BIO 315 Syllabus s2015

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Instructor: Dr. Matthew Schmidt

Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 5:30-6:50 P.M.,
Rm. 100 Javits Lecture Center
Textbook: Microbiology, Wessner et. al., 1st edition, and access to
Office: Life Sciences Room 372
Office Hours: Mon. 3-4, Wed. 4-5 pm
Telephone: (631) 360-4054
E-mail: [email protected]
Teaching Assistant: Stephen Collins
Course Website is on the BLACKBOARD system!

LECTURE DATE TITLE (Chapter in book)


1 W ednesday 1/28 Course introduction; The Microbial World (Ch. 1)

2 Monday 2/2 The Microbial World contd (Ch. 1)

3 W ednesday 2/4 The Bacteria: Morphology, Structures, and

classification (Ch.2)

4 Monday 2/9 The Bacteria: Morphology, Structures, and

classification contd (Ch. 2)

5 W ednesday 2/11 Eukaryal Microbes (Ch. 3)

6 Monday 2/16 The Archaea (Ch. 4)

7 W ednesday 2/18 Growth of Microbes and Growth Control I (Ch. 6)

8 Monday 2/23 Growth of Microbes and Growth Control 2 (Ch. 6)

W ednesday 2/25 Midterm Exam 1 (Lectures 1-8)

9 Monday 3/2 Introduction to the Viruses (Ch. 5)

10 W ednesday 3/4 Viral Replication Strategies I: Bacteriophages (Ch.


11 Monday 3/9 Viral Replication Strategies 2: Animal Viruses (Ch.


12 W ednesday 3/11 Bacterial Genetics: Introduction, Mutations, Tools,

Analysis (Ch. 9)

Monday 3/16-3/20 SPRING BREAK!

13 Monday 3/23 Bacterial Genetics: DNA Transfer Mechanisms

Recombination and Horizontal Transfer (Ch. 9)
14 W ednesday 3/25 Bacterial Genetics: Regulation of Gene Expression
(Operons and Regulons) (Ch. 11)

15 Monday 3/30 Bacterial Genetics: Regulation of Gene Expression

(Quorum Sensing and Two-Component Regulatory
Systems) (Ch. 11)

16 W ednesday 4/1 Microbial Genomics (Ch. 10)

Monday 4/6 MID-TERM EXAM II (LECTURES 10 -16)

17 W ednesday 4/8 Microbial Biotechnology (Ch. 12)

18 Monday 4/13 Microbial Ecosystems (Ch. 15)

19 W ednesday 4/15 Microbial Symbiosis (Ch. 17)

20 Monday 4/20 Principles of Infectious Disease (Ch. 18)

21 W ednesday 4/22 Non Specific Host Defenses (Ch. 19)

22 Monday 4/27 Adaptive Immunity

(Ch. 20)

23 W ednesday 4/29 Bacterial Pathogenesis: Virulence Factors (Ch. 21)

24 Monday 5/4 Viral Pathogenesis/Viruses and Cancer (Ch. 22)

25 W ednesday 5/6 Eukaryal Pathogens (Ch. 23)

Thursday 5/14 FINAL EXAM (EXAM 3) (LECTURES 17-25)

8:30-11 pm

Grading Policy: As noted above, there will be three mid-term exams: the third exam
will be given during the Final Exam period but will not be cumulative. Your ultimate
grade will be based upon these examinations in the following manner:
Mid-term I = 31%
Mid-term II = 31%
Final Exam = 31%
WileyPlus homework = 7%

No exams will be dropped; if you miss a mid-term exam with a legitimate excuse,
we will make every attempt to provide a makeup; documentation is required, please
see me to make arrangements. If you miss the final with a legitimate excuse, you may
need to take an incomplete for the course.

Valid excuses for missing an exam include illness, death of a close family
member, and Acts of God (lightning strikes your car on the way to the exam). Going
to Hawaii for your best friends wedding is not a valid excuse!

*No Dictionaries of any type are permitted during exams.

Upon completion of the study the student should be able to:
o Understand and relate the foundations of the study of microbiology in a
historical perspective
o Describe the fundamental categories of microorganisms and their properties
o Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of microscopy and staining
o Discuss the nutritional requirements of microorganisms and the means of
preventing bacterial growth
o Understand the evolutionary relationships between different groups of bacteria
o Relate the strategies that viruses use to replicate themselves
o Discuss the relationships of vaccines and antibiotics and how they function
o Relate many of the important infectious diseases of humans to their causative
agents and the properties of the relevant pathogens

Access to our class's on-line Blackboard site

You can access class information on-line at: If you

have used Stony Brook's Blackboard system previously, your login information
(Username and Password) has not changed. If you have never used Stony Brook's
Blackboard system , your initial password is your SOLAR ID# and your username is
the same as your Campus Net ID , which is generally your first initial and the first 7
letters of your last name (if you have a sparky account, it's your username).

For help or more information see:
For problems logging in, go to the helpdesk in the Main Library SINC Site, or you can
also call: 631-632-9602 or e-mail: [email protected]

Academic Integrity:

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally
accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own
is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic
dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on
academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the
academic judiciary website at

Critical Incident Management:

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property
of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any
disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the
learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.

Americans with Disabilities Act:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact
your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational
Communications Center) Building, Room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with
you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and
documentation is confidential.

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