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Food and Beverage Consumption and Health Series



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Food and Beverage
Consumption and Health Series

Handbook of Green Tea and Health Research

Helen McKinley and Mark Jamieson (Editors)
2009. ISBN: 978-1-60741-045-4

Marketing Food to Children and Adolescents

Nicoletta A. Wilks
2009 ISBN: 978-1-60692-913-1

Food Labelling: The FDA's Role in the Selection of Healthy Foods

Ethan C. Lefevre (Editor)
2009. ISBN: 78-1-60692-898-1

Fish Consumption and Health

George P. Gagne and Richard H. Medrano (Editors)
2009 ISBN: 978-1-60741-151-2

Milk Consumption and Health

Ebbe Lange and Felix Vogel (Editors)
2009 ISBN: 978-1-60741-459-9

Red Wine and Health

Paul O'Byrne (Editor)
2009 ISBN: 978-1-60692-718-2

Fruit Juices: Properties, consumption and Nutrition

Pauline G. Scardina (Editor)
2009 ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Food and Beverage Consumption and Health Series




Nova Biomedical Books

New York
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Fruit juices : properties, consumption, and nutrition / [edited by] Pauline G. Scardina.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 9781607415053
1. Fruit juices. I. Scardina, Pauline G.
[DNLM: 1. Beverages. 2. Fruit. 3. Food Preservation. 4. Nutritive Value. 5. Phytotherapy--
methods. WB 430 F944 2009]
QP144.F78F78 2009

Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.  New York


Preface i
Chapter 1 Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal
Conductivity of Liquid Food Products (Fruit and Vegetable Juices,
Oils, Milks) and Biological Fluids: Experimental and Modeling 1
A.I. Abdulagatov, I.M. Abdulagatov, M.A. Magerramov,
and N.D. Azizov
Chapter 2 Cactus Pear Juice: A Source of Multiple Nutraceutical
and Functional Components 79
Hasna El Gharras
Chapter 3 Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 107
Pedro Elez-Martnez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny
and Olga Martn-Belloso
Chapter 4 Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components in
Varieties of Orange (Citrus Sinensis L.) 127
M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola
Chapter 5 Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased
Cranberry and Grape Juice Drinks 151
Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna, Martin Roy,
Allen Burdowski, Ben Collins and Guenther Stotzky
Chapter 6 Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties
Of Chinese Quince (Pseudocydonia Sinensis) Fruit And Juice
Extract 167
Yasunori Hamauzu
Chapter 7 Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity
of Fruit Juices: Experimental and Modeling 183
A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov
and N. D. Azizov
vi Contents

Chapter 8 Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient for Laminar

Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in Membrane Modules During
Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 255
Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar
Chapter 9 Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 311
Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar
Index 371

Juice is a liquid naturally contained in fruit or vegetable tissue. Juice is prepared by

mechanically squeezing or macerating fresh fruits or vegetables without the application of
heat or solvents. For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree.
Common methods for preservation and processing of fruit juices include canning,
pasteurization, freezing, evaporation and spray drying. Juices are often consumed for their
health benefits. For example, orange juice is rich in vitamin C, while prune juice is associated
with a digestive health benefit. Cranberry juice has long been known to help prevent or even
treat bladder infections, and it is now known that a substance in cranberries prevents bacteria
from binding to the bladder. Fruit juice consumption overall in Europe, Australia, New
Zealand and the USA has increased in recent years, probably due to public perception of
juices as a healthy natural source of nutrients and increased public interest in health issues.
This new important book gathers the latest research from around the globe in this field.
Chapter 1 - The best and complete comprehensive compilation all of the available
thermal conductivity data for liquid food products (fruit and vegetable juices, oils, milks) and
biological fluids (blood, urine, plasma) at the present time are provided. The overview of the
most important methods (parallel-plate, coaxial-cylinder, and transient hot-wire) for
determining the thermal conductivity of liquid foods is provided. The theoretical bases of the
methods (working equations used to calculate the thermal conductivity), experimental
apparatus details, constructions of the thermal conductivity cells for each method, procedures
of the measurements, and uncertainty of the each technique were described. The effect of
temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of liquid foods were studied.
Various empirical, semiemprical, and theoretical models (polynomials, power, exponential,
logarithmic, and their various combinations, composition, and structural models) for the
thermal conductivity of liquid foods were stringently tested with new accurate measurements
on plum, pear, cherry-plum, raspberry, cherry, peach, apricot, and sweet-cherry juices at
temperatures from 20 to 120 C and at pressures from 0.1 to 0.3 MPa for the concentrations
from 9.8 to 60 Brix. The accuracy, applicability, and predictive capability of the various
theoretical models were studied. A new model was developed to accurately represent the
combined effect of temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of fruit juices.
Models which represent the thermal conductivity of juice relative to pure water were
ii Pauline G. Scardina

Chapter 2 - Recently, functional foods present in natural resources, such as fruits,

vegetables, oilseeds, and herbs, have received a great attention both by health professionals
and the common population for improving overall well-being, as well as in the prevention of
diseases. In fact, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced risks
of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease,
cataract and age-related functional decline.
The recent scientific investigations on cactus reported high content of some chemical
constituents, which can give added value to cactus products in terms of functionality. The
cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) appears to be an excellent candidate for the inclusion in
food. According to several studies, the great number of potentially active nutrients and their
multifunctional properties make cactus pear perfect candidates for the production of health-
promoting food and food supplements. Traditionally, its appreciated for its pharmacological
properties by the Native Americans. However, recent studies on Opuntia have demonstrated
cactus pear fruit and vegetative cladodes to be excellent candidates for the development of
healthy food.
The objective of this chapter is to present a review in terms of cactus pear juice including
its nutraceutical and functional properties.
Chapter 3 - Pulsed electric fields (PEF) is a nonthermal processing technology that could
be used to pasteurize fluid foods avoiding the negative effects of heat. The application of PEF
to preserve fruit juices has been extensively studied in the last years. Both microbiological
safety and spoilage delay can be achieved when juices are treated with PEF. Furthermore,
PEF treatments have also been shown to inactivate varying amounts of several deleterious
enzymes. Because of the inactivation of microorganisms and enzymes with a minimal impact
on quality and nutritional properties, it is suggested that PEF is a technology of choice to
obtain safe and high-quality fruit juices with a shelf-life similar to the attained with mild heat
pasteurization treatments. Moreover, the combination of PEF with other food preservation
techniques is currently being studied in order to further extend the shelf-life of juices. Future
efforts will be devoted to successfully implement PEF processing at an industrial scale as an
alternative to traditional heat processing or even as a way of improving quality of the final
product by reducing heat treatment intensities.
Chapter 4 - Orange juice (Citrus sinensis L.) is probably the best-known and most widely
consumed fruit juice all over the world, particularly appreciated for its fresh flavor and
considered of high beneficial value for its high content in vitamin C and natural antioxidants
such as carotenoids. Concentrations of bioactive compounds in oranges may depend on the
variety, but also on the harvesting date and storage time. The aim of this work, therefore, was
to determine the physical and chemical characteristics (juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix,
vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids) of different varieties of orange and establish a
relationship that would allow discrimination of oranges in terms of variety, harvesting date,
and storage time. Three varieties of orange (Navelina, Navel, and Navel-Lane) were
harvested randomly and directly in the field during their harvesting period. The harvesting
was done on 3 different dates: 0 days (initial harvesting), 14 days later, and 28 days after the
initial harvesting. Each of the harvested samples was stored at 4 2 C. To study the effect of
storage, 3 determinations were made at 3 different times: 0 (initial), 15, and 30 days. A study
was made of the evolution of the juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, vitamin A,
Preface iii

and carotenoid profile of the different varieties of orange during harvesting and storage. The
values of the juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, and vitamin C were in the ranges 46.30
57.81 mL/100 g, 3.314.01, 10.612.5, and 45.5857.79 mg/100 mL, respectively, depending
on the variety, harvesting date, and storage time. Fourteen carotenoids (including cis forms)
were determined in the oranges analyzed, and the vitamin A (RAE) concentration obtained
ranged between 2.93 and 29.44. A predictive model was obtained that could be used to
differentiate the orange varieties analyzed. The model was verified with the results obtained
for the Navel variety of orange harvested in the following season
Chapter 5 - Antimicrobial/antiviral activity by grape (Vitis labrusca) and cranberry
(Vaccinium macrocarpon) species remains an area of interest among food scientists. The
purpose of this study accordingly, was to investigate the effect of pure and store-purchased
grape and cranberry drinks on the infectivity/inactivation of the reovirus, a mammalian
enteric infectious agent. Infectivity titrations were performed by a cell culture based
immunofluorescence focus assay. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to determine
the integrity of the viral dsRNA in cell-free suspensions. Cytotoxicity testing was performed
in part, using an adenylate kinase bioluminescence assay. Animal studies employed
athymic mice. Treatment of cell cultures with concentrations of 2 to 16% pure or store
purchased cranberry and grape juice drinks prior to virus inoculation reduced infectivity titers
by approximately one order of magnitude. Neither juice affected a monolayer toxicity. The
vitamin C supplement in store-purchased cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) drink displayed no
adverse effect on viral titers. A synergistic effect between store-purchased grape (CGJ) and
CJC drinks was not observed. A proanthocyanidin-enriched cranberry concentrate
(PACranTM) of <1% reduced virus infectivity titers by ca. 95%. Reovirus dsRNA was not
detected in virus-juice cell-free suspensions. Clinical disease was not apparent in mice after
oral administration of juice-reovirus suspensions. Mice treated with CJC-reovirus
suspensions displayed normal colon histology. These data suggest that the viral inhibitory
effects may be associated with a blockage of virus receptor sites, a direct inactivation of the
infectious particles per se, or a combination of both. In vivo studies supported the in vitro
antiviral activity by grape and cranberry juices.
Chapter 6 - The production of Chinese quince fruit is very few in the world, even in
Japan. It is nevertheless a unique fruit, traditionally used in folk medicine. It cannot be eaten
raw owing to strong astringency and large amounts of insoluble dietary fiber. Because of this
fiber, it is difficult to extract juice from this fruit. However, it is rich in pectic substances,
polyphenols, organic acids, and ascorbic acid. Juice extraction by applying sucrose osmotic
pressure is time consuming but effective. Boiling is also a convenient and effective way of
extracting the juice and bioactive constituents such as procyanidins and soluble pectins.
Some phytochemicals have been identified as active ingredients responsible for the medicinal
functions of the fruit or extract. Triterpenoid compounds and polyphenols are important
phytochemicals with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-ulcerative properties
among others. However, many aspects remain to be studied, such as the change in functional
compounds during processing, mechanisms of action of functional components, and
verification of the effects of these components by clinical investigations.
Chapter 7 - Viscosity of four fruit (pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon) juices have
been measured at temperatures from 292 to 403 K and at pressures from 0.1 to 10 MPa for
iv Pauline G. Scardina

the concentrations from 11 to 45 Brix. The best and complete comprehensive compilations
all of the available viscosity data for liquid foods at the present time are provided. The effect
of temperature, pressure, and concentration on the viscosity fruit juices were studied. The
measured values of the viscosity were used to calculate the temperature, ( ln / T ) x , and
concentration, ( ln / x )T , coefficients for the fruit juices. Various theoretical models
(polynomials, power, exponential, logarithmic, and their various combinations) for the
viscosity of fruit juices were stringently tested with new accurate measurements on
pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon juices. The applicability, accuracy and predictive
capability of the various models were studied. New models were developed to accurately
represent the combined effect of temperature and concentration on the viscosity of the fruit
juices. Models which represent the viscosity of fruit juices relative to pure water viscosity
was considered. The empirical extension of the various theoretically based models for the
viscosity of aqueous solutions to the fruit juices is considered. It was found that theoretically
based models originally developed for the viscosity of aqueous system can be adopted with
success for fruit juices. The average absolute deviation (AAD) between measured and
calculated values from these models for the viscosity of fruit juices was within 0.8 % to 2 %.
The values of the Arrhenius equation parameters (flow activation energy, E a , and 0 )
were calculated for the measured viscosities of pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and lemon
juices as a function of concentration. The new viscosity models for the fruit juices are
recommended for the future scientific and engineering used.
Chapter 8 - Membrane based clarification and concentration of fruit juice has become a
popular unit operation in modern fruit juice processing industries. The well known membrane
modules used for this purpose are tubular and spiral wound modules. Therefore, design of
these modules is of utmost industrial importance. The key parameter for design of membrane
modules is mass transfer coefficient. Most of the fruit juices have non-Newtonian rheology,
e.g., power law, ellis fluid, etc. Till today, the mass transfer coefficient for such systems used
is approximated from the corresponding relations developed for Newtonian fluids. Hence, a
detailed fluid flow modeling with non-Newtonian rheology is urgently warranted. In the
present work, this aspect is attempted. The expressions of the mass transfer coefficients are
derived from the first principles for laminar, non-Newtonian fluid flow in a porous conduit.
The effects of the permeation are incorporated quantitatively in the mass transfer coefficient
from a theoretical basis. The analysis is carried out for various non-Newtonian rheologies.
Effects of the operating conditions, i.e., Reynolds number, permeate flux, etc. on mass
transfer coefficient are also investigated. Two flow geometries are considered. Flow through
a tube and that through a rectangular thin channel, which are useful for the design of the
tubular and spiral wound cross flow membrane modules. The developed relations of mass
transfer coefficients would be of tremendous help to the design engineers.
Chapter 9 - This chapter discusses the effect of externally applied d.c electric field during
cross-flow ultrafiltration of synthetic juice (mixture of sucrose and pectin) and mosambi
(Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) fruit juice using 50000 (MWCO) polyerthersulfon membrane.
Pectin, completely rejected by the membrane, forms a gel type layer over the membrane
surface. Under the application of an external d.c. electric field across the membrane, gel layer
formation is restricted leading to an enhancement of permeate flux. During ultrafiltration of
Preface v

synthetic juice, application of d.c. electric field (800 V/m) increases the permeate flux to
almost threefold compared to that with zero electric field. A theoretical model based on
integral method assuming suitable concentration profile in the boundary layer is developed.
The proposed model is used to predict the steady state permeate flux in gel-layer governed
electric field assisted ultrafiltration. A gel polarization model is also proposed incorporating
continuous as well as pulsed electric field and numerically solved to quantify the flux decline
and growth of the gel layer thickness. The gel layer thickness is also measured with high-
resolution video microscopy and successfully compared with results from the numerical
solution of the model under various operating conditions. Predictions of the model are
successfully compared with the experimental results under a wide range of operating
Application of d.c. electric field during ultrafiltration of mosambi juice has resulted in
significant improvement of permeate flux. A steady state gel polarization model has been
applied to evaluate the gel layer concentration, effective diffusivity and effective viscosity of
the juice within the concentration boundary layer, by optimizing the experimental flux data.
Application of pulsed electric field is found to be more beneficial in terms of energy
consumption, and equally effective in terms of flux augmentation as compared to constant
In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 1

Effect of Temperature, Pressure

and Concentration on the Thermal
Conductivity of Liquid Food Products
(Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Oils, Milks)
and Biological Fluids:
Experimental and Modeling

A.I. Abdulagatovb, I.M. Abdulagatovb,*, M.A. Magerramova,

and N.D. Azizovc
Azerbaijan State Economic University, Az 1001 Baku, Istiglaliayt Str. 31, Azerbaijan
Institute of Physics of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, 367003 Makhachkala, Shamilya Str. 39-A, Dagestan, Russia
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, 370601, Azerbaijan


The best and complete comprehensive compilation all of the available thermal
conductivity data for liquid food products (fruit and vegetable juices, oils, milks) and
biological fluids (blood, urine, plasma) at the present time are provided. The overview of
the most important methods (parallel-plate, coaxial-cylinder, and transient hot-wire) for
determining the thermal conductivity of liquid foods is provided. The theoretical bases of
the methods (working equations used to calculate the thermal conductivity), experimental
apparatus details, constructions of the thermal conductivity cells for each method,
procedures of the measurements, and uncertainty of the each technique were described.
The effect of temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of liquid foods

Correspondence should be addressed: Email: [email protected]; Fax: (303) 497-5224; Tel: (303) 497-
2 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

were studied. Various empirical, semiemprical, and theoretical models (polynomials,

power, exponential, logarithmic, and their various combinations, composition, and
structural models) for the thermal conductivity of liquid foods were stringently tested
with new accurate measurements on plum, pear, cherry-plum, raspberry, cherry, peach,
apricot, and sweet-cherry juices at temperatures from 20 to 120 C and at pressures from
0.1 to 0.3 MPa for the concentrations from 9.8 to 60 Brix. The accuracy, applicability,
and predictive capability of the various theoretical models were studied. A new model
was developed to accurately represent the combined effect of temperature and
concentration on the thermal conductivity of fruit juices. Models which represent the
thermal conductivity of juice relative to pure water were considered.

Keywords: coaxial-cylinder (steady-state) method; fruit juices; parallel-plate method;

thermal conductivity; transient hot-wire method; thermal conductivity model.

1. Introduction
Thermal conductivity is an important property of liquid food products in the prediction of
heat and mass-transfer coefficients and in the design of heat- and mass-transfer equipment
for food industry. As well known, fruit juices sometimes stored in large containers for later
processing or blending with concentrates from other varieties of juices to obtain the best
characteristics. Also in caning technologies the cans are filled with liquid concentrate and
then rapidly chilled. A value of thermal conductivity is prime necessity in all problems
dealing with flow of heat. Consequently, the calculation of heating or cooling times of fruit
concentrates requires that the value of thermal conductivity of this substance be known.
Thermal treatments such as pasteurization, concentration, drying, cooling and others are
frequently used in food processing, transportation, and storage and cooking. Therefore,
knowledge of the thermal conductivity of food is important not only for the process design
but also for the prediction and control of various changes occurring in food during thermal
processing. To understand and control those processes which used liquid foods, it is
necessary to know their thermodynamic (density, vapor pressure, activity coefficient) and
transport (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and diffusivity) properties. However, the lack of
reliable data over wide temperature and concentration ranges makes it necessary to estimate
the missing properties by empirical and semi-empirical methods. Therefore, new accurate
experimental data for thermal conductivity of liquid foods in the wide temperature and
concentration ranges are needed also to improve and extend the range of validity of available
estimation and correlation methods which will be capable of reproducing the experimental
thermal conductivity data and develop a new more reliable prediction technique.
Modeling, optimization and automation of food processes is difficult due to complexity
of the raw materials and product involved, which affect thermophysical properties such as
density, viscosity, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity. Thermophysical properties of
liquid foods are varying with the chemical composition, physical structure, temperature,
concentration, and pressure. The thermophysical properties of fruit juices exhibit substantial
changes with temperature, pressure, and concentration during processing (storage, transport,
marketing and consumption, chilled, change temperature, tank farm change concentration,
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 3

evaporator change concentration, see for example, Moresi & Spinosi [1] and Crandall et al.
[2]. For this reason the thermophysical properties should be studied as a function of
temperature, pressure, and concentration. The thermal conductivity and other thermophysical
properties of liquid foods are also depend on another factors such as composition and soluble
solids content due to: fruit type, generic characteristics, variety, ripening, place in the plant,
size, plant nutritive level, agricultural practices, weather. This could explain the published
data discrepancy for the same liquid food.
Many fluid foods are subjected to high temperatures (above 90 C) and high pressure (up
to 350 MPa) during pasteurization and thermal processing [3-6]. Fruit juices are also present
at high temperatures and high pressures in high pressure food processing technologies during
pasteurization and thermal processing and other industrial operations. The preservation
temperature is about 60 to 90 C. Last 20 years the high-pressure technology (high-pressure
treatment in food preservation) was expanded to food industry. High pressure presents unique
advantages over conventional thermal treatments including, application at low temperature,
which improves the retention of food quality. Almost all previous thermal conductivity
measurements for liquid foods were performed at atmospheric pressure, although high
pressure food processing technologies need the data at moderate (3-10 MPa) and high
pressures (up to 350 MPa). Very few measurements of the thermal conductivity are available
in the literatures at high temperatures. Little is known about the effect of temperature,
pressure, concentration, and chemical composition on the thermal conductivity of liquid
Because of the wide variation across liquid food products, it is impossible to obtain the
reliable thermal conductivity data for all kinds of foods from the measured data. Predictive
methods for the thermal conductivity of liquid foods are needed. There are a number of
models for the prediction of the thermal conductivity which is based on empirical and
theoretical studies. Unfortunately, the thermophysical properties of liquid food products
cannot be accurately predicted theoretically, due to their complicated physical and chemical
structure. Therefore, the thermal conductivity measurements of liquid foods are also research
interest. The available theoretical models for liquid foods cannot describe complex real
system as they met in practice. Better prediction models can be developed based on reliable
experimental information on thermal conductivity data for liquid foods. The models are
required reliable thermal conductivity measurements for validation. Thus, there is great
practical and theoretical interest in the study of the effect of temperature, pressure, and
concentration on thermal conductivity of liquid food products at equipment operating
Other thermophysical properties such as thermal diffusivity, a , or heat capacity, C P ,
can be estimated from thermal conductivity, k , measurements, according to the definition,
a = k / C P , where is the density. Therefore, the accurate thermal conductivity data are
need for the independent test of the consistence and accuracy of the different kind
measurements (thermal diffusivity, heat capacity, and density). However published thermal
conductivity data for liquid food products are very limited. Most reported thermal
conductivity data of food products are concerned with solid materials. Thus, the main
purpose of this Chapter is to provide the readers with a comprehensive review on the
4 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

available experimental data sets on the thermal conductivity of liquid food products, critical
analyses of the estimation, correlation, and prediction methods, to select more reliable data
sets and to give some preliminary recommendations for scientific and applied used. Another
objective of this work was to develop new correlation and prediction models for the thermal
conductivity of liquid foods as a function of temperature and concentration. Tables of the
original experimental thermal conductivity data for eight fruit juices at high temperatures (up
to 120 C) are given in the Appendix. These data were used to examine the existing
correlation equations and prediction techniques for the thermal conductivity of liquid food
products. All of available sources of data for the thermal conductivity of liquid food products
in the wide temperature and concentration ranges has been collected and estimated their
reliability. The summary table with a list of information on available data sets for the thermal
conductivity of liquid food products including the information about the temperature and
concentration ranges, the experimental method used and references on original experimental
sources will be presented.

1.1. Materials descriptions

Experimental samples 15.1, 12.2, 18.5, 14.0, 14.3, 15.1, 9.8, and 14.8 Brix of plum,
cherry-plum, apricot, pear, sweet-cherry, cherry, raspberry, and peach juices, respectively,
used in this study were obtained from fresh full-ripe fruits from a plant in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The natural juices were obtained by squeezing the full-ripe fruits with a laboratory screw
press, eliminating the suspended solids by filtering and clarifying. Concentrated juices with
various soluble solids contents were obtained from the original concentrate using a rotary
glass vacuum evaporator (SPT-200, Zeamil-Horyzont, Poland) at temperature below 60 C.
The evaporation chamber was rotated at a constant rotational speed in water bath at 40C.
The soluble solids content as Brix was measured using a universal laboratory refractometer
(RLU-1, Russia) at room temperature (20 C). In order to adjust the concentration of the
juice, the concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. The samples were stored in
glass vessel at 2-4 C (8 hours) until used for the density measurements. Microelements
(potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphates) were determined using an atomic
absorption spectrophotometer (C-115-M1, Russia). The glucose and fructose contents were
determined by the method of Bertrand. The total sugar was calculated by summation of
individual sugars. The pH was measured using a digital pH-meter (Kent EIL 7020, UK) at 20
C. Total acidity was determined by potentiometric titration with NaOH 0.1 N until pH 8,
monitored with pH-meter. Physical and chemical characteristics of eight fruit (pear, plum,
peach, cherry-plum, cherry, raspberry, apricot, and sweet-cherry) juices are given in Table 1.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 5

Table 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of fruit juices

Pear juice Cherry-plum juice

Soluble solids 15.2 Brix Soluble solids 12.2 Brix
Pectin 0.25 % Pectin -
Total sugar 8.70 % Total sugar 3.6 %
Glucose 1.43 % Glucose 1.8 %
Fructose 6.91 % Fructose 0.8 %
Sucrose 0.36 % Sucrose 1.0 %
Amino acid nitrogen 0.141 % Amino acid nitrogen -
Tannic acid 0.0171 Tannic acid -
Cellulose 0.90 Cellulose -
pH 4.15 pH 3.4
Potassium 48 mg l-1 Potassium 58 mg
Calcium 12 mg l-1 Calcium 3.9 mg
Magnesium 3 mg l-1 Magnesium -
Phosphate 13 mg l-1 Phosphate 22 mg
Ash 0.3 Ash -
Plum juice Peach juice
Soluble solids 15.1Brix Soluble solids 14.8Brix
Total sugar 10.5 % Total sugar 9.30 %
Sucrose 3.00 % Glucose 4.10 %
Glucose 5.20 % Fructose 3.00 %
Fructose 2.20 % Sucrose 2.10 %
Acidity 0.98 % Acidity 0.60 %
Potassium* 39.0 mg Pectin 0.30 %
Calcium* 4.10 mg Potassium* 35.0
Magnesium* 3.50 mg Calcium* 8.50
Phosphates* 17.0 mg Magnesium* 9.50
pH 3.50 Phosphates* 24.0
- pH 3.90
Cherry juice Raspberry juice
Soluble solids 9.8 Brix Soluble solids 15.1Brix
Total sugar 9.43 % Total sugar 5.50 %
Sucrose 0.24 % Sucrose 1.20 %
Glucose 5.48 % Glucose 1.77 %
Fructose 3.71 % Fructose 2.50 %
Pectin 0.08 % Pectin 0.58 %
Acidity 1.30 % Acidity 1.10 %
Potassium* 70.0 mg Potassium* 88.0 mg
Calcium* 8.20 mg Calcium* 8.00 mg
Magnesium* 7.50 mg Magnesium* 24.0 mg
Phosphates* 23.0 mg Phosphates* 38.0 mg
pH 3.1 pH 3.70
Apricot juice Sweet-cherry juice
Soluble solids 18.5 Brix Soluble solids 14.3 Brix
Total suar - Total sugar -
Sucrose 6.5 % Sucrose 0.3 %
6 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 1. (Continued)

Apricot juice Sweet-cherry juice

Glucose 2.4 % Glucose 5.3 %
Fructose 1.5 % Fructose 4.9 %
Pectin - Pectin -
Acidity - Potassium* 85
Potassium* 105 Calcium* 31
Calcium* 15.9 Magnesium* -
Magnesium* 8.8 Phosphates* 19
Phosphates* 26 pH 3.8
pH 3.5
mg in 100 g juice

2. Thermal Conductivity

Unlike equilibrium properties (density, heat capacity, enthalpy), the experimental

determination of the thermal conductivity of liquid foods encounters some difficulties
because of effects caused by deviation of a system from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The
temperature gradient, for example, usually induces not only thermal conductivity but
convection and radiation as well. To take account of this a special technique should be
developed for measuring the thermal conductivity which would minimize the effects of
convection and radiation. Various methods were employed to perform measurements of the
thermal conductivity of liquid food products. Most available thermal conductivity data sets
for liquid foods were derived with techniques parallel-plate, coaxial-cylinder, and transient
hot-wire (see Table 2). In this section these methods employed to measure the thermal
conductivity of liquid foods will discussed. In general, the uncertainty of all the available
experimental thermal conductivity data derived with the first two methods should be within 1
% to 2 %. The data obtained with the transient hot-wire technique are expected to be of worse
uncertainty. This section presents an overview of the most important methods for determining
the thermal conductivity of liquid foods. The theoretical bases of the methods (working
equations used to calculate thermal conductivity), experimental apparatus details,
constructions of the thermal conductivity cells for each method, procedures of the
measurements, and uncertainty of the each technique will be described.
The thermal conductivity of liquids measures its propensity to dissipate energy, when
disturbed from equilibrium by the imposition of a temperature gradient. For isotropic fluids
the thermal conductivity, k, is defined by Fouriers law

Q = kT , (1)

where Q is the instantaneous flux of heat, which is the response of the medium to the
instantaneous temperature gradient. In liquid foods the main source of experimental
uncertainty is convection. Thermal conductivity is one of the more difficult properties to
measure due to convection (Wakeham et al. [7]) and the effect of heat losses. Choi and Okos
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 7

[8], Reidy and Rippen [9], Reidy [10], Tabil [11], Jowitt et al. [12], Saravacos and Maroulis
[13], and Mohsenin [14] reported extensive review of the methods used for the measurements
of thermal conductivity liquid foods.

Table 2. Summary of experimental thermal conductivity data for liquid foods

Liquid foods and biological References Concentration Temp. Method

fluids (C)
Orange Telis-Romero et al. [74] 34-69 wt. % 0.5-62 CC
Orange Morgan [132] 58.9 , 42 Brix -17.8 N/A
Orange Keller [78] 20, 40, 60 Brix -11 - CC
Orange, mango Xu et al. [75] 34 wt %, 12.6 31-53 CC
wt %
Orange, fructose solution, Muramatsu et al. [129] 10-60 wt % 10-50 THF
sucrose solution, grape,
pineapple, peach, cream
Coffee Telis-Romero et al. [80] 49-90 wt % 30-82 CC
Caja Tadini et al. [70] 8.8-49.4 Brix 0.4-77.1 CC
Pear Dickerson [136] - 20 N/A
Pear Reidy [10] 15-61 Brix 20-80 N/A
Tomato Choi and Okos [139] 40-95.2 Brix 30-150 TCP
Tomato Maslikov and Medvedev 30-76 Brix 20-60 BC
Tomato Filkova [140] 9.5 wt % N/A N/A
Apple, orange, grapefruit, Quashou [128] up to 60 Brix 20-80 N/A
grape, pear
Apple, cherry, grape, pear, Riedel [67] 89 mass %, 20-80 CC
raspberry, milk 8.3-10.8-
Apple, orange Frandas and Bicanic [130] 0-70.2 Brix 0-70 PPE
Apple, orange Ziegler and Rizvi [131] 3.92-64 Brix 20 TCM
Apple Constenla [133] 12-68.5 Brix 20-80 TCP
Apple Muramatsu et al. [134] 10-45 wt % 10-50 TPM
Apple Kolarov and Gromov [135] PP
Passion fruit Grato et al. [66] 50.6-90.2 wt % 0.4-68.8 CC
Cherry tomato Sweat [157] TCP
Peach, raspberry, cherry, plum Magerramov et al. [76] 9.8 60 Brix 20-120 CC
Pear, sweet-cherry, apricot, Magerramov et al. [77] 12.2-50 Brix 20-120 CC
Celery Lau [143] 0-30 % -9.1-0.0 CD
Grape Voitko et al. [138] 20-60 Brix 0-20 CC
8 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 2. (Continued)

Guava Shamsudin [142] 10-40 Brix 30 80 TPA

Pink guava Zainal [137] 9, 11 Brix 65-80 ODM
Beet Khelemskii and Zhadan 8-25 wt % 24.7 BC
Yellow mombin Assis et al. [72] 8.8-49.4 Brix 0.4-77.1 CC

Lemon Pedro et al. [71] 38.1-90 wt % 0.3-80.6 CC

Graviola, cupuaci, acai, Moura [158] 8.4, 11.9, 11.5 21 DR
Reconstituted milk, skim milk, Muramatsu et al. [148] 10-40 wt % 10-50 TPM
Reconstituted milk Reddy and Datta [150] 40-70 mass % 35-65 TCP
Whole and skim milks1 -3.7 Fernandez-Martin and 8.71-40.83 mass 5-75 CC
concentration degree (fat 0.1- Montes [69] %
11.17 %)
Whole and skimmed milk Minim et al. [68] 72-92 mass % 2-71 CC
Whole and skimmed milk Kessler [146] NA 0-100 N/A
Whole and skimmed milk More and Prasad [223] 37 72.4 mass 40-90 PP
Cows milk, skimmed milk, Spells [149] N/A 31-38 GD
egg white, egg yolk, cod liver
Condensed milk (10 mass % Leidenfrost [159] 0.3 -1.52 20-60 N/A
fat) concentration
Skim and whole (2.5 %fat) Konrad [147] 20-40 Brix 20-60 N/A
Vegetable oil-water, olive oil Nowrey [152] 9.3-100 wt % 23.9 PP
Olive oil Woolf [79] CC
Human and animal blood, Poppendiek [151] N/A 23.9- PP
urine, plasma, gastric juice, egg 37.8
Liquid egg Coimbra et al. [73] 51.8 88.2 0-38 CC
mass %
CC-concentric-cylinder method (steady-state); PPE-photopyroelectric; THF-transient heat flow
method; TCP-thermal conductivity probe; TPA-thermal properties analyzer; TPM-twin probe
method; PP-parallel plate; BC-bicalorimeter; GD-glass disk; CD- derived from , a, and C P
data; ODM-oven drying method; TCM thermal comparator method; DR-derived from other
experimental data.

2.1. Experimental techniques

Most of the conventional techniques of thermal conductivity measurements of liquids are

based on the steady-state solution of Eq.(1), i.e. establishing a stationary temperature
difference across a layer of liquid confined between two cylinders or parallel plates (Kestin
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 9

and Wakeham [15]). In recent years, the transient hot-wire technique for the measurement of
the thermal conductivity of liquids has also widely been employed [16-31].
In Table 2 all available experimental thermal conductivity data sources for liquid food
product are presented. As one can see from this table, all data were derived by the concentric-
cylinder (steady-state); parallel plate; transient heat flow; thermal conductivity probe;
photopyroelectric; bicalorimeter; and twin probe methods. Majority reported thermal
conductivity data for liquid food products were measured by using the concentric-cylinder
(steady-state), parallel plate, and thermal conductivity probe techniques. In this section a brief
analyses of these methods is presented. The theoretical bases of the methods, and the working
equations employed is presented, together with a brief description of the experimental
apparatus and the measurements procedure of each technique. For a more thorough
discussion of the various techniques employed, the reader is referred to relevant literature

2.1.1. Parallel-plate technique

This technique for the measurement of the thermal conductivity has been used for almost
a century (Todd [34]), and it has in fact been considerably improved over the years [35-55].

Fig. 1. Parallel-plate thermal conductivity cell by Michels et al. [52]

10 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al. Theoretical
According to the parallel-plate technique, the fluid under investigation is confined
between two horizontal plates, heated from above, so that the upper plate is at a higher
temperature than the lower one (see Fig.1). Provided the two plates are maintained at
constant uniform temperatures T1 and T2 respectively, the steady-state solution of Eq. (1) is

(T1 T2 )
Q=kS , (2)

where d is the thickness of the fluid layer, S is the area across which the heat flows, k is the
thermal conductivity and Q represents the total amount of heat generated in the emitter. In
this solution it is assumed that the thermal conductivity of the fluid is constant over the
temperature difference applied, that the plate dimensions are infinite and that the heat flux is
in one dimension.
In a real experiment, the measured heat flux Qexp and temperature difference exp, differ
from the aforementioned Q and (= T1-T2), due to parasitic heat losses, Qp, heat losses due
to radiation, Qr, and convective heat losses, Qc. Thus

Q = Qexp Q p Q r Qc . (3)

The parasitic heat losses, Qp, can be calculated (Moster et al. [35]) from

Qp = (c1 + c2 k ) Qexp (c3 c4 k )Qs , (4)

where ci are constants determined from cell design, and Qs is the heat relieved in the guard
ring and plate.
The thermal conductivity cell design proposed by Moster et al. [47], is a good example
of a cell constructed in order to minimize the effects of convection. The Rayleigh number,
Ra, for the laminar convection is

Ra = Gr Pr = g 2CP T d 3 / k , (5)

where g is the gravitational acceleration, is the thermal expansion coefficient of the fluid,
is the density, Cp the isobaric heat capacity, k the thermal conductivity, and is the viscosity.
For an infinite horizontal layer the critical value of the Rayleigh number, Ra, is 1708 [56].
If the parallel plates that bind the liquid layer deviate from the horizontal plane by angle
then convection of the fluid can occur. The values of the convective heat loss, Qc, can then
be calculated from the de Groot theory [57,58] as

Qc < Ra l sin T / 720 . (6)

Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 11

This expression is valid at d / l << 1, where l denotes the diameter of the upper plate. It
follows, from Eq. (5) and (6), that the convective heat loss, Qc, is proportional to T .

Therefore, any deviation from the linearity of Qc vs. T, can be regarded as an indication of
the presence of convection. In practice, the presence of convection can be checked by
measuring the thermal conductivity at various temperature differences . The presence of
convection will show as a dependence of the thermal conductivity on this temperature
difference. The effects of convection can be made negligibly small by ensuring horizontality
and employing a small distance d. The uncertainty in thermal conductivity measurement due
to convection in a layer between two parallel plates is given by [52]

d Ra sin
k = , (7)
180 D

where D is the diameter of the hot plate, and is the constant (<1).
A correction for the temperature difference can be expressed as

T = Texp Ts Ta , (8)

where Ts is a correction connected with the temperature nonuniformity in the plates, and
Ta is the correction for the temperature drop at the surfaces of both upper and lower plates
(the accommodation effect). The values of these corrections can be estimated as [35]

Ts = Cg k Texp , (9)

2 0.83 2 T k Texp
Ta = 2 , (10)
m C P + CV P d

where Cg is a constant, is the accommodation coefficient, P is the fluids pressure, and Cv

is the isochoric heat capacity. It is apparent from Eq. (10) that Ta P 1 , and therefore, the
accommodation correction is important at low pressures only. The values of depends on
the nonideal behavior of thermal exchange between the plate surface and the fluid under
study. For a detailed discussion of the parallel-plate technique, the reader is referred to the
review by Sirota [59]. Experimental
In order to perform accurate measurements of the thermal conductivity of liquids under high
pressures (up to 100 MPa) and high temperatures (up to 650 K), a parallel-plate apparatus
was developed by Amirkkhanov and Adamov [36] and Amirkhanov et al. [37]. This
instrument was further improved by Abdulagatov and Magomedov [38-49]. The thermal
conductivity measurement system consists of a thermal-conductivity cell, a high-pressure
vessel, a liquid thermostat, dead-weight pressure gauge, a water-to-oil separator, containers
12 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

for degassed water and solution, and backing pump. A schematic diagram of the experimental
cell construction developed by Abdulagatov and Magomedov [38-49] for high temperature
and high pressure thermal conductivity measurements is schematically shown in Fig. 2. The
thermal-conductivity cell consists of three plates: guard plate-1, upper (hot) plate-2, and
lower plate-5. The guard plate is surrounded by a guard heater-4. The thermal-conductivity
cell has a cylindrical form with a 21 mm height and 90 mm diameter. The thickness d of the
gap between the upper and lower plates is fixed by supports-10. The upper plate has a
diameter of 68.05 mm. The lower plate has a thickness of 9 mm. The cell is made from
stainless-steel. The fluid surrounds the cell and fills the gap between upper and lower plates.
The gap between the guard and the upper plates is 1 mm and filled with glass fiber.
Differential thermocouples-6 are used for the measurement of the temperature difference T
between the upper and lower plates. The temperature of the upper and the lower plates is
measured with a chrome l cope l thermocouple-9 with a precision of 0.02 K. The cell
described above was used in conjunction with an automatic Wheatstone bridge-19. The
thermal-conductivity cell is mounted inside a high-pressure vessel which is placed in the
liquid thermostat. Working equation and uncertainty

The thermal conductivity k of the fluid was calculated from Eq. (2), employing
measurements of the heat Q transmitted across the solution layer, the temperature difference
T between the upper and lower plates, the thickness of the solution layer d and the effective
area of the upper plate S. The dimensions S and d of the thermal-conductivity cell entered in
the working equation need some corrections in order to account for the effect of their changes
due to the applied temperature and pressure. The cell constant (d/S) has also to be corrected
for thermal expansion and compression. The effect of pressure is negligibly small in the
pressure range of the experiments (up to 100 MPa) since the entire cell was under pressure.
The uncertainty of the cell constant determination was 0.3 %. The uncertainty of the power
Qexp (amount of electrical energy released by the heater) measurements, was less than 0.08 %.
The uncertainty in the temperature difference Texp was less than 0.14 %. The correction for
parasitic heat flow was of the order of 0.003 %. Taking into account the uncertainties of
temperature, pressure, and concentration measurements, the total experimental uncertainty in
the thermal conductivity is estimated to be less than 1.6 %.
At low temperatures T = 313 K the values of Qr at T = 0.5 K is 0.0617 W which is
considerably less than values of heat Q = 7.5121 W, transmitted across the fluid layer. To
reduce the values of Ra, a small gap distance d = 301.00.1 m was employed by
Abdulagatov and Magomedov [38-49], while the temperature difference T employed in the
measurements was 1 K. In this way, it is possible to minimize the risk of convection.
Another version of the parallel-plate apparatus was developed by Yusufova et al. [60,61],
Pepinov and Guseynov [62-65]. The parallel-plate thermal conductivity cell employed these
authors is schematically shown in Fig. 3. The construction of the cell is the same with that
employed by Sirota et al. [50] and Sirota [59]. The thermal conductivity cell consisted of (see
Fig. 3) a hot-2 and cold-17 plate made from stainless steel; guard plate-5 made from cooper;
guard ring-21; guard heaters-6 and 7; main heater-1; thermocouples-15 and 16. The hot and
cold plates are connected with a metallic ring-19. The working surface of the plates was
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 13

machined flat within 0.2 mm and polished. The gap between the plates was adjusted with
three packing washers-11 (diameter 4 mm). The temperature gradient between plates was
within 0.5 to 1.5 K. The temperature difference between main and guard heaters were
between 0.00 and 0.03 K. The plate distance was 0.85 mm. The uncertainty of the thermal
conductivity measurements with this instrument is 1.5 to 2.0 %.

16 17

P-136 300-1
15 18

P-136 300-1


12 13 14 1 2 3

5 7
10 6



Fig. 2. Guarded parallel-plate thermal conductivity cell (Abdulagatov and Magomedov [38]) : 1-guard
plate; 2-upper (hot) plate; 3-inner heater; 4-guard heater; 5- lower (cool) plate; 6- differential
thermocouple; 7- direct current potentiometer (R-348, a rated uncertainty of 0.002 %); 8- Dewar vessel;
9-absolute thermocouple; 10- supports; 11- fluid layer; 12 and 14 - arms of the Wheatstone bridge; 13-
glass-fiber layer; 15 and 16- stabilized sources of direct current (P-136, a rated uncertainty of 0.02%);
17 and 18- digital potentiometer ( 300-1, a rated uncertainty of 0.07 %); 19- Wheatstone bridge (a
rated uncertainty of 0.001 K).
14 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

1 2 3 4 5 6
21 8
20 10
19 12


17 16 15 22 14
Fig. 3. Parallel-plate high temperature and high pressure thermal conductivity cell, developed by
Yusufova et al. [60,61] and Pepinov and Guseynov [62,65]. 1-Main heater; 2- hot plate; 3-differential
thermocouple; 4- plate; 5- guard plate; 6- and 7-guard heaters; 8-tumbler; 9-high pressure vessel; 10-
spirali of the main and guard heaters; 11-washers; 12-contact with washer; 13-heater; 14-differential
thermocouple; 15- and 16-thermocouples; 17-cold plate; 18-connecting piece; 19- jointing ring; 20-
heater; 21-guard ring; 22-gap; 23-channel.
Measuring Cell

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus and experimental cell for measuring the
thermal conductivity of liquids at high temperatures and high pressures by the coaxial cylinders method
(Abdulagatov et al. [91-93]). High-pressure autoclave-1; thermostat-2; heater-3; PRT-4; thermocouple-
5; filling tank-6; set of valves-7; dead-weight pressure gauge (MP-600)-8; separating U-shape capillary
tube-9; electrical feedthrough-10. Measuring cell: Autoclave-1; inner cylinder-2; outer-cylinder-3;
microheater-4; thermocouples-5; axial alignment screws-6.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 15

2.1.2. Coaxial-cylinder technique

The coaxial-cylinder technique was successfully employed for the measurement of the
thermal conductivity of liquid food products by many authors [66-80], liquids, and aqueous
solutions [82-86]. In Table 2, 15 out of 43 published data sets for fruit juices employed this
technique. The coaxial-cylinder technique is a steady-state method which measures the heat
exchange by conduction between two concentric cylindrical surfaces separated by a small
gap filled with the fluid sample, each of these surfaces being maintained at constant
temperature. This technique was successfully employed to measure the thermal conductivity
of pure liquids and aqueous solutions. The method was considerably improved by Le Neindre
et al. [87-89]. The thermal conductivity experimental cell developed by Le Neindre et al. [87-
89] is schematically shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Coaxial-cylinder cell developed by Le Neindre [87-89]. Theoretical
In this technique, the fluid is placed in a ring-shaped gap between two coaxial cylinders
with a common vertical axis. According to the ideal model, a thin layer of a homogeneous
fluid with a uniform thermal conductivity, k, is enclosed between two coaxial cylinders of
length l. If a heat flux is uniformly generated in the inner cylinder and propagates radially
16 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

through the fluid under study, to the outer cylinder in steady state conditions, the
temperatures of the inner and outer cylinders will be T1 and T2 respectively. The thermal
conductivity is determined as a function of these two temperatures and the amount of heat,
Q , released by the inner cylinder, as

2 l k
Q= (T1 T2 ) . (11)
log(d 2 / d1 )

In the above relation, d1 is the external radius of the inner cylinder; and d2 is the internal
radius of the external cylinder. The ends of the cylinders can be made in different shapes:
flat, conical or spherical.
When measuring the thermal conductivity with this technique, some corrections should
be made for: 1. radiation-induced heat transfer (radiative correction); 2. parasitic heat transfer
from the inner to the outer cylinder through a central solid pintle, electric wires, and
thermocouples; 3. convective heat transfer; and 4. effects of possible temperature jumps at
the interface between the liquid layer and the cylinder surface.
The correction for radiation is usually calculated by the Stefan-Boltzmann law

1 1
Qr = 4R 2TL3 1 T . (12)

The radiation absorption in the liquid is negligibly small. Le Neindre et al. [89]
employed silver cylinders with perfectly polished surfaces to reduce the heat transfer by
radiation (see Fig. 5). The emissivity of these cylinders was small and Qr estimated from Eq.
(12) is negligible by comparison with the heat transfer by conduction.
The convective heat transfer, Qc, can be calculated from the relation [90]

Qc = Ra k T , (13)

where Ra is the Rayleigh number defined in Eq. (5), d1 is the radius of the inner cylinder; and
is the temperature difference between the cylinders. In most experimental cells, the radius
of the inner cylinder is about 0.01 m and the gap between cylinders is between 0.2 and 0.4
mm. The corrections for heat losses through the solid parts of the cell are determined by
calibrating with measurements on standard fluids, for which the thermal conductivity is well
known. Experimental
The coaxial-cylinder apparatus and the thermal conductivity cell employed by
Abdulagatov et al. [91,92] and Abdulagatov and Azizov [93], to measure the thermal
conductivity of aqueous solutions at temperatures up to 591 K, is schematically shown in Fig.
4. The main part of the apparatus consisted of a high-pressure autoclave-1, thermostat-2, and
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 17

thermal conductivity cell. The thermal conductivity cell consisted of two coaxial cylinders:
inner (emitting) cylinder-2 and outer (receiving) cylinder-3. The cylinders were made from
stainless steel and located in a high pressure autoclave. The deviation from concentricity was
0.002 cm or 2 % of the sample layer. The temperature in the thermostat was controlled with
heater-3. The temperature differences between various sections (levels) of the copper block
were within 0.02 K. The important dimensions of the thermal conductivity cell are: OD of the
inner cylinder is d1 = (10.98 0.01)10-3 m. ID of the outer cylinder is d2 = (12.92 0.02)
10-3 m. The length of the measuring section of the inner cylinder (emitter) is l = (150
0.1)10-3 m. The gap between cylinders (thickness of the liquid gap) was d = (0.97 0.03)
10-3 m. The choice of this gap represents a compromise between decreasing convection and
accommodation effect. The acceptable value for the thickness of the liquid layer d is between
0.5 and 1 mm. The optimal value ratio of the length l to the diameter of the inner cylinder d1
should be l/d1 = 10 to 15.
In the cell, the heat was generated in the micro-heater-4 which consists of an isolated
constantan wire of 0.1 mm diameter. A micro-heater was mounted inside the inner cylinder
(emitter) which was closely wound around a surface of a 2 mm diameter ceramic tube and
isolated with high temperature lacquer.
To reduce the values of the Rayleigh number, Ra, a small gap distance between cylinders
d = (0.97 0.03) 10-3 m was used. This way the risk of convection was minimized.
Convection could develop when the Ra exceeds a certain critical value Rac, which for vertical
coaxial cylinders is about 1000 (Gershuni [94]). The absence of convection can be verified
experimentally by measuring the thermal conductivity with different temperature differences
T across the measuring gap and different power Q transferred from inner to outer cylinder.
Since heat transfer by radiation is proportional to 4T3T, we would expect radiation losses to
substantially increase as a function of the cell temperature. This kind of correction is included
in the calibration procedure. The emissivity of the walls was small and Qrad, estimated by Eq.
(7) is negligible ( 0.164 W) by comparison with the heat transfer (13.06 W) by conduction
in the temperature range up to 600 K. This thermal conductivity apparatus was used to
measure the thermal conductivity of fruit (peach, raspberry, cherry, plum, pear, sweet-cherry,
apricot, and cherry-plum) juices (Magerramov et al. [76,77]). The results are presented in
Appendix. Working equation and uncertainty

The thermal conductivity of the sample at a given temperature and pressure for this
method is calculated from Eq. (11), as

Q log(d 2 / d1 )
k= , (14)
2 l T

where Q = Qmeas -Qlos is the amount of heat transferred by conduction alone across the sample
layer between the cylinders. Qmeas is the amount of heat released by the calorimetric micro-
heater, while Qlos is the amount of heat losses through the ends of the measuring cell (end
effect). Equivalently, = meas - corr. The values of Q and T are measured indirectly
18 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

and some corrections are necessary. As however it is difficult to estimate the values of the
Qlos and Tcorr by calculation, they are estimated by measuring the thermal conductivity of
standard liquids, such as water, whose thermal conductivity is very well known (IAPWS
standard, Kestin et al. [95]). Typically, the amount of heat flow Q and the temperature
difference T were found to be 13.06 W and 3.5 K, respectively, while the estimated value of
Qlos is about 0.05 W, which is negligible (0.38 %). Taking into account all corrections, the
final working equation for the thermal conductivity for this instrument can be rewritten as

Qmeas Qlos
k=A , (15)
Tmeas Tcorr

where A = ln (d 2 / d1 ) / 2 l is the cell constant which can be determined either from its
geometrical characteristics, or by means of a calibration technique using thermal conductivity
data for a reference fluid (pure water, IAPWS, Kestin et al. [95]). The values of the cell
constant determined in these two ways are 0.1727 m-1 and 0.1752 m-1, respectively.
After a careful analysis of the uncertainties all of the quantities (Abdulagatov et al. [91])
entering Eq. (15), it is estimated that the combined relative uncertainty in the thermal
conductivity measurements was 2 %.
Another version of this technique was developed by Eldarov et al. [96-103] and Abdullaev et
al. [104-113]. Three versions of a coaxial cylinder instrument were employed by Eldarov et
al. [96-103] to measure the thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions. In the first version, the
instrument was composed of a 150 mm-stainless steel-inner cylinder and a 120 mm-length
copper-outer cylinder with a 0.5 mm gap between cylinders. In the second version of the cell,
the heater was inserted into melted tin in the inner cylinder. This arrangement reduced the
heat loss generated in the inner cylinder and resulted in the accurate measurement of the
temperature difference between the cylinders due to the excellent thermal contact between
the heater and inner cylinder. Cylinders were made out of stainless steel, the length of the
measuring part of the cylinder was 120 mm, and the gap between cylinders was 0.4 mm. In
the third version the inner cylinder was filled with melted silver solder up to 125 mm from
the bottom. The length and gap between the cylinders were 150 mm and 0.35 mm,
respectively. All three versions of the measuring thermal conductivity cells were used to
check how measured values of k depends on the ratio T / , where is the distance
between the cylinders. The apparatus and design of the coaxial-cylinder cell used by Eldarov
et al. [96-103] is shown in Fig. 6. Outer diameter of the internal cylinder was 8.3010.001
mm, and the inner diameter of the outer cylinder was 9.6020.001 mm. The length of the
measuring part of the cell was 215 mm. The total uncertainty in thermal conductivity
measurement in this instrument is estimated to be 1.33 to 2.2 %.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 19





Fig. 6. Experimental apparatus (a) and experimental cell (b) for the high temperature and high pressure
thermal conductivity measurements, developed by Eldarov [96-103]. (a): 1-Thermal conductivity cell;
2-autoclave; 3-liquid thermostat; 4-PRT; 5-U-shaped separated vessel; 6-lid; 7- hydraulic press; 8-high
pressure valves; 9-sample; 10-mixer; 12-indicating tank; 13-separated flask; 14-vacuum pump. (b): 1-
Inner cylinder; 2- outer cylinder; 3-annular gap between the cylinders; 4-heater; 5-U-shaped quartz
tube; 6-melted tin; 7-sprocket; 8-thin wall bushing; 9-filling tube; 10-differential thermocouples; 11-
asbestos plug; 12-copper wires; 13- bushing.
20 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.


6 5



Fig. 7. Experimental apparatus (a) and experimental cell (b) for the thermal conductivity measurements
of aqueous solutions at high temperatures, developed by Safronov et al. [114] and Grigorev [115,116].
(a): 1-Glass vessel with sample; 2-valve; 3-manometer; 4- hydraulic press; 5-, 6-, 7-valves; 8-thermal
conductivity cell; 9-high pressure autoclave; 10-liquid thermostat; 11-vacuum-gauge; 12-glass vessel
with sample; 13-vacuum pump; 14- dead-weight pressure gauge (manometer MP-2500); 15-separating
vessel; 16-manometer. (b): 1-Inner cylinder; 2-heater; 3-outer cylinder; 4-centering body; 5-screws; 6-
flat covers; 7-filling hole; 8-textolite standoff insulator; 9-autoclave; 10-scrolls; 11-jointing ring.

A schematic diagram of the thermal conductivity instrument employed by Safronov et al.

[114] and Grigorev [115,116] is shown in Fig. 7. It consisted of a thermal conductivity cell-8
which was immersed in a high-pressure autoclave-9, a liquid (spindle oil) thermostat (0.09
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 21

m3) -10, the system for create and measure pressure (hydrostatic press-4 and manometer-14,
MP-2500), and four (3-main and 1 regulating) heaters and a thermo-regulator. The thermostat
temperature was controlled with uncertainty of 0.02 C. The thermal conductivity cell
consisted of two coaxial chromium-plated cylinders (inner-1 and outer-3). The length of the
inner cylinder was 199.8900.001 mm and its diameter was 19.989 0.01 mm. The ID of the
outer cylinder was 20.9630.005 mm. The cell constant A was calculated using a geometrical
constant of the cell as

l + l d + d 2
A 1 = 2 + 1 , (16)
ln(d 2 / d1 ) 4 T

where d1 the diameter of the inner cylinder; d2 the inner diameter of the outer cylinder; l is
the length of the inner cylinder; l the changes of the cylinder length; d the changes of the
cylinder diameter; the gap between end face of the inner cylinder and end covers. The
value of A calculated by Eq. (16) was found to be equal to 0.0364166 m-1. The value of A was
also calculated by using the dielectical constants of vacuum (v) and air (a) and electrical
capacity C of the gap between cylinders as

V a
A 1 = . (17)

The value of A calculated with Eq. (17) is 0.0362582 m-1. The uncertainty in thermal
conductivity measurements for this instrument is within 1.3 to 2.2 %.
Yata et al. [117-120] used a vertical coaxial-cylinder instrument with guard cylinders to
measure the thermal conductivity of pure water and aqueous CH3OH and C3H4F4O solutions
at high temperatures. The details of the construction of the thermal conductivity cell are given
by Yata et al. [117]. Schematic representation of the apparatus and thermal conductivity cell
is given in Fig. 8. The gap between the inner and outer cylinders is 0.9 mm. Increasing the
width of the gap results in an increase in the accuracy of the measurements, but at the same
time, convection in the fluid layer is apt to occur. The geometrical dimensions of the cell are:
OD of inner cylinder is 19.1700.0015 mm; length of the inner cylinder is 120.0000.002
mm; ID of the outer cylinder is 21.0020.0015 mm; OD of the outer cylinder is 33.3110.002
mm; and the length of the outer cylinder is 199.7800.002 mm. In the cell heat is generated
in the inner heater 5. The inner cylinder-1 and the guard cylinders -3 and -4 are separated by
thin mica spacers-9, and connected by six alumina pieces-10. The inner cylinder is connected
to the outer cylinder-2 by six alumina pins-12 and brass screws-11. At the top and bottom of
the cell the alumina insulators -7 and -8 are fitted to the outer cylinder with a brass screw -13.
Eleven sheathed copperconstantan thermocouples -6 are employed for the temperature
22 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.



Fig. 8. Thermal conductivity apparatus and coaxial-cylinder cell, developed by Yata et al. [117-120].
(a): 1-High pressure vessel; 2-fluid separator; 3-heater; 4-heat insulator; 5-support table for bath; 6-heat
transfer fluid (water or glycerin); 7-screw propeller; 8- standard resistance thermometer; 9-
thermocouples and heaters. (b): 1-Inner cylinder; 2- outer cylinder; 3- upper guard cylinder; 4-lower
guard cylinder; 5- inner heater; 6-thermocouples; 7- upper alumina insulator; 8-lower alumina insulator;
9-mica spacer; 10-alumina piece; 11-brass screw; 12-alumina pin; 13-brass screw; 14- compensative
heater; 15-top closure of high pressure vessel.

After correcting for radiation and minimizing convective heat loss, the uncertainty in the
heat transferred was about 0.2 %. Equivalently, the uncertainty in the experimental
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 23

temperature rise was estimated to be less than 0.6 %. The uncertainty in the geometrical
constant A, was estimated to be 1.1 % and thus the total uncertainty in thermal conductivity
measurements was less than 2 %.

2.1.3. Transient hot-wire technique Theoretical
A transient thermal conductivity measurement is one in which a time-dependent
perturbation, in the form of a heat flux, is applied to a fluid initially at equilibrium. The
thermal conductivity is obtained from an appropriate working equation relating the observed
response of the temperature of the fluid to the perturbation. In an actual instrument the
perturbing heat flux is applied by means of electrical dissipation in a thin, cylindrical wire as
a step function. In this case the wire is itself used as the thermometer to monitor the
temperature rise of the fluid at its interface. In such a case, it can easily be shown that for a
cylindrical wire of radius ro, and for small values of the term (r2/4at),

q 4at ro2
T (ro , t ) = ln 2 + + (18)
4k ro 4at

where T(ro, t) is the transient temperature rise of the fluid at the wire surface, k and a the
thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the fluid, respectively, q the heat input power
per unit length, and = 0.577216 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. In the ideal model, Eq.
(18) describes the temperature rise of the wire in contact with the fluid at its surface. In
practice a real instrument departs from the ideal model in a number of respects and analytical
corrections have been developed (Healy et al. [121]; Assael et al. [16]) for the departure of a
practical instrument from the ideal one. The two major additive corrections to Eq. (18) that
need to be applied in practice are: a. the heat capacity correction, significant only at
short experimental times, and b. the outer boundary correction, significant only at long
experimental times.
The application of this methodology to liquids and gases at moderate pressures has
provided many reliable thermal-conductivity data over the last two decades. Unfortunately,
the analytical corrections proposed by Healy et al. [121] proved to be inadequate (Assael et
al. [18]) for the description of experiments in the gas phase at low densities, where fluids
exhibit exceedingly high thermal-diffusivity values.
To overcome these difficulties, a numerical finite element method was proposed by
Assael et al. [18], in order to solve the complete set of energy-conservation equations that
describe the heat-transfer experimental processes. The choice of this particular numerical
method was dictated by the high accuracy the method exhibits in computational heat transfer
problems. Hence, two coupled partial differential energy-conservation equations, one for the
wire and one for the fluid, with appropriate boundary conditions, were solved.
In practice, experimental means are employed to yield a finite segment of a wire that
behaves as if it were part of an infinite wire. This allows the numerical solution of the
differential equations to be used iteratively to determine the thermal conductivity and
24 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

diffusivity of the fluid that yields the best match between the experimental and calculated
temperature rise of this finite segment of wire. Experimental
Since the technique was first employed in 1931 (Stahlane and Pyk [122]) to measure the
thermal conductivity of powders, there have been significant improvements in the practical
realization of the technique. In modern instruments the wire sensor acts both as the heat
source and as a thermometer. Rapid development of analogue and digital equipment as well
as of computer-driven data-acquisition systems, have meant that precise measurements of
transient electrical signals can be made quickly. Thus, it has become possible to measure the
resistance change taking place in the hot wire as a consequence of its temperature rise with a
precision better than 0.1%. Furthermore, instead of a single wire, two wires identical in all
respects except for length are employed (see Figs. 9 and 10). This allows a practical and
automatic means of compensating for the finite length of the wires. For electrically insulating
fluids, platinum has usually been employed as the heating wire and sensing thermometer
because of its chemical stability and resistance/temperature characteristics. In order to allow
measurements of electrically conducting fluids, tantalum wires are often employed, because
upon electrolytic oxidation, tantalum forms tantalum pentoxide on its surface, which is an
electrical insulator. Together with a more systematic approach to the theory it has been
possible to provide instruments with an uncertainty of 0.5 %. Working equation and uncertainty

In the modern transient hot-wire instruments, operated for zero time to 5 s, with a
resolution of 20 s, the analytic working equation has been substituted by the FEM solution
of the two coupled differential energy-conservation equations already discussed previously.
As discussed above, in the modern instruments, composed of two-wires coupled to a fast
bridge, the uncertainty attained is of the order of 0.5%.
A transient hot-wire instrument was employed by DiGuilio et al. [123,124], Bleazard et al.
[125], and Bleazard and Teja [126] to measure the thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions
at temperatures up to 493 K and up to the saturation pressure. The thermal conductivity cell
constructed by Bleazard et al. [125] is schematically shown in Fig. 11. The thermal
conductivity cell consisted of a fine pyrex (or borosilicate glass) capillary filled with liquid
mercury (or gallium) to serve as the insulated hot-wire from the liquid. The hot-wire cell was
made by forming a U shaped tube of Pyrex (2 mm ID by 4 mm OD). A tungsten wire,
inserted into each end of the U tube, served as electrical leads. The other parts of the
apparatus were a Wheatstone bridge, a data acquisition system, and a constant temperature
bath. The mercury thread acted as the resistance in one arm of the Wheatstone bridge.
Thermal conductivity measurements were made by placing the pyrex cell in a pressure vessel
filled with the sample. The temperature rise was determined from the increased resistance of
the wire. The uncertainty of the measurements estimated by the authors was 2 %. Since
however, only a one-wire arrangement, contained within a glass, was employed, it is most
unlikely that this is a reasonable estimate.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 25









Fig. 9. The thermal conductivity vessel assembly (a) and hot-wire cell (b), developed by Assael et al.
[17]. (a): 1- Liquid vent; 2- temperature controller thermocouple; 3- top thermometer; 4- cell top; 5-
supporting vessel; 6-cell; 7-thermostat enclosure; 8-bottom thermometer; liquid inlet; 10-base stand.
26 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Fig. 10. Wires with weights arrangement, developed by Assael et al. [17,18] for the measurement of
electrically conducting liquids.


Support for
U Tube

Mercury Filled
Pyrex Capillary

Sleeve Glass Shielded

Fig. 11. Liquid metal hot-wire thermal conductivity cell and accompanying pressure vessel, developed
by Bleazard et al. [125].
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 27

Nagasaka and Nagashima [23] developed the apparatus for precise and absolute
measurements of the thermal conductivity of electrically conducting liquids using the
transient hot-wire method. In this apparatus, a metallic wire coated with a thin electrical
insulation layer has been used as a heating element and a resistance thermometer instead of a
bare metallic wire. The effects on the thermal conductivity measurement caused by the thin
insulation layer are negligibly small. The usability of the method for electrically conducting
liquids has been tested to measure the thermal conductivity of aqueous NaCl solutions
(Nagasaka and Nagashima [23]). The uncertainty of the measurement was estimated 0.5 %.
Nagasaka et al. [24,25] and Kawamata et al. [127] used this technique for the measurement
of the thermal conductivity of aqueous KCl and LiBr solutions at high temperatures (up to
473 K) and high pressures (up to 40 MPa). The schematic diagram of the high pressure vessel
together with hot-wire cell developed by Kawamata et al. [127], Nagasaka and Nagashima
[23], and Nagasaka et al. [24,25] is shown in Fig. 12. The main frame of the hot-wire cell
consist of a titanium plate 5 mm in thickness -3 on which semicircular sintered alumina
discks-10 are fastened on both sides. The hot-wire -9 is made up of a 25 m-diameter
tantalum wire (99.95 % purity) and a tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) insulation layer about 0.18
m thick. Two hot wires differing only in their lengths (about 180 and 80 mm), are employed
in order to compensate the end effects. Four electrical leads for each wire are brought out
through terminals -5.

2 5



Fig. 12. Pressure vessel with hot-wire assembly, developed by Nagasaka and Nagashima [23] and
Nagasaka et al. [24,25]. 1-Thrust ring; 2-PTFE ring; 3-titanium plate; 4-thermometer well; 5- terminal;
6-PTFE seal; 7- pressure vessel; 8-platinium hook; 9-tantalum wire; 10-alumina disc.
28 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

3. Experimental Thermal Conductivity Data for

Liquid Food Products

This section aims to provide the readers with a review of the available experimental data
sets on the thermal conductivity of liquid foods, to present a critical analysis of the
estimation, correlation, and prediction methods, to select the most reliable models and to
propose preliminary recommendations.
A survey of the literature reveals the scarcity of reliable experimental thermal
conductivity data for liquid foods. The summary all of the available thermal conductivity data
sets of liquid foods are given in Table 2. In this table, the authors and the method employed
are given together with the temperature and concentration ranges. Table 2 provides, to our
knowledge, the largest and the most useful collection (the best and most comprehensive
compilation) all of the available thermal conductivity data for liquid foods at the present time.
Orange juice: Eight datasets were found [128,129,130,74,131,75,132,78] for orange
juice. These thermal conductivity data were obtained by using the various (concentric
cylinders, transient heat flow, thermal conductivity probe) techniques. The maximum
temperature range of the measurements is 80 C.
Apple juice: Seven datasets were found [128,133,67,134,130,131,135] for apple juice.
Five different methods (concentric cylinders, parallel plate, twin probe method, thermal
conductivity probe, and photopyroelectrc) were used to measure the thermal conductivity of
apple juice. The maximum temperature range was 80 C.
Pear juice: Fife datasets were found [128,136,10,67,77] for pear juice reported by
different research groups. Most data were measured with concentric cylinder method in the
range of temperature from 20 to 120 C. The measurements by Magerramov et al. [40] were
performed at pressures slightly above atmospheric pressures (about 0.3 MPa at temperatures
above 100 C).
Grape juice: Four datasets were reported for grape juice by the various authors
[128,67,129,138]. Concentric cylinders and transient heat flow methods were employed to
mesure thermal conductivity of grape juices. The measurements were made at temperatures
from 20 to 80 C and concentrations up to 64 Brix.
Tomato juice: Three datasets were found [139,140,141] for tomato juice. The thermal
conductivity probe and bicalorimeter techniques were employed to obtain these data. The
measurements were carried out at maximum temperature of 150 C and at concentrations up
to 95.2 Brix.
Raspberry juice: Only two datasets were found [67,76] for raspberry juice. Both data
sources were obtained with the concentric cylinder technique in the temperature range from
20 to 120 C and at concentrations up to 64 Brix.
Cherry juice: Two datasets [67,76] were found for cherry juice. These data were
measured with concentric cylinder methods. The maximum temperature was 120 C.
Peach juice: Two datasets were found [76,129] peach juice.
Lemon, Plum, Mango, Apricot, Caja, Guava, Peanapple, Passion fruit, Grapefruit
juices: Only one data source was found for these juices [66,70,71,76,77,128,129,142].
Vegetable (Celery, Beet) juices: One dataset was found for these juices [143-145].
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 29

Whole milk: Five datasets [68,69,146,147,223] were found for whole milk.
Skimmed milk: Three datasets [147-149] were found for skimmed milk.
Reconstituted milk: Two datasets [148,150] were found for reconstituted milk.
Egg yolk: Two datasets [149,151] were found for egg yolk.
Olive oil: Two datasets [79,152] were found for olive oil.

Cherry juice Ras pberry juice


0.60 0.61 H2O

k (Wm-1k-1)

0.55 0.56
9.8 oBrix

15.1 oBrix
0.50 0.51
20 oBrix

30 oBrix

0.45 0.46 30 oBrix

40 oBrix

40 oBrix
50 oBrix
0.40 0.41
50 oBrix
60 oBrix
60 oBrix
0.35 0.36
270 300 330 360 270 300 330 360
T ( K) T (K)

Fig. 13. Measured values of thermal conductivity k of cherry and raspberry juices as a function of
temperature T along selected constant concentrations. ( ), pure water (IAPWS, Kestin et al.
[95]; ( ), Model-20; (), Model-A.

Unfortunately the direct comparison different data sources for the same liquid food is
difficult and some time no sense because thermal conductivity of liquid foods essentially
depends on composition and soluble solids content due to fruit type, generic characteristics,
variety, ripening, place in the plant, size, plant nutritive level, agricultural practices, weather.
These factors are one of the reasons of the reported data discrepancy for the same liquid food
(see below Figs. 17-23).
Some selected experimental thermal conductivity data for fruit juices as an example are
shown in Figs. 13 to 16 in the k T and k x projections together with values for pure
water calculated with IAPWS formulation (Kestin et al. [95]). These figures show the typical
temperature and concentration dependency of thermal conductivity of fruit juices.
30 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Cherry juice Pars pberry juice
20 C
0.61 120 oC
50 oC 0.61
k (Wm-1k-1)

0.51 0.51

0.46 0.46

0.41 0.41

0.36 0.36
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x ( Brix) x (oBrix)

Fig. 14. Measured values of thermal conductivity k of cherry and raspberry juices as a function of
concentration x along selected isotherms. ( ), extrapolation to zero concentration (pure water).

Apricot juice Cherry-plum juice

0.59 0.59

0.55 0.54
k(Wm K )
-1 -1

0.51 0.49

0.47 0.44

0.43 0.39
280 310 340 370 400 280 310 340 370 400
T ( K) T (K)

Fig. 15. Comparison measured and calculated with various models values of the thermal conductivity of
juices. Apricot juice: , 18.5 Brix; , 30 Brix; , 40 Brix, cherry-plum: , 12.2 Brix; , 30 Brix;
, 50 Brix, (), Model-A; ( ), Model-B; ( ), Model-C; ( ), Model-D.

Previously the available experimental thermal conductivity data for liquid foods have
been extensive reviewed by various authors [8,9,12-14,128,156]. Most existing thermal
conductivity measurements for fruit juices are at moderate temperatures (up to 60-80 C) and
limited concentration range (up to 60 Brix). Telis-Romero et al. [74] reported measured
thermal conductivity data for orange juice for concentrations from (0.34 to 0.69) wt fractions
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 31

of water content at temperatures from (0.5 to 62) C. The measurements were made with
concentric cylinder method. The measured values of the thermal conductivity were fitted as a
linear function of temperature and water content. The authors found that the water content
exhibited a greater influence on the thermal conductivity than temperature. Sweat and Haugh
[157] used a probe method to measure the thermal conductivity of cherry tomato at room
temperature. Constenla et al. [133] reported the thermal conductivity data for apple juice as a
function of concentration and temperature in the range from (20 to 90) C and at
concentrations between (12 and 70) Brix. The thermal conductivity data for tomato juice
over wide temperature range from (30 to 150) C and at concentrations between (40 and
95.2) mass % were reported by Choi and Okos [139]. The measurements were made by using
line heat source probe technique. Recently, Grato et al. [66] reported the thermal
conductivity of passion juice. These measurements were made using the concentric-cylinder
technique in the concentration range from (0.506 to 0.902) fraction of water content and at
temperatures from (0.4 to 68.8) C. The results were presented using a simple linear
polynomial function of temperature and concentration. Reidy [10] reported a few data points
for pear juice at two temperatures of (20 and 80) C and at three concentrations 15, 40, and
61 Brix. Riedel [67] also reported the thermal conductivity data for grape, apple, pear,
cherry, and raspberry juices at temperature of (20 and 80) C and at concentrations between
8.3 and 61 Brix. Measurements have been made by using concentric-cylinder method.
Muramatsu et al. [129,134] measured the thermal conductivity of several fruit juices (apple,
grape, orange, pineapple, peach) and reconstituted and skim milks at temperatures from (10
to 50) C and solid content between (10 and 60) wt %. The measurements were made with
heat probe method. The method based on the transient heat flow technique using twin probes.
This is relative method and can be provide high accuracy thermal conductivity
measurements. The measured thermal conductivity data were represented as a function of
temperature and total solid content. The observed values of the thermal conductivity were
compared with the values predicted with structural models (series, parallel, and random).
Coaxial cylinders technique was applied by Minim et al. [68] to accurate measure the thermal
conductivity of liquid food (whole and skimmed milk, and partially skimmed milk) in the
temperature range from (2 to 71) C. The measured data were represented as function of
water and fat content and temperature. Fernandez-Martin and Montes [69] employed coaxial
cylinder technique for the measurements of thermal conductivity of skim and whole milks
with fat content of 0.1-11.73 % and grade concentration within 1 to 3.7 at temperatures from
(5 to 75) C. The measured data were satisfactory fitted to a quadratic function of
temperature. The authors found that the thermal conductivity increase with temperature
increasing, but the rate of changes was decreasing with increase in either temperature or total
solid content.
32 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

(a) 0.64 (b)

0.52 T=323.15 K
x=40 oBrix

0.59 Pl um
0.50 Raspberry
k (Wm-1k-1)


0.46 0.49

0.44 Cherry 0.44

0.42 0.39
290 320 350 380 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T ( K) x (oBrix)

Fig. 16. Comparison of the temperature and concentration dependences of the measured values of
thermal conductivity k of various juices.

0.66 Pear juice

k(Wm K )
-1 -1





0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x (o Brix)

Fig. 17. Comparison present thermal conductivity results for pear juice with those reported by Reidy
[10] at two selected temperatures 293 and 353 K. , 293 K (this work); , 293 K (Reidy [10]); , 353 K
(this work); , 353 K (Reidy [10]); Solid curves are calculated with Model-I.

Tadini et al. [70] reported thermal conductivity data for caja juice between 8.8 and 49.4
Brix and at temperatures from (0.4 to 77.1) C using coaxial cylinders method. The results
were fitted to the polynomial type equation. The photopyroelectric (PPE) method was
developed by Frandas and Bicanic [130] in order to measure the thermal conductivity of fruit
juices (orange and apple) in the temperature range from (0 to 70) C and between 0 and 80
Brix. The method consists of the measurement of the sample temperature increase due to
absorption of radiation by using a pyroelectric sensor placed in thermal contact with the
sample. The results were compared with predictive models from the literature. Shamsudin et
al. [142] reported thermal conductivity data for guava juice at concentrations between 10 to
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 33

40 Brix and at temperatures from (30 to 80) C. Measurements were performed by using the
thermal properties analyzer (type KD2) which based on the line heat source method. Pedro et
al. [71] are employed concentric cylinders technique to measure the thermal conductivity of
lemon juice for the concentration from 0.381 to 0.9 wt fractions and at temperatures from (0.3
to 80.6) C. The measured results were presented as a function of temperature and water
content. The line heat source method was employed by Reddy and Datta [150] to measure of
the thermal conductivity of milk between concentrations of 40 and 70 mass % and
temperatures of (35 and 65) C. Assis et al. [72] also used concentric cylindrical cell to
measure thermal conductivity of yellow mombin juice at temperatures from (0.4 to 77.1) C
and at concentrations between 8.8 and 49.4 Brix. The cell was calibrated with pure water.
The results were presented as a linear function of temperature and concentration. Coimbra et
al. [73] used steady state technique to measure the thermal conductivity of liquid egg with
concentrations from 51.8 to 88.2 mass % at temperatures between (0 and 38) C. Measured
thermal conductivity data were presented as a linear function of temperature and water
content. The thermal conductivity data of celery juice were reported by Lau et al. [143] in the
low temperature range from (0 to -9.1) C for the concentrations from 0 to 30 wt %. These
data were calculated with , a, and C P measurements. Ziegler and Rizvi [131] are reported
thermal conductivity data for two fruit juices apple, orange, and for milk. The method used
by these authors is thermal comparator method. This method can be used for rapid and
accurate measurements of the thermal conductivity of liquid foods. Xu et al. [75] used
concentric cylinder method to measure the thermal conductivity two fruit (mango and orange)
juices with concentrations (34 and 12.6) wt % solids content. The inner cylinder is stationary
and the outer rotated to study the effect of shear rate on the measured values of the thermal


0.60 T=20 0C x=30 0Brix

0.56 0.54
k (mWm-1K-1)





0.36 0.46
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80
x ( Brix) T ( 0C)

Fig. 18. Measured and predicted values of thermal conductivities of pear juice as a function of
concentration (left) and temperature (right). (), Magerramov et al. [77]; (), Riedel [67]; (),
Maxwell model (Eq. 39); ( ), first order arithmetic mean (parallel model, Eq. 43); (),
Model-20; ( ), this work (Model-21).
34 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

T=20 0C 0.65 x=30 0Brix
k (mWm-1K-1)




0.45 0.53

0.42 0.50

0.39 0.47

0.36 0.44
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80
x (0Brix) T (0C)

Fig. 19. Thermal conductivity of orange juice as a function of concentration predicted from various
models. (), first order arithmetic mean (parallel model, Eq. 43); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq.
39); ( ), Muramatsu et al. [129]; ( ), Cheng and Torquato [202]; ( ), Frandas
and Bicanic [130]; (), Telis-Romero et al. [74]; ( ), Model-20; (), this work


k (mWm K )



x=30 0Brix


0 20 40 60 80
T ( 0C)

Fig. 20. Measured thermal conductivities of grape juice together with the values calculated from various
predictive models. (),Voitko et al. [138]; (), Riedel [67]; (), Frandas and Bicanic [130];
(), Muramatsu et al. [129]; (), this work (Model-21); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 35


0.60 x=30 0Brix
T=20 0C

k (mWm-1K-1)




0.42 0.52

0.39 0.49

0.36 0.46
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80
x ( 0Brix) T ( C) 0

Fig. 21. Measured thermal conductivities of apple juice together with the values calculated from various
predictive models. (), Muramatsu et al. [134]; (), Riedel [67]; (), first order arithmetic mean
(parallel model, Eq. 43); ( ), Frandas and Bicanic [130]; (), Waff [188] model (Eq.
50); ( ), this work (Model-21); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq. 39); (), Cheng and
Torquato [202].


0.67 0.56
x=14.8 0Brix

x=40 0Brix
k ( mWm-1K-1)



x=60 0Brix


0.52 0.38
10 30 50 70 90 10 30 50 70 90
0 0
T ( C) T ( C)

Fig. 22. Measured thermal conductivities of peach juice together with the values calculated from
various predictive models. (), Magerramov et al. [76]; (), Muramatsu et al. [129]; (-------), pure
H2O (Kestin et al. [95], IAPWS); (), Frandas and Bicanic [130]; ( ), this work (Model-
21); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq. 39).
36 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.



0.60 0
T=20 C
T=40 0C

k (mWm-1K-1)

0.52 0.55




0.36 0.40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x ( 0Brix) x ( 0 Brix)

Fig. 23. Measured thermal conductivities of peach juice together with the values calculated from
various predictive models. (), Magerramov et al. [76]; (), Muramatsu et al. [129]; (), pure
H2O (Kestin et al. [95], IAPWS); ( ), Frandas and Bicanic [130]; ( ), this work (Model-
21); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq. 39).

Poppendiek et al. [151] are reported thermal conductivity data for some biological fluids
(human and animal bloods, human plasma and urine, gastric juice, and egg yolk.
Measurements were made using parallel plate method. The thermal conductivity cell consists
of two highly conductive plates. The heat source is composed of two flat electrical heating
elements with a null heat flow meter inserted between them. The electrical powers for the two
heaters were so adjusted that the heat flow through the null heat flow meter was zero.
Therefore, all the heat generated in the bottom heater was forced to flow through the cell
containing the biological specimen. The measured results were used to develop predicting
method on the basis of chemical composition. The method based on postulate that the small
particles are uniformly distributed in a second component and that volume of all particles is
small compared to the total. The thermal conductivity for cherry, raspberry, plum, peach,
pear, sweet-cherry, apricot, and cherry-plum juices over wide range of temperature and
concentration were reported recently by Magerramov et al. [76,77] at temperatures between
(20 and 120) C and at concentrations up to 60 Brix using a coaxial-cylinder (steady-state)
technique. At temperatures above 100 C the measurements were made at pressures about 0.3
MPa (slightly above vapor pressure). This technique has been previously used for accurate
measurements on other liquids (water and aqueous solutions) at high temperatures and high
pressures (Abdulagatov et al. [91-93]).
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 37

3.1. Temperature dependence

Figures 13, 15, 16 (left), 18 (right), 20, 21 (right), and 22 demonstrate the typical effect
of temperature on the thermal conductivity various fruit juices. Figure 16 (left) compare the
temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of a series of fruit juices at the selected
concentration of 40 Brix. This figure demonstrates the effect of nature of the fruit juice on
the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity. As one can see from this figure, the
peach juice has the highest observed values of the thermal conductivity among other fruit
juices at the same thermodynamic (T,x) conditions, while raspberry juice exhibit the lowest
value of the thermal conductivity. This is can be explain due to the effect of chemical
compositions (water, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate, fiber content) of the fruit juices on the
thermal conductivity.
The thermal conductivity of juices affected up to (11-18 % for pear; 16-21 % for sweet
cherry; 14-19 % for cherry plum; 15-17 % for apricot; 12-18 % for peach; 15-22 % for plum;
15-18 % for raspberry; and 18-20 % for cherry juices) by the temperature at temperatures
from 20 to 120 C and concentration from 10 to 60 Brix. For pure water at the same
temperature range the thermal conductivity changes up to 14 %. The measured values of
thermal conductivity were used to calculate the temperature coefficient, T = ( ln k / T )x ,
for the some selected juices. The derived values of T are shown in Figure 24 (left) as a
function of temperature for various constant concentrations and as a function of concentration
(Fig. 24 right). The rate of temperature changes at low temperatures is higher than at high
temperatures. Figures 13 and 15 also demonstrate how the behavior of the temperature
dependence of the thermal conductivity of fruit juices depends on concentration. At low
concentrations the curvature of the k T curves is higher than at high concentrations. The
value of temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity, ( ln k / T )x , at low temperatures
(about 1.4710-3 K-1) is almost two times higher than at high temperatures (about 0.6610-3
K-1). At low concentrations the curvature of the k T dependence is more essential than at
high concentrations. The temperature coefficient is slightly changes (almost constant) with
concentration changing (see Fig. 24 right).

3.2. Concentration dependence

Figures 14, 16 (right), 17, 18 (left), 19 (left), 21 (left), and 23 demonstrate the effect of
concentration on the thermal conductivity of fruit juices at various fixed temperatures. As one
can see from these figures, the thermal conductivity of fruit juices monotonically decreased
(almost linearly) with concentration. A small curvature of the k x curves at high
concentrations is exhibit. Thermal conductivity considerably decreases (up to 38-48 %) with
concentration at low temperatures (20 C) and up to 35-43 % at high temperatures (120 C).
Measured thermal conductivity data for some fruit juices are compared with the values
reported by various authors from the literature (see Figs. 17 to 23). Figure 17 compare the
experimental values of the thermal conductivity for pear juice with the data reported by
Reidy [10]. The agreement between our results and the values reported by Reidy [10] for pear
38 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

juice is within 6 to 9 % at high temperature 80 C (our result systematically lowers than

Reidy [10] data), while at low temperatures (20 C) the difference is about 1.5 to 5 %.
Differences are about 4-7 % were found between the present data and the data reported by
Riedel [67] for pear juice (see Fig. 18). Good agreement within 4-5 % was observed between
the data by Riedel [67] and Muramatsu et al. [129] for grape juice. Excellent agreement
shows between the data reported by the same authors for apple juice (see Fig. 21). The
deviations between the present results and the data reported by Muramatsu et al. [129] for
peach juice are within 4-10 % (see Fig. 22) at low concentrations, while the excellent
agreement within 1-2 % is observed at high concentration. This is probably due to the
difference of the chemical compositions of the juice samples by the authors. For example, it
is well known that the thermal conductivity of juices is significantly affected by the chemical
compositions (water, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate, fiber content). Since the chemical
compositions of liquid foods are imperfect, the comparison reported thermal conductivity
data for the same fruit juice some time is incorrect.

2.6 2.2

2.4 2.1

2.2 2.0 T=60 0C

10 3 x T (K-1)

2.0 1.9

1.8 x=50 0Brix


T=30 0C
1.6 1.7

1.4 1.6

x=18.5 Brix
1.2 1.5

1.0 1.4
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 15 25 35 45
T ( 0C) x ( 0Brix)

Fig. 24. Temperature coefficient of the thermal conductivity of apricot juices as a function of
temperature (left) and concentration (right) at two selected constant concentrations and constant
temperatures derived from experimental data by Magerramov et al. [77].

4. Thermal Conductivity Models. Prediction and

Correlation Techniques

The comprehensive review of the correlation, prediction, and estimation techniques for
the thermal conductivity of liquid foods are reported in the works by several authors Cuevas
and Cheryan [153], Sweat [160], Becker et al. [161], Frandas and Bicanic [130], Peacock
[162], Bhumbla et al. [163], Choi and Okos [8,164], and Heldman and Singh [165]. Based on
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 39

the experimental data many empirical and semi-empirical models for the prediction of
thermal conductivity of liquid foods have been proposed by various authors (Riedel [67];
Kolarov and Gromov [135]; Sweat [154,157,160], Miles et al. [166], Choi and Okos [8,164],
Saravacos and Maroulis [13], and Mattar et al. [224]). A number of correlation equations
have been developed in the literature to calculate and predict the thermal conductivity of
liquid foods as a function of temperature and concentration (see Table 3). Table 3 provides
correlations and prediction models which were frequently used to calculate the effect of
concentration and temperature on the thermal conductivity of liquids and liquid mixtures
including liquid food materials. These models previously were successfully used to correlate
experimental thermal conductivity data for aqueous systems and were examined by various
authors. We used the experimental thermal conductivity data for some fruit juices to examine
most of them for their applicability, accuracy, and predictive capability. Due to lack of
theoretical background of the temperature and concentration dependences of the thermal
conductivity for liquids (aqueous solutions) and liquid foods the empirical and semi-
empirical correlation equations and prediction techniques are often used in the literature (see
for example, Millat et al. [167], Aseyev [168], Horvath [169], Reid et al. [170], Saravacos
and Maroulis [13], and Abdulagatov et al. [182]). In this work we studied the applicability of
the various theoretical and empirical models for the thermal conductivity of aqueous
solutions as a function of temperature and concentration for fruit juices and their predicting
capabilities. Here we will briefly review the empirical and semi-empirical correlation and
prediction models which were used to describe the effect of temperature and concentration on
the thermal conductivity of aqueous systems and test results their applicability for the fruit

Table 3. Summary of the models used for the correlation of the thermal conductivity of
fruit juices and aqueous solutions

Functional Form of the Models Reference

Empirical Correlation Models
N Temperature dependency models at x=constant
1 k (T ) = a + a T + a T 2 Choi and Okos [139],
0 1 2
Telis-Romero et al. [80],
Magerramov et al. [76,77]
2 k (T)=k(298)[1+(T-298.15)] Magerramov et al. [76,77]
3 (k / k0 ) = A(T / T0 )n , n=2/3 Magerramov et al. [76,77]

4 k (T , x) / k0 ( x) = A + Bt
Concentration dependency models at T=constant
5 k ( x) =a+bx+cx2 Magerramov et al.
Ziegler and Rizvi [131]
6 k ( x ) = a0 + a1 x Kolarov and Gromov
40 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 3. Continued

Functional Form of the Models Reference

Combined models (Temperature and concentration dependency models)
7 2 2 Ramires and Nieto de
k( T , x ) = aij T j x i , T = T 273.15
i =0 j =0
Castro [171,172]

8 k ( T , x ) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + b0T + b1T 2 + c0 xT Reddy and Datta [150]

9 Pedro et al. [71], Coimbra

et al. [73], Grato et al.
k ( T , x ) = a0 + a1 x + a2T [66], Maslikov and
Medvedev [141]
Assis et al. [72], Hermans
10 k ( T , x ) = a1 x + a2T [174],
Tadini et al. [70]
11 k ( T , x ) = a0 + a1 x + a 2 x 2 + b1T Alloush et al. [175],
Magerramov et al. [76,77]
12 k ( T , x ) = a1 xT + a 2 x + a3T + a 4 , Muramatsu et al.
k ( T , x ) = a1 x 2T + a 2 x 2 + a 3 xT + a 4 x + a 5T + a6
13 k ( T , x ) = c1 + c4 x + (c 2 + c 5 x )T + (c 3 + c6 x )T 2 Magerramov et al. [76,77]

14 k ( T , x ) =( b0 + b1Tr + b2Tr2 )(1+ a1 x + a 2 x 2 ) Magerramov et al. [76,77]

15 [ ]
k ( T , x ) = a0 + a1T + a 2 T 2 (b0 + b1 x ) Riedel [67,179], Peacock
16 k ( T , x ) = (b0 + b1 x ) + (b2 + b3 x )T + (b4 + b5 x )T 2 Fernandez-Martin and
Montes [69]
17 [ ]
k = a0 + a1T fp + a2T fp2 + a3T [a4 + a5 (100 x )] Lau et al. [143]

Models which represent the thermal conductivity of liquid foots relative to pure water
18 k ( x ) = k + a x Magerramov et al. [76,77]
W 1
19 k (x) = kW + a1 x + a 2 x 2 Magerramov et al. [76,77]

20 k ( x ) = kW (1+ a1 x + a 2 x )
2 Magerramov et al.
[76,77], Chiquillo [176],
Losenicky [177]
21 k (T ) = k sol (293) [ kW (T ) / kW (293) ] Magerramov et al. [76,77]

22 k = k S + [( P / W )kW ( P / W )k S ]xW Bhumbla et al. [163]

23 k = kw (a + bx + ct ) / (a + ct ) White et al. [178]

Yusufova et al. [60],

24 [
k (t , x ) = k w (t ) 1 ( a 0 + a1t + a 2 t ) x (c0 + c1t + c 2 t ) x
2 2 2
] Pepinov and Guseynov
25 (
k (T , x) = [kW (kW kS )xS ] a + bT + cT 2 ) Frandas and Bicanic
26 k (T , x) = kW (T ) [1-( a0+a1T+a2T2)x-( c0+c1T+c2T2)x2] Magerramov et al. [76,77]
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 41

Functional Form of the Models Reference

27 k (T , x ) = k (T ) 1 A( x +
w [ Bx ) CTx
] Magerramov et al. [76,77]

28 k (T , x) = kW (T ) [1-a(x+210-4x3)] - 210-8Tx Magerramov et al. [76,77]

29 k = (k w / w )(a0 + a1 xw ) Telis-Romero et al. [80],

Grato et al. [66]
Empirical Prediction Models
30 k (T ) = k (T ) [ k (T ) / k (T0 ) ] Vargaftik and Osminin
sol 0 W W
[173], Riedel [179]
(k / k 0 ( x )) = (T / T0 )n , where n=2/3 (theory), for most juices n Magerramov et al. [76,77]

is whitin 0.4 to 0.7

32 k = k S + (kW k S )xW Choi and Okos [8]

33 k = k S + [( P / W )kW ( P / W )k S ]xW Bhumbla et al. [163]

Composition Models
34 k = a x + a x + a3 x f + a4 x p Sweat [154,160]
0 w 1 c

35 k = a0 + a1 xw + a2 x f + a3T Minim et al. [68]

36 k = a0 xw + a1 x p + a2 xc + a3 x f + a4 xa Choi and Okos [139]

37 k = K i xiv , xiv = xiw / i / xiw / i , Choi and Okos [8]

i =1 i =1

K i = a1 + a2T + a3T 2
, i = c1 + c2T
38 k = a0 xw + a1 x p + a2 xc + a3 x f Dominguez et al. [180]

* where xw , xc , x f , x p , and xa concentration of water, carbohydrate, fat, protein, and ash,

respectively; T fp freezing point; x
i is the weight fraction of component i (protein, lipids, etc.),
xi is the estimated volume fraction.

4.1. Empirical and semi-empirical models

4.1.1. Concentration dependence models

The most often use models for the concentration dependence of thermal conductivity of
aqueous solutions and liquid foods are given in Table 3. Model-18 (or 6) (linear relation) is
commonly used for the concentration dependence of the thermal conductivity of aqueous
solutions and liquid foods [66-68,70-72,76,77,80,134,135,129,141,143,160,162,179,180].
But, as Figs. 14 and 16 (right) shows, the linear dependence of the thermal conductivity for
some fruit juices (raspberry, plum, cherry, and peach) is valid only at low concentrations
(below 30 Brix). Probably this is depending on chemical composition of the juice (juice
nature). At high concentrations the quadratic term Model-19 (or 5) is required to accurate
describe the experimental thermal conductivity data (Ziegler and Rizvi [131]). Figure 25
shows concentration dependence of the relative thermal conductivity ( k juice / kW 1) of
42 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

raspberry and plum juices versus of concentration x for two selected temperatures. As one
can see from this figure, ( k juice / kW 1) is varies almost linearly with concentration x only
in the range up to 30 Brix and is almost independent of temperature (a function of
concentration only). This is means that the temperature dependence of the thermal
conductivity of juices governing by the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity
of pure water. At higher concentrations, the nonlinear behavior (quadratic term) of
concentration dependence of the thermal conductivity is observed,
(k sol / kW 1) = a1 x + a 2 x 2 (see Model-20).

4.1.2. Temperature dependence models

A number of correlation equations have been developed in the literature to calculate and
predict the thermal conductivity of liquid foods as a function of temperature (Fernndez-
Martin and Montes [69], Cuevas and Cheryan [153], Choi and Okos [139], Constenla et al.
[133], Telis-Romero et al. [74], and Grato et al. [66]). Several widely used models for the
temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity are shown in Table 3 (Models 1 to 4).
These models have been successfully used previously to correlate experimental thermal
conductivity data for aqueous solutions as well. Here we examined the applicability of these
models for the thermal conductivity of fruit juices. The Model-1 (quadratic polynomial in
temperature T, see Table 3) was used by many authors [38-49,76,77,80,139,169,181] to
represent experimental thermal conductivity data of liquids and liquids mixtures in the wide
temperature and concentration ranges. Model-2 (linear temperature dependence) is applicable
only in the limited temperature range (basically at low temperatures, Assael et al. [18,19]).

4.1.3. Combined effect of temperature and concentration

Different models were proposed by various authors to represent the combined effect of
temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of liquid foods and aqueous
solutions (see Models-7 to 17, Table 3). Model-7 reproduced concentration and temperature
effects on the thermal conductivity of aqueous systems in the wide temperature and
concentration ranges within accuracy of 0.6 %. Models 8 to 17 are the different
combinations of polynomial functions of temperature and concentration. All of them were
successfully used previously for the description of thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions.
In this work we developed different models to describe the combined effect of temperature
and concentration on the thermal conductivity of fruit juices.
Model-A. The effects of temperature and concentration on thermal conductivity of fruit
juices can be combined by taking into account the concentration dependence of the
parameters a 0 ( x ) , a1 ( x ) , and a 2 ( x ) in the Model-1 (see Table 3) as quadratic functions

a 0 ( x) = c1 + c 2 x + c3 x 2 , (19)

a1 ( x) = c 4 + c5 x + c6 x 2 , (20)
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 43

a 2 ( x ) = c 7 + c8 x + c 9 x 2 , (21)

Model-A was applied to the present experimental thermal conductivity data for some
fruit juices. The derived values of coefficients ci are given in Table 4. The AAD (%)
between measured and calculated values for peach, plum, raspberry, cherry, pear, sweet-
cherry, apricot, and cherry-plum juices are: 0.07 (R2=0.9991), 0.18 (R2=0.9906), 0.20
(R2=0.9902), 0.13 (R2=0.9946), 0.1 (R2=0.9893), 0.2 (R2=0.9951), 0.22 (R2=0.9906), and
0.19 (R2=0.9879), respectively.

Table 4. The values of parameters ci (Eqs. 19 to 21) for fruit juices (Model-A)

Juice Peach Plum Raspberry Cherry

c1 0.5888100 0.5905100 0.5835100 0.5601100

c2 -4.210810-3 -5.613210-3 -6.069710-3 -4.453410-3

c3 6.798510-6 2.838210-5 3.762910-5 1.779610-5

c4 1.966210-3 1.086910-3 1.249210-3 1.057310-3

c5 -8.169410-5 6.246610-6 1.241810-5 1.418710-5

c6 1.262710-6 -5.91910-8 -2.32310-7 -1.967810-7

Juice Peach Plum Raspberry Cherry

c7 -4.820610-7 -1.372910-6 -2.418910-6 -9.470010-7

c8 -7.375410-8 -8.802710-8 -1.103610-7 -8.942310-8

c9 -2.978210-10 1.063910-9 1.6184510-9 9.116810-10

Model-B. In food products, water is a major component and its thermal conductivity is a
function of temperature. The models which are representing the thermal conductivity of
liquid foods relative to the pure water thermal conductivity are presented in Table 3 (Models
18 to 29. The present experimental thermal conductivity data for some selected fruit juices
were also fitted to the Model-19 (see Table 3). The derived equations for the fruit juices are:

k = k w (T ) 5.30 10 3 x + 2.50 10 5 x 2 for plum juice, (R2=0.9005) (22)

k = k w (T ) 5.78 10 3 x + 3.34 10 5 x 2 for raspberry juice, (R2=0.9901) (23)

k = k w (T ) 4.65 10 3 x + 1.35 10 5 x 2 for cherry juice, (R2=0.9083) (24)

k = k w (T ) 4.69 10 3 x + 1.65 10 5 x 2 for peach juice, (R2=0.8965) (25)

where the equation for the thermal conductivity of pure water is

44 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

kW ( T ) = 0.566 + 1.86 10 3 T 7.363 10 6 T 2 . (26)

In this model the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of fruit juices is
represented through the thermal conductivity of pure water, kW (T ) . This model reproduces
the present experimental thermal conductivity data for peach, plum, raspberry, and cherry
juices within (AAD) 1.19, 0.68, 1.09, and 1.52 %, respectively.
Model-C. Another Model-20 (modification of the Model-B) was applied to the same
thermal conductivity data of the fruit juices. This model was previously successfully used for
aqueous solutions (see, for example, Horvath [169] and Abdulagatov et al. [182]). The results
are given below

k = k w (T )(1 8.8 10 3 x + 5.1 10 5 x 2 ) for plum juice, (R2=0.9945) (27)

k = k w (T )(1 7.2 10 3 x + 2.7 10 5 x 2 ) for peach juice, (R2=0.9895) (28)

k = k w (T )(1 8.7 10 3 x + 4.3 10 5 x 2 ) for raspberry juice, (R2=0.9916) (29)

k = k w (T )(1 8.5 10 3 x + 4.5 10 5 x 2 ) for cherry juice, (R2=0.9852) (30)

k = k w (T )(1 7.9 10 3 x + 3.75 10 5 x 2 ) for pear juice, (R2=0.9791) (31)

k = k w (T )(1 8.4 103 x + 4.29 10 5 x 2 ) for sweet cherry juice, (R2=0.9811) (32)

k = k w (T )(1 8.72 103 x + 4.87 105 x 2 ) for cherry-plum juice, (R2=0.9882) (33)

k = k w (T )(1 7.54 103 x + 2.75 105 x 2 ) for apricot juice, (R2=0.9699) (34)

The accuracy (AAD, %) for the Model-C are 0.82, 1.16, 0.90, 1.44, 1.04, 1.3, 1.06, and
0.93, respectively for peach, plum, raspberry, cherry, pear, sweet-cherry, apricot, and cherry-
plum juices. The comparison between experimental and calculated with Models A, B, and C
is showed in Fig. 15. As one can see, the multi-parametric Model-A is best represents the
present experimental thermal conductivity data, but the extrapolation and prediction
capabilities of the Models -B and -C are better than Model-A. Moreover, according the
Models-B and C the thermal conductivity difference, k (T , x) kW (T ) , and reduced thermal
conductivity, k (T , x) / kW (T ) -1, are almost independent of the temperature (function of
concentration only, see also Fig. 25). This is means that the temperature dependence of the
thermal conductivity of juice can be represented through the thermal conductivity of pure
water as a function of temperature. Therefore, Models-B and C are allow to predict the values
of thermal conductivity of juices at any temperature just by knowing the concentration
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 45

dependence of k (T0 , x) at a fixed (or reference) isotherm T0 . This makes it much easier to
predict the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of juices.

-0.00 -0.00

-0.05 -0.05
Raspberry Plum

-0.10 20 oC -0.10 20 oC
90 oC 90 oC

-0.15 -0.15
k / kW -1

-0.20 -0.20

-0.25 -0.25

-0.30 -0.30

-0.35 -0.35

-0.40 -0.40
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x (o Brix) x (o Brix)

Fig. 25. Relative thermal conductivity, ( k juice / kW 1) , of raspberry and plum juices as a function of
concentration x at two fixed temperatures Magerramov et al. [76].

Ras pberry

a 0.64 b
T=50 C
0.50 x=40 oBrix



k (Wm


0.44 Model-B (Eq. 23)
Model-C (Eq. 29) 0.44

0.42 0.39
0 30 60 90 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T (C) x (oBrix)

Fig. 26. Comparison measured and calculated values of the thermal conductivity of raspberry juice
using various models Magerramov et al. [76].

Model-D: Model-3 (see Table 3) with concentration dependent parameters A(x) and n(x)
can be also used to represent the combined effect of temperature and concentration on the
46 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

thermal conductivity of fruit juices, where k0 ( x) is the thermal conductivity of juice as a

function of concentration along the constant reference temperature of T0 = 293.15 K

k0 ( x) = k w (T0 ) 3.7888 103 x + 1.59 107 x 2 for pear juice, (35)

k0 ( x) = k w (T0 ) 5.0826 103 x + 2.3106 105 x 2 for sweet-cherry juice, (36)

k0 ( x) = k w (T0 ) 4.3357 103 x + 1.2778 105 x 2 for apricot juice, (37)

k0 ( x) = k w (T0 ) 4.6340 103 x + 1.2718 105 x 2 for cherry-plum juice, (38)

where k w (T0 ) = 0. 5985 W m-1 K-1 is the thermal conductivity of pure water at T0=293.15 K.
Figure 27 shows the plot of (k / k0 ) vs. (T / T0 ) for the two selected fruit juices at various
concentrations. As one can see from this figure, the temperature dependence of (k / k0 ) at
temperature up to 336 K is almost linear. The measured thermal conductivities for juices were
fitted to the Model-D by using the lowest temperature (293.15 K) and corresponding thermal
conductivity data as reference values T0 and k0 . The values of the A and n were evaluated
for each juice as a function of concentration (see Table 5).

1.20 1.25

Pear juice Sweet-cherry juice


0 =1






1.00 1.00
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
T/T0 T/T0

Fig. 27. Relative thermal conductivity, (k / k0 ) , of pear and sweet-cherry juices as a function of
relative temperature (T / T0 ) along various fixed concentrations. Pear juice: , 14 Brix; , 30 Brix;
, 40 Brix; , 50 Brix; ( ), pure water (IAPWS calculation, Kestin et al. [95]); Sweet-cherry
juice: , 14.3 Brix; , 50 Brix.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 47

Table 5. The values of parameters ln A and n as a function of concentration (Model-D)

for fruit juices

Juice Pear
Concentration 14 Brix 19 Brix 25 Brix 30 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
lnA102 0.38238 0.61277 0.32143 0.38678 0.46807 0.34865
n 0.36829 0.38580 0.41977 0.41000 0.44782 0.56293
Juice Apricot
Concentration 18.5 Brix 25 Brix 30 Brix 35 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
lnA102 0.64735 0.66449 0.40881 0.43615 0.27709 0.39896
n 0.48987 0.51812 0.52559 0.53729 0.54640 0.54536
Juice Cherry-plum
Concentration 12.2 Brix 18 Brix 24 Brix 30 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
lnA102 0.18041 0.47329 0.39646 0.46882 0.45136 0.37181
n 0.44757 0.44585 0.45119 0.45844 0.51719 0.50760
Juice Sweet-cherry
Concentration 14.3 Brix 20 Brix 27 Brix 35 Brix 45 Brix 50 Brix
lnA102 0.96425 0.79707 0.64021 0.41472 0.69675 0.31254
n 0.52013 0.51072 0.55043 0.55497 0.61836 0.64744

Model-D with parameters presented in Table 5 reproduced experimental thermal conductivity

data of juices within 0.36 % to 0.75 %.
As one can see from Table 5, the values of A for each juice are close to unity, A=1.0
(varying for various juices from 1.0018 to 1.0083), therefore, this parameter can be assigned
a common value of 1.0 for all juices at any concentrations. The concentration dependence of
the parameter n is given in Table 10 for the fixed values of parameter A=1. As this table
shows, the values of parameter n are very small changes with concentration. Therefore, this
parameter can be also assigned a common value for any concentrations without losing the
accuracy in describing of the experimental thermal conductivity data. The value of n for pear,
sweet-cherry, apricot, and cherry plum juices are 0.4525, 0.6219, 0.52099, and 0.56923
respectively. This is means that the thermal conductivity of a juice can be predicted just by
knowing the thermal conductivity k0 at a reference temperature T0 at fixed n for each juice.
Model-E: At temperatures up to 336 K the values of (k / k 0 ) can be represent as linear
function of temperature (see Model-4, Table 3 and Fig. 27). The values of adjusting
parameters A and B for each juice are given in Table 6. This model reproduced the
experimental thermal conductivity data within 0.70, 0.73, 0.90, and 0.60 %, for pear, sweet-
cherry, apricot, and cherry - plum juices, respectively. However, to increase the accuracy of
the model at high temperatures (above 336 K) the quadratic term Ct is required. As one can
see from the Table 6, the values of parameter A are almost unity, (varying for various juices
from 1.0018 to 1.0083). Therefore, this parameter can be assigned a common value (A=1.0)
for any concentrations without losing accuracy of the thermal conductivity calculation. Only
one adjustable parameter B in this model is need to accurate calculate the temperature
dependence of the thermal conductivity fruit juices.
48 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 6. The values of parameters A and B (Model-E) for fruit juices

Juice A B
Pear 0.9792 1.30410-3
Sweet-cherry 0.9738 1.75010-3
Cherry-plum 0.9742 1.63310-3
Apricot 0.9729 1.66710-3

The accuracy (AAD, %) for the Models A to E described above for each juice is given in
Table 7. The comparison between experimental and calculated values with Models A to E is
shown in Fig. 15. As one can see from Table 7, the multi-parametric Model-A is best
represented the present experimental thermal conductivity data, but the predicting capability
of the Model-D is much better than others. Moreover, in this model the minimum
experimental thermal conductivity information at a reference temperature is needed to predict
the values of the thermal conductivity of juices at high temperatures. The accuracy of the
Models-C and D is very close. The Model-D can be recommended to calculate the combined
effects of the temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of juices over wide
ranges of temperature and concentration just using the values of thermal conductivity at
reference temperature T0 .

Table 7. The AAD (%) between measured and calculated values of thermal
conductivities of fruit juices for various models

Juice Pear Sweet-cherry Cherry-plum Apricot

Model-A 0.10 0.20 0.22 0.19
Model-B 1.04 1.30 1.06 0.93
Model-C 0.60 0.65 0.75 0.36
Model-D 0.70 0.73 0.90 0.60
Model-E 0.64 0.69 0.80 0.38

Table 8 provides the results of the test of various combined models for the thermal
conductivity of selected fruit juice (pear juice). As one can see from this table, best result is
achieved for the four-parametric Model IV. Among one-parametric models which are
represent the thermal conductivity of juice relative to pure water values best representation of
the experimental thermal conductivity data was observed for the Model-IX. The Model-VIII
can be used to predict the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of juice just by
using the single data point at reference temperature T0 =293 K, k juice (T0 , x ) .
Model -13 (see Table 3) (multi-parametric correlation model) was also applied to the
present experimental thermal conductivity data for fruit juices to study of the combined effect
of temperature and concentration on thermal conductivity. The derived values of coefficients
ci are given in Table 9. The AAD between measured and calculated values for pear, sweet-
cherry, apricot, and cherry-plum juices are 0.1, 0.2, 0.22, and 0.19 %, respectively.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 49

Table 8. Comparison accuracy and predictive capability of various combined models for
the thermal conductivity of pear juice ( ai parameters of the models)

1 2 3 4 5 S
Model-I, k ( T , x ) = kW ( T ) [1-( a1 + a 2 T)x-( a 3 + a4 T)x ] 2

ai -3.879510 -1.2110-5 -8.25610-5 3.410-7 - 0.34010-4
Model-II, k ( T , x ) = kW ( T ) [1- a1 (x+210-4x3)] - 210-8Tx
ai 0.00994867 - - - - 0.66610-3
Model-III, k ( T , x ) = kW ( T ) [1- a1 (x+ a 2 x3)] a 3 Tx
ai 0.0088695 5.35910-5 -2.7410-6 - - 0.46210-4
Model-IV, k ( T , x ) = a1 + a 2 x + a 3 x 2 + a 4 T
ai 0.409025 -3.80210-3 1.9310-6 6.5110-4 - 0.59810-5
Model-V, k ( x ) = kW + a1 x
ai -4.347510 - - - - 0.15410-3
Model-VI, k ( x ) = kW + a1 x + a 2 x 2
ai -5.259710-3 2.33810-5 - - - 0.84010-4
Model-VII, k ( x ) = kW (1+ a1 x + a 2 x 2 )
ai 0.96649 -5.74710-3 2.9310-6 - - 0.31310-4
Model-VIII, k ( T ) = k juice (T0 , x ) [ kW (T ) / kW (T0 ) ]
ai - - - - - -
Model-IX, (k / k 0 ) = (T / T0 ) n
, k 0 ( 293, x ) , T0 = 293.15 K
ai n=0.44251 - - - - 0.32610-4
Model-X, k(T)=k(293,x)[1+ a1 (T-293.15)]
ai 0.001411 - - - - 0.35410-4

Table 9. The values of parameters ci for fruit juices (Model-13)

Juice Pear Sweet-cherry Cherry-plum Apricot

c1 0.5794100 0.5468100 0.5468100 0.5592100

c2 9.623710-4 1.523010-3 1.523010-3 1.430710-3

c3 -2.739010-6 -4.831810-6 -4.831810-6 -3.909910-6

c4 -3.752010-3 -3.352510-3 -3.352510-3 -3.310310-3

c5 -7.595310-7 -9.393110-6 -9.393110-6 -1.042210-5

c6 2.219810-8 6.358710-8 6.358710-8 5.305310-8

50 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 10. The values of parameter n as a function of concentration (A=1.0, Model-3)

Juice Pear
Concentration 14 Brix 19 Brix 25 Brix 30 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
N 0.38656 0.41508 0.43513 0.42848 0.47018 0.57959
Juice Apricot
Concentration 18.5 Brix 25 Brix 30 Brix 35 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
N 0.54594 0.57590 0.56254 0.57727 0.57187 0.58188
Juice Cherry-plum
Concentration 12.2 Brix 18 Brix 24 Brix 30 Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix
n 0.46370 0.48614 0.48672 0.50036 0.55760 0.63143
Juice Sweet-cherry
Concentration 14.3 Brix 20 Brix 27 Brix 35 Brix 45 Brix 50 Brix
n 0.50124 0.57767 0.60619 0.59277 0.68067 0.67300

4.2. Prediction Models

4.2.1. Empirical prediction models

Here we examined the applicability of empirical prediction models (see Table 3) for the
thermal conductivity of fruit juices. The Model-20, k (T ) = k sol (T0 ) [ kW (T ) / kW (T0 ) ],
where T0 is the reference temperature and k sol (T0 ) and kW (T0 ) are the thermal conductivity
of solution or liquid food at T0 , and kW (T ) is the thermal conductivity of pure water, is
preferable to use for the prediction of the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of
solution at fixed composition (Riedel [179]; Vargaftik and Osminin [173]). This model can
predict the thermal conductivity of solutions or liquid foods just by knowing the thermal
conductivity k 0 of solution at a reference temperature T0 and pure water thermal
conductivity kW (T ) as a function of temperature. This model was applied for the thermal
conductivity measurements of fruit juices. The comparison between the predictions and the
present experimental results for thermal conductivity of cherry and raspberry juices is shown
in Fig. 13 (dashed lines). The agreement between predicted and measured values of thermal
conductivity is about (0.25 to 1.5) % at high concentrations and (0.7 to 1.5) % at low
concentrations. This model can be recommended for future use to predict the temperature
dependence of the thermal conductivity of fruit and vegetable juices. This makes it easier to
predict the thermal conductivity of fruit juices just by knowing the thermal conductivity k 0
at a reference temperature T0 (usually at room temperature) and well-known pure water
thermal conductivity data [95].
Model-21 (see also above) is allow to predict the thermal conductivity of liquid foods
just by knowing the thermal conductivity k 0 at a reference temperature T0 at fixed value of
n. For most pure liquids the value of n is constant (2/30.67, theoretical value) (Klaas and
Viswanath [183]). The values of n for some real liquid juices (pear, sweet-cherry, apricot, and
cherry plum juices) are 0.4525, 0.6219, 0.52099, and 0.56923 respectively. Probably the
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 51

values of parameter n are depend on chemical composition of the juice (or nature of the juice)
and should be predicted from chemical composition data. Choi and Okos [8] prediction
model (Model-22) allow calculating the thermal conductivity of liquid foods by knowing the
pure water values of thermal conductivity and the thermal conductivity of juice components
( k S ).

4.2.2. Composition models

The several techniques of determination of the thermal conductivity of liquid foods from
the chemical composition were developed in the literature. For example, some composition
models (see Table 3) for the thermal conductivity of liquid food products were proposed by
Miles et al. [166], Sweat [154,160], Rahman [184], and Blint [221]. Composition model
proposed by Sweat [154] predict the thermal conductivity of liquid food with satisfactory
results. Composition models are not including temperature effect and geometry (structural
properties) of the component mixing. Usually, it is valid at room temperature 25 C. The
composition models have their shortcomings in that the resulting models may be applicable
only to the particular suite of liquid food being investigated.

4.2.3. Structural models

The measurement of thermal conductivity of liquid food products are time consuming
and costly. It is, therefore, accurate theoretically based predictive models are very important.
For many food engineering and scientific applications the relationship between thermal
conductivity and concentration is needed. Concentration of juices is the most important
parameter affecting its thermophysical properties, but their relationship to concentration is
poorly understood. Increasing concentration leads in general to a decrease in thermal
conductivity (see Figs. 14, 16-19, 21, 23), but in detail, the microstructure of the solid
dispersed particles (chemical components) is important, i.e. the size, shape and distribution as
well as the conditions in the contact area of the connecting particles. Most models are only
valid for low-concentration. Theoretical backgrounds. Mechanism of heat transfer in liquid

solid suspended systems
Most available thermal conductivity models are empirical and cannot be used for
accurate prediction. The majority empirical models have their shortcomings in that the
resulting models may be applicable only to the particular suite of liquid food being
investigated. The theoretical models are based on the mechanism of heat transfer applicable
(heat transfer theory) to simplified the structure of the solid-fluid system. There is still a lack
of detailed knowledge of how the heat is transferred through liquid foods, and in particular, at
the transitions solid-liquid surfaces and interfaces at the solid-liquid-solid. Preferably, one
would use a theoretical model to describe the physics (physical nature) of heat conduction,
but sufficiently reliable models have not yet beet developed, and empirical modifications of
the equations are needed. Liquid food products are a heterogeneous mixture of numerous
suspended (randomly dispersed) solid particles forming a non-continuous phase and fluid
component (water as a continue fluid). Particular fruit juices might be composed of water,
52 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

ash, carbohydrates, fat, and protein (Watt and Merril [185]). The accurate thermal
conductivity of the composites is needed to predict the thermal conductivity of liquid foods.
The thermal conductivity is depending also on size, shape, and distribution of the dispersed
particles. Nonideal behavior of thermal exchange between the solid particles surface and the
liquid phase due to temperature drop at the surfaces of both solid particles and liquid phase
(transitions surfaces and interfaces at the liquid-solid-liquid and solid-solid interfaces) is
created additional sources of the thermal resistance of the solid-liquid system. It is difficult
exactly take into account the effect (or contribution) of transition surface and interfaces on
the total thermal conductivity of the liquid-solid system.
Main difficulties in developing theoretical models to predict the thermal conductivity of
liquid food products are the complexities of the structures and composition. Due to
irregularity of the microstructures, accurate theoretical prediction of the thermal conductivity
of liquid foods is rather difficult and some time impossible. Existing prediction methods are
based on certain simplifications such as particles (spherical or cylindrical) dispersed, simple
cubic in a conducting medium (liquid), etc. [81,186-209]. Even with a well defined
microstructure, the problem remains complex due to the existence of the interface (particle-
particle, particle-liquid) resistance. Semi-empirical approach is the only practical way of
predicting the thermal conductivity of liquid food products. A large number of theoretical
models have been developed for the prediction of thermal conductivity of multiphase
systems. Some selected and widely used theoretical models for the thermal conductivity of
liquid food products as a function of temperature, concentration and thermal conductivity of
solid particles are given below. The thermal conductivity of for spherical particles suspended
in a continue fluid phase can be predicted with first Maxwell model [186]

k 2 x + (3 2 x )r
= , (39)
k f 3 x + xr

( )
where r = k S / k f , k S is the thermal conductivity of suspended particles; x is the void
fraction of the discontinuous phase. This relation (Maxwel [186]) is valid at small
concentrations, x. Discontinues component is assume in the macro level. Eucken [187]
reported the first modification of the Maxwells model

k 1 + 2 x
= , (40)
kS 1 x
1 r
where, = . Other modifications of the Maxwells model in the improved form are
2r + 1
given below together with models based on the mixing-law

1 2kx + kF
k = kf , extended Maxwells model, (41)
1 + kx + kF
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 53

k = (k f k S )/ (k S + 2k f ) ; F = 1.65 (k S k f ) / (k S + 4 k f / 3 )x10 / 3 , ] (42)

kmax = xk f + (1 x )k S ,first order arithmetic mean (parallel model), (43)

= x + (1 x )r
x(1 x ) 1 2r + r 2 ( )
, second order arithmetic mean, (44)
kf 3[x + (1 x )r ]

k = k fx k S(1 x ) or = r (1 x ) , first order geometric mean, (45)

x(1 x )
= exp (1 x )ln r + (ln r )2 , second order geometric mean, (46)
kf 6

k 1 2 x(1 x )(1 1 / r )
= + , second order harmonic mean (Brown [217]),
kf x + (1 x )r 3[x + (1 x ) / r ]

(1 x ) x
k min = + , first order harmonic mean (series model), (48)
k S kf

k 2r 2 (1 x ) + (1 + 2 x )r , second Maxwell model for random distributed spherical

k f (2 + x )r + 1 x
fluid-filled voids, (49)

[ ][
k = (1 + x )k f + 2(1 x )k S 2 + x + (1 x )k f / k S ]
, for a spherical assemblage, solid cubic
grains Waff [188], (50).

In the present work these models were applied for thermal conductivity of fruit juices.
The results for some selected fruit juices are presented in Figs. 17 to 23. In these models the
thermal conductivity of liquid foods is a function of thermal conductivity of constitutes
(thermal conductivity of solid dispersed particles k S and continue fluid (water) k w ) and
concentration x.
54 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Water P=10 MPa

0.68 P=0.1 MPa


k ( mWm-1K-1)




10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130
T ( 0C)

Fig. 28. Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of water along various selected isobars
calculated with IAPWS formulation (Kestin et al., [95]).

Fig. 29. Schematic model of heat transfer in solid liquid system.

Mixing-law models (parallel, series, first and second order geometric, second order
arithmetic and harmonic means models) were used by many authors to estimate the thermal
conductivity of liquid food products. These models combine the values of the thermal
conductivity of the solid particles ( k S ) with the conductivity of the continued liquid phase
( k w ) on the basis of concentration, i.e. representing the concentration dependency of the
thermal conductivity of liquid solid suspended systems relative to components constituting
the liquid food product ( k S and k w ). It is reasonable to assume that the structural models
(Eqs. 39-50) discussed above are holds at any fixed temperatures. The temperature
dependence of the thermal conductivity can be considered through temperature dependencies
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 55

of the k S (T ) and k w (T ) . These models are of a general character and can be used for all
types of liquid food products. These models are based on using various ways of averaging
thermal conductivity of components (solid particles k S and liquid k w ) with respect to their
volume fractions, such as geometric mean model or fabric model. Although mixing-rules less
stringent than Maxwell-law models, provide convenient predictions for the physical limits of
the thermal conductivity. The physical limits for the thermal conductivity of the solid-
particles suspended systems are very well established (see Eqs. 43 and 48, Fig. 31). Mixing-
law models do not take into account the structural characteristics of liquid food products;
therefore, they are limited applicability.

0.30 Raspberry

kS (mWm-1K-1)





15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
T ( 0C)

Fig. 30. Temperature dependence of k S (T ) for some selected fruit juices.

The thermal conductivity is most sensitive to interface geometry if the solid-fluid

conductivity ratio is large. The predictive capability of the models essentially depends on
how they representing of the microstructure of the juice. The thermal conductivity of small to
modest solid-fluid conductivity ratio (k S / k w ) media can be predicted with reasonable
accuracy, while our understanding of heat conduction in large solidfluid conductivity ratio
still is incomplete. Based on the fact that a liquid food is composed of solid suspended
particles and continue liquid phase, many researches (see for example
[153,129,134,151,163,161,210-212]) have developed the models for prediction of the thermal
conductivity from concentration and solid and fluid thermal conductivity data. In developing
these models, it was basically assumed that the process of transferring heat in liquid foods
involves the following: (1) heat conduction through solid suspended particles; (2) heat
conduction through the contact region between solid particles (protein, fat, carbohydrate,
dietary fiber, ash, and miner content); and (3) heat conduction through fluid (water). Thus,
the thermal conductivity in liquid food is a result of conduction in the solid, contact region,
and fluid phases (see schematic Fig. 29).
56 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.


T=20 0C

k (mWm-1K-1)

0.51 kmax




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x ( Brix)

Fig. 31. Thermal conductivity of peach juice as a function of concentration predicted from various
theoretical models together with measured values. (), experiment (Magerramov et al. [76]); (),
first order arithmetic mean (parallel model, Eq. 43); ( ), Maxwell model (Eq. 39); ( ),
first order geometric mean (Eq. 45); (------), second order geometric mean
(Eq. 46); ( ), Rzhevskii and Novik [219] model; (), Ziman [218] model; (
), second order harmonic mean (Brown [217], Eq. 47); ( ), Lichtencker and Rother
[216] model; (.), Waff [188] model (Eq. 50).

In order to develop the theoretical equation for thermal conductivity, the heat transfer
through a dispersed medium can be considered at in a manner analogous to an electrical
circuit made up of the following resistances: (a) resistance to conduction of heat through
solid particles; (b) contact resistance between solid particles and between solid and liquid
contact surface area; (c) resistance to conduction through fluid phase where solid particles
suspended. How these resistances contribute to the total resistance (or conductance) of a
natural liquid food is the main problem of the prediction techniques of the thermal
conductivity of liquid food products.
The Maxwell model (see above Eq. 39) restricted to large concentrations. This model is
appropriate for the low concentrations (x<20 %). Maxwell considered dilute suspension of
solid particles in continue liquid phase. When the values of (k S / k w ) is large, these models
give large different results between measured and predicted values. According to the relation
for thermal conductivity of dispersions of spheroids (Fricke [189]), the spherical particles are
caused the minimum changes in thermal conductivity (see also Fig. 31). The prediction
capability of the Frickes model is good (within 5-6 %). Maxwell model restricted to small
concentration of solid particles and at large values of (k S / k w ) ratio becomes equal to Waff
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 57

[188] model. Eucken [187] first modified Maxwells equation (see Eq. 40). At
(kS / kw ) Euckens model reduced to Buntebarth and Schopper [213].
The results of application of some models to the thermal conductivity data for fruit juices
are given in Figs. 18 through 23, and 31. In these figures the wide used structural thermal
conductivity models predictions are plotted and compared with the present measurements for
peach, pear, apple, orange, and grape juices. The predictive capability of the models strongly
depends on the solid-liquid conductivity ratio (k S / k w ) . Aichlmayr and Kulacki [214]
reviewed and classified all of the available theoretical models for the thermal conductivity
into three different groups: 1. Small solid-fluid conductivity ratio (1 k S / k w 10); 2.
Intermediate solid-fluid conductivity ratio (10 k S / k w 103); 3. Large solid-fluid
conductivity ratio (103 k S / k w ). In the present work we studied the applicability and
predictive capability of the various models for the thermal conductivity of liquid foods with
small solid-fluid conductivity ratio, (k S / k w ) 0.2-0.3.
Three commonly used, basic mixing-law models (see above Eqs. 39-50) are the
arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and harmonic mean. The harmonic and arithmetic mean
models are based on parallel and series arrangements of the components relative to the
direction of heat flow (the electric field analogy). The values of thermal conductivity
estimated by these models are assumed as the upper ( k max , Eq. 43, first order arithmetic
mean, parallel model), and lower ( k min , Eq. 48, first order harmonic mean) limits of the
thermal conductivity for a liquid foods of given composition (see Fig.31). Hashin and
Strickman [215] modified the boundary of the mixing-law models

1 x x
k min = k w + and k max = k S + .
[1 / (kS kw )] + x / 3kw [1 / (kw kS )] + (1 x ) / 3kS

The geometric mean model (Eq. 45) gives an intermediate value of the arithmetic and
harmonic means. Figure 31 shows the comparison between the measured values of the
thermal conductivity and the values of k max and k min predicted with various models. Our
experimental result is very close (deviation within 0.1-0.2 %) to the k max predicted with Eq.
43 (first order arithmetic mean). Therefore, the arithmetic mean model is the most realistic of
these models for liquid foods. The minimum values of the predicted thermal
conductivity, k min with geometric model lower than k min by Walsh and Decker [222],
while k max predicted by arithmetic model is higher than k max by Walsh and Decker [222]
model. Walshs model for the thermal conductivity considerable narrowing the boundary
between k max and k min .
Majority of predicted values of thermal conductivity by various models are lower than
measured values. For example, the value of thermal conductivity predicted by Lichtenecker
58 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

and Rother [216] and second order harmonic mean (Brown [217]) models lower than the
present results by 14-35 %, while the models by Ziman [218] and Buntebarth and Schopper
[213] are lower by 12-25 %. Two models Maxwell (Eq. 39) and second order arithmetic
mean (Eq. 44) are predict the thermal conductivity of liquid foods which is agree with the
measured values within 1.5 to 7 %. The second order geometric mean (Eq. 46) and Rzhevskii
and Novik [219] models are predicts the thermal conductivity within 5-10 %. Deviation
within 7 % was found between the measured and predicted by Waff [188] (Eq. 50). Thermal conductivity of continue phase

In order to apply the structural models (see above Eqs. 41 to 50) to predict the thermal
conductivity of liquid-solid suspended systems the accurate thermal conductivity data of
continued phase (water) and suspended phase (solid particles) are require. In order to
calculate the thermal conductivity of the pure water at high temperatures and at atmospheric
pressures we used the internationally accepted (International Association for the Properties of
Water and Steam, IAPWS standard) reference data reported by Kestin et al. [95]. The thermal
conductivity of water at atmospheric pressure as a function of temperature can be also
calculated with the simplified equation by (Nieto de Castro et al. [220])

k w (T ) = 0.76825 + 2.24957(T / 298) 0.874095(T / 298) .


The maximum deviation of the experimental data employed, from the Eq. (52) is 1.1 %.
This equation is valid at temperatures from 274 to 360 K. In order to calculate of the thermal
conductivity of pure water at high temperatures (from 251.17 to 1275.00 K) and at high
pressures (up to 1000 MPa) the IAPWS formulation Kestin et al. [95] was used. Figure 28
shows the thermal conductivity of water as a function of temperature along the two selected
constant pressures calculated with IAPWS formulation Kestin et al. [95]. As this figure
shows, thermal conductivity of water at high pressures (above atmospheric pressure)
monotonically increase with temperature increasing up to 420-470 K (depending on
pressure), goes through the maximum and then decrease at high temperatures. Thermal conductivity of non-continuous phase

The thermal conductivity of fruit juices is influenced by not only the water content but
also the chemical compositions of the suspended solid particles i.e. the protein, fat,
carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and miner content. Consider a fruit juice with two components,
water and solid (dissolved or suspended particles, see Fig. 29). The major liquid food
components are carbohydrates (dextrose, lactose, sugar, and starch), fiber (cellulose and
pectin), and salts. The accurate thermal conductivity data for major food components (such as
protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and ash) are reported by Choi and Okos [8] and Saravacos
and Maroulis [13] as a function of temperature. The predictive capability of the structural
models essentially depends on the accuracy of thermal conductivity of solid particles.
Rahman [184] proposed correlation equation for the temperature dependence of the thermal
conductivity of major food components (protein, gelatin, carbohydrate, starch, sucrose, fat,
fiber, ash)
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 59

k S = b0 + b1T + b2T 2 + b3T 3 . (53)

However, the thermal conductivity of some components (for example protein,

carbohydrate) depends on their chemical and physical form. Therefore, the temperature
dependence of the thermal conductivity of liquid food products strongly depends on chemical
composition of the liquid foods. Since the chemical components of liquid food materials are
imperfect, the solid particle thermal conductivity can be estimated from experimental k x
curves at each measured constant temperature using linear extrapolating procedure low
concentration data to the concentration of 100 %. The axis intercept is equal to the values of
k S (T ) . The derived values of k S (T ) for some fruit juices were fitted to the following
correlation equation (see also Fig. 30 and Table 11)

k S (T ) = a0 + a1T . (54)

Table 11. Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of dispersed solid particles k S (fractions) as
a function of temperature

T, K Pear Apricot Peach Plum Raspberry Cherry

293.15 0.221 0.239 0.251 0.239 0.196 0.252
303.15 0.230 0.244 0.267 0.247 0.208 0.263
313.15 0.238 0.249 0.281 0.260 0.218 0.271
323.15 0.247 0.253 0.294 0.270 0.227 0.279
333.15 0.255 0.259 0.305 0.281 0.232 0.287
343.15 0.264 0.265 0.313 0.288 0.237 0.294
353.15 0.273 0.270 0.321 0.297 0.242 0.301
363.15 0.280 0.277 0.325 0.304 0.248 0.305
Coefficients of Eq. (54)
a1 102 -2.8203 8.1989 -6.3955 -4.2082 -1.2637 2.9623
a2 103 0.8508 0.5331 1.0924 0.9609 0.7270 0.7675

As one can see from Table 11, the values of k S at 20 C for all studied juices varied
within 0.221-0.252 W/(mK). These values of k S are very close to the values reported by
Constenla et al. [133] and Riedel [67] for sucrose (0.209 W/(mK)) and glucose (0.214
W/(mK)). For orange and apple juices the value of k S is 0.294 W/(mK) and 0.317 W/(mK),
respectively (Frandas and Bicanic [130]). This is still good agreement; because the
experimental values of k S include not only sucrose and glucose, but the effective thermal
conductivity from all solid particles (protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and ash etc.). The
values of k S (T ) can be also estimated from components of a juice, especially protein, fat,
carbohydrate (dextrose, lactose, sugar, and starch), fiber (cellulose and pectin), salt, and ash.
Since ash and sucrose has relative significantly larger thermal conductivity than the other
60 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

components (0.35-0.45 Wm-1K-1) the ash and sucrose content is the dominant factor in the
thermal conductivity of the liquid foods. Most liquid foods contain a predominance of ash
and sucrose.
The mechanism of heat transfer in liquid food products is complicated by the irregularity
of the microstructure. In most liquid foods, heat is propagated by the thermal conductivity
through the suspended solid particles and continued liquid phase (water). In general, the total
thermal conductivity in multiphase materials depends on the thermal conductivity of each
phase, the fractions of the phases, and the way in which the phases are distributed (structure).
The distribution of the phases includes theirs size, shape, orientation, continuity relative to
the heat flow direction. There are a number of models for the prediction of the thermal
conductivity which are based on theoretical studies (see above). The theoretical models are
based on the mechanism of heat transfer applicable (heat transfer theory) to simplified
geometries of the liquid-solid system. The difficulty with these models is the degree of
simplification necessary to obtain a solution. There is still a lack of detailed knowledge of
how the heat is transferred through liquid food products, and in particular, at the transitions
surfaces and interfaces at the liquid-solid-liquid and solid-solid interfaces (see Fig. 29).
Preferably, one would use a theoretical model to describe the physical nature of mechanism
of the heat conduction, but sufficiently reliable models have not yet beet developed, and
empirical modifications of the equations are needed.

5. Conclusions

Comprehensive compilations all of the available thermal conductivity data for liquid
food products (fruit and vegetable juices, oils, milks) and biological fluids are provided. The
comprehensive review on the available experimental data sets on thermal conductivity liquid
foods in the wide temperature and concentration ranges, critical analyses of the estimation,
correlation, and prediction methods, to select more reliable data sets and to give some
preliminary recommendations for scientific and applied used is provided.
The combined effect of temperature and concentration on the thermal conductivity of
liquid foods was studied. New correlation and prediction models for the thermal conductivity
of liquid food products were developed. The applicability and predictive capability of the
various theoretical models used previously for aqueous solutions and solid particles
suspended systems to describe the effect of temperature and concentration on thermal
conductivity was examined. It was found that the prediction Model-20,
k (T ) = k sol (T0 ) [ kW (T ) / kW (T0 ) ], can be adopted satisfactorily for fruit juices. The AAD
between measured and calculated from predicting model for the thermal conductivity of
juices were within 0.2 to 1.5 %. Therefore, minimal experimental information is needed to
predict the thermal conductivity of juices as a function of temperature and concentration. The
thermal conductivity of juices can be calculate just by knowing the single thermal
conductivity k sol (T0 ) of juice at a reference temperature T0 =20 C and pure water
data kW (T ) . This makes it much easier to predict the thermal conductivity of fruit juices.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 61

Model-A to C can be recommended to accurate represent experimental thermal conductivity

data for fruit juices in wide temperature and concentration ranges.
The simple model for the predicting of combined effect of temperature and concentration
on the thermal conductivity of fruit juices was developed. It was found that the prediction
Model-D, k ( T , x ) / k ( T0 , x ) = (T / T0 ) , developed in this work can be adopted with

satisfaction. The AAD between measured and calculated values from predicting model for
the thermal conductivity of juices were within 0.36 to 0.8 %. The thermal conductivity of
juices can be predicted just by knowing the thermal conductivity k0 at a reference
temperature T0 . This makes it easier to predict the thermal conductivity of fruit juices. The
structural models based on the mixing-law and Maxwell-law can be also successfully used to
predict the thermal conductivity of liquid food products. Best result can be archived by using
the first order arithmetic mean (parallel model) model with accurate knowing the solid
particles (protein, fat, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and miner content) thermal conductivity
( k S ).


Experimental Thermal Conductivity Data for Fruit Juices

Table 1. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of pear juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T (K) 14Brix 19Brix 25Brix 30Brix 40Brix 50Brix

293.15 0.545 0.526 0.503 0.485 0.450 0.408
303.15 0.553 0.535 0.511 0.493 0.458 0.417
313.15 0.561 0.543 0.519 0.500 0.466 0.425
323.15 0.568 0.551 0.526 0.508 0.473 0.433
333.15 0.575 0.558 0.534 0.514 0.480 0.441
343.15 0.581 0.565 0.540 0.521 0.487 0.448
353.15 0.587 0.571 0.547 0.527 0.493 0.456
363.15 0.593 0.576 0.553 0.532 0.499 0.462
373.15* 0.598 0.581 0.559 0.538 0.504 0.469
383.15* 0.603 0.585 0.564 0.542 0.508 0.476
393.15* 0.607 0.589 0.568 0.547 0.513 0.481
62 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 2. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of sweet-cherry juice as a

function of temperature and concentration

T (K) 14.3Brix 20Brix 27Brix 35Brix 45Brix 50Brix

293.15 0.525 0.505 0.480 0.454 0.415 0.401
303.15 0.538 0.516 0.491 0.464 0.426 0.410
313.15 0.549 0.527 0.501 0.473 0.436 0.420
323.15 0.560 0.537 0.511 0.482 0.445 0.429
333.15 0.570 0.546 0.521 0.491 0.454 0.438
343.15 0.579 0.555 0.529 0.498 0.462 0.447
353.15 0.587 0.563 0.537 0.507 0.471 0.455
363.15 0.594 0.569 0.545 0.514 0.478 0.463
373.15* 0.601 0.576 0.552 0.522 0.485 0.470
383.15* 0.607 0.582 0.558 0.528 0.492 0.478
393.15* 0.612 0.586 0.564 0.534 0.498 0.484

Table 3. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of cherry-plum juice as a

function of temperature and concentration

T (K) 12.2Brix 18Brix 24Brix 30Brix 40Brix 50Brix

293.15 0.543 0.518 0.495 0.472 0.434 0.398
303.15 0.552 0.527 0.504 0.481 0.443 0.407
313.15 0.560 0.536 0.512 0.489 0.451 0.416
323.15 0.568 0.545 0.520 0.497 0.460 0.424
333.15 0.577 0.553 0.528 0.504 0.467 0.432
343.15 0.584 0.560 0.535 0.511 0.474 0.440
353.15 0.593 0.568 0.542 0.518 0.481 0.447
363.15 0.600 0.573 0.548 0.524 0.488 0.455
373.15* 0.606 0.580 0.554 0.530 0.494 0.462
383.15* 0.613 0.585 0.560 0.535 0.500 0.468
393.15* 0.618 0.590 0.565 0.540 0.505 0.474

Table 4. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of apricot juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T (K) 18.5Brix 25Brix 30Brix 35Brix 40Brix 50Brix

293.15 0.525 0.498 0.480 0.461 0.444 0.415
303.15 0.536 0.509 0.490 0.471 0.453 0.424
313.15 0.546 0.519 0.499 0.480 0.462 0.432
323.15 0.556 0.529 0.508 0.489 0.470 0.440
333.15 0.565 0.538 0.517 0.497 0.478 0.448
343.15 0.573 0.546 0.525 0.505 0.486 0.455
353.15 0.581 0.554 0.533 0.513 0.494 0.462
363.15 0.588 0.562 0.540 0.520 0.501 0.469
373.15* 0.595 0.568 0.547 0.527 0.508 0.476
383.15* 0.601 0.574 0.554 0.534 0.515 0.481
393.15* 0.606 0.580 0.560 0.540 0.521 0.487
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Thermal Conductivity 63

Table 5. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of peach juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T, K 14.8 Brix 20Brix 30Brix 40Brix 50Brix 60Brix

293.15 0.545 0.524 0.490 0.453 0.420 0.390
303.15 0.553 0.534 0.497 0.464 0.432 0.402
313.15 0.562 0.541 0.507 0.473 0.444 0.413
323.15 0.570 0.548 0.514 0.482 0.454 0.423
333.15 0.576 0.555 0.521 0.490 0.461 0.432
343.15 0.582 0.562 0.528 0.496 0.467 0.440
353.15 0.588 0.568 0.535 0.502 0.475 0.447
363.15 0.595 0.575 0.541 0.506 0.480 0.453
373.15* 0.600 0.580 0.547 0.510 0.484 0.457
383.15* 0.605 0.585 0.553 0.513 0.488 0.460
393.15* 0.610 0.590 0.556 0.517 0.490 0.462

Table 6. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of plum juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T, K 15.1Brix 20Brix 30Brix 40Brix 50Brix 60Brix

293.15 0.535 0.511 0.469 0.434 0.405 0.380
303.15 0.546 0.524 0.481 0.446 0.417 0.389
313.15 0.555 0.533 0.492 0.457 0.427 0.401
323.15 0.565 0.543 0.503 0.467 0.437 0.411
333.15 0.573 0.550 0.510 0.474 0.445 0.421
343.15 0.583 0.559 0.517 0.481 0.452 0.430
353.15 0.590 0.566 0.526 0.489 0.462 0.437
363.15 0.597 0.575 0.532 0.497 0.468 0.445
373.15* 0.605 0.582 0.540 0.504 0.475 0.453
383.15* 0.611 0.588 0.545 0.510 0.481 0.459
393.15* 0.617 0.593 0.550 0.515 0.486 0.465

Table 7. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of raspberry juice as a function

of temperature and concentration

T, K 9.8 Brix 15Brix 20Brix 30Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix

293.15 0.555 0.529 0.502 0.462 0.425 0.396
303.15 0.564 0.541 0.515 0.472 0.437 0.407
313.15 0.574 0.553 0.525 0.483 0.449 0.417
323.15 0.585 0.563 0.537 0.492 0.459 0.427
333.15 0.595 0.574 0.547 0.501 0.468 0.435
343.15 0.604 0.584 0.556 0.510 0.476 0.443
353.15 0.615 0.591 0.563 0.518 0.483 0.450
363.15 0.620 0.599 0.570 0.526 0.490 0.456
64 A. I. Abdulagatov, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov et al.

Table 7. Continued

T, K 9.8 Brix 15Brix 20Brix 30Brix 40 Brix 50 Brix

373.15* 0.629 0.605 0.577 0.533 0.495 0.461
383.15* 0.634 0.611 0.582 0.539 0.498 0.466
393.15* 0.640 0.615 0.587 0.545 0.502 0.469

Table 8. Experimental thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) of cherry juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T, K 15.1 Brix 20Brix 30Brix 40 Brix 50Brix 60 Brix

293.15 0.521 0.502 0.468 0.436 0.406 0.380
303.15 0.532 0.513 0.478 0.447 0.418 0.390
313.15 0.544 0.524 0.489 0.458 0.430 0.399
323.15 0.554 0.535 0.500 0.468 0.440 0.408
333.15 0.565 0.544 0.510 0.477 0.450 0.417
343.15 0.574 0.553 0.520 0.487 0.458 0.425
353.15 0.583 0.562 0.528 0.495 0.467 0.432
363.15 0.592 0.571 0.537 0.503 0.474 0.439
373.15* 0.600 0.579 0.544 0.510 0.481 0.446
383.15* 0.608 0.587 0.551 0.517 0.487 0.451
393.15* 0.615 0.595 0.558 0.523 0.492 0.456
*Slightly above atmospheric pressure (0.3 MPa)


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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 2

Cactus Pear Juice: A Source of Multiple

Nutraceutical and Functional

Dedicated to the memory of my dear father

Hasna El Gharras
Laboratoire de Chimie Organique et Analytique. Unit de Chimie Agroalimentaire,
Universit Sultan Moulay Slimane. Facult des Sciences et Techniques BP523,
Bni-Mellal. MAROC

Recently, functional foods present in natural resources, such as fruits, vegetables,
oilseeds, and herbs, have received a great attention both by health professionals and the
common population for improving overall well-being, as well as in the prevention of
diseases. In fact, regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with reduced
risks of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimers
disease, cataract and age-related functional decline.
The recent scientific investigations on cactus reported high content of some chemical
constituents, which can give added value to cactus products in terms of functionality. The
cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) appears to be an excellent candidate for the inclusion
in food. According to several studies, the great number of potentially active nutrients and
their multifunctional properties make cactus pear perfect candidates for the production of
health-promoting food and food supplements. Traditionally, its appreciated for its
pharmacological properties by the Native Americans. However, recent studies on

E-mail: [email protected]
80 Hasna El Gharras

Opuntia have demonstrated cactus pear fruit and vegetative cladodes to be excellent
candidates for the development of healthy food.
The objective of this chapter is to present a review in terms of cactus pear juice
including its nutraceutical and functional properties.

Keywords: cactus pear, juice, nutraceutical, functional, betalains, antioxidants.


The Opuntia ficus-indica plant, probably originated from Central Mexico, is a member of
the Cactaceae family. Its widely distributed in Mexico and all American hemispheres and
grows in many other parts of the world, such as Africa, Australia and the Mediterranean
basin. As a xerophytic plant, cactus has developed phenological, physiological and a
structural adaptation favourable to their development in arid environments, in which water is
the main factor limiting the development of most plant species. Among these adaptations
stand out its asynchronous reproduction, and its CAM metabolism, which combined with
structural adaptations such as succulence allow this plant to continue the assimilation of
carbon dioxide during long periods of drought and in this way reach acceptable productivity
levels even in years of severe drought. Through succulence, the ability to store considerable
quantities of water, the plant may survive despite harsh environmental conditions [1].
Furthermore, the same authors reported that Opuntia exhibits the highest production rate of
aboveground-growing plants. Interestingly, the biomass production was even found to
increase upon otherwise deleterious rise of atmospheric CO2 concentrations [2], thus
counteracting the greenhouse effect.
Cactus (Opuntia) has been used for many years as a common vegetable and as medicine
by the Native Americans and Mexicans [3-6]. Cactus cladodes, fruits, and flowers were
traditionally used as medicines in several countries, and particularly in Latin America. Recent
scientific investigations showed that cactus products may be efficiently used as a source of
food additives, mainly fibre, red dye and mucilages. The use of cactus products as cosmetics
is even more developed than medicinal applications.
Cactus was largely ignored by the scientific world until the beginning of 1980, when
there was a multiplication of research and symposia, resulting in a large number of
publications. This renewed interest is to be ascribed in part to the multi-functionality of
cactus fruits, pads and flowers. Recent data have, in fact, revealed the high content of some
chemical constituents, which can give added value to cactus products. Additionally, some of
the constituents show promising characteristics in terms of functionality. In recent years there
has been a global trend toward the use of natural phytochemicals present in natural resources,
such as fruit, vegetables, oilseeds, and herbs, as antioxidants and functional foods. Natural
antioxidant can be used in the food industry, and there is evidence that these substances may
exert their antioxidant effects within human body. Cactus has a global distribution and is an
important nutrient and food source. The growing demand for neutraceuticals is paralleled by
an increased effort in developing natural products for the prevention or treatment of human
diseases. According to several studies demonstrating both cactus fruit and cladode yielding
Cactus Pear Juice 81

high values of important nutrients, such as betalains, amino compounds including taurine,
minerals, vitamins, as well as further antioxidants, the cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) appears to
be an excellent candidate for the inclusion in food. Even though Native Americans and
ancient medicine have realized its antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory function, Opuntia spp.
have hardly been considered in the development of health-promoting food, most probably
due to the scattered information available.
The objective of this chapter is to present a review in terms of cactus pear juice including
its nutraceutical and functional properties.

Physical Composition Of Cactus Pear Fruits

The fruits are unilocular, polyspermic, egg-shaped fleshy berries and highly appealing
because of their attractive colours. However, the spines and glochids are embarrassing
morphological features when peeling the fruit. The pericarp of fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica
and the edible pulp may have soft-green, greenish-white, canary-yellow, lemon-yellow, red,
cherry-red or purple hues [7]. Weight of fruit may range from 67 g to 216 g at the best stage
of ripening. In our study, published in 2006, we have revealed a great variation in the weights
of Moroccan yellow fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica at different stages of ripeness [8]. Also, the
weight of the fruits varied as a function as the cultivar. The weight of green fruits was found
to be significantly different than those of half-ripe and ripe fruits. On average, the weight of
fruit varied from 62.27 to 91.23 g for first stage, from 77.68 to 110.13 g for second stage, and
from 88.70 to 130.87g for the latest stage (Table 1) [8].
As reported by some authors, the fruit is composed of peel (33 % to 55 %), pulp (45 % to
67 %), and seeds (2 % to 10 %) [9-16]. As a function of maturity, we have observed in our
study that the pulp increased, it varied from 51.93 to 54.73 % for green fruits, from 52.80 to
55.97 % for half ripe fruits, and from 53.99 to 56.36 % for ripe fruits (Table 1) [8].

Table 1. Weight of fruit and pulp of Moroccan yellow cactus pear [8].
Parameter Weight of fruit (g) Weight of pulp (g)
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity
Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe
ElKela 62.2 6.90 77.682.76 88.70 2.26 32.341.09 41.021.28 47.890.85
Skhour Rehamna 71.902.15 82.13 2.06 113.935.33 37.811.40 44.950.62 63.461.25
AitBamrane 91.235.54 110.131.88 130.875.86 49.931.75 61.641.96 73.762.92
Average 75.1314.75 89.9817.59 111.1721.22 40.039.00 49.2010.95 61.7013.02
CV % 19.63 19.55 19.09 22.48 22.26 21.10

However with advance in maturity, both the percent of weight of skin and seeds
decreased. On average, the weight of skin varied from 41.20 to 39.45 % for the green stage to
the latest and the percent of weight of seeds varied from 5.20 to 5.72 % from the first stage to
the latest (Table 2) [8].
The large variability in percentages depends on cultivar, cultural practices, fecundated-
and aborted-seed number, fruit load, lighting period, climate, and harvesting season [9-16].
82 Hasna El Gharras

Table 2. Weight of skin and seeds of Moroccan yellow cactus pear fruits [8].
Parameter Weight of skin (g) Weight of seeds (g)
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity
Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe
ElKela 26.050.83 32.181.17 35.820.90 3.890.50 4.470.50 4.980.57
Skhour Rehamna 29.921.12 32.560.57 44.611.34 4.170.38 4.610.36 5.860.57
AitBamrane 36.641.61 43.012.48 50.793.21 4.660.36 5.480.88 6.320.60
Average 30.875.36 35.926.15 43.747.52 4.240.39 4.850.55 5.720.68
CV % 17.36 17.12 17.19 9.20 11.34 11.89

Chemical Characteristics of Cactus Pear Fruits



The pulp is the edible part of the fruit and is composed of water with a rate varying from
84 % to 90 % [15-20]. In Moroccan cactus pears, we have revealed an amounts varying from
878.00 to 902.70 (g/Kg of juice) for green fruits, from 857.80 to 899.60 (g/Kg of juice) for
half ripe fruits, and from 839.20 to 888.80 (g/Kg of juice) for ripe fruits (Table 3) [8]. It
decreased slightly with advances in maturity. On average, the humidity of Moroccan cactus
pears varied from 855.10 to 881.33 (g/Kg of juice) [8].


As reported by Piga (2004), the ash varied from 3-10 (g/Kg) [15-20]. In Moroccan
yellow cactus pears, the amount of ash varied from 1.98 to 3.41 (g/Kg of juice) (Table 3) [8].

Table 3. Chemical composition of Moroccan yellow cactus pear fruits per 1 Kg of juice
Parameter Dry matter (g) Ash (g)
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity

Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe

ElKela 97.308.30 100.408.90 111.205.40 3.150.16 2.800.25 3.150.16

Skhour Rehamna 136.708.00 151.405.00 162.707.80 1.980.64 2.850.33 2.030.92
AitBamrane 122.009.40 142.204.60 160.808.20 2.770.25 2.980.56 3.410.13
Average 118.6719.91 131.3327.18 144.9029.20 2.630.60 2.880.09 2.860.73
CV % 16.78 20.70 20.15 22.81 3.13 25.52
Cactus Pear Juice 83


Saenz-Hernandez (1995), reported that the total soluble solids varied from 12 to 17 % for
Mexican cultivars [21]. In Moroccan yellow cactus pear juices, we have observed that the
average soluble solid (Brix) content was lowest (12.56 %) in green fruits, increased to
(13.67 %) in half-ripe fruits and reached the maximum (14.89 %) in ripe fruits (Table 4) [8].
On average, total soluble solids for Moroccan yellow cactus pear juices range between 10.16
and 16.61 % [8].

Table 4. Physico-chemical parameters of juices of Moroccan yellow cactus pear fruits

Parameter Degree Brix pH Titrable acidity
(%) (g of monohydrate citric acid per
1Kg of juice)
Cultivar Apparent maturity Apparent maturity Apparent maturity

Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe

ElKela 10.160.81 10.320.88 11.530.49 6.010.07 6.010.07 6.160.05 0.600.02 0.600.02 0.570.02

Skhour 14.240.70 15.680.43 16.540.68 6.070.07 6.190.10 6.340.12 0.590.02 0.570.02 0.550.02
AitBamra 13.270.99 15.000.31 16.610.57 5.950.08 6.050.08 6.150.07 0.590.02 0.580.02 0.550.02
Average 12.562.13 13.672.92 14.892.91 6.010.06 6.080.09 6.220.11 0.590.01 0.580.02 0.560.01

CV % 16.96 21.36 19.54 1.00 1.48 1.77 1.69 3.45 1.79

Organic acids

Several studies reported values of pH of the pulp ranging from 5.5 to 6.4 [15-19], which
characterizes cactus pears as low acid food (pH>4.5), because of the extremely low content
of organic acids. This makes them rather liable to pathogen growth if not acidified. Hence,
acidification prior to thermal treatment is a prerequisite to allow pasteurization instead of
more rigid sterilization, thereby retaining nutritionally important components such as
betalains [20,22-25]. Citric acid is the main organic acid (62 mg/100g) of cactus pears
followed by malic acid (23.3 mg/100g). Quinic (19.1 mg/100g) and shikimic acids (2.8
mg/100g) are also important, iso-citric, fumaric, glycolic, and succinic acids could only be
detected in traces [17,25]. In Australian fruits oxalic acid was found at amounts of 40
mg/100g [26] whereas in Italian fruits oxalic acid amounted to 50 % of the total acids [27].
The pH measured for Moroccan yellow cactus pear juices turns out to be very high, with
values of the order of 6.1 commonly measured (Table 4) [8]. The pH of the fruits increased
with the advance in maturity, being 6.0 for green mature, 6.1 for half-ripe and 6.2 for ripe
fruits [8]. Accompanying the pH value, the titrable acidity decreased slightly with advances
in maturity (Table 4) [8]. On average, the total acid content in the cactus pear fruits varied
from 0.55 to 0.60 (g/Kg) and it did not differ significantly among the cultivars with regard to
the stage of ripeness [8].
The total acid content in cactus pear juice is very low in comparison with the acidity of
other fruit juices, expressed according to monohydrate citric acid, such as pear (3 g/Kg),
84 Hasna El Gharras

orange (8 g/Kg), apple (9 g/Kg), peach (9 g/Kg), strawberry (9 g/Kg), pineapple (11 g/Kg),
raspberry (18 g/Kg), plum (22 g/Kg), and apricot (24 g/Kg) [28,29].

Functional Compounds Of Fruits


The mucilaginous components in leaves and fruit from Opuntia are related to pectic
substances. Investigations on the fruit revealed average pectin levels of the pulp of 0.18
g/100g on a fresh weight basis [15,16,30]. The polysaccharide fraction of cactus pear pulp
was only recently reported to be composed of a complex mixture of polysaccharides of which
less than 50 % corresponded to a pectin-like polymer. The hydrocolloid fraction from the
fruit pulp of Opuntia ficus-indica fruits obtained by ethanol precipitation yielded 3.8 % and
contained 93.5 % sugars. Whereas, after saponification, uronic acid content of 42.3 % was
determined; neither proteins nor nitrogen were detected. After total hydrolysis, the presence
of arabinose, rhamnose, xylose, and galactose in the molar ratio of 1.0:1.7:2.5:4.1 was found.
However, further studies are required to completely characterize the hydrocolloid fraction of
cactus pear fruit pulp [31].
In a more detailed investigation pectin was found to be 70.3 % of the pulp fiber
substances. Hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin were 15.5, 14.2 and 0.01 %, respectively, in
peel and seeds [32]. In cactus pear peel pectin was characterized by a galacturonic acid
content of 64 %, a low degree of methoxylation (10 %) and a high degree of acetylation (10
%) and neutral sugar content (51 %) of which 34.5 % was galactose and rhamnose [33].
The high fiber content, which gives cactus pear juice a pleasant mouthfeel, might be
advantageous for the design of new soft drinks, dairy or cereal products. Furthermore, these
mucilaginous substances are associated with blood sugar regulation in humans suffering from
diabetes mellitus type II, the non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus [7,34-36]. A potential
for lowering plasma cholesterol levels has also been discussed [37,38]. Cactus pear pectin
consumption modified low density lipoprotein (LDL) composition.


In cactus pear juices total soluble solids range between 12 and 17 Bx [21] with glucose
and fructose being the predominant carbohydrates. Because of high invertase activity, sucrose
is mostly converted to absorbable sugars and therefore little represented in the pulp
[32,39,40]. Some authors additionally reported the occurrence of galactose [41] and maltose
[42]. Depending on invertase activity, colour of fruit and fruit origin, different ratios of
glucose and fructose were found. Kuti and Galloway (1994) reported varying enzyme activity
in differently coloured fruits without giving information about their botanical origin [39].
Differences in the relative enzyme activity are reflected by the ratio of sucrose, glucose and
fructose in peel and pulp. The question as to whether a correlation between skin colour and
Cactus Pear Juice 85

invertase activity exists remains still to be confirmed. Relative amounts of glucose and
fructose of about 1:1 have been reported in two studies [15,39], whereas another
investigation found glucose and fructose at a ratio of 11:1 [17]. These conflicting results may
also be due to different analytical methods applied. The degree of ripeness of the fruit
material investigated should be considered during invertase activity measurement as well as
sugar analysis.
In Moroccan yellow cactus pear juices, the sugar contents were significantly different
during different stages of maturity and as function as the cultivar [8]. They increased with
maturity and reached the higher values especially in completely ripe cactus pear fruits. On
average, reducing sugars increased from (117.24 g/Kg) for the green mature to (152.26 g/Kg)
for the ripe stage of maturity (Table 5) [8]. Consequently, the Brix/acid ratio increased from
211.36 for green mature to 268.92 for ripe fruits, being significantly different among all
stages of maturity [8]. The reducing sugars content in cactus pear fruits, cited in bibliography,
is higher when compared with that of other common fruit juices such as pineapple (123
g/Kg), apple (111 g/Kg), pear (98 g/Kg), peach (85 g/Kg), plum (78 g/Kg), orange (70 g/Kg),
apricot (61 g/Kg), strawberry (57 g/Kg), and raspberry (45 g/Kg) [8,29,43,44].

Table 5. Chemical composition of Moroccan yellow cactus pear fruits per 1 Kg of juice
Parameter Reduced sugars (g) Protein (g)
Cultivar Conversion factor (=6.25)
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity

Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe

ElKela 97.932.14 99.914.27 111.221.57 1.350.28 1.620.24 2.430.39

Skhour Rehamna 131.568.23 153.677.81 170.4412.16 1.910.80 2.030.70 2.090.76
AitBamrane 122.228.74 143.785.87 175.1112.81 2.110.42 3.310.47 3.770.55
Average 117.2417.36 132.4528.61 152.2635.62 1.790.39 2.320.88 2.760.89
CV % 14.81 21.60 23.39 21.79 37.93 32.25

With respect to bioavailability, cactus pear containing mainly fructose and glucose is an
ideal energy source for brain and central nervous system.
The high sugar content of the pulp results in sugar:acid ratios within the range of 90:1 up
to 490:1, which is responsible for the bland taste and, therefore, far from a sensory pleasant
ratio of 10 to 18 [18,45-47].


For Chilean cultivars, Saenz et al. 2001 have reported amounts of proteins ranging from
(2.1 g/Kg) to (16 g/Kg) [48]. We revealed for Moroccan yellow cactus pear, that the amounts
of proteins in juices increased during the stages of maturity [8]. On average the amount of
proteins varied from (1.79 g/Kg) to (2.79 g/Kg) (Table 5). The differences between results
may be attributed to the conditions in which cactus pears were grown in those studies.
86 Hasna El Gharras

Finally, the amount of protein present in cactus pear are comparables to those found in
other common fruits such as apple (2 g/Kg), pear (3 g/Kg), apricot (4 g/Kg), pineapple (5
g/Kg), plum (5 g/100 g), orange (7 g/Kg), peach (8 g/Kg), and strawberry (9 g/Kg) [29,44].

Amino acids

Stintzing et al. 1999 have reported that free amino acids comprised all essential amino
acids found in Opuntia ficus-indica [19]. Proline was found to be the predominant amino acid
in the pulp of six different cultivars (Apastillada, Bianca, Gialla, Gymno carpo,
Morado, and Rossa) from Opuntia ficus-indica fruits amounting to (883.4 mg/L) and even
(1929.1 mg/L) followed by the nutraceutical taurine (323.6 to 407.3 mg/L), glutamine (98.3
mg/L to 574.6 mg/L), and serine (130.6 mg/L to 392.6 mg/L) [19,49,50].


Significant amounts of ascorbic acid are generally found in fruits of different Opuntia
spp. ranging from (10 mg/kg) to (410 mg/kg). The most common Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)
Mill. shows ascorbic acid contents from (180 mg/kg) to (300 mg/kg) [20,47]. So, cactus pear
is higher in ascorbic acid than other common fruits, such as apple, pear, grape, and banana.
Though it is a good source of vitamin C with levels ranging from 18 to 23 mg per 100 g
fresh fruit, the vitamin spectrum in cactus pear is not very spectacular. Carotenoids, thiamin,
riboflavin and niacin were only found in trace amounts [15,16,26,51,52].


Cactus pear is rich in magnesium and calcium, whereas sodium, potassium, iron and
phosphorus content are in the typical range of other fruits [17,26,53]. High calcium (up to 59
mg/100g) and magnesium (up to 98.4 mg/100g) contents make cactus pear juices useful in
the prevention of osteoporosis and cramps, respectively. Suited for energy and sports drinks
in upholding the mineral pool during periods of physical exhaustion, low levels of sodium
and chloride are preferred in the diet for curing high blood pressure [54,55].
In Moroccan fruits, the content of sodium varied from 96.49 to 144.43 (mg/Kg) (Table
6a) [8]. These values are comparables to those reported for Mexican cultivars (120-160
mg/Kg) [56].
The potassium content varied from 1666.91 to 1897.41 (mg/Kg) (Table 6a) [8]. These
data are higher than those reported for Mexican cultivars (610 to 720 mg/Kg) [56], and
significantly very higher than those reported for Chilean cultivars (12.8 to 27.6 mg/Kg)
Cactus Pear Juice 87

Table 6a. Mineral content (mg/Kg of juice) of juices of Moroccan yellow cactus pear
fruits [8].
Parameter Sodium Potassium
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity

Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe

ElKela 236.780.74 115.600.59 136.480.87 963.900.60 2025.400.57 1649.971.17

Skhour 145.740.59 110.720.58 90.820.68 2338.001.15 1348.620.39 1957.761.25
Rehamna 50.780.38 63.150.40 166.700.59 1698.841.54 2318.201.50 1909.503.64
AitBamrane 144.4393.01 96.4928.98 131.3338.2 1666.91687.61 1897.41497.30 1839.08165.54
Average 64.40 30.03 29.09 41.25 26.21 9.00
CV %

In Moroccan fruits, the amount of calcium increased during the stages of maturity (Table
6b) [8]. It increased from (161.47 mg/Kg) for the green mature to (214.60 mg/Kg) for the ripe
stage of maturity (Table 6b) [8]. These results were higher than those reported for Mexican
cultivars [56] (110 to 170 mg/Kg) and relatively lower than those reported for Chilean
cultivars (154 to 328 mg/Kg) [15,16].
The amount of copper varied during the stage of maturity, but the variation was not very
significant (Table 6b) [8]. The content varied from (0.18 mg/Kg) for the green fruits to (0.19
mg/Kg) for the half-ripe and ripe fruits (Table 6b) [8]. These results were very lower than
those reported in the literature for Mexican cultivars (5 mg/Kg) [56].
On average, the amount of zinc decreased as function as the stages of maturity (Table
6b) [8]. It decreased from (0.62 mg/Kg) for the green fruits, to (0.37 mg/Kg) for the half-ripe
and for the ripe to (0.29 mg/Kg) (Table 6b) [8]. The content of zinc in Moroccan cultivars is
in good agreement with those reported for Italian cultivars (0.3 to 0.4 mg/Kg) [43] but very
lower than those reported for Mexican cultivars (12 to 16 mg/Kg) [56].

Table 6b. Mineral content (mg/Kg of juice) of juices of Moroccan yellow cactus pear
fruits [8].
Parameter Calcium Copper Zinc
Apparent maturity Apparent maturity Apparent maturity

Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe Green Half-ripe Ripe

ElKela 188..601.54 228.301.49 263.001.18 0.210.02 0.200.02 0.190.02 1.180.02 0.480.02 0.380.02
Skhour 111.110.61 125.900.36 129.600.48 0.160.01 0.150.01 0.160.01 0.310.02 0.180.01 0.080.01
Rehamna 184.701.16 239.391.18 251.201.46 0.170.01 0.220.01 0.210.01 0.370.02 0.450.01 0.410.02
AitBamra 161.4743.66 197.8662.57 214.6073.85 0.180.03 0.190.04 0.190.03 0.620.49 0.370.17 0.290.18
ne 27.04 31.62 34.41 16.67 21.05 15.79 79.03 45.95 62.07
CV %

Authors reported a large variation in the mineral composition of the fruits of different
regions [15,16,43,56]. The mineral pattern is dependent on fruit origin, the edaphic factors at
the site of the cultivation, thus explaining conflicting literature data.
88 Hasna El Gharras


Because the appearance of food is as important as its taste, modern food manufacturers
have become greatly concerned with conserving the aspect of foods that have lost their
natural colours during processing. Adding colorants preserves the aspect of foods while also
reducing batch-to-batch colour variations and enhancing the natural colour [22].
Nevertheless, synthetic colorants have increasingly been perceived as undesirable or harmful
by consumers. At the same time, the European Union and the United States have restricted
the use of synthetic colorants as food additives. These restrictions on the use of artificial
colorants have increased the need to study the use of natural pigments in the food industry
Cactus fruits contain betalains [57], which can be used in agri-food. Cactus pear pulps
offer different colours based on betalains covering a wide spectrum from white to purple with
pigment contents of (66 mg/Kg) to (1140 mg/kg) fruit pulp [58,59]. Cactus betalains contains
two types of pigments: betacyanins (red) and betaxanthins (yellow) (Figure 1) in
betaxanthin:betacyanin ratios varying between 0 to 11.7 resulting in different colour shades
[46,59,60]. These betalain pigments were used for yaourts [61] and orange juice [62]

Figure 1. Chemical structure of betacyanins and betaxanthins.

The water-soluble pigments of cactus pear are localized in the plant vacuole. Unlike the
widely distributed anthocyanins, betalains are nitrogenous chromoalkaloids characteristic of
the ten families of the order Caryophyllales, except the Caryophyllaceae and the
Molluginaceae, which accumulate anthocyanins instead.
Little has been published with respect to the physiological role of betalains in mammals.
In earlier reports, it was found that red beet neither exerted hepatotoxic nor mutagenic action
[63, 64]. Kapadia et al. (1996) showed a significant inhibitory effect of beetroot towards skin
and lung cancer in mice [65]. In other animal feeding trials, purple cactus pear [66] and
garambullo (myrtillocactus geometrizans [67] proved to be devoid of toxicity and their
Cactus Pear Juice 89

pigments did not provoke any allergic reactions [68,69]. The excretion of red urine after
ingestion of beetred in 10-14 % of the population, the so-called beeturia, was classified as an
idiosyncratic reaction being dependent on individuals physiology constitutions rather than
representing a pathological event or a genetic defect [70].
Recent findings rank beet among the 10 most potent vegetables with respect to their
antioxidant capacities [71,76]. Betalains from beet [77,80] but also from cactus pears [60]
were at least in part responsible for these benefical properties. A very recent study
investigated structure-activity relationships of various betaxanthins and betacyanins from
members of the amaranthaceae with respect to free radical scavenging capacities [81]. The
antioxidant potential was found to be related to structural features of the respective betalains.
In betaxanthins, an increasing number of hydroxyl and imino residues improved free radical
scavenging. In betacyanins, glycosylation reduced activity while acylation generally raised
the antioxidant potential. Furthermore, 5-O-glycosylated structures produced lower
antioxidant values than 6-O-glycosylated betacyanins. Future studies will have to ascertain
the alleged promising physiological and pharmacological effects of betalains on humans
published only very recently [80,82].


Phenolics are an important constituent of fruit quality because of their contribution to the
taste, colour and nutritional properties of fruit. Phenolic compounds have long been regarded
as the UV-B screen for plants [83]. Their significance as dietary antioxidants has also been
highlighted in recent years and thought to account for the cholesterol lowering, anticancer,
antinflamintory or other physiological activity [84,85]. Environmental and developmental
factors have been reported to affect the accumulation of polyphenols.
Flavonoids have a wide range of biological effects, such as inhibition of key enzymes in
mitochondrial respiration, protection against coronary heart disease and anti-inflammatory,
antitumour, and antimicrobial activities [86]. Hydroxycinnamic acid compounds inhibit the
oxidation of low-density lipoprotein [87] and have anticancer [88] and antimicrobial
activities [89].
Based on investigations of flowers and stems, Cactaceae were found to be low in
polyphenols [90-92]. The presence of polyphenols in the juice at a level of (393 mg/kg),
without differentiating between individual substances, has been reported [93]. Recently fruits
of Opuntia ficus-indica cv. Saboten were subjected to polyphenol analysis, which indicated
higher levels in the fruit than in the stem and seed [94]. Several author have recently reported
the presence of polyphenols in the pulp [60,95-97]. Quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin
derivatives were found to be the major flavonoids in cactus pear pulp [95]. However, more
in-depth studies should be envisaged to fully assess the phenolic composition of cactus pear
fruits neglected so far.
Regarding their antioxidative properties, polyphenols in fruit tissue are an attractive
target. Whereas inter-and intramolecular stacking of polyphenols and anthocyanins has been
intensively studied [98,101], similar stabilization principles have only been reported for
90 Hasna El Gharras

acylated betacyanins [102,103]. With respect to betalain stability and colour shifts, analogous
investigations appear to be of interest.

Flavour compounds

The high ratio of sugar and organic acids (exceeding 16:1) gives cactus pear a mildly
sweet taste with little acid character. Cactus pear flavour is similar to honeydew melon or
cucumber. The pulp flavour is characterized by a faint melon or cucumber-like aroma
determined by alcohols and esters with 2-(E/Z)-2,6-nonadien-1-ol and 2-methylbutanoic acid
methyl ester being the key aroma substances [104-108]. The flavour intensity was found to be
strongest for yellow, followed by red, and, finally, white cactus pear fruits [104].
Alcohols, especially unsaturated, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ethers and hydrocarbons
contribute to the spectrum of volatiles. Differences in the pattern of volatiles are attributed to
climate, ripeness degree, postharvest conditions as well as to the species investigated
[106,107]. The rather modest melon or cucumber-like flavour does not interact with stronger
flavour impacts from other fruit or vegetable preparations which destine cactus pear as food
colouring stuff not requiring declaration.
Sixty one aromas have been found in cactus fruit flesh of Opuntia ficus-indica [107],
most of them are alcohols.

Lipids, sterols and fat-soluble vitamins

Lipids are present at very low levels ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 % in mesocarp or pulp of
fruits [109]. In cactus pear pulp oils, linoleic acid was reported the dominating fatty acid,
followed by palmitic and oleic acids. Also, the polyunsaturated fatty acids -linolenic and -
linolenic acids were detected in higher amounts [110,111]. The major sterol in pulp oils was
-sitosterol followed by campesterol, together constituting about 90 % of the total sterol
portion. Interestingly, -tocopherol was the predominant vitamin E homologue, followed by
-, -, and -tocopherols in far less amounts [110,111].

Medicinal Uses Of Cactus Pear

Antioxidant capacity

The antioxidative action is one of many mechanisms by which fruit and vegetable
substances might exert their beneficial health effects [112]. The presence of several
antioxidants (ascorbic acid, carotenoids, reduced glutathione, cysteine, taurine and flavonoids
such as quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin) has been detected in the fruits and
vegetables of different varieties of cactus pear [96,97,112-114]. More recently, the
antioxidant properties of the most frequent cactus pear betalains (betanin and indicaxanthin)
have been revealed [6,59,96,97,115,116].
Cactus Pear Juice 91

Lee et al. (2002) investigated Opuntia ficus-indica var Saboten (OFS), widely spread
cactus in Southwestern Korea, and where is used as a functional food [117]. Antioxidant
activity of OFS is reported to correspond to well-known antioxidants, such as catalase, -
tocopherol, and ascorbic acid in a cell-free reactive oxygen species (ROS) generating system.
It well established that oxidative stress may play a role in several diseases, such as heart
disease, degenerative neuronal disease, and cancers. Many biochemical and clinical studies
suggest that natural and synthetic antioxidant compounds are helpful in treating diseases
mediated by oxidative stresses.
On the other hand, numerous in vitro studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of
colourless phenolics and betalains [59,118]. These are generally attributed to the ability of
antioxidants to neutralize reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide
or H2O2, or suppression of the xanthine/xanthineoxidase system, all of which may induce
oxidative injury, i.e. lipid peroxidation.
Polyphenolics are antioxidants with well-known cardioprotective, anticancer, antiviral
and antiallergenic properties [119,120].
Lee et al. (2002) demonstrated that antioxidative flavonoids, quercetin, (+) -
dihydroquercetin and quercetin 3-methyl ether, isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica var.
Saboten have neuroprotective effects [117]. They evaluated their protective effects against
oxidative neuronal injuries induced in primary cultured rat cortical cells and their antioxidant
activities. They found that quercetin inhibits H2O2- or xanthine (X)/xanthine oxidase (XO)-
induced oxidative neuronal cell injury. Moreover, quercetin 3-methyl ether potently and
dramatically inhibited H2O2 and X/XO-induced neuronal injuries. All above mentioned three
principles markedly inhibited lipid peroxidation and scavenged 1,1-diphenyl-2-
picrylhydrazyl free radicals. These results indicate that quercetin, (+)-dihydroquercetin, and
quercetin 3-methyl ether are the active antioxidant principles in the fruits and cladodes of
Opuntia ficus-indica var. Saboten. Furthermore, quercetin 3-methyl ether appears to be the
most potent neuroprotectant of the three flavonoids isolated from this plant.
The betalain distribution in the three Sicilian cultivars of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-
indica) of yellow, red, and white fruits and the antioxidant activities of methanolic extracts
from edible pulp were investigated by Buetra et al. (2002) [60]. The yellow cultivar exhibited
the highest amount of betalains, followed by the red and white ones. Indicaxanthin accounted
for about 99 % of betalains in the white fruit, while the ratio of betanin to indicaxanthin
varied from 1:8 (w:w) in the yellow fruit to 2:1 (w:w) in the red one. Polyphenol pigments
were negligible components only in the red fruit. When measured as 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-
tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) equivalents per gram of pulp, the methanolic
fruit extracts showed a marked antioxidant activity. Vitamin C did not account for more than
40 % of the measured activity. In addition, the extracts dose-dependently inhibited the
organic hydroperoxide-stimulated red cell membrane lipid oxidation, as well as the
metaldependent and -independent low-density lipoprotein oxidation. The extract from the
white fruit showed the highest protection in all models of lipid oxidation. These findings
suggest that the above betalains contribute to the antioxidant activity of cactus pear fruits.
It is appears that supplementation with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit decreases
oxidative stress in healthy humans. Short-term supplementation with cactus pear fruit
compared with vitamin C alone on total-body oxidative status in healthy humans was
92 Hasna El Gharras

investigated by Butera et al. (2002) [60]. After supplementation with cactus pear fruit,
malondialdehyde decreased by approximately 75 %; GSH:GSSG shifted toward a higher
value; and LDL hydroperoxides were reduced by almost one-half. Supplementation with
vitamin C did not significantly affect any marker of oxidative stress. Authors concluded that
consumption of cactus fruit positively affects the body's redox balance, decreases oxidative
damage to lipids, and improves antioxidant status in healthy humans. Supplementation with
vitamin C at a comparable dosage enhances overall antioxidant defense but does not
significantly affect body oxidative stress.
Galati and collaborators (2005) investigated the protective effects of cactus fruit
(Opuntia ficus-indica) juice against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in
rats [121]. The animals were treated orally with the juice (3 mL/rat) 2 h after administration
of the hepatotoxic agent. Preventive effects were studied by giving the juice (3 mL/rat) for 9
consecutive days. On day 9 the rats received the hepatotoxic agent. Morphological and
biochemical evaluations were carried out 24, 48 and 72 h after induction of the hepatic
damage. Data show that Opuntia ficus-indica fruit juice administration exerts protective and
curative effects against the CCl4-induced degenerative process in rat liver. Histology
evaluation revealed a normal hepatic parenchyma at 48 h; the injury was fully restored after
72 h. Moreover, a significant reduction in CCl4-induced increase of GOT and GPT plasma
levels is evident; these data are in agreement with the functional improvement of hepatocytes.
Authors assumed that cactus fruit juice contains many phenol compounds, ascorbic acid,
betalains, betacyanins, and a flavonoid fraction, which consists mainly of rutin and
isorhamnetin derivatives. Hepatoprotection may be related to the flavonoid fraction of the
juice, but other compounds, such as vitamin C and betalains could, synergistically, counteract
many degenerative processes by means of their antioxidant activity.
Cactus fruits have high antioxidant activity conferred by the presence of vitamin C,
betacarotens, flavonoids, and betalains [95,122]. Fruits extract have an antioxidant activity of
4.2 to 5.3 mol Trolox f-1 for white and yellow variety, respectively.
The antioxidant activity of fruit extract is twice higher than pears, apples, tomato,
bananas, white grapes, and similar to red grapes and grape fruit [60].
Significant amounts of ascorbic acid are present in Opuntia ficus-indica ranging from
180 to 300 mg/Kg. Cactus fruit is higher in vitamin C than other common fruits. The
identification of vacuolar pigments contained in cactus pear fruit has been of renewed interest
recently [22,23,49]. In addition to colour, the same pigments have shown antioxidant
properties being higher than for ascorbic acid [96,97].
The presence of phenolics has been detected in cactus pulp fruit [60,95,97]. Kuti (1992)
has reported an antioxidative effect due to the major flavonoids encountered in cactus fruits
(quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin) [113]. There is clear evidence that these
compounds are more efficient antioxidants than vitamins, since phenolic compounds are able
to delay prooxidative effects on proteins, DNA and lipids by the generation of stable radicals
[123]. Opuntia ficus-indica polyphenolic compounds have been shown to induce a
hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane and to raise the intracellular pool of calcium in
human Jurkat T-cell lines [124]. Flavonol derivatives detected in Opuntia ssp. have been
recently compiled [59]. When fruits are investigated, it must be taken into account that higher
Cactus Pear Juice 93

phenolic contents are expected in the peel, rather than the pulp. Consequently, from a
nutritional point of view processing both peel and pulp appears to be advantageous.
The fat soluble vitamin E or tocopherols, and beta-carotene are found in the lipid fraction
of both the cactus fruit seed and pulp. The vitamin E homologues isoforms gamma- and
delta-tocopherol are the main components in seed and pulp oils, respectively, amounting to
about 80 % of the total vitamin E content. Similar to beta-carotene, it is predominant in pulp
lipids [110,111].

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties

Numerous studies have evocated the analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions of the
genus Opuntia by using either the fruit extract from Opuntia dillenii, the lyophilized cladodes
[125], or the phytosterols from fruit and stem extracts [114]. Park et al. (2001) identified
beta-sitosterol as the active anti-inflammatory principle from the stem extract [126]. Gastric
lesions in rat animal studies were reduced both by stem and fruit powders [117,127].
The ethanol extracts of Opuntia ficus-indica fruits inhibited the writhing syndrome
induced by acetic acid, indicating that they contain analgesic effect [114]. The oral
administrations of these extracts suppressed carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and also
showed potent inhibition in the leukocyte migration of CMC-pouch model in rats. Moreover,
the extracts suppressed the release of beta-glucuronidase, a lysosomal enzyme in rat
neutrophils. It was also noted that the extracts showed the protective effect on gastric
mucosal layers. From these results it is suggested that the cactus extracts contain anti-
inflammatory action having protective effect against gastric lesions.

Antiulcerogenic effect and healing properties

In a work published in (2003), Galati et al. investigated the cactus fruit juice contents of
ascorbic acid, total polyphenols, and flavonoids [122]. In the juice, ferulic acid was the chief
derivative of hydroxycinnamic acid and the mean concentration of total phenolic compounds
was 746 g/mL. The flavonoid fraction, analyzed by high-performance liquid
chromatography-diode array detection, consisted of rutin and isorhamnetin derivatives. The
juice showed antioxidant activity, probably due to the phenolic compounds that are effective
radical scavengers. The preventive administration of the juice inhibited the ulcerogenic
activity of ethanol in rat. Light microscopy observations showed an increase in mucus
production and the restoration of the normal mucosal architecture.
Additionally, Lee et al. (2001,2002) postulated an antiulcerogenic effect of the cladode
or fruit powder from Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten Makino [117,127]. Stomach lesions
triggered by hydrochloric acid/ethanol or hydrochloric acid/acetylsalicylic acid were reduced,
but no anti-inflammatory effect could be proven. The secretion rate of both gastric juice as
well as the pH value remained constant, which has been confirmed by Galati et al. (2001)
94 Hasna El Gharras

Anti-hyperlipidemic and cholesterol lowering effect

In a recent study it was shown that a daily consumption of 250 g of cactus pear pulp
reduced the risk of thrombosis in patients suffering from hyperlipidemia and diabetes [128].
Wolfram et al. (2002) reported a reduction of total cholesterol, LDL, apolipoprotein levels,
triglycerides, fibrinogen, blood glucose, insulin and urate, while body weight, high-density
lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-1 and lipoprotein A levels were found to
remain unchanged [129]. The anti-hyperlipidemic effects were ascribed to the pulp pectin,
which both reduced lipid absorption and increased fecal sterol excretion, thus disrupting the
enterohepatic circle.

Anti-cancer effect

It has been noted that Native Americans have a lower cancer rate when compared to
white and African Americans [130]. Both cactus fruits and cladodes which contain multiple
antioxidants have been used as a dietary supplement for centuries by Native Americans.
The goal of cancer prevention is to delay or block the processes of initiation and
progression from pre-cancerous cells into cancer. Cancer chemoprevention, which targets
normal and high risk populations, involves the use of drugs or other chemical agents to
inhibit, delay, or reverse cancer development [131]. Medical benefits from plant forms have
been recognized for centuries. Herbs have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of
years to cure diseases and heal wounds.
Recently, it has been found that Grape seed extracts have anti-cancer activities and
protect chromosome [132]. Researchers at University of Alabama at Birmingham found that
grape seed extract was chemo-preventive from their studies using animal model of breast
cancer. However, diet had a strong impact to the grape seed extract's
chemopreventive activity. Also, as a rule, herbs and natural products lack much of the
toxicity that is present in synthetic chemicals, thus, enhancing their appeal for long term
preventive strategies. Although hundreds of agents have been developed in the United States
during the past decade, only a few new drugs have actually been approved [133]. The
development of chemopreventive agents is slow and inefficient. More effective and less toxic
agents, including natural products, are needed if we are to reach the goal of cancer
prevention, both primary and secondary.
The development of effective and safe agents for prevention and treatment of cancer
remains slow, inefficient, and costly. The key to effective chemoprevention is the
identification of a chemopreventive agent(s) that can effectively inhibit cancer development
without toxic side effects. Therefore, chemopreventive agents may need to be used for a long
period of time to be effective. As a result, identification of agents with little or no toxicity
becomes important.
Recent studies suggests that the cactus fruit extract (i) inhibits the proliferation of
cervical, ovarian and bladder cancer cell lines in vitro, and (ii) suppresses tumor growth in
the nude mice ovarian cancer model in vivo [134]. The intra-peritoneal administration of
Cactus Pear Juice 95

cactus extract solution into mice did not affect the animal body weight, which indicated that
cactus did not have a significant toxic effect in animals.
Zou et al. (2005) showed that growth inhibition of cultured-cancer cells was associated
with an increase in apoptotic cells and the cell cycle arrest at the G1-phase [134]. The same
authors confirm that cactus fruit extract inhibited growth of different cancer cells in vitro and
in vivo. Cactus products inhibited cancer cell growth with concentrations as low as 5 %; cell
cycle was also affected at this concentration with an increase in G1 phase.
However, apoptosis was observed at a higher concentration of 10 % and 25 %. They
have also compared cactus with the chemopreventive agent 4-HPR in nude mice. Both cactus
and 4-HPR inhibited ovarian cancer growth. The anti-carcinogenic properties of natural and
synthetic retinoids have been suggested to be due, in part, to the antioxidant effect, increased
consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with prevention of various human diseases,
and the oxidative damage is an important etiologic risk factor for many diseases, including
cancer and heart disease.
Carcinogenesis may be viewed as a process of progressive disorganization. This process
is characterized by the accumulation of genotypic changes and corresponding tissue and
cellular abnormalities including loss of proliferation and apoptosis controls. A dietary agent
that can increase anti-proliferation pathways and change cell cycle in cancer cells without
toxicity would be a potential agent for chemoprevention. Although the mechanism for cactus
pear extract in cancer prevention is unclear, the study conducted by Zou et al. (2005) shows
that cactus fruit extracts alter the expression of certain genes related to cell growth and
apoptosis [134]. Quercetin is one of the components of cactus pear extracts. Results of Zou et
al. (2005) and Hansen et al. (1997) suggest quercetin might be one of the active compounds
responsible for the anticarcinogenetic and apoptosis-induction effects of cactus pear extracts
[134,135]. Cactus pear extracts might have inhibitory effects on angiogenesis, an important
factor contributing to tumor growth and metastasis.
It can be concluded that cactus pear extracts could be a candidate in cancer prevention
for both normal and high-risk populations and prevention of recurrence in patients with
previous cancers [134]. This product holds promise for long-term use because of the safety of
food-derived products and the fact that they are not perceived as a "chemical", and that
mechanisms involved need to be further investigated.


Both cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) and red beet (Beta vulgaris) are rich on betalain
pigments and particularly suitable for application in low acid food. The high nitrate levels
[136] and the earthy smell by geosmin and pyrazine derivatives [137,138] restrict the
application for red beet. While the use of cactus pear as a betalain source is an interesting
possibility because they are highly flavored and show better nutritional properties than red
beet [8,20,25,137]. In addition, Opuntia species have minimal soil and water requirements
and may be regarded as an alternative for the agricultural economy of arid and semiarid
regions. Cactus pear concentrates may be suitable for colouring yoghurts, ice creams, and
fruit preparations. While the market potential of plain Opuntia juices is considered fair due to
96 Hasna El Gharras

their faint flavour and high sugar:acid ratio, their utilization as a functional additive or for
food colouring appears to be more promising. Cactus pear juices are considered a valuable
ingredient for sports and energy drinks due to the high contents of amino acids, particularly
proline and taurine, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium [139,140]. Moreover,
cactus pear juice is considered a valuable source for enhancing colour of fruit-juice blends,
such as orange-apple juice blends [141]. In addition to their use as colorants, the recently
reported effects of betalains on human health [6,24,60,115] may open broader applications.
Furthermore, the untapped potential of the hydrocolloid fraction and polyphenolics of both
cactus pear fruit pulp and peel remains to be evaluated both from a nutritional and a
technological point of view. Moreover, because of its high glucose and fructose contents,
cactus pear is considered a potential raw material for the manufacture of high fructose
glucose syrup [142]. Finally, for complete exploitation of the fruit, seeds may be used for oil
extraction [110,137]. Hitherto, the main limitation of broader commercialization of cactus
pear derivatives is the current market prices and the lack of know-how in cactus pear fruit
In conclusion, cactus pear is a promising plant with a big potential for breeders,
agriculturists and food technologists alike.


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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 3

Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed

Electric Fields

Pedro Elez-Martnez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and

Olga Martn-Belloso
Department of Food Technology. University of Lleida
Av. Alcalde Rovira Roure, 191. 25198 Lleida, Spain


Pulsed electric fields (PEF) is a nonthermal processing technology that could be

used to pasteurize fluid foods avoiding the negative effects of heat. The application of
PEF to preserve fruit juices has been extensively studied in the last years. Both
microbiological safety and spoilage delay can be achieved when juices are treated with
PEF. Furthermore, PEF treatments have also been shown to inactivate varying amounts
of several deleterious enzymes. Because of the inactivation of microorganisms and
enzymes with a minimal impact on quality and nutritional properties, it is suggested that
PEF is a technology of choice to obtain safe and high-quality fruit juices with a shelf-life
similar to the attained with mild heat pasteurization treatments. Moreover, the
combination of PEF with other food preservation techniques is currently being studied in
order to further extend the shelf-life of juices. Future efforts will be devoted to
successfully implement PEF processing at an industrial scale as an alternative to
traditional heat processing or even as a way of improving quality of the final product by
reducing heat treatment intensities.

e-mail: [email protected]
108 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso


Pulsed electric fields (PEF) is a non-thermal food processing technology that has been
studied in recent years as an alternative or complement to heat treatments. This technique
involves applying electrical pulses of high intensity (kV/cm) during a very short period of
time (s) at moderate or low temperatures. Inactivation of pathogenic and spoilage
microorganisms can be attained together with a minimal impact on food quality and
nutritional properties, which suggests that it is possible to obtain safe PEF-treated foods of
high quality with an acceptable shelf life.
The use of electricity to stabilize food is very old. It was initially applied as a thermal
treatment by increasing the product temperature to treat grape juice (Tracy, 1932) and milk
(Moses, 1938). However, it felt almost into oblivion during the mid-40s (Palaniappan and
Sastry, 1991; Martn et al., 1994).
In the 50s, a new kind of food processing, which consisted in the implementation of
high-intensity discharges causing the formation of an electric arc, was called
electrohydraulic treatment. This treatment caused the destruction of microorganisms and
enzymes but, at the same time, induced the formation of electrolysis products. In addition,
this technique produces changes in the composition of the food and a large warming
(Palaniappan and Sastry, 1991).
It was in 1967 when Sale and Hamilton applied the electricity in the form of pulses, thus
allowing to process the food without heating, Hence, they could demonstrate that the effect
on the microorganisms was due to electricity and not to heat or electrolysis. However, it has
not been until the end of the twentieth century, when extensive studies have been conducted
to improve this technique of food preservation, and several application systems of PEF have
been patented (Bushnell et al., 1993; Zhang et al., 1996; Yin et al., 1997). As a result, not
only promising results have been achieved regarding the inactivation of microorganisms and
enzymes, but also an outstanding minimal modification of the nutritional and sensory
properties of the treated products has been reported (Bendicho et al. 2002a; Espachs-Barroso
et al., 2003; Martn-Belloso, et al., 2005; Martn-Belloso and Elez-Martnez, 2005ab).
Because of these evidences, there has been an increasing interest by the fruit juice processing
industry in the technology and its future industrial implementation (Espachs-Barroso et al.,
2003). Currently, the most important juices in terms of economics are orange, apple and
tomato, which are also the juices on which more studies regarding PEF processing have been
carried out.
Different authors have evaluated the effect of PEF treatment on the microorganisms
inoculated into juices and have come to the conclusion that the microbial inactivation
depends on factors such as field strength, treatment time (number and pulse width), pulse
shape, frequency and polarity of the treatments (Qin et al. 1995a; Qiu et al., 1998; Elez-
Martnez et al., 2004, 2005). The destruction of microorganisms also depends on the type of
microorganism, the concentration of initial inoculum, the stage of growth and the medium in
which they are located (Pothakamury 1995; Zhang et al 1994). Therefore, an appropriate
selection of treatment conditions is needed to achieve an effective application. Also the
electrical properties of the food to be processed has to be considered. Resistivity may greatly
vary upon the fruit from which a juice is obtained. In general, the resistivity is higher for
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 109

juices than for the rest of liquids susceptible of being treated by PEF. In addition, resistivity
decreases with increasing temperature (Arntegui et al., 1999).
On the other hand, inactivation of enzymes by PEF has been studied by several authors
(Elez-Martnez et al., 2007). In some cases, reported inactivation levels are high, whereas in
other cases there is virtually no inactivation, depending on the type of juice and processing
To a lesser degree, there are studies related to the impact of PEF on juice quality, sensory
characteristics and bioactive compounds, issues which are being currently investigated.
This chapter presents the most outstanding results obtained so far concerning the
implementation of PEF for orange, apple and tomato juice processing. The effects of PEF on
those juices in relation to microorganisms, enzymes, quality and bioactive components are
described hereby.

Effects Of Pulsed Electric Fields On Juices

Orange juice

The effects of PEF on both pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms inoculated in orange
juice have been extensively studied. McDonald et al. (2000) achieved 5-6 log reductions of
Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli, while Leuconostoc mesenteroides was destroyed by
about 3.5 log reductions after processing orange juice with up to 6 pulses of 2 s at 30
kV/cm. They also found that microbial inactivation was not always increased when pulses of
50 kV/cm were applied. Furthermore, Leuconostoc mesenteroides (Gram negative) was
shown to be the most resistant bacteria to treatments of short duration (< 8 s) whereas
Listeria innocua (Gram positive) was the most sensitive. In a later study, about 3 logarithmic
reductions in the counts of Escherichia coli were achieved by processing an inoculated
orange juice at 30 kV/cm for 200 s (Rodrigo et al., 2003a). Liang et al. (2002) reported
roughly 6 decimal reductions after treating an orange juice inoculated with Salmonella
typhimurium with pulses of 90 kV/cm for 100 s at 55 C. Other authors have observed more
than 5 logarithmic reductions in the counts of Salmonella enteritidis and E. coli O157: H7 in
an inoculated orange juice processed at 35 kV/cm for 2000 s without heating the product
above 40 C during the process (Mosqueda-Melgar et al., 2008).
Grahl and Mrkl (1996) reported an elimination of an initial Saccharomyces cerevisiae
inoculum of 106 cfu/ml by applying 5 pulses of 7 kV/cm to an inoculated orange juice.
Furthermore, a reduction of 5.1 logs has been observed after processing orange juice at 35
kV/cm for 1000 s without exceeding 40 C (Elez-Martnez et al., 2004). The effect of PEF
on the growth of other spoilage microorganisms such as Lactobacillus has also been studied.
Elez-Martnez et al. (2005) attained nearly 6 logarithmic reductions when treating orange
juice inoculated with L. brevis during 1000 s at 35 kV/cm below 40 C (Figure 1). Gmez
et al. (2005a) processed orange juice inoculated with L. plantarum at 25 kV/cm for 1000 s
and reduced the initial load by at least 3 log cycles.
110 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso


Treatment time (s)


log Survival fraction -1






E = 5 kV/cm E = 15 kV/cm E = 25 kV/cm E = 30 kV/cm E = 35 kV/cm


Treatment time (s)

5 3 1000

log Survival fraction





E = 5 kV/cm E = 15 kV/cm E = 25 kV/cm E = 30 kV/cm E = 35 kV/cm

Figure 1.- Inactivation of Lactobacillus brevis in orange juice exposed to mono- (a) and bipolar (b) PEF.
Pulse frequency = 200 Hz; pulse width = 4 s. Square pulses. E, electric field strength. Thermal treatment =
90 C / 1 minute (horizontal line) (from Elez-Martnez et al., 2005).
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 111

Moreover, studies on the effect of PEF-treatments in ascospores of S. cerevisiae in

freshly squeezed orange juice have been conducted. When treatments of 30 kV/cm for 14 s
or 50 kV/cm for 6 s with 2-s pulses were applied, less than 1 log reduction at temperatures
below 60 C was achieved (McDonald et al., 2000). Raso et al. (1998a) applied treatments
from 32.3 to 36.5 kV/cm to inactivate ascospores of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in orange
juice at low temperature (<22 C). After 2 pulses, they observed 4.7 log reductions in the
counts of vegetative cells and 3.8 log reductions in their ascospores. Raso et al. (1998b) also
studied the effects of PEF on the inactivation of various moulds, thus finding that ascospores
of Byssochlamys nivea and Neosartorya fischeri were resistant to a treatment of 40 pulses at
51 kV/cm. On the other hand, 4.5 log reductions were achieved in the counts of
conidiospores of Byssochlamys fulva in an orange juice treated with 12 pulses at 30 kV/cm.
With regard to enzymes, pectin methyl esterase (PME) and peroxidase (POD) have been
the most studied in orange juice. A continuous PEF treatment of 35 kV/cm over 59 s and
60.1 C was reported to inactivate up to a 90% of the native PME in orange orange (Yeom et
al., 2002). Elez-Martnez et al. (2007) inactivated a 80% of PME when processing orange
juice at 35 kV/cm for 1500 s applying bipolar pulses of 4 s without exceeding 37.5 C. In
the same study, higher levels of inactivation were observed when treatment frequency and
pulse width were increased from 50 to 450 Hz and from 1 to 10 s, respectively.
Furthermore, some authors have found synergistic effects between PEF and heat treatments
when aiming at inactivating PME in fruit juices (Yeom et al, 2002; Rodrigo et al., 2003b).
Almost total inactivation of POD was attained when processing orange juice at 35 kV/cm
for 1500 s with bipolar pulses of 4 s at 200 Hz and a treatment temperature always below
35 C (Elez-Martnez et al., 2006a). The applied energy density to achieve complete
inactivation of POD in orange juice was 8067 MJ/m3.
Another aspect evaluated when treating orange juice by PEF is the influence of the
process on the bioactive potencial of the juices. A treatment of 35 kV/cm for 1000 s with
bipolar pulses of 4 s at 200 Hz resulted in a 8% decrease of the vitamin C content of orange
juice, which contrasts with the 17% loss achieved with a heat treatment (90 C, 1 min) (Elez-
Martnez and Martn-Belloso, 2007). Corts et al. (2006a) observed that thermal
pasteurization had a greater impact on the total carotenoids in orange juice (12% decrease)
than PEF treatments applied at 25, 30 and 40 kV/cm, which depleted carotenoids by 9.6%,
6.4% and 7.8%, respectively. Likewise, Sanchez-Moreno et al. (2005) concluded that PEF
did not change the flavanones content, namely naringenine and hesperitine, in orange juice.
The antioxidant capacity of the PEF-processed juice has not been reported to undergo
substantial modifications and, in any case, it is lower than that which takes place after heat-
treating the juice (Sanchez-Moreno et al., 2005; Elez-Martnez and Martn-Belloso, 2007).
Some physicochemical and sensory properties of orange juice processed by PEF have
been studied by Cserhalmi et al. (2006). The pH, soluble solids, electrical conductivity,
viscosity, color, non-enzymatic browning index and hydroximethyl furfural unchanged with
respect to the untreated controls after processing orange juice at 28 kV/cm for 100 s at
temperatures not exceeding 34 C. There were no changes reported in the contents of organic
acids and volatile compounds when processing orange juice by PEF (Cserhalmi et al., 2006).
For instance, the amount of aroma compounds accounting for the juice flavor was reduced to
112 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso

22-25% after a thermal pasteurization treatment, whereas, in contrast, only a 3-9% was lost
when PEF-treating at 30 kV/cm for 240-480 s (Qiu et al., 1998; Jia et al., 1999).

Apple juice

Several studies have been conducted to determine the effect of PEF on the pathogenic
and deletereous microbiota of apple juice. E. coli has been the most studied pathogenic
microorganism in this juice. Evrendilek et al. (1999) compared the effect of PEF on 2 strains
of E. coli (O157: H7 and 8739) in apple juice. The samples were exposed to pulses of 18-30
kV/cm with a treatment duration ranging from 86 to 172 s at temperatures below 35 C. No
difference was observed in the destruction of both strains, with a maximum inactivation of 5
logarithmic reductions. In addition, the number of viable microorganisms decreased when
increasing the treatment time at a constant field intensity of 29 kV/cm. On the other hand,
Gupta et al. (2003) reported 5 logarithmic reductions when applying 100 pulses of 40 kV/cm
at 20C to an apple juice inoculated with E. coli K12, whereas Heinz et al. (2003) managed to
achieve a 6.2 log decrease in the counts when delivering pulses of 34 kV/cm with an energy
density of 40 kJ/kg at 55 C In this same way, roughly 6 logarithmic reductions were attained
in an apple juice inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes and processed at 28 kV/cm for 400
s (Gmez et al., 2005b).
The inactivation effect of PEF on Lactobacilli inoculated in apple juice has been also
investigated. The initial population of Lactobacillus plantarum inoculated in apple juice was
diminished by 4.5 logs after processing at 25 kV/cm for 1000 s (Gmez et al., 2005a). In
apple juice inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Qin et al. (1995b) observed a virtual
elimination of an initial inoculum of 106 cfu/ml by applying 10 pulses of 2.5 s at 35 kV/cm.
Heinz et al. (2003) reported a reduction of 4.3 logs in L. monocytogenes, 4.9 logs in
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 4.3 logs in Aspergillus niger and 6.5 logs in Rhizopus rubra
inoculated into an apple juice subjected to a PEF treatment at 55 C with 34 kV/cm and an
energy density of 40 kJ/kg. Raso et al. (1998a) applied PEF treatments from 32.3 to 36.5
kV/cm on ascospores of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in apple juice with a maximum treatment
temperature of 22 C. After delivering 2 pulses, 4.8 log units of the vegetative cells and 3.6
logs of their ascospores were inactivated. Raso et al. (1998b) also found that ascospores of
Byssochlamys nivea and Neosartorya fischeri were resistant to a treatment of 40 pulses at 51
kV/cm. About 5 logarithmic reductions in the counts of conidiospores of Byssochlamys fulva
were attained in a juice after treating with 15 pulses of 30 kV/cm.
Regarding enzymes inactivation, a treatment of 40 kV/cm for 100 s at 35 C led to a
decrease of 50% of POD activity and 60% of PPO activity in the juice (Rien et al., 2008).
Authors, highlighted that an increase in treatment time and electric field strength enhanced
the degree of inactivation of the enzymes.
On the other hand, the effect of the PEF on some bioactive compounds of apple juice was
studied by Aguilar-Rosas et al. (2007). These authors found that the total phenol content of
apple juice decreased by 14% when processing the juice by PEF (35 kV/cm, bipolar pulses of
4 s, 1200 Hz), whereas it dropped by 32% after a heat treatment (90 C, 30 s). They also
observed that losses in volatile components of apple juice processed by PEF were lower than
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 113

those observed for a heat treatment. Zarate-Rodrguez et al. (2000) found that applying PEF,
none of the attributes of apple juice (soluble solids, pH, acidity and color) varied apart from
the color, since the juice developed certain browning. Aguilar-Rosas et al. (2007) did not
observe changes in pH or acidity of the juice treated with PEF. Similarly, Qin et al. (1995a)
did not find differences between treated and untreated juices when evaluating the sensory
profile of a concentrated apple juice after applying 10 pulses of 50 kV/cm and that of a fresh
apple juice subjected to 16 pulses of 50 kV/cm.

Tomato juice

The inoculated population of Salmonella enterica ser. Enteritidis in tomato juice was
reduced by 4.2 logs after applying a bipolar treatment of 35 kV/cm for 1000 s, rendering
pulses of 4 s at 100 Hz without exceeding 36 C (Mosqueda-Melgar et al., 2008b). Roughly
4 logarithmic reductions were achieved in the counts of conidiospores of Byssochlamys fulva
in tomato juice with a PEF treatment,of 15 pulses of 30 kV/cm (Raso et al., 1998b).
The enzymes studied in tomato juice have been pectin methyl esterase (PME),
polygalacturonase (PG), lipoxygenase (LOX) and peroxidase (POD). PEF reduced the
activity of PME by about a 55% when processing at 80 kV/cm for 40 s at 5 C, whereas PG
activity was almost unaffected (Nguyen and Mittal, 2007). LOX was inhibited by 80% when
processing tomato juice with 20 kV/cm for 60 s at 30 C (Min et al. 2003a). POD of tomato
juice was completely inactivated when processing with bipolar 7-s pulses of 35 kV/cm for
2000 s at 200 Hz (Aguil-Aguayo et al., 2008a). It was also noted that the higher the
treatment time, the pulse width and the pulse frequency, the higher the level of POD
inactivation. Aguil-Aguayo et al. (2008b) observed a PME inactivation of 82%, a PG
inactivation of 12% and a POD inactivation of 97% after processing tomato juice at 35
kV/cm fro 1500 s using 4-s bipolar pulses at 100 Hz. In addition, viscosity of tomato juice
increased after PEF treatment, whereas color changed slightly (Aguil-Aguayo et al., 2008b).
The maximum relative content of lycopene (131.8%) and vitamin C (90.2%), as well as
the greatest antioxidant capacity retention (89.4%) of tomato juice was obtained when
processing juice at 35 kV/cm for 1000 s with bipolar pulses of 1 s at 250 Hz (Odriozola-
Serrano et al., 2007) (Table 1). Nguyen and Mittal (2007) also reported the maintenance of
vitamin C in tomato juice processed by PEF. No significant differences were found in the
phenolic content of PEF-processed (35 kV/cm for 1500 s in bipolar 4-s pulses at 100 Hz)
and unprocessed tomato juices (Odriozola-Serrano et al., 2008). Furthermore, PEF processing
(40 kV/cm, 59 s) produced tomato juice with a greater retention of aromas, a smaller non-
enzymatic browning and redder coloration than that obtained by thermal processing (92 C,
90 s) (Min and Zhang, 2003).
114 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso

Table 1.- Effect of PEF on lycopene, vitamin C and antioxidant capacity of tomato juicea
(adapted from Odriozola-Serrano et al., 2007)

Frecuency Pulse Retention

Relative content Retention
(Hz) width Antioxidant
Lycopene (%) Vitamin C (%)
(s) Capacity (%)
Monopolar Bipolar Monopolar Bipolar Monopolar Bipolar
50 1 101.0 103.2 99.0 98.3 50.7 66.5
50 7 112.3 114.2 84.4 82.1 81.8 86.1
250 1 113.4 129.1 93.8 86.1 77.5 90.4
250 7 135.1 146.2 66.0 60.6 67.8 75.9
50 4 110.2 101.1 92.2 88.4 62.3 74.6
150 1 107.0 118.7 98.6 89.2 60.4 80.1
150 7 118.9 128.1 80.2 58.2 78.3 81.3
250 4 127.0 142.7 82.6 78.8 72.6 81.0
150 4 109.6 119.4 76.6 74.8 81.3 92.3
Electric field strength of 35 kV/cm, total treatment time of 1000 s

Shelf Life Of Juices Processed By Pulsed

Electric Fields
PEF treatment is as efficient as thermal pasteurization to stabilize juices
microbiologically during storage in refrigeration. Irreversible inactivation of deleterious
enzymes was observed during storage of juices processed by PEF. Moreover, health-
promoting properties as well as sensory characteristics were better retained in PEF-treated
juices than in those processed by traditional thermal treatments.
Orange juice is the most popular juice worldwide and therefore numerous studies have
been published concerning the effects of PEF on the juice shelf life. A PEF treatment of 480
s at 30 kV/cm has been reported to effectively reduce the total microbiological counts of an
orange juice, thus extending its shelf life up to 42 days (Jia et al., 1999). Indeed, a treatment
of 35 kV/cm and 59 s was shown to be at least as effective as a thermal pasteurization
treatment (94.6 C for 30 s) in keeping below 1 log cfu/ml the number of viable
microorganisms in orange juice stored at 4, 22 and 37 C during 112 days (Yeom et al.,
2000ab; Ayhan et al., 2002). Consistently, Min et al. (2003b) observed that, after processing
orange juice with a commercial-scale PEF system (40 kV/cm, 97 s), the counts of both total
aerobic microorganisms and molds and yeasts were always below 10 cfu/ml thoughout 112
days at 4 C. Elez-Martnez et al. (2006b) reported that a treatment of 35 kV/cm and 1000 s
combined with refrigerated storage (4 C) ensured the microbial stability of orange juice for
at least 56 days (Figure 2).
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 115


aerobic counts (log[CFU/g]) 7

3 HIPEF 22 C
TT 4 C
2 TT 22 C
Control 4 C
1 Control 22 C

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
storage time (days)

yeast and mold counts (log[CFU/g])

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
storage time (days)

Figure 2.- Effects of PEF treatment and heat pasteurization (TT) on the microbial counts (total aerobic
bacteria [A] and yeasts and molds [B]) of orange juice throughout storage at 4 and 22 C (from Elez-
Martnez et al., 2006b).
116 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso

Yeom et al. (2000b) studied the effects of a PEF treatment on the PME activity of orange
juice compared with the effects of traditional thermal pasteurization. The analysis after the
treatments showed 88% and 98% reduction of enzyme activity, respectively. The juice treated
and stored at 4 and 22 C did not exhibit any increase in PME activity throughout 112 days.
Elez-Martnez et al. (2006b) did not observe any activation of PME or POD enzymes in
orange juice stored at 4 and 22 C for 56 days after processing juice with PEF.
Changes on physico-chemical and sensory properties (color, pH, acidity, Brix, viscosity,
aromas) of orange juice processed by PEF occurred throughout storage, but these changes
were smaller than those occurring in a heat-processed juice (Yeom et al., 2000b; Min et al.,
2003b; Elez-Martnez et al., 2006b; Corts et al., 2008). Orange juice processed by PEF
exhibited a certain loss of vitamin C throughout storage under both refrigeration and room
temperatures. However, the losses were smaller than those observed in a heat-treated juices
or even in an untreated juice (Yeom et al. 2000b; Min et al. 2003b; Elez-Martnez et al.,
2006b). Likewise, Corts et al. (2006b) reported a decrease of 12.6% in the total carotenoids
of a heat-treated juice (90 C, 20 s), whereas a PEF treatment (30 kV/cm, 100 s) depleted
the carotenoids content of treated orange by 6.7% after 7 weeks of storage. On the other
hand, antioxidant capacity was shown to decrease smoothly during storage of a PEF-
processed orange juice but no further differences were observed with an untreated juice
(Elez-Martnez et al., 2006b; Plaza et al., 2006).
Shelf life of PEF-treated apple juice has been also studied. A shelf life of at least 3 weeks
at either 4 C or 25 C was achieved when the juice was treated with 250 s at 36 kV/cm
(Qin et al. 1995b). Indeed, when processing apple juice at 35 kV/cm for 94 s, shelf-life was
at least 67 days under refrigerated storage (Evrendilek et al., 2000). In this study, PEF-treated
apple juices exhibited a slight browning, though these color changes were less noticeable
than those occurring during the storage of a heat-processed juice. In addition, PEF treatments
favoured retention of vitamin C in apple juice stored regardless of the storage temperature.
On the other hand, Min et al. (2003c) evaluated the refrigerated shelf life of a tomato
juice processed by PEF (40 kV/cm for 57 s) in comparison to that of a heat-tread juice (92
C for 90 s). Both treatments provided a microbiological shelf life of at least 112 days. LOX
activity during storage of a PEF-treated tomato juice was studied by Min et al. (2003c).
Residual activity measured immediately after the treatment (46%) was not shown to increase
throughout 112 days of storage at 4 C. Aguil-Aguayo et al. (2008b) observed that residual
POD and PME activities remained around 5% during 56 days and around 14% during 77
days of storage, respectively. However, PG activity decreased during storage of PEF-
processed and heat-treated tomato juice (Aguil-Aguayo et al., 2008b) (Figure 3).
Furthermore, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics (color, pH, acidity, Brix,
viscosity, aromas) were maintained in a PEF-treated tomato juice much better than in a heat-
treated juice (Min and Zhang, 2003; Min et al., 2003c; Aguil-Aguayo et al., 2008b).
Regarding the antioxidant potential, PEF-processed juices retained more vitamin C and
lycopene than the heat-treated when stored under both cooling and room temperature (Min et
al., 2003c). Consistently, a PEF treated tomato juice (35 kV/cm, 1500 s) exhibited a higher
content of vitamin C and lycopene during storage at 4 C than heat-treated juices (90 C-30 s
and 90 C-60 s). The total phenolic content remained unchanged during refrigerated storage
regardless of the treatment applied to tomato juice, whereas the antioxidant capacity
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 117

decreased without significant differences between PEF-treated and heat-treated juices

(Odriozola-Serrano et al., 2008).


70 TT 1 min

POD RA (%)
50 TT 30 s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Storage time (days)


70 TT 1 min
PME RA (%)

50 TT 30 s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Storage time (days)


70 TT 1 min
PG RA (%)

50 TT 30 s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Storage time (days)

Figure 3.- Effects of PEF treatment and thermal treatments, 90C for 1 min (TT 1 min) or for 30 s (TT 30 s)
on residual POD (a), PME (b) and PG (c) activities of tomato juice throughout storage at 4C (adapted from
Aguil-Aguayo et al., 2008b).
118 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso

Preservation Of Juices By Combining Pulsed

Electric Fields And Other Processing Technologies

The use of PEF combined with other processing technologies has been recently studied
in order to find synergies to better maintain juice quality and safety. In this regard, the
implementation of PEF in combination with moderate heat treatments can attain levels of
microbial inactivation similar to those achieved with intense heat treatments and, at the same
time, allows for better keeping the original physico-chemical and nutritional properties of
juices. Heinz et al. (2003) reported more than 5.5 logarithmic reductions when applying
pulses of 36 kV/cm at 60 C, whereas roughly 3 log reductions were achieved when treating
at 35 C and 36 kV/cm. Furthermore, the treatment at 60 C reduced by more than 5-fold the
specific energy input needed compared to the treatment at 35 C. Likewise, Liang et al.
(2002) treated orange juice with 20 pulses of 90 kV/cm applied within the range of 30-50 C.
They found that when treatments were applied below 45 C, inactivation of Salmonella
typhimurium inoculated in the juice did not exceed 1.4 log cycles. In contrast, treatments
performed at 50 C led to a destruction of 4.2 log units. The increase in microbial inactivation
has been attributed to the reduction in the thickness of cell walls, which has been attributed to
a change of state of the membrane phospholipids, from gel to liquid-crystalline phase, as
temperature increases.
In general, the combination of heat and PEF allows a much greater inactivation of
microorganisms and enzymes responsible for the reactions of deterioration of juice. Yeom et
al. (2002) observed a decrease of 90% in the PME activity of an orange juice by applying a
treatment of 25 kV/cm for 250 s at 50 C. On the contrary, only a 35% of the native enzyme
was inactivated when applying the same electrical treatment at 20 C.
Several authors have proposed the addition of antimicrobial compounds as a
complementary technique to the application of PEF in fruit juices. The use of nisin (100
IU/ml) or lysozyme (2400 IU/ml) in orange juice treated with PEF (90 kV/cm, 30 pulses, 45
C) yielded 4.8 and 4.3 logarithmic reductions in Salmonella typhimurium, compared to 2.2
logarithmic reductions achieved without addition of antimicrobials (Liang et al., 2002).
Moreover, a decrease of 6.5 log units was reported when combining a PEF treatment with a
mixture of nisin (27.5 IU/ml) and lysozyme (690 IU/ml). Hodgins et al. (2002) obtained a
maximum inactivation of 6 log units on the native mibrobiota of orange juice when
combining a treatment of 20 pulses at 80 kV/cm and 44 C with nisin (100 IU/ml). With this
treatment, a 97.5% of the initial vitamin C content was mantained, whereas a 92.7% of the
orange juice native PME was inactivated. In tomato juice, 4.4 log reductions were attained
through the application of 20 pulses (80 kV/cm, 50 C) in combination with nisin (100 IU/ml)
(Nguyen and Mittal, 2007).
Mosqueda-Melgar et al. (2008a) studied the inactivation of Salmonella enteritidis in
apple and orange juices processed by PEF with the addition of antimicrobials. Combining a
treatment of 35 kV/cm for 1000 s with 0.1% cinnamon oil resulted in 6 log decrease (Figure
4). Similarly, Mosqueda-Melgar et al. (2008b) reported more than 6 logarithmic reductions in
the counts of S. enteritidis inoculated in tomato juice when applying similar treatment
Preservation of Fruit Juices by Pulsed Electric Fields 119


Citric acid concentration (%)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

a a a a a


Microbial reductions (-log10 CFU/ml)



Citric acid alone

-4 a a
HIPEF + Citric acid






Cinnamon bark oil concentration (%)

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30

a a

Microbial reductions (-log10 CFU/ml)


Cinnamon oil alone

HIPEF + Cinnamon oil

-4 a
a d



c c

Figure 4.- Inactivation of Salmonella enterica ser. Enteritidis in tomato juice by combining PEF with citric
acid (a) or cinnamon bark oil (b). Treatment conditions: 35 kV/cm for 1000 s at 100 Hz, 4 s pulse width
and 38.8 1.8 C (adapted from Mosqueda-Melgar et al., 2008b).

The influence of pH on the bacterial inactivation by PEF has not been established clearly.
Some studies in model solutions have led to inconclusive results. lvarez et al. (2000) found
that Salmonella senftenberg suspended in solutions of the same regulatory conductivity was
more resistant to PEF at acid pH than at neutral pH. Regardless of the influence of pH on the
bacterial inactivation by PEF, acid or acidified fruit juices are good candidates for processing
using this technology because a low pH prevents the germination of bacterial spores.
Recently, Noci et al. (2008) have proposed the combined application of electrical pulses
(40 kV/cm, 100 s) and ultraviolet light (30 W, 30 min, d = 30 cm) to reduce the spoilage
microbiota of an apple juice. These researchers found that ultraviolet treatments and PEF
120 Pedro Elez-Martinez, Robert Soliva-Fortuny and Olga Martin-Belloso

yielded 2.2 and 5.4 logarithmic reductions, respectively, if applied separately. The
concatenation of the two treatments represented more than 6 logarithmic reductions if PEF
was applied first and more than 7 reductions if the juice was treated first with ultraviolet
light. In addition, the combination of treatments led to better preservation of the color and
phenolic content of the juice.
Because of the rigidity of their structures, bacterial spores are highly resistant to PEF
processing. The application of PEF combined with other emerging processing technologies,
such as high hydrostatic pressure or ultrasound, can allow the inactivation of spores. Pagan et
al. (1998) explored the possibility of germinating spores of Bacillus by applying high
pressure treatments and then inactivating the germinated cells with a PEF treatment. High
pressure processing (1500 atm, 30 min, 40 C) induced the germination of more than 5 log of
spores. Then, PEF treatment (60 kV/cm, 75 pulses) render satisfactory inactivation of
germinated spores.


The application of pulsed electric fields (PEF) for processing juices looks promising.
This treatment may be an alternative to heat-pasteurization, thus providing safe and stable
juices and, at the same time, avoiding the negative effects of heat on their sensory and
nutritional properties.
With the investigations carried out so far, it is expected that PEF technology could be
incorporated into the juice processing industry as a unique form of preservation or as part of a
combined system of preservation methods. However, further research should be conducted
with the aim of designing equipment for processing that allows treating high juice
productions. Finally, a reliable assessment of the economic costs of the implementation at an
industrial scale is also necessary to facilitate the transference of the technology to the juice
processing industry.


This work has been carried out with the financial support from the Commission of the
European Communities, Framework 6, Priority 5 Food Quality and Safety, Integrated
Project Novel Q (FP6-CT-2006-015710). This work was also supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science through the Projects AGL2005-05768/ALI and


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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 4

Impact of Harvesting and Storage on

Bioactive Components in Varieties of
Orange (Citrus Sinensis L.)

M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

rea Nutricin y Bromatologa. Facultad de Farmacia. Universitat de Valncia. Avda.
Vicent Andrs Estells, s/n. 46100 Burjassot (Spain)

Orange juice (Citrus sinensis L.) is probably the best-known and most widely
consumed fruit juice all over the world, particularly appreciated for its fresh flavor and
considered of high beneficial value for its high content in vitamin C and natural
antioxidants such as carotenoids. Concentrations of bioactive compounds in oranges may
depend on the variety, but also on the harvesting date and storage time. The aim of this
work, therefore, was to determine the physical and chemical characteristics (juice/weight
relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids) of different varieties of
orange and establish a relationship that would allow discrimination of oranges in terms of
variety, harvesting date, and storage time. Three varieties of orange (Navelina, Navel,
and Navel-Lane) were harvested randomly and directly in the field during their
harvesting period. The harvesting was done on 3 different dates: 0 days (initial
harvesting), 14 days later, and 28 days after the initial harvesting. Each of the harvested
samples was stored at 4 2 C. To study the effect of storage, 3 determinations were
made at 3 different times: 0 (initial), 15, and 30 days. A study was made of the evolution
of the juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoid profile
of the different varieties of orange during harvesting and storage. The values of the
juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, and vitamin C were in the ranges 46.3057.81
mL/100 g, 3.314.01, 10.612.5, and 45.5857.79 mg/100 mL, respectively, depending
on the variety, harvesting date, and storage time. Fourteen carotenoids (including cis
forms) were determined in the oranges analyzed, and the vitamin A (RAE) concentration
128 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

obtained ranged between 2.93 and 29.44. A predictive model was obtained that could be
used to differentiate the orange varieties analyzed. The model was verified with the
results obtained for the Navel variety of orange harvested in the following season

Keywords: Citrus sinensis, bioactive compounds, storage, harvesting


Citrus fruits are widely accepted all over the world because of their organoleptic
characteristics and their nutritional value. Moreover, the citrus industry plays a very
important role in Brazil, the United States, and Mexico, and also in Europe, where Spain is
the largest producer, and in China (Seorans et al., 2001).
The growing interest in citrus products is partly due to the health benefits connected with
their antioxidant properties, which are attributable to the ascorbic acid and carotenoids that
they contain (Xu et al., 2008; Dhuique-Mayer et al., 2005; Morton et al., 2000; Pellegrini et
al., 2003). These health benefits have prompted research into pre- and postharvest citrus fruit
treatments to maintain or enhance their biological activity.
The physicochemical characteristics can vary significantly depending on a number of
factors, such as orange variety, environmental factors (climate, soils, maturity at harvest,
irrigation, fertilization, etc.), different processing procedures, and analytical methods. But the
orange variety has a major influence on the characteristics of the juice (Li-ying et al. 2008;
Barry et al. 2003; Lee and Castle 2001). The Brix value is used to indicate the percentage of
soluble solids and is one of the most important factors for grading the quality of a citrus juice
(McAllister, 1980).
The variability of the bioactive compounds is connected with genetic and climatic
factors. The vitamin C concentration in fruits and vegetables depends on various factors such
as genotype, climatic conditions, and cultivation practices (Esteve et al., 1995; Lee and
Kader, 2000). Oranges have high concentrations of violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, and -
cryptoxanthin (Kato et al., 2004; Melndez-Martnez et al., 2005; Corts et al., 2004, 2006).
These concentrations depend on numerous factors, including growing conditions,
geographical origin, degree of ripeness of the fruit, and variety (Mouly et al., 1999; Lee and
Castle, 2001; Dhuique-Mayer et al, 2005; Lee, 2001). Goodner et al. (2001) report that
mandarins, oranges, and their hybrids can be differentiated by their -cryptoxanthin
concentrations. Fanciullino et al. (2006) analyzed carotenoid concentrations in fruits of the
Citrus genus to evaluate the influence of genetic factors including origin and cultivation
characteristics. The results show that the variability in carotenoid concentration is more
interspecific than intraspecific, and also that cis-violaxanthin and -cryptoxanthin can be
used to classify the data. Mouly et al. (1999) separated and quantified most of the carotenoids
in Valencia variety orange juices from five countries. They were able to group the oranges by
origin into two large groups on the basis of their total carotenoid contents: on the one hand,
oranges from Israel and Spain, and on the other, oranges from Florida, Belize, and Cuba.
Moreover, from the carotene profile they were able to differentiate the Valencia oranges
grown in Israel from the ones from other origins. Cano et al. (2008) report that the most
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 129

important parameters that can be used to classify different varieties of orange are the vitamin
C and flavonoid concentrations. Dhuique-Mayer et al. (2005) compared the concentrations of
carotenoids, vitamin C, and flavonoids in different varieties of orange (Citrus sp.) and found
that the different varieties of orange could be classified in terms of their nutritional profile
primarily on the basis of their carotenoid content. They also found strong correlations
between -cryptoxanthin and hesperidin, and between -cryptoxanthin and -carotene. The
vitamin C concentration, however, did not correlate with carotenoids or with flavanone
Oranges are considered to be non-climateric fruit, but storage treatment can increase fruit
respiration because of possible chilling injury (Grierson and Ben-Yehoshua, 1986).
The aim of this work was to determine the physical and chemical characteristics
(juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, vitamin A, and carotenoids) of different
varieties of orange and establish a relationship that would allow discrimination of oranges in
terms of variety, date of harvest, and storage time.


All the analyses were performed in triplicate, as was each of the determinations.
Juice/weight relationship. The juice/weight relationship was expressed in mL/100 g, the
result being the quotient between the yield of juice from the oranges (total volume in mL)
and their weight in grams. At the time of analysis the outer surface of the oranges that were to
be used was cleaned with filter paper and they were weighed (analytical balance, Ultra Mark
500, BEL). After extraction of the juice with an electric extractor (UFESA, EX_7235), the
total volume of the juice obtained was measured, always keeping the juice protected from the
light. After homogenization, various aliquots were separated for determination of the
remaining parameters.
pH determination was based on the potentiometric measurement at 20 C. It was
determined in a Crison GLP 21 pH meter equipped with a temperature compensation sensor.
Brix was determined by measurement of the refraction index with an Atago model RX-
1000 digital refractometer at 20C.
Vitamin C. 5 mL of juice was diluted to 25 mL with the extraction solution: oxalic acid
(Panreac, Barcelona, Spain) 1%, w/v, trichloroacetic acid (Baker, Deventer, Holland) 2%,
w/v, sodium sulfate (Baker, Deventer, Holland) 1%, w/v. After vigorous shaking, the solution
was filtered through a folded filter (Whatman no. 1). 9.5 mL of 1% (w/v) oxalic acid and 2
mL of 2M acetic acid/sodium acetate (Panreac, Barcelona, Spain) buffer (pH = 4.8) were
added to an aliquot of 0.5 mL of filtrate and the solution was transferred to the polarographic
cell. The following instrumental conditions were applied: DP50, mode DME, drop size 2, drop
time 1 s, scan rate 10 mV/s, initial potential 0.10 V. Determinations were carried out using
the peak heights and standard additions method (Aparicio et al., 1992).
Carotenoids. The carotenoids (including geometrical isomers) were identified and
quantified by LC with a UV-vis diode array detector (Hewlett-Packard, 1100 series) and a
column thermostat (Agilent 1100 series). An extraction process (ethanol/hexane, 4:3, v/v)
was performed, followed by saponification with diethyl ether/methanolic KOH (0.1%, w/v,
130 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

Table 1. Values of juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, and vitamin A

obtained in the three varieties analyzed, by harvesting date and storage time. 20042005

Storage Harvesting (days)

(days) 0 14 28
Juice/weight (mL/100 g)
Navelina 0 50.0 0.0a1 46.3 0.0a2 49.3 0.1a3
15 51.4 0.0b1 48.2 0.0b2 57.8 0.0b3
30 51.1 0.1c1 53.5 0.1c2 56.4 0.0c3
Navel 0 56.1 0.0a1 57.0 0.0a2 51.0 0.0a3
15 55.9 0.0b1 57.0 0.0a2 53.6 0.0b3
30 55.7 0.0c1 56.6 0.0c2 53.9 0.0c3
Navel-Lane 0 55.5 0.0a1 55.9 0.0a2 56.8 0.0a3
15 57.4 0.0b1 56.8 0.0b2 55.2 0.0b3
30 58.1 0.0c1 56.9 0.0c2 55.1 0.1c3
Navelina 0 3.41 0.01a1 3.31 0.01a2 3.49 0.01a3
15 3.48 0.01b1 3.58 0.01b2 3.52 0.01b1
30 3.75 0.02c1 3.78 0.01c2 3.56 0.01c3
Navel 0 3.48 0.01 a1 3.64 0.02 a2 3.72 0.03 a2
15 3.59 0.01 b1 3.56 0.01 b2 3.64 0.01 b3
30 3.63 0.01 c1 3.76 0.01 c2 4.01 0.01 c3
Navel-Lane 0 3.43 0.02 a1 3.63 0.02 a2 3.59 0.01 a2
15 3.46 0.01 b1 3.79 0.01 b2 3.52 0.02 b3
30 3.50 0.02 b1 3.69 0.01 c2 3.68 0.01 c2
Navelina 0 11.2 0.1 a1 10.8 0.1 a2 11.2 0.1 a1
15 12.2 0.0 b1 11.4 0.0 b2 11.4 0.2 b2
30 12.2 0.2 b1 11.0 0.1 c2 11.8 0.1 c3
Navel 0 11.8 0.1 a1 11.6 0.2 a2 10.8 0.1 a3
15 12.4 0.2 b1 11.6 0.2 a2 11.6 0.2 b2
30 12.2 0.2 c1 11.6 0.1 a2 11.6 0.2 c2
Navel-Lane 0 10.8 0.1 a1 11.0 0.1 a2 11.8 0.2 a3
15 10.8 0.1 a1 11.6 0.1 b2 11.6 0.1 b2
30 10.6 0.2 b1 12.5 0.1 c2 11.6 0.1 b3
Superscript: in the same column, identical letters indicate that there are no significant differences (p <
0.05); in the same row, identical numbers indicate that there are no significant differences (p <
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 131

BHT) (1:1, v/v) for 0.5 h at room temperature. The injection volume used was 20 L. A particle
size of 5 m and a Vydac 201TP precolumn (guard column) (4.6 mm i.d. cartridge with 5-m
particles) (Hesperia, CA) were used.
The mobile phase used was methanol (0.1 M ammonium acetate), tertbutyl methyl ether,
and water (in a concentration gradient), and a temperature gradient was applied with retinol
palmitate as an internal standard. Carotenoids were identified by UV-vis spectra and retention
times in HPLC in the juices analyzed using the system HP Chemstation-A.06.03 (Cortes et
al., 2004). Carotenoids were expressed as micrograms per 100 g.
Vitamin A. Vitamin A was expressed as retinol activity equivalents (RAE), using the
following conversion (IOM, 2001; Trumbo et al, 2003):
RAE = (g of -carotene)/12 + (g of -cryptoxanthin + g of -carotene)/24.


The study was conducted on fresh citrus fruits. Three varieties of orange (Citrus sinensis)
were chosen on the basis of their high production in the Valencian Community: Navelina,
Navel, and Navel-Lane. They were picked directly and at random in three different fields,
following statistical sampling procedures, in their respective harvesting periods (20032004
season). They were identified by type of sample, harvesting time, and period of storage at 4
2 C. The temperature selected (4 C) was the temperature used for their storage until
distribution. Each of the varieties was harvested on three different dates (0, 14, and 28 days),
and each of the samples collected was stored in refrigeration for 15 and 30 days (Figure 1
gives a diagram of the process). In the following season (20042005) Navel variety oranges
were harvested, the various physical and chemical parameters were determined, and the
validity of the predictive model obtained was verified; the data corresponding to this season
have already been published (Corts et al., 2006a,2006b, 2007).

Navelina Navel Navel Lane

(days) 0 14 28 0 14 28 0 14 28

0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30 0 15 30

Figure 1. Diagram of sampling: variety, harvesting, and storage.

Sample Collection And Size

The oranges were picked at random in three different fields and mixed together.
132 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

Table 2. Concentrations of vitamin C and vitamin A during harvesting and storage.

20042005 season

Storage Harvesting (days)

(days) 0 14 28

Vitamin C (mg/100 mL)

Navelina 0 47.0 0.9a1 57.8 0.7a2 55.9 0.0a2
15 50.3 0.4b1 57.8 0.1a2 51.7 1.5b1
30 54.9 1.0c1 51.8 0.2b2 50.2 0.8b2
Navel 0 52.3 0.7a1 53.3 0.3a1 47.8 0.2a2
15 51.6 0.3a1 52.5 1.7a1 49.0 0.1a1
30 52.0 0.1a1 50.4 0.5a2 48.6 0.8a3
Navel-Lane 0 51.8 0.7a1 49.8 0.1a1 45.6 1.6a2
15 53.9 0.7a1 51.2 0.4a2 45.9 0.8a3
30 53.2 0.8a1 56.2 1.0b1 45.6 1.7a2
Vitamin A (RAE)
Navelina 0 2.94 0.16ab1 2.71 0.02a1 5.11 0.08a2
15 3.91 0.35a1 6.34 0.36b1 7.43 1.88a1
30 6.38 1.65b1 5.73 0.35b1 5.53 3.07a1
Navel 0 8.63 0.01a1 6.01 0.68a2 10.84 0.95a3
15 7.29 0.09b1 3.87 0.75b2 11.36 0.34a3
30 11.71 0.27c1 10.92 0.27c1 10.15 0.70a1
Navel-Lane 0 6.23 0.51a1 7.96 1.89a1 14.67 0.08a2
15 5.46 0.27a1 14.33 0.54b1 8.94 4.14ab1
30 9.16 0.70b1 11.56 0.46ab2 8.31 0.94a1
Superscript: in the same column, identical letters indicate that there are no significant differences (p <
0.05); in the same row, identical numbers indicate that there are no significant differences (p <

To obtain suitable precision in the results it was necessary first to establish the sample
size, i.e., the number of oranges to be taken each time so that the results should be reliable
and representative. Primo et al. (1963) established 21 units as the minimum orange sample
size for the mean value to have a variation of 3 mg, corresponding to 5% of the error with
regard to the value found (depending on the vitamin C concentration). The evolution of
analysis methods has made it possible to reduce the sample size and obtain results of equal
reliability to those obtained with a larger sample, as confirmed by some more recent studies
(Nagy, 1980; Ortuo et al., 1995).
The number of units taken in this study for each type of sample ranged between 9 and 12
oranges, depending on the volume of juice yielded. The harvesting of each variety of orange
was also done on three different dates (Figure 1).
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 133


The outer surface of the oranges was cleaned with paper, and the oranges were weighed
and placed in open plastic boxes that were numbered and marked with identification codes.
They were then placed in a refrigerated chamber with controlled temperature (4 2 C) and
humidity. The oranges were kept in the refrigerated chamber from their arrival at the
laboratory until the time of their analysis, always occupying the same place in order to avoid
possible temperature variations. Three determinations of each parameter were made with
each sample at different storage times: 0 days (initial), 15 days, and 30 days (see Figure 1).

Statistical Analysis

An analysis of variance (ANOVA) of three factors was applied to the results obtained to
verify whether there were significant differences in the parameters studied in relation to
variety, harvesting time, and storage time, and the possible interactions between the factors.
A multiple regression analysis was performed for each of the varieties and parameters to
study the influence of harvesting date and/or storage time. To gain insight into the data
structure a multivariate analysis called principal component analysis (PCA), a pure display
method, was performed to detect the most important factors of variability and to describe the
relations between variables and observations.
All statistical analyses were performed using Statgraphics Plus 5.0 (Statistical Graphics
Corporation, Inc., Rockville, MD, USA).


Tables 1 and 2 show the juice/weight relationship, pH, Brix, vitamin C, and vitamin A
values obtained in the three varieties of orange analyzed, by harvesting date and storage time.
By chromatographic analysis of the various samples studied, 10 carotenoids were
identified and quantified. Tables 35 show the results for each of the varieties of orange
analyzed and the variation during harvesting and storage.

Vitamin C (mg/100 mL)

55 Navel-Lane
53 Navelina

0 14 28

Harvesting (days)

Figure 2. Continued on next page.

134 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola


Vitamin C (mg/100 mL)

53 Navel-Lane



0 15 30

Storage (days)

54 Harvesting (day
Vitamin C (mg/100 mL)

53 14
52 28

0 15 30

Storage (days)

Figure 2. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on concentration of vitamin C.

The results are in agreement with those obtained by other authors (Cano et al, 2008;
Dhuique-Mayer et al., 2005; Fanciullino et al, 2006; Melndez-Martnez et al, 2005; Mouly
et al, 1999; Rapisarda et al, 2008).
Vitamin C. Application of the analysis of variance to the results revealed significant
differences (p < 0.05) between the vitamin C concentration in the Navelina variety oranges
(53.0 3.6 mg/100 mL, n = 27) and the concentrations in the other two varieties, Navel (51.0
1.8 mg/100 mL, n = 27) and Navel-Lane (50.4 3.9 mg/100 mL, n = 27), between which
the differences were not significant. The oranges collected 28 days after the beginning of
harvesting had a concentration (49.1 3.3 mg/100 mL) significantly lower (p < 0.01) than
that of the oranges collected during the first 14 days (51.9 2.3 and 53.4 3.0 mg/100 mL,
for the oranges collected after 0 and 14 days, respectively). There were no significant
differences in the various storage periods.
From the analysis of variance of more than one factor it was possible to show the
existence of interactions between the effects of the factors studied: variety (Navel, Navelina,
Navel-Lane), harvesting date (0, 14, and 28 days), and storage time (0, 15, and 30 days). The
vitamin C concentration increased during storage of the oranges collected on the first date,
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 135

Table 3. Concentrations of carotenoids in Navelina variety oranges during harvesting

and storage. 20042005 season

Carotenoids (g/100 g) Storage Harvesting (days)

(days) 0 14 28
a1 a2
9-cis-violaxanthin + 0 94.9 12.7 412.7 25.9 485.3 31.2a2
neoxanthin 15 578.6 64.9b1 516.2 7.2b1 608.6 20.2a1
30 356.3 83.9c1 621.5 38.3c1 408.5 14.4a1
antheraxanthin 0 21.9 1.7a1 95.9 3.6a2 145.2 7.4a3
15 144.9 18.4b1 181.4 1.4b2 183.2 0.2a2
30 95.8 29.7b1 186.3 17.8b1 121.6 43.1a1
lutein 0 14.2 0.3a1 36.5 0.3a2 45.7 1.8a3
15 50.2 8.6 b1 47.4 8.9a1 48.5 10.9a1
30 31.8 11.1ab1 66.1 6.2b2 30.9 7.8a1
zeaxanthin 0 10.3 0.1a1 20.1 0.4a2 29.5 1.8a3
15 23.4 1.0b1 32.0 4.5b1 32.0 4.5a1
30 23.4 4.5b1 38.0 4.1b2 24.9 3.4a1
-cryptoxanthin 0 29.7 0.9a1 45.1 4.4a2 64.8 2.3a3
15 70.9 5.5ab1 101.7 9.3b1 111.3 29.3a1
30 100.0 28.1b1 93.3 3.4b1 70.9 3.1a1
9-cis--carotene 0 28.0 2.5a1 35.1 1.2a2 35.2 2.7a2
15 36.9 1.9b1 24.3 1.6b2 24.3 4.4a2
30 37.2 0.3b1 20.7 0.7b1 40.5 13.9a1
-carotene 0 10.4 1.0a1 9.3 0.8a1 19.0 0.2a2
15 9.0 0.9a1 14.5 2.3b12 19.1 4.6a2
30 15.1 1.7b1 10.8 1.0a1 17.3 1.3a1
phytoene + phytofluene 0 9.9 0.2a1 5.8 0.4a2 23.5 0.6a3
15 8.1 1.8a1 28.1 1.7b2 31.1 7.6a2
30 19.9 0.1b1 21.0 1.7c1 20.0 5.4a1
-carotene 0 15.2 1.0ab1 5.2 0.3a2 19.4 0.1a3
15 6.9 1.0a1 18.2 1.0b2 24.0 5.6a3
30 19.0 4.9b1 16.6 3.0b1 22.3 2.6a1
9-cis--carotene 0 19.2 + 0.2a1 8.9 0.9a2 21.4 2.4a1
15 8.2 0.2b1 10.0 0.9a1 14.2 3.4a1
30 24.6 3.6a12 8.8 0.2a1 29.1 9.2a2
Superscript: in the same column, identical letters indicate that there are no significant differences (p <
0.05); in the same row, identical numbers indicate that there are no significant differences (p <

whereas in the oranges collected on the second date (14 days) and the third date (28
days) it decreased, more sharply in the latter case (Figure 2). The vitamin C concentration in
the Navel and Navel-Lane varieties decreased to different extents, depending on the
harvesting date, whereas in the Navelina variety it increased (Figure 2). The behavior during
storage also varied: an increase in concentration in relation to storage time was seen only in
the Navel-Lane variety. However, the only significant interaction detected was between
storage time and variety.
136 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

Table 4. Concentrations of carotenoids in Navel variety oranges during harvesting and

storage. 20042005 season

Carotenoids (g/100 g) Storage Harvesting (days)

(days) 0 14 28
9-cis-violaxanthin + 0 754.0 47.2a12
621.3 6.0a1
895.2 96.4a2
neoxanthin 15 817.2 12.8a1 723.1 14.7b2 642.8 8.0b3
30 742.4 11.3a1 582.1 9.4c2 645.3 35.8b2
antheraxanthin 0 224.8 9.3a1 229.1 4.5a1 294.0 30.6ab2
15 312.5 9.2b1 271.1 11.7b2 233.5 12.1a3
30 240.8 17.6a1 217.8 11.3a1 350.9 47.8b2
lutein 0 53.6 4.7a12 43.6 1.2a1 60.9 3.2a2
15 60.2 6.4a1 41.4 7.8a1 57.9 5.1a1
30 54.4 4.2a12 44.6 4.0a1 65.3 4.8a2
zeaxanthin 0 36.9 2.0a1 36.6 0.0a1 53.9 1.5a2
15 43.3 3.4ab1 43.7 9.0a1 37.8 0.4b1
30 51.5 6.3b1 29.7 1.3a2 56.3 1.9a1
-cryptoxanthin 0 120.1 2.7a1 86.0 1.0a1 103.1 18.4a1
15 120.4 2.5a1 55.1 1.0b2 113.9 5.2ab1
30 153.1 14.9b1 115.3 0.4c1 149.2 15.7b1
9-cis--carotene 0 35.4 1.6a1 42.6 3.2a1 52.1 1.7a2
15 28.3 0.7b1 23.6 0.6b1 78.9 5.4b2
30 68.3 1.9c1 63.9 5.2c12 22.1 13.3a2
-carotene 0 20.5 0.1a1 20.5 5.5a1 34.8 2.2a2
15 35.3 3.9b1 2.5 0.8b2 58.2 1.8b3
30 13.4 1.3a1 50.2 6.0c2 35.8 0.9a3
phytoene + phytofluene 0 35.0 0.1a1 17.5 7.1a2 44.1 4.1a1
15 14.3 0.4b1 10.5 3.6a1 52.1 0.3b2
30 53.7 10.0c1 34.7 1.0b2 25.5 0.3c2
-carotene 0 33.21 1.1a1 18.8 7.4a2 61.1 1.15a3
15 9.7 2.1b1 17.6 2.2a1 50.2 5.3b2
30 57.4 3.5c1 48.2 0.3b2 29.3 0.2c3
9-cis--carotene 0 22.0 1.6a1 25.6 5.9ab1 20.9 5.0a1
15 11.8 2.0a1 16.1 0.1a1 35.5 1.3b2
30 39.1 3.5b1 36.2 5.5b1 18.8 0.5a2
Superscript: in the same column, identical letters indicate that there are no significant
differences (p < 0.05); in the same row, identical numbers indicate that there are no
significant differences (p < 0.05).

Performance of a multiple regression analysis for each of the varieties studied yielded
models that indicated the influence of the harvesting date and/or storage time. Only in the
Navel-Lane variety did the harvesting date and storage time have a significant influence (p <
0.05) on the vitamin C concentration: vitamin C (mg/100 mL) = 52.7 0.26 R + 0.09 S
(standard error = 1.6, R2 = 70.4), where S the storage time (days). In the Navel variety it was
the harvesting date that had a statistically significant influence (p < 0.05) on the vitamin C
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 137

Table 5. Concentrations of carotenoids in Navel-Lane variety oranges during harvesting

and storage. 20042005 season

Carotenoids (g/100 g) Storage Harvesting (days)

(days) 0 14 28
ab1 a1
9-cis-violaxanthin + 0 693.8 97.0 736.5 18.4 663.0 1.1a1
neoxanthin 15 532.9 61.1a1 816.0 5.3b2 711.3 19.8a2
30 806.4 60.8b1 554.7 18.8c2 787.7 34.9b1
antheraxanthin 0 206.2 25.7ab1 266.3 0.2a2 193.7 3.5a1
15 148.4 18.7a1 268.8 11.5a2 229.6 14.4a2
30 246.7 37.4b12 185.2 24.1b1 310.4 19.7b2
lutein 0 44.2 2.4a1 51.6 0.7a2 41.0 1.1a1
15 40.0 11.7a1 44.4 3.8ab1 39.0 3.6a1
30 48.6 7.7a1 37.3 4.7b1 49.1 1.5b1
zeaxanthin 0 32.6 0.2a1 45.3 1.0a2 41.8 3.0a2
15 29.3 4.1a1 45.6 2.9a2 39.0 7.1a12
30 33.1 2.0a1 34.0 2.5b1 44.7 0.3a2
-cryptoxanthin 0 91.4 1.1a1 131.2 26.4a1 134.4 4.0a1
15 79.3 16.2a1 174.2 2.8a2 97.1 4.8a1
30 95.6 13.4a1 138.3 1.9a2 126.1 0.8a2
9-cis--carotene 0 34.5 3.5a1 23.6 3.8a1 104.6 5.5a2
15 20.3 1.0b1 38.8 6.6ab1 33.6 5.3b1
30 50.5 5.4c12 77.1 2.4b1 26.1 4.7b2
-carotene 0 9.0 2.7a1 13.1 3.0a1 75.5 4.0a2
15 14.6 4.1a1 44.1 6.9b1 41.5 2.7a1
30 37.9 3.0b1 49.7 7.5b1 33.3 2.1a1
phytoene + phytofluene 0 24.3 5.7a1 36.8 10.9a1 72.1 2.1a2
15 31.6 4.2a1 62.0 0.0b1 31.4 7.0b1
30 43.7 0.9b1 37.1 1.7a1 18.1 3.3b2
-carotene 0 24.6 8.0a1 23.3 8.0a1 71.1 1.1a2
15 18.6 2.8a1 62.7 1.6b2 37.9 2.0ab12
30 43.1 3.3b1 44.7 2.7c1 19.9 4.3b2
9-cis--carotene 0 7.6 1.6a1 11.1 2.6a1 30.6 3.9a2
15 6.3 1.8a1 23.3 5.1b2 19.9 1.5ab12
30 14.3 0.8b12 18.9 2.6ab1 10.0 0.3b2
Superscript: in the same column, identical letters indicate that there are no significant
differences (p < 0.05); in the same row, identical numbers indicate that there are no
significant differences (p < 0.05).

concentration: vitamin C (mg/100 mL) = 52.5 0.11 H (standard error = 1.3, R2 = 50.6),
where H is the harvesting date (days).
Vitamin A (RAE). There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in vitamin A
concentration between the Navel (9.0 2.7) and Navel-Lane (9.6 3.4) varieties and the
Navelina variety, which had a much lower concentration (5.1 1.8). As the harvesting date
advanced there was an increase in the vitamin A concentration, although no significant
differences were observed, and there were also no differences during storage.
138 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

The analysis of variance of more than one factor indicated that there were significant
interactions (p < 0.01) between harvesting date and storage time. In the oranges collected on
the first and second harvesting dates there was an increase in the vitamin A concentration
during storage, whereas in the oranges collected on the third harvesting date (28 days) the
vitamin A concentration decreased (Figure 3). When a multiple regression analysis was
performed for each of the varieties of orange studied, the vitamin A of the Navelina and
Navel-Lane varieties was fitted significantly (p < 0.05) to a linear model and it was seen that
only the harvesting date increased the vitamin A concentration significantly (p < 0.05):
vitamin A (RAE) = 3.97 + 0.08 S (standard error = 1.63, R2 = 27.2) and vitamin A (RAE) =
7.78 + 0.13 H (standard error = 3.09, R2 = 21.1), where H is the harvesting date (days) and S
the storage time for the Navelina and Navel-Lane varieties, respectively.
Navelina variety, whereas in the other two varieties it increased. During storage, pH
increased in the three varieties, although to different extents.
The multiple regression analysis performed for each of the varieties showed that the
variations in pH followed a linear model. In the Navel variety both harvesting date and
storage time had a significant influence on the pH value (pH = 3.47 + 0.0077 H + 0.0061 S
(standard error = 0.09, R2 = 68.1), where H is the harvesting date (days) and S the storage
time (days). In the Navelina variety, however, only storage time had an influence (pH = 3.40
+ 0.0099 S, standard error = 0.08, R2 = 70.6), and in the Navel-Lane variety only harvesting
date had an influence (pH = 3.52 + 0.005 H, standard error = 0.11, R2 = 24.3)
Brix. No significant differences were seen between the three varieties of orange studied,
although the value was slightly higher in the Navel oranges (11.69 0.44) than in the
Navelina oranges (11.47 0.49) and the Navel-Lane oranges (11.37 0.59). There were also
no significant differences between the various harvesting dates. However, after 15 days of
storage there was generally a significant increase (p < 0.05) in Brix. The multifactor analysis
of variance showed the existence of interactions (p < 0.01) only between harvesting date and
variety, with Brix decreasing in the Navelina and Navel varieties as harvesting advanced,
whereas in the Navel-Lane variety it increased (Figure 5). The performance of a multiple
regression analysis enabled us to predict the Brix on the basis of harvesting date and storage
time according to the variety. In the Navelina variety, only storage had a significant influence
(p<0.01): Brix = 11.2 + 0.02 S (standard error = 0.43, R2 = 27.0); in the Navel-Lane oranges,
the significant factor (p < 0.01) was storage time: Brix = 10.9 + 0.03 H (standard error =
0.46, R2 = 43.6); and in the Navel oranges the Brix depended on harvesting date (p < 0.0)
and storage time (p < 0.01): Brix = 11.9 0.03 H + 0.01 S (standard error = 0.23, R2 = 74.6).
Juice/weight relationship (v/w). In the Navel (55.2 1.9 mL/g) and Navel-Lane (56.4
1.0 mL/g) varieties the juice/weight relationship was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than in
the Navelina variety (51.63.6 mL/g), although no differences were found according to
harvesting date and storage time. There were statistically significant interactions (p < 0.01)
between variety and harvesting date, and also with storage time. Figure 6 shows in the
Navelina variety the juice/weight relationship increased with harvesting date, whereas in the
other two varieties it decreased. During storage, however, it increased in all three varieties,
although in different proportions. There was a statistically significant relation (p < 0.01)
between juice/weight relationship and harvesting date: juice/weight relationship = 56.7 0.11
H (standard error = 1.48, R2 = 44.4) and juice/weight relationship = 57.1 0.05 H (standard
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 139

error = 0.89, R2 = 28.6) for the Navel and Navel-Lane varieties, respectively. In the Navelina
variety, however, both harvesting date and storage time had a significant influence (p < 0.01):
juice/weight relationship = 47.2 + 0.13 H + 0.17 S (standard error = 2.66, R2 = 52.9).
Carotenoids. The Navelina variety had the lowest concentration of each of the carotenoids,
and the differences in comparison with the other two varieties were significant (p < 0.01)
except for lutein and 9-cis--carotene. The concentrations of zeaxanthin and 9-cis--carotene
were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in the oranges collected 28 days after the start of
harvesting. However, storage time did not produce changes in the concentrations of the
various carotenoids, except for -cryptoxanthin, the concentration of which increased (p <
0.01). The multifactor analysis of variance showed that there were no interactions between
the various factors (harvesting, storage, and variety) and the concentration of antheraxanthin,
but the same factors had varying degrees of influence on the other carotenoids, producing a
significant presence of interactions (p < 0.05). Variety, harvesting date, and storage time pH.
The pH of the Navel variety oranges (3.67 0.14) was significantly higher (p < 0.01) than
that of the Navelina oranges (3.54 0.15) and the Navel-Lane oranges (3.59 0.12), between
which there were no differences. There were also significant differences (p < 0.01) according
to the harvesting date, with an increase in pH between the first date (3.53 0.11) and the
following dates (3.54 0.15, in both cases) and during storage, when there was a significant
increase (p < 0.01) in the pH with time (3.52 0.13, 3.57 0.10, and 3.71 0.14 for 0, 15,
and 30 days of storage, respectively).
There was a significant interaction (p < 0.01) between variety and harvesting date, and
between variety and storage time (Figure 4). At the end of harvesting the pH decreased in the
influenced the concentration of phytoene+phytofluene, and there were interactions between
the factors (Figure 7). In the other carotenoids there were interactions between variety and
harvesting date, except in 9-cis--carotene, -carotene, and -carotene, for which there was
only an interaction between harvesting date and storage time. Also, the variation in the
concentrations of 9-cis-violaxanthin+neoxanthin and -cryptoxanthin during storage
depended on the variety. The variation in the concentrations of zeaxanthin and 9-cis--
carotene during storage also depended on the harvesting date.
In order to be able to predict the changes in the various carotenoids in the different
varieties of orange in relation to harvesting date and storage time we performed a multiple
regression analysis. Table 6 shows the statistically significant (p < 0.05) models obtained. To
study the data and group them naturally in accordance with their characteristics (vitamin C,
vitamin A, pH, Brix, juice/weight relationship, and carotenoid profile), we performed a
principal component analysis and a discriminant analysis of the results.
The principal component analysis was used to examine the structure of the data. Table 7
shows the contributions of the components. In this case, 4 components were extracted, which
accounted for 80.7% of the variability in the original data. This analysis does not permit
satisfactory differentiation of the varieties of orange, and we therefore performed a
discriminant analysis. To trace the discriminant functions with which to develop a model for
differentiating the three varieties of orange we used 54 cases. By using a stepwise selection
algorithm we found that 6 variables were predictors (antheraxanthin, lutein, 9-cis--carotene
vitamin A, pH, and juice/weight relationship). Table 8 shows the two statistically significant
(p < 0.05) discriminant functions, and Figure 8 shows the two functions verifying the ability
140 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

to differentiate the varieties studied. By applying these functions we obtained a model with
which it was possible to classify 96% of the cases correctly. The predictive model was
applied to oranges harvested in the 2004/05 season (data in Table 9) and we confirmed that
the oranges were of the Navel variety. The same study was applied to each of the varieties to
establish a model that could be used to differentiate the harvesting date and storage time of
the oranges. We first studied the data to see the ability to predict the harvesting date. The
discriminant analysis showed that the predictor variables depended on the variety (Table 10),
classifying 100% of the cases correctly (in the three varieties of orange). Given that the
oranges from the 2004/05 season were of the Navel variety, by applying the model obtained
we found that the oranges corresponded to the end of the harvesting period (28 days). The
factors that permitted classification of the oranges by storage time were 9--carotene, pH,
and Brix for the Navel oranges, pH and -cryptoxanthin for the Navelina oranges, but no
factor for the Navel-Lane oranges. In the first two cases the percentages of correct
classifications were 83 and 78%, respectively. The oranges analyzed from the 2004/05 season
were of the Navel variety, and according to the predictive model the storage time was either
zero or, with almost the same probability, 15 days.

Vitamin A (RAE)




0 14 28
Harvesting (days)

Vitamin A (RAE)




0 15 30
Storage (days)

Figure 3. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on concentration of vitamin A.
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 141

3.8 Storage (days)



0 14 28
Harvesting (days)




0 14 28
Harvesting (days)




0 15 30
Storage (days)

Figure 4. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on pH.

142 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

12.2 Storage (days)

12 0
11.8 30

Brix 11.6
0 14 28
Harvesting (days)

12 Navel-Lane
11.6 Navelina

0 14 28
Harvesting (days)

11.8 Navel-Lane



0 15 30
Storage (days)

Figure 5. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on Brix.

Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 143

Juice (mL)/weight (g)

57 Storage (days)



0 14 28
Harvesting (days)
Juice (mL)/weight (g)




0 14 28
Harvesting (days)
Juice (mL)/weight (g)

57 Navel
56 Navel-Lane
55 Navelina
0 15 30
Storage (days)

Figure 6. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on juice/weight relationship.
144 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

47 Storage (days)
42 15
37 30

0 14 28
Harvesting (days)




0 14 28
Harvesting (days)




0 15 30
Storage (days)

Figure 7. Influence of variety, harvesting date, and storage time on concentration of phytoene+phytofluene
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 145

Table 6. Multiple regression analysis for each of the varieties and carotenoids studied

Standard error, R2
Navel Navelina Navel-Lane
antheraxanthin - y= 99.7 + 2.18 H -
48.6, 22.8
zeaxanthin - y= 16.7 + 0.35 H + 0.29 S y= 33.3 + 0.36 H
6.4, 45.9 5.1, 42.8
-cryptoxanthin y= 94.8 + 1.20 S y= 55.6 + 1.31 S -
26.6, 25.64 24.9, 34.3
-carotene y= 20.2 + 0.71 H y= 10.3 + 0.25 H y= 20.6 + 1.06 H
15.6, 23.2 4.4, 32.6 18.3, 32.9
phytoene + phytofluene - y= 12.5 + 0.44 H -
8.4, 28.7
-carotene - y= 12.2 + 0.29 H -
6.5, 22.7
9-cis--carotene - - y= 10.4 + 0.39 H
7.0, 30.6
y: concentration of carotenoid (g/100 g)
H: harvesting date (days)
S: storage time (days)

Function 2



-3.8 -1.8 0.2 2.2 4.2
Function 1

Figure 8. Differentiation of citrus using PCA (principal component analysis).

Table 7. Equations of principal components

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4

Brix 0.096631 0.175569 0.724526 -0.178299
pH 0.248375 -0.0797832 0.436104 0.096048
v/w relationship 0.206408 -0.0020624 -0.076062 -0.553779
vitamin C -0.156465 -0.079604 0.138871 0.679216
146 M.J. Esteve and A. Frigola

Table 7. (Continued)

vitamin A 0.361228 0.191781 -0.057335 0.119424

9-cis-violaxanthin + 0.287191 -0.340725 -0.183667 -0.062828
antheraxanthin 0.293045 -0.371868 0.033496 -0.126798
lutein 0.211846 -0.433149 0.059980 0.255225
zeaxanthin 0.314006 -0.296869 0.035142 0.024046
-cryptoxanthin 0.338492 -0.006529 0.165609 0.125478
phytoene +
0.306366 0.235623 -0.302443 0.219785
-carotene 0.315411 0.280761 -0.240047 0.145681
9-cis--carotene 0.183739 0.422852 0.183911 0.073467

Table 8. Standardized coefficients of statistically significant

discriminant functions (p < 0.05)

Function 1 Function 2
antheraxanthin 1.09069 -0.847851
lutein -0.925756 -0.539785
9-cis--carotene -0.559976 -1.66502
vitamin A 1.05061 1.24113
pH -0.582712 0.00667418
juice volume/weight 0.486999 0.135636

Table 9. Standardized coefficients of statistically significant discriminant functions (p <

0.05) by variety. Harvesting

Function 1 Function 2
antheraxanthin -1.27434 0.45347
9-cis--carotene -0.40511 1.06597
Brix 1.26884 0.00191
9-cis-violaxanthin + neoxanthin 2.60516 1.01936
provitamin A 1.44022 0.62778
Brix -0.54563 1.30106
v/w relationship 3.07791 -0.40654
zeaxanthin 0.22041 1.32729
Brix 1.69630 0.405815
vitamin C -1.60034 1.04193
Impact of Harvesting and Storage on Bioactive Components 147

Table 10. Navel oranges. 20052006 season

Brix 11.80.0
pH 3.350.00
v/w relationship 52
vitamin C (mg/100 mL) 47.561.36
vitamin A (RAE) 14.630.65
9-cis-violaxanthin + neoxanthin (mg/100 mL) 444.5723.21
antheraxanthin (mg/100 mL) 161.9310.14
lutein (mg/100 mL) 27.281.89
zeaxanthin (mg/100 mL) 68.260.95
-cryptoxanthin (mg/100 mL) 206.4214.35
9-cis--carotene (mg/100 mL) 30.811.03
-carotene (mg/100 mL) 49.911.82
phytoene + phytofluene (mg/100 mL) 23.340.19
-carotene (mg/100 mL) 37.211.44
9-cis--carotene (mg/100 mL) 12.610.55


The results show that the concentrations/values of the parameters determined depend on
various factors such as variety, harvesting date, and postharvest storage time. A predictive
model that could be used to determine each of the factors was obtained and it was verified
with oranges harvested in a subsequent season.


This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and
European Regional Development Funds (Project AGL-2006-13320-C03-03) and the
Generalitat Valencianas Aid for Research Groups 3/147 and GV/2007/ 048.


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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 5

Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by

Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry
and Grape Juice Drinks

Steven M. Lipson a, Angelika Sobilo a, Maria Adragna a,

Martin Roy b, Allen Burdowski a, Ben Collins c and
Guenther Stotzky c
Department of Biology, St. Francis College., Brooklyn Heights, NY
Department of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology, New York University
College of Dentistry, New York, NY
Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY

Antimicrobial/antiviral activity by grape (Vitis labrusca) and cranberry
(Vaccinium macrocarpon) species remains an area of interest among food scientists. The
purpose of this study accordingly, was to investigate the effect of pure and store-
purchased grape and cranberry drinks on the infectivity/inactivation of the reovirus, a
mammalian enteric infectious agent. Infectivity titrations were performed by a cell
culture based immunofluorescence focus assay. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was
used to determine the integrity of the viral dsRNA in cell-free suspensions. Cytotoxicity
testing was performed in part, using an adenylate kinase bioluminescence assay.
Animal studies employed athymic mice. Treatment of cell cultures with concentrations of
2 to 16% pure or store purchased cranberry and grape juice drinks prior to virus

*Correspondence author: Department of Biology, St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights,
New York 11201, U.S.A. Tel: +1 718 489 5210; fax: +1 718 522- 1274, E-mail address:
[email protected]
152 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

inoculation reduced infectivity titers by approximately one order of magnitude. Neither

juice affected a monolayer toxicity. The
vitamin C supplement in store-purchased cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) drink
displayed no adverse effect on viral titers. A synergistic effect between store-purchased
grape (CGJ) and CJC drinks was not observed. A proanthocyanidin-enriched cranberry
concentrate (PACranTM) of <1% reduced virus infectivity titers by ca. 95%. Reovirus
dsRNA was not detected in virus-juice cell-free suspensions. Clinical disease was not
apparent in mice after oral administration of juice-reovirus suspensions. Mice treated
with CJC-reovirus suspensions displayed normal colon histology. These data suggest
that the viral inhibitory effects may be associated with a blockage of virus receptor sites,
a direct inactivation of the infectious particles per se, or a combination of both. In vivo
studies supported the in vitro antiviral activity by grape and cranberry juices.


The health benefits of medicinal phytochemicals [e.g., flavonols (including flavan-3-

ols)] and potable fruit juices prepared from grape (Vitis labrusca), and cranberry (Vaccinium
macrocarpon Ait.) species have been the focus of numerous anecdotal and prospective
studies (Aron and Kennedy, 2008; Dixon et al., 2005; Espin et al., 2007; Jassim and Naji,
2003). In vitro and in vivo studies have suggested for example, improved health benefits
through the consumption/administration of grape and cranberry juices or their
extracts/concentrates on cholesterol levels, cardiac circulation after ischemia, atherosclerosis,
the inflammatory response, periodontal disease, and urinary tract infections in women (Dixon
et al., 2005; Kontiokari, 2003, 2004). Proanthocyanidins, major phenolic phytochemical
components in the berry, grape, and other plant species, have been associated with a
reduction of urinary tract infections in women (Howell, 2007). The effects of grape and
cranberry juice/extracts as antiviral agents to herpes simplex virus, influenza virus, and
perhaps most extensively studied, the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 have been
reported (Chung et al., 1998; Docherty et al., 2005; Khan and Ather, 2007; Weiss et al. 1998,
2005). Except for the studies of Lipson and co-workers, the antiviral efficacy of cranberry
juice cocktail drink, grape juice drink, and their concentrates or extracts on enteric (rotavirus,
reovirus) viral infections have not been addressed (Lipson et al., 2007a,b)
In vitro cell culture studies suggested an antiviral effect of store-purchased grape juice
drink, cranberry juice cocktail drink, and manufacturer supplied cranberry extracts (viz., NC-
90, NC-100) (Burdowski et al., 2007; Lipson et al. 2007a,b). These studies, however, utilized
store-purchased juices and were limited to cell culture infectivity titer assays. Consequently,
the purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of unadulterated or pure
cranberry and grape juices with store-purchased juice drinks as inhibitory agents of viral
infectivity titers. Juice-virus cell-free suspension studies were performed to determine
whether cranberry and grape juice drinks per se, might serve as natural products to directly
affect a loss of viral infectivity. A proanthocyanidin (PAC)-enriched cranberry extract
PACranTM, was tested as well. Athymic mice were used to determine the efficacy of
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 153

cranberry and grape juice drinks as antivirals in the animal model. The reovirus was used as a
model enteric infectious agent throughout this study.

Materials And Methods

Virus and cell culture.

The bovine reovirus type 3 [American BioResearch Laboratories (ABL;Sevierville, TN)]

was used as a model enteric virus. The cell host system was Rhesus monkey kidney
epithelial-like (MA-104) cells which were grown on 12 mm circular glass cover slips in 40 X
13 mm2 capped glass vials [ViroMed Laboratories (Minnetonka, MN)]. Reovirus stock
aliquots were prepared in MA-104 cell cultures grown in T25 cm2 flasks. Cell growth
medium consisted of Earles minimal essential medium supplemented with L-glutamine,
penicillin/streptomycin, amphotericin B, and 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS).
Maintenance medium was identical to the growth medium but contained 2% FBS (Lipson et
al., 1992).

Infectivity titration.

Virus quantitation was performed by antigen detection-cell culture amplification. Briefly,

0.2 ml experimental preparations were inoculated into MA-104 monolayers in glass vials and
incubated at 36.5oC for 50 min. Monolayers were washed with phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS), incubated overnight (16 to 20 h), and immunostained with a fluorescein
isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated caprine polyclonal antibody to the reovirus. Titers were
expressed as fluorescent focus units (FFU) per ml, as described previously (Lipson et al.
2007b). Fluorescent signals were viewed using a Nikon Eclipse FA microscope equipped
with a 100 W halogen bulb.

Manufacturer supplied and store-purchased products.

Pure cranberry juice (pure CJ) and pure purple grape juice (pure GJ) were supplied by
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. (Lakeville-Middleboro, MA) and Welch Foods, Inc. (Concord,
MA), respectively. Cranberry Juice Cocktail from Concentrate (CJC, Ocean Spray) and
Welchs 100% Grape Juice From Concentrate With Vitamin C, From Welchs Own
Concord Grape (commercial GJ; Welch Foods, Inc.) were purchased from a local food store.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) powder was supplied by Welch Foods, Inc., and was identical to
that present in store-purchased CGJ. PACranTM whole cranberry powder, manufactured to
contain 1.5% proanthocyanidins (PACs), was supplied by Decas Botanical Synergies
(Carver, MA).
154 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

Dose response curves.

Dose response curves were generated by pretreatment of MA-104 cell culture

monolayers for 3 to 5 min with varying concentrations of pure and store-purchased fruit
drinks, PACranTM, and vitamin C. The diluent was phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) without
Ca2+ and Mg2+ . After washing of the monolayers with PBS, reovirus was added, the
monolayers incubated 50 min at 36.5oC, followed by washing with PBS. Maintenance
medium (1 ml) was added to each vial, followed by incubation for 16 to 20 h at 36.5oC.
Monolayers were then immunostained to determine viral infectivity titers. Experiments were
performed in triplicate or quadruplicate.

Effect of combined CGJ and CJ on the reduction of reovirus infectivity


Three per cent pure CGJ and CJ suspensions (in PBS) were combined equally into a
single solution. MA-104 culture monolayers were inoculated with 0.2 ml of the juice
preparation, and incubated for 3 to 5 min at 23oC. The monolayers were washed with PBS,
followed by inoculation of 0.2 ml reovirus. Viral incubation, monolayer processing, and
immunofluorescent testing were performed as described and expressed as per cent of control.
Additional monolayers were pretreated in parallel with individual juice preparations followed
by virus infection. Positive control monolayers were inoculated with virus only. Negative
controls consisted of monolayers inoculated with PBS. Suboptimal doses of each juice drink
were used to determine a synergistic effect. Experiments were performed in triplicate or

Cytotoxicity testing.

Cell viability/cytotoxicity was evaluated by trypan blue exclusion, as described

previously (Lipson et al. 2007b). Briefly, 1 ml of a 25% solution of store-purchased CJ and
CGJ drinks was added to MA-104 cultures in T25 cm2 flasks. After a 3 to 5 min incubation at
23oC, the juice was removed followed by washing with PBS. The monolayer was
trypsinized, washed, and 0.5 ml of a 0.4% trypan blue reagent (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
MO) was added to an equal volume of cell suspension. The suspensions were incubated for 5
min at 23oC, and the per cent viable cells (unstained cells) were determined. Suspended cells
were additionally examined by light microscopy for any overt morphological aberrancy (e.g.,
cytoplasmic projections/bleb formation; Kawai and Fujita, 2007). The control consisted of
monolayers treated with the PBS, alone.
Cell growth was determined following monolayer pretreatment with CGJ drink. Briefly,
monolayers were pretreated with CGJ at 23oC for 3 to 5 min. The monolayers were
subpassaged and maintained for a period of 9 days in culture (with appropriate medium
changes), followed by trypsinization and cell quantitation. Cells were counted using a
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 155

hemocytometer. Control cultures were treated exactly as the experimentals but PBS was
utilized in place of the juice drinks.
The ToxiLightR BioAssay (Cat. No. LT17-217; Lonza Rockland, Inc., Rockland,
ME), a non-destructive bioluminescent cytotoxicity assay, was used to measure quantitatively
the release of adenylate kinase (AK) from damaged cells in monolayer culture. Confluent
MA-104 monolayers were washed with PBS, followed by the addition of 10% suspensions of
manufacturer-supplied pure CGJ and CJ. Monolayers were incubated for a period of 5 min at
23oC followed by the addition of the adenylate kinase detection reagent (AKDR) for an
additional 5 min. Emitted light was measured on a beta counter (Model LS6000LL; Beckman
Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, CA) set to a read-time of 1 sec. Readings were expressed as
counts per min. The negative control consisted of monolayers treated with PBS. The positive
control consisted of monolayers treated with ToxiLightR 100% Lysis Reagent(Cat. No. LT07-
517; Lonza Rockland, Inc.). The controls were treated exactly as the experimentals.
Experiments were performed in triplicate.

Virus infectivity testing in mice.

All mice studies were approved by the University Animal Welfare Committee (UAWC;
New York University - Washington Square Campus, New York, NY). CD-1 (Crl:CD-1-
nuBR) T-cell deficient female nude mice were utilized in these studies (Charles River
Laboratories, Wilmington, MA). The testing of store-purchased CJ cocktail and CGJ drinks
in mice was performed as follows. Briefly, 0.2 ml of virus plus CJ cocktail drink or CGJ
drink (40% juice concentration at a 1:1 juice-virus ratio) were inoculated into mice by
gavage. The positive control consisted of virus plus PBS. The negative control consisted of
PBS alone. Noninoculated mice were maintained during the experimental period to eliminate
the possibility of a confounding effect on data interpretation by endogenous or exogenous
pathogens. All mice experiments were performed in pentuplicate. Upon mortality of the
positive control mice, experimentals, negative controls, and non-inoculated mice were
euthanized and examined by dissection and colon histology. Distal-colon sections were
placed into10% neutral buffered formalin, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, placed
into xylene, embedded in paraffin, sectioned (5 um), rehydrated in a graded series of
ethanols, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (Klatt, 2008). The tissue specimens were
analyzed at magnifications of 100, 200, and 400X. Colon specimens for viral isolation testing
were placed into PBS supplemented with 2% FBS and temporarily frozen at -50oC before

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of viral dsRNA and detection of

viral infectivity.

Virus-juice suspensions were prepared to identify whether pure CJ and pure CGJ were
capable of directly inactivating reovirus particles. Briefly, two ml of an undiluted virus stock
156 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

suspension was added to an equal volume of pure CJ and CGJ diluted to 10% in PBS. The
positive control consisted of virus plus an equal volume of PBS. The negative control
consisted of pure CJ and CGJ plus an equal volume of PBS. Both negative and positive
controls were tested in parallel with experimentals. Juices were filter-sterilized (0.2 um filter)
to eliminate microbial contamination of the cell cultures (see below). After a 60 min
incubation at 23oC, experimental and control preparations were concentrated using a
polyacrylamide absorbent gel (Cat. No. 81128; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Viral RNA
was extracted from equal volumes (300 ul) of experimental and control concentrates using
the AquaPure RNA isolation kit (Cat. #732-6370; BioRad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) as per
manufacturers instructions). The extracted viral RNA was suspended in Laemli sample
buffer for loading onto polyacrylamide gels (Precast PAGEr 4-12% T-G) for analysis.
Electrophoresis was run for 50 min at 70 V. RNA segments were visualized by silver
staining, as described previously (Lipson and Kaplan, 1992). Experiments were performed in
triplicate. Virus detection in cell culture was determined by immunoflourescence, as
described above.


Cell culture based experiments were performed in triplicate or quadruplicate. The reading
of slides was performed by at least three individuals. The data are presented as the arithmetic
+/- standard error of the mean. Control and experimental means were compared by the
Students t test where P < 0.05 was assumed to be statistically significant.

Fig. 1. Effect of pure (manufacturer-supplied) cranberry (CJ) and grape juices (GJ) on the infectivity titer of
reovirus. Cell culture monolayers were pretreated for 3 to 5 min with each juice, followed by viral
inoculation. Cultures were incubated for 16 to 20 h, followed by the determination of viral infectivity titers
by immunostaining. Input viral titer: 2 X 106 FFU/ml. Data points represent mean +/- standard error of the
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 157

Fig. 2. Comparison of store-purchased cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) and grape juice (CGJ) drinks on the
reduction of reovirus infectivity titers in MA-104 cell cultures. Monolayers were pretreated with each store-
purchased juice for 3 to 5 min followed by inoculation of reovirus. Cultures were incubated for 16 to 20 h,
followed by immunostaining to determine viral infectivity titers. Input viral titer: 2 X 106 FFU/ml. Mean +/-
standard error of the mean.

Results And Discussion

Studies were conducted to determine the effects of manufacturer-supplied pure and
store- purchased grape and cranberry drinks and a PAC-enriched cranberry extract
(PACranTM) on the loss of reovirus infectivity and/or reduction of infectivity titers in host cell
cultures. Concentrations of 2.0 to 16% pure CJ reduced reovirus infectivity titers in MA-104
cell culture monolayers by 75 to 95%, respectively. Similar viral inactivation curves,
reflecting reductions in infectivity titers starting at ca. 4%, were observed using pure GJ (Fig.
1). Reduction in reovirus infectivity titer after pre-treatment of cell culture monolayers with
store-purchased CGJ or CJC drinks were similar to that identified using manufacturer-
supplied pure juices (Fig. 2). Neither store-purchased CGJ nor CJC drinks contains artificial
flavorings or colorings (manufacturer label specifications). Both store-purchased drinks in
question however, contain approximately 30 mg vitamin C (ascorbic acid) per 100 ml serving
(Mullen et al., 2007; Dr. J. Wightman, personal communication). Experiments were
performed accordingly, to determine whether a concentration of vitamin C equal to that
present in the store-purchased juice drinks might be responsible for reductions in viral
infectivity titers. Compared to GJ drink, vitamin C at concentrations > 30 mg per 100 ml had
no inhibitory effects on reovirus infectivity titers (Fig. 3).
158 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

Fig. 3. Comparison of pure grape juice (GJ) and ascorbic acid on reovirus infectivity titration in MA-104
cell cultures. MA-104 cell cultures were pretreated for 3 to 5 min with varying concentrations of pure grape
juice or ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The monolayers were washed with PBS, followed by the addition of the
reovirus. Viral infectivity titers were determined by immunofluorescence staining. Input viral titer: 2 X 106
FFU/ml. Mean +/- standard error of the mean.

There was no cytotoxicity to the MA-104 cells by pure CJ or GJ drinks, as performed by

a non cellular-destructive bioluminescent assay. These findings concur with trypan blue
exclusion testing and cell quantitation determinations following monolayer subpassage.
In general, synergistic effects between phenolic compounds in cranberry, grape, and
other plant species, especially at increased concentrations present in nutraceuticals, remains
poorly defined (Chung et al., 1998; Espin et al., 2007). Synergistic effects between mixed
phytochemicals in whole fruits and vegetables as antioxidants and antitumor agents however,
have been studied (Liu 2004). In the current study, a combination of store-purchased CJC and
CGJ drinks displayed no synergistic effect on viral infectivity titer reductions compared to
either juice alone (Fig. 4). These data might be explained by relatively low levels of naturally
occurring phytochemicals in each drink [e.g., CJC (51 mg PACs/L) and CGJ (524 mg
PACs/L)] or to a redundancy of antiviral phytochemicals (e.g., proanthocyanidins) (Amoros
et al., 1992; Chen et al., 2001; Gu et al., 2004; Krenn et al., 2007; Lipson et al., 2007; Liu,
2004). PACranTM whole cranberry powder reduced reovirus infectivity titers by ca. 95% at
concentrations <1% (Fig. 5). These findings probably reflect the extracts increased PAC
content of 1.5%. PACranTM cranberry powder is potentially unique among the multitude of
phytochemicals available in the nutraceutical market. According to the manufacturers
product description, PACranTM is the first PAC-containing product employing a USDA-
approved high performance liquid chromatography preparative method (Document #RF5013,
Decas Botanical Synergies, Carver, MA). The PACranR whole cranberry powder may
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 159

represent an early manufacturing trend to fulfill the need for product standardization, critical
to attain reproducible product evaluation testing within the same and between independent
laboratories (Chung et al., 1998; Espin et al., 2007).

Fig. 4. Effect of combined cranberry juice cocktail and grape juice drinks on reovirus infectivity titers in
MA-104 cells. Cell monolayers were pretreated with 3% concentrations of store-purchased CJC and CGJ
drinks for 3 to 5 min, followed by inoculation of virus. The cell cultures were incubated for 16 to 24 h and
then immunostained to determine viral titers. The positive control consisted of reovirus plus PBS. Data
points represent mean +/- standard error of the mean. CJC vs. CGJ: p = 0.07; CJC vs. CJC/CGJ: p = 0.51;
CGJ vs. CJC/CGJ: p = 0.58; CGJ, CJC, or CJC/CGJ vs. positive control: p < 0.05. Input viral titer: 2 X 106

Reovirus dsRNA was not detected in virus-CJC or virus-CGJ drink cell-free suspensions
by PAGE testing for the presence of the viral dsRNA (Fig. 6, 7). Virus was not isolated from
virus-juice suspensions following inoculation of MA-104 cell cultures, underscoring the
absence of infectious particles. Inhibitory effects by CJC of reovirus infectivity titers in cell
cultures were previously identified utilizing PAGE analysis and by transmission electron
microscopy (Lipson et al., 2007a; Lipson et al., 2007b). These earlier studies coupled with
that currently reported suggest a cranberry and grape juice-associated blockage of host-cell
receptor site(s) and/or a direct inactivation of virus infectivity per se. Importantly, transport
of PAC oligomers across epithelial cells in culture occur, but is not attained until ca. 15 min
after cell treatment (Deprez et al., 2001). The 3 to 5 min monolayer pretreatment by juices of
MA-104 cells in the current study suggests accordingly, an effect associated with an early
event in viral adsorption and/or penetrations at the particle-cell interface.
Efficacy in vitro does not necessarily predict that which will occur in vivo. Consequently,
antiviral testing was extended to the animal model. Clinical disease was absent in mice 4
days after oral administration of reovirus-CJC or reovirus-CGJ drinks. Positive control mice
inoculated with virus plus FBS displayed systemic hemorrhage, diarrhea, dehydration, and
160 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

death 3 to 4 days after inoculation (Fig. 8). Histological analysis of mouse colon revealed
normal mucosa, intact goblet cells, and dense feces among animals treated

Fig. 5. Effect of PAC-standardized PACranR powder on reovirus infectivity titration in MA-104 cell
cultures. Monolayers were pretreated with varying concentrations of PACranR. After 3 to 5 min, virus was
inoculated into monolayers with subsequent determination of infectivity titers. Input viral titer: 2 X 106
FFU/ml. Mean +/- standard error of the mean.

Fig. 6. Effect of cranberry juice cocktail (CJC) drink on the integrity of reovirus genomic RNA. Reovirus
was added to equal volumes of undiluted filter-sterilized CJC drink. After 30 min at 23oC, preparations were
subjected to RNA extraction and PAGE analysis. Lane 1, 7: ProSieveR 11-190 kDa protein marker: Lane 2,
3, 5: Positive control [reovirus (2 X 107 FFU/ml) + PBS); Lane 4,6: Empty (no inocula); Lane 8, 9, 10:
Reovirus (2 X 107 FFU/ml) + CJC.
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 161

with virus-CJC drink. Colon specimens obtained from mice inoculated with virus-CGJ drinks
had shrunken mucosa, mucin-depleted goblet cells, large inflammatory foci, and debris in the
lumen. Markedly damaged mucosa with thinned muscularis externa was observed upon
histological examination of positive but not negative control mice (Fig. 8). The CJC drink
and to a lesser extent, the CGJ drink, effected antiviral inhibitory activity in the mouse
model. The athymic nude mouse was chosen as a model system to control for a potential
masking of results by the animals cell mediated immune response

Fig. 7. Effect of grape juice (CGJ) drink on the integrity of reovirus genomic RNA. Reovirus was added to
equal volumes of a 10% filter-sterilized concentration of CGJ drink. After 60 min at 23oC, preparations were
subjected to RNA extraction and PAGE analysis. Lane 1, 10: Empty (no inocula); Lane 2: ProSieveR 11-190
kDa protein marker; Lane 3, 5, 7: CGJ + PBS; Lane 4: Reovirus (2 X 104 FFU/ml) + PBS; Lane 6: Reovirus
(2 X 107 FFU/ml) + PBS; Lane 8, 9: Reovirus (2 X 107 FFU/ml) + CGJ drink.

Antimicrobial (antibacterial/antifungal) mechanisms of polyphenolics in edible plants

(e.g., grapes, cranberries, pears, tea, cacao) have been investigated; some of the more
substantive work has addressed the effects of tannins (e.g., PACs) as antimicrobial agents
(Cos et al., 2003; Puupponen-Pimia et al., 2001). It has been proposed, for example, that
PACs express their antimicrobial activity through an inhibition of microbial extracellular
enzymes and oxidative phosphorylation, as well as a chelation of metal ions important to
growth (Scalbert, 1991). Reduction of urinary tract infections in women by PACs in
cranberry juice have been ascribed to a blockage of adhesion of P-fimbriated Escherichia coli
adhesion to uroepithelial cells (Howell et al., 2005). Alteration of bacterial cell zeta potential,
conformational changes in fimbrial structure, or a reduction in fimbrial expression at the
genetic level have also been proposed as antiadhesion mechanisms (Habash et al., 2000; Liu
et al., 2006). The use of polyphenols [encompassing tannins, flavan-3-ols (e.g., PACs)] as
antiviral agents has been reported (Aron and Kennedy, 2007; Cos et al., 2003). Studies
describing the antiviral effects of plant compounds on the human immunodeficiency virus
type 1(HIV-1) targeting for example, virus penetration, cell fusion, and the inhibition of
protease, intergrase, and/or reverse transcriptase have been published (Khan and Ather, 2007;
162 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.

a b

Fig. 8. Antiviral effect of cranberry juice (CJ) cocktail and CGJ drinks in athymic mice. a, Positive control.
Mice were inoculated with CJ cocktail drink or CGJ drink + reovirus. No overt indication of disease was
recognized on autopsy. Note normal (pelleted) stool in the colon. Input viral titer: 2 X 106 FFU/ml.
Experiments were performed in pentuplicate.

Lin et al., 2004). Although promising in vitro, detrimental health effects (e.g., activation
of procarcinogens, hepatotoxicity, digestive disorders, etc.) have been described in studies
with animals (including human beings) from the administration or ingestion of large amounts
of tannins (e.g., PACs, flavan-3-ols) (Aron and Kennedy, 2007; Chung et al., 1998).
Significantly, the consumption of store-purchased fruit juice drinks (viz., those described in
the current study) rejects a suggestion of ill effects imparted by the normal intake of these
drinks for their potential health benefit effects.
In conclusion, CJ cocktail and CGJ drinks reduced reovirus titers in cell culture and
affected a loss of viral infectivity in cell-free suspensions. In cell culture, reduced infectivity
titers occurred following a relatively brief (i.e., < 5 min) contact between both juices and host
cell monolayers.
These data suggest an inhibitory effect at an early stage in the virus multiplication cycle
(e.g., viral adsorption, attachment). Loss of viral infectivity and failure to detect the viral
RNA by PAGE in cell-free suspensions, may be ascribed to a CJC or CGJ-associated loss of
viral coat protein integrity and, in turn, a ready degradation of the RNA. Due to the
astringency of plant tannins, these phytochemicals precipitate proteins to which they come
in contact (Scalbert, 1991). A reduction of reovirus virulence in the juice suspensions or an
alteration of viral receptor sites on pretreated host cells by one or more phytochemical
components may not be ruled out.
Inoculation of virus-CJC and virus-CGJ suspensions into mice resulted in a clinically
benign effect. Mouse autopsy confirmed clinical observations. Histologic testing of colon
autopsy tissue confirmed gross anatomical findings, specifically among mice inoculated with
virus-CJC suspensions. These data report for the first time a clinical protective effect by CJC
or CGJ to an enteric viral agent in an animal model.
Reduction in Reovirus Infectivity by Pure and Store-Purchased Cranberry 163

Fig. 9. Effect of cranberry juice (CJ) cocktail and grape juice (CGJ) drinks on the histologic integrity of
mouse colon. Mice were inoculated with juice-reovirus (2 X 104 FFU/ml) suspensions at a ratio of 1:1. After
nine days, animals were euthanized, subjected to autopsy, followed by removal of colon sections for
histological examination. a, Positive control. Mice inoculated with virus plus PBS. Note damage to mucosa
and muscularis thinned in some areas. The positive control mice presented with loose stools on autopsy.
Distal colon histology among CGJ-virus inoculated mice showed shrunken mucosa, mucin depleted goblet
cells, large inflammatory foci, and debris in lumen (not shown); b, Colon specimens prepared from mice
inoculated with CJ-reovirus suspension. Note relatively intact goblet cells and normal mucosa; c, Negative
control. Mice inoculated with juice-PBS suspension. Note normal mucosa (full height) and muscularis
externa. Testing was performed in pentuplicate.

Prior studies in our laboratory have shown low concentrations (i.e., 5%) of grape and
cranberry PACs reduced reovirus infectivity titers in MA-104 monolayers to undetectable
levels (Lipson et al., 2007b). It would not be unreasonable to suggest that the same
phytochemical in pure and store-purchased CJC and CGJ drinks might be responsible for the
loss of viral infectivity titers reported herein. The data reported in the current study coupled
with studies utilizing the [PAC-enhanced] PACranR cranberry supplement, suggests an
association between PACs and reduced viral infectivity titers. Flavan-3-ols, the major
constitutive component of PACs, are the most common flavonoid in the diet (Gu et al., 2004;
Santos-Buela and Scalbert, 2000).
A continuing need exists to identify new antiviral agents which are efficacious, have
limited to no side effects, and do not select for mutant [viral] strains. In vitro testing of
cranberry and grape juices (or flavonoid extracts from these plant species) utilizing different
enteric viral groups in concert with studies in animal models are warranted.
164 Steven M. Lipson, Angelika Sobilo, Maria Adragna et al.


This work was supported by grants from the Cranberry Institute and Welch Food, Inc.
Additional support was obtained from St. Francis College Faculty Research and Development
Grants. We thank Joseph Burdowski and Nicole Bresese for their technical assistance and
Andrea Grappone and Wendy Hughes for their assistance in the handling and maintenance of
the mice. We appreciate H. P. Lipson for proofreading the manuscript.


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Dent. Assoc. 129, 1719-1723.
Weiss, E.I., Y. Houri-Haddad, Y., E. Greenbaum, E., N. Hochman, N., I. Ofek, I. & Zakay-
Rones, Z. (2005). Cranberry juice constituents affect influenza virus adhesion and
infectivity. Antiviral Res. 66, 9-12.
In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 6

Characteristics of Chemical
Components and Functional Properties
of Chinese Quince (Pseudocydonia
Sinensis) Fruit and Juice Extract

Yasunori Hamauzu
Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan


The production of Chinese quince fruit is very few in the world, even in Japan. It is
nevertheless a unique fruit, traditionally used in folk medicine. It cannot be eaten raw
owing to strong astringency and large amounts of insoluble dietary fiber. Because of this
fiber, it is difficult to extract juice from this fruit. However, it is rich in pectic substances,
polyphenols, organic acids, and ascorbic acid. Juice extraction by applying sucrose
osmotic pressure is time consuming but effective. Boiling is also a convenient and
effective way of extracting the juice and bioactive constituents such as procyanidins and
soluble pectins. Some phytochemicals have been identified as active ingredients
responsible for the medicinal functions of the fruit or extract. Triterpenoid compounds
and polyphenols are important phytochemicals with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-
viral, and anti-ulcerative properties among others. However, many aspects remain to be
studied, such as the change in functional compounds during processing, mechanisms of
action of functional components, and verification of the effects of these components by
clinical investigations.
168 Yasunori Hamauzu

1. Introduction

Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis (Thouin) C. K. Schneider) is believed to be a

native of China (Zhejiang province) and is now widely planted in Japan, China, and Korea. It
is a deciduous tree belonging to the family Rosaceae and grows 5 to 8 m tall. In 1906, C. K.
Schneider classified Chinese quince as the only species in the genus Pseudocydonia [1];
however, many researchers continue to use the generic name Chaenomeles. Cuizhi &
Spongberg [2] have described the morphological characteristics of Chinese quince under
Chaenomeles sinensis along with four other species of the genus Chaenomeles (C. speciosa,
C. cathayensis, C. japonica, and C. thibetica). Chinese quince is believed to have been
imported from China to Japan around the Heian period (8th to 12th century). Since then, its
trees have been planted around Shinto shrine precincts, temple grounds, and gardens.
Horticultural cultivars are not yet well established and only a few commercial orchards exist
(Figure 1). However, this fruit has always been popular in traditional culture as a medicinal
fruit with antitussive and expectorant properties, among others. On one hand, the ripe fruit
(Figure 2) has a yellowish smooth skin and emits a strong sweet fragrance, but on the other,
it has woody hard flesh, strong astringency, and high acidity, rendering it inedible when raw.
Therefore, it is consumed as a processed food product or used as an ingredient in folk or
traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese quince fruit is prepared for consumption in a manner
similar to that used for European quince (Cydonia oblonga P. Miller) fruit, and because of
this, these two fruits have sometimes been confused.

Figure 1. A Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis) orchard complete with trees and fruits

It is difficult to obtain large amounts of juice from Chinese quince fruit by standard
procedures, and even after extraction, the juice cannot be consumed because of its strong
acidity and astringency. Therefore, the juice is generally extracted by prolonged maceration
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 169

Figure 2. Ripe fruit, fruit liquor (left), and juice extract (right) of Chinese quince
(Pseudocydonia sinensis)
of the flesh homogenate in sugar or by maceration of the fruit flesh slices in liquor with sugar
added or by boiling the flesh pieces in water. Then, the extract obtained is ingested
anticipating it to exert some medicinal effects. Consequently, the juice extract of Chinese
quince fruit can be regarded as different from normal fruit juices; this fruit has nevertheless
been savored by the common people since a long time ago. This chapter discusses the
characteristics, utilities, and investigations of phytochemicals and the bioactivity of Chinese
quince fruit and juice extract.

2. Utility Of Chinese Quince Fruit And Juice


2.1. Characteristics of the Fruit and Ancient Medicinal Products

As described above, Chinese quince fruit is inedible when raw because of its hard flesh,
strong astringency, and high acidity. In addition, it has numerous stone cells that are larger
compared to those in normal (European) quince fruit, making the flesh unpleasant to eat.
Therefore, Chinese quince fruit is usually consumed after processing to food products such as
concentrated juice extracts, fruit liquor, jam, jelly, glutinous starch syrup, crystallized fruit,
170 Yasunori Hamauzu

and throat lozenges. The dried fruit has also been used in folk medicine in the form of hot
water extracts, for its antitussive and/or expectorant effects. Chinese quince fruit has been
used for medicinal purposes since it was first imported from China to Japan. According to the
Wakansansaizue encyclopedia, edited by a physician named Ryoan Terashima in 1712, the
juice of Chinese quince was used for preparing Karikou, an ointment or a paste prepared by
mixing the juice with sugar and ginger extracts, and consumed as an antitussive and

2.2. Juice Extract Obtained by Introducing Sucrose Osmotic Pressure

At present in Japan, the juice of Chinese quince fruit is often produced as a concentrated
juice extract to be consumed after dilution. Unlike other fruits such as apple, it is difficult to
separate the juice of Chinese quince fruit from the pulp using a blender. The pulp becomes
mealy when the fruit is homogenized by the blender because the dietary fiber present in large
amounts absorbs the juice such that almost no liquid remains. Merely squeezing the mealy
homogenate is not an effective means of juice extraction; hence, large quantities of sugar are
often added to create a sucrose osmotic gradient, and then the juice is extracted. That is, the
crushed fruit obtained using a hammer crusher is added to a quantity of sugar approximately
equal to 80% of the fruit weight and macerated for about three months, following which the
mushy pulp is squeezed in a pressing machine to obtain the juice extract. The juice extract
obtained contains approximately 60% sugar and can be consumed after dilution. This is the
simplest method to produce concentrated juice extracts although the juice obtained is not
exactly concentrated.

2.3. Effect of Clarification Step on Polyphenols in the Juice

In the food industry, processes such as enzyme deactivation by boiling (blanching);

pureeing using a pulper finisher; and enzymatic degradation of dietary fiber using enzymes
such as cellulase, pectinase, and hemicellulase are undertaken. An ultrafiltration (UF)
membrane is sometimes used for juice clarification, but this treatment decreases the
polyphenol concentration of Chinese quince juice extracts. A polyphenol concentration of
400 mg/100 mL (()-epicatechin equivalent) was obtained from cloudy juice extracts prepared
by crushing the fruit with water, boiling, and pureeing. Subsequent clarification treatments
such as the pulp removal using degradation enzymes followed by UF treatment (0.03 m
pore size) decreased the polyphenol concentration to 177 mg/100 mL. The reduction in
polyphenol concentration due to UF treatment has also been observed in European quince
juice. According to Ito & Toyomaki [3], a 430 mg/100 mL concentration of polyphenols in
quince juice was decreased to 224 mg/100 mL by UF treatment (MWCO 500 k), and the
effect was similar to that seen with Amberlite XAD-16 resin, a polymer adsorbent.
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 171

2.4. Extraction with Boiling

Extraction with boiling is an unusual method of juice production, but it has been used to
prepare extracts from fruits that are hard to press. This traditional and convenient method
extracts useful phytochemicals from the flesh through heat-induced degradation of cell wall
components. In preparing traditional medicinal extracts, the dried fruit of Chinese quince is
often used as a decoction. This decoction is used in folk medicine as an antitussive and/or
expectorant. Fruit jelly can be made from fresh fruit by boiling the extracts (or decoction).
The jelly made from Chinese quince juice extracts has a bright red color similar to European
traditional quince jellies such as membrillo and marmelada.

2.5. Utility of Seeds

Seeds of Chinese quince secrete a viscous component when immersed in solvents such as
water and aqueous ethanol. Therefore, commingling of seeds with juice extracts or extraction
solvents is related to their solution property, especially in case of prolonged immersion.
Because the viscous component of the seeds add thickness to the extract solution, some
products such as fruit liquor or concentrated juice extracts of Chinese quinces have a thick
consistency. This viscous component may be similar to that observed in the European quince
seeds used as cosmetic ingredients. The component may also help relieve dysphagia. The
yield of the viscous component from Chinese quince seeds is approximately 0.6% of the seed
weight (after washing with 80% aqueous ethanol), which is slightly higher than that of
European quince seeds (unpublished data). However, Chinese quince has an advantage in that
it has a large number of seeds per fruit (approximately 150), five times more than that in
European quince (3040).

3. Characteristics Of Chemical Components In

Chinese Quince Fruit And Juice Extract

3.1. Chemical Components of the Fruit

Few studies have reported the chemical components of Chinese quince fruit or juice
extract. In Brazil, Chinese quince is called the quince of Japan and used as a rootstock in
grafting for other quinces [4]. In addition to this, some characteristics of Chinese quince
fruits such as their use in the preparation of marmelada have been also explored. Alvarenga
et al. [5] reported the differences in physicochemical characteristics between Chinese quince
Japons and European quince Portugal. In their report, Chinese quince fruit contained
moisture, 81.1%; total sugar, 8.5% (9.0% of total soluble solids); titratable acids, 1.4%; total
pectins, 460 mg/100 gFW; soluble pectins, 54.4 mg/100 gFW (11.8% of total pectins); and
total polyphenols, 1172 mg/100 gFW. Moreover, its total sugar, titratable acid, and total
polyphenol content was higher than that of European quince, while its moisture, total pectin,
and soluble pectin content was lower than that of European quince.
172 Yasunori Hamauzu

In our recent study (unpublished data), Chinese quince fruit contained moisture, 80%;
total soluble solids, 17.3%; titratable acids, 1.2%; total pectins, 850 mg/100 gFW; soluble
pectins, 53 mg/100 gFW (6% of total pectins); and total polyphenols, 1254 mg/100 gFW
(Table 1). These results nearly agree with those of Alvarenga et al. [5]. However, the
Table 1. Some physicochemical properties of Chinese quince fruit

Ref. [5] Ref. [6] Experimental

Physical characteristics of the fruit investigated

Minor axis (cm) 6.96 NT 8.54

Major axis (cm) 8.14 NT 9.00

Fruit weight (g) 212 400700 369

Chemical characteristics

Moisture (%) 81.1 80.281.8 80.2

Starch (%) 2.68 1.82.1 NT

Total sugar (%) 8.53 NT NT

Reducing sugar (%) 4.23 2.43.1 NT

Nonreducing sugar (%) 4.08 0.270.48 NT

Total pectin (mg/100 gFW) 460 NT 850

Soluble pectin (mg/100 gFW) 54.4 NT 53.1

%soluble pectin to total pectin 11.8 6.23

Total soluble solids (%) 9.00 1116 17.3

Titratable acids (%) 1.44 1.52.0 1.23

Total polyphenols (mg/100 gFW) 1172 12002300 1254

Ascorbic acid (mg/100 gFW) NT 85.696.0* 65.6**

NT, not tested. * Total ascorbic acid; **Ascorbic acid

total soluble solids and total pectin (mainly insoluble pectin) content in our results was
almost twice that reported by Alvarenga et al. [5]. Regarding the total soluble solids content,
Manabe & Kadowaki [6] reported that Chinese quince fruit showed a large variation from
11% to 16%. The proportion of soluble pectin content to total pectin content in Chinese
quince fruit is relatively small, a characteristic more often seen in root crops such as carrot,
turnip, and radish than in fruits. Compared to European quince (cv. Smyrna), the soluble
pectin and total pectin content of Chinese quince fruit was lower and higher, respectively,
indicating that the latter has larger amounts of insoluble pectic substances. To investigate the
profile of dietary fiber in Chinese quince fruit, we prepared alcohol-insoluble solids (mainly
contain cell wall polysaccharides) from the flesh, fractionated by sequential extraction with
water, 1,2-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid (CDTA), Na2CO3, 4% KOH, and 24% KOH.
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 173

Next we determined the pectic polysaccharide and hemicellulose content in each fraction.
The results showed the fruit has large amounts of Na2CO3-soluble pectins and 24% KOH-
soluble hemicellulose, indicating that pectic polysaccharides and hemicellulose develop a
strong bond with the cell wall matrix to form a strong cell wall. Thus, large amounts of
insoluble dietary fiber make the flesh hard, which leads to difficulty in obtaining juice by
standard methods.
Chinese quince fruit also has large amounts of L-ascorbic acid. Manabe & Kadowaki [6]
reported that the total ascorbic acid content of the fruit was 90 mg/100 gFW, with the highest
value reaching 200 mg/100 gFW. In our study, the ascorbic acid content in the flesh ranged
from 60 to 70 mg/100 gFW (average, 65.6 mg/100 gFW). Browning of Chinese quince juice
is relatively slow, despite the high concentration of polyphenols. The high concentration of
ascorbic acid might be related to this phenomenon.
As described above, Chinese quince fruit contains approximately 1.3% polyphenols.
According to Manabe & Kadowaki [6], the highest value was 2.3%. In our recent study,
polyphenol components comprised mainly polymeric procyanidins (composed of (+)-catechin
and ()-epicatechin) with monomeric catechins, other oligomeric procyanidins, and a
relatively small amount of hydroxycinnamic derivatives [7]. Normal-phase HPLC analysis
revealed that Chinese quince procyanidins exhibit varying degrees of polymerization from
monomers to decamers and further (Figures 3 and 4). The HPLC condition was as follows: a
250 4.6 mm i.d. 5-m Silica Luna column (Phenomenex Inc.) was used with the column
temperature set at 40 C. The mobile phase consisted of A, methanol/water/acetic acid
(48:1:1, v/v/v), and B, dichloromethane/methanol/water/acetic acid (41:7:1:1, v/v/v). Elution
was started with 100% B, followed by 100-82% B, 0-30 min; 82-70% B, 30-45 min; 70-10%
B, 45-50 min; 10% B, 50-60 min; 10-100% B, 60-65 min. Separation was monitored using
UV 280 nm. In our previous work, the mean degree of polymerization of procyanidins as
analyzed by thioacidolysis was approximately 18 [7]. The degree of polymerization of
procyanidins corresponds to the degree of bitterness and astringency. Although pure
procyanidins are both bitter and astringent, the balance between these taste sensations
depends on the molecular weight. Taste panel work has shown that tetrameric procyanidins
are most bitter, while polymeric procyanidins are more astringent, on an equivalent weight
basis [8,9]. Therefore, the strong astringency of Chinese quince fruit and juice extract is due
to large amounts of highly polymeric procyanidins. In addition, Chinese quince fruit contains
3-caffeoylquinic acid (neochlorogenic acid), the concentration of which varies among
different fruits and maturation stages.

3.2. Characteristics of Chemical Components of Juice Extract and Effect

of Extraction

There exist no detailed reports on the chemical components or nutritional value of

Chinese quince fruit juice. In our research, we determined polyphenol and soluble pectin
concentrations of concentrated juice extracts, extracted by introducing sucrose osmotic
pressure. The juice extracts contained 342 mg/100 mL of polyphenols and 1.3 mg/100 mL of
soluble pectins (galacturonic acid equivalent), with a pH of 3.4 [10].
174 Yasunori Hamauzu

The characteristics of Chinese quince fruit or juice resemble those of Chaenomeles

species along with which Chinese quince was previously classified. Ros et al. [11]
investigated some chemical components of the juice from 21 genotypes of C. japonica, 1 of
C. cathayensis, 1 of C. speciosa, and 1 of the hybrid C. superba (a hybrid cross between C.


Retention time (min)

Figure 3. Normal-phase HPLC profile of Chinese quince polyphenols extracted by different procedures. A,
60% acetone extract (innate polyphenolic profile of the fruit); B, extract obtained with boiling; C,
commercial juice extract prepared using the sucrose osmotic method. Labels P1P10 indicate the degree of
polymerization (DP) of procyanidins in the peaks. Polymeric procyanidins (PP) with DP >10 appeared as a
single peak at the end of the chromatogram. *Peak P1 contains hydroxycinnamic derivatives.

speciosa and C. japonica), and showed that the proportion of juice to fruit ranged from 41 to
52% and the average values of the components of the juice were titratable acids (citric acid
equivalent), 3.5%; total soluble solids, 7.1Brix; vitamin C, 59 mg/100 mL; and polyphenols,
284 mg/100 mL. Soluble polysaccharides were not detected. The fruit and juice of
Chaenomeles species and Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia) are comparable in terms of high
ascorbic acid and polyphenol content.
Polyphenols have been regarded as bioactive constituents. Procyanidins, the main component
of Chinese quince polyphenols, have recently been much focused on because of their strong
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-ulcerative, antibiotic, and anti-allergy effects
in addition to enzymatic inhibitory activity. However, the concentration and composition of
procyanidins in the juice and extracts are affected by the methods employed for extraction.
Because of their high affinity to the cell wall matrix, highly polymerized procianidins are
relatively hard to be released from the pulp and to enter the juice extracts. The proportion of
highly polymerized procyanidins to total polyphenols in juice extracts obtained by the
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 175

sucrose osmotic treatment or boiling the flesh for 60 min in water is lower than that in intact
fruit (Figure 3). In addition, boiling causes changes in procyanidins during extraction since
heat treatment has been reported to break down procyanidin polymers to oligomers under
acidic conditions [12,13]. Bioavailability of oligomeric procyanidins has been reported to be
higher than that of polymers [14]. The oligomers also have higher antioxidant activity [15]
than polymeric procyanidins; therefore, extraction by heating may enhance the health
benefits of Chinese quince extracts. This aspect is currently being studied in detail.

-Sitosterol Oleanoric acid



Protocatechuic acid Procyanidins (n 0)

Figure 4. Typical phytochemicals identified in Chinese quince fruit

176 Yasunori Hamauzu

Pectic polysaccharides found in dietary fiber are regarded as an important functional

component that exert hypoglycemic and cholesterol-lowering effects among numerous other
pharmacological actions[16]. Pectic polysaccharides, especially soluble pectin, are contained
in specified amounts in unclarified cloudy juices. However, the pectin concentration of
Chinese quince juice may be limited because of the relatively low content of soluble pectin in
the fruit. We compared the soluble pectin and polyphenol concentrations of Chinese quince
juice extracts to those of cloudy apple juice and found that the soluble pectin concentration of
Chinese quince juice extracts was one fourth that of cloudy apple juice, while the polyphenol
content of Chinese quince juice extracts was four times higher [10]. Thus mild extraction
techniques such as introduction of sucrose osmotic pressure do not increase the pectin
concentration of Chinese quince juice extracts. However, extraction with boiling could
increase the pectin concentration of these extracts because it causes solubilization of
insoluble pectic polysaccharides in the cell wall. In our unpublished data, the amount of
soluble pectin extracted by boiling was 5 to 7 times higher than the inherent amount in the
As discussed above, boiling is effective for extracting functional components such as
oligomeric procyanidins and pectic polysaccharides. This concept is different from that used
for making fresh juices. However, for medicinal characteristics, it is better to focus on the
amount of functional ingredients in juice extracts. The boiling extraction process (or
decoction) has been traditionally used for extracting medicinal ingredients from plants. Heat
treatment such as boiling or decoction over a certain time period may cause decomposition of
cell wall polysaccharides and/or polyphenols because the fruit contains large amounts of
organic acids. Such decomposition results in increased amounts of functional constituents in
the extracts. In addition, ethanolic extraction including the procedure of immersing in alcohol
is another effective method for extracting medicinal components. However, since there are no
reports on alcohol extraction from fresh Chinese quince fruit prepared with prolonged
maceration, detailed investigations are necessary.

4. Functional Properties Of Chinese Quince Fruit

And Juice Extract

4.1. Folklore and Scientific Research

Homemade medicines from Chinese quince fruit (including fruit liquor, decoction, syrup,
and paste) are said to have antitussive, expectorant, antispasmodic, and antidiuretic actions.
They are used for combating respiratory infections, intestinal dysregulation, and diuresis, and
treating people with a weak constitution. At present, Chinese quince fruit is mainly used as a
domestic antitussive and expectorant agent to treat coughs and colds. Various commercial
products made from Chinese quince fruit (European quince fruit extracts are used in some
cases in Japan) are also being advertised as being efficacious in treating throat conditions.
However, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports clarifying the efficacy of
Chinese quince fruit by clinical investigations, although there exist some reports based on in
vitro and animal experiments.
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 177

4.2. Medicinal and Biological Functions

Some phytochemicals have been identified as active ingredients responsible for the
medicinal function of Chinese quince fruit (Figure 4).

Anti-inflammatory activity
Osawa et al. [17,18] have identified some of the active components involved in the
antitussive and expectorant actions of Chinese quince fruit extracts in an inflamed throat.
According to their reports, triterpenes such as oleanolic acid, pomolic acid, 2-oxopomolic
acid, and uvaol exerted strong antibiotic effects on Streptococcus pyogenes, the resident
microbiota in the throat causing suppurative inflammation. Moreover, -sitosterol and 2-
oxopomolic acid exerted an inhibitory effect on streptolysin O, a hemolytic toxin produced
by S. pyogenes. Polyphenolic compounds have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory
effects. Osawa et al. [18] explored the active compounds involved in the inhibition of
hyaluronidase and histamine release from rat mast cells, the indicators of inflammation. This
indicates that higher molecular weight polyphenols (polymeric procyanidins) had a strong
inhibitory effect on hyaluronidase and histamine release activities. In a small molecular
weight fraction, protocatechuic acid was shown to be a strong active compound affecting
histamine release. Polymeric procyanidins and protocatechuic acid are both strong
antioxidants, and this antioxidant activity may contribute to producing the anti-inflammatory

Anti-pruritic activity
Oku et al. [19] investigated the anti-pruritic effect of 35% ethanol extracts of the fruit on
chemically induced scratching behavior in mice and identified quercetin, apigenin, and
catechin derivatives as effective compounds. These compounds exhibited significant
inhibitory effects on the pruritogenic agent compound 48/80 (COM)-induced scratching
behavior. The active fraction from the 35% ethanol extracts and the active compounds
(quercetin and apigenin) also inhibited serotonin-, platelet activating factor-, and
prostaglandin E2-induced scratching behavior, but did not inhibit histamine-induced
scratching behavior or locomotive behavior. According to authors, Chinese quince fruit may
be usable to treat allergic itching sensation.

Anti-ulcerative activity
Recently, we investigated the effect of Chinese quince juice extracts on ethanol-induced
gastric ulcers in rats [10]. In control rats administered 1.5 mL of acidified ethanol (150 mM
HCl:ethanol = 40:60, v/v), acute gastric ulcers were observed, while in rats given Chinese
quince juice extracts (3 mL/rat) before administering acidified ethanol, almost no gastric
ulcers were observed (Figure 5). We also investigated the effect of polyphenols and soluble
pectin extracted from the fruit on gastric ulcer induction, and observed that polyphenols
showed strong anti-ulcerative activity. Pectin obtained from the fruit also showed a certain
preventive effect on ulcer induction (Table 2). However, in Chinese quince juice extracts, the
main active components were polyphenols because of their concentration in the extracts (See
section 3.2). We also compared the effect of administering cloudy apple juice and apple
178 Yasunori Hamauzu

polyphenols, and observed that prior administration of cloudy apple juice or a lower dose of
apple polyphenols showed a preventive effect on ulcer induction comparable to that of
Chinese quince juice extracts. Interestingly, a high dose of apple polyphenols showed a
promotive effect on ethanol-induced ulcers, indicating that a high intake of polyphenols
might have an inverse effect. This result indicates a dangerous aspect of using purified
phytochemicals as supplements. Polyphenols may have beneficial health effect, but the actual
dose appropriate for humans remains unelucidated.



Figure 5. Photographs showing the inner surface of rat stomach (A) No treatment (normal stomach of rat);
(B) Control (administered water before treatment with 60% ethanol containing 1.5 mM HCl); (C) Rat
administered Chinese quince extract before the treatment; (D) Rat administered apple juice before the
treatment. (Adapted from Ref. [10])

Table 2. Extent of gastric mucosal ulcer in rats administered water (control),

polyphenols, or pectin from Chinese quince and apple fruits before treatment with
60% ethanol containing 1.5 mM HCl

Polyphenol Soluble pectin

Chinese Apple Chinese Apple

quince quince
Control 20.2 2.4 20.2 2.4 20.2 2.4 20.2 2.4
(0 mg)
5 mg 3.3 1.0 4.2 1.5 8.3 2.2 9.0 2.3

10 mg 1.5 1.1 6.4 2.2 7.8 3.9 7.6 2.9

20 mg 0.7 0.3 34.5 3.9 NT NT

Values (mean SE) represent the percentage of ulcerative area to total stomach surface area (n = 5).
(Adapted from Ref. [10])
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 179

Anti-influenza virus activity

The anti-influenza virus activity of polyphenolic extracts has been investigated by Hamauzu
et al. [7]. Influenza virus is known to interact with chicken erythrocytes to induce
hemagglutination (HA), which reflects the ability of the influenza virus to adhere to the
epithelial cells of the respiratory tract in a host as the first step of infection. Therefore, an
inhibitory action of phytochemicals on the HA titer of the influenza virus represents
inactivation of the virus in terms of its adhesive ability. We observed that Chinese quince
polyphenols had a stronger anti-viral activity than European quince or apple polyphenols
(Figure 6). At higher concentrations of polyphenols, European quince and apple fruit also
showed anti-viral activity, but ()-epicatechin and chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid)
did not show any inhibitory action on HA at the same concentrations. This result indicates
that a high proportion of polymeric procyanidins to the total polyphenol content may be an
important factor for strong anti-viral activity. Chinese quince fruit juice or products rich in
polymeric procyanidins appear to be effective in preventing influenza infection.

4.3. Future Trends

The health benefits of Chinese quince fruit and juice extracts have been partly clarified
by in vitro experiments and animal trials that have focused on antibacterial, anti-hemolytic,
anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic, anti-viral, and anti-ulcerative activities. Triterpenes such as
oleanolic acid, pomolic acid, 2-oxopomolic acid, and uvaol; -sitosterol; and polyphenols
such as protocatechuic acid, procyanidins, and flavonoids have been identified as active
compounds. However, details of the health benefits of Chinese quince fruit used in folk
medicine have not been explained by the research conducted until date. An unknown
compound relating to the health effect might be found. Moreover, the processing procedure
or extraction method may have a great influence on the concentration and/or composition of
active compounds. Therefore, research on the control of active compounds during processing,
clinical trials of products for evidence-based health claims, and clarification of the
mechanisms involved are needed.

16 0 mg/ml 0.05 mg/ml 0.5 mg/ml
HA titer

Chinese quince apple Chl A EC

Figure 6. Hemagglutination (HA) activity of influenza virus treated with polyphenols from different fruits
and with different phenolic standards. Chl A, chlorogenic acid; EC, ()-epicatechin. Bars indicate SE (n = 3).
180 Yasunori Hamauzu

5. Red Coloration Of Chinese Quince Juice

And Other Products

5.1. Red Coloration and Utility

Red coloration is a characteristic of Chinese quince juice extracts and other products.
Chinese quince fruit liquor and juice extracts stored for a long time or decocted syrup
subjected to heating for several hours turn red or reddish-brown in color. A similar
phenomenon has been observed in products obtained from European quince (e.g., Spanish
membrillo, French cotignac dOrleans, and Portuguese marmelada). In the middle of
the 16th century, Michel Nostradamus introduced this phenomenon in his book Trait des
Fardemens et Confitures (Treatise on Cosmetics and Conserves). According to this book, in
the chapter entitled To make a quince jelly of superb beauty, goodness, flavour and
excellence fit to set before a King, the quince jelly produced is described as having a
beautiful red color in the phrase for the colour will be as diaphanous as an oriental ruby. In
his recipe, the quince juice was collected from boiled flesh by squeezing through a thick
piece of linen cloth, following which it was decocted with sugar. Chinese quince fruit can
also be used for preparing a similar fruit jelly that has superb beauty. (Figure 7)

Figure 7. Red colored fruit jelly made from Chinese quince juice. The juice was collected from boiled flesh
and then decocted with sugar for a long time (23 hours).

5.2. Involvement of Procyanidins in Coloration

On investigating the red coloration in Chinese quince fruit products, we found that the
color change which occurs during heat processing is due to changes in procyanidins, the main
polyphenols in the fruit. Degradation and/or denaturation of high polymeric procyanidins are
the predominant cause, and the changes are accelerated in the presence of organic acids [13].
Although details of the changes and their effects on health-related functions are under
investigation, these changes seem to involve the degradation of high polymeric procyanidins
Characteristics of Chemical Components and Functional Properties 181

to low polymer such as monomeric catechins and cyanidin, and the formation of novel
substances containing re-polymerized flavanol derivatives exhibiting absorption in the visible
light range. With these changes in procyanidins, the anti-viral activity decreased slightly but
retained moderate activity, while the antioxidant activity of polyphenols increased. Thus, if
denatured red polyphenols gain some biological activity, the red color change in Chinese
quince polyphenols during processing may increase the food functions with respect to not
only appearance but also health benefits.

6. Conclusion

Of late, the importance of food and health has been gaining increased public interest in
many developed countries. Because Chinese quince fruit or juice extract have been used in
traditional Chinese or folk medicine, using this fruit as a functional food product is a
worthwhile endeavor. As shown above, Chinese quince fruit has various medicinal and
functional compounds. The concentration and composition of these active compounds in fruit
products may be greatly affected by the processing conditions, including those encountered
during juice extraction, preparation, and cooking. Consideration should also be given to the
influence of the maturation stage and post-harvest handling conditions. However, few studies
have dealt with these aspects. Processing conditions that enable full utilization of the
functional characteristics of Chinese quince fruit or juice phytochemicals, such as their
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-ulcerative activities, remain to be studied.
Further research should be conducted through clinical trials to determine the efficacy of fruit
products and clarify their mechanisms of action.


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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 7

Effect of Temperature, Pressure

and Concentration on the Viscosity
of Fruit Juices:
Experimental and Modeling

A. I. Abdulagatov,2 M. A. Magerramov,1
I. M. Abdulagatov2* and N. D. Azizov3
Azerbaijan State Economic University, Az 1001 Baku, 31 Istiglaliayt Str., Azerbaijan
Institute of Physics of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, 367003 Makhachkala, Shamilya Str. 39-A, Dagestan, Russia
Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, 370601, Azerbaijan

Viscosity of four fruit (pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon) juices have been
measured at temperatures from 292 to 403 K and at pressures from 0.1 to 10 MPa for the
concentrations from 11 to 45 Brix. The best and complete comprehensive compilations
all of the available viscosity data for liquid foods at the present time are provided. The
effect of temperature, pressure, and concentration on the viscosity fruit juices were
studied. The measured values of the viscosity were used to calculate the
temperature, ( ln / T ) x , and concentration, ( ln / x )T , coefficients for the fruit
juices. Various theoretical models (polynomials, power, exponential, logarithmic, and
their various combinations) for the viscosity of fruit juices were stringently tested with

A version of this chapter was also published in Progress in Food Engineering Research and Development,
edited by Jerrod M. Cantor published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. It was submitted for appropriate
modifications in an effort to encourage wider dissemination of research.
Present address: Physical and Chemical Properties Division, National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA. To whom correspondence should be
addressed. [email protected], Fax: (303) 497-5224, Tel: (303) 497-4027
184 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

new accurate measurements on pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon juices. The
applicability, accuracy and predictive capability of the various models were studied. New
models were developed to accurately represent the combined effect of temperature and
concentration on the viscosity of the fruit juices. Models which represent the viscosity of
fruit juices relative to pure water viscosity was considered. The empirical extension of
the various theoretically based models for the viscosity of aqueous solutions to the fruit
juices is considered. It was found that theoretically based models originally developed
for the viscosity of aqueous system can be adopted with success for fruit juices. The
average absolute deviation (AAD) between measured and calculated values from these
models for the viscosity of fruit juices was within 0.8 % to 2 %.
The values of the Arrhenius equation parameters (flow activation energy, E a , and
0 ) were calculated for the measured viscosities of pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and
lemon juices as a function of concentration. The new viscosity models for the fruit juices
are recommended for the future scientific and engineering used.

Keywords: Arrhenius equation; pomegranate, pear, tangerine, lemon juices; viscometer;


1. Introduction

Modeling, optimization and automation of food processes is difficult due to complexity

of the raw materials and product involved, which affect thermophysical properties such as
density, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity. The
thermophysical properties of fruit juices exhibit substantial changes with temperature,
pressure, and concentration during processing (storage, transport, marketing and
consumption, chilled, change temperature, tank farm change concentration, evaporator
change concentration), see for example, Moressi & Spinosi [1] and Crandall et al. [2]. For
this reason the thermophysical properties (density, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal
conductivity, and thermal diffusivity) should be studied as a function of temperature,
pressure, and concentration. Last 20 years the high-temperature and high-pressure
technologies (high-temperature and high-pressure treatment in food preservation and
pasteurization) was expanded to food industry. The preservation temperature is about 60 to
90 C. Many fluid foods are subjected to high temperatures (above 90 C) and high pressure
(up to 350 MPa) during pasteurization and thermal processing [3-9] (high pressure food
processing technologies and other industrial operations) . High pressure presents unique
advantages over conventional thermal treatments including, application at low temperature,
which improves the retention of food quality. Almost all previous thermophysical properties
measurements for liquid foods were performed at atmospheric pressure, although high
pressure food processing technologies requires accurate knowledge of thermophysical
properties at moderate (3-10 MPa) and high pressures (up to 350 MPa). Therfeore, viscosity
(flow properties) and other thermophysical properties of liquid foods at high temperatures
and high pressures are need in these processing conditions. Very few measurements are
available in the literatures at high temperatures. A literature survey revealed that there are no
viscosity and other thermophysical data for liquid foods under prerssure, except our recent
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 185

density, viscosity, and thermal conductivity measurements for fruit juices (Magerramov [10]
and Magerramov et al. [11-15]). Little is known about the effect of temperature, pressure, and
concentration on the thermophysical properties of liquid foods.
Knowledge of the viscosity is of primary importance to the fruit juice industry. For
example, viscosity is an important property of juices in the prediction of heat and mass-
transfer coefficients and in the design of heat- and mass-transfer equipment for fruit juice
industry. The accurate viscosity data and their variation with operating conditions (over wide
temperature and concentration regions) are need also for a various research and engineering
applications in any branches of the food industry, such as developing food processes and
processing equipment (detailed design and evaluate food processing equipment such as
pumps, heat exchangers, evaporators, equipment sizing, filters and mixers, engineering
calculations on evaporation rates, pumping and pipe requirements), control of products,
quality evaluation and an understanding of the structure of food and raw agricultural
materials. Viscosity changes are determinant factors in operations such as concentration by
evaporation and reverse osmosis, pumping, homogenization and blending.
Variations in the viscosity of fruit juices affect the energy usage in a fruit processing
plant (Crandall et al. [2]). The type of evaporator, direction of feed, and heat transfer rate are
all affected by viscosity. High shear rates are utilized in modern evaporators to reduce the
viscosity, increase the heat-transfer rate, and thus safe energy. If the viscosity of the
concentrate exceeds a threshold value then the output products concentration must be reduced
or the concentrate will burn on the inside of the evaporator (Crandall et al. [2]). This would
cause a loss of energy and product. Viscosity can become an important factor during the
concentration juices, especially in the production of high density concentrates, due to the
inefficiency of the operation when the product becomes highly viscous. Viscosity of fruit
juices changes with content of soluble and suspended solids. Pectin and sugar concentration
are the main factors in changes of viscosity.
For engineering utility, reliable methods for estimation of the viscosity and other
thermophysical properties of fruit juices over wide ranges of concentration, temperature, and
pressure would be extremely valuable. To understand and control those processes which used
liquid foods, it is necessary to accurately know their thermodynamic (density, heat capacity,
vapor pressure, activity coefficient) and transport (viscosity, thermal conductivity, and
diffusivity) properties. However, the lack of reliable data for fruit juices over wide
temperature, pressure, and concentration ranges makes it necessary to estimate the missing
properties by empirical and semi-empirical prediction methods. Therefore, a new accurate
experimental data for viscosity of fruit juices at high temperatures and high pressures needed
also to improve and extend the range of validity of available estimation and correlation
methods which will be capable of reproducing the experimental viscosity data within their
uncertainty and develop new more reliable prediction techniques. Unfortunately, the
thermophysical properties of liquid food products cannot be accurately predicted
theoretically, due to their complicated physical and chemical structure. Therefore, the
thermophysical properties measurements of liquid foods are also research interest. The
available theoretical models for liquids cannot describe complex real system as they met in
practice. Better prediction models can be developed based on reliable experimental
information on thermophysical properties liquid foods. Thus, there is great practical and
186 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

theoretical interest in the study of the effect of temperature, pressure, and concentration on
the thermophysical properties fruit juices at equipment operating conditions. The main
objectives of this study are: (a) review of the often used techniques for the viscosity
measurements for liquids; (b) present for the readers the comprehensive review all of the
available experimental viscosity data for liquid foods (viscosity data compilation); (c)
experimental and theoretical study of the effect of temperature, pressure, and concentration
on the viscosity behavior of fruit juices; (d) examine the accuracy and predictive capability
various empirical, semi empirical, and predictive models for the viscosity of liquid foods; (e)
develop accurate models for the combined effect of the temperature and concentration on the
viscosity of fruit juices; (f) provide for the readers the recommendations of the best viscosity
models for fruit juices for the future scientific and engineering used. Available experimental
thermophysical properties (density, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and
thermal diffusivity) data for liquid foods have been reviewed previously by various authors
[16-32]. We also provided a new accurate experimental viscosity data for four fruit
(tangerine, lemon, pomegranate, and pear) juices at high temperatures (up to 120 C), at
pressures up to 10 MPa and at concentrations up to 45 Brix using a capillary-flow
techniques, which have been previously used for the accurate measurements on other fluids
[33-37] at high temperatures and high pressures. The present results considerably expand the
temperature, pressure, and concentration ranges in which viscosity data for these fruit juices
are available.

1.1. Material Descriptions

Experimental samples 11.0, 15.2, 15.0, and 17.0 Brix of pomegranate, pear, tangerine,
and peach juices used in this study were obtained from fresh full-ripe fruits from a plant in
Baku, Azerbaijan. The natural juices were obtained by squeezing the full-ripe fruits with a
laboratory screw press, eliminating the suspended solids by filtering and clarifying.
Concentrated juices with various soluble solids contents were obtained from the original
concentrate using a rotary glass vacuum evaporator (SPT-200, Zeamil-Horyzont, Poland) at
temperature below 60 C. The evaporation chamber was rotated at a constant rotational speed
in water bath at 40C. The soluble solids content as Brix was measured using a universal
laboratory refractometer (RLU-1, Russia) at room temperature (20 C). In order to adjust the
concentration of the juice, the concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water. The
samples were stored in glass vessel at 2-4 C (8 hours) until used for the density
measurements. Microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphates) were
determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (C-115-M1, Russia). The glucose
and fructose contents were determined by the method of Bertrand. The total sugar was
calculated by summation of individual sugars. The pH was measured using a digital pH-meter
(Kent EIL 7020, UK) at 20 C. Total acidity was determined by potentiometric titration with
NaOH 0.1 N until pH 8, monitored with pH-meter. Physical and chemical characteristics of
pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and lemon juices are given in Table 1.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 187

2. Viscosity Measurements

The viscosity of a liquid is known to determine the relationship between the gradients of
pressure and corresponding flow. However, this flow enters hydrodynamic equation which
contains nonlinear terms. The response of the system to the presence of finite pressure
gradient is so intricate that it is difficult to take this gradient into account in experiment. For
example, the pressure gradient induces secondary flows and energy dissipation in addition to
laminar flow. This difficult is challenge researcher to develop special techniques for
measuring of viscosity which would diminish the effect to a minimum.

Table 1. Physico-chemical characteristics of fruit juices

Pear juice Pomegranate juice

Soluble solids 15.2 Brix Soluble solids 11Brix
Pectin 0.25 % Citric acid 1%
Total sugar 8.70 % Limon acid 1%
Glucose 1.43 % Glucose 6%
Fructose 6.91 % Sucrose -
Sucrose 0.36 % Acidity -
Amino acid nitrogen 0.141 % Fructose 7%
Tannic acid 0.0171 Potassium* 1100
Cellulose 0.90 Chlorides* 500
pH 4.15 Magnesium -
Potassium 48 mg l-1 Phosphates* 300
Calcium 12 mg l-1 Other minerals 5
Magnesium 3 mg l-1 - -
Phosphate 13 mg l-1 - -
Ash 0.3 - -
Lemon juice Tangerine juice
Soluble solids 17 Brix Soluble solids 15 Brix
Total sugar 3.0 % Total sugar 5.4 %
Sucrose - Glucose 1.1 %
Glucose - Fructose 3.8 %
Fructose 2.9 % Sucrose 0.4 %
Pectin - Acidity -
Potassium* 30 Potassium* 33 mg
Calcium* 6 Calcium* 6 mg
Magnesium* 5 Magnesium* 6 mg
pH 2.4 pH 3.5
mg in 100 g juice.

For fluids that obey Newtons Law, the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its
tendency to dissipate energy when it is disturbed from equilibrium by a velocity field v. The
dynamic viscosity, , is thus defined by the relationship
188 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

v v j 2 v
ij = P ij + i + ij k

. (1)
x j xi 3 x k

In this equation, ij are the instantaneous stresses, P, the pressure and ij is the
Kronecker symbol. The viscosity depends on the thermodynamic state, (T, P, x) or (T, , x),
of the fluid and fluid mixture (where T is the temperature, the density, and x the

2.1. Experimental Techniques

The definition of the dynamic viscosity given by Eq. (1) presumes the ability to measure
local shear stresses. Since however, it is impossible to measure local shear stresses, and
viscometers undoubtedly do not have a constant shear rate, methods of measurement of the
viscosity must be based on the determination of some integral effect of the stresses amenable
to precise measurement in a known flow field. Inevitably, the imposition of a shear field
generates small pressure differences, and dissipation causes local temperature gradients, both
of which change slightly the reference thermodynamic state to which a measurement is
assigned, from the initial, unperturbed, equilibrium state. The reference state for the
measurement will be obtained by averaging so it is important that the system is disturbed as
little as possible from equilibrium during measurement.
Techniques frequently employed to measure the viscosity of liquids are: 1. capillary
flow; 2. oscillating discs; 3. oscillating cups; 4. falling body; 5. rotating cylinders; 6. torsional
crystal oscillator; and 7. vibrating wire. In Table 2 all available measurements, to our
knowledge, of the viscosity of fruit juices are presented. It can be seen that almost all data
were derived by a capillary-flow technique and coaxial cylinder, while only very few datasets
were obtained by the falling-body technique and rotational viscometer.

Table 2. Summary of experimental viscosity data for liquid foods

Liquid food Authors Concentration Temperature Method

Cranberry Peleg and Noble [185] 12 Brix 5-25 CC
Passion fruit Vitali et al. [186] 15.6-33.4 Brix 20-50 CC
Passion fruit, Garci et al. [187] 12.6-26.5 Brix 22-40 CV
peanapple, banana,
guava, papaya
Apple Geller et al. [214] 12-60 Brix 20 CC
Apple, grape, Saravacos [160] 19-70 Brix 27 CV
Apple, grape, Saravacos [38] 10.5-75 Brix 20-70 CC
Apple, grape Rao [112] 15-75 Brix -5-41 RV
Orange Barros [109] 54.99-68.83 30 -
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 189

Orange Steverson [163] - 30 -
Orange Moresi and Spinosi [162] 9.6-65 Brix 25-50 FSV
Orange, grapefruit Ezell [167] 23-67 30 RV
Orange Vitali and Rao [113] 65 Brix -19-30 CC
Orange Hernandez et al. [169] 12.2-66.5 Brix 5-75 CV
Orange Mizrahi and Berk [164] 11-60 Brix 30-70 CV
Orange Mizrahi and Berk [165] 60-65 Brix 30-80 CC
Orange Dubois and Murdock [170] 42, 58.5 Brix -1.1-23.3 -
Orange, peanapple Varshney and Kumbhar 7-36 Brix 30-45 CC
Orange Crandall et al. [2] 12.8-65 Brix -10-25 CC
Liquid food Authors Concentration Temperature Method
Orange Berk [171] 60 Brix - CV
Orange Ibarz et al. [101] 30.7-63.5 Brix 5-70 CC
Orange Mizrahi and Firstenberg 1.5-11Brix 30 CC
(concentrate) [166]
Orange Rouse et al. [39] 57.3-65.1 Brix 25.6 CV
Orange Rouse et al. [172] 45 Brix 25.6 CV
Orange Ingram [173] 63-69.5Brix 15-45 -
Grape Bayindirli [95] 19-35 Brix 20-80 CV
Grape Moresi and Spinosi [174] 0-73.1 Brix 20-50 RV
Grape musts Lopez et al. [188] 990-1100 kgm-3 14-22 RV,
Raspberry Ibarz and Pagn [104] 15-30Brix 5-60 CC
Peach Ibarz et al. [105] 40-69Brix 5-60 CC
Loquat Ibarz et al. [102] 40-72Brix 5-65 CC
Sloe Ibarz et al. [103] 25-58.5Brix 5-65 CC
Blackcurrant Ibarz et al. [106] 35-64.5 Brix 5-60 CC
Sea buckthorn Oomah et al. [189] 48Brix 25-80 SR
Pear, apple, grape, Alvarado and Romero [92] 8.4-70 Brix 10-80 CV
lime, plum, tomato,
watermelon, babaco,
orange, lemon,
Pear Ibarz et al. [108] 40-71 Brix 5-60 CC
Apple Gochiyaev [159] 15-57 Brix 23-65 CV
Apple Constenla et al. [98] 12-68.5 Brix 20-80 CC
Apple Bayindirli [93] 14-39 Brix 20-80 CV
Apple Rao et al. [110] 51-70 Brix 23-43 CC
Apple, pear Ibarz et al. [107] 70, 71 Brix 5-60 CC
Apple Schwartz and Costell [161] - - -
Celery Lau et al. [190] 0-30 % -9.1-25 ROV
190 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Table 2. Continued

Liquid food Authors Concentration Temperature Method

Tomato Fito et al. [176] 5-28 Brix 15-70 RV
Tomato Foda and McCollum - 35-95 RV
Tomato Molwane and Gunjal 6-18 Brix 30-80 CC
Tomato Krapivin and Fedotkin 8-35 Brix 25-70 CV
Tomato Harper and El-Sahrigi 5.8 - Brix 32-82 CC
Tomato Luh et al. [182] 6.67 20 RV
Tomato Saravacos et al. [178] 9-32 Brix 25 CV
Tomato Alviar et al. [217] 11.78-35.74 Brix 23 SR
Tamarind Manohar et al. [191] 7-62 Brix 25-70 CC
Liquorice extract Maskan [192] 3-50 Brix 10-60 RV
Malus floribunda Cepeda and Villaran [97] 17-70 Brix 25 RV
Baneshan and Gunjal and Waghmare 20 Brix 40-80 SV
Neelum [193]
Watermelon Sogi [194] 23.59-42 Brix 5-50 RV
Gilaboru Altan et al. [158] 35-59.7 Brix 5-60 SR
Strawberry Juszczak and Fortuna [99] 50-67.1 Brix 10-60 CC
Strawberry Simpson [195] 22.8 CV
Cherry Juszczak and Fortuna 50-63.8 Brix 10-60 CC
Cherry Giner et al. [183] 22-74 Brix 5-70 CC
Sour cherry Bayindirli and zsan [94] 13.8-26.1 Brix 20-70 CV
Banana Khalil et al. [175] 20-79.7 Brix 30-70 CC
Pomegranate Kaya and Szer [114] 45.3-71 Brix 5-60 SR
Pomegranate Altan and Maskan [184] 17.5-75 Brix 10-55 SR
Pomegranate, pear Magerramov et al. [14] 11-40 Brix 19-130 CV
Pomegranate Bayindirli et al. [96] 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 CV
g/L gelatin
Tangerine, lemon Magerramov et al. [15] 15-40 Brix 30-119 CV
17-45 Brix 30-119
Guava Vitali and Rao [196] 9.8-16 Brix 25-60 CV
Guava Brekke and Myers [197] 7.2-40.8Brix 24 CV
Corn sirup Erickson et al. [128] 20-85 D.S. 15.6-82.2 FSV
Corn sirup, McCarthy and Seymour - - CM
silicone oil [218]
Mango Manohar et al. [198] 16-30 Brix 30-70 CC
Mango Rao et al. [111] 11-26 Brix 25-62 CC
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 191

Mango Singh and Eipeson [199] 15-66 Brix 15-85 RV
Mulberry Kaya [115] 46-72 Brix 10-60 SR
Apricot Watson [200] 22 Brix 4.4-25 CC
Pear purees Harper and Lebermann 18-46 Brix 32-82 CC
Guar gum and Elfak et al. [202] 20 wt % Glucose, 25 RV
locust bean gum 40 wt % water; 20
solution wt % sucrose, 40
wt % water;
Silicon and Aution and Houska [216] - 20, 30 RV
mineral oils
Cassava starch Odigboh and Mohsenin 2-8 wt % 50-95 RV
pastes [213]
* CV-capillary viscometer; FSV-falling sphere viscometer; CC-coaxial cylinders; SR-stress rheometer; RV-
rotational viscometer; ROV-routine viscometer; SV synchrolectric viscometer; CM-consistometer.
In this section a brief analysis of these methods is presented. The theoretical basis of the
methods, and the working equations employed are presented, together with a brief description
of the experimental apparatus and the measurements procedure of each technique. For a more
thorough discussion of the various techniques employed for the viscosity measurements of
liquids and liquid foods, the reader is referred to the works [18,19,25,26,29,41].

2.1.1. Capillary-flow technique

As seen in Table 2, capillary viscometers are the most extensively used instruments for
the measurement of viscosity of fruit juice. They have the advantage of simplicity of
construction and operation. Theoretical
The principle of the capillary viscometer is based on the Hagen-Poiseuille equation of
fluid dynamics (first formulated by Hagenbach [42] in 1860) and its alteration for practical
viscometry by Barr [43] in order to include the so-called kinetic-energy correction and the
end correction. The resulting equation expresses the viscosity of a fluid flowing through a
thin capillary, in terms of the capillary radius, R, the pressure drop along the tube, P, the
volumetric flow rate, Q, and the length of the tube, L, as

R 4 P mQ
= (2)
8Q ( L + nR ) 8 ( L + nR )

where n is the end-correction factor and m is the kinetic-energy correction factor with L >> R.
The above equation is derived on the assumptions that, (a) the capillary is straight with a
uniform circular cross section; (b) the fluid is incompressible and Newtonian and (c) the flow
is laminar and there is no slip at the capillary wall - to avoid turbulence (Reynolds number,
Re, over 2000), viscometers are designed to operate where the Reynolds number is well
bellow 300. The correction factors n and m reflect the fact that in a practical viscometer two
192 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

chambers must be placed at either end of the capillary in order to measure the pressure drop.
Thus, for example, the parabolic velocity distribution characteristic of most of the flow can
only be realized some distance downstream from the inlet of the capillary.
In the range of Reynolds numbers between 0.5 and 100, the theoretical values of the
correction factors m and n are represented as m = m0 + 8n/Re with m0 = 1.17 0.03 and n =
0.69 0.04 [44]. The values of m and n can also be determined experimentally. Other
corrections - capillary shape and slip, non-uniform cross-sections, elliptical cross-section,
coiled capillaries, wall roughness, fluid properties effects, compressibility, non-Newtonian
[45], and surface tension correction can be found in the respective literature [41,45]. Experimental
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a typical capillary viscometer (Abdulagatov and
Azizov [46]). A very similar capillary viscometer, differing only in the actual capillary
dimensions, was developed by other authors (see [47-51]). The working capillary-1 with ID
of 0.3 mm and length of 216 mm is made from stainless steel. The capillary-1 is soldered to
the extension tube-6. The fluid under study flows to a cold zone through the extension tube-6.
Capillary-1 with extension tube-6 located in the high temperature and high pressure
autoclave-4. The extension tube-6 is connected to a movable cylinder-9, which in turn is
connected to the fixed cylinder-11 by means of the flexible tube-10. Both cylinders (9 and
11) are supplied with identical expanded bottles, employed to stabilize the fluid efflux
through the capillary. The input and output sections of the capillary have conical extensions.
All parts of the experimental installation in contact with the sample are made out of stainless
The capillary tube-1 is filled with the fluid and when the movable cylinder is moved
vertically at constant speed, the fluid flows through the capillary. To create and also measure
accurately the pressure, the autoclave is connected to a dead-weight pressure gauge by means
of separating vessel-13. Mercury is used as the separating liquid. Working Equation and Uncertainty

In the capillary viscometer shown in Figure 1, if we denote by t the time required for a
volume of fluid V to flow through the capillary, and take into consideration the variation of
the geometrical size of the capillary, and that of mercury and sample densities, then Eq. (2)

R 4 P t m V
= ( 1 + T )3 , (3)
8( L + nR )V 8 ( L + nR )t

where, is the linear expansion coefficient of the capillary material, T the temperature
difference between experimental temperature and room temperature. The pressure drop, P,
is determined from the relation
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 193

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus employed for the measurement of viscosity
of aqueous solutions at high temperatures and high pressures by the capillary method (Abdulagatov and
Azizov [46]). Working capillary-1; two electrical heaters-2; solid (substantial) red copper block-3; high
pressure autoclave-4; thermocouple-5; extension tube-6; flange-7; viewing windows-8; movable
cylinder-9; flexible connecting tube-10; unmovable (fixed) cylinder-11; valve-12; separating vessel-13;
dead-weight pressure gauge (MP-600)-14; PRT-15.

P = g H ( Hg ) , (4)

where, H, is the average mercury level drop in the movable and fixed cylinders at the
beginning and ending of the measurements, Hg , is the density of mercury at room
temperature and experimental pressure, and is the density of the fluid under study. Mercury
level in the cylinders was measured with a cathetometer. Equation (3) can be simplified to

= c1t . (5)

where constants c1 and c 2 can be obtained from Eq. (3).

In Eq. (3) the viscosity obtained is proportional to the fourth power of the capillary
radius. Hence a very accurate value of the radius is required. The inner surface of the
capillary walls is perfectly polished with powders of successively smaller grain size (1 to 40
nm). The average capillary radius is measured using a weighing technique or/and by
calibration (relative method, see Abdulagatov and Azizov [46]) from the viscosity of a
standard fluid (pure water) with well-known viscosity values (IAPWS formulation, Kestin et
194 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

al. [52]). The correction for capillary radius, due to the meniscus curvature (surface forces in
a capillary), is made. Typical values (obtained by Abdulagatov and Azizov [46]) of the
capillary radius determined with both weighing and by the calibration techniques are 0.15091
mm and 0.15048 mm, respectively, resulting in a value for R4 of (51.27 0.59)x10-5 mm4.
The length, L, of the capillary is measured with a microscope with an uncertainty of 0.005
mm. Typically the final value of the capillary length (obtained by Abdulagatov and Azizov
[46]), is 540.324 0.005 mm. Flow time measurements are usually made electronically and
the uncertainty in this value is never more than 0.1s (0.5 %).
To assess the uncertainty of the technique, the uncertainty of each quantity that enters
into Eq. (3) must also be taken into consideration. After a very careful analysis of the
uncertainty of these quantities (Abdulagatov and Azizov [46]), it is estimated that the
combined relative uncertainty in measuring the viscosity (up to the highest temperature of
575 K) is 1.5 %. The uncertainty in the pressure measurements is 0.05 %.

Figure 2a. High temperature and high pressure capillary viscometric system (Semenyuk et al. [49]).
Titanium viscometer-1; high-pressure autoclave-2; copper block-3; cylindrical electro-heater-4; PRT-5;
separating vessel-6; high-pressure electro-input unit-7; removal (withdrawal)-8; electronic voltage
stabilizer (71M)-9; auto-transformer-10; dead-weight pressure gauge (MP-2500)-11; indicated circuit-
12; electronic oscillograph-13; audio-frequency oscillator-14.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 195



9 3
2 6

Figure 2b. Construction of the titanium viscometer (Semenyuk et al., [49]). Cylindrical bulb-1; shaped
(figured) tube-2; titanium capillary-3; thread lock (stopper)-4; conical packing-5; adapter nuts-6 and 8;
insulators-7; conical pockets-9; platinum contacts-10; common contact-11.

A very similar viscometric apparatus was developed by other authors in the works [47-
51] to measure the viscosity of aqueous systems. They used nickel, glass, and platinum
viscometers. The uncertainty of the measured values of viscosity quoted is 1.5 % for the glass
viscometer and 1.0 to 1.5 % for the nickel viscometer. The internal radius and length of the
metallic capillary was 0.15 mm and 13.5 cm, respectively. The viscometric apparatus used by
Semenyuk et al. [49] schematically shown in Figure 2a,b. Figure 2b shows the details of the
construction of titanium viscometer.
Recently we developed new apparatus (glass capillary viscometer) to measure the
viscosity of liquid substances. This apparatus was use to measure the viscosity of fruit juices
(Magerramov et al. [14,15]). The apparatus used to the viscosity measurements is
schematically shown in Figure 3a,b. Details of the apparatus and procedure were described
elsewhere [14,15,33-37]. The apparatus for the viscosity measurement consisted of (see
196 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Figure 3a) a high pressure vessel -1, hydraulic press -2, pinching vessel-3, and glass
viscometer -4. Main part of the apparatus is glass viscometer-4 which was located in the high
temperature and high pressure autoclave with conical packing-5. The high pressure vessel-1
was made from stainless steel (1189). In order to equalization and maintain
homogeneous temperature during the measurements the steel vessel was covered on the
cooper block- 8. The high pressure viscometric vessel was supplied with two semi-axis -7 to
maintain on the frame and for the rotation around the horizontal axis. The grooves were
milled and drilled the well in the copper block for the resistance thermometer and controlling
differential chromelcopel thermocouples. One of the semi-axis of the high pressure vessel
was supplied with stopper mechanism to fix of the vessel strict vertical position by reading
control pointer and scale, maintained on the end of second semi-axis -7. The high pressure
autoclave was immersed in a thermostat-6 which was made from the two semispherical iron
sheets. The gap between the sheets was filled with asbestos isolator. Two electrical heaters
were wound around the surface of the copper block. To create and measure of the pressure,
the autoclave was connected with a dead-weight pressure gauge (MP-600) by means of
separating vessel. The temperature of the juices was measured with a PRT-10 (platinum
rsistance thermometer, 10 ) using potentiometer circuit. The high-pressure electro-output
units were used to connect the viscometer with time of fluid flowing measuring circuit. The
high-pressure electro-output unit consists of pinching cone with lock nut, pinching holder -9
and connecting tube. High pressure vessel was immersed in thermostat -6 and maintained on
the supports of frame and can rotate around horizontal axis-7. Viscometer was made from
refractory glass supremacs. A construction of the capillary viscometer is shown in Figure
3b. The viscometer consists of a lower bulb. The connecting tube with oval shape is located
inside the lower bulb. The lower end of the connecting tube is 2-3 mm above the bottom of
the bulb. The upper end of the connecting tube goes to measuring and preliminary bulb. The
capillary was welded to the side of the preliminary bulb parallel to the vertical axis of the
viscometer. For the centering of the viscometer in the high pressure vessel the lower bulb
supplied with shoulders and with funnel for the mercury filling. In order to contact with
mercury the platinum wires were seal to 3 contacts two on the inlet of the measuring bulb
and other one on the lower bulb. The platinum contacts of the viscometer were welded to
insulated nichrome wires which were connected to the outs of the pressure vessel by an
electrically insulated feed-through. The viscometer was suspended to packing cone in the
high-pressure vessel by using tag. The tag was supplied with four branches to supporting
electro-output units of the viscometer.

Operating Procedure
Initially at vertical position mercury is in the lower bulb. When the high-pressure
viscometric vessel is turned by an angle of 90 the viscometer is in a horizontal position and
the mercury spills over the whole viscometer volume. When the viscometer returns to its
initial vertical position, the level of mercury will be higher than the upper contact. Due to the
difference of the mercury levels in the viscometer, flow of the fluid through the capillary
takes place. While lowering, the mercury successively disconnects at the inlet and the outlet
of the measuring bulb and the flow time is fixed.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 197

The time of fluid flowing through the capillary was measured automatically by a
frequency-meter with an uncertainty of 0.01 s. The upper contact of the viscometer was
connected to brand start and the middle to brand stop. The measurement of the flow time
was repeated 5-6 times for each temperature and pressure in order to confirm the
reproducibility of the results. The flow time for the investigated juices was about 45 s at high
temperatures (120-130 C) and 1000 s at low temperatures (at room temperature).
The viscosity was obtained from the measured quantities ( r0 , H 0 , h0 , L0 , l 0 , V10 , ,
Hg , Hg 0 , T, P, , and m): geometric sizes of the viscometer; radius and the length of the
capillary; the volumes of the measuring and preliminary vessels, the difference of the
mercury levels, and total length of the mercury column in the beginning and the end of the
flow. The geometrical size of the viscometer was determined using the method (mercury
weighing method) described in (Abdulagatov and Rasulov [37]). The viscometer constants
were determined using microscope (MIR) and cathetometer. The radius was determined by
weighing and relative methods. The dimensions and geometric characteristics of the
viscometer are: V1H =1.67510-6 m3; V2 H =1.43010-6 m3; r0 =12.5810-5 m; l 0 =5.94210-2
m; L0 =9.57210-2 m; H 0 =5.15410-2 m; h0 =5.05210-2 m.

Figure 3a. Schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus for viscosity measurements at high
temperatures and high pressures (Magerramov et al. [14,15]). 1 high-pressure vessel; 2- hydraulic
press; 3- pinching vessel; 4-glass viscometer; 5-conical packing; 6- thermostat; semi-axis-7; 8-copper
block; 9-packing cartridge.
198 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.






Figure 3b. Construction and geometric characteristics of the high-pressure capillary viscometer
(Magerramov et al. [14,15]). V1H and V2 H are volumes of the measuring and preliminary bulbs,
respectively; H 1H and H 2H are the mercury level drop at the beginning and the end of the flow;
L1H and L2 H are the height of the mercury column at the beginning and at the end of the flow,
respectively; h0 is the height of the mercury in the lower bulb; l 0 is the capillary length.

Working Equation
The measurements of the viscosity is based on Poiseuilles law which relates viscosity
to the rate v = V / of fluid flow through a capillary tube

r 4 P
= , (6)

where P is the pressure drop ( P = Pin Pout , where Pin is the inlet pressure, Pout is the
outlet pressure), r is the inner radius of the capillary, V is the volume of the fluid flowing
through the capillary for the time , l is the capillary tube length, is the time of flow.
After corrections (which take into account the acceleration of a fluid at the inlet and outlet;
corrections for the effect of thermal expansion of the mercury and glass; corrections for the
changing of the mercury level in the viscometer with temperature and pressure) the variation
of the geometrical sizes of the capillary, mercury and sample densities at the experimental
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 199

conditions were varied with temperature and pressure; the final working equation for the
viscosity can be written as

Hg 0
= A C t a ( Hg ) Bt , (7)

where the viscometer constants are

gr04 H 0
(1 + 2t ) , Ct = 1 + h0 + 3tL0 , and a = 0 , (8)
mV10 h
A= , Bt =
8V10 l 0 8l 0 H0 H0

where V10 is the measuring volume, Hg is the density of mercury at the experimental
conditions (at experimental T and P); is the density of the liquid under study at the
experimental conditions, Hg 0 is the density of mercury at room temperature; H 0 is the
average mercury level drop; L0 is the average height of the column at the flowing process;
h0 is the height of the column in the lower vessel at the initial position; = 4.31 10 6 K-1
is the linear expansion coefficient of the capillary material; r0 is the capillary radius; l 0 is
the length of capillary; t is the temperature difference between experimental temperature
and room temperature; m=1.12 is a constant introduced to take account of the shape of the
capillary ends (correction factor).
The values of the parameters (viscometer constants) A , Bt , and C t in Eq. (8) can be
also determined by means of a calibration procedure from the viscosity of a reference fluid
(for example, pure water IAPWS standard data, Kestin et al. [52]) with well-known viscosity
values. In the present study the values of parameters A and Bt were determined by calibration
(5.89510-10 m2 s-2 and 1.249810-6 m2, respectively) on pure water and by the geometric
characteristics of the apparatus (5.84910-10 m2 and 1.257110-6 m2, respectively). The
values of the parameters a and C t calculated with geometric characteristics are 0.97497 and
1.9808, respectively. The change in the capillary radius ( r0 ), length of capillary ( l 0 ), and in
the measuring volume ( V10 ), therefore, and in the values of viscometer constants A due to
pressure, was considered negligible due to the low volume compressibility of the capillary
material (stainless steel 1X18H9T). The effect of pressure on geometrical characteristics of
the cell is also negligibly small in the pressure range of the experiments since the entire
viscometric capillary was under pressure.

Uncertainty of the Measurements

The uncertainty analysis was based upon the ISO Uncertainty Guide (IOS 4787 [53]) and
Coleman & Steele [54]). The uncertainties reported in this paper are expanded uncertainties
at 95 % confidence level with a coverage factor of k=2. The accuracy of the viscosity
200 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

measurements strongly depends on the uncertainty of each individual measurement involved

in the overall determination. In this method the measurement of the following basic quantities
are needed: r0 , H 0 , h0 , L0 , l 0 , V10 , , Hg , Hg 0 , T, P, , and m. The accuracy of the
viscosity measurements was assessed by analyzing the sensitivity of Eq. (7) to the
experimental uncertainties of the measured quantities from which the viscosity is determined.
The uncertainties all of the measured quantities are given in Table 3. The expanded total
uncertainty (/) with a coverage factor of k =2 at 95 % confidence for the viscosity
measurement in this method is

2 2 2
1 2 2 2
= S + S H 0 + + SX , (9)
R 4 R H 0

where S R 4 , S H 0 , , and S X are the root-mean-square deviations of R4, H 0 , , and m,

2 2 2

respectively. The systematic uncertainties of the viscosity measurements can be estimated

from the equation

1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Q = S R 4 + S
2 H 0
+ + 2 S X . (10)
2 ( R 4 ) 2 ( H 0 ) x

Table 3. The uncertainty of the measured quantities

No. Measured quantities Uncertainty

1 Height of the mercury column in the viscometer, L0 , m 9.57210-2
2 Level of the mercury in the lower vessel, h0 , m 5.24810-2
3 Mercury level drop at the beginning of flow, H 0 , m 5.15410-2
4 Measuring volume, V10 , m3 1.67510-6
5 Length of the capillary, l 0 , m 5.94210-2
6 Thermal expansion coefficient of the viscometer, , K-1 4.3110-7
7 Uncertainty in capillary radius determination, m 2.1610-7
8 Uncertainty in capillary length determination, m 5.510-8
9 Uncertainty in measuring volume of viscometer, m3 1.6510-10
10 Uncertainty in height of the mercury column, m 5.010-2
11 Uncertainty in temperature measurements, K 2.510-2
12 Uncertainty in fluid flowing time measurement, s 1.010-2
13 Relative uncertainty in liquid density measurements, 2.010-4
14 Relative uncertainty in pressure measurements 6.010-5
15 Relative systematic root-mean-square uncertainty in viscosity 1.6 %
16 Random root-mean-square uncertainty in viscosity measurement 0.1 %
17 Total root-mean-square uncertainty in viscosity measurement 1.7 %
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 201

The uncertainty all of the measured quantities was determined as

(x )
S= i x / n( n 1 ) , where xi is the measuring quantity; x is the mean value; n

is the number of measurements. Based on the detailed analysis of all sources of uncertainties
likely to affect the determination of viscosity with the present apparatus, the combined
maximum relative uncertainty / in measuring the viscosity was 1.5 %. The relative
systematic uncertainties Q/ was 0.001 %.

2.1.2. Oscillating-disk Technique

Oscillating-disk viscometers consist of an axially symmetric disk placed between two
fixed parallel plates and suspended from a torsion wire, so that it performs oscillations in the
fluid about its axis of symmetry. Such a viscometer has been used by several researchers as
an instrument for viscosity measurements (see, for example [55-62]). The theoretical and
experimental problems of this technique have been discussed in detail elsewhere [61,63-67]. Theoretical
The theoretical aspects of the technique are described in the works [65-67]. The
characteristic equation which relates the motion of an oscillating body to that of the fluid is

( s + 0 ) 2 + 1 + D( s ) = 0 , (11)

where 0 is the logarithmic decrement in a vacuum. Here, D( s ) is the torque on the body,
calculated from solutions for the fluid flow close to the oscillating body. It is therefore the
torque D ( s ) that is characteristic of the particular type of oscillating viscometer employed.
Apart from roots that are associated with the initial oscillatory behavior of the body, the
roots associated with the long-time behavior can be written in the form

s = (i ) / (12)

where i is the imaginary unit and = T / T0 . Here, T is the period of oscillation in the fluid
and the subscript zero denotes the same quantity in vacuo. The function D ( s ) can be
expressed as

s M ( s)
D( s ) = , (13)
I 02 [ s ( s ) 0 ]

where M (s ) is the Laplace transform of the torque function M ( ) (torque exerted by the
fluid on the body), = 0 t is a dimensionless time, 0 = 2T0 is the angular frequency of
oscillation in a vacuum, I is the moment of inertia of the oscillating system. The symbol, 0 ,
202 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

denotes the initial angular displacement, while (s ) is the Laplace transform of the angular
displacement ( ) of an axially symmetric body, defined as

0 1 1 + 20 s
( ) =
2i s s ( s + 0 ) + 1 + D( s )
2 e ds
] (14)


( ) = 0 e cos( ) . (15)

During an experiment, the logarithmic decrement and the period T, are determined
from the motion of the body. The form of the torque functions D(s) for various oscillating-
body viscometers are discussed in the literature [66, 68-71].
Before proceeding to examine different forms of the function D(s), it is important to
introduce a natural length scale that appears in oscillatory systems in general, namely the
boundary-layer thickness, , defined as

1/ 2

= . (16)

As it will be shown in the following paragraphs, this natural length scale is important in
the selection of the dimensions of oscillating-disk viscometers.
In the particular case of viscometers consisting of a disk of thickness d and radius R,
oscillating between two fixed horizontal plates, and provided >>2b+d (where b is the
separation between the disk and one of the fixed horizontal plates), the solution for D(s), is

R 4 b (C 1) 1 / 2 ,
D(s) = s 3 / 2 coth s 1 / 2 + N s (17)
I b

where C N is calculated from the viscometer geometry [72].

For the oscillating-disk viscometers consisting of a thick disk oscillating in an infinite
fluid (i.e. a free thick disk), and provided that << d/2 and R >> , the analytical solution for
D( s ) is [61]

R 4 2d K 2 ( 0 s1 / 2 )
D( s ) = s 3 / 2 1 + + ( s ) , (18)
I R K1 ( 0 s 1 / 2 )
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 203

where K 1 and K 2 are the modified Bessel functions of order 1 and 2, and 0 = R / . The
edge-effects (s ) for this type of geometry are given by

16 4 1 17 1
(s) = 1 + + (19)
3 3 3 0 s 1 / 2 9 02 s

The solutions represented by Eqs. (16) and (19) are valid for oscillations of small
For all disks the general torque function can be expressed (Nieuwoudt et al. [69]) in the
form of

Dk ( s ) =
3/ 2

s [ ]
Ak 01 + Bk s 1 / 2 0 2 + C k s 1 03 + Dk s 3 / 2 0 4 + Qk ( s ) , (20)

where k denotes the type of configuration and is the effective density of the oscillating
body. The term Ak arises from the torque on the flat and cylindrical sides of the disk, while
the high-order terms contain the effects of the sharp edges at the rims of the disk. The values
of the coefficients Ak , Bk , C k and Dk appearing in Eq. (20) for various oscillating-body
viscometers, can be found in literature [41]. Experimental
During the last fifty years, many designs of oscillating-disk viscometers, operating in a
relative or in an absolute way, have been reported and their theory has been developed in the
works [56,60,61,63-67,73-75]. However, due to design limitations, absolute measurements of
the viscosity of aqueous solutions with an oscillating-disk viscometer are almost impossible.
Kestin and coworkers [56,58,61] employed relative methods, based upon the development of
previous formulations [64-67] in order to measure the viscosity of aqueous solutions at
temperatures up to 200 C and pressures up to 30 MPa. Calibration of the viscometer involves
measurement of the viscosity of distilled water, whose viscosity is well known, in order to
determine the dependence of the edge-correction factor C upon the boundary-layer thickness
. Calibration was performed over the temperature range from 25 to 150 C, which
corresponds to a boundary-layer range from 0.73 to 1.53 mm.
The oscillating-disc viscometer used by Kestin et al. [56,57,60], Grimes et al. [74], and
Kestin and Shankland [75] to measure the viscosity for aqueous solutions at high
temperatures and high pressures, is schematically shown in Figure 4.
The viscosity body is divided into a solid lower part -3 and hollow upper part- 7 forming
the viscometer cavity, effectively sealed against an internal pressure in excess of 30 MPa.
The oscillating-disk -5 is suspended between two Hastelloy fixed plates -4 and -6 by means
of a stress relieved 92 Pt thin strand -9. The upper end of the wire is gripped at the top of the
suspension cartridge. The top suspension assembly -11 is designed to permit controlled
adjustments in the elevation of the disk as well as in the angular orientation of the oscillating
204 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

system. Two side windows at the lower part of the instrument provide access to the disk and
the fixed plates.

Figure 4. Cross-section view of the viscometer by Kestin et al. [56]. Bearing for rotating viscometer-1;
window-2; solid lower part of the viscometer-3; fixed plates-4,6; disk-5; hollow upper part of the
viscometer-7; buttress-threaded stainless steel cap-8; Pt/W thin strand-9; alumina column-10;
suspension assembly-11; ten bolts-12; pressure ring-13; suspension mounting plate-14; thick-walled
cylinder-15; thermocouple-16; O-ring seal-17; mirror-18; filling connection-19. Working Equation and Uncertainty

As already mentioned, the value of the viscosity (obtained in a relative way), is derived
from measurements of the logarithmic decrement and the period of oscillation T. The
working equation for the viscometer reduces to [56,58]
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 205

2 R 4 2d 3
0 C
I H 1 K 2 + H 2 K1 + R H 1 + 2 R = 0 , (21)

where, is the ratio of the period of oscillation in the liquid to that in vacuum, R is the
radius of the disk, I its moment of inertia, and is a measure of the boundary layer thickness
(Eq. (16), = /( 0 ) ). Parameter C is an edge-correction factor depended on the
dimensionless boundary-layer thickness ( /b), determined by calibration. Finally, the
functions H 1,2 and K 1,2 are defined by

( )
H 1, 2 = 1 1.5 0.3752 / 2 3 / 2 , (22)

sin Y sinh X
and K1 = , K2 = , (23)
cosh X cos Y cosh X cos Y

with X , Y =
[1 0.5 + 0.125 ] b .
2 (24)

Eq. (21) is first employed in combination with viscosity measurements of a liquid of

known viscosity, in order to obtain the edge-correction factor C( ). Consequently having
obtained this factor, it is applied to measure the viscosity of other liquids from measured
values of and .
The precision of the viscometer depends both upon the accuracy of the mathematical
model describing its operation and on the precision of each individual measurement involved
in the overall determination. In this method the measurement of the following basic quantities
are needed: temperature T, pressure P, a series of the times, and the period of oscillation.
The temperature inside the viscometer is usually measured by means of a Pt/Pt-Rh
thermocouple with an uncertainty of 0.05 K. The uncertainty in pressure measurements is 50
kPa. The time intervals were measured with the aid of digital timers and a photo-electric
circuit. The accuracy of the time interval measurements is 1 ms; this translates into a
logarithmic decrement, known to within 0.1 % and a period that is known to within 0.001 %.
On the basis of these values the estimated uncertainty of the viscosity measurements does not
exceed 0.4 %. Kestin et al. [60] numerically evaluated the sensitivity of the viscometer
working equation to uncertainties in density. They found that at room temperatures, the
viscosity is insensitive to any uncertainty in density, while at 200 C, the relative uncertainty
in density is amplified by a factor of approximately 2 in viscosity.

2.1.3. Falling-body Technique

This method is usually employed to measure the viscosity of liquids and high-dense
gases. This method is characterized by high uncertainty (3-4 %), but has some advantages for
measurements at high pressures. The theoretical and experimental problems of this technique
have been discussed by Kawata et al. [76].
206 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al. Theoretical
The method is based on Stokes law, according to which, the force, W, exerted by the
liquid on a sphere of radius, r, falling in an infinite homogeneous liquid at a constant
velocity v , is related to viscosity of the liquid via the equation W = 6 r v . This relation
is valid for very small Reynolds numbers, Re. At greater Reynolds numbers, this relation
should be corrected for the effect of walls. Stokes law assumes that the following conditions
are satisfied, during the free-fall under gravity of a sphere through the liquid of interest
(Wakeham et al. eds. [41]): (a) the motion of the sphere is sufficiently slow; (b) the liquid is
of infinite extent; (c) there is no slip between the liquid and the surface of the sphere; (d) the
sphere is rigid; (e) the liquid is incompressible; and (f) the liquid is Newtonian.
For falling bodies of various shapes (a cylinder, a cylinder with semispherical ends, or an
arrow-like body), the viscosity is determined by measuring the time t of fall through a fixed
distance at a constant velocity as

= C ( b l ) t , (25)

where C is the instruments constant (function of the dimensions and the design of the
apparatus), b is the density of the falling body, and l is the density of the liquid studied.
The value of the instruments constant, C, is usually determined by a calibrating procedure,
from the viscosity of a standard fluid (usually pure water) with well-known viscosity values
(IAPWS formulation, Kestin et al., [52]).
For a free-fall of a sphere of radius r through a distance h, in a liquid enclosed in a tube
of radius R, the viscosity equation is derived as

2r 2 g
= ( b l )t f w . (26)

In the above equation f W is the correction factor for the wall effect. The correction factor
f W has been studied theoretically and experimentally [76-79]. Faxen [77] expressed the
factor f W as a function of the Reynolds number, Re, and the ratio (r/R)

f w = 1 2.104( r / R ) + 2.09(r / R ) 3 0.95(r / R ) 5 . (27)

Stokes law is applicable provided the Reynolds number, Re, is much less than unity.
Oseen [80] derived the following working equation for a sphere moving with a velocity ,
which is applicable for a wide range of Re number

2r 2 g 2R v l
= ( b l ) for R e = <1 (28)
9 (1 + 3R e / 16)

There are several modifications of the Stokes law for a wide range of Re numbers (see,
for example, [79-83]). Other corrections to the working equation of this technique, such as
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 207

the effect of the fall-tube ends, the fall-tube dimensions, and the selection of spherical
material, are well documented in literature [84-86].
For a cylinder of mass m, radius r1 and length Lb , falling under the influence of gravity
a distance h along the axis of a tube of radius r2 , the viscosity of the liquid can be expressed
( b l )
= t (29)
A b

2 Lb h
where A =
[ ].
mg ln(r2 / r1 ) [(r22 r12 ) /(r22 + r12 )]

In practice the value of the instruments constant A is determined by a calibration

procedure employing fluids of well-known viscosity (pure water, for example). This method
was used to measure the viscosity of water, alcohols, and their mixtures [87,88]. Experimental
Melikov [89-91] employed the falling-body technique to measure the viscosity of
aqueous solutions at temperatures up to 300 C and pressures up to 30 MPa. The main part of
the apparatus is a viscometric tube - the fall-tube - (see Figure 5a-c), with 40 mm OD, 10.33
mm ID, and a length of 500 mm, made out of stainless steel. The working section of the
viscometric tube is 400 mm (see Figure 5b). The inner surface of the tube walls is perfectly
polished with powders of successively smaller grain size (1 to 40 nm). On the outside surface
of the fall-tube (50 mm from the ends), the two inductance coils (electromagnetic
transducers) are mounted, connected to potentiometers. When the falling-body passes the
inlet and outlet of the fall-tube, an induced signal triggers the appropriate timing circuitry.
The cylindrical falling body with a diameter of 10.214 mm and a density b = 6.290 gcm-3,
is made out of magnetic steel. The viscometer is located in a liquid thermostat with 7 heaters
and can be rotated upside down in order to let the ball return to its starting position.
To perform accurate viscosity measurements with the falling-body technique, various
corrections (fall-tube dimensions, effect of fall-tube ends, terminal velocity, falling-body
shape, position of the fall-tube) ought still to be considered (Wakeham et al. eds. [41]). Uncertainty
The uncertainty of the viscosity values is directly connected to the uncertainty associated
with several other factors, including the measurement of the dimensions, mass and density of
the falling body, the radius of the fall tube, the distance traveled and time taken, the density
of the falling body and that of the liquid. These uncertainties are connected through the
corresponding working equation. In particular the radius of the falling body and that of the
tube are of primary importance as they strongly affect the viscosity. For the instrument
described here (Melikov [89-91]), the uncertainty in the radius of the falling cylinder and the
tube is 0.001% in both cases. Density of falling body and liquid were measured with an
uncertainty of 0.002% and 0.0052% respectively. The temperature and the pressure were
208 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

measured with an uncertainty of 0.1 K and 0.005 MPa. Hence, the resulting total uncertainty
in the viscosity measurements was about 3.3 %. It should also be pointed out that as a test of
the operation of his instrument, Melikov [89-91] measured the viscosity of pure water at
pressures between 0.1 and 40 MPa and over the temperature range from 298 to 573 K. His
values agreed with the IAPWS formulation values (Kestin et al. [52]) within 1.5 %.


Figure 5. (Continued)
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 209


3 2

5 20 mV 3500 Hz 4

+12V -12V 3 2
6 7


Figure 5a-c. Schematic diagram of a falling-body viscometer (Melikov [89]). Experimental apparatus
(5a), fall-tube construction (5b), and fall-time measure unit (5c). (a): 1-high-pressure autoclave; 2-cover
of the high-pressure vessel; 3-rotary encoder; 4-liquid thermostat; 5-mixer; 6-circulating pump; 7-
thermostating liquid; 8-PRT-10; 9-patentiometer (P363/1); 10-high precise temperature regulator
(HPTR-3); 11-manometer, (b): 1- falling-body; 2-high pressure autoclave; 3- cover of the high-pressure
vessel; 4- fall-tube; 5- inductance coils (electromagnetic transducers); 6-filling tube, (c): 1- falling-
body; 2-primary winding of the transducer; 3-secondary winding of the transducer; 4- generator of the
signals; 5-amplifier; 6,7-direct current power supply unit; 8- frequency meter; 9-oscillograph.
210 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

3. Discussion of Available Experimental

Viscosity Data for Fruit Juices

In Table 2, a summary of all viscosity measurements, to our knowledge, is presented for

liquid foods. In the same table, for every fruit juice, the authors, the concentration and the
temperature ranges, and the experimental method employed are shown. The tables provide (to
our knowledge) the largest and most useful collection of viscosity data at the present time for
the liquid foods. As one can see from this Table 2, most available experimental viscosity data
sets for liquid foods basically cover a low temperature range (below 60 C) and limited
concentration range. All previous viscosity measurements for liquid foods were performed at
atmospheric pressure. Very restricted (about 25 datasets) measurements are available in the
literatures at high temperatures (see Table 2) and no data reported at high pressures, except
the data reported by the present authors (Magerramov et al. [14,15]) for four fruit
(pomegranate, pear, lemon, and tangerine) juices. Majority of viscosity measurements of fruit
juices have been made using the concentric cylinder (Haake Rotovisco RV 12), capillary
tube, falling sphere, rotational viscometers, and controlled stress rheometer (RheStress RS1)
techniques. Most authors used the measured viscosity data to calculate the values of
parameters (flow activation energy E a and 0 ) in the Arrhenius viscosity equation. The
effect of temperature and concentration on viscosity of fruit juices was study using the
various type models (Arrhenius-type equation, polynomial, exponential type, power law and
their various combinations).
Figures 6 to 10 shows the typical dependence of the viscosity of fruit juices on
temperature, pressure, and concentration. The following four sections 4.1 to 4.4 will provide
a brief outline of the available schemes describing the temperature, the pressure and the
concentration dependence of the viscosity of liquids and fruit juices. These schemes will be
employed to the viscosity of fruit juices in order to perform examine the predictive capability
and accuracy of the models and their applicability to the viscosity of fruit juices.
Below we briefly analyzed the reported viscosity datasets for fruit juices. The viscosity
measurements for four fruit (pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and lemon) juices have been
performed in the temperature range from 292 to 403 K at pressures up to 10 MPa by using the
method described above (section The concentration range was between 11 and 45
Brix. All experimental viscosity data were obtained as a function of temperature for the
several fixed concentrations at three isobars (0.1, 5, and 10 MPa). The experimental
temperature, viscosity, pressure, and concentration values for the pomegranate, pear,
tangerine, and lemon juices are presented in Appendix. The comparison of the data with the
values reported by other authors is shown in Figures 11 to 14.
The comparison of the datasets given in Table 2 for various fruit juices was difficult
because the viscosity and other thermophysical properties of fruit juices are depend on
various factors such as composition and soluble solids content due to: fruit type, generic
characteristics, variety, ripening, place in the plant, size, plant nutritive level, agricultural
practices, weather. This could explain the published data discrepancy (see below) for fruit
juices. Below we briefly discussed the various datasets for some fruit juices.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 211

7 Pom egranate juice 2.9 Pear juice

6 P = 0.1 MPa P = 0.1 MPa

11 Brix
5 o 15.2 oBrix
35 Brix
(mPa s)

o 20 oBrix
30 Brix
o 25 oBrix
23 Brix 1.9
o 30 oBrix
4 40 Brix

3 1.4


0 0.4
280 310 340 370 280 310 340 370
T ( K) T (K)

Figure 6. Measured values of viscosity of pomegranate and pear juices as a function of temperature T
along the various constant concentrations. Symbols experimental values (Magerramov et al. [14]),
solid lines calculated with correlation model (Eq.32).

7 7
Tangerine juice Lem on juice
6 6
0 o
15 Brix 17 Brix
0 o
21 Brix 22 Brix
0 o
26 Brix 30 Brix
5 35 0
Brix 5 40 o
0 o
40 Brix 45 Brix
(mPa s)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
290 320 350 380 290 320 350 380
T ( K) T (K)

Figure 7. Measured values of viscosity of tangerine and lemon juices as a function of temperature T
along the various constant concentrations. (------ ), pure water calculated with IAPWS formulation
(Kestin et al. [52]); ( ), calculated with Eq. (32); (- - - -), Alvarado and Romero [92] for
x=9.4 Brix (tangerine juice) and x=8.4 Brix (for lemon juice).
212 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Pom egranate juice 3.3 Pear juice

7 P = 0.1 MPa P = 0.1 MPa

363.15 K 2.8 363.15 K

6 298.15 K
293.15 K
323.15 K
323.15 K
313.15 K
313.15 K
5 2.3
(mPa s)




0 0.3
10 18 26 34 42 13 18 23 28 33
x ( Brix) x (oBrix)

Figure 8. Measured values of viscosity of pomegranate and pear juices as a function of concentration
along the various selected isotherms (Magerramov et al. [14]).

7 7
Lem on juice
Tangerine juice
6 6
303 K 303 K
323 K 323 K
343 K 343 K
5 363 K 5 363 K
393 K 393 K
(mPa s)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
5 15 25 35 45 5 15 25 35 45
x (o Brix) x (o Brix)

Figure 9. Measured values of viscosity of tangerine and lemon juices as a function of concentration
along the various selected isotherms (Magerramov et al. [15]). , Alvarado and Romero [92].
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 213

0.280 1.980

Pom egranate juice Pear juice

0.279 1.979
T = 363.15 K T = 294.15 K

0.278 1.978
(mPa s)

0.277 1.977

0.276 1.976

0.275 1.975

0.274 1.974
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
P (MPa) P (MPa)

Figure 10. Viscosity of pomegranate and pear juices as a function of pressure along two selected
isotherms 294.15 and 363.15 K (Magerramov et al. [14]).

Apple Juice

Nine datasets [38,93,98,107,110,112,159,160,161] were found in the literature for apple

juice. Different techniques (capillary tube, coaxial cylinder, rotational viscometers) were used
to measure the viscosity of apple juices. These data cover the temperature range from -5 to 80
C and concentrations from 11 to 75 Brix. Figure 15 demonstrate the comparison between
the experimental data by Ibraz et al. [107] and the data reported by Alvarado and Romero
[92] and the values calculated with the model by Bayindirli [93] and Rao [110]. At low
concentrations (up to 40-45 Brix) the agreement between the various datasets is satisfactory
(dscrapances within 5-10 %), while at high concentrations (above 50Brix) the deviations are
very large. Probably this is due to difference in physical and chemical characteristics of the
juices. Unfortunately some authors is not provide detailed information about physical and
chemical characteristics of the studied sample of fruit juices. This is making difficult to
estimate the reliability of the various reported datasets for the viscosity of fruit juices.
214 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Pear juice

P = 0.1 MPa
P = 0.1 MPa
T=333.15 K
T=298.15 K 30.3

T hi s work (exp.)
Ibarz et al. [108] (exp.)
Ibarz et al. [108] (cal .) 24.3
Ibarz et al. [108] (cal .)
(mPa s)

45.3 T hi s work (cal., Eq. 34)

Ibarz et al. [107] (exp.)
Ibarz et al. [107] (cal .)



0.3 0.3
13 23 33 43 53 63 13 23 33 43 53 63
x (o Brix) x (o Brix)

Figure 11. Comparisons of the concentration dependence of the measured and calculated values of the
viscosities of pear juice using various models at fixed temperatures of 298.15 and 333.15 K and at
atmospheric pressure.

Pear juice P = 0.1 MPa

x=30 oBrix
T his work (exp.)
Alvarado and Romero [92] (cal.)
2.4 Alvarado and Romero [92] (cal.)
T his work (cal., Eq. 31)
Ibarz et al. [108] (cal.)
(mPa s)




280 295 310 325 340 355 370
T (K)

Figure 12. Comparisons of the temperature dependence of the measured and calculated values of the
viscosities of pear juice using various models at fixed concentration of 30 Brix and at atmospheric
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 215

7 7
Tangerine juice Lem on juice
6 6
o 17 Brix
15 Brix o
o 30 Brix
35 Brix o
o 40 Brix
26 Brix
5 40 o
Brix 5 45 o
(mPa s)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
290 320 350 380 290 320 350 380
T ( K) T (K)

Figure 13. Comparisons of the temperature dependence of the measured (Magerramov et al. [15]) and
calculated values of the viscosities of tangerine and lemon juices using various models at fixed
concentrations. (------), calculated with original Arrhenius Eq. (31); (), calculated with extended
Arrhenius Eq. (32).

7 7

Tangerine juice Lem on juice

6 6

5 5
(mPa s)

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
5 15 25 35 45 5 15 25 35 45
x (oBrix) x (oBrix)

Figure 14. Comparisons of the concentration dependence of the measured and calculated values of the
viscosities of tangerine and lemon juices by using the various models at two selected temperatures
(303.15 and 363.15) K. , this work (303.15 K); , this work (363.15 K); , Alvarado and Romero
[92]. (), Eq. (37); (--------), Eq. (34); (- - - -), Eq. (35); (), Eq. (40).
216 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Apple juice
0.30 0.008


T=298.15 K
(mPa s)

Bayindirli [93]
Ibraz et al. [107] (Cal. )
0.15 Ibraz et al. [107] (Exp.)
Ibraz et al. [107] (Cal. )
0.006 x=39.0 0Brix
Alvarado and Romero [92]
Rao [110,112]




0.00 0.004
10 25 40 55 70 5 20 35 50 65 80
o T (oC)
x ( Brix)

Figure 15. Experimental and calculated values of viscosity of apple juices as a function of concentration
(left) and temperature (right) reported by various authors.

75 Orange juice Orange juice

100 Ibraz et al. [101] (Exponential model)
Ibraz et al. [101] (Exponential model) Ibraz et al. [101] (Experiment )
Ibraz et al. [101] (Experiment )
Ibarz et al. [101] (Power model)
Ibarz et al. [101] (Power model)
60 Alvarado and Romero [92]
Crandal et al. [2]
Moresi and Spinosi [162]
Vitali and Rao [113]


45 T=303.15 K
T=313.15 K



0 0
5 20 35 50 65 80 5 20 35 50 65 80
x (oBrix) x (oBrix)

Figure 16. Measured and calculated with various models values of the viscosity of orange juices at two
selected temperatures.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 217

Orange Juice

Seventeen datasets [2,39,101,109,113,162-173] were reported by various authors in the

literature. These data cover the temperature range from -19 to 80 C and the concentration
from 7 to 69.5 Brix. Majority of the reported data were derived by using the coaxial
cylinders and capillary viscometers. The direct comparison between the various reported
viscosity data for orange juice and the values calculated with various viscosity models at
selected isotherm of 303.15 K is presented in Figure 16. As one can see, the consistence
between various datasets is satisfactory. Good agreement is found at low concentrations,
while at high concentration the scattering various datasets is large.

Grape Juice

Six datasets are available in the literature for the grape juice [38,110,112, 160,174,175].
Three different techniques, capillary tube, coaxial cylinders, and rotational viscometer, were
used to perform the measurements. Measurements were made over the wide temperature
range from -5 to 80 C at concentrations between 0 and 75 Brix. Figure 17 provide the
comparison between the values of the viscosity of grape juice calculated with the models
reported by Bayindirli [95] and Constenla et al. [98] at selected isotherm of 293.15 K and
fixed concentration of 13.9 Brix. The agreement is only qualitatively. The discrepancy is
probably due to difference in the chemical composition of the grape juice sample.

100 4
Grape juice
Grape juice

0Brix [95]
80 x=13.9
Constenla et al. [98]
T=293.15 K 3 Alvarado and Romero [92]

Bayindirli [95]
60 Constenla et al. [98]


20 x=13.9 0Brix

0 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 0 15 30 45 60 75
x (oBrix) T (o C)

Figure 17. Viscosity of grape juice as a function of concentration (left) and temperature (right)
calculated with various models reported in the literature.
218 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Cherry Juice

Only two datasets are available for cherry juice Juszczak and Fortuna [100] and Giner et
al. [183]. Both datasets were derived by using the coaxial cylinders technique. The data cover
the range from 5 to 70 C and concentrations from 22 to 74 Brix. The uncertainty of the
reported viscosity data by Genier et al. [183] vary within 0.08 to 190 mPas (or 2.77 to 5.9 %)
depending on temperature and concentration. Figure 18 demonstrate the comparison between
the both datasets for cherry juice in the T and x projections for the selected
isotherms and concentrations. As one can see, the agreement is acceptable because the
uncertainty of the values of viscosity calculated with Juszczak and Fortuna [100] model
within 11-12 %. No physical and chemical characteristics of juice are presented in the work
by Juszczak and Fortuna [100]. Both authors used the same viscosity model (see below
section 4.4 Eqs. 44 and 47) to represent own experimental viscosity data. As one can see
from Figure 18, these models fails to represent the experimental data at low temperatures and
high concentrations.

Cherry juice
Juszczak and Fortuna [100] 160
40 Giner et al. [183] (Cal.)
Giner et al. [183] (Exp.) x=60 0Brix
This work (Eq. 37) 120


x=50 0Brix

10 40

0 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 0 15 30 45 60 75
T (oC) T (oC)


100 160

75 T=323.15 K 120 T=283.15 K


50 80

25 40

0 0
10 25 40 55 70 10 25 40 55 70
x (oBrix) x (oBrix)

Figure 18. Experimental and calculated values of the viscosity of cherry juice as a function of
temperature and concentration reported by various author in the literature.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 219

Pear Juice

Four datasets were found for pear juice [15,92,107,108]. Two different (coaxial cylinders
and capillary tube) techniques were employed to measure the viscosity of pear juice at
temperatures from 5 to 130 C and at concentrations between 8 and 71Brix. The
measurements by Magerramov et al. [15] were performed under pressure. The detailed
comparison various data sources and prediction model for pear juices is presented in section
4 (see Figures 11 and 12).


Two datasets were reported in the literature for watermelon juice by Alvarado and
Romero [92] and Sogi [194]. Measurements by Alvarado and Romero [92] were performed
as a function of temperature along the only one concentration of 7.2 Brix, while Sogi [194]
made the measurements at temperatures from 5 to 50 C and at concentrations from 23 to 42
Brix. These data were derived by using the capillary tube [92] and rotational [194]
viscometers. The comparison between the models reported by Sogi [237] and Alveredo and
Romero [92] for watermelon is presented in Figure 19. As one can see the agreement is

Waterm elon juice


Sogi [194]
Sogi [194]
Alvarado and Romero [92]
Alvarado and Romero [92]
Alvarado and Romero [92] 100

T=313.15 K

x=7.2 0Brix 75

10 50

5 25

0 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 5 20 35 50 65 80
T (o C) x (o Brix)

Figure 19. Temperature and concentration dependences of the viscosity of watermelon juice calculated
with various models.
220 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Pineapple Juice

Viscosity data for this juice reported by Alvarado and Romero [92], Garci et al. [187],
and Varshney and Kumbhar [168]. The reported data are cover the temperature range from 22
to 45 C and concentrations range was between 7 and 36 Brix. Measurements were
performed with coaxial cylinder [168] and capillary viscometers [92,187]. The viscosity data
for pineapple juices by Garci et al. [187] and Varshney and Kumbhar [168] together with
values calculated from correlation by Alvarado and Romero [92] at selected concentration of
13.9 Brix are presented in Figure 20. The comparison of the viscosity results reported by
various authors is difficult because of temperature and concentration differences between the
measurements. Therefore, some time to comparison the various datasets reported by other
authors in the literature, we used an interpolating procedure (analytical method). As Figure
20 shows, the agreement between various datasets and prediction models is reasonable.

Pomegranate Juice

The viscosity of pomegranate juice was measured by several authors [15,114,184,185].

The measured range of temperature is from 5 to 130 C. The concentration ranged from 11 to
75 Brix. The capillary tube and stress rheometer were used to measure the viscosity. The
lack of the enough information provided by the authors in the publications is precluded the
comparison reported viscosity data for pomegranate juices. Figures 6,8, and 10 provide the
experimental temperature, concentration, and pressure dependences of the viscosity of
pomegranate juices together with values calculated from Eq. (32).

0.004 Pineapple juice

Alvarado and Romera [92]

Alvarado and Romera [92]
Garcia et al. [187]
Varshney and Kumbhar [168]

x=13.9 0Brix
(Pa s)



0 15 30 45 60 75
T ( C)

Figure 20. Effect of temperature on the viscosity of pineapple juice at selected concentration.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 221

Mango Juice

Three datasets were reported in the literature by Manohar et al. [198], Rao et al. [111],
and Singh and Eipeson [199] for mango juices. Measurements were made with coaxial
cylinder and rotational viscometers in the temperature range from 15 to 85 C and at
concentrations between 11 and 66 Brix. The measured values of viscosity for mango juices
were used by Singh and Eipeson [199] to calculate the Arrhenius equation parameters as a
function of concentration in the range from 15 to 66 Brix. The concentration dependence of
the Arrhenius equation parameters was presented as exponential function.

Lemon and Tangerine Juices

Only two datasets were found for lemon and tangerine juices (Alvarado and Romero [92]
and Magarremov et al. [15]). These data cover the range of temperature from 10 to 119 C
and concentrations between 8.4 and 45 Brix. Measurements were made with capillary
viscometer. The measurements by Magarremov et al. [15] were performed under pressure (up
to 10 MPa). Alvarado and Romero [92] reported temperature dependence of the viscosity for
lemon and tangerine juices only at one concentration of 8.4 and 9.4 Brix, respectively. The
details of the comparison various datasets and prediction models for lemon and tangerine
juices is presented in section 4 (Figures 7 and 14).

Strawberry Juice

Two datasets were found also for strawberry juices (Juszczak and Fortuna [99] and
Simpson [195]). Measurements were performed using the capillary tube and coaxial cylinders
techniques in the temperature range from 10 to 60 C and at concentration from 50 to 67.1
Brix. The measured values of the viscosity by Juszczak and Fortuna [99] were used to
calculate the parameters of the combined models (see section 4.4. Eqs. 44 and 47).

Guava Juice

Three datasets were found in the literature for this guava juices reported by Vitali and
Rao [196], Garci et al. [187], and Brekke and Myers [197]. All data were derived by using
the capillary tube viscometer. The temperature and concentration ranges were between 22
and 60 C and 7.2 to 40.8 Brix, respectively.

Banana Juice

The viscosity of banana juices was measured by Garci et al. [187] and Khalil et al.
[175]. These data cover the temperature range from 22 to 70 C and concentrations between
13 and 80 Brix. Measurements were made with coaxial cylinder and capillary viscometers.
222 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Tomato Juice

Seven datasets were found for this juice [176-182]. These data cover the temperature
range from 10 to 95 C and concentrations from 5 to 32 Brix. Three different techniques
(capillary tube, coaxial cylinder, and rotational viscometer) were used to measure the
viscosity of the juice.

Cranberry, Raspberry, Peach, Blackcurrant, Celery, Mulberry, and Apricot,

Papaya, Grapefruit Juices

For these juices only one reported viscosity dataset was found in the literature. These
data were derived by using the coaxial cylinder [104-106,185,200], capillary tube [187], and
rotational [167,194]. The comparison between the reported data is not possible due to lack
the enough information provided by the authors.

4. Modeling. Prediction and Correlation


Various models were used in the literature to describe the temperature, concentration,
and pressure dependences and their combined effect on the viscosity of liquid foods and
aqueous solutions. Most frequently used by various authors models for the viscosity liquid
foods and aqueous solutions are summarized in Table 4. Below we briefly reviewed the most
often used models to describe the effect of temperature and concentration and their combined
effect on the viscosity of fluids and fluid mixtures. We examined the accuracy of the models
and their applicability for the fruit juices.

Table 4. Summary of the models used for the correlation of the viscosity of fruit juices
and aqueous solutions

Functional Form of the Models Reference

Temperature dependency models at x=constant
Juszczak and Fortuna
( T ) = exp(E a / RT ) [99,100], Ibraz et al. [102-
107], Kaya and Szer [114],
Altan and Maskan [184],
Khalil et al. [175], Rao and
Anantheswaran [40]
b Rao [19], Soesanto and
log = a + Williams, [203]
T c
b c Magerramov et al. [14,15]
= 0 exp + 2
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 223

log = a0 + a1T + a 2T 2 Rao [204]

= a0 + a1T + a 2 T 2 + a 3T 3 Alvarado and Romero [92]

Concentration dependency models at T=constant

Ibraz et al. [102-107],
( T ) = 1 x , ( T ) = 1 exp(bx ) Juszczak and Fortuna [99,

100], Sogi [194], Altan and

Maskan [184], Khalil et al.
[175], Singh and Eipeson
= 3 aW n , ( T ) = 4 exp(baW ) , aW -water activity Ibraz et al. [102-107]

log = 1.1x /( 100 0.856 x ) Mizrahi [205]

S = wis exp[ f ( x)] , f (m) = a1 x + a 2 x 2 + Leyendekkers and Hunter

[129,130], Leyendekkers
[131], Ibarz et al. [108]
0 exp( xE ) Goldsack and Franchetto
= , [132,133], Chirife [128]
1 + xV
Chirife and Buera [134]
/ 0 = 1 + A x + Bx , Jones and Talley [206],
Kaminsky [144-147],
/ 0 = 1 + A x + Bx + Dx 2 , Desnoyers and Perron [149],
Desnoyers et al. [148],
/ 0 = 1 + A x + Bx + Dx 2 + Fx 2.5 Feakins and Lawrence [150],
Robertson and Tyrrell [151],
Abdulagatov et al. [127,141-
143,152], Abdulagatov and
Azizov [140,122-126]
/ 0 = 1 + d1 x + d 2 x 2 + d 3 x 3 Kestin and Shankland
[61,75], Grimes et al. [74]
/ 0 = 1 + 2.5 + 10.05 2 = 1 + 2.5Vk x + 10.05Vk2 x 2 Thomas [153], Charm [207]

/ 0 = 1 + 2.5V x + k 1V 2 x 2 + k 2V 3 x 3 + k 3V 4 x 4 Sahu and Behera [157]

Temperature and concentration dependency models at P=constant

(Combined models for the viscosity of fruit juices)
Juszczak and Fortuna
[99,100], Alvarado and
( T ) = 3 exp(E a / RT + bx ) , Romero [92], Altan and
Maskan [184], Khalil et al.
( T ) = 4 x n exp(E a / RT ) [175]
224 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Table 4. Continued

Functional Form of the Models Reference

( T ) = 3 exp(Ea / RT + baW ) ,
Ibarz et al. [102-107]
( T ) = 3 (aW )n exp(Ea / RT )
= a0 (9 / 5t + 32 )0.9982 (b0 + b1 x + b2 x 2 ) Balint [208]

= exp(a + b / T + cx ) Altan et al. [158]

(a + b / T ) x Bayindirli [93-96,209]
= 0 exp
100 (c + dT ) x
Ea Ibraz et al. [108]
= K 2 exp + K3 x + K4 x2
4 4
( T ) = 0 exp(b / T ) , ln 0 = ai x i , b = bi x i Magerramov et al. [14,15]
i =0 i =0
3 Magerramov et al. [14,15]
/ 0 = 1 + A x + Bx + Dx 2 , A(t ) = Ai t i ,
i =0
3 3
B (t ) = Bi t i , D(t ) = Di t i
i =0 i =0

( ) ( )
log = a0 + a1T + a2T + b0 + b1T + b2T 2 x + c0 + c1T + c2T 2 x2 Fernndez-Martin [210]

log 10 = a0 N a1 (30 T ) a 2 + a3 N 1.25 / (91 + T ) , ) Peacock [211]

N = x( 1900 18 x )
3 Kestin and Shankland [61,75],
/ 0 = 1 + d 1 x + d 2 x 2 + d 3 x 3 , d i = d ij t j Grimes et al. [74]
j =0

Models which represent the viscosity of juice relative to pure water viscosity
(see also Table 11)
r ( )
= 1 + ax / 1 + bx 1 / 2 + dx , = / is the r
Elfak et al. [212]
relative viscosity

0 ( )
(20 C )
{1 .2378 }
1 .303 10 3 + 3 .06 10 6 2 + 2 .55 10 8 3 ,

where =20 T/C, is the viscosity of pure water; The estimated uncertainty of equation is better
than 0.1% (Kestin et al. [73])
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 225

4.1. Temperature Dependence of the Viscosity of Fruit Juices

The experimental temperature dependences of the viscosity of fruit (pomegranate, pear,

tangerine, and lemon) juices along the selected constant concentrations are presented in the
Figures 6 and 7 as an example of the typical temperature effect on the viscosity of fruit juices.
The viscosity of fruit juices considerably decreases with temperature. For example, as one
can see from Figure 6 (left) (see also Table 1 in Appendix), at constant pressures (from 0.1 to
10 MPa) between temperatures (293 and 403) K the viscosity of pomegranate juice is
significantly (by a factor of 4 to 7) affected by temperature at high concentrations (above 30
Brix). However, at low concentrations (below 23 Brix), the temperature is little (by a factor
of 1 to 2) influences viscosity. The effect of temperature on viscosity of fruit juice is different
for distinct temperature range. The viscosity of juices is considerably affected by temperature
below 360 K. At high temperatures (above 360 K) the rate of the viscosity decreasing with
temperature is small. For example, at constant concentrations (from 15 to 40 Brix) between
temperatures (303 and 360) K the viscosity of tangerine and lemon juices changes by factor
of 4.5, while at high temperatures (above 360 K) the viscosity changes by factor of 1.5 only.
The temperature effect on viscosity strongly depends also on the concentration of juice. At
low concentrations (below 30 Brix) the rate of viscosity changes is small (changes by factor
4), while at high concentrations the rapid changes (by factor 6) of viscosity with temperature
is observed (see Figures 6 and 7). To quantitatively estimate the effect of temperature on the
viscosity of juices the temperature coefficient of viscosity, ( ln / T ) x was calculated from
the measured values of viscosity for tangerine and lemon juices. The temperature coefficient
of viscosity for tangerine juice is changes within (0.007 to 0.04) K-1 depending on
concentration and temperature. At low temperatures the rate of temperature changes of the
viscosity, ( / T ) x , of tangerine juice changes within (0.025 to 0.040) K-1. The highest
rate up to 0.04 K-1 was found in the low temperature range and high concentrations.
Table 4 provides the list of the various models which were used in the literature to
describe the temperature dependence of the viscosity of liquid foods and aqueous solutions.
The empirical equation of Arrhenius is valid for temperature dependence of the viscosity of
liquid foods [14,15,18,19,29,33,40,92-98,99-108,110,111,112,113-115,116,117]

= 0 exp , (31)

where 0 (values of viscosity at high temperatures, T ) and b= E a /R ( E a is the flow

activation energy) are function of concentration. This relation also often used to represent
experimental viscosity data for pure fluid and fluid mixtures (for example, aqueous solutions,
see [118-127]). However, Eq. (31) failed to represent experimental viscosity data at high
temperatures and high concentrations. One more term is required to accurate describe the
experimental viscosity data at high temperatures
226 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

b c
= 0 exp + 2 . (32)

Equation (31) was theoretically rigorous substantiated by the Eyrings absolute rate
theory for concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions (Glasstone et al. [118]) in the form

hN G + H +
= exp or = A exp , (33)

where G and H are the free enthalpy of activation and enthalpy of activation, h is
+ +

Plancks constant, N Avogadros constant, and R the gas constant, V is the molar volume.

Table 5. The Arrhenius Eqs. (31) and (32) parameters ( ln 0 , b = E a / R , and c) for
tangerine and lemon juices as a function of concentration

Equation (31)
Tangerine juice Lemon juice
x ln 0 b = Ea / R x ln 0 b = Ea / R
(Brix) (Brix)
(mPa s) (K) (mPa s) (K)
15 -6.68899 2165.783 17 -6.10088 1975.496
21 -6.51205 2159.819 22 -6.35765 2097.062
26 -6.17033 2127.509 30 -5.98611 2089.936
35 -6.36895 2365.660 40 -6.09457 2279.163
40 -6.39998 2476.157 45 -6.15909 2395.723
Pomegranate juice (0.1 MPa) Pear juice (0.1 MPa)
x ln 0 b = Ea / R x ln 0 b = Ea / R
(Brix) (Brix)
(mPa s) (K) (mPa s) (K)
11 0.8590 1898.44 15.2 0.7299 2014.76
23 0.5901 2049.47 20.0 0.7238 2037.26
30 -0.0457 2382.97 25.0 0.6444 2106.70
35 -0.5544 2650.71 30.0 0.1817 2343.95
40 -0.4099 2711.51 40.0 -0.4099 2711.51
Pomegranate juice (5 MPa) Pear juice (5 MPa)
11.0 1.0956 1817.28 15.2 0.9075 1958.77
Pomegranate juice (10 MPa) Pear juice (10 MPa)
11.0 0.9505 1871.97 15.2 1.3376 1826.50

Equation (32)
Tangerine juice Lemon juice
ln ln 0
x b c10 x b c10-5
(Brix) (Brix)
15 -4.5578 693.639 2.5247863 17 -3.4798 164.955 3.1051494
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 227

Tangerine juice Lemon juice

ln ln 0
x b c10 x b c10-5
(Brix) (Brix)
21 -3.1557 -158.638 3.9762453 22 -2.0487 -879.422 5.1047882
26 -2.0514 -717.649 4.8795601 30 0.5156 -2401.194 7.7024672
35 3.2081 -4249.82 11.345803 40 4.8281 -5265.764 12.939851
40 6.2801 -6282.718 15.021821 45 8.6979 -7866.905 17.600817

The measured values of the viscosity of pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and lemon juices
were expressed by the Arrhenius relationship (31) and by Eq. (32). The values of the
Arrhenius parameters for pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and lemon juices calculated with the
measured viscosity data at atmospheric pressure and at pressures of 5 and 10 MPa as a
function of concentration are given in Table 5. This equation represents experimental values
of viscosity for fruit juices within 0.65 % in the temperature range from 292 to 363 K. The
experimental viscosity data for pear juice as a function of temperature are shown in Figure 12
at selected concentration of 30 Brix together with the values calculated from Eq. (31) and
various correlation models reported by other authors [92,108]. As one can see from Table 5,
the values of activation energy for the flow E a are increases with concentration of juices.
The flow activation energy E a and parameter ln 0 can be directly calculated from the slope
and intersect of the straight line by the Arrhenius relationship function ( ln 1 / T )
(Arrhenius plot ln vs. 1 / T , see Figure 21). The intercepts and slopes of the linear plots
( ln 1 / T ) are flow activation energy E a and parameter ln 0 , respectively. As one can
see from Figure 21, ln vs. 1 / T curves are straight line only for the low concentrations
(see also Erickson et al. [219]). Therefore, the curvature of the ln vs. 1 / T curves at high
concentration can be taking into account by relation (32). Figure 13 compare the present
results for viscosity with values calculated from Eqs. (31) and (32). As one can see, at low
concentrations (below 26 Brix) both models good represent the experimental data. However,
at high concentrations extended Arrhenius model (32) considerable accurate reproduced
measured values of the viscosity of tangerine and lemon juices than original Arrhenius model
(31). Therefore, Eq. (32) can be recommended for future used to represent experimental
viscosity data for fruit juices at high temperatures and high concentrations.

4.2. Concentration Dependence of the Viscosity of Fruit Juices

Figures 8 and 9 show the concentration dependence of the viscosity of fruit juices along
various selected isotherms at atmospheric pressure. Figure 8 demonstrate the effect of
concentration on the viscosity of pomegranate and pear juices at various fixed temperatures.
As one can see from Figure 8, the viscosity of pomegranate and pear fruit juices observed
considerably increases (up to 2.2 % to 3.5 %) at concentration above 25 Brix, especially at
low temperatures. The viscosity of tangerine and lemon juices (see Figure 9) in the
concentration range from (15 to 45) Brix changes by factor 3.2 to 4.2. These figures also
228 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

demonstrate how the behavior of the concentration dependence of the viscosity of fruit juices
depends on temperature. As Figures 8 and 9 shows, the viscosity of fruit juices monotonically
increases with the concentration. However, the effect of concentration on the viscosity of
juices strongly depends on temperature and concentration. For example, at concentrations
x<20 Brix the viscosity is little affected (by factor 1.2) by concentration, while at high
concentrations the effect of concentration stronger (by factor 3.5). The rate of the viscosity
changes with concentration is depends on temperature also. At low temperatures (below 343
K) the slopes of the x curves are small (changes by factor 3), while at high temperatures
(above 343 K) the rapid changes (by factor 4) of the viscosity with concentration are
observed. The concentration coefficient of viscosity, ( ln / x )T , for the juices was
calculated using the measured values of the viscosity of fruit juices. The values of
concentration coefficient of viscosity for tangerine juice is changes within (0.3 to 4.5) Brix-1
depending on concentration and temperature. The highest rate, ( ln / x )T , up to 4.5 Brix-
was found in the low temperature range and high concentrations.

2.0 Pom egranate juice Pear juice

1.5 P = 0.1 MPa P = 0.1 MPa


ln (mPa s)

0.5 0.3


-0.5 -0.2
11 oBrix 15.2 oBrix
30 oBrix 25 oBrix
-1.0 40 oBrix 30 oBrix

-1.5 -0.7
0.0025 0.0030 0.0035 0.0026 0.0031 0.003
-1 -1 -1 -1
T (K ) T (K )

Figure 21. Experimental ln as a function of T 1 (Arrhenius plot) for pomegranate and pear juices
(Magerramov et al. [14]).

There are different theoretical models to represent the concentration dependence of liquid
foods and aqueous solutions (see Table 4). Below we briefly discussed the most often used
models to describe the effect of concentration on the viscosity of fluids and fluid mixtures
and their applicability for fruit juices.
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 229

Leyendekkers and Hunter [129,130] and Leyendekkers [131] have applied the TTM
(Tammann-Tait-Gibson) model to the calculation of viscosity of the aqueous electrolyte
solutions. According TTG model the viscosity equation can be present as
S = wis exp[ f ( x)] , f ( x ) = a1 x + a 2 x 2 , (34)

where S and wis represent the viscosities of the solution (or juice) and the water in solution
(or in juice), respectively, and x is the concentration. This relation can be used also to
represent the concentration dependence of the viscosity of juices. Figures 11 and 14 depicts
the values of the viscosity of pear, tangerine, and lemon juices calculated with Eq. (34)
together with other models. The values of parameters of Eq. (34) for some fruit juices derived
from the present measurements are given in Table 6. Ibarz et al. [108] also used this relation
to accurate represent measured values of the viscosity for pear juice. The agreement between
measured and calculated values of viscosity is excellent (AAD is within 0.5 to 1.0 %).

Table 6. The values of parameters ln wis and ai (Eqs. 34)

for fruit juices as a function of temperature

Tangerine juice Lemon juice

T ln wis a1 10 3
a 2 10 3
ln wis a1 103 a 2 103
(K) (Brix-1) (Brix-2) (Brix-1) (Brix-2)
(mPa s) (mPa s)

303.15 0.38913 -14.9364 1.32523 0.24826 -3.5141 0.88719

313.15 0.09069 -8.2186 1.12571 -0.20719 14.8562 0.53334
323.15 -0.20402 -0.4041 0.91634 -0.31373 7.8867 0.58774
333.15 -0.46844 5.5330 0.75972 -0.61370 18.2529 0.34286
343.15 -0.67651 8.0157 0.68460 -0.66400 8.7517 0.48471
353.15 -0.86352 9.0915 0.64927 -0.74775 2.2142 0.59102
363.15 -1.06047 11.1707 0.61624 -0.93747 4.8031 0.55168
373.15 -1.21220 11.4476 0.62303 -1.12172 8.1858 0.50707
383.15 -1.40096 15.1601 0.57764 -1.28241 10.9391 0.46989
393.15 -1.54684 16.7374 0.56530 -1.43307 13.6984 0.43332
Pomegranate juice Pear juice
T ln wis a1 a2 ln wis a1 a2
(K) -1 -2 -1
(mPa s) (Brix ) (Brix ) (mPa s) (Brix ) (Brix-2)
293.15 0.8609 -5.8990 2.303 - - -
298.15 0.7103 -5.6930 2.237 1.2596 -8.5280 2.6796
313.15 0.2447 -4.2933 1.838 0.7090 -6.1100 2.1005
333.15 -0.1575 -3.7152 1.587 0.3459 -6.2035 2.0054
353.15 -0.5411 -2.8335 1.302 -0.0667 -5.3504 1.7390
363.15 -0.7754 -1.6360 0.993 -0.5167 -2.0361 0.9744

Goldsack and Franchetto [132,133] proposed the simplified form of the Eq. (33) to
describe the concentration dependence of the aqueous solutions
230 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

0 exp( xE )
= , (35)
1 + xV

where is the viscosity of the solution or juice at a concentration x and temperature T, 0 is

the viscosity of the solvent (pure water) at temperature T, x is the concentration, and E and V
are the adjustable parameters. The temperature dependence of the viscosity of fruit juices can
be explained in terms of the temperature dependence of the E and V parameters of an Eq.
(35). Unfortunately, the theory cannot to predict the temperature dependence of the E and V.
Therefore, the values of the parameters E and V can be extracted from the experimental data
as a function of temperature by fitting each isotherm to the Eq. (35). The results of the
application of Eq. (35) to the measured viscosities of pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and
lemon juices are presented in Table 7. This model has been used by Chirife [128] and Chirife
and Buera [134] to fit viscosity data of various sugar and sugar mixtures up to very high

Table 7. The values of parameters V and E (Eq. 35)

for fruit juices as a function of temperature

Tangerine juice Lemon juice

T 0 E V T 0 E V
(K) (Brix-1) (Brix-1) (K) (Brix-1) (Brix-1)
(mPa s) (mPa s)
303.15 24.5624 0.09662 4.50 303.15 18.6009 0.08545 3.00
333.15 18.8733 0.08579 5.50 333.15 0.93089 0.09209 0.15
363.15 1.17754 0.08080 0.49 363.15 0.95924 0.07136 0.32
Pomegranate juice Pear juice
T 0 E V T 0 E V
(K) (Brix-1) (Brix-1) (K) (Brix-1) (Brix-1)
(mPa s) (mPa s)
293.15 324.27 0.1022 67.988 298.15 180.890 0.0843 25.322
303.15 128.25 0.0970 30.662 313.15 161.211 0.0813 28.984
313.15 85.799 0.0930 23.984 323.15 78.5376 0.0800 17.134
323.15 32.125 0.0910 10.723 333.15 42.5676 0.0760 10.492
363.15 16.011 0.0795 8.1656 343.15 36.0353 0.0750 10.532
- - - - 363.15 9.4179 0.0690 3.1565

The existing theoretical result which describes the concentration dependence of the
viscosity of aqueous solutions is valid only at very dilution. Falkenhagen Onsager Fuoss
[135,136] and Debye-Hckel-Onsager [137,138] theory predicts a square root concentration,

x (limiting law), dependence of the viscosity of solutions at infinite dilution

( x 0 ). This theory correctly explains the rise of viscosity with concentration in the limit
of very low (dilute solutions) concentrations. The dilute solution theories [135-138] of
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 231

viscosity are not practicable because of their very limited concentration range. Jones and
Dole [139] proposed an empirical extension of the previous model [135] to high
concentrations as

= 1 + A x + Bx . (36)

In Eq. (36) and 0 are the viscosities of an electrolyte solution and pure solvent
(water), respectively, A is an always positive constant, and x is the concentration. Several
authors [140-143,133,144-151], included a quadratic term Dc (extended Jones-Dole

= 1 + A x + Bx + Dx 2 , (37)

to extend the Jones-Dole equation for more concentrated solutions. Abdulagatov et al. [127,
141-143,152] added one more term Fc for application Eq. (37) to higher concentration (up
to saturation)

= 1 + A x + Bx + Dx 2 + Fx 2.5 . (38)

The measured relative viscosities for pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon juices were
fitted with the Eqs. (37) (Magerramov et al. [14,15]). The derived values of the parameters
are given in Table 8 as a function of temperature. Good agreement (within 0.5 to 1.2 %) was
found between measured and calculated with Eq. (37) values of viscosity.
Kestin and Shankland [75] and Grimes et al. [74] omitted the square-root term owing to
its small magnitude to describe the concentration dependence of the experimental viscosity
data for aqueous solutions. The experimental viscosity data for aqueous solutions were fitted

Table 8. The values of parameters A, B, and D (Eq. 37)

for fruit juices as a function of temperature

Tangerine juice Lemon juice

(K) (Brix ) (Brix-1)
(Brix-2) (K) -1/2
(Brix ) (Brix-1) (Brix-2)
303.15 2.2595 -0.7144 0.013450 303.15 2.1389 -0.6362 0.010566
313.15 1.7283 -0.5398 0.010497 313.15 1.3524 -0.3983 0.007366
323.15 1.2532 -0.3866 0.007977 323.15 1.1645 -0.3372 0.006196
333.15 0.9540 -0.2918 0.006367 333.15 0.5575 -0.1524 0.003620
343.15 0.7997 -0.2442 0.005512 343.15 0.7314 -0.2042 0.004083
232 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Table 8 (Continued)

353.15 0.6815 -0.2105 0.004915 353.15 0.8112 -0.2308 0.004329

363.15 0.5931 -0.1877 0.004566 363.15 0.7101 -0.2045 0.004001
373.15 0.5859 -0.1889 0.004589 373.15 0.6514 -0.1900 0.003863
Pomegranate juice Pear juice
(K) (Brix ) (Brix-1)
(Brix-2) (K) -1/2
(Brix ) (Brix-1) (Brix-2)
298.15 1.4779 -0.5033 0.01029 298.15 1.9165 -0.5829 0.01043
303.15 1.3383 -0.4545 0.00940 303.15 1.9028 -0.5755 0.01028
313.15 1.1312 -0.3799 0.00792 313.15 1.5249 -0.4516 0.00830
323.15 1.0153 -0.3383 0.00705 323.15 1.4000 -0.4132 0.00759
333.15 0.9378 -0.3086 0.00634 333.15 1.2335 -0.3594 0.00654
343.15 0.8223 0.2672 0.00551 343.15 1.1462 -0.3333 0.00601
353.15 0.7149 -0.2310 0.00482 353.15 1.0755 -0.3099 0.00549
363.15 0.5871 -0.1859 0.00400 363.15 0.6807 -0.1774 0.00342

= 1 + d1 x + d 2 x 2 + d 3 x 3 , (39)

where d i = d
j =0
ij t j are the function of temperature.

Thomas [153] has extended the Einstein relation (Einstein [154]) for the hydrodynamic
effect to high concentrations by showing that for suspensions the relative viscosity is given
by the relation

= 1 + 2.5 + 10.05 2 = 1 + 2.5Vk x + 10.05Vk2 x 2 . (40)

Table 9. The values of Vk (Eq. 40) for fruit juices as a function of temperature

T, K Vk 103 T, K Vk 103
Tangerine juice Pomegranata juice
303.15 0.3639 293.15 0.2805
313.15 0.3257 298.15 0.2691
323.15 0.2909 303.15 0.5670
333.15 0.2601 313.15 0.2309
343.15 0.2370 323.15 0.2123
353.15 0.2166 333.15 0.1924
363.15 0.2010 343.15 0.1752
373.15 0.1916 353.15 0.1600
393.15 0.1786 363.15 0.1484
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 233

Lemon juice Pear juice

303.15 0.2903 298.15 0.2687
313.15 0.2663 303.15 0.2725
323.15 0.2330 308.15 0.2696
333.15 0.2039 313.15 0.2643
343.15 0.1883 318.15 0.2538
353.15 0.1762 323.15 0.2435
363.15 0.1680 328.15 0.2308
373.15 0.1636 333.15 0.2179
383.15 0.1581 353.15 0.1828
393.15 0.1575 363.15 0.1840

As was shown by Breslau and Miller [155], this relation can be used to represent
concentration dependence of the relative viscosity for concentrated aqueous electrolyte
solutions if Vk is taken as an adjustable parameter. Abdulagatov et al. [122-127,140-
143,152] used Eq. (40) to determine the values of Vk as a function of temperatures for some
aqueous solutions from measured values of viscosity. Therefore, the relation (40) can be used
to estimate the values of the hydrodynamic volume Vk (rigid molar volume) using the
experimental relative viscosity data. Moulik and Rakshit [156] also used Eq. (40) to correlate
the concentration dependence of the viscosity of 72 different aqueous solutions at high
concentrations. Sahu and Behera [157] also represented experimental relative viscosity of
aqueous solutions by extending the limiting Einstein equation as

= 1 + 2.5V x + k1V 2 x 2 + k 2V 3 x 3 + k 3V 4 x 4 , (41)

where V is the volume of solution, x is the concentration. The measured viscosity values for
pomegranate, pear, tangerine and lemon juices were fitted to the Eq. (40) (Magerramov et al.
[14,15]). Note that this model is containing just one adjusting parameter Vk . The derived
values of the parameter Vk for these juices are presented in Table 9 as a function of

4.3. Pressure Dependence of the Viscosity of Fruit Juices

Experimental viscosities of pomegranate and pear juices as a function of pressure are

shown in Figure 10. The viscosity is little affected, (up to 1.5-1.7 %) at high temperatures
(406 K) and up to 0.4-0.6 % at low temperatures (298 K), by pressure (at pressure changing
between 0.1 and 10 MPa) along the constant temperature and constant concentration. The
pressure dependence of the experimental viscosity of both juices in the range from 0.1 to 10
MPa is almost linear (see Figure 10). The values of experimental viscosity along an isotherm
234 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

and constant concentration can be correlated within the experimental precision as a function
of pressure by means of a linear expression (Kestin et al. [60], Kestin and Shankland [75])

(T , x, P) = 0 (T , x)[1 + (T , x)( P P0 )] , (42)

where 0 (T , x) is the viscosity at P0 =0.101325 MPa (atmospheric pressure), can be

correlated in terms of temperature and concentration, and (T , x) = is the
0 P T , x
pressure coefficient of viscosity. This equation was successfully used by Kestin et al. [60]
and Kestin and Shankland [75] to represent pressure dependence of viscosity of the aqueous
electrolyte solutions.

4.4. Combined Effect of the Temperature and Concentration on the

Viscosity of Fruit Juices

Both the temperature and concentration variations of the viscosity of fruit juices were
combined by Rao [18] and Cepeda and Villarn [97] in a single exponential model
(modification of the relation 31) for depectinised juice

b b
= exp a + + cx or = exp(a + cx ) exp (43)

This relation was used by Jusczak and Fortuna [100] to represent measured values of
viscosity of cherry juice. They also proposed other model (combination of the power and
exponential functions) to combine the temperature and concentration dependence of viscosity

= 0 x exp . (44)
Rao et al. [112] and Ibarz et al. [107] used an exponential-type and a power-type relation
to describe the effect of concentration on viscosity of fruit juices at constant temperature.
Bayindirli [93,95] reported the model to describe the temperature and concentration effects
on viscosity of grape juices as

(a + b / T ) x
= 0 exp . (45)
100 (c + dT ) x

The experimental values of flow activation parameter E a in Arrhenius equation for crab
apple juice were fitted by Cepeda and Villarn [97] to a third degree polynomial equation.
Alvarado and Romero [92] used exponential dependence on concentration of the parameter,
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 235

0 = 1 exp(ax) in Arrhenius equation in order to study of the combined effect of the

temperature and concentration to the viscosity of juices. Ibraz et al. [108] proposed following
form of the equation to describe the combined effect of temperature and concentration on the
pear juice

+ K 3 x + K 4 x 2 or = K 2 exp(K 3 x + K 4 x 2 )exp a
Ea E
= K 2 exp (46)

Kaya and Szer [114] and Altan and Maskan [184] proposed a simple equation for
describing the combined effect of temperature and soluble solids content on the pomegranate

= 2 exp + Cx . (47)

In order to describe the combined effect of temperature and concentration on the

viscosity of fruit juices we used theoretically based Eqs. (32), (34) to (41) for the aqueous
solutions. Because the theory cannot predict the concentration dependence of the parameters
ln 0 , b and c in Eqs. (31), (32) and temperature dependence of the parameters (V, E, A, B,
C, D, Vk , and k i ) in Eqs. (34) to (41), we empirically extended these models to study of the
combined effect of temperature and concentration on the viscosity of fruit juices by taken
into account the concentration and temperature dependences of these parameters. These
parameters (in Eqs. 32, 34 to 41) were considered as a simple polynomial function of
concentration and temperature

n n
ln 0 = ai x i and b = bi x i , (48)
i =0 i =0

Y(A,B,C,D, Vk , k i ) = a T
i =0
. (49)

We experimentally studied the concentration and temperature dependences of the

adjustable parameters in theoretically based Eqs. (31), (32), (34) to (41). As Tables 7 to 9
shows, the temperature dependences of theoretically and physically meaning parameters Vk ,
V, and E is very simple function of temperature and can be very readily described by the
polynomial functions. The parameters Vk , V, and E are monotonically decreases with
temperature and can be presented as simple polynomial function. In the first approaches these
parameters can be presented as linear function of temperature (or first order polynomial
function), although to more accurately representation of the experimental data in some cases
high order polynomial functions (second, for example) are needed. Equations (31), (32), (34)-
236 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

(41) together with (48) and (49) are providing the best description (within 0.8 to 2.0 %) of the
experimental viscosity data for fruit juices.
The Arrhenius Eq. (31) with concentration dependences coefficients (Eq. 48) was applied
to the measured values of the viscosity of pomegranate and pear juices. The derived values of
the coefficients ai and bi in Eq. (48) are summarized in Table 10. Equation (31) together with
(48) describes the experimental viscosity data for pomegranate and pear juices with accuracy
of 2.0 %. Figure 14 compare the concentration dependence of the measured and calculated
with various models the values of viscosity for tangerine and lemon juices at two selected
temperatures of (303.15 and 363.15) K. As one can see from this figure, Eq. (34) and (37)
excellent represents the present measurements for tangerine and lemon juices. These models
can be recommended to future used for the describing of experimental viscosity data for
liquid foods.

Table 10. Parameters ai and bi for Eq. (48)

Pomegranate juice (R2=0.998)

0 1 2 3 4
ai 1.0662100 -1.0327100 7.516010-2 -2.309610-3 2.446310-5
bi 6.7579102 2.6653102 -2.0716101 0.6811100 -7.449010-3
Pear juice (R =0.998)
0 1 2 3 4
ai -3.4380100 -0.443410 0
2.364610 -2
-4.17510-4 0.0100
bi 9.8756102 1.6503102 -8.894100 0.1633100 0.0100

Table 11. Comparison accuracy and predictive capability of various combined models
for the viscosity of lemon juice (Ki , ai ) parameters of the models)

1 2 3 4 5 S*
( a1 + a 2 / T ) x
= 0 exp
100 ( a 3 + dT ) x
ai Ln 0 =6.2208 225.596 -33317.26 30.54578 -0.015775 0.45910-1

= K 2 exp + K3 x + K4 x2
Ki LnK2=-6.9749 E a / R =2167.48 K3=0.008528 K4=0.0005404 - 0.53410-2

b 4
= 0 exp , b = ai x i
T i =0
ai -6.2173 0.002522 1745.58 13.6980 - 0.58310-2
a2 E
= exp a1 + + a 3 x , = 2 exp a + Cx
ai Ln a1 =-7.4375 2167.48 0.04214 - - 0.69910-2
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 237

= 0 x exp
ai Ln 0 =-10.171 E a / R =2167.48 1.1982 - - 0.15210-1

= 0 exp[ f ( x )] , f ( x ) = a1 x + a 2 x 2
ai 0.02352 0.0003062 - - - 0.21610-1

= 1 + a1 x + a 2 x 2 + a 3 x 3
ai 0.08634 -0.004037 0.0001075 - - 0.51510-2

= 1 + 2.5 + 10.05 2 = 1 + 2.5Vk x + 10.05Vk2 x 2
Vk 0.01043 - - - - 0.75910-2

= 1 + 2.5V x + a1V 2 x 2 + a 2V 3 x 3 + a3V 4 x 4
ai 0.03693 -0.00625 0.0002126 -0.00000165 - 0.52410-2

= 1 + a1 x + a 2 x + a 3 x 2
ai 0.717976 -0.206593 0.004243 - - 0.51010-2
0 exp( xE )
1 + xV
E,V 0.09178 -0.10738 - - - 0.13010-1
b c
= 0 exp + 2 , ln 0 = a1 x , b = a 2 + a 3 x , c = a 4 + a 5 x
ai 0.09358 -2528.299 -49.8041 729457.81 10993.444 0.31910-2

(Y Yi exp )
Error function S= i

N i

Table 11 is providing the comparison accuracy of the models for lemon juice. As one can
see from the table, Eqs. (37) and (39) are provide the best representation of the measured
values of the viscosity of lemon juice. These models based on the pure water viscosity and
contain only 3 adjustable parameters. Reasonable representation of the temperature and
concentration effect on the viscosity of lemon juice was observed also for the one-parametric
model (40) which based on the extended Einstein relation. The predictive (extrapolating
properties) capability of the model (Eq. 40) is much better than other models.
Blint [208] developed combined model by using the combination polynomial and power
functions for the viscosity of whey

= 0.0638(9 / 5t + 32 )0.9982 (1.0042 + 3.11x + 14.7 x 2 ). (50)

238 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Recently, an artificial network (ANN) model was developed for the prediction of
viscosity of fruit juices as function of concentration and temperature by Rai et al. [220]. The
accuracy of the model is within 3.78 to 4.20 mPas. Peacock [211] proposed the another
model for the viscosity of sucrose solutions in the form

( )
log 10 = a0 N a1 (30 T ) a 2 + a 3 N 1.25 / (91 + T ) , (51)

where N = x(1900 18 x ) . The range applicability of the model is from 10 to 80 C and

between 0 and 85 Brix.

5. Conclusion

In this chapter the different techniques employed for the measurement of viscosity of
liquids and liquid foods were discussed. These were the capillary-flow technique, the
oscillating-disc technique and the falling-body method. From the discussion of the techniques
it is apparent that measurements performed with the capillary-flow viscometer and the
oscillating-disc viscometer enjoy a low degree of uncertainty. Hence, measurements would
be expected to attain an uncertainty of better than 2 %. Measurements performed with the
falling-body viscometer would be expected to attain a higher uncertainty.
The temperature, pressure, and concentration dependences of the viscosity of fruit juices
were studied. The values of the flow activation energy E a of the temperature dependence
Arrenius equation were calculated for the viscosity of pomegranate, pear, tangerine, and
lemon juices as a function of concentration and pressure. In order to represent combined
effect of concentration and temperature on the viscosity of fruit juices the various models
were examined.
A new correlation and prediction models for the viscosity was developed. The
applicability of the various theoretical based models used previously for aqueous solutions to
describe the effect of temperature and concentration on viscosity of fruit juices was studied.
The measured values of viscosity of fruit juices were used to test and confirm the accuracy
and predictive capability of various theoretical and semi-empirical viscosity models.
An accuracy and predictive capability of the semitheoretical models for the viscosity of
fruit juices proposed in this work are much better than various multiparametric correlations. It
was found that the prediction models (Eq. 31 to 41) developed in this work for the viscosity
of fruit juices can be adopted with satisfaction. The models (Eq. 32,34,35,37, and 40) with
temperature and concentration depending parameters are accurately represent the combined
effect of concentration and temperature on the viscosity of fruit juices in wide temperature
and concentration ranges and can be recommended for the future scientific and engineering
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 239

Appendix: Experimental Viscosity Data

for Fruit Juices

Table 1A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of natural pomegranate juice as a function of

temperature and pressure for 11.0 Brix

T (K) 0.1 MPa 5 MPa 10 MPa

292.95 1.642 - 1.646
296.85 1.480 - -
301.05 1.318 - -
304.55 1.213 - 1.216
308.05 1.119 - -
311.55 1.032 1.034 -
316.55 0.928 - 0.932
321.85 0.837 - -
325.95 0.777 0.782
328.95 0.740 - -
332.35 0.699 - 0.704
337.95 0.637 - -
343.05 0.587 - 0.593
348.15 0.541 - -
353.05 0.500 0.502 -
358.15 0.465 - -
362.95 0.435 - 0.440
368.45 0.405 - -
374.85 0.374 a - 0.379
379.95 0.352 a 0.354 -
384.85 0.332 a - 0.337
388.15 0.321 a - -
394.75 0.299 a - 0.304
402.95 0.275 a 0.277 0.279
At pressure of 0.3 MPa.

Table 2A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of pomegranate juice as a function of

temperaturte and concentration

(K) 23 Brix 30 Brix 35 Brix 40 Brix

293.15 2.017 3.307 4.968 7.082
298.15 1.765 2.828 4.248 5.994
303.15 1.555 2.488 3.593 5.081
313.15 1.231 1.902 2.659 3.702
323.15 1.001 1.498 2.051 2.863
333.15 0.827 1.200 1.606 2.252
343.15 0.697 0.985 1.288 1.778
353.15 0.597 0.817 1.055 1.443
363.15 0.533 0.692 0.875 1.192
240 A. I. Abdulagatov, M. A. Magerramov, I. M. Abdulagatov et al.

Table 3A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of pear juice as a function of temperature and
pressure for 15.2 Brix

T (K) 0.1 MPa 5 MPa 10 MPa

294.10 1.975 1.977 1.979
298.60 1.781 - 1.784
305.12 1.550 - 1.554
311.60 1.342 - 1.346
318.44 1.154 1.157 -
325.04 1.009 1.011 -
332.40 0.872 0.875 -
340.00 0.757 - 0.762
349.71 0.647 - 0.651
358.63 0.574 - 0.579
367.23 0.523 0.526 0.528
374.80 0.488a - 0.493
382.50 0.460a - 0.465
391.30 0.427a - 0.432
402.71 0.381a - 0.386
At pressure of 0.3 MPa.

Table 4A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of pear juice as a function

of temperature and concentration

T (K) 20 Brix 25 Brix 30 Brix

298.15 1.902 2.194 3.061
303.15 1.721 1.990 2.749
308.15 1.551 1.795 2.438
313.15 1.403 1.621 2.162
318.15 1.252 1.448 1.921
323.15 1.122 1.303 1.703
328.15 1.012 1.164 1.510
333.15 0.920 1.040 1.341
343.15 0.761 0.861 1.091
353.15 0.646 0.725 0.902
363.15 0.590 0.655 0.782
Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 241

Table 5A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of tangerine juice as a function of

temperature and concentration

T (K) 15 Brix 21 Brix 26Brix 35Brix 40Brix

303.15 1.608 1.904 2.420 4.608 6.627
313.15 1.262 1.482 1.887 3.356 4.695
323.15 1.010 1.179 1.502 2.540 3.419
333.15 0.818 0.954 1.219 1.966 2.600
343.15 0.677 0.791 1.006 1.580 2.074
353.15 0.567 0.658 0.840 1.304 1.696
363.15 0.477 0.556 0.712 1.107 1.435
373.15 0.412 a 0.482 0.620 0.966 1.262
383.15 0.357 a 0.423 0.548 0.862 1.127
393.15 0.315 a 0.375 0.492 0.771 1.020
At pressure of 0.3 MPa.

Table 6A. Experimental viscosity (mPas) of lemon juice as a function of temperature

and concentration

T, K 17Brix 22Brix 30Brix 40Brix 45Brix

303.15 1.563 1.816 2.571 4.599 6.600
313.15 1.233 1.423 2.106 3.390 4.710
323.15 0.999 1.133 1.596 2.547 3.433
333.15 0.832 0.922 1.286 1.983 2.430
343.15 0.699 0.763 1.056 1.587 2.030
353.15 0.595 0.635 0.885 1.325 1.729
363.15 0.510 0.543 0.764 1.146 1.480
373.15 0.444 a 0.475 0.677 1.015 1.310
383.15 0.393 a 0.420 0.607 0.910 1.176
393.15 0.350 a 0.378 0.549 0.822 1.060
At pressure of 0.3 MPa.


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Effect of Temperature, Pressure and Concentration on the Viscosity 253

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In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 8

Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer

Coefficient for Laminar Non-Newtonian
Fluid Flow in Membrane Modules
during Clarification/Concentration
of Fruit Juice

Sirshendu De*, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Department of Chemical Engineering; Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur; Kharagpur - 721 302; India

Membrane based clarification and concentration of fruit juice has become a popular
unit operation in modern fruit juice processing industries. The well known membrane
modules used for this purpose are tubular and spiral wound modules. Therefore, design
of these modules is of utmost industrial importance. The key parameter for design of
membrane modules is mass transfer coefficient. Most of the fruit juices have non-
Newtonian rheology, e.g., power law, ellis fluid, etc. Till today, the mass transfer
coefficient for such systems used is approximated from the corresponding relations
developed for Newtonian fluids. Hence, a detailed fluid flow modeling with non-
Newtonian rheology is urgently warranted. In the present work, this aspect is attempted.
The expressions of the mass transfer coefficients are derived from the first principles for
laminar, non-Newtonian fluid flow in a porous conduit. The effects of the permeation are
incorporated quantitatively in the mass transfer coefficient from a theoretical basis. The

A version of this chapter was also published in Progress in Food Engineering Research and Developments,
edited by Vivian N. Pletney published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. It was submitted for
appropriate modifications in an effort to encourage wider dissemination of research.
Corresponding author: Sirshendu De; Tel: + 91 3222 283926; Fax: +91 3222 2755303; E Mail:
[email protected]
256 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

analysis is carried out for various non-Newtonian rheologies. Effects of the operating
conditions, i.e., Reynolds number, permeate flux, etc. on mass transfer coefficient are
also investigated. Two flow geometries are considered. Flow through a tube and that
through a rectangular thin channel, which are useful for the design of the tubular and
spiral wound cross flow membrane modules. The developed relations of mass transfer
coefficients would be of tremendous help to the design engineers.

1. Introduction

The mass transfer coefficient is an important parameter for designing membrane

separation modules, where the flow occurs through a porous conduit. Therefore, accurate
estimation of the mass transfer coefficient is necessary. These coefficients are generally
calculated from the Sherwood number correlations, obtained from the heat and mass transfer
analogies. The major limitations of these correlations are, (i) they are applicable for non-
porous conduits, (ii) the effects of pressure on the mass transfer coefficient are not
incorporated, (iii) it is assumed that the mass transfer boundary layer is fully developed and
(iv) the property variations with concentration remain unaccounted. Therefore, the standard
correlations lead to inaccurate estimation of the mass transfer coefficient. One way to avoid
this is to carry out a detailed numerical simulation of the fluid and the mass transfer in the
membrane modules [1,2] and the subsequent estimation of the mass transfer coefficient. But,
this method is not attractive to the engineers due to the extensive computation effort and
complications. The available mass transfer coefficient correlations had been reviewed in
detail [3,4]. The shortcomings of these correlations as stated earlier have been extensively
discussed in detail in both the reviews. The alternative approaches, like velocity variation
technique [3] or osmotic pressure model [4,5], are also examined. But, both of these methods
have their own limitations.
The effect of the permeation is extremely important in the mass transfer. The effect is
two fold; first, it enhances the mass transfer and second, it stabilizes the laminar flow by
delaying the onset of laminar to turbulent transition [3].
Membrane based separation processes are used extensively in various process industries,
e.g., food processing [6], dairy products [7], clarification and concentration of fruit juice
[8,9], polymer concentration, separation and fractionation [10], biomedical applications [10],
protein concentration and separation [11], etc. Most of the fruit juices, polymeric solutions,
blood, etc. follow non-Newtonian rheology. Power law is the commonest rheology of these
non-Newtonian process streams [12]. The Sherwood number relations for the non-Newtonian
fluids are scarce in literature. Most of the available relations are empirical or semi-empirical
in nature and these are for power law fluids only [13-15]. The generalized expressions of
Sherwood number including the effects of membrane permeation for Newtonian laminar flow
as well as the turbulent flow regimes are already developed [16,17]. The Sherwood number
relations for the entire range of the power law fluids, from pseudoplastic to dilatant, have
been developed both for the laminar and turbulent flow regimes [18,19]. The present work is
aimed at the developing expressions of the Sherwood numbers for three non-Newtonian
fluids, namely, Ellis, Reiner-Philippoff and Eyring fluids in a tube. The analysis is applicable
for laminar cross flow in reverse osmosis (RO) as well as in ultrafiltration (UF).
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 257

2. Theory

2.1. Flow Through a Tube

The theoretical developments of the tubular flow for Ellis, Eyring and Reiner-Philippoff
fluids are presented herein. The flow geometry is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematic of the flow geometry in the tube.

2.1.1. Ellis Fluid

The rheology of the Ellis fluid is [20],

dv x
= 0 + 1 rx
) rx

The laminar velocity profile of the Ellis fluid can be obtained by solving the x-
component equation of motion and using Eq.(1),

F R 2 r 2 F r +1
vx = 0 1 + 1 R +1 1
2 R +1 R
for 0 r R, (2)
258 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

where, F = (- dx ). F, can be expressed as a function of average velocity ( 0 ) over the
cross-section of the channel as,

v rdr x

u0 = 0

0 or,

R2 F
u 0 = F 0 + ( )
1 R +1
4 +3 (3)

The steady state solute mass balance in the concentration boundary layer is obtained as,

c c D c
vx + vr = (r )
x r r r r (4)

by neglecting the diffusive flux compared to the convective flux in the axial direction.
Considering a thin concentration boundary layer adjacent to the wall, the curvature
effects may be neglected and the problem may be treated as though the wall were flat [20]. If
the distance from the wall is denoted as y=R-r, the fluid may be regarded as being confined
between a flat mass-transfer surface extending from y=0 to y=. Therefore, the solute mass
balance equation (Eq. (4)) can be expressed as,

c c 2c
vx + vy =D 2
x y y (5)

The x-component velocity profile is expressed by Eq. (2). By substituting r=R-y in Eq.
(2) and neglecting R and the higher order terms in the binomial expansion of the Eq. (2)
(since the thickness of the concentration boundary layer is small), the simplified velocity
profile becomes,

for 0 y R,
v x = F 0 R + F2
1 R +1 } y R
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 259

Since the x-component velocity x is large enough compared to the permeate flux, the y-
component velocity can be approximated as [21], assuming no solute adsorption on the
membrane surface,

v y = v w

The initial and boundary conditions of Eq. (5) are,

c = c0
at x = 0 , (8)

c = c0
at y = , (9)

At the membrane surface, the net solute flux towards the membrane is zero at the steady
state. Therefore, the boundary condition at the membrane surface is,

v w (c c p ) + D =0
at y = 0, y (10)

Rr = 1
Eq. (10) can be expressed in terms of real retention of the membrane ( ),
which is constant for a membrane solute system [22],

v w cRr + D =0
at y = 0, y (11)

Inserting the velocity profiles, Eqs. (6) and (7) in Eq. (5) and after non-
dimensionalization, the following equation is obtained,

c * * c 2c*
( )
A1 y *
Pew x =
x * y * y *2 (12)


{ }
x y c* = c , vw d

x = , y = , Pe w = A = F R + F R LD

* *
1 0 1
L d c0 D , and
d = 2R .
260 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

The rheological parameter A1 can be expressed in terms of Reynolds and Schmidt

numbers as,

d u 0 d 2
A1 = {F 0 R + F 1 R }

u0 LD or,

1 d2 d +1 d
A1 = F
0 + F 1
Re Sc
u0 2 2 L
A1 = A11 Re Sc
or L (13)

where, the non-dimensional rheological parameter becomes,

d2 d +1
F 0 + F 1
A11 = 2 2
u0 (14)

u 0 d eff
Re = Sc =
eff D
and ,

The effective viscosity is generally expressed for the non-Newtonian fluid as [12],

Fd 2
eff =
32u 0 (15)

The derivation of Eq. (15) is presented in the appendix. The non-dimensional boundary
conditions for Eq. (5) become,

at x = 0 , c = 1
* *

at y = , c = 1
* *

c *
Pe w c R r + * = 0

and at y = 0,
y (18)
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 261

Eq. (12) is a parabolic partial differential equation with one of the boundary at infinity.
Hence, it admits a similarity solution. The similarity parameter in this case is derived in the
appendix and is expressed as,

= A1

x* 3


In terms of the similarity parameter, Eq (12) becomes an ordinary differential equation,

d 2c* 2 dc *
+ + B1 =0
d 2 3 d (20)
where, B1 is a constant and is given as,

Pe w
B1 = 1

A1 3
Pe w
B1 = 3

1 d 1
A11 3
(Re Sc ) 3
L (21)

The transformed boundary conditions become,

at = , c = 1

dc *
+ B1 Rr c * = 0
at = 0, d (23)

The solution of Eq. (20) with the boundary conditions, Eqs. (22) and (23) is,

c * ( ) = K 1 exp B1 d + K 2
9 (24)

The integration constants, K 1 and K 2 are obtained using Eqs. (22) and (23) as,

B1 Rr
K1 =
1 B1 Rr I 1 (25)
262 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

K2 =
1 B1 Rr I 1 (26)

I 1 = exp B1 d
where, 0 9 (27)

The constant B1, can be expressed in terms of length averaged dimensionless permeate

(Pe ) from Eq. (21),

1 1
1 d 3
Pe w = Pe w dx = 1 .5 A11
* 3
Re Sc B1
0 L

B1 = 0.67
1 d 1
( A11 3 )(Re Sc ) 3
L (28)

Estimation of the Mass Transfer Coefficient

The definition of mass transfer coefficient is,

k (c m c0 ) = D (29)
y y =0

In terms of the similarity parameter, Eq. (29) is expressed as

1 d 3
A11 3
Re Sc
( *
Sh c m 1 = ) L dc *
d = 0
* 13

dc *
and are expressed in terms of the integration constants K 1 and K 2 as,
d =0
1d 3
A11 3 Re Sc
L K1
Sh = (31)
x * 13
K2 1
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 263

Substituting K 1 and K 2 from Eqs. (25) and (26), the Sherwood number profile along the
membrane length becomes,

Sh(x ) =
* A11 3
d 1
(Re Sc ) 3 (32)
x 3 I1 L

The definite integral I1, can be expressed in terms of non-dimensional, length averaged
flux ( ) using Eqs. (27) and (28),

3 Pe

I 1 = exp d or,
A11 3 (Re Sc ) 3
9 1 1



I 1 = exp 0.67eff 1 d (33)
0 9

Pe w
where, eff 1 = (34)
1 d 1
A11 3 (Re Sc ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes, (from Eq. (32)),

1 3
( A11 ) (Re Sc d ) 3
ShL = Sh( x )dx = * *
I1 L

Based on the extent of permeation, results of various cases are discussed below.

Case 1: No Permeation

Pew 3
In this case,
=0 and hence, I 1 = exp
0 9
d = 1.8575

Therefore, the expression for average Sherwood number is,

1 d 1
ShL = 0.81( A11 ) 3 (Re Sc ) 3 (36)
264 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Case 2: With Permeation (RO/UF System)

To trap the effects of suction as well as the non- Newtonian behavior, I1 is evaluated
numerically for various values of eff 1 (in the range of eff 1 , between nearly 0 and 16,
typically encountered in RO/UF), and the inverse of the integral is plotted against eff 1 , in
figure 2. The results are fitted in polynomial function of eff 1 with a correlation coefficient
more than 0.99, as

= 0.54 1 + 0.74 eff 1 + 0.12 2eff 1 8.4 10 3 3eff 1 ] (37)

The expression of the average Sherwood number from Eq. (35) is then,

[1 + 0.74 ]
Sh L = 0.81 ( A11 ) Re Sc + 0.12 2eff 1 8.4 10 3 3eff 1
eff 1

Case 3: 1 = 0, Newtonian Fluid

In this case,
0 becomes inverse of the viscosity () of the solution. Hence, the pressure
gradient ( = F ) from Eq. (3) becomes,

4u 0
F= , (39)

The rheological parameter A11 is simplified from Eq. (14),

Fd 2
A11 = (40)
2u 0

Using Eq.(39), the value of A11 is obtained as 8. Therefore, from Eq.(38), the expression
of the length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

d 3
Sh L = 1.62 Re Sc 1 + 0.74 eff 1 + 0.12 2 eff 1 8.4 10 3 3 eff 1

Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 265

Pe w
where from Eq. (34), eff 1 is, eff 1 = 0.5 (42)
d 1
(Re Sc ) 3

Hence, Eq. (41) can be written as,

d 3
Pe w Pe w
3 Pe w
Sh L = 1.62 Re Sc 1 + 0.37 + 0.03 1.05 10
L d 1 d 2 d
(Re Sc ) 3 (Re Sc ) 3 (Re Sc )

It may be noticed that this result coincides with the reported one for the mass transfer
coefficient with permeation for Newtonian fluid [16] in a porous tube.
Pe w
For, no permeation i.e., =0 and Eq. (43) becomes,

d 3

Sh L = 1.62 Re Sc (44)

which is identical with the Leveque solution [3].

Case 4:
0 = 0 , Power Law Fluid

In this case, the pressure gradient is obtained from Eq. (3) as,

2 +1 u 0 ( + 3)
F = (45)
1 d

From Eq. (14), rheological parameter A11 becomes,

F 1 d +1
A11 = (46)
u 0 2

Using Eqs. (45) and (46), A11 becomes

A11 = 2( + 3) (47)

Therefore, the expression of average Sherwood number is (from Eq. 38),

266 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

[ ]
Sh L = 1.02( + 3) Re Sc 1 + 0.74 eff 1 + 0.12 2 eff 1 8.4 10 3 3 eff 1 (48)

where, eff 1 is (from Eq. 34),

0.794 Pe w
eff 1 = (49)
1 d 1
( + 3) (Re Sc ) 3

It may be noted here that in the definition of Re and Sc, the viscosity is eff. The
expression of eff is shown in the appendix.

2.1.2. Reiner-Philippoff Fluid

The rheological equation for Reiner-Philippoff fluid is [20],

dv x 1

0 rx (50)
1 + ( rx s )

An analysis of the equation of motion in x-direction yields the following equation,

1 d
(r rx ) = dP = F (51)
r dr dx

The solution of the above equation using Eq. (50) yields the laminar velocity profile as,

F R 2 r 2
vx =
0 2 R
( ) (
1 C ln (2 0 ) + 0 a 2 r 2 + C ln (2 0 ) + 0 a 2 R 2 ) (52)

where, a = F

and C = 0

2 0 a

The term F can be related with

u 0 using the definition of average velocity (Eq. 3) in
the tube as follows,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 267

2F R 4 CR 2 2 0a 2
u0 = + C 0 2 ln1 + R (53)
0 R 2 (2 )
8 2 2 0 a 0

Inside the very thin concentration boundary layer, r=R-y and y << R , hence, and
higher order terms are neglected, to get the approximate velocity profile as,

vx = Ry (54)
The solute mass balance equation and its boundary conditions within the concentration
boundary layer remain in the same form as Eqs. (12), Eqs.(16-18). Only, A1 is replaced by A2.

A2 = A22 Re Sc (55)

Fd 2
where, A22 = (56)
2 0 u 0

In the definition of Re and Sc in Eq. (55), eff is expressed by Eq. (15), where F can be
calculated from Eq. (53) for a known u0 , rheological parameters and tube radius.
The concentration profile is obtained by solving Eq. (12) and Eqs. (16-18) using the
similarity method with the similarity parameter,

1 y*
= A2 3
x 3

Using the similar calculation steps as discussed in detail for the Ellis fluid, profile of
Sherwood number along the membrane length becomes,

( A22 ) 3
d 1
Sh( x ) =
(Re Sc ) 3 (58)
I2x 3 L


where, I 2 = exp
0 9
0.67eff 2 d

268 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

and eff 2 = (60)
1 d 1
( A22 ) (Re Sc ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

( A ) 3 Re Sc d
1 1
ShL = 1.5 22 (61)
I2 L

Based on the extent of permeation, following simplifications are discussed.

Case 1

No permeation: =0 and I2=1.8575. Hence, the average Sherwood number is,

d 3
ShL = 0.81( A22 )
Re Sc (62)

Case 2: With Permeation

In this case, I2 is evaluated by numerical integration for various values of eff 2 and
1 / I 2 is plotted with eff 2 in figure 2. The expression of the length averaged Sherwood
number is given by Eq. (38), replacing A11 by A22 and eff 1 by eff 2 .

Case 3:
0 = = , Newtonian fluid

In this case, as for Ellis fluid, A22 = 8 and the length averaged Sherwood number becomes
similar to Eq. (41), replacing eff 1 by eff 2 , while eff 2 is expressed by Eq. (42). Therefore,
the final expression for the length averaged Sherwood number is identical with Eq. (43).

2.1.3 Eyring Fluid

The rheological equation for the Eying fluid is [20],

1 dv x
rx = ASinh 1 (63)
B dr
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 269

An analysis of x-component equation of motion results in Eq. (51). Using Eqs. (51) and
(63), the expression of the x-component velocity profile becomes,

vx = {Cosh(KR ) Cosh(Kr )} (64)

where, K =
The relation between the cross sectional average velocity u0 and F can be obtained as
before (from Eq. 3),

2B R 1 R2
u0 = Sinh(KR ) + 2 (1 Cosh(KR )) Cosh( KR ) (65)
KR 2 K K 2

Inside the concentration boundary layer, r=R-y and y << R , hence and higher
order terms are neglected, to get the velocity profile as,

v x = [BSinh( KR )]y (66)

The solute mass balance equation and its boundary conditions within the concentration
boundary layer remain in the same form as Eq. (12) and Eqs. (16-18), with A1 is replaced by

A3 = A33 Re Sc (67)


Bd Kd
A33 = Sinh( ) (68)
u0 2

The definition of Re and Sc, in Eq. (68), eff is expressed by the Eq. (15), where F can be
calculated from Eq. (65) for a known value of u0 , rheological parameters and channel height.
The concentration profile is obtained by solving Eq. (12) and Eqs. (16-18) using the
similarity method with similarity parameter,

1 y*
= A3 3
x 3
270 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Using the similar calculation steps as discussed in detail for the Ellis fluid, the Sherwood
number profile along the membrane length becomes,

( A33 ) 3
1 1
d 3
Sh( x ) =
Re Sc (70)
I3x 3 L


where, I 3 = exp
0 9
0.67eff 3 d


and eff 3 = (72)
1 d 1
( A33 ) (Re Sc ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

( A33 ) 13
d 3
ShL = 1.5 Re Sc (73)
I3 L

The simplifications with various extents of permeation are as follows,

Case 1: No Permeation, =0

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes

d 3
ShL = 0.81( A33 )
Re Sc (74)

Case 2: With Permeation

As earlier, I3 is evaluated numerically for various values of eff 3 and 1 / I 3 versus eff 3
is plotted in figure 2. The Sherwood number relationship is given by Eq. (38), replacing A11
and A33 and eff 1 by eff 3 .
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 271



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
eff1, eff2, eff3

eff 1, eff 2, eff 3

Figure 2. Variation of the definite integrals I1,2,3 with for tubular geometry.

2.2. Flow through a Rectangular Channel

The theoretical developments of the rectangular thin channel for Ellis, Eyring and
Reiner-Philippoff fluids are presented herein. The flow geometry is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Schematic of the flow geometry in the rectangular channel.

272 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

2.2.1. Ellis Fluid

The rheology of the Ellis fluid is [20],

dv x
= 0 + 1 yx
) yx (75)

The laminar velocity profile of the Ellis fluid can be obtained by solving the x-
component equation of motion using Eq.(75),

y F
for 0 y h, v x = F 0 hy1 + 1 h 1 1 (76)
2h + 1 h

y F y +1
for h y 2h, v x = F 0 hy 1 + h 1 1 (77)
2h + 1

dP u
where, F = (- ). F, can be expressed as a function of average velocity ( 0 ) over the
cross-section of the channel as,


v dy x

u0 = 0



h2 F
u 0 = F 0 + 1 (h +1 ) (78)
3 +2

The solute mass balance in the concentration boundary layer is obtained as,

c c 2c
vx + vy =D 2 (79)
x y y

The x-component velocity profile is expressed by Eq. (76). Since the thickness of the
concentration boundary layer is small, 2 and the higher order terms in the binomial
expansion of the Eq. (76) are neglected and the simplified velocity profile becomes,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 273

for 0 y h, v x = F 0 h + F
1 h +1 }

Since the x-component velocity x is large enough compared to the permeate flux, the y-
component velocity can be approximated as expressed in Eq.(7). The boundary conditions of
Eq.(79) are given in Eqs.(8-11). Inserting the velocity profiles and after non-
dimensionalization, the following equation is obtained,

c * * c 2c*
( )
A y
Pe w x = (81)
x * y * y *2


x y c v d
x* = , y* = , c * = , Pe w = w e and
L de c0 D
A = F 0 h + F 1 h


The equivalent diameter for a thin channel is defined as

d e = 4h [23].The rheological
parameter A1 can be expressed in terms of Reynolds and Schmidt numbers as,

u 0 d e
A10 = F 0 h + F 1 h e }

u0 LD

d e
1 de d
A = F 0 + F 1 Re Sc e
u0 4 4 L

0 de
or A1 = A11 Re Sc

where, the non-dimensional rheological parameter becomes,

2 +1
de d
F 0 + F 1 e
A110 = 4 4 (83)
274 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

u 0 d e eff
and Re = , Sc =
eff D

The effective viscosity is generally expressed for the non-Newtonian fluid as [12]

Fd e
eff = (84)
32u 0

The derivation of Eq. (84) is presented in the appendix.

The non-dimensional boundary conditions for Eq. (81) are given by Eqs.(16-18). Eq. (81)
is a parabolic partial differential equation with one of the boundary at infinity. Hence, it
admits a similarity solution. The similarity parameter in this case is derived in the appendix
and is expressed as,

1 y*
0 = A 1
0 3
x* 3

In terms of the similarity parameter, Eq (81) becomes an ordinary differential equation,

d 2c* 2 dc *
+ 0 + B10 =0 (86)
d 0
2 3 d

where, B1 is a constant and is given as,

Pe w
B 10 = 1

A 1


Pe w
B 10 = x*
1 d 1
A 11
(Re Sc e ) 3

The transformed boundary conditions become,

0 = , c* = 1 (88)
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 275

0 = 0, dc + B 0 R c * = 0 (89)
d 0
1 r

The solution of Eq. (86) with the boundary conditions, Eqs. (88) and (89) is,

c ( 0 ) = K exp
B10 0 d 0 + K 20
9 1

0 0
The integration constants, K 1 and K 2 are obtained using Eqs. (88) and (89) as,

B10 R r
K 10 = (91)
1 B10 R r I 10

and K 2 =
1 B10 R r I 10


where, I = exp B10 0 d 0

The constant B1 , can be expressed in terms of length averaged dimensionless permeate

(Pe ) from Eq. (87),

1 d 3
Pe w = Pe w dx = 1 .5 A Re Sc e
* 0 3
11 B 10
0 L

Pe w
B10 = 0.67 (94)
1 d 1
(A 11
)(Re Sc e ) 3

Estimation of Mass Transfer Coefficient

From the definition of mass transfer coefficient, in terms of similarity parameter, Eq. (29)
is expressed as
276 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

1 d 3
A 0
Re Sc e

( )
L dc *
Sh c m 1 =
x* 3 d 0
0 = 0
dc *
and 0 0
are expressed in terms of the integration constants K 1 and K 2 as,
d 0 0 = 0

1 d 3
A 0
Re Sc e
L K 10
Sh = (96)
x* 3 K 20 1

0 0
Substituting K 1 and K 2 from Eqs. (91) and (92), the Sherwood number profile along
the membrane length becomes,

( ) d e 13

Sh x = *
(Re Sc ) (97)
x 3
I 10 L

The definite integral I 1 , can be expressed in terms of non-dimensional, length averaged
flux ( ) using Eqs. (93) and (94),

I 10 = exp 0 0.67 0 d 0 or,

9 1 d 1
A110 3 (Re Sc e ) 3


I 10 = exp 0 0.67 0eff 1 0 d 0 (98)

Pe w
where, 0eff 1 = (99)
1 d 1
A 11
(Re Sc e ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes, (from Eq. (97)),

( ) d e 13
Sh L = Sh( x )dx = 0 A110 * *
(Re Sc ) (100)
0 I1 L
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 277

Based on the extent of permeation, results of various cases are discussed below.

Case 1: No Permeation

Pew 03

In this case, =0 and hence, I = exp
0 d = 1.8575
9 0

Therefore, the expression for average Sherwood number is,

1 d e 13
Sh L = 0.81( A110 ) 3 (Re Sc ) (101)

Case 2: With Permeation (RO/UF System)

To trap the effects of suction as well as the non- Newtonian behavior, I 1 is evaluated
numerically for various values of 0eff 1 (between nearly 0 and 16, typically encountered in
RO/UF), and the inverse of the integral is plotted against eff 1 , in figure 4. The results are

fitted in polynomial function of 0eff 1 with a correlation coefficient more than 0.99, as

= 0.54 1 + 0.7430eff 1 + 0.105(0eff 1 ) 2 9.66 10 3 (0eff 1 ) 3 ] (102)

The expression of the average Sherwood number from Eq. (100) is then,

[1 + 0.743 ]
+ 0.105(0eff 1 ) 2 9.66 10 3 (0eff 1 ) 3 (103)
Sh L = 0.81 ( A ) Re Sc e
3 0
eff 1

Case 3: 1 = 0, Newtonian Fluid

In this case,
0 becomes inverse of the viscosity of the solution. Hence, the pressure
gradient ( = F ) from Eq. (78) becomes,
278 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

3u 0
F= , (104)

The rheological parameter A11 is simplified from Eq. (83),

Fd e
A110 = (105)
4u 0
Using Eq.(104), the value of A11 is obtained as 12. Therefore, from Eq.(103), the
expression of the length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

[ ]

ShL = 1.85 Re Sc e 1 + 0.7430eff 1 + 0.105(0eff 1 ) 2 9.66 10 3 (0eff 1 ) 3 (106)


Pe w
where from Eq. (99), eff 1 is, 0eff 1 = 0.44
d 1
(Re Sc e ) 3

Hence, Eq. (106) can be written as,

de 3 (108)
2 3
Pe w Pe w 4 Pe w
ShL = 1.85 Re Sc 1 + 0.32 + 0.02 8.05 10
L d 1 d 2 d
(Re Sc e ) 3 (Re Sc e ) 3 (Re Sc e )

It may be noticed that this result coincides with the reported one for the mass transfer
coefficient with permeation for Newtonian fluid [16].
Pe w
For, no permeation i.e., =0 and Eq. (108) becomes,

d 3

ShL = 1.85 Re Sc e (109)


which is identical with the Leveque solution [3].

Case 4:
0 = 0 , Power Law Fluid

In this case, the pressure gradient is obtained from Eq. (78) as,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 279

4 +1 u 0 ( + 2)
F = (110)
1 d e +1

From Eq. (83), rheological parameter A11 becomes,

F 1 d e
A =
11 (111)
u 0 4
Using Eqs. (110) and (111), A11 becomes

A110 = 4( + 2) (112)

Therefore, the expression of average Sherwood number is (from Eq. 103),

1 d
[ ]

Sh L = 1.28( + 2) 3 Re Sc e 1 + 0.73 0eff 1 + 0.105( 0eff 1 ) 2 9.66 10 3 (0eff 1 ) 3 (113)


where, 0eff 1 is (from Eq. 99),

0.63Pe w
0eff 1 = (114)
1d 1
( + 2) (Re Sc e ) 3

It may be noted here that in the definition of Re and Sc, the viscosity is eff. The
expression of eff is shown in the appendix.

2.2.2. Reiner-Philippoff Fluid

The rheological equation for Reiner-Philippoff fluid is [20],

dv x 1

0 yx (115)
0 +
1 + ( yx s )

An analysis of the equation of motion in x-direction yields the following equation,

d yx dp
= =F (116)
dy dx
280 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

The solution of the above equation using Eq. (115) yields the laminar velocity profile as,

vx =
F y
( ) ( )
2 2
hy 1 2h C ln (2 0 ) + 0 a (h y ) + C ln (2 0 ) + 0 a h (117)
2 2

where, a = F

and C = 0

2 0 a

The term F can be related with

u 0 using the definition of average velocity (Eq. 78) in
the channel as follows,

F h3 1 h
Ch ln ((2 0 ) + 0 a h ) + 2Ch 2C 2 tan
u0 = 2 2

0h 3 C

Inside the Concentration Boundary layer, where and higher order terms are
neglected, the velocity profile becomes,

vx = hy (119)

The solute mass balance equation and its boundary conditions within the concentration
0 0
boundary layer remain in the same form as Eqs. (81), (16-18). Only, A1 is replaced by A2 .

A20 = A22
Re Sc (120)

Fd e
where, A =
4 0 u 0

In the definition of Re and Sc in Eq. (120), eff is expressed by Eq. (84), where F can be
calculated from Eq. (118) for a known u0 , rheological parameters and channel half height.
The concentration profile is obtained by solving Eq. (81) and Eqs. (16-18) using the
similarity method with the similarity parameter,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 281

1 y*
0 = A20 3
x 3

Using the similar calculation steps as discussed in detail for the Ellis fluid, profile of
Sherwood number along the membrane length becomes,

( A22 ) 3
d e 13
Sh( x ) = *
(Re Sc ) (123)
0 *1 L
I x 2

where, I 2 = exp
0.67 0eff 2 0 d 0 (124)

and 0eff 2 = (125)
0 d 1 1
( A ) (Re Sc e ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

Sh L = 1.5
(A ) 0
Re Sc e
2 I L

Based on the extent of permeation, following simplifications are discussed.

Case 1: No permeation

PeW 0
=0 and I 2 =1.8575. Hence, the average Sherwood number is,

( ) d
1 3
Sh L = 0.81 A 0
Re Sc e (127)

Case 2: With Permeation

In this case, I 2 is evaluated by numerical integration for various values of eff 2 and
1 / I 20 is plotted with 0eff 2 in figure 4. The expression of the length averaged Sherwood
number is given by Eq. (103), replacing A11 by A22 and
0 0
0eff 1 by 0eff 2 .
282 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Case 3:
0 = = , Newtonian Fluid

In this case, as for Ellis fluid, A22 = 12 and the length averaged Sherwood number
becomes similar to Eq. (106), while 0eff 2 is expressed by Eq. (107). Therefore, the final
expression for the length averaged Sherwood number is identical with Eq. (108).

2.2.3. Eyring Fluid

The rheological equation for the Eying fluid is [20],

1 dv
yx = ASinh 1 x
B dy

An analysis of x-component equation of motion results in Eq. (116). Using Eqs. (116)
and (128), the expression of the x-component velocity profile becomes,

vx = {Cosh(K (h y )) Cosh(Kh)} (129)


F dx
where, K = =
The relation between the cross sectional average velocity u0 and F can be obtained as
before (from Eq.78),

B 2
u0 = Sinh(Kh ) 2hCosh(Kh ) (130)
2 Kh K

Inside the Concentration Boundary layer, where and higher order terms are
neglected, the velocity profile becomes,

v x = B Sinh( Kh) y (131)

The solute mass balance equation and its boundary conditions within the concentration
boundary layer remain in the same form as Eq. (81) and Eqs. (16-18), with A1 is replaced by
A30 ,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 283

A30 = A330 Re Sc (132)


Bd e Kd
A330 = Sinh( e ) (133)
u0 4
The definition of Re and Sc, in Eq. (133), eff is expressed by the Eq. (84), where F can
be calculated from Eq. (130) for a known value of u0 , rheological parameters and channel
The concentration profile is obtained by solving Eq. (81) and Eqs. (16-18) using the
similarity method with similarity parameter,

1 y*
0 = A30 3
x 3

Using the similar calculation steps as discussed in detail for the Ellis fluid, the Sherwood
number profile along the membrane length becomes,

Sh( x *
(A ) 0
Re Sc e
*1 L
I 30 x 3


where, I = exp 0 0.67 eff 3 0 d 0
0 0

and 0eff 3 = (137)
0 d 11
( A ) (Re Sc e ) 3

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes,

Sh L = 1.5
(A ) 0
Re Sc e
I 3 L

The simplifications with various extents of permeation are as follows,

284 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Case 1: No Permeation,

The length averaged Sherwood number becomes

( ) d
1 3
Sh L = 0.81 A 0
Re Sc e (139)

Case 2: With Permeation

I 30 is evaluated numerically for various values of 0 and 1 / I 30 versus

As earlier, eff 3
0eff 3 is plotted in figure 4. The Sherwood number relationship is given by Eq. (103),

replacing A11 by
0 A330 and 0 by 0 .
eff 1 eff 3



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
eff1, eff2, eff3

I 10, 2,3 0 eff 1, eff 2, eff 3 for rectangular channel.

Figure 4. Variation of the definite integrals with
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 285

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Tubular Geometry

3.1.1. Ellis Fluid

Aqueous solution of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) follows Ellis fluid behavior.
Various rheological parameters of the CMC solutions are given below [20],

0 = 0.2891 cm2 s-1 dyne-1, = 0.028 cm2 s-1 dyne-, =1.707 for 0.6% CMC and

0 = 0.421 cm2 s-1 dyne-1, = 0.2724 cm2 s-1 dyne-, =1.185 for 1.5% CMC

solution. In order to calculate the Sherwood number, first F (i.e., ) is fitted with the
average velocity (u0), using the following steps,

i) a value of u0 is assumed.
ii) using the rheological parameters and assumed values of u0 and channel
geometry R (0.001 m), F is obtained from Eq. (3) using Newton-Raphson iteration
iii) eff is calculated using the F value from step (ii) by Eq. (15).
u 0 d
iv) Reynolds number is calculated from its definition and is checked whether it
is lying within the laminar flow regime ( Re 2200 ).
Using the above method, F is evaluated for various value of u0 and is fitted as a function
of u0. The tubular channel radius (R) is considered to be 0.001 m in this study. The
relationship of F with u0 is presented below,

F = 1 . 1 10 5 u 0 + 1 . 8 10 5 u 0 + 9 . 8 10 3 , for 0.6% CMC solution

F = 2 . 8 10 5 u 0 + 5 . 5 10 3 , for 1.5% CMC solution (141)

where, F is in Pa/m and u0 is in m/s.

Using Eq. (14), A11 is evaluated at u0 =0.3 m/s and its values are,
A11 = 9.66 , for 0.6% CMC solution
= 8.23 , for 1.5% CMC solution (142)
The profiles of Sherwood numbers along the channel length are obtained from Eq. (32),
286 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

( )
Sh x =
* 2.13
Re Sc
d 3
, for 0.6% CMC solution
I1 x 3

2.02 d 3
= *1 ReSc , for 1.5% CMC solution (143)
I1 x 3 L
The values of the permeation parameter, eff 1 is obtained from Eq. (34),

0.469 Pe w
eff 1 = 1
for 0.6% CMC solution
d 3
Re Sc

= 1
for 1.5% CMC solution (144)
d 3
Re Sc

The length averaged Sherwood numbers are obtained from Eq. (38) as,

1 2 3
d PeW3
PeW 4 PeW
ShL = 1.73 Re Sc 1 + 0.35 + 0.026 8.67 10
L 1 2
d 3
d 3
Re Sc
Re Sc Re Sc L

for 0.6% CMC solution

1 2 3
= 1.64 Re Sc d 1 + 0.366 PeW PeW PeW
+ 0 .029 1.02 10 3
L 1 2
d 3 d 3 Re Sc
Re Sc Re Sc L

for 1.5% CMC solution (145)

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for values of
d PeW
Re Sc = 103 and 105 for =200 is shown in figure 5. It is observed from the figure
that, the Sherwood number decreases along the tube length. The decline is sharp in the
upstream of the channel and gradual thereafter. This is due to the fact that the build up of the
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 287

concentration boundary layer over the membrane surface becomes sluggish at the
downstream of the channel because of the forced convection imposed by the cross flow. This
reduces the concentration difference between the membrane surface and the bulk of the
solution. Therefore, the Sherwood number and consequently, the mass transfer coefficient
decreases along the channel length. It may be observed from figure 5 that the Sherwood
d Pe
number is more at higher Re Sc at the same level of the permeate flux ( w ). This
indicates that at higher Reynolds number, forced convection is more due to higher cross flow
velocity, which enhances the mass transfer coefficient. It may also be observed that the
Sherwood number profiles for both concentrations of CMC solution almost coincide at
d d
Re Sc =103 and they differ marginally at Re Sc =105.




260 Re Sc d/L=10

Sh(x )

0.6% CMC

1.5% CMC

140 Re Sc d/L=10

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Pe w = 200
Figure 5. Variation of Sherwood number along the tube length for the Ellis fluid at .

The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is presented in figure 6, for Re Sc =103 and 105. It is evident from the figure that
the Sherwood number increases with the wall Peclet number. This implies the mass transfer
coefficient increases with the extent of permeation. As permeation increases, the convective
solute flux through the membrane increases and at the steady state, to maintain the solute
balance, the backward diffusion from the surface to the bulk also increases. This leads to an
288 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

enhancement of the mass transfer coefficient. It may also be observed that at lower Re Sc ,
Sherwood number for both concentrations of CMC becomes identical.

Re Sc d/L=10

1.5% CMC
Re Sc d/L=10
0.6% CMC


0 100 200 300 400

Figure 6. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Ellis fluid for flow through a tube.

The effects of permeation on Sherwood number can be quantified from Eq. (145). The
ratio of Sherwood number with permeation to that without permeation ( =0) is presented

2 3
Q = 1 + 0.35
+ 0 . 026
8 . 67 10 4 PeW , for 0.6% CMC
1 2
d 3 d 3 Re Sc
Re Sc Re Sc L

2 3
= 1 + 0.366
+ 0 . 029
1 . 02 10 3 PeW , for 1.5% CMC
1 2
d 3
d 3
Re Sc
Re Sc Re Sc L
solution (146)
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 289

The variation of Q with the average wall Peclet number is shown in figure 7. It is
observed from the figure that the permeation results in about 2 times increase in the
d PeW d
Sherwood number for Re Sc =105 and =400, whereas for Re Sc =103, at
=400, permeation causes about six fold increase in the Sherwood number.

Re Sc d/L=10

1.5% CMC
0.6% CMC
Re Sc d/L=10

0 100 200 300 400 500

Length Averaged Pe NO

Figure 7. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Ellis fluid for flow through a tube.

3.1.2. Reiner-Philippoff Fluid

A typical set of rheological parameters for Reiner-Philippoff fluid is given below [20],

0 = 0.0215 Kg/m.s, = 0.00105 Kg/m.s and s = 0.0073 N/m2.

As discussed in section 3.1 F versus u0 relationship becomes,

F = 8.6 10 4 u 0 + 0.014 (147)

where, F is in Pa/m and u0 is in m/s.

For a typical velocity, 0 =1.18 m/s, rheological parameters and tube geometry, A22 is
evaluated from Eq. (56) as 8. From Eq. (55) A2 becomes,
290 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

A2 = 8 Re Sc (148)
The Sherwood number profile along the tube length is obtained from Eq. (58) as,

d 3
2 Re Sc
( )
Sh x* = *1
x 3 I2

The value of suction parameter eff 2 in this case is obtained from Eq. (60),

eff 2 = 0.5 1
d 3
Re Sc

The length averaged Sherwood number is obtained from Eq. (38) as,

1 2 3
Re Scd 3
ShL = 1.62
PeW PeW 3 PeW (151)
1 + 0.37 + 0.03 1.05 10
d 3
d 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc

The ratio (Q) of the average Sherwood number with permeation to that without
permeation ( =0) is expressed as,

2 3
PeW PeW 3 PeW (152)
Q = 1 + 0.37 + 0.03 1.05 10

d 3
d 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for Re Sc = 103 and
105 at the wall Peclet number, W =200, is shown in figure 8. The results show the usual

trend. The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is shown in figure 9. The ratio Q with the extent of suction ( ) is presented in
figure 10. The figures show the expected trend.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 291





Re Sc d/L=10
Sh(x )




160 Re Sc d/L=10


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 8. Variation of Sherwood number along the tube length for the Reiner-Philippoff fluid at
Pe w = 200


Re Sc d/L=10

Re Sc d/L=10


0 100 200 300 400


Figure 9. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Reiner-Philippoff fluid for flow through a tube.
292 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Re Sc d/L=10
Re Sc d/L=10


0 100 200 300 400 500


Figure 10. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Reiner-Philippoff fluid for flow
through a tube.

3.1.3. Eyring Fluid

The typical values of the rheological parameters for Eyring fluid are [23],
A= 600 N/m2, B= 200 S-1
The expression of F with u0 is obtained as before,

3 2
F = 2.0 10 7 u 0 2.2 10 7 u 0 + 9.7 10 6 u 0 + 1.5 10 5

u 0 =0.3 ms-1 and R=0.001 m, the value of A is found out

For an average velocity of 33

A = 9.875 . From Eq. (67),

from the Eq. (68) as 33

A3 = 9.875 Re Sc (154)

The Sherwood number profile along the channel length is obtained from Eq. (70) as,

( ) 2.15 d 3
Sh x = *1 Re Sc
x 3 I3 L
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 293

The value of the permeation parameter, eff 3 is obtained from Eq. (72) as,

Pe W
eff 3 = 0.466 1
d 3
Re Sc

The length averaged Sherwood number is obtained from Eq. (38) as,

1 2 3 (157)
Re Scd 3
PeW PeW 3 PeW
ShL = 1.74 1 + 0.345 + 0 . 026 1 . 06 10
1 2
d 3
d 3
Re Sc
Re Sc Re Sc L

Q, the ratio of average Sherwood number with suction to that without suction is given as

2 3
PeW PeW PeW (158)
Q = 1 + 0.346 + 0.023 9.78 10 4
3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for Re Sc = 103 and
105 at the wall Peclet number, W =200, is shown in figure 11. The results show the usual

trend. The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is shown in figure 12. The ratio Q with the extent of suction ( ) is presented in
figure 13. The figures show the expected result.

3.2. Rectangular Geometry

3.2.1. Ellis Fluid

Using the method described in section 3.1.1 for CMC solution F is evaluated for various
value of u0 and is fitted as a function of u0. The rectangular channel half height (h) is
considered to be 0.001 m in this study. The relationship of F with u0 is presented below,

F = 9 . 58 10 4 u 0 + 1 . 5 10 4
, for 0.6% CMC solution (159)

F = 2 . 09 10 5 u 0 + 6 . 7 10 3 , for 1.5% CMC solution (160)

294 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

where, F is in Pa/m and u0 is in m/s.



Re Sc d/L=10
Sh(x )


Re Sc d/L=10

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Pe w = 200
Figure 11. Variation of Sherwood number along the tube length for the Eyring fluid at .


Re Sc d/L=10

Re Sc d/L=10


0 100 200 300 400


Figure 12. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Eyring fluid for flow through a tube.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 295

Re Sc d/L=10

4 5
Re Sc d/L=10

0 100 200 300 400 500


Figure 13. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Eyring fluid for flow through a

Using Eq. (83), A11 is evaluated at u0 =0.3 m/s and its values are,
A110 = 12.33 , for 1.5% CMC solution
= 13.7 , for 0.6% CMC solution (161)

The profiles of Sherwood numbers along the channel length are obtained from Eq. (97),
2.39 de 3
( )
Sh x = *

0 * 3
Re Sc
, for 0.6% CMC solution
I1 x
2.31 d 3
= 0 *1 Re Sc e , for 1.5% CMC solution (162)
I1 x 3 L

The values of the permeation parameter, 0eff 1 is obtained from Eq. (99),

0.418 Pe w
0eff 1 = 1
for 0.6% CMC solution
d 3
Re Sc e
296 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

= 1
for 1.5% CMC solution (163)
d 3
Re Sc e

The length averaged Sherwood numbers are obtained from Eq. (103) as,

1 2 3
Re Scd e 3 PeW PeW 4 PeW
Sh L = 1.93 1 + 0.31 + 0 . 018 7 . 06 10
de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e


for 0.6% CMC solution


1 2 3
Re Scd e 3 PeW PeW PeW
1.87 1 + 0.316 + 0.02 7.84 10 4
de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e

for 1.5% CMC solution (164)

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for values of
de PeW
Re Sc = 103 and 105 for =200 is shown in figure 14. It is observed from the
figure that, the Sherwood number decreases along the channel length. The decline is sharp in
the upstream of the channel and gradual thereafter. This is due to the fact that the build up of
the concentration boundary layer over the membrane surface becomes sluggish at the
downstream of the channel because of the forced convection imposed by the cross flow. This
reduces the concentration difference between the membrane surface and the bulk of the
solution. Therefore, the Sherwood number and consequently, the mass transfer coefficient
decreases along the channel length. It may be observed from figure 14 that the Sherwood
de Pe
number is more at higher Re Sc at the same level of the permeate flux ( w ). This
indicates that at higher Reynolds number, forced convection is more due to higher cross flow
velocity, which enhances the mass transfer coefficient. It may also be observed that the
Sherwood number profiles for both concentrations of CMC solution almost coincide at
de d
Re Sc =103 and they differ marginally at Re Sc e =105.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 297

280 5
Re Sc de/L=10
Sh(x ) 260

220 0.6% CMC

200 1.5% CMC
160 3
Re Sc de/L=10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Pe w = 200
Figure 14. Variation of Sherwood number along the channel length for the Ellis fluid at .

Re Sc de/L=10

1.5% CMC
0.6% CMC Re Sc de/L=10


0 100 200 300 400

Figure 15. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Ellis fluid for flow through the rectangular channel.
298 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is presented in figure 15, for Re Sc =103 and 105. It is evident from the figure
that the Sherwood number increases with wall Peclet number. This implies the mass transfer
coefficient increases with the extent of permeation. As permeation increases, the convective
solute flux through the membrane increases and at the steady state, to maintain the solute
balance, the backward diffusion from the surface to the bulk also increases. This leads to an
enhancement of the mass transfer coefficient. It may also be observed that at lower
Re Sc , Sherwood number for both concentrations of CMC becomes identical.
The effects of permeation on Sherwood number can be quantified from Eq. (164). The
ratio of Sherwood number with permeation and without permeation ( =0) is presented

2 3
PeW PeW 4 PeW , for 0.6% CMC
Q = 1 + 0.31 + 0.018 7.06 10

de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e


2 3

= 1 + 0.316
+ 0.02
7.84 10 4 PeW , for 1.5% CMC
1 2
d 3 d 3 Re Sc e
Re Sc e Re Sc e L

The variation of Q with the average wall Peclet number is shown in figure 16. It is
observed from the figure that the permeation results in about 5 times increase in the
de PeW d
Sherwood number for Re Sc =105 and =400, whereas for Re Sc e =103, at
=400, permeation causes about three fold increase in the Sherwood number.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 299

1.5% CMC
Re Sc de/L=10
0.6% CMC

Re Sc de/L=10

0 100 200 300 400

Figure 16. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Ellis fluid for flow through the
rectangular channel.

3.2.2. Reiner-Philippoff Fluid

For a typical set of rheological parameters for Reiner-Philippoff fluid, as discussed in
section 3.1.2, F versus u0 relationship becomes,

F = 6.45 10 4 u 0 + 0.03 (166)

where, F is in Pa/m and u0 is in m/s.

For a typical velocity,

u 0 =1.18 m/s, rheological parameters and channel height, A 0 is

evaluated from Eq. (121) as 12.52. From Eq. (120), A20 becomes,

A20 = 12.52 Re Sc e (167)

The Sherwood number profile along the channel length is obtained from Eq. (123) as,
300 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

d 3
2.32 Re Sc e
( )
Sh x * =

* 13 0
x I2

The value of suction parameter 0eff 2 in this case is obtained from Eq. (125),

Pe W
0eff 2 = 0.43 1
d 3
Re Sc e

The length averaged Sherwood number is obtained from Eq. (103) as,

1 2 3 (170)
Re Scd e 3
PeW PeW 4 PeW
Sh L = 1.88 1 + 0 . 32 + 0 . 02 7 . 68 10
de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e

The ratio (Q) of the average Sherwood number with suction and without suction
( =0) is expressed as,

2 3
PeW PeW PeW (171)
Q = 1 + 0.32 + 0.02 7.68 10 4
d 3
d 3
Re Sc e Re Sc e Re Sc e

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for Re Sc = 103 and
105 at the wall Peclet number, W =200, is shown in figure 17. The results show the usual

trend. The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is shown in figure 18. The ratio Q with the extent of suction ( ) is presented in
figure 19. The figures show the expected trend.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 301

Sh(x ) 240
Re Sc de/L=10

160 3
Re Sc de/L=10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 17. Variation of Sherwood number along the channel length for the Reiner-Philippoff fluid at
Pe w = 200


Re Sc de/L=10
Re Sc de/L=10



0 100 200 300 400

Figure 18. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Reiner-Philippoff fluid for flow through the rectangular channel.
302 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 19. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Reiner-Philippoff fluid for flow
through the rectangular channel.

3.2.3. Eyring Fluid

For typical values of the rheological parameters for Eyring fluid as discussed in section
3.1.3, the expression of F with u0 is obtained as before,

F = 3 10 5 + 5.44 10 6 u 0 4.65 10 6 u 0

For an average velocity of

u 0 =0.3 ms-1 and h=1 mm, the value of A330 is found out from

the Eq. (133) as

A330 = 16.54 . From Eq. (132),

A30 = 16.5353 Re Sc e (173)

The Sherwood number profile along the channel length is obtained from Eq. (135) as,

( ) 2.55 d 3
Sh x = *1 0 Re Sc e
x I3

The value of the permeation parameter, 0eff 3 is obtained from Eq. (137) as,
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 303

Pe W
0eff 3 = 0.39 1
d 3
Re Sc e

The length averaged Sherwood number is obtained from Eq. (103) as,

1 2 3 (176)
Re Scd e 3
PeW PeW 4 PeW
Sh L = 2.06 1 + 0 . 28 + 0 . 016 5 . 73 10
de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e


Q, the ratio of average Sherwood number with suction to that without suction is given as

2 3
PeW PeW 4 PeW (177)
Q = 1 + 0.28 + 0.016 5.73 10

de 3
de 3 d
Re Sc Re Sc Re Sc e




Sh(x )

Re Sc de/L=10

150 3
Re Sc de/L=10

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Pe w = 200
Figure 20. Variation of Sherwood number along the channel length for the Eyring fluid at .
304 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar


Re Sc de/L=10


ShL Re Sc de/L=10



0 100 200 300 400

Figure 21. Variation of length averaged Sherwood number with the average dimensionless permeate flux for
the Eyring fluid for flow through the rectangular channel.

Re Sc de/L=10

Re Sc de/L=10

0 100 200 300 400


Figure 22. Variation of Q with the average dimensionless permeate flux for Eyring fluid for flow through the
rectangular channel.
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 305

The variation of the Sherwood number along the channel length for Re Sc = 103 and
105 at the wall Peclet number, W =200, is shown in figure 20. The results show the usual

trend. The variation of the length averaged Sherwood number with the average wall Peclet
number is shown in figure 21. The ratio Q with the extent of suction ( ) is presented in
figure 22. The figures show the expected trend.

4. Conclusion

The Sherwood number relations incorporating the effects of permeation are derived from
the first principles for a laminar flow in a tubular module and rectangular channel for three
non-Newtonian fluids. Effects of permeation on the mass transfer coefficient have been
quantified. Because of permeation, the Sherwood number can increase several times
compared to that without permeation depending upon the permeate flux. The derived
analytical expressions are useful to the engineers for design of the tubular and spiral wound
membrane modules for flow of the non-Newtonian fluids covered in this study.


A rhelogical parameter in Eyring fluid

A1,A2,A3 dimensionless parameters in Eqs.(12), (55) and (67)
A10 , A20 , A30 dimensionless parameters in Eqs.(82), (120) and (132)
A11,22,33 dimensionless rheological parameters in Eqs.(14), (56) and (68)
A110 , 22,33 dimensionless rheological parameters in Eqs.(83), (121) and (132)
B rhelogical parameter in Eyring fluid
B1 constant in Eq.(21)
B10 constant in Eq.(87)
c solute concentration, kg/m3
c0 feed concentration, kg/m3
cp permeate concentration, kg/m3
c* dimensionless concentration
cm membrane surface concentration, kg/m3
D solute diffusivity, m2/s
d tube diameter, m
F pressure gradient across the channel length (-dP/dx), Pa/m
f friction factor
I1,2,3 definite integrals in Eqs. (27), (59) and (71)
I 10, 2,3 definite integrals in Eqs. (93), (124) and (136)
306 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

K parameter in Eq.(64)
K1,2 integration constants in Eq.(24)
K 10, 2 integration constants in Eq.(96)
k mass transfer coefficient, m/s
L channel length, m
P pressure, Pa
Pew dimensionless permeate flux (wall Peclet number)
Pe w
length averaged non-dimensional permeate flux
R tube Radius, m
Re Reynolds number
Rr real retention of the membrane
r radial direction, m
Sh Sherwood number
ShL length averaged Sherwood number
Sc Schmidt number
u0 average velocity across the cross section, m/s
vx x-component velocity, m/s
vy y-component velocity, m/s
vw permeate flux, m3/m2s
x axial dimension, m
x* dimensionless axial dimension
y dimension normal to the flow direction, m
y* dimensionless normal dimension

Greek letters:
Ellis fluid rheological parameter
concentration boundary layer thickness, m
* dimensionless concentration boundary layer thickness
0 , Ellis fluid rheological parameters

yx Shear stress, Pa
0 , rheological parameters in Eq.(50), Pa.s
eff effective viscosity, Pa.s

, , , 0 , 0 , 0 similarity parameters
density, kg/m3
s rheological parameters in Eq.(50), Pa
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 307


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A.1. Effective Viscosity ( eff )

From the definition of friction factor, f [12],

f = (A1)
1 2
u 0
From the definition of the wall shear stress [12],
dP d d
w = =F (A2)
dx 4 4

From Eqs. (A1) and (A2), the expression of friction factor becomes,

Fd 2
f = (A3)
2 u 02
For laminar flow, f = (A4)
Effects of Permeation on Mass Transfer Coefficient 309

Fd 2
Hence, from Eqs.(A3) and (A4), eff = (A5)
32u 0

A.2. Similarity Parameter

Evaluating Eq.(12) at the edge of the concentration boundary layer,

c * c *
A1 * *2 (A6)
x * 3
From the above equation, * =
y* y*
Similarity parameter is defined as, = = A11 / 3 (A7)
* x *1 / 3

A.3. Effective Viscosity for Power Law Fluid

Flow Through a Tube

In this case,
0 = 0 . From Eqs.(46) and (47), the explicit expression of F becomes,

1 1
( + 3) u 0
F =2
1 +1
1 d

From Eqs. (A5) and (A8), the expression of effective viscosity is obtained in this case,

1 1
1 u 2( + 3)
eff = 0 (A9)
16 d 1

Flow through a Rectangular Thin Channel

In this case,
0 = 0 . From Eqs.(111) and (112), the explicit expression of F becomes,
310 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

1 1
( + 2) u 0
F =4
1 +1
1 d e

From Eqs. (A5) and (A10), the expression of effective viscosity is obtained in this case,

1 1
1u 4( + 2)
eff = 0 (A11)
8 de 1
In: Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition ISBN: 978-1-60741-505-3
Editor: Pauline G. Scardina 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Chapter 9

Membrane Based
of Fruit Juice

Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India


This chapter discusses the effect of externally applied d.c electric field during cross-flow
ultrafiltration of synthetic juice (mixture of sucrose and pectin) and mosambi (Citrus Sinensis
(L.) Osbeck) fruit juice using 50000 (MWCO) polyerthersulfon membrane. Pectin,
completely rejected by the membrane, forms a gel type layer over the membrane surface.
Under the application of an external d.c. electric field across the membrane, gel layer
formation is restricted leading to an enhancement of permeate flux. During ultrafiltration of
synthetic juice, application of d.c. electric field (800 V/m) increases the permeate flux to
almost threefold compared to that with zero electric field. A theoretical model based on
integral method assuming suitable concentration profile in the boundary layer is developed.
The proposed model is used to predict the steady state permeate flux in gel-layer governed
electric field assisted ultrafiltration. A gel polarization model is also proposed incorporating
continuous as well as pulsed electric field and numerically solved to quantify the flux decline
and growth of the gel layer thickness. The gel layer thickness is also measured with high-
resolution video microscopy and successfully compared with results from the numerical
solution of the model under various operating conditions. Predictions of the model are

A version of this chapter was also published in Electric Field Enhanced Membrane Separation System:
Principles and Typical Applications, by Sirshendu De, Ranjith Kumar and Sunando DasGupta published
by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. It was submitted for appropriate modifications in an effort to
encourage wider dissemination of research.
312 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

successfully compared with the experimental results under a wide range of operating
Application of d.c. electric field during ultrafiltration of mosambi juice has resulted in
significant improvement of permeate flux. A steady state gel polarization model has been
applied to evaluate the gel layer concentration, effective diffusivity and effective viscosity of
the juice within the concentration boundary layer, by optimizing the experimental flux data.
Application of pulsed electric field is found to be more beneficial in terms of energy
consumption, and equally effective in terms of flux augmentation as compared to constant


A Constant defined by Eq.(2.25)

A Membrane surface area, m2
a1, 2, 3 Coefficients in Eq.(2.29)
c Concentration of pectin, kg/m3
co Pectin concentration at bulk, kg/m3
cg Pectin concentration in gel, kg/m3

c* Dimensionless concentration (c / co )
c g Dimensionless gel concentration (cg /c0)
dp Equivalent spherical diameter of pectin, m
de Equivalent diameter, m
D Diffusivity of pectin, m2/s
Di Dielectric constant, dimensionless
E Electric field, V/m
E total total energy consumption, kWh/m3
E pump pump energy consumption, kWh/m3
E electrical energy consumption due to external electric field, kWh/m3
I current, amp
h Half of channel height, m
K Boltzmann constant (1.38x10-23), J/K
k Mass transfer coefficient, m/s
L Channel length, m
Mw Molecular weight, kg/k.mol
N fraction of on time, dimensionless
P power consumption per unit volume of permeate, watt hr/m3
Q permeation rate, m3/s
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 313

Pe w Average peclet number (dimensionless flux)

Pee Peclet number due to electric field (dimensionless flux)
Re Reynolds number at the bulk condition
Sc Schmidt number at the bulk condition
T Absolute temperature, oC
t time, s
t1 on-time, s
t2 off-time,s
ttotal total operational time, s
ue Electrophoretic mobility, ms-1/Vm-1
ve Electrophoretic velocity, m/s
vw Permeate flux, m3/m2 s
vw, pure pure water flux, m3/m2 s
v exp
w experimental permeate flux, m3/m2 s
v cal
w calculated permeate flux, m3/m2 s
u Axial velocity, m/s
u0 Average bulk velocity, m/s
v Velocity component in normal direction, m/s
x Coordinate from the membrane, m
y Normal distance, m
y* Dimensionless normal distance (y/h)
x* Dimensionless axial distance ( x/L)
z Parameter in Eq. (2.12), kg/kmol.m3

Greek Letters

Viscosity, Pa s
g Gel layer thickness, m
c Thickness of concentration boundary layer, m
*c Dimensionless concentration boundary layer thickness ( c / h)
Zeta potential of particle, V
Permittivity of vacuum (8.854x10-12), CV-1m-1
Bulk density, kg/m3
g gel density, kg/m3
transmembrane pressure drop, kPa
pump pump pressure drop, kPa
314 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

g gel density, kg/m3

pump efficiency of pump
d.c. power supply efficiency of d.c. power supply

2.1. Importance and Techniques

of Clarification of Fruit Juice

India is the second largest producer of fruits in the world, but only 2% of the produced
fruits are processed. In India, the production per capita availability is very low (120-130
g/day against 300g recommended) due to wastage caused by inadequate post-harvest
facilities. Hence to minimize the post harvest losses due to spoilage and to meet the
increasing market demand, there is a need to process the fruit juice with increased shelf-life
and to retain the properties of fresh fruit, as well as color, aroma, nutritional value and
structural properties. The composition of fruit juice depends on the variety, origin, weather,
processing procedure and storage. The major components of fruit juice are sugar (in the form
of sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc.), salts, acids, proteins, pectin, starch, minerals, vitamins,
flavor and aroma compounds. The organic flavor and aroma compounds contain alcohols,
esters, aldehydes etc., which are highly volatile in nature. The raw fruit juice obtained after
extraction is very viscous, turbid, rich in color and contains significant amount of colloidal
materials (100-1000 ppm) which are stabilized in suspension by pectin, starch etc.,[1]. Hence,
raw juice needs to be clarified prior to its commercial use. Clarification of juice involves the
removal of hazeforming components such as suspended solids, colloidal particles, pectins,
proteins etc. For clarification of fruit juice, traditional methods involve several labor-
intensive and time consuming batch operations, e.g., use of enzyme (pectinase), fining agent
(gelatine, bentonite etc.), filter aids (diatomaceous earth, kieselguhr etc.) etc. However, the
use of these additives (fining agent, filter aids) give bitter taste in the juice. Moreover, the
solids obtained after filtration contains enzyme, fining agent and filter aids. This can not be
reused and causes pollution problems due to their disposal [2]. For concentrating clarified
juice, evaporation is the most common technique but it causes the loss of aroma and flavor
compounds and requires high energy consumption [3].
In this regard, membrane based separation processes have gradually become a cost
effective alternative to conventional fining and clarification technique. These processes are
athermal and involve no phase change or addition of chemicals. Apart from it, other
advantages of these processes are low energy consumption, less processing time, production
of additive free high quality juice with natural fresh taste.
The major problem associated with membrane based clarification of fruit juice is the flux
decline due to concentration polarization and membrane fouling during the operation. The
objective of ultrafiltration of fruit juice is to retain high molecular weight pectin and its
derivative (which have a tendency to form gel on the membrane surface) and to allow low
molecular weight solute like sucrose, acid, salt etc., to permeate through the membrane. In
fruit juice, typical concentration of pectic substances is up to 1.0 % [4]. Pectins are acidic
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 315

polysaccharides that originate in the cell membrane structure in plants which is composed of
a rahmno-galacturonan backbone in which 1-4 linked -D-galacturonan chain are interrupted
and bent at the intervals by the insertion of 1-2 linked -L-rahmnopyranosyl residue. One of
the important properties of pectin is that it forms gel in presence of sugar and acid. Pectin gel
is nothing but network of cross-linked polymer molecules in a liquid medium [5]. The
strength and characteristics of pectin gel depend on degree of methoxylation, presence of
sugar, average molecular weight, ionic strength, pH, temperature and charge density etc.
Based on degree of esterification, pectins are classified into high methoxyl-pectin (> 50%
esterified) and low methoxyl-pectin (<50% esterified). High methoxyl-pectins form gel in
presence of sugar and acid (pH<3.6) by the formation of hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic
interactions. Gelation of low methoxyl-pectin occurs in presence of divalent cations, such as
calcium ion, which binds the pectin molecules and acts as a bridge between two carboxyl
groups of pectin [5]. Apart from gel forming characteristics, other important properties of
pectin is that it carries a negative charge and its charge density depends on pH and degree of
methoxylation. The variation of zeta potential with pectin concentration at different solution
pH and glucose contents is discussed by Sulaiman et al. [6]. Gelation of pectin is largely
affected by the charge distribution in rahmno-galacturonan backbone.
Gel forming pectin molecules are found to behave as significant organic foulants of
membranes [7]. Therefore, depectinization of juice is a common pretreatment method before
membrane clarification. In order to reduce the pectin content, an enzymatic treatment of the
raw juice is usually carried out with enzyme such as pectinase. Pectinase hydrolyses pectin
resulting in a flocculation of pectin-protein complex. This enzyme treatment reduces the
amount of pectin in the juice and makes the filtration process easier by lowering its viscosity.
During ultrafiltration of fruit juice, the left over pectin even after enzyme treatment is
sufficient to cause a formation of gel type layer over the membrane surface which offers extra
resistance to the permeate flow in series with the hydraulic resistance of the membrane [8,9]
and thereby drastically reduces the permeate flux. Hence improvement of permeate flux
during fruit juice clarification is an interesting challenge.

2.2. Application of External Field

Application of various external fields such as acoustic, magnetic, and d.c. electric field
for the reduction of concentration polarization and membrane fouling have been discussed in
Chapter 1. Among the various external fields, use of d.c. electric field is explored here to
improve the membrane performance. Several studies have been focused to reduce
concentration polarization and membrane fouling but very few reports are available in
literature regarding the use of external electric field to the enhancement of permeate flux. In
electro-ultrafiltration, the concentration polarization is reduced by applying an external d.c.
electric field across the membrane. A number of excellent publications on electro-ultra
filtration are available in literature (see section 1.4.4). The major problems associated with
the use of continuous electric field during ultrafiltration include changes in feed properties
due to electrode reaction [10-13], requirement of high energy, rise of temperature, etc. The
method can not be effectively used for feeds of high electrical conductivity and heat
316 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

sensitivity. These problems can be circumvented by the use of pulsed electric field instead of
a continuous one. A few references of the use of pulsed electric fields are available in
literature (see section 1.4.4). During electro-ultrafiltration, electrolysis may take place at the
electrode. When electric field is applied, the passage of current causes the reaction at the two
electrodes and may lead to change in pH near the electrode. Rabie et al. [14] and Vijh [15]
have discussed the possible electrode reactions in detail. Most possible electrode reactions
are as follows:
Reduction at the cathode:

2H 2 O + 2e - H 2 + 2OH -

M c n+ + ne - M c (2.2)

Oxidation at the anode:

M a M an+ + ne - (2.3)

6H 2 O O 2 + 4H 3O + + 4e - (2.4)

where, M c and M a represent the cathode and anode material, respectively. Reaction (2.1)
leads to the evolution of hydrogen gas and OH- ions near the cathode. Reaction (2.2) takes
place if the cathode metal is positioned below hydrogen in the electrochemical series. Since
the porous cathode plate is placed below the membrane, the produced OH- ions are washed
out with the permeate stream resulting an increase in pH of the permeate. Reaction (2.3) can
be avoided by using inert material such as platinum, silver, gold, etc. and reaction (2.4)
causes the evolution of oxygen gas and H 3O + that leads to decrease of pH near the anode.

2.2.1. Application of Electric Field during Fruit Juice Clarification

Pectin being negatively charged, application of external d.c. electric field during cross-
flow ultrafiltration of fruit juice appears to be promising. Application of an appropriate
external electric field across the membrane significantly reduces the gel-type layer formation
by the charged pectin molecules, thereby increasing the permeate flux (and possible reduction
of membrane fouling). This observation has encouraged us to investigate the effect of electric
field on the permeate flux in the clarification of fruit juice.
Several models have been attempted to simulate the ultrafiltration performance of fruit
juice. The most conventional models are gel-polarization model [16], osmotic pressure model
[17], boundary layer model [18], resistance in series model etc. Shen et al. [19] have
developed a similarity solution model and Probstein et al. [20] have proposed an integral
method to model gel layer controlled ultrafiltration. Permeation of sucrose through a gel
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 317

forming material (PVA) is studied and modeled by De et al. [16]. In contrast, a suitable
mathematical model for electric field enhanced ultrafiltration of gel forming particle is rare in
In this chapter, the potential of an externally applied electric field for the reduction of
pectin gel type layer formation over the membrane surface has been explored. A cross-flow
ultrafiltration in presence of electric field has been carried out under a wide range of
operating conditions for the clarification of synthetic juice (a mixture of pectin and sucrose)
and mosambi (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) juice. Effects of operating conditions, e.g. electric
field, feed concentration, pressure and cross flow velocity on the permeate flux are
investigated in detail. The integral method of solution under the frame work of boundary
layer analysis of Probstein et al. [20] is extended for the prediction of steady state permeate
flux in gel controlled ultrafiltration of synthetic juice in presence of an external d.c. electric
field. The gel type layer thickness during ultrafiltration of a synthetic juice solution of pectin
and sucrose mixture is measured using high-resolution video microscopy. A theoretical
model for the growth of the gel-type layer over the membrane surface under various
operating conditions is proposed, numerically solved and successfully compared with
optically measured values of gel thickness. It is appeared from the earlier discussion that use
of a pulsed electric field may be able to address some of the inherent limitations and
shortcomings associated with the application of a continuous field. There has been no report
in the literature about the use of pulsed electric field for fruit juice clarification. The present
work also investigates to study the effects of pulsed electric field, cross flow velocity and
feed concentration on the permeate flux during clarification of synthetic and mosambi juice.
A theoretical model based on resistance-in-series model for prediction of permeate flux and
gel layer thickness over the membrane surface is proposed in presence of pulsed electric
field. Mosambi juice is a complex mixture of several components, the viscosity and
diffusivity values are difficult to obtain. The gel concentration of the actual juice is also
different from that of pure pectin. Moreover, the variation of viscosity and diffusivity within
concentration polarization layer near the membrane surface is significant due to sharp
variation in the concentration. For the difficulty in estimating the concentration dependence
of viscosity and diffusivity of the real juice, an optimization technique has been developed to
evaluate the effective values of these parameters. The value of mass transfer coefficient
required for the above mentioned optimization has been deduced from the Sherwood number
relationship derived in integral solution method for synthetic juice. Knowing these
parameters, transient flux decline is quantified by a resistance-in-series model during
ultrafiltration of mosambi juice in presence of continuous as well as pulsed electric field.

2.3. Membrane Experiment

2.3.1. Cross-flow Electro-ultrafiltration Cell

The experiments are conducted in continuous mode of operation. From the feed tank,
feed solution is pumped and allowed to flow tangentially over the membrane surface through
a thin channel of 37 cm in length, 3.6 cm in width and 6.5 mm in height. The anode is
318 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

platinum coated titanium sheet (length 33.5 cm, width 3.4 cm, thickness 1.0 mm) obtained
from Ti Anode Fabricators, Chennai (India), and mounted parallel to the flow position just
above the ultrafiltration channel. External electric field from a regulated DC power supply is
applied across the membrane surface. The retentate is recycled to the feed tank. The flow rate
is measured by a rotameter in the retentate line. Pressure inside the electro ultrafiltration cell
is maintained by operating the bypass valve and measured by a pressure gauge. Permeate is
collected from bottom of the cell. The effective filtration area is 133.2 cm2. The details of
schematic of the experimental set up are shown in Figure 2.1 and 2.2.

Figure 2.1. Schematic diagram of electro-ultrafiltration system.

Figure 2.2. Continued on next page.

Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 319

Figure 2.2.Configuration of the electro-ultrafiltration chamber.

2.3.2. Procedure for Conducting Experiments Materials
Mosambi (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) fruits were collected from local market. In
industries, membranes having a wide range of pore sizes, with molecular weight cut-off
(MWCO) 18 kDa to 0.2 m are generally used for clarification of fruit juice [21]. Since the
average molecular weight of pectin is approximately 65 kDa, flat sheet polyethersulfone
membrane of MWCO 50 kDa is chosen for electric field assisted clarification of synthetic
juice as well as mosambi juice. Membranes obtained from M/s, Permionics Membranes Pvt.
Ltd., Boroda, Gujarat, (India), have been used for the experiments. Operating Conditions

Electro-ultrafiltration experiments are designed to observe the effects of variations in
operating conditions (transmembrane pressure, cross-flow velocity, electric field, feed
concentration and pulse ratio). The electrical conductivity of mosambi fruit juice (4.0 m
S/cm) is significantly higher compared to that of the synthetic juice (0.17 m S/cm). Due to the
high electrical conductivity of mosambi juice, use of higher electric field results in significant
water hydrolysis at the electrodes leading to evolution of oxygen (O2) and hydronium ions
(H3O+) at the anode and hydrogen (H2) and hydroxyl ions (OH-) at the cathode. This may
change the properties of the feed as well as the permeate and may result in rise of
temperature. To avoid electrolytic reactions, maximum operating electric field has been
restricted to 500 V/m. Preparation of Feed

Three different mixtures of pectin and sucrose are prepared in double distilled water
(Pectin: 1 kg/m3, Sucrose: 14 Brix; Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12 Brix; Pectin: 5 kg/m3,
Sucrose: 10 Brix) and used for the experiments. Mosambi juice was extracted by a manually
operated screw type juice extractor. Pectinase from Aspergillus nigar with activity 3.5-7.0
units/mg protein (Lowry) (SIGMA-ALDRICH (USA) was used to treat the mosambi juice at
320 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

an enzyme concentration of 0.01% v/v at 44oC (in a bath at constant temperature) for 120
minutes. After the treatment, the suspension was heated to 90oC for 5 minutes in a water bath
to inactivate the remaining enzyme in the sample. The decanted, depectinized juice was used
for electro-ultrafiltration. Conduction of Experiments

The membrane is compacted at a pressure of 690 kPa (higher than the highest operating
pressure used in this study) for 3 hours using distilled water. Pure water fluxes at different
operating pressures are measured next and plotted against pressure difference. The membrane
permeability is obtained from the slope of this curve as 1x10-10 m/Pa s for 50 kDa. During
ultrafiltration experiment, permeate samples are collected at different time. The duration of
each experiment is 30-40 minutes. All experiments are conducted at 302C. After each
experiment, the membranes are cleaned using the following procedure:

Table 2.1. Operating conditions used in experiment

Juice Variable Operating conditions

Synthetic Feed Pectin: 1 kg/m3; Sucrose: 14 Brix
juice Pectin: 3 kg/m3; Sucrose: 12 Brix
Pectin: 5 kg/m3; Sucrose: 10 Brix
Transmembrane pressure 220, 360, 500, 635
Cross flow velocity (m/s) 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18
Electric field (V/m) 0, 300, 600, 800,1000,
1200,1600, 2000
Pulse ratio (off time always 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, constant
set to 1 sec). electric field
Real juice Mosambi juice
Transmembrane pressure 220, 360, 500, 635
Cross flow velocity (m/s) 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18
Electric field (V/m) 0, 200, 300,400, 500
Pulse ratio (off time always 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, constant
set to 1 sec). electric field

After completion of an experiment membrane was washed thoroughly for 45minutes by

recirculating distilled water at room temperature 302C, followed by 45 minutes of static
acid (pH 3.0) washing using HCl, 30 min of washing using distilled water, 30 minutes of
alkaline ( pH 10) washing and finally membrane was washed with distilled water. After such
thorough washing, water flux was measured with distilled water. This procedure is allowed
for recovery of the pure initial water flux within 95%. All the steps are carried out at room
temperature i.e., 302C. The membranes are also cleaned in situ in some of the experiments
in the same way as mentioned before. In both the cases results are almost same. It has been
found that the original permeability of the membrane is completely recovered in most cases.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 321

Application of external d.c. electric field has a significant effect on membrane fouling. In
presence of electric field the deposition over the membrane surface is less and therefore less
time is needed for its cleaning compared to without electric field. Analysis of the Feed and Permeate

The concentrations of pectin and sucrose in the synthetic juice as well as in the permeate
and retentate are determined using a Genesys2 Spectrophotometer. For pectin concentration,
a wavelength of 230 nm is used and distilled water is taken as a blank. For pectin-sucrose
mixture, the pectin free solution containing same amount of sucrose is used as blank. The
sucrose contents in the sample are assessed with a refractometer (Thermospectronic). The raw
mosambi juice and clarified juice samples were analyzed for color, clarity, total soluble solid,
titrable acidity, pH, viscosity, pectin content, and conductivity. Color was measured by
absorbance at 420 nm and clarity by transmittance at 660 nm using Genesys2
Spectrophotometer (Thermospectronic, USA). The total soluble solid was measured by
refractometer, (Thermospectronic, USA). The acidity of the sample was determined by
titration against 0.1 M NaOH and expressed as % of anhydrous citric acid. The viscosity was
measured by using an Ostwald viscometer. Zeta potential is obtained by measuring
electrophoretic mobility and then by using Henry equation. The electrophoretic mobility of
the particle is measured by Laser Doppler Velocimetry. The conductivity is measured by an
autoranging conductivity meter, Toshniwal Instrument (India). Alcohol insoluble solid (AIS)
was used as a measure for pectin content in the juice. AIS values were measured by mixing
20 g juice with 300 ml 80% alcohol solution and simmering the mixture for 30 minutes. The
filtered residue was washed with 80% alcohol solution. The residue was dried at 100oC for 2
hour and is expressed in weight percentage [22]. Pectin content of the juice was about 0.38
times of AIS value as obtained from a calibration curve. The zeta potential of mosambi juice
at its natural pH was measured by a zeta meter (Zetasizer, Nano-ZS, Malvern Instruments,
UK). Physico-chemical properties of synthetic juice and mosambi juice are presented in
Table 2.2 and 2.3.

Table 2.2. Physico-chemical properties of synthetic juice

Pectin + Sucrose pH Conducti Viscosity Density Zeta Diffusivity

mixture -vity x 103 (Pa s) x 10-3 potential x 1011(m2/s)
(mS/cm) (kg/m3) (mV)
(1 kg/m3 + 14 Brix) 3.5 57.0 1.83 1.06 -19.4 5.11
(3 kg/m3 + 12 Brix) 3.2 127.0 2.72 1.05 -20.5 3.44
(5 kg/m3 + 10 Brix) 3.16 170.0 3.10 1.04 -20.1 3.02

The particle size of the mosambi juice are determined by Malvern Zetasizer (Nano ZS,
ZEN3600, Malvern, England). It measures the particle size using the technique of dynamic
light scattering (DLS). The suspended particles are in brownian motion. DLS measures the
brownian motion of the particle to calculate the size of the particle. In this system Helium-
Neon red laser is used to provide the source of light at a wavelength of 638.2 nm and a
detector is used to measure the intensity of scattered light at an angle of 173, called
backscattered detection. The rate of intensity fluctuation is used to calculate the size of the
322 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

particle. Thus DLS gives a measure of intensity particle size distribution shown in Figure 2.3.
The average particle size are found to be 1.676 m, 1.495 m and 0.145 m for actual
mosambi juice, enzyme treated juice and permeate respectively.

Table 2.3.1. Physico-chemical properties of mosambi juice

Juice Pectin TSS pH Density Viscosity Conductivit

(kg/m3) (0Brix 10-3 103 (Pa s) y
) (kg/m3) (mS/cm)
Mosambi 2.5 8.5 4.10 1.04 2.45 4.0
Mosambi 1.6 8.5 4.15 1.03 1.05 4.0

Table 2.3.2. Physico-chemical properties of mosambi juice

Juice Color Clarity Acidity as Zeta potential

Citric acid (kg/m3) (mV)
Mosambi juice 1.33 38.50 7.1 -21.0
Mosambi juice 0.96 40.50 5.4 -21.8
(enzyme treated)

Figure 2.3. Particle size distribution of mosambi juice.

Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 323

Variation of Zeta Potential of Synthetic Juice (A Mixture of Pectin and

Sucrose) with pH
Table 2.4 illustrates the variations of zeta potential with different pH values of pectin
sucrose solution, indicating the significant increase of the zeta potential with increasing
suspension pH. From the table it is clear that with increasing pH, pectin becomes more
negative. Similarly, for a fixed value of solution pH, the pectin becomes more positive with
increasing sucrose contents. For an example, at a pectin concentration of 1 kg/m3, the
measured zeta potential decreases from -35 mV to -54 mV with an increase of pH from 3.5 to
9.0; whereas, at pH 5.0, zeta potential increases from -56.2 mV to -39.0 mV with the addition
of 14 Brix sucrose to the pectin suspension. The presence of sucrose in pectin suspension
causes the electrostatic repulsion between the pectin molecules to decrease and also promotes
hydrophobic interaction between the ester methyl groups of pectin and hence facilitates the
formation of stable gel [6].

Table 2.4. Values of zeta potential of synthetic juice for various solution pH

Pectin: 1 kg/m3, Sucrose: Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: Pectin: 5 kg/m3, Sucrose:

14Brix 12Brix 10 Brix
pH Zeta potential pH Zeta potential pH Zeta potential
(mV) (mV) (mV)
3.5 -35.0 3.5 -26.6 3.5 -19.5
4.0 -51.0 3.8 -40.6 3.8 -32.8
6.0 -56.2 4.0 -45.0 4.0 -36.1
7.0 -53.7 5.0 -46.5 5.0 -40.0
7.9 -53.5 7.0 -42.8 7.0 -36.5
9.0 -54.0 9.0 -41.6 9.0 -34.0 Optical Studies

Immediately after each experimental run, the filtration chamber is opened, carefully
removing the top but leaving the lower gasket undisturbed that essentially hold the gel
formed along with a layer of the solution. The soft gel over the membrane is partially dried
by illuminating the surface with high power lamps to prevent any unwanted motion and loss
during transportation for final drying in vacuum desiccators. After two hours of vacuum
drying, the deposited membranes are then cut carefully to avoid any beveling or physical
depression in the cutting edge. A large number of pieces are then cut from relevant locations.
The sample pieces are cut in 4mm x 3mm size pieces. Each sample piece is fixed vertically
with its edge held up at the edge of a glass slide. The glass slide with the membrane piece
projecting out is then placed under a high-resolution optical microscope ( POL 400 of
Nikon, Japan). Multiple images are obtained of the top of the projected part of the membrane
(which essentially is the cross section of the original deposited membrane) and further
analyzed to quantify deposition. For each such mounted membrane piece, images are
captured at large number of locations and averaged to eliminate local fluctuations. The
sampling of the membrane after each experiment is done carefully to encompass the whole
324 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

area of the membrane by analyzing at many points on the two diagonals of the rectangular
membrane piece.
The optical measurements are done in reflection mode of incident light. The membrane
sample pieces are viewed under the microscope as well as in a LCD display interfaced with
the microscope and a high-resolution digital camera. The captured images are digitized and
then analyzed to evaluate the thickness of different layers of the membrane, voids in the
substrate material, deposition over the membrane surfaces. A standard grating element having
2000 lines per inch is used to calibrate the magnification of the microscope (500 X) coupled
with the camera.

2.4. Prediction of the Permeate Flux

and Deposition Thickness

2.4.1. Analysis of Transient Flux Theoretical Aspects

The schematic of a cross flow electro-ultrafiltration system along with development of
gel-layer and external concentration boundary layer with and without external d.c. electric
field are shown in Figure 2.4 (a and b) respectively. During ultrafiltration, solutes are
convected by the transmembrane pressure gradient towards the membrane surface. The lower
molecular weight solutes permeate through the membrane whereas; higher molecular weight
solutes are retained, forming a gel-layer over the membrane surface. Since the bulk
concentration of higher molecular weight solute is much less than that of the gel layer
concentration, a concentration boundary layer forms from the bulk of the solution up to the
gel layer. This prompts diffusion of gel forming solutes from the gel layer towards the bulk of
the solution due to concentration gradient. The formation of external concentration boundary
layer and gel layer over the membrane surface without electric field is shown in Figure 2.4a.
In presence of external d.c. electric field (with the top surface maintains opposite polarity as
that of the charged particles), the particles move away from the gel layer due to
electrophoresis. At steady state, the rate of convective movement of solute particles towards
the membrane surface is equal to the rate of migration of solute particles away from the
membrane surface due to both back diffusion and electrophoresis (Figure 2.4b).
As has been pointed out before, high-methoxylated pectin, as is used herein for
experiments, can form gel even in the absence of divalent cations such as Ca+2, if the
conditions are acidic and in presence of sugar. Visual observations of the membrane after the
experiments confirm the presence of a gel-type layer on the surface. Furthermore, the osmotic
pressure contribution of the feed solution is estimated, based on Vant Hoffs equation, and is
found to be significantly small compared to the applied transmembrane pressure (less than
1%). Experimentally the permeate flux exhibits almost a pressure independence further
indicating that the filtration is carried out under gel-controlled regime. Based on the above
considerations, the model equations are developed. In Figure 2.4a, g is the gel layer
thickness and c is the thickness of the concentration boundary layer over the gel layer. cg
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 325

and c 0 are the gel concentration and bulk concentration of solute respectively. Solute
concentration in permeate ( c p ) can be neglected by considering very high rejection of solute
(by selecting a membrane with low molecular weight cutoff).

Figure 2.4. Schematic of formation of external concentration boundary layer and gel layer over the
membrane surface (a) with out electric field (b) with electric field.

The rate of gel layer formation on the membrane surface is given by a solute mass
balance as,
326 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

dL dc
g = ( vw ve ) c + D (2.5)
dt dy

The concentration of gel layer is considered to be constant. Therefore, the relevant

boundary conditions are
c = c0 at y = g +c (2.6)

c = cg at y = g (2.7)

The electrophoretic velocity ( v e ) is related with the electrophoretic mobility by the

following equation,

ve = E u e (2.8)

where, E is the applied electric field. The electrophoretic mobility, u e can be expressed by
Helmholtz-Smoulochowskis equation [23] as

0 Di
ue = (2.9)

where, is permittivity of vacuum, Di is the dielectric constant and is the viscosity. Eq.
(2.5) can be solved using the boundary conditions, to obtain the growth of the gel layer
thickness as

v - v
cg - c0 exp w e
dL k v - v
g = ( w e) (2.10)
dt 1- exp w - ve


where, k is the mass transfer coefficient, defined as and D is diffusion coefficient. The
diffusion coefficient is given by Einstein equation as,

D= (2.11)

where, K , T , , d p are the Boltzmann constant, absolute temperature, viscosity of the

solution and equivalent spherical diameter of the particle respectively. The average diameter
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 327

of the gel forming pectin molecule is estimated assuming spherical molecule and using the
following relationship [24]

Mw = z d p (2.12)

where, Mw is the average molecular weight of gel forming material, the value of z taken as
6x1029 gm/gm-mole.m3 [24]. For synthetic juice, the pectin used has a molecular weight range
from 30-100 kDa and hence 65 kDa is taken as an average molecular weight. The
corresponding value of equivalent spherical diameter of pectin is found to be 4.77x10-9 m.
The gel concentration of pectin used is 38 kg /m3 [25]. Hence, permeate flux can also be
expressed by a resistance in series formulation including the flow resistance due to the
membrane itself and the deposited gel layer. For pure water, the flux can be expressed as

v w, pure = (2.13)
R m

In case of a gel forming macromolecular solution,

vw ( t ) = (2.14)
( R m + R g ( t ) )

where, R m and R g are membrane hydraulic resistance and gel layer resistance respectively.
Gel layer formation is similar to that of gel formation in classical filtration. Thus the gel
layer resistance ( R g ) can be expressed in term of gel layer thickness as,

R g ( t ) = (1- g ) g L ( t ) (2.15)

Where is specific gel resistance which is obtained from Kozeny-Carman equation as,

= 180
(1- ) g
3 2
g p g

where, g , g and dp are the porosity, density, and diameter of the gel forming particles
The specific gel layer resistance () and the permeate flux are obtained by solving the
model equations in an iterative manner following the sequence of steps as outlined below.
328 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

1. For known input parameters of operating conditions, membrane parameter and

physical properties such as P, co, E, Rm, cg, Di, , g, , o, dp, a value of specific
gel layer resistance () is guessed.
2. In case of constant electric field ultrafiltration, applied electric field remains constant
throughout the operation. In case of pulsed electric field ultrafiltration, at a particular
operational time, t, the applied electric field (either E or 0) is determined and used
for subsequent calculations.
3. ve is calculated using Eqs.(2.8) and Eq.(2.9).

4. vcal
w is calculated by solving the coupled differential and algebraic equations, Eqs.
(2.10), (2.14), (2.15) and (2.16) including the effect of pulsed electric field (i.e.
constant electric field during on-time and zero electric field during off-time) with the
initial condition, L = 0 at t = 0.
5. The time, t, is increased to t +t next.
6. Steps 2 to 4 are repeated till t = ttotal.
N total
w - vw

7. If
i=1 v exp 0.001 the program is terminated and transient profiles of
permeate flux are obtained. The corresponding value of is recorded. If not another
value of is guessed in step1 and the process is continued till the given convergence
is achieved. It needs to be pointed out that the values of the specific gel resistance,,
cannot be calculated a-priori, and the porosity g , can be a function of the operating
conditions (e.g. pressure). Analysis of Transient Flux Decline of Synthetic Juice

Effect of Constant Electric Field

As discussed in earlier, the value of specific gel layer resistance, is estimated by
minimizing the root mean square error associated measured and calculated flux values. The
profile of permeate flux is calculated. It may be observed that the value of increases with
operating pressure but at higher pressure it becomes invariant (Table 2.5). The probable cause
for this observation is that the gel layer behaves like a compressible one up to 360 kPa and its
compressibility becomes almost invariant for higher pressure. For a constant gel
concentration, the specific gel layer resistance, , varies with operating pressure which is
observed in the present study as well as other studies; e.g., Bhattacharjee et al. [26]. The
specific gel layer resistance, is related with gel porosity by Kozeny-Carman equation. Since
typically increases with pressure (resulting in gel compaction), porosity shows a decreasing
trend with increase in pressure.
Figure 2.5 (a, b and c) to 2.6 (a, b and c) represent the transient profile of permeate flux
and gel layer thickness at different operating pressure differences for fixed values of feed
concentration, electric field and cross flow velocity. The symbols are the experimental data
and solid lines are the model predictions. The flux values are higher for higher operating
pressure, increased as expected, due to increased convection. The initial rapid decline in flux
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 329

is due to the building up of concentration polarization and subsequent formation of gel layer
over the membrane. It is clear that steady state values in terms of flux are reached within 3 to
4 minutes. From the figures it is clear that gel layer thickness decreases with increase in
applied electric field. Applied electric field reduces the gel layer formation by electrophoresis
of the pectin molecules in the reverse direction i.e., opposite to the convective flow of filtrate
resulting in decrease of gel layer thickness. It is evident from the figure that the thickness
(steady state) becomes about half at 800 V/m compare to that of the no electric field case.

Table 2.5. Variation of specific gel layer resistance () with operating pressure for
synthetic juice

Transmembrane pressure, P (kPa) Specific gel layer resistance, (m/kg)

220 22.3 x 1015
360 28.1 x 1015
500 28.1 x 1015

Figure 2.5. Continued on next page.

Figures 2.7 and 2.8 represent the effect of applied electric field on permeate flux and gel
layer thickness. The symbols are experimental data and solid lines are predictions from the
model. The sharp decrease observed at the beginning can be attributed to the rapid adsorption
of pectin molecules on the membrane and buildup of concentration polarization at the
beginning of the experiment. As the time of operation progresses, there is more accumulation
of solutes over the membrane surface leading to severe concentration polarization. The
smoother and slower flux decline at later stages can be attributed to gel layer formation on
the membrane surface. With applying electric field, the pectin molecules tend to move away
from the membrane surface due to electrophoresis and gel layer formation is reduced leading
to substantial increase of permeate flux. For example, the steady state flux at an electric field
330 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

of 800 V/m is 18.0 L / m2 h, showing about 200 % increase over the zero electric field flux of
5.9 L / m2 h (Figure 2.7). With the same increment of electric field gel layer thickness
decreases from 8.88 m to 2.315 m (Figure 2.8)

Figure 2.5. Variation of permeate flux with time for synthetic juice (Pectin: 1 kg/m3 + Sucrose: 14 Brix)
(a) E = 800 V/m, u0 = 0.09 m/s; (b) E = 800 V/m, u0 = 0.15 m/s; (c) E = 600 V/m, u0 = 0.12 m/s.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 331

Figure 2.6. Continued on next page.

332 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.6. Variation of gel layer thickness with time for synthetic juice (Pectin: 1 kg/m3 + Sucrose: 14
Brix) (a) E = 800 V/m, u0 = 0.09 m/s; (b) E = 800 V/m, u0 = 0.15 m/s; (c) E = 600 V/m, u0 = 0.12 m/s.

Optical Quantification of Gel Layer Thickness

The images of the deposited membrane after electro-ultrafiltration are analyzed using
software, Radical Microcam of Radical Instruments (India) to obtain the thickness of the
deposit. The measurements are taken at several positions and then averaged to eliminate local
fluctuations. The microscopic observation confirms the decrease in deposition thickness with
increase in applied electric field while other parameters remain constant. For example, the
deposition decreases from 8.63 microns to 5.52 microns (Figure 2.9) with increase in electric
field from 0 V/m to 800 V/m. for a fixed feed concentration (3 kg/m3+12 Brix), pressure (360
kPa) and cross-flow velocity (0.09 m/s). The gel layer thicknesses for all the ten operating
conditions reported in this study are measured optically. However a calibration is required
before comparison of optically measure gel layer thickness and those predicted from the
numerical solution of the model [27,28]. The comparison between the predicted values of the
gel thickness and the experimental measurement is depicted in Table 2.6 which clearly shows
the excellent match between these two sets. Table 2.6 also summarizes the effect of different
operating parameters. For example the highest gel layer thickness is observed in the case with
zero electric field. As expected, it can be seen from the table that gel layer thickness
decreases with increasing electric field, increasing cross-flow velocity and decreasing feed
concentration. For example, the gel layer thickness (steady state) at an electric field of 800
V/m is 2.069 m compared to 5.3 m for no electric field case keeping other operating
conditions (pressure, flow rate and feed concentration) unchanged. Gel layer thickness
increases with feed concentration. For example, gel layer thickness increases from 1.68 m to
3.238 m with increases in feed concentration from 1 kg/m3 pectin to 5 kg/m3 pectin while
other operating conditions remain unaltered. Again for a fixed value of electric field and
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 333

pressure, with increases in cross flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to 0.15 m/s, gel layer thickness
(steady state) decreases from 2.582 m to 2.062 m.

Figure 2.7. Variation of permeate flux with time for different electric fields during clarification of
synthetic juice.

Figure 2.8. Variation of gel layer thickness with time for different electric fields during clarification of
synthetic juice.
334 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Table 2.6. Comparison of predicted and experimental gel thickness values

Different parametric conditions Gel Theoretically Modified

porosity, obtained gel values of
g thickness optically
from flux measured gel
values height
(A) D = B-C
(micron) (micron)
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 3.619 *
: 360 kPa u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 300 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 2.582 *
: 360 kPa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(.3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.5062 2.042 *
: 220 kPa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 3.42 *
: 500 kPa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 2.173 *
: 360 kPa, u0: 0.12 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 2.062 2.073
: 360 kPa, u0: 0.15 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(5kg/m3 +10 Brix) 0.4775 3.238 3.363
: 360 kPa u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(1kg/m3 +14 Brix) 0.4775 1.68 1.573
: 360 kPa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 600 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 5.3 5.193
: 360 kPa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 0 V/m
(3kg/m3 +12 Brix) 0.4775 2.069 2.083
: 360 k Kpa, u0: 0.09 m/s
E: 800 V/m
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 335

Figure 2.9. Reduction of gel layer thickness with applied d.c. electric field for a synthetic juice (Pectin:
3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12 Brix), pressure (360 kPa) and cross flow velocity (0.09 m/s); (A) E = 0 V/m, (B) E
= 800 V/m.

Effect of Pulsed Electric Field

The variation of permeate flux with time for different pulse (on-time/off-time ratio) ratio
at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of synthetic juice (a mixture of pectin: 3 kg/m3 and sucrose: 12 Brix) is shown in
Figure 2.10 The symbols are experimental data and solid lines are model predictions. For a
given set of operating conditions, the value of specific gel resistances () is obtained by
minimizing the root mean square error between the measured and calculated flux values. For
a feed (Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12 Brix), at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross
flow velocity of 0.12 m/s, and electric field of 1000 V/m, the optimum value of is found to
be 21.3 x 1015 m/kg which is consistent with the results reported in literature [25]. It is
evident from the figure that permeate flux declines rapidly as the gel layer grows and reaches
a steady value. The same trend can be observed for all operating conditions. It may be
observed from the figure, that for the pulse ratio of 3:1 the end of operation flux declines
from 82.4 L/m2 h to 22.0 L/m2 h whereas, for zero electric field it declines to 8.12 L/m2 h,
denoting a sharp rise in steady state permeate flux with electric field application. Mosambi (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) Juice

Effect of Constant Electric Field

The variation of permeate flux and gel layer thickness with time for different electric
field at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of mosambi juice is shown in Figures 2.11 and 2.12 respectively. The symbols
are experimental data and solid lines are model predictions. For a given set of operating
conditions, the value of specific gel resistances () is obtained by minimizing the root mean
square error between the measured and calculated flux values. For mosambi juice, at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s, and electric field of 400
V/m, the optimum value of is found to be 2.34 x1016 m/kg. It is also observed that value of
is invariant with electric field. It is evident from the figure that permeate flux declines
336 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

rapidly as the gel layer grows and reaches a steady value. The same trend can be observed for
all operating conditions. It may be observed from the figure, that at an electric field of 400
V/m, at the end of operation flux declines from 130 L/m2 h to 11.95 L/m2 h and gel layer
thickness grows up to 3.8 m whereas, for zero electric field flux declines to 8.67 L/m2 h and
gel layer grows up to 5.4 m, denoting a sharp rise in steady state permeate flux with electric
field application.

Figure 2.10. Variation of permeate flux with time for different on pulse ratio during clarification of
synthetic juice.

The values of specific gel resistances (), at an operating condition is selected based on
the best-fit value i.e. by minimizing the root mean square error associated measured and
calculated flux values. The corresponding values of g are calculated from Eq. 2.16. The
variation of specific gel resistances () and gel porosity (g) with operating pressure are
shown in Table 2.7. It may be observed that the value of increases sharply for lower
pressure and gradually for higher pressure values. For example, with increase in pressure
from 220 kPa to 635 kPa, the value of g increase by a factor of 2.24. This observation
indicates the compressible nature of the gel layer over the range of operating pressure
considered here. At higher pressure, the compressibility of gel layer becomes less compared
to lower pressure. Since typically increases with pressure (resulting in gel compaction), gel
porosity shows a decreasing trend with increase in pressure. The evaluated optimum values of
are correlated with operating pressure by a simple relation,
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 337

Figure 2.11. Variation of permeate flux with time for different electric field during clarification of
mosambi juice.

Figure 2.12. Variation of gel layer thickness with time for different electric field during clarification of
mosambi juice.

= 0 ( P )

where, 0 = 1.313 x 1015 m/kg and P is in Pa.

338 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Table 2.7. Variation of specific gel layer resistance () with operating pressure for
mosambi juice

Transmembrane pressure, P (kPa) Specific gel layer resistance, (m/kg)

220 15.6 x 1015
360 23.4 x 1015
500 31.1 x 1015
635 35.0 x 1015

Effect of Pulsed Electric Field

The variation of permeate flux and gel layer thickness with time for different pulse (on-
time/off-time ratio) ratio at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of
0.12 m/s during clarification of mosambi juice are shown in Figures 2.13 and 2.14
respectively. The symbols are for the experimental permeate flux, whereas, the solid lines are
model predicted permeate flux and the dashed lines are estimated gel layer thickness. For a
given set of operating conditions, the value of specific gel resistances () is obtained by
minimizing the root mean square error between the measured and calculated flux values. For
example, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s, and
electric field of 400 V/m, the optimum value of is found to be 2.34 x 1016 m/kg. It is also
observed that the value of is independent of pulse ratio. It is evident from the figure that
permeate flux declines rapidly as the gel layer grows and reaches a steady value. The same
trend can be observed for all pulse ratios. In this study, the off-time is always fixed at 1s. It
can clearly be seen that an increase in pulse ratio (i.e., increase in on-time) results in a
decrease in the estimated gel layer thickness (less resistance to flow) and associated with
increase in flux. For a fixed electric field, with increase in pulse ratio i.e., on-time, charged
pectin molecules move at a faster rate from the membrane surface. This restricts the
formation of gel-type layer over the membrane surface and leads to an enhancement of
permeate flux. For example, at 400 V/m, a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, a cross flow
velocity of 0.12 m/s, and at a pulse ratio of 1:1 (i.e., 1 s on followed by 1 s off time),
permeate flux declines from 130 L/m2 h to 10.4 L/m2 h and gel layer thickness grows up to
4.45 m at the end of operation whereas, at a pulse ration of 3:1(i.e., 3 s on followed by 1 s
off time), the permeate flux declines to 11.35 L/m2 h with a gel layer thickness of 4.04 m
keeping other operating conditions unaltered.

2.4.2. Analysis of Steady State Flux Theoretical Aspect

The steady state solute mass balance in the rectangular channel within the concentration
boundary layer is given by

(v + v e ) c = D c2
u + (2.18)
x y y
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 339

where, ve is the electrophoretic velocity which can be obtained from Eq. (2.8). The
electrophoretic mobility ( u e ) can be obtained from Eq. (2.9). The diffusion coefficient (D)
is given by Einstein equation (Eq. (2.11)). Assuming hydrodynamic velocity profile to be
fully developed, the x-component velocity becomes [29]

3 y-h

u= u o 1 - (2.19)
2 h

The above equation of velocity is obtained assuming the permeation velocity of solvent
through the membrane is small enough so that the x-component velocity profile is not
distorted [30]. Within the thin concentration boundary layer, the term 2 can be neglected
and the x-component velocity profile can be simplified as,

3u 0 y
u= (2.20)

Figure 2.13. Variation of permeate flux with time for different pulse ratio during clarification of
mosambi juice.
340 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.14. Variation of gel layer thickness with time for different pulse ratio during clarification of
mosambi juice.

Since the thickness of concentration boundary layer is extremely small as c 1
Sc 3
Schmidt number is quite large due to lower diffusivity of pectin molecule, the y-component
velocity within concentration boundary layer is approximated as,

v = - vw (2.21)

The boundary conditions of Eq. (2.18) are,

at x = 0 , c = c0 at y = c , c = c0 (2.23)

where, c is the thickness of the concentration boundary layer.

The boundary condition at the gel-solution interface can be written as (equality of
convective movement of the solutes towards the membrane to the diffusive and
electrophoretic movement away from the membrane),
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 341

at y = 0 , D + (v w - ve )cg = 0 (2.24)

Inserting the velocity profiles i.e., Eqs. (2.20) and (2.21), the governing mass balance
equation (Eq.(2.18)) can be non-dimensionalized as,

c** Pee -Pe w c

2 c*
Ay + y* = y*2 (2.25)
x* 4

x * c
where x* = ; c = ; A = 3 ReSc d e
L c0 16 L
ve de vw de y
Pee = , Pe w = , y* =
D D h

The initial and boundary conditions are non-dimemsionalized as,

at x = 0, c* = 1 (2.26)

* *
at y = c , c* = 1 (2.27)

c* Pe - Pee *
and at y* = 0, + w cg =0 (2.28)
y* 4

Using the integral approach, the following concentration profile is assumed:

c y* y* 2
c* = = a1 + a 2 ( * ) + a 3 ( * ) (2.29)
c0 c c

* c
where, c =

Eq. (2.29) satisfies the following boundary conditions:

at y* = *c , c* = 1 (2.30)
342 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

* c**
at y = , =0 (2.31)

at y* = 0, c* = = c*g (2.32)

where, c g is the gel concentration.

With the help of the above boundary conditions Eq. (2.29) can be written as,

* * y* * * y* 2
c = c - 2(c - 1)( * ) + (cg - 1)( * )
g g (2.33)
c c

Substituting the partial derivative of c* with respect to x* and y* from Eq. (2.33) into
the non-dimentionalized governing equation (Eq.(2.25)), the following equation is obtained;

y* y* d*c Pe w - Pee y* 1
A * 1 * * + 1 * = *2 (2.34)
c c dx 4c c c

Multiplying both sides of Eq. (2.34) by dy* (taking zeroth moment) and then integrating
across the boundary layer thickness, i.e. from 0 to *c the following expression is obtained:

* * *c
d* c y*2 y*3 Pe - Pee 1 y * 1
c *
A c* *2 *3 dy* + w * *2
dy = *2 dy
dx 0 c c 4 0 c c c 0

After integration of Eq. (2.35), the following expression is obtained:

A *2
c d c
(Pe w - Pee ) *c
+ =1 (2.36)
12 dx * 8

Following equation is obtained by substituting the partial derivative of c* with respect to

y* from Eq. (2.33) into the Eq. (2.28).

8(c*g -1)
(Pe w - Pee ) = c (2.37)
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 343

Substituting Eq. (2.37) into Eq. (2.36) and after simplification the following expression is

A*2 *
c d c 1
= * (2.38)
12 dx cg

* *
at x = 0, c = 0 (2.39)

The solution of the above expression can finally be written as,

36x * 3
*c = * (2.40)

Substituting the Eq. (2.40) into Eq. (2.37) the following expression is finally obtained:

8(c*g -1) A 3
Pe w = Pe e + 2 * (2.41)
* 36x
cg 3

The above solution provides the variation of permeate flux along the length of the
channel for different electric field, feed concentration and cross flow velocity.
Finally, length averaged permeate flux is obtained by integrating the Eq. (2.41) as,

Pe w = Pe w (x * ) dx * (2.42)

d 3 (cg -1)
Pe w = Pee + 2.1 ReSc e 2 (2.43)
L *
cg 3

Eq. (2.43) can be simplified as,

d 3
Pe w = Pee + 2.1 ReSc e ln c*g when, c*g < e3 (2.44)
344 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar Analysis of Steady State Flux of Synthetic Juice

Effect of Constant Electric Field

Figure 2.15 and 2.16 represent the variations of permeate flux with applied external d.c.
electric field for different values of feed concentration and transmembrane pressure. The
symbols are experimental data and the solid lines are model predictions. It may be observed
from the figure that permeate flux increases almost linearly with applied electric field. When
external d.c. electric field is applied with appropriate polarity, the electrophoretic movement
of pectin towards the positive electrode causes reduction of deposition on the membrane
surface and gel layer formation is restricted. As a result, permeate flux increases. From the
Figure 2.6 it is observed that the permeate flux increases by a factor 2.78 with an increase in
electric field from 0 to 800 V/m for a fixed feed concentration (1 kg/m3 +14 Brix), pressure
(220 kPa) and cross-flow velocity (0.12 m/s). Similar trends are observed in case of other
cross flow velocity i.e., at 0.09 m/s, the permeate flux increases by a factor 2.87 with the
same increment of electric field (Figure 2.16). Moreover, from the results shown in this
figure, lower feed concentration results in higher permeate flux due to less concentration
polarization on the membrane surface with other operating conditions held constant.

Figure 2.15. Variations of permeate flux with electric field for different feed concentration at a pressure
of 220 kPa and cross velocity of 0.12 m/s.

Effect of Transmembrane Pressure

During gel-layer governed ultrafiltration, for a fixed values of feed concentration, cross
flow velocity and electric field, the permeate flux is, by definition, independent of pressure.
The enhanced driving force for solvent flux due to increase in pressure is fully compensated
by the resistance offered by the growing gel layer on the membrane surface and/or due to
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 345

compaction of the gel layer in an ideal situation. However, weak pressure dependence is
observed in our experimental results, especially at higher values of operating pressure (360
kPa). Nevertheless, the average deviation is of the order of 10% only. This may be due to
departure from the ideal gel layer controlled operation (as described above). This trend is
more clear if the permeate fluxes are plotted as a function of electric field at different
operating pressures (Figures 2.17 and 2.18). The departure from pressure independence of
permeate flux are more pronounced for higher transmembrane pressure (as is evident from
the slight positive slopes of the four solid lines connecting the experimental data points).

Figure 2.16. Variations of permeate flux with electric field for different feed concentration at a pressure
of 220 kPa and cross velocity of 0.09 m/s.

Effect of Cross Flow Velocity

The variations of permeate flux with cross flow velocity for different electric fields are
presented in Figure 2.20. From the results shown in this figure, it is clear that for a fixed
electric field permeate flux increases with increase in cross flow velocity. At higher cross
flow velocity, gel layer thickness on the membrane surface is lower due to forced convection.
Therefore, the back diffusion from membrane surface to the bulk increases as the
concentration gradient from the membrane surface to the bulk increases. This leads to an
increase of permeate flux at higher cross flow velocity. For example, for feed concentration
(1 kg/m3 +14 Brix), at 600 V/m, permeate flux increases from 22.5 L /m2 h to 27.0 L /m2 h
with an increase of cross flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to 0.18 m/s. The calculated values of
permeate flux using the developed model are also presented by the solid lines in Figure 2.19.
It is clear from this figure that the model predictions are within 10% of the experimental data.
346 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.17. Variations of experimental permeate flux with transmembrane pressure difference for
different electric field. The solid lines are only guides for the reader.

Figure 2.18. Variations of experimental permeate flux with transmembrane pressure difference for
different electric field. The solid lines are only guides for the reader.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 347

Variation of Permeate Flux with Axial Position

Figures 2.20 to 2.24 show the variation of permeate flux along the dimensionless length
of the ultrafiltration channel for various feed concentration and cross flow velocity. It is
observed from the figures that during the initial part of the channel, flux decline is very rapid
and then gradual for the later part of the channel. This may be due to the sluggish
development of concentration boundary layer in the downstream of the channel because of
the forced convection imposed by the cross flow. For example, for feed concentration (1
kg/m3+14 Brix), at 800 V/m and a cross flow velocity of 0.15 m/s, permeate flux decreases
from 77.4 L /m2 h to 33.6 L /m2 h along the length of the channel. At any position of the
channel an increase in flux is increased with increase in cross flow velocity and decrease in
feed concentration. For example, at a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s permeate flux is about
22.0 L /m2 h for feed concentration (3 kg/m3+12 Brix) and that is for feed concentration (5
kg/m3+10 Brix) is about 18.07 L /m2 h at the end of the channel; whereas, at a cross flow
velocity of 0.15 m/s, permeate flux is about 22.55 L /m2 h for feed concentration (3 kg/m3+12

Figure 2.19. Variations of permeate flux with cross flow velocity for different electric field at a fixed
pressure of 220 kPa and an electric field of 600 V/m.
348 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.20. Variations of permeate flux along the channel length for different values of feed
concentration of pectin: 1 kg/m3, sucrose: 14 Brix and cross flow velocity of 0.15 m/s.

Figure 2.21. Variations of permeate flux along the channel length for different values of feed
concentration of pectin: 3 kg/m3, sucrose: 12 Brix and cross flow velocity of 0.15 m/s.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 349

Figure 2.22. Variations of permeate flux along the channel length for different values of feed
concentration of pectin: 3 kg/m3, sucrose: 12 Brix and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s.

Figure 2.23. Variations of permeate flux along the channel length for different values of feed
concentration of pectin: 5 kg/m3, sucrose: 10 Brix and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s.
350 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.24. Variations of permeate flux along the channel length for different values of feed
concentration of pectin: 5 kg/m3, sucrose: 10 Brix and cross flow velocity of 0.15 m/s.

Effect of Pulsed Electric Field

Effect of Pulse Ratio

Figures 2.25 and 2.26 show the variation in steady state average permeate flux and gel
layer thickness with pulse (on time/off time) ratio for various electric field at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during clarification
of synthetic juice respectively. In Figure 2.15, the symbols are for the experimental permeate
flux, whereas, the solid lines are model predicted permeate flux. As can be seen from the
figure, the predictions are very close to the experimental values of permeate flux. In fact it
can be seen that the model predictions are within 5% of the experimental results. The off-
time is always fixed at 1s. It can clearly be seen that an increase in electric field results in a
decrease in the estimated gel layer thickness (less resistance to flow) and associated increase
in flux. With increase in electric field, movement of charged pectin molecules away from the
membrane surface increases. This restricts the formation of gel-type layer over the membrane
surface and leads to an enhancement of permeate flux. For example, for a feed consisting of 3
kg/m3 Pectin and 12 Brix of Sucrose, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow
velocity of 0.12 m/s, pulse ratio of 3:1 and electric field of 2000 V/m, the permeate flux is
augmented by a factor of 6.0 compared to zero electric field and corresponding values of gel
layer thickness decreases from 10.68 m to 1.3 m (Figure 2.26). Experimental results
confirm that for a given set of operating conditions, 94.5-97.8% of the maximum permeate
flux (electric field always on) is obtained at a pulse ratio of 3:1(i.e., 3 s on followed by 1 s off
time). Further increase in pulse ratio does not improve the permeate flux significantly and
similar trends are observed for all electric fields.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 351

Figures 2.27 and 2.28 illustrate the variation in steady state average permeate flux and
gel layer thickness with pulse ratio for various feed concentrations (mixture of pectin and
sucrose) at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of synthetic juice respectively. In Figure 2.17, the symbols are for the
experimental permeate flux, whereas, the solid lines are model predicted permeate flux. It
may be observed that the predicted flux values are within 5% to the experimental results.
From the figure it is clear that almost same level of the maximum achievable permeate flux
(electric field always on) can be obtained at the pulse ratio of 3:1. As can be seen from the
figure, permeate flux decreases with increase in feed concentration while other operating
conditions are kept unchanged. At higher feed concentration, concentration polarization
becomes more severe and results in higher value of gel layer thickness. This increases the
resistance to solvent flow through the membrane and hence permeate flux decreases at higher
feed concentration. For example, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow velocity
of 0.12 m/s, pulse ratio of 3:1 and electric field of 800 V/m, with increase in feed
concentration from a mixture consisting of 1 kg/m3 Pectin and of 14 Brix Sucrose to a
mixture consisting of 5 kg/m3 Pectin and of 10 Brix Sucrose, the permeate flux declines from
31.1 L/m2 h to 15.9 L/m2 h and corresponding values of gel layer thickness over the
membrane surface increases from 1.56 m to 5.1 m (Figure 2.28). It may also be observed
that application of electric field is more effective at higher feed concentrations. This result is
found to be consistent with that reported in the literature [31]. The thickness of gel type layer
is quite thin at lower feed concentration. Hence the beneficial effect of electric field is less
prominent as compared to the higher concentration cases. For example, at 800 V/m, with
increase in feed concentration (from Pectin: 1 kg/m3, Sucrose: 14 Brix to Pectin: 5 kg/m3,
Sucrose: 10 Brix), flux enhancement factor increases from 2.8 to 3.3.

Figure 2.25. Variation in steady state average permeate flux with pulse ratio for various electric fields
during clarification of synthetic juice. , Curve 1 for E = 2000 V/m; , Curve 2 for E = 1600 V/m; ,
Curve 3 for E = 1200 V/m; , Curve 4 for E = 1000 V/m; , Curve 5 for E = 800 V/m; , Curve 6 for
E = 600 V/m.
352 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.26. Variation in steady gel layer thickness with pulse ratio for various electric fields during
clarification of synthetic juice. Curve 1 for E = 2000 V/m; Curve 2 for E = 1600 V/m; Curve 3 for E =
1200 V/m; Curve 4 for E = 1000 V/m; Curve 5 for E = 800 V/m; Curve 6 for E = 600 V/m.

Figure 2.27. Variation in steady state average permeate flux with pulse ratio for various feed
concentration during clarification of synthetic juice. , Curve 1 for co = 1 kg/m3, 14 Brix; , Curve 2 for
co = 3 kg/m3, 12 Brix; , Curve 3 for co = 5 kg/m3, 10 Brix.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 353

Figure 2.28. Variation in steady state gel layer thickness with pulse ratio for various feed concentration
during clarification of synthetic juice. Curve 1 for co = 1 kg/m3, 14 Brix; Curve 2 for co = 3 kg/m3, 12
Brix; Curve 3 for co = 5 kg/m3, 10 Brix.

Figure 2.29. Variation in steady state average permeate flux with cross flow velocity for different
electric field and a fixed pulse ratio of 3:1 during clarification of synthetic juice.
354 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Effect of Cross Flow Velocity

Variations in steady state average permeate flux with cross flow velocity at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and pulse ratio of 3:1 during clarification of synthetic
juice are reported in Figure 2.29. The symbols are the experimental data and solid lines are
model predictions and they are within 5% of each other. It may be observed from the figure
that with increase in cross flow velocity, permeate flux increases as the gel thickness over the
membrane surface is reduced by enhanced forced convection. For example, for a specific feed
concentration (Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12 Brix), transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, pulse
ratio of 3:1 and at an electric field of 800 V/m, an increase in cross flow velocity from 0.09
m/s to 0.18 m/s leads to an enhancement of permeate flux by about 17.7 % whereas, at 2000
V/m, this enhancement is about 7.8 %. This also indicates that the effect of cross flow
velocity is more pronounced at 800 V/m compared to 2000 V/m. At a higher electric field the
thickness of gel-type layer is already thin and an increase in cross flow velocity may not have
an appreciable effect.

Estimation of Electric Power Consumption per Unit Volume of Permeate

Total energy consumption is the summation of energy required to run the pump and
energy to supply the external d.c. electric field. Pump-dissipated power is directly
proportional to the pressure drop and can be expressed as the product of pressure drop and
feed flow rate. Electric power is related to the applied voltage. Hence, the total specific
energy consumption i.e., energy consumption per unit volume of permeate can be written as,

E total = E pump + E electical (2.45)

Q Ppump VIN
E total = '
+ ' (2.46)
v w A pump v w A d.c power supply

where, Q, Pmodule , V, I, N, vw, A, pump , d.c. power supply are the feed flow rate, pressure drop,
applied voltage, current, fraction of on time, permeate flux, membrane area, efficiency of
pump and d.c. power supply respectively.
The variation of pH and electric power consumption of the permeate at various electric
fields and pulse ratios during clarification of synthetic juice (Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12
Brix) and mosambi juice at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of
0.12 m/s are shown in Figures 2.30 and 2.31 respectively. It is generally observed that power
consumption and pH of the permeate increases with increase in electric field as well as with
pulse ratio. As observed in Figure 2.27, for a given electric field, nearly the maximum flux
value is achieved at a pulse ratio of 3:1 which corresponds to (27-33) % less energy
consumption compared to the constant electric field. From experimental results, it can be
seen that pH of the permeate is maximum at constant electric field compared to pulsed
electric field. At constant field, electrode reactions resulting in evolution of oxygen (O2) and
hydronium ions (H3O+) at the anode and hydrogen (H2) and hydroxyl ions (OH-) at the
cathode are more pronounced compared to that with the pulsed electric field, these hydroxyl
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 355

ions (OH-) are carried with the permeate stream and may result an increase in pH of
permeate. Electrolytic gases are released near the membrane resulting in a reduction of
permeate flux. For example, pH of the permeate is increased from 6.0 to 9.3 with increase in
constant electric field from 0 V/m to 800 V/m, whereas, with a pulse ratio of 3:1, the pH of
the permeate increases up 9.0.

Figure 2.30. Variation of pH of the permeate with d.c. electric field at various pulse ratios at a pressure
of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during clarification of synthetic juice (pectin: 3 kg/m3,
sucrose: 12 Brix).

Figure 2.31. Variation of electric power consumption per unit volume of the permeate with d.c. electric
field at various pulse ratios at a pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of synthetic juice (pectin: 3 kg/m3, sucrose: 12 Brix).
356 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Table 2.8. Variation of energy ratio of pulse to constant electric field with pulse ratio for
different electric fields

P: 360 kPa, u0 : 0.12 E = 200 V/m E = 300 V/m E = 400 V/m

Pulse Epulse/Econstant Epulse/Econstant Epulse/Econstant
0 0 0 0
1 0.25 0.34 0.41
2 0.38 0.49 0.56
3 0.56 0.58 0.67
4 0.67 0.71 0.76
Constant electric field 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 2.8 illustrates the variation of energy ratio of pulse to constant electric field with
pulse ratio for different electric field. It is evident from the figure that with increase in pulse
ratio, the dimensionless energy, E pulse/E constant, increases for a fixed value of transmembrane
pressure and cross flow velocity. It can be observed from experimental results that at an
electric field of 400 V/m, at a pressure of 360 kPa, a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s and at
the pulse ratio of 3:1, the dimensionless energy, E pulse/E constant is about 0.67. This indicates
that during pulsed electro-ultrafiltration, about 97.5% of the maximum attainable permeate
flux (electric field always on) is achieved (Figure 2.27) with saving of 33% electrical energy.
Table 2.9 represents the variations of energy consumption per unit volume of permeate
with external applied constant d.c. electric field for a fixed pressure of 360 kPa and a cross
flow velocity of 0.12 m/s. It is observed from the figure that with increase in electric field,
energy consumption due to applied d.c. electric field increases but the energy consumed by
the pump decreases. However, total energy consumption per unit volume of permeate
decreases. This can be explained by the fact that for a fixed pressure and cross flow velocity,
with increase in electric field, energy consumption due to d.c electric field is increases.
Though at the same time, with increase in electric field, permeate flux increases due to
decrease of gel layer thickness (migration of gel forming materials away from the membrane
surface), the overall increase of energy consumption per unit of permeate volume due to d.c
electric field (E electrical) is observed. For example, at 400 V/m, the value of E electrical is about
1.72 kWh/m3 of permeate. For the calculation of pump energy consumption, there is no
contribution of d.c. electric field. Hence, consumption of pump energy per unit volume of
permeate (E pump) decreases with increase of electric field as permeate flux increases with
increase in electric field. For example, Epump decreases from 123.8 to 92.85 kWh/m3 of
permeate with increase in electric field from 0 to 400 V/m. Moreover, since the contribution
of Eelectrical to the calculation of Etotal is less than 2%, with increase in electric field, total
energy consumption per unit volume of permeate (Etotal) decreases. Therefore, the energy
consumption due to application of external electric field insignificant compared to that for
running the pump.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 357

Table 2.9. Variation of energy consumption with electric field.

E (V/m) Epump (kWh/m3) Eelectrica (kWh/m3) Etotal(kWh/m3)

0 123.8 0 123.8
200 104.4 0.15 104.55
300 96.5 0.63 96.65
400 92.85 1.73 94.58

Table 2.10 illustrates the variations of energy consumed by pump per unit volume of
permeate for different transmembrane pressures and cross flow velocities at an electric field
of 400 V/m and pulse ratio of 3:1. It is evident from the figure that energy consumed by the
pump per unit volume of permeate increases with increase in both transmembrane pressure as
well as cross flow velocity. This is because, increase in cross flow velocity and
transmembrane pressure lead to enhancement of power consumption of pump as it is directly
proportional to both cross flow velocity and pressure drop. For example, at a cross flow
velocity of 0.12 m/s, with increase in transmembrane pressure from 220 kPa to 635 kPa,
pump energy consumption increases from 63.7 kWh /m3 to 158.8 kWh /m3 whereas, at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, with increase in cross flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to
0.18 m/s, pump energy consumption increases from 76.83 kWh /m3 to 127.32 kWh /m3.

Table 2.10. Variation of pump energy and electrical energy for different
transmembrane pressure and cross flow velocity at an electric field of 400 V/m and
pulse ratio of 3:1

Epunp (kWh/m3) Eelectrical (kWh/m3)

u0 (m/s) 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18

P (kPa)

220 50.43 63.70 75.64 83.80 1.34 1.27 1.20 1.11

360 76.83 95.20 112.5 127.32 1.25 1.16 1.10 1.03

500 103.15 128.90 149.5 171.92 1.20 1.13 1.05 1.0

635 126.78 158.80 181.95 212.44 1.16 1.01 1.0 0.98

Table 2.10 also shows the variations of energy consumed by d.c. electric field per unit
volume of permeate for different transmembrane pressures and cross flow velocities at an
electric field of 400 V/m and a pulse ratio of 3:1 are presented in Figure 2.24. It can be
observed from the figure that the energy consumption per unit volume of permeate due to
applied d.c. electric field decreases with increase in both cross flow velocity and
transmembrane pressure. This can be explained by the fact that increase in both cross flow
358 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

velocity and transmembrane pressure lead to an increase in permeate flux. Therefore, for a
fixed electric field and pulse ratio, energy consumption per unit volume of permeate
decreases with increase in both cross flow velocity and transmembrane pressure. For
example, at a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s, with increase in transmembrane pressure from
220 kPa to 635 kPa, energy consumption due to d.c. electric field decreases from 1.27 kWh
/m3 to 1.01 kWh /m3 whereas, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, with increase in cross
flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to 0.18 m/s, it decreases from 1.25 kWh /m3 to 1.03 kWh /m3 of
permeate. Analysis of Steady State Flux of Mosambi (Citrus Sinensis (L.)

Osbeck) Juice

Theoretical Aspect
The expression for steady state permeate flux in case of gel layer controlled electric field
assisted ultrafiltration is obtained using film theory as,

v w = v e + k ln (2.47)

where, k is the mass transfer coefficient, defined as ; D is diffusion coefficient of the
gel forming solute; and v e is the electrophoretic velocity which can be calculated from Eqs.
(2.8) and (2.9). The mass transfer coefficient under laminar flow condition can be expressed

k de d 3
Sh = = 2.1 ReSc e

where, de is the equivalent diameter of the flow channel. For a thin channel, the value of de is
4h, where h is the half height of the channel. In mosambi juice, apart from major constituents
like pectin and sugar, other components are also present such as proteins, microorganisms,
acids, salts, aroma and flavor compounds. Since the diffusivity and gel concentration of
actual mosambi juice differ from that of pure pectin, the estimation of permeate flux based on
the values of diffusivity and gel concentration of pure pectin will be inaccurate. Moreover,
the variation of viscosity with concentration has to be incorporated for better prediction.
Therefore, instead of using bulk viscosity in Eq. 2.9, an effective viscosity has been
suggested. An optimization method has been employed to determine which uses an initial
guess for the values of these three parameters in order to minimize the following error
function and obtain the correct values of the three parameters:
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 359

v exp
w - vw

S = exp (2.49)
i=1 vw

BCPOL of IMSL Math library using direct complex search algorithm has been used for
optimization. As a first guess, the values of diffusivity, gel concentration and effective
viscosity are assumed to be the same as those for pure pectin solution. Knowing these
parameters, values of steady state permeate flux are predicted. The results obtained are
discussed in the subsequent sections.
The values of effective diffusivity, gel concentration and effective viscosity are estimated
by optimizing the experimental values of average permeate flux using the optimizer BCPOL
of IMSL Math library and the permeate flux is calculated using Eq. (2.47). The values of
effective diffusivity, gel concentration and effective viscosity estimated thus are 6.05 x 10-11
m2/s, 48.5 kg/m3 and 7.03 x 10-3 Pa s respectively. The diffusivity is of the same order of
magnitude as that obtained for pure pectin from the well known Stokes-Einstein relation
(Table 2.1). The value of gel concentration is slightly higher than that reported for pure
pectin (38 kg/m3) by Pritchard et al. [25]. This indicates the presence of other gel forming
material apart from pectin in mosambi juice.

Figure 2.32. Variation of steady state average permeate flux with electric field for various
transmembrane pressure during clarification of mosambi juice using 50 kDa membrane.

Effect of Constant Electric Field on Permeate Flux

Figure 2.32 shows the variation of the average steady state average permeate flux with
electric field for various transmembrane pressures at a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of mosambi juice. It is evident from the figure that permeate flux increases with
the electric field. This is due to electrophoretic movement of negatively charged pectin
molecules away from the membrane surface (i.e. towards the positive electrode).This reduces
360 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

the deposition of pectin molecules on the membrane surface and prevents the formation of a
gel type layer formation over the membrane surface which leads to an enhancement of the
permeate flux. For example, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity
of 0.12 m/s, the application of 400 V/m results in an increase in permeate flux from 8.65
L/m2 h (in the absence of electric field) to 11.75 L/m2 h. Furthermore, this figure also
indicates that for a fixed electric field, an increase in transmembrane pressure leads to an
increase in permeate flux due to enhanced driving force.

Effect of Cross Flow Velocity on Permeate Flux

It has been observed from Figure 2.32 that at the pressure of 360 kPa, with increase in
electric field to 400 V/m the permeate flux increases by about 36% (which is an upper limit
under the operating conditions employed). At other operating pressures such as 220 kPa, 500
kPa and 635 kPa, with the same increase in electric field, the flux enhancements are 32.5%,
30% and 32%, respectively. Hence the pressure 360 kPa has been selected to discuss the
effect of cross flow velocity on permeate flux at different electric field strengths as shown in
Figure 2.33. With increase in cross flow velocity, the sweeping effect on the gel layer over
the membrane surface increases. This restricts solute particles from being deposited on the
membrane surface; further it facilitates backward diffusion of the solutes from the surface to
the bulk. Hence, with increase in cross flow velocity, the deposit thickness, and consequently
resistance to solvent flow, decreases thereby augmenting the permeate flux. The effect of
cross flow velocity on the enhancement in permeate flux is slightly more in the absence of
electric field than at 400 V/m. At higher electric field, the layer deposited on the membrane
surface is very thin due to electrophoresis. For example, at 400 V/m, with increase in cross
flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to 0.18 m/s, the permeate flux increase by about 25% whereas,
this augmentation is about 27% in the absence of electric field under otherwise identical
operating condition.

Figure 2.33. Variation of steady state average permeate flux with cross flow velocity during
clarification of mosambi juice using 50 kDa membrane.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 361

Figure 2.34. Calculated steady state permeate flux using optimized values of effective diffusivity, gel
concentration and effective viscosity obtained from the optimization of cross flow electro-ultrafiltration
experimental data of mosambi juice.

Figure 2.34 shows the comparison between the experimental and estimated values of
average permeate flux under various conditions of cross-flow velocity, electric field and
transmembrane pressure. From the figure it is clear that the estimated permeate flux values
are within 15% to the experimental values.

Effect of Pulsed Electric Field

Effect of Pulse Ratio

Figure 2.35 and 2.36 show the variation in steady state average permeate flux with pulse
(on time/off time) ratio for various electric field at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and
a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during clarification of mosambi juice respectively. The
symbols are for the experimental permeate flux, whereas, the solid lines are model predicted
permeate flux and the dashed lines are estimated gel layer thickness. As can be seen from the
figure, the predictions are very close to the experimental values of permeate flux. In fact it
can be seen that the model predictions are within 5% of the experimental results. The off-
time is always fixed at 1s. It can clearly be seen that an increase in electric field results in a
decrease in the estimated gel layer thickness (less resistance to flow) and associated increase
in flux as observed in case of synthetic juice. As discussed earlier with increase in electric
field, movement of charged pectin molecules away from the membrane surface increases
leading to restriction of the formation of gel-type layer over the membrane surface. Hence
permeate flux increases. For example, at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow
velocity of 0.12 m/s, pulse ratio of 3:1 and electric field of 400 V/m, the permeate flux
362 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

increases from 8.65 L/m2 h to 11.2 L/m2 h compared to zero electric field and corresponding
values of gel layer thickness decreases from 5.4 m to 4.1 m (Figure 2.36). Experimental
results confirm that for a given set of operating conditions, 94-97.5% of the maximum
permeate flux (electric field always on) is obtained at a pulse ratio of 3:1(i.e., 3 s on followed
by 1 s off time). Further increase in pulse ratio does not improve the permeate flux
significantly and similar trends are observed for all electric fields. These results are consistent
with the results of synthetic juice.

Figure 2.35. Variation in steady state average permeate flux with pulse ratio for various electric field
during clarification of mosambi juice. , Curve 1 for E = 400 V/m; , Curve 2 for E = 300 V/m; ,
Curve 3 for E = 200 V/m.

Figure 2.36. Variation in steady state gel layer thickness with pulse ratio for various electric field
during clarification of mosambi juice. Curve 1 for E = 200 V/m; Curve 2 for E = 300 V/m; Curve 3 for
E = 400 V/m.
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 363

Effect of Cross Flow Velocity

The variations of permeate flux and gel layer thickness with cross flow velocity for
different electric fields at a pulse ratio of 3:1 are presented in Figures 2.37 and 2.38
respectively. The symbols are for the experimental permeate flux, whereas, the solid lines are
model predicted permeate flux and the dashed lines are estimated gel layer thickness. As can
be seen from the figure that the model predictions are within 3% of the experimental
results. From the results shown in this figure, it is clear that for a fixed electric field, with
increase in cross flow velocity permeate flux increases and gel layer thickness decreases as
observed in case of synthetic juice. At higher cross flow velocity, gel layer thickness on the
membrane surface is lower due to forced convection. This is a direct consequence of
enhancement of turbulence in the flow channel. Furthermore, the back diffusion from
membrane surface to the bulk increases as the concentration gradient from the membrane
surface to the bulk increases. This leads to an increase of permeate flux at higher cross flow
velocity. For example, at 400 V/m, with an increase of cross flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to
0.18 m/s permeate flux increases from 10.45 L /m2 h to 12.5 L /m2 h (Figure 2.38) with
decrease in gel layer thickness from 4.4 m to 3.65 m (Figure 2.38).

Figure 2.37. Variation in steady state average permeate flux with cross flow velocity at a pulse ratio of
3:1 for various electric field during clarification of mosambi juice. Solid lines and dashed lines are for
flux and gel thickness respectively. , Curve 1 for E = 200 V/m; , Curve 2 for E = 300 V/m; , Curve
3 for E = 400 V/m.

The variations in steady state average permeate flux with pulse ratio for various electric
fields at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during
clarification of mosambi juice are shown in Figure 2.39. It may be observed from the figure
that permeate flux very close to the maximum value (always on) is obtained at a pulse ratio of
3:1 as observed in case of synthetic juice (Figure 2.27). As indicated earlier, permeate flux
increases with increase in electric field due to enhanced electrophoretic movement of pectin
364 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

molecules away from the membrane surface (i.e., towards the positive electrode) which
reduces the gel type layer formation over the membrane surface. For example, at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s and pulse ratio of 3:1, by
applying an electric field of 500 V/m, permeate flux is improved about 39% compared to zero
electric field (0 V/m).

Figure 2.38. Variation in steady state gel layer thickness with cross flow velocity at a pulse ratio of 3:1
for various electric field during clarification of mosambi juice. Curve 1 for E = 400 V/m; Curve 2 E =
300 V/m; Curve 3 for E = 200 V/m.

Figure 2.39.Variation in steady state average permeate flux with pulse ratio for various electric field
during clarification of mosambi juice using 30 kDa membrane. The solid lines are only guides for the
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 365

Characterization of Clarified Mosambi Juice

The physico-chemical properties of permeate after clarification of mosambi juice at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and a pulse ratio of 3:1 are tabulated in Table 2.11. From
the results it is clear that density, conductivity, sugar content of both the feed and permeate
are practically the same while viscosity is reduced from 2.45x10-3 Pa s to 0.87x10-3 Pa s due
to enzyme treatment and pulsed electro-ultrafiltration. After enzyme treatment color (A420),
clarity (T660) and acidity (i.e., as citric acid) of mosambi juice are improved from 1.25 to 1.1,
29.8% to 34% and 0.7 to 0.5 weight % respectively. There is a significant improvement of
color (A420) and clarity (T660) after pulsed electro-ultrafiltration and no pectin is found in
clarified juice. Color (A420) is decreased from 1.1 to 0.22 and clarity (T660) is improved from
34% to about 98% after pulsed electro-ultrafiltration. A decrease in acidity and consequently
an increase in pH of permeate is observed after electro-ultrafiltration. It is further noticed that
for a given electric field, with increase in cross flow velocity, pH of the permeate decreases.
At higher cross flow velocity, produced OH- ions by electrode reaction are sheared off from
the electrode-membrane interface leading to a decrease in pH of the permeate. For example,
with increase in cross flow velocity from 0.09 m/s to 0.18 m/s, pH of the permeate decreases
from 4.6 to 4.25.

Table 2.11. Physico-chemical properties of permeate after clarification of mosambi juice

at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and a pulse ratio of 3:1

Electric Cross- pH Color Clarity Sucrose Conduc- Viscosity Pectin Acidity

field flow (A420) % (0Brix) tivity 103 (Pa (kg/m3) as
(V/m) velocity (T660) x104 ( s) Citric
(m/s) S/m) acid
0 0.09 3.97 0.22 98.4 8.4 4.0 0.87 Nil 4.0
0.12 3.97 0.21 98.5 8.4 4.0 0.87 Nil 4.0
0.15 3.98 0.21 98.4 8.4 4.0 0.87 Nil 4.0
0.18 3.98 0.21 98.6 8.4 4.0 0.87 Nil 4.0
300 0.09 4.30 0.22 96.9 8.4 3.82 0.87 Nil 3.7
0.12 4.15 0.22 97.8 8.3 3.84 0.87 Nil 3.9
0.15 4.05 0.21 98.0 8.4 3.90 0.87 Nil 4.0
0.18 4.00 0.21 97.8 8.3 3.95 0.87 Nil 4.0
500 0.09 4.60 0.22 97.3 8.4 3.86 0.87 Nil 3.5
0.12 4.40 0.22 98.0 8.4 3.90 0.87 Nil 3.6
0.15 4.36 0.21 98.5 8.4 3.90 0.87 Nil 3.6
0.18 4.25 0.22 98.0 8.4 3.95 0.87 Nil 3.7

Power Consumption and pH Variation

The variation of electric power consumption and pH values of the permeate at various
electric field and pulse ratio during clarification of mosambi juice at a transmembrane
pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s are shown in Figures 2.40 and 2.41
respectively. Experimental result shows that for a fixed electric field of 400 V/m, pH of the
permeate increases from 3.97 to 4.6 compared to without electric field, whereas, with the
same increment of electric field but with a pulse ratio of 3:1, pH value increases to 4.4. This
implies the advantages of a pulsed electric field.
366 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

Figure 2.40. Variation of electric power consumption per unit volume of permeate with d.c. electric
field at various pulse ratios at a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s
during clarification of mosambi juice.

Figure 2.41. Variation of pH of the permeate with d.c. electric field at various pulse ratios at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s during clarification of mosambi
Membrane Based Clarification/Concentration of Fruit Juice 367

2.5. Conclusion

The effects of varying electric field during gel controlled ultrafiltration of pectin-sucrose
solution are explored in this Chapter. The introduction of an electric field of appropriate
polarity substantially improves the permeate flux. The trends are found to be in agreement
with the physical understanding of the system. For example, the flux increases with electric
field, pressure, cross-flow velocity but decreases with and concentration of pectin in solution.
A theoretical approach for the prediction of permeate flux of an electric field enhanced gel
controlled cross flow ultrafiltration is proposed in this work. An integral method with
appropriate concentration profile in the boundary layer is used for the development of the
model. The solutions are obtained for rectangular channel under laminar flow condition. It
can also be observed that local permeate flux decreases sharply near the entrance region and
then gradually for rest of the channel. The predictions from the proposed model are
successfully compared with the experimental results under a wide range of operating
conditions. The growth of the gel-type layer has been modeled taking into account the
electrophoretic mobility of the charged pectin molecules in an electric field. A resistance-in-
series model is proposed considering the hydrodynamic resistance and a resistance due to the
growing gel layer. The model equations are solved numerically and the specific gel layer
resistances are evaluated at different operating conditions. The thicknesses of the deposited
gel-layer have been accurately measured by capturing the images of the deposition over the
membrane surfaces using high-resolution video-microscopy and subsequent image analysis.
The measured thicknesses under different operating conditions are successfully compared
with the model predictions.
The drawbacks of constant electric field ultrafiltration such as high energy consumption,
electrode reaction, increase in temperature, limitation to the use of feeds of high conductivity
and heat sensitivity etc. can be significantly addressed using pulsed electric field. It can be
seen that release of electrolytic gases with the permeate stream is more pronounced at
constant electric field associated with higher pH values of the permeate. Apart from flux
enhancement, use of pulsed electric field requires less energy and may lead to increase in the
membrane service life due to less fouling, less frequent replacement of membrane during
operation. For example, for a feed (Pectin: 3 kg/m3, Sucrose: 12 Brix) mixture, at a
transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa and a cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s, by applying
constant electric field of 1000 V/m, permeate flux increases from 6.5 L/m2 h to 25.2 L/m2 h
compared to zero electric field and associated extra electric power consumption is 0.83 kW h
/m3 of permeate. To yield almost same magnitude of permeate flux, pulsed electro-
ultrafiltration with pulse ratio of 3:1 needs 0.65 kW h/m3 of permeate. For mosambi juice, at
a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa, cross flow velocity of 0.12 m/s and pulse ratio of 3:1,
by applying an electric field of 500 V/m, permeate flux is improved about 39% compared to
zero electric field. Moreover, significant improvement of color and clarity are observed and
no pectin is found in the clarified juice.
This study also highlights the potential utility of using external d.c. electric field to
increase the productivity (throughput) during clarification of mosambi juice. For example, at
a cross-flow velocity of 0.12 m/s and a transmembrane pressure of 360 kPa the permeate flux
increases from 8.65 L/m2 h to 11.75 L/m2 h ( i.e., 35.8 % flux enhancement) by applying
368 Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta and S. Ranjith Kumar

electric field of 400 V/m, and the additional electrical power consumption is 1.16 kW h per
m3 of permeate. A comparison between experimental values of permeate flux and a model
developed earlier show that the gel concentration is about 48.5 kg/m3 and the effective
diffusivity of the solute in the juice is about 6x10-11 m2/s. The effective viscosity in the
concentration boundary layer adjacent to gel layer is 7.03x10-3 Pa s which is about 7 times
the bulk viscosity.
According to above findings, the electro-ultrafiltration appears to be a promising
alternative for clarification of citrus fruit juice and pectin containing solutions in food
processing industries in general. Moreover, the models developed in this study to quantify the
effects of electric field on permeate flux should be of immense help for designing electro-
ultrafiltration unit.


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behavior, 186, 201, 228, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252,

253, 264, 277, 285
benefits, 242
access, 204
Bessel, 203
accuracy, iv, 184, 186, 199, 205, 210, 222, 236, 237,
beverages, 307
biomedical applications, 256
acid, 187
blood, 256
acidity, 186
body shape, 207
activation, iv, 184, 210, 225, 226, 227, 234, 238
bulbs, 198
activation energy, iv, 184, 210, 225, 227, 238
burn, 185
adaptation, 307
adsorption, 259
alcohol, 246 C
alcohols, 207
alkaline, 245 calcium, 186, 248
alternative, 256 calibration, 193, 199, 205, 207
ammonium, 244 capillary, 186, 188, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196,
amplitude, 203 197, 198, 199, 200, 210, 213, 217, 219, 220, 221,
ANN, 238 222, 238, 244, 246
appendix, 260, 261, 266, 274, 279 capillary viscometry, 246
aqueous solutions, iv, 184, 193, 203, 207, 222, 225, carboxymethyl cellulose, 285
228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 238, 244, 245, 249, carboxymethylcellulose, 253
250, 252 cell, 199
argon, 245 Cellulose, 187
Arr(h)enius equation, iv, 184, 221, 234, 238 chemical composition, 217
Arrhenius parameters, 227 chemical properties, 248
asbestos, 196 Chicago, 243
assumptions, 191 chloride, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 252
atmospheric pressure, 184, 210, 214, 227, 234 Citric, 187
automation, 184 CMC, 285, 286, 287, 288, 293, 295, 296, 298
averaging, 188 combined effect, iv, 184, 186, 222, 235, 238, 253
Azerbaijan, 183, 186, 243, 246 compilation, 186, 243
complexity, 184
complications, 256
composition, 210, 217, 243, 250
compressibility, 192, 199
barium, 249
372 Index

computation, 256 Einstein, 232, 233, 237, 250

concentrates, 185, 190, 241, 242, 247, 248, 251, 252, electric circuit, 205
253 electrolyte, 226, 229, 231, 233, 234, 248, 249, 250
concentration, iv, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 210, 212, electrolytes, 249, 250
214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, electromagnetic, 207, 209
225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, emulsions, 242
236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 247, 248, 249, energy, iv, 184, 185, 187, 191, 210, 225, 227, 238
250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 258, 267, 269, 272, enthalpy of activation, 226
280, 282, 283, 287, 296, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309 equilibrium, 187, 188
conductance, 249 equipment, 185, 186
conductivity, 184, 185, 242, 243 evaporation, 185, 186
confidence, 199 experimental condition, 199
configuration, 203 exponential functions, 234
construction, 191, 195, 196, 209 extrusion, 253
consumers, 242
consumption, 184
control, 185, 196
cooking, 253
farm, 184
cooling, 253
fermentation, 251
cooling process, 253
filters, 185
copper, 193, 194, 196, 197
flow curves, 253
corn, 253
flow field, 188
correction factors, 191, 192
fluid, iv, 184, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193, 196, 197,
correlation, 185, 211, 220, 222, 227, 238, 264, 277
198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 206, 222, 225, 228, 242,
correlation coefficient, 264, 277
243, 244, 247, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260,
correlations, 238, 256, 307
265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 274, 278, 279, 281,
coverage, 199
282, 283, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 294, 295,
Cranberry, 188, 222
297, 299, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306
FMC, 247, 250
D food, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 242, 244, 253, 256
food industry, 184, 185, 242
data set, 210 food products, 185, 253
Debye, 230, 249 Ford, 243
definition, 188, 262, 266, 267, 269, 275, 279, 280, friction, 305, 308
283, 285, 308 fructose, 186
density, 184, 185, 186, 188, 193, 199, 200, 203, 205, fruit juices, iv, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 195, 210,
206, 207, 244, 247, 250, 252, 306 213, 222, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232,
deviation, iv, 184 234, 235, 236, 238, 241, 243, 247, 250, 251, 252,
diffusion, 287, 298 253
diffusivity, 184, 185, 305 fruits, 186, 246, 248
discs, 188 futures, 244
displacement, 202
distilled water, 186, 203
distribution, 192, 308
dynamic viscosity, 187, 188
gases, 205, 245
gauge, 192, 193, 194, 196
E gel, 241
gel formation, 241
earth, 245 Geneva, 251
Index 373

glass, 186, 195, 197, 198 literature, 184, 192, 202, 203, 207, 213, 217, 218,
glucose, 186 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 243
gravity, 206, 207 lithium, 244
growth, 248 London, 244
low temperatures, 197, 218, 225, 227, 233, 247
lying, 285

heat, 184, 185, 242, 256 M

heat capacity, 184, 185
heat transfer, 185 magnesium, 186
height, 198, 199, 200, 269, 280, 283, 293, 299 marketing, 184
helium, 245 Maryland, 242
heptane, 243 measurement, 188, 191, 193, 195, 197, 200, 203,
House, 307 205, 207, 238, 245, 246
hydrophobic, 249 membranes, 308
mercury, 192, 193, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200
methanol, 246
Microbial, 248
microscope, 194, 197
India, 250, 252, 255
milk, 241, 242, 252
industry, 184, 185, 242
minerals, 187
inefficiency, 185
model liquid, 253
inertia, 201, 205
modeling, iv, 252, 255
infinite, 202, 206, 230
models, iv, 183, 184, 185, 210, 214, 215, 216, 217,
instruments, 191
218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229,
insulators, 195
235, 236, 237, 238, 253
integration, 261, 262, 268, 275, 276, 281, 306
modules, iv, 255, 256, 305
interpretation, 252, 253
molar volume, 226, 233, 249
interval, 205
Moscow, 243, 244
ionic solutions, 245
motion, 201, 202, 206, 257, 266, 269, 272, 279, 282
iron, 196
isotherms, 212, 213, 218, 227
iteration, 285 N

Na2SO4, 249
NaCl, 245, 246
network, 238, 253
Juices, 183, 210, 221, 222, 225, 227, 233, 234, 239
neural network, 253
New York, iv, 242, 243, 244, 248
K Newton, 187
Newtonian, 191, 192, 206, 250, 253
KBr, 248 nickel, 195
nitrates, 244
L nitrogen, 187
nuts, 195
laminar, iv, 187, 191, 255, 256, 257, 266, 272, 280,
285, 305, 308 O
linear function, 235
liquids, 185, 188, 191, 205, 210, 238, 243, 253 oil, 190, 242
oils, 191
374 Index

oligosaccharide, 249 pumps, 185

optimization, 184 pure water, iv, 184, 193, 199, 206, 207, 208, 211,
orange juice, 216, 217, 241, 242, 244, 248, 250, 251 224, 230, 237
orientation, 203
oscillation, 201, 204, 205, 245
oscillograph, 194, 209
osmosis, 185, 256, 307
radius, 191, 193, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 205,
osmotic pressure, 256, 308
206, 207, 267, 285
range, 185, 192, 199, 203, 206, 208, 210, 213, 217,
P 218, 220, 221, 222, 225, 227, 231, 233, 238, 243,
244, 245, 246, 256, 264
packaging, 242 raw materials, 184
parameter, iv, 227, 233, 234, 255, 256, 260, 261, reading, 196
262, 264, 265, 267, 269, 273, 274, 275, 278, 279, refractory, 196
280, 283, 286, 290, 293, 295, 300, 302, 305, 306, relationship, 187, 227, 253, 270, 284, 285, 289, 293,
309 299
particles, 250 reliability, 213
pasteurization, 184, 242 resistance, 196
Peclet number, 287, 289, 290, 293, 298, 300, 305, retention, 184, 259, 306
306 returns, 196
Pectin, 185, 187 Reynolds, 191, 192, 206, 246
performance, 247 Reynolds number, iv, 191, 192, 206, 246, 256, 285,
permeation, iv, 255, 256, 263, 265, 268, 270, 277, 287, 296, 306
278, 281, 283, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 293, 295, rheological properties, 243, 247, 250
298, 302, 305 rheology, iv, 255, 256, 257, 272
permit, 203 room temperature, 186, 192, 193, 197, 199, 205
pH, 186, 187, 251 root-mean-square, 200
phosphates, 186 roughness, 192
physical properties, 241, 250, 251, 252, 253 Russia, 183, 186, 243
physicochemical, 252
physico-chemical properties, 248
platinum, 195, 196
Poland, 186
sample, 192, 198, 213, 217
polarization, 307
satisfaction, 238
polymer, 256
saturation, 231, 243
polynomial functions, 235
scattering, 217
polynomials, iv, 183
Schmidt number, 260, 273, 306
potassium, 186, 244, 246, 250, 252
sensitivity, 200, 205
power, iv, 183, 193, 209, 210, 234, 237, 255, 256
separation, 202, 256
prediction, 185, 219, 220, 221, 238, 307
series, 205
prediction models, 185, 220, 221, 238
shape, 192, 196, 199, 207
pressure, iv, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 191, 192, 193,
shear, 185, 188, 308
194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 204, 205, 207,
shear rates, 185
209, 210, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221, 222, 227, 233,
Sherwood number, 256, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268,
234, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 248,
270, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285,
256, 264, 265, 277, 278, 305, 306, 308
286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295,
pressure gauge, 192, 193, 194, 196
296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305,
production, 185, 241, 250, 251, 307
proteins, 242
shoulders, 196
PRT, 193, 194, 196, 209
Index 375

signals, 209 transport, 184, 185, 243, 308

similarity, 261, 262, 267, 269, 274, 275, 280, 283, trend, 290, 293, 300, 305
306, 308 triggers, 207
simulation, 256 turbulence, 191
Singapore, 308
sodium, 244, 245, 250, 253
solvent, 230, 231
speed, 186, 192
UK, 186
starch, 191, 253
uncertainty, 185, 194, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 205,
steel, 192, 196, 199, 204, 207
207, 218, 224, 238
storage, 184, 242
uniform, 191, 192, 250
streams, 256
stress, 191, 203, 210, 220, 306, 308
sucrose, 191, 238 V
sugar, 185, 186, 187, 230, 249, 252
supply, 209 vacuum, 186, 201, 205
surface tension, 192 validity, 185
suspensions, 232, 250 values, iv, 183, 184, 192, 193, 195, 199, 203, 205,
symmetry, 201 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217,
systems, iv, 195, 202, 248, 253, 255, 307 218, 220, 221, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232,
233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 264, 268, 270, 277, 281,
284, 285, 286, 292, 295, 296, 302
T vapor, 185, 243
variation, 185, 192, 198, 247, 252, 256, 286, 287,
Tannic acid, 187
289, 290, 293, 296, 298, 300, 305
Tea, 2
vegetables, 248
technology, 242
velocity, 187, 192, 206, 207, 256, 257, 258, 259,
temperature, iv, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 192, 193,
266, 267, 269, 272, 273, 280, 282, 285, 287, 289,
194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 205, 207, 209,
292, 296, 299, 302, 306
210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220,
vessels, 197, 246
221, 222, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233,
Viscoelastic, 242
234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244,
viscosity, iv, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194,
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206,
temperature dependence, 214, 215, 221, 225, 230,
207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220,
235, 238, 249
221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231,
temperature gradient, 188
232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241,
tension, 192
242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251,
theory, 203, 226, 230, 235, 245, 249
252, 253, 260, 264, 266, 274, 277, 279, 306, 307,
thermal expansion, 198
309, 310
thermal properties, 243
thermal treatment, 184
thermodynamic, 185, 188, 243 W
threshold, 185
time, iv, 183, 192, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 205, wavelengths, 248
206, 207, 209, 210, 220, 245, 250 windows, 193, 204
timing, 207 wine, 251
titanium, 195 wires, 196
transducer, 209 withdrawal, 194
transition, 256

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