Macasiano v. NHA
Macasiano v. NHA
Macasiano v. NHA
NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY, HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD (3) Presence of local government officials or their representatives during eviction or
Petitioner seeks to have this Court declare as unconstitutional Sections 28 and 44 of Republic (6) No use of heavy equipment for demolition except for structures that are permanent and of
Act No. 7279, otherwise known as the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992. He concrete materials;
predicates his locus standi on his being a consultant of the Department of Public Works and
(7) Proper uniforms for members of the Philippine National Police who shall occupy the first
Highways (DPWH) pursuant to a Contract of Consultancy on Operation for Removal of
line of law enforcement and observe proper disturbance control procedures; and
Obstructions and Encroachments on Properties of Public Domain (executed immediately after
his retirement on 2 January 1992 from the Philippine National Police) and his being a (8) Adequate relocation, whether temporary or permanent: Provided, however, That in cases
taxpayer. As to the first, he alleges that said Sections 28 and 44 "contain the seeds of a of eviction and demolition pursuant to a court order involving underprivileged and homeless
ripening controversy that serve as drawback" to his "tasks and duties regarding demolition of citizens, relocation shall be undertaken by the local government unit concerned and the
illegal structures"; because of the said sections, he "is unable to continue the demolition of National Housing Authority with the assistance of other government agencies within forty-five
illegal structures which he assiduously and faithfully carried out in the past." 1 As a taxpayer, (45) days from service of notice of final judgment by the court, after which period the said
he alleges that "he has a direct interest in seeing to it that public funds are properly and order shall be executed: Provided, further, That should relocation not be possible within the
lawfully disbursed." said period, financial assistance in the amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum daily
wage multiplied by sixty (60) days shall be extended to the affected families by the local
Republic Act No. 7279 was approved on 24 March 1992 and published in the 4 May 1992
government unit concerned.
issue of the Official Gazette. 3 The challenged provisions therein read as follows:
The Department of the Interior and Local Government and the Housing and Urban
"SEC. 28. Eviction and Demolition. -- Eviction or demolition as a practice shall be discouraged.
Development Coordinating Council shall jointly promulgate the necessary rules and
Eviction or demolition, however, may be allowed under the following situations:
regulations to carry out the above provision.
(a) When persons or entities occupy danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage
dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and other public places such as sidewalks, roads,
parks, and playgrounds;
SEC. 44. Moratorium on Eviction and Demolition. -- There shall be a moratorium on the
(b) When government infrastructure projects with available funding are about to be eviction of all program beneficiaries and on the demolition of their houses or dwelling units for
implemented; or a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act: Provided, That the moratorium shall
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not apply to those persons who have constructed their structures after the effectivity of this Act that the petitioner merely asks for an advisory opinion, that the petitioner is not the proper
and for cases enumerated in Section 28 hereof." party to question the Act as he does not state that he has property "being squatted upon" and
that there is no showing that the question of constitutionality is the very lis mota presented. He
Petitioner maintains that the said provisions are unconstitutional because: argues that Sections 28 and 44 of the Act are not constitutionally infirm.
"(a) They deprive the government, and more so, private property owners of their property Up to this time, no comment has been submitted by the parties on the motion to intervene.
without due process of law and without compensation; Considering, however, that the issues are clear and simple enough, this Court dispenses with
the need for a comment on the said motion, denies the same and, after deliberating on the
(b) They reward, instead of punish, what this Honorable Court has categorically declared as issues raised and the arguments adduced by the parties in the petition and comments,
unlawful acts; declares this petition to be without merit.
(c) They violate the prohibition against legislation that takes away one's property to be given to It is a rule firmly entrenched in our jurisprudence that the constitutionality of an act of the
plain interlopers; legislature will not be determined by the courts unless that question is properly raised and
presented in appropriate cases and is necessary to a determination of the case, i.e., the issue
(d) They sweep overbroadly over legitimate concerns of the police power of the State; and of constitutionality must be the very lis mota presented. 8 To reiterate, the essential
requisites for a successful judicial inquiry into the constitutionality of a law are: (a) the
4 existence of an actual case or controversy involving a conflict of legal rights susceptible of
(e) They encroach upon the judicial power to execute its valid judgments and orders."
judicial determination, (b) the constitutional question must be raised by a proper party, (c) the
On 10 December 1992, we required the respondents to comment on the petition. constitutional question must be raised at the earliest opportunity, and (d) the resolution of the
constitutional question must be necessary to the decision of the case. 9 A proper party is one
In its Comment 5 filed on 15 January 1993; respondent National Mapping and Resource who has sustained or is in danger of sustaining an immediate injury as a result of the acts or
Information Authority alleges that the implementation of the assailed sections of the Act does measures complained of.
not belong to or fall within its jurisdiction. It disagrees with the petitioner's stand that the said
sections are unconstitutional and avers that Section 28 merely provides for the "humanitarian It is easily discernible in the instant case that the first two (2) fundamental requisites are
approach" towards the less privileged citizens and does not in fact prohibit but merely absent. There is no actual controversy. Moreover, petitioner does not claim that, in either or
discourages eviction or demolition, while Section 44 only covers program beneficiaries. both of the capacities in which he is filing the petition, he has been actually prevented from
performing his duties as a consultant and exercising his rights as a property owner because of
On 15 January 1993, the Realty Owners Association of the Philippines, Inc. filed a motion to the assertion by other parties of any benefit under the challenged sections of the said Act.
intervene alleging that it has a legal interest in the success of the petition and is in full Judicial review cannot be exercised in vacuo. Judicial power is the "right to determine actual
accord with it. This Court required the parties to comment thereon. controversies arising between adverse litigants. 11
On 16 February 1993, the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) filed a In reality, his petition is one for declaratory relief as he prays therein that "his rights as well as
comment 7 for the respondent National Housing Authority (NHA) informing this Court that "in those of private landowners be clearly defined and his duties under the Constitution and the
a letter of respondent NHA addressed to the office of the undersigned counsel, dated 29 pertinent laws be clearly stated with respect to the demolition of illegal structures on public and
January 1993, x x x, the former categorically expressed as its official stand on the instant private lands. Even so, it is still not viable since among the essential requisites of a
petition that Sections 28 and 44 of Republic Act No. 7279 are indeed unconstitutional," and petition for declaratory relief are that: (a) there must be a justiciable controversy, (b) the
that "after a circumspect evaluation of the petition We find no cogent reason not to support the controversy must be between persons whose interests are adverse and (c) the party seeking
position heretofore taken by respondent NHA." Said office then prays that the instant petition declaratory relief must have a legal interest in the controversy. 13 Furthermore, an action for
be given due course. declaratory relief does not fall within the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court even if only
questions of law are involved. True, we have said that such a petition may be treated as
On 14 May 1993, the Solicitor General filed his Comment to the petition. He maintains that the one for prohibition 15 or mandamus 16 if it has far-reaching implications and raises questions
instant petition is devoid of merit for non-compliance with the essential requisites for the that need to be resolved; but the exercise of such discretion presupposes, at the outset, that
exercise of judicial review in cases involving the constitutionality of a law. He contends that the petition is otherwise viable or meritorious.
there is no actual case or controversy with litigants asserting adverse legal rights or interests,
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The petitioner is not likewise a "proper party." As a consultant of the DPWH under the cursorily adopted the opinion of the officer-in-charge who acted on his own and who,
"Contract for Consultancy x x x," he is not vested with any authority to demolish obstructions apparently, did not even refer his opinion to the Board of Directors of the NHA.
and encroachments on properties of the public domain, much less on private lands. The
consultancy contract limits his duties to the following: "(a) to organize and train selected WHEREFORE, for lack of merit, the instant petition is DISMISSED with costs against the
DPWH personnel for the different Engineering Districts in the NCR in the techniques and petitioner.
methods of removing/demolishing illegal structures/stalls, etc., as well as in crowd control,
self-defense and security procedures x x x; (b) to provide advice to the Secretary and other
DPWH officials regarding prioritization of areas to be cleared of obstructions and Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Feliciano, Bidin, Grio-Aquino, Regalado, Romero, Nocon, Bellosillo,
encroachments; (c) to conduct field inspection from time to time of areas recommended for Melo, and Quiason, JJ., concur.
clearing; (d) to provide advice in developing appropriate standards and techniques in cost
effective implementation of the removal and demolition of obstructions and encroachments x x Padilla, J., on leave.
x; and (e) to develop operational procedures that will institutionalize demolition processes." 17
Moreover, the consultancy contract expired on 31 December 1992 and the petitioner has not
manifested that he obtained a renewal or extension thereof.
Rollo, 8.
Nor does the petitioner claim that he is an owner of an urban property whose enjoyment and
use would be affected by the challenged provisions of R.A. No. 7279. Id., 5-6.
Although the petitioner likewise anchors his locus standi on the fact that he is a taxpayer, it Annex "B" of Petition; Id., 46, et seq.
does not mean, however, that in each and every instance where such a ground is invoked, this 4
Court is left with no alternative except to hear the parties. In Tan vs. Macapagal, 18 we Rollo, 26.
clarified that "as far as a taxpayer's suit is concerned, this Court is not devoid of discretion as 5
Rollo, 88-91.
to whether or not it should be entertained."
Id., 92-96.
We do not, as well, find an indubitable ground for the constitutional challenge. As this Court
said through Mr. Justice Isagani A. Cruz in Garcia vs. Executive Secretary: 19 7
Id., 103-105.
"On the merits, We find that the constitutional challenge must be rejected for failure to show 8
People vs. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, 82 [1937].
that there is an indubitable ground for it, not to say even a necessity to resolve it. The policy of
the courts is to avoid ruling on constitutional questions and to presume that the acts of the 9
Dumlao vs. COMELEC, 95 SCRA 392 [1980]; National Economic Protectionism
political departments are valid in the absence of a clear and unmistakable showing to the Association vs. Ongpin, 171 SCRA 657 [1989]; Association of Small Landowners in the
contrary. To doubt is to sustain. This presumption is based on the doctrine of separation of Philippines, Inc. vs. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175 SCRA 343 [1989]; Garcia vs. Executive
powers which enjoins upon each department a becoming respect for the acts of the other Secretary, 204 SCRA 516 [1991].
departments. The theory is that as the joint act of Congress and the President of the
Philippines, a law has been carefully studied and determined to be in accordance with the Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. vs. Secretary of Agrarian Reform,
fundamental law before it was finally enacted." supra, 364.
We cannot end this resolution without a few words on the comment of the OGCC for public Muskrat vs. United States, 219 U.S. 346 [1911], cited in Allied Broadcasting Center, Inc. vs.
respondent National Housing Authority wherein the OGCC merely adopted the stand of the Republic, 190 SCRA 782 [1990].
officer-in-charge of the Legal Department of the said Authority that the challenged sections of 12
Rollo, 6.
R.A. No. 7279 are unconstitutional. On its own, the OGCC did not even attempt to reason out
why this petition should be granted or denied. It has obviously treated this case without the 13
Delumen vs. Republic, 94 Phil. 287 [1954].
circumspection and seriousness expected of it especially in the light of the functions, duties
and responsibilities of the NHA under the challenged Act. The OGCC should not have 14
Remotigue vs. Osmea, 21 SCRA 837 [1967]; Rural Bank of Olongapo vs. Commissioner
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of Land Registration, 102 SCRA 794 [1981]; Allied Broadcasting Center, Inc. vs. Republic,
supra, footnote no. 11.
De la Llana vs. Alba, 112 SCRA 294 [1982].
Alliance of Government Workers vs. Minister of Labor and Employment, 124 SCRA 1
Rollo, 44-45.
43 SCRA 677 [1972].
Supra, footnote no. 9, at 522-523.
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