2017 Unit 4 Review 7th Grade Reg - Answer Key

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7R Unit 4- Road to Revolution Review Sheet

1. Boycott- A form of protest where a group of people decide to stop buying products or using services
provided by a particular group, company, or country. The colonists boycotted British goods in response to
the strict taxes and harsh treatment of the British.
2. Minutemen- thecolonialfarmerswhowerereadytofightatamomentsnoticeduringthe
3. Patriot- the revolutionaries who rebelled against British rule during the Revolutionary War. They
would eventually fight for complete independence from Britain.
5. Navigation Acts- laws passed by British Parliament in the 1650s that regulated trade between England
and the 13 Colonies. The purpose of the Acts were to make sure that only Britain benefited from colonial
6. Tea Act- A law passed by British Parliament in 1773 that let the British East India Company bypass tea
merchants and sell directly to colonists. It gave the British complete control over the sale of tea in the
colonies, and led to the Boston Tea Party.
7. Quartering Act- a law that required colonists to house British soldiers.
8. Propaganda- A message that is meant to influence peoples ideas, opinions, or actions in a certain way.
Paul Reveres image of The Boston Massacre is seen by many as an example of propaganda.

Identify the following terms/ Answer the questions below:

9. What happened to the colonists as a result of the French and Indian War? Why? After the French
& Indian War, England was in a massive amount of debt. As a result, they began tightening control over
the colonies, mainly in the form of strict taxes.
10. What happened to France as a result of the Treaty of Paris that ended the French and Indian
France lost their claim to their lands in North America, particularly the large area in the Ohio River Valley,
which went to England.
11. Why were the colonists against taxation by the British? The colonists felt the taxes were harsh,
but were more upset by the fact that they had no representation in British Parliament (no taxation
without representation!). They did not have a say in whether these taxes were fair or not.
12. What was the major impact of the Stamp Act? The Stamp Act of 1765 places a tax on paper items
such as legal documents, newspapers, playing cards, and dice. In response, the angry colonists boycotted
British goods, the Sons & Daughters of Liberty were formed, and angry colonists began to tar & feather
and intimidate tax collectors.
13. Albany Plan of Union
a) Why was it created? The Albany Plan of Union was created by Ben Franklin at the Albany
Congress during the French & Indian War. The plan was created to convince colonists to join together and
unite as one force, rather than 13 separate colonies, in order to win the war.
b) How did the colonies react to the plan? The colonists were against the Albany Plan, and rejected
it. However, Ben Franklins idea planted a seed that would later influence the American Revolution.
c) What cartoon goes along with this plan? Join or Die
d) Who created the plan? Benjamin Franklin
14. Mercantilism- Define and explain how the system works- Economic policy in which colonies provide
raw materials (sugar, cotton, tobacco, etc) to the Mother Country, who turns the raw materials into
manufactured goods that are sold back to the colonies.
15. Proclamation of 1763- After winning the French & Indian War, the British Parliament issued the
Proclamation of 1763, which forbade colonists from settling in lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
The goal of the Proclamation was to avoid conflicts between the colonists & Native Americans.
16. Describe the events of the Boston Massacre:
a) The Boston Massacre was an incident that occurred when British soldiers opened fire on a group of
colonists on March 5, 1770. Tensions between colonists and British soldiers were high due to strict taxes,
protests, and the Quartering Act. Colonists leaving a tavern late at night taunted British soldiers, and the
chaos led to the death of 5 colonists.
b) Who created the drawing of the Boston Massacre? Paul Revere
c) Why was the drawing created the way that it was? Paul Revere wanted to convince people throughout
the 13 Colonies that they should unite against the British. The image has many inaccuracies that pain the
British in an extremely bad light and dont place any blame on the colonists, who were taunting and
threatening the soldiers. It is seen as an example of propaganda.
17. a) Describe what occurred at the Boston Tea Party: On December 16, 1773, a group of
Massachusetts colonists (members of the Sons of Liberty) disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and
boarded three British tea ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. It was a response to
(and drastic protest against) the Tea Act.
b) How did the British respond to the Boston Tea Party? The British responded to the Boston Tea
Party with the Intolerable Acts.
c) Which port was closed as a result of the Boston Tea Party? Why? Boston Harbor was closed to
punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party by preventing them from trading.
18. How did the colonies respond to British taxes? Give both violent and non-violent examples-
boycotting British goods, protesting, writing petitions, tar and feathering tax collectors, throwing rocks at
tax collectors, hanging and burning images of British officials, the Boston Tea Party, town meetings,
Continental Congresses.
19. No Taxation without Representation what does this mean? Who was making the laws?
The rallying cry of the Revolution- colonists were upset about being taxed without their consent, and the
fact that they had no voice/representation in British Parliament. British Parliament made the laws
without the consent of the colonists.
20. Sons and Daughters of Liberty- Who are they? What was their purpose? Groups of revolutionary
colonists who fought against British taxes and wanted to protect the rights of colonists. The Sons of
Liberty had more extreme forms of protest, like tarring & feathering, threats & intimidation, & events like
the Boston Tea Party, but were also responsible for communication throughout the colonies. The
Daughters of Liberty organized boycotts of British goods, signed petitions, and paraded in the streets.
21. First Continental Congresswhy was it formed?
Formed in response to the Intolerable Acts. Delegates from 12 colonies met and decided on a total boycott
of British goods, and decided to stop exporting goods to England.
22. What were two outcomes of the Second Continental Congress:
a)formed the Continental Army (militia)
b) appointed George Washington as General of the Army
c) began drafts that would eventually become the Declaration of Independence
23. What did the Committees of Correspondence do in the Colonies? Groups of colonists who wrote
letters to spread information about the Revolution against England. The letters helped unify the colonies
by helping them to communicate about important issues.
24. List the causes of the Revolutionary War- Navigation Acts, French & Indian War, Proclamation of
1763, strict taxes (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Tea Act), Quartering Act, Writs of Assistance,
Intolerable Acts, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, King George ignoring the Olive Branch Petition, etc
25. Lexington and Concord- What happened here? What is the famous saying associated with this
The first armed battle of the Revolutionary War involving a confrontation between the Minutemen and
British soldiers at Lexington & Concord in Massachusetts, the shot heard round the world.
26. Purpose of Common Sense By Thomas Paine- to convince undecided colonists to support
independence from England, and to join the Revolution.
27. What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition? The colonists last attempt to fix their issues
with England peacefullyissued before the Declaration of Independence.
Study HAPPY CHART for Join or Die and The Boston Massacre

H- Historical Background (What led to the document being created? What

came BEFORE the document?)
A- Audience (Who was the document meant for?)
P- Point of View (What is the authors opinion/perspective shown in the
P- Purpose (Why was the document created?)
Y- You did it

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