Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet

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Subject / Verb Agreement Worksheet

Directions: You are to choose the correct verb for the sentence.

1. Everyone (is/are) going to the park.

2. Tonight, Ralph and I (is/are) hanging out.
3. (Is/Are) the jury going to decide on the case tomorrow?
4. Should we watch the news for three (hour/hours) or not?
5. Is anyone (go/goes/going) to the park tomorrow?
6. Johnny, together with his friends, (enjoy/enjoys) going out together.
7. Politely and smoothly, the teacher (give/gives) us our test (result/results).
8. We (want/wants) to go to the movie theater tonight.
9. A number of parents (wants/want) us to leave (they/them) alone.
10. The teachers or the student (is/are) running around the park.
11. The number of (death/deaths) (are/is) increasing.
12. Either one of us (are/is) going home later.
13. Each person (isn’t/aren’t) going to like the final decision.
14. Here (is/are) my papers that you requested.
15. Having to travel twenty kilometers (is/are) a journey no one should (have/has) to
16. Somebody (are/is) going to get hurt if we don’t stop them.
17. Each of the 22 students (are/is) going to have to study hard for their (test/tests).
18. Anyone (is/are) entitled to a fair trial when convicted of a crime.
19. We (isn’t/aren’t) going to have fun unless our (friend/friends) come with
20. An enormous pair of shoes (cost/costs) $400.00.
21. Killing everyone around, the dog (decide/decides) to kill the other pets too!
22. Ralph, as well as the other teachers of Sahmyook, (is/are) cool.
23. There (are/is) many (way/ways) to solve the problem.
24. Neither Linda nor Mary (want/wants) to fight anymore.
25. Rachel and Mary (eat/eats) 3 pancakes a day.
26. The student or the teacher (play/plays) the guitar.
27. It (is/are) the long (day/days) that kill me the most.
28. Either two umbrellas or one raincoat (are/is) enough to keep you dry from the rain.
29. All of the students (are/is) going to have to study hard for their (test/tests).
30. The herd of sheep (is/are) running away from the beast.
31. Lydia (like/likes) to (play/plays) soccer with her friends.
32. The committee (decide/decides) whether or not the school should be held
responsible for (it’s/its) actions.
33. The news (are/is) coming on television in two (hour/hours).
34. 34 miles (are/is) a long distance for someone to travel.
35. Thirty-four dollars an hour (is/are) a great rate back in The United States.
36. A number of students (are/is) complaining about the lack of cleanliness.
37. “Lord of the Flies” (are/is) a great book. We should read it more often.
38. There (is/are) no reason why he (wasn’t/weren’t) on the plane.

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