Kristina Wirtz Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santeria Speaking A Sacred World
Kristina Wirtz Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santeria Speaking A Sacred World
Kristina Wirtz Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santeria Speaking A Sacred World
Ritual, Discourse,
Santera practitioners in Cuba create and
and Community
University. communities that lack unifying social, racial, or ethnic characteristics. Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera,
Mary Ann Clark, author of Where Men Are Wives and Mothers Rule: Kristina Wirtz examines the religious lives of
santeros in Santiago de Cuba, the second largest
Santera Ritual Practices and Their Gender Implications
city on the island. Wirtz argues that these religious
in Cuban Santera
Front cover: Procession through the neighborhoods
of Los Hoyos and Los Olmos for Santa Brbaras Day. communities are held together not because
Well-written and compelling in its argument. Ritual, Discourse, members agree on their interpretations of rituals
and Community in Cuban Santera avoids treating religion as some but precisely because they often disagree on the
privileged realm of the sacred that is separate from human struggles for issues. Her analysis opens a window into this
authority, prestige, and status. growing world religion.
In rich detail, Wirtz describes how ritual
Kelly E. Hayes, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis Speaking a Sacred W
orld events from divinations to possession trances
unfold and how practitioners reflect upon and
Contemporary evaluate their ritual experiences. Thus, religious
Cuba life is marked by a series of telling moments
the moments themselves and their narrated
representations as they are retold and mined for
religious meanings. Long after the moment occurs,
the spiritually elevated experience circulates as a
narrative, as gossip, and as other forms of public
commentary that may result in skepticism or
awe. Each retelling holds the promise of another
Drawing on ethnographic research about
Santera beliefs and practices, Wirtz observes that
University Press of Florida practitioners are constantly engaged in reflection about what they and other practitioners are doing,
how the orichas (deities) have responded, and what
the consequences of their actions were or will be.
ISBN 978-0-8130-3064-7 Santeros re-create, moment to moment, what their
religion is. Wirtz also argues that Santera cannot
,!7IA8B3-adageh! UPF Contemporary be considered in isolation from the complex
religious landscape of contemporary Cuba, in
which African-based traditions are viewed with a
mix of fascination, folkloric pride, and suspicion.
Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Contemporary Cuba
Afro-Cuban Voices: On Race and Identity in Contemporary Cuba, by Pedro Prez-Sarduy and
Jean Stubbs (2000)
Cuba, the United States, and the Helms-Burton Doctrine: International Reactions,
by Joaqun Roy (2000)
Cuba Today and Tomorrow: Reinventing Socialism, by Max Azicri (2000); first paperback
edition, 2001
Cubas Foreign Relations in a Post-Soviet World, by H. Michael Erisman (2000); first
paperback edition, 2002
Cubas Sugar Industry, by Jos Alvarez and Lzaro Pea Castellanos (2001)
Culture and the Cuban Revolution: Conversations in Havana, by John M. Kirk and
Leonardo Padura Fuentes (2001)
Looking at Cuba: Essays on Culture and Civil Society, by Rafael Hernndez, translated
by Dick Cluster (2003)
Santera Healing: A Journey into the Afro-Cuban World of Divinities, Spirits, and Sorcery,
by Johan Wedel (2004)
Cubas Agricultural Sector, by Jos Alvarez (2004)
Cuban Socialism in a New Century: Adversity, Survival and Renewal, edited
by Max Azicri and Elsie Deal (2004)
Cuba, the United States, and the PostCold War World: The International Dimensions of the
Washington-Havana Relationship, edited by Morris Morley and Chris McGillion (2005)
Redefining Cuban Foreign Policy: The Impact of the Special Period, edited
by H. Michael Erisman and John M. Kirk (2006)
Gender and Democracy in Cuba, by Ilja A. Luciak (2007)
Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera: Speaking a Sacred World,
by Kristina Wirtz (2007)
Ritual, Discourse, and Community
in Cuban Santera
Speaking a Sacred World
Kristina Wirtz
The University Press of Florida is the scholarly publishing agency for the State
University System of Florida, comprising Florida A&M University, Florida Atlantic
University, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida International University, Florida
State University, New College of Florida, University of Central Florida, University
of Florida, University of North Florida, University of South Florida, and University
of West Florida.
Notes 209
References 229
Index 243
1. Map of Cuba xvii
2. Map of the city of Santiago de Cuba xviii
1.1. Human-divine kinship connections in Santera 16
1.2. Ritual kinship connections in Santera 16
2.1. Altar to a muerto 32
2.2. Altar to San Lzaro 33
2.3. Spiritist altar of a santera 37
2.4. Altar to a santeras africanos 37
2.5. Casita of the oricha Eleggua 38
2.6. A muertera gives a client a consulta 39
2.7. Altar to the orichas 40
2.8. A muerteras altar, with Spiritist and Palo elements 43
3.1. Procession for Santa Brbaras Day 56
3.2. The procession greets Chang 57
3.3. Portraits of Reynerio Prez and his wife, carried in procession 57
4.1. Possibilities for divine communication in Afro-Cuban religions 100
5.1. Ritual participants dance the aro de Yemay 114
5.2. A santero falls into trance 115
5.3. The lead singer encourages possession trance 116
5.4. Yemay greets the drums 118
5.5. Yemay speaks with another ritual participant 119
6.1. Human questions and divine responses 153
6.2. Chain of mediated communication in a divination 162
7.1. Ritual hierarchy in Santera 174
7.2. It divination as commentary on ritual and non-ritual events 196
8.1. Tropicana dancers create a living altar to Ochn 207
2.1. Overview of Major Religious Traditions in Cuba 31
can rally, and even then the goal is to bury internal differences under common
I instead suggest that intracommunity conflict, rather than always and ev-
erywhere being antithetical to community-building, might sometimes con-
stitute community. This happens when conflict increases the density of cir-
culating discourse that links participants to one another and highlights an
ontological common ground within disagreements. Among santeros in San-
tiago, this dynamic is most visible in how santeros reflect upon and interpret
ritual performances, and so I carefully attend to what it is in ritual perfor-
mances that so grabs santeros attention and provokes so much reflection. One
key role of rituals in Santera is to allow communication with the divine, and
it turns out that santeros are preoccupied with evaluating whether particular
ritual performances indeed achieved this sort of religious experience. Santeros
bring a skeptical eye to bear on the minutest details of ritual preparations, par-
ticipation, and even motives of their fellow participants. They are passionately
concerned with correct, proper, and respectful religious practices, even
though they sometimes equally passionately disagree about whether specific
instances were correct, proper, and respectful. Such judgments, in turn, affect
whether a particular ritual is deemed successful, whether advice received in
a divination is heeded as having divine origin, or whether a relationship with
another religious practitioner or lineage is pursued or dropped. That is, all
of the gossip, critique, and controversy allows santeros, individually and col-
lectively, to decide whether and how to interpret rituals and other events as
religious experiences, and with what repercussions. The local community that
encompasses at least some santeros (and others) some of the time, and that
has a certain historical continuity through several generations of particular
families and neighborhoods, is, I will argue, a by-product of these reflective
activities. That is, the local Santera community resolves itself out of fleeting
traces of face-to-face interactions, like bouncing particles of smoke seen from
a distance.
I have described my major goal as challenging a tendency for ethnographic
studies of religious communities, in particular, to take for granted their bound-
aries, shared tradition, and unity of purpose. I instead ask how such seemingly
empirical realities emerge out of the ferment of debate over the meaning of
ritual experiences. This question compells attention to the fine-grained detail
of real-time, unfolding events and face-to-face human interactions in all of
the messiness of the micropolitics of everyday life and the fluid, emergent,
not-quite-in-focus understandings participants seem always just on the verge
xvi Preface
of reaching. Out of this ephemeral stuff, santeros render their religion mean-
ingful and their community real.
With all of this constructionist talk, I hasten to add that there is a there
there. Santera has recognizable and distinctive forms: rituals, jargon, priestly
hierarchies, and historical lineages reaching back at least a hundred years, with
clear antecedents in Cuba and beyond, notably among West Africans today
known as the Yoruba. This book pays special attention to these cultural ele-
ments, too, and especially to how santeros invoke them to generate phenom-
enological experiences of the sacred. But again, my focus is not on describing
the cultural objects-in-themselves (which so many books on Santera already
do), but on how their reality, their distinctiveness, their persistence, and their
tangible effects on peoples lives emerge out of the ferment of discursive activ-
ity about what santeros are engaged in. I tell a tale of intrigue, of skepticism,
controversy, and gossip, out of which, paradoxically, emerge faith, moral com-
munity, and numinous experience. I tell a tale of speaking the sacred.
Ethnographic Prologue
Figure 1. Map of Cuba showing Santiago de Cubas location. Adaptation by Pamela Rups, Western
Michigan University, from Maps on File (New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2000).
Figure 2. Map of the city of Santiago de Cuba showing principal neighborhoods in which field-
work was conducted. Adaptation by Pamela Rups, Western Michigan University, from Map of
Santiago de Cuba, (Cuba: Ediciones GEO, 1999).
Ethnographic Prologue xix
tions garner more prestige and resources than do those in the provinces. But
I see this as all the more reason to encourage ethnographic work in the rest of
Cuba, so as to counter prevailing Havana-centric tendencies. From Havanas
point of view, Santiago is very provincial, although it is the second largest city
on the island with a population of 478,000.3 Doing fieldwork on Santera in
Santiago thus gives me a very different view from the religious and political
margins, amid the dominant voices of Havana-based scholarship.
What is fascinating about Santiago is that its vibrant Santera community is
relatively new, by most accounts dating only to the 1930s, and santeros in San-
tiago are very aware of its relative newness. Unlike Havana and Matanzas, San-
tiago has few babalawos, high priests of If divination, and its Santera commu-
nity has relatively less visibility and more competition amidst the numerous,
self-styled santeros who practice related popular religions. At the same time,
Santiago is a much more Afro-Cuban city, and, despite its proud history as the
cradle of revolutions and revolts, is far from the center of political power.
Although Santiago has hundreds of initiates in Santera, I was able to de-
velop a general sense of the Santera community and its power centers, major
personalities, fault lines, and oral history, as well as how Santera fits into the
Cuban religious mosaic. I also developed strong ties with several ritual families
and lineages and thus was able to participate in numerous and varied rituals
and in-depth conversations and interviews. Despite the famed secrecy shield-
ing much ritual activity, I was allowed access to a number of private rituals. I
also found that there was an abundance of public rituals and talk about rituals
available to a noninitiate.
My fieldwork took me into many neighborhoods of the city, and especially
into the traditionally Afro-Cuban areas of Los Hoyos and San Pedrito and
other neighborhoods to the north of the historic city center, or casco histrico.
I also found myself in the newer neighborhoods of the Distrito Jos Mart and
Nueva Vista Alegre, further west of San Pedrito. I have labeled the neighbor-
hoods in which I conducted fieldwork with santeros in figure 2.
I did much of my fieldwork in the company of a few key field consultants who
were both santeros and folklorists. They gave me entre into events and intro-
duced me to many other santeros. The benefits of working closely with key
consultants were that we developed a strong working relationship over several
years and that these expert consultants gave me in-depth tutorials on various
xx Ethnographic Prologue
topics. I also sought to branch out and meet other religious practitioners inde-
pendently of my key consultants, especially by following up on a wide variety
of other contacts and invitations, in order to achieve a more representative
view of the local religious scene.
The principal types of ethnographic data I collected were ritual events, natu-
rally occurring conversations, and interviews.4 In addition to writing field-
notes, I also made extensive audio recordings and, when able, videorecordings,
of many events in which I participated.5 I also recorded elicited and naturally
occurring autobiographical narratives of religious participants, normative ac-
counts of how to conduct rituals correctly, evaluations of particular rituals,
and discourse concerning religion, identity, religious adherence, and types of
religious participants. Some of these discourse events occurred in the course
of informal visiting or during ritual proceedings. In other cases, I conducted
semiformal interviews, played back ritual recordings or discussed field notes,
or received classes (privately or with others) from secular and religiously in-
volved folklorists who study religion.
It was in comparing how highly educated folklorists and younger santeros
talked about Santera versus what older santeros had to say that I first glimpsed
some of the ideological buttresses behind typical and often-repeated depictions
of Santera. As I listened to more people, including Christian and nonreligious
Cubans whose views on Santera presented additional facets, I came to detect
certain fault lines in who would be referred to as a santero and in what alter-
natives santeros and Santera were collocated with or contrasted to. Patterns
emerged in which labels were used, who used them, and whether Santera
was described as Cuban or Afro-Cuban, religion or witchcraft, syncret-
ic, popular, or Yorubamy scare quotes here indicate how ideologically
charged these labels all are. Amid these competing visions of Santera, santeros
navigated their religious lives and negotiated the membership, boundaries, and
norms of their moral community.
Telling Moments
In this book I seek to describe the textures of religious life that generate com-
munity among practitioners of Santera in Santiago de Cuba. In doing so, I wish
to show how santeros (initiated practitioners) ritual and reflective practices
produce a shared set of religious experiences and a distinct moral community.
Religious life, as I experienced it in my admittedly agnostic but open-minded
role as ethnographer, is marked by a series of telling moments. By telling mo-
ments I mean both noteworthy moments themselves and their narrated rep-
resentations as they are retold and mined for religious meanings. Numinous
experiences, it seems, continue to circulate in narratives that may express awe
and hold out the promise of more such experiences, as in the words with which
one santero began to recount a telling moment to me:
I have [had] incredible experiences in the saint. Thats why I believe
so much in my saint. And I have so much respect, because these are
experiences one has had. It seems like a lie, it seems like one of Aladdins
Practitioners do not simply engage in ritual practices that produce religious
experiences by some automatic, invisible mechanism. Upon closer inspection
(and not surprisingly), they are constantly engaged in reflection about what
they and other practitioners are doing, about how the orichas (deities) might
respond, and about what the consequences of their actions will be or were.
Much of this reflection enters into circulation, whether as private or public
discourse, as santeros evaluate, critique, compare, commemorate, condemn,
or celebrate particular events, be they ritual moments or other religiously sig-
nificant events.
Consider the santero who blamed a bad divination sign on his ritual godfa-
thers earlier mistake. His godfather had tried to save money by purchasing one
2 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
sheep to offer to two orichas. When the sheep died before it could be properly
sacrificed, those present in the ceremony confirmed that the godfather had
made a mistake. When, later in the ritual, the godchildcall him Emiliore-
ceived a dire warning in divination, he came to interpret the warning as a
consequence of the orichas ire at his godfathera case of the (god)fathers sins
being visited upon the (god)son.2
By focusing their reflective attention on particular events, santeros render
them telling momentsmoments that reveal something about causality and
about whether or not the sacred is present, and why. Such moments get repre-
sented in discourse as narratives that, as I will show, can be embedded in many
other types of activities, circulate across many contexts, and serve many pur-
poses. This particular event was related to me several years after it occurred, in
a context I will more fully describe later in the chapter.
In a sense, such reflective discourse is simply one particular cultural mani-
festation of Webers two religious problems of meaning, which Parsons para-
phrases as human frustration over events we cannot control and our corre-
sponding lack of certainty that our endeavors will be successful (Parsons 1979:
6263; Weber 1963/1922: 13850). Webers corollary, the question of theodicy,
poses the ultimate test of faith: if there is/are divine power(s), why do bad
things still happen to good people? In practice, religious adherents also pose
the practical question: what can I do to impose order on events? Santeros
answers to these basic religious questions vary with the situation, but usually
invoke central ideas such as respect for the religious code, called the Regla
(Law), and strict adherence to correct ritual procedure, topics that saturate
even ordinary conversations among santeros.
For example, a decade after the event, Emilio still told the story of his god-
fathers error. He would emphasize that the sheep died dramatically, dropping
stone dead at the threshold of the room where it was to be sacrificed. As a
result, someone had to rush out to buy two more sheep so that the ceremony
could continue. Instead of saving money as intended, the error cost him an
extra sheep. Each time he repeated the story, Emilio would conclude that the
saints are blunt in reinforcing their Regla.
Ritual performances and events of everyday lifeboth the extraordinary
and the mundaneprovide the experiences that become the fodder for reflec-
tion, and such reflection frequently enters into discourse. For example, sante-
ros weave telling moments into long-term and often stable narratives about
themselves, their beliefs, and their moral community. These narratives serve
as one important form of data for describing what it means to be a practitioner
Introduction: Telling Moments 3
in Santera. But I suggest that santeros apparently skeptical and divisive reflec-
tive discourses also serve as a sort of communal glue, insofar as such discourses
envelope interlocutors in dense networks of speech chains (to use Asif Aghas
term [2003]) about religious matters, and insofar as santeros who participate in
these speech chains agree to disagree with reference to a common sacred ori-
entation. Thus, the skepticism of santeros is of a different epistemological order
than secular skepticism about Santera, which throws into question the entire
religious enterprise. Instead, santeros skepticismindeed, their overall ten-
dency toward reflection and retellingis the process by which they construe
some experiences as religious and construct their religion itself as a tangible
moral force.
In the ceremony Emilio critiqued, a young man was initiated as a santero.
After the divination ceremony, the young initiate told me, with tears in his eyes,
how incredibly moved he was by the divination results, which had revealed
things he knew to be true. He attested that Roberto could not have known the
private details the divination revealed, so clearly the saints had spoken directly
to him. Meanwhile, Emilio later gave a devastating analysis of that very same
divination, arguing that Roberto had used the divination, consciously or not,
to produce results based on his own beliefs. Emilio thus implied that the saints
had not spoken at all!
Emilio, Roberto, the new initiate, and I myself were all interconnected not
just because of having attended the same ritual event, but perhaps more impor-
tantly because we continued to interact and discuss the ritual long after it had
ended, seeking to interpret what had happened. The ritual lived on in our re-
tellings, as did we, not only as narrators and audience, but as figures populating
our firsthand accounts, in spite of the fact that each of our retellings might con-
flict with the versions told by others. Was the divination a profoundly moving
experience of divine omniscience or an error-ridden fraud? The ritual event
even came to have importance to people who had not been present for it, in
the case of others who heard Emilios account of Robertos errors. For them, the
ritual existed only in its narrated form, much as Emilios story of his godfathers
error also does for us.
It should be apparent that the layer of conscious reflection among santeros is
as much a set of cultural practices, a product of circulating cultural forms and
norms, as are ritual practices. Rituals understandably attract the ethnographic
eye because their very characteristics as rituals make them stand out as iden-
tifiable, often vivid and extra-ordinary eventsthis feature is what linguistic
anthropologists, following Bauman and Briggs (1992) and Silverstein (1992),
Introduction: Telling Moments 5
would call their high degree of entextualization. Indeed, rituals in Santera have
this attention-grabbing effect on all of their participants. But I will argue that
anthropologists of religion have paid too little attention to more amorphous,
often quotidian activities surrounding rituals. I mean not only the preparations
and clean-up, but more importantly the rich but ordinary discourses in which
rituals are discussed: the negotiations that go into planning, the backchannel-
ing chatter that occurs during most of the Santera ceremonies I witnessed,
and the after-the-fact reports, gossip, evaluations, critiques, and even reminis-
cences that continue to enliven memories of long-past rituals and show their
continuing relevance in conversants lives.
That is, it is not rituals in themselves that generate moral community,
but rather rituals together with the discourses they provoke that embody
and thus bring into tangible being a moral community of Santera. After all,
ritual events may be attended by non-santeros, newcomers, visitors, neigh-
bors, and other incidental curiosity-seekers and casual onlookers who have
little or no additional contact with santeros. However, rituals often provoke
participants to reflect upon and discuss them, and those ritual participants
who also take part in persistent circuits of reflective discourse, I argue, do
tangibly coalesce as a community. The metaphor of an atomic nucleus and
orbitals provides one image of the relationship I propose between these dif-
ferent categories of discourse events: rituals comprise a nucleus of religious
activity around which swirls all of the surrounding discourse about rituals
and religious life, like a cloud of electrons. To push the atom analogy further,
Santera emerges as a religious activity comprising both ritual nucleus and
informal discourse cloud, even when some of that discourse seems to be
merely gossip, calumny, or storytelling, and not purely about sacred matters.
Demonstrating how such seemingly peripheral clouds of discourse envelop
some practitioners into a stable and tangible community is the goal of part 3
in particular, although an example later in this chapter will lay out some of
the groundwork.
My argument for decentering rituals primacy in producing religious com-
munity suggests a need to also re-examine rituals assumed (and undertheo-
rized) primacy in producing religious experiences. We can ask, for example,
how and why Emilio and the new initiate reached such different interpreta-
tions of the divination they both experienced, a question phenomenology
alone cannot address. Whereas the phenomenological approach favored in
the psychology of religion tends to conceive of religious experiences in terms
of private, transcendent sensations localizable in brain physiology, and to look
6 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
for ritual stimuli that directly produce certain physiological responses, I sug-
gest that phenomenological experiences are subject not only to framing dur-
ing rituals, but also to ongoing reinterpretation and social negotiation of their
consequences through retelling (Hood 1995; Newberg et al. 2001). That is,
rituals and their surrounding discourse bring together phenomenology and
interpretation as two poles of culturally mediated activity.
Within anthropology, tacitly phenomenological approaches to religious
experience have followed the philosophical and psychological emphasis on
individual, even private, constructions of experience built directly on sensory
being-in-the-world (Berhenn 1995; Eliade 1959; James 1922/1902; Merleau-
Ponty 1989/1962; Proudfoot 1985). But recent critiques, especially within the
anthropology of the senses, challenge us to examine how culture mediates
phenomenological experience, and in particular, its articulation in discourse
(Crapanzano 2003: 1114; Csordas 1994; Geurts 2003; Jackson 1996). In line
with these critiques, I consider how cultural forms like rituals offer certain
sorts of experiences whose meanings get negotiated in publicly circulating dis-
course. I examine experiences as fluid, intersubjective constructs of discourse
and memory that are seldom fixed but rather are open to new tellings and
new interpretations. Interpretation, then, is the complement of phenomenol-
ogythe way in which culture mediates the senses.
Anthropologists have long focused on the role of rituals in shaping religious
experience with good reason. Rituals serve to generate distinctive phenomeno-
logical experiences in participants by enveloping them in lush sensoria and
bodily praxis that make symbolic configurations tangible, imbue them with
emotion, and enforce them, at least temporarily, as normative. The tangible,
sensible aspects of speech and song in themselves may produce memorable
experiences of a particular metaphysical orderthe poetics of ritual speech
being one example.3 That is, successful rituals persuade participants to enter
into structures of participation that may even violate social roles or expec-
tations of the physical world: in Santeras rituals, for example, orichas take
possession of participants bodies, cowrie shells speak during divinations,
and the etiquette of the priestly hierarchy prevails over other, quotidian social
identities. Rituals as events distinguish themselves from everyday life by offer-
ing distinctive phenomenological experiences and hints for interpreting them
as religious experiences. Santeras rituals are also discursively rich events. They
pose special problems of intelligibility for participants, in part because they so
heavily rely upon an esoteric ritual register called Lucum. These rituals, in a
sense, cry out for interpretation, because they simultaneously enable tangible
Introduction: Telling Moments 7
communications with the divine and render those communications only partly
This brings us to the interpretive pole of cultural activity. Rituals, the saying
goes, are both models of and models for the world, which is to say that they
set people into distinctive configurations or frames of participation that set up
particular expectations about how the event will unfold (Geertz 1973: 9394;
Goffman 1981).4 Something about these participant configurations then carries
over into life outside of ritual, so that even when people are not engaging in rit-
ual-like activities, they can draw upon notions of relation and causality learned
in ritual or through ritual and inhabit those same footings developed in rituals.
Participants, in their reflective discourses, in turn, may (often unconsciously)
replicate the alignments learned through ritual participation and in doing so
draw upon those rituals as models for causality or social relations. For example,
santeros often attribute problems they face in everyday life to the handiwork of
the orichas, an explanatory model of events that is heavily reinforced through
frequent rituals of divination. Divination also provides the avenue for solution:
once one identifies orichas as the actual source of a problem, one need only
figure out which oricha to appease and by what means.
But the relationship between ritual models and other situations is neither
direct nor automatic, because people are constantly engaged in interpretive
work, in which they may take up alignments learned in one context and embed
them in more complex frames that recontextualize their apparent meanings.5
Urban (2001) refers to this interpretive work, and the sometimes durable cul-
tural forms it generates, as metaculture, because it is culture reflexively focused
on itself. Book reviews, for example, are a well-defined metacultural genre that
bring a book to our attention by reflecting upon it and characterizing it as an
exemplar of a certain type of recognizable cultural formbooks of a particu-
lar genre, for example. After-the-fact commentaries on ritual performances in
Santera are a different form of metaculture, one that has its own canon and its
own pattern of circulation among Santera practitioners. The significance of
attending not only to ritual events, but also to patterns of interpretive activity
triggered by rituals is that these are how participants make sense of their ritual
experiencesto render them intelligible, whether as moments of numinosity
or of human blunder. The almost incidental consequence of these dense webs
of retelling and meaning-making is that the people they envelop are brought
into communion (if not agreement) not only as ritual participants, but also
as participants in reflective discourses, which is to say as members of a moral
8 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
speech and song that I did. Over the course of my field research during longer
stays in the summer of 1998, much of the fall of 1999 to the summer of 2000,
April 2002, and up to the present, I find myself vacillating between captivation
with the drama of rituals and the visceral quality of divine messages I and oth-
ers received and frequent bouts of skepticism about whether particular events
and performancesparticular messagesare truly of divine origin. Although
I remain uninitiated, I have been unwilling to categorically reject the religious
worldview of practitioners: honestly speaking, I want to be convinced. Perhaps
my own skeptical open-mindedness attuned me to a dynamic tension between
skepticism and faith that was present in so many conversations I witnessed or
participated in. Certainly, attending to this tension helped me make sense of
much that was initially puzzling to me, such as santeros insistence that they
always followed orichas commands to the letter at the same time that, by their
own admission, they were very selective in disregarding or discounting a great
deal of what orichas putatively said in divinations or possession trances. Al-
though I did not get religion, I did find my research project.
I have to admit to a certain quandary in which I found myself. Religious
people immediately interpreted my research interest as spiritually motivated,
as indeed it is, but in complicated ways. They understood my doubts, if not my
agnosticism, often telling me that they, too, had once harbored such doubts,
and that I was right to be skeptical of the religious activities of some who pur-
ported to be santeros. They were confident that the saints had brought me into
my line of research for a reason and that the saints would find ways to convince
me of their importance in my life.
As a result of a consultation during my very first visit to Cuba, a santero who
quickly became one of my key consultants and mentors did a ceremony for me
that cemented a bond of godparentship between us. This santero and folklor-
ist, Emilio, also took me under his wing as a student of folklore. I was and am
Emilios godchild and his student, and he would introduce me as such when he
took me to meet other santeros around Santiago de Cuba. I have no doubt that
my identification as a godchild and thus as one-potentially-on-the-path-to-
initiation facilitated my access to information and ritual activities from which
a noninitiate would usually be barred. It also generated its own momentum,
because diviners and mediums were quick to discover further evidence of my
future spiritual trajectory: the spirits of the dead who surrounded and protect-
ed me; the same oricha, Obatal, who was repeatedly identified as my Angel,
guiding my destiny. Although I respect Santera and its practitioners and feel
an energy during certain rituals that I have experienced nowhere else in my
10 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
come into the room and was listening, abruptly left for the kitchen. He doesnt
believe any of it, she sighed. And her? Well, she remains skeptical.
One way of reconciling her stated skepticism with her testaments to uncan-
nily accurate predictions is to understand that Soledad was skeptical not of the
santeros ability to read the future, but of their motives in, as she said, putting
themselves in the middle of intimate family matters. Ever curious, she returns
for more consultations because she finds the weight of many true predictions
hard to ignore.
How do people come to interpret some experiences as religious, and how
do the reflective discourses through which they reach religious interpretations
help bring into being a moral community and a sense of Santera itself as a
cultural entity? The next section introduces the discourse-centered approach I
will use throughout the book to address these questions by examining one of
Emilios most often repeated telling moments. Along the way, I also introduce
some key ethnographic information about Santeras rituals, religious hierar-
chy, reflective discourse, and moral community.
The warning
During the same year that Emilio initiated as a santero, his younger brother,
always healthy, died suddenly of a fever. Of course the death was devastating
to his family. Emilio explained to me with regret that he had been divinely
warned during his initiation that someone in his family might die, but that it
had not occurred to him that his brother would succumb. After receiving the
chilling divination results foretelling of death, he had ritually protected himself
and also three elderly, infirm relatives, but this had not been enough. In telling
this narrative, Emilio wove together a ritual experience that shook him up and
a shattering event several months later, showing a causal relation:
How does one know when the orichas have, indeed, intervened in ones
life? For Santera practitioners, deciding what counts as a divine message or a
sacred experience and how it should be interpreted is problematic. Such her-
meneutic questions may be deeply personal, but they rely upon shared criteria
that circulate according to social processes. That is, the religion one professes
has at least something to do with the nature of the religious experiences one
seeks and perhaps has. I am reminded of Durkheim, who explained religious
experience as a product of collective effervescence in which religious force
is none other than the feeling that the collectivity inspires in its members, but
projected outside the minds that experience them, and objectified (Durkheim
1995/1912: 22728, 230). Without accepting his atheistic assessment of religion
at face value, we can apply his insights to ask how what he called a moral
community can shape its members metaphysical experiences (see Durkheim
1995/1912: 42).
At first blush, Emilios intensely personal story does not seem to tell us much
about moral communities or collective effervescence. But in fact, when he re-
counts how he received the warning, he refers to ritual events that involved
a number of actors. In the first part of the narrative in which he receives the
warning (lines 529), Emilio alludes to various ritual acts: he received a special
divination called the It on the third day of his week-long initiation ceremony.
During the It, a divination sign was interpreted to foretell of an open grave,
and so those present decided to protect Emilio from the bad sign by hurriedly
doing a ritual called giving Olokun. With Emilio saved, those present did
another divination to investigate who else might be in danger from the open
grave. They apparently did not get clear results, and so the decision was made
to ritually protect the most vulnerable members of his family.
Who are the actors in the ritual drama he describes? This turns out to be
an essential question for understanding the significance of this narrative for
creating a local moral community. Emilios narrative is peopled with characters
and voicesfigureswho inhabit what Asif Agha calls roles, which are
established through various footings or alignments relative to one another and
to the narrator and audience (Agha 2005; Goffman 1981: 12457). In bringing
all of these figures together in this narration, Emilio is creating a discursive
representation of one local part of his moral community, which encompasses
other santeros, ritual and genealogical kin, and divine beings. In doing so,
he is not simply representing reality, but rather helping to create that reality
through the indexical relationships between the figures in his narrative and
the people he knows (Wortham 2001). Some of these indexical relationships
Introduction: Telling Moments 15
the local Santera community. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 diagram the connections of
ritual kinship that link santeros to other santeros and orichas. Through initia-
tion, the santero is permanently linked to a principal oricha, or angel, whom
the santero will refer to as his or her mother or father. A second oricha of
the opposite gender becomes the other parent of the initiate. Special protec-
tor spiritsa deceased relative or ancestor, for examplemay also be identi-
fied. The identities of these orichas and spirits may or may not already be clear
to a person prior to undergoing initiation, but in any case the initiation process
confirms them. Initiation also links the santero into a ritual lineage through
his or her godparents, and through them to a line of ritual ancestors and ritual
siblingsones godparents other godchildren. The santero incurs obligations
as well to the principal orichas of the godparents, which ritually gave birth to
his or her angel. Finally, the santero may initiate his or her own godchildren,
thus producing new links in the ritual hierarchy. Santeros draw upon their
ritual networks whenever they engage in ritual activity, thereby continually
reestablishing the links that comprise their moral community. They also rein-
force these links each time they retell narratives like Emilios that are peopled
with divine and human members of their ritual kin.
q x t
Ego (Initiate)
Figure 1.1. Diagram of human-divine kinship connections in Santera.
Great-great godparents
q x
Great godparents
q x
Godparent Adjunct godparent (Ayugbn)
x q x
Ritual siblings Ego (Initiate)
Figure 1.2. Diagram of ritual kinship connections in Santera.
Introduction: Telling Moments 17
Emilios narrative makes clear that even in ritual, and even with as dramatic
an event as seeing the divination cowries fall into a foreboding pattern and
hearing the dire prognosis, a grave is open, religious experience is more com-
plicated than simply hearing divine voices or sensing something transcendent
in a ritual. Phenomenological experience is certainly part of the equation, but
we cannot leave matters there. People engage in interpretations, private and
public, of their sensory experiences, and these interpretations often surface in
discourse. Phenomenological experience and interpretation are intersubjec-
tive, which is to say that they are culturally embedded activities. The ideas
of bad signs, warnings, and spiritual protection are all in circulation among
santeros, ready to be invoked in order to demonstrate divine interventions in
Nor is it a given that divination results will be taken at face value. As I wit-
nessed countless times, dire divination results do not always lead to frantic
countermeasures. Sometimes the recipient apparently accepted the result at
the time, then later expressed doubts about whether the saints had really been
speaking or whether the diviner was somehow in error. After hearing so many
narratives of close calls like Emilios, I was puzzled to discover how rarely re-
ligious practitioners actually followed through on what they had been told to
do in a divination. This seeming apathy was even more surprising when the
person had urgently sought the divination. What I eventually came to under-
stand was that santeros typically identified religious experiencestruly divine
messages, for examplewith hindsight, after subsequent events confirmed
divination results. Only then would they begin to publicly narrate an event as
a religious experience.
Indeed, religious Cubans are deeply concerned with seeking la comproba
cin (proof) to evaluate whether particular acts have succeeded in triggering
the deities involvement and whether rituals and other events have transcend-
ed human interests and errors to communicate with the divine. Adherents to
Santera, in particular, engage in intense reflection that evaluates particular rit-
ual performances, critiques other santeros, and evinces skepticism, not about
the existence or power of the deities, but about whether they are present or
have acted in any particular moment. To address how religious practitioners
interpret religious experiences, we will need to consider all of these types of
experiential and interpretive activity.
One important aspect of santeros emphasis on proof is that it demands that
people revisit their experiences and reconsider them with hindsight. Emilios
narrative exemplifies the retrospection that allows santeros to redefine an ex-
18 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
perience as sacred or not based on later events. How does Emilio narrativize
the links between the ritual events described above and the later fact of his
brothers death in lines 6777? He builds the case that he had been warned
of his brothers death by adding the detail that the divination had specified
that a family member would succumb in three months. He emphasizes that
Jorge died exactly three months after the ritual. He then recounts how his
brother died: he was careless after catching a chill and died from something
preventable because he would not go to the doctor. But, in a distinction Evans-
Pritchard (1937) made long ago in discussing witchcraft among the Azande, the
chill and fever are only the proximate reasons for the brothers sudden death;
Emilios entire narrative suggests that the saints had already marked Jorge, and
so it was, in some sense, divine will that Jorge died. Tragically, in Emilios esti-
mation, the death could have been preventable because the saints had warned
Emilio. If only he had understood who needed protecting, he could have ritu-
ally protected his brother. Emilio has retold this story many timesI recorded
versions of it or references to it at least a half dozen times over several years.
Considering the narrative in its totality once more, it becomes clear that
Emilio conveys through it his religious stance toward the world, in which the
saints give warnings, rituals can protect one from death, and people live or die
because divine beings will it to be so. Emilios narrated experience illustrates
that it is only prudent to carefully attend to the orichasno religious fanati-
cism is necessary when such wrenchingly vivid proof is before you. Emilios
narratives accomplish something else, in addition: as they circulate, they draw
our attention to the cultural forms that comprise Santera. Through my retell-
ing of his narrative, you the reader learn something about how divinations
work and how santeros ritually respond to the messages they receive. For that
matter, Emilio borrows some idioms of ritual forms of speech, such as the use
of Lucum jargon (for example, Olokun, It, iyaw) and the typical pat-
tern of describing divination results as if quoting and then elaborating on di-
vine speech (lines 1016, for example). Such trappings of ritual speech genres,
borrowed into the narrative, convey a certain mystical or esoteric flavor and
perhaps also a sense of being there. If compelling enough, such narrativiza-
tions of ritual activity may encourage future ritual participation. Emilios in-
terlocutors may become curious to experience a divination for themselves, or
at least to know more about how such rituals work.
If retellings of rituals generate interest in rituals, the reverse is also true: ritu-
als in many ways provoke retellings. Emilios narrative is a product of a memo-
rable ritual event in which he participated. And so there is a sequencean
Introduction: Telling Moments 19
Overview of chapters
of double binds, in which they must negotiate different, even conflicting, in-
terpretations of Santera. The examples in the current chapter of two ways in
which Emilio opened his narrativesby distancing himself from the figure of
the religious fanatic (lines 14 of his narrative), and by comparing his ex-
periences to Aladdins taleshint at ways in which negative societal images
of Santera creep into santeros own reflective discourse about their religious
In part 2, Religious Experience, two chapters explore the meaning of re-
ligious experience and ask how religious discourse mediates the metaphysical
experiences of Santeras practitioners. Chapter 4 develops the argument intro-
duced in this chapter that religious experiences cannot be accounted for simply
as individually experienced sensations. Rather, putative religious experiences
are intersubjectively recognized and interpreted through being retold as tell-
ing events, in which participants mobilize cultural forms, including figures or
types of people, in order to interpret experiences by, in effect, representing a
sacred world. As this chapters brief introduction to Emilios narrative of the
warning indicates, such narratives cannot simply be analyzed for content, but
must be considered as complex choreographies of figures and footings through
which narrators convey explicit and implicit understandings of their experi-
In chapter 5 I ask on what evidence people ascribe particular metaphysi-
cal interpretations to their experiences. Presenting an in-depth analysis of a
compelling possession trance later judged to be false, I focus on how rituals
enact participation frameworks that model the proper religious orientation
for interpreting experience. I go on to examine some of the implications of
religious practitioners tendency to apply a general attitude of skepticism and
seek proof in their evaluations of ritual experiences.
In part 3, Religious Community, two chapters build upon the stage set
in part 2 to examine the ferment of discussion, critique, and controversy sur-
rounding ritual performances that I argue creates the moral community of
Santera. Both chapters probe how rituals can both exacerbate and resolve the
tensions between collective aims and shared meanings on the one hand and
individual skepticism and agendas for personal advancement on the other. In
chapter 6 I explore the paradox that critical discourses highlighting skepticism
and individual interpretation also serve to build shared understandings and
a common sense of community in an otherwise decentralized religion with
little institutionalization. Chapter 7 analyzes several cases that reveal how even
apparently divisive conflicts actually serve to reinforce the boundaries of the
Introduction: Telling Moments 21
Religious Histories
Moyub todo los omo ocha y babalocha, bobo iguoro coggu il.
(I give homage to all the children of the oricha and fathers of the oricha,
all the priests in the house.)
Typical ending to santeros moyub invocation
One hundred years ago, the signifier Santera did not exist. Its referent
those cultural practices originally linked to Afro-Cubans of Lucum (Yoruba)
originwas not delimited in the way familiar today, but was part of a differ-
ent enunciative order of marginalized social practices that were most often
labeled brujera (witchcraft). Recently Santera has become the most visible,
most recognizable, and most emblematic Cuban popular religion. Santera the
religion and its decontextualizable elements of dance, music, and iconography
are promoted as emblems of Cubas national folklore by the state, a process of
folkloricization that began long before the Cuban Revolution, as I describe
in chapter 3 (Daniel 1995; Hagedorn 2001: 1112, 6768). This visibility arose
despite the crowded religious field, in which Santeras adherents number only
perhaps 8 percent of the population, and despite what ethnomusicologist Rob-
in Moore accurately describes as a national ambivalence toward Afro-Cuban
cultural expressions (1997: 220).
In part 1, I lay out the intersection of race, religion, and nation in which
Santera has been and continues to be constructed as Cubas emblematic syn-
cretic Afro-Cuban religion. In this chapter I introduce contemporary Cubas
complex religious landscape and argue that Santeras social valorizations
emerge from how it gets positioned relative to other religious practices by re-
ligious practitioners themselves and others. Then, in chapter 3 I consider the
historical question of how Santera emerged out of brujera to take its current
26 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
place of honor. To begin, I must problematize the question of what this entity
called Santera is. Taking a constructionist view, I argue that all possible defi-
nitions of a cultural form like Santera are ideologically charged in that they
cannot help but ascribe particular social values to (and therefore essentialize)
Santera, whether explicitly or implicitly. Santera, as such, exists most tan-
gibly as it is continually reinvented in the dialogical interactions among the
discourses and other practices that frame it, including scholarly texts like this
book (see Warren 1992: 2046).1 As David Brown says in discussing the very
issue of how Lucum religion has been represented, the narratives that eth-
nographers and practitioners tell, and have told, are mutually constituted in a
kind of intertextual hall of mirrors. . . . Theology and historiography seem to
be inextricably intertwined and mutually defining (2003: 19).2
I am intentionally working against the way Santera too often gets described
in the scholarly and popular literature, which is in abstract, structuralist terms
as a homogenous, discrete, completely explicit and coherent worldview cen-
tered on a pantheon of Yoruba deities and informed by a fixed set of oral
texts known as patakines that convey parable-like stories of the deities and
other set characters. Its roster of rituals, songs, prayers, and herbal lore are
often presented in prescriptive terms (and indeed sometimes such books serve
as how-to manuals).3 This manner of defining Santera, which certainly rings
true for many santeros, clearly does metacultural work by presenting Santera
as a neat, complete, and almost fully decontextualized package. There is no
hint of debate over labels like religion, no hint of overlap with other Cuban
religions, and no hint of disagreements or struggles over meaning and mem-
bership within the ranks of practitioners, although I will show that these, too,
are critical to understanding Santera. To fully understand such portrayals of
Santera it would be necessary to trace their origins in genres such as religious
manuals written by practitioners, early Cuban folkloric studies, and structur-
alist anthropological accounts of non-Western religions, and to think about
how the authors and consumers of these works align themselves toward their
materials, an analysis I return to in chapter 3.
beliefs.4 This definition, used by practitioners and scholars alike (myself in-
cluded), carries indexical baggage that links to a particular view of Santeras
place in the racialized hierarchy of popular religions in Cuba. Instead of sim-
ply accepting and transmitting this standard view of what Santera is, I wish
to deconstruct it to reveal its underlying assumptions. I will then present an
alternate view of what Santera is by focusing on its social and specifically
religious context in Cuba and on what santeros, in their ongoing boundary-
making efforts, promote as Santeras distinguishing features amid the various
boundary-making and boundary-blurring activities of santeros and others.
Doing so, I hope, will lay bare the semiotic processes that continually give
shape to Santera and other popular religions of Cuba.
That is, the entity described variously as Santera or La Regla de Ocha co-
alesces as a tangible cultural form with these labels through interpretive activ-
ity by santeros themselves in interaction with more broadly circulating dis-
courses that assign value to particular cultural practices or kinds of people,
as manifested in everything from everyday conversations to ethnographies.
These processes can be traced historically, with the goal of linking unfolding
moments of everyday interaction to larger-scale and longer-term social phe-
The term Afro-Cuban is problematic because it serves as both the label
of a marked identity category (that is, for Cubans of African descent) and a
descriptor of cultural elements deemed to have African origins. Santera is
clearly Afro-Cuban in the second sense because of its cultural roots in West
African practices and cosmologies. However, many Cubans would call Santera
Afro-Cuban in the first sense as well, because they identify Santeras practi-
tioners as Afro-Cuban, which is to say black, even though the evidence is that
Santera is today and has for a long time been practiced by Cubans spanning
racial groupings and social classes. As Palmi says, Africanity and blackness
are not coterminous in the world of Afro-Cuban religion. Nor have they, for
what must surely be a long time, more than partially overlapped in complex
and ill-understood ways (2002a: 197). Calling Santera Afro-Cuban, as most
people would, lumps it together with other African-derived Cuban religions
like Palo and Vod in opposition to European-derived popular religions like
Spiritism, although in both senses of the word, Spiritism appears to be as Afro-
Cuban as these other practices, a point I return to below. A few Cuban folklor-
ists, in contrast, insisted to me that Santera was simply Cuban because all
Cubans are Afro, a clear extension of the national ideology captured in Fidels
description of Cuba as an Afro-Latin nation (Martnez Fur 1979; C. Moore
1988; Wedel 2004: 33). Ayorinde (2004) describes a current debate in Cuba
28 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
tions between santeros and babalawos, which are in equal measure competitive
and complementary (see Ayorinde 2004: 17980; Dianteill 2000; D. H. Brown
2003: 14357).
Santera (with or without If) has traditionally been described as a syncretic
amalgam of Catholicism and Yoruba orisha cults forged in the crucible of New
World plantation slavery, a characterization with strong ideological connections
to Cubas national origin myth. However, an examination of ritual practices re-
veals closer affinities to the Yoruba, with only a thin veneer of Catholic iconog-
raphy that tends to accompany, rather than replace, Yoruba religious aesthetics
(Bascom 1971).8 Much of the Catholic influence has been filtered through, and
thus mediated by, popular cults of the saints, since the institutionalized Church
with its clergy, catechism, and services never fully penetrated Cuban society,
especially in rural areas (Brandon 1993; Ortiz 1995/1906; Portuondo Ziga
1995). What did come to permeate popular religious practices were the Iberian
Catholic calendar of saints days and the iconography and intense veneration of
an entire pantheon of Catholic saints. Santera also bears the influence of Spir-
itist and Congo notions of the dead, which Gonzalez-Whippler (1995), Palmi
(2002b: 19293) and others have argued largely supplanted West African rituals
for the ancestors (known in Santera as eggn).
As for Santeras Yoruba connection, before a Yoruba people existed, peo-
ple from modern-day southwestern Nigeria and eastern Benin were known to
European slavers and slave owners as Lucum (Castellanos 1996; Lachataer
1992: 14964).9 Santeros still sometimes refer to Santera as Lucum religion
and continue to label its ritual language Lucum more frequently than Yor-
ub. Santera developed as the religious practices and devotions to the Yoruba
orisha spread beyond the relatively small proportion of the population that
re-created African orisha worship practices on Cuban soil (D. H. Brown 2003;
Otero 2002). Other Africans and creole children of Africans would have been
first to come into contact with the reconstructed oricha cults, divination prac-
tices, and cosmology of their Lucum kin and neighbors, and in short order
the religion ceased to have clear ethnic associations, especially as African eth-
nicities overall faded in importance after the end of slavery (see Cabrera 1993;
Palmi 1993; 2002a). Although historical evidence about the early circulation
of oricha cults in Cuban society is limited, in modern times the western Cu-
ban city of Matanzas and certain neighborhoods of Havana (Regla and Gua-
nabacoa in particular) are renowned as strongholds of Yoruba tradition (D. H.
Brown 2003). According to santeros themselves, Santera is a more recent, less
historically deep tradition in the Oriente (eastern Cuba).
30 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Spiritism, or when United States Oriente Los muertos, Kardecian (European), with
combined with Palo, (since late 19th C.) Las ciencias many ties to Catholicism
Protestantism United States Minor presence Dios Supremo Keep separate from other
(Most sects are present (20th C.) everywhere (God) idolatrous religions
in Cuba)
32 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Figure 2.2. Altar to San Lzaro, a popular Catholic saint, incorporating Spiritist elements.
source of practices and beliefs that generally can cohere with bits and pieces of
other ostensibly distinct traditions. To cite a few examples, one muertera friend
who worked with an African spirit and moonlighted from her professional job
to provide consultations for clients was eager to have me teach her Lucum
words and songs used by santeros that she could incorporate into her rituals.13
Many other Cubans I knew drew upon the iconography and lore of Santeras
orichas in their religious understandings and practices. My observations are in
keeping with survey results by the researchers of the Havana-based Centro de
Investigaciones Psicolgicas y Sociolgicas (1998: 17), who argue that a greater
percentage of Cubans engage in private or family-level, autonomous, and high-
ly syncretic religious practices (30 percent) than commit to congregations or
other formalized groups of all of the organized religions of Cuba together (15
The most widespread institutionalized religions in Cuba are numerous
Christian denominations (Prez Jr. 1995a, 1995b).14 While self-defined Catho-
lics may worship saints in ways that overlap with Spiritist and even Santera
practices, Protestants typically will have nothing to do with any of these idola-
trous practices. Nonetheless, I encountered many households in which dif-
ferent members subscribed to different religions: santeros and Jehovahs Wit-
nesses; Spiritists and Catholics.
34 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Figure 2.4. An altar to the same santeras africanos or African spirits, each represented by a
doll and kept on top of her television set.
38 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Figure 2.5. The casita (little house) of the oricha Eleggua, who opens and closes the door, is next
to the main door in the house of the same santera as in figures 2.3 and 2.4.
widespread, even though the spiritual focus of worship may be a saint, a spirit
of the dead, or an oricha.
We find another commonality among all of the popular religions in their
technologies for two-way communication with spirits and deities, whether
through divination, mediumship, or possession trance. Santera, for example,
claims three methods of divination, although only priests initiated as ba-
balawos can practice the most intricate form, called If, which has direct
continuities with Yoruba If divination in West Africa.23 David Brown argues
that the second method of divination, using cowrie shells, was elaborated in
Cuba as a more readily available adaptation of If divination that santeros,
rather than babalawos, could practice (2003: 13233, 339 n.52; also see Bas-
com 1980). The third and simplest divination method, using coconut shells,
is quite similar to coconut shell divinations I have observed by practitioners
All the Priests in the House: Defining Santera 39
Figure 2.6. A muertera gives a client a consulta (consultation) with her muerto.
Figure 2.7. An altar to the orichas, accompanied by a statue of Santa Brbara, framed by popular
symbols to ward off evil.
note that this ecumenical approach does not diminish distinctions among tra-
ditions so much as highlight their complementary strengths in providing a
person with a sort of complete package of spiritual protection, undergirded by
a shared cosmovisin (cosmological vision).
Like an optical illusion in which two contradictory images shift back and
forth before ones eyes, the traditions of the popular religious complex are both
highly distinctive and highly convergent. I suggest that deep commonalities
and deeply rooted pragmatic tendencies toward borrowing encourage conver-
gence at some levels of practice, while an overarching interpretive framework
based on Cuban ideologies of racial difference and African-European cultural
syncretism encourages practitioners to maintain distinctions at other levels.25
centricity, while the other healers practice among more humble clients, includ-
ing many Afro-Cubans, was read by elites and police as criminally dangerous
Afro-Cuban sorcery. Romns analysis parallels the dynamics of religion a cen-
tury later: namely, that social actors distinguish, compare, and judge religious
alternatives not only on practical or metaphysical merits, but in terms of other
social and political criteria of the larger arena of society (see also Lago Vieito
Palmi develops a similar argument, suggesting that European Spiritist, Yo-
ruba, and Bantu religious practices became polarized on a spectrum of sym-
bolic valences, from Spiritism, which was the most civilized, white, and pure,
to Bantu practices known as Palo, which were the most barbaric, black, and
dangerous. The former are characteristics that Cubans, like most European-
influenced societies, gloss as proper, moral religion, whereas the latter are
understood to be characteristic of magic or witchcraft. Santera occupied
the middle ground, tilting slightly to the moral, religious side, depending on
the particular observer. Despite the practical integration of Yoruba and Bant
practices, Santera and Palo underwent a division of cultic labor in which
Santera became a proper religion with proper deities and proper morality,
while Palo became magicdealing with darker, more exploitative, and de-
cidedly less moral relations with spirits (Palmi 2002a: 19093). Argyriadis
(2000) also explores the contrast between Santera and Palo, but explains it as
a juxtaposition between Santera as a representation of a pure and authentic
idealized African civilization and Palo, which is characterized as cacopho-
nous sorcery that represents the backward and disorganized result of improp-
er syncretization. This, however, is probably only part of the story, since many
Cubans emphasize Santeras symmetrical syncretism of Catholic and Yoruba
As Argyriadis also observes, practitioners frequently boost their own place
on the spectrum of propriety by describing more African practices as witch-
craft in contrast to their own religion. For example, on several occasions I
got into discussions with santeros concerning the potential to use ones ori-
chas for evil purposes. They typically insisted that the orichas would not allow
such activity and that it would backfire onto the santero. But, they inevitably
continued, Palo practitioners (paleros) could and did do witchcraft. In similar
conversations I had with paleros, they would insist that their own practice was
only for good, but that other paleros who practiced the more sinister forms
of Palo were the ones doing witchcraft.27 Somehow, like Clifford Geertzs end-
less layers of turtles, one never met the actual evildoers, only a succession of
All the Priests in the House: Defining Santera 43
Figure 2.8. A muerteras altar, with Spiritist elements on the shelf above and Palo elements on
the ground below.
orichas, and spirits within their own households, without engaging in com-
munal religious rites. Palo shares with Santera a more secretive orientation,
but presumably the secrets differ. Santeros agreed in telling me that the cen-
tral secret of Santera was the secret shared in initiation, although it was
clear that most rituals and types of ritual activity were understood to have
increasingly deep layers of occult meaning that were supposed to remain
inaccessible to all but the experts (Wirtz 2005, 2007). 29 The moyub is no
exception. Indeed, its Lucum sections serve to obscure semantic levels of
meaning, which raises another key feature of Santera.
Third, Santeras esoteric ritual register, Lucum, heightens the mystery and
insidership of rituals and provides a partly unintelligible code for conveying
occult knowledge and religious insidership. Again, consider the phrase bobo
iguoro coggu il in the chapter epigraph. Lucum utterances publicly signal
the authoritativeness of ritual performances, the focus of which is communica-
tion with deities and spirits. Initiates describe Lucum as the language of the
gods, necessary for communication between humans and oricha. Although
the language is not secret, it is highly esoteric, even among initiated sante-
ros. To speak in Lucum is to simultaneously display and disguise ones secret
knowledge and to signal ones authority to mediate communication with the
sacred. It adds to the veil of secrecy that Lucum utterances are often not se-
mantically transparent even to religious specialists, who focus on Lucums
pragmatic force as a magical language (Wirtz 2005). Many santeros would not
be able to provide a gloss for even as common a phrase as bobo iguoro cog-
gu il, as evidenced in the version given in the chapter epigraph, in which
the more readily understood todo los omo ocha y babalocha (all the children
of the oricha and priests) in a sense glosses the more opaque version. Lucum
contributes much of the distinctive pattern of ritual speech that gets taken up
and replicated not only in later rituals but also in talk about rituals. Lucum
is key to how Santera is understood by religious participants and outsiders
alike, especially in how it reinforces santeros projected vision of Santera as
an exclusive, select religious community whose power resides in its control of
occult knowledge deriving from African tradition.
Since Lucum derives from Yoruba, an African language, it carries all of
the complex valences of things African in Cuba. As a result, its interpreta-
tion oscillates between being a potent, magical mode of divine communication
and being a signifier of Africanity in a society still struggling with racism and
other legacies of slavery. To the extent that ritual performances shape social
attitudes and allegiances, the former interpretation prevails. But the interpre-
All the Priests in the House: Defining Santera 47
Competing Histories
and Dueling Moralities
A tourist in Havana these days would have little difficulty encountering em-
blems of Santera amid a general proliferation of things Afro-Cuban offered for
tourist consumption: Paintings and postcards in art galleries and stores present
images of the orichas, sometimes Catholicized as saints and sometimes Afri-
canized; bat drum rhythms entice spectators to view authentic performances
of oricha dances; white-clad santeras draped in colorful beaded necklaces
roam the tourist areas of Old City offering consultations to tourists, while their
similarly dressed dolls and ostensibly religious bead necklaces are ubiquitous.
There are books and CDs about Santera in most tourist shops. The relatively
new Museo de la Asociacin Cultural Yorub de Cuba, prominently located
across from the Capitolio in a beautifully renovated building in Central Ha-
vana, is easy for tourists to find. Visitors to the museum can wander a gallery
featuring huge sculptures of orichas, each on its own altar, realized in an imag-
ined African rather than Catholic aesthetic, and set against lavishly painted
murals that evoke a tropical forest. Many of the items and performances listed
here can also be found, along with the oricha sculptures, in the museum or its
gift shop and art gallery.
Santera is highly visible in contemporary Cuba. The story I will tell in this
chapter traces in broad strokes how something called Santera emerged around
the turn of the twentieth century out of a tumult of popular religious and magi-
cal practicesbrujerato become the most visible entity in Cubas complex of
popular religions. I show how ongoing interactions among different interpre-
tive discourses circulating in Cuban society during the twentieth century and
into the twenty-first have given shape to Santera, both in contradistinction
to other practices, as described in the previous chapter, and as a multifaceted
entity in itselfone that projects different meanings when seen in different
50 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
experience. However, other signs, like the first bulletin board notice and the
ban on photographs, pointed to the museums double existence as a religious
temple. As an institution under the aegis of a religious association, the museum
space and exhibits also permitted (indeed seemed to expect) ceremonial uses,
although only before and after hours. As a clearinghouse for communications
between the state and a religious organization, the museum and Asociacin
Cultural Yorub operated only with the states official sanction, as the Asoci-
acin president had stressed to me during an interview in April 2000. One sign
of this official relationship was the second museum bulletin board announce-
ment, which invoked both sacred writ and science to request that religious
practitioners help the states efforts to improve public health. The undercurrent
of this seemingly reasonable if officious announcement, as I discuss later in
the chapter, echoed a long history of official suspicions of Afro-Cuban ritual
practices as unhygienic and counter to the public good.
I wish to push the metaphor of the interspace beyond actual physical spac-
es to consider how Santera has been continually constituted and reconstituted
at the juncture of three competing metacultural stances, which for shorthand
I call the sacred, the suspicious, and the folkloric. I also examine some of the
consequences for santeros who must negotiate their religious and other (ra-
cial, national) identities according to fault lines drawn among these different
stances. Although similar interpretive processes have shaped all of the religions
of Cubas popular religious complex, my focus in this chapter is on Santera and
the particular stances that have been most crucial in its emergence.
The first of these stances is the view from within the religion santeros still
prefer to call the Law of the Orichas (La Regla de Ocha). This sacred stance is
generated by ritual practices that manipulate sacred power and establish com-
munications between humans and deities. Santeros commentaries on rituals
make clear that they place a high premium on obedience to divine author-
ity and, secondarily, to anyone higher in the religious hierarchy. The sacred
stance embodies santeros distinctive historical consciousness, in which ritual
lineages link contemporary santeros into a chain of ritual elders, ancestors,
and deities that stretches back across enslavement and the Atlantic to an al-
most mythic African homeland. A major theme of this historical conscious-
ness is the struggle to stem lossloss of ritual knowledge, loss of memory,
loss of language, loss of tradition.3 Practitioners are understandably obsessed
with remembering (and debating) the details of correct ritual procedure and
are quick to criticize each others performances in rituals. They guard their
52 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
knowledge as ritual secrets, lamenting all they no longer know and deploring
the deterioration of a once tight-knit religious community.
Loss is a constant danger for marginalized practices and oppressed groups,
and indeed, Santeras sacred stance is not as easily recoverable in the historical
record as are the dominant stances. What is available are santeros oral histori-
cal narratives, which are an important expression of santeros historical con-
sciousness. My subsequent discussion of the dominant stances tells the story
of how the sacred stance has continued to be marginalized. For example, prac-
titioners emphasis on secrecyoccult knowledge and practiceshas served
to protect them under the regime of the second evaluative stance, which is
The suspicious stance toward Santera has existed as long as the sacred stance,
but it embodies an oppositional, outsider perspective on Afro-Cuban religious
practices, one rooted in the denigration of Africans that accompanied their
subjugation in plantation society. Santera, under this interpretation, demon-
strates a primitive mentalitypremodern, superstitious, unscientificthat has
been perpetuated by poor living conditions: slavery, social marginalization,
poverty. I frequently encountered Cubans, especially educated professionals,
who would refer to religious practitioners as gente sin alto nivel de cultura
(people without a high level of culture). They saw practitioners of Afro-Cuban
religions as adherents to an outmoded magical and superstitious worldview.
This interpretive stance also ascribes danger and criminality to Afro-Cuban
ritual practices, and indeed these same acquaintances expressed fears about
my safety in attending ceremonies. The historical consciousness embedded in
this stance is one of linear, scientific progress according to elite, Eurocentric
norms, a progress threatened by the corrupting influence of what white elites
generally understand to be anachronistic practices.4
The third interpretive stance is the most recent, emerging fully only in the
early twentieth century. It is the folkloric stance that understands Santera to be
part of Cuban folkloric heritage and a marker of Cubanidad (Cubanness). The
historical consciousness projected by this stance is also one of progress, albeit
a unique trajectory of progress achieved through cultural synthesis and hy-
bridization. This is a sense of history that social scientists largely share: African
cultureswith an anthropological lower-case ccontributed to the ajiaco
(Cuban stew) that is creole Cuban culture. The ideology of Cubanidad consists
in conceiving of Cuban national identity in terms of idealized racial and cul-
tural fusion (de la Fuente 2001; Wright 1990). As a popular Cuban expression
about Cubans shared African heritage observes, l que no tiene Congo tiene
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 53
Carabal (he who isnt part Congo in his heritage is part Calabari). That is, all
Cubans are a little bit African, whether their ancestors came from the Congo
or Calabar. Similar expressions can be found throughout Latin America (see
for example Whitten 2003: 61). National ideologies of mestizaje often func-
tion to further marginalize black or indigenous citizens by marking them as
insufficiently hybridized and assimilated while simultaneously downplaying
ongoing racism (Rahier 2003: 42; Wade 2001: 849; also see Whitten 2003 and
Stutzman 1981). In the historical consciousness embedded within the folkloric
stance, Santera and other embodiments of Afro-Cuban culture have folkloric
value because they represent a past African influence on Cuban culture that
has produced the mestizaje or hybridity of the present. Cuban folklorists often
emphasize the syncretic nature of Santera and the multiracial composition of
its adherents, even while its roots in Yoruba culture fascinate them.
The sacred, suspicious, and folkloric appraisals of Santera construct very
different visions of what Santera is and what its continued presence means for
Cuban society. That is, Santera turns out to be significant within very differ-
ent types of historical consciousnesshere understood to be how individuals
or groups align themselves toward the past and its role in the present (see
Ohnuki-Tierney 1990: 89). In particular, my analysis contrasts an historical
consciousness grounded in sacred practice to secular modes of historical con-
sciousness that are promoted by Cuban elites and circulated in official and
scholarly discourses.
favors, demanded respect or attention, asked for help or advice for a ceremony,
or decided to teach someone something. I often heard them explicitly men-
tion such links, as when a godfather reminded his godchild to respect him
as a godparent or when a santero told a senior santera that he named her in
his invocation because she had been present for his initiation. To cite another
typical example, one friend with a young son often reminded him to refer to
her godmother as madrina (godmother), as well. On a later occasion, when he
misbehaved while the godmother was babysitting him, she pulled him onto
her lap, admonishing him to behave with her because she was his godmother.
Who am I? she demanded, until he answered that she was his madrina. Two
years later, when I returned for a visit, the little boy had undergone initiation,
formalizing his connection to his madrina.
From discussions of such everyday ritual relationships, santeros frequently
move on to mention or discuss more distant ritual relations. Two santeros
meeting for the first time may thus establish a common ground in a shared
ritual ancestor or a more competitive stance by emphasizing that they belong
to distinct (and usually competing) lineages. Or one may privately conclude
that the others religious credentials are dubious because his ritual lineage is
unfamiliar. That is, even when santeros do not know one anothers godparents,
they will frequently recognize some prominent ancestor widely known among
Santiago santeros.
I also found that santeros frequently indulged in genealogical reminis-
cences. In Santiago de Cuba, local santeros understood Santera to be a recent
phenomenon in the city, and most santeros recognized the same small group
of founders who either came from western Cuba or had traveled there to be
initiated (Millet 2000: 11011). Santeros would recount a familiar set of names,
always naming Reynerio Prez first. Reynerio Prez seems to have come to
Santiago from western Cuba as early as 19101912 (Millet 2000: 115; see also
Larduet Luaces 2001). He was renowned as a muertero for his work with spirits
of the dead. Reynerio was initiated as a santero in 1933 (Millet 2000: 117). A
charismatic figure, he had an enormous influence on religious practice in the
poorer Afro-Cuban neighborhoods of the city. He eventually initiated hun-
dreds of godchildren into both Santera and Palo.
In that same era spanning the 1930s and 1940s, there were a number of
other Santiagueros and migrants from other cities who had initiated in Ha-
vana or Matanzas, always the mainstays of Santera in Cuba. Santiago santeros
inevitably mentioned Rosa Torres in the same breath with Reynerio, as well as
others such as La China (Aurora Lamar), Amada Snchez, and Cunino (for
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 55
where they wanted to go, they refused to go with any other family member.
According to another often-repeated story, the cowries refused child and god-
child alike, until Reynerios youngest godchild was named. It was he, Vicente,
who received into his care Reynerios saints.7 For some santeros, Reynerios
mandate from beyond the grave censured his own family.
Spun out of gossip, such morality tales of Reynerios family vividly illus-
trate santeros fears about fallen religious ideals. When prominent santeros like
Reynerio, and more recently, Vicente, passed away, santeros lamented the loss
of ritual knowledge, because no powerful santero ever shares all of his secrets
with his godchildren. The community loses a pillar and also his expertise. In-
deed, with santeros rushing to initiate as many godchildren as possible, cutting
corners left and right, many santeros expressed fear that the growing popula-
tion of santeros would mean ever more dilute ritual knowledge.
Figure 3.2. The procession greets the Chang kept at the house
of one of Reynerio Prezs descendents.
Figure 3.3. Portraits of Reynerio Prez and his wife are carried in the procession by young
drummers initiated to his familys consecrated bat drum set.
58 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
At the same time, local santeros also recounted their progress in making
Santiago, by their account, the most vibrant religious community on the island.
Whereas in Reynerios day there were no consecrated bat drums in Santiago,
forcing people to hire consecrated bat from western Cuba, there are now sev-
eral sets in the city. Some santeros also made reference to increasing religious
openness in contrast to past repression. Indeed, wearing the bead necklaces and
bracelets of Santera had become practically a fashion fad among the young.
Some santeros would also make reference to increasing religious openness in
contrast to past repression. This state of affairs contrasts with earlier eras in
which santeros often practiced in secret. Now, despite a lingering social stigma
among the educated and white elites, most santeros I met did not seem to fear
expressing their religiosity openly.
Nonetheless, older and younger santeros alike expressed distaste for the con-
troversies, crassness, and blatant commercialization into which they suggested
Santera has fallen as it gains in popularity. As evidence of current decadence,
they cited numerous violations of ritual propriety, escalating ritual fees, and
bad blood between lineages whose founders had always cooperated.
Along with other lacunae of historical memory, Santiago santeros spoke of
the golden age of the founders as if there were no Santera prior to Reynerios
arrival. They have little to say in answer to the question of what came before
Reynerio. Was there really no Santera in Santiago before the late 1920s or early
1930s? While I cannot give a definitive answer, Santiago-born folklorist Rmu-
lo Lachataer, writing in the late 1930s and 1940s, mentioned Reynerio Prez
as the founder of Santera in the city (1992: 21113). In Lachataers account,
Santiagueros at the time understood Reynerio to be introducing something
new and different.
In the same passage, Lachataer mentions that Reynerios religious prac-
tices were novel in his use of Santeras Yoruba-language liturgy. Even today,
santeros and folklorists recognize a distinction between the canon of Lucum
songs performed in Santera ceremonies and an older corpus of songs that are
still performed in similar bemb ceremonies (festive drumming ceremonies)
in the city. In contrast to the mostly unintelligible Lucum songs of Santera,
the old bemb songs are mostly in Spanish, even when they name the same
Yoruba deities.8 Likewise, the rhythmic accompaniment of bemb songs may
not necessarily use bat drums or Lucum rhythms. Santeros and folklorists
recognize a distinction between the two types of songs, although santeros dif-
fer among themselves in how strictly they interpret what is an appropriate song
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 59
to accompany a ceremony. The old bemb songs add weight to the oral history
evidence, suggesting that prior to Reynerios era there were indeed Yoruba in-
fluences present in Santiago, but that Santiagos religious practitioners did not
differentiate something called Santera or perhaps even Regla de Ocha out of
the mix of religious practices.
In nineteenth-century colonial Cuba, during the slavery regime, Yoruba
orisha worship survived in colonial-era urban cabildos (Afro-Cuban religious
fraternities) and in pockets of religious activity among plantation slaves (Bar-
net 1994; Brandon 1993; Martinez Fur 1979; Ortiz 1973/1921, 1995/1906). The
30 years of struggles for independence from Spain between 1868 and 1898 were
a period of turmoil and population movement that resulted in slave emanci-
pation in 1886 (Ferrer 1999). Ex-slaves joined the struggle for independence;
civilians fled battles; political and economic exiles sought refuge outside the
country, then reentered as conditions shifted. During newly independent Cu-
bas First Republic after 1902, as the new nation recovered from war and built
its economy under the watchful eye of U.S. interests, social unrest and labor
demands led to internal migration as well as new immigration from abroad
(de la Fuente 2001; Fernndez Robaina 1994). Religious practices we now dis-
tinguish as Spiritism, Palo, and Santera were likely on the move during these
decades of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Romn 2002).
Spiritism in particular became popular among all social classes, proliferating
in many forms, often in combination with Catholic and African practices (Ar-
gelles Mederos and Hodge Limonta 1991; Brandon 1993: 8590; Lago Vieito
2001). There was undoubtedly a religious ferment at the turn of the twentieth
century, including the commingling of practices with distinct origins, much as
continues to occur today.
Perhaps just as significantly, dominant voices in the media represented
all such practices not as religions but as suspect primitive superstitions and
witchcraft. With the occasional exception of Spiritism, which because of its
European origins more visibly attracted upper-class clientele and practitioners,
these religions were otherwise closely associated with Afro-Cubans, although
whites, including elites, had participated in Afro-Cuban practices since colo-
nial times (Lago Vieito 2001; Palmi 2002a: 148, 19798; Urruta y Blanco 1882:
31170). Nonetheless, elites of the early republican era regarded people and
practices deemed Afro-Cuban with deep suspicion. It was in this climate that
Afro-Cubans struggled to be accepted as full citizens of the new Cuba (de la
Fuente 2001; Romn 2002).
60 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Los Negros Brujos, 1906: Suspect witches in the new Cuban Republic
for the development of the criminal microbe contained in the psyche of the
witch (182).9 His metaphor blends the novel sciences of criminology and mi-
crobiology, both of which promised to cure ills of the individual and the social
body. Because Ortiz considered crime as much an epidemic as yellow fever,
he maintained that crime could be similarly cured by isolating the infectious
agents to prevent further contagion (18789). Indeed, he used the metaphor
of social hygiene in describing how to rid society of crime and superstition
Ortiz was not alone in turning the threat of witchcraft into an epidemio-
logical issue.10 As Bronfman documents, police in the early republic relied on
public health and sanitation laws to prosecute witches, who were ostensibly
protected by new constitutional guarantees of religious freedom (1998: 56).
Ortiz took on the definition problem posed by the law, first acknowledging
that African religions exist in Cuba, then writing them off as primitive, amoral
stages of religion, in which the so-called priests also engaged in witchcraft
(see for example 1995/1906: 64, 128). In his early criminological analysis, black
witchcraft threatened modern progress in Cuba, which could be achieved only
by educating the populace to accept scientific advances.
The power of the hygiene metaphor derives from its links to the well-
established metaphor of contagion. Colonial and now republican elites feared
the contagion of too many black bodies on the island, the threat of contagious
diseases such as cholera and yellow fever among those black bodies, and the
contagion of insurrection among them, too. One proposed solution to what
elites called the islands Africanization was to whiten the collective Cuban
body by encouraging only white immigration. Discriminatory immigration
policies for this purpose were renewed in the early years of the republic, al-
though the demand for cheap labor soon brought an influx of Antillean labor-
ers to parts of the island where Haitians in particular were scapegoated and
demonized as newcomers and for being black (de la Fuente 2001: 4750: Helg
1990: 1014).
Ortiz proposed a different sort of whitening in Los Negros Brujos. He called
for de-Africanization of the Cuban population through education, together
with police efforts to isolate, prosecute, and reform those most intransigently
African figures, black witches (180200). His lurid accounts of their antisocial
activities left no doubt that they were a plague on society: murder, sexual devi-
ance, vengeance, mutilation and abuse of women and children, even necroph-
agy are featured in his accounts. By mobilizing the metaphor of contagion, he
could argue that these practices would not disappear on their own, but would
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 63
whose grandmother was Congo and whose grandfather was Carabal began to
fade. The African presence became the stuff of museums, scholarly histories,
literary flavor, and folkloric performances that informed elite imaginings of a
homogenous, mesticized present, in which racial problems were ignored or
relegated to the past.13
It was within this developing folkloric stance toward Afro-Cuban cultural
expression in general that the word Santera gained currency as a name for a
specific religion, initially among scholars and only later among practitioners.
In folklore studies circles, Lachataer was the first to advocate the term
Santera. In his book Oh, Mo Yemay!, first published in 1938, he initially
defined Santera, in its discriminatory sense as witchcraft, thus echoing the
suspicious stance Ortiz had held (1992: 9091). Lachataer pointed out that
the words embedded reference to the santos, or Catholic saints, suggested the
disfigurement of the original Yoruba beliefs in contact with Catholicism. In
almost the same breath, he described the perfect harmony of Santeras Yo-
ruba and Catholic blendtransculturation in action (1992: 9091).14
By emphasizing Santeras status as a creolized form and as a full and proper
religious system, Lachataer located it in the present, less a historical anach-
ronism than a syncretic symbol of a true and current Cubanidad. Like Ortiz
before him, Lachataer began to isolate out of the general background of pop-
ular religion and magic those Santera and Lucum practices conforming most
closely to European models of religion. One powerful rhetorical move was
to deploy properly religious labels such as priests, pantheon, and deities,
in contrast to negatively valued terms such as witches, spirits, and black
magic. The folkloric project of classifying and describing Afro-Cuban cul-
tural formsnot just Santera, but Palo and Abaku (a mens secret society
deriving from Calabar-area Efik/Ibibio societies), and the herbal lore, ritual
languages, music, dance, social organization, and ceremonies that charac-
terized themalso served to create the polarizations, described in chapter
2, that eventually differentiated Santera as the most perfectly syncretic and
most properly religion-like form among those comprising the popular reli-
gious complex.
Although the label Santera did not immediately catch on, other scholars
and practitioners contributed to the sanctification of Lucum practices as su-
perior among popular Afro-Cuban cultural forms. Some, including Havana
santero Nicolas Angarica in the 1950s, continued to refer to the Lucum reli-
gion.15 Angarica wrote several books on Lucum religion with the stated goal
of differentiating it from what folklorists like Ortiz and Cabrera (at least ini-
66 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
recognizing a separate black culture (de la Fuente 2001: 34). This marginaliza-
tion or appropriation of any explicitly Afro-Cuban stance, whether religious or
political, fits the hegemonic workings of a mestizo national ideology, as schol-
ars have shown for other Latin American contexts (Rahier 2003; Wade 2001;
Williams 1991; Wright 1990). Indeed, one common aspect of a national myth
of mestizaje is to sustain contradictory attitudes of both pride in African-
influenced culture and persistent bias (R. Moore 1997: 15), an ambivalence we
can now account for as the result of interacting interpretive stances.
It is hard to avoid slipping into the present tense when discussing how the sec-
ular stances of suspicion and folklore pose difficulties for anyone who has ad-
opted a sacred stance toward Santera. The same three stances toward Santera
continue to coexist in early twenty-first-century Cuba, and the tensions among
them continue to give Santera a place of prominence, while generating quan-
daries for santeros.
Let us return to the Museum of the Yoruba Cultural Association where the
chapter began and revisit its bulletin board. The notice calling for good ritual
hygiene to combat the spread of dengue-carrying mosquitos, as benevolent
and reasonable as it may seem, indicates that the suspicious stance toward
Santera has survived, fitting neatly into the Revolutions scientific socialist
framework alongside the folkloric stance that allows a religious association
to open a museum.20 As it turns out, this notice was part of a larger public
health initiative against dengue that targeted supposedly unsanitary religious
practices like maintaining vessels of sacred water on altars. A santero in San-
tiago had told me of visits from public health inspectors during an outbreak
of dengue in the mid-1990s when they insisted that santeros throw away the
unhygienic water, water santeros regard as holy and potent. These visits were
insulting and traumatic for santeros, not least because they evoked an earlier,
pre-Revolutionary era during which police raided practitioners homes, de-
stroying or confiscating their sacred objects, also in the name of public health
and hygiene (Angarica n.d.b: 81; de la Fuente 2001: 5051, 352 n.115; Hagedorn
2001: 10715).
The public health initiative fits into a larger pattern of ongoing official sus-
picions about Afro-Cuban religions. In a paper presented at an American An-
thropological Association conference in 2001, Cuban researcher Marcos Marin
Llanes discussed public health concerns about santeros, who, the researcher
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 71
suggested, were ignorant of health issues because they lack cultural sophis-
tication. Meanwhile, well-intentioned researchers, civil servants, and police
perpetuate the harassment of santeros. Many santeros I met had stories about
police interfering in Santera rituals, even carting all the participants off to
jail because practitioners had failed to obtain licenses to hold the ceremonies
as the law requires. Nor are civil servants alone in their nagging suspicions.
In Santiago, stories continue to circulate about santeros purportedly arrested
for sacrificing children in rituals. Three university professors and a santero
separately described to me a recent case (no one could remember the year) in
which a child victim had been a disabled relative of one of the alleged perpetra-
The old suspicion that Santera is linked to crime occasionally gets smug-
gled into recent scholarship. Take, for example, Argelles and Hodge Limontas
account of Cubas syncretic religions (1991), an account that ostensibly adopts
the folkloric stance. While they reject the Revolutions initial hard-line position
that religious adherence is counterrevolutionary, they nonetheless conclude
that believers tend to be found in less educated and less politically active (that
is, less revolutionary) sectors of society. They also use their data to support
what they describe as a mesticizing of religious practitioners as more poor
whites succumb to the attraction of religions like Santera (147). In such claims,
we find the covert return of the contagion metaphor, together with the im-
plication that superstitions like Santera will disappear with the education of
adherents. In an even clearer continuation of the suspicious stance, Argelles
and Hodge Limonta briefly reprise the criminal link to religion when they
point out that unauthorized religious activity has caused problems in prisons
Suspicion haunts Argelles and Hodge Limontas text even as they assert
their folkloric stance most strenuously. In a discussion of the Revolutions im-
pact on religious practices in Cuba, the authors argue that it rescued the Afro-
Cuban folk heritage from obscurity by revalorizing it (14245). Implicit in this
claim, of course, is that Santera is something from a darker age. By folkloriciz-
ing Santera, by setting it into a historical narrative where it is doomed to die
out unless preserved explicitly by folklorists, the authors imply that Santeras
role in that narrative is as a remnant of Cubas past.21 For the suspicious stance
still embedded in Revolutionary notions of scientific progress, the current fluo
rescence of popular religiosity must be disturbing indeed, since it signals the
Revolutions apparent failure to sufficiently educate and raise its populace out
of crime and superstition.
72 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Desperate economic times have forced all Cubans, not just santeros, to
cope with hardships by inventing (their word) often morally dubious or
illegal private, entrepreneurial activities to generate income in dollars. Those
without officially sanctioned jobs in tourism have found ways to unofficially
tap into the new tourist-driven dollar economy, often by offering services to
tourists: operating private taxis, offering unlicenced rooms for rent, open-
ing speakeasy-style private restaurants, and even engaging in jineterismo
(hustling and prostitution).22 Some stalwart supporters of the Revolution la-
mented the situation that forced them to resort to illegal means to feed their
families; for others, these activities were necessary adaptations to circum-
stances or were everyday acts of private resistance against the constraints of
the system.
Caught in a moral conundrum, to salvage the Revolution or to scrape
together enough dollars to make ends meet, Cubans joked about living a
doble moral in which one publicly supports the Revolution and decries as
counterrevolutionary the very activities one privately conducts in order to
survive. To dwell on the contradictions of living the doble moral is to court
insanity, as filmmaker Fernando Prez teases out in the 1998 film La Vida
Es Silbar (Life Is to Whistle). In the film, a psychologist takes his patient on
a tour of downtown Havana to demonstrate to her that she is not alone in
having a complex that makes her faint when she hears the word sex. The
psychologist demonstrates that people on the street drop like flies when he
says doble moral.
From the 1960s until the late 1980s, some religious Cubans practiced their
own brand of the doble moral because the Revolutionary state discouraged re-
ligiosity by withholding privileges such as university scholarships, certain jobs,
and party membership from those who publicly declared their faith.23 Many
santeros told me that they had practiced in secret while maintaining a publicly
atheistic stance, thus living what they described as a doble moral. In one con-
versation, a santero-folklorist pointedly asked me what I would have done had
my chance to attend university hinged on denying my religion. He went on to
describe how some practitioners became folklore researchers or performers in
order to find an officially sanctioned cover for their religious interests with-
out losing their privileges. When the official climate toward religiosity thawed
in the early 1990s, he said, many of his colleagues began to get initiated and
to openly wear their religious beads (an observation also recorded in Wedel
[2004: 35]).
The contemporary practice of the doble moral may also have deep roots
74 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Competing moralities
As Cubans themselves explain it, the doble moral is alsoperhaps primar-
ilyan ever-evolving pragmatic response to the limitations and opportunities
of the moment. The states project of folkloricizing Santera has presented
new opportunities for private entrepreneurs, including santeros, to explore
the commercial potential of santurismo or Santera-tourism (Hagedorn 2001:
9, 22022). Santurismo, alongside folkloricization, has contributed to making
Santera highly visible in contemporary Cuba. The special period has acceler-
ated the states promotion of a folkloric stance toward Santera, but now with
the goal of converting foreign tourists curiosity about the exotic into dollars:
public performances of ceremonies; museums of religious altars; books, CDs,
and religious dolls and trinkets for sale; even folklore study-tours and inter-
national conferences for the adventurous. In response, santeros worry about
the corrosive effect of the states incursions and the new commercial ethos
on sacred values. Many of the santeros I interviewed were quick to point out
other santeros transgressionsincluding overcharging for religious ceremo-
nies; initiating new priests, especially rich foreigners, out of greed rather than
divine injunction; and trading religious secrets for dollarseven while they
too tended to act pragmatically to resolve their own economic difficulties.
Santeros themselves have discovered the commercial potential of religious
entrepreneurship, creating a new form of doble moral. Despite a constant cho-
rus of concerns about other santeros commercializing the religion, santeros
are proud of their own stables of foreign godchildren, and some actively seek
out foreigners who will pay in dollars for a ceremony or consultation. The rise
of religious practitioners who see the folkloric-cum-commercial potential of
the sacred has everything to do with the success of the folkloric stance. In later
chapters, these dynamics will repeatedly emerge in terms of tensions between
communal values and personal interests and in terms of the critiques and con-
troversies that help hold the community together. In one instance, described
more completely in chapter 7, I witnessed how the religious initiation of a Eu-
ropean visitor erupted into a bitter controversy between two groups of practi-
tioners in Santiago. The issue was ostensibly over whether the new European
santero would be allowed to undergo a second initiation into If. Each group
accused the other side of allowing its financial interest to trump its sacred
duty. In this and countless other situations I witnessed, santeros positioned
themselves within a sacred domain and critiqued other santeros by trying to
position them outside this domain as financially interested.25
Santeros also worked to preempt criticism by trying to present their own
76 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
motives as purely religious. Such positioning could get especially tricky when
someone regularly crossed between sacred and folkloric stances as a santero
and researcher. While I sometimes heard folklorists justify their research to
other santeros by referring to the importance of scholarly inquiry, all knew that
being a folklore researcher or performer gives access to foreigners and their
cash. By virtue of occupation, researchers, and to a lesser extent performers,
garnered higher overall social status than those who lived completely in the in-
formal economy carved out by religious activity. Members of both occupations
could hope to travel abroad or to work in some capacity with or for foreign
tourists. While performers mediated sacred culture for tourist consumption,
folklorists, too, could cash in on their middleman status between santeros and
foreigners, either directly by serving as specialized informal tour guides or
indirectly by writing books or producing recordings. In the hard scrabble to
resolve financial difficulties, santeros without connections to the state-spon-
sored folklore institutions sometimes expressed resentment toward those who
worked as folklorists or who collaborated with them. Folklorists, then, became
especially suspect for commercializing the religion.
My teacher and godfather Emilio occupied such a dual role, as folklorist
and as santero. His occupation gave him high visibility in the community, with
which came prestige and wealth but also close scrutiny from all sides. Work-
ing as he did with foreigners, Emilio took special care of his image among
other santeros. On one particularly dramatic occasion, Emilio made a state-
ment before me and an entire assembled family of santeros we were visiting.26
The occasion was the evening of San Lzaros Day, and we were hiking around
the city, my video camera in tow, to record how people in traditionally Afro-
Cuban neighborhoods celebrate this venerated saint. When Emilio made his
statement, we were seated with about eight people in a living room, the corner
of which had an enormous altar to San Lzaro, complete with an almost life-
sized statue of the saint, beautifully dressed in purple robes. The lady of the
house had been answering my questions about her religious practice, but as
the interview proceeded, she would often defer to Emilio, the profe or Prof
as people addressed him on the street.
Emilio eventually took over the interview, and with my camera trained ex-
clusively on him, continued to explain various points of Santeras history in
the city. A tambor singer who lived on the street popped his head in the door to
greet us, which started Emilio critiquing another well-known singer, Germn,
for too blatantly working to get gifts out of saints who possessed their devotees
during such ceremonies. He went on: There are people who sell Santera. They
Competing Histories and Dueling Moralities 77
seek in Santera only the commercial part. That should not be done. While
critiquing how other santeros commercialize the religion, the irony of having
arrived at the house with me and my shiny video recorder must have hit him
because he rapidly shifted gears and eloquently began to reprimand me as if I
had been pestering him to share religious secrets:
No matter who you are, however many dollars you have, never will I
tell you what is done within the sacred room. For this you have to initiate.
There are people who dont follow this.
His demeanor changed from friendly professor expounding on what he
knows best to stern santero wagging his finger while renouncing the allure of
my foreignness, my dollars, and my questions. He attested to the camera and to
all present that he would not violate his religious code of silence about the se-
crets of initiation. Managing his dual role as respected folklorist (with me, his
foreign student) and santero (with me, a potential initiate) meant straddling
the doble moral of showing respect for religious values while being perceived
as pursuing his financial interest in working with me.
While santero-folklorists like Emilio are under special scrutiny by the
state and other santeros because of their dual roles, many santeros now find
opportunities to come into contact with foreigners. I found that even as they
critiqued folklorists for violating the Regla and betraying religious secrets,
santeros without official connections were nonetheless quick to play the folk-
lore expert when a situation (such as my appearance at their door) presented
itself. Whatever their situation, those assuming both sacred and folkloric
stances toward Santera needed to straddle the doble moral of respecting
religious values (or Revolutionary values of folklore) while pursuing their
own financial interest.
In this chapter I have sought to account for Santeras current prominence and
ambivalent position as the quintessential Cuban/Afro-Cuban religion by argu-
ing that it is the consequence of an ongoing, long-term historical pattern of
interactions among three distinct metacultural stances toward Santera. These
stances toward Santera have offered up competing visions of what Santera is
and what value it has for Cuban society. Each stance represents different histor-
ical narratives with distinct sensibilities about the role of an African presence
in the development of the Cuban nation. A comparison of early contributors
78 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
to folklore studies illustrates how the three stances toward Santera have inter-
acted to produce various double binds for religious practitioners that have fed
into the overarching doble moral that has characterized Cuban society during
the Revolution, especially since the 1990s. In the case of the well-known doble
moral of disguising religiosity as interest in folklore, folkloric promotion of
Santera may have actually encouraged participation in Santera, though with
the twin dangers of infecting sacred practice with commercial interest or of
questioning the Revolutions success by resorting to outdated superstition. The
special period of the 1990s has induced santeros to continue to straddle the
sacred and the folkloric stances less out of fear than to cash in on Santeras
commercial potential. Angaricas passing complaint in the 1950s about santeros
using religion for profit suggests that this contemporary double bind, too, has
had a long historical trajectorylonger perhaps than contemporary santeros
Having thus set Santera in broader context and raised some of the issues
of identity, practice, and belonging that santeros face, in subsequent chapters I
examine the interpretation of religious experience and the building of religious
community among santeros in Santiago de Cuba. The competing evaluative
stances I have sketched in broad historical terms will reappear as positions
santeros fluidly align themselves with or against in the course of the localized,
face-to-face interactions that make up much of daily life. Rather than seeing
these stances as context in which the text of everyday life unfolds, I wish to
emphasize the creative role of everyday life and discourse in generating them.
That is, each time someone invokes a stance, they add a link to an ongoing
speech chain, through which are constituted the cultural and metacultural
forms that we experience as tangible, replicable, and historically continuous
(or perhaps occasionally novel) culture.
Religious Experience
The gods toss all life into confusion . . . that all of us, from our ignorance
and uncertainty may pay them the more worship and reverence.
Euripides, Hecuba (l. 956)
have a soul, a sin nature, a heart; to say, God spoke to me and Satan is
real; to see Gods hand in everyday life and the daily news; to know that
there is no such thing as an accident, and that everything, no matter how
painful or perplexing, has a purpose. I did not convert, but I was learn-
ing their language of faith. . . . For years I stood at the crossroads that
Campbell and others fashioned for me, in between being lost and being
saved, listening. (2000: xi)
In my work on Cuban Santera, I stand at a similar crossroads, listening to
the explanations, stories, and advice of Santera practitioners. These conver-
sations, moreover, have a point: to demonstrate the little pinches through
which God (in Hardings case) or the orichas (in mine) are manifesting them-
selves in our lives, in ways our interlocutors suggest we ultimately will have to
recognize. The performance in Santera most akin to being saved is initiation
as a priest. However, the saving grace conferred by initiation occurs much
more on a practical than on a spiritual plane. Most priests choose their mo-
ment to be initiated because they face an insurmountable problem that the
saint has, directly or tacitly, promised to resolve only through initiation. Recall
Emilios little pinches: the saint chooses the person, then inflicts problems on
the person until she gets the point that she must initiate.
At the same time, initiation serves a gatekeeping function between mere
believers and those whom the orichas have chosen and who have committed
to living under their personal guidance as revealed to them in divinations and
under spirit possession. Emilio is one such initiate, a son of Ochn who is
also a professional folklorist. Our relationship, therefore, has been similarly
multifaceted: equally professor-student and godfather-goddaughter. Early on,
during my visit in 1998, our work consisted mainly of one-on-one lectures
about various aspects of Santera. And it is from this early getting-to-know-
you period that the narrative I now present is drawn.
During this particular two-hour lecture, Emilio had been listing the four
reasons why someone decides to initiate: because of family tradition; because
of irresolvable problems; because of serious illness; or purely because of affin-
ity for the religion. He followed a first, general example with that of his own
godparents (whose story I summarized earlier). Finally, he described his own
case, first explaining that while his family had celebrated certain saints days
in the rural Spiritist tradition of drumming and singing, he was the only one
who had ever been initiated into Santera. He then launched into the following
narrative, which for the purpose of my subsequent discussion, I divide into
sections. In the transcription, bold type indicates heavy emphasis, em dashes
90 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
indicate phrases that run together, and slashes above specific words indicate
Emilios simultaneous finger-tapping on the table for emphasis.9
Section A
But, ah, I confronted a problem that when I began to travel abroad thieves
persecuted me a lotThey persecuted me a lot. And I was always, always
things were being lost to methings were being lost to me. They robbed
merobbed me.
Section B
And the police . found the thieves, but could not prosecute them, nor do
anything, because (2-second pause during which a woman shouts in the
distance). Nothing.
Section C
And then, I began to get consultations. And it was that Ochn was de-
manding my head. It is said in this way. And that as long as I didnt make
the saint, they werent, the robbers werent going to stop.
Section D
And I didnt believe it. I was like five or six years in that. And they were
robbing me. Robbing me, robbing me, robbing me.
Section E
Until they gave me a final test. That they said to me If you
/ /////
dont make the saint, during the next trip that you have, you are
going to lose it all. . . . Like this they told me, You are
/ /
going to lose it all.
Section F
And I didnt do it like that. I am going to make the saint. Dont worry
godfather. Because then I had said it already to the godfather. No, I am
going to make the saint. But . ptch (smile and breath intake with smacked
lips) .. the trip came, and it slipped my mind and I did nothing.
Section G
And like five months later they corr-, carried away everything, every-
thing. I lost everything, everything, everything, everything, everything,
everything, everything, everything. [They] left me an empty house.
From Skepticism to Faith: Narratives of Religious Experience 91
Section H
(2-second pause: Emilio looks directly at me, smiling, tapping the table)
// /// // // /// //
And I had to make the saint because of that problem.
Section I
Look, from then on nothing, nothing more happened, see? Like that. And
everything has gone very well for me.
aced their stories of amazing cures and other religious miracles by saying I am
not a fanatic, but, meaning that compelling events speak for themselves and
drive the rational person to certain conclusions.
were robbing me, the implied they of the third-person plural verb conju-
gation does something to me the narrator. This agent-centric series begins
in section C with they werent, the robbers werent going to stop; continues
through Emilios they said to me in section E; and culminates in section G
with they left me an empty house.
Are these unspecified third-person plurals all the same they? By the ordi-
nary rules of implied pronoun anaphora in Spanish, they should be. The agent
of the first utterance in the series is obviously robbers, but this subject be-
comes problematic in the following two utterances in the series. Do robbers
give final tests? Do they go on to give quotable warnings, as Emilio voices their
doing in this section? In fact, the stern, warning voices here are the voices of
the deities, and he delivers them emphatically, tapping the table to highlight
the messages importance.
tions that come to pass. If Emilio doubted their predictions before, he now has
his conclusive proof: they predicted the theft of all he owned five months be-
fore it happened. Or to cleave to Emilios account, where his nonbelief creates
a self-fulfilling prophecy, the deities drive this terrible misfortune because he
refuses to believe. If we now understand the logic of Emilios decision to believe
and to be initiated as a priest, what happens next is the key to this narratives
interactional effect.
convert me or anyone else in his audience, but rather lays out how the world
looks from a religious orientation, how events of ordinary life can be retold as
experiences of the sacred, stories with the power to make a person believe.10
This, then, is why I defend my label of Emilios story as a narrative of con-
version. Conversion is not recounted as an instantaneous event or a sudden
realization so much as a realization reached over time in rational response
to compelling events. Its mark, if you will, is a persons readiness to retell the
events in their lives as a story of divine interventions. If initiation serves as the
critical public marker of religious commitment in Santera, the ongoing work
of being a religious person finds one form of expression in retelling the telling
moments of ones life.
voke those states and the interpretation of the experience of being in those
states. Religious practitioners locate themselves within the sacred stance both
explicitly, through self-identification as religious practitioners, and implicitly,
in responding to events and situations, including those identified as religious
experiences. Stance is tied to selfhood and self-presentation, insofar as who we
are is at least in part determined by how we position ourselves in interactions.
This positioning over time and across many situations produces a durable no-
etic orientation, or, more abstractly, an episteme, a way of knowing that in-
cludes beliefs, analogies, principles of causality, and standards of proof.
But where does a religious episteme come from? Let me be clear that I do
not locate epistemes inside the head as a private affair, although some epis-
temic elements may in fact be cognitive. Epistemes are intersubjective, as in-
deed is cognition itself as psychologists are beginning to regard it. Consisting
of some subset of publicly circulating interpretants, epistemes may be highly
stable or quite labile. Because they are most usefully thought of as social phe-
nomena, rather than internal mental models, I focus on their enactment as re-
ligious stances. Doing so avoids the intractable problem of how to access other
peoples internal thoughts and projects religiosity outward as a positioning in
response to provocations, which may be events or other positionings (Kirsch
It seems plausible that episteme shapes experience, not in deterministic
ways, but by delineating the realm of the possible and the fallback principles
of relation and causality. Believing something to be true of the world allows
one to experience certain instances of it. If one believes that the saints directly
intervene in peoples lives, it becomes possible to experience the curing of an
illness or the cessation of robberies as divine intervention, evidence that a saint
has heard ones pleas and chosen to give protection. This sort of religious expe-
rience is quite different from what James or Schleiermacher had in mind, but
it broadens rather than contradicts their definitions of religious experience.
Hood and coauthors argue that almost any experience humans can have
can be interpreted as an experience of God (1996: 184). I am inclined to agree
in the sense that someone with a religious episteme may read signs of divine
intervention everywhere. The transcendent states of consciousness described
above are only one type of religious experience. David Hay (1982), identified
nine categories of religious experience in the survey responses he gathered as
part of an interview study (cited in Watts and Williams 1988: 2022). A perusal
of his list shows that not all categories involve the same kinds of mental states
or events. He cites, for example, experience of Gods presence, of an unnamed
98 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
presence, of the presence of the dead, of the presence of evil, of the presence
of divinity in natureall of which are mystical experiences that could corre-
spond to transcendent mind-states of the sort that might be detectable in scans
of brain activity patterns. Hay also lists premonitions and conversions, which
might qualify as similar sorts of numinous experiences, although these seem to
require some degree of hindsight in order to be recognized as specifically reli-
gious experiences. A premonition usually has to be fulfilled to count as a divine
message, and a conversion requires some sort of retrospective glance back at an
earlier, unconverted self. The two other categories on his list, answered prayer
and meaningful patterning of events, are purely retrospective interpretations
of events. It is hard to imagine either of these last two producing the same sorts
of neural and other physiological correlates that accompany more immediate
mystical states.
To come full circle to the dual phenomenological and interpretive aspects
of religious experience, it seems plausible that different types of self-identified
religious experiences fall along a spectrum that extends from a phenomeno-
logical pole to an interpretive one. Watts and Williams suggest that prayer, for
example, can be understood, at least in part, as an exercise in making sense,
from a religious standpoint, of events in the world in the life of the religious
person (1988: 7). Making sense, seeing patterns, or striving for control are as
fully subjective events as feeling oceanic bliss or falling into trance, although
each may have very different proximate triggers in any particular religious
practice. In all cases, we can recognize religious experiences in others only by
relying upon how a person acts upon or reports his or her experience. Some-
one who consistently takes a religious stance will probably have a variety of
such experiences or at least be open to the possibility that they and others can
have them. They may be able to describe what counts as a religious experience
even in the absence of having had that particular experience.
tandem with the discourses about ritual that surround it, such as the narratives
in which Emilio recounted his divinations. Rituals in Santera help mediate
religious experiences by demonstrating causal links between ritual acts and
transformations that are attributed to the manipulation or intervention of sa-
cred power. Another way of saying this is that rituals develop plotlines that can
then be taken up as implicit models for action or even as explicit narratives of
action.17 For example, consider how a divination ritual producing messages
warnings, demandsfrom an oricha might contribute to someones notion
that the oricha is sending him little pinches. That is, rituals serve as metacul-
tural vehicles for communicating a sacred stance toward events that transpire
during them and also, by extension, to other nonritual events as well. Their
power as replicators of religious culture is linked to their performative charac-
ter: they are most effective when they convey implicit messages and models of
action through the ways in which they shape participation.18
In this chapter I analyzed a narrative of a type of religious experience best
described as a meaningful patterning of events (following Hay 1982), which
therefore challenges the assumption that religious experiences can be located
in the moment. In Emilios account, the series of robberies he suffered in life
slowly gains religious significance as a divine communication, a little pinch
from Ochn telling him to initiate. Whatever other reasons he may have had
for becoming a santero, his retelling the story of the robberies is what currently
has significance for him. Indeed, he frequently referred to this story in my and
others presence and, in retelling it, continually reaffirmed his religious stance
and encouraged his interlocutors to seek similarly meaningful patterns in our
I have argued that one commonality among disparate sorts of religious ex-
periences, whether they occur in ritual or everyday life contexts, is the ac-
knowledgment of an encounter with some form of sacred power, whether an-
From Skepticism to Faith: Narratives of Religious Experience 103
Skepticism in Faith
Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals
back a video recording of it for two santeros who had agreed to help me tran-
scribe it. Their struggles to make sense of what was being said and sung took
on special significance as they developed plotlines for what was going on and
began to evaluate the performances of key actors such as the ritual singer and
the possessed santero.
The conclusions they each independently reached, as tentative as they were,
startled me: there was something fishy about the ceremony. And yet they were
not prepared to completely discount the sacred power of the events that trans-
pired. One of the transcribers had even accompanied me to the ceremony, and
at the time he and I, along with everyone else present, seemed caught up in the
power of the ceremony. His later critical appraisal, then, revealed to me that
Santera rituals (and perhaps other kinds of rituals as well) are riddled with
indeterminacies that simultaneously allow consensus to develop among par-
ticipants and allow ruptures of that consensus. One major source of such inde-
terminacies is the largely unintelligible register of ritual speech called Lucum,
which calls out for interpretation, especially when an oricha delivers messages
in Lucum.1 Santeros bring attitudes of skepticism within faith to their inter-
pretations of such ritual performances.
Religion is a competition
Religious Cubans often discuss ritual events in terms of tests and proofs.
Consider the following excerpts from a conversation involving Emilio, a young
ritual singer Ill call Desi, and me. I was taping an interview with Desi, whom
I had often seen leading the singing at ceremonies. In the passage below, Desi
and Emilio discuss santeros concern with testing one anothers ritual knowl-
edge. Desi had been explaining the importance and difficulty of singing Lucum
ritual songs correctly. The special rhythms with which the bat drums opened
each new song were especially tricky to learn, Desi explained,
Because there are times the drummers come out with a rhythm, and
they are testing you. They are testing you to see if you are knowledgeable.
They come at you with kum-kum-ba! Tun-ba, bi-bi Tun ba, bi-bi! And
youd better know that that is the prayer to Eleggua, that they are playing
you the opening so that you will sing to Eleggua. I can go right now to
Havana, and if they want to test me there, some of the drummers . . .
At this, Emilio cut in to confirm that this is exactly what happens, and we all
laughed knowingly. Desi went on:
106 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Note that Desi addresses his Lucum words to a female saint, great lady,
but describes the respondent as he, meaning that the possessed priest is male.
His pronoun choice is telling, because it implies that Desi is testing the pos-
sessed santero, not the saint, for an appropriate reaction to his Lucum words.
Desi and Emilio went on to explain that knowledgeable but unscrupulous
singers could abuse tratados (treatments) to get saints who had possessed
someone to deliver them everything on the altar: not just honey, but rum,
cake, candies, money, and so forth. And who, asked Emilio, is most guilty
of that? Desi named another well-known local singer, Germn, whom Emilio
had told me was notorious for manipulating the saints. Germn is the singer
in the ritual I analyze below. His reputation played a role in events, allowing
the santeros who watched my recording to cast aspersions on the proceedings
and to relish how Germn got his comeuppance from the descended saint. My
analysis will show the principles of testing and competition that Emilio and
Desi described in action, as well as their consequences for santeros interpreta-
tions of putatively sacred events.
What should already be clear is that the skepticism that santeros evince
toward one another complicates their interpretation of religious experiences.
But all is not skepticism: we have already seen that santeros also manifest tre-
mendous faith. I suggest that a certain skeptical attitude is intrinsic to how the
santeros I knew practiced their faith. This is especially evident in how they
evaluate candidate religious experiences, especially during rituals.
participants respond. In this case, a young santero had been hired to dance
his Yemay, meaning that the sponsor of the ceremony had paid the santero
to come and be possessed by his oricha, Yemay, who is the female deity of the
ocean and maternal love. The santero agreed, and the ceremony proceeded
normally, with the visiting Yemay doing all the things that saints do when
they descend to join a ceremony. Other participants treated Yemay respect-
fully, with the possible exception of the lead singer, who engaged in a banter of
ritual insults with the deity.
Although this banter conformed to the ceremonys conventions, it had an
interesting effect on two santeros who later watched the video of the event with
me. I had asked each of them separately to help me transcribe the songs and
speech, much of which incorporated Lucum and was difficult to hear over
the general hubbub of the tambor ceremony. As they watched the video, the
santeros grew more and more skeptical of the performance of this Yemay,
eventually concluding the possession did not seem to be a real and full one.
Either the Yemay was faking it or perhaps, as one of them more charitably
suggested, it was not an oricha but a muerto, a spirit of the dead, who had
taken possession of the young santero. In itself this was a serious charge that
cast doubt on all the proceedings of the ceremony, because in a properly run
Santera ceremony the spirits of the dead are not able to possess anyone. They
found corroboration of their skepticism in the exchanges between the lead
singer and Yemay. The lead singer was also skeptical, they suggested, which
was why he dared retort when the supposed Yemay criticized him. But they,
like the audience of participants at the time, took seriously Yemays mandate
that the lead singer undergo a purification ceremony. Each constructed a story
line out of the interchange between singer and saint that began with insults
and ended with Yemay besting the singer by publicly commanding him to
undergo a ceremony.
Arrival at this analysis required much concentrated effort to decode the
Lucum speech of Yemay, some of which remains tentative in the transcrip-
tion. In a few places, the transcripts produced by the two santeros differed, as
each constructed a different plotline for the encounter and worked back and
forth between transcribing lines and deducing a plotline to make sense of the
event. These layers of interpretation and suggestion reveal the indeterminacy
of deciding whether an event constitutes a religious experience. The first ques-
tion is how to know who might be having a religious experience. After all, cer-
emony participants might simply go through the ritual motions, reacting as if
the saint were truly present even where a possession is suspect. If the entranced
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 109
bor, which is the word I most commonly heard santeros in Santiago use, espe-
cially because wemilere is a subtype of tambor.
A tambor is a festive ceremony held in honor of the saints. Music, dance,
and merrymaking are essential characteristics, and yet, as much like parties as
they might seem, tambores are serious ceremonies in which protocol is care-
fully monitored. A santero will host a tambor in his or her private home by
hiring one of the half dozen consecrated sets of bat drums in Santiago or one
of any number of unconsecrated bat sets as well as a singer. There are always
three and only three bat drums played, and the singer is always male. These
prescriptions distinguish Santeras tambores from the more free-form and
variable bembs other religious folk in Santiago hold for their saints or spirits.
In addition, if the tambor host wants to ensure that a particular oricha will
descend to offer advice and bless the proceedings, the host may opt to hire a
santero known to be skilled in receiving their oricha in possession trance. This
doesnt mean that others cant also go into trance, and this element of surprise
adds drama to all bembs: you never know who will show up.
Although the host of a tambor may specifically invite family and fellow
santeros, word spreads once someone has hired the drums, and many neigh-
bors and other religious or simply curious onlookers may also come. It is quite
usual to count 50 or 60 people crowded into a modest-sized living room during
a tambor. When the room gets too full, or as participants overheat or tire, they
spill out into the yard and street, drawing more passersby into the festivities.
Participants in a tambor drink rum, talk, join in the call-and-response singing,
and in addition rhythmically clap, dance, and call out. The festive energy bor-
dering on chaos is essential to heating up the event enough to attract the saints.
Once the tambor gets their attention, the goal is to incite them to descend and
mount their devotees to join in the fun. Indeed, the drum rhythms, clapping,
and dancing, together with the intense sensoria of rum, sweat, heat, and bodies
pressed close together certainly ripen physiological conditions for transcen-
dent states in participants. I am not liable to fall into trance myself, but I have
certainly felt transported by the experience of a tambor, as if the rhythms, and
not I, had control of my body.
There is a definite tension between the ritual need to build energy and the
dictates of ritual structure. Many times I have heard santeros in charge of a
tambor admonish the crowd to drink and chat less in order to sing and dance
more. Sometimes a senior santero or the singer will silence the drums and
demand that all aleyos, or noninitiates, clear out of the room to make space for
santeros to dance and sing appropriately. Many santeros have commented to
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 111
me, usually shaking their heads knowingly, that Santiagueros dont know how
to behave themselves in wemileres because they are accustomed to the wildness
of regular bembs where, santeros claim, anything goes. In the tambor I will
soon examine, the singer stopped the drums at one point early on to complain,
as no se puede guaranchar (it is not possible to party like this), after which
a senior santera who had helped organize the tambor exhorted the crowd to
At this, despite the continuing din of people talking and laughing, the
drums started up and the singer resumed singing. The singer hired to lead the
songs of a tambor bears an enormous responsibility for the tambors success.
He (and in Santiago it is always a man) must know dozens, if not hundreds, of
songs in Lucum and which orichas each song can be used for. He must also
have mastered the proper order of songs for the start of the tambor and know
how to handle the delicate situation of guiding a possession trance to fruition
by carefully choosing songs and treatmentsspecific lines he interjects in
the call-and-responseto alternately pique and assuage the temperamental
oricha. A singers skill is judged by his repertoire, his ability to generate excite-
ment and participation in the crowd, and his adeptness in guiding an oricha
down in possession trance.
Figure 5.1. Ritual participants dance the aro de Yemay around the santero hired to be possessed
by her.
two were songs for Yemay. As he began the first one, several of the senior
santeros in charge of proceedings organized all the santeros present into a
circle around Mario and the host of the tambor, a young man named Ramn.
Mario quietly rocked in place, his body facing the drums and his head down.
Ramn danced at his side, glancing at him from time to time. Meanwhile,
about a dozen santeros, men and women, danced in a slow, counterclockwise
circle around the pair. Germn stood just outside the circle, leading their sing-
ing, and looking between Mario and the drums (see figure 5.1).
This circular configuration and the songs that accompany it are called the
aro of Yemay, a Lucum name that, as santeros explained it to me, refers to
Yemays character as the oricha of the ocean. The aro dance represents a swirl-
ing whirlpool, which is one facet of Yemays personality as the ocean.
As the circle danced, they sang enthusiastically and many clapped rhythmi-
cally. One santera shouted out: habla! meaning talk! While it is not clear
whether this command is directed to the participants or to the orichas, it serves
to encourage both the singing and the onset of possession trance. For eight
minutes, through three songs, this activity continued.
Already the participants expectations were clear: everyone present knew
that the pensive Mario in the center of the circle was waiting to fall into trance
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 115
Figure 5.2. The santero falls into trance as Yemay takes possession of his body.
and that the activity around him was to encourage that moment. As Germn
began a new song, Mario suddenly convulsed, his limbs flying. He threw his
head back, his face contorted, and then hid his face in his hands. As he seemed
to lose control, Germn stepped forward to sing loudly at him, and the circle
of dancers watched closely, reaching out to steady him or restrain a flying arm
or bracing themselves as he stumbled against them. Marios eyes were squeezed
shut. At first, he stood for a moment as if frozen. Then suddenly his entire body
convulsed violently. This alternating pattern of paralysis and convulsion con-
tinued for about three minutes, often in seeming response to Germns lines in
the call-and-response songs (see figure 5.2).
Santeros use the Spanish verb arullarse to describe the hectic bodily move-
ments at the onset of trance. When Mario began to tremble and flail, both
santero-transcribers told me he was arullando (losing bodily control).
is heavily marked by interactional tropes. The audience itself helped cue the
transition by encircling Mario in a dance for Yemay and singing songs to her.
Marios fall into trance then performed the estrangement of his mind from
his body. The tremors and convulsions, which are usually involuntary bodily
movements, signaled his loss of control over his body. He began to rub his
head, the seat of ones spirit in Santera, drawing attention to a struggle within
it. His eyes closed, marking a loss of consciousness.
Once Mario was absent, a new presence exerted itself over his body. Amid
the convulsions, Mario began to dance again. Over six minutes, Mario-Yemay
opened his eyes and began to dance in a grandiose, powerful way, all sweeping
arms and huge steps. The culmination of the process was his performance of
the swirling aro dance, in which he spun dramatically and cleared a wide area
where earlier the santeros had crowded in and encircled him in a much more
sedate version of the aro. Santeros explained to me that Yemay dances the aro
to signal her presence and her power to remove sicknesses.
Meanwhile, Germn had responded immediately to the first signs of Marios
trance by moving in toward him and singing the songs directly to him (figure
5.3). This change in focus created an equivalence between Yemay, as the ad-
dressee invoked by the song lyrics, and Mario, as the addressee marked by the
gaze and gestures of the singer. Yemay was in Marios body, ready to receive
Figure 5.3. The lead singer directs his song to the man falling into trance.
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 117
her songs of praise. When Mario turned away or held his face in his hands,
Germn would pursue him, shouting his song at his head. More often than not,
Mario would sink into convulsions again.
The song that triggered the onset of trance is a familiar one at tambores and
is obviously directed to Yemay. Surprisingly, however, the words are partly in
Spanish, suggesting that the song is not part of the true Lucum canon of Santera,
but borrowed from the more heavily adulterated corpus of bemb songs, many
of which substitute Spanish phrases for unintelligible Lucum (see ch. 3 n.8).
Lead (Germn): Wini wini Yemay, yo estoy solito, que le vamos a hacer
Chorus: Wini wini Yemay, yo estoy solito7
Germn continued with several other songs, each addressed to a different
camino or path of Yemay. The crowd enthusiastically sang the chorus, and
as Yemay emerged dancing out of Marios earlier stillness and trembling, Ger-
mn sang his lines less stridently and more conversationally toward Yemay.
As he began to sing the aro of Yemay, Yemay promptly began to dance the
aro, her special dance.
In this and in other possessions I observed, two interactional tropes inform
the sequence of falling into possession trance: (1) the bodys estrangement from
its owners control and its possession by another controlling force and (2) the
possessing entitys responsiveness to the situation. By responding appropri-
ately to the songs, the entering deity proves its identity. Moreover, the deity
establishes a basis for two-way communication with participants.
But one of the santeros who examined the video had already detected an
error: Mario-as-Yemay had opened his eyes of his own accord, whereas his
eyes should have remained closed until another santero touched the lids. He
explained that the person being possessed would not have the volition to open
his own eyes and that the saint would not be fully in possession until the eyes
were opened. Therefore, this minute error suggested that Mario, not Yemay,
was present. The critiquing santero then spread the blame to the other partici-
pants, pointing out that the initial song triggering the trance had not been a
proper Lucum song, but an adulterated song borrowed from bembs.
to Mario in his trance state as the feminine Yemay. Having finished her aro
dance, Yemay greeted each drum by lying before and resting her head on it.
Next, she stood and hugged each drummer (figure 5.4) and then, in a higher-
than-normal pitch of Marios voice, began to speak:
1 Yemay: Ah! (greets Germn by prostrating herself)
2 Ah! Bobo ku e yuma
3 Many voices: O-oo (Germn now kneels before her)
4 Yemay: Bobo ku e yuma
5 Many voices: O-oo
6 Yemay: Ah! Baba a Yemay enso boboyu Ah!
Though they could not decipher its exact meaning, the santero-transcribers
recognized Yemays utterances here as a formulaic greeting. One santero said
that all arriving saints make this greeting, whereas the other claimed it was a
greeting special to Yemay. The ready Lucum response of the other partici-
pants in lines 3 and 5 suggests that the greeting is a common one, although
this was the only time I heard it used during a tambor. After the exchange,
Yemay began to hug individual participants and to say a few words to each as
Figure 5.5. Yemay speaks with one of the other ritual participants. The money tucked in her cap
is an offering to her that she can dispense to others as she wishes.
she made her way toward the back altar room (see figure 5.5). The drums and
singing resumed.
Two additional interactive tropes emerged in this segment of Yemays greet-
ings: the saints responsiveness to and Otherness from their human children.
The saints are known to demonstrate affection for and intimacy with their hu-
man children. In ceremonial settings, a saint typically greets all the santeros but
lavishes special attention on those for whom he or she is the principal saint.
As an example of this, Yemay sometimes followed her greeting and hug with
an act of blessing or purification, such as rubbing someones stomach or wip-
ing sweat from her own onto another persons face. In addition to showing af-
fection, Yemays purifying act specifically illustrated the Otherness of all pos-
sessing entities, who freely transgress ordinary social mores and whose sweat,
even, has ach. Many typical behaviors of possession trance invoke this trope
of Otherness. Perhaps most striking in this regard is the orichas speech, which
incorporates many Lucum words and phrases. In addition, the speech of pos-
sessing saints is heavily accented and riddled with errors, as if the speaker had
only a rudimentary grasp of Spanish. We will see examples of this as we go on.
As the singing and drumming continued during the next 25 minutes, Yemay
finally reemerged from the back room. There, Marios t-shirt and pants had
120 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
been replaced by a bright blue blouse and puffy breeches, all with white trim
and sequins. Yemays colors are blue and white, and while female devotees
wear a dress in these colors, males wear breeches. Yemay also wore a blue se-
quined cap, under which had been tucked a number of dollar bills that flapped
down over Marios eyes.
Yemay moved through the crowd toward the drums, again stopping to
greet several people and telling one man, Emi lenu ba umbo aro (arawo?) que
binu ara que elese. Abo! The man smiled and nodded. Although Yemays
words were not completely intelligible to either of the santero-transcribers,
one suggested that the first part of the phrase, Emi lenu ba umbo, means I
will speak to you, while the second part, ara que elese, refers to good fortune
due to the influence of the orichas. In other words, Yemays words can be in-
terpreted as a blessing. For those receiving a blessing or a bit of saintly advice,
such moments may be particularly vivid religious experiences, although I do
not know what the man felt as he smiled and nodded or whether his feeling
changed over time as he reflected on Yemays words.8 In the next segment of
the tambor, the singer Germn was in a similar situation of receiving a mes-
sage from Yemay and did give some clues about how he interpreted Yemays
these, Yemay, who had stopped dancing and was staring hard at Germn,
pulled a dollar bill from under her hat to give him. Germn, smiling broadly,
pocketed the dollar and turned up the heat. He continued with the same song
for Obatal, a bemb song with lines in Spanish that one santero explained
could be used as a treatment for any oricha:
Yemay then shook off her hat and backed away toward the altar room, still
staring hard at Germn. Germn followed, still singing. Thus far, the sequence
followed a pattern familiar to santeros, one invoking the trope of the orichas
responsiveness to human interests. Yemays stares indicated that she felt pro-
voked by songs praising other orichas and could be moved to prove her own
greater generosity by giving the singer gifts. Having given Germn money, she
now headed toward the back altar room to get another gift from her altar.
But instead, Yemay abruptly turned back into the main room. The drums
fell silent as she drew near. What follows is a transcript of her conversation
with Germn, as many of the other participants looked on curiously. Unprob-
lematic Spanish utterances are translated into English. Where my transcribers
offered glosses of Lucum phrases, I include them in quotation marks. Where
they could not translate a Lucum word, I retain it in the translation to give a
sense of its unintelligibility. Where a Lucum word is well known to santeros,
even if unglossed by my transcribers, I bracket it in my translation. Orichas
also sprinkle their utterances with markers of bozal Spanish, a sociolect de-
rived from the nonstandard Spanish spoken by Africans who learned Span-
ish only imperfectly (Isabel Castellanos 1990; Schwegler 2006). Characterized
by peculiar pronunciation and faulty grammar, bozalisms create intelligibil-
ity problems where the line between Spanish and Lucum may be ambiguous
(Schwegler 2006; Wirtz 2005). Where a phrase contains ambiguous words that
my transcribers nonetheless interpreted as Spanish or where a phrase contains
bozalisms, I mark the original line with an asterisk and, where possible, give a
literal rendering in English of the nonstandard usage.
Germn then stepped up to the drums to take up the lead. Each transcriber
heard a different line.
At this, the drums fell silent, and Yemay interrupted Germns singing.
Before examining her retort, consider what is unfolding through Yemays
song and Germns rejoinder. In lines 816, Yemay admonished Germn to
show her more respect. Her song in lines 1823 may continue in this vein.
One santero-transcriber pointed out that Yemays rumbe sarawe in line 18
sounds like the folk name of a plant, rompe zaragy, an herb Spiritists use in
purifications (see D. H. Brown 2003: 309, n.1). He suggested that her song is an
insultwhat Cubans call a pulladirected at Germn (see Isabel Castellanos
1976: 15558). In this case, Yemay may have been hinting that Germn needed
to undergo a purification because he had been disrespectful to her. If so, it is
not surprising that Germn broke in to retort that he is the child of Eleggua
(line 24a)an indirect counterchallenge, perhaps, that Yemay will have to
take on Germns protector, Eleggua, if she plans to bother him.
The other transcribers version (line 24b) also permits the interpretation
that Yemay and Germn are trading insults. In saying that the children of
Eleggua look for mischief, Germn may have been reminding Yemay about
124 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
his principal orichas characteristic penchant for trouble. In either case, Yemay
quickly silences Germn. If we follow the santeros narrative thread, after an-
other round of pullas in the next section, Yemay pulls rank on Germn, pre-
scribing a special purification he must undergo and, in essence, reminding him
that she is the deity and he a mere human. What had Germn done to merit
Yemays anger? As events unfolded on the video, the first santero-transcriber
recalled and reinterpreted the earlier songs Germn had been singing in his
attempt to win gifts. Germn had perhaps gone too far in praising too many
other orichas at Yemays expense and thus irritating her.
Let us briefly consider an alternate interpretation proposed by the second
santero-transcriber. He viewed the lines alluding to masculinity (20 and 22)
in Yemays song as problematic. Was she saying perhaps that she embodied a
masculine camino or path of Yemay? And who was Ofuncito? Repeating his
earlier doubts about how real Marios trance was, he tentatively suggested that
Mario was as likely to have been possessed by a muerto, a spirit of the dead,
as by the oricha Yemay. He reminded me that Germn had made an error
in singing a bemb song to bring down Marios trance and that Marios eyes
had opened without the proper touch by another santero. Now Mario-Yemay
was singing in the style of a true bemb de sau (old-fashioned, rural bemb)
in which a muerto might announce his presence by singing his own name
(Ofuncito?) or by dropping hints about his male identity: yo tiene pantalon
yaranyara (line 22). Germn had then continued in the bemb vein by singing
another bemb song line: The children of Eleggua look for mischief.
I hasten to point out that the santero-transcriber was very tentative in of-
fering this interpretation. For him, a clear narrative had not yet coalesced to
make sense of the exchanges between Germn and Yemay. However, his un-
certainties reinforced his growing doubts about Marios Yemay. As the video
continued, both santeros became convinced that something was wrong about
this Yemay and that Mario was not fully possessed by a saint, but by what
santeros euphemistically call a santico (little saint). In other words, he was fak-
ing. This interpretation would account for Germns disrespect of Yemay, sug-
gesting that he, too, had doubts about the authenticity of her presence and so
was willing to play games and trade insults with a false deity and to push the
limits for his own gain. Marios Yemayhere in scare quotes to signal the
counterfeit orichawas desperately trying to be convincing. Her subsequent
critique of Germn and demand that he undergo purification was an attempt
to play the divine role by invoking the proper tropes of oricha behavior, includ-
ing prescribing a ritual to remove an offense.
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 125
charcoal burner, he gets overheated and so must have his fire or anger cooled
with water.
While Germns temperament is well known in the religious community,
it seems that he triggered Yemays censure on this particular occasion by of-
fending her. Perhaps she was piqued that he sang songs to other orichas or
acted overly greedy in manipulating her into giving him so many gifts. His
willingness to keep provoking her by invoking the protection of his own ori-
cha, Eleggua, may also have annoyed her. Indeed, she gets in one final insult by
suggesting that the ominous signs for the coming year are Elegguas fault.
63 Yemay: Porque el edn que viene ningn edn son buena*
Because the (year) that comes, none of the (years signs) are good
64 Germn: No, ninguno, ninguno, s, s
No, none, none, yes, yes
65 Yemay: Porque son de Eleggua
Because they are Elegguas
66 Germn: S, s
Yes, yes
67 Yemay: Pero que viene mod
But when (tomorrow) comes
68 Several voices: Es peor
It is worse
69 Yemay: Modupwe, en este sentido
(Thank you), in this sense
Germn interrupted his singing and stopped the drums twice during the
next few minutes to complain that people were not singing properly. The sec-
ond time he framed his complaint as an apology to Yemay.
Yemay, I am religious, but the singing cannot continue like this be-
cause people have to help me out. The singing cannot continue [like this].
We are with the consecrated drums.10
Germn first explains that stopping the drums is not a sign of disrespect by
declaring that as a religious person, he is appalled that other participants are
not singing. Given that Yemay has only just finished berating him for not be-
ing religious enough, his choice of words comes across as a more general pro-
testation that he does act responsibly as a devout santero. As to his complaint,
many people in fact were singing, although others were chatting, sometimes
shouting, over the music. His final comment is a reminder to those present
that the ceremony is no ordinary bemb, but a wemilere, a Santera ceremony
with consecrated bat drums. If we recall his earlier disrespect in too ob-
viously trying to get Yemay to give him gifts, this sudden holiness seems
ironic. He may indeed feel chastened by Yemay. It is also possible to view
his current show of religiosity as annoyance at being publicly called to task
for his behavior. Spreading the blame around to others is one way of recover-
ing face.
In response to his pious complaint, Yemay supported Germn by putting
her hand on his shoulder and calling out to the crowd, fun mi aa (give me
consecrated drums), a way of asking for proper participation. The din of many
voices continued, and someone in their midst tried to shush them. One man
can be heard commenting on Germns complaint: It wont be singing for
him, but for Yemay. This remark suggests that some participants regarded the
entranced man before them as the embodiment of Yemay, and that Yemay
had at least some of the audiences support in demanding more respect from
The tambor continued for over another hour, with Yemay present through-
out, until she closed the ceremony by again dancing the aro, this time with a
bucket of water to remove impurities and cast them out into the street. Both
of the santero-transcribers continued to be skeptical of her authenticity until
the video recordings end, finding the trance unconvincing. This conclusion
strengthened their interpretations of earlier events between Yemay and Ger-
130 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
This extended case study illustrates the complexities of identifying and un-
derstanding religious experiences in real-time events, as well as their inter-
subjective construction. The entire ritual event is governed by participation
frameworks that conventionalize this sort of ceremony, which I have described
as performable tropes of interaction that signal what is afoot. These are sugges-
tive, never deterministic, which is why the unexpected can transpire in a tam-
bor and why some might even dispute or find problematic any particular event,
even when it is framed as a religious experience. Indeed, I have suggested that
such rituals have built-in ambiguities, often generated by the unintelligibility
of Lucum songs and orichas speech.
At the same time, the ceremony does have a coercive effect, or perhaps bet-
ter said, various mechanisms of emplotment (including those produced by
unintelligibility, such as the need for decipherment), so that everyone present
continues to conform to expected participant structures, even when joining in
the chorus of a song whose words they do not understand, or trading insults,
or admonishing other participants. By continuing to act as if a deity were pres-
ent, whatever their private doubts, other participants give the deity a chance to
be present and to deliver a religious experience, at least to some (including, I
suspect, the one possessed). The ritual itself conveys the sense that a consensus
emerges about whether to treat any particular possession trance as authentic,
but this emergent consensus does not prevent anyone present from forming
a separate opinion about what has transpired, as did the santeros who later
viewed the video recording. In doubting the presence of an oricha, the sante-
ros demonstrate the importance of a skeptical eye for ritual details when one
is evaluating a ritual performance. Santeros present at tambors may privately
conduct running critiques of events and their details in order to decipher the
experience. Certainly, we will see in later chapters that they extensively discuss
rituals after the fact.
Given the rich, even overwhelming, sensorium of a tambor, we might be
tempted to focus on the phenomenology of this ritual to the exclusion of the
interpretive side of experience. Both are present, however, and both are shaped
by the expectations generated by the ritual form itself. The overriding trope of
tambores, and indeed of most rituals in Santera, is that humans and deities
must enter into two-way communication in order for humans to achieve their
desired ends. Such communication is difficult to accomplish, and even when
achieved, humans must struggle to interpret what the saints say in their cryptic
manner of speaking.
Skepticism in Faith: Evaluating Religious Experiences in Rituals 131
The very difficulties involved in making sense of rituals and their outcomes
encourage santeros to continue to ruminate over them, whether privately or
together. While my video playbacks generated a unique opportunity to evalu-
ate the tambor ceremony, the two santeros readiness to engage in critique
reminds us that their general attitude is one of skepticism, of seeking proof in
events. The next chapter explores some of the reasons for santeros skepticism.
They focus their doubts not on the orichas, but on one another. Chapter 7 then
explores the consequences of santeros skeptical discourses for their sense of
religious community.
Religious Community
The proverb above, one frequently cited in divination results, could be a met-
aphor for Santera: everyone seems to be going in their own, individual di-
rection, but somehow, through all of the critiques, skepticism, and personal
agendas, one gets a strong sense of a unitary religious endeavor. My central
question throughout has been how the interpretive ferment surrounding ritu-
als produces Santera as a religion and moral community. In part 2 I examined
religious experience as a focus of ritual practices and reflection and a product
of their interaction, considering in particular how individual participants con-
struct (and deconstruct) intersubjective religious meanings in their experi-
ences. Those chapters also hinted at the prevalence of critical and skeptical
stances in santeros reflective discourse. In part 3, I examine how these ritual
and interpretive practices generate moral community. I save for chapter 7 a
discussion of how critical discourse (of the sort we saw abundantly in chapter
5) can promote skepticism and individualized interpretations of ritual experi-
ences without the entire enterprise dissolving in doubt. But first I examine
how rituals within Santera encourage both collective ideals and individual
strategizing among religious participants and how santeros adapt ritual forms
to both normative and their own sometimes subversive uses.
The tension between these two pulls, the communal and the individual,
is captured in two common phrases santeros use. On the one hand, santeros
often admonish each other to respect the religion, meaning to adhere to the
Regla, defer to those higher in the ritual hierarchy, and put religious values
ahead of personal gain. On the other hand, santeros talk of advancing in the
136 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
So said Emilio to me, my husband, and two new initiates we were visiting
during their initiation. Emilios friend, a senior santero, had invited us to pay
our respects to his two latest godchildren to initiate. One afternoon of the
week-long initiation ceremony is set aside for this presentation of the new
initiate. The two new initiates, called iyaws, were sitting on the mats that
delineated the boundaries of their altars, dressed in their special initiation out-
fits, surrounded by the ceramic vessels containing their newly born saints.
They had been yawning and restless throughout our visit, bored at being con-
fined to their altars for several days already. After saluting them by prostrating
ourselves and placing some money in the baskets at their feet, we sat in the
room with them for a polite amount of time chatting among ourselves, since
they seemed uninterested in conversation. Then Emilio stood up, turned to
them, and offered his advice. He told them to always respect their elders in
the religion, then gave the proverb above, the ears cannot surpass the head.
He repeated the pithy phrase with satisfaction, then explained it to them: new
initiates will always be junior to those who initiated before them and so must
always respect their godparents and other ritual elders, who are the source of
their religious status.
The proverb rang in my ears, especially because we had just been discussing
138 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
such as respect for ones elders and for the religion. Disagreements over inter-
pretation and accusations of violations fuel the gossip mill and circulate the
basic tenetsthe exceptions reinforce the Rule. Occasionally, a consensus will
emerge condemning someone for some infraction, but more commonly, rivals
or rival lineages cast aspersions on one another behind each others backs.
Santeros thus use gossip in ways that both further their own individual
interests (compare Paine 1967) and that serve as an informal mechanism for
maintaining social cohesion and normative values (compare Gluckman 1963).2
This seeming contradiction is possible because gossip is highly context-sensi-
tive, taking different forms in different settings, and because, as Brenneis (1984)
demonstrates, gossip may affect different relationships in different ways, so
that the gossiper reinforces his solidarity with his audience while advancing
competitive status claims against those he gossips about.
According to the trail of gossip among santeros about ritual violations, the
orichas have their own, more direct ways of policing compliance. As Emilios
narrative of conversion in chapter 4 illustrated, the orichas punish in the same
way they confer blessings: by intervening directly in ones life. By his own ac-
count, Emilios problems with recurring robberies stemmed from his delay in
accepting his orichas call to initiate. On many occasions, Emilio shared with
me dozens of juicy tidbits of gossip, some of it years old, about santeras who
refused to obey food restrictions imposed by their orichas and then choked to
death on the very forbidden food they consumed; about santeros who killed,
with or without magical help, and who ended up jailed for life, despite their en-
treaties to their saints to rescue them. Such narratives, and the critical, watch-
ful attention to detail they promote among santeros, are strong mechanisms to
remind people why they should adhere to the Regla. And yet, for all the talk,
santeros can be remarkably footloose in cutting corners or advancing obvious
personal agendas through religion. Usually these shortcuts and other strategic
acts work out, but the ideology transmitted through gossip says that such be-
havior always courts catastrophe in the form of divine sanctions.
However powerful the admonitions to conform to the Regla, however pop-
ular the morality tales of gossip, practitioners nonetheless do all manner of
things in the name of the religion. They seek shortcuts, they compete for pres-
tige, and they work for personal advancement, all individually oriented aims
that sometimes conflict with the shared vision encoded in the Regla. This is not
to say that the Regla promotes a selfless, otherworldly ethic. Santera is far too
pragmatic for that. Rather, the Regla overtly promotes values of cooperation
and mutual assistance among practitioners and between people and orichas
140 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
at the same time that it promotes obedience and respect for its hierarchy of
authority. But practitioners make room within these strictures to pursue their
own agendas. I now consider how the tensions between collective aims and
individual strategies play out within rituals.
For a good example of the tension between collective and individual interpre-
tations of ritual, consider the chapter 5 analysis of the interactions between the
singer and the santero possessed by Yemay during a tambor ceremony. The
singer and the descended saint, Yemay, traded insults through ritual songs,
until Yemay bested the singer and put him back in his place by enacting the
familiar trope of the saint giving pointed advice to the wayward devotee. The
players conformed to the collective aims and roles of the tamborits script, if
you willwhile pursuing their individual strategies to best each other.
My examination of two santeros later reactions to the video recording of the
tambor illustrated a parallel tension between shared meanings and individual
interpretations. To the extent that the ritual participants adhered to their ritual
roles, the tambor invoked shared meanings about what is accomplished in ritu-
als of its type. For example, formally speaking, the tambor succeeded in luring
an oricha, Yemay, to make an appearance to show her satisfaction with the
proceedings. At the same time, individual interpretations of the tambor dif-
fered: the two watching santeros had their doubts about whether the Yemay
performance they saw constituted the real thing. When they assigned blame,
they did so by comparing the particular event to an ideal type, point by point.
What songs were sung? Who opened the possessed persons eyes? How did the
Yemay speak? Discrepancies between type and exemplar suggested where to
place blame. For example, one santero faulted the singer for using improper
songs that did not belong to the canon of Lucum songs. He also pointed out
that the Yemay opened his eyes without anyone touching them. The other
santero found Yemays admonishment of the singer compelling and appropri-
ate to a saint. Their ideas about a proper tambor ceremony drew upon their
experiences at other tambores and knowledge gained from circulating meta-
discourses about tambores in general and in particular.
The tambor example demonstrates that ritual structures are persuasive but
not deterministic. They encourage participants to conform to expectations in
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 141
how they act and react. But at the same time, there is ample room for multiple
interpretations, although interpretations differing from full acceptance of the
proceedings may only be shared privately and after the fact. The example also
illustrates how canonical forms of ritual may simultaneously serve both col-
lective and individual purposes. In the competition between the singer and the
Yemay, both used songs appropriate to the ritual occasion. At the same time,
the singer chose songs within the canon that allowed him to wring as many
gifts out of the descended saint as he could. The Yemay invoked first the form
of ritual songs, then the form of giving divine advice, to bring the audience into
the pullas, insults, with which she goaded the singer.
These examples raise questions about how rituals, as events that both im-
pose collective ideals and advance individual interest, generate a common
sacred stance. In what ways do rituals exacerbate or resolve the tensions be-
tween collective aims and individual strategies? Between shared meanings and
individual interpretations? How do these crosscutting purposes nonetheless
promote the circulation of a cohesive sacred stance?
Santeros explain this somewhat cryptic proverb to mean that the orichas hold
initiated santeros to a higher moral standard than other people, because they
are supposed to know better. In evaluative discourses about religious ethics,
santeros frequently refer to doing what is correct, obeying the Law, and
respecting the religion. The most frequent critique they level against each
other is failure to do these things. Although santeros overt emphasis on acting
correctly suggests that respect and obedience are prized markers of religios-
ity, it also suggests that on many occasions santeros are not acting correctly,
whether because of intent, neglect, ignorance, or other priorities (such as cost
cutting or saving time). In other words, it is a matter of communal concern
that practitioners pursue individual agendas at the expense of shared ritual
aims and procedures.
Nonetheless, there are ways in which the individual agendas that cause
santeros so much concern actually advance collective aims and shared mean-
ings. First of all, they provoke discourses of critique and concern, which serve
to circulate shared meanings and even create a religious community through
142 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
miracle of divine communication occurs, and how, in the slippage between tra-
ditional ritual forms and personalized message, individual agendas can creep
in, I do a close reading of a consultation I received.
Background on divination
In Santera there are three divination systems that can be used for a consulta-
tion: the most basic coconut shell divination, which offers simple yes-no an-
swers; the more common cowrie shell divination, which uses sixteen cowries
to permit more complex and subtle answers; and the most complex If system
of divination, which is the special purview of babalawos. All three systems
of divination elaborate, to differing degrees, on the same basic participation
framework: the santero mediates between the client and the sacred plane by
conveying the clients questions and concerns to the oracle, by using the oracle
to produce divine responses and, finally, by interpreting those responses for
the client.
Most noninitiates who come into contact with Santera do so by attending
tambores or seeking out consultations. A tambor, by virtue of its public nature
and festive atmosphere, attracts the attention of neighbors and passersby, some
of whom may come in for a look around or a chance to enjoy the party. Consul-
tations, on the other hand, are private encounters between a santero and a cli-
ent. A person may seek out a consultation for any number of reasons, but most
typically, the person is in some sort of physical, economic, or spiritual distress
or is otherwise facing an intractable problem for which they want a solution or
cure. Whether or not they have much faith in the results, all clients, even first-
timers, enter into a consultation with expectations. Clients expectations may
be shaped by experiences with other types of consultations or by circulating
ideas about religious consultations in general.
Indeed, the three divination systems of Santera are but a few of the possibil-
ities for religious consultations, since Spiritist mediums, Paleros (practitioners
of Palo), and others also practice various types of divination and mediumship.
In this context of multiple offerings, some clients will visit a santero for a con-
sultation simply by word of mouth, because they are desperate for relief and
somewhere they heard that this person does good consultations. As Kirsch
(2004) argues for a different setting of religious pluralism, peoples beliefs
their faith in what is possibleare flexible, tied to ritual action, and change-
able based on post hoc evaluations of a rituals effectiveness. Once drawn into
Santera, even before initiating, the newcomer will experience ever-growing
pressure to stop shopping around and instead be loyal to one particular santero
144 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
sign Oche. But a quick recount settled that there were six. Alberto then said
Obbara ibate matate, scooped up the cowries, and shook them again, begin-
ning anew the call-and-response sequence in Lucum, with Maura responding,
that had preceded his previous throw.
1 Alberto: Padre Eleggua (2 seconds) Eleggua id mepw
2 Maura: Aku ell3
3 A: Eleggua id mepw
4 M: Aku ell
5 A: Aku elle omo, aku barik . babagua. Ochareo!
6 M: Agach
7 A: Ochareo
8 M: Agach
The only words above recognizable to someone outside of Santera would be
in line 1, Padre Eleggua or Father Eleggua, which mark this sequence as a plea
directed to the oricha Eleggua, who mediates all communications between the
human and the divine. This time, they counted eight cowries face up, and Al-
berto declared the sign to be Unle, Obbara Unle.4 Maura wrote the complete
numerical sign 68 in a notebook, just below where she had already written
my name. Then Alberto began the process of elaborating additional informa-
tion about this sign.
The process of constructing a divination result in Santera is, as we already
begin to see, very mechanical: shells are cast and counted; a result is tabulated.
The steps of elaboration, while more complex, also contribute to the overall
sense that divinations produce clear, verifiable results. In cowrie divination,
this elaboration is done by giving the client two of five objects to hold hidden
in their hands before each additional throw of the cowries. Then, the result of
each throw or pair of throws determines which hand the santero will call for,
right or left.5 The client then opens that hand, revealing one of the two objects.
Each of the objects signifies something about who is talking and what sort
of luck the client has. The five objects, called ibo in Lucum, include a piece of
chalky ground eggshell paste (called cascarilla), a dark pebble, a large round
snail shell, a guacalote seed pod, and a piece of bone or a porcelain dolls head.
When the client holds the cascarilla and the pebble, the oracle will determine
whether the sign comes with ir or osogbo, good or bad fortune. The choice be-
tween the bone and the pebble determines whether it is the spirits of the dead
or the orichas who are talking to the client. When a yes or no question is posed,
the snail shell means yes and the pebble means no. The system gets more
146 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
esoteric from there, with many degrees and types of good or bad fortune and
many possible consequences of receiving a message from a particular source,
whether spirit or saint.
Santeros must memorize a great deal of information in order to properly do
a cowrie divination. Santeros learn from working with their more experienced
godparents and, if they have access and inclination, from private or published
notebooks on divination. There are 16 cowries and so 256 possible signs, most
of which can bring ir or osogbo and each of which can signify that the saints
or the dead are speaking. Already, there are almost a thousand basic possibili-
ties, each of which then gets further refined.6
Ideally, and in santeros descriptions of how cowrie divination works, the
system is completely self-evident and the meanings of choices are predeter-
mined. Anyone knowledgeable who watched could verify the results simply
by recounting the shells. For that matter, the act of writing the results in a
notebook reinforces this notion of verifiability, of being able to reconstruct
how a santero arrived at a particular sign and elaborated it. Each initial sign
(68 in my case) cues an entire corpus of associations, from the list of orichas
who speak through that sign, to proverbs, legends and parables involving the
orichas and other beings, required sacrifices, and so on. After the initial sign,
additional signs demand the left hand; others demand the right hand.
In my divination, Alberto cast the cowries seven more times, getting four
results: first 4, then the pairs 76, 117, and 56. For each of these four results,
he called for me to reveal the object I held in one or the other hand. The
first cast decided whether my sign, 68, brought ir, blessings, or osogbo,
ill fortune. The result was four cowries face up: Iroso. Iroso is one of the
senior signs that does not require a second throw. Alberto called for my
left hand, in which I held the white, chalky cascarilla. Ir, he declared, then
handed me two objects again and prepared the cowries for the second throw,
calling for arik, which is the strongest type of ir. The next cast was seven
cowries face up, or Odd, which as a junior sign required a second throw.
Next was six, Obara, forming the pair Odd Obara, which required the object
in my left hand again. Arik, declared Alberto. As he repeated arik with
Odd Obara, Maura wrote down the new signs and results. Two more cycles
of this process produced the additional pairs 117, or Ojuani Odd, then 56,
or Och Obara. The objects in first my right, then my left hand produced the
full result: my sign was Obara Unle, with Ir arik yale, meaning 68, with
blessings from the dead of the strongest kind. Maura wrote in her book ap-
proximately the following:
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 147
Kristina Wirtz
Obara Unle
4, 76, 117, 56
con Ir arik yale
This written representation encodes what the oracle said in its purest form,
prior to any interpretation. I have presented the almost mechanical process by
which this letter emerged, throw by throw and result by result, in order to
illustrate how ritual forms surround and create this magical step of divination
in which the orichas speak. Kuipers (1993) suggests that more formalized
registers of ritual speech allow speakers to displace responsibility from them-
selves onto a distant past, so that the words carry the authority of tradition.
Highly extextualized speech does this, he suggests elsewhere, because it exactly
replicates and therefore iconizes previous speech, thus literally resembling the
speech of the ancestors (Kuipers 1990). Du Bois (1992) argues that the highly
entextualized signs and messages from oracles are a special case of displace-
ment of responsibility, such that there may seem to be no author, which he
describes as meaning without intention. In Santeras divinations, authorship
sometimes seems to reside with a generic santo and sometimes with specific
orichas who speak through the shells, as in this case. Santeros are being quite
literal when they characterize divinations as divine communications. The
cowries are the mouth of the saint, they say. Of course, what first emerges
is cryptic to the point of being unintelligible to the client. What do all these
numbers and Lucum words mean? What are the orichas saying? In answer,
the santero must now interpret the cryptic letter as advice that speaks to the
clients situation. In Parkins more poetic turn of phrase (1991: 175, 183), the
diviner straightens the paths from wilderness by moving from the esoteric
manipulations of the shells toward greater and greater articulateness and intel-
ligibility (also see Peek 1991: 134).
Alberto marked the start of his interpretation of my results by saying: Ok,
lets talk. After a few seconds pause, he first asked whether I had received pre-
vious divinations. Yes, I had. Obbara Unle, he said, is where Eleggua comes
speaking through Obbara Unle. As he continued, he switched between refer-
ring to me with the polite Usted (Ud.) and the informal t, both translating as
you. He went on:
9 Where Eleggua says, Ir, arik, moyale.
10 Eleggua says that (he) brings ir with Iroso, and
148 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
many are not unique to santeros or divination contexts. Albertos initial state-
ment that you were born to be the head has some of the punchy, aphoristic
flavor of a proverb. Mauras interjected it is the head that carries the body is
even more proverbial, in being indirect and metaphorical and cleverly relying
upon natural order (or an inversion of it) to make its point. Both point to the
spiritual importance of the head in Santera, which is where a persons princi-
pal oricha is seated during initiation and which controls a persons destiny.
Proverbs carry the weight of tradition in much the way Lucum divination
signs do: both are formulaic and conventional, and both hearken back across
time to ancient, collective wisdom. Just as the system of Lucum divination
signs is authoritative in part because it channels the speech of the orichas,
proverbs channel the speech of our ancestors, who were presumably wiser and
pithier with words than we are. Some of the authority and wisdom that inheres
in these word forms presumably carries over to each successive speaker who
animates the ancestrally authored words. Not surprisingly, particular proverbs
accompany particular divination signs and are often recited as a first pass at
interpreting the sign for the clients situation. The fluidity of proverbs mean-
ings is evident in Albertos adaptation of born to be the head to refer to my
research rather than to leadership or privilege. Once uttered, the proverbs, like
the divination signs that cue them, are superabundant in meaning and there-
fore ambiguous, requiring further interpretation to render them applicable to
someones particular situation (Peek 1991: 134; Werbner 1973).
Alberto proceeds to interpret the proverb Maura offered, much as he had
interpreted the Lucum signs and initial you were born to be the head:
Alberto begins his interpretation of the proverb it is the head that carries
the body much as he did his initial interpretation of my sign: he invokes the
150 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
erence to the skeptical stance that motivates some religious clients to seek out
what we might call second opinion consultations in search of proof that
their results are correct. He goes on to say that seeking verification links to
where Eleggua says Oddi Obbara, where there is speech, Odd is the mother,
Odd is travel, Obbara is advancement, prosperity, and in Ojuani Odd . . .
Ojuani is prendicin. While his point is not entirely coherent, Alberto does
list a range of rich, attractive associations of my divination signs. The final one,
prendicin, is a Spanish word that santeros use to mean that an oricha is
claiming someone who will need to be initiated. They go on to more explicitly
link my initiation with my future prosperity. Maura says:
37 The motive, why? Yes you (t) have to make a step,
38 but why? That this step will bring you life, it
39 will bring you prosperity, no? But here Eleggua
40 says that you (Ud.) were born to be king, you
41 were born to seek money, you were born to seek
42 advancement and more than advancement.9
A moment later, Alberto expands upon how being a santera might directly
improve my economic possibilities:
43 A: But Chang says that by your own hand, with
44 your initiation, you (Ud.) can resolve many
45 things in life.
46 Maura: And you have knowledge
47 A: And you have knowledge, why? Because you (t)
48 are able to bring people from there to here and
49 you can increase your investment of money. It is
50 not that you (t) are going to go into business, its
51 that Chang is going to put this development in
52 your hands.10
Here, Alberto and Maura stay within the form of a consultation even as
they push their individual agenda and encourage me to pursue mine through
religious initiation. They evoke an entire scenario in which I will make money
by banking my religious knowledge to arrange tours from my home country
to Cuba. Making the saint will bring me opportunities to prosper, not because
I will cross that gray line into commercializing the religion, but because the
saints say I should prosper. Alberto and Maura frame each piece of advice
they give to quote an oricha: Eleggua says; Chang says. Religious adherence
152 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
brings rewards, and so if the saints want me to initiate, they will improve my
life tangibly once I do.
understood to be mine into his interpretation. And yet, the consultation ad-
hered to proper ritual protocols; Alberto even framed some of his interpreta-
tions as quoted speech of the orichas: Eleggua says; Chang says. We begin to
see, then, how ritual formsin particular the necessary gradations of author-
ship between divination signs and diviners interpretationpermit santeros
to work between shared and individual meanings and thus to ritually advance
individual agendas by adapting conventional signs to particular situations. In
addition, the religious collective is called into service for individual strategies
in the as-yet-unexamined first half of the communication process diagrammed
in figure 6.1.
Santeros often explain this proverb to mean that one must attend to the ori-
chas in order to reap the benefits of their help. Rituals that offer up the proper
prayers, songs, and offerings are the rain that allows ones corn to grow. If one
wants the orichas to speak truly in a divination, one must ritually prepare by
invoking the entire human and divine communitys support. Having seen the
outcome of a consultation, let us now examine the setup, in which the santero
opens communications with the divine through Lucum invocations. Earli-
er, I presented one short example of the way a santero requests the oracle to
speakhow he converts the human questions, pleas link of figure 6.1 into
Lucum that will invoke the saints help. Recall that before the second throw of
the cowries, Alberto began a sequence of Lucum speech with an invocation
to Padre Eleggua (lines 18). I will now examine an excerpt from the very
first part of my consultation with Alberto and Maura in order to show how
formulaic uses of Lucum frame a divination by differentiating divine and hu-
man voices and by assigning authorship to the divine voices. In doing so, the
possibility of divine voices authorizing human agendas is set up.
Indeed, a good deal of ritual preparation precedes the moment in which
the santero offers the client advice. From an outside perspective, we would
say that the preparations create the triadic participant structure and inject
into it divine authority and presence. As Briggs (1994) argues in his Fou-
cauldian analysis of a shamanic cure, we must focus on relations of power
rather than relations of meaning to understand what is happening in these
preparatory ritual steps. From an emic perspective, santeros would explain
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 155
that they are opening communications with the divine. Doing so imbues the
advice offered in a consultation with divine authority, authority it would not
otherwise have.
As I already pointed out, Alberto and Maura were delighted to let me record
my consultation with them. I was surprised at how readily they agreed, because
santeros usually frown upon recording such rituals. When we had finished I
understood why: Alberto and Maura wanted to hear the entire recording. We
went downstairs to play it on the stereo, and others in the house also listened
in. Alberto and Maura most wanted to hear the opening incantatory prayers,
which we listened to twice. On other occasions, too, even when they had been
initially reluctant to allow me to record a ritual, I found that santeros and ba-
balawos wanted very much to listen to how they had prayed their opening
prayers and songs. They seemed to take a special aesthetic pleasure in a good
performance. Their special interest in these prayers alerted me to the prayers
As I mentioned in chapter 2, santeros call these opening incantations the
moyub or moyubacin. The word itself comes from one of the sections of the
incantations, so the label is metonymic. When asked what the word moyub
means, most santeros come close to its derivational meaning from Yoruba: I
pay homage.11 The moyub must open any ritual activity in Santera, because
it invokes the web of spirits, ancestors, and ritual kin whose cooperation is
necessary to open a communication channel to the orichas. For this reason,
although the moyub follows a particular and relatively set form, each santero
must personalize it to include his particular ancestors and ritual kin, as well
as those of any other santero present. The moyub recitation is a magical act,
because the utterance of a moyub is sufficient to create the state of affairs it
invokes: after saying the moyub, santeros can safely assume that they in fact
have the cooperation of all those invoked.
The converse case proves the rule: if a santero forgets to moyubar, or leaves
someone out, the ritual will not proceed properly. I saw this happen in one of
the first ceremonies I attended in Cuba. The gathered santeros were already well
into preparations for a purification of someones head. Before calling the client
in, they did the mandatory divination with coconut shells to make sure that the
saints were pleased and would bless the proceedings. The coconut shell came
up with Okana Sodde, three of four shells landing face down. The sign means
No and forecasts misfortune. The santeros were taken aback and sat for a mo-
ment conferring about what could have caused this bad sign to emerge. Finally,
they asked whether there was something that had not been done. The coconut
156 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
shells now landed two up and two down, a firm Yes. Again, they conferred,
reviewing each step they had completed, until one of them remembered that
when he said the moyub, he had not included the deceased kin of his client.
They asked the coconut shells whether this was the problem, and the answer
came back, Yes. The santeros laughed with relief, finished up the divination,
then the lead santero repeated the moyub, calling through the curtain sepa-
rating them from the client for the client to recite the names of the deceased in
her family at each pause in the recitation.
Although this story demonstrates the importance santeros place on the
moyub, its ubiquitous performance does not in itself draw attention. Perhaps
because it must be said so many times, even repeated during the course of a
single ritual, santeros usually recite it very rapidly and quietly, often practically
under their breath. On the occasions I was permitted to record, my tape re-
corder often had difficulty picking up the moyub, especially in a noisy room.
Nonetheless, it is crucially important. With the moyub, the santero invokes
the entire community of santeros, spirits, and orichas to cooperate with his
ritual and thus to support his intentions.
While its performance may not have the allure of more dramatic genres
such as songs and possession trance speech, the moyub does get a lot of at-
tention when santeros discuss their religious practices. When I interviewed
older santeros about ritual speech, they were sometimes resistant about giving
me examples, fearing that I intended to steal ritual secrets. I began to follow
the lead of my santero-researcher companions in suggesting the moyub as an
example. Most santeros were happy to discuss the importance of the moyub
and some even recited theirs for me. As with most longer Lucum texts, they
could give me the gist of what they were saying but not an exact translation of
specific phrases. These uncertainties are reflected in my own attempts at trans-
lation, below.
Albertos moyub is typical of the hundreds I heard and the ten or so I
recorded. He begins by invoking Father Eleggua with omi tuto or cool wa-
ter, because Eleggua is the oricha of divination. The omi tuto section wishes
coolness, tuto, on the proceedings, and as he speaks, Alberto sprinkles water
from a coconut shell cup.12 Santeros explain that Eleggua opens and closes
the way; he is the messenger who therefore determines whether the message
will get through to the other saints. Since divination is an exercise in opening
two-way communication with the deities, santeros must first ensure Elegguas
cooperation. The passage is addressed to Eleggua and much of it is in Lucum
(marked with underlining).
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 157
53 Padre Elegba . aqu tiene Ud Omi tuto, ana tuto, tuto laroy, tuto
ile, tuto la forol, tuto iy kofo.
Father Eleggua . here you have cool water, a cool path, tuto laroy,
cool house, tuto la forol, tuto iy kofo.
Having put down the coconut shell of water, Alberto continues, now intro-
ducing my presence and announcing his ritual intention to do a divination for
me. Before starting, Alberto had carefully written down and practiced saying
my hard-to-pronounce name, so that the orichas would be sure to recognize
who I was.
54 Elegba! Que se va a registrar Kristina . Wirtz . para salud, estabili-
dad, y su elemente, Elegba.
Eleggua! That we are going to register Kristina Wirtz . for health,
stability, and your element, Eleggua.
55 Para que todo sea ir ow, ir omo, Ir barik babagua, para que
Ud. la libre de ik, de ar, de ofo, de ia aray, atik, akokan, . tilla
tilla, elene onoy
So that all will be blessings of money, blessings of child, blessings
of barik babagua, so that you will free her of death, of sickness, of
suffering, of strife aray, atik, akokan, . argument, elene onoy
56 de todos los osogbo y toda las perturbaciones Elegba, que Ud la ponga
a ella en (vez/pues?) tu salvacin, para que todo sea .. mai god mai
of all the ill fortunes and all the disturbances, Eleggua, that you give
her (instead) your salvation, so that all will be .. mai god mai god.
The English translations here capture one aspect of the original perfor-
mance: the interplay between intelligibility and unintelligibility. I translated
all Spanish phrases and all Lucum words that most santeros would be able
to recognize and translate, but left unanalyzed and unglossed those Lucum
words and phrases for which most santeros cannot give more than a vague,
general meaning. In choosing this santeros-eye perspective for my transla-
tions, I obscure how much less intelligible the invocation would be for many
clients. The client would follow the gist of the santeros words, because Spanish,
not Lucum, provides the syntactic framework, and there is a high proportion
of Spanish to Lucum words. Even the uninitiated client would gather, from
context, that Alberto is calling upon Eleggua to bless and protect them. Indeed,
some phrases seem Spiritist or Catholic, as in the line asking for your salva-
tion. Others, though full of unintelligible words, would have contextual mean-
158 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
ing. For example, one gleans from context that the series Ir ow, ir omo, Ir
barik babagua is desirable, whereas the following series, de ik, de ar, de
ofo, de ia aray, atik, akokan, . tilla tilla, elene onoy consists of bad things
to be avoided. Even with such guesswork, the uninitiated client listening to the
stream of invocatory prayer would find the Lucum sections as mysterious in
their unintelligibility as were the uninterpreted divination signs that later fol-
lowed. The santeros fluid recital demonstrates his authoritative knowledge, his
fluency in this liturgical language.
The santero, although he can fluidly recite the invocations, may himself
know some passages only by rote memorization. He would have the benefit
of knowing the meaning of key Lucum words, such as ir and osogbo,
blessings and ill fortune. Other words in the series of blessings and ills are
well known among santeros: ik is death and aro is illness. However, some
words and phrases would only be familiar to santeros from the moyub, since
they are not otherwise widely used. For example, many santeros are not sure
what tilla tilla represents exactly, but they guess it means something bad, such
as struggle, upheaval, or fighting.13
In the next section, Alberto once again calls upon Eleggua, but then pro-
ceeds to invoke the dead, whose cooperation is also necessary for any ritual to
57 Padre Eleggua . Ibay,
Father Eleggua . Ibay
58 Ibay ibayen ton to esa ciencia oculta que est embelese Olodu-
Rest in peace all those occult sciences which are at the foot of the
59 Ibay ibayen ton to iyalocha, omolocha
Rest in peace all santeras, santeros
60 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que vive en este il14
Rest in peace all deceased who live in this house
61 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que vive en esta ar
Rest in peace all deceased who live in this land
62 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que vive fuera de esta ar
Rest in peace all deceased who live outside this land
63 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que acompaa a Kristina . Wirtz
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany Kristina Wirtz
64 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que acompaa a todo iguoro que coggua
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 159
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany all the santeros who live in
this house
65 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que acompaa el Iye miye Balefn
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany the (proper name)
66 Ibay ibaye ton to eggn que acompaa . a Ochn igu
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany (proper name)
67 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que acompaa a mi madrina
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany my godmother
68 Ibay ibayen ton to eggn que acompaa a mi padrino Melluk
Rest in peace all deceased who accompany my godfather (proper
69 Ibay ibayen ton to esa ciencia oculta
Rest in peace all that occult science
Alberto continues with five more lines following the same formula of ibay
ibayen ton plus the names of the dead, then repeats line 69. Most santeros
gloss ibay ibayen ton as rest in peace.15 Many santeros would insert a
far greater number of proper names than did Alberto, who began with gen-
eral, blanket categories covering all the dead and only then proceeded to list
specific people. He uses Lucum names in saint for those who initiated as
santeros and regular Spanish names for uninitiated, deceased family members.
While santeros say that it is preferable to use Lucum names, in practice many
combine or substitute ordinary nicknames for the deceased santeros in their
Albertos use of the Spiritism-derived occult science in line 69 requires
explanation. Spiritism provides a much more elaborate system for dealing with
the spirits of the dead than does Santera. Most santeros also participate in
Spiritist ceremonies, which combine Christian, scientific, and other influences
into a theology of mutual assistance between suffering humans and spirits
seeking transcendence. Most of the moyubs I heard during my research in-
cluded a line invoking the science or sciences to mean all the spirits of the
deceased who help the living.
In the sections presented thus far, Albertos moyub has invoked the support
of the spirits of the dead for his ritual. The preponderance of Lucum in even
the highly repetitive sections indexes the expertise of the santero and the dif-
ficulty of communicating with divine beings, who speak a different language.
Upon finishing the ibay section, Alberto continues with the kinkamach
section, which invokes the support of living santeros. The invocation kinka-
mach foregrounds yet another ubiquitous and universally used Lucum word
160 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
74 Eleggua, achiri ogu, achiri omo, achiri barik babagua, para que
todo sea kosik, kosi(agua)ofo, y kosiano.
Eleggua, achiri ogu, achiri omo, achiri barik babagua so that all
may be no death, no (agua)ofo, and no illness
(5 seconds)
(Alberto picks up rattle and shakes it throughout the following section)
75 Padre Eleggua (3 seconds), Eleggua (1 second) Aqu est su omo Ot
Lekn que va a registrar a Kristina Brit, Wirtz, Father Eleggua (3 sec-
onds) Eleggua (1 second) Here is your child (proper name) who is
going to register Kristina Wirtz
76 Paz, salud, estabilidad, firmeza Eleggu, para su salvacin a ella y to
sus seres queridos
Peace, health, stability, strength, Eleggua for her salvation for her and
all her loved ones
77 Para que la libre de ik, de ano, de ofo, de ia, . aro, tillatilla ti ter
osobbo, to los malos ok
So that you free her of death, of sickness, of suffering, of strife, illness,
argument, ti ter bad signs, all the bad things ok
78 Para que todo sea . ir ow, ir omo, ir bariku babagua, Eleggu.
So that all may be good fortune of money, good fortune of child, good
fortune of bariku our father, Eleggua.
The rattle Alberto shakes throughout this and the next section helps attract
the attention of the oricha. Alberto repeats the ibay ibayen ton section,
much as he did earlier, in lines 5869. Before repeating the kinkamach sec-
tion, he first inserts the following invocation:
79 La bendicin de to lo muerto que me acompaa
The blessing of all the deceased who accompany me
80 La bendicin de Chang mi pare,
The blessing of Chang my father
81 Dame la bendicin de mi mam, la bendicin de mi pap,
Give me the blessing of my mother, the blessing of my father,
82 La bendicin de mi madrina,
The blessing of my godmother
83 La bendicin de mi ayugbona Nike Ogn (words not clear)
The blessing of my assisting godparent, (proper name)
84 La bendicin de todos los que (me ayudan?) en santo
The blessing of all those who (help me?) in the saint
162 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
cedes each throw of the cowries. Various santeros explained to me that the
call and response implores the cowries to speak truly and to bring blessings.
One translation offered that ochareo means the oricha will speak and that
adach or agach means may it be for ach (sacred power).17 The sequence
immediately precedes, and thus cues, each cast of the cowries. It expresses
and marshals the santeros (and clients) expectations in the moment before
the saint speaks. By so doing, the sequence serves as a tool of emplotment
(Mattingly 1998), with each Ochareo eliciting an answering Agach, so that the
entire sequence triggers the orichas speech through the falling cowries.
This entire, impressively mysterious recitation leads to the section described
earlier in the chapter where Alberto constructed my sign out of multiple
throws of the cowries and gave me advice. Throughout the long prayers, the
client sits expectantly, awaiting the very last step when the santero will begin
speaking Spanish and making sense of the divination results. The santero may
incorporate his knowledge (or guesses) about the clients situation into his in-
terpretation, but the very forms of the ritual indicate that his interpretation is
constrained by the divination results. The divination results, within the ritual
frame, are in turn voiced as the speech of the saints.
My analysis of the moyub demonstrates the central role Lucum ritual
speech has in structuring rituals and rendering them recognizable. In this
sense, canonical Lucum usage promotes the collective forms and meanings of
Santera. But the moyub genre, especially, promotes the collective in a more
direct, denotative way, as well. The moyub expressly invokes the santeros rit-
ual elders, his lineage, and the community of santeros in general. In this sense,
a santeros moyub creates and structures his religious community every time
he utters it. The shared norms for a moyub dictate that the santero must at a
minimum name his godparents, his deceased genealogical and ritual kin, and
his living ritual kin. If other santeros are present at the same ritual, the santero
who offers the moyub must include them and, sometimes, their ritual lineages
in his recitation. The moyub, thus, is a performed diagram of ritual kinship.
Ritual kinship generates a hierarchy that links the living, the dead, and the di-
vine. A santeros particular moyub invokes these links as they pertain to that
santero, as I diagram in figures 1.1 and 1.2.
In true Durkheimian fashion, the moyub acknowledges the community as
the heart of the religion. It would be simply unthinkable to engage in ritual ac-
tion without first invoking the consent of the community. In a sense, then, the
act of moyubacin acknowledges the communitys power to impose collective
ritual aims and forms and to judge its members competence and compliance
164 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
with those aims and forms. But still the moyub is an individual, sometimes
even private, act of performative magic. While phrased as invocation, its re-
sults are, in essence, guaranteed. To recite ones complete moyub is to receive
the spiritual communitys support for ones ritual act. This example of ritual
speech, as much as the earlier examples of divination and consultation, invokes
collective aims and forms to empower individuals to access the sacred for their
own various purposes.
Early in this chapter, I explored the range of individual purposes and
strategies in Albertos interpretation of my divination results. In contrast, the
moyub might seem too formulaic to allow much tinkering to adapt it to indi-
vidual strategy. But in fact, santeros alter their moyubs to fit context and even
embellish them to claim illustrious ritual ancestors. Two brief examples will
illustrate the potential for santeros to use their moyubaciones to make alliances
and advance their standing. First of all, a santero praying a moyub in front of
another santero of a different lineage might include his or her godparent or a
well-known ritual ancestor of that lineage. Doing so automatically, rather than
stopping to let the second santero fill in the blanks, suggests that the santero
regards the added people as his own ritual elders as well. If the two santeros
share ritual elders, then they are ritual kin themselves. Similarly, santeros may
include the names of deceased santeros who were particularly important in
establishing Santera in Santiago during the 1920s1940s. Emilio, for example,
often names Reynerio Prez and Rosa Torres in his moyub, even though he
comes from a completely separate lineage from either of them. Nonetheless, all
santeros in Santiago regard Reynerio especially as being the founder of Santera
in Santiago, the one who established its presence in the city. Reynerio and Rosa
both initiated dozens of godchildren and participated in the initiations of doz-
ens, if not hundreds, more. By naming them in his moyub, Emilio shows his
respect for them but also makes a bid to pull them into his lineup of ritual an-
cestors, those whose beneficence empowers his rituals to be efficacious.
Ik lob ocha. (Lucum)
El muerto pare al santo. (Spanish)
The dead give birth to the oricha.
This proverb is perhaps the one santeros most frequently quote. It can be inter-
preted as an acknowledgment that permission must be gained from the spirits
of the dead before one can communicate with the orichas. This is precisely
Respecting the Religion, Advancing in the Religion 165
what the moyub does. At another level, santeros say the proverb reminds
them that they are linked to the orichas via the ancestors in a continuous chain
connecting individual santeros to a religious collective governed by the Regla.
Indeed, the living, the dead, and the deified comprise categories through which
individuals move, although in santeros understanding only a few exceptional
ancestors, like the Yoruba king of Oyo, Chang, undergo apotheosis to become
In this chapter, I have taken up the problem of tension between individual
and collective religious goals. I have discussed how ritual discourse serves to
promote both individual and collective aims and to express both normative
and alternative interpretations of ritual events. On balance, the collective side
of the equation explicitly promotes obedience to tradition, to the Regla, to
ones ritual elders, and to the orichas. The collective need for group cohesion,
agreement as to norms, and shared interpretations of events are modeled in
canonical ritual forms, expected participant structures of rituals, attention to
ritual detail, and, let us not forget, gossips power to develop consensus, circu-
late warnings, and even censure those who stray from these precepts. Rituals,
it seems, have some power to compel religious participants to conform to a
shared sense of purpose or at least to stay in character during performance.
The individual side of the balance promotes participation in religious ritual
as a way to get ahead, to advance socially and materially. But in order to achieve
individual goals, ritual participants strategies must draw upon the very tropes
and forms of ritual that the religious community collectively agrees upon. At
the same time, individuals must be wary of others intentions and so keep a
skeptical attitude, much as I have modeled in my analysis of the consultation I
received. But this very skepticism, interestingly, is itself framed by shared ideas
of what is correct and what is a violation, what is respectful and what is not,
what counts as proof and what as contradiction.
The intersection between individual and collective interests, on balance,
actually advances Santeras distinctive sacred stance. The reason is that reli-
gious activity and the commentary and reflection it inspires continue to rely
upon the same recognizable ritual forms, the same tropic uses of ritual speech.
Participants invoke the same patterns of signification, the same frames and im-
agery, whatever agenda they are individually or collectively pursuing. The net
effect is that the more participants interest is aroused, the more they circulate
the ritual forms. They do so both by replicating ritualsseeking out another
consultation or sponsoring another ceremonyand by replicating significant
bits of rituals as they discuss them after the fact. What they deem significant
166 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
When I visited Santiago in April 2002, a new acquaintance took me to meet his
godfathers family, which is prominent among santeros. Two of his godfathers
brothers and his mother were home when we arrived. All are santeros, and one
brother has also been initiated as a babalawo, the special caste of priests dedi-
cated to If divination. They were not especially pleased that their uninitiated
godchild had decided to bring a foreigner around, and to most of my friends
and my attempts to start conversation, one or another would cut things off
by insisting that a topic was secret or that noninitiates were not permitted to
attend certain rituals. They eventually started listing ceremonies a noninitiate
like me could attend and decided that I could accompany them to a tambor de
fundamento, or ceremony with consecrated drums, later that week.
Just then, some young men passed the door carrying bat drums. One
brother went outside to chat with them, then returned a few minutes later to
say that they were on their way to do a regular bemb, not a tambor de funda-
mento. The mother archly commented that I could go see that if I wanted, but
that it would probably be carelessly done, because it was just any old bemb.
Her comment precipitated a family discussion in which they emphasized that
most santeros dont do things correctly. Most are out to make easy money,
they claimed. In contrast, their family always does things correctly, lives by
the Regla, and has no patience with those lacking respect for or commercial-
izing the religion. They proudly explained that their family is recognized to
be preeminent, really a casa-templo or temple-house, a word used to refer to
families with prominent ritual lineages whose homes were always filled with
family in the saint and ritual activity.
As they warmed to the topic, I quietly entered the conversation by asking
how long their family had been involved in Santera. They had at least six de-
cades of experience among them. The mother added that her aunt had been
168 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
one of the first santeras of the city, during the era of the famous Reynerio Prez,
whom most Santiago santeros regard as the founder of Santera in Santiago.1
Reynerio is deceased, but his large family still maintains a house that most
santeros in the city agree is a casa-templo, a place guaranteed to hold a tambor
de fundamento on important saints days. Knowing this, I asked whether the
family had maintained connections with Reynerios familys casa-templo. The
mother quickly and firmly said no, absolutely not. Reynerios family has gone
downhill since his death. They recounted a story about an initiation done in
the house of a descendent of Reynerio. It was a travesty: why, they even permit-
ted a film crew from a cultural research center to come in and film everything,
even secret rituals reserved for santeros only! They were so shocked at the
ritual violations that they have since turned down invitations to witness or
participate in other ceremonies there.
Later in the conversation, they jointly told another story, in which a ba-
balawo who had for years committed blatant ritual violations fell sick. Not
one santero visited him in the hospital, nor did anyone step forward when he
passed away to conduct the necessary funerary rites (ituto) for santeros and
babalawos. Cut ritual corners, disrespect the religion, and die a sorry death,
they grimly concluded.
Our conversation mingled gossip, evaluations of ceremonies and santeros,
and critiques of everyone outside of this family. Such sessions were quite
typical among santeros sitting together while visiting, planning a future cer-
emony, or waiting for a current ceremony to begin or end. They often began
with the equivalent of someone bemoaning how the religion was going to
hell in a handbag and they often concluded with participants agreeing that
they were among the few santeros left who really respected the religion. Since
many sessions of critique, like the one recounted above, took place among
members of a particular ritual lineage, their other most common conclusion
was that their lineage did things correctly and was therefore deserving of its
While such conversations might seem quite distant from formal ritual
speech practices examined in the previous chapters, they are in fact often quite
closely linked. Indeed, ritual performances like Albertos consultation for me
in chapter 6 or Yemays appearance at the tambor in chapter 5 often provoke
reflective discourses in the form of retellings, critiques, and so forth. A ritual
is like the pebble landing in water that produces a ripple of commentary, a
transfer of its sacred episteme and message into nonritual discourse on non-
ritual occasions. Among Santiagos santeros, reflective discourses on rituals
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 169
may simply report on what happened, but more often recountings come with
a point. Santeros frequently critique rituals in which they have participated.
Often these critiques merge into ongoing disagreements or even provoke con-
troversies. On such occasions, the ripples of initial commentary may produce
additional ripples, as discussions continue, referring back to what has already
been said, as well as to the original ritual itself. Of course, the ripple metaphor
assumes that a ritual is in itself an isolated, originary event. It would be more
accurate to think of rituals as occurring in a matrix of overlapping discourses
(the pond surface in a rainstorm), some of which promote cohesion and some
of which fuel tensions and controversies among individuals and subgroups
within the community. In short, controversy, as much as consensus, may make
the religious community tangible.
In this chapter, I zero in on how ritual events provoke critique and contro-
versy, as well as consensus, and how critique and controversy serve as engines
of religious community. How can it be that everything does not simply fly
apart, given that religious participants may pursue individual agendas and at
the same time be suspicious of other participants agendas? First of all, some
aspects of rituals and other religious activities function to bring participants
together, whether to forge consensus or reinforce hierarchy and respect for the
Regla. In addition, controversies about religious activities themselves require
some basis of agreement about what, exactly, is in dispute. That is to say that
religious community emerges as that (ever-changing) group of people who
participate not only in the same rituals, but also in the same reflective discours-
esthe same disputesabout those rituals. For our purposes, controversies
suggest the outlines, or at least give a sense of the center of, particular com-
munities, even while pointing out fissures within a community. The center
or core of the community, as such, consists of those who are most enmeshed
in rituals and the reflective discourses they provoke.
Two examples developed in the chapter, one quite typical and one extraor-
dinary, reveal how after-the-fact commentaries draw upon, even echo, ritual
speech, and how, in referring back to what was said and done in rituals, cri-
tiques actually advance both a sense of community and a degree of consensus
about what it means to be a member of the religious community of Santera.
In previous chapters I have described how santeros approach rituals with an
odd combination of high expectation that the orichas will communicate clearly
and powerfully and with skepticism about most other santeros motives and
ritual abilities. These two somewhat conflicting tendencies come together in
santeros close attention to ritual detail.
170 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Indeed, the elaborate and expensive week-long initiation ceremonies bear all
the marks of classic rites of passage: the initiate is removed from his or her
ordinary context and, under the control of his or her godparents and the of-
ficiating santero or oriat, lives for a week in a space circumscribed by the mats
that make up the altar space. The initiate is stripped of clothes, bathed, shaved,
re-dressed entirely in white, and even renamed, all as part of a process of spiri-
tual purification.3 For the rest of the ceremony and, indeed, for the entire year
to follow, the initiate must wear only white clothes, must keep his or her head
covered, and must answer only to the special Lucum name for new initiate,
Throughout the initiation ceremonies, parts of the religious community are
brought into contact with the iyaw, so that at the same time that the iyaw is
being incorporated into the religious community as a godchild of a particular
lineage, the religious community is reincorporating itself: the lineage members
come together to participate, as do other invited santeros. Some rituals during
initiation allow the community of participating santeros to shape the iyaws
new identity as a santero.
Others present the iyaw to the broader religious community, cementing his
or her new religious identity. An example of the latter is the Day of Presenta-
tion, in which the iyaw is dressed in a specially made outfit akin to a wedding
dress in that it will be worn only on this one day. The outfit, always in the colors
and style of the iyaws principal oricha, will be saved so that when the iyaw
someday dies, the outfit will be buried with him.5 On the Day of Presentation,
the iyaw sits on the altar receiving visitors, who in turn salute their saints and
leave an offering of money and perhaps some advice for the iyaw.
A crucial example of the former ceremony where the community shapes the
iyaws new identity occurs the morning following the Day of Presentation on
the Day of It.6 The It is a special divination ceremony in which an oriat, or
officiating priest, throws the cowrie shells for each of the orichas whom the
iyaw has received. That is, in addition to the iyaws own principal oricha, he
or she will, at a minimum, receive the orichas known as the Guerreros or War-
riors (including Eleggua, Ogn, and Ochos) and those known as the Corte or
Court (including Yemay, Chang, Ochn, Obatal, and Oy). All of these ori-
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 173
chas will speak to the iyaw during the It divination, in order to give advice,
warnings, prohibitions, and encouragements. As santeros like to explain, the
It sets down the regulations according to which the iyaw must now live. The
regulations form an individualized Regla that will continually remind the new
initiate to respect and obey the orichas. Certain foods, drinks, and behaviors
will be forbidden: Perhaps the iyaw may no longer eat goat or squash or drink
dark beverages like coffee or Coke; Perhaps he may no longer be permitted to
wear black clothes or drink alcohol or fight with his spouse; Perhaps she should
beware of going out in groups of three or more and must take care of her vision
lest she develop a problem. The prohibitions and warnings may range from the
utterly mundane to the most dramatic, as when Emilio was told in his It that
a grave was open for him or a family member (see chapter 1).
The It ceremony requires the presence of a number of witnessing santeros
beyond the oriat, iyaw, and the two godparents. The oriat (also called the
italero) runs the It, which means that he leads the liturgy, throws the cow-
ries, and interprets the results. Other santeros, especially the principal godpar-
ent, may also contribute their interpretations of the divination results. While
it is from santeros mouths that the advice and rules for the iyaw are uttered,
santeros credit themselves (or each other) only with inspired interpretation.
It is the orichas themselves who send the advice and dictate the rules when
they speak through their cowries. Thus, while santeros overt metapragmatic
understanding of It is that the orichas speak directly to the iyaw, their
practice of It implicitly emphasizes the importance of religious community
participation in the ritual as witnesses to and mediators of the orichas will.
Ritual hierarchy
In their cumulative effects, the ceremonies of initiation establish a clear bound-
ary between before and after and between santeros and everyone else. Santeros
have a number of Lucum terms for themselves, as individual santeros or as a
community: oloricha, omo oricha, iguoro. There is also a Lucum term for non-
initiates: aleyo. While the word refers to any religious outsider, santeros typi-
cally use it to refer to noninitiates who are present in a ceremony. For example,
I have heard frustrated santeros attempt to control a rowdy tambor by holler-
ing that all aleyos must leave the room to make room for santeros to dance
close to the drums. Thus, being designated an aleyo already moves a person out
of the general population and into a contrastive position with santeros around
the pivot point of initiation.
Becoming a santero means joining a ritual lineage and family as the most
174 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
junior member. Only with time and, perhaps, after initiating ones own god-
children, does one gain status, including the designation of babalocha or iya-
locha, father-of-the-oricha or mother-of-the-oricha. A few santerosmen
onlymove even higher up the ladder of ritual status by completing other
rituals and developing special expertise as officiating priests, whom santeros
refer to by any of three interchangeable Lucum titles: oriat, italero, obb.7 The
second term, italero, is a hispanicization of It meaning one who does It,
which is indeed one of the duties of the officiating priest. One final layer of
ritual authority is represented by those men initiated as babalawos, priests who
master the complex system of If divination. Babalawos comprise a relatively
autonomous caste of priests, since some are initiated without first becoming
santeros, and since they perform their rituals and maintain their lineages sepa-
rately from santeros (D. H. Brown 2003, Dianteill 2000).
Whether santero or babalawo, a priest gains seniority over time and with
increased status according to his standing among other santeros. A santeros
standing generally improves with more godchildren and more ritual expertise.
Upon dying the santero joins the ancestors, to be invoked by descendants of
his lineage. A few exceptional individuals, especially those who initiated large
numbers of godchildren, will be invoked by many santeros across multiple lin-
eages. Since the orichas are, in some sense, understood to be deified ancestors,
all santeros can, in theory at least, approach the asymptote of divinity. Figure
7.1 places all of the roles described along a single continuum where the arrows
move from aleyo across the boundary of initiation to ever more senior ritual
status, then across the boundary of death toward divinity.
By connecting these ritual roles with arrows, I suggest that the ritual hi-
erarchy is also a ladder of sorts, a progression one follows to get closer to the
authority of the deities. In practice, a santero may also gain ritual authority by
filling in the ranks behind him with godchildren who will seek out his advice
and expertise. These same godchildren will someday, ideally, keep the santeros
memory alive by invoking his or her name in the moyub. One very senior
santera I interviewed who is getting older frequently voiced her concern about
how she would be remembered by wondering aloud whether anyone would
bother to moyubar or pay homage to her.
As I described above for the It divination, more senior santeros mediate
ritual communications between the orichas and more junior religious partici-
pants. This principle of mediation is also apparent in how santeros first placate
the ancestors before communicating, in words or offerings, with the orichas.
The orichas, in turn, are the ultimate arbiters between humans and Almighty
God, known in Santera as Olofi.
In this overview of ritual kinship, I have described how santeros organize
an idealized ritual hierarchy of roles across which individuals seek to move
ever closer to the divine. I hasten to caution that my various descriptions and
diagrams of ritual kinship and hierarchy should be taken as abstractions, ar-
ticulated by santeros, as well as by the anthropologist, who precipitate them out
of all the activities through which santeros create and reinforce social bonds.
I have briefly indicated some of the ways santeros come together as a moral
community to initiate new members, while simultaneously reinforcing their
own lineages and alliancesin other words, how the moral community is or-
ganized in part through normative ritual activity. The next sections examine
two cases in which tensions over who has claim to a potential new initiate play
out during It divinations. My goal is to show how the schema of ritual hier-
archy I have outlined also gets enacted through critique and controversy, such
that these activities, too, organize the moral community of Santera.
The It divination
In the course of my fieldwork, I was frequently invited to various iyaws
presentation days, although most of the other rituals of initiation are secret
and closed to aleyos. Once, however, I was invited to attend an It divination.
Emilio and I had gone to pay our respects to an iyaw Emilios friend Roberto
was initiating on his Day of Presentation. To my surprise, Roberto invited us
both to return the following morning for the It divination. As we left, Emilio
explained to me that he thought that Roberto had made an exception because
he assumed I would soon be initiated myself. I might have been an aleyo, but I
was close to crossing that boundary, and perhaps needed only a small push. As
it turned out, Robertos It ceremony provided a push of sorts. It also exposed
the ways in which introducing new members reinforces the existing moral
176 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
community, not least by providing the lens through which to reflect upon the
Regla that santeros revere in common.
I only briefly describe the events of the It, which I was not allowed to record.
I will instead focus on how Emilio and I later discussed those events. Emilio
engaged in exactly the sort of critical commentary on Robertos ceremony that
is so prevalent among santeros. He detected many ritual errors, some of which
he found quite shocking. At the same time, he reiterated his respect for Ro-
berto, who had been initiated since childhood and was well respected among
santeros in Santiago and elsewhere on the island. Months later, Emilio revisited
his critiques of Robertos ceremony with his godparents when we visited them,
and on another occasion he brought them up with his godfathers ayugbona
(assistant godmother). All three elders agreed with Emilios assessment.
In discussing Emilios critiques of Roberto, I would like to focus on what
Emilio accomplished by making his critiquefirst with me and then with his
godparents and his grandmother in the saint. Much of his critique of Roberto
invoked normative notions of the role of religious community in an initiation,
especially the adherence to hierarchy and inclusion of proper witnesses. He
made his critiques before an audience of his own ritual lineage, and his cri-
tiques served to reinforce the ritual ties binding this lineage and to advance
claims about its propriety.
Aleyo goddaughterSanteroGodparentsGrandmother in saint
Kristina Emilio Teodoro & Tania Mara
Despite all that Emilios critiques did accomplish, they did not and could
not pass a certain point, because he did not have any evidence that the orichas
were displeased with Roberto. His unwillingness to second-guess the orichas
(even as he critiqued the santero) was perhaps the most telling evidence Emilio
presented that he lives correctly as a santero who obeys the Regla.
When Emilio and I arrived at Robertos on the day of the It, Roberto, the
iyaw, and a few other santeros were waiting for us. The iyaw was a young
man, barely twenty, who had traveled from Havana to undergo initiation with
Roberto. After some preliminary rituals, the It divination itself began when
we all gathered around Roberto, who sat on a mat in his living room, with all
of the plates of the different saints the iyaw had received sitting lined up next
to him. Each plate had on it the cowrie shells that would allow that oricha to
speak. The shells still bore the traces of blood and herbs from having been ritu-
ally fed the previous day. Offerings of sacred herbs, animals, and other valued
substances made to the orichas are necessary to activate the ach or sacred
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 177
energy of the cowries so that they will speak. As the It proceeded, Roberto
had each set of cowries brought to him in turn to conduct a divination for that
oricha: Eleggua, Obatal, Oy, Yemay, Chang, and finally Ochn, who was
the iyaws principal oricha. For each set of cowries, the iyaw was brought
forward from where he sat at the far end of the mat to sit before Roberto, who
threw and interpreted them on the iyaws behalf. A young santero sitting to
the side somewhat lackadaisically recorded the divination results and Robertos
advice in a notebook, the iyaws notebook of the saint.
As Roberto began to interpret the results from the first oricha, Eleggua, he
warned the iyaw to stay on the straight and narrow and to avoid partying. He
also spoke of the iyaws mother, whose dissolute example he must not follow.
Tears sprang to the iyaws eyes, and he nodded furiously throughout all that
Roberto said. Later, during the lunch that followed the It ceremony, the iyaw
told me that everything that had been said was the truth and that he had never
told Roberto anything about his life or family beforehand. I believed it, given
that Roberto did not even know the iyaws name when I later asked him for it.
During the course of the divination for Obatal, Roberto looked up from
one throw of the cowries, an osogbo or bad letter, to pronounce that some-
one in the room would have to be initiated. The santeros looked around at
each other, then all looked at me, obviously the only noninitiate in the room.
I would have to undergo initiation, Roberto explained to Emilio and me. I
would also have to receive the Warriors very soon and also receive Olokun, all
because of problems associated with travel and with my family. He did not go
into any more detail, instead returning to the divination for the iyaw.
godparent should have been present for the entire It, when instead she had
come in quite late. She should have had the responsibility of writing down the
It results in the notebook, a job which instead went to a rather bored young
santero who barely wrote down anything. He then summed up his critique
thus far:
14 E: That is, that we could see (1 second) that there were several viola-
tions. That one is the second, that is, that there were not many wit-
Those who did participate as witnesses were all godchildren of Roberto and
thus were unlikely to criticize him. When a lineage adds new members, sante-
ros from other lineages serve as witnesses for the entire moral community that
rituals are done correctly and that the new initiate is legitimate.9
Roberto and his godchildren, in contrast, were too informal about every-
thing. Emilio went on to point out that the young ayugbona was herself still an
iyaw. She was still completing her first year of being a santero and was thus
too young to give birth to another santero yet. He reminded me that the
iyaw must complete one full year from initiation before becoming an oloricha.
Only then could a santero be godparent to a new iyaw.
Emilio then brought up yet another violation: he had noticed only a few
animal hides in the yard, whereas a typical initiation required a dozen animals
or so. When we had come for the Day of Presentation and been offered food
of the saint prepared from the offerings, there had been only a few dishes.
These observations suggested to Emilio that the iyaw had not made all the
required offerings. Another thing wrong was that Roberto had not been paying
his godchildren their derechos, fees, for performing various tasks during the
It, a few coins or peso notes which the oriat usually hands out throughout the
ceremony. It looked as if Roberto were cutting corners; Emilio suggested that
Roberto had been trying to help the iyaw save some money, perhaps because
of his urgent need to undergo initiation. And such a young man, barely twenty
years old, would surely find it difficult to scrape together the thousands of
pesos needed for all the expenses of an initiation. By using only his own god-
children as participants, Roberto might have been simply saving the iyaws
money. While this motive was not as morally suspect as outright commercial-
ization of the religion, the glaring fact of the ritual errors remained.
Note that in all of Emilios critiques thus far, he has positioned himself in
the evidentiary stance of a witness: he continually references what we saw or
did not see as the basis for his ability to critique Robertos ceremonies. This
180 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
stance becomes even more important in the final critiques he offers. A few
minutes later, after recounting an incident from his own initiation in which
his godfather made a ritual error with serious consequences, Emilio returns
to critiquing Robertos ceremony, this time speculating on a ritual we had not
been present to see. I present the transcript here in much greater detail than
above for two reasons: first, Emilio offers herein his most devastating critique
of Roberto, and second, there are important implications of this critique for
our relationship as godfather and goddaughter, implications embedded in the
subtleties of our discursive positioning.
15 E: I did not participate . . . I dont know how they would do the masses.
16 That is, the ebb de entrada (sacrifice of entrance), I dont know how it
17 I can not give an opinion because. we were not there.
18 KW: Hmm
19: E: But it seems that it was correct. (1.5 seconds) Why?
20 Because at any rate when the saint is not beingis not coming out well,
the dead spirit stalls,
21 it doesnt permit them to continue the ceremony, it provokes some ac-
22 some incident and it does not permit the ceremony to continue.
23 KW: Uhm-hm
24 E: For this reason I say that he must have explained everything very
In his speculations, Emilio takes the footing of a witness to events. He first
emphasizes that he cannot comment on the misa, the spiritual mass for the
dead, or the ebb de entrada, the first stage of initiation in which a divination
decides the iyaws principal oricha, because he was not present. But he then
goes on to consider indirect evidence: during the It he did witness, he saw no
problems. I know from many other occasions and conversations what Emilio
means by problems coming up or accidents happening: perhaps an animal
dies before it can be offered or the police show up and demand to see a permit,
disrupting proceedings by carting everyone off to the police station. Or per-
haps a bad divination result keeps coming up, forcing the santeros to deal with
its implications before proceeding. In his comments in lines 2022, Emilio
focuses on the cause of such an incident or accident: the spirits of the dead stir
up a problem in order to register displeasure about earlier ritual errors or omis-
sions. Note that Emilio pairs the deads potential to provoke an accident with
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 181
believed into his interpretation of the cowries. To put plainly what Emilio has
only hinted, Roberto at best misread and at worst faked divination results, see-
ing what he wanted to see in the divination signs. Without lingering, Emilio
then switched from the topic to a futile search for a scrap of paper on which
Roberto had written down what I needed to do, lo que te sali or what came
out for you, as Emilio put it. His critique made, he then launched directly into
a lecture on the angareo ceremony.
of his critique of Roberto when we were with other, more senior members of
his ritual lineage. The day after our own conversation, Emilio brought up his
concerns about Robertos ritual errors with his godparents, Teodoro and Tania.
He had brought me to their home that day to have Teodoro do a consultation
for me. The results did not in any way echo Robertos call for me to undergo ini-
tiation, which Emilio told me confirmed his suspicions about Robertos results.
What did come up in Teodoros divination was the repeated warning that I not
go off with just anybody to participate in rituals. Emilio looked at me signifi-
cantly each time, knowing as he did that I followed up every possible lead in
my fieldwork. Afterward, Emilio had Teodoro and Tania sit down in the living
room to listen to his account of Robertos many ritual violations. Shocked, they
agreed that each of the critiques he made was valid: the initiation had been rid-
den with violations. Emilio had his godparents validation to back him up in
his critiques. He had demonstrated his conscientiousness before them and me.
Teodoros divination results for me implicitly confirmed that Robertos results
had been false and that I should not stray from Emilios lineage. At a different
level, and most significantly for my argument, Emilio brought his ritual fam-
ily together to reinforce their sense of being knowledgeable and respectful in
contrast to someone outside the lineage, who was sloppy and disrespectful
of ritual rules. Just like the santero family in the chapters opening anecdote,
Emilio and his ritual kin sat critiquing everyone else and promoting their own
religious propriety, thereby reinforcing their lineage as the core of their moral
community. Note, however, that santeros are only in a position to make such
critiques to the extent that they continue to participate in and witness rituals
held by others.
Emilio recounted Robertos ceremony on at least two other occasions half
a year later. Both were interviews I recorded with him and two different se-
nior santeras he counted in his ritual lineage. One was Teodoros godmother
(and so Emilios grandmother-in-saint) and the other had been a major par-
ticipant in Emilios initiation ceremony, even though she was not actually his
godmother.15 On both occasions, Emilio brought up Roberto by name and
recounted two or three of his ritual errors, receiving the santeras vigorous
agreement that Roberto had committed serious violations. Once again, a cri-
tique of Robertos ritual violations fueled a discussion of the Regla and their
own allegiance to it.
This story of how Emilio critiqued Robertos ritual performance cannot do
more than suggest what effects his critiques have had over time. Nor is there
any evidence that Emilios critiques ever made it back around to Roberto (al-
186 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
though if he continues to share his opinions with people, the religious commu-
nity is intimate enough that Roberto will probably hear something eventually).
The second and final case study of the chapter focuses on the broader effects
of circulating evaluations, appraisals, and critiques of rituals and their par-
ticipants to show how critiques, paradoxically, create community even as they
establish competing factions. Emilios critiques are extraordinarily ordinary: I
cannot count the number of times I heard santeros critique other santeros. It
was especially common for santeros within a single ritual lineage or family to
disparage other lineages, in particular or in general, for una falta de respeto
(a lack of respect) of the religion. In doing so, those present reinforced their
own sense of being in a superior lineage.
When foreign aleyos like me were added into the mix, the critiques often
became even more volatile, as santeros accused other santeros of initiating
foreigners for profit. Below I explore how the charge of commercializing the
religion (the ultimate act of disrespect) played out as the ultimate challenge to
another santeros claims to religious propriety.
In any case, I attended his very festive Day of Presentation one afternoon,
then returned the next morning hoping that my santero friend had succeeded
in convincing his godfather to let me sit in on the It. All initiation ceremonies
were being held at the house next door to where the godparents lived. The
houses living room had been taken over as the cuarto de santo or room of
the saint, the sacred space in which the altar with its living space for the iyaw
was set up and where most of the rituals would be performed. Outside in the
large courtyard, the place was abustle. Along the walls hung the hides of any
number of goats, sheep, and other animals sacrificed the previous day to the
iyaws new saints. There was even a tortoise shell. A small army of santeras
commanded the outdoor kitchen. At least a dozen other santeros and santeras
milled about, chatting. Many of them had been levantado (raised) to serve as
witnesses during the It divination. Among them I recognized several senior
santeras. An oriat, or officiating priest, had been hired to perform the ac-
tual It in which each of the iyaws saints would speak directly to the iyaw
through its cowrie shells. One of the raised santeros would be charged with
recording the divination results and the specific advice of each saint in a special
notebook for the new initiate and his godparents.
After the initial, secret ceremonies of the morning got under way inside,
those present reassembled outside to participate in a ritual invocation of Olo-
run, understood to be the sun in Santera.17 During this ritual, called the an-
gareo, Pedro, the babalawo-godfather of the Dutch iyaw, arrived. Afterward,
all the santeros filed inside for the It, and Pedro followed. I waited outside
until my friend emerged to tell me that I would not be allowed to enter because
I was not initiated. I remained outside in the courtyard for awhile, hoping that
I might chat with someone in the kitchen. For this reason, I was still there
when the first controversy erupted. Voices were suddenly raised inside, then
Pedro the babalawo emerged, looking very disgruntled. Inside, the oriat had
noticed his presence and interrupted his invocatory prayers to question why
he was there. Although Pedro was a babalawo, the oriat insisted to the as-
sembled santeros that he could not stay, because he had never been initiated as
a santero. If Pedro wanted to hear the It, he could sit outside the room and do
his best to listen in, but more. Pedro left in a huff and joined me outside, where
we could just barely hear what happened next.
According to a transcription I made from someone elses tape recording
inside the room, the oriat proceeded with the divination for a minute or so,
then interrupted himself a second time to castigate the other santeros, saying:
You know that it is permitted when it is a relative in the saint, but other-
188 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
wise it cannot be. (16 seconds) You people have to learn, gentlemen.18 An-
other santero spoke up in defense of the santera who had apparently invited
Pedro to come in: Juana knows. What happened is that she respects him.
This exchange prompted a brief general discussion among the participants,
which the oriat cut off by pointing out that babalawos never would let sante-
ros into their sacred room during their rituals: We santeros cannot enter into
the room of Orunmila (oricha of babalawos) for anything. . . . In the same
way the room of the saint has to be respected. This imbalance, wherein often
young, twenty-something babalawos pulled rank on even senior santeros by
denying them entrance to the proceedings of their ceremonies was a sore spot
for many santeros, especially senior santeros such as the oriat and several of
the older santeras present. Now they were repaying the insult by demanding
equal respect for their rituals. They banned Pedro because he had skipped over
the step of being initiated as a santero before becoming a babalawo, a sort of
social climbing that also rankled senior santeros.
Pedro stomped angrily around outside for a few minutes, trying to hear
what was being said inside, then left in a huff. When a friend and I met up with
him a week later to visit a ceremony for babalawos, he told us as we walked
that he had had every right to be present as the godfather in If of the Dutch
iyaw. That is, when the oriat declared that only a relative in the saint could
be present in the It, he was splitting hairs in not considering Pedros role to
count. It was apparent to everyone I talked with later, whether present or not,
that the oriat had been reacting to a perceived lack of respect from babalawos
in the city toward santeros. On this all agreed, differing only in whether they
saw the oriats reaction against Pedros presence as justified or not.
divination by giving the client, or in this case the iyaw, two objects to hide in
his hands (all such objects are known as ibo or ib). The oriat casts the cowries
once or twice, depending upon the first letter he gets, and this sign determines
whether he asks to see the iyaws right or left hand. If the chosen hand holds
the large snail shell, the answer is Yes. If the small, dark pebble is revealed
instead, then the answer is No. Those assembled occasionally declare yes or
no aloud when they see the object, thereby translating the chosen object into
a verbal response from the oricha.
In any case, after the suspenseful process of deciding that it was Eleggua
who was angry at the owner of the house, the oriat suggested that the problem
must have arisen during the matanza or killing ceremony of the animals that
he had missed the previous day. He suggested that the Eleggua of the house had
been neglected during the offerings, and that this made Eleggua uncomfort-
able. At this, the woman who owned the house asked the oriats permission
to speak and suggested that something had happened: during the matanza, an
unspecified theythose officiatinghad neglected to feed and cleanse her
Eleggua in its place behind the door. At this, the oriat began to fume:
1 Oriat: But look, thank God and Eleggua and all the saints
2 Thank God and Eleggua and all the saints that I left,
3 because all the atrocities that (you/they) say that (you/they) did here,
get out, I would have had to take out a gun and shoot myself.
4 I would have had to take out a gun and shoot myself,
5 because that I do not understand and I do not want to talk more
6 lest people take offense.19
The oriats furious outburst does not make clear who he is blaming for the
ritual lapses. From his elision of the subjects of say and do in line 3, he could
be holding the assembled santeros or other parties responsible. In the acrimo-
nious debate that followed, the defensive responses of the owner of the house,
my friends godfather, and the oriats own godmother, a very senior santera,
suggest that they felt that the oriat was holding them responsible at least in
part for violating the Regla and offending the Eleggua of the borrowed house.
But the other responsible parties were not present to defend themselvesin-
deed, I understood that the babalawos were involved in the error of overlook-
ing the houses Eleggua only when my friend, reviewing the transcript with me,
Now [the oriat] begins to make a complete analysis, because it hap-
pens that when the matanza was doneas it is an outside house, see, that
190 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
the house does not belong to my godfather or anything. They made the
saint in a house. When the babalawos made the offerings of food [to the
saints], they did not feed the Eleggua of the house. So thats where the
problem comes, because everyone is asking themselves where the Eleg-
gua was fed, and so from there a complete argument about that problem
[starts], because if the babalawos did it badly, because if they did it like
this, what do I know? From there it sheds light on another thing, that you
are going to hear all this debate [about].20
It transpired that the oriat had left the matanza ceremony because Pedro
and a group of his fellow babalawos had come to participate. By virtue of be-
ing babalawos, they were senior to all the santeros present and so, apparently,
had taken over running the ceremony. When I suggested to my friend that the
babalawos had forgotten to feed the Eleggua of the house, he retorted: Its not
that they forgot, its that the babalawos, when they did not become initiated as
santeros, dont know!
Here too, bad feelings between santeros and babalawos in the city un-
derlay the controversies infecting these ritual events. Santeros felt that the
babalawos, even the young and inexperienced ones, condescended to them
even though they actually knew very little about rituals. Indeed, they had
blundered badly enough in this case to offend an oricha by making a mistake
that, the santeros implied, no one properly initiated as a santero would ever
What is interesting about this moment of critique is that it occurred during
a ritual and referred to an earlier ritual in the same initiation ceremony. While
there was nothing sacred about the nasty finger-pointing that ensued after
the oriats furious comment (which I will spare my readers), these arguments
fed directly into the interpretation of the bad sign during the It divination. In-
deed, when the oriat was finally able to get a word in edgewise, he seamlessly
began to give the owner of the house his interpretation of her bad sign, explain-
ing that in that sign Eleggua comes telling you warnings about upcoming
problems and ways to protect herself and undo the damage. But let us reexam-
ine how these pointed critiques of a previous ritual came up to begin with. The
oriat arrived at his initial suggestion that Eleggua had been neglected during
the matanza only after a bad sign came up and only after he had taken further
steps to define the source and target of the bad sign. Any Santera practitioner
would quickly point out that it was the saints themselves who were bringing up
the problem, explaining such a situation by saying that ritual errors are bound
to have consequences by coming up in the divination.
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 191
Nor was this the end of the santeros critique of the babalawos. But before
proceeding to act 3 of the Dutch iyaws It, I wish to compare the first two
instances of critique that arose within the ritual. First, the oriat took it upon
himself, as the officiating priest, to throw out Pedro the babalawo because he
was not initiated as a santero. His justification was that it was incumbent on
him, as the senior priest, to avoid violating the Regla by having a noninitiate
present at a secret ceremony. The oriat couched his comments as a critique
of the santeros present for allowing Pedro in. Throwing out Pedro opened up
a discussion in which the oriat aired the santeros grievances against the ba-
balawos, who did not respect them and therefore did not respect the Regla
de Ocha. In the second event, the saints, via the cowrie divination, were the
arbiters who pointed out a ritual error. The oriat merely interpreted their mes-
sage, which again led to his initial critique of the other santeros (namely the
iyaws godfather and the oriats godmother), who then fought it out among
themselves about who was responsible for allowing the babalawos to skip feed-
ing the Eleggua.
These examples show how important critique is, not only when it happens
after the fact as commentary on a ritual, but when it becomes part of the ritual
itself and thus gains additional moral authority from the ritual context and
the presiding orichas. Even as things seem to be flying apart, the santeros who
gathered for this It ritual are negotiating and co-constructing the boundar-
ies and norms that unite them as a moral community. The babalawos, in the
santeros retelling of events, are portrayed as an arrogant, ignorant, and disre-
spectful out-group against which the assembled santeros define themselves as
the truly religious followers of the Regla.
divining Elegguas answer, saying: Here is the ib. This one says Yes, look at
it, that one says Yes, (unclear) that (other) one says No.22
Since, during the course of the previous hour, he had used the shell and
pebble in this standard way dozens of times, pointing out the yes-no possibili-
ties to the assembled santeros before the question had been asked carried a
special significance. The oriat was, in essence, stating for the record that it was
the saints who would answer through these divination objects, not him. Dis-
claiming responsibility in this dramatic way made an impression great enough
for my santero friend to clearly recall the moment two years later. The oriat
then handed the shell and pebble to the iyaw to hide in his palms and threw
the cowries, leading the crowd in the Lucum call and response:
Oriat: Ochareo!
Santeros: Adach!
Oriat: Ochareo!
Santeros: Adach!
We can imagine that all leaned forward to watch, as the oriat counted the
face-up cowries and declared, Obbara, six face up, then tossed them again to
produce Ogunda, three face up. Silently, he indicated which hand the iyaw
was to open (it would have been the right hand for this sign, 63), and then,
showing what must have been the pebble all around, he asked, Is that clear?
Ten seconds of silence passed, then he added:
Oriat: I dont say this, Eleggua said it, got it? And (unclear) from his
hands. You can make what you will of that, ok? With that may
all ba binu with Olofi, Ochareo!23
With that, the oriat washed his hands of the matter, letting the godfather
decide how to respond to Elegguas no. Lapsing into the Lucum formula for
closing a divination, he drew a final Adach from the assembled santeros and
threw the cowries for the closing divination that ensured that the saints had
said all they wished to say.
the result, instead saying that the other participants should make their own
decision about what to do.
Why all the drama? By posing the question, the iyaws godfather in the
saint was challenging Pedros right to be his second godfather of If. Pedro
had already been kicked out of the ceremony. Now the godfather would have
to go to him and explain that a divination result had forbidden the iyaw
from initiating as a babalawo, not next week, not ever. He did go to tell Pe-
dro, who brought in other babalawos, and there were apparently a number
of visits back and forth between the santero participants and the babalawos.
Of course, Pedro and the other babalawos were furious. Wherever I went
during the next few weeks, I heard about the acrimony, the accusations of
impropriety from all sides. The topic came up spontaneously, whether I was
walking with two santeros or interviewing a babalawo or just sitting in the
kitchen with a santera friend who happened to be a close friend of the oriat
and had heard about the situation from him. Everyone, even santeros and
babalawos who had not been present for the It, had opinions about what
had happened. Those who had been present or who were directly involved,
like Pedro, had even stronger feelings. As my santero friend rather mildly
summed it up for me a month later: That was a huge problem afterward,
but a huge problem! Many problems, many arguments. That took about ten
or fifteen days of wrangling.
Amidst all the discussion, two positions solidified: that of the babalawos
and that of the santeros. The babalawos felt that the iyaws godfather had
no right to ask such a question. As Pedro explained to me and a sympathetic
santero friend one day while we were walking with him to another ceremony,
the matter had already been settled before the It, indeed before the santero
initiation had even begun. Pedro himself had already done an If divination
in which the result was that the Dutch iyaw would have to receive If. For
the other godfather to ask the question again during the It was incorrect, a
ritual violation even. Worse yet, Pedro couldnt be there to protest because
they had kicked him out. The other godfather was looking to start trouble,
he concluded.
The santeros, on the other hand, felt that the godfather was justified in pos-
ing the question, given all the trouble that the babalawos had already caused.
Why, just within the It ceremony, one uninitiated babalawo had to be re-
moved and their earlier ritual errors had offended an oricha and come back as
a bad sign on the house. Given these and other (usually unspecified) problems
the babalawos had caused, the godfather was right to seek to protect his god-
194 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
child by making sure the godchilds principal saint gave his blessing. When the
answer came back No, that only confirmed the godfathers suspicions. One
santero, a godchild of the Dutch iyaws godfather, pointed out to me one day
about a month later while I was interviewing him that the iyaws principal
saint, Eleggua, seldom allows his children to become babalawos for esoteric
reasons derived from and supported by various legends involving Eleggua and
Orunmila, the oricha of If divination.
Presented thus, both sides of the debate found support in ritual protocol
and religious doctrine for their positions. However, while each side clung to
its version of the moral high ground, they each lambasted the other side for
commercializing the religion. The babalawos sadly said that the godfather
in the saint was greedy and jealous, afraid to share a foreign godchild with
anyone else. He stole the iyaw away from Pedro by posing a faulty It ques-
tion that should never have been asked. The santeros accused the babalawos
of the very same pecuniary interest: hadnt the iyaw paid Pedro $1,000 (a
small fortune when Cubans were lucky to earn maybe $25 a month) for his If
initiation? And the babalawos didnt want to give the money back. Some said
that they had already spent some of it preparing for the initiation that never
happened. It was the babalawos who were out to steal away the iyaw and
make money off of him. Several santeros I spoke with echoed the critiques
the oriat had made during the It divination: these young men became ba-
balawos because they hoped to make lots of money charging exorbitant rates
for If divinations. The proof was that they were in too big a hurry to become
babalawos to be initiated as santeros first and really learn the religion. They
went straight to being initiated as babalawos and then thought they were
better than anyone else!
Round and round went the debate, braiding together religious error and
bald commercial interest. Two years later, when I revisited some of the same
santeros, they themselves brought up the situation and rehashed the old argu-
ments. Several new babalawos (and many new santeros) had been initiated
in the meantime, but the fault lines separating santero and babalawo had not
changed. What is fascinating about the debate, hinging as it did on criticizing
the other position for a lack of religious propriety, was that no one, not once,
questioned that Eleggua, when asked, had said No. It may or may not have
been wrong to ask the question, but no one would contradict what the saint
had answered. The Dutch iyaw, in the meantime, quietly accepted Eleggus
verdict. He went home without becoming a babalawo.
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 195
This story, which I have told at length, illustrates several more general points
about the role of rituals and of reflective discourses about rituals in the mak-
ing of religious community. This particular controversy, which served as a
lightning rod for deep-rooted concerns about babalawo-santero relations and
problems of commercialization, is perhaps unusual in its scale, but not atypi-
cal in its outlines. Like countless other less dramatic encounters, critiques, and
debates, the controversy over the Dutch iyaw throws into sharp relief both the
outlines of the religious community of Santera and the fissures within it. Par-
ticipation in the debate, even among those at several degrees of remove from
the actual ritual participants, indicates who is included in this particular moral
community. The positions taken in this controversy, and in other instances
of critique, gossip, and so forth, inevitably fall out along the lines separating
ritual lineages and distinguishing babalawos from santeros; but santeros and
babalawos alike, most of whom had not been present during the ritual itself,
were drawn into the discussions and were thereby clearly participating in a
common moral community.
The evidence in this and previous chapters illustrates that an essential part of
the dynamics of religious community in Santiago is wrapped up in competition
over prestige, deference, and recognition. The recognized markers of cultural
capital among members of this community are numerous godchildrenespe-
cially foreign godchildren, invitations to participate in numerous rituals, signs
that one is consulted by others for ones ritual knowledge, an ability to display
such ritual knowledge (as in speaking Lucum and knowing the ritual songs),
and even recognition by folkloric and other cultural and scholarly institutions
of the state, as described in chapter 3. Amid all of the individual strategizing,
alliance-building, self-advancement, and lineage-promotion that santeros (and
babalawos) find to be necessary to advance their religious capital, consider
more closely what it is that makes religious community. Throughout the chap-
ters, I have emphasized the crucial interrelationship between rituals and re-
flective discourse about rituals, especially because Santera does not have cen-
tralized institutions or membership rolls. It is through participation in rituals
and evaluations of rituals that santeros enter into a religious community. The
religious community consists of that unbounded and porous, but still recog-
nizable, group that comes together around a common set of religious practices,
including discursive practices. But that consensus is not stable: it is better char-
196 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
Matanza If initiation
Figure 7.2. Diagram of how moments in the It divination comment upon other
ritual and non-ritual events, past and future.
Building a Moral Community out of Critique and Controversy 197
godfather posed a question to the oracle about whether a future ritual could
occur, receiving a negative response.
Such ritual-internal commentary may be formal or informal to different de-
grees. Sometimes a participant may break from formula to enforce a particular
rule, as when the oriat declared that noninitiates could not stay. Sometimes
a critique arises out of divination results which prompt those assembled to
examine what rules or ritual details may have been neglected and to assign
blame. What have you done, and was it done correctly? What should you do
next? Of course, such commentary can and does happen outside of ritual as
well, whenever santeros assemble. But what makes rituals so important is that
they project the weight of moral authority. We have seen how ritual structures
of participation model proper relations with the divine, including an emphasis
on respect, divine causation, and attention to detail. Rituals perform sacred
communications and demonstrate patterns of sacred significance that partici-
pants may then apply to other life events. In rituals, the voices of the orichas are
established to be tangible: as tangible as the cowries, the Lucum invocations,
the divination signsall of which invoke the voice of the orichas. Rituals es-
tablish patterns of sacred significance by linking events into sequences of cause
and effect: A ritual error during one ceremony brings out a bad divination
result in a later ceremony. A piece of advice during a divination suggests how
a person should conduct themselves thereafter in life, with dire consequences
for failure to heed the advice.
The progression of ritual events diagramed in figure 7.2 also reminds us that
santeros agree in regarding the orichas as the final arbiters, to be consulted in
divinations and obeyed. Controversies like the one simmering between sante-
ros and babalawos in Santiago do tend to culminate (but not necessarily end)
with what the orichas have to say on the subject. Their word on things is taken
as final, or at least accorded the respect of never being directly challenged,
even if santeros sometimes find room for differing interpretations of the ori-
chas messages. How different this is from the skeptical stance santeros often
take with regard to each others religious activities and motives. And yet, it is
in santeros reflections on ritual performances and other religious activities,
in discursively sifting the sacred wheat from the chaff of human foibles and
interferences, that santeros construct their moral community.
The Promise
Desi Arnaz, costar of the 1950s television sitcom I Love Lucy, sang Margarita
Lecuonas song Babal as his signature tune. Babaloooo! his character,
Ricky Ricardo, would exclaim when something surprised or impressed him.
Born in Santiago de Cuba, Arnaz did what Cuban musicians and singers have
done before and since: he drew upon the Afro-Cuban cultural motifs that sur-
rounded him in his music and lyrics (Isabel Castellanos 1983). Unbeknownst
to the vast majority of his U.S. audience, Arnazs signature tune and trademark
interjection invoke the name of a fearsome oricha, Babal Ay, deity of leprosy
and other contagious diseases. Nor is Babal Ay the only oricha to find his
Conclusion: The Promise 199
way out of religions sacred sphere into popular song lyrics: Cuban popular
music has long been full of songs such as Que Viva Chang (Long Live
Chang) and Una Flor Para Ochn (A Flower for Ochn).1 The names of
these deities, like other elements of Lucum praise songsrhythms, phrases,
melodiesare cultural forms that circulate widely in Cuban society. Similarly,
bits of other rituals of the popular religious complex, like the Spiritist velorio
(mass for the dead) described in Babal, also get recirculated in nonreligious
contexts like popular song, although perhaps not to the extent that Santeras
emblems do. Sometimes their very presence conveys a sacred stance, but some-
times they are reinterpreted as folklore or superstition. Arnazs lyrics, with
their colloquial and even bozal inflections, caricature a poor, uneducated, and
superstitious Afro-Cuban man who offers a ritual to his santo, Babal, in hopes
of improving his circumstances. Although playfully rendered, the song por-
trays its characters religious stance as simpleminded and slightly ridiculous.
In doing so, it implicitly squeezes the sacred stance into a broader interpretive
frame that associates that kind of religiosity with that kind of social persona.
But this interpretive squeeze on the sacred is not the end of the story,
nor are manifestations of popular religiosity like Santera diminishing under
contact with the folkloric stance. Even when co-opted into other interpretive
frames, religious interpretations have a way of infiltrating along with the bor-
rowed cultural forms. Daniel (1995) and Hagedorn (2001) have documented
how folkloric drummers, singers, and dancers performing sacred rhythms,
songs, and dances of the orichas for tourists sometimes seem to allow the hi-
erophany of the music and movements to carry them away, blurring the lines
between sacred and folkloric stances. While Daniel reports on how a dance
troupes officers reprimand dancers for such slippages, Hagedorn describes a
more complicated interpenetration of the sacred and the folkloric (aligned with
what I describe in chapter 3) in which she argues that the combined intent of
performers and audience ultimately shapes the meaning of the performance.
The Cuban notion of doble moral should remind us that intent is neither clear
cut nor ever completely knowable. Nor is a performances meaning necessar-
ily fixed or unitary. I have shown that even when ritual participants share a
sacred stance, their interpretations of the ritual vary and even shift over time
with further reflection. Like santeros who critically analyze each ritual, we can
seek clues about a performances motivations and effects, clues we pursue by
reading into the stances and role alignments different participants take, both
as events unfold and later, with hindsight. Thus far, I have considered Arnazs
song only from the point of view of the singer, who takes a parodic position in
200 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
relation to the figure he animates in the lyrics. But Hagedorn reminds us that
the audience, too, has agency to accept or to challenge and reframe the implicit
framing of the performance.
I once witnessed Desi Arnazs popular number reclaimed and reframed
within the sacred stance in a startling way. A Cuban santero swore to me that
Desi Arnaz chose his signature tune to fulfill a promise he made to Babal
Ay back in Santiago in his youth. In Cuban popular religiosity, a promise is a
vow one makes to a particular deity or spirit in return for receiving that entitys
help in resolving some problem or achieving some goal. People may promise
the patron saint of Cuba, the Virgen de La Caridad del Cobre, that they will
visit her shrine in the town of El Cobre on her saints day. They may promise
Eleggua, an oricha sometimes portrayed as a child, that they will thank him
by having a party for all the children in the neighborhood. They may promise
the muerto who is their spiritual protector that they will throw a tambor every
year in his or her honor. As a general rule, the more desperate the plea, the
more grandiose the promise. Indeed, La Caridads shrine in El Cobre is filled
with relics left by grateful supplicants: crutches, war medals, photographs. And
pilgrims to the church of San Lzaro (identified with Babal Ay) in Rincn,
outside of Havana, may crawl the distance on his feast day, December 17th
(Ayorinde 2004: 127; Ramos, Orejuelos, and Gray 1995/1993). Desi Arnaz, ac-
cording to the story I was told, promised Babal Ay that he would dedicate a
song to him if the saint would help him become successful. Arnaz did achieve
fame, and so he chose his signature tune so as to praise and thank his saint on
the show.
The historical truth of this claim is obviously not my concern here. What
interests me is that a santero was proposing a sacred interpretation for a T.V.
sitcom song, in which the songs lyrics signal the singers dedication to a fear-
some and powerful oricha. Why else would a singer risk invoking the name of
Babal Ay, oricha of gruesome diseases? The logic makes sense only within a
framework in which deities names are powerful, songs are prayers that open
communications with the divine, and people make and keep promises to the
deities. In this interpretation, Arnaz was not voicing the words of a black
witch with ironic detachment but was taking on this religious persona in or-
der to covertly praise a saint or oricha. Doing so is, in fact, a well-worn trope in
Cuban popular music, in which the singer may well intend the song to praise
an oricha as well as to entertain the human audience. (Celina Gonzlezs Que
Viva Chang is one well-known example, as she was known to be a santera.)
By attaching the interpretation of promise to as catchy and well-known a
Conclusion: The Promise 201
cultural icon as Arnazs Babal, the santero was, whether aware of it or not,
promoting the further circulation of this genre of religious activity. The song,
in the santeros interpretation, stands as a comprobacin (proof) of Arnazs
religiosity and, less directly, of Babal Ays potency. Now that I, in turn, have
repeated the story, we see how well it worked. To fill in details that supple-
ment the santeros account, we know of Babal because Arnaz became fa-
mous, which, in the logic of the story, suggests that his promise worked. Who
knows what else we might reinterpret as a sign of a private act of bargaining
with Higher Powers! What else might be revealed as a promise? It seems that
the sacred can squeeze back!
are many aspects of Santera that I have not touched or have mentioned only
in passing en route to some other point, even though these may be primary in
other published descriptions (the pantheon of orichas and their patakines or
legends, the key rituals of initiation, the notion of ach and associated herbal
lore and sacrificial practices, and so forth). I have cited many other treatments
of Santera, from scholarly books that provide greater historical and folkloric
context, to scholarly and popular discussions of rituals and religious lore by
santeros themselves, to manuals for practitioners.2 Likewise, I have referred to
boundary-blurring practices across the popular religious complexdivination
techniques, bembs, initiation procedures, ritual kinship, liturgical registers of
speech, and performative genres like making a promisewithout dwelling
on all of the details of the standard distinctions made among the ostensibly
different religions.
My approach, in many ways, has mirrored my argument about the interplay
of experience and interpretation: I have on the one hand presented detailed
analyses of religious activity as I experienced and recorded it in my role as
participant-observer. On the other hand, I have sought to bring into focus
my own and other possible interpretive frames by asking how practitioners,
through religious activity, constitute Santera as a religion and themselves as a
moral community.
During a tambor ceremony I witnessed, the oricha Ochn had possessed a
young santero and was giving advice to another young santero who had spon-
sored the ceremony. This encounter between the divine presence of Ochn and
the young santero was mediated by an older santera who stood between them
and translated what Ochn was saying. The Lucum speech of the santero pos-
sessed by Ochn necessitated an experienced translator, a santera who could
give the message to its intended recipient. In that moment of ritual, the triad of
participants enacted the ritual hierarchy, with a more senior priest mediating
between the oricha and the recipient of her advice.
As their encounter proceeded, Ochn reminded the santero of all she had
done to help him, then asked whether he had completed what he was sup-
posed to do. After a few attempts at interpretation, aided by additional, cryptic
comments by the oricha, the translating santera was able to make this rather
vague question explicit: had he made a pilgrimage to the shrine at El Cobre?
He hadnt. Ochn and the translating santera then reminded him that he had
made a silent promise to do so. By claiming to know about this presumably se-
cret intention, and by calling it a promise, the descended oricha and the senior
santera proposed an emplotment of events that would reveal a sacred mean-
204 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
lest another, worse problem return. The promise as a genre takes on its own
circulation, as something we can apply to a situation in order to construe the
actors intentions in a religious sort of way. The promise, as a cultural act and
as a meaningful interpretive category, is about faith.
Enacting faith
Perhaps the most startling moment of my fieldwork was also the moment that
I most viscerally understood what a religious experience, a moment of deep
faith, might feel like. What an indelible image Graciela made: my seventy-
something hostess lay prone on the hard cement floor of her house before her
Eleggua and banged her forehead on the ground. Eleggua, please open the
way, she cried. Then she made him a promise.
Graciela did this on my behalf. My grandmother had died, and I had to in-
terrupt my fieldwork in Santiago de Cuba to attend the funeral. The trouble was
that it was Saturday and my husband and I had encountered a major obstacle
to getting to the funeral: we needed permission from Cuban Immigration to
leave, and we needed it before noon, when the office would close until Monday.
Without permission, we would miss our flightthe only one we had been able
to find on short notice that would get us out in time. Our host family mobilized
to help us. Gracielas son, Maceo, took my husband off to get the necessary pa-
pers and rush everything over to a friend of a friend in Immigrationa classic
case of Cuban socio-lismo, or drawing upon ones social network to circum-
vent the impenetrable Socialist bureaucracy. Meanwhile, Graciela sat with me,
nervously watching the clock. At 12:05 p.m., Maceo called to tell me that things
were still in process and gave me the cryptic message that Graciela should at-
tend to the thing at the door, meaning the Eleggua. A conical cement head
with cowrie shell eyes and mouth, Eleggua can be found behind the front door
of many Cuban households, often seated in or on a small wooden box, which
is his house (see figure 2.5). Eleggua is the oricha who opens and closes the
way, as Cubans say, the keeper of doors, crossroads, and journeys. When Gra-
ciela got Maceos message, she ran to light a candle for Eleggua, then lay on the
floor before him and performed her extraordinary supplication.
Maceo and my husband returned a while later with our exit permits in
hand, and everyone declared that it was a miracle, a literal miracle, that we
had run the gamut of Cuban bureaucracy in time. Gracielas young grandson,
as it happened, was celebrating his birthday later that afternoon, and Graciela
explained that she had promised Eleggua that she would turn the party into
206 Ritual, Discourse, and Community in Cuban Santera
a don de gracias (thanksgiving offering) to him for opening the way. Because
Eleggua is personified as, among other things, a small child, it would please
him if we invited all the neighborhood children to come share the birthday
The events of this extraordinary day were suffused with religious meanings,
with signs of divine intervention and human reliance upon it. Immersed as I
was in grief and desperation to reunite with my family, I came as close as I ever
have to experiencing events as a miracle of divine intervention. I felt immense
gratitude and relief as I handed cake out to some 20 children and their moth-
ers who crammed into the kitchen later that afternoon. The joyful, tearful faces
of Graciela and Maceo, in particular, suggested that they had lived the days
events as a religious experience.
Looking back on the day with the benefit of some distance, I still wonder
at the cultural forms of meaning-making through which events can become
religious experiences. Our success in getting exit visas in time was noteworthy,
but what made it miraculous was the religious activity surrounding it, namely
Gracielas acts of faith. Her dramatic way of getting Elegguas attention should
focus our attention on the plot she set in motion in that moment of making
a promise. By these means, our human efforts to get the exit visas became
contingent upon divine intervention. Our success obligated us to make our
return offering to Eleggua, which we did that same afternoon by adding a new
purpose to the birthday party. Such acts of faith originate in the deployment
of religious labels and genres like the promise and, whether successful or
not, become telling moments that generate further reflective discourse that
keeps religious participants focused on their search for communion with the
as flowers, and by the end of the number they had arranged themselves around
one dancer clad in an enormous, shimmering golden cape that rose behind her
in a sunburst. Emilio, who had joined me at my table after the opening, leaned
across to tell me that this number was his special don de gracias to Ochn for
giving him the opportunity to direct the cabaret production. I looked up again
at the stage and it hit me: Emilio had choreographed an altar to Ochn, com-
plete with an offering of flowers and a resplendent, golden Ochn herself at
the center (see figure 8.1). As much as secular stances of suspicion and folklore
might put a squeeze on the sacred, as much as santeros find themselves and
their traditions co-opted into folkloric and commercial ventures, the sacred
interpretive frame of Santera also has potential to circulate beyond the moral
community of practitioners and to make an appearance where one least ex-
pects it. Ach!
Figure 8.1. Tropicana dancers create a living altar to Ochn to fulfill the choreographers promise
to her.
Authors note. Translations from the original Spanish, French, or Yoruba are mine
unless otherwise indicated.
1. Emilio, recorded March 21, 2000, in Santiago de Cuba: Vaya! Yo tengo expe-
riencias increbles en el santo. Por eso yo creo tanto en mi santo. . . . Y respeto tanto,
porque son vivencias que uno ha tenido. (laughs, 2 seconds) Parece mentira, parece
cuento de Aladino.
2. All names are pseudonyms unless otherwise noted.
3. Some good entry points into this extensive literature are Bell (1992), Desjarlais
(1992), Drewal (1992), Hanks (1996), Keane (1997), Tambiah (1979), Turner (1967),
and Whitehead (1987). In addition, Bloch (1974), Briggs (1993), Feld (1982), Schief-
felin (1985), and Urban (1991, 1996) provide important discussions of how ritual
speech and song, in particular, both create and evoke metaphysical orders.
4. To use more Michael Silversteins more recent but abstruse terminology, rituals,
like any other sign-events, convey an intrinsic metapragmatic regimentation, or set
of semiotic clues to their own interpretation (1992: 7071; 1993). Because rituals are
so highly entextualized, which is to say easily recognized and replicated as cohesive
units, their metapragmatics may more readily be replicated in later events or even
transposed into other kinds of events, like narratives about ritual events.
5. Bakhtins (1981) classic work on voicing and dialogicality provides the original
insight motivating this sort of analysis.
6. Original Spanish text of Emilios narrative of the warning, recorded June 19,
1998, in Santiago de Cuba:
Emilio: No es fanatismo. No es fanatismo, es realidad porque yo no soy fantico.
Yo, s, tengo m-, y yo soy religioso y tengo mi creencia pero no soy fantico. Yo
te dije que cuando en It .. a m me sali, a m hubo que darme Olokun, urgente,
el da del It mo. O sea, el tercer da, cuando me dijeron todo eso dentro de las
cosas que me dijeron, me dijeron, el hoyo est abierto. El hoyo en el cement-
erio est abierto para uno de la familia. Y rpidamente, para salvar al iyaw, o
sea, para salvarme a m, haba que darme Olokun. Porque Olokn es muerto,
Olokn protege de los muertos. Como es muerto, protege de los muertos. O sea,
mi padrino tuvo que salir rpidamente a buscarme Olokn, hacer la ceremonia
en el mar, porque hacer la ceremonia en el mar lejsimo, a buscar todas la her-
ramientas, buscar todas las cosas, todos los pauelos de Olokn, todas las cosas y
darme Olokn para que el hoyo no estuviera abierto por m. Cuando hay un hoyo
abierto para la familia en el cementerio, porque alguien se va a morir. Cuando me
dieron Olokn, que buscaron todo rpidamente, todo, todo, todo, buscar la m-
quina, rpidamente, al mar, buscar todas las cosas. Eh, bueno. Salvamos al iyaw.
O sea, me salvaron a m. Ya no soy yo, pero ahora hubo alguien de la familia se
va, se iba a morir. Hay que investigar quien es y empezaron a preguntar, pero
no decan quien era. No dijo. El santo no dijo en ningn momento quien era.
Notes to Pages 1126 211
Es alguien de la familia, pero no dijo quien es. Y bueno, que decisin se tom?
Proteger a las personas de la familia que estuvieron ms enfermas, mi mam, mi
hermano Pedro, que siempre estaba enfermo, y un to mo, que siempre estaba,
que como tomaba tanto, siempre estaba enfermo tambien. Empezamos a cuidar
a esas personas, hasta dependiente de yo, su medicina. Si tenan algo rpidamente
para el mdico.
KW: Ellos tenan, podan ir a?
E: A la ceremonia ma del santo?
KW: S, o al, a: , algn
E: lugar para, para protegerse? No. El santo no dijo que protegiera a toda la
familia. Que estuviera pendiente a las fami-, a las personas que ms enfermas
estuvieron dentro de la familia. Y eso fue lo que hicimos estar pendiente a mi
mam, a mi hermano Pedro, a mi to Marcos, que son las personas que, porque
Pedro siempre estaba enfermo, que toque en [nombre del grupo folklrico]?
KW: Anja
E: El siempre se ha operado, y mi mam es hipertensa y siempre tena la presin
alta, y siempre as, muy viejita. Actualmente tiene 89 aos. Muy mayor, muy may-
or. Y mi tio Marcos, como tomaba tanto, siempre estaba en la calle. Se quedaba
a dormir, se daba golpes, se caa, un carro le estrope una vez. Entonces, pen-
sabamos que una de estas tres personas poda estar la muerte porque yo lo estaba
bien hasta que hubieron vuelto, no se cerraba. Entonces empezamos a cuidar
estas tres personas. En el que menos pensamos queda mi hermano Jorge .. fue que
se muri a los tres meses justo. Me haban dicho, a los tres meses justo. Le cay
un aguacero, estaba tomado, se moj. Se fue para la casa y se acost . mojado, con
la ropa mojada, se tir en la cama y se qued dormido. Al otro da amaneci con
una fiebre fulminante, y no fue al mdico. Empez a tomar l mismo medicarse,
y no fue al mdico. Le cay una broncho-pulmona fulm-fulminante. A los dos
das muri. As fue rpido as, rpido. Lo que menos pensamos nosotros. (pausa)
A los tres meses. (pausa) Que la muerte de verdad estaba all, y era mi familia,
una de familia llevaron, mi hermano. Terrible, terrible el caso. Y me lo advirti.
Eso lo avisan los santos.
through time, in part by drawing attention to them and pointing out recognizable
instances of a type. He argues that metaculture, like culture, circulates in the world,
has a history and trajectory, and is reproduced through particular institutional
2. See Silverstein (2003) for a similar point about how the sum of such character-
izations is a dynamic folk-interpretive framework through which we carve up our
world and charge each chunk with social value. (Silverstein coins the descriptive, if
unwieldy, term ethno-metapragmatics.)
3. A few examples include Alcaraz (2000), Argelles Mederos and Hodge Li-
monta (1991), Barnet (1995), Bolvar Arstegui (1994), Cabrera (1996), Canizares
(1993), Gonzlez-Whippler (1992), and Mestre (1996). It is illustrative to compare
these to actual manuals, such as the classic ones by the highly respected Havana
santero Nicols Angarica (n.d.a, n.d.b).
4. See examples listed in n.3 above and also more sophisticated and textured ac-
counts in Barnet (1995), Brandon (1993), James Figarola (1999), M. A. Mason (2002),
and Murphy (1994).
5. See especially Cuban folklorist Fernando Ortizs influential early discussion
(Bronfman 2002; Ortiz 1973/1906).
6. Magic usually appears as a modifier in Cuban scholarship to mark some
kinds of religious practices as magico-religious, with an implied comparison to
proper religions like church Catholicism or Protestantism that presumably are not
focused on possibilities of supernatural manipulation.
7. Where I am differentiating between matters Cuban and matters Yoruba I use
two different word forms: Oricha and Orisha. Oricha is the Cuban spelling and
pronunciation. Orisha is the English spelling, which is also closer to the Yoruba
spelling and pronunciation: r.
8. But see D. H. Browns historical analysis (2003) of how European images of
royalty have been incorporated into Santera ritual aesthetics at a number of levels.
9. On the ethnogenesis of the Yoruba, see Doortmont (1990), Kopytoff (1965),
Law (1997), and Peel (1989).
10. White, elite observers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
tended to lump all of this noninstitutionalized, folk religious activity together as an
undifferentiated mass of witchcraft and superstition (Ortiz 1995/1906; Urrutia y
Blanco 1882). They linked these religious practices with the largely black underclass,
even though it is likely that many whites and even white elites also participated (see
for example Barnet 1994: 27; Palmi 2002a: 19798, 337 n.60; Romn 2002).
11. I use popular in the Cuban sense meaning of the people, a widespread term
among Cuban scholars that captures the official socialist promotion of popular cul-
ture. The notion of popular religion is officially deployed to distinguish what the
Revolutionary State regards as valid forms of folk or popular culture from coun-
terrevolutionary religious institutionsnamely the Catholic Church, which clashed
Notes to Pages 3034 213
with Fidel in the early days of the Revolution (Ayorinde 2004; Betto 1985; Kirk 1989;
Millet, Brea, and Ruiz Vila 1997: 5354).
12. Muertera has received very little scholarly attention, even within Cuba. To the
extent that a general description can be applied to this unformalized set of practices,
muerteros describe themselves as working with spirits of the dead, spirits that bear
affinities to those of Palo and Spiritism. Self-identified muerteros I met often en-
gaged in very similar practices of divination, card-reading, maintaining altars, and
sponsoring bembs to other practitioners of popular religions, as I describe below.
13. She also utilized ritual utterances she described as Haitian French under-
scoring the historical influence of Haitian immigrants on Santiagos religious cul-
ture, another topic sorely in need of scholarship.
14. See Prez Jr. (1995a, 1995b) on the history of Protestantism in Cuba and Kirk
(1989) and Betto (1985) on relations between the Catholic Church and the Revolu-
15. It would be quite difficult for a foreign researcher, especially one from the
United States, to get permission to do even a neighborhood survey of the sort that
ethnographers frequently do (which would need to be conducted with the consent
and cooperation of the neighborhood-level Comit en Defensa de la Revolucin
16. The researchers sampled 21 microregions of the neighborhood to build a rep-
resentative sample of 133 households (Millet et al. 1997: 28).
17. I avoid using social class because it is very problematic in the context of Cuba,
and in any case I do not have data that would allow me to make well-supported
class designations. Cuba had a class system prior to the Revolution, such that class
designations would have been strongly predictive of family income, economic sta-
tus, neighborhood, and access to privileges such as education and health care. The
Revolution has spent forty years dismantling the class system and officially speaking
insists that class has been abolished. Government policies have sought to decou-
ple variables such as family income, educational attainment, profession, and even
neighborhood from vestigial social class. Of course, remnants persist, especially in
how people view themselves and others. Certainly, Santiagueros (residents of San-
tiago) perceive that denizens of a neighborhood like Los Hoyos are poorer, blacker,
and less educated than those who live in other, formerly middle-class or upper-class
18. It is telling that these researchers, who are affiliated with the Casa del Caribe,
a center for cultural research in Santiago, would be met with suspicion. Although
the current climate has opened toward religion, some wariness obviously remains.
Although they do not specify what they sought, the researchers would have looked
for evidence such as bead necklaces and bracelets signifying different orichas, as
well as altars, statues of saints, or other religious objects. Such a methodology is
obviously problematic, not least in counting only what is seen, while saying noth-
214 Notes to Pages 3446
ing about which household members are religious or what labels they would give to
their religiosity.
19. We can take these data as rough indications only: the sample sizes for some
groups were quite small, and the authors neither specify how they identified an
entire households race or educational level nor did they attempt any multivariate
analyses that would indicate the relative importance of these and other variables
20. One explanation for the dominance of santeros among applicants might be
that their ceremonies often require drumming and can also last several days. Both
features could serve to draw more attention from neighbors and officials, necessitat-
ing the trouble of getting licensed in lieu of conducting ceremonies quietly in hopes
that no one checks for licensure. See Ayorinde (2004) for a discussion of Cuban laws
controlling religious expression.
21. I do not have statistics for other religious traditions listed in table 2.1.
22. Arar is related to Santera and Vod, but is localized to western Cuba (Matan-
zas in particular).
23. For more information on If practices and continuities in West Africa and
Cuba see Abimbola (1976), Bascom (1969), Bolvar Arstegui (1996), D. H. Brown
(2003), Fuentes Guerra and Gmez (1994: 3963), Matibag (1997), and Otero
24. Matibag (1996) also describes the use of shells in Palo divination. I can make
no claims about the directionality of any borrowing that occurred or whether the
two methods are a case of convergence of widespread divination techniques across
Africa (Peek 1991; Pemberton 2000).
25. Cuban scholars use Fernando Ortizs term transculturation to describe the
productive amalgam of European and African influences that characterizes Cuban
culture and Cuban national ideology (see Ortiz 1970/1947).
26. Excellent discussions of the general Latin American context include Rahier
(2003), Wade (2001), Williams (1991), and Wright (1990). For discussions of the Cu-
ban case, see Daniel (1995), C. Moore (1988), R. Moore (1997), and Palmi (2002b).
27. See Wedel (2004: 5356) for a description of links between Palo and witchcraft.
Cuban folklorist Ernesto Armin Linares described to me three sects of the Regla
de Palo: La Kimbisa, which works only for good; La Mayombe, which includes good
and evil rituals; and La Briyumba, which practices evil.
28. Houk (1995) describes similar spatial and temporal boundaries that religious
practitioners in Trinidad maintain between Spiritual Baptist, Orisha, Hindu, and
Kabbalah traditions, which many combine, while maintaining separate altars and
rituals for each.
29. See Johnsons 2002 study of Brazilian Candombl for a compelling account of
the role of what he calls secretism in African diasporic religionsan account that
generally matches my observations of Santera.
Notes to Pages 5058 215
1. Note that dialogicality does not imply cooperation or equality among voices, a
point made by Urban and Smith (1998).
2. The show was entitled Fifi Okkan: Pintura sobre la cabeza by Omar Enrique
Moya Moya.
3. Alternately, one could put a positive spin upon this historical consciousness and
read it as an emphasis upon preserving tradition, in Urbans sense of a metaculture of
tradition that prioritizes exact replication of religious culture (2001: 43, 83). I choose
to emphasize the struggle against loss because I situate sacred practice in relation to he-
gemonic processes that have, until very recently, forced practitioners underground.
4. If we were to trace the suspicious stance back further in time, I suspect that it
would resonate less with secular scientific beliefs and more with popular Catholic
notions of witchcraft and paganism. Catholicism had been a major tool of Spanish
cultural hegemony, although colonial-era attempts to replace African practices with
Catholicism were seldom successful. Here I merely pick up on evidence of the suspi-
cious stance as it was configured at the turn of the twentieth century.
5. In Spanish the phrase reads: Y no hay ro en Santiago? No hay hierbas? Y
entonces, por qu no se hace santo aqu? Millets consultants attribute the phrase to
Aurora Lamar, known as La China (2000: 112).
6. Matt Tomlinson (n.d.: 15758) examines the widespread phenomenon of nos-
talgia and distinguishes between nostalgic discourses highlighting loss of power and
discourses of moral decline. In the case of Santera, santeros link their concerns
about moral decline to efforts to preserve powerful ritual knowledge.
7. Vicente, ibay ibayen ton (rest in peace), passed away in 2001. The santeros
who gave me the news told me they were very sad to lose such a prominent santero
and palero, especially because he represented a storehouse of knowledge direct from
Reynerio. They did not see a clear descendent of this direct, ritual genealogical line
from Reynerio through Vicente.
8. Consider the following bemb songs as examples:
(1) Saca lo sombre pa fuera / A do a do
[Throw the men outside / Two by two]
(2) Omo patele / Omo patele / Omo patele pa Chang / Omo patele
[(No translation) / . . . / . . . for Chang / . . .]
Notice that these simple lyrics are largely in Spanish and that they border on the
nonsensical, which makes them distinct from Lucum songs, which have as their
matrix a garbled, half-remembered Lucum. Sometimes, as in example 2, singers
will convert the unintelligible lyrics into something similar sounding, like He ate
sweets (Comi pasteles) for Omo patele. It may be that Spanish lyrics like those
in example 1 arose that way, too. Other bemb songs seem to have Lucum lyrics and
so blur the lines and may more readily be accepted in Santera ceremonies:
216 Notes to Pages 5870
21. Daniel (1995) and Hagedorn (2001) also make this point.
22. For more on the special period and informal economy, see Fernandez (2000),
Henken (2000 and 2002), and other articles in the economic journal Cuba in Transi-
tion. Also see Palmi (2002a).
23. While the Revolution never outlawed religion, my consultants made clear that
it did marginalize religious practitioners and try to discourage young people from
being religiousby banning the initiation of children for example. See Ayorinde for
more on the Revolutions discouragement of religion (2004: 12532).
24. Interview with santero, audio tape 12, October 1999, Santiago de Cuba:
Hubo una poca anterior a mi iniciacin como santero en la cual aqu en Cuba
en mi pas, se practic el culto a los hombres . por sus ideas y por sus historias
y yo como todos los que pertenecen a mi generacin me asum a esa corriente
en creer en los hombres hasta un momento que dej de creer en los hombres,
y tuve la necesidad de buscar en quien creer. Y entonces llegu a esta religin.
Me gust, empec a creer en los dioses y aqu estoy.
25. Stephan Palmis field consultant in Havana used the evocative term santero
jinetero for someone who prostitutes their religion for cash (2002a).
26. Interview with Carmen and family, video recording 5, December 17, 1999,
Santiago de Cuba.
when the scholars do not profess to be religious practitioners. Hagedorn (2001: 16)
recounts a dream-visitation from the oricha Ogn in a brief personal vignette fol-
lowing her introduction. Murphy recounts his experience being possessed by the
oricha Chang (1988: 98), and K. M. Brown details her initiation into Vodou (1991:
31727). Even Palmi, who positions himself as merely a sympathetic student of
Afro-Cuban religion, opens his prologue by introducing his muerto, Toms, the
spirit of a nineteenth-century slave (2002b: 114). Such movement across multiple
stances and attention to polyvocality are of course in keeping with the reflexive turn
in writing anthropology (Clifford 1986; Marcus and Fischer 1986), and in particular
the recent calls for a dialogical anthropology that attends to cultures character as
dynamic, fluid, and emergent in interaction (Tedlock and Mannheim 1995; Yelving-
ton 2001: 20442). Moreover, as Trouillot points out, and as illustrated in the previ-
ous chapter, it is no easy matter to disentangle the scholarly and popular discursive
fields, particularly in the Caribbean (1992: 25).
5. Emilio, audio tape 1, October, 3, 1999, Santiago de Cuba:
Dentro de la Santera . se dicen pellizquitos de Ochn. Esos son pellizquitos
porque ella te hace una maldad para que tu reacciones. . . . Ochn dice as cu-
ando ella dice, t eres mi hijo. Tarde o temprano t tienes que hacer santo. . . .
siempre le pone [a sus hijos] trabajo, trabajo, trabajo hasta que hace el santo.
6. Interview with Rey, audio tape 5 October 12, 1999, Santiago de Cuba.
7. Excerpt from Emilios lecture to visiting folklore students, audio tape, January
7, 1998, Santiago de Cuba:
Yo . no cre en nadie, porque bueno, yo casi . me desarroll con el proceso revo-
lucionario, y al principio de la Revolucin, al principio de la Revolucin aqu,
la, la religin no era bien visado. Al principio, en el ambiente porque haba
problemas con la gente religiosa. Y yo como me inici, con el proceso de poco
a poco, no crea en la religin. Y ten-, tena una tradicin de familia religiosa
pero viv en una nueva generacin. No crea, era comunista. (ha-ha) No cre.
8. I am grateful to Susan Hardings excellent Book of Jerry Falwell (2000) for
bringing this James passage to my attention.
9. Emilio, audio tape, June 18, 1998, Santiago de Cuba. Bold type indicates em-
phasis; em dashes indicate no break between phrases, and a forward slash mark (/)
indicates finger taps on the table:
(Section A) Pero, eh, yo confront un problema de que cuando empec a
viajar en el extranjero, los ladrones me perseguan muchome perseguan
mucho. Y siempre yo estaba, siempre se me perdan cosasse me perdan
cosas, me robabanme robaban. (Section B) Y la polica . encontraba los
ladrones pero no poda sancionarlos, ni lo poda hacer nada, porque (2-
second pause) nada. (Section C) Y entonces, yo empec a consultarme, y
era que Ochn me estaba pidiendo la cabeza, se dice as. Y que hasta que yo
no hiciera santo, no iban, no iban a parar los rbos. (Section D) Y yo no lo
Notes to Pages 9096 219
cre, estuve como cinco o seis aos en eso, y eran robndome, robndome,
robndome, robndome. (Section E) Hasta que me dieron una prueba final,
que me dijeron, Si no haces santo . en el prximo viaje que tenga lo vas a
perder todo. . . . As me dijeron, lo vas a perder todo. (Section F) Y yo no lo
hice as. Yo voy a hacerme santo, no se preocupe padrino, porque entonces yo
le deca ya al padrino. No, yo voy a hacer santo. Pero, . ptch .. vino el viaje, y
se me olvid y no hice nada. (Section G) Y como a los cinco meses me llovar-,
me llevaron todo, todo, lo perd todo, todo, todo, todo. Todo, todo, todo,
todo. Me dejaron una casa vaca. (Section H) (2-second pause, table drum-
ming: // /// // // /// //). Y tuve que hacer santo por ese problema. (Section I)
Mira, a partir de all nada no sucedi nada ms, no? As. Y todo me ha ido
muy bien.
10. Indeed, on other occasions, he pointed out to me signs that an oricha was
claiming my head for initiation. One particularly dramatic little pinch he noted
occurred a few days after a divination in which I had received a very bad sign relat-
ing to my travel plans. Emilio accompanied me to the airport for my departure and
so witnessed my astonishment when the airline clerk informed me that my flight
off-island had been precipitously canceled. There was no information about when
the flight might be rescheduled, and I was told that I should come back in a few days,
maybe. To my supreme annoyance at the time, Emilios face was almost gleeful as
he declared this a proof of the divination results and therefore a sign of an oricha
making trouble for me.
11. Note, however, that a fracture line runs through current studies of religious
experience, largely separating psychologists and neurologists who focus on the phe-
nomenological angle of religious experience from anthropologists who are more
likely to study its interpretive or epistemic angle.
12. Schleiermacher was a German philosopher at the turn of the nineteenth cen-
tury who wrote On Religion (1799). James was an American psychologist at the turn
of the twentieth century whose Varieties of Religious Experience (1922/1902) stands
as the cornerstone of the literature on the psychology of religion. Both imbued their
definitions of religious experience with European Christian traditions of mysticism
and individual contemplation.
13. See H. Burhenn for excerpts from Friedrich Schleiermacher and Rudolf Otto
(1995: 14647).
14. This stance is evident in everything from neurological studies of perception
and cognition (Azari et al. 2001) to historiographic arguments about the inherent
structure of historical events (Carr 1986) to the insights of Sapir and Whorf s lin-
guistic relativity hypothesis about how language organizes thought (Boas 1889; Lucy
1992a, 1992b; Sapir 1949/1921; Whorf 1997/1956).
15. See reviews in Hood (1995), Hood et al. (1996), and Newberg et al. (2001).
16. Newberg and coauthors describe four related transcendent states, which
220 Notes to Pages 9699
stance temporarily but repeatedly serves as a mode of learning and thus can poten-
tially move a person toward more readily transferring that stance to other situations
and even adopting it as a long-term, stable way of being in the world.
21. Santera emphasizes authorization over inspiration, and mediumship is a
matter of inspiration. This means that it would violate the canons of hierarchy in
Santera by promoting a more charismatic style of authority that is anathema to the
rules of seniority and authorization regulating the Santera community.
1. M. at her don de gracias, authors field journal 8 (pp. 1011), March 10, 2000,
Santiago de Cuba.
2. As commentators on the Gluckman-Paine debate have pointed out, there is
likely truth in both positions, not least because gossip is a complex and highly am-
bivalent social practiceor rather, a set of social practices that may take different
forms in different settings (Stewart and Strathern 2004).
Notes to Pages 145155 223
and hispanicized into a regular -ar verb that follows Spanish rules of conjugation
and nominalization: moyubar = to pay homage; moyubacin = the act of saying the
moyub; moyubando = doing the moyub, and so on.
12. The polarity of hot and cold in Santera is an example of a broad metaphysical
principle across parts of West Africa and its diaspora, in which coolness is necessary
for ritual efficacy (Abrahams 1977; Laguerre 1987; Voeks 1995).
13. The Lucum tilla tilla may derive from the Yoruba ideophone tiya tiya, mean-
ing fiasco or failure.
14. My Cuban transcriber, who was not at all involved in Santera, did not seg-
ment the Spanish word todo (all), abbreviated as to out of Albertos repeated
phrase to eggn. She treated the entire unit as unintelligible Lucum.
15. One possible Yoruba derivation is b ay, b yin t run, meaning homage
to the world, homage to you (plural) of heaven. The verb derivation, b, to give
homage, seems likely. The lexeme onu appears in other contexts in Lucum, where
it also seems likely to derive from run, heaven. (Thanks to Dr. Yiwla Awoyale, of
the Linguistic Data Consortium at the University of Pennsylvania whose help was
instrumental in deciphering possible Yoruba derivations of this and other Lucum
16. A likely derivation of kinkamach in Yoruba is k ik m e!, meaning
may death not get you (literally that death not act). Note that the word meaning
death, ik, is identical in Yoruba and Lucum, but in this phrase, with its changed
pronunciation and collapsed segmentation, ik is not recognizable.
17. Ochareo may derive from a Yoruba invocatory exclamation, , ir o,
which addresses an oricha to call for good fortune: oricha, goodness!
1. Santera was established in Santiago much later than in its Cuban birthplaces
of Matanzas and Havana. The oral history of Santeras arrival in the city is discussed
in chapter 3.
2. When, inevitably, some godparents and godchildren have fallings out, other
santeros regard these conflicts as especially problematic and are quick to blame the
godchild for a lack of respect. Santeros frequently admonish their own and others
godchildren to respect their elders, especially their godparents.
3. For extensive descriptions of the rituals of initiation in Santera, see Mason
(2002: 5783) and Cabrera (1996: 128234). See also video recordings of initiation
rituals by Gleason and Mereghetti (1992) and Drufovka and Stanford (1996).
4. This Lucum word is equivalent to yw, wife in Yoruba. The valences of
becoming like a wife to ones principal oricha are discussed below.
5. For gorgeous examples of these initiation outfits, see Flores-Pea and Evan-
chuck (1994) and D. H. Brown (2003).
Notes to Pages 172180 225
6. Although Cuban santeros use It to mean the special divination done on this
day of initiation, the Lucum word likely derives from Yoruba eta (three) or mta
(third), referring to the third day of the sequence.
7. D. H. Brown provides a detailed explanation of rituals for higher degrees of
initiation, such as pinaldo, and the controversies surrounding them (2003: 10911,
333 n.182, n.184).
8. Conversation with Emilio, audio tapes 2 and 4, October 11, 1999, Santiago de
Cuba. The entire dialogue in its original Spanish follows.
1 Emilio: En primer trmino, no me gust que el mismo padrino fuera el
italero de la ceremonia.
2 Yo lo respeto mucho porque l tiene mucho conocimiento, muchos aos
de experiencia . pero para mi, para mieso despus lo vamos a comprobar
con otros santeros(KW: S)para mi es una violacin.
3 Porque el testigo tiene que ser una persona que certifique, que ese individ-
uo se inici en la religin. Entonces si todos son ahijados de l, a lo mejor
por cubripor tapar a su padrino, pueden decir, no, todo estuvo bin,
no hubo ningn problema. O sea que cuando hay un testigo, ese testigo
advierte, esto se est haciendo mal, esto no es as, esto tenemos que hacerlo
as. El testigo puede decirlo.
4 Kristina: Pero estuviste uno de los testigos
5 E: Quin, yo?
6 KW: Para dos, s, dos das
7 E: Pero no fui, yo no fui invitado
8 KW: Ah!
9 E: Yo no estaba levantado como santero, para trabajar all
10 KW: Anja
11 E: Yo no estaba, porque si se me levanta hay que poner, esa es otra cosa que
te voy a decir ahora. Hay que ir delante de mi Ochn, pedirle permiso a
mi Ochn. O sea, mis santos y entonces depositar un derecho, para que yo
pueda ir a esa ceremonia.
12 KW: Anja
13 E: Yo particip pero como amigo
14 O sea que pudimos ver (1 second) que hubo algunas violaciones. Esa es la
segunda, o sea que no haban muchos testigos.
9. See D. H. Brown (2003: 94) for an example of the lengths to which santeros and
babalawos may go to ensure that their initiations are regarded as legitimate.
10. 15 E: No particip . . . No s cmo se haran las misas.
16 O sea, el ebb de entrada, no s cmo fue..
17 No puedo dar opinion porque .. no estabamos all.
18 KW: Hmm
19 E: Pero parece que fue correcto (1.5 seconds) Por qu? ..
226 Notes to Pages 181185
16. I have changed trivial details of the event to protect the identities of those
involved, while striving to stay true to the underlying dynamics of the situation. The
event occurred early in 2000 in Santiago de Cuba.
17. For Cuban and comparative perspectives on the deity Olorun, see Bolvar
Arstegui (1990: 6669) and Daz Fabelo (1960).
18. The relevant excerpt of the original transcript follows, in which lined up
brackets indicate overlapping speech (It recording, audio tapes 43 and 44, early
2000, Santiago de Cuba).
1 Oriat: Uds. saben que se permite cuando es familiar en santo, mientras
tanto no puede ser. (16-second pause)
2 Uds. tienen que aprender seores, si Uds no aprenden
[(cant be heard)
3 Santero: [No, Juana lo sabe. Juana sabe. Lo que pasa que ella
[le respeta
4 Oriat: [Pero el respeto no impide el ubicar las cosas como son
[(cant be heard)
5 Male voice: [(cant be heard)
6 Santera 2: S, pero el problema
[(cant be heard)
7 Many voices: [(cant be heard)
8 Male voice: [Uds. saben quien tiene la culpa
9 Oriat: Nosotros los santeros no podemos entrar al cuarto de Orunmila a
buscar nada
10 Female voice: As sea
11 Oriat: Por tanto el cuarto de santo hay que respetarlo.
12 (11-second sound of cowries, then Oriat resumes speaking in Lucum, in-
voking Eleggua)
19. 1 Oriat: Pero mira, gracias a Dios y a Eleggua y a to los santos.
2 Gracias a Dios, a Eleggua, y a todos los santos que yo me fui,
3 porque todas las atrocidades que dicen que se hicieron aqu, vaya haba que
sacar un revolver y matarme.
4 Haba que sacar un revolver y matarme,
5 porque yo eso no lo entiendo y no quiero hablar ms
6 para que la gente no se ofenda.
20. Santeros interpretation of It, CD 31 (track 9), April 6, 2000, Santiago de Cuba.
21. Padrino: Es para Eleggua: se sabe que hay una situacin pero no hay nada que
(too quiet to hear) que quiere pasar por el If, el iyaw. Si lo permite, l pasa, si no
lo permite, no pasa.
22. Oriat: Ahi est ib. Esto dice que s, mralo, eso dice que s, (unclear) eso dice
que no.
23. Oriat: No lo digo yo, lo dijo Eleggua, claro? Y jamateando(?) por sus ma-
228 Notes to Pages 198203
nos. Ud. hace lo que Ud. entienda con eso, eh! Con eso que to ba binu con Olofi,
Epigraph. Song lyrics from Tropicana Nightclub Web site <http: //members.tripod.
com/TropicanaNightclub/babalu.html>, and Babalu: Desi Arnaz and his Orchestra,
Audio CD, released June 4, 1996, RCA. See Isabel Castellanos (1983) for an account
of Afro-Cuban religious motifs in Cuban popular music, including Babal.
1. Although often referred to as Que Viva Chang, the songs actual title is A
Santa Brbara.
2. Some important scholarly sources include Argelles Mederos and Hodge Li-
monta (1991), Barnet (1995), Bolvar Arstegui (1994), Brandon (1993), Castellanos
and Castellanos (1988), Fernndez Robaina (1997), Hagedorn (2001), James Figarola
(1999), Lachataer (1992), Murphy (1994), and Palmi (2002b). Especially interest-
ing santero-scholar accounts include Canizares (1993), Gonzlez-Whippler (1992),
M. Mason (2002), J. Mason (1985, 1992), and Pedroso (1995). Actual manuals include
Angarica (n.d.a, n.d.b), Cabrera (1996), Mestre (1996), and Valds Garriz (1991).
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Index 243
Gossip, 168, 170; as reflective discourse, 136, (see also Court orichas; Warrior orichas);
13839, 16869, 222n2 secrecy in, 168, 18283, 191. See also Iyaws
Graham, Laura, 209nn45 Invocations: collective, for individual aid,
Guanabacoa neighborhood, Havana, xvii, 29 15464, 16566; godchildren and, 17475;
Gemileres. See Tambores Lucum for, 67, 154; ritual, to orichas,
Guilln, Nicols, 47, 64 15658, 187. See also Moyub invocations
Islam, Nigerian Yoruba worship and, 28
Hagedorn, Katherine, 25, 60, 64, 67, 70, 75, It, 12, 14, 18
199, 217n21, 218n4 It divination, 19697, 196f; critique effects
Haitian French (language), 213n13 on, 18486; critique offered of, 17784,
Haitians, as scapegoats, 62 18788; osogbo and, 177, 181, 18892; sante-
Harding, Susan, 84, 86, 8789, 218n8 ros and, 176, 18688; special day of, 11, 14,
Havana (city), xvii, xviif, 224n1; religious 17273, 17577
strongholds in, 29, 31t, 54; tourism in, Italeros, 15, 173, 174, 177
4951 Iyalochas (contraction). See Iyalorichas
Hay, David, 9798, 102 Iyalorichas, position in ritual hierarchy, 174,
Helg, Aline, 6061, 62, 216n11 174f
Herskovits, Melville, 63 Iyaws, 12; building moral community and,
Hindu practices, boundary-blending of, 18695, 196; Lucum jargon and, 18, 224n4;
214n28 position in ritual hierarchy, 174f, 179; pre-
Hodge Limonta, Ileana, 30, 35, 36, 59, 71, sentation of, to their orichas, 50, 17273
Home altars, 32f, 33f, 36, 37f, 40f, 43f, 75, 205; James, William, 87, 95, 96, 97, 219n12
boundary-blending of, 43, 214n28 James Figarola, Joel, 3032, 36, 212n4
Hood, Ralph, 97, 219n15 Jehovahs Witnesses, religious cross-pollina-
Houk, James, 214n28 tion and, 33
Human sacrifice, 68, 71 Johnson, Paul, 214n29
If, 214n23; divination rituals of, 100, 143, Kabbalah practices, boundary-blending of,
223n6; godparents in, 186, 188; initiates of, 214n28
50, 75, 194, 196f, 217n25; priests of, xix, 28, Kardecian Spiritism, as social valorization, 31t
38, 174 Kimpungulu (spirits/deities), 36
Iguoros, 68, 173, 216n19 Kirsch, Thomas, 97, 143, 217n3, 222n8
Immigration policies, 62 Kuipers, Joel, 147, 220n18
Indexical relationships, moral community
and, 1415, 170 La Briyumba, 214n27
Initiates and initiations: ceremonies for, 170, Lachataer, Rmulo, 29, 30, 58, 6567;
17273, 203, 224nn35, 225n6; family in mindset of, 6667, 216n16; term popular-
the saint, 167, 171, 176, 224n2; making ized by, 30, 64, 216n14
the saint, 54, 83, 90, 93, 171; notebook of La China. See Lamar, Aurora
the saint in, 177, 179 (see also Tambores); La Habana. See Havana (city)
in If, 50, 75, 217n25; offerings and, 176, 179; La Kimbisa, 214n27
potential, and ethnography, 17586; ritual Lamar, Aurora, prominence of, 54, 215n5
kinship, 54, 75, 81, 17177, 217n23, 217n25 La Mayombe, 214n27
Index 247
La Playita neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif Mediation, 143, 175, 203, 221n21; as type of
La Regla de Ocha (the Law), 2, 3, 11, 168. See divine communication, 100101, 100f
also Santera Mestizo. See Myth of mestizaje
Las Ciencias (spirits/deities), 31t Metaculture, 26, 4041, 2015, 21112n1; com-
Latin America, national identity in, 41, peting stances in, 5153, 7778, 199; double
214n26 binds in, 66, 7077, 199; rituals as vehicles
La Vida Es Silbar (film), 73 for, 99, 220n18; straddling interspaces of,
Law of the Orichas. See Santera 82, 21718n4
Lecuona, Margarita, 19899 Metaphysics, 36; moral community as shaper
Life Is to Whistle (film), 73 of, 14, 202; reflections on religious ethnog-
Loas (spirit/deity), 31t raphy, 811; of ritual speech and song, 6,
Lombroso, Csare, 60 89, 210n3
Los Hoyos neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif; as Millet, Jos, 32, 5455, 215n5
Afro-Cuban area, xix, 34, 213n16; religions Millet, Jos, et al., 34, 35, 213n16, 213n18,
practiced in, 3435, 214n20; Sta. Brbaras 214n19
Day procession through, 56f, 57ff Moore, Robin, 25, 64, 70, 214n26
Los Muertos (spirits/deities), 31t, 32f, 39f, 200 Moral community, 15; Santera rituals and, 1,
Los Negros Brujos (Ortiz), 6063, 66 47, 2021, 204; boundary marking in,
Los Olmos, neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif, 4445; indexical relationships in, 1415,
56f, 57ff 170; skepticism in, 3, 202, 204
Lucum, 6; invocation in, 67, 154; jargon of, building, from critique and controversy,
29, 45, 158, 173, 203, 224n13; origin of, 25, 16797; controversy that shapes com-
216n15; religions of, 26, 31t, 65, 68, 212n2. munity, 19294, 201; critiques offered and
See also Ritual speech and song their effects, 17784, 18486, 18788, 204;
Dutch iyaw in, 18695, 196; ethnographer
Magic, 28, 30, 36, 42, 15556, 212n6. See also as religious outsider and potential initiate,
Black magic; Witchcraft 17586; ritual kinship and authority, 17175;
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 221n1 rituals and recrimination in, 168, 17784,
Mandinga, African influence of, 47 19597, 196f
Mannheim, Bruce, xii, 50, 218n4 Moral continuums, 41, 42, 43, 152; dueling,
Mara Lina Jimenez neighborhood, Santiago, and competing Santera histories, 4978;
xviiif folklorist vs. santero, 7578; moral de-
Mariana de la Torre neighborhood, Santiago, cline, 55, 58, 75; Revolutionary economy,
xviiif 7274, 78
Marin Llanes, Marcos, 70 Mosquitoes, jars of water and, 50
Ma Rufina, altar to, 32f Moyub invocations, 4445, 46, 22324n11;
Matanza, 18990, 196f embedded text in, 68, 15664, 216n19; as
Matanzas (city), xviif, 29; Arar deity in, 36, magic, 15556; ritual lineage in, 53, 155,
214n22; religious stronghold in, 31t, 54; as 16465, 17475
Santera birthplace, xvii, 224n1 Mpungu (spirit/deity), 31t
Matibag, Eugenio, 64, 214nn2324 Muerteras, 33, 39f, 43f
Matory, J. Lorand, 28 Muertera. See Muerterismo; Spiritism
Mattingly, Cheryl, 163, 220nn1718 Muerterismo, 32, 213n12
Mayo Mayo, Omar Enrique, 215n2 Muerteros, 39, 54, 218n4
248 Index
Museo de la Asociacin Cultural Yorub de responses of, 1, 117, 153, 18889; presence
Cuba (Museum of the Yoruba Cultural As- of, 6, 9, 10, 33, 174f; promises to, 200201,
sociation), 49, 5051, 70, 71 2034, 2045, 2056, 207, 207f; roles of, 9,
Museums, 5051, 6465, 75 12, 14, 15, 17, 171, 17273, 175
Myth of mestizaje, 41, 53, 63, 70, 216n12 Orisha (spirits/deities), 2829, 59, 212n7,
angareo, sharing secrets and, 18283 Ortiz, Fernando, 29, 30, 59, 6063, 6466,
Newberg, Andrew, 96, 21920nn1516 6769, 212n5, 212n10, 214n25, 216n18
Ngangas (spirit/deity), 31t Orunmila, babalawos and, 188, 194
Nigeria, 28, 29 Osogbo, It divination and, 177, 181, 18892
Nueva Vista Alegre neighborhood, Santiago, Oy, 172, 17677
xviiif, xix
Nuevos Pios neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif Paine, Robert, 139, 222n2
Nzambi. See God Paleros, 35, 42, 143, 214n27
Palmi, Stephan, ixx, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 42,
Obatal, 172; cowries and divination for, 48, 59, 212n10, 214n26, 217n22, 217n25,
17677; as guide, 9, 55, 81, 217n2; song 218n4
treatments for, 12021 Palo, 29, 31t, 41, 46, 59; as African-derived
Obbas, ritual hierarchy and, 174 religion, 27, 42, 43, 43f, 47; coconut shell
Ochos, 8, 172 divination in, 3839, 214n24; paleros in, 35,
Ochn: conversion to devotee of, 8588, 89 42, 143, 214n27; religious cross-pollination
95; as Court oricha, 172, 178; cowries and of, 3032, 39
divination for, 17677; little pinches from, Palo Mayombe. See Palo
8284, 89, 99, 1023, 219n10; personality of, Palo Monte. See Palo
8, 83, 207, 207f; possession by, 8283, 203; Parkin, David, 147
song treatments for, 120, 199 Parsons, Talcott, 2
Offerings, 176, 179, 190, 206, 207 Partido Independiente de Color, 61, 63, 216n11
Officiating priests, 15, 17274, 174f, 177, 19193, Patakines, 26, 203, 212n3
196 Peek, Philip, 147, 149
Ogn, 8, 55, 172 Prez, Louis, Jr., 33, 213n14
Olofi. See God Prez, Reynerio, 53, 5558, 57ff, 73, 164, 168,
Olokun, 12, 1415, 18, 177 215n7
Olorichas, position in ritual hierarchy, 174f, Performativity, making a promise as,
179 200207, 207f
Olorun, 187, 227n17 Philips, Susan, xi
Oludomare. See God Popularism, descriptive labels of Santera
Order of the Orichas. See Santera as, xx
Oriats, 172, 174, 174f; roles of, 173, 19193, 196 Possession trances, 108, 109; bodily presence
Orichas, 29, 31t, 174f; appeasement of, 7, 126; of orichas in, 6, 8283, 109, 112, 11517, 130,
dances of, 8, 49, 82, 11314, 114f; expec- 203, 218n4; conflicting interpretations of,
tations of, 12526, 154, 170; honors for, 14042; songs directed in, 106, 115, 116f,
40f, 107; in kinship model, 16, 16f, 45, 55, 117; tambores for, 10929; as type of divine
171; language of, 45, 46, 83, 92, 99, 100, communication, 100, 100f, 101, 102, 130
101, 12122, 181, 219n10, 222n9; possible Prayer: answered, as interpretation, 98,
Index 249
Rituals in Santera, xix, xx, 1415, 19597; Santa Brbara, 55, 56f, 57ff, 150
illegality of, 64, 70, 71; invocations of, Santa Rosa neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif
4445, 15564, 187; as models of religious Santeras, 111, 200; at-home religious spaces of,
experience, 9899, 15354, 22021n20, 37ff, 38f; consultations by, 49, 185, 226n15;
220nn1719; evaluation, 10431, 202; mediation by, 2034
participants and, 5, 67, 19, 4546, 107, 154, Santera, 214n22; as African-European syn-
16263, 162f, 165; witnessing role of, 170, cretism, 40, 41; birthplaces of, xvii, 30, 31t;
17784; recording of, 107, 112, 156, 209n5; as Catholicism-Yoruba connection, 2627,
requirements of, 3940, 53; results of, 1, 29; competing interpretations of, 6670;
47, 1921, 103, 163, 181, 197, 204; sacred conversion experiences in, 8384; narra-
stance for, 5152, 165, 202; sacrifice in, 2, tives, 8587, 88, 8995; descriptions of, xx,
68, 71, 176, 179, 180, 187; skepticism and, 5, 19, 2530, 31t, 48, 203, 228n2; emergence
9, 105, 108, 131, 169, 202; types of divine of, and competing histories, 4978, 215n1;
communication in, 99102, 100f. See also influence of, 21, 30, 3233, 41; as Lucum-
It divination Yoruba connection, 29; moral community
Ritual song: in Lucum, 8, 58, 1067, 111, 112, of, 5, 2021, 16797, 221n21; participation
222n6; in Spanish, 5859, 117, 21516n8, in, 35, 73, 217n23; practice boundaries
222n7 of, 27, 4448; priests of (see Santeros); as
Ritual speech, 166, 181; conversion patterns problematic religion, 2629; as thumbnail
of, 84, 86, 8889, 91; gossip linked to, 168; sketch, 2526; as traditional abstraction, 25.
in Haitian French, 213n13; in Lucum, 18, See also Rituals in Santera
33, 46, 67, 108, 118, 127, 128, 153f, 15659, 163, Santeros, 1; babalawos and, 2829, 18694,
225n6; in Spanish, 127, 128, 153f, 159 19697; cultural sensibilities of, 39, 202,
Ritual speech and song, 6, 89, 64, 195, 210n3; 209n5; hierarchy among, 6, 15, 32, 45, 167,
attracting saints with, 101, 110 172, 203; interpretation of the faith and, 27,
Robbins, Joel, 220n19, 221n1 1079, 153, 201; in kinship model, 16, 16f,
Romn, Reinaldo, 4142, 59, 212n10 45, 55, 173; mediation and, 175; moral stan-
Roque de la Nuez, Jos, 68 dards and, 14142, 16869; motivation of,
Rushing, Fannie, 61 74, 75, 7677, 217n24; prediction and, 1011,
1718; presence of, xix, 35, 55; protection of
Sacred power. See Ach energy the faith and, 27, 66, 13536, 202; religious
Sacred spaces, 5051, 5152, 18990 experiences and, 14, 9, 4546; secrecy
Sacrifice, 180, 203; animal, 2, 176, 179, 180, 187; and, 168, 191, 2034
human, 68, 71 Santiago de Cuba (city): location of, xviif, 8;
Saints, 110; divination and, 15, 18, 38, 81, 150, neighborhoods in, xviiif, 33, 213n16; popu-
187, 191; divine responses of, 153f, 163; feast lation of, xix, 209n3; religious competition
days to honor, 55, 56f, 57ff, 76, 200; to in, 19596, 201; ritual genealogies in, 5359;
make the saint, 54, 83, 90, 171; popular Santera history in, xix, 168, 224n1; Santi-
cults to, 29, 31t; possession by, 1067 agueros as residents of, 55, 111, 198, 213n17
Sambia. See God Santos (spirit/deity), 31t
Snchez, Amada, prominence of, 54 Santurismo, commercial potential of, 75,
San Lzaro, 33f, 76, 200 2067, 207f
San Pedrito neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif, Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 95, 97, 219nn1213
xix Secret traditions, 4546, 77, 214n29; guard-
Index 251
ing against loss of, 5152, 66, 215n3, 215n6; Tests, proofs and, 92, 1057, 131, 205, 219n10
initiations and, 168, 18283, 186, 191; publi- Theodicy, question of, 2
cation of, 6869 Tomlinson, Matt, 215n6
Sheep, sacrifice of, 2, 187 Torres, Rosa, prominence of, 54, 55, 164
Shells, ritual use of. See Coconut shells; Cow- Tortoise shell, 187
rie shells; Snail shells Tourism, 4951, 7274, 75, 2067, 207f
Shrines, 200, 2034 Transculturation, 6364, 214n25
Silverstein, Michael, 45, 50, 88, 210n4, 212n2, Trawick, Margaret, 221n1
220n18 30 de Noviembre neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif
Skepticism: in faith, 3, 9, 10431, 144; moral Trinidad, boundary-blending in, 214n28
community and, 2021, 16797, 202, 204; Trouillot, Michel-Rolph, 218n4
religious vs. secular, 4, 8182 Turner, Victor, 220n17
Slavery legacies in Cuba: African denigration,
29, 52; bozal speech, 122, 222n9; racism, University of Havana, anthropology muse
4647; resistance strategies, 74 um, 64
Smith, Kristin, 215n1 Urban, Greg, 7, 21112n1, 215n1, 215n3,
Snail shells, 189, 19192 220n18
Social valorization, 30, 31t, 4044, 41 Urrutia y Blanco, Carlos de, 59, 60, 212n10
Spiritism, 29, 31t; altars in, 33f, 37f, 43f; as
European-derived religion, 27, 42; religious Virgen de La Caridad del Cobre, 200
cross-pollination and, 3032, 33, 35, 59, 159, Vista Hermosa neighborhood, Santiago, xviiif
214n20; religious practices of, 39, 4142, Vod, 27, 31t, 35, 41, 214n22
4546, 143, 201 Voodoo. See Vod
Spirits of the dead, 36, 38, 54, 108, 111; permis-
sions from, 16465, 18081. See also Los Warnings, in religious experience, 2, 1119,
Muertos; Spiritism 9293, 173, 197
Spiritual discovery, faith in, 910 Warren, Kay, xii, 26
Stromberg, Peter, 85, 87 Warrior orichas, Day of It and, 172
Supreme Creator. See God Water in jars, 39, 50, 70
Suspicious stance in metaculture, 51, 52, 59, Watts, Fraser, 96, 9798
71, 215n4 Weber, Max, 2
Syncretism, 29, 33; African-European culture Webers corollary, 2
and, 40, 41, 64, 201; of Catholicism-Yoruba Wedel, Johan, 73, 214n27
connections, 2627; descriptive labels of Wemileres. See Tambores
Santera and, xx, 25, 2627, 31t Werbner, Richard, 149
Williams, Mark, 96, 9798
Tambores, 200; coconut shell divination dur- Winick, Stephen, 137
ing, 11112; de fundamento, 167, 168; drum- Witchcraft, 18, 31t; paleros and, 42, 214n27;
ming in, 10910, 112, 129; interpretation in, racial influences and, 212n10; Santera and,
1089, 11229, 130, 14041; singers for, 110, xx, 25, 28, 49; suspicion of, 5963, 215n4.
11112 (see also Germn [tambor singer]); See also Black witches; Magic
sponsorship of, 108, 110, 114, 203 Witnessing, 84; as participant role in Santera
Tarot cards, divination role of, 39 rituals, 170, 17784; as religious speech, 86,
Tedlock, Dennis, xii, 50, 218n4 8889
252 Index
Wortham, Stanton, 88 for possession by, 108, 11318, 114f, 115f, 116f,
118f, 14041; song treatments for, 12021
Yelvington, Kevin, 218n4 Yoruba, 212n9; as language, 46, 58, 59,
Yemay, 172; clothing of, 117, 11920; cowries 224nn1517, 225n6; pantheon, 36, 203;
and divination for, 17677; dances and, 114, African dance as mnemonics for, 8;
114f, 116, 117; messages from, 11820, 119f, stories of, 26; religion and, 25, 28, 31t, 42;
12128; personality of, 8, 114; santero hired syncretism of, and Santera, xx, 2627, 29
Index 253