Waste To Energy Potential in The Wastern Province of Saudi Arabia

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Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2017) 29, 212220

King Saud University

Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences



Waste-to-energy potential in the Western Province

of Saudi Arabia
Omar K.M. Ouda a, Syed A. Raza b,*
, Rafat Al-Waked c, Jawad F. Al-Asad d,
Abdul-Sattar Nizami e

Department of Civil Engineering, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait
Department of Electrical Engineering, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Received 12 December 2014; accepted 26 February 2015

Available online 11 March 2015

KEYWORDS Abstract Waste-to-energy (WTE) is a viable option for municipal solid waste (MSW) management
Waste-to-Energy; and a renewable energy source. MSW is a chronic problem in Saudi Arabia and more specically in
Municipal solid waste; Saudi Urban areas. The MSW practices in KSA are simply done by collecting the waste and dump-
Incineration; ing it in open landll sites. KSA is considering WTE as a potential renewable energy source that can
Refused Derived Fuel; contribute to electricity demand in the Kingdom. This research aims to assess potential contribution
Biomethanation; of WTE facility to meet electricity demand in the three main cities in the Western Province of Saudi
Western Province of Saudi Arabia and to provide an alternative solution to landlls. Three scenarios for WTE utilization were
Arabia developed: Mass Burn, Mass Burn with recycling, and refused derived fuel (RDF) with biometha-
nation. The Mass Burn scenario implies full waste stream incineration; the Mass Burn with recy-
cling scenario considers segregation of reusable materials and the waste leftover for incineration;
while RDF with biomethanation considers segregation of general waste stream into inorganic
and organic waste and utilizes organic waste for biomethanation and inorganic for RDF. The
analyses were completed for Jeddah, Makkah, and Madina cities; with current total population
of about 6.3 million. The results show that Jeddah has the potential to produce about 180 MW
of electricity based on incineration scenario; about 11.25 MW based on incineration with recycling
scenario; and about 87.3 MW based RDF with biomethanation scenario by the year 2032. These

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 289 698 4095.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (O.K.M. Ouda), srazanaq@
uwo.ca (S.A. Raza), [email protected] (R. Al-Waked), jalasad@
pmu.edu.sa (J.F. Al-Asad), [email protected] (A.-S. Nizami).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

Production and hosting by Elsevier

1018-3639 2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Waste-to-energy potential in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia 213

values and other two cities values are based on theoretical ideals and they help in identifying the
optimal WTE techniques for each city.
2015 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


MSW municipal solid waste Mi mass of waste accepted in the ith year
WTE waste to energy tij age of the jth section of waste mass Mi accepted in
RDF refused derived fuel the ith year
OFMSW Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste ERP energy recovery potential (GWh/day)
QCH4 annual methane generation in the year of PGP power generation potential (MW)
calculation (Giga gram/y) NGP net generation potential (MW)
i 1 year time increment LHV low heating value
j 0.1 year time increment g efciency
n (year of calculation)  (initial year of waste accep- LFG landll gas
tance) PRP power recovery potential
k methane generation constant NCV net caloric value
L0 potential methane generation capacity NPGP net power generation potential
(m3 =Megagram)

1. Introduction 2. Waste to energy technologies

Municipal solid waste (MSW) management system aims to There are primarily ve widely used and implemented tech-
handle health, environment, aesthetic, land-use resources, nologies for MSW management namely: incineration with
and economic concerns related to improper disposal of waste energy recovery, pyrolysis or gasication, plasma arc gasica-
(Nemerow, 2009; Al-Waked et al., 2014; Ouda and Cekirge, tion, refused derived fuel (RDF) and biomethanation i.e.
2014). Population, urbanization growth and the rise of stan- anaerobic digestion. In this study, three technologies were con-
dards of living have all dramatically accelerated the MSW sidered for analysis: incineration, RDF and biomethanation.
generation in developing countries (Minghau et al., 2009; These technologies were chosen on the basis of lower capital
Guerrero et al., 2013). Developing countries are not able to cost (ton/year), net operational cost per ton, complexity of
cope with the MSW generation growth and open landlls technology and higher efciency as compared to plasma arc
remain the dominant method of disposal (Ouda et al., 2013; gasication and pyrolysis (Greater London Authority, 2008;
Ouda, 2013). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the Sorenson, 2010; Clark et al., 2010; CHAMCO; KMC).
worlds largest crude oil producer and possesses the largest Incineration is the production of energy from waste
oil reserves (Ouda et al., 2013; Ouda et al., 2013). Crude oil through combustion. There are a number of well-developed
revenue has come with substantial increases in population, techniques across the globe (Frigon and Guiot, 2010;
urbanization, and the standards of living in the country Tchobanoglous et al., 1993; Denac et al., 1990; Kameswari
(Ouda et al., 2013). The population growth of an average et al., 2007). Incineration remained to be the most integral part
3.4% over the last four decades coupled with an increase in of MSW management in many countries. In the incineration
the urbanization level from about 50% of the total population process, waste feedstock is mixed thoroughly to maintain a
in 1970 to about 80% at present; has resulted in substantial more constant heating value and then loaded into a large
growth of MSW generation in the country (Ouda et al., hopper, bunker, or other delivery system. Feedstock is then
2013; CDSI, 2010). The current municipal solid waste manage- delivered along a conveyor or other mechanism into the
ment system in the KSA is simple: collect and dispose off by furnace, typically onto a graded stoker or other bed for
dumping it in open landll sites (Ouda et al., 2013). Most of combustion. This consists of directly burning the waste in
the landlls are mature and are expected to reach their capaci- excess oxygen with temperatures in excess of 800 C. As the
ties within a few years (Ouda et al., 2013). The substantial waste is incinerated, released heat travels upward and heats
quantity generated by MSW and the high energy contents of water in a boiler system, which in turn drives a steam cycle
its composition demonstrate the signicant potential of WTE and steam turbine. The most important byproduct of
facilities in KSA (Ouda et al., 2013). The KSA is planning to incineration is the bottom ash which consists of silicon, iron,
generate 54 GW from nuclear and renewable energy sources calcium, aluminum, sodium and potassium in their oxide state
including WTE facilities within two decades (KACARE). (Electricity for Europe, 2003; Psomopoulos et al., 2009). These
The potential contribution of WTE facilities in meeting the materials are present within a range of 8087% by mass in the
electricity demand in KSA is hardly investigated. bottom ash. This process also has the advantage of reducing
214 O.K.M. Ouda et al.

waste by 80% and mass by 70% and relatively lower cost in implies full utilization of MSW for WTE production. Mass
comparison to other technologies (Cheng and Hu, 2010; Burn with recycling assumes removal of all potentially recycl-
Rogoff and Screve, 2011). Additionally, this process can able materials from the waste stream and utilizing the remain-
handle all types of waste including organic materials and ing MSW for WTE production. RDF with biomethanation
requires low level of technology and human resource skills. considers segregation of general waste stream into inorganic
The major drawback of incinerator is the generation of high and organic waste. The inorganic waste is then considered
levels of air and waterborne pollutants. After considering the for RDF methodology while organic for biomethanation.
losses in the technology, the overall efciency of this technol- The year 2012 was chosen as the starting year for
ogy is about 25% (Ouda et al., 2013). Performing incineration forecasting. The MSW production rate was assumed to be
with recycling involves an initial stage at which the waste is 1.4 kg/capita/day (Minghau et al., 2009). There are three major
segregated into recyclable and non-recyclable contents. cities in the western province of KSA, Jeddah with 3.4 million,
Those materials which cannot be recycled are passed through Makkah with 1.7 million, and Madinah with 1.2 million
for mass burn. (CDSI, 2010) as shown in Fig. 1. The population growth is
RDF is a clean and efcient method of producing an projected to maintain its historical trend of 3.4%, which is
eco-friendly and an alternative fuel for power generating the average growth of population in KSA, for year up to the
industries, which run on coal fuel (Nabeshima, 1996). The year 2032, the total MSW generation is forecasted accordingly
RDF particles are mixed thoroughly with binders such as cal- for the three cities.
cium hydroxide. CaO is added to the refuse during the RDF The caloric energy content of the various types of waste is
production (Churney et al., 1989; Tatemoto et al., 1998). listed in Table 1 (Chartrain et al., 1987). These measures were
CaO reacts with water to become Ca(OH)2. When ue gas is used to calculate the total energy content per kilogram of
used as the drying gas, Ca(OH)2 reacts with CO2 to become Saudi municipal waste. There are a number of developed
CaCO3 (Weinell et al., 1992). Then it is converted into pellets and emerging technologies that can produce energy from
for required sizes and shapes. The RDF is formed into a chalk- waste. The most widely used and proven WTE is the process
like shape or pellet with a diameter of 15 mm and a length of of producing energy in the form of heat and/or electricity from
50mm. A RDF pellet having about 11% or more particulate waste sources via combustion (Gotmare et al., 2011; Metro
calcium hydroxide is utilized in a combustible mixture. Waste Authority, 2013; Gendebien et al., 2003; Gilbert et al.,
Combustion of the mixture is effective to produce an efuent 2008). The research literature has documented a combustion
gas from the combustion zone having a reduced SO2 and efciency of 2530% for operated WTE facilities in different
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content of efuent gas from places across the globe (Ouda et al., 2013; KMC; Frigon and
similar combustion materials not containing the calcium Guiot, 2010; ASME, 2008; UNEP, 1996) and around 18%
hydroxide. The overall efciency for this methodology is for RDF (Cheng and Hu, 2010). Methane conversion to
reported to be around 18% (Metro Waste Authority, 2013). energy is reported to be around 30% (Nabeshima, 1996).
RDF is mostly utilized for pulp, paper industry and the wood
industry waste, followed by the saw-mill industry. Accordingly
3.1. Estimation of methane
the RDF facilities are relatively small and utilized specically
by industrial sector.
Biomethanation converts the Organic Fraction of The annual methane emission from Saudis three landll sites
Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) into useful energy
(Chakraborty et al., 2013). The basic raw materials for bio- can be estimated using the USEPA LandGEM model.
methanation may vary and studies show that this may contain LandGEM is based on a rst-order decomposition rate
vegetable market waste, agricultural waste, whey, dairy waste equation that quanties emissions from the decomposition of
and restaurant waste (Malakahmad et al., 2012; Kameswari landlled municipal solid waste (MSW). The software provides
et al., 2007; Samuel et al., 2006; Chartrain et al., 1987; a relatively simple approach to estimating landll gas
Gotmare et al., 2011). The effective efciency of this technol- emissions. Model defaults are based on empirical data from
ogy is around 25% (Metro Waste Authority, 2013). The glar- U.S. landlls. Field test data can also be used in place of model
ing disadvantage of using this process is the space requirement. defaults when available.
The waste collected for this technique has to be properly
covered for the anaerobic processes to take place and cannot X
n X
Mi ktij
be opened for the next few years, making that space QCH4 kL0 e 1
i1 j0:1
unavailable for the next few years (Gotmare et al., 2011).
This fact has limited its application in urban areas.
where QCH4 is the annual methane generation in the year of the
calculation (Giga gram/y), i is the 1-year time increment, j is
3. Objective and methodology the 0.1-year time increment, n is the (year of the cal-
culation)  (initial year of waste acceptance), k is the methane
This paper evaluates the potential electricity generation from generation constant (y  1), L0 is the potential methane
WTE in the three main cities in the Western Province of generation capacity m3 =Mega gram;Mi is the mass of
Saudi Arabia. The analysis will consider three scenarios for waste accepted in the ith year (Mega gram), tij is the age of
WTE development: Mass Burn, Mass Burn with recycling the jth section of waste mass Mi accepted in the ith year
and RDF with biomethanation. The Mass Burn scenario (Chakraborty et al., 2013).
Waste-to-energy potential in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia 215

Fig. 1 Map of Saudi Arabia showing the western province with selected cities for the study. Source: www.brotherpete.com.

3.2. Maintaining the integrity of the specications energy recovery potential (ERP) (GWh/day), Power genera-
tion potential (PGP) (MW) and Net generation potential
In order to evaluate the energy generation potential from (NGP) (MW) are given by Eqs. (2) and (3).
MSW, Table 1 is used to calculate the lower heating value of       
GWh tones kW h
the waste by considering the dry solid waste without moisture ERP DryWaste  LHV of waste =1000
day day kg
content (Cheng and Hu, 2010). For bulk incineration process 2
the average value of the total waste is considered as a lower
heating value. For incineration with recycling all types of NGP gPGP 3
waste that could be recycled are excluded from the cal-
culations. In case of RDF with biomethanation, the waste is where g is the efciency of the process. Efciency for incinera-
segregated between organic and non-organic waste. In order tion is taken as 25% and for RDF is taken as 18%
to calculate the lower heating value (LHV) for this process, (Chakraborty et al., 2013).
the organic waste is excluded from the general stream and
the calculations are performed on the remaining waste stream 3.3. Heat to power generation potential calculation by
including paper, plastic, glass, wood, textiles and others. The biomethanation process

The biomethanation process is preferred for organic waste

stream with moisture content to allow for microbial activity.
Table 1 Energy content of different types of wastes (Rogoff
The typical conversion efciency for this process is taken as
and Screve, 2011).
30% (Churney et al., 1989). The values for the total land ll
Type of waste Energy content (Btu/lb) gas (LFG) generation are taken for LandGEM model.
Mixed paper 6800    
Mixed food waste 2400 TMG day  NCV  365:25
Mixed green yard waste 2700 PRPMW 4
Mixed plastic 14,000
Rubber 11,200    
Leather 8000 TMG day
 NCV  g  365:25
Textiles 8100 NPGPMW 5
Demolition softwood 7300
Waste hardwood 6500 where PRP is the power recovery potential, NCV is the Net
Coal 12,300 Caloric Value of LFG and lies in the range
Fuel, oil 18,300 0:1940:242 kW=m3 , NPGP is the net power generation poten-
Natural gas 23,700 tial g, is the efciency of the bio-chemical process
(Chakraborty et al., 2013).
216 O.K.M. Ouda et al.

Table 2 Saudi Arabias MSW energy contents. 4. Results and discussion

Material Waste kW h/kg in kW h/kg in waste 4.1. MSW composition and quantity forecast
composition(%) material HHV
Paper 28.5 4.39 1.21
The waste composition for Saudi Arabia is tabulated in
Plastic 5.2 9.05 0.46
Glass 4.6 0.00 0.00 Table 2 for the year 2012 along with the LHV value for each
Wood 8 4.73 0.24 type of waste using the values from Table 1. The MSW wastes
Textiles 6.4 5.20 0.22 of the KSA include 37% organic materials, 28.5% paper, 5.2%
Organic 37.0 1.55 0.10 plastics, 8.3% mineral, 4.6% glass, 8% wood, 6.4% textile,
Others 10.3 3.36 0.28 and 2% others (Ouda et al., 2013; Rogoff and Screve, 2011).
Total energy for mass burn with recycling 0.377 The waste distribution as listed in Minghau et al. (2009),
scenario (kW h/kg) UNEP (1996) is an average of waste collected in the kingdom.
Total energy contents of mass burn scenario 2.512 By considering the same distribution, study of power genera-
(kW h/kg)
tion can be forecasted for different cities. The last two columns
of Table 2 represent the total energy and the LHV in the
The forecasted MSW quantity per year for the three cities
and up to year 2032 is presented in Fig. 2. The gure shows
that by the year 2032, about 6730 thousand tons of MSW will
be generated in the three cities, out of which 55% will be from
Jeddah city. With this huge quantity if not managed properly,
severe environmental consequences can be anticipated in the

4.2. Methane gas generation

For the estimation of methane from landll sites, user specied

inputs are used in the LandGEM model. The methane genera-
tion potential (L0 ) is specied as a default value of 61 m3/Mg,
while the methane generation constant (k) is specied as 0.026
per year. The methane and carbon dioxide in the LFG are con-
sidered to be 50%. For the purpose of this study it is assumed
that the three landll sites in Makkah, Madina and Jeddah
have started operation in 2012 and the waste is accumulated
Fig. 2 Waste generation forecast for the three main cities in the up to the year 2032. Biomethanation for this study is applied
Western Province of Saudi Arabia for the years 20122032. with RDF which takes the organic waste as input. The result

Fig. 3 Landll gas emission estimation for RDF with biomethanation technology for Makkah site for the years 20122152.
Waste-to-energy potential in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia 217

for the total LFG generation in the landll sites is shown in peak year, landll gas generation will continue at a declining
Figs. 35. The LFG forecast results for Makkah, Madina rate as long as the biochemical degradation of organic waste
and Jeddah cities are presented in Figs. 35, respectively. occurs. The complete degradation of organic waste may take
The total LFG for Makkah, Madina and Jeddah are calcu- more than a century to be completed.
lated as 31.20, 22.54 and 65.97 Mg/year, respectively. The
methane generation for Makkah, Madina and Jeddah are 4.3. WTE scenario results
calculated as 8.54, 6.02 and 17.62 Mg/year and for carbon
dioxide as 23.43, 16.52 and 48.34 Mg/year, respectively. Three scenarios for WTE were developed and analyzed: Mass
The model proposes that the landlls will reach their full Burn, Mass Burn with recycling and RDF with
capacity in the year 2032. The peak of landll gas generation Biomethanation. The forecast results by the year 2032 for
will occur one year after, i.e., in the year 2033. Following the the three scenarios for Makkah, Madina and Jeddah cities

Fig. 4 Landll gas emission estimation for RDF with biomethanation technology for Madina site for the years 20122152.

Fig. 5 Landll gas emission estimation for RDF with biomethanation technology for Jeddah site for the years 20122152.
218 O.K.M. Ouda et al.

Fig. 6 Net power generation potential (MW) for Makkah city for the years 20122032.

Fig. 7 Net power generation potential (MW) for Madina city for the years 20122032.

are presented in Figs. 68 respectively. The gures show that environmental analyses. However the decision to select a
for the Mass Burn Scenario there is a potential to generate particular scenario is crucial and should be taken at a political
about 87.0, 61.3 and 180.0 MW from Makkah, Madina and level based on the results of intensive research.
Jeddah cities respectively. The Mass Burn with recycling
scenario shows a potential to produce about 5.45, 3.84 and
11.25 MW from Makkah, Madina and Jeddah cities 5. Future work
respectively.The RDF with Biomethanation Scenario shows
a potential to produce about 42.4, 29.9 and 87.3 MW from The choice from among the three scenarios discussed in this
Makkah, Madina and Jeddah cities, respectively. paper requires further nancial, social, technical, and environ-
The gures also show that Mass Burn Scenario has the mental analyses which the authors are working on as an exten-
highest power generation capacity over the other two scenar- sion of this work. It will be worth looking at the capital cost
ios. Additionally, the three scenarios provide a viable disposal per ton, operational cost, complexity of technologies, labor
option for MSW and, if implemented, will alleviate the land- skill levels and geographical location for implementing each
lls site problem in the area. The choice from among the three of these scenarios. By looking at the global trend of actual
scenarios requires further nancial, social, technical, and implementation of these processes, it will be possible to
Waste-to-energy potential in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia 219

Fig. 8 Net power generation potential (MW) for Jeddah city for the years 20122032.

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