Internal Audit Plan

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Fiscal Year 2016
Presented to the
ustees For Review and Approval August 7, 2015
Letter to Board of Trustees 1
Section 1: Internal Audit Guidelines 2
Section 2: Risk Assessment 8
Section 3: FY 2016 Internal Audit Plan 11
Exhibit 1: TSBVI 5-Year Audit History 13
Report Distribution Page 14
August 7, 2015
and Visually Impaired
and visually impaired students in Texas

Street Austin, Texas 78756

31 Toll-free: (800) TSB-KARE
Members of the Board,
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Chapter 2102 of the Texas Government Code requires that the
internal audit plan be risk-based and include areas identified though a risk asses
The following proposed Internal Audit Plan is presented for your
review and approval, in accordance with the Texas Internal Auditing Act.
Jaye Stepp
Jaye Stepp, CPA, CIA, CGAP, CRMA
Director of Internal Audit
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Consumers with Visual Impairments: Persons Working with the Visually Impaired:
Parents of Persons with Visual Impairments:
Mary K. Alexander, Vice-Pres., Valley View Position Vacant
Caroline Daley, Kingwood Michael Garrett, Missouri City Anne Corn, Austin
Lee Sonnenberg, Lubbock Joseph Muniz, President, Harlingen Bobby Druesedow, Jr., Aledo

The purpose of this Section is to outline the guidelines that govern
all internal audit activities at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
state that a formal Internal Audit Charter should define the purpose, authority, an
CFCA, which is presented for annual review and approval by the Board.
All state agencies receiving appropriations or pass-through funds
of $10 million or more or those agencies with more than 100 FTE employees mu
An annual audit plan that is prepared using risk assessment
techniques and that identifies the individual audits to be conducted during the ye
Periodic audits of the agency's major systems and controls,
o accounting systems and controls,
o administrative systems and controls, and
o electronic data processing systems and controls.
The Act requires the governing board of the state agency to
appoint an Internal Auditor who shall:
1. Report directly to the state agency's governing board;
2. Develop an annual audit plan;
3. Conduct audits as specified in the audit plan and document any deviations fro
4. Prepare audit reports;
5. Conduct quality assurance reviews in accordance with professional standards
6. Conduct economy and efficiency audits and program results audits as directe
The program of internal auditing conducted by a state agency
must provide for the auditor to have access to the administrator and be free of a
The annual audit plan developed by the Internal Auditor must be
approved by the state agency's governing board.
The Internal Auditor will prepare reports of audits conducted,
including managements response to audit recommendations. The state agency
Office, the State Auditor, the Legislative Budget Board and the
Sunset Commission no later than the 30th day after the date the
report is submitted to the Board of Trustees.
The Director of Internal Audit shall prepare an Annual Report and
submit the report before November 1st of each year to the Governors Office, the
Advisory Commission, the State Auditor, the state agency's governing board, an
prescribe the form and content of the report, subject to the
approval of the legislative audit committee.
The internal audit function shall conform to the Institute of Internal
Auditors (IIA) International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal A
In addition to the Texas Internal Auditing Act, the International
Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing provides a framewor
Reliability and integrity of financial and operational
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations and programs,
Safeguarding of assets, and
Compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and contracts.
Internal auditors are required to ascertain the extent to which
management has established adequate criteria to determine whether objectives
The internal audit activity also must assess and make appropriate
recommendations for improving the governance process in its accomplishment o
Promoting appropriate ethics and values within the organization,
Ensuring effective organizational performance management and accountab
Communicating risk and control information to appropriate areas of the orga
Coordinating the activities of and communicating information among the boa
Internal auditors must evaluate the design, implementation, and
effectiveness of the organizations ethics-related objectives, programs, and activ
The internal audit plan and activities are designed to meet the
guidelines for the internal audit function as stated above.
A. The Internal Auditor will inform the Superintendent and the
appropriate TSBVI management of the audit and its objectives by conducting an
B. The Internal Auditor will independently make a determination
on the results of the audit and issue a draft report to the affected TSBVI manage
C. After presentation of the report to the TSBVI Board and
approval of the final report by the TSBVI Board, the Internal Auditor will provide
D. If, during the course of an audit, the Internal Auditor detects
situations or transactions that could be indicative of fraud or other illegal acts, or
a. Provide all pertinent information to the Superintendent
and the TSBVI Board.
b. Formally request approval from the TSBVI Board to
expand audit procedures or perform an investigation.
c. Upon approval, the Internal Auditor will extend audit
procedures or perform an investigation to obtain sufficient evidence to determine
d. Provide the Superintendent and the TSBVI Board a
formal report on the results. Upon receipt of evidence of illegality, the Superinten
This section presents the results of the TSBVI Risk Assessment,
and establishes the foundation for the Internal Audit Plan presented in the next s
A risk assessment provides management and board members
with a prioritized list of risks associated with the activities of the agency. From th
Risk is defined as the level of exposure to uncertainties that an
organization must comprehend and manage to effectively and efficiently achieve
The TSBVI risk assessment process has three primary parts: (1)
identifying agency activities; (2) identifying and rating risks for each activity; and
The risk assessment matrix, or risk footprint, reflects the identified
risks as ranked by the risk assessment process. This risk footprint changes as it
HH, HM Extensive Risk Management that includes
g by management and an internal audit.
HL, MH Considerable Risk Management that includes monitoring by man
MM, ML, LH Manage and monitor the risk.
LM, LL Monitor or accept the risk.
The results of the risk assessment illustrate the prioritization and
organization of consolidated activities and risk factor priorities. The highest-risk
Activities that fall within the yellow risk category require
considerable risk management. Under this category of risk the Executive Directo
The last two categories of risk are marked in green and gray. For
risks falling within the green category, department managers should ensure they
and executive management accepts the residual risk in these areas.
The Internal Audit Plan for the Texas School for the Blind and
Visually Impaired includes one required audit and three audits that were include
1. Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) Compliance Audit The
Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA), Texas Government Code, Section 2256.00
2. Health Center Audit Risks associated with medication management is ranke
probability. An audit in this area will evaluate procedures and staffing in the Hea
3. Property Management Audit Property loss due to theft,
damage, or loss ranked high on probability in the risk assessment, primarily due
4. Contract Management Audit The risk of noncompliance with state laws and
The Confidential Information Breach Audit that was planned in
FY-2014 is being pushed back to the FY-2017 audit plan.
Time estimates for the FY-2016 internal audit activities are:
Risk Assessment & Internal Audit Plan 60 hrs
Annual Internal Audit Report 60 hrs
Audit Recommendation Tracking 40 hrs
Audit #1 PFIA Audit 250 hrs
Audit #2 Health Center Audit 250 hrs
Audit #3 Property Management Audit 250 hrs
Audit #4 Contract Management Audit 250 hrs
Perf Goals: P&P Review, SAIAF, QAR 150 hrs
Annual updates: Charter; QAIP 60 hrs
Meetings (Board, SAIAF) 80 hrs
Continuing Education / Training 50 hrs
Leave - Holidays / Vacation / Sick 250 hrs
Administrative 250 hrs
Contingencies 80 hrs
Total Estimated Hours 2080 hrs
FY-2015 2015-1 Payroll Processing Audit
2015-2 Legacy Fund Audit

2015-3 Quality Assurance Review TSBVI

2015-4 Quality Assurance Review TSPB

FY-2014 2014-1 Public Funds Investment Act Audit**

2014-2 Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation Audit*

FY-2013 2013-1 Student Supervision Overnight
2013-2 Governance Audit
2013-3 Transportation Audit
FY-2012 2012-1 Public Funds Investment Act Audit**
2012-2 Quality Assurance Review*
2012-3 Emergency Response
FY-2011 2011-1 Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation Audit*
2011-2 Database Management Audit
* Required every three years
** Required every two years
he Blind and Visually Impaired Board Members
Joseph Muniz, President Mary K. Alexander, Vice President
Anne Corn Caroline K. Daley
Bobby Druesedow, Jr.
Garrett Michael Hanley Lee Sonnenberg
hool for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Bill Daugherty, Superintendent
Office of Budget and Planning, and Policy
Mr. Jonathan Hurst
Legislative Budget Board
Mr. Ed Osner
Sunset Advisory Commission
Mr. Ken Levine
State Auditors Office
Internal Audit Coordinator
hough a risk assessment process. This document presents the internal audit guidelines,

diting Act.
FAX: (512)206-9452
Business Office
Central Mail Room (512)206-9450
Outreach Services (512)206-9320
Superintendent (512)206-9453
Admissions (512)206-9148

d Visually Impaired (TSBVI).

pose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity, consistent with the Definit
he Board.

TE employees must comply with 2102.005 of the Internal Auditing Act (Texas Governm

ucted during the year; and

any deviations from the plan;

essional standards and periodically take part in a comprehensive external peer review; a
s audits as directed by the state agency's governing board.
or and be free of all operational and management responsibilities that would impair the a

The state agencys governing board and the administrator must review those audit repo

ernors Office, the Legislative Budget Board, the Sunset

verning board, and the administrator. The State Auditor shall

ctice of Internal Auditing, the Government Accountability Offices (GAO) Government Au

ovides a framework of authoritative guidance for conformance with the Standards. The P

nd contracts.

whether objectives and goals have been accomplished.

accomplishment of the following objectives:

ent and accountability,

areas of the organization,
on among the board, external and internal auditors, and management.

ograms, and activities.

s by conducting an entrance conference prior to beginning an audit.

ed TSBVI management staff. The Internal Auditor will conduct an exit conference with th

uditor will provide copies to all required oversight agencies.

her illegal acts, or receives information from external sources alleging such actions, the

dence to determine whether in fact such acts have occurred and, if so, the cause of the p

lity, the Superintendent will forward findings to the appropriate legal entity.

ented in the next section. The Schools Risk Assessment was updated in July 2015.

e agency. From these risks, a management strategy is developed. The risk assessment
efficiently achieve its objectives and execute its strategies. Risk is a measurement of th

each activity; and (3) identifying actions taken to mitigate risks. The risk assessment co

print changes as it is updated annually with new risks and/or new controls identified. Eac

monitoring by management and a less in depth audit.

The highest-risk areas are marked in red on the footprint. Risks in the red area require

Executive Director or a designee should perform oversight controls to ensure that supe

hould ensure they are providing oversight to monitor the effectiveness of supervisory co

that were included in the FY-2015 audit plan that were not completed due to time const

, Section 2256.005(n), requires every state agency to obtain a compliance audit for its in
nagement is ranked as high impact and medium
staffing in the Health Center

ment, primarily due to the large number of portable electronic devices now being purchas
ith state laws and rules is ranked as medium impact and medium probability, but is a hig

al audit guidelines, risk assessment results, the proposed audit plan, and a summary of
ent with the Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, and the Standards. The I

Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 2102). This act requires the agency to conduct a

ernal peer review; and

would impair the auditor's ability to review independently all aspects of the state agenc

ew those audit reports. The Director of Internal Audit will submit a copy of each report to

AO) Government Auditing Standards, and the Texas Internal Auditing Act.

e Standards. The Professional Practices Framework requires the internal audit activity t
conference with the appropriate TSBVI management, at which time exceptions noted d

g such actions, the Internal Auditor will:

, the cause of the problem and the possible effect on the TSBVI's operations and progra

d in July 2015.

he risk assessment allows the Board to identify the risks being monitored by manageme
measurement of the likelihood that an organizations goals and objectives will not be ac

isk assessment consolidates activities by functional area and prioritizes the activities ba

trols identified. Each risk identified in the matrix is assigned two risk factors of High, Me

he red area require oversight controls to ensure that the supervisory and operating contr

o ensure that supervisory and monitoring controls are working. If internal audit provides

s of supervisory controls and operating controls. Department managers should report to

d due to time constraints.

iance audit for its investments that are not invested by the State Comptroller of Public A

now being purchased and used.

bability, but is a highly visible risk area with recent issues at other agencies. We will eva
n, and a summary of internal audits performed in recent years at TSBVI.
the Standards. The Internal Audit Charter is an agreement between the TSBVI Board an

agency to conduct a program of internal auditing that includes:

ts of the state agency's operation.

opy of each report to the budget division of the Governor's

nternal audit activity to evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of r
e exceptions noted during the course of the audit will be discussed. The Internal Auditor

perations and programs.

tored by management and evaluate the effectiveness of controls and responses to thos
ectives will not be achieved. Controls are anything that improves the likelihood that goal

tizes the activities based on their importance to achieving goals and objectives. The risk

k factors of High, Medium, or Low based on (1) the impact the risk would have on the ag

and operating controls are working. Oversight controls can include exception reports,

ternal audit provides services in this area, it is to ensure that oversight of the supervisor

gers should report to the Superintendent on the condition of these risks. Risks in the gra

mptroller of Public Accounts under Texas Government Code, Section 404.024. This aud
gencies. We will evaluate processes and controls over contracts, from procurement to m
the TSBVI Board and the Internal Auditor that establishes these guidelines for an effect
he improvement of risk management processes. The internal audit activity must evaluat
The Internal Auditor will add management responses to the body of the report and issue

nd responses to those risks. The risk assessment provides a foundation upon which the
e likelihood that goals and objectives will be achieved.

d objectives. The risk assessment matrix is used to determine high-risk areas to be inclu

would have on the agency if it occurred and (2) the probability of occurrence. By combin

e exception reports, status reports, analytical reviews, variance analysis, etc. These con

ght of the supervisory controls are appropriate and are being performed.

isks. Risks in the gray area are low impact risk areas that are managed by operating an

on 404.024. This audit is required to be performed every other year and the report is due
om procurement to management and monitoring.
uidelines for an effective internal auditing program. The TSBVI Internal Audit Charter is T
activity must evaluate risk exposures, including the potential for the occurrence of fraud
f the report and issue a final draft report to the Superintendent and affected TSBVI man

ation upon which the annual internal audit plan is built.

risk areas to be included in the internal audit plan.

currence. By combining these measures the agency develops a priority ranking for each

lysis, etc. These controls are performed by representatives of executive management, o

aged by operating and supervisory controls

and the report is due to the SAO no later than January 1 of even numbered years.
nal Audit Charter is TSBVI Policy
e occurrence of fraud and how it is managed. The auditor assists the organization in mai
affected TSBVI management.
ority ranking for each risk factor. The following key provides the level of risk manageme

utive management, on information provided by supervisory management. Areas within t

umbered years.
e organization in maintaining effective controls by evaluating the effectiveness and effici
el of risk management that will be employed by the agency for each potential risk factor

ement. Areas within this highest risk category are considered for inclusion in the internal
ectiveness and efficiency of the risk management process and by promoting continuous
h potential risk factor ranking:

lusion in the internal audit plan.

romoting continuous improvement. Specifically, the internal audit activity must evaluate
ctivity must evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of controls in responding to risks w
responding to risks within the organizations governance, operations, and information sy
s, and information systems regarding the:

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