Colour Order Systems

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The text discusses various methods for classifying, recording, and communicating colours including physical samples, common names, instrumental measurement, and comparison to visual standards.

Some methods for recording colours mentioned are preserving physical samples, using common colour names, and instrumental colour measurement.

A colour order system is defined as any systematic and rational method of arranging all possible colours or subsets using material samples selected to represent all object colours, with the samples named and/or numbered descriptively.

Colour order systems

A K Roy Choudhury
College of Textile Technology, Serampore, Hooghly (W.B.), 712201, India

INTRODUCTION spectrophotometers are used to measure colour

It is a monumental task to deal with the ten million or numerically, generally providing reflectance or
more colours that our eyes can distinguish and for most of absorbance data at various wavelengths throughout
us it is difficult to describe a colour, particularly with the visible range of light. The data are converted into
regard to its variation from other colours. Many people various colour parameters by mathematical trans-
have therefore tried to solve the problem of colour formation. These instrumentally-measured par-
description, including Nobel laureate W. Ostwald and the ameters are not, however, equivalent to
American artist A. H. Munsell, who studied the problem in visually-assessed parameters.
great detail. By comparison with systematic collection of visual
In the colorant production and application industries standards. Dealing with physical samples for trade has
colours need to be communicated, compared, recorded various disadvantages, including slower com-
and formulated on a regular basis. This necessitates munication between buyers and manufacturers,
systematic classification of colours, facilitating not only limited availability, soiling, fading and loss [3]. It is
communication about colour over distance and time, but these problems that have led to the development of
also the analysis and definition of the aesthetic relations material-based colour order systems or colour-
among colours [1]. specifiers, which are further supported and
Objects can be classified in various ways in terms of sometimes modified with the instrumentally-
colour, and a number of colour order systems have now measured data to assure accuracy and reproducibility.
been developed originally on the basis of different visual Faster global communication is possible since code
attributes but more recently on the basis of instrumentally- names or identifiers can be used rather than
assessed colour parameters. The Association Inter- exchanging physical samples.
nationale de la Couleur (AIC) study group on colour order
systems computer-based annotated bibliography contains
about 400 entries, out of which 115 references are to the COLOUR ORDER SYSTEMS: A DEFINITION
Munsell system [2]. A colour order system is any systematic and rational
method of arranging all possible colours or subsets by
Recording colour means of material samples selected so that they represent
Colours can be recorded in various ways: all object colours. Once the colours are arranged
By preserving coloured physical samples. Colour is a visual systematically they are named in some descriptive terms
experience and the eye is the final arbiter for all colour and/or numbered [3].
decisions. Hence, physical samples such as coloured It is also desirable that the samples included in any
fabrics, yarns or fibre etc. are commonly used in the colour order system are properly specified in terms of any
trade. The colour of physical samples does, however, standard colorimetric specification, the most common
change with time, especially if they are not protected being the Commission Internationale de lEclairage (CIE)
from light, heat and moisture. The appearance of sets system. A few of the latest colour order systems, such as
of coloured samples prepared many years ago may the RAL system, are based on instrumentally measured
have changed greatly. CIELAB values.
By recording in terms of common colour names. Objects are
frequently identified by commonly used colour names
such as bottle-green, sea-green, china-blue etc., but INSTRUMENTAL COLOUR SPECIFICATION
such colour names are approximate, unreliable and The CIE system defines colours as vectors in three
largely subjective since their meaning tends to change dimensional space based on three primary colours. An
with time, place, style, language, culture etc. object colour can be uniquely defined [4] by three
By instrumental colour measurement. Colour measure- numbers called tristimulus values (X, Y, Z). The
ment is the safest way to preserve the records of disadvantage of the CIE tristimulus system is that it does
colours for future generation. Colorimeters and not provide a visually uniform colour scale. Several


mathematical transformations have been recommended group B attributes are whiteness, blackness and chro-
to deal with this problem, the most successful being the maticness. According to Wright, group B attributes are
CIELAB system recommended by the CIE in 1976. Non- more useful because they are most easily understood and
linear transformation of CIE tristimulus values results in are more fundamental representations of colour appear-
three attributes, L*, a* and b*, representing lightness, ance to an observer. However they are less studied in
rednessgreenness and yellownessblueness respectively. psychometric (equal perception) terms. The colours of
outermost Munsell hue circles (group A) are close to full
colours, which is a term for group B attributes.
Human eyes can distinguish only three dimensions of
colour. Every colour sensation unites these three distinct THE MERITS AND DEMERITS OF COLOUR
qualities and one quality can be varied without disturbing ORDER SYSTEMS
the others. These have been reviewed in detail elsewhere [10].
The measures of the three attributes vary significantly Briefly, the advantages of material-based colour order
from one system to another, but they are always related to systems are:
the following visual and/or psycho-physical attributes The presence of physical samples enables the system
defined by the CIE [5]. to be understood easily: the eye is a better comparator
Lightness representing the fraction of incident light than the memory [11].
reflected by the sample. They are easy to use. In most cases, side-by-side
Hue the similarity of a sample to one or a mixture of comparisons are made under standard viewing
two of the perceived colours red, yellow, green and conditions and, as such, no instrument is required.
blue. Hue is the family name for a group of chromatic They are mostly calibrated in terms of tristimulus
colours. Ostwald defined it as dominant wavelength values, so they can be used for colour control work or
[6], while psychologists stress that it should relate to a colorant formulations by computer, even in the
visual appraisal of colours. The Munsell colour order absence of samples.
system divides hues into five principal hues on the Visually uniform colour spaces can prove a useful way
basis of equal visual spacing. of organising the colours of a digitally controlled
Chromatic amount the degree by which a sample colour television monitor. Future uniform colour
differs from achromatic colour of same lightness. The spaces will probably be defined with the aid of such
traditional term for chromatic dimension is saturation, monitors, which have higher flexibility and wider
but it has several attributes. Unless otherwise specified colour gamut than the complex pigment technology
it denotes colourfulness (i.e. chromatic amount in presently in use [12].
proportion to brightness) [7] or chromaticness (which
increases with luminance/illuminance). Some of their limitations are:
A number of colour order systems are in use and they
Chroma resembles colourfulness at a given illuminance are not easily convertible.
level, but the term can be confusing. Wright [8] has It is not possible to include all perceivable colours in any
explained that in the US it is the attribute determining the colour order system, so any system is a serious
degree of its difference from the achromatic colour most abridgement of the colour world. In other words, there
resembling it (i.e. equivalent to Munsell chroma or DIN are gaps between the available physical samples.
saturation), while in the UK it is judged by the proportion Interpolation or extrapolation is, therefore, frequently
of pure chromatic colours in the total sensation (i.e. similar necessary for colour specifications, the accuracy of
to NCS chromaticness). These concepts will be discussed which largely depends on the colour discrimination
in more detail later. efficiency and experience of the observer.
As any colour order system is composed of a limited
Hunt has proposed three terms [5]: number of physical samples, future inclusion of newer
Colourfulness, i.e. total chromaticness samples may be a problem. Although most of the
Saturation, i.e. chromaticness in proportion to bright- systems have provision for addition of samples, it may
ness occasionally be necessary to alter the spacing.
Perceived chroma, i.e. colourfulness (of non-luminous It is difficult to compare samples with colour
related colours) in relation to average brightness of standards of different texture and material. However,
surroundings. to facilitate accurate assessments, some colour order
systems have been prepared on multiple substrates.
However, colourfulness depends on the level of The visual spacing of the samples is valid only if
illumination and is not usually considered for any colour standard illuminating and viewing conditions are
order system. maintained. The errors are not likely to be very high if
Wright [9] has identified two sets of visual attributes. typical indoor daylight is used, but viewing under
Group A attributes are lightness, hue and chroma, while artificial lights may result in serious errors.


The assessment made by different observers may vary understand. The samples should be reproducible and
due to the phenomenon known as observer replacement pieces should be available. (Many earlier
metamerism [13]. colour specifiers are no longer available.) Finally, a good
As the systems use physical samples, there are chances colour order system will allow the user of the colour-
of deterioration of the standards due to poor stability specifier to locate the required shade areas with minimal
of the colorants on extensive use or long exposure to delays.
light. High chroma colours may require fluorescent
dye or pigment, the use of which is restricted due to
limited stability. Even if the manufacturer takes proper TYPES OF COLOUR ORDER SYSTEM
care to ensure good performance, after a certain Material-based colour order systems are of three types [3]:
interval of time the accuracy or genuineness of a Colorant mixture systems
sample may be questionable. The user may be Colour mixture systems
completely unaware of such changes. Colour appearance systems.
As background may interfere with visual assessment
due to simultaneous colour contrast, a specified
background, such as white or neutral grey may be COLORANT MIXTURE SYSTEMS
required for use during assessment. These systems display the range of colours that can be
Most of the colour order systems cannot be used for achieved with declared quantities of colorants. These are
self-luminous colours such as light sources unless mostly prepared using pigments or printing inks. For
ancillary apparatus is used. textile applications, the final shade depends on a large
number of factors, and a single atlas cannot represent
With the aid of computers, colour no longer needs quantities universally.
material representation. When generating colours rapidly
on computer displays, chromatic characters of the hues
and their arrangement or order are less important than
the number of primaries used (RGB or RGBY) and the
These are coloured, physical standards arranged in a
interval of colour generation. Some ideas and techniques
regular manner. The arrangements are mostly based on
for the (abstract) manipulation of colour in space are
the performance of a tristimulus colorimeter or variations
studied without relying on a preferred colour order [14].
produced by the manipulation of a Maxwell disk. These
Various aspects of computer-generated colour displays
include the following systems.
were discussed at the International Colour Association
meeting, held in Toronto on 1920 June 1986. These
Colour Harmony Manual
included calibration techniques for accurate colour
The most important colour mixture system is the Colour
reproduction. Monitors are reported to be normalised to a
Harmony Manual published by the Container Corporation
9300 K white and noise is reported to be greatest in the
of America in four editions between 1942 and 1972 [6,16].
blue region.
It consisted of a set of 12 handbooks, each showing pairs of
complementary hues. Each colour chip was specified on
COLOUR SPECIFIERS OR ATLASES the Ostwald 24-step hue scale. Each hue-chart shows
Colour-specifiers or atlases are a convenient two- samples with varying black, white and full colour content
dimensional form of colour order system, which can be represented by double-letter names such as na, ga, ca
produced in the form of books or charts [15]. etc. Although light colours and near-whites were not
Although no specifier is expected to represent visually included in the manual, its first and fourth editions
all the colours that can be detected by our eyes, they have contained 680 and 949 chips respectively.
many uses, for example: Uniquely, the chips were:
As a stand-alone design tool for colour ideas Formed to include both matte and full gloss surfaces
For quick communication of colour ideas over (one on each side)
distance Removable from the slotted cards on which they are
As a basis for specifying colours during colour mounted
formulations and colour ideas Washable.
To support instrumental response or visual perception
of instrumentally measured colours. The publication of the manual was discontinued after
1972, mainly due to poor standard of reproduction [6]. In
Selection of the substrate for a specifier is very important. any case, the attributes of the system could not be readily
Ideally a textile colourist needs a system that incorporates translated into useful textile terms.
every fibre type and every dye range or class, but such a
perfect specifier or collection is not commercially viable. Dictionary of Colour
A specifier should also be highly stable and have good Maerz and Pauls Dictionary of Colour [17] shows a
fastness properties. It should be simple and easy to collection of over 7000 colours printed in the form of book.


Colour variations from copy to copy are reported a result Munsell system was the spectral reflectance function of
of printing inconsistencies. Near-blacks and light each colour chip. The spacing of the chips was intensively
saturated colours are not included. studied by the colorimetry committee of the Optical
Society of America and in 1943 the CIE tristimulus values
Colour atlases of ideally spaced chips were published as the Munsell
Colour atlases have been developed by various dye Renotation system [23]. There are thus many important
manufacturers: the ICI colour atlas [18] is a collection of 1379 physical and psycho-physical differences between the
original colours and 27,580 variations (printed on paper), earlier and later versions of the system [24].
other such atlases include the Tootal Atlas (2200, fabric, The Munsell system is based on steps of equal visual
1970), the Hoechst Atlas, the CibaGeigy Colour Atlas (625, perception. It describes all perceivable colours in terms of
fabric, 1982) and the BASF Colorthek III (2580, fabric, 1970). three coordinates Munsell hue (H), Munsell value (V)
and Munsell chroma (C). Munsell hue is on an interval
Pantone colour system scale [25] (i.e. equal numerical interval indicates equal
This system [19] is widely used in graphic art and also in perceived difference of attribute), whereas Munsell value
textile industry mainly because of its low cost, although and Munsell chroma are ratio scales (i.e. an interval scale
the colours are not equally spaced and the shades are having natural origin).
prepared on paper using printing inks. The Pantone The Munsell colour space is shown in Figure 1 [26].
system is loosely based on a three-dimensional scale, using Hues are represented along the circumference of a circle.
six-digit reference numbers, comprised of two-digit codes The circle is divided into the five principal hues, red (R),
for colour strength, hue and tone (in that order). CIE yellow (Y), green (G), blue (B) and purple (P). These are
specifications are not available. further subdivided into five intermediate hues YR, GY,
Recently a textile version with 1001 reactive-dyed BG, PB and RP. Each of these portions is again subdivided
cotton samples has been introduced to the market. into 10 divisions to give a total of 100 hues. Hue can also be
expressed in continuous scale numbered from 1 to 100.
COLOUR APPEARANCE SYSTEMS Munsell value can be represented vertically along the
Most of the earlier atlases tended to concentrate on axis of the circle and is divided into 10 equal steps.
including colours of long traditional usage, thereby Chroma is represented by the distance from the centre
emphasising tighter spacing of colours in some hue (chroma = 0) to a maximum of 17. The complete Munsell
regions rather than uniform placement of the colour specification of a sample is expressed as H V/C (e.g. 5R 4/
samples throughout the total space. Some areas of colour 8). The Munsell system has problems evaluating near-
space are over-emphasised, while others are presented neutral samples, and hence the Nearly Neutral Collection
poorly or not at all. was developed and has been marketed since 1990.
The main emphasis of appearance-based systems is the Unfortunately it is difficult to combine the two atlases
visual uniform spacing. Six of the most popular systems during evaluation.
are of this type. These are:
Munsell system
The Optical Society of America Uniform Colour Scales 10

(OSA-UCS System) Hu
Natural Colour System (NCS)
Ostwald system 10P (89) 8 10RP (01)

DIN colour system 10R (11)

10PB (75)
Coloroid system.
10B (65) 10YR (19)
A few less well-known and/or newly developed colour 2 4 6 8 10
order systems also exist. These include the Swiss Colour 4 Chroma

Atlas 2541, the Chevreul system, Colorcurve, the 10BG (57) 10Y (31)
Eurocolour System, the Acoat System and the Pope Colour
System [20]. Most of the above systems are defined by a 10G (49) 2 10GY (41)

set of aim-points specified in the CIE system.

Munsell colour order system
This, the oldest and by far the most popular system [21], Figure 1 Munsell colour order system. Hues are represented along
the circumference of a circle divided into the five principal hues [red
has been extensively studied [22]. The notation was first
(R), yellow (Y), green (G), blue (B) and purple (P)] and subdivided into
developed by Munsell in 1905 and the atlas released in five intermediate hues (YR, GY, BG, PB and RP). The 10 portions are
1915 and commercialised in 1929. then subdivided into 10 divisions to give a total of 100 hues. The
Prior to 1943, the Munsell system was defined by the figures in parentheses reflect hue expressed on a continuous scale
between 1 and 100. Munsell value, represented vertically along the
physical samples comprising the 1929 Munsell Book of axis of the circle, is divided into 10 equal steps. Chroma is represented
Colour colour chips and thus the basic specification of the by the distance from the centre to a maximum of 17


The chips in the Munsell Book of Colour are spaced on in a row have equal Munsell values, whereas the chips in a
the order of 20 just-perceptible differences apart. The column have equal Munsell chroma values.
equality of visual spacing is such that one value step (on a With the help of a suitable programme 6000 SCOTDIC
scale of 10 between white and black) is equal to two steps colours can be generated on the monitor of a computer
in chroma and 0.3 major hue steps (3 steps on a 100-step and printed with an inkjet printer [36].
hue scale) at chroma 5 [27].
The colour sensations as well as visual spacing of the OSA-UCS system
Munsell samples vary when the source of illumination is Like the Munsell system, the guiding principle in this case
changed [28,29]. The Munsell colour system is, therefore, is the best possible uniform visual spacing of colours [37].
meaningful only as a colour sensation system to be viewed However this system is not based on the separate scaling
under specific illumination. The relations between of three attributes. Instead, samples are arranged in a
Munsell and CIE variables are very complex. In a CIE regular rhombohedral lattice [22] so that the distances
chromaticity diagram, lines of constant Munsell hue are between a sample and each of its 12 nearest neighbours
curved and location changes with change of Munsell corresponds to equal perceived colour difference at any
value. point in the lattice.
The Munsell value scale (V) is related to the CIE The position of a sample in the lattice is defined by its
luminance factor (Y) by the following complex, fifth- position along three orthogonal axes, similar to opponent
degree polynomial equation (Judds polynomial) [30]: colour scales and named lightness (L), yellowness/
blueness (j) and greenness/redness (g). The basic geometry
Y = 1.2219V 0.23111V 2 + 0.23951V 3 used to describe the rhombohedral lattice is cubocto-
0.021009V 4 + 0.0008404V5, (1) hedron formed by removing eight corners of a cube.
Figure 2 shows this shape, along with the locations of the
based on the use of magnesium oxide, assigned a value of L, j and g axes, the centre and 12 neighbouring lattices.
absolute reflectance of 1.026 for 45/0 illumination and CIE tristimulus values can be converted into L, j and g
viewing. coordinates by a series of mathematical equations [37,38].
Ladd and Pinney [31] proposed the following simpler Hue and chromatic amount has no meaning in the OSA
equation: system, although the American Society for Testing and
V = 2.468Y1/3 1.636 (2) Materials subcommittee E12.07 has recently proposed the
concept of OSA hue and OSA chroma where
No simple relation has been reported so far for Munsell
hue or chroma. The NBS computer program [32] requires OSA hue = arctan(g/j) (3a)
the use of look-up tables followed by interpolation. A and
simple and faster program has been recently proposed by
OSA chroma = (j2 + g2)1/2 (3b)
Simon and Frost [33]. Artificial intelligence computer
programmes such as artificial neural networks (systems
that imitate some functions of the human brain) have
been utilised to convert Munsell coordinates into CIE NCS
coordinates [34]. The origins of this Swedish colour order system [39] go
Earlier textile colourists used paper-based specifiers back to the six primary colours suggested by Leonardo da
which were not entirely satisfactory. The Munsell atlas is Vinci [40] and opponent colour scale proposed by Hering
usually available on painted paper in glossy (1488-chip) [41]. Here the colours are scaled according to their degree
and matte (1277-chip) forms. Additionally the original of resemblance to the six elementary colours white, black,
Munsell Book of Colour had a poor collection of high yellow, red, blue and green (see Figure 3).
chroma samples.

111 111

SCOTDIC [35] is a textile colour order system created by 111
the fusion of two quite different systems Standard
j 020 002
Colour of Textiles, Japan and the Dictionnaire 000 020
Internationale de la Couleur, France. It has incorporated +j
many bright colours and the number of constant hue

pages has been increased to 54. The system has three 111 111
versions glossy (2450 colours on polyester crepe fabric), g
matte (2020 colours on cotton poplin fabric) and yarn (890 L
colours on wool yarns). Colours are specified by six-digit
codes, two each for hue, value and chroma successively. Figure 2 Cuboctohedron of OSA-UCS colour order system. The
position of a sample in the lattice is defined by its position along
The SCOTDIC system consists of a hue circle and orthogonal axes of lightness (L), yellowness/blueness (j ) and
constant hue pages (as in the Munsell system). The chips greenness/redness (g)


Y system have been studied [42], but no accurate analytical
G50Y Y50R relations could be derived. Some non-uniformities were
50 observed in chromaticness and hue spacing, while
analysing the NCS system with a non-linear colour-
50 C G R
appearance model probably resulted in inaccuracy in the
50 R30B assessing and scaling method. Based on this analysis, a
B50G R50B method for conversion into CIE tristimulus value has been
B R90B suggested [43].

Figure 3 NCS constant hue triangle and hue circle. Colours are Ostwald system
scaled according to their degree of resemblance to the six elementary
colours white, black, yellow, red, blue and green. Hue is resemblance
The German chemist Ostwald devised this colour order
to the nearest chromatic elementary colour (e.g. Y30R indicates 30% system in 191516 [44,45]. Although the various physical
resemblance to red and 70% to yellow), chromaticness is the models are no longer available, the system is favoured by
resemblance to the colour of the same hue of maximum possible
artists and designers because of the similarity between its
chromatic content and blackness or whiteness is the resemblance of
the colour to the perfect black or white. The sum of these must be construction and an artists method of preparation of
100%. colour mix.
Figure 4 shows a constant-hue page of the Ostwald
system. Ostwald defined all colours as mixture of full
colour, white and black. The runs of colour are straight,
symmetrically arranged and the end-point colours easily
Full colour with recognisable. An Ostwald solid, constructed of equilateral
increasing white
ca triangles, is much simpler in structure than the Munsell
c ea Series with same
ga white content
e gc ia
ge la
g na
Full DIN system
i pc
colour The DIN system [46] was developed by Richter. The work
li pe started in 1938 and the first edition (196062) contained
l ni pg 600 samples; a glossy edition with 1000 samples were
pi Series with same
n pl black content released in 197883. A number of compromises were made
Full colour with pn to keep a simple relation between DIN and CIE
increasing black p
coordinates. The equality of visual spacing is maintained
Black locally and not globally in all three dimensions.
The system defines three scales:
Figure 4 A constant hue page of the Ostwald system. All colours are 1. Darkness degree, designated D, is the relative lightness
defined as a mixture of full colour, white and black
scale with respect to optimal colour of the same
chromaticity. This is calculated as follows:

D = 10 6.1723 log[(40.7 Y/Y0) + 1] (4)

NCS hue is defined as the degree of resemblance of the
test colour to the nearest chromatic elementary colour. where Y0 is the maximum possible luminous reflec-
Y30R indicates 30% resemblance to red and 70% to yellow. tance of a surface colour defined by MacAdam [47].
NCS chromaticness is the resemblance of the test colour to 2. DIN hue, designated T, utilises 24 equally-spaced hues
the colour of the same hue having maximum possible of the Ostwald hue circle with some simplification as a
chromatic content. NCS blackness or whiteness is the result of defining lines of constant hue as straight lines
resemblance of the colour to the perfect black or white. in the chromaticity diagram.
The sum of the chromaticness, blackness and whiteness is 3. Saturation degree, designated S, is the chromatic
100%. The NCS system is presented in diagrammatic form amount measured by the distance from an achromatic
as equilateral triangles, but the maximum purity colours sample of the same luminance factor.
are not shown at the points of triangles. In over half the
hues, the full colour is sampled by 2 or 3 colours in a The DIN colour solid is shown in Figure 5 [10]. Methods
vertical row inside the triangle. for conversion of CIE and DIN coordinates have been
No simple correlate of CIE lightness or Munsell value is discussed [48]. The RAL atlas (BS:5252) is a successor to the
proposed in this system, as NCS blackness is claimed to be German DIN atlas, based on CIELAB colour space.
more readily perceived. The colours of different hues, but
having equal NCS blackness and chromaticness are
described by the colour designers as having a certain Swiss Colour Atlas 2541
equivalence, called equality of nuance or weight. The Swiss Colour Atlas 2541 was developed by Mller [49],
The spacing of NCS and aim-points in the CIELAB the number 2541 representing the total number of


W (white) and displayed on grids of constant lightness with neutral
S (saturation)
grey at centre and four major axes Y, R, B and G at right
angles like a*b* grids. The atlas contains 1231 coloured
T (hues)
Practical Colour Coordinate System
The Chroma Cosmos 5000 atlas [55], which is based on this
Japanese colour order system, was published in 1978.
D (darkness) Billmeyer and Loppnow [56] reported that the chips are
denoted by Munsell notations, but the accuracy of many
B (black) chips is as high as three CIELAB colour difference units.
The atlas consists of 23 planes of constant chroma, on
Figure 5 DIN colour solid with T, S and D attributes
which value is plotted against hue.

Eurocolour system
coloured samples. The system is similar to the Ostwald This system exhibits planes of constant CIELAB hue angle
system, but regular triangular arrays are based on equal on which CIELAB chroma is variable. An atlas has been
visual spacing, rather than on colour mixing. However, the published by Schwabenmuster in Germany [57].
number of constant hue planes (60) is greater than in
Ostwalds original system or the Colour Harmony Manual Acoat system
(24) [16]. This system consists of a cylindrical space with hue and
lightness coordinates and the third coordinate, chromatic
Coloroid system content but does not distinguish saturation or chromatic-
The Coloroid colour system [50,51] is of Hungarian origin. ness [58]. An atlas based on the system has been published
It was designed by Nemcsics and co-workers particularly by Sikkens in the Netherlands.
for use by architects. The system aims to space colours
evenly in terms of their aesthetic effects rather than colour
differences, as in the Munsell system, or perceptual COMPARISON OF COLOUR ORDER
content, as in the NCS system. The equality of spacing is SYSTEMS
considered to produce evenness of appearance in all scales The most common concept across all colour order systems
of colours in the system. is the representation of human visual perception of
The system represents colours by three numbers hue colours.
(A), saturation (T) and lightness (V). There are 48 basic hues Smith and co-workers [59] have compared different
which have constant dominant or complementary colour scales, taking the OSA-UCS as benchmark and
dominant wavelength and are numbered between 10 and mapping OSA-UCS atlas samples onto other colour spaces
76 (with some missing numbers). Intermediate hues are to check the perceptual spacing of the respective colour
represented by decimal fractions. The extreme reds and atlases. They observed that the NCS system is the most
violets, beyond dominant wavelengths 625 and 450 nm radically different in hue spacing from the OSA-UCS
respectively, are omitted from the system. Both the system. OSA chroma, Munsell chroma and NCS
saturation and the lightness are represented on a scale of 1 chromaticness have similar but non-identical axes, while
100. Saturation is defined as the percent spectral colour (or OSA chroma, DIN saturation and Coloroid saturation are
the nonspectral purple) required in an additive mixture distinctly different from each other. The NCS, DIN and
with perfect black and perfect white to match the colour. Coloroid achromatic scales are distinctly different from the
A linear relation exists between excitation purity and OSA-UCS lightness scale, and the Munsell and OSA-UCS
Coloroid saturation. The relation between CIE Y and Color- spaces are closer.
oid lightness is the same as that reported by Hunter [52]: Judd and Nickerson [60] derived idealised relations
V = 10 Y1/2 (5) between the NCS and Munsell systems. Billmeyer and
Bencuya [61] found a simple relation between NCS hue,
NCS chromaticness and NCS blackness against Munsell
Chevreul colour order system hue, Munsell chroma and Munsell value respectively.
This is an old, but less well-known colour order system However no analytical relation could be written, possibly
[53] based on a 3-dimensional colour space in the form of a due to incompatibility of their respective aim-points. It is
hemisphere, the base of which is formed from 12 pure claimed that a colour notation conversion programme for
colour chromatic circles. conversion between the Munsell, OSA-UCS, NCS, DIN,
Coloroid and CIE systems has been developed [62].
Colorcurve Smith and Billmeyer [63] compared the attributes of
This, the newest colour order system [54], is based on different colour order systems and their findings can be
additive mixing of tristimulus values in the CIE 1964 space summarised as follows.


Representation of hue These two approaches produce substantial underlying
The OSA-UCS and Colorcurve systems use a grid scaling differences.
arrangement that has only four constant hue planes. Most Billmeyer and Bencuya [61] suggested the following
of the other colour order systems represent constant hue relation for achromatic colours between Munsell value, V,
along radial lines. All but the NCS colour order system and NCS blackness, S.
have colours spaced at visually equal steps around
achromatic axis. V = 10.03 0.1248S + 1.209 103S2 8.793 106S3 (8)
The NCS is based on four elementary colours located
90 apart on opponent axes as in the CIELAB colour scale. The relationship for chromatic colours is considerably
In the Munsell system the hues are arranged so that equal more complicated.
small hue differences occupy equal angles around the
entire hue circle and, hence, the unique hues are located at ACCURACY OF COLOUR ORDER SYSTEMS
irregular angular spacings: red to yellow, 67; yellow to The accuracies of the NCS, DIN and OSA-UCS systems
green, 75; green to blue, 90; and blue to red, 128. This have been studied [66] and the accuracies of the DIN and
difference in hue spacing is because the NCS system is OSA-UCS systems found to be similar. Initially it was
based on colour-appearance magnitude, while the reported that these systems are on an average 3.5 times
Munsell system is based on colour-appearance differences. more accurate than NCS colour atlas samples. However
this was later corrected [67] to say that the errors of NCS
Representation of chroma/saturation atlas samples were, on an average, approximately one
The notations of chromatic amount are of three types: CIELAB colour difference unit: the error for the DIN and
chroma, saturation and a combination of whiteness, OSA-UCS systems varies between 0.11 to 6.48 CIELAB
blackness and chroma. Munsell chroma is independent of unit, whereas that of NCS system varies between 0.04 to
Munsell value. The saturations of the DIN and Coloroid 16.21 CIELAB unit. The major source of inaccuracy in the
systems are radically different despite the fact that both NCS is samples located on the edge of the colour solid.
take into account the effect of lightness. In a perceptual The samples of NCS blackness = 0 or NCS whiteness = 0
uniform colour space, colours of equal Munsell chroma lie are highly inaccurate [68].
on the surface of a cylinder, whereas colours of equal DIN The uncertainties during visual interpolation have been
saturation lie on the surface of a cone [64]. In the NCS and shown by Dring to be independent of colorimetric
Swiss Colour Atlas systems, the concept of chroma is precision of the colour samples in the atlas [69]. This study
tightly bound between two achromatic scales the sum of also showed that the mean colour differences (Eab*)
the chroma, blackness and whiteness values is always between colour notation by colour measurement and by
constant. visual interpolation were 2 2.7 and 4 3.9 respectively for
Smith and Billmeyer [63] summarised that the three the DIN and NCS systems, reducing to 1.2 2.8 and 1.7
approaches to chromatic scales are not comparable. The 2.6 for low to medium chroma samples.
NCS and Swiss Colour Atlas chromas are closer to Munsell
and OSA-UCS chroma than the DIN and Coloroid CONCLUSIONS
saturations. Different colour order systems are based on different
Judd and Nickerson [65] attempted to derive chroma principles and are not compatible. Each system serves
chromaticness conversions and postulated the following some specific field or purpose. At present several nations
simple proportionality between NCS chromaticness, c, have adopted a specific colour order system as a national
and Munsell chroma (C): standard. These include DIN in Germany, NCS in Sweden
and other Scandinavian countries and the Munsell system
c~5C (6)
in many countries, including Japan and Italy. As yet there
is no internationally accepted colour order system to
Billmeyer and Bencuya [61] found a good approximation
facilitate rapid quick global communication although
Tonnquist [70] has suggested that the Munsell and NCS
C = Ac + B (7) colour order systems could mutually benefit from each
where A and B vary with hue. A perfect model for colour perception can be created
only in non-Euclidean space, and no colour space has
achieved such perfection. As it would be impossible to
Representation of achromaticity collect samples of all possible colours, interpolation or
There are two approaches to achromatic notation: extrapolation will always be necessary. Since this can
The lightness axis in the Munsell, OSA-UCS, Color- result in controversy between observers, equal visual
curve and Coloroid and DIN systems (where the spacing is absolutely essential. This spacing is also
opposite notation is darkness) dependent on illumination, so conditions of illumination
The blacknesswhitenesschroma combined relation- must be specified.
ship of the NCS and Swiss Colour Atlas. While the concept of a colour atlas is not new, more and


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