Bekasi Aeromovel LRT FS (FINAL 15-10-2015) PDF

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Feasibility Study

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


Chapter 1: The Need

Chapter 2: The Options

Chapter 3: The Viability

Chapter 4: The Feasibility

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Executive Summary

The city of Bekasi as an extension of Greater Jakarta, today serves as a residential

enclave with the larger population commuting to work in the urban areas surrounding the
city. The latest official estimate for year 2014 is 2,510,951, giving a population density of
11,900/km2 (31,000/sq mi). The population of Bekasi City in the next 5 years, with a
historical growth rate of 2.83% per year, will increase to nearly 1.5 times more and is
estimated to become 3,152,760 people in 2020. Bekasi is a transit city.

Bekasis current population and projected growth continues to add strain on its road
networks. The city faces major traffic congestions every day. Connected by a major
expressway, a major rail network and secondary trunk roads, the citys network
infrastructure is no longer sufficient to support the increased number of commuters. for
the rail services limited stations and train frequency results in the system being under-
utilized and not a favourable alternative to the larger user group. Similar to other major
cities in Indonesia the present infrastructure network is not planned with future expansion
in mind resulting in any such efforts being either too costly or not practical.

It is in this context that an effective and efficient elevated light rail transit (LRT) system is
being proposed for the city of Bekasi as a green-field project.

Aeromovel Indonesia Consortium (promoter) represented by PPP Indonesia (PPPI) after

having signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Municipality of Bekasi to
jointly develop and operate an elevated Light Rail Transit (LRT) system for Bekasi, has
engaged Scomi to prepare a Feasibility Study for the same. It is the intention of AIC
when submitting this report to the City of Bekasi, identify the viability and feasibility of this
project proposal and when successful be considered the award of the project through a
concession agreement (Built operate transfer BOT). The project is to be implemented
under a Private Public Partnership (PPP) scheme as govern by the rules and regulation
of the State.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
For the project to move forward a strong business and economic case only is insufficient
thus requires a credible feasibility study, funding and financing strategy.

This study covers analysing the various factors influencing the viability of such a project
and has taken into consideration current views and opinion from the industry players
where appropriate, the historical performance of the countrys economy, the local
economic climate, socio politics and other information related to infrastructure
investment. Notwithstanding the stated findings is summarized as the opinion of the
author only.


The objective of this study is to qualify the Consortiums proposal in implementing this
project. The primary goals of the project are to reduce the traffic congestion and to
provide a safe, efficient & reliable public transport system in Bekasi.

To achieve this, the project must not only meet its social and technical objectives, but
also be financially viable in lieu of the Consortiums requirement to fund this project as a
Private Funded Initiative (PFI) via the Private Public Partnership (PPP) approach.

The Feasibility Study also analysis the following:

Identify a list of hybrid funding options that is able to capture the larger macro
contributors the project is able to generate, while highlighting the key challenges to
their implementation.

Consider how the cash flows generated by these options contribute to the projects
debt servicing and shareholders return on investment. Minimize risk to the projects
substantial funding requirement and the extent to which debt financing is required.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
The socio-economic benefits. Mega scale projects such as this will require both local
and imported resources. This project is expected to provide new employment
opportunities, support businesses and other indirect benefits which will further
enhance revenues to the city.

Promote the citys growth and development areas via public transport connectivity.
For this or any other public transport scheme to work effectively inter modal
connectivity is very important.

The viability of this project is viewed on the understanding that the Consortium is to
commence this project in year 2015 with construction and commissioning works
taking a period of 36 months for 3 sections. All 3 sections to be completed by 2018
as Bekasi will be the venue for Asia Games. Operation and maintenance of the
system will be by the consortium for the remaining 27years of the concession period.
The Consortium is responsible to provide financing for the entire project, in return it
will Operate, Maintain and collect revenues over a 30 (3+27) year period. The
expected capital investment is USD 180.2 million.

When preparing this report, we have worked closely with officers from PT PPP
Indonesia, PT Cakar Bumi Integrasi, PT Intiadhi Dwimitra Sejati (Aeromovel Indonesia),
Head of Operation for Aeromovel Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) as well as obtained
traffic and population data of Bekasi from reports prepared by BAPPEDA.

This will be the first time that the aeromovel as a system will be constructed as a public
transport project. One key observation for the promoters of the aeromovel is the need to
identify an endorsement body to regulate the construction and operational requirements
of this public system. A body that imposes regulatory standards (e.g. MOT) and provides
licensing (local government) for the operations of this system when constructed.

The government contributions to the project being considered in this study shall come
from Farebox guarantee and Transit Oriented Developments (TODs).

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
This report is structured as follows:

Chapter 1: The Need addresses the need, population growth, traffic volume projection,
alignment, catchment and ridership along the corridor.

Chapter 2: The Options analysis the light rail transit system, the vehicles, its system
and civil infrastructures.

Chapter 3: The Viability evaluates the financial side of the project, funding options
available, per capita income and ticket fare valuation.

Chapter 4: The Feasibility overall conclusion, assumptions and feasibility of the project
as well as a whole.


Project Cost:

Scope of Works USD


Project Management & System Integration 12.0 mil

Prelims, Utilities Relocation, Consultant & 18.0 mil

Submission Fees

Civil Works (Stations, Guideway beam, Depot) 67.9 mil

Rolling Stock 11.2 mil

Systems (Signalling, Comms, PS&D, Switches, 49.46 mil


Depot Equipment 18.5 mil

Automatic Fare Collection 3.15 mil

Total 180.2 mil

O&M for 27 years 74.0 mil

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study

Bekasi (Indonesian: Kota Bekasi) is a city in West and the 2010 population was 2,378,211, making it
Java, Indonesia, located on the eastern border Indonesia's fourth largest city, and second in West
of Jakarta within the Jabodetabek metropolitan region, Java only to Bandung. The latest official estimate (for
as such it serves as a bedroom and factory town for 2014) is 2,510,951, giving a population density of
Jakarta. The borders for this city are Bekasi Regency at 11,900/km2 (31,000/sq mi). Substantial urban areas
the north, Bogor Regency and Depok City at the south, surround the city. It serves as a commuter
at the west is East Jakarta, at the east is Bekasi city for Jakarta, although it has notable trade, business
Regency. It is Indonesia's most populated suburb. It and processing industries. These are primarily clustered
has an area of 210.49 square kilometres (81.27 sq mi) in the area of Karawang. Bekasi City is divided into
12 districts ('kecamatan'):

Figure 1.1: Map of Bekasi City

(2010 census)
West Belasi (Bekasi Barat) 272,557
South Bekasi (Bekasi Selatan) 203,654
Rawalumbu 208,334
Pondok Melati 128,934
North Bekasi (Bekasi Utara) 308,593
Mustikajaya 159,773
Jl. Tol Jakarta-Cikampek Medan Satria 161,162
Jatisampura 103,715
Jatiasih 198,444
East Bekasi (Bekasi Timur) 247,357
Bantargebang 95,845

Jl. Tol Luar

Table 1.1: Districts and Population of Bekasi City

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
The Aeromovel Feasibility Study of Bekasi

The study was conducted by analysing the following Operational feasibility: feasibility related to corridor
aspects: analysis, traffic capacity on aeromovel routes, and
aeromovel travel scheduling in accordance to
The Need demands on the corridors lane.

Project feasibility: The city of Bekasi as an Financial feasibility: feasibility related to finance for
extension of Greater Jakarta, today serves as a the project. It covers calculation of investment funds
residential enclave with the larger population need to execute this project, estimation of
commuting to work outside the city. With the citys transportation service fare excepted by the public,
constraint road infrastructure, this city faces major and calculation of financial ratios (IRR, NPV,
traffic congestions. This city is also connected with
Payback Period).
a rail line, however the current running services
and limited stations is insufficient to relief and
distribute the traffic. Points Agreed and Substantive Goals

The socio-economic benefits:- this project will also The report has also adapted pointers that have
induce job opportunities, tax enhancement when been agreed in discussions between the promoters
the city is able to provide amenities and benefits to and the authority. Points agreed regarding the
the people. aeromovel system in Bekasi as follows:

Promote the citys growth and development 1. The assessment framework must not only
areas via public transport connectivity. comprise a study in terms of demand, but also
comprise substantive matters (not only demand
The viability of this project is viewed on the analysis, but also macro analysis). It has to have a
understanding that the Consortium is to execute substantive perception that starts with:
this project in year 2015 over a period of 36
months in 3 sections. All 3 sections to be a) The success of aeromovel realization as a
completed by end year 2018. new symbol of Bekasi, Jakarta.
b) Understanding that the income will not only
The Consortium is responsible to provide financing origin from ticket sales
for the entire project, in return it will Operate, c) The impact of multiplier effect.
Maintain and collect revenues over a 3+27 year
period (3yrs for construction). The expected capital 2. Based on this statement, the assessment
investment is USD 180.2 million. framework to study the primary data must be
practical and in accordance with the conservative
Project feasibility: the feasibility related to the calculation and macro assessment.
benefits gained from building the specified
aeromovel corridors in order to overcome the 3. Aeromovel is a medium-low capacity
estimated rise of demand in the future. (9000pphpd) mass transportation rail type vehicle
riding a hollow guideway (elevated train) above the
ground. The vehicle is driven by pressurized air
Technical feasibility: feasibility related to produced by power blowers located strategically
governments readiness in managing the under the guideways. Operating as a complete
aeromovel system on the specified routes, such as system with multiple train sets this aeromovel
all forms of licenses and other legal aspects, and system can transport up to 162,000 passengers a
impacts toward society and local environment. day.

Organizational and human resource feasibility: the 2. 4. Planned as a feeder service the aeromovel
internal readiness of the local government in will function as a downtown transport, tourist
developing its aeromovel project, both from the attraction, and public transportation with direct
side of organization and human resource. connectivity to other intermodal transport services
such as the commuter, the planned LRT and the
intercity bus services.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
5. The design of the aeromovel structures have
been carefully developed particularly the placement
of columns and structural foundations. Critical are
sections parallel to the waterway south of Harapan
Indah up to the Summarecon Bridge flyover. Along
this alignment columns are to be located along the
narrow embankments of the waterway.

These structures are to be constructed without

encroaching the road nor must the waterway and the
type of construction take into consideration ease of
future maintenance.

6. The system routing must maximize

integration with other transportation modes to make
traveling from one point to another easy and
convenient in Bekasi. This includes all types of
public transport city and inter-city.

Substantive Analysis that guides this report shall be

explained in further chapters. It shall be explained in
a chapter, which analyses intangible cost and
benefit calculation for the project. It is because that
the project shall be also evaluated in terms of
economic evaluation as well as their business
financial evaluation.


Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
The Aeromovel FS Framework of Bekasi
To meet the objectives, scope and expected outputs methodology, and outputs, where every activity in the
from the Aeromovel feasibility Study of Bekasi series supports one another, thus is expected to
Province will use a development framework that create an informative and comprehensive feasibility
consists of eight series of activities as shown in study.
Figure 1.2. Every activity has its own objectives,

Figure 1.2: The Aeromovel Feasibility study Framework of Bekasi

Overview of Study End of Report


Transportation NO
Projection Feasible ?

Project Benefits Recommendations

and Conclusion

Project Specification Risk Analysis

Project Costing Funding Options

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Chapter 1:
The Need

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
1.1 Population Growth
The population of Bekasi City in the next 5 years, 53.90426
assuming a growth rate of 2.83% per year, will
increase to nearly 1.5 times more than the total 56.91294
population of 2013 (Table 1.1). The population of
2,592,819 people in 2013 is estimated to become 59.92163
3,152,760 people in 2020. Along with the economic
growth and income per capita that rises from year 62.93032
to year, it has resulted in product and service
demands increase including traveling to work, Table 1.1 : Projection of Bekasi City Population in the
shops, and leisure places in town. Among the Year 2012-2020;
contributing factor is the high number of personal
vehicles on the road.

Percentage (%)











29.83 Figure 1.1 and 1.2: People of Bekasi









Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
1.2 Traffic Growth
This sub section presents graphs showing the 79.77 170.89
volume of vehicles) on each type of vehicle being
surveyed. These data is used to find out about the 2029
81.76 178.03
traffic load on each year. The data was gathered on
five different observation periods and classified into 2030
83.75 185.16
two transportation modes.

Percentage (%) Table 1.2: Number of Public and Private

Vehicles by Type 2009 2013
Public Vehicle Private Vehicle
The main types of land transportation in Bekasi city
consists of public vehicle and non-public vehicle.
2009 The number of Angkot (this term refers to
13.76 16.16 economical transportation which is a small car that
operates only in the city and can stop anywhere) is
45.59 23.30 3.383 units in 2013; the number of other types of
transportation also fluctuated during the same
47.58 43.99 period. The number of microbus is 496 units, and
taxi is 7.312 units in 2013.
49.90 63.84
Meanwhile, the volume of vehicles passing through
51.89 70.98 toll booths in the city of Bekasi in 2013 there were
72.380.131 vehicles. It increases about 2.35 percent
53.88 78.12 compared to last year, and the increase is expected
to continue for the next several years.
55.88 85.25
The growth of the ridership can be tremendously
57.87 92.39
2017 supported by having localized feeder buses around
59.86 99.53
the station.

61.85 106.66

63.84 113.80

65.83 120.93

67.82 128.07

69.81 135.21

71.81 142.34

73.80 149.48

75.79 156.62
2026 Figure 1.3: Traffic Condition in Bekasi
77.78 163.75

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
1.3 The Citys Connectivity

1.2.1 Bekasi City

Bekasi is located strategically being part of The proposed Aeromovel line shall act as
Greater Jakarta and surrounded by urban areas. secondary route to connect and integrate the
The primary focal points are: other main transit lines such as the railway and
LRT (planned to be constructed later).
Bekasi City is connected with expressways into
Jakarta, approximately 20 mins (11km) from 1.3.3 Future Public Transportation
Jakarta City Centre
Largely a residential area, the city is also seeing
growth of small industries and institutions.
The future plan is to build LRT line connecting
Majority of the population commutes to work
outside the city. West to East, includes 3 stations in Bekasi; in
Jatibening, West Bekasi and East Bekasi. The
plan below shows the comprehensive
transportation corridor planned for Bekasi.

Figure 1.4 Location of Bekasi City

1.3.2 Existing Transports


The existing railway line cuts across Center

Bekasi connecting Jakarta from West to the
remote East of the Java Island cities.

Road Transport

A major interchange transport network is also

serviced by road public transport of buses and Figure 2.5 Bekasis future transportation plan

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
The Project Alignment
The proposed alignment route of Bekasi Aeromovel a) Harapan Indah ST01
has a total distance of approximately 12.0 km
starting from the northern side of Bekasi at This station is located north of the city center where
Harapan Indah housing development towards the new properties are being developed. The proposed
southern part ending at Kemang Pratama. The station location is integrated with a major busway
alignment is proposed to have 17 stations located route for commuters to Jakarta. Connectivity and
at several key locations such as shopping malls, ridership will have maximum benefits with the
stadium, government offices, schools, hospitals, connectivity to the busway.
residential areas and integration with other public
It is observed that a number of properties in the
transport systems.
area remain vacant, a location ideal for planning of
the train depot.

Figure 1.7: Proposed location of Station Harapan Indah

b) Irrigation Route - Station 02 to Station 08

This section of the proposed alignment parallels an

existing waterway. To avoid lengthy land
acquisitions the embankments along the waterways,
property of the state, will be used to locate the
proposed structural columns.

When constructing the required columns the city is

able to use the opportunity to hard surface the
embankment as part the urban landscaping.

Figure 1.6: Proposed Alignment for Bekasi Aeromovel

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Figure 1.8 The irrigation route Figure 1.9: The telecommunication Pylon

Key observations:

It is observed that the roads and access to the

irrigation zone is quite narrow (approx. 5-7m). Between Station 3 and 4, a major obstruction was
Access for heavy machineries and construction identified, the presence of 2 electrical pylons and 1
work will be limited, coupled with road closures and telecommunication pylon as shown in the picture
traffic volume may worsen the situation during above crossing across the proposed alignment.
The cables are located at approx. 10m from ground
level. A standard rail track or guideway structure
Careful planning, traffic management and
requires around 15m from ground level inclusive
machinery access planning are required, such as
clearance of 5m from the top of train for cable
night time access, identifying alternative routes and
maintenance works. The cost for elevating the 3
traffic diversions.
pylons should be taken into account during
planning and negotiations with the relevant
The damp conditions raises concerns on the soil
parties/authorities should take place as soon as
quality and strength for sub-surface civil works and
possible to determine the action required.
the associated costs for example requiring a
deeper foundation for the structures. Proper soil Aeromovel systems are normally built with
investigation during pre-award and careful cost elevated tracks. For this particular section of the
planning is recommended. alignment where the line runs parallel alongside the
waterway, other vehicle types will not have nor
Apart from the technical observations, our team share access underneath the system guideways.
also recorded the presence of squatter settlements It may be possible that manoeuvring the low
along this section of the alignment. Care and overhead structures the system guideways are
special attention must be given when working in the constructed lower to the ground along this section.
area. Disruption to construction works may result in
higher cost claims by contractor.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Overheads are identified to be PLNs Extra High System performance:
Voltage Power Transmission Lines (SUTET)
crossing at Rawa Bambu Bulak. Some stations are also located at low catchment
areas, such as at non-high density residential,
For further safety, a tunnel like structure can be further from main road, public access and attraction
built on the tracks below the cables to act as a places.
Faraday Cage, further shielding the system against
effects of electrical induction and protection in the A thorough review is required on the current
event any of the cables above the tracks give way. proposal to justify necessity of stations. Example,
stations 01 to 08 is spread along a length
approximately 5km of the alignment; resulting in a
station every 825 meters, relatively a short distance
for effective rail type networks. Reducing the
number of stations will not only reduce cost but also
the effectiveness of the system travel time. The
industry standard is to locate stations at least 1km
apart. This will enable other public transport
services to co-exist and support the entire system
of public transport in the city.

Relatively, stations can also be built post

commissioning of a network.
Optimum ridership:
For example, Station 8 is identified to be at a low
Along the alignment some of the proposed stations catchment area at the moment, and hence can be
will be disconnected (no direct access) to road recommended to be constructed at a later stage
level/pedestrian traffic. Such inconvenience will with provisions for basic structure and blowers to
deter passengers from using the system. be constructed in the initial stage.

One suggestion to mitigate this is by constructing

extended covered walkways connecting the main c) Summarecon Station 09
pedestrian thoroughfare to the proposed stations.
The station is located near a new development
area called Summarecon Bekasi. Developed on an
Another must is the consideration for flawless inter-
area of over 240 ha, Kota Bekasi Summarecon is
connectivity with all other public transport services.
designed as a compact and modern city equipped
Comprehensive planning by the authority for public
with modern facilities to support the needs of large-
transport services and their service routes is
scale city dwellers, residents, citizens of Bekasi and
necessary to ensure maximum inter connectivity of
surrounding , ranging from commercial areas,
public transport services and prevent passenger
residential to public facilities. Summarecon Bekasi
will become the leading commercial centre for the
surrounding region and Bekasi. Once this
development is fully completed, it should promise
high catchment and ridership to the Aeromovel

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
d) Bekasi Railway Station Station 10

Figure 1.12: Stasiun Besar Bekasi

Figure 1.10: The illustration view of Summarecon
Station 10 is located at the busiest railway station in
Bekasi. This station serves conventional passenger
A road flyover is present at the Summarecon
and freight lines that connects the West and East of
junction whereby the guideway beam is required to
Java from Jakarta through Bekasi and across to the
be elevated across the flyover.
cities in East Java. There are plans to upgrade the
existing railway station to accommodate the
increasing passenger numbers.

Figure 1.13: Bekasi Railway route

Figure 1.11: The flyover highway at Summarecon
The Aeromovel station is proposed to be integrated
The Aeromovel guideway structure may need to be directly with the railway station by constructing a
elevated up to Tier 3, careful consideration will be new mega-station with a potential TOD mall.
required to avoid the structures of the newly
constructed flyover to Summarecon City. A key challenge would be carrying out the
construction works without any disruption to the
existing train operations.
Our review identifies a potential TOD opportunity
to be exploited (refer to Section H, TOD Benefits)

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Recommendation is to conduct the construction This route passes through a number of shopping
works during outside operation hours, such as after malls namely Bekasi Cyber Park, Metropolitan Mall,
midnight etc. The construction of this particular Mega Bekasi Hypermall, Giant Hypermart, Bekasi
station is in the projects critical path, highly Square Mall, Hotels and Living Plaza. Traffic
recommended to have a dedicated project density is very high along the main trunk road Jalan
management team as well as to commence the Achmad Yani. Strategic station placement is
construction as soon as possible. A long 30m span important to ensure ease of access to passengers
for guideway could be used to cross over the and continuous ridership.
existing railway catenary power lines.

e) Kantor Walikota Station 11

Figure 1.14: Proposed location of Station 11

The proposed station is located nearby Kantor

Walikota and Bekasi Stadium. This is a key
landmark station being its location near the
government offices. The alignments central
business route starts from this station, flowing down
south towards shopping malls and hypermarkets for
approximately another 5km.

f) Main Business District and Proposed

Phases Station 12 to 14

Figure 1.15: Map view of Bekasi Business District

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Planning the alignment:

The entire alignment can be identified in 3 sections It is proposed to have an interchange facility at
for the ease of planning. the beginning and end stations of this route, i.e
Station 10 and Station 14.
Section 1 as shown by the yellow line below has
a length of approx. 4.25km will start from Station 09 To further ease the traffic grid lock, the local
(Summarecon City) or Station 10 (connectivity with government can enforce laws to limit traffic
railway station), passing thru Kantor Walikota, accessibility to central business district, i.e only
central business district, shopping malls and ends public transport and motorcycles are allowed to
up at the other side towards the next residential enter, or enforce toll charges for other vehicles.
area Kemang Pratama.
Major crossing:

Between station 14 and 15, the alignment crosses

the Cikampek Toll Road, which has a crossing
Sec 2 distance of approximately 40-50 metres.

Sec 1

The Cable-stay Bridge construction is a proposed

solution to allow the relatively lightweight
Aeromovel tracks to cross the railway tracks near
the Cikampek toll road as well as the Bekasi
railway Station.
Sec 3
Among the benefits are:
Proposed Phases - It doesn't require the construction of a support
column in the middle that may disrupt railway
Figure 1.16: Satellite view of Proposed Phase Line 1
or toll road traffic.
- It may be pre-constructed and then assembled
Section 2 is identified from Station 01 (Harapan in situ, cutting the construction time and costs
Indah) to Station 08 (Irrigation Route) 5km allowing efficient and effective construction
within limited construction window.
Section 3 is identified from Station 15 to Station
17 at Kemang Pratama 3.15km

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
g) Jl. Siliwangi - Kemang Pratama Station 15 Alternative option:
to 17
Another proposed alignment route would be to
continue along the main road Jl. Achmad Yani, Jl.
Cut Matia and Jl. IR H. Juanda, instead of going
south to Kemang Pratama.

The alternative alignment is as shown below. There

are quite a number of attraction places along this
route such as Lotte Mart, Gedung Serbaguna,
Trisakti School of Management, Kirana Sports
Center, Carrefour, Hotels, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa
Asing and Rumah Sakit Umum (hospitals).

Figure 1.18: Jl. Siliwangi Kemang Pratama

The alignment goes along Jl. Siliwangi where there

Figure 1.20: Alternative alignment along Jl. Achmad Yani
are planned apartments and terminating at Station
17 Kemang Pratama housing area. The proposed
station is to be integrated with the Busway Feeder
Terminal. This last station also serves at least 3
schools in the surrounding vicinity.

Figure 1.19: Kemang Pratama Housing Area

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
h) TOD Consideration

Potential Financed by Summarecon

Area: 8 ha (20 acres)
Plot ratio: 6
GDV: USD 573mil (sales price of USD109 psf)
Estimated Profit: USD 98mil
Cost of Land: USD 10.6mil

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Chapter 2:
The Options

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
2.0 The Aeromovel
2.1 The Aeromovel System & Operations vehicles to climb steep gradients up to 10-12%
and traverse sharp curves with a radius as low as
25 meters (82 Feet)

2.3 Aeromovel Operations

Figure 5.1: The concept of Aeromovel

Aeromovel is a passenger transportation system

that uses air propulsion for the movement of Figure 5.3: Blower System of Aeromovel
lightweight, high volume vehicles. The above
picture depicts the simple principle of how Referring to the diagram above, Aeromovel
Aeromovel works, similar to an inverted sailboat. blowers propel air (under low pressure) through
Hence the name "AEROMOVEL" is derived from a duct built into the guideway. The pressurized
the three terms that define the concept: air pushes a propulsion plate attached to the
"Aerodynamic," "Movement," and "Elevated." bottom of the vehicle. This propulsion plate acts
like an upside down sail, propelling the vehicle
2.2 General Features forward and helping to stop it when the air flow
is reversed.
Aeromovel with its exclusive right-of-way and
comparatively short headways is designed to The electric motors on the air blowers are sturdy,
carry up to 25,000 passengers per hour per completely independent units. Because the
direction. purpose of these motors is to pump air, not drive
the vehicle, maintenance requirements are
Acceleration and deceleration are smooth and minimal. The use of stationary air blower permits
efficient; traction noise and vibration are optimum design of power plants in relation to
minimized; vehicle design speed can reach 80 km specific requirements for each route segment.
per hour (50 mph) in urban applications. Major cost savings are obtained by appropriate
sizing of air blowers for each route section.

The blowers are controlled using air valves. All

four valves are required to be correctly
positioned to either push or pull the vehicles.
When they are all closed, the power propulsion
unit is in idle mode.

The blowers are able to do both push and pull of

the Aeromovel vehicle. This creates a redundant
propulsion system that enables twice the thrust
without applying any extra structural load to
Figure 5.2: The illustration of the infrastructure of
Aeromovel neither the duct walls nor the propulsion plate.

The combination of pneumatic propulsion and Train coupling is possible but most of the time is
non-axle wheel design permits Aeromovel not required due to no propulsion equipment is
located on the train. Push, pull, or push and pull
Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
principle will be used to rescue the stranded However, a Section Isolation Valve (SIV) is
trains. Manually pushing the trains are also installed along each guideway section allow the
possible due to the lightweight body of the trains. operation of multiple vehicles on the same track
by allowing each of those vehicles to be
Passenger evacuation during emergency will be controlled independently by splitting the line
done via the front cab-mask door. Passengers into propulsion sections.
able to walk along the track to the nearest station
as there is very low voltage on the tracks.

Figure 5.6: Section Isolation Valve (SIV)

As shown in the picture below, SIV creates

pressure for suction as well as introduces
external air from outside the system to allow
train movement. Apart from that, the duct from a
single blower can be extended to allow push and
pull from the same blower.

Figure 5.4: Hollow guideway beam and aeromovel


The above cross section shows the Aeromovel

bogie on top of the running rails, connected to
the propulsion plate (sail) located inside the
concrete duct. A rubber seal is placed between
the sail plate and duct to ensure air-tightness
while in motion. Rubber is also used for the slot
seal in between bogie and the sail plate.
Operators in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah states
that the lifespan of these rubbers are Figure 5.7: Aeromovel Operations
approximately 5 years.
Basic operation of the Aeromovel system
between stations is shown below. Normally the
blowers are located at the stations and typically a
single blower is able to push a train up to
approximately 1km distance.

Figure 5.5: Aeromovel Blower Circuit

Vehicle control is based on dedicated propulsion

circuits. Acceleration and cruise speed is
controlled by adjusting the speed (revolutions
per minute) of each blower individually.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
typical single car can carry up to 150 passengers
per car. Vehicle length is approximately 12.5
meters for a single car. Average design speed is
up to 80km/h.

The enclosed propulsion plate is rigidly attached

underneath the vehicle preventing derailment.

Steel wheels combined with lightweight vehicles

ensure reduced noise and vibration levels.

Figure 5.8: Aeromovel Stations Operations

Braking is achieved via reducing the pushing

force, pushing air from the opposite direction
and friction brakes at low speeds. During the
event of overshoot or undershoot at the stations,
the vehicle can be pushed or pulled into position
using the adjacent blowers.

2.4 Switches

Figure 5.10: Aeromovel Wheel System

Figure 5.9: Aeromovel Swtich Operations The vehicles will be fitted with roof mounted
HVAC units. These will provide maximum
Switches are important to allow movement into comfort at a minimum cost. The HVAC units and
depot and turning at end station tail tracks. The auxiliary equipment will be supplied VDC power
switching system is possible and similar to a through the steel tracks and steel wheel contacts.
conventional rail for the steel track section. On
the lower section, the air duct flow will be
controlled via valves installed to control the
power delivery to which beam section.

2.5 Vehicle

The vehicles design by not carrying any on-

board traction equipment and motors
contributes to its lightweight and simplicity. A
Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study

The Aeromovel system is possible to operate in

fully automatic, semi-auto and manual operation
mode as previously experienced in TMII. Full
automatic driverless system uses tag readers
installed at each beam sections, which is
approximately a total of 140 tag readers in TMII.
Figure 5.10: Switching and interconnected route of
aeromovel System

Figure 5.11: Aeromovel Network Operations

Figure 5.9: Aeromovel TAG Reader

The automatic realization of these functions is

2.7 Communications
assured by the Automated Train Controller
(ATC) system that is composed by the following
sub-systems: The design of the communications system shall
ATP - Automatic Train Protection. recognize the critical role of communications in
Protection against collisions, excess of efficient and safe operation of the Bekasi
speed, invasion of the train way, among
Aeromovel. During emergency cases, a reliable
other danger situations;
communications system used by well-trained
ATO - Automatic Train Operation. Speed
control, programmed stops at the stations personnel is on of the greatest asset to ensuring
and control of the doors, among other prompt and effective action by relevant
operations of the same kind (usually, in a authorities and all concerned.
non-automated transportation system,
these operations would be associated at The following communications functions shall
the train operator).
install and made available to passengers and
ATS - Automatic Train Supervision.
Bekasi Aeromovel Operations and Maintenance
Functions of monitoring and adjustment
of the individual performance of each staff:
train, in order to guarantee the schedule
of departures and arrivals of trains from public address announcements in all vehicles;
and to existing stations. public address announcements on all station
Fully automated system uses moving block telephone system including passenger
concept and controls the blower for propulsion intercoms on all station platforms
and braking. Operation is fully automatic. No connecting all Bekasi Aeromovel operational
drivers are required on-board. High reliability facilities; and
automation systems are used for protection, radio system for communication with trains
control and supervision of the vehicle operation. and mobile personnel.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
System Communication for Bekasi Aeromovel international standards for ease of future
shall mainly comprise of the following sub- expansions and replacement. It shall comprise of
systems: computers, servers, workstations, remote
terminal units, modems and other equipment
Passenger Information System (PIS) and software based on state-of-the-art
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition technology.
System (SCADA)
Open Transport Network (OTN) 2.7.3 Optical Transport Network (OTN)
Radio System
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Open Transport Network is a flexible private
communication network, based on the fiber optic
2.7.1 Passenger Information System (PIS) technology. It is a networking technology that
aims at transporting a number of communication
Passenger Information System is an electronic protocols over an optical fiber and is a mix of
information system which provides real-time Transmission and Access. This includes serial
passenger information. It shall include both protocols (e.g. RS232) as well as telephony,
predictions about arrival and departure times, as audio, Ethernet, video and video-over-IP (via M-
well as information about the nature and causes JPEG, MPEG2/4, H.264 or DVB).
of disruptions. It shall use both physically within
a transportation hub and remotely using a web
browser or mobile device 2.7.4 Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)

PIS shall provide a powerful framework on which An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) system
telecommunications grade high availability voice is proposed to provide essential power to all
applications can be implemented. The solution critical communication equipment in the
shall require various components such as passenger stations, Depots and OCC. Critical
Amplifiers, PA equipment, and communications systems and equipment requiring UPS backup
and control devices to be installed at locations will be determined during the Preliminary
where PA and DVA capabilities are required. Design stage.

2.7.5 Radio System & Help Points

2.7.2 Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition System (SCADA) The Radio network shall consist of a fixed
wireless cloud that spans the length of the track
The SCADA shall be designed to provide real- and mobile mesh units that sit in the cabin of
time remote monitoring and control of the each rolling stock unit.
operation status of subsystems in stations, power
substations and depot, from the OCC. In The radio is configured with 3 channels for
addition, the SCADA shall be able to monitor operation:
alarms from fire protection system, equipment Mainline
rooms, stations facilities and communication Depot
equipment. It shall design to be modular and Emergency
easily expandable with a high level of availability.
Failure of any component shall not compromise
the field equipment connected to it.

The SCADA shall base on an open system

configured to comply with established
Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
2.8 Automatic Fare Collection

The proposed Automated Fare Collection (AFC)

system is the main revenue collection system,
which on purchase of tickets, check the validity of
these tickets when passengers are entering or
exiting the station, and accumulate sales and
passenger data.

Tickets are issued by the Ticket Office Machines

Figure 5.12: Train Radio system (TOM) at the Station Ticket Office located at the
unpaid area of the Stations. Checking ticket
validity is performed by the Automatic Gate
2.7.6 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) (AG). Data generated from this terminal unit is
sent to the Central Control Server (CCS) through
The CCTV system shall design to operate the Station Computer System (SCS). The CCS
independently at station level and as a subsystem then aggregates and report sales and passenger
at the whole aeromovel CCTV network. This
architecture is such that a Single station failure As implementation of a common ticketing system
will not affect operation of other aeromovel for both the suburban rail and bus systems could
station CCTV system and the whole CCTV be a reality, the proposed AFC system has already
network. DVR shall install in each station and taken into consideration of the future integration
link to OCC/DCC via OTN. Some stations shall with other automated fare collection system.
equip with one or two DVR(s) depends on the
number of cameras in station. CCTV server shall
install in the OCC/DCC. The server shall
configure as redundant in OCC. The CCTV
system shall integrate into SCADA system. The
SCADA workstation shall use to monitor and
control the CCTV and SCADA system.

Figure 5.13: CCTV

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
2.9 Civil Works The elevated guideway can accommodate
gradients up to 12%, and tight horizontal curves
2.9.1 Guideway Beam with radii as low as 25 meters.

The Aeromovels guideway consists of a pre- The guideway shall remain safe and functional
fabricated box beam, which supports the track under all design load conditions. The guideway
and vehicles, and through which the air and track shall be designed to reasonably prevent
circulates. a train from leaving the guideway. End-of-line
buffers shall be provided to protect against train
For rapid construction and minimum disruption overruns.
to surrounding activities, the guideway is erected
in pre-fabricated modular sections in pre Passengers and public shall not have access to
stressed concrete or steel, which may be readily the guideway. An emergency evacuation plan
lifted into place by day or night. shall be developed and implemented to ensure
the capability for safe and timely passenger
evacuation is provided under all conditions.

Access to the guideways shall be strictly

controlled. Maintenance personnel shall be
required to obtain authorization from the OCC
Supervisor before accessing the guideway.

The generic properties of the guideway are:

Box Girder, approximately 1 m3
reinforced concrete per meter @ 2.4
tons/m3, total approximately 360 tons
2 Rolling Stock full of passengers
approximately 70 tons
Steel Tracks @ 35 kg/m, approximately
10.5 tons
Other supporting steel structure/frame
approximately 200 tons
Total approximately 640 tons

2.9.2 Stations
The stations for Bekasi Aeromovel shall be
designed to the approved Railway Scheme and
requirements of the local authority building By-
Typical station designs are shown in figures
Figure 5.14: Civil Construction of Aeromovel below. An island based station would be a good
System option as it is normally cheaper and less space

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Architectural Image and System identity

Design Intent
In producing a suitable and contextually
correct architectural image the following
design objectives and intents have been used:
A modern architecture that incorporates local
architectural themes.
To create elements which are standardized
and modular enabling easy production of
component or building materials. Also
facilitating maintenance and replacement of
Usage of architectural language that results
in a design which is clean and uncluttered
while maintaining a certain degree of
detailing and richness. To create an
architectural concept and detail with an
Figure 5.15: Typical Station Design enduring quality.
To establish a scheme which can coexist
along with the local context to the extent
Station Access To create sensible details which are suitable
for extreme climatic conditions
Station access shall address the pedestrian
movement to ensure easy entrance identification Contextual Consideration
and direct accessibility. It normally comprises of
up and down escalators, stairs and elevators. As Therefore, the architectural treatment shall be
the station locations are situated within the modern and forward looking translating the
busiest built up areas of the city, it is important ancient architecture feature in to the modern.
to identify the available space to locate the The building scale and treatment must reach a
entrance component in a manner that it will not harmonious balance with the surrounding
hinder pedestrian traffic on the existing urban context. Faade element shall reflect clear
pedestrian path. architectural intentions.

The stations shall be wheelchair/Disabled Aesthetic appearance and architectural

friendly with provisions for lifts to be included. language

The proposal will emulate the dynamic ambiance

Site Specific Considerations for the new Aeromovel system in more orderly
and controlled manner. The station is designed
Due the dynamic nature of the urban fabric, site to be more open and transparent to allow visual
specific changes may be incurred especially connection from and to station. Various factors
pertaining to access and egress elements. have been developed with the desire to achieve
Certain considerations have been made to allow the following:
for access to stations but may be removed or
a. System Identity
added as is necessary to the site. In areas where
there is an island on the road geometry, b. Uniqueness of the aeromovel system / easily
provisions can be made to take advantage of this distinguishable from other transport hubs
and provide a singular access to the station. c. Line Identity
d. Uniform architectural style to strengthen
system identity

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
2.9.3 Depot Functional Requirement and Facilities at
the Depot
The Aeromovel system maintenance facility will On-line stabling concepts for trains have been
be provided at the Depot which will include the provided for stabling only as well as in
following key elements: combination with short-turn facilities. These
designs also have at least two independent access
Purpose-built maintenance facilities to routes to the guideway.
completely maintain the Aeromovel System in
the long term; Trains will be driven in the depot up to
maximum 25 km/h. Trains movements will be
Workshops for the maintenance of trains; authorized by workshop supervision through the
Depot Control Center (DCC). Depot control is
Workshop for the maintenance of guideway responsible for train movements in the depot
and station infrastructure including equipment between entering the depots at a handover
installations; section until leaving the depots to enter service at
handover section.
Equipment to be installed at the depots,
including tools and test equipment; A section of guideway beam for testing of trains
after major work will be identified along the
Facilities for Operations Control Centre mainline near to depot. Train washing plants will
(OCC), administrative functions and depot be provided in convenient locations outside the
control; main depot building and without additional train
movements where possible.
E&M Systems building services;
In the depot a paint shop will be provided for
Service facilities for personnel, including complete repainting of trains, with the necessary
canteen, shower and locker rooms; facilities and equipment for preparation of body
Security arrangements.
Likewise, the depot will contain a workshop and
The depot shall include the following: storage areas as well vehicle track for
infrastructure maintenance vehicles, equipped
Stabling lines for all trains for self-propelled travel on the guideway for
Daily inspection and train preparation in the inspection, repairs, and installation work.
stabling area
Daily external cleaning of all trains Depot layout will be designed for internal train
Daily internal cleaning in the stabling area movements without affecting the trains for
Transfer tracks revenue service on the guideway.
Monthly inspections/light maintenance of
Heavy manual external cleaning of trains 2.10 Safety
Heavy maintenance, overhaul component
exchange and repair for all trains on all Lines Vehicles travel on an elevated and exclusive
All infrastructure maintenance for all Lines guideway, eliminating grade crossing congestion
Component repair facilities and accidents.
Depot control and administration
Power supply and general electrical supply The propulsion concept has the intrinsic safety
Primary and secondary spares storage and feature of an air buffer between propulsion plates
distribution which helps to prevent collision between

Vehicles cannot derail; propulsion plates inside

the duct are rigidly connected to the vehicles

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Automation includes redundant and high Civil Structures
reliability systems. Operation of vehicles is
supervised by an automatic train protection Civil works: All civil structures are to be
system. designed to last 100 years and requirements
for Quake Zone 4 (to refer local earth quake
Dual propulsion and friction emergency brakes standard).
are provided. Some stations should be potentially
convertible to TODs, advertisement boards
Emergency exits at both ends of the vehicle allow can be placed vehicles, pillars, stations and
easy passenger evacuation. isolated areas.
The stations shall be wheelchair/Disabled
The guideway itself acts as a passenger escape
friendly with provisions for lifts to be

Two-way communication between vehicle and
E&M Wayside Systems:
central control post is standard.
Communications: Basic Radio System, CCTV,
PA system and other basic systems should be
Friction brakes on the vehicle are not required
except for parking at stations and are essentially
redundant because the vehicles can be stopped Power Requirements: 150kW for blowers
using the propulsion system alone. Signalling System: Basic driverless system.

2.11 Summary

After our review of the Aeromovel system

feasibility, the adequate system is to be operated
as follows:

Fleet size: 17 trains + 3 spares, to meet the

requirement of 1 station, 1 blower and 1 train.
No. of stations: Possible to reduce or
provisions build for future construction.
Train passenger capacity: 150 x 2 car train.

Car Life: Major component such as car body,
bogie frame etc shall have 30 years life with
scheduled maintenance of every 5 years or
when required.
Safety Requirements: Passenger Evacuation
shall be from exits at both ends of the vehicle
onto the guideway beam. The passengers will
then require to walk to stations or rescued via
fire brigade ladder.
Train to train coupling shall be considered for
situations requiring this method of rescue. A
work car can be proposed to assist with O&M

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Chapter 3:

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
3.0 Per Capita Income
Bekasis macro-economy are in industry, trade and
services. Those three sectors continue to contribute
greatly to the formation of the Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) GRDP data are usually
presented as time series data so that the
development of each sector can be evaluated
whether it decreases or increases

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for

Bekasi is estimated at approximately USD 6,000.
Comparison against other ASEAN cities is shown
above. The graph also shows that Bekasi has the
highest GDP per capita compared to other cities in
Indonesia. The gross domestic product (GDP) is
Figure 3.1: Economic Growth of Bekasi City 2009 -2013 one of the primary indicators of a country's
(%) economic performance. It is calculated by either
adding up everyone's income during the period or
2010 2011 2012** 2013** by adding the value of all final goods and services
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) produced in the country during the year. Per capita
Pertumbuhan GDP is sometimes used as an indicator of standard
5.84% 7.08% 6.85% 6.81%
PDRB / GRDP of living as well, with higher per capita GDP being
interpreted as having a higher standard of living.
Table 3.2: GDP Projection and Per Capita Income of Based on the stated GDP per capita in Bekasi, the
Bekasi Residents Year 2010-2013
public would be able to allocate sufficient monthly
The data presented are from 2009 until 2013. at budget to spend for transportation and traveling.
current prices and at constant prices. Whereas
GDP in 2013 is very preliminary figure and the data
2012 is improvement figure. Based on data from
2009-2013 GDP economic growth patterns.

The economy of Bekasi City in 2013 grows slower

than in previous period. It is indicated by lower
economic growth rate comparing to the rate in 2013.
The Construction sector experienced highest
growth in 2013 (14,56 %). Service industries has
experienced the lowest growth in the economy. The
growth rate of this industry in 2013 was 6,23 % and
become lower in 2013, only 4,84 %.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
LAPANGAN USAHA 2010 2011 2012** 2013**
Industrial Origin (%) (%) (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Pertanian / Agriculture 0.86 0,82 0,77 0,73

2. Pertambangan dan Penggalian / Mining and Quarrying - - - -

3. Industri Pengolahan / Manufacturing Industry 42.25 41.44 41.21 40.73

4. Listrik. Gas dan Air Bersih / Electricity. Gas and Water Supply 4.06 4.20 4.27 4.31

5. Bangunan / Construction 3.65 3.74 3.,93 4.21

6. Perdagangan. Hotel dan Restoran / Trade. Hotel and Restaurant 28.59 28.86 29.20 29.59

7. Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi / Transportation and Communication 10.02 10.30 9.96 9.84

8. Keuangan. Persewaan dan Jasa Perusahaan / Finance. Dwelling and Business Services 4.18 4.25 4.32 4.37

9. Jasa-Jasa / Services 6.39 6.38 6.34 6.22

JUMLAH / Total 100.00 100.00 100,00

Table 3.3: Percentage Distribution of Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bekasi Municipality at 2000 Constant Price2010 2013 (%)

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
3.1 Ticket Price

Type of Transport Ticket Price per Passenger Price per km

Angkutan Kota (flat rate) USD 0.48 (IDR 6,500) USD 0.04
City Taxi (12km) USD 2.60 (IDR 35,000) USD 0.22
Railway (Bekasi-Jakarta; 17km) USD 0.70 (IDR 9,000) USD 0.04
Aeromovel (initial) USD 0.60 (IDR 8,000) USD 0.05
Busway BRT (flat rate) USD 0.44 (IDR 6,000) USD 0.03
Future MRT (16km) USD 1.00 (IDR 13,500) USD 0.06
Go-Jek (Speda Taxi) (min 6 km) USD 1.85 (IDR 25,000) USD 0.30

The table above shows the ticket price for various public transport modes in Bekasi. The highest
ticket price is the city taxi going at USD 0.22 per km. This is similar for most cities globally as taxis
having the highest fare charged. The rest of the public transport system has almost similar rate per
km which is between USD 0.03 - 0.05 per km. The current in-trend transportation Go-Jek is
charged at USD 0.30 per km.

However there are different trade-offs for different systems, such as low comfort level, punctuality
and availability. The Consortiums proposed ticket price of USD 0.60 or IDR 8,000 initial rate is
competitive with the tariffs charged by other modes of public transport at approximately USD 0.05
per km. The Aeromovel system offers better value for money given the high level of comfort
provided, air-conditioned, ease of access, high punctuality and availability.

The table below compares the ridership, fares vs operating costs, and fare costs per km between
urban train systems across Asia. From the table, maintaining higher ridership is important to
sustain the operation and covering the other expenses and costs related to the train system.
However some systems need to be subsidized as the fare box revenue cant cover high operation
cost shown in city of Bangkok and Seoul.

The Consortiums proposed ticket price of USD 0.60 or IDR 8,000 of approximately 12km is
competitive and comparable with the fares charged by other rail transportation systems across
Asia. However current fares vs. operating costs are yielding an extraordinary value.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
It is advised to refine the operation costs and include other factor such as refurbishment of the
trains, fleet expansion program and upgrading the system in incoming years to maintain the
readiness and operability of the Aeromovels in the future.

A factor to be considered is that the farebox collection shall form the primary source of repayment
for financing the project. Based on the calculations in Chapter 4, we find that the optimal average
ticket price recommended should be USD 0.75 or IDR 10,200 to ensure an acceptable rate of
return and payback period.

Ratio of
Ratio of fares to Length Max. Ridership fares to Averag Fare per
operating cost (km) perday operating e Fare km
costs (USD) (USD/km)
KL Monorail 8.6 n/a 2003 0.61 0.071
BEKASI 12.0 127,150 374% 2018 0.74 0.050
KL Ampang Line 27.0 n/a 1996 1.02 0.038
Bangkok Subway 20.0 90% 2004 0.73 0.037
Bangkok Sky Train 26.0 600,000 143% 1999 0.76 0.029
Osaka (Hankyu
138.4 n/a 123% 1907 3.21 0.023
Osaka (OMTB) 137.8 137% 1933 2.97 0.022
Tokyo Metro 195.0 170% 1927 1.45 0.007
Singapore (SMRT) 99.0 125% 1987 0.68 0.007
Taipei (MRT) 101.0 119% 1996 0.69 0.007
Hong Kong 218.0 186% 1979 1.29 0.006
SMRT Corp (Seoul) 152.0 n/a 71% 1970 0.65 0.004
Seoul Metro 135.0 81% 1974 0.46 0.003
Beijing Subway 527.0 59.50% 1969 1.56 0.003

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
d) Bank Loans
3.2 Funding Options
Loan from banks shall also be explored.
a) Farebox Collection However several factors need to be considered
such as the % interest rate, payback period, tax
Revenues collected from ticket sales shall be incentives,
used to recover the project cost over a period of
time. Although it may take some time to recover
the total cost, some sections of the project can e) Taxes
be recovered through this method such as for
Rolling Stocks and certain wayside sub- The government can implement the
systems. This method is suitable for Design infrastructure/transportation tax in the ticket
Build Operate Transfer (DBOT) models. price that again will be used as funding for the
Payback options can be done to the operator project. The tax imposed shall be returned to
through fixed payments based on completed the fund either in 100%, 50% or any amount as
trips per direction, train availability or train agreed and negotiated with the government.
f) Infrastructure Bond
b) TODs
Infrastructure funds provide the opportunity to
Stations with land areas, commercial potential invest in essential public assets, such as toll
and strategic locations can be coupled with roads, airports and rail facilities.
Transit Oriented Developments (TOD). The
land and property values will increase multiple They are often attractive to investors looking for
folds once the area is served by rail transit. predictable returns, as infrastructure projects
Sales and rentals from commercial are typically characterised by low levels of
developments shall be used to fund the civil competition and high barriers to entry. Some
infrastructure cost such as stations, guideway have the prices they charge subject to
beams and integrated depot-commercial government regulation, with price increases
buildings. Profits from sales can be used to requiring approval.
subsidize some cost of the project.
Infrastructure funds are managed by specialist
c) Annual Budget fund managers, who make investment
decisions on behalf of investors. Returns from
Another funding option would be through infrastructure funds usually combine capital
annual budgets allocated by the local/federal growth and dividend income in varying
government for the public transport proportions.
development and upgrade. The funds can be
utilised for other project components which are In growth-orientated infrastructure funds, there
not directly related to TODs and farebox may not be stable income in the near term but
collections. The amount of funding available the fund seeks to achieve capital growth in the
from this option depends on the policy, priority medium term. Infrastructure funds that generate
and allocation by the local government, but steady income streams tend to invest in more
normally it is limited due to other pertaining mature assets
priorities to other sectors. The citys
Transportation Plan will also affect the
availability of this fund.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Chapter 4:

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
4.1 Assumptions & Financial Calculations
4.1.1 PPHPD and Headway Assumptions

The following are general assumptions for the feasibility analysis:

1) Max. train capacity is 162,562 calculated at 2 min headway.

2) Concessionaire period is 3 + 27 years.
3) There will be 5% ticket price increase every 5 years.
4) The average daily ridership shall be calculated as an average from the peak (6 hours) and non-peak
(11 hours) operation hours.
5) The farebox shall be calculated based on average fare at USD 0.75 (IDR 10,200).

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Project Cost Breakdown
Scope of Works USD


Project Management & System Integration 12.0 mil

Prelims, Utilities Relocation, Consultant & 18.0 mil

Submission Fees

Civil Works (Stations, Guideway beam, Depot) 67.9 mil

Rolling Stock 11.2 mil

Systems (Signaling, Comms, PS&D, Switches, Safety) 49.46 mil

Depot Equipment 18.5 mil

Automatic Fare Collection 3.15 mil

Total 180.2 mil

O&M for 27 years 74.0 mil

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Scenario 1 assumptions for the feasibility analysis:

1) The average daily ridership shall be calculated as an average at 78% from max capacity,
equivalent to 127,150 pax per day.
2) The farebox collection is calculated based on average ticket price spent by the
passengers, which is USD 0.75 (IDR 10,200).
3) Based on 127,150 ridership, capacity projection is Year 1 50%, Year 2 70% and
Year 3 onwards 100% for 30 years period.
4) We assume limit is achieved when LRT line comes into service.

The calculations from the above assumptions yield the figures below:

10,200 Rupiah
Average ticket price assumption
0.75 USD
Price increase 5% every 5 years
System Max. Capacity 162,562 pax/day
Maximum daily ridership applied @78% 127,150 pax/day
50% year 1
Projected capacity on ridership 70% year 2
100% year 3 onwards
Debt Tenure 8 years

Project IRR 13%

Equity IRR 18%
Project NPV 'USD 43,145,530
Equity NPV 72,384,972
Debt Service Coverage Ratio 1.41
Project Payback period 8.51
Equity Payback period 8.47

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
4.1.5 Conclusion and Moving Forward

1. We assume that financial institutions are able to finance the project up to 70% with
interest rate of 4%. i.e. 70% x 180.2mil = USD126.1mil.

2. We propose some form of local governments participation (not necessarily in cash) to

provide added confidence to investor and lenders.

This participation can be realized via:

TOD offset
Concession period of at least 40 years
Advertisement rights
Leasing options

3. To allow fare adjustments of 5% every 5 years starting at IDR 10,200 end-to-end per

4. To implement better management of existing public transport i.e re-routing Angkot as

feeder to Aeromovel line.

5. The government contributions to the project shall come from Farebox guarantee and
Transit Oriented Developments (TODs).

6. To form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) company consist of the local government and
the Consortium to execute the project.

7. Possible early exit of private investor and transfer of assets in entirety to local
government with continued recurring income.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
4.1.6 Risk Assessment

Risk that required due considerations are detailed as below:-

No. Description
1 Economy, Social and Politics
2 Government Approvals and Regulations
3 Foreign Exchange Rate
4 Systems Technology
5 Financial Banking Regulations, Interest Rates
6 Funding Facilities
7 Government SOE and Contribution TOD
8 Consortium Partners Due Diligence
9 Traffic Study
10 Light Rail Transit Future
11 Alignment
12 Ticket Pricing
13 O&M
14 Human Resources
15 Spares and Warranties

Risk Mapping

The identification of risk above is classified according to most likely impact the project as

Impact Catastrophic V 10 2 1, 5 7, 12
Significant IV 9 3, 6, 13
Moderate III 11 4, 15
Minor II 14 8
Insignificant I 2
Unlikely Moderate Likely
Probability Low I II III IV High V
Table 4.1: Risk Map

From the mapping above, the risks are further classified to identify the mitigation actions

High Transfer Avoid / Prioritization

3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 1, 2, 6,
Impact Retain Control
11, 14, 4, 12, 13, 15
Low Probability High

Table 4.2: Risk Mitigation Map

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
Risk mitigation action

Mitigation Actions
Monitor close rapport with ministries, presidential decrees via social persuasion
and negotiation
Qualify government policies and regulations favourable throughout the concession
Include Authority and banks to counter balance the forex effect to favour the
To qualify the systems have 'proof of concept' and international-licensed agencies

5 Utilize Interest Rate Swap and/or Export Credit Agency ECA

Investors and banks to understand and confirm full commitment funding the
project throughout the funding period
Government must contribute via strategic TOD and presence in the concession
committed as public purpose project

8 To do detail due diligence on the consortium partners to limit liability exposure

Authority DisHub traffic report and foreign endorsed review report to certify
viability of ridership and catchment
Authority DisHub traffic report and foreign endorsed review report to certify
viability of ridership and catchment
Due diligence with Authority Land Dept. to check land status, ownership,
partnership with landowner, land value before/post development
Compare pricing with other local transport modes and similar modes i.e. LRT in
other countries to be on par to justify to government and banks
To qualify from actual O&M costing from similar aeromovel systems in Brazil, and
compare to other LRT O&M costs and revenues
Training and Retaining staff, transfer staff from railway KAI, expats for key
Warranties, parts and funds allocation at least 5% of total asset and lock-in
service works contract up to 3 years post-DLP

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study
4.1.7 Conclusion
The provisions of DisHub Traffic report around Bekasi projected to 2030, and UniAsia report on
Indonesia Railway 2014, validate the need to upgrade and improve the railway and introduce
light rail transit systems infrastructure in Indonesia.

The system provider, Aeromovel Indonesia and Aeromovel Brazil are responsible to provide
proof the system is fit-for-purpose for public use.

The project initial costing of USD 180.21 Million is a manageable sum for banking institution to
consider favourably for funding with a definite time limit to complete by 2018 Asia Games.

Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study

This document contains information obtained or derived from a variety of third party

sources as indicated within the document. Scomi has not sought to establish the

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Should any person other than the intended parties obtain access to and read this document, such

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1. The reader of this document understands that the work performed by Scomi

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2. The reader agrees that Scomi accepts no liability (including for negligence) to

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Bekasi Aeromovel Feasibility Study

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