The Unique Role of Computing in The Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane Structures: David M. Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in The Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane Structures: David M. Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in The Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane Structures: David M. Campbell
David M. Campbell1
This paper provides background and overview of the methods and utilization of
computing in the design and construction of tensile membrane structures. In addition the
author outlines the general methodology employed in the use of automated processes in
the design, fabrication and construction of these structures.
Tensile membrane structures have unique difficulties that have made them
resistant to classical methods of design and analysis. Generally, they are nonlinear in
behavior. Typically structures exhibit both geometric non-linearity due to large
deflections in addition to material non-linearity. The nature of tensile membrane
structures is such that much of their stiffness is achieved by virtue of initial prestress in
the membrane and its supporting components. This prestress is an internal stress
condition usually prescribed by the designer to achieve the desired performance of the
structure and must be induced into the system in its construction.
1 Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Geiger Engineers, Two Executive Blvd., Suite
410, Suffern, NY 10901-4164
1 Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in the Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane
Structures, paper presented at and published in the proceedings of ASCE Second Civil
Engineering Automation Conference, 11/19/91, New York, N.Y.
no Shape
Evaluation Pattern Boundary
no Prestress SHAPE
Evaluation (Pattern Surfaces)
Support Structure
Initial Element
no no
Prestress Structural Element
shape Evaluation Sizes
Erection/Stressing DESIGN
Sequence Definition (Element Sizes)
Joint Design &
(Stressing Sequence)
Form Finding
2 Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in the Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane
Structures, paper presented at and published in the proceedings of ASCE Second Civil
Engineering Automation Conference, 11/19/91, New York, N.Y.
3 Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in the Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane
Structures, paper presented at and published in the proceedings of ASCE Second Civil
Engineering Automation Conference, 11/19/91, New York, N.Y.
While physical models are still utilized to study membrane forms, the geometry
and stress conditions of the membrane surface are now almost exclusively determined by
designers utilizing computing techniques. Data from form finding, typically comprised of
connectivity, nodal geometry and element prestress represents a complete model
description of the membrane structure, sans the element properties. Consequently,
shape results can be utilized directly for analysis. Often, additional elements, such as
struts and or beams, are added to a shape model to create an analysis model of a
complete structural system.
Structural Analysis
The ability to create, analyze, design and fabricate complex membrane forms
has in turn created difficult construction problems. Prestress is a much a property of
these structures as say element properties and/or geometry. A prestressed state for a
structural system can be created without direct regard for the manner in which the
prestress is developed in the structure. In a wide variety of structures, this is in fact
preferred. Consequently, with redundant structures techniques to establish the sequence
of stressing is necessary to assure that the structure will in fact realize the prestressed
state desired. Moreover, in many complex tensile systems analysis of the stressing
sequence is necessary to assure that various components of the system are not over
stressed during stressing. A technique developed by Geiger Associates of analytical
disassembly of a prestressed structural system in reverse order of stressing has been
utilized by the author, as well as others at Geiger Engineers and Birdair Inc. with great
success. The erection and stressing of some structural systems such as Geiger's
Cabledome, its variants, and other complex prestressed structural systems can be
determined in this manner. Generally, the accurate construction of these structural
systems would not be possible prior to the development of appropriate software and
suitable techniques for determination of stressing sequences. This was the key in the
4 Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in the Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane
Structures, paper presented at and published in the proceedings of ASCE Second Civil
Engineering Automation Conference, 11/19/91, New York, N.Y.
The hardware demands of tensile structure design and analysis are somewhat
greater than that needed for more conventional structures as a consequence of the
relatively large models involved and their non-linear nature. Until very recently, typical
analysis models were too large for desk top hardware. Even with the current generation
of powerful desk-top processors, modeling of large and/or complex structures requires
larger capacity machines. Clearly, if current trends in hardware continue this will change.
5 Campbell
The Unique Role of Computing in the Design and Construction of Tensile Membrane
Structures, paper presented at and published in the proceedings of ASCE Second Civil
Engineering Automation Conference, 11/19/91, New York, N.Y.
2. Schek, H. J., "The Force Density Method For Form Finding and Computation of
General Networks" Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3,
North Holland Publishing Company, 1974, pp 115 - 134.
3. Barnes, M.R., and Wakefield, D.S., " Form-finding, Analysis, and Patterning of
Surface-stressed Structures" Volume I Invited Papers, 1st International Oleg
Kerensky Memorial Conference, Tension Structures, 1988.
4. Hamilton, K.P., Campbell, D.M., and Davidson, C.C., "Comments on Limit States
of Tension Structures", Proceedings of the Structures Congress '87, ASCE, 1987,
pp 479 - 488.
5. Testa, R.B., Stubbs, N., and Spillers, W.R., " A Bilinear Model for Coated Fabrics",
Columbia University, 1977.
6 Campbell