How To Create LDT Files
How To Create LDT Files
Hence to migrate setup data from 1 instance to other (Eg. From DEV to PROD), ldt & lct files are used.
LDT (Data Loader Files): These files are Used to upload & download setup data on different instances.
LCT (Data Configuration Files): These files are used to create LDT Files. There are difference lct files for different sets of data.
Eg: Request Set- afcpreqg.lct, Concurrent Program- afcpprog.lct, Value Set- afffload.lct etc.
** Now lets take a simple example where you want to migrate concurrent program from Development (DEV) instance to Production (PROD).
Login into Unix Development server using putty and run below command:
Change the directory using following Command where you can store your LDT files:
Run the following command by supplying the parameters given in {} as per your need (dont use brackets in commands, these are just to show you).
The above command will generate ldt file in your custom top directory ($CUST_TOP/ patch/115/import/US/ )
Copy the LDT file from Development Server to your local desktop
Login to Unix Production Server or (ask DBAs to do this step) and copy the LDT files from local desktop to Production Server on following path:
Finally Run the following command by supplying all parameters in {} to upload concurrent program definition on production application server.
1. Lookups
2. Concurrent Program -
4. Profile -
6. FND Message
7. Forms
8. Form Function
9. Value Set