Resumen Jim Wendler

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Stronger Abs

This was done 3-4 days per week.

-Weighted Sit-ups 25 or 45lb plate held behind head for 10 reps

- Hanging Leg Raises 10 reps

- Abdominal Wheel 15 reps

-Side Bends 100lb DB for 20 reps/side

We started with 2 times through for 2 weeks. Then did 3 times through for 2 weeks .After 4 weeks we were
doing this 4 times through. Simple. Easy. Effective.
Assistance Work #1: Boring But Big
After you perform the sets and reps of the program, you simply follow it up with the same exercise for 5 sets
of 10 reps. For example:

Military Press 3 sets of 5 reps (or whatever week youre on)
Military Press 5 sets of 10 reps 47
Chin-ups 5 sets of 10 reps
Deadlift 3 sets of 5 reps (or whatever week youre on)
Deadlift 5 sets of 10 reps
Hanging Leg Raise 5 sets of 15 reps
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5 reps (or whatever week youre on)
Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Dumbbell Row 5 sets of 10 reps
Squat - 3 sets of 5 reps (or whatever week youre on)
Squat 5 sets of 10 reps
Leg Curl 5 sets of 10 reps

Assistance Work #2: The Triumvirate

Todo lo que vamos a hacer aqu es limitar cada entrenamiento a 3 ejercicios, incluyendo el grande. He aqu un
Military Press 5/3/1
Dips 5 sets of 15 reps
Chin-ups 5 sets of 10 reps
Deadlift 5/3/1
Good Morning 5 sets of 12 reps
Hanging Leg Raise 5 sets of 15 reps
Bench Press - 5/3/1
Dumbbell Bench Press 5 sets of 15 reps
Dumbbell Row 5 sets of 10 reps
Squat - 5/3/1
Leg Press 5 sets of 15 reps
Leg Curl 5 sets of 10 reps

Assistance Work #3: Im Not Doing Jack Shit

This is my favorite. I dont recommend it, but its useful for non-beginners who have limited time to train. The
Im Not Doing Jack Shit program entails walking into the weight room, doing the big lift for the day (bench,
squat, military or deadlift), and then walking out. Ive done this plenty of times, especially when Ive trained in
commercial gyms.

Assistance Work #4: Periodization Bible by Dave Tate

Day 1
Military Press (5/3/1)
Shoulders or Chest 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips,

Lats or Upper Back 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat
Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
Triceps 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Day 2
Deadlift (5/3/1)
Hamstrings 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, Glute-Ham Raise)

Quads 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)

Abs 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

Day 3
Bench Press (5/3/1)
Shoulders or Chest 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips,

Lats or Upper Back 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat
Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)

Triceps 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Day 4
Squat (5/3/1)
Low Back 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning)

Quads 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)

Abs 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

Assistance Work #5 Bodyweight

When I want to focus on feeling athletic and healthy while still maintaining muscle mass, I do this. Its probably
my favorite template to do these days other than Jack Shit. This involves doing all your assistance work with
bodyweight exercises. Itll put a lot less stress on you, especially with your lower body.

Military Press 5/3/1 Deadlift 5/3/1 Bench 5/3/1 Squat 5/3/1

Chins GHR Chins One leg squat

Dips Leg Raises Pushups Sit-ups

I recommend no less than 75 reps per exercise for each workout. The one leg squats can get a little tough, so
you may want to substitute lunges instead. Bodyweight exercises always make me feel strong, flexible and
healthy. Theyre a great way for beginners to learn how to lift, and theyre great for older lifters who want to
limit the stress theyre putting on their bodies.

The advantage to this is that its very easy on your body and joints. The disadvantage is that you cant really
load most of these exercises, so the only way to improve is with more reps or sets not with more weight.

Programming Your Assistance Work The Simplest Strength Template

Averiguar el estimado de RM para ejercicios asistentes.

Ejemplo de programacin
Week One 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10

Week Two 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6

Week Three 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5

Week Four - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

have paired the squat day with an assistance pulling movement, the deadlift with a squatting exercise, the press
with a supine press and the bench press with an elevated press (incline, for example.)

Finally, the assistance lifts are always done with the 90% rule take 90% of your 1RM and work up the same as
you would on your main lifts 10lbs for lower body lifts and 5lbs for upper body lifts. The final sets are not
done to failure and I would even caution you to do any more reps than the prescribed.

front squat (or the safety bar squat), straight leg deadlift (or good morning), close grip bench press and incline
press. For basic barbell movements, these are always great for being strong. Barbell rows are great but I believe
that high rep dumbbell rows (Kroc Rows) are better for grip and upper back strength.
Week One

Press 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Close Grip Bench Press 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Deadlift 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Front Squat (or Safety Bar Squat) - 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs
Bench Press 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Incline Press - 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Straight Leg Deadlift - 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs

Week Two

Press 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Close Grip Bench Press 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Front Squat (or Safety Bar Squat) - 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs
Bench Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Incline Press - - 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps,Biceps
Squat 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Straight Leg Deadlift 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs

Week Three

Press 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Close Grip Bench Press 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Deadlift 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Front Squat (or Safety Bar Squat) - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs
Bench Press 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Incline Press - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Straight Leg Deadlift - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs

Week Four

Press 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Close Grip Bench Press 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps
Deadlift - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Front Squat (or Safety Bar Squat) - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs
Bench Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Incline Press - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Lats, Upper Back, Triceps,Biceps
Squat 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
S traight Leg Deadlift 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs

The additional assistance work for the upper body (Lats, Upper Back, Triceps, Biceps) and lower body
(Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abs) I recommend picking one exercise for each of these body parts and
simply doing 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
If anything, do more back and upper back work on upper body day; you can really never do too much of it.

Dont kill yourself on any of these lifts;

Do the exercises with good form, get a pump, dont get psyched up for the lift and get out. If you press
225lbs overhead no one is going to care that you are using 20lbs dumbbells for rear dumbbell raises.
Let the big lifts stress the joints and mind; let the small lifts stress the muscles.

If you are doing the 5/3/1 for Powerlifting template, the weeks for the assistance lifts are
changed accordingly. So for example:

Week One 60%x8, 70%x8, 80%x6

Week Two 50%x10, 60%x10, 70%x10

Week Three 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5

Week Four - 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

I still recommend doing chins/pull-ups between every pressing set (including warm-ups for the
pressing movement).

Do not change the big assistance lifts. Stick with one for at least 3-4 cycles and change if youd like.
You have to stick with them in order to see progress. As long as you are consistent and you program it
correctly, you will get stronger.
Squatting Exercises
Front Squat
Safety Bar Squat
Box Squat

Pulling Exercises
Straight Leg Deadlift
Good Morning
Trap Bar Deadlift
Rack (or Block) Deadlift

Pressing Exercises
Log Press
Log Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Football Bar (Swiss Bar) Bench Press
Football Bar (Swiss Bar) Press
Incline Press
Floor Press
2 Board Press

5/3/1 and Rest/Pause Training

Uno de los programas de capacitacin ms innovadores de la historia reciente es DC Training, o DoggCrapp

Training. Esto fue comenzado, pellizcado y hecho popular por Dante Trudel. El nombre, DoggCrapp se toma de su
nombre de pantalla annimo en un foro - y pegado. Dante luch para ganar peso y fuerza, gradundose de la
escuela secundaria en alrededor de 120 libras. Comenz a crecer y utilizar las tpicas rutinas de alto volumen
popularizadas por Arnold y muchos otros culturistas. Aunque gan peso y fuerza crey que tena que haber una
manera mejor. Con un montn de experimentacin, comer y la investigacin que se le ocurri lo que
actualmente conocemos como DoggCrapp formacin. En pocas palabras, Dante es una bestia. Y su lista de
clientes que han ganado una enorme cantidad de peso (masa muscular) y la fuerza es increble.

DC Training es un programa de entrenamiento detallado y bien pensado que utiliza descanso / pausa, rompiendo
rcords y grandes movimientos. Para aquellos que no saben qu descanso / pausa de formacin es, aqu hay un
ejemplo. Un levantador realizar un movimiento, vamos a usar la prensa como un ejemplo, y realizar un
conjunto completo con un peso determinado. Despus de esto todo hacia fuera fij, l tomar 10-15
respiraciones y realizar la prensa otra vez con el mismo peso, obviamente para menos reps, al fracaso. l crear
la barra, tomar otros 10-15 respiraciones y har otro sistema al fracaso. As que un conjunto de descanso /
pausa sera as:

Press 155x10

reps, 10-15 breaths,

4 reps,

10-15 breaths,

2 reps

You do not rest/pause the deadlift and the squat.

There are four rules I want everyone to follow when attempting this sort of training.
1. You will eat to grow this is not time to be on a cutting diet or be in a caloric deficit. You must eat a
ton of protein (strive for AT LEAST 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. This is a minimum.)

2. Have a spotter this is especially true on any bench press movement. And very important when you
are using rest/pause.
3. You have to do some kind of cardio work this is essential (more on this later).
4. You have to start at 90%of your true max.
The 5/3/1 Rest/Pause Template is done three days per week. These workouts should be done on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. Because we are using percentages on many of the assistance lifts, you will have to know
your maxes (or estimated maxes) for each of these. Again, take 90% of these maxes (your training max).

Day One

Monday - Chest, shoulders, triceps, back width, back thickness

Wednesday - Biceps, forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads

Friday Repeat of Mondays workout

Monday Repeat of Wednesdays workout

The workout for the first week would look like this, modified for 5/3/1.

Workout One
Bench Press - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ (all out set, rest pause)

Press - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ (all out set, rest pause)

Close Grip Bench Press 50%x5, 60% x rest pause

Pull-ups one warm-up set, then rest pause

Deadlift - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+, 65% x as many reps as possible (no rest pause performed on this lift)
Workout Two

Straight Bar Curls - 50%x5, 60% x rest pause

Reverse Grip Bar Curls - 50%x5, 60% x rest pause

Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+, 65% x as many reps as possible (no rest pause performed on this lift)

Straight Leg Deadlift 50%x5 (if needed), one all out set at 60% (no rest pause)

The problem with the above template is that we are training 3 of the 4 main lifts in the first session. You can
certainly try this if youd like but there are a few other ways we can tweak the 5/3/1 program and this style of
training. We will keep the Workout One/Workout Two style for the first template.

Monday Squat - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+, 65% x as

Press - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ (all out many reps as possible (no rest pause
set, rest pause) performed on this lift)
Deadlift - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+, 65% x Close Grip Bench Press - 50%x5, 60% x
as many reps as possible (no rest pause rest pause
performed on this lift) Chin-ups (palms supinated) one warm-up
Chin-ups (palms forward) one warm-up set, one rest pause set
set, one rest pause set Reverse Grip Bar Curls - 50%x5, 60% x rest
Straight Bar Curls - 50%x5, 60% x rest pause
pause Friday
Straight Leg Deadlift - 50%x5, 60% x rest Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+ (all out set,
pause rest pause)
Wednesday Deadlift - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+, 70% x
Bench Press - 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+ (all as many reps as possible (no rest pause
out set, rest pause) performed on this lift) 62
Chin-ups (palms forward) one warm-up
set, one rest pause set
Straight Bar Curls - 50%x5, 70% x rest
Straight Leg Deadlift - 50%x5, 70% x rest
Bench Press - 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+ (all
out set, rest pause)
Squat 70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+, 70% x as
many reps as possible (no rest pause
performed on this lift)
Close Grip Bench Press - 50%x5, 70% x
rest pause
Chin-ups (palms supinated) one warm-up
set, one rest pause set
Reverse Grip Bar Curls - 50%x5, 70% x
rest pause
Press - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+ (all out set,
NO rest pause. 75% x rest pause)
Deadlift - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+, 75% x
as many reps as possible (no rest pause
performed on this lift)
Chin-ups (palms forward) one warm-up
set, one rest pause set
Straight Bar Curls - 65%x5, 80% x rest
Straight Leg Deadlift - 65%x5, 80% x rest
Bench Press - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+ (all
out set, NO rest pause. 75% x rest pause)
Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+, 75% x as
many reps as possible (no rest pause
performed on this lift)
Close Grip Bench Press - 65%x5, 80% x
rest pause
Chin-ups (palms supinated) one warm-up
set, one rest pause set
Reverse Grip Bar Curls - 65%x5, 80% x
rest pause
Press - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+ (all out set,
NO rest pause. 75% x rest pause)
Deadlift - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+, 75% x
as many reps as possible (no rest pause
performed on this lift)
Chin-ups (palms forward) one warm-up
set, one rest pause set
Straight Bar Curls - 65%x5, 80% x rest
pause 63
Straight Leg Deadlift - 65%x5, 80% x rest pause
Bench Press - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+ (all out set, NO rest pause. 75% x rest pause)
Squat - 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+, 75% x as many reps as possible (no rest pause performed on this lift)
Close Grip Bench Press - 65%x5, 80% x rest pause
Chin-ups (palms supinated) one warm-up set, one rest pause set
Reverse Grip Bar Curls - 65%x5, 80% x rest pause
Begin new cycle

After a new cycle begins, add 5lbs to your upper body training maxes and 10lbs to your lower body
training maxes. This includes all assistance work.

I recommend going through two full 5/3/1 cycles before you deload.
Use the normal deload percentages for one to two weeks. Dont rest pause anything.
Make sure you are eating to grow. EAT! You will not recover, grow and get stronger without adequate
calories. You must adhere to this. Dont be afraid to be big and strong.
If you are performing the above template, I recommend only using a 2 mile walk every day for your
cardio. This is essential to keeping your body fat levels in check. Do NOT skip this.

For upper body, be sure to do some extra upper back work (face pulls, rear laterals) for balance. Also,
do some light, high rep lat work that is not taxing (lat pulldowns, cable rows, band pulldowns, dumbbell
rows, chest supported rows would be great.) You can also do some triceps pushdowns. For lower body,
extra abdominal work and bodyweight back raises would help tremendously. None of these exercises
should be done as a rest/pause.

North of Vag (N.O.V.)

1. Warm-up: foam rolling, static stretching and jumping rope (or something similar).

2. Lift Weights: 5/3/1; keep it basic and strong.

3. Condition: Run hills, push Prowler.

Eso es. Haga esto 3-4 veces a la semana y usted no caer en la trampa de ser normal. Sers fuerte, sano y en
forma. No hars las resoluciones de Ao Nuevo porque lo vivirs todos los das. Usted puede comer ese pedazo
final de pastel y no contar carbohidratos porque acaba de correr 20 sprints de colina por tercera vez esta
semana. Usted puede despertar y no sentirse como una mierda, ya que en realidad ha tomado el tiempo para
espuma de rodillo y estiramiento. En realidad tienes algunas trampas de deadlifting. No caes en las tendencias
de fitness, porque sabes lo que funciona. Dejas de preocuparte por lo que la gente dice en Internet, porque
siempre ests progresando. Siempre ests avanzando hacia algo.

La gente le pregunta cmo entrenar, y usted responde, "miro lo que haces, y luego hago exactamente lo

The Warm-up
Foam Roll
Perform 30-50 rolls per leg for the following areas of the body. I also recommend using a PVC pipe (this
is very uncomfortable but effective). The PVC pipe should be a 6 diameter and 3 feet long. Wrap the
PVC pipe in athletic tape so it doesnt slip.

IT Band/Hamstring/Quad

Lower and Upper Back


Do 3-5 sets of 10 seconds for each stretch.
Hamstrings/Low Back

Hip Flexors/Quads

Jump Rope
Take only as much rest as you need between each exercise to perform it correctly.
100 double leg

50 left leg

50 right leg

100 alternating left leg and right leg

50 high knees

100 double leg


The minimum here is 20. Minimum. Actually, that should be the first half.

Training Three Days/Week

Training Two Days/Week

Option One:


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Bench 5/3/1 sets and reps

Assistance Exercises:

Chin-ups 3 sets of 10 reps

Back Raises 3 sets of 15 reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10 reps

Rear Laterals 3 sets of 20 reps

Wednesday or Thursday

Deadlift 5/3/1 sets and reps

Press 5/3/1 sets and reps

Assistance Exercises:

Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps

Dips 3 sets of 10 15 reps

Good Mornings 3 sets of 10 reps

Curls 3 sets of 10 reps

On your off days, I recommend doing some conditioning work (Prowler, hills, etc.) and lots of stretching and
foam rolling.

For your assistance work, I would pick one or two exercises per lift (so, 2-4 total assistance lifts) per day. Again,
the most important thing to consider is making progress on the main lifts. Here is another variation
Option Two:

Week 1


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Front Squat 5 sets of 10 reps

Straight Leg Deadlift 5 sets of 10 reps

Hanging Leg Raises 5 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday or Thursday

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps

Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Chin-ups (do sets of 5-10 reps between all bench and press sets)
Ab Wheel 5 sets of 10 reps

Week 2


Deadlift 5/3/1 sets and reps

Safety Bar Squat 5 sets of 10 reps
Good Morning -5 sets of 10 reps
Weighted Sit-ups 5 sets of 12-20 reps


Press 5/3/1 sets and reps

Bench Press 5 sets of 10 reps
Dumbbell Rows 5 sets of 10 reps
Side Bends 5 sets of 10 reps/side

If youre training two times per week, I probably wouldnt use a deload week unless its absolutely

Dont be afraid of really pushing the assistance work hard on Option Two. This option is great for
those lacking time AND who want to build strength and size. The assistance work is hard, heavy and
high volume. You WILL get sore!

5/3/1 Full Body Training

There are three parts (the fourth part is optional) to this program and you need to do each phase for at least
two months before you move to the next phase. This will assure that your body gets used to the different
training and the frequency of the lifts. Remember that all percentages are based on your training max.

The basic outline of this program is that you will squat, do some kind of press and some kind of pull every day,
three days per week. You will always squat first.
Phase One:


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps
Chins/Pull-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5

Press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
Deadlift - 5/3/1 sets and reps


The squat weights are initially fairly light to help you get used to the increased squatting. Feel free to
push the reps on each of these sets to 10 reps (on the extra squat days).

For the push exercise (dumbbell bench press) and the two pulling exercises (chins and dumbbell
rows) feel free to substitute any kind of push or pulling exercise you like.
Phase Two:


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps
Chins/Pull-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
Deadlift - 5/3/1 sets and reps

The intensity (percentage of your 1RM) is increased on the extra squat days. This will allow you to
get used to squatting heavier weights on the squat more frequently. The volume is still low.

For the push exercise (dumbbell bench press) and the two pulling exercises (chins and dumbbell
rows) feel free to substitute any kind of push or pulling exercise you like. These exercises can include:
incline presses, dumbbell incline press, dumbbell press, floor press, dumbbell floor press, dips, lat
pulldowns, chest supported rows and t-bar rows.
Phase Three:


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps
Chins/Pull-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

Press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
Deadlift - 5/3/1 sets and reps

The intensity is greatly increased on the extra squat days. After 2-4 months of the first phases, your
body will be ready for the increased squatting and the increased intensity.

For the push exercise (dumbbell bench press) and the two pulling exercises (chins and dumbbell
rows) feel free to substitute any kind of push or pulling exercise you like. These exercises can include:
incline presses, dumbbell incline press, dumbbell press, floor press, dumbbell floor press, dips, lat
pulldowns, chest supported rows and t-bar rows.


Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

3 sets of 5 reps of box jumps in between squat warm-ups

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between squat sets

Power Clean 5/3/1 sets and reps

Hip flexor stretch between all sets

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between all dumbbell bench press sets


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

3 sets of 5 reps of box jumps in between squat warm-ups

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between squat sets

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between all bench press sets, including warm-ups

Good Mornings 3 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between all good morning sets


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

3 sets of 5 reps of box jumps in between squat warm-ups

3 sets of 10 reps of chins between squat sets

Deadlift - 5/3/1 sets and reps

Hip flexor stretch between all sets

Press - 5/3/1 sets and reps

3 sets of 10 reps between all press sets, including warm-ups

Note: This requires time, strength, commitment, and mental toughness. You had better be ready!

More Full Body Training Ideas


Squat 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5, 495x5

Bench Press 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 365x5 (sometimes work to 405)
Deadlift - 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5, 495x5

Hed finish off each session with some curls and some lat pulldowns and that was it. The guy was huge and I do
this in honor of him. Each of his sets was explosive and looked easy as hell. Sometimes hed use the standing
press, push press or incline press in place of the bench press. But hes always squat and always deadlift. I asked
him if he ever changed these exercises. His response? Why the hell would I do that?

More Squatting

Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Dumbbell Rows 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Dumbbell Incline Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Chin-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps
Chins/Pull-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Incline Press 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Chin-ups 3 sets of 10 reps


Squat 75%x3, 85%x3, 95%x1

Press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
Deadlift - 5/3/1 sets and reps
Saturday/Sunday: OFF

5/3/1 and Crossfit

El entrenamiento Crossfit estndar del da, cuando se combina con el programa 5/3/1, no funcionar. La
aleatoriedad de los WOD no funciona con un programa detallado de entrenamiento de fuerza; demasiadas
cosas estn trabajando opuestas entre s. La nica vez que esto podra funcionar sera entrenar tres das /
semana (en una rotacin de 10 das, vea el ejemplo anterior en el libro) y escoger su WOD favorito para hacer
despus del trabajo de fuerza principal. Aunque no es ideal, esto podra funcionar.

Con el fin de programar el entrenamiento con pesas y el trabajo de acondicionamiento pesado correctamente
tienen que complementarse entre s y no interferir con el siguiente entrenamiento. Con el entrenamiento de
fuerza el ncleo de la formacin, la plantilla siempre comenzar con un movimiento bsico y se sigue con uno o
dos movimientos de asistencia. Por ejemplo:

Deadlift 5/3/1, Front Squat (assistance)

Squat 5/3/1, Good Morning (assistance)

Bench Press 5/3/1, Chin-ups (assistance)

Press 5/3/1, Bent Over Rows (assistance)

These lifts would be done with purpose and with precision. There is nothing timed, no circuits and adequate
rest is given to perform at the highest level. Following the strength work, the heavy conditioning circuits will
begin. The following template can be used, performed in a circuit fashion from exercise 1 through 4.

1. Full Body Movement tire flip, medicine ball slams, medicine ball throws overhead, medicine ball
squat to throw, power cleans, power snatches, hang cleans, hang snatches, box jump, long jumps
(done as singles (stop and hold landing) or as triple jumps), lunge jumps, kettlebell snatch, star jumps,
stone loads, sledgehammer swings, sandbag cleans, sandbag shouldering, sandbag shoulder to carry,
bottoms up squats (squat, hold, press, stand), clean/front squat/press, deadlift/clean/front squat/press,
dumbbell cleans, dumbbell snatches

2. Assistance Movement (see below)

3. Conditioning Movement short sprints (consecutive 40 yards, for example), long runs (400-800M),
Prowler push (walk and sprint), sled drag (forward/backward), treadmill sprints, Air Dyne bike sprints,
rower, jump rope, heavy bag, speed bag, mountain climbers, bear crawl, wheelbarrow walks, burpees,
jumping jacks, ice skater/speed skaters, battling ropes, weighted vest elevated treadmill walk,

4. Assistance Movement (see below)

5. Core Movement sit-ups, lying leg raises, planks (front and side), hanging leg raises, abdominal
wheel, leg raise throws, stability ball sit-ups, medicine ball sit-up to throw, medicine ball leg raise,
dumbbell side bends, crunches, medicine ball side throws (to partner), rainbows, Russian twist,
hanging windshield wipers, bicycles, scissor kicks, side plank raises, sit-up with cross punch to partner,
reverse crunches, pikes, alternate toe touch and plank (contra-lateral toe touch), plank slide outs, inch
worms, side plank reach throughs, cable/band standing side twists, plank punches/pulls

Assistance Movements for Lower Body: squat, deadlift, trap bar deadlift, front squat, lunge, step-up,
safety bar squats, straight leg deadlift, yoke walk (barbell walk), back extensions, good mornings (bar
and band), kettlebell swings, Hungarian core blaster, jump squats, rack deadlift, side lunges (lateral
lunges), leg press, hack squat, hamstring curls, TRX hamstring curls, glute ham raises, reverse hypers,
glute bridges, single leg deadlift, pistol squats, single leg squats (barbell and dumbbell), pin wheel
lunges, static hold lunge (for time), wall sits (for time).

Assistance Movements for Upper Body: bench press, dips, press, incline, dumbbell presses (flat,
incline, standing), floor press, board presses, swiss bar press, swiss bar bench press, close grip
bench, chin ups, pull-ups, rope chins, ring chin-ups, rope climbs, hand/hand sled pulls with rope, lat
pulldowns, dumbbell rows, barbell rows, chest supported rows, push-ups, ring pushups, push press,
dumbbell push press, single arm dumbbell bench press, single arm press
In order to accurately program the workouts, the lower and upper body days templates would look like this:
Upper Body

Strength training
Main movement (bench press or press)

Assistance strength movement

Conditioning work
Full body movement

Assistance movement for upper body

Conditioning movement

Assistance movement for upper body

Core Movement

Lower body

Strength Training
Main movement (squat or deadlift)

Assistance strength movement

Conditioning work
Full body movement

Assistance movement for upper body

Conditioning movement

Assistance movement for upper body

Core Movement

Con poco material

Bench Press 5/3/1 sets and reps
Barbell Rows 5 sets of 10 reps

3 Rounds of the following:

Med Ball Slams 20, 15, 10

Dips 20, 15, 10

Burpees 20, 15, 10

Chin-ups 20,15, 10

Planks 1 minute hold

Squat 5/3/1 sets and reps

Good Mornings 3 sets of 10 reps

2 Rounds of the following:

Hang Clean 185x20

Wall Sits 2 minutes

Mountain Climbers 30 reps/leg

Chin-ups (these can be done both days) 15 reps

Pikes 20 reps

5/3/1 for Beginners

En lugar de slo una elevacin principal por sesin de ejercicios (utilizando la configuracin 5/3/1),
se utilizan dos elevadores principales para exposiciones semanales adicionales. El segundo
ascensor principal, sin embargo, no se debe realizar estilo 5/3/1; en su lugar, use un estndar de 3
series de 5 repeticiones, comenzando en 55% de su entrenamiento 1RM para el primer conjunto
de 5 y aumentando el peso en un 10% cada conjunto sucesivo.

La excepcin es el da deadlifting con las prensas como el segundo ascensor. Slo haga 5/3/1 aqu
en la tabla.

The program is set up the same way taking 90% of your max and working up slowly. All
percentages are based on that training max.
Lo primero que me preguntarn es: "Qu debo hacer para ayudar a trabajar?" Como usted est
haciendo una rutina de cuerpo completo cada da y usando ascensores compuestos, necesita
mantener el trabajo de asistencia al mnimo. Las colmillos, las salsas, los aumentos de espalda, el
trabajo del cuello, y los rizos le servirn bien. Qudate con eso.

El programa no es nada revolucionario, pero es eficaz. Cuando se le da un mximo de

entrenamiento y los porcentajes exactos para usar cada entrenamiento, elimina toda duda en
cuanto a lo que es pesado, medio o ligero. Esto es simple y fcil de usar para cualquier

Los levantadores intermedios, siempre que los porcentajes en los das no-5/3/1 se bajan en un 10
por ciento cada conjunto, tambin puede utilizar esta estructura bsica. (A medida que obtiene
ms experiencia, no puede manejar el trabajo extra en un porcentaje ms pesado.)


Squat 5/3/1 sets/reps

Bench 55%x5, 655%, 75%x5
Assistance work

Deadlift 5/3/1 sets/reps
Press 5/3/1 sets/reps
Assistance work

Bench 5/3/1 sets/reps

Squat 55%x5, 65%x5, 75%x5

Assistance work

Alguna vez tomas un verdadero representante mximo?

Respuesta: Puedes hacerlo cuando quieras, pero te recomiendo que esperes al menos 3 o 4 ciclos
para probarlo de nuevo. Nunca renunciar a un da de entrenamiento para tomar un 1RM.
Simplemente haga el entrenamiento primero, pero no vaya para los representantes mximos en el
ltimo conjunto. Desde all, trate de un nuevo max. Si bien este programa mejorar su mximo de
un representante, el xito del programa no se orienta slo hacia un representante mximo.
Estructurar tu entrenamiento como este sera establecerte para el fracaso. Un representante
mximo no es mejor o peor que un mximo de cinco representantes.
I want to do curls. What day can I use for this?
Answer: Whichever day you want. It doesnt matter.

Training Rules of Being Awesome

1. I will strength train 2-4 days/week

2. I will commit myself to increasing my strength in the basic lifts (squat, press, bench
press, deadlift and power clean) as I believe that these lifts have a great carryover to all
3. I will condition like a man 2-4 days/week; a Prowler, hills, weighted vest, sprints or
stadium steps will always trump hamster-cages like treadmills and ellipticals.
4. I will stretch hard.
5. I will keep strength training in the weight room and conditioning on the track. I dont take
a barbell to a marathon so keep your mouth breathing out of my squat rack.
6. I dont need fly-by-night gadgets to get strong; a barbell, rack/squat stands, platform and
a bench press is all I need.
7. I will strive to have a great workout on the main lift and a good workout on my
assistance. I recognize which lifts really matter and which are done for support.
8. I dont get side tracked by the latest and greatest training program or an article or a post
on a forum. Programs may change but principles remain forever.
9. I strive to eat well; beef, eggs, chicken, fish, milk, protein powders, fruits and vegetables
make the bulk of my diet. I will eat protein. And then eat some more.
10. I recognize the importance of patience in the quest for strength. This is a lifelong
pursuit which will serve me in all areas of my life.

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