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25/10/2017 C5.

0: An Informal Tutorial

C5.0: An Informal Tutorial

Welcome to C5.0, a system that extracts informative patterns from data. The following sections
show how to prepare data files for C5.0 and illustrate the options for using the system.

In this tutorial, file names and C5.0 input appear in blue fixed-width font while file extensions and
other general forms are shown highlighted in green.

Preparing Data for C5.0

Application files
Names file
What's in a name?
Specifying the classes
Explicitly-defined attributes
Attributes defined by formulas
Dates, times, and timestamps
Selecting the attributes that can appear in classifiers
Data file
Test and cases files (optional)
Costs file (optional)
Constructing Classifiers
Decision trees
Discrete value subsets
Rule utility ordering
Winnowing attributes
Soft thresholds
Advanced pruning options
Sampling from large datasets
Cross-validation trials
Differential misclassification costs
Weighting individual cases
Using Classifiers
Segmentation fault errors
Linux GUI
Linking to Other Programs
Appendix: Summary of Options

Preparing Data for C5.0

We will illustrate C5.0 using a medical application -- mining a database of thyroid assays from the
Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, to construct diagnostic rules for hypothyroidism.
Each case concerns a single referral and contains information on the source of the referral, assays
requested, patient data, and referring physician's comments. Here are three examples:
Attribute Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 .....

age 41 23 46
sex F F M
on thyroxine f f f 1/27
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query on thyroxine f f f
on antithyroid medication f f f
sick f f f
pregnant f f not applicable
thyroid surgery f f f
I131 treatment f f f
query hypothyroid f f f
query hyperthyroid f f f
lithium f f f
tumor f f f
goitre f f f
hypopituitary f f f
psych f f f
TSH 1.3 4.1 0.98
T3 2.5 2 unknown
TT4 125 102 109
T4U 1.14 unknown 0.91
FTI 109 unknown unknown
referral source SVHC other other
diagnosis negative negative negative
ID 3733 1442 2965

This is exactly the sort of task for which C5.0 was designed. Each case belongs to one of a small
number of mutually exclusive classes (negative, primary, secondary, compensated). Properties of
every case that may be relevant to its class are provided, although some cases may have
unknown or non-applicable values for some attributes. There are 24 attributes in this example, but
C5.0 can deal with any number of attributes.

C5.0's job is to find how to predict a case's class from the values of the other attributes. C5.0 does
this by constructing a classifier that makes this prediction. As we will see, C5.0 can construct
classifiers expressed as decision trees or as sets of rules.

Application files
Every C5.0 application has a short name called a filestem; we will use the filestem hypothyroid for
this illustration. All files read or written by C5.0 for an application have names of the form
filestem.extension, where filestem identifies the application and extension describes the contents
of the file.

Here is a summary table of the extensions used by C5.0 (to be described in later sections):

names description of the application's attributes [required]

data cases used to generate a classifier [required]
test unseen cases used to test a classifier [optional]
cases cases to be classified subsequently [optional]
costs differential misclassification costs [optional]
tree decision tree classifier produced by C5.0 [output]
rules ruleset classifier produced by C5.0 [output]

Names file

Two files are essential for all C5.0 applications and there are three further optional files, each
identified by its extension. The first essential file is the names file (e.g. hypothyroid.names) that
describes the attributes and classes. There are two important subgroups of attributes: 2/27
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The value of an explicitly-defined attribute is given directly in the data in one of several forms.
A discrete attribute has a value drawn from a set of nominal values, a continuous attribute
has a numeric value, a date attribute holds a calendar date, a time attribute holds a clock
time, a timestamp attribute holds a date and time, and a label attribute serves only to identify
a particular case.
The value of an implicitly-defined attribute is specified by a formula.

The file hypothyroid.names looks like this:

diagnosis. | the target attribute

age: continuous.
sex: M, F.
on thyroxine: f, t.
query on thyroxine: f, t.
on antithyroid medication: f, t.
sick: f, t.
pregnant: f, t.
thyroid surgery: f, t.
I131 treatment: f, t.
query hypothyroid: f, t.
query hyperthyroid: f, t.
lithium: f, t.
tumor: f, t.
goitre: f, t.
hypopituitary: f, t.
psych: f, t.
TSH: continuous.
T3: continuous.
TT4: continuous.
T4U: continuous.
FTI:= TT4 / T4U.
referral source: WEST, STMW, SVHC, SVI, SVHD, other.

diagnosis: primary, compensated, secondary, negative.

ID: label.

What's in a name?

Names, labels, classes, and discrete values are represented by arbitrary strings of characters, with
some fine print:

Tabs and spaces are permitted inside a name or value, but C5.0 collapses every sequence of
these characters to a single space.
Special characters (comma, colon, period, vertical bar `|') can appear in names and values,
but must be prefixed by the escape character `\'. For example, the name "Filch, Grabbit, and
Co." would be written as `Filch\, Grabbit\, and Co\.'. (Colons in times and periods in
numbers do not need to be escaped.)

Whitespace (blank lines, spaces, and tab characters) is ignored except inside a name or value and
can be used to improve legibility. Unless it is escaped as above, the vertical bar `|' causes the
remainder of the line to be ignored and is handy for including comments. This use of `|' should not
occur inside a value.

Specifying the classes

The first entry in the names file specifies the classes in one of three formats:

A list of class names separated by commas, e.g. 3/27
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primary, compensated, secondary, negative.

The name of a discrete attribute (the target attribute) that contains the class value, e.g.:
The name of a continuous target attribute followed by a colon and one or more thresholds in
increasing order and separated by commas. If there are t thresholds X1, X2, ..., Xt then the
values of the attribute are divided into t+1 ranges:
less than or equal to X1
greater than X1 and less than or equal to X2
greater than Xt.
Each range defines a class, so there are t+1 classes. For example, a hypothetical entry
age: 12, 19.
would define three classes: age <= 12, 12 < age <= 19, and age > 19.

This first entry defining the classes is followed by definitions of the attributes in the order that they
will be given for each case.

Explicitly-defined attributes

The name of each explicitly-defined attribute is followed by a colon `:' and a description of the
values taken by the attribute. The attribute name is arbitrary, except that each attribute must have
a distinct name, and case weight is reserved for setting weights for individual cases. There are eight
possibilities for the description of attribute values:
The attribute takes numeric values.
The attribute's values are dates in the form YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2005/09/30
or 2005-09-30.
The attribute's values are times in the form HH:MM:SS with values between 00:00:00 and
The attribute's values are times in the form YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS or YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS, e.g. 2005-09-30 15:04:00. (Note that there is a space separating the date and
a comma-separated list of names
The attribute takes discrete values, and these are the allowable values. The values may be
prefaced by [ordered] to indicate that they are given in a meaningful ordering, otherwise they
will be taken as unordered. For instance, the values low, medium, high are ordered, while
meat, poultry, fish, vegetables are not. The former might be declared as

grade: [ordered] low, medium, high.

If the attribute values have a natural order, it is better to declare them as such so that C5.0
can exploit the ordering. (NB: The target attribute should not be declared as ordered.)
discrete N for some integer N
The attribute has discrete, unordered values, but the values are assembled from the data
itself; N is the maximum number of such values. This form can be handy for unordered
discrete attributes with many values, but its use means that the data values cannot be
checked. (NB: This form cannot be used for the target attribute.)
The values of the attribute should be ignored.
This attribute contains an identifying label for each case, such as an account number or an
order code. The value of the attribute is ignored when classifiers are constructed, but is used 4/27
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when referring to individual cases. A label attribute can make it easier to locate errors in the
data and to cross-reference results to individual cases. If there are two or more label
attributes, only the last is used.

Attributes defined by formulas

The name of each implicitly-defined attribute is followed by `:=' and then a formula defining the
attribute value. The formula is written in the usual way, using parentheses where needed, and may
refer to any attribute defined up to this point. Constants in the formula can be numbers written in
decimal notation, dates, times, and discrete attribute values enclosed in string quotes `"'. The
operators and functions that can be used in the formula are

+, -, *, /, % (mod), ^ (meaning `raised to the power')

>, >=, <, <=, =, <> or != (both meaning `not equal')
and, or
sin(...), cos(...), tan(...), log(...), exp(...), int(...) (meaning `integer part of')

The value of such an attribute is either continuous or true/false depending on the formula. For
example, the attribute
FTI:= TT4 / T4U.

is continuous since its value is obtained by dividing one number by another. The value of a
hypothetical attribute such as
strange := referral source = "WEST" or age > 40.

would be either t or f since the value given by the formula is either true or false.

If the value of the formula cannot be determined for a particular case because one or more of the
attributes appearing in the formula have unknown or non-applicable values, the value of the
implicitly-defined attribute is unknown.

Dates, times, and timestamps

Dates are stored by C5.0 as the number of days since a particular starting point so some
operations on dates make sense. Thus, if we have attributes
d1: date.
d2: date.

we could define
interval := d2 - d1.
gap := d1 <= d2 - 7.
d1-day-of-week := (d1 + 1) % 7 + 1.

interval then represents the number of days from d1 to d2 (non-inclusive) and gap would have a
true/false value signaling whether d1 is at least a week before d2. The last definition is a slightly
non-obvious way of determining the day of the week on which d1 falls, with values ranging from 1
(Monday) to 7 (Sunday).

Similarly, times are stored as the number of seconds since midnight. If the names file includes
start: time.
finish: time.
elapsed := finish - start. 5/27
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the value of elapsed is the number of seconds from start to finish.

Timestamps are a little more complex. A timestamp is rounded to the nearest minute, but
limitations on the precision of floating-point numbers mean that the values stored for timestamps
from more than thirty years ago are approximate. If the names file includes
departure: timestamp.
arrival: timestamp.
flight time := arrival - departure.

the value of flight time is the number of minutes from departure to arrival.

Selecting the attributes that can appear in classifiers

An optional final entry in the names file affects the way that C5.0 constructs classifiers. This entry
takes one of the forms
attributes included:
attributes excluded:

followed by a comma-separated list of attribute names. The first form restricts the attributes used in
classifiers to those specifically named; the second form specifies that classifiers must not use any
of the named attributes.

Excluding an attribute from classifiers is not the same as ignoring the attribute (see `ignore' above).
As an example, suppose that numeric attributes A and B are defined in the data, but background
knowledge suggests that only their difference is important. The names file might then contain the
following entries:
. . .
A: continuous.
B: continuous.
Diff := A - B.
. . .
attributes excluded: A, B.

In this example the attributes A and B could not be defined as ignore because the definition of Diff
would then be invalid.

Data file

The second essential file, the application's data file (e.g. provides information on
the training cases from which C5.0 will extract patterns. The entry for each case consists of one or
more lines that give the values for all explicitly-defined attributes. If the classes are listed in the first
line of the names file, the attribute values are followed by the case's class value. Values are
separated by commas and the entry is optionally terminated by a period. Once again, anything on
a line after a vertical bar `|' is ignored. (If the information for a case occupies more than one line,
make sure that the line breaks occur after commas.)

For example, the first three cases from file are:

Don't forget the commas between values! If you leave them out, C5.0 will not be able to process
your data. 6/27
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Notice that `?' is used to denote a value that is missing or unknown. Similarly, `N/A' denotes a value
that is not applicable for a particular case. Also note that the cases do not contain values for the
attribute FTI since its values are computed from other attribute values.

Test and cases files (optional)

Of course, the value of predictive patterns lies in their ability to make accurate predictions! It is
difficult to judge the accuracy of a classifier by measuring how well it does on the cases used in its
construction; the performance of the classifier on new cases is much more informative. (For
instance, any number of gurus tell us about patterns that `explain' the rise/fall behavior of the stock
market in the past. Even though these patterns may appear plausible, they are only valuable to the
extent that they make useful predictions about future rises and falls.)

The third kind of file used by C5.0 consists of new test cases (e.g. hypothyroid.test) on which the
classifier can be evaluated. This file is optional and, if used, has exactly the same format as the
data file.

Another optional file, the cases file (e.g. hypothyroid.cases), differs from a test file only in allowing
the cases' classes to be unknown (`?'). The cases file is used primarily with the public source code
described later on under linking to other programs.

Costs file (optional)

The last kind of file, the costs file (e.g. hypothyroid.costs), is also optional and sets out differential
misclassification costs. In some applications there is a much higher penalty for certain types of
mistakes. In this application, a prediction that hypothyroidism is not present could be very costly if
in fact it is. On the other hand, predicting incorrectly that a patient is hypothyroid may be a less
serious error. C5.0 allows different misclassification costs to be associated with each combination
of real class and predicted class. We will return to this topic near the end of the tutorial.

Constructing Classifiers
Once the names, data, and optional files have been set up, everything is ready to use C5.0.

The general form of the Unix command is

c5.0 -f filestem [options]

This invokes C5.0 with the -f option that identifies the application name (here hypothyroid). If no
filestem is specified using this option, C5.0 uses a default filestem that is almost certainly incorrect.
(Moral: always use the -f option!) There are several options that affect the type of classifier that
C5.0 produces and the way that it is constructed. Many of the options have default values that
should be satisfactory for most applications.

Decision trees

When C5.0 is invoked with no options, as

c5.0 -f hypothyroid

it constructs a decision tree and generates output like this:

C5.0 [Release 2.11] Tue Feb 21 11:17:43 2017

------------------- 7/27
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Application `hypothyroid'

Class specified by attribute `diagnosis'

Read 2772 cases (24 attributes) from

Decision tree:

TSH <= 6: negative (2472/2)

TSH > 6:
:...FTI <= 65.3: primary (72.4/13.9)
FTI > 65.3:
:...on thyroxine = t: negative (37.7)
on thyroxine = f:
:...thyroid surgery = t: negative (6.8)
thyroid surgery = f:
:...TT4 > 153: negative (6/0.1)
TT4 <= 153:
:...TT4 <= 37: primary (2.5/0.2)
TT4 > 37: compensated (174.6/24.8)

Evaluation on training data (2772 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors

7 10( 0.4%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
60 3 (a): class primary
154 (b): class compensated
2 (c): class secondary
4 1 2548 (d): class negative

Attribute usage:

90% TSH
18% on thyroxine
16% thyroid surgery
14% TT4
13% T4U
13% FTI

Evaluation on test data (1000 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors

7 3( 0.3%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 1 926 (d): class negative

Time: 0.0 secs

The first part identifies the version of C5.0, the run date, and the options with which the system
was invoked. C5.0 constructs a decision tree from the 2772 training cases in the file 8/27
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and this appears next. Although it may not look much like a tree, this output can
be paraphrased as:
if TSH is less than or equal to 6 then negative
if TSH is greater than 6 then
if FTI is less than or equal to 65.3 then primary
if FTI is greater than 65.3 then
if on thyroxine equals t then negative
if on thyroxine equals f then
. . . .

and so on.

Please note: This explanation oversimplifies threshold tests such as TSH <= 6; the details are
discussed later in the section Soft thresholds.

The tree employs a case's attribute values to map it to a leaf designating one of the classes. Every
leaf of the tree is followed by a cryptic (n) or (n/m). For instance, the last leaf of the decision tree is
compensated (174.6/24.8), for which n is 174.6 and m is 24.8. The value of n is the number of cases
in the file that are mapped to this leaf, and m (if it appears) is the number of them
that are classified incorrectly by the leaf. (A non-integral number of cases can arise because, when
the value of an attribute in the tree is not known, C5.0 splits the case and sends a fraction down
each branch.)

The next section covers the evaluation of this decision tree shown in the second part of the output.
Before we leave this output, though, its final line states the elapsed time for the run. A decision tree
is usually constructed quickly, even when there are many thousands of cases. Some of the options
described later, such as ruleset generation and boosting, can slow things down considerably.

The progress of C5.0 on long runs can be monitored by examining the last few lines of the
temporary file filestem.tmp (e.g. hypothyroid.tmp). This file displays the stage that C5.0 has reached
and, for most stages, gives an indication of progress within that stage.

Classifiers constructed by C5.0 are evaluated on the training data from which they were generated,
and also on a separate file of unseen test cases if available; evaluation by cross-validation is
discussed later.

Results of the decision tree on the cases in are:

Decision Tree
Size Errors

7 10( 0.4%) <<

Size is the number of non-empty leaves on the tree and Errors shows the number and percentage
of cases misclassified. The tree, with 7 leaves, misclassifies 10 of the 2772 given cases, an error
rate of 0.4%. This might seem inconsistent with the errors recorded at the leaves -- the leaf
mentioned above shows 24.8 errors! The discrepancy arises because parts of a case split as a
result of unknown attribute values can be misclassified and yet, when the votes from all the parts
are aggregated, the correct class can still be chosen. 9/27
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When there are no more than twenty classes, performance on the training cases is further
analyzed in a confusion matrix that pinpoints the kinds of errors made.

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
60 3 (a): class primary
154 (b): class compensated
2 (c): class secondary
4 1 2548 (d): class negative

In this example, the decision tree misclassifies

three of the primary cases as compensated,

both secondary cases as negative,
four negative cases as primary, and
one negative case as compensated.

When the number of classes is larger than twenty, a summary of performance broken down by
class is shown instead. The entry for each class shows the number of cases for that class and the
numbers of false positives and false negatives. A false positive for class C is a case of another
class that is classified as C, while a false negative for C is a case of class C that is classified as
some other class. Of course, the total number of errors must come to half the sum of the numbers
of false positives and false negatives, since each error is counted twice--as a false negative for its
true class, and as a false positive for the predicted class.

For some applications, especially those with many attributes, it may be useful to know how the
individual attributes contribute to the classifier. This is shown in the next section:

Attribute usage:

90% TSH
18% on thyroxine
16% thyroid surgery
14% TT4
13% T4U
13% FTI

The figure before each attribute is the percentage of training cases in for which
the value of that attribute is known and is used in predicting a class. The second entry, for
instance, shows that the decision tree uses a known value of thyroid surgery when classifying 16%
of the training cases. Attributes for which this value is less than 1% are not shown. Two points are
worth noting here:

These values are computed for the particular classifier and training cases; changing either
would give different values.
When a case is classified, use of an attribute such as FTI that is defined by a formula also
counts as using any attributes involved in its definition (here TT4 and T4U).

If there are optional unseen test cases, the classifier's performance on these cases is summarized
in a format similar to that for the training cases.

Decision Tree
Size Errors

7 3( 0.3%) << 10/27
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(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as
---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 1 926 (d): class negative

A very simple majority classifier predicts that every new case belongs to the most common class in
the training data. In this example, 2553 of the 2772 training cases belong to class negative so that
a a majority classifier would always opt for negative. The 1000 test cases from file hypothyroid.test
include 928 belonging to class negative, so a simple majority classifier would have an error rate of
7.2%. The decision tree does much better than this with an error rate of 0.3% on the test cases!

The error rate on the test cases is almost always higher than the rate on the training cases. Here,
the opposite is (marginally) true, but a different division of the cases into training and test sets
would give different error rates for each. The later section on cross-validation discusses a more
effective way of determining the predictive error rate of a classifier.

The confusion matrix (or false positive/false negative summary if there are more than twenty
classes) for the test cases again provides more details on correct and incorrect classifications.

Discrete value subsets

By default, a test on a discrete attributes has a separate branch for each of its values that is
present in the data. Tests with a high fan-out can have the undesirable side-effect of fragmenting
the data during construction of the decision tree. C5.0 has an option -s that can mitigate this
fragmentation to some extent: attribute values are grouped into subsets and each subtree is
associated with a subset rather than with a single value.

In the hypothyroid example, invoking this option by the command

c5.0 -f hypothyroid -s

as no effect on the tree produced.

Although it does not help for this application, the -s option is recommended when there are
important discrete attributes that have more than four or five values.

Decision trees can sometimes be quite difficult to understand. An important feature of C5.0 is its
ability to generate classifiers called rulesets that consist of unordered collections of (relatively)
simple if-then rules.

The option -r causes classifiers to be expressed as rulesets rather than decision trees. The
c5.0 -f hypothyroid -r

gives the following:

C5.0 [Release 2.11] Tue Feb 21 11:18:54 2017


Application `hypothyroid'
Rule-based classifiers 11/27
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Class specified by attribute `diagnosis'

Read 2772 cases (24 attributes) from


Rule 1: (31, lift 42.7)

thyroid surgery = f
TSH > 6
TT4 <= 37
-> class primary [0.970]

Rule 2: (63/6, lift 39.3)

TSH > 6
FTI <= 65.3
-> class primary [0.892]

Rule 3: (270/116, lift 10.3)

TSH > 6
-> class compensated [0.570]

Rule 4: (2225/2, lift 1.1)

TSH <= 6
-> class negative [0.999]

Rule 5: (296, lift 1.1)

on thyroxine = t
FTI > 65.3
-> class negative [0.997]

Rule 6: (240, lift 1.1)

TT4 > 153
-> class negative [0.996]

Rule 7: (29, lift 1.1)

thyroid surgery = t
FTI > 65.3
-> class negative [0.968]

Default class: negative

Evaluation on training data (2772 cases):

No Errors

7 14( 0.5%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
60 3 (a): class primary
1 153 (b): class compensated
2 (c): class secondary
5 3 2545 (d): class negative

Attribute usage:

90% TSH
20% TT4
14% T4U
14% FTI
11% on thyroxine
2% thyroid surgery

Evaluation on test data (1000 cases):

No Errors 12/27
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7 5( 0.5%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 3 924 (d): class negative

Time: 0.0 secs

Each rule consists of:

A rule number -- this is quite arbitrary and serves only to identify the rule.
Statistics (n, lift x) or (n/m, lift x) that summarize the performance of the rule. Similarly
to a leaf, n is the number of training cases covered by the rule and m, if it appears, shows
how many of them do not belong to the class predicted by the rule. The rule's accuracy is
estimated by the Laplace ratio (n-m+1)/(n+2). The lift x is the result of dividing the rule's
estimated accuracy by the relative frequency of the predicted class in the training set.
One or more conditions that must all be satisfied if the rule is to be applicable.
A class predicted by the rule.
A value between 0 and 1 that indicates the confidence with which this prediction is made.
(Note: The boosting option described below employs an artificial weighting of the training
cases; if it is used, the confidence may not reflect the true accuracy of the rule.)

When a ruleset like this is used to classify a case, it may happen that several of the rules are
applicable (that is, all their conditions are satisfied). If the applicable rules predict different classes,
there is an implicit conflict that could be resolved in several ways: for instance, we could believe
the rule with the highest confidence, or we could attempt to aggregate the rules' predictions to
reach a verdict. C5.0 adopts the latter strategy -- each applicable rule votes for its predicted class
with a voting weight equal to its confidence value, the votes are totted up, and the class with the
highest total vote is chosen as the final prediction. There is also a default class, here negative, that
is used when none of the rules apply.

Rulesets are generally easier to understand than trees since each rule describes a specific context
associated with a class. Furthermore, a ruleset generated from a tree usually has fewer rules than
than the tree has leaves, another plus for comprehensibility. (In this example, the decision tree is
so simple that the numbers of leaves and rules are the same.)

Another advantage of ruleset classifiers is that they can be more accurate predictors than decision
trees -- a point not illustrated here, since the ruleset has an error rate of 0.5% on the test cases.
For very large datasets, however, generating rules with the -r option can require considerably
more computer time.

For a given application, the attribute usage shown for a decision tree and for a ruleset can be a bit
different. In the case of the tree, the attribute at the root is always used (provided its value is
known) while an attribute further down the tree is used less frequently. For a ruleset, an attribute is
used to classify a case if it is referenced by a condition of at least one rule that applies to that case;
the order in which attributes appear in a ruleset is not relevant.

Rule utility ordering

The order of rules does not matter, so the default is to group them by class and sub-ordered them
by confidence. An alternative ordering by estimated contribution to predictive accuracy can be 13/27
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selected using the -u option. Under this option, the rule that most reduces the error rate on the
training data appears first and the rule that contributes least appears last. Furthermore, results are
reported in a selected number of bands so that the predictive accuracies of the more important
subsets of rules are also estimated. For example, if the option -u 4 is selected, the hypothyroid
rules are reordered as

Rule 1: (2225/2, lift 1.1)

TSH <= 6
-> class negative [0.999]

Rule 2: (270/116, lift 10.3)

TSH > 6
-> class compensated [0.570]

Rule 3: (63/6, lift 39.3)

TSH > 6
FTI <= 65.3
-> class primary [0.892]

Rule 4: (296, lift 1.1)

on thyroxine = t
FTI > 65.3
-> class negative [0.997]

Rule 5: (240, lift 1.1)

TT4 > 153
-> class negative [0.996]

Rule 6: (29, lift 1.1)

thyroid surgery = t
FTI > 65.3
-> class negative [0.968]

Rule 7: (31, lift 42.7)

thyroid surgery = f
TSH > 6
TT4 <= 37
-> class primary [0.970]

The rules are divided into four bands of roughly equal sizes and a further summary is generated for
both training and test cases. Here is the output for test cases:

Evaluation on test data (1000 cases):

No Errors

7 5( 0.5%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 3 924 (d): class negative

Rule utility summary:

Rules Errors
----- ------
1-2 56( 5.6%)
1-4 10( 1.0%)
1-5 6( 0.6%) 14/27
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This shows that, when only the first two rules are used, the error rate on the test cases is 5.6%,
dropping to 1.0% when the first four rules are used, and so on. The performance of the entire
ruleset is not repeated since it is shown above the utility summary.

Rule utility orderings are not given for cross-validations (see below).

Another powerful feature incorporated in C5.0 is adaptive boosting, based on the work of Rob
Schapire and Yoav Freund. The idea is to generate several classifiers (either decision trees or
rulesets) rather than just one. When a new case is to be classified, each classifier votes for its
predicted class and the votes are counted to determine the final class.

But how can we generate several classifiers from a single dataset? As the first step, a single
decision tree or ruleset is constructed as before from the training data (e.g. This
classifier will usually make mistakes on some cases in the data; the first decision tree, for instance,
gives the wrong class for 10 cases in When the second classifier is constructed,
more attention is paid to these cases in an attempt to get them right. As a consequence, the
second classifier will generally be different from the first. It also will make errors on some cases,
and these become more important during construction of the third classifier. This process
continues for a pre-determined number of iterations or trials, but stops if the most recent classifiers
is either extremely accurate or inaccurate.

The option -t x instructs C5.0 to construct up to x classifiers in this manner; an alternative option -
b is equivalent to -t 10. Naturally, constructing multiple classifiers requires more computation that
building a single classifier -- but the effort can pay dividends! Trials over numerous datasets, large
and small, show that 10-classifier boosting reduces the error rate for test cases by an average

In this example, the command

c5.0 -f hypothyroid -b

causes ten decision trees to be generated. The summary of the trees' individual and aggregated
performance on the 1000 test cases is:

Trial Decision Tree

----- ----------------
Size Errors

0 7 3( 0.3%)
1 2 72( 7.2%)
2 8 33( 3.3%)
3 9 3( 0.3%)
4 13 58( 5.8%)
5 9 7( 0.7%)
6 10 26( 2.6%)
7 10 57( 5.7%)
8 7 25( 2.5%)
9 11 34( 3.4%)
boost 2( 0.2%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 927 (d): class negative 15/27
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The performance of the classifier constructed at each trial is summarized on a separate line, while
the line labeled boost shows the result of voting all the classifiers.

The decision tree constructed on Trial 0 is identical to that produced without the -b option. Some of
the subsequent trees produced by paying more attention to certain cases have relatively high
overall error rates. Nevertheless, when the trees are combined by voting, the final predictions have
a lower error rate of 0.2% on the test cases.

Warning: An important characteristic of datasets is the extent to which they are affected by noise -
- incorrectly recorded values of attributes or the class, or inherent probabilistic variability in the
classes themselves. Boosting is particularly effective when the data are relatively noise-free (such
as the hypothyroid application), but can be counterproductive for noisy datasets.

Winnowing attributes
The decision trees and rulesets constructed by C5.0 do not generally use all of the attributes. The
hypothyroid application has 22 predictive attributes (plus a class and a label attribute) but only five
of them appear in the tree and the ruleset. This ability to pick and choose among the predictors is
an important advantage of tree-based modeling techniques.

Some applications, however, have an abundance of attributes! For instance, one approach to text
classification describes each passage by the words that appear in it, so there is a separate
attribute for each different word in a restricted dictionary.

When there are numerous alternatives for each test in the tree or ruleset, it is likely that at least
one of them will appear to provide valuable predictive information. In applications like these it can
be useful to pre-select a subset of the attributes that will be used to construct the decision tree or
ruleset. The C5.0 mechanism to do this is called "winnowing" by analogy with the process for
separating wheat from chaff (or, here, useful attributes from unhelpful ones).

Winnowing is not obviously relevant for the hypothyroid application since there are relatively few
attributes. To illustrate the idea, however, here are the results when the -w option is invoked:

C5.0 [Release 2.11] Tue Feb 21 11:22:17 2017

Application `hypothyroid'
Winnow attributes

Class specified by attribute `diagnosis'

Read 2772 cases (24 attributes) from

16 attributes winnowed
Estimated importance of remaining attributes:

990% TSH
270% FTI
200% on thyroxine
30% thyroid surgery
<1% age
<1% TT4

Decision tree:

TSH <= 6: negative (2472/2)

TSH > 6:
:...FTI <= 65.3: primary (72.4/13.9)
FTI > 65.3:
:...on thyroxine = t: negative (37.7)
on thyroxine = f:
:...thyroid surgery = t: negative (6.8) 16/27
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thyroid surgery = f:
:...TT4 > 153: negative (6/0.1)
TT4 <= 153:
:...TT4 > 61: compensated (171.2/24.4)
TT4 <= 61:
:...TT4 <= 37: primary (2.5/0.2)
TT4 > 37: compensated (3.4/0.4)

Evaluation on training data (2772 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors

8 11( 0.4%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
59 4 (a): class primary
154 (b): class compensated
2 (c): class secondary
4 1 2548 (d): class negative

Attribute usage:

90% TSH
18% on thyroxine
16% thyroid surgery
14% TT4
13% T4U
13% FTI

Evaluation on test data (1000 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors

8 2( 0.2%) <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
40 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 1 926 (d): class negative

Time: 0.0 secs

After analyzing the training cases and before the decision tree is built, C5.0 winnows 16 of the 22
predictive attributes. This has the same effect as marking the attributes as excluded by an entry in
the names file; winnowed attributes can still be used in the definition of other attributes. In this
example, T4U is winnowed but is still available for use in the definition of FTI.

The remaining attributes are then listed in order of importance, C5.0's estimate of the factor by
which the true error rate or misclassification cost would increase if that attribute were excluded. If
TSH were excluded, for example, C5.0 expects the error rate on unseen test cases to increase to
3% (990% of the current rate of 0.3%). This estimate is only a rough guide and should not be taken
too literally!

We then see the decision tree that is constructed from the reduced set of attributes. In this case it
is slightly more elaborate than the original tree and has a lower error rate on the test cases. 17/27
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Since winnowing the attributes can be a time-consuming process, it is recommended primarily for
larger applications (100,000 cases or more) where there is reason to suspect that many of the
attributes have at best marginal relevance to the classification task.

Soft thresholds
The top of our initial decision tree tests whether the value of the attribute TSH is less than or equal
to, or greater than, 6. If the former holds, we go no further and predict that the case's class is
negative, otherwise we perform further tests before making a decision. Thresholds like this are
sharp, so that a case with a hypothetical value of 5.99 for TSH is treated quite differently from one
with a value of 6.01.

For some domains, this sudden change is quite appropriate -- for instance, there are hard-and-fast
cutoffs for bands of the income tax table. For other applications, though, it is more reasonable to
expect classification decisions to change more slowly near the thresholds.

Each threshold in a decision tree actually consists of three parts -- a lower bound lb, an upper
bound ub, and an intermediate value t, the threshold shown in the original decision tree. If the
attribute value in question is below lb or above ub, classification is carried out using the single
branch corresponding to the `<=' or '>' result respectively. If the value lies between lb and ub, both
branches of the tree are investigated and the results combined. The relative weight of the '<='
branch (green) and the '>' branch (blue) as the value of the attribute varies is shown in this figure:

The values of lb and ub are determined by C5.0 based on an analysis of the apparent sensitivity of
classification to small changes in the threshold. They need not be symmetric -- a threshold can be
sharper on one side than on the other.

C5.0 contains an option -p to display all the information about each threshold. The command
c5.0 -f hypothyroid -p

gives the following decision tree:

TSH <= 6 (6): negative (2472/2)

TSH >= 6.1 (6):
:...FTI <= 59.1 (65.3): primary (72.4/13.9)
FTI >= 66 (65.3):
:...on thyroxine = t: negative (37.7)
on thyroxine = f:
:...thyroid surgery = t: negative (6.8)
thyroid surgery = f:
:...TT4 >= 159 (153): negative (6/0.1)
TT4 <= 146 (153):
:...TT4 <= 14 (37): primary (2.5/0.2)
TT4 >= 61 (37): compensated (174.6/24.8) 18/27
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Each threshold is now of the form <= lb (t) or >= ub (t). If a case has a value of the relevant
attribute that is between lb and t, both branches are explored and the results combined with the
relative weight of the <= branch ranging from 1 to 0.5. Similarly, if a case has a value between t and
ub, the relative weight of the <= branch ranges from 0.5 to 0.

A final point: soft thresholds affect only decision tree classifiers -- they do not change the
interpretation of rulesets.

Advanced pruning options

Three further options enable aspects of the classifier-generation process to be tweaked. These are
best regarded as advanced options that should be used sparingly (if at all), so that this section can
be skipped without much loss.

C5.0 constructs decision trees in two phases. A large tree is first grown to fit the data closely and is
then `pruned' by removing parts that are predicted to have a relatively high error rate. This pruning
process is first applied to every subtree to decide whether it should be replaced by a leaf or sub-
branch, and then a global stage looks at the performance of the tree as a whole.

The option -g disables this second pruning component and generally results in larger decision tees
and rulesets. For the hypothyroid application, the tree increases in size from 12 to 13 leaves.

Turning off global pruning can be beneficial for some applications, particularly when rulesets are

The option -c CF affects the way that error rates are estimated and hence the severity of pruning;
values smaller than the default (25%) cause more of the initial tree to be pruned, while larger
values result in less pruning.

The option -m cases constrains the degree to which the initial tree can fit the data. At each branch
point in the decision tree, the stated minimum number of training cases must follow at least two of
the branches. Values higher than the default (2 cases) can lead to an initial tree that fits the
training data only approximately -- a form of pre-pruning. (This option is complicated by the
presence of missing attribute values, and by the use of differential misclassification costs or
weighting of individual cases as discussed elsewhere. All cause adjustments to the apparent
number of cases following a branch.)

Sampling from large datasets

Even though C5.0 is relatively fast, building classifiers from large numbers of cases can take an
inconveniently long time, especially when options such as boosting are employed. C5.0
incorporates a facility to extract a random sample from a dataset, construct a classifier from the
sample, and then test the classifier on a disjoint collection of cases. By using a smaller set of
training cases in this way, the process of generating a classifier is expedited, but at the cost of a
possible reduction in the classifier's predictive performance.

The option -S x has two consequences. Firstly, a random sample containing x% of the cases in the
application's data file is used to construct the classifier. Secondly, the classifier is evaluated on a
non-overlapping set of test cases consisting of another (disjoint) sample of the same size as the
training set (if x is less than 50%), or all cases that were not used in the training set (if x is greater
than or equal to 50%).

In the hypothyroid example, using a sample of 60% would cause a classifier to be constructed from
a randomly-selected 1663 of the 2772 cases in, then tested on the remaining 19/27
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1109 cases.

By default, the random sample changes every time that a classifier is constructed, so that
successive runs of C5.0 with sampling will usually produce different results. This re-sampling can
be avoided by the option -I seed that uses the integer seed to initialize the sampling. Runs with
the same value of the seed and the same sampling percentage will always use the same training

Cross-validation trials
As we saw earlier, the performance of a classifier on the training cases from which it was
constructed gives a poor estimate of its accuracy on new cases. The true predictive accuracy of
the classifier can be estimated by sampling, as above, or by using a separate test file; either way,
the classifier is evaluated on cases that were not used to build it. However, this estimate can be
unreliable unless the numbers of cases used to build and evaluate the classifier are both large. If
the cases in and hypothyroid.test were to be shuffled and divided into a new
2772-case training set and a 1000-case test set, C5.0 might construct a different classifier with a
lower or higher error rate on the test cases.

One way to get a more reliable estimate of predictive accuracy is by f-fold cross-validation. The
cases (including those in the test file, if it exists) are divided into f blocks of roughly the same size
and class distribution. For each block in turn, a classifier is constructed from the cases in the
remaining blocks and tested on the cases in the hold-out block. In this way, each case is used just
once as a test case. The error rate of a classifier produced from all the cases is estimated as the
ratio of the total number of errors on the hold-out cases to the total number of cases.

The option -X f runs such a f-fold cross-validation. For example, the command
c5.0 -f hypothyroid -X 10 -r

selects 10-fold cross-validation using rulesets. After giving details of the individual rulesets, the
output shows a summary like this:

Fold Rules
---- ----------------
No Errors

1 7 0.5%
2 7 0.5%
3 6 0.8%
4 7 0.3%
5 7 0.3%
6 7 0.8%
7 7 0.5%
8 6 0.5%
9 7 1.1%
10 7 1.1%

Mean 6.8 0.6%

SE 0.1 0.1%

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
86 7 2 (a): class primary
193 1 (b): class compensated
2 (c): class secondary
5 7 3469 (d): class negative 20/27
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This estimates the error rate of the rulesets produced from the 3772 cases in and
hypothyroid.test at 0.6%. The SE figures (the standard errors of the means) provide an estimate of
the variability of these results.

As with sampling above, each cross-validation run will normally use a different random division of
the data into blocks, unless this is prevented by using the -I option.

The cross-validation procedure can be repeated for different random partitions of the cases into
blocks. The average error rate from these distinct cross-validations is then an even more reliable
estimate of the error rate of the single classifier produced from all the cases.

A shell script and associated programs for carrying out multiple cross-validations is included with
C5.0. The shell script xval is invoked with any combination of C5.0 options and some further
options that describe the cross-validations themselves:

F=folds specifies the number of cross-validation folds (default 10)

R=repeats causes the cross-validation to be repeated repeats times (default 1)
+suffix adds the identifying suffix +suffix to all files
+d retains the files output by individual runs

If detailed results are retained via the +d option, they appear in files named filestem.ox[+suffix]
where x is the cross-validation number (0 to repeats-1). A summary of the cross-validations is
written to file filestem.res[+suffix].

As an example, the command

xval -f hypothyroid -r R=10 +run1

has the effect of running ten 10-fold cross-validations using ruleset classifiers (i.e., 100 classifiers
in all). File hypothyroid.res+run1 contains the following summary:

XVal Rules
---- ----------------
No Errors

1 7.2 0.5%
2 7.2 0.6%
3 7.2 0.5%
4 7.2 0.6%
5 6.8 0.7%
6 7.0 0.5%
7 7.1 0.6%
8 7.3 0.6%
9 7.2 0.6%
10 7.2 0.6%

Mean 7.1 0.6%

SE 0.0 0.0%

Since every cross-validation fold produces a different classifier using only part of the application's
data, running a cross-validation does not cause a classifier to be saved. To save a classifier
for later use, simply run C5.0 without employing cross-validation.

Differential misclassification costs

Up to this point, all errors have been treated as equal -- we have simply counted the number of
errors made by a classifier to summarize its performance. Let us now turn to the situation in which 21/27
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the `cost' associated with a classification error depends on the predicted and true class of the
misclassified case.

C5.0 allows costs to be assigned to any combination of predicted and true class via entries in the
optional file filestem.costs. Each entry has the form
predicted class, true class: cost

where cost is any non-negative value. The file may contain any number of entries; if a particular
combination is not specified explicitly, its cost is taken to be 0 if the predicted class is correct and 1

To illustrate the idea, suppose that it was a much more serious error to classify a hypothyroid
patient as negative than the converse. A hypothetical costs file hypothyroid.costs might look like

negative, primary: 5
negative, secondary: 5
negative, compensated: 5

This specifies that the cost of misclassifying any primary, secondary, or compensated patient as
negative is 5 units. Since they are not given explicitly, all other errors have cost 1 unit. In other
words, the first kind of error is five times more costly.

A costs file is automatically read by C5.0 unless the system is told to ignore it. (The option -e
causes any costs file to be ignored and instructs C5.0 to focus only on errors.) The command
c5.0 -f hypothyroid

now gives the following output:

C5.0 [Release 2.11] Tue Feb 21 11:28:41 2017


Application `hypothyroid'

Class specified by attribute `diagnosis'

Read 2772 cases (24 attributes) from

Read misclassification costs from hypothyroid.costs

Decision tree:

TSH <= 6:
:...TT4 > 55: negative (2444.3)
: TT4 <= 55:
: :...query hypothyroid = f: negative (25.7/1)
: query hypothyroid = t: secondary (2.1/1.1)
TSH > 6:
:...FTI <= 65.3:
:...thyroid surgery = f: primary (68.1/11.7)
: thyroid surgery = t:
: :...FTI <= 38.2: negative (2.1)
: FTI > 38.2: primary (2.1/0.1)
FTI > 65.3:
:...on thyroxine = t: negative (37.7)
on thyroxine = f:
:...thyroid surgery = t: negative (6.8)
thyroid surgery = f:
:...TT4 > 153: negative (6/0.1)
TT4 <= 153:
:...TT4 <= 37: primary (2.5/0.2)
TT4 > 37: compensated (174.6/24.8) 22/27
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Evaluation on training data (2772 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors Cost

11 12( 0.4%) 0.01 <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
60 3 (a): class primary
1 153 (b): class compensated
1 1 (c): class secondary
5 1 1 2546 (d): class negative

Attribute usage:

94% TT4
90% TSH
18% thyroid surgery
18% on thyroxine
13% T4U
13% FTI
8% query hypothyroid

Evaluation on test data (1000 cases):

Decision Tree
Size Errors Cost

11 4( 0.4%) 0.00 <<

(a) (b) (c) (d) <-classified as

---- ---- ---- ----
32 (a): class primary
1 39 (b): class compensated
(c): class secondary
1 2 925 (d): class negative

Time: 0.0 secs

The original tree and new tree are quite similar, but we can compare the total cost of misclassified
cases for the two trees. For the training cases, the original tree had cost 18 (two secondary cases
classified as negative and eight other errors). The new tree classifies one secondary case as
negative and makes 11 other errors for a total cost of 16. There is no benefit on the test cases,
however, since neither tree shows a false negative error.

The new "Cost" column in the output shows the average misclassification cost, i.e. the total cost
divided by the number of cases. For the new tree, the average cost is 16/2772 for the training
cases and 4/1000 for the test cases.

Weighting individual cases

It is sometimes useful to attach different weights to cases depending on some measure of their
importance. An application predicting whether a customer is likely to "churn," for example, might
weight training cases by the size of the account.

C5.0 accommodates this by allowing a special attribute that contains the weight of each case. The
attribute name must be case weight and it must be of type continuous. The relative weight assigned 23/27
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to each case is its value of this attribute divided by the average value; if the value is undefined
("?"), not applicable ("N/A"), or is less than or equal to zero, the case's relative weight is set to 1.

The case weight attribute itself is not used in the classifier!

Our sample hypothyroid application does not have any natural case-by-case weighting, since all
patients are equal. For the purpose of illustration, though, we will add an implicitly-defined attribute
to hypothyroid.names as follows:
case weight := 100-age.

With all default options, C5.0 now generates a different decision tree:

TSH <= 6: negative (2462.5/2.3)

TSH > 6:
:...FTI <= 64: primary (69.6/12.8)
FTI > 64:
:...on thyroxine = t: negative (39.6)
on thyroxine = f:
:...thyroid surgery = t: negative (9.2)
thyroid surgery = f:
:...TT4 > 153: negative (6.2/0.2)
TT4 <= 153:
:...TT4 > 61: compensated (179/29.3)
TT4 <= 61:
:...TSH <= 35: compensated (2.8/0.3)
TSH > 35: primary (3.2/0.3)

The case counts at the leaves now reflect the relative weights of the cases. (The counts
associated with rules are affected similarly.) However, the error counts, rates, and costs shown in
the evaluations use uniform case weighting.

A cautionary note: The use of case weighting does not guarantee that the classifier will be more
accurate for unseen cases with higher weights. Predictive accuracy on more important cases is
likely to be improved only when cases with similar values of the predictor attributes also have
similar values of the case weight attribute, i.e. when relatively important cases "clump together."
Without this property, case weighting can introduce an unhelpful element of randomness into the
classifier generation process.

Using Classifiers
Once a classifier has been constructed, an interactive interpreter can be used to predict the
classes to which new cases belong. The command to do this is

whose options are:

-f filestem to identify the application

-r uses ruleset classifiers rather than decision trees
-p prints the classifier as a reminder

This is illustrated in the following dialog that uses the first decision tree to predict the class of a
case. Input from the user is shown in bold face and the enter key as .

TSH: 7.4
TT4: 108 24/27
25/10/2017 C5.0: An Informal Tutorial
T4U: 1.08
on thyroxine: f
thyroid surgery: f

-> compensated [0.85]

negative [0.13]
primary [0.01]

Retry, new case or quit [r,n,q]: r

TSH [7.4]:
TT4 [108]:
T4U [1.08]:
on thyroxine [f]: t

-> negative [1.00]

Retry, new case or quit [r,n,q]: q

The values of some attributes might not affect the classification, so predict prompts for the values
of those attributes that are required. The reply `?' indicates that a requested attribute value is
unknown. (Similarly, use `N/A' for non-applicable values.) When all the relevant information has
been entered, the most likely class (or classes) are printed, each with a confidence value.

Next, predict asks whether the same case is to be tried again with changed attribute values (a kind
of `what if' scenario), a new case is to be classified, or all cases are complete. If a case is retried,
each prompt for an attribute value shows the previous value in square brackets. A new value can
be entered, followed by the enter key, or the enter key alone can be used to indicate that the value
is unchanged.

Classifiers can also be used in batch mode. The sample application provided in the public source
code reads cases from a cases file and shows the predicted class and the confidence for each.

Segmentation fault errors

For applications with very many cases or attributes, C5.0 may crash with a message like
Segmentation fault (core dumped). This usually occurs because a C5.0 thread has exhausted its
allocated stack space.

Different releases of Linux have varying default stack sizes; for example, Fedora Core uses a
default 10MB while Ubuntu uses 8MB. If you experience a segmentation fault error, you must
override the default stack size setting by typing the following before running C5.0:

if you are using csh: limit stacksize new limit

if you are using sh: ulimit -Ss new limit

where new limit is the new stack size limit in kilobytes. For example, a csh user might type limit
stacksize 20000 to increase the default stack size limit to 20MB.

Please note! You should not set the stack size limit to unlimited -- this will not change the default
stack size limit for subsidiary threads. You must use a specific value in KB. A little experimentation
may be necessary to find a value that works with your application.

Linux GUI
Linux users who have installed a recent version of Wine can invoke a slightly simplified version of
the See5 user interface. The executable program gui starts the graphical user interface whose
main window is similar to See5's, with five buttons: 25/27
25/10/2017 C5.0: An Informal Tutorial

Locate Data
invokes a browser to find the files for your application, or to change the current application;
Construct Classifier
selects the type of classifier to be constructed and sets other options;
interrupts the classifier-generating process;
Review Output
re-displays the output from the last classifier construction (if any), saved automatically in a
file filestem.out; and
shows how cases in training or test data relate to (parts of) a classifier and vice versa.

For more details on these, please see the See5 tutorial.

The graphical interface calls C5.0 directly, so use of the GUI has minimal impact on performance
when generating a classifier.

Please note: C5.0 should be run for the first time from the command-line interface, not the GUI.
The first run installs the licence in C5.0 -- after that, C5.0 can be used from either interface.

Linking to Other Programs

The classifiers generated by C5.0 are retained in files filestem.tree (for decision trees) and
filestem.rules (for rulesets). Free C source code is available to read these classifier files and to
make predictions with them, enabling you to use C5.0 classifiers in other programs.

As an example, the source includes a program to input new cases and to show how each is
classified by boosted or single trees or rulesets. The program reads the application's names file,
the tree or rules file generated by C5.0, and an optional costs file. It then reads cases from a cases
file in a format similar to a data file, except that a case's class can be given as `?' meaning
"unknown". For each case, the program outputs the given class, the class predicted by the
classifier, and the confidence with which this prediction is made.

Please see the file sample.c for compilation instructions and program options.

Click here to download a gzipped tar file containing the public source code.

Appendix: Summary of Options

-f filestem select the application
-s partition discrete values into subsets
-r generate rule-based classifiers
-u bands sort rules by their utility into bands
-b use boosting with 10 trials
-t trials use boosting with the specified number of trials
-w winnow the attributes before constructing a classifier
-p show soft thresholds
-g do not use global tree pruning
-c CF set the CF value for pruning trees
-m cases set the minimum cases for at least two branches of a split
-S x use a sample of x% for training and a disjoint sample for testing
-I seed set the sampling seed value 26/27
25/10/2017 C5.0: An Informal Tutorial

-X folds carry out a cross-validation

-e ignore any costs file
-h print a short summary of the options

RULEQUEST RESEARCH 2017 Last updated March 2017

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