Materials and Design: T.K. Kandavel, R. Chandramouli, M. Manoj, B. Manoj, Deepak Kumar Gupta

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Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736

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Inuence of copper and molybdenum on dry sliding wear behaviour

of sintered plain carbon steel
T.K. Kandavel, R. Chandramouli , M. Manoj, B. Manoj, Deepak Kumar Gupta
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology and Research Academy (SASTRA University), Thanjavur 613 401, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Study of wear behaviour of sintered low alloy steels is required to ascertain their applications for wear
Received 26 October 2012 resistance. In the present work the inuence of copper and molybdenum on wear behaviour of plain car-
Accepted 7 March 2013 bon steel (Fe0.5%C) using pin-on-disk arrangement has been addressed. Atomized iron (Fe), graphite (C),
Available online 28 March 2013
copper (Cu) and molybdenum (Mo) elemental powders were suitably weighed and thoroughly mixed in a
pot mill to yield the alloy powders of Fe0.5%C, Fe0.5%C2%Cu and Fe0.5%C2%Mo. Admixed alloy
Keywords: powders were then compacted and sintered for obtaining preforms of aspect ratio (height/diameter)
Low alloy steels
1.3 and diameter 25 mm. The sintered preforms were then hot extruded and subsequently machined
to obtain wear test specimens of diameter 6 mm and height 50 mm. Using Design of Experiment soft-
Coefcient of friction ware, the sliding wear experiments were planned and conducted on a pin-on-disk tribometer. It has been
found that there is a substantial improvement in wear resistance of the P/M plain carbon steel by the
addition Mo rather than Cu. However coefcient of friction is higher due to presence of hard microstruc-
tural phases. Delamination wear is found predominant for both the alloy steels. Empirical correlations for
mass loss and coefcient of friction with respect to load/speed have been developed for the alloy steels.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction They have found that the alloy steel in the as sintered state sub-
jected to lower wear rate and has low coefcient of friction com-
Low alloy powder metallurgy (P/M) steels nd extensive appli- pared to that of quenched and tempered specimens due to the
cations in automobile and industrial machinery. Machine parts transformation of bainitic to martensitic microstructure. Ceschini
produced through the P/M technique, when subjected to relative et al. [3] have found that the increase in Mo content in FeCMo
motion, are likely to undergo extensive damage by wear due to P/M alloy steel has appreciable improvement in the sliding wear
inherent porosity. Tribological behaviour of P/M steels could be resistance of the sintered alloy steels due to the formation of bain-
different from that of conventional wrought materials due to the itic microstructures. They have also reported that higher sintering
presence of porosity. In the present research work, the inuence temperature has led to enhancement of wear resistance of the
of Cu and Mo on dry sliding wear behaviour of plain carbon steel FCMo steel. It has been observed that the addition of sulphur
processed through P/M route has been studied by conducting wear (S) to FeMo alloy steels contributes to reducing the wear rate sig-
tests using pin-on-disk tribometer. nicantly due to the tribological chemical reactions of S with Fe
Wear studies on P/M alloys have been carried out by a number and Mo, which leads to the formation of Fe oxides and Mo sulp-
of researchers. Molinari and Straffelini [1] have investigated the hides, which in turn form adherent lm on the wear surface [4].
wear behaviour of FeCNiMo and FeCMo steels under as-sin- It has been experimentally proved [5] that the non-annealed Fe
tered and heat treated conditions and found that the heat treated 42at%Mo disc against ASTM 52100 exhibits higher wear resistance
alloy steel is subjected to lower wear rates due to its high strength compared to the annealed specimen due to higher fracture tough-
and resistance to plastic ow. They have also reported that the ness and hardness. They have also identied adhesive wear as the
addition of Mo has promoted greater wear resistance to the alloy predominant mode of wear of the alloy steel. Adding Cu and Mo to
steel due to bainite structure. Wang and Danninger [2] have re- plain carbon steel is reported [6] to reduce the deformation level
ported that the wear behaviour of the Fe1%C3.5%Mo alloy steel due to the formation of coalesced Cu particles and Mo particulates,
is depended on the PM processing parameters, post sintering heat which enhances the hardness of the steel. The enhanced hardness
treatment (quenched and tempered) process and wear conditions. could result in reduced wear of the steel. It has been experimen-
tally found [7] that the addition of Mo to plain carbon steel appre-
ciably improves its hardness and tensile strength of alloy steel due
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 04362 264101; fax: +91 04362 264120. to the possible formation of carbides and particulates of alloying
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Chandramouli). element. In general higher hardness in alloy steel leads to the

0261-3069/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736 729

better anti wear characteristic. Tekeli et al. [8] have experimentally Ni1.5Cu0.5Mo0.6C low alloy steel. They have hypothesised
found that the wear rate of Fe0.3%C P/M steel subjected to that open porosity in the case of sintered steel might act as sites
intercritical annealing, followed by water quenching is lower as of generation and collection of wear debris which in turn reduce
compared to that of the material in as-sintered state, due to the the wear rate of the alloy steel. Ranjan and Upadhyaya [21] have
transformation of pearlite into martensite microstructure during experimentally found that the addition of Cu to plain carbon steel
quenching process. The wear mechanism found in this alloy spec- adversely affects the densication property and improves the
imen is found to be a mixture of adhesive and abrasive wear due to mechanical properties of the plain carbon steel. They have also
high volume fraction of martensite in microstructure. It has been reported that the oil-quench heat treatment improves the
found by Anton et al. [9] that the addition of 0.7%C to plain carbon mechanical properties of the low alloy steel. The increase in hard-
steels enhances their wear behaviour as compared to 0.3%C ness due to Cu addition could enhance the wear properties of the
addition, due to the formation of higher volume of pearlite phase alloy steel.
in the ferritic microstructure. Leheup et al. [10] have investigated In the present research the tribological properties of the alloy
the effect of density on wear behaviour of sintered iron specimens steels Fe0.5%C2%Cu, Fe0.5%C2%Mo and plain carbon steel
and have concluded that the wear behaviour of the sintered Fe0.5%C are analyzed in two ways. Inuence of Cu and Mo as
preforms is depended on the sliding amplitude rather than the alloying element on wear property of the plain carbon steel is dis-
density. Lim and Brunton [11] have found that the open pores on cussed and the combinational effect of various loads and speeds on
the sliding surfaces of sintered iron preforms act as sites for the wear properties is also analyzed by conducting the dry sliding wear
generation and collection of wear debris. Further, they have re- tests using pin-on-disk wear testing machine.
ported that the wear behaviour of both sintered and nonsintered
iron preforms is same, if the sliding surface is covered by the mate-
rial ow or mechanical polishing. They have also observed that the 2. Experimental details
wear ploughing and delamination are the dominant wear mecha-
nisms at high and low normalized pressures respectively. Lim Elemental powders of iron, graphite, copper and molybdenum
et al. [12] have investigated the wear properties of unlubricated were accurately weighed and thoroughly mixed in an indige-
specimens of sintered and non-sintered medium and low carbon nously fabricated ball mill for 10 h to yield the alloy compositions
steels. It has been found that the wear behaviour of both the of Fe0.5%C, Fe0.5%C2%Cu and Fe0.5%C2%Mo. Powder
non-sintered and sintered specimens of the steels is similar. Mild mixes were then compacted into cylindrical billets of size
oxidation wear producing ne oxide debris and oxide plateaux, 25  33 mm, using a 1000 kN Universal Testing Machine
with delamination as a secondary mechanism at higher load and (UTM). Aluminium coating was applied on the exposing surface
speed is reported for the above-mentioned steels. Colaco et al. of green compacts to prevent oxidation during sintering. Sintering
[13] have experimentally found that though the AISI M42 steels of the coated and dried samples was carried out in a 3.5 kW muf-
having higher hardness after the laser surface melting (LSM) treat- e furnace at a temperature of 1000 10 C for a period of
ment of the sintered specimens exhibit poor wear behaviour 120 min. The sintered preforms were subjected to hot extrusion
compared to sintered specimens due to the complete elimination process at a temperature of 1050 C to get cylindrical pin of
of residual porosity and super saturated martensite. This in turn 10 mm diameter. The extruded pin was further machined for
leads to the dominance of abrasive wear with corresponding high- the standard size (6  50 mm) to conduct sliding wear track
er coefcient of friction. It has been found [14] that the addition of tests, using pin-on-disk arrangement. EN31 disc was used as
C and Cu to steel enhances the wear resistance of the alloy steel counter face material and the track radius was kept constant at
and also reported that delamination wear is predominant for the 16.5 mm for the dry sliding wear test. The wear test was carried
sintered and heat-treated alloy steels. Kang [15] has investigated out based on the standard ASTM G99-05. The load and speed
the suitability of sintered iron-based alloys for severe sliding wear ranges for the present research work have been chosen as 15
conditions. He has reported that oxidative wear mechanism is 50 N and 3001200 rpm respectively. Microstructures and optical
found to be predominant on Fe based alloy material due to the image of the wear surfaces of the P/M alloy steel pins were ob-
formation of solid lm oxides of Fe at the relatively higher temper- served using KYOWA, ME-LUX2, microscope tted with CCD cam-
atures between the interface materials. It has been reported that era. SEM images of maximum worn out surfaces of the alloy
the addition of copper as alloying element to iron based alloys specimens were observed using JEOL-Field Emission Scanning
signicantly improves the wear resistance of the alloy steels due Electron Microscope (TSM-6701F, Japan).
to predominant delamination wear process [16]. Gopinath [17] The experiment was designed using central composite module
has studied the wear behaviour of FeCu alloys and has observed of response surface methodology of Design Expert Software was
that the wear rates of the alloy are reduced with increasing sliding employed in order to plan the experiments and to analyze the
speed up to a particular threshold value, after which the trend is experimental results. The wear test plan and results are illustrated
reversed. It has been found [18] that the addition of MoS2 to in Table 1.
FeCCu and FeCCuNi P/M alloy steels invariably improves
the wear behaviour of alloys. Though the addition of MoS2 in-
creases the frictional coefcient, the hard phase limits the plastic 3. Results and discussion
deformation of pores and resists the penetration providing barrier
against the indentation and cutting. Severe damage of abrasive The loss of mass due to wear leads to appreciable dimensional
particles due to wear results in the reduction of cutting efciency changes in the mating parts, which in turn leads to malfunction
by capping due to debris covering the tips of abrasive particles of parts. It is essential to keep the mass loss within limits for a
and also stabilizes the coefcient of friction. Higher wear rates functional life period of mating parts in machinery. Therefore,
due to detachment of surface platelets by microploughing, result- mass loss is considered an important parameter in wear studies.
ing in abrasive wear were observed on p/m steel with 2%Ni and Mass loss of the pin specimens was estimated accurately using
0.3%C, under annealed condition [19]. The same steel has shown a four decimal Shimadzu Digital Balance and correlated with load
reduced wear under quenched and tempered condition due to and speed. The coefcient of sliding friction (l) was estimated
martensitic structure. Khorsand et al. [20] have studied the during the wear test and correlated with load and speed. Table 1
inuence of heat treatment on wear behaviour of Fe1.75 gives the experimental results of the wear test.
730 T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736

Table 1
Wear test results for the P/M low alloy steels.

Input parameters Type of P/M alloys and responses/output parameters

Load (N) Speed (rpm) Time (min) Fe0.5%C Fe0.5%C2%Cu Fe0.5%C2%Mo
Mass loss (g) Coefcient of friction Mass loss (g) Coefcient of friction Mass loss (g) Coefcient of friction
15.0 750.0 20 0.0085 0.5462 0.017 0.5473 0.0048 0.5640
20.1 431.8 0.0051 0.4993 0.0086 0.5507 0.0050 0.5071
1068.1 0.0076 0.6144 0.0096 0.5721 0.0100 0.6215
32.5 300.0 0.0048 0.5690 0.0184 0.5208 0.0061 0.4664
750.0 0.0229 0.4636 0.0176 0.5016 0.0099 0.4879
1200.0 0.0073 0.5062 0.0080 0.4416 0.0143 0.5257
44.9 431.8 0.0120 0.5334 0.0208 0.4978 0.0125 0.5413
1068.1 0.0200 0.5255 0.0093 0.4597 0.0141 0.4424
50.0 750.0 0.0221 0.4419 0.0244 0.4293 0.0250 0.4867

3.1. Mass loss versus load and speed to a reduction in the wear loss [20]. To conclude, a combination of
oxidative and delamination wear mechanisms is hypothesised in
Unlike wrought materials, the wear behaviour of porous mate- the case of the plain carbon steel [1,12].
rials is considerably inuenced by the porosity. Initial removal of For Cu alloyed steel, at lower loads, there is a slight increase in
metal called debris occupies the pores on the worn surface, which wear, with speed. This may be expected due to the normal mech-
in turn affects further wear behaviour of the material. Some of the anism of delamination wear. However, at higher loads, the wear is
parameters which affect the wear of porous materials are porosity observed to be reduced with increase in speed right through the
or density, alloying elements present, type of microstructure etc. In entire range of speed. This can be explained by the mechanism of
the case of alloy steels, if the delamination wear is the predomi- oxidative wear [14,17]. At enhanced loads, the mode of wear
nant mode of wear, the addition alloying elements to sintered changes to oxidative from delamination mode. Copper is a known
materials is likely to be more effective in reducing the wear rate. oxide forming element and with increase in temperature the
On the other hand the alloying elements are found to play lesser chemical susceptibility for the oxidation reaction is also enhanced.
role on the wear mechanism if the wear is mainly oxidative [14]. As a result, it forms a sticky oxide layer on the wear surface that
Fig. 1ac illustrate the 3D and contour plots between the mass leads to reduction in wear rate [16,17]. Further, the Cu particles
loss of the alloy steels and the load/speed obtained during the wear (free copper) which are embedded between the grain boundaries
test runs. react with the surrounding air and form a sticky oxide layer on
The general trend observed in the alloy steels is that the mass the wear surface [6,21]. This phenomenon reduces the wear loss
loss increases with increase in load at any speed. This is in confor- further at higher speeds. At the highest load, there is a downward
mity with the general principle of wear. The reason for this trend is trend of mass loss with respect to speed. This may be due to the
the delamination of oxide layer forming on the contact surface of operation of the oxidative wear mechanism right from the begin-
the specimen, which subsequently increases the wear rates [10]. ning of the process. Further, the softening effect of the copper par-
It is also observed from the plots for alloy steels that the amount ticles also enhances the wear resistance [15]. The highest wear loss
of wear loss at the minimum load is observed to be lowest irre- for the Cu-alloyed steel is observed at the minimum speed
spective of the alloy compositions. (0.0235 g) and the maximum load. At lower speeds, increasing
For plain carbon steel, the wear loss is higher with increase in the load leads to delamination of the oxide layer formed on the
load. However, beyond a threshold speed, the trend is reversed. wear surface, thereby subjecting the alloy steel to increased wear.
Reason for such trend reversal is at the higher loads and speeds, The delamination effect on the oxide layer is reported to be due to
oxidative wear could be predominant [15]. The plain carbon steel higher energy at the interface as well as enhanced interfacial fric-
contains soft ferriticpearlitic phase matrix, which accounts for tion [4,12].
the appreciable mass loss during initial stages of the wear. Increas- The alloy steel containing Mo as alloying element shows normal
ing the pearlitic phase in the microstructure by enhancing the car- trend in wear behaviour. The mass loss increases with speed as
bon content could result in the reduction of wear rate [15]. During well as load. However, the extent of mass loss in the alloy is lower
the sliding wear at higher loads and speeds the possibility of oxida- (0.0183 g) compared to that of the carbon steel (0.0206 g). The
tion of iron present in the steel is larger due to the enhanced tem- wear behaviour of this alloy with load/speed is observed to be lin-
perature at the interface, as a result of heat generation. This leads ear with respect to load/speed. The highest mass loss is observed to
to the formation of oxides on the wear surface of the specimen, occur at the maximum load and speed. Mo alloyed steels exhibit
which prevents further wear. It is reported in the literature that better wear resistance behaviour compared with the plain carbon
low/medium carbon steels undergo delamination of the oxide pla- steel [13,5]. Mo is one of the known carbide forming alloying ele-
teaux on the wear surface at loads/speeds sufciently higher [12]. ments. Mo carbides and Mo particulates are expected to occupy the
The delamination wear mechanism is reported to be predominant grain boundary areas and strengthen the grain boundary region
for a particular threshold value of load and speed at which the alloy [6]. Such strengthening action of the Mo carbides/particulates
is subjected to enhanced wear loss. For the plain carbon steel, be- could enhance the wear resistance of the steel [2,8,12].
yond the minimum load and maximum speed condition, the trend
is reversed i.e., the mass loss due to wear is getting reduced. This is 3.2. Coefcient of friction versus load and speed
due to the predominance of oxidative wear mechanism [1]. The
highest mass loss, otherwise dened as critical mass loss, occurs The coefcient of sliding friction was evaluated for the P/M al-
at 864 rpm under the maximum load condition. After the critical loy steels under varying conditions of load, speed from the pin-
speed (speed corresponding to the critical mass loss) and at higher on-disk experiments.
load condition, the soft plastic particles of wear debris get embed- Fig. 2ac depict the variation of the coefcient of friction for the
ded on the surface of the specimen, which subsequently may lead alloys under different load-speed combinations.
T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736 731

(i) (ii)

(a) Fe-0.5%C

(b) Fe-0.5%C-2%Cu

(i) (ii)

(c) Fe-0.5%C-2%Mo
Fig. 1. (a)(c) Mass loss behaviour of the P/M alloy steels at various loads/speeds.

In all the alloys, the common observation is that the coefcient normal load and corresponding mass loss variation is quite low
of friction gets reduced with increase in both load and speed. This and linear. Due to mild delamination of oxide layer, the friction
may be reasoned from the point of view of surface oxidation. At is found to be unvarying with load. The coefcient of friction is
higher speed/load more oxidation of interface could occur due to observed to be higher at the highest speed and the lowest load con-
high interface temperature. The presence of oxide layer on the dition. This may be due to the plastic state of already formed oxide
interface reduces the friction. layer at the higher temperature and hence the corresponding wear
For the carbon steel, the coefcient of friction is found to be loss is observed lower. It is observed that the frictional coefcient
almost constant at the lower sliding speeds irrespective of the is the least at the critical mass loss region. As the wear debris is
732 T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736

(i) (ii)
(a) Fe-0.5%C

(b) Fe-0.5%C -2%Cu

(i) (ii)

(c) Fe-0.5%C-2%Mo
Fig. 2. (a)(c) Coefcient of friction of the P/M alloy steels at various loads/speeds.

continuously removed from the interface, the corresponding fric- ination of oxide lm on the interface at the entire load range irre-
tion between the surfaces is found very minimum [15]. Delamina- spective of the speed. The least friction occurs at the highest load
tion of thin oxide lm could be the reason for this reduction of and sliding speed conditions and the corresponding wear loss is
friction at the interface. also the least. The formation of sticky oxide layer on the interface
In the case of Cu alloyed steel, the frictional coefcient is almost may have led to reduction in mass loss as well as the frictional
constant for the entire speed range at lower load conditions. The coefcient of the alloy steel [18].
same kind of trend is also exhibited for the wear loss of the alloy Frictional coefcient and mass loss are found to increase steeply
steel. The alloy steel also exhibits a decrease in frictional coefcient with increase in sliding velocity at lower loads for the Mo alloyed
with increase in mass loss, which may be explained by the delam- steel. The reason could be the delamination of oxide lm on the
T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736 733

interface of the contact surface. However the frictional force is not 3.4. Evaluation of critical mass loss of alloy steels
so steep in the case of the application of the normal load at the
lower sliding speed condition. Minimum friction is found to act The critical mass loss and corresponding load and speed of the
at the critical mass loss state, which is evident from the lowest va- P/M alloy steels have been evaluated using the ANNOVA module of
lue of coefcient of friction. This may be due to the predominant Design Expert soft ware. The mass loss is found to be inuenced by
delamination wear on the wear surface at this condition. More over the load more than the speed. Therefore, we conclude that load is
the friction may be primarily due to the Mo carbides excepting the more signicant than speed. The critical mass loss is found as fol-
soft ferrite phase in the microstructure of Mo alloyed steel. That is lowed: keeping the signicant parameter namely, load, constant at
why the frictional coefcient is lesser at the higher load and speed the maximum value, the maximum mass loss is obtained by vary-
regions. More over greater frictional force is found to act on the ing the other parameter, namely speed. The critical mass loss can
interface materials due to the presence of Mo particulates and car- also be evaluated using the wear behaviour equation for the partic-
bides in this steel [6,7]. ular P/M alloy steel. Substituting the higher value of the most sig-
nicant factor and partially differentiating the quadratic equation
3.3. Empirical equations for mass loss and coefcient of friction of mass loss with respect to speed and equating to zero will result
evaluations of P/M alloy steels in value of sliding speed at which the mass loss is maximum. Ta-
ble 2 provides the speed and load corresponding to the critical
In order to generalize the wear behaviour of the P/M alloy steels mass loss value for the P/M alloy steels.
considered for the study, generalized correlations between wear
loss and coefcient of friction with respect to load and speed have 3.5. Microstructures
been obtained from the ANNOVA module of Design Expert soft-
ware. The generalized correlations are as followed: Microstructures of the extruded P/M alloy steel specimens are
The empirical correlations of mass loss and coefcient of fric- illustrated in Fig. 3ac. It is observed from the microstructure of
tion for the plain carbon steel are given as Eqs. (1) and (2): the plain carbon steel Fig. 3a, that the steel contains soft ferritic
pearlirtic phases. Pearlites are uniformly distributed in the well de-
Z ML  0:015544 5:86087  105  x
ned ferritic grain matrix. A number of tiny pores could also been
1:06057  105  y 3:49206  107  xy seen in the gure. The plain carbon steel is subjected to higher
 4:2963  108  x2 1:79592  106  y2 1 wear loss and the interface frictional force is found to be lower
due to soft ferrite structure. The microstructure of Cu alloyed steel
is shown in Fig. 3b. Though it is similar to the plain carbon steel in
Z l 0:72932  3:87519  104  x  5:52555  103  y
the micro-phases, the coalesced Cu particles embedded between
 7:81397  106  xy 4:32456  107  x2 ferrite grains are observed at some places. Due to soft nature of ba-
sic ferriticpearlitic microstructure along the coalesced Cu parti-
1:43714  103  y2 2
cles, the Cu-alloy steel is subjected to higher mass loss, as
The empirical equations of mass loss and coefcient of friction evident in the wear test and the corresponding frictional coef-
evaluation for the Cu alloyed carbon steel (Fe0.5%C2%Cu) are gi- cient is found to be lower.
ven as Eqs. (3) and (4): Fig. 3c shows the microstructure of Fe0.5%C2%Mo alloy steel.
Mo particulates embedded between the ferritepearlite grains are
Z ML 9:46374  104 4:18479  105  x observed from the structure. The hard phase Mo carbides could also
 2:69347  105  y  7:9365  107  xy be seen in the image. Mo alloyed steel is found to be subjected to
lower wear loss compared to the parent metal due to the inuence
 1:73045  108  x2 1:30476  105  y2 3
of alloying element. Frictional coefcient of Mo alloyed steel is
found to be higher due to the presence of hard phase in the material.
Z l 0:52108 1:5328  104  x 2:92537  104  y
 3:7778  106  xy  5:40741  108  x2 3.6. SEM and optical images of the maximum wear surface of the P/M
5 2 alloy steels
 1:25388  10 y 4
The empirical equations of mass loss and coefcient of friction Figs. 4 and 5 illustrates the optical images and SEM images of
evaluation for the Mo alloyed carbon steel (Fe0.5%C2%Mo) are the maximum worn out surfaces of the steel specimens. It is ob-
given as Eqs. (5) and (6): served from Fig. 4a that the plain carbon steel is subjected to uni-
form wear through out the wear region as considered by evenly
Z ML  0:019119 2:99666  105  x 5:7677  104  y made alternate crest and trough portion on the wear surface. The
 2:15873  107  xy  1:0535  108  x2 bright areas of a thin oxide layer are visible throughout the entire
wear surface and the dark areas are probably the areas fully cov-
8:70748  107  y2 5
ered by oxide [9]. The alternate white and dark areas are the hill
and groove of the wear track [10]. A few bright particles are also
Z l 0:54522 4:39277  104  x  0:010696y observed in the image and this could be the metallic debris
 1:35429  105  xy 2:66399  108  x2 embedded in the pores [10]. As the plain carbon steel consists of

2:61386  104  y2 6 Table 2

Critical mass loss of the P/M low alloy steels.
where ZML is the mass/wear loss of the P/M alloy steel (g), Zl the Alloys composition Critical mass loss parameters
coefcient of friction of the P/M alloy steel, x the speed (rpm),
Speed (rpm) Load (N) Mass loss (g)
and y is the load (N).
Using these equations, the wear loss and frictional coefcient Fe0.5%C 864.27 44.83 0.0206
Fe0.5%C2%Cu 431.80 44.83 0.0235
could be found out at any load and speed conditions of the P/M
Fe0.5%C2%Mo 962.93 44.83 0.0183
alloy steels.
734 T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736

25m 100m

(a) Fe-0.5%C (b)


(c) Fe-0.5%C-2%Mo
Fig. 3. (a)(c) Microstructure of the sinterforged P/M alloy steels.

200m 200m

(a) Fe-0.5%C (b) Fe-0.5%C-2%Cu


(c) Fe-0.5%C-2%Mo
Fig. 4. (a)(c) Optical wear images of the maximum wear surface of the P/M alloy steels.
T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736 735

(a) Fe-0.5%C (b) Fe-0.5%C-2%Cu

(c) Fe-0.5%C-2%Mo
Fig. 5. (a)(c) SEM images of the maximum worn out surface of the P/M alloy steels.

soft ferriticpearlitic structure, the wear loss is observed to be Uniformly distributed white oxide patches are observed in the
higher and uniform. This is evident from the uniform wear track SEM image of the plain carbon steel. Trapped wear debris in the
of the surface. open pores are also visible. Hard oxide layers due to high temper-
From Fig. 4b, it could be observed that surface wear in the case ature are seen to appear as a dark patches in the image [10].
of Cu-alloyed steel is not uniform. This steel is subjected to higher Appearance of deep groove in the image due to the soft ferrite
mass loss, like the plain carbon steel. Thin oxide layers are identi- microstructure conrms the enhanced wear rate of the carbon
ed as non-evenly distributed white patches in the image. Plasti- steel. In the case of Cu alloyed steel, thin oxide layer is found to ap-
cally deformed free pore copper is also observed at some places. pear as bright white colored regions [10]. Wear debris trapped in-
The bright particle-like patches observed in the image could be side the open pores are seen at few places (Fig. 5b). Delaminated
the wear debris trapped within the pores [10]. Tongue-like struc- plateaux (oxide akes) are found to appear as grey patches in the
tures observed in the image could be indications of metallic ow image [19]. Free pore copper phase, which is found to be responsi-
of the material due to deformation [10]. The black patches appear- ble for reduction in wear rate, is seen as white patches in the
ing in the image could be the removal of plateaux from the wear micrograph. The SEM images of both carbon and Cu alloyed steels
surface [12]. are almost similar in appearance, as they are subjected to higher
Fig. 4c shows randomly distributed oxide layers are found as wear rate and nominal frictional coefcient.
white patches in the image. The bright areas of the surface are cov- It is clearly evident from the SEM image of Mo alloyed steel
ered by a thick layer of on-surface oxide; on the other hand the (Fig. 5c) that the layered appearance shows the removal of akes
dark area in the other side of the surface the oxide layer would due to delamination process [11]. The trapped wear asperities in
have fallen off [10]. Wear debris occupying some places are also the open pores, found in some places, signicantly enhance the
visible in the image and these could have reduced the wear rate wear resistance of the alloy steel [11]. Appearance of tongues at
of the alloy steel [11]. Mo alloyed steel is found to undergo mini- some places in the SEM image could be the effect of deep metallic
mum wear loss during the test and corresponding frictional coef- ow of materials due to deformation, which could further contrib-
cient is higher. A deep deformed layer results in a high frictional ute to the reduction of wear rate of alloy steel and consequently
coefcient and high surface temperature, which in turn affects enhance the friction at the interface [10].
the type of oxide generated [10]. The oxide layer formed in this al-
loy steel could be FeO due to high temperature [10]. Bright white 4. Conclusions
particles seen in the image could be Mo particulates, which could
further reduce wear loss and enhance the frictional coefcient in The present research work has helped us understand the mech-
the alloy steel. anism of sliding wear of sintered low alloy steels containing Cu and
Fig. 5ac show the SEM images of the maximum worn out sur- Mo. The following important conclusions could be drawn from the
faces during the wear tests of the P/M alloy steels. wear experiments on the alloy steels:
736 T.K. Kandavel et al. / Materials and Design 50 (2013) 728736

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