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Kohinoor City, Commercial-II, Tower-1, 2nd Floor, Kirol Road, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400 070
Web-site : www.iibf.org.in

Certified Credit Officer Course

Rules & Syllabus 2017

The world is increasingly getting inter connected and complex. Bank credit
mechanism has also undergone phenomenal changes in recent years. Few years
ago, credit meant only Cash Credit, Overdraft and Loan. Today quasi credit facilities
like Letters of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Co acceptances, Buyer's Credit and
Supplier's Credit are gaining predominance. The bank officer dealing with such
products should possess a good knowledge of the product itself to assess the risk
involved and judge the repayment capacity of the borrower to honour the liabilities
within the agreed timeframe. Credit Appraisal and Risk Appraisal can be considered
as two sides of the same coin. Hence, when appraisal aspects are being discussed,
be it concerning domestic finance or trade finance for international trade, risk
aspects are considered so that the credit officer does not lose sight of the same. The
course provides a holistic insight into the various dimensions in bank credit
- To develop a cadre of credit officers in banks to perform different credit functions
across banks
- To inculcate advanced skills for handling credit management issues
The course broadly covers :
a) Loan Policy e) Working Capital Management
b) Credit appraisal f) Export Credits
c) Analysis of Financial statements g) Credit Monitoring
d) Project Finance h) Management of Impaired Assets etc.
- Existing / Newly posted officers in credit department
- Persons identified for the credit department
- People aspiring to become credit officers in banks
Course has two components viz.,
a) Online examination for 100 marks based on a specially designed courseware
on credit management
b) Classroom Learning of 3 days
For details of Classroom Learning, Course Structure & Delivery, refer page 4.

The examination is open to :
- A graduate in any discipline
- The examination is open to members of IIBF as well as Non-members, who are
employees of banks and Financial Institutions.
- Members of the Institute, preferably CAIIB
Credit Management
1. Minimum marks for pass in the subject is 50 out of 100 for online examination
2. Minimum 25 marks for pass out of 50 marks in the Classroom learning.
EXAMINATION / TRAINING FEES : (For Members / For Non-members)
- Fees `6,000/-* for the entire certification process, which would include the first
attempt online examination fee and Class Room Learning fee i.e. 3-day Virtual
Class Learning.
- Candidates, who do not pass the online examination in their first attempt, need to
enroll again by paying a fee of `200/-* for the second attempt of online examination.
- Candidates who do not pass the online examination in their second attempt,
need to enroll again by paying a fee of `6,000/-*.
- Virtual Class Room Learning will be made available from December 2017
(Details of Schedule of Virtual Class Room Learning and registration process will
be published in the website)
- Candidate, who do not complete their Class Room Learning (3-day Virtual Class
Room Learning) in their first attempt, need to enroll again for 3-day Virtual Class
Room Learning by paying a fee of `1,000/-* for the second attempt of Class
Room Learning.
- Candidates who do not complete their Class Room Learning (3-day Virtual Class
Room Learning) in their second attempt, need to enroll again for the course of
paying a fee of `6,000/-*.
- Candidates may opt for 3-day Class Room Learning instead of Virtual Class
Room Learning by paying a fee of `9,000/-*.
* Plus convenience charges and Taxes as applicable. The fee once paid will
NOT be refunded or adjusted on any account.
Examination will be conducted in English only.
(i) Question Paper will contain 100 objective type multiple choice questions
including situation analysis / problem based questions for a total of 100 marks
(ii) The examination will be held in Online Mode only
(iii) There will NOT be negative marking for wrong answers.
The duration of the examination will be of 2 hours.
a) Examination will be conducted on pre-announced dates published on IIBF Web
Site. Institute conducts examination on half yearly basis, however periodicity of
the examination may be changed depending upon the requirement of banking
b) List of Examination centers will be available on the website. (Institute will
conduct examination in those centers where there are 20 or more candidates.)
Application for examination should be registered online from the Institutes website
www.iibf.org.in. The schedule of examination and dates for registration will be
published on IIBF website.
Non-members applying for Institutes examinations/courses are required to attach /
submit a copy of any one of the following documents containing Name, Photo and
Signature at the time of registration of Examination Application. Application without
the same shall be liable to be rejected.
1) Photo I / Card issued by Employer or 2) PAN Card or 3) Driving Licencse or 4)
Election Voters I / Card or 5) Passport 6) Aadhaar Card
The Institute has developed a courseware to cover the syllabus. The
courseware (book) for the subject/s will be available at outlets of publisher/s.
Please visit IIBF website www.iibf.org.in under the menu Exam Related for
details of book/s and address of publisher/s outlets. Candidates are advised to
make full use of the courseware. However, as banking and finance fields are
dynamic, rules and regulations witness rapid changes. Therefore, the courseware
should not be considered as the only source of information while preparing for
the examinations. Candidates are advised to go through the updates put on the
IIBF website from time to time and go through Master Circulars / Master Directions
issued by RBI and publications of IIBF like IIBF Vision, Bank Quest, etc. All these
sources are important from the examination point of view. Candidates are also to
visit the websites of organizations like RBI, SEBI, BIS, IRDAI, FEDAI etc. besides
going through other books & publications covering the subject / exam concerned
etc. Questions based on current developments relating to the subject / exam may
also be asked.
Cut-off Date of Guidelines / Important Developments for Examinations
The Institute has a practice of asking questions in each exam about the recent
developments / guidelines issued by the regulator(s) in order to test if the candidates
keep themselves abreast of the current developments. However, there could be
changes in the developments / guidelines from the date the question papers are
prepared and the dates of the actual examinations.
In order to address these issues effectively, it has been decided that:
(i) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period
February to July of a calendar year, instructions / guidelines issued by the
regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 31st
December will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question

(ii) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period
August to January of a calendar year, instructions / guidelines issued by the
regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 30th
June will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers.
The table given below further clarifies the situation.
Particulars Cut-off Date of Guidelines / Important
Developments for Examination/s Developments for Examination/s
For the examinations to be conducted by 31st December 2016
the Institute for the period February 2017
to July 2017
For the examinations to be conducted by 30th June 2017
the Institute for the period August 2017 to
January 2018


Tutorial / Contact programmes may be organized by the Institute at various centres.
For details in this regard candidates may visit Institute's website www.iibf.org.in.
Certified Credit Officer course has two parts viz. written examination and class
room learning. To be declared successful, a candidate has to secure a minimum of
50% marks in the online examination and 50% in class room learning. The steps in
completing the course are as under :
1. Study :
A minimum 3 months study of the stipulated courseware is envisaged. Institute will
accept application up to a certain period before the dates of announced exams so
as to ensure that the study period is adhered to.
2. Examination :
Candidates will have to appear for the online examination conducted by IIBF
(Multiple Choice Questions mode) and pass the examination.
3. Classroom Learning :
Candidates who have successfully passed the online examination have to undergo
class room learning. For this purpose, the candidate, on passing the examination
should log on to IIBF website - www.iibf.org.in and select his/her convenient slot for
class room learning (3 days) from the pre-determined dates and venue at select
centres announced by the Institute. During the class room learning, candidates will
be assessed (Internal assessment) for class room performance for a total of 50
marks. Marks for classroom learning will be awarded to candidates by faculty for
their classroom participation, analytical skills, case discussions, dealing ability,
presentation skills etc. Candidates who obtain 25 or more marks will be declared as
4. Time Limit for Classroom Learning :
- Virtual Class Room Learning / Classroom Learning is required to be completed
within 15 months from the date of declaration of the online examination results
in which the candidate passes.
- In case a candidate fails to complete the Class Room Learning either on
account of not able to successfully complete the Class Room Learning or by not
attending Class Room Learning within the stipulated period of 15 months, the

candidate would be required to RE-ENROLL himself for the Online examination
foregoing credit for the subject/s passed in the Online examination earlier in
case he wants to complete the course.
Award of Certificate :
Certificate will be issued to candidates within 2 months on successful completion of
both online examination and classroom learning. No certificate will be issued for
passing only the online examination
Code of Conduct :
All the successful candidates will be encouraged to adhere to a code of conduct
which will be issued along with the Certificate.
The details of the prescribed syllabus which is indicative are furnished in the
booklet. However, keeping in view the professional nature of examinations, all
matters falling within the realm of the subject concerned will have to be studied by
the candidate as questions can be asked on all relevant matters under the subject.
Candidates appearing for the examination should particularly prepare themselves
for answering questions that may be asked on the latest developments taking place
under the various subject/s of the said examination although those topics may not
have been specifically included in the syllabus. The Institute also reserves to itself
the right to vary the syllabus / rules / fee structure from time to time. Any alterations
made will be notified from time to time. Further, questions based on current
developments in banking and finance may be asked.
Candidates are advised to refer to financial news papers / periodicals more
particularly IIBF VISION and BANK QUEST published by the Institute.
Principles of Lending : Safety, Liquidity, Profitability, Purpose of Loan,
Diversification Risk.
Model Credit Policy : Importance, Contents, Exposure Norms, Model MSE Policy.
Types of Borrowers : Individuals - Major, Minor, Married Women, Pardhanashin
Women, Illiterate Persons, Agent, Attorney, Joint Borrowers, Hindu Undivided
Family (HUF), Proprietorship Firms, Partnership Firms, Limited companies,
Statutory Companies, Holding Companies, Government Companies, Private &
Pubic Limited Companies, Registration of charges, Limited Liability Partnerships
Types of Credit Facilities : Various Types of Credit Facilities - Cash Credit,
Overdrafts, Demand Loan, Bills Finance - Drawee Bill Scheme, Bills Discounting.
Credit Delivery : Types of Facilities, Modes of Delivery, Sole Banking Arrangement,
Multiple Banking Arrangement, Consortium Lending, Syndication. Credit Thrust,
Credit Priorities, Credit Acquisitions, Statutory & Regulatory restrictions on
Advances. Credit Appraisal : Validation of proposal, Dimensions of Credit
Appraisals, Six C s, Structuring of Loan documents, Credit Risk, Credit Risk
Rating, Credit Worthiness of Borrower, Purpose of Loan, Source of Repayment,
Cash Flow, Collateral.
Credit Rating : Measurement of Risk, Objective of Rating, Internal & External
Rating, Model Credit Rating, Methodology of Rating, Internal & External
Comparison, Model Rating Formats

Analysis of Financial Statements : Balance Sheet - Definition, Balance Sheet &
Banker, Classification of Assets & Liabilities, Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Non-
current Assets, Intangible & Fictitious Assets, Liabilities - Current Liabilities,
Medium & Term Liabilities, Capital & Reserve, Classification of Current Assets
& Current Liabilities, Balance Sheet Analysis, Analysis of Profit & Loss Account,
Auditor's Note. Ratio Analysis - Classification of Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Leverage
Ratios, Activity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Other important Ratios, Interpretation
of important Financial Ratios, Uses of Ratios, Fund Flow Statements, Techniques
Fund Flow and Cash Flow Statements, Illustrations.
Project / Term Loan Appraisal : Technical Appraisal, Commercial / Market Appraisal,
Managerial Appraisal, Financial Appraisal, Economic Appraisal, Environmental
Appraisal, Project Cost & Means of Finance, Cost of Production & Profitability,
Sensitivity Analysis, Break-even Analysis, Capital Budgeting - Pay Back Period
Method, Time Value Money, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Life
of the Project.
Working Capital Assessment : Concept of Working Capital, Gross Working Capital,
Net Working Capital, Working Capital Gap, Components of Working
Capital, Source of Working Capital, Operating / Working Cycle, Computation of
storage / Retention Period, Various Methods of Assessment of Working Capital,
Computation of Working Capital - Turnover Method, MPBF Method, Cash Budget
System, Illustrations, Impact of inadequate Working Capital, Working Capital
Finance to IT. & Software Industry, Loan Delivery System, Cash Flow Analysis,
Commercial Paper, Credit Delivery, Analysis of CMAdata.
Quasi Credit Facilities : Advantages of Non-Fund Facilities, Various types of NFB
Facilities, Various types Letter of Credits, Assessment of LC limits, Bills Purchase /
Discounting under LC.
Various types of Bank Guarantees : Performance Guarantee, Financial Guarantees,
Deferred Payment Guarantees, Types of Performance and Financial Guarantees,
Assessment of Bank Guarantees Limit, Period of Claim under Guarantee.
Co-acceptance Facilities : RBI Guidelines, Co-acceptance of Bills covering
supply of Goods & Machinery
Export Finance : Pre-Shipment Finance-Export Packing Credit in Rupees,
Running Account Facility, Pre shipment credit to specific sectors - Sub Suppliers,
Construction Contractors, Export credit to Processors / exporters-Agri Export
Zones, Export Credit Insurance Whole Turnover Packing Credit, Pre-Shipment
Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC), Running Account Facility in all currencies,
Deemed Exports, Diamond Dollar Account Scheme, Post Shipment Rupee Export
Finance, Purchase / Discount of Export Bills, Negotiation of Export Bills, Export on
Consignment basis, Advance against Duty Draw Back Entitlements, ECGC Whole
Turnover Post-Shipment Guarantee Scheme, Interest Rate of Rupee Export Credit,
ECNOS, Rupee Export Credit Interest Rate Subvention, Post-Shipment Finance in
Foreign Currency, Gold Card Scheme for Exporters, Crystalisation of Export Bills.
Priority Sector Lending / Government Sponsored Schemes : Different Categories
of Priority Sector borrowers, Agriculture (Direct & Indirect) Finance, MSME Finance

(Direct & Indirect), Micro Credit, Government Sponsored Schemes, Swarnajayanti
Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana
(SJSRY), Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers
(SRMS), Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana, Education Loans, Housing
Finance, Weaker Sections, Export Credit, Differential Rate of Interest Scheme,
Priority Sector Targets. Retail Loans : Characteristic of Retail Loans, Advantages of
Retail Loans, Retail Banking Vs Corporate Banking, Various Retail Banking
Products, Model Retail Banking Products - Home Loans, Vehicle Loan, Personal
Loan, Pensioner Loan Scheme, Property Loan, Holiday Loan Scheme, Gold Loan
Scheme, Education Loan, etc., Guidelines on CERSAI registration.
Documentation : Meaning, Importance, Types of documents, Requisites of
documentation, Selection of documents, Stamping of different documents, Mode
and time of Stamping, Remedy for un-stamped / under-stamped documents,
Documents of which registration is compulsory, Time limit of registration,
Consequence of non-registration, Execution, Mode of Execution by different
executants, Period of Limitation, Law of Limitation to Guarantor, Extension of
period of limitation, Enforcement of documents, Death of Borrower / Guarantor.
Types of Charges : Purpose, Various types of charges, Types of Security,
Mode of charge, Lien, Negative Lien, Set Off, Assignment, Pledge, Right of
Banker as a Pledgee, Duties as a Pledgee, Mode of Charges, Hypothecation,
Mortgage - different types of mortgages, Difference between Simple and
Equitable Mortgage.
Credit Monitoring, Supervision & Follow Up : Credit Monitoring - Meaning,
Monitoring Goals, Process of Monitoring, Different Monitoring Tools, Check-list for
Monitoring, Monitoring by using various statements, QIS Formats / guidelines,
Supervision & Follow Up.
Management of Impaired Assets : Introduction, Credit Monitoring, NPA why
& how?, NPA Management Policy, Definition of Sick Unit, Non-Performing
Assets (NPA), Income Recognition Policy, Assets Classification, Guidelines
on Asset Classification, Projects under implementation,
Project Loans under Infrastructure and Non-infrastructure Sectors, Projects
under Commercial Real Estate Sector, Income Recognition, Take out Finance,
Provisioning Norms for NPA, Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR), Options
available to banks in Stressed Assets, Prudential Guidelines on Restructuring,
Eligibility criteria for restructuring, Asset Classification Norms for Restructured
Assets, Mahapatra Committee Recommendations, Revised Prudential Guidelines
on Restructuring of Advances, General Provision on Restructured Standard
Accounts, Up-gradation of Restructured Accounts, Rehabilitation, Viability Period,
Viability Parameters, Incentives for Quick implementation of Restructuring
Package, Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism, CDR Structure &
Operations, New RBI Framework for Distressed Assets, Willful Defaulters, Penal
Measures, Compromise, Legal Action, Civil litigation, Pre and Post - filing
precautions, Type of Decrees, Modes of Execution of Decree, Lok Adalats, Debt
Recovery Tribunal, SARFAESI, Write Off. Fair Practices : Applicability, Practices to
be adopted, Loan Processing, Assessment, Disbursement, Administration, Recall /
Repayment of Loan, Grievance Redress Mechanisms.

a. While registering for the examination / course candidates will have
provision to choose venue and examination time slot of his/her choice for
each subject as per their preference on first-cum-first-serve basis.
b. Candidates are required to take utmost care and precaution in selecting
Centre, Venue and Time slot, as there is no provision to change the
Centre, Venue and Time slot in the system. Hence no request for change
of centre, venue and time slot will be entertained for any reason.
c. After successful registration of examination, real time admit letter will
be generated for the candidate/s. Candidate/s will be able to save,
download and print admit letter. Admit letters will also the emailed to the
candidates in their email id registered with the Institute.
d. Admit letter will be hosted on Institute's website www.iibf.org.in
e. For downloading and printing of admit letter from the above mentioned
website, candidates will have to enter the following :
i. Membership or registration number as login id
ii. Edit profile password.
iii. If candidates do not remember their Edit profile password, they have
to click on the 'Forgot password / Get Password' button after entering
the Membership or Registration number. On clicking fresh edit profile
password will be sent to their registered email id.
f. Candidates are required to produce printed copy of admit letter along
with Membership identity card or any other valid photo ID card (Aadhaar
card / Employer's card / PAN Card / Driving License / Election voter's card /
Passport etc.) at the examination venue.
g. In the absence of printed copy of Admit Letter and Photo Identity
Card, candidates will be denied permission to write Examination.
2. Mobile Phones
a. Mobile phones and other electronic / smart gadgets (except calculator as
permissible) are not allowed in the examination hall. It is clarified that mere
possession of mobile phone and other electronic / smart gadgets in the
examination hall whether in switch off mode or silent mode shall also be
deemed to be resorting to adoption of unfair means in the examination.
3. Use of calculator
a. Candidates will be allowed to use battery operated portable calculator in the
examination. The calculator can be of any type up to 6 functions, 12 digits.
b. Attempt to use any other type of calculator not complying with the
specifications indicated above or having more features than mentioned
above shall tantamount to use of unfair means. Scientific calculator is not
4. Other Rules / Information
a. Candidates should ensure that they sign the Attendance Sheet.
b. Candidates are advised to reach the Examination Venue before the
reporting time mentioned in the admit letter. No candidate/s will be
permitted to enter the Examination Venue after the gate closing time

mentioned in the admit letter.
c. No candidate will be permitted to leave the examination venue
in the first 60 minutes from the scheduled start time of the
d. Candidates would be able to login to the system only with the password
mentioned in this Admit Letter. This password should not be disclosed to
others. Keep it safe to avoid the possible misuse.
e. If the examination could not commence on scheduled time or there is delay
due to Failure of power, Technical snag of whatsoever nature or for any
such reason having bearing upon the conduct of examination; candidates
have to :-
i. Wait till resumption of power supply / solving of technical snag.
ii. Take-up the examination at other venue arranged by the examination
conducting authority.
iii. Follow instructions given by the examination conducting authority.
f. Candidates are required to strictly follow all the instructions given by the
examination conducting authority during the examination and adhere to
Rules of the examination.
g. Violation of any of the Rules / Instructions, misuse of the Admit Letter will
be considered to be an act of serious misconduct and the Institute will take
action as per the Rules of the examination, which will also be reported to
the employer of the candidate.
5. Rules, Penalities for Misconduct / Unfair Practices :
a. Communication of any sort between candidates or with outsiders is
not permitted and complete silence should be maintained during the
b. Copying answers from other candidates / other printed / Electronic material
or permitting others to copy or consultation of any kind will attract the rules
relating to unfair practices in the examination.
c. No candidate shall impersonate others or allow others to impersonate
himself / herself at the examination.
d. No candidate shall misbehave / argue with the Examination Conducting
Authorities at the centre.
e. Candidates have to compulsory return any papers given including that
given for rough work to invigilator.
f. Candidates should not possess and / or use books, notes, periodicals, etc.
in the examination hall at the time of examination / or use mathematical
tables, slide rules, stencils etc. during the examination.
If any candidate violates any of the above rules, it will be considered to be an act
of misconduct and he/she will be liable for punishment.
6. Result Advice / Consolidated Marksheet / Final Certificate

a. Result Advice of candidates will be hosted on Institute's website on
declaration of result, which can be downloaded by the candidates.
b. Consolidated mark sheet for candidates completing examination having
more than one subject, will be available on the Institute's website after
the declaration of results. Candidates can download the same after entering
login credentials using their membership number and edit profile password.
c. Final certificates will be sent by speed post within 2 months after the
declaration of result.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers
The Institute conducts its examinations through Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
These MCQs are part of the Question Bank of the Institute and its Intellectual
Property. As a matter of policy, these MCQs and their answers will not be shared by
the Institute with the candidates or others and no correspondence in this regard will
be entertained."

Register your queries through website www.iibf.org.in > Members / Candidates
Services (Help)
Email all your queries to [email protected]
Member Support Service Office :
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
191-F, Maker Towers, 19th Floor,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005
Tel. : 022-2218 3302 / 2218 5134
For training / contact classes related queries contact :
Leadership Centre
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance
Kohinoor City, Commercial-II, Tower-I, 3rd Floor,
Kirol Road, Off L.B.S.Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai 400 070.
Tel. : 022 25039746 / 9604 / 9907
E-mail : [email protected]
South Zone North Zone East Zone
Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking & Indian Institute of Banking &
Finance Finance Finance
No. 94, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 102-113, Vikrant Towers, Hindusthan Building (Annexe),
(100 Feet Road), Opp. Hotel 1st Floor, 4 Rajendra Place, 7th Floor, 4, C. R. Avenue,
Ambica Empire, Vadapalani, New Delhi 110 008. Kolkatta 700 072.
Chennai 600 026. Tel. : 011-2575 2191 / 92 Tel. : 033-2212 4992
Tel. : 044-2472 2990 / 2472 7961 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
Quality Printers (I) Ph. 24922297

E-mail : [email protected]

Corporate Office : Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Kohinoor City,

Commercial-II, Tower-1, 2nd Floor, Kirol Road, Kurla (West), Mumbai - 400 070
Tel. : 022-2503 9746 / 9604 / 9907


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