure
Annex 11: Proposed Organizational Structure
Annex 12: Functional Description of All Organizational Units
Annex 13: Job Description of Proposed (Retained and New)
Position Titles
Annex 14: Branch Model
Annex 15: Strategic Action Plan
Annex 16: Endorsement of Change Management Team
Annex 17: Board Resolution Approving the Reorganization Plan
Annex 18: Official List of TWG Members
Annex 19: Memorandum of Endorsement by the Supervising

DONE, this ___ day of _____, in _________, Philippines.

[To be signed by Members of the Governing Board]

Annex 18



[Supervising Agency Letterhead] Annex 19


FOR : The Governance Commission for GOCCs

FROM : The Secretary

[Supervising Agency]

SUBJECT : Proposed Reorganization Plan of [GOCC]


This refers to the [GOCC] Board Letter dated _____, requesting for endorsement of
the proposed Reorganization Plan of the [GOCC], pursuant to GCG Memorandum
Circular No. 2015-04.

In this regard, the Department formally endorses the proposed Reorganization Plan
of the [GOCC], as approved by the Governing Board.

For your consideration.

Form 1


Action Timeframe Responsibility Outcomes Status

Note: This form substantially reproduces the Strategic Action Plan, but includes updates on the status of activities.
Form 2


This is an application for conditional authority to implement Changes in Scope of

Responsibilities and Reporting Lines in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.1 of
GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be undertaken are as follows:


Affected Organizational Existing Scope of New Scope of Rationale for
Unit Responsibilities Responsibilities Changes


Affected Organizational Unit Existing Reporting Line New Reporting Line Rationale for Changes

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving Changes in Scope of Responsibilities and
Reporting Lines
2. Updated Annex 10 and Annex 11 of this Guidebook
This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 3


This is an application for conditional authority to implement a STAFFING PLAN in

[GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.2 of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be
undertaken are as follows:


Organizational Existing Number of Plantilla New Number of Plantilla Rationale for
Units Positions Positions Expansion


Existing New
Units Position Salary Number of Position Salary Number of
Titles Grade Plantilla Items Titles Grade Plantilla Items


Total Personnel Cost under Total Personnel Cost on Actual Total Personnel Cost on Actual
Workforce Level before Workforce Level after
Authorized Workforce Level Implementation of Staffing Plan Implementation of Staffing Plan

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Staffing Plan
2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook
This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 4


This is an application for conditional authority to implement CHANGES IN TITLES OF

MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be undertaken are as follows:
Existing Organizational Unit New Title of Organizational Unit Rationale for Changes


Affected Executive Position New Title of Executive Position Rationale for Changes

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving Changes in Titles of Organizational Units and
2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook
3. Updated Annex 10 and Annex 11 of this Guidebook
This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 5


This is an application for conditional authority to implement a CAREER PATHING PLAN

in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.4 of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be
undertaken are as follows:

Plantilla Item Career Path Qualification Standards

Relevant Bachelors Degree; 4

Finance Officer III 10
years relevant work experience
Finance Officer (I-III)

Relevant Bachelors Degree; 2

Finance Officer II 9
Item No. 12.001 years relevant work experience

Finance Officer I 8 Relevant Bachelors Degree

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Career Pathing Plan

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 6


This is an application for conditional authority to implement a SCRAP AND BUILD PLAN
in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.5 of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be
undertaken are as follows:
Position Title Salary Grade Career Band Career Level Job Grade Rationale for


Position Title Salary Grade Career Band Career Level Job Grade Rationale for


Organizational Authorized Actual Workforce Level before Actual Workforce Level after
Units Workforce Level Scrap and Build Scrap and Build


Total Personnel Cost under Total Personnel Cost on Actual Total Personnel Cost on Actual
Workforce Level before Scrap and Workforce Level after Scrap and
Authorized Workforce Level Build Build
It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Scrap and Build Plan

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 7


This is an application for conditional authority to implement a TRANSFER OF

PERSONNEL4 in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.6 of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The
actions to be undertaken are as follows:
Organizational Units Number of Personnel before Transfer Number of Personnel after Transfer


Position Title Existing Organizational Unit New Organizational Unit

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Transfer of Personnel

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the

4As a general rule, a Board approval is sufficient to transfer plantilla items from one organizational unit to
another. This conditional authority applies only if the number of transfers covers a substantial number of
organizational units, and alters the responsibility of the heads of said units.
Form 8


This is an application for conditional authority to implement a REDUCTION OF

WORKFORCE in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.7 of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The
actions to be undertaken are as follows:


Organizational Number of Personnel before Number of Personnel after Rationale for Reduction
Units Reduction of Workforce Reduction of Workforce of Workforce Level


Organizational Units Position Titles Affected Filled or Vacant Rationale for Abolition


Organizational Affected Filled Financial Cost of Annual Savings in Personnel Cost
Units Positions Abolition due to Abolition

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Reduction of Workforce

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate participatory
process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this application with the
Form 9


This is an application for conditional authority to implement an ABOLITION OF

COTERMINOUS TO THE INCUMBENT POSITIONS in [GOCC], pursuant to Section 4.1.8 of
GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be undertaken are as follows:


Organizational Units Affected Filled Positions Filled or Vacant Rationale for Abolition


Organizational Affected Filled Financial Cost of Annual Savings in Personnel Cost
Units Positions Abolition due to Abolition

It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the 30-
day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the GCG
may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION ORDER.
Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Abolition of Coterminous to the Incumbent

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate
participatory process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this
application with the GCG.
Form 10


This is an application for conditional authority to implement the CREATION,
of GCG MC No. 2015-04. The actions to be undertaken are as follows:

Branch Title Branch Classification Rationale for Creation


Branch Existing Branch New Branch Rationale for
Title Classification Classification Reclassification


Branch Title Branch Classification Rationale for Closure

This is also to certify that the CREATION OR RECLASSIFICATION OF BRANCHES is

pursuant to the approved BRANCH MODEL of [GOCC] under [Memorandum Order]. It
is further certified that the [GOCC] strictly adhered to the parameters for creation or
reclassification of branches, and is prepared to substantiate the existence of
conditions meeting these parameters through official documents.
It is understood that these actions are effective 30 working days from the date of
receipt of this application by the GCG. However, if the GCG determines within the
30-day period that these actions require further evaluation, it is understood that the
GCG may suspend the effectivity of these actions through a written SUSPENSION
ORDER. Attached hereunder are the requisite documents:
1. Board Resolution approving the Creation, Reclassification or Closure of

2. Updated Annex 8 and Annex 9 of this Guidebook

This is also to certify that the [GOCC Acronym] availed of an adequate
participatory process under 3.2.2(c) of GCG MC No. 2015-04 before filing this
application with the GCG.
Appendix A

Executive Career Band

Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 21 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
20 Typically the COO/President and/or in some organizations the CFO
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
19 Manages multiple functions or a critical function representing a core
business activity with a major impact on business performance
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Typically sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-
making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
18 Head of a large or key function with a direct impact on business
Significantly influences strategic policy for the entire business
May sit on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making
Typically reports to the CEO/Profit Center head or a COO/President
17 Top Functional Executive in charge of a function providing infrastructure for
the business or impacting business performance indirectly
Primarily involved in setting functional strategy
Typically repots into Regional/Divisional Head or a COO/President
16 Top Functional Executive within a large geography or main division of the
business or in charge of a small corporate discipline
Typically manages a significant proportion of total staff in the function
and/or significantly influences functional strategy
Typically reports into Functional Head or Subregion/Divisional/Country
Executive Career Band
Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 20 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
19 Typically the COO/President and/or in some organizations the CFO
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
18 Head of a large or key function with a direct impact on business
Significantly influences strategic policy for the entire business
May sit on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making
Typically reports to the CEO/Profit Center Head or a COO/President
17 Top Functional Executive in charge of a function providing infrastructure for
the business or impacting business performance indirectly
Primarily involved in setting functional strategy
Typically reports into Regional/Divisional Head or a COO/President
16 Top Functional Executive within a large geography or main division of the
business or in charge of a small corporate discipline
Typically manages a significant proportion of total staff in the function
and/or significantly influences functional strategy
Typically reports into Functional Head or Subregion/Divisional/Country
Executive Career Band
Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 19 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
18 Manages multiple functions (e.g. COO, President, etc.) or a critical function
representing a core business activity with a major impact on business
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
17 Head of a large or key function with a direct impact on business
Significantly influences strategic policy for the entire business
May sit on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making
Typically reports to the CEO/Profit Center Head or a COO/President
16 Top Functional Executive in charge of a function providing infrastructure for
the business or impacting business performance indirectly
Primarily involved in setting functional strategy
Typically reports into Regional/Divisional Head or a COO/President
15 Top Functional Executive within a geography or division of the business or
in charge of a discipline
Significantly influences functional strategy
Typically reports into Functional Head or Subregion/Divisional/Country
Executive Career Band
Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 18 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
17 Head of a large/key or multiple functions with a direct impact on business
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
16 Top Functional Executive in charge of a function providing infrastructure for
the business or impacting business performance indirectly
Primarily involved in setting functional strategy
May report to CEO/Profit Center Head or Divisional or Country Head
15 Top Functional Executive within a geography or division of the business or
in charge of a discipline
Significantly influences functional strategy
Typically reports into Functional Head or Divisional or Country Head
Executive Career Band
Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 17 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
16 Head of a large/key or multiple functions with a direct impact on business
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
15 Top Functional Executive in charge of a function providing infrastructure for
the business or impacting business performance indirectly
Primarily involved in setting functional strategy
May report to CEO/Profit Center Head or Divisional or Country Head
Executive Career Band
Function Executives Large GOCC, Average Grade 16 Organization
Executives primarily involved in the development, evolution and approval of the long-term
vision across a function or area of specialization. Leads development of function strategy
and establishes, implements, and maintains policies of the organization for area of
Job Grade
15 Head of a large/key or multiple functions with a direct impact on business
Plays a direct role in shaping the strategy and external image of the entire
Sits on the Executive Leadership Team or equivalent decision-making body
Typically reports directly to the CEO/Profit Center Head
Supervisory/Management Career Band
M5 Senior Group Manager (Job Grade 17)
Applies only to large international or global organizations
Provides leadership and direction through Group and/or Senior Managers
Develops, adapts and executes functional or departmental strategy to achieve key
business objectives in area of responsibility
M4 Group Manager (Job Grade 16)
Provides leadership and direction through Senior Managers and Managers
Is accountable for the performance and results of diverse disciplines or departments
within a major region or division
Adapts and executes functional or departmental business plans and contributes to the
development of functional or departmental strategies
M3 Senior Manager (aligns with Job Grades 14 & 15)
Provides leadership to managers, supervisors and/or professional staff
Is accountable for the performance and results of multiple related units
Develops departmental plans, including business, production and/or organizational
Job Grade 15 Differentiator Job Grade 14 Differentiator
Looks beyond existing methodologies Identifies applications of functional
and own discipline to define and resolve knowledge and existing methodologies
complex problems to complex problems
Develops plans and delivers results in Manages large teams of professionals
fast-changing businesses and/or and/or junior managers
regulatory environments
Manages large, potentially diverse
teams of managers and/or senior
M2 Manager (aligns with Job Grades 12 & 13)
Manages professional employees and/or supervisors or supervises large, complex
technical or business support or production operations team(s)
Is accountable for the performance and results of a team within own discipline or
Adapts departmental plans and priorities to address resource and operational
Job Grade 13 Differentiators Job Grade 12 Differentiators
Accountable for the budget, Accountable for results of a small team
performance and results of a medium- Exercises limited management
sized team or multiple small teams authority; sets employee performance
Exercises full management authority, objectives, conducts performance
including performance reviews, pay reviews and recommends pay actions
decisions, recruitment, discipline, Defines team operating standards and
termination, and other personnel actions ensures essential procedures are
Addresses issues with impact beyond followed based on knowledge of own
own team based on knowledge of discipline
related disciplines
Supervisory/Management Career Band
M1 Supervisor (aligns with Job Grades 10 & 11)
Coordinates and supervises the daily activities of business or technical support or
production team
Sets priorities for the team to ensure task completion; coordinates work activities with
other supervisors
Decisions are guided by policies, procedures and business plan; receives guidance and
oversight from manager
Typically does not spend more than 20% of time performing the work supervised

Job Grade 11 Differentiators Job Grade 10 Differentiators

Accountable for the results of a large Accountable for the results of medium-
and/or moderately complex support or sized routine support or production
production operations team including operations teams
subordinate work leaders Solves problems based on practice and
Applies acquired expertise to analyze precedent
and solve problems without clear Trains team members and provides
precedent input to employee performance
Provides input on resource planning and evaluations
policy development
Coaches team members on
performance, completes employee
performance evaluations, and
recommends pay actions
Professional Career Band
P6 Renowned Expert (aligns with Job Grades 16 & 17)
Is recognized as an external thought leader within strategic function or discipline
Influences the strategy to address internal or external business and regulatory issues
Proactively identifies, defines, and solves the most complex problems that impact the
management and direction of the business
Job Grade 17 Differentiator Job Grade 16 Differentiator
Only applies to large international or Typically found in Job Grades 18 or
global businesses higher organizations
Contributes as top thought leader Contributes thought leadership and
worldwide, whose achievements include innovation that influences change and
major innovations that change and advancement of the industry and/or
advance the industry and/or profession profession
Leads the largest projects/initiatives that Leads large projects/initiatives that
have a significant impact upon a impact the business on a domestic or
complex, global business international scale
P5 Master (aligns with Job Grade 15)
Is recognized as an expert within the organization, both within and beyond own function
Anticipates internal and/or external business challenges and/or regulatory issues;
recommends process, product or service improvements
Progression to this level is typically restricted on the basis of business requirements
P4 Subject Matter Expert (aligns with Job Grades 13 & 14)
Is recognized as an expert in own area within the organization
Requires specialized depth and/or breadth of expertise
Works independently, with guidance in only the most complex situations
Progression to this level is typically restricted on the basis of business requirement
Job Grade 14 Differentiators Job Grade 13 Differentiators
Provides innovative solutions to Guides others in resolving complex
complex issues in specialized area issues in specialized area based on
Serves as best practice/quality resource existing solutions and procedures,
within and outside own discipline Serves as best practice/quality resource
May lead functional teams or projects within own discipline or as technical
expert on functional or cross-functional
teams or projects
Trains/mentors junior staff
P3 Career (aligns with Job Grades 11 & 12)
Requires in-depth knowledge and experience
Solves complex problems; takes a new perspective using existing solutions
Works independently; receives minimal guidance
Job Grade 12 Differentiators Job Grade 11 Differentiators
Uses best practices and knowledge of Contributes to process improvements
internal or external business issues to Typically resolves problems using
improve products/services or processes existing solutions
Typically resolves complex problems or Provides informal guidance to junior
Professional Career Band
problems where precedent may not staff
Often leads the work of project teams;
may formally train junior staff
P2 Intermediate (aligns with Job Grade10)
Requires knowledge and experience in own discipline; still acquiring higher level
knowledge and skills
Analyzes possible solutions using standard procedures
Receives a moderate level of guidance and direction
P1 Entry (aligns with Job Grades 8 & 9)
Performs routine assignments in the entry level of the Professional Career Band
Typically requires a college or university degree or the equivalent work experience that
provides knowledge and exposure to fundamental theories, principles and concepts
Receives instruction, guidance and direction from others
Job Grade 9 Differentiators Job Grade 8 Differentiators
Has limited discretion to vary from Has no discretion to vary from
established procedures established procedures
Has limited work experience involving Has no related work experience or has
basic concepts and procedures work experience but requires formal
training in theories/concepts in own
Entry-level graduate in the
probationary period
Customer/ Client Management & Sales
S6 Elite Expert (aligns with Job Grades 16 & 17)
Is recognized externally as a leading sales strategist and business expert, with highly
sophisticated understanding of customer needs and competitors offerings
Is recognized internally as a role model and leader in planning and executing successful
sales strategies for the organizations largest and most complex clients or markets
Progression to this level is typically restricted on the basis of individual capabilities and
business requirements
Job Grade 17 Differentiator Job Grade 16 Differentiator
Only applies to large international or Typically found in Job Grade 18 or
global businesses higher organization
Manages largest, most strategically Manages large, complex, international
important global accounts in a very large accounts in a medium to large
organization organization
Is recognized as one of the top sales Is recognized as a major sales producer
producers in a global organization and in an international business
in the wider industry
S5 Senior Expert (aligns with Job Grade 15)
Has an extremely deep understanding of business, financials, products/services, the
market, and the needs/challenges of assigned accounts; develops colleagues' and
customers' understanding; is recognized as an expert in many areas
Works with large/important/global accounts
Has full authority/opportunity to set and negotiate product/service terms
S4 Expert (aligns with Job Grades 13 & 14)
Has a deep understanding of business, financials, products/services, the market or the
needs/challenges of assigned accounts
Complexity is extremely high (territory/account, products/services, sales or account
management process); serves as team lead
Has extremely high authority/opportunity to set and negotiate product/service terms
Plans own territory or account approach and has input into colleagues' approaches;
manages own and often others' resources
Job Grade 14 Differentiators Job Grade 13 Differentiators
Most clients are substantial, high profile Some clients are high profile accounts
accounts spanning broad geographic spanning broad geographic areas,
areas, representing significant revenue representing significant revenue and
and having diverse and complex needs having diverse and complex needs
Negotiates sales terms with Negotiates sales terms with moderate
considerable discretion at high levels of discretion within policy guidelines
client organizations Leads small to medium sales teams, but
Is recognized as a best practice expert without supervisory authority
in several
business/sales/product/service areas
S3 Career (aligns with Job Grades 11 & 12)
Has a solid understanding of business, financials, products/services, the market, and
the needs of assigned accounts; may help develop colleagues' understanding; may be
recognized as an expert in one area
Customer/ Client Management & Sales
Complexity is high (territory/account, products/services, sales or account management
process); may serve as team lead

Job Grade 12 Differentiators Job Grade 11 Differentiators

Manages accounts in a large domestic Manages a medium domestic territory
or small multi-country territory Develops expertise in an aspect of
Recognized internally as an expert in an business, financials, products/services,
aspect of business, financials, the market and the needs of assigned
products/services, the market and the accounts
needs of assigned accounts Leads a small sales team on an ad hoc
Typically leads a small sales team but basis to meet specific client needs
without supervisory authority Provides informal guidance to junior
Trains and mentors junior staff staff
S2 Intermediate (aligns with Job Grade10)
Is developing an understanding of business, financials, products/services, the market,
or account needs
Complexity is moderate (territory/assigned accounts, products/services, sales or
account management process)
Has moderate authority/opportunity to set and negotiate product/service terms
Is beginning to plan own territory or account approach and monitor resources
S1 Entry (aligns with Job Grades 8 & 9)
Has general awareness of business, financials, products/services and the market
Complexity is limited (territory/account, products/services, sales process)
Has very limited authority/opportunity to set and negotiate product/service terms
Relies on manager to provide planning and manage resources
Job Grade 9 Differentiators Job Grade 8 Differentiators
Has structured direct contact with clients Has limited direct contact with clients
and limited authority for negotiation and no authority for negotiation
Has general knowledge of assigned Develops basic understanding of
products and services products and services through on-the-
Has limited work experience involving job training
basic concepts and procedures
Technical Support Career Band
T4 Lead (aligns with Job Grades 9 & 10)
Has advanced and specialized expertise, typically developed through a combination of
job-related training and considerable on-the-job experience
Acts as a lead, coordinating the work of others but is not a supervisor
Works autonomously within established procedures and practices
Job Grade 10 Differentiators Job Grade 9 Differentiators
Leads one or more teams in the Leads a team in the performance of a
performance of a variety of tasks that variety of tasks that are often routine
are often complex Solves problems of a recurring nature
Analyzes complex technical problems
and delivers solutions where precedent
may not exist
T3 Senior (aligns with Job Grades 7 & 8)
Has developed proficiency in a range of processes or procedures through job-related
training and considerable on-the-job experience
Works within defined processes and procedures or methodologies and may help
determine the appropriate approach for new assignments
Works with a limited degree of supervision
Acts as an informal resource for colleagues with less experience
Job Grade 8 Differentiators Job Grade 7 Differentiators
Performs highly complex and varied Performs moderately complex and
tasks varied tasks
Typically has specialized external May have specialized external
certification certification
Guides and supports junior team Guides junior team members
members; may assist in their formal
orientation and training
T2 Intermediate (aligns with Job Grade 6)
Applies experience and skills to complete assigned work within own area of expertise
Works within standard operating procedures and/or scientific methods
Works with a moderate degree of supervision
T1 Entry (aligns with Job Grade 5)
Has basic skills in an analytical or scientific method or operational process
Works within clearly defined standard operating procedures and/or scientific methods
and adheres to quality guidelines
Works with close supervision
General Staff Career Band
G4 Lead (aligns with Job Grades 8 & 9)
Has developed expertise in a variety of work processes or activities typically developed
through a combination of job-related training and considerable on-the-job experience
Typically acts as a lead, coordinating the work of others, but not a supervisor
Works autonomously within established procedures and practices
Job Grade 9 Differentiators Job Grade 8 Differentiators
Leads one or more teams in the Leads a team in the performance of a
performance of a variety of tasks that variety of tasks that are often routine
are often complex Solves problems of a recurring nature
Analyzes complex problems and
delivers solutions where precedent may
not exist
G3 Senior (aligns with Job Grades 7)
Has developed specialized skills or is multi-skilled through job-related training and
considerable on-the-job experience
Completes work with a limited degree of supervision
Likely to act as an informal resource for colleagues with less experience
G2 Intermediate (aligns with Job Grade 6)
Has developed knowledge and skills through formal training or considerable work
Entry level often for those with work experience in the skill area
Works within established procedures with a moderate degree of supervision
G1 Entry (aligns with Job Grades 4 & 5)
Entry level job with little or no prior relevant work experience
Acquires basic skills to perform routine tasks
Work is prescribed and completed with little autonomy
Works with either close supervision or under clearly defined procedures
Job Grade 5 Differentiators Job Grade 4 Differentiators
Has limited prior relevant training or Has no prior relevant training or work
work experience experience
Has limited discretion to vary from Has no discretion to vary from
established procedures established procedures
Labor Career Band
L4 Lead (aligns with Job Grade 7)
Has developed expertise, typically through a combination of job-related training and
considerable on-the-job experience
Typically acts as a lead, coordinating the work of others but is not a supervisor
Works autonomously within established procedures and practices
L3 Senior (aligns with Job Grade 6)
Has developed proficiency through job-related training and considerable on-the-job
Completes work with a limited degree of supervision
Likely to act as an informal resource for colleagues with less experience
L2 Intermediate (aligns with Job Grades 4 & 5)
Has developed skills through formal training or considerable work experience
Works within established procedures with a moderate degree of supervision

Job Grade 5 Differentiators Job Grade 4 Differentiators

Performs the full range of established Performs most established procedures
procedures, and will typically be and will typically be considered
considered skilled through on-the-job semiskilled through on-the-job
experience experience
Resolves routine issues without Resolves routine issues with senior staff
supervisory approval or supervisory guidance and approval
L1 Entry (aligns with Job Grades 2 & 3)
Entry-level job with little or no prior relevant experience
Work is prescribed and completed with close supervision and little autonomy

Job Grade 3 Differentiators Job Grade 2 Differentiators

Has limited prior relevant training or Has no prior relevant training or work
work experience experience
Has limited discretion to vary from Has no discretion to vary from
established procedures established procedures

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