Rollsizers en
Rollsizers en
Rollsizers en
Crushing with a difference
2 RollSizers3
Mineral processing
The shear and tensile forces required are CenterSizer crushing tools Fine feed material can also pass through the rolls without further flexible range in the final product size. The crushing ratio that can
generated by high rotor torques at low cir- The design of the crushing chamber (arrow crushing, resulting in an extremely low fines and dust content in be achieved with SideSizers ranges between 3:1 and 4:1 depend-
cumferential speeds. Through the configu- or spiral arrangement of the crushing tools) the finished product. As in the CenterSizer, the material is crushed ing on the design and application. There are various types of Side-
ration of the individual crushing tools, the and the systems for attaching the crushing by means of shear and tensile forces as well as additional cutting Sizer available, allowing throughput rates of up to 2,500 t/h to be
fines contained in the feed material pass teeth are selected to suit the application forces generated by high rotor torques at low circumferential achieved.
between the crushing rolls without being and the arrangement of the CenterSizer in speeds.
crushed any further, in a similar manner to relation to the flow of material. The two Crushing tools for the SideSizer
a screening process. The specific power options available are replaceable tooth SideSizers for secondary and tertiary crushing Easily replaceable toothed segments as well as toothed combs are
requirement, wear rate and fines content in picks and fully replaceable teeth rings. Due to the exactly determined geometry of the lateral crushing the preferred option for the SideSizer. And of course, the materials
the end product are thus much lower com- comb, SideSizers produce a clearly defined product size and can used for the SideSizer are also selected according to the applica-
pared to other crushers. be used for a required final grain size of up to approx. 30 mm. The tion in order to ensure the longest possible service lives and low
The materials used for the additional adjustability of the crushing combs ensures a highly operating costs.
CenterSizers for primary and secondary
crushing tools are selected
CenterSizers produce a clearly defined according to the application in
From left:
product size with a low oversize content order to achieve the longest
and can be used for a required final grain possible service lives. Crushing principle of the
size of up to approx. 50 mm. The crushing SideSizer
ratio that can be achieved with CenterSiz- RollSizer DRS 660 x 3000
ers ranges between 3:1 and 6:1 depending designed as a SideSizer for
secondary crushing
on the design and application. There are
various types of CenterSizer available,
allowing throughput rates of up to 10,000
t/h to be achieved using feed lumps with
edge lengths of up to 2,000 mm.
Type A B C D E F
Max. feed size 1)
CenterSizer (SideSizer)
Throughput rate
Total installed
weight 2)
keep things running One-stop-
480 650
to 1,500
55 220
approx. [t]
smoothly! shop service
2,000 2,600 (200) 7
1,500 2,300 17 We offer our customers not only optimum, customized
660 2,000 1,500 2,200 900 2,900 750 650 850 to 2,500 160 500 20
3,000 3,900 (300) 25
technical solutions, but also comprehensive, tailored ser-
1,500 2,500 27 vice ranging from the engineering of individual crushers
800 2,000
1,800 2,400 1,100 3,100
920 750 1,050 to 3,500 200 630 32
and entire plants to their operation, and modification if
1,000 2,000 2,100 2,600 1,300 3,200 1,050 950 1,300 to 5,000 250 700 42
3,000 4,200 51 We usually start out by analyzing the storage areas and the feed material. Using state-
of-the-art processes we characterize the respective material, which forms the basis
1,250 2,000 2,800 3,600 1,600 3,700 1,450 1,200 1,600 to 7,500 450 800 81 for selecting the right crusher and any customer-specific adaptations that may be
3,000 4,700 100 required. Then we perform testing under field conditions using a clever control and
diagnostic system to check the main operating parameters again.
1,500 3,000 3,550 4,400 2,000 3,700 1,800 1,400 2,000 to 10,000 750 1,200 125
4,000 4,700 150 Whenever you need us, the maintenance and repair crews from thyssenkrupp Indus-
trial Solutions are on hand to cater to your needs, from specialist advice, inspections
and modifications through modernizations and performance enhancement to damage
analyses and repairs, which are performed exclusively by our highly qualified assem-
bly personnel using high-quality, certified spare parts. If necessary, we will maintain
and repair your crusher at one of our service centers. You can call on these services
C not only for crushers from our own production lines, but also for machines manufac-
tured by other suppliers.
Increase the productivity of your machines and plants! Our services will assist you in
Max. feed size depends on tooth
configuration doing so.
A Mechanical dual drive,
arranged on both sides 2) Weight of the RollSizer without drive
The throughput rate and motor power
depend on the feed material, feed size,
D granulometric composition and required
product size. The given data are intended
as a guide for medium-hard limestone
(fines content of 50% in the feed material)
C and are based on a crushing ratio of 5:1.
F Subject to change!
CenterSizer design CenterSizer design for SideSizer design for (Throughput by way of example based on
with breaker bar for secondary crushing secondary crushing a bulk density of 1.6 t/m3)
primary crushing
From left:
Mechanical dual drive, arranged on one side Mechanical single drive with synchronization stage Installation of a RollSizer
Industrial Solutions
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