Essex Crossing Affordable Housing Lottery (Site 2)
Essex Crossing Affordable Housing Lottery (Site 2)
Essex Crossing Affordable Housing Lottery (Site 2)
This building is being constructed through the Mix and Match Program of the New York City Housing Development Corporation and the
New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Who Should Apply? Individuals or households who meet the income and household size requirements listed in the table below may
apply. Qualified applicants will be required to meet additional selection criteria. Applicants who live in New York
City receive a general preference for apartments.
Preference for a percentage of units goes to:
A percentage of units are set aside for:
Residents of Manhattan CB3^ (50%)
Mobility-disabled applicants (5%) ^ Former Site Tenants of the Seward Park Extension
Vision- or hearing-disabled applicants (2%) Urban Renewal Area (SPEURA) receive priority for
50% of the CB preference units.
Municipal employees (5%)
Rent hold Size2 Rent1 hold Size2
-able Minimum Maximum4 able Minimum Maximum4
Espaol Presente una solicitud en lnea en Para recibir una traduccin de espaol de este anuncio y la solicitud impresa,
enve un sobre con la direccin a: Essex Crossing Site 2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO Box 2003, New York, NY
10035-9997. En el reverso del sobre, escriba en ingls la palabra SPANISH. Las solicitudes se deben enviar en lnea o con sello postal
antes de 13 de febrero 2018. Essex Crossing Site
2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO Box 2003, New York, NY 10035-9997. CHINESE
, :
Essex Crossing Site 2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO
Box 2003, New York, NY 10035-9997. RUSSIAN .
( ) 13 2018. . Essex
Crossing Site 2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO Box 2003, New York, NY 10035-9997. .
KOREAN . 2018213
Kreyl Aplike sou entnt sou sitwb Pou resevwa yon tradiksyon anons sa a nan lang Kreyl Ayisyen ak aplikasyon an
Ayisyien sou papye, voye anvlp ki gen adrs pou retounen li nan: Essex Crossing Site 2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO Box
2003, New York, NY 10035-9997. Nan dy anvlp la, ekri mo HATIAN CREOLE an Angl. Ou dwe remt aplikasyon yo sou entnt
oswa ou dwe tenbre yo anvan dat fevriye 13, 2018
.Essex Crossing Site 2/ Triborough Finance New Station, PO Box 2003, New York, NY 10035-9997 :
.2018 13 ."ARABIC"
Mayor Bill de Blasio HPD Commissioner Maria Torres-Springer HDC President Eric Enderlin