07 ExplorationSeismology

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week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 1 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 2

Seismic Refraction and Reflection: Acquisition,

Processing and Interpretation Refraction, Snell’s Law
„ Refraction Seismology
• Determining relatively large-
large-scale structure
• Abrupt increase in velocity with depth
„ Crustal thickness
„ Depth to bedrock
• Large “spread length” of receiver array
„ ≥ twice the crossover distance
• Processing technique
• An example and Interpretation of Refraction section
„ Reflection Seismology
• Suitable for determining fine geologic structure
• Acquisition
„ Geophone
„ Receiver Array (spread length=crossover distance)
„ Common Midpoint Method
• Processing
„ Shot gather
„ CMP gather
„ Normal Moveout Correction and Stack
„ Migrations
• Examples and Interpretations

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 3 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 4

Single Horizontal Interface Several Horizontal Interfaces

Forward Modeling
Forward Modeling
T = t1 + X
V2 Tn = tn −1 +
2h cos θc
t1 = T − axis intercept = Tn = travel time down from the source,
V1 horrizontally along the top of layer n,
θc = critical angle = sin −1 ( )
V2 and back to a receiver at X
X c = critical distance = 2h tan θc t n-1 = T - axis intercept
V2 + V 1 for refraction from layer n
X cr = crossover distance = 2h
V2 − V 1 n
2hi cos θi ,n V
tn −1 = ∑ , where, sin θi ,n = i
Inversion Equations
Inversion Equations i =1 Vi Vn
1 X = horizontal distance
V1 =
slope of direct
from the source to receiver
V2 = Vn = velocity of layer n
slope of refracted
h= 1 1
2 cos θ c

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 5 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 6

An Example of Refraction Section Problem Situations

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 7 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 8

Single Dipping Interface Reflection Data

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 9 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 10

Seismic Section Acquisition (1): Geophones

„ Seismic reflection data

• Offset sources
• Recorded by several receivers offset from each source
„ Seismic section (unmigrated time section)
• Combined data of many shots
• Presented as if a source and a receiver in the same position

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 11 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 12

Source-Receiver Design: Common Midpoint Method

Source- Basics of Reflection Time

T f = t02 +
Tf = travel time from the source,
to interface, to receiver
t 0 = T - axis intercept
t0 =
X = horizontal distance
from the source to receiver

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 13 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 14

Reflection Data Processing (1): Reflection Data Processing (2):

Shot Gather CMP Gather

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 15 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 16

Reflection Data Processing (3): Processing Details – (1) Gather

Normal Moveout Correction and Stack

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 17 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 18

Processing Details – (2) Velocity Analysis Processing Details – (3) NMO Correction

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 19 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 20

Processing Details – (4) Mute Processing Details – (5) Statics Corrections

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 21 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 22

Processing Details – (5) Stack Processing Details – (7) Migration

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 23 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 24

Dipping Reflector Migration – Find the Real Location

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 25 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 26

Geometric Migration Effects


week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 27 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 28

Anticline An Example of Anticline

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 29 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 30

Syncline An Example of Syncline

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 31 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 32

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 33 week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 34

week 7, 02/27 Exploration Seismology slide 35

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